HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-10-07, Page 8— ______________ ____ __ ____ ----. __ _. ,-- � I I I , : , - . I . . - I - I- � - � I __. , , , � - , . . . � I I - - - � I 1, 1-1 ­ - - - - ­ - . -1 - . - -- I � -1 ; ­ .. .. , - - �4, �� ­� " I I � � - I � � 1-1 - 4L I � , - . I - .,-_. �, - �"=�k r�- ��-�­ ---q 11 _� , . ­ -1., .. '_ , � .� �� 1, - ­ -;:: , - �11 - - ; 1, 1 4 1 _ , ,."-,.,--,-- - - I 11, ­: 1;i�­­ - - _ I' , ­. ,� k - � -1 - I ��_, 1- �: . �� ­ A;­�f - - ­ - �- `--.�- �� �1'1'.! � _� . � �, I -1 ­ - I � �T, I . I � I— i- I � " - �- � . Z1, �, ��,;mn:._�_,��, .'�._-� �� � vt , " -��% ­ �� � r " li, -1 .� I ­­ �. - - . . . I ': - ,N_ - - "f�litl . ., I = � __ ­ ­ ---1 I- - ., �. Ile - , _. __ ".. - ­ .�� tkv - _- -i -��- - � ., � - _ . ? 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I � I I � i - � 7 ­ I I I t - � I � I . f ­ I . - I I - I , . - I . . I . I . . f -, I _. . . I � . . . I . . I I . . I . I . I , I - . .- � __ - . I .1 , N , . I � I � "I . . - . I . I I I � . . ) � .1 . 1� . . � I . - I I . I .. . � � . / I I . � � � I - . . - I . . _: I . - -'sk, . I � �, . 4 1 i. .. .. . . . . � . I , . . � I . I I - - I � I I !I � . . I � . : � � � . I . I I . . I . � - . I" . . I . I - . ; � . I : I � _­ �� I . . � . 11 . � 1i I . I �, . .11 . I . � . i � . . � �'r . I ; I . . - I I - . 1Z . . � 0 q I . - � I � ... . 1. - � . - i � I I - — I �, to . I - . . I . ; �. � . . � OCTOBER 71 1892 - . . 4 11 � . . - I . . I % � 21 1. . -1 � � THE' HURON EXPOSITOR. ''I - � � I _.. - I 0 ! - . �i I . k, . I I__ _____ � __ __ - � I - I 1, - - - - - I , , . -1 - i . � . � . . N . - �1* I I_i; . I - I 1. - � _. .. �� ' ' . . 7 I future of the church and tociety. An ad. being used on "the saiMe bonnet. Ties are don, by way of Brucefield, and returned to lirive the c6ntr �t, for the carpenter work. - so large'& business that be had to enlarge 'D 1) � I . e . . EDWARD. -:- '0A8H1 ' roment was then made to the basement unIvereal, either of wide satin ribbon or Seaforth again, making the round trip in Mr. Wm, Di, td wife spent Sunday last his factory, and it in ne -,/ running at full Octobep 7th, 47AL ff� - I . . 'ou : brimin r the —s- � I . - � - WholesoVand Retail Dealer In where refreshments 'were served, and time . nafrow velvet. Large wide ed. nine houis and -a half.- He remained one at Holmesv, nests of Mrs. Daw's blast night and day. v -. Lord Bailey is , - I . � . I I i .. � : . J - 1, .. iven ro i Wilson. beaver hate are numerous, an ds also the hour in London and lost about - half an hour parents . 4 1 ,ent here on Oc- I - was , t bid farewell to Mr. nd Era. Jennings.— - .g Ing to give an enterta - I -Ut=M IR, Whife refr' H . I I elocutionist and i � � I - T_3 -A -3::P- y :B I eshments wore being served in. sa,Uor thape and turban effects. In fact one by the way, thus making the actual ridi g T o as &w I ft'for Melbourne last -w Mar 14th. She is a go _1� . I I . I - . . � ninx, . , ts were given by Miss Ewing, MAY wear almost an .or over 12 mil' 0 ' in er husband, who - as deserves a large ho se.— `,-ofessor Scott and After the Ope 0 . � . . strumental due - - shape that Is becom- time only 8 hours, I so an � h ur. w ere a e Willi i � u . �ftw_ I - I I GODERICH STREET, SE,AFOIRTH, Miss F. Weir and Miss Wilson. Mr. Wal- ing to the wearer and still be in style.. This beats Florence G. It lie needless to. secured a sit 4tion on a railway see .on troo� will give an entertt,,nment thh; Friday __ , I I ' I . I - � ter Willis also gave A, vocal so1q. .�'This most Shirring has been revived. Shirred silk, say that Mr. Livingstone has won the gold there,—Mr. A. Cottle is doing a rushing evening. They tire also ssid to be good.—. How. did- you like the display T I ,,, -Will buy -Dairy Butter in' any. quan- hippy ' . 4 I � asn�t it a really splen i -d exhib 7of . . �_._ . I . - . gathering was brought 'to a close by shIrred velvet and -oven ahirred crops are * bar.—Miss Crawford, of Dundas, is at business in ci lot making. —Reeve Bawden Gifford Elliott . an old Bruseelite, arrived W di � it . tity,and shape, if well made and . good the choir singing, 11 God be with you till We .66wn to good advantage. Hat-crowas are present . the guest of Mrs. M. Thompson,. has disposed of his trottipg horse 11 Wren- this week-, and will visit among friends for 0, . � . I - . . � color, from. May Ist, 1892. - meet a9sio," Od .Mr. Wilson pronouncing mostly small and ta . I . looks the same Gifford an fashionable good7s that you were in - poring,. or the cup Sperling street.