HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-10-21, Page 40 - ­ am� I I - , � , - � - " - I - ­ - .- - � I - - - I � L: � - , �_,­ �. - f I . I - I I I . � � 11 I � �. - I ,. . . . � I . I I � � . ; . I � � I I � I I � I . . . I . . I I . � a I �� I I I I . � I . . � I I � .- - 1. _. I I . ! I.. . - I . - - I * . - I J, I � ; I : . I . � - .-, . I - . I I.- I � 4 - I. I 11 � __ � . . k I � � 1. I OCT,oBzR 21, � 1 809,2. -- I , . I - 11 _. I I . I ITHE. HURON EXPOSITOR, . � I . 1 1 — _� OCT( - ---- ly__ m___ - � � � now _. _. . I _. � MONS . I I . 7 ' . I I � i � - , , I / . I . 11 I �� 7 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' ! ment,out of a difficult positiou- but they a religion that does not reach ell down bids ihAlmirosition �f 'nir kJoA of (-xport f d c %re will be carried ut a tinie. The fer. balance of the prize list will be found on the in 'the air. The old gentleman '� :: -11, . . . I w ell on his � I face, braising and scratching it, a6d injurina - dence,013- : � . _. � I � would have brought reproach upon them- -into the pocket is not worth much. People dat It is's pity our Constitution did not ries are expected to ran the , year round, 7th page of this issue-: . is acarlrg � Ilue, denote* the M* of the paper an which the , I '?, i � . regardless -of wind or 11 Ann HoRs � D h- Brood mare one 'knee considerably by the fa,111, At thi's � lastererh � AW The, Uvre between the parenthesis after each do iswise. weather. , zs.—Heavy raug vt— r advertisement win be found. telvei And , lose upon their Province. For- who attend church regularly and contribute . I . Arbor No. 4" the name of the 'now boat, with foal, Levi Trick. Foal, Levi Trick. stage of the proceedings San I - I � UEEN 8 COUNCIL, I dy, bin son, . IsrAwars I � English Geods--Jackson Bros. (1) " tupattjy for the Province, its. represent&- liberally, are not a very bad or wicked Q, cost 8250,000., I Two year old gelding or filly,John Sparrow, arrived OA the scene, and thus saved his � . - r I i I . . - Kei� ur feet .. 111L (5) I love f- I people. . The question -of the right of the Provinces RomAN CATHOLIC TEACHERS' BARRED.— John Galbraith. $pan of working horses, life. The worst injury, Na I - 011 MOD& tig I — I tives, or their Ottawa friends does not .8 -one to his - 1JWg it , . . , ... I "'" I - . Rust g—Duacan & Dan .(6) . extend this'longtb, and they are a little too ' . to appoint Que'enOa Counsel is to be argued The Detroit Board of Eduostion has adopt- Johu,Aehton, George Sato#. . knee. 14i . - . Change of Business—A. J. McPherson. .. - h . t ' .. " ji;ii.ek -his. . ' Poll Clothlog—Jrolivan Bros. (5) (6) A 13PECIAL cablegram to the Globe dated a ortly before the Court of Appeal, when ed a resolution, after a fierce fight, practical— General Purpose.—Brood mare wJth foal, —At the close of the Christian' Endeav .0-1 11 � �� Imaodonel - wl�e dwake to be caught In such a trap no � counsel who derive their commissions from or Teacher WantW—James 0-4mpbell. (5) y excluding Roman Catholics from teaching John, Stephenson, W Sterling. Foal, John Society meeting in connection with Melvill, -Estra Steer—William Haintes, (5) MaW3� how adroitly It may be set. Monday last, from. London, 19ngland, says; both authorities will meet In legal argu- !, - is�n, Thomas Nicholson. Two year church, Brussels, on Mon gy �eve of ..... I Boar Tor Service --George Hill. (6) � � I � - . V The Parisish, with Sir John Abbott and ment It Is unlikely that anything fresh in the Detroit public schools4,-, . . Stepber d ning . jDnynb,er 6 . � One last week Mr. Alexander L, Stewilrt';rall � � . MRS. HAuuisox , VERY Low.—'President old geldiag or filly, John Stephenflov. � Jdanning . TeacherWanted—Robt. Morriffon. (5.) will ile added to the literature of this sub- . omas Nicholson., presented with a valisej fine -dressing case 11 I Harrison is very much depressed, in spirits year old g�ldinjg or filly, Th �. ' I TawherWanted—John Hislop. (5) Cabinet Changes. Mr. Foster aboard, reached. Moville to-d&y. ject.' The Federal" Government say no* Span of working horses, T J 1 L J&ondsy 11 . . - Stock for Sale—David Milne. (6) ' and is expected at Liverpool early'to,mor, at the steady depline of Mrs. Harrison, and W Durrand. and a well bound Oxford Bibley Accompanied -_ I Stook for Sale—E. osunt & gone. (a) Thijannouncement has been officially made that it is not interested in the matter suffi- . Imorth, -W, � Auction Sale of 1�krm St raw morning. The Ministers will come to ciently to no longer attempts to give attention to pub- Berry, Isaac Salkeld & Son.' Walking team, by a nestly worded address. Mr. Stewart ock—Wm..Cameron. (5) throtigh the Government. organs, that Hall. appoint representatives in' the I � I , two,wee) . - . � . . - I & -1 Men. Wanted—George Thompson. (6) I L6'hdon forthwith. At Isli ton to -day argument, ut lie affairs. He has asked to be excused' to Charles Johnston, Will Sterling. ! was on the eve 4f his departure for Detroit, -_ I . verity 1b . . New Frults—J. C. Laidlaw. (8) Mr. bewdney has retired from the Do- trade in cattle was di n w. There b it was the Puthority which all callers. � I . RoAdstere,—Brood mare with foal, Peter and the Society and Sunday �S61iool took � . I I I . , � ecidedly eflo raised the question indirectly about four or last wee . China Ten Sets --J, 0, Laidlaw. (8)' .� Canadian on offer and there 'are 0 appre- —The ti ; ,Don't ForWiet-1. V. Fear. (5) minion Government and has been appointed were vo . five years ago. The Provinces exercised WARm DEBATx.—At'Friday night's ses. Campbell, Not Known. Foal,Thomas Ward, this opportunity of expressing th � Ir . � : Lumber-- obt. Bell, Jr. (8) Lieutenant -Governor of British Columbia. much' fewer! Canadians on Scotch markets. this power before Confederation and Sir sion of the Congregational, Council, hold at Peter Campbell, Two year old.geldfug or oiation of his past servicee. it . , Idiethod' � � Parties Visiting 8tratford-�-A. J. McPherson. (I ' Consequently exporters are making slightly- Oliver Mowat 0 . ontends they have Minneapolis, Minnesota, a resolution was filly, John MoNsughton, J Gardiner. One —00 Tuesday of last week Joseph Rozell, O!:Ssrs, I I Men's and Boys, Ung Roots—J. R. Dregory. ( ) � Mr. T. M. Daly, of Brandop,,11anitobs, bas more money. The arrivals of Canadian In 1872 the la I it yet. passed, after a very warm debate, demand- year' old gelding or filly, Win Laing, A who removed from Brussels to Elma tow -HataandGAp9--,T. R. Gregory- (8). . . w officers of the Crown in . n. W.glVe tl . been inade a member of the-Governinent as apples at Liverpool, continue extreme ing that i toxicatinj liquors be excluded- Grai 3r. Span of roadsters, C H Basker- ship less than a -year ago, died af-ter a few I � - I � . large, but the quality I inferior. lY England, to whom the question was'referred n Vill 'N Bossenberry. Single roadster in hours'illuess. ]Drew S 0 - succossok to Mr. Dewdney, aikd 'ill be a . They are by Sir Job Macdonald, expressed the from the World's Fair. e . He aoto his dinner as usual . W, w mostly immature. 