—Miss Josie Fair, of Clin- tier," to Mr. Wm. White, horsebuyer of short time. He . . � � . I . I I - � the benediction, During his stay here Mr. cr�wn, small -and round and just relieving t00, is Visiting at the blanse.-Mr. J. H. Rodgerville, f�rai bandnotne figure. of yore. I vited to see I The great number of - : - "O� . . . � I . I I --"-- ; Wilson -became very popular both as a the general flatness of the bat. Shot milks Hunter, inspector of insurance companies, - - - — smiling countenances that: passed 'in _� I I— I - � - I I 4 I preacher and a gentleman, and made Many and velvets are new and admired by some. was in town Tliursday and wa.s met here by . I Wingham, n - Kippen. . - � - - I . Tw� � I TS � I . and out was an unmistakable evidence . - - � I I . . A IDENT.—A melancholy - BuyiNG G 1"�� - I . � friends who will always'be glad to welcome To'ese show two colors or- changes of. color Mr. Shannon, secretary -of the McKillol? MJOLANCH R&m.—D. McLennan has again - :Vm, , , , . — , with Mr. of how fully oilr Millinery and Mantle A I - t, --­�AXD bimbackagain. Mr. Wilson left on Thurs- Aepordinganthe light strikes -them. But com, d Mr. Cameron, secretary of n Wed- opened up the Hippen, grain ware -house, I , 19._�__ - 1, - - PMY1 an and fatal cklids�i"Coccurred here o highest 0 ' * i a .1 . John Moffatt in charge as usual, -and the WRE ppreciated. The days �. � ' � - day morning for Toronto to resume his wi can not give space to enumerate all, or the Usborne company. He made a thorough veaday. Mr.1- John Bond, 9, well-known a will be paid for all kinds of grain. Farmers I __ . .. I � -, � � - S _U T T,S- - studies at Ki3ox College. &I 'Vawanosh, was taking out e it right along. 1 1294 vity are now upon - � I �� I - . . ndarly all the excellenoles of which these inspection of their books, as ep of the farmer of Ea# N =119 -of business acti' . US, - . I 11 � . I ' - Vall and winter stook completed� styles and work. '_ - . ohops.are the centres. We therefore most books of Mr. Avery, of the Live Stock In- a load of empp'y barrels, and -in snme way or NOTES.—ReV, S. Acheson spent several and the greater part of that immense - - I . - . . I I I mp, I I- - - % I manship the beat to be found in Canada. A POII�T SETTLED.—Iu the suit- -of Ca coidially' invite all our readeri to inake an suraince Cc pany and pronounced himself other he fell.off th load, lighting in behind ,jays at the Pan -Presbyterian Council in To- Btouk which you saw must be convert- . ., - I, - I r - . he greater inspection for themselves and'we are sure sati t1hn e - . , � bell vs. Hodge t, which occupied t . afled wi the way they are lr�pt and the This frigNued the animals, I I � . I BIG VARIETY' I I . the horses. ronto last week, and was delighted with the - - �� i part of the last session of the local Division t6ey -will be amply 'remunerated for the standing which they show,the companies to c - ng thet to kick, and Mr, Bond was Council. .;.-Rev. Wniter'Ayers, of Holmes, ed into cash by the New Year. In .,.-,., Disi. . ­ I - . ' - -1 .1 a THE CLOSEST 0, 0CES. Court, His Honor Judge Doyle has decided trouble. The exhibiting sho a were 9,11 to poseens. I k 1i ut's d ,nd ampled to death. three months' time we will likely be I � * the question of juriediotion, which he re. brilliantly Illuminated Slay and Sat. - �, 0 - I q . - Ville, preaches the annual missionary ser- . . - t_l I We ran fit and suit the most fastidions at Pickaffs � . � 0 1 ­, I . -_ 1 mon in the Methodist church next Sunday giving you some liffits about Spring gi�_, I B%rgaln, Clothing and Dry Goods House. served, in favor of the plaintiff. The poil3r, ukday evenings. Elegant good� of. all sorts - . Chiselhurst. Wroxeter. . afternoon.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jarrott 11 . . . - V . Goods, J)ut let's take a run through the � . . I 11 � Z raised wasn new-oAe and the decision is of being on- display and the strbot crowded NOTES. —Mr. thos, Nicols has been laid OBITUARY —We are veryF oorry to have to returned on Wednesday to their home in I . . i'th admiring spectators. The el t dis'- ; WM. PICKA�D considerable -in—terist to litigants and the w p, e of weeks with an intensely record the eath of John Davidson, jr.