11 I D MowsTER I)EmowsTRATiox.—The Work- buggy, Win She&, Charles Raid. a -ad &s.sisted in itrrangements for threshing. � I the 20h' . nisier of the Interior. From a *Govern. Wee are generally opinion that the Provinces had such a right I beld in t , Ight �_ orses,—Brood mare with foalt At two o'clock he complained of 'a pain in . _�,Jr. H ifuratt (twoftior. M! , lower, but really gooalruit will sell well. under a Provincial statute, but the Lieuteu- ingmen's Clubs and Socialist Societies of - Carriage. H . ment point of viaw the exchange - will be a ant -Governor, , virtifte officii, had no such London, which, figured ill the Trafalgar John Salkeld. Foal, John Salkeld, Wm, his head and death ensued at 11 p,i m. The the Ville] — - ­ good one. Mr. Dewduey's retirement will THE petition against the return of Mr. poser. It, is therefore, under a, Provi I Square riots of five years ago, will reassert Laing. Span of aarriage horses, John Tor- old gentleman was in his 78th year butwas � t Doi& ber of W, statute that the Ontario their rights to hold public meetings there by r6noe, Joseph Wild. Lady driver, Mrs W a: stout, hearty man for his a e. i . ill be g SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Oct. 21, , IR920 be nt) loss to either the Government or the James Grieve, M.P. for Nor ve been I i He and . � . . � - . Counsel ha - log. Saddle horse, A Er- his wife were livin with their 4aught ., vp;,t - � appointed. In the celebrated Ritchie case a monster demonstration on Sunday, 13th of- Elliott, Mist, Sterl' 9 . er, - 161stan t I country. He has been a child of fortune. up for hearing at Stratford on Saturda November. I � . I I . N -th I i. - .1 He was a pe ' e Judges of hi Supreme Court of Cain- will, W Sterling, Jolin Gardiner. . P Irs. Ruttan. The deceased was the father tsx, ga . . � t of Sir John. d .t THE BRUTAL RAcE.—The Austrian mili- CATTLE. —Grades, -m—Milch cow, John Me- of Charles Rozell. of Grey. � � 0 . , Reform Convention. For some- rep. last before Justices Falconbridge and Street, ada ealared that such Provincial Acts were � ]ffa�ve tb4 �� . . son, ,which Ilea never been - explained, tary riders who took part in the long -dill- Naug�jov, Win Elliott. Two year old —mr. Qe'orge DAle, of Hullett,; manag-es . . wim . . A general Reform Convention for . the M Mr. Morphy, of Listowel, who represented unconstitutional, although' Sir John Mae- le&yi]3g I o get away a good many prizes at the wit] ' . oner, stated that he had no evi- d,vald, when Minister" of Justice, laid they ll. different showil � bijs wife. the, petiti heifer, Wm Ellio we.h � I " the old man " took a vio'lent fancy ta, r . tance race have returned to Vienna, heifo�r, lot ind 2nd, John Reid. One year t about half their horses ' dead or disabled in old - He took three k6ree The German riders' Iforsev fared Fat cow, heifer or otter, W H Woods, Wm. London, and got first for a two vear old . : - West Ridiog of Huron will be held at Gods- Dowdney and during his life kept him in a deuce to offer and &liked that the petition .were not. This deliverance of the highest Berlin. ,a to I I - rich, at I o'clock p. m., on Friday, October � I court was in 1879 and since then the qu�s- I I . fai bffice of some .kind continuously, &I- V � .�, I I � 28t -b, t.o prepare for the protest, nominate � be dismissed. The judges accordingly die- -tion has remained an open one,, b(,th Federal but little better. The German society for Stinson. Heifer calf, Ist and 20d, Wrn Canadian filly, showing against i.ourteen i I � candidates and transact general business. thodkii hew" neither ornamental nor useful. missed the petition anA thus endeth the and Lo�%l Government3 exercising the Due protection of animals hits decided to pro- Elliott. Thoroughbred bull calf, Elcost others, some of which weire imported ; he 4 I " FARY z � Evei since . Sir -John died, the other . Sir test against the brutality of the ride and to, Brothers,. John Reid, Thoroughbred heifer also got three seconds at Goderich, slid fir -at the 100 . . North Perth controversy until th o e by statute and the other by ' . � br * the questio 'before the Reichstag.. ortwo yeag old filly, -showing . - . . Jdhn's have been trying tag eit rid of Mr. pecial warrant from the Crown. The re- log Coln calf, Win Elliott., - Three year old steers,lat at Seaforth, f .his bret] general election. -Mr. Grieve has earned :ult has been that a lawyer who is no JAPANESE LONY: FOR MExico. — Ar-. bild 2nd Win Stinson. Two year old steers, against 21 others; also first for foal and - � . . . I for two: � - Crown Lands ,Sale. Dewdvey, but he - had the " chinoh " on I . I . . t a - first in two year old class, and sw epst k . , iis seat at any rate. Q. C. is &I rare sight at an assize court. and rangements are being made for the est�sblish- Wm Stinson, W H Woods. One year old e a ell Mr. Call The Ontario Government bad an auction t�eni, in some way, and he refused to go on. - a Q.C� ment of a colony of I 1,000 Japanese In th� steer,Q,,,Wm Bates.John Reid. for best horse of any age ; at Blyth he also � to liv,e I several in Onta;rio have been made , I , . I Statevof Sinaloa, Mexico. This is the result . captured two prizes. the. bent . - sale of timber berths in Toronto, on Thurs- t1i he got ready. The Lieutenant -Governor- twice r, as in the case of Mr. J. F. Wood, . . . I . . I THE C uada Presbyterian of last week 6v of an extended investigation made by the I —Rev. W..Ay'ers preached. the mission- . . will bav . 11 . day, last week. The total area of limits ship -of British Columbia seemed to be- the I I M.P., Brockville, who was, although a committee sent to Mexico by the Japanese : Huron Notes.- ary sermon on Sunday evening in - the imp lenu r � disposed of was 518 square miles, and prize which he was after and he drops into says: "tome interest was created 1,1A Conservative, first created -a Q.C. by the Mr. James.Whyard, of Dungannon, bas c U . ire � . : I COUNIi I a given e as been appointed clerk of the sixth division . . week in political and Presbyterian circles Ontario Government and afterward Government several months ago. President Methodist h I h, Hills Green. At the I ; only three of the berths offered were Ii. The salary is liberal and the duties 'of . . . . Diaz has a regard for the Japanes a c!ose of a forcible sermon the f5astor, H. I d1l, . I minion commission as one of Her Ma. I - cotm -109 � . I by the announcement that a member o . court. � 7 . withdraw -11. The sale was a remarkably the office are nominal, two conditions which nation, and the commission will receive a Irvine, - asked the congregation to * I day - - . I Ontario Legislature had been received by Jesty's Counsel- learned in the law, and by most liberal concession from the Mexican - —Mr. Joseph Rider, of Clinton, picked ' I give - I I successful and satisfactory one. The limits will suit Mr. Dewdney admirably. I the way, .Mr. Wood is as learned as a enough to send the circuit &64ve the pW . . � Present.' : one of our Northern Presbyteries as a Government. Only the better classes will lirge ripe raspberries in his ,garden on live.- - Thq responded so nobly that he was %moutit . . ' Pundit, . , � - disposed of are all in the Algoma district, -The new Minister of the Interior Mr. I . � JI catechist and that .the hall. gentleman - I be permitted to become colonistr. Thursday of last week. xud eba . - � . able to announce $106 as- prooeqds of the . � . . ' . � CANADIAN STOCK AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. , amd are convenient to lake Huron. Buyers Daly, is a lawyer by profession, and a poli- intends entering one of the theological halls HARD ,LOT OF BRITISH FAnmzRs.�The —Mr. T. Quigley has rented his farm Oil day's work, and the sum to coiiie in from notify � e � I F I next autumn. Why should such a plestant Mr. Saiinders, Canadian Commissioner Now York World recently published reports 'th 6th concestion of Hullett, to his son the collector's work will makv the sum total - I Flynn, � ; were present from mobt of the lumbering tician by practice. .He is a son of the late . I event astonish anybody ? Is political life for the World's Fair, continues to receive of the condition of breadstuffs crops all over P trick for a term of years. � I I centres in Canada, and the United States f. k. Daly, of, Stratford, who, for many to hopelessly unclean in Canada thitt it assurances from live stock associations in Europe. The figures in nearly every case, 6 - . $125. Kippen circuit raised $86.30 for ' e . .elean,ot � ! Rev. Mark Turnbull, of Kincardine, missions last year. ,from loi � . . � I ;. . was well represented. The purchamers,how- yeaft, represented North Perth in the old member of Parliament cannot be thnught of the Unittid States that Canadian bred regis- from official reports made to the Govern- has accepted the appointment of rector of —Mi a. Joseph Allaufforl, of Uunton, I - � � - I I � I will be allowed . to compete for ment in every wheat-producirig c . ountry in St. George's, Goderich, to succeed Rev. Mr. passed r away on Thursday, labb last.. De. I moneys . . I . I I in t premiums, very handsome ones, Europe, show that except in Great' .Britain � ,�� � ever, were mainly Canadians, ar, the prices 'Parliament of Canada. He was ,considered as a minister of the Gospel? What -ever tered stoc � the Imull r . I : may be the fact in Obtawa or in so 'e of the th i Young. . . I I � paid seemed ,- to be too high to suit the one of the beat caovassers wid log -rollers in ceased has been failing for some time -and _� - Trfalur � � � other Provinces, fortunately the Legislature offer�d in Ithe diff�rent c', lasses. I have not and Italy, the crop prospects average nearl —George Dobson, who has taught for the her death was not unexpected. She was one . �, before I I y I � , � Americans. The previout sale of timber Canada, and, judging from reports, the son It apnoudeed, but when Mr. Awrey, 15 per cent better than last year. France, Rail . an � . ',Will be k , of Ontario has not sunk that low, Most of seen i t two years in School Section' No. 5, of the oldest resid ts of Clinton) cominiz I I limits was in, 1887, and although that was takes after the father in, these —respeo"ts. the members of the body are prominent in Ontario C�mmiasioner, was in Ottawa a few Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Balkans, rey, hAs given up that school and accepted I . ' . � U there nearly 40 years ago from Devon8bir,Z. 11 I olAodk, � - considered a* good sale at the time, the The new Minister ,is, however, a young man some Church already, and- that one of them weeks ago', he told me that there would be Roulnelia, and Russia show improved condi- the priacipaiship of Ethel school. For seven years she suffered the affiction Of - I . I Acm I should devotethe remainderof hislife' to lotsof rq�m forstock at Chicago because tionsover.1891. Italy's wheat drop,how- —Mr. Jamet McFarlane, the weI17 known being totally blind, but o � . � r 'I- towneb I prices then realisel could not compare with of fairly good ability in other respects, and ,s me time ago re I I . . the ministry, is a fact creditable to himself the directors had decided to exhibit differ- ever, is 12 per cent below Iset'year's. Eng- -sheep breeder of Stanley, has sold six of his ceived her sight sod enjoyed fairly good" - " � last VM1 t ,.; - . - � . [ ,, � those at ,this sale,. - In 188.7 the highest will make a good mate for young Charley and to the Legislature in which he sits." - ent kinds of stock at different times. Thus, land's is over 17 per cent below the normal shearling four to Mr. George Baird, ar., health. AftY-five Years ago she joined the I � . 9) � OUSIV. � .. - ,� , I pricre paid per , square mile was $6,350, Tu�per, as lie is ,familiarly- called.' . I . horses will be on exhibition one month, yield. In fact, the condition of affairs and two to Mr. Thomas Frazer. ' - � � when h � � . t I -1 . . Bible Christian church, and her faith and .- I .- while at the sale last week the maximum . sheep, and � pigs another, cattle another, and throuRhout Great Britain in .,thd worst ever —Mr. J. H. Lowery, teacher in School. zeal never wavered to the time of he --deikth . � I � ' . I � . ject ,ov � ; - . . � � I , 19 � ,&Ii hth figure, was $16,500 per square mile. This An Illustration. ' . This is important'for breeders to experienced. Labt year was thought to be .Section No. 7, Hulleft, for the past four which was as happy and peaceful a's it . � SomE of the Methodist clergymen are after so ob. r arp stick, and bad.but this in worse. Wheat will yield yeafs,fi - . , bear in mibdi - � as been engaged to teachJu School could be. She was the motherof six child- �, � When il :� f Sir John Thompaou'with a ap : Section� No. 5 for tbe-cbmig year. I . � : . limit is in -the township of Peck, and was . Q�oting �n incident4tbat occurred at the. he won't be elevated to the Premiership of THEDEBT OF CANADA. only 82.7 pe r cent ; barley, 97 ; oats, 93 ; Me ren, only one of which survives, - US feet: , L I � � —Mr. W. H. Cracken, of Brussels, as _. eL � I purchased by Messrs. Gilmouri & Company, recent timbier limit sale,;at Toronto is Canada Gazette gives a state- potatoes, 95 ; beans, 81. There has. been a h * —On Friday afternoon, 7th inst.9 Ltha -_ teppe( of Trentonj Ont , and the price of the whole the direction' ., -under Canada if they can b*lp it. Some time ago, Saturday uteady deterieratioa in th6% crop � this year won 133 prizes at the fall shows, Master beckoned the spirit of Donald . I , corks ' . of Hov. A; S. Hardy, Corn. ment of the public debt as it stood oil Sep- � _ prospects me- - a . . 