� the towni3hip of Vaughan, after a visit to present ,,,5,to-ek and see what there'is in - I Ja � ,, up for a cou' I . members of the legal profession. Mr. R. S, P.1ty of gentlemen's furnishings m e the more neck. --Rev. W. Ayers, of Holmeaville, I Lt store for you. I 'Seaforth. � . The friends in Stanley.�Miss Annie Jarrol , I : - early on T esday morning, at Paric �, . . I Hays, of Seaforth, acted for the plaintiff, Messrs. Jackson Brothers attr c e the preaches an anniversary sermon bore next remains ware brought home, via Llsto,wel,on daughter of Mr. John larrott, returned � ._1 . . " li I i - shd 'Mr. R - . H. Collins, of Exeter, for the ,notice of every one, and many e o iUTS Sunday morning in the M�thodl8t church.— Tuesday afternoba', The funeral took place home from Manitoba this week, af$er- 1% stay MILLINERY � D140 I was a meeting in the Presbyterian from his father's residence �� on Wednesday of 10 months in the prairie province. � � defendant. � - worp' passed on the tasteful arrangement, as There She . � � I - TV ' � .4 L Well its on the articles themselves, and the Church last Tuesday evening, to organiz I a afternoon at, 3 o'clock. It hnw cast a gloom reports- good crops there, and things looking Hundreds of trimmed and une- I �v . have � . trimmed Hats and Bonnets, cheap, moderate . thr 16 Itrion CT1100iforo EGBIONDviLLE NOTESi —The minceiest syni bQness enterprise of this popular firm. 'Cbrir M 'r , a itian Endeavor Society. We over the'entire village, lie bdin very highly well geni3rally. — Kippen Council Royal- , - ' 9 I � pathy of our people -oes out to the sadly , 11 not heard results.—Mr. J. Parish preached respected by all �Wfio had the pleasure of Templars of Temperance intend boldi priced and fine qualities, assortment always . We ber e, It' I � 9 an the best. I .1 I - . eav (I inmates of lie manse in this the � Suow NoTEs.—The sports on Tuesday in Heneall last Sunday morning, C.� ; blic hall A` F'oriday I . � and we 'hissequaintane � 1 Weextendour heartfelt- open meeting in the pu - . - DISTRIOT MATTER13. � otime of their first great sorrow which has alternoon -brought out a good crowd. The hea� the pdople Were delighted with him.— _' � �_ 19rand, denness" fbotballpstch,between teams from the North Mr. He - Masonic Lg SMM . . . .. . I .fallen upon them with grievous and sympathy to the � family in this affliction. evening, October l4tia. An excellent pro-- MANTLES . . . __ — . I nry Stoneman is the happy father Of The funeral was conducted by the r 0_ An been prepared, cons'Litin I - — leaving them with nothing of their first born d South sides of -the Huron road, created a - . . . . v ,g of i . � an . . a young son. � order. The IndaoendenCOrder 'of Forest- ocal and instrumental music, readings, re- Those perfect' fitting- mantles that � I I . - I � I . A WONDERFUL ALMANAC -Tho publish. but dumb mementos, saddened -;-nemories good deal of interest, and resulted. in a vic- _. ere and Royal Templars of T . empertmes also citations, and dialogues. A cordial invita- you've heard so much about are still well 11 �., : I era of the Montreal D `ly_a�d Weekly Star and a tiny Mound in the cemetery. This, tory for the South by t�ree goals to noth- - , " aq I ains only tbe-casket, the jewe'l I -g I HiUs !Green . attended the funeral in a body, he being a tion is extended to every one.-M6ssrs. R. assorted. No trouble to get "ited,' sizes I - . are getting out a magnificent almanac. to be however, cont . ,b .-The running horse race was won by, .. I - � I I -in , be NOTES.-ThA nllflUal Missionary sermon, member of ,all these societies. - MeMordie, jr.,,and W. Cooper, left this 301 34, 36, 38, yet in stock. . ­ : known as the Star Almanac, said. to be t6 we know is a living presence; an inhabit, t pony of Mr. John Grieve, V. S., with . I L . . _ , is to be preached in the Methodist Church I week for Guelph, where they will resume . " . - L finest almanac in the world, containing of a far more glorious abode, the one coth- lkr. Wesley Beattie's second and Mr. Rob- next Sunday evening, by Rev. Walter i -1 flensau. . � their studies in * the Ontario Agricultural CLOAKINGS � �� ! . nearly four hundred pages, with colored Jorting' thought for those who mourD, but 4tt Charteis', third. -Miss Charters, of. the i � - ma,ps. It is looked forward to with Lgreat not as these without hope. -Our village hits Uill Road, Tuckersinith, won the prize for. Ayers, of Holmesville. Special services b ' e- Is thanking our mAny cust6mers for the College, -Preparations are being made for . There 'are a great many choice I . . I - , - in in the Methodist church next Mond Y, last Yea e w� eg to say our stock is now complete the renovating of St. Andrew's church. things in Mantle cloths and Cloakings, just I . - 1! . , for &not, sr., and we are ause we can do as well interest. � . - � . been honored during the p%mt week with tw` 0 lady driver. -The Implement display was Co. S. J. Pentland assisting the pastors. her Y 0 the right weight for Canadian winters, � . - .distinguished visitors, the Rev. Alexand eir -the largest- and beat hold at any show in the Mrs, John Troyer has bad another meriou: for you as au retail store on this - side of Toronto . ; I Boug, : AN- ELOQUENT SERI-40,N.