4 - at the Niagara conference meeting, the vea as follows: Wingham, 19; Seaforth, :26 ; Nair, of Grey, away from time. The do- ,w [ , limit foots up to the snug sum of $205,625. � P tembef 30th. The total net debt was throughout the summer. The Tickles, in an - L_ - )l is bro ' missioner of Crown Lands the Toronto erable Dr. Douglas gave the Attorney elaborate report, says "the deterioration of Belgrave, 20; Brussels, 45; and' ed had been poorly or t e past two or the hol This firin purchased'limits to the a4 I . Gen- $238,623,483. We started Confederation —Mr. David Hastings lime leased Rev. -_ . I - L ount of Tetegram. gives a striking illustration, llhow� eral a terrible roastiog. in one n wheat continued during September, until three eare ho, I I i f the with a oet�debt of $75,000,000. In - y , but was co C fine� to the house I '. , $703,875. The largetst aggregate 4inount ind how very easy it is, sometimes, for an i 1874 it _ got I, . � . October 1. Wheab was mot more them 82.7 Mr. Markham's farm, lot 9, conceesion 8, for Only four nionths. The call' f death -, � wag r0 1� . - 0 churches in London'Sunday before la5t, Dr. 'was $108,000,000; in 1879, $142,000,000, T r )�,, e a �_ . 1i paid f r any one limit or berth was $373,- unscrupulous Government, or head,of a de and in 1�89, $237,000,000. When Mr of an average crop. This figure ifLearly urnber y, for a term of three years, at the was p&resis. Mr. McNair was sorn in Ar- ' - " &11 IRS e3 I i L Carman, another abl-3 and eminent clergy, L left office the net debt per hea� 10 per cent lower than lost year. How this end of which time he has bargained to gy��shire, Scotland, in the *year 180 I .:: ,7. � . ti t 650. The purchaser cf this was Mr. G. W. partment, to benefit a friend man of the same denorninaiio - I Mackenzie 00. purchase it. . � , and . ,� lfg,h t 1 � � 'L I . T - I ht a I - a, protefted in of the population was V4; now it is great reduction will affect the British farin- -came to Canada with the family 1A 1852. ,I- �_, , � � .1 � I —Mr. Walter Baker, pridbipal of ,the - '1� he ws - er may be realized when it is pointed out I . Pack, Of Alpena, Michigan, and is said to favorite at the countr �s expense�, and show- moat vigorous language against the cleva- The ac . They located in Vaughan, but moved to .�, . � � y I be the highest price ever p�'aid for a berth in in ' tual interest paid in hard cash by the ' ; that it means a money return for his. w c school, has been compelled Stanley township the next year. In 1, 4 .11 I Ilarrovs raniinr- people on'thia debt was in 1891 within a . 4- 85 - g also the advantage it is to have honest tion of Sir John Thompson to the P heat, Bayfield publi . Pa. Tf m of about E2,000,000 less than if the crop had to cease teaching for a time i , L I i - this or any other country. The beritba were men at the head of public affairs. The fol- .m T6. : : -1 Z fe thousands of ten million dolla I I On Recount of they settle4 on the 14th concession of 11�r 1, L I them a � I 1:1. 3VV ent, roin this,Ahat,in On- . been one of average quantity, the value be. ill. health, and his place,, is being filled by _J �..'� __1 I = aliput up at auction and were sold to the lo*i.n is the in ­ farmer had to pay $50 every year 4to his �, . township, taking up lob 22, concessioif U _.. � I 9 cident as given by the , - . I - 11 __ � I . . I tario at least-, and especially witb one of creditors in interest he would soon s6e that ing calculated at the low price which at Mr. W. Johnston wh6re the'. deceased, who was :unmarried, ; . . . .1� . highest bidder. - The total amount realized Teiegram: I . the largest religious denorninatio' present prevails. . —Miss Ritchie, of Brussels, hais resigned I . I , "' I � . us in Ca -i- his -debts were paid. � ived up to -the time of his death al4og witli I ; � . - �... � � . - " �� flionias Murray, ex-membe ! I I her �osition as assistant teacher in the Mil- his brother John and family. .. - . was over a million and a half of dollars, r for and ex- ad&, Sir John Thompsou's promotion would i THE HORSE TRADE. I . . . _��... _� ... . I wh4ch will go to sweli ont the Provincial fifietiff of Renfrew, and ex -member for Pon- . � i verton public school, mud after staying at —Mrs. Andrew Wilson died at the �� �� . . I - v not bring strength to the Government. If The DepartmeDt of Finance has issued a The Rifle Matches. � . . . .rest- � � � � . _; .- purse. But this amount will be augmented tiac,- is, go to gptak, an .XXX lumberman. . home for a short time,will resume her studies denci of her daughter, Mrs.Dancan Taylor, - ,.'� -, . mercial bulletin on the horse trade with Rifle aftbe Goderiqh High School, -c,z a I . 11 I ; He was)%way up in % front seat, right under Sir John is wise he will �quietly, drop -into cOln' The annual matches of the Huron I Grey, on Wedneeday of last, week, at the P considembly before the timber is removed, ' 11 � � Mr. Ryan's (the auctio- Great Britain, in order to show that the —On the second (lay of the Clinton show I I , . . r, neer), hand. He was the vacavt Chief Justiceship, which, it is Association took place over the Atholcott I , advanced at of 81 years and 8 months. , � . J 11 ­ I . f � as: in addi6ion to the prices named the pur- a ca,utious bidder. One valuable limit tr do is increasing. This would be sat' fac- Ranges, Clinton, on Wednesday of last Mr, Ioaac'Carter, of Stapleton, haa the mile- For about vee years she had been in faillnLy I . ; e,�*,,, was is � � . . . . - t said, is at his disposal, and thus secure for t a fortune to lose $20, by having' it picked from health,her mind being affecied considerabi -1 . I ,' %, chasers, will have to pay ground rent and offq.red, and the bids rope lowly to $500 cry if it 4re correct to any appreciable ex- week, The day opened a little hszy and I s his pocket while on the fair grounds. The I y- . I :1Z � and stuck there. The ighest bid was . usand dollar ile we. have lost half our horse breezy, but soon proved to be a fine, pet The depeasiad was born in R�xboroshire, - _. I stumpage dues, which amount to a toler- , h himself a permanent eight tho tent, but w,b . I 1� Thomas Murray's. He has given the on- I a year job. sales to the', United States we only increased October one, Competition was keen, the thief left him $6. : � Scotland, aDd. was united in marriage to 7 , , I- � � !� �i ably large sum. We notice among the list tario Government no cammon support. Here � —On Tuesday of last week Mr. John Andrew Wilson in the year 183-7,her maiden .. . I - - our sales -to Great Britain last ye r by a attendance very fair, and several coming I Iof purchasers, the ' name of Mr. Will. Milliel was a chance for it to pay back favors. No- THE DOMINION CAPITAL. couple of jhundred head. The Me'Kinley riflemen, for the flirst time, took part in the Hunter, of the Londoul.road, Stanley, left name being Margare'. Hamilton. They \� i - � J the well-known mill owner of Ethel, and body but A. S. Hardy and his deputy knew Act accounts, of course, for the immense lops matches with very sitimfaciory and encour;. on a trip to Great Falls, Montana, where he 1� - - I -i — � came to Canada a.bout forty-five years ago I ' . of our horer trade with the United'States, expects to remain for some time. H a a , 9 � I . i the Reeve of the township. of Grey, in this the poet price of the limit If the Minis- (By Our Special Correspondent.) aging results. Below are the names of the e I in- rid located in Worth Esethope., and after a % I ter gad kept quiet Mr.-Murra,y would have OTTAWA, October 17th, 1892. � 1� prize winners and number of points made by terested in Rome mining .venture there that a . - �! � COURT MATTERS, the successful contestants : is pannin out well. . ojourn there for a number of years moved __,_��_ - � 4. * I-, county. Mr. Milne purchased a limit for carried off the prize In the bidding. The Fresh evidence has been discovered by The'Supreme Court will, to -morrow', hear � to the 2n A concession of Morris township in e- I � I - � I . ? A,, �. � � .1 $10,750. We hope he has selected a goal auciloneer continued his chant: �' Fivellun. —Mr. Un Atkinson who has rec8utlY 1866. 1 A � 4i - the correr,pondents at th the appeals from Ontario, among which is an FIR -15T MATCH -NURSERY. . . Mr. Wilson died fifteen years &goat � .1 . _. � " dred, five hundred I am offered ; all done at - a- Capital in support ., . . been working in 4plinton' t ' . . _. ; one. , on Monday of las the age of 70 years. Mrs. Wilson was a . � � I i � important constitutional case involving the 400 yards. POINTS. week, purchased from Mr. Floyd the furni- hearty, robust woman in her day who \, � . . i, - fiv� hundred ?" And then he looked to the of the view that Sir John Abbott does not question as Ito whether the Lieutenant -Gov- H. Ti4bett, lati .................... 206 tare faotoiy and premises recently vacated great- i � � Some of the papers ate finding fault with 11ob. A. S. Hardy for instructions. "With- 'Intend to spend any of his future days -at ernor of thp ProviDee has the pardon' ly aided her husband in the eaTly jettl - '1� , � , the GV'ernment because the did not .� �� � ,. 1� - y make draw," was the word of command, 16 Gew, �a . in J. T. Lee, 2od.1 ..................... 2() , byW Andrews. Mr. Atkinson Will oye ement ' I I � ; , shortly days of this country. She enj d the love I - .. .1 � , . 1.4 tlemen," said the auctioneer, 11 yop will Ottawa and consequently does not intend to Power in the case of criminals convictel F. Tibbett, 3rd', ................... : 19 ` take possession and continue in, the same and esteem of all who kne -1 . . , It a condition of the bale. that the timber Under an Ontario statute. The federal . * her. Two � I continue in office. There has, ho,,v,r, J. Dodds 4th ....... : ......... � ... 16 line as Mr. Andrews. - . � I have to raise your bids or this limit will be P children are living to remember her, Joltn . � .should be all manufactured in Canada. authorities kieny the power, but in all the H . Read, 5th ...................... 15 —The'other day Mr.Thomas'hfason,of the I I . . I � . �� I %, withdrawn." Raise their bids they did al�d been no doubt of the fact for several months. appeal cour�s up to this the Ontario Goveid- Lieutenant Combe, 6th ............. 12 base line, Goderich township, fell from a wh4 resides in Morris township, and Mrs, � - -11 . �, They say that the timber wilil be ahipped to up the price went to $1,200 an cre, Again If one considers for a single instant ii will ment have *on their case, The death of the Duncan Taylor, who has - -1 � - � � I t . the United States and manufactured into Mr. Thomas Murray was th eT and I - ministered to her . - .- I � 1. : lead ' - wi G. Gilchrist, 7th ................... 9 straw stack, and got a pretty severe shaki6g for year . - I I �, � ustle 11 - � - � �, lumber there to the detriment of the milling ,gain the Government had a chance to ell- ibe clear that Sir John Abbott has made Chief J ti *11 make it necessary to re;. 1390OND MATCH. �- up, and Mrs. Mason met with a bad accident .�_On siriday, 7th inst., Mrs, M. Atanle I - f !_ - rich all old friend at the expense of the Pro. himeself an impossibility as leader an argue some of the cases heard last term. . by falling froni an apple tree, whereby she I ,_ 11 - industry of this country. There may be y Poor, unfort, nate suitors. . 200 and 400 yards. of Kinburn, I ullett township, passed tyo' 1, F - rt: ., , . j; f Vince, Again, to his credft be it said, A. S. longer. What is �here left for a mail who - I . broke one arm jand severely spra,ined the her eternal home, at the age - � - : 1�, E. something in this, but if so the Ontario Hardy observed " withdraw." Thus en in y an NOTES. A. Wilson, 111t ...................... 47" other. . � of 83 years. � - � - declares himself unfit both entall d H. R. Stanbury, 2nd .... Deceased was One of the pioneers of this � Government are not to blame. The limit coathged the offers rose again. Finally . Payne, who came to Otta . ........... 4 . _�� , I a Mr - Mr. J. L.1 0_ —A team belonging to Mr. Richard Arm- c ' � I. - Murray bought in the limit, but he had to' ersou, 3rd .................... 38 strong, of Morris, ran away on Friday in -1 - - , Mport- p . J. Roberts, 4th .............. , e was bet- . I - - belong to this Province physically but resignation ? The Cabinet Irom Londoil under tbg -au . wa J. And ounty, and although she had resided ,,, and form an i a ices of Holl. Kinburn for the last 1-5 years, all � � "I . pay430,000 more for it than be would have know very well that the Premier's regigna- -John Carling, hits been appointed a cle ...... 36 evening, 7th inst., when returning from � - . , I I hn� itern in the capital account from which . . rk; in ter known in Goderich to'wnship, where A, �; � paid if his first offer had been taken., J Warden, 5th ..................... 36 - Brussels fair, owing to the - horses. getting ,� I- I - . . tion is iiie.vitable and they have arranged the Dopartment, of Militia and private see. with her late hu6band, the lived for nearly -- I must be drawn the means with which to - I J. Johnston, 6th ................... 34 frightened at a load of poultry. The occa- h &If a - I i I � . I retary to the Minister, Mr. Bowel]. The . P carry on . the various important interests � - ___ the trip which Sir John Abbott is taking to H. Tibbett, 7th .................... 34 - century. She was born in Tipperary., -I . . I . . _. I - ' latter is fortunate, is getting an efficient as. Santa of the democrat were thrown into the Ireland, and came to Goderich *ith her .