—The Rev. Murdo Lee, of Nairn, Scotland, end the Rev. Mt. punty this year. Mr. O.'C. Willson was or London. oping to be favored with the trade of U0orne. cutting free. ­ attack of illness. Her daughter, Emma,ha tlle past, we remain yours, COAD & RANNIZ. P S. . firm I McKenzie, of Inverneis, Scotland, one of Stufrock, of Edinburgh. Both gentlemin the lar at exhibitor, and he carried off the A PRO1,1TABLx EvzNi,_%,o. -Tuesday even- I . - 0- . come home from Toronto to wait on liar. All accounts rendered on first Octob r, 1892, must be � the delegates tothe Pan-11kesbyterian Coun- were delegate@ to t?19 Pan-presbyteri4n $opiety a prize for the beat and largest col- . 16 last was the night of meeting for the DRESS GOODS � Und I 0 - settled fit Oc b,er, as we only want customers that I I Coun il at Toronto, from the old land sisid Jection of farm machinery. His display did an settle once a year, we will give no longer iog There's no use trying to describe I � this I I . . - � oil in Toronto, preached a Gaelic sermon in 0 I . 0 Patrons of Industry, and a large number of . . � .. one of the churchea in that city on Sabbath, came west to spend a few day 3 .with rela- him credit., His hores-power tread mill Kinburn. oredit, C & Rywmy'. ;, '10.94-2 membipre were'pyeteat. , Early in the pro- our Dress Materials -and their Trimmings, � I , . � 00110E the 25ch alt. It is described as an eloq�uent tives. The Rev. Mr. Lee in a cousin of Mt. ivan admired by ninny. Mr. T. T. Colo- BARN­Bu1tx,ZD,-Tbe born on the farm. of Boras & SAOES at bankrupt prices for 'the veediage of the i'vening it was reported to kindly'call and see for -yourselves. I . I . - oration, and closed with this brilliant per- James Forsythe, of this village, and like o0 inan, of the Seaforth foundry, also made a Mr. Thomas Murphy, 7th concession of next 30 days at A. Wesloh'o. Having bought the thei.President thait &.,crowd of people who . " , I tbLis il ' by fije e Aire stock of boots and shoes of Wm. Downs & Son I I I � . oration : 11 Tha crun gloir air ceann Mhaois worthy neighbor evidently enjoys life to the display,- and all the exhibits were the Hulleft, near here, was destroyed a' did not belong to the issociation, were at SHAWLS . 'we � I t, a reduced late on the dollar, we are prepared to ��� ... nach soarg as;'bithidh iomann a- mhain do full, at least, hidgilog.1rom. his Portly work of .the foundry here. -The appearance about four o'clock on. Saturday morning. sell you bfoots and shoes cheaper than ever. I would the door seeking admission) it having be- � Style M-haois the, so ach do na-h , -0ile a ghradbai- peraon.- ,On Sa asth last the Rev. gende- of the ball was much enhanced by the very The barn' contained most of this season's therefora invlte you to call and examine my stock come known that- Mr. John Cann was to I They're here by the score, some .. . . � . h, fine display of furniture from the Broadfoot o � before purchasink elocWhere. The lollowing are a ' a - . se mam occupied the pulpit of Willis Churd gether with a span of horsee, all of fewquotations: Baby's shoes for �15, 20 and 25 cents little money. I tiie.F4 I chess an Tighearns lofsatt, thug - E-feiu 'mar � - rop, to give an address on his trip to the Old ahoice .Colorings, and great . big izes for . . . . in the morning, and Union Church, Bruve. &Box furniture factory. -Messrs. Mullett w . Country. The absociattion therefore adjourn- /I side airson pheacach. Thigibb* mo-tad'a . hich were burned. There was an insurance a pair and upwards ; children's ah6es(for 80, 40 and - - iounsuidh. The sinn an- so! fad oj ar field, in the evening. The Rev. Mr. &,Jackion had*eeverar house furnaces on on both the building and contents, but we 60 cents a pair and upwards ; Girls and boys' I d, so that,all might bear Mr, Cann. Mr. � L