- � � I '! What the Yankees Think. England for the main purpose of postponing s itch but were not injured. The box of the husband about the year 1832. After a short �. I I I iotsut, but, Mr. Payne's desertion of Mr. : THIRD MATCH. I I � � under the charge of the Provincial Govern- Some of the very loyal papers of this what was a - rig was badly wrecked, . . I . I - . great surprise to them, namelyg Carling looks ominous for tile retention in 500 and 600 yards. residence there they Z�oved into Goderich, - .. � I � n4at. It is, thereforej the duty of the Gov- country, who derive the bulk of their one- the First Minister's intention, suddenly an. ' —While D. 8 U116t, of Grey, was oa his - � � , . � � � - the Ministry of the ,Minister of Agricul- A. Wilson, Ist ........ township,and.settled on the Ilth concession. - I � . 9 erInmelit to derive from them all the revenue tenail - .- 46 way home frorr ist�wel on Saturday night. - r . I ce from 'Government pap, would fain turs. I E 4 � L notinced through a newspaper. -Their ob. J. Worden, 2nd ..................... In early life'she identified herself ,with the . , : '. possible. Had they attached such a con- The Cabinet are now cons - 45 Sth iust., his horse became frightened and � _: , , � I � idering the re- Methodist church, and ever after continued , 1. � � make our people believe that the Yankees ject in desiring delay is, of i3ourse, o J. Roberts, 3rd .................... 43 threw him out of Ae buggy. His head to be one of its most faithful members � I _L - ditior as that named, the proceeds of the are bvioue. port ,of Judge Wetmore on the charges Ei. G, Courtice, 4th ................ 42 must have a I : and 1. ­ , . L � - just dying to annex Canada to the Great political events, such an the forrnation against Mr.l. Herchimer, Commissio' trupk oul the wheel as he received warmest 'supporters, er L . :,�, sale would, in all probability, be very Utl I Der of H. Hovey, 56h .................... 41 . H I- t ited States. Every indication goes to of a Gove Mounted Police. a very deep wound. I He was found lying in - Partner � 1� . I only crossed tLhe boundary of ,a couple, . � ., 1i rnment, cannot be accomplis'hed N. Robsou, 6th ................. .. 41 the sand beside- the ioadby Win. 1hompson arsago, Sh a . I - much, less, and the Province would lose � . tigmede . � � � ; I I ! I and two . � � - laying of . News of the Week, H. Readi Sth ...................... 39 who conveyed h , daughter@. These being James, at Kinburn - 'A - I . believe that the bulk of the American peo - J. Dodds, 7th ...................... 40 � -- the difference. This , show that the very reverse is the case. W6 in a day and the more time given for -the im home. 0 leaves six zone �. pipes' and for approaching men -On 8 October 9, Mr. James William, at , to the Province and bad the Government ple'give the subject no cinsideration at all who are desirable he new Minister.$, and ob. SULPHUR SPRINGS. -A company of Chicago FOURTH !VIATCH.-AGGRXGATE. Grenadie, Unda kn6w . I I 0 f L Uye, HulmesVille; Matthew, in Da' ,, passed away to his kots; Edward, George and Thomas, in . . permitted it they would be censurable. If and that mo3t.o taining information, and getting' rid of men have bought the French Lick, Indiana, lo�g rest, after se,�veral ere . � f those who' have thought A. Wilson, ist ..................... 1` t , �ulphur sprin s for $500,000. . 93 months Of Eev Michigan; Airs. V. Churchill being her * il 9 I i I any lose occurs through the timber bei those who are to be thrown overboard, the 8 J. Warden, 2ad .................... 81 pain and suffering. Mr. Grebadie had for IL daughter, &lid also! bVis. Jam' - � 1 119 about it are opposed to the proposition, better. TOWARDS FREE TRADE.-I'he 'now cus- number of years ! i sent out of the country in an unmanufac- n'ited Sta :. - Sir John Thompson and his col. tome tariff in Mexico is considered to be of a J Roberts, 3rd .......... 7 Jarried on a successful ! es Keyes, now . 11 feeling that the U tell is already leagites, therefore, persuacled the Pri 9 , of�Miohi ". . . - . ime ......... trade in the boot and shoe business, and was m � � . . . . . . I I IVI tared state, �t 'will be a Dominion loss and ii. R. Stalibury, 4th ..... : ......... 78 -Mr. Mi Hogg, of Turnberry, had � large enough. The Buffalo' kxpress, re- Minister to take thi trip decidedly free trade character. . I � . and postpone � E urtice,'5th. widely known and respected. ichard I - loss to, the Province alone. Hence, resignation for a con s -Five hundred . G. Cc 1 75 Cancer k. not - a SWEDz AMERICANS. ................ Of . an exciting time with a burglar on Thursday � ferring to the dismissal of Elgin Myers aud Pie of months, The Swedes the stomach- was, th.81 cause of his death. , night, 4� . were made American citizens in a bunch at I EXTRA SERIES. 6th inst. 1. t �� if the manufacture is to be kept in this a ointment of Sir John Thompson as Act. He was awakened by the � A. E. McDonald for advocating annexati pp -On Sunday afternoon, 91% inst., as Mr. til I country it is the Pominion Government that on, ng Premier is of itself significant. Officia Rockford, Illinois, last Friday. 200 yards -2 highest scores. Douglas Me noise of a man ransicking a trunk in his ff � no doubt voices the sentiment of. the Amer I SILVER COINAGE. -News comes from Mon- J. S. Spooner, l8t .................. 48 hom Tavilb'! Of Stanley, was driving bedroom. T'lie man took his departure _. I I t I . ; I - . � - etiquet e would have required the selection e from Clintoul, his horse got frightened very abruptly as 800121A8 discovered, with - � I ;i should take the neceseary steps to that end, icsn �eople when it says : of Mr. Bowell, as the senior Privy Coun- t at a-0ow on the roald, and I . i " evideo that a law hall been passed providing H, R. Stanbury, 2ad ............... 47 � � � - bolting to one side I . for the coinage of $3,000,000 in silver. Mr. Hogg in pursuit. The burglar seemed I � . cillor, under ordinary circumstances, where threw the buggy oJer into t The : I Some years ago, in order to prevent what is 11 Pew -public officials in Canada, holding 1 he ditch. quite Intimate with the lay of the in E � now feared, the Dominion inipoaed an ex- office �, for life i)r during goo the Premier Intended to'..resume his duties. LANDS IN MONTANA. -The surplus land$ E. Hovey, 4th ..................... 46 occupants were t�rown out, bat escaped terior . . .p It' . - . � � d behaviori' of the Crow Indian reservation in Monts a, of the house, going through the doorway I � � port duty on I ogs. As an offset to this, the think of,. taking any active part in politics. In this case, however, there being no such aggregating 1,-600,000 acres, have been A. Wilson, 5th .............. � ...... 46 without being hurt. The top bf the buggy and slamming each door in his pur,suees j� I � There are tbpse whp love to bear the souvd intention, it was the part of wisdom to fix thrown open to settlement. . J. Roberto, 6th .................... 46 was wrenched oft,,And it wao otherwise face untiloutaide, when the race was con- � ,� American Government threatened that if f their own voices and d igh hi an affray on.the man who was most likely to succeed E, G. Courtice, 7th ................. 45 injured. I .4 7- 1 1 �, this export duty were not removed, of words. To that class, t him and the Minister of Justice was chosen. GONE To NEw­ZXALAND.-Rev.Thoira,s J. Wordev, Sth ................... -In r tinned. The thief, however, outran Air.. I I I :i I ed'oubtless, belong 43 6-shinglini the house of Mrs, An- Hogg and thus made - . , i! 1 would impose a prohibitory duty on riawn Myers and McDonald. But the ateady. He can be Prime Minister only by the grace Spurgeon, . son of the. late Heir. Charies J. Dodds, 9th ................... :* 41 derson in Brussels !a copy of I I The Watch- his escape, aided by I ! - !!!! i I . of William R. Meredkh, the leader of the . Spurgeon, has gone on a visit to New Ze�- - the darkness. Mr. Ho I � � I I lumber seeking a market in the United going, sensible officials, kr,ep entirely out df . . . J. Andervon, 10th ........ ' ........ n English weekly, dated London, tall man, rese ag described hiw, as a - 11 '� ­ . Ontario .Opposition. land. 41 man " . � I politics, some of them going so tionecess' If Sir John Tbomps n J. Johnston, 11th ....... � 32 Wednees mblicg in this respect Frank .% . States. This so frightened the Canadian day, October 7, 1853, was found Donovan, the person who ransacked his - . � aF' can persuade. Mr. Meredith to join him ao HuAiA_�; Fikmm.-A fiendish Attempt was G. Gilchrist, 12th ....... *::"­*'*: 2S carefully stowe " ay by one of the rafters. house only s, few weeks ago, and received 'a -1 �. i,ly far as to refrain from voting. These an- . nd I . 4 . ....... I'll � mill owners that they prevailed upon the take the portfolio of Minister . made on Friday night to fire a 'New York H. Read, 13th ... � ............... Thii house was daw I m I- nexationists -are not nearly -so dangerous of Justice ... -27 the Methodist parsonage of - . 1� under him, then he will tenement house in which eighteen families month's sentence - but the mouth nothaving I �% I Canadian Government to remove the export as the Canadian politicians -form a Thompson . JF lk . -seem to think. � A. days gone by and iome good. brother evi. i i l � . resided. WilEon, Seaforth, has won the $45 . expired it could not have been be. on th' .. I - i duty on logo and for the past year or so it They may" agitate and shout until th Administration and reconstruct the Cabinet ELEVATED RAILlk�Ay TRAVEL. -The ele- silver onp, presented by the citizens of dently put the ture occasion the thief got away With a, sil in +� millenium. and the result will be just as fae further by retiring iMr..� Carling and Mr. aton for the .highest aggregate score, ' . .3? 1 , has not been imposed, Under these cirou r Dewdney sod APPDIDti ' rted cli reference. Ver . �� il . M_ watch, the property of a young man I - off unless this country takes a hand in ; , ng a new Minister vated railroads in- New York tr&napo three times, and is now the proud owner -The steam barge Nashua, the property Hogg's employ a Mr. '19-1ur � stances it- would have been doubly foolish an' from Manitoba, and 1 ' W75,527 people on Wednesday last week, u , tend 85 from Mr. Hogg, ? a new one from tile Sturtevant � i d that is unlikely.' Such men anticipate of L � almost doubling previous records, of it. . 6ber Company, of Clove. . � Eastern Township$ in which was extracted from his trousers . � for the Ontario Government to have at- and revel in such marks of attentio in, To ebee to represent H. R. Stanbury astonished old shots. He land, was founde ed a short distance - off pocket. In hia haste to get out of the way I MURDER AND SUICIDE. -In a fit of jealous I. Go �1- -, � , i taolled such a proposition as that named to the . people of the United States the maj_ the English ageakiDg ndtitv of thiLt Pro- c imbed up well in the aggregate score and derich, and on Tuesday of last week the the bur I d . � . . I Vince, wh an slTsys, until recently, had . rage last Saturday, Peter Wagner, of New vessel wasIound floating bottom up a fe g ar . ropped --t . , . ter is a very small one, and the agitators . ecured fourth place, winning the Ontario w a pair of troneers'and a I W4 conditions of their sale. Had the York, shot his wife and blow his own btains ill th, . Z - - y done a %I representative in the Cabinet. vest; . a latteT was a $2 bill, which . �. smaller stilf. " ;8dal. 'les off Bayfield, There were on. board, . .tf , . out. . mi . . I; Iso, however, they would have relieved the Th:pneeowl� Cabinet will be a Thompson -Mere. escaped his agers. I ; I � I � In the extra series J. F. Spooner captured the captain and his wife and thirteen of a �_ 1� .i EXPLOSION. -A boiler at the Burgess Steel ' crew, all of whom , �1 Dominion Government of a very -trouble- dith-Chapleau combination and between the the 'first money, a prize of $5, are supposed tobe lost... � 1.0' I I rs . THERE are,no doubt,a great many wicked, other two, the Ontario man would lose the Works, Portsmouth, Ohio, exploded on Sat- Evidently The body of tb � ! , . I � .. ii 1. . some question, and this, no doubt, is the degraded people in a large city like New reputation he lies and bl' urday. Several workmen were blown to the loilger he shot the better he got. t I 'fj wife has been Exeter. I , " - . e' compelled con- - found. The ve�eixe'Zfvalnued at $15,0W. LOCAL B,R1E1,,S. -Rev. 8, F4 Robinson, vf . � �i secret 'of the displeasure of the Do i i stantly to submit to . places. I The silver medal awarded for the highest : minion York. But there must also be a great many humiliations or get out . prac - - or I m 0 much and retire to the repose of the Bench. I LEFT HONESTEAD.-The 16th regiment as captured by Walkerton, spent Sunda Iset, in this place, P s who now find a tice score of the season w F t seven years ago, Friday, 7th I � good ' eople too. A Canadian who recently if -Mr. Meredith declines to join But has left Homestead, Pennsylvania, that old veteran, N. Robson, with a total of inst., a c lid was born iu4 the township of the guest of Mr. Daviy . . � I I p K, I� . f and the d Xills.-Rev. F. � . . ,550 points at 8 practices. Goderich,.and the firstpsrso.n to care for it Helliag Fatt, ree .; 1, ; ault with the Ontario authorities. Malay vis Ited the American" metropolis anUspent Thompson, theMinister of Sir John town is now free of troops. The cost to the . tor of the TrIvItt Memorial I � - of the friends of the Dominion Government . Justice can never � , . was Mrs. Stanley th aged lady who died - " 1,1 Sunday there, went to the Talmage tabeir. be Prime Minister. He is by virtue of State of maintaining the troops there was __ 0 church, preached In Varna and Bayficla leAt 1:11. aro anxious that the log export duty shouid talent,and service entitled to the position,, . . . The Bayfield Show. In Kinburn on th4 a ernoon. -1he same Sab4th.