dao- , ,shoes e . alai liaidhean, ach, 'n ar n-aon onns an theoff; :Sturrock, is a relative of Mr. Graham, kild oxhibition, and many of the 'Visitors ap- have not heard the amount. The' origin of for 50, 76 and 81 a pair and upwards; boys long T. Cameron was at once voted to the chair, FURS I � � . . � . th 'a son thuil: o'ruith 'n ar culatoau, tha very kindly took the Sabbath eveninj a4r- preciat,ed the warming they got at the one boots for 76, $1 and $1.25 a pair and upwards; Men's - No *now yet, but it's coming and sum] I rob, dedveri This enterprising the fire is unknown. � long boots for $1.50, $1.75 and 02 a pair and upwards; and lor two hours ,Mr. Cann, in his pleasant we want you to know where you can get . Ti. siun a' labbairt an aon chanion, Gu,,, vice in our chu ng a very exqeil- in which the fire was. . . 0 4 . all kinds of slippers for 26, 60 and 70bents a pair and way, interested a large and intelligent I I deonaichead-h aoigh earn% g,u'm bi sinn '.,. lent diEcourse. Both started on their hol6e- -firm also had V very nice show of stoves and Stanley. � uplVards. It -will surprise you ho* -cheap You can audience, while he pictured the scenes along supplied, when the first cold anapeorues. 11 - shom - _ - - I � ar n-aon finn,an- riond, 'n at flor bhrait! - ward journey on Tuesday, bearing pleasant stove furniture, -Mesers, Clark Brothers, bui, by callf.ig and examinitig the goods for yourself. the route, the places 'of interest which he I . . I I � . Vitb . P I FANX SOLD. -Mr. C, H, Reed has sold we are here to please and fit you and are here to -DERWEAR - . rean &nnsan ise am, braithair a's isinne. " VV � memories of Canada and Canadiaus.:-Bei , ng bakers, 'also made. a very neat display of his farm, lot 13, Bayfield Road south, Stan- stay and repair your boots and shoes for You. visited and the great men whom be had UN I I - �Ql send a copy of TH.z K�Posripii free fL. - in the store'Of Mr. A. Crozier, Seaforth" a cakes and other articles of their handy Thanking,you all for past patronagov I Invite you all seen and heard while In England. At the - Mg - 1� ley,to Mr. John Reed for the sum of $2,500, , . The best and warmest kines for Ladies I � we to call and be convinced that we mean what we ad. close of his address, which was the beat of � one year to each native b I Canadian -wh,.- few days ago we were pleased to notice t9at work. -The principal exhibitors in harness The farm contains 42 acres and adjoins' one vertise. No trouble to show goods. Butter a Misses and Children, ypg�ll likely find just I ; I )o � IT . . � - . � will correctly translate th:nabove into EnL- lie has made an attempt to supp17 ts Wng were.Mesers. John Ward, of .Seafortb, -&ad 'Mr. Reed 111*1 L the kind ever given in Farquhar, � Mr. P. - low. I .1 of Mr. John Reed's other farms. taken same as cash. Sign of the Big Boot. . - what you want -aind cheap too, . � fe!t want, by furnishing lovers o flowi,ers � Madge., the wind Imill king, favored the � I - I.n 7 lish and send us S Copy for publicktion., , , A. Smith, of Egmondville. They both had is'to'be congratulated on his purchase, an it WER011, Proprietor. 1293-3 - I f bulbs or all i Loo -AL I ITEMS. -We had a flurry of snow audience with a .aong in his usual good . . : with a ' choice selection 0 f very nice samples. -The .iron roller, given is a good farm and -it, together with his We must not forgvt to �. call your to u s . . HUNT TO SHOW MANAGERS, -There is: no planting at a very. reasonable rate. Of ehsy by Mr. T. T. Coleman'for the be t cQlleo this wee as a gentle reminder of winter.- style. Neighbori associations would do � � i other land, gives him a fine farm of over 220 �Dtanu for zau evening. attention to our very large assortment, - . I . I I more upeful animal about !lie farm than a culture, in doors or out, nothing will* no tion of grain and roots, Was won by Mr. acres. Mr. H.- , AfeTaggart, of Chiselhurst, the well to secure Mr. i well trained, intelligent dog, and the proper well repay a small outlay its ii, few.Tulips, 'John Stafford, of M cKillop. -Messrs. Lum's- GOOD HORSES. -On Saturday last Stan- well kino n and enterprising apple buyer, of Kid Gloves, Woollen Gloves, Alitts, ?., : - --- . - . - : I X . 1. . training of dogs to drive,� heid and manage Lilies, Hyacinths, and Fuscheias, as they den & Wilson adorned the tipper part of the bury- Brothers delivered to Messrs. - Charles has beenlahipping away of late a large,qu&D- Brucefteld. Woollen Hosiery, : Knitting -Yarns, . f - . � . I . � . I stock isa thing which it would be advan- bloom when most other plants are taking a I hall by, many nice samples of their wall Mason and P. McGregor, of Brucefield, an tity of fall apples and intends toon packing NoTEi.-The pulpit of Union Church was 0hildrer0s Caps, &c. , Our stock is TH' 11 tageous to 'encourage. We notice that at rest. I - . paper. --Mt. Bauslaugh had'a very nice col- exceedingly fine team of three-year-old geld- a -ad shipping the winter varieties. -Mr. very acceptably occupied last Sabbath complete in Cold Weather Goods. - � iwl� � lection,of photographs, both large and small. I . - �­ IQ,� inany of the shows in Scotland, tests of C e Q Fair, of the Methodist church of this placep morning by Rev. R. Henderson, of Ba field, - ings- which weighed 1,560 and 1,66Q respec- . � I ' Y *� i ability of dogs to handle sheep and cattle LiuIDATION SAr,E. -Circus. and Fair have - Although there was a large crowd in town t. ' occupied the pulpit of'Carmel Presbyterian . b ' RV. Mr. Leej of I passed but the, great Liquidation Sale of the big - ivelyi They were bred by the Messrs. and in the evening Y . � . are made a prominent and, interesting fea- stocks of Boots and Shoes, at:George Good's Stores, on Wednesday, there was no disoarder, most I I . . . . I . . Stanbury and were the stock of ihe well church on Sabbath morning and evening Narin, lnvern&is, Scotland, a delegate to � .. I 11 0 � '! ture of the proceedings, at� the local agricul- Seaforth and Brussels still goes on. We've had some of the people leaving quietly for their homes known stallion, Kenilworth. , , last, during the absence of the pastor, the Pan-Presbyteriau Nuecil. He also ad- 11 . I . - � ft - - � big days. We've thousands of pairs of all styles and as soon as the show was over, Ood sermons. 11 I g, tural shows. In some places there hame, sizes yet to sell. We are showing some splen'did . I preaching a couple of very g - dressed kindly words to the Christian Ea- Made UP' C othl T1 been as many as a score of competitors in values in Men's and Boys' long boots. Fresh Grocer- . 0 1 1 - 'Howick. , Mrs. Gilchrist is visiting her sister. Airs. deavor Society. We hope this will not be . . .P . different classes, while 66 pri Dge from les, Hat and Caps, Crockery and Glass . . bolt] I I izes ra. Uld be a a . ware, Fik,noy LOCAL BRIHFS.-The committee who TuE FALL -Snow.-The Howick fall ,Johns, of Wingbam.-Iffies McNaugb�tbn, of Mr � Lee's last visit. -Do not forget the Sun- We have laid in a.very'lax-ge stock- -day- three .to six pounds.,. -.each. 'This wo- Goods, all will be cleared &'Ll much reduced pribes. Varna, was here' recently visiting Mrs San f e est . , Putter and eggs taken in shipped the flowers handid in by the child- show, held' � - dsy School Convention here on Tue Y o th b 'ality of Clothing for I in Seaforth exchange for goods. Stores at Fordwich, on Saturday, wan a Cameron. -Mr. Q. C; Petty, of the firm of next. A good programme in be � I, prepared. qu � Thu - , � - very interesting and useful feature to intro for sale. Store in Brussels to redC J. ren belonging to the PresbyterhCn Sabbath grand success in every particulari the . I ' Z5 . � duce into our local ahowe liere. Show diroc- R. GREGOW, 12CO-1 school,in this town, have received acknowl- weather being all that could be desired. The Messrs. Petty Brothers, is combining busi- Let there be a good -rally of Su og ay , . INIen and Boys. Suits, Overcoats, Un- shol .1 , Liquidator. , nd School - i . . . derwear, Oaps, and such like will. -lie . I that tors are always looking for novelties; in BLACKSMITu's ARPRENTICE WAWIE,b.- edgement from the officials of Stratford, grounds were crowded with Intelligent ness with pleasure in, Manitobs.-Fire lielperc.-Mrs. Win, Kalser is visiting . . � of 11 fact if there are not so-called "attractions " Wanted immediately a strong,steady and indus�rlous Guelph and Braintford hospitals, of the safe yeomanry from the surrounding township. broke out in the residence of Mr. James friends in Stratford. �, wanted, and we wish tomodestly State alk6 now-a-da)s it is ,Very difficult too �derive young man to learn the blacksmithing busttieAp. arrival, in good condition, of the howers, The entries in all classes far surpaosed Johi3ston, of Rodgerville, �arly Friday LOCAL BwEr.s.