-Mrs. Pratt Fisher returned from . naele In the forenoon "W'000, ft t, ,and to great --was the I ' childo now advane d to manhood, waa one Douglas, Manitoba, last week, where she - - I be- re -imposed, while another large section but his pmrliamefntary comrades from On- SNOW AT DENVER. .-A big snow and wind The last show ofthe season was that'held of the pall bearer at her funeral, in -the had been visiting relatives and fri*nde.- - . - , - i . crowd that he had to wait on6 hour before tariv, or most of them, CA er forgive storm throughout Northern Colorado I 'at at Bayfield, on Friday last, under the &us. person of Mr. J mes Young. Thus she Our coopers are busy trying to supply the I n nev A ;�, oftheir supporters are opposed to the re- he could gain admittance, and the church, him for being a Roman C week destr6yed a large number of horsio, pices of the Stanley B Agricultural was the first to ca, e for him ; he was one of demand for apple biwrels.-The Harry Hart ­ ' � athollo and once ranch i 10 imposition of the duty, And between the two ca before for the same unjust reason they de. catt - i , pable of accommodating over six thousand Is and sheep. Snow drifted in places to Society. Every circumetanoe favored the the last to care fo 1er. . _. I i honor. Society.' T - MT p bye on- Tuesday m � . . 9 �i, . -IL IN WHEAT. -Weevil in countless the roads could not have been better. As a I .t, prived him of the same a depth of six feet and the cold was iutense. he weather wall delightful and - �Mr- Thomas aderson onp and a nesday evenings I"t week to fair 1!� the Government. is sorety perplexed. 1ju people,'was packed by a most respectable Cam I d in Drew's. hall - had the Ontario Qovdrnment made Ii THE EXPORT DUTY 0� LOGS. WEEV , who was gored by � � � . The subject of an export duty on logs has farme turn -out of peolple Lucknow, is still I, a critical condition, at . - I - her evening he went to bear the eminent D ' ne ghborhood of Carthage, and a very good show. Taken upon the wh;le the residence of Mr. James Lindsay, Luck. towti hall, for the purpose of taking, I k *,, condition of their sild that the tinl' show at houses. -A public meeting is called for to- � � ., a a�pearing and orderly cOnRregation. In the numbe nvaded the wheat bins of result there was a large a bull at ,the fall I � I s hfi'�e I ,J Itibyi It r. W in 1 he night, Friday, by the reevet to be held- in I ? should be made into lumber in Can been, Ithout rhyme or reason, resurrected. Illinoi ousands of bushels will have it was, xerli*ps. the beat show ever held at , now. Two of hial ribs were biolrea, and some steps t,oward at& g a founi : " adlan Wrk M. Taylor. Dr. Taylor's church - the and th the ­ ' � mills, it would have the same effect as the ' I Surely the public policy.. of the country to be a' Id at s reduction. .. it . - psitor ascertained has a membership of should not change with every wind. Once TAX TG T( RAISE FuND' � el . On Friday there must have been is feared he is als� seriously injured inter- and the building of a new,gtist Mill. Every 9� I , I . : I , Bayfi Ain ity here, - s, -Germany li-as over 1,5M people on the grounds, and the Dally, and from the, effects of which illfiam- ratepiyer should attend, as these industries I I export. duty on lojzs, knd the Dominion : i,220. The Income is mainly made up of ullop a time there was .no export duty on decide , to h creage the duty on tobacco, to . . � ' ' W, 1. . � Dr.' Taylor's 0 ons and levy a tax on effect that weather has on a sho anxiously hoped for by his many friends. A team belonging to Mr. John Pri � skstor � - I �, I . . , the perplexed Positiow, in which it �nds ' 'e' but found too small, so it Was increased. h n I obacco, in order to raise funds we may state that Isst yier the gate recei -Mr. John Kelly, of. Tnriberry, 0, man ­ I . ; gate receipts amounted to $180. As show. - matio a t I His recovery, however, is are a much needed want to the villager$.- - if Government would be at once relieved fiam �aw rents, which yield - nearly $33,000' logs, Then an export duty- was imposed, tax bo roe t�snsacti log the n e D, ' I I I . � salary is $16,000. Th e very men who asked for the in. fcom n+Q I I . - , itself. In other words, the Province wOuld choir cost $6' Then ill . )r the 'OW' trmy bill. only amounted to $90. W jr.. ran away on Huron street on Tuesddy - . T a are fequest;d of 88 years, met with a I .� . ,000, while the sexton crease came to the Government and asked [low 'ERRIEs.-The drat of a Dam. to'state that a in nood, and was caught west, of , I . . have been made the cat'4-PAW for the � NEm CAR bad mishap on . the railroad I I � -1 eating of the Directors will Tueed morning of las- . r I. I � 1, t week. He went without having done much damage. -Mi. j, � , -1 . � I ! e ` 'i, a ' - I - ,�ur- receives more than many bf our ministers, that it be taken off and the Government her of iant r ferries for service across be held at Elliot's Hotel, Hayfield, on Fri. intoss'leld to drive back to the barn a bulig G. Emery has moved Into the house recent- I A la � I - . ; - ' � � g n I - IN" Of Pulling the Dominion chestnutd 'Out * abolished it altogether, Now some one is Lake Michig , hall been launched by the day, 28th inst., at four o'clock P. M., and which hitherto had shown no a u , � , viz., $1,650. And these a 2 ples. Z . 17. I 0 ; i - I . 'i - Ufa u 4 t would have aeolsted the Dominion Go�, On4 of the truest tests of the religious why the duty should not ban be present to pay oioueness. But on this occasion ' by Mr. Will, Verity. -Messrs. f. the fire. Mr, Hardy and his coll"knes askin�, after the lapse of a couple of years, Craig Sill b ding Company,Toledo. When the treasurer will i Of VI ly vacated , ern-, 1 of ,* a be re -imposed. complete ell will run between Frankfort ' 0" , � I . 6ngre tation is the I tfe animal Wood Bros,', have moved Into their new . I �� 9 clollection plate,'ae The Con'stituti' ' out prize tooneys. The following are the made a plunge at Mr. TiLelly, S . I i . k e triking him block. -The Sunday '�chool building in co - I .. ; . i I � . . - � I . i On of thP, United States for. and Peowauk 0, Wisconsin. Twenty load- prizes awarded for horses and cattle. ' The in the back and h ' n , I . . 0i8tIu9 him about six feet nection with the Tri 'tt Memorial Church . � , � � : . � ; � I � I I I I . 4 . I . � � I I I � . I � � I I ! � I r E � I I �. .. . I -Z, � � , . - . . , I f. j c - . � . I I . I i . :, � i I , �� , . � . . . � ii . . I . I , � . I . - . . " I 1� i I . . I . � - . � . A � , i . r . I -_ ! � � I I -I - � t� ; I , . I I � I � I . . - . . - - I � � I . I I I . - . . I � - - il 0 1 i f ! - . . - - ___ __ _­ -, 7.14 F I � � ­ I I - ­ . 11 � - . . i . � . , . -, ­'­ I � - I 1. � - � - -- I — � _____ ___ - .- - __ - - , , -1 � �_ �_, __ . . . � Z , , -,-.-, - ­ ­ - .. �_­ - - ­­ � - ­ - - - _ -t;­--r­%6­ - � ,_111 I W�*Ilc-�.. �� - -� - ­ - " - ,,_-. � ­-, �4­ - � � - - - _. , I I ! 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