-Mr. John 'Dunkin has what Ve believe to be a fact) that we I � . Joux A. STEWART, Seaforth, 12$5.lzl , I ,dim much revenue fro' . This � a'Y Morning last, which soon red' I- I I m gate receipts . need the build- returned from Wisconsin, after shipping a I which -we have proposed, is an 11 attraction" Stand this season in the,,very front A � wet " . . I ROOKS TO RENT. -Two good large i4oms. and desire theircordial thanks to beconveyed former year and the excellence in every in*g with its contents to ashe'' the inmates oar load of'lambs tD that place, . The ven- - which would be both interesting and uaeful. to rent in Scott's Block, Seafortb, also a larged ?!room I . P1 . I to the children and their parents, not for department-, showed clearly that the people bare y I-scapiDg with their li%�es, an the de- rank -of Clothiers. If it's a large new I I - - l � ture proved a profit&,ble one. While away � teAl I suitable for a hall. Apply to Scorr BitoTInOts, the flowers slonei but also for the beautiful in this section are determined to k�ep ,pace Uri, � -, and would also be harmless, which is a good ... � . 1295.3 text@ of scripture accompanying them. Quo with all other ae,ttions of our great Province. vouring elements had gained considerable he visited the World's Fair buildings, and stock you would like to pick from, : lft� . . dim � � deal more than can be said for .man of the ' � headwa� ore any alarm w's given. The thinks'thein large and spacious. When the - . I .y I FuR-N- ITuRE Foii BALE. -:--The undermig"ned of the matrons says : 11 There is nothing The gate receipts exceeded those of a!ny canal . "I you'll find it her e-. If it is neat fitting, ' I' ' attractions offered at shows theme times. . ,will seil by private sale the whole of her -furifiture wore acceptable in i sick room than a beau- former year by over 50 per cent. e I's fire is supposed to be the work Johns, of England, Duncaus and Donalds, - - I __r'S, I., I � . of an I cendiary.-Mr. D. Stewart, of this stylish and serviceable clothina vou - 'the . . and household effects. Can be seen at fier reallence, tifulboquet of flowers, and many a suffering - I 0 of Scotland, American Jonathans, and all - 0 . - eeting of r , -�Maln � a - e � ten THE PUBLIC SCHOOL. -At a m two doors south ol Ament'8 coopershop' north plaoe, t is year raised 130 bushels of onions other nations of the world re w 11 . . � er street. M1,48J. RICHARDS one is' helped and cheered thereby." -The I are after, our's is the place,'for we . u c so 01 �1 , W cc re Thi th b1i hool board hold on Friday even. , N. 12iftl Zurich. I on less than three quarters of an acre of .. sented the I manse - building�, will not foo� keep the best of everything, Call and I - a Woman's Christian Temperance Union will Bwmes. -Our village ban secured a good - I I Ing ant the teachers' monthly reports showed ! As Dr. McFaul intends leaving towli and meet in the YOUDg Men"s Christian- Associa- photographer, Mr. J. land. a onions are worth a,bout 80 cents so large as they do at present. -On Sab. examine our stock, it will pay you in . � thst in some of the departments the attend- Jw1ll in the future practise In Toronto the roomi latel . 1hippen, and per b she], Mr. Stewart's crop� should I I . � . ilyoccupted byhim willbeto rent. The rooi�sar4 tion rooms next Wednesday afternoon at bathevening the and intelligence came to I " I '014 ance of children has been very irregular dur- inicely fitted up, the ceilings and walls having. beed 4,30 p.m. ,A full attendance of the fnem. everybody can now get their photon taken realize im, over $100. This pays better us of the death of Rev. Mr. Needham's many ways. \ . I aini. Ing the past month, This is somothiDg the ,nowly papered, and are suitable for tailors or g,enqral and send them to their friends. His studio than fal I wheat.. childi We - extend our sympatby to the � 1 130 . I perents should attend to, as they can not !business offices. Terms reasonable. Call and hiepect bersand any others who are interested in ic over Well's furniture store. -Mr. F. W. I . 'them. Apply to MRS. CADY on the premiW ,o the work is requested. -The annual harvest I orely bin',.a.wed parents. -Alre. Hugh b4c- - 41 - ,U -1 their children to progress with their � I Hens, our telegraph operator has been think- 11 MCKRIO - r,:�Ii�� n regor, . n -Ella, have Edward . McFaul, posite, the Commercial hotel, Seaforth. 105-tr Thanksgiving service in connection with St. P - G d daughter, Miss � - . I ' ' - = unless they keep them regularly at � PvEmEbimp. John Landaborouabs Ati ing this while back *hat would be the best IIA1141 OLD. -The Thompson Morrison returne fr m vibitin odor. . I Z, . a � _11tere are a Sa',e on Tuesday next in Tuckersmith.' iargaiha will morning next, at 1 I., o'clock. The o rM n t� th concession of MaKill ich.-Mr. Win. Cudmore shipped two cir _. . btio� Thomas church will be held on Sund y to d9 and came to the conclusion he 9 ,g relatives In G Oil � school. It is also-.euapeoted that t - ffsrto� , 'o a SEAFORTH. � it' I I - - good many children in town who are not at- be going as he is bound to sell out everything.' ,'Jou�( for the day - will be devoted to the repairs would take to himself a better half, conee* few lo�s east of Winthrop, hat been soll't; loads of pressed hay from thi tation last — . - — - - - ___ --m i 11 tending school as the law directs. It would :LANDSHOR013011. 1�95-1 . quently he and Miss Allen, of Blake, joined , r. J hn Morrison, a neighbor, for $4,000. week.­rThe apple crop in 8 8 - h I I now going on in the interior of, the church. this vicinity, is where he has purchased the store formerl .1 I . y I be well for the truant officers to look these HoATIVNIADE Boots in French Kip,_ V il -The annual meeting of the Lay Workers' -11 Cox . L I I .1 � 6 hands in the holy bonds of matrimony Wed- it, n sius 100 acres, and is, -an excellent a large one. A number of �car loads have run by Mr. -White, of that place, 3 r � . __ nesda � I . Me . � . up and seo that the very reasonable require- " Kip, and Canadian Kip; Heavy soles, three 41dt - y. They took a honeymoon trip to Fair- farm, nd it Is cheap at this price. already been shipp'ed to Montreal. The Cool has the ability and experience neces. I I 1A bd' Association of the Diocese of Huron will be grove, Miohignn. We Wish them - mcnts of the law in this respect are compli- . and in half sives. Now Is the time to get yoOr KJI held'in Stratford on Tuesday and Wednea- all the; A D sERYED TUIBUTE.'-Oli the Mh of pride's range from $1 -to $1.25 for fall fruit. sary to mak-e�a success of his- business d . . - Boots and Shoes, also large stock -of all kindej Men'o, - an 01 , � For the lost month the number of Women's Girls' and Children's, Shoes, Rubbqks, &0, day next. His Lordship, the Bishop of ;M r.- Septa her rather a pleasant change- from --We learn that Mrs. J'osepli Aikenbead, we are sure be will do well in Harrington. � d with. ' H 0�liments and a happy life togethe' - .1 � . scholars enriolled was 493 whereas the aver- uron Henry Flei'schauer ,has returned home tile . . � ) A liberal disco'unt for cash. ]�. MCUTTRZ, Opposite , w .is us al routhwof school work took. place of Manitoba, formerly of this place, Ili slow- He has the. beat wishes of the people. His . ill preside and interesting discus- from her via' * t * erne,. Afichig In See ion No.' 9, McKillop. Mr. -J,, G. Me-, ly recovering from a severe illness. � I ! age attendance was only 402, a difference of E. McFaul's Store, Seaforth. � 1295 iting rip to -B an. - i , siona will take place -in connection with the -Mrs. has engaged Mr. John Wantemis to Ansist B I ' 91, which is entirely too large, The follow- LiTERARY - Mr. Michael Karcher has returned bOm0 Leod who has taught- very successfully in Peter McTavish is at present visiting friends 'him' as clerk and he could not have made a I � In , . I . . 0 SOCIETY. 'A meeting will be work of lay he) p in the church. -Miss Mate from his visiting trip to Elkton, Sebewaing, Leod, . is, the average attendance in the several held In the elass room of the Mechanics' lnittl6te, on . Tuesday neilt, October 11, it 8 o'clock p. in Lyon, daughter of Mr. John Lyon, of th, that a ction for the past three years, decid- in Detroit. We wiah her a pleasant visit better choice. -On Friday lset a very- I � . ing . 11 Michigan. He likeg the country'well.7ReV­ ed to nit the noble profession with a view and a safe return home. � pleasant time- . departments: Mr. McFaul's, 40 ; Miss A. r .0 for the - I V . I I pu pose of forming a Literary Society in confiectlob town, lime returned from Chicago, where she G. F. Hoist held his annual ' .. . -�] ! --Cowan, 46 ; Mins K. Cowan, 51 ; Mies El- W, . was, spent by severflil of b .. J, th the Institute, to be called "The Mebbanfes' has been visiting relatives for a number of MissIOD617 to ent ring the'Medical College in Detroit, 0 — young people from- the 2nd concession I der, 42;: Miss Ki'lloran, 40,; Miss A. Wat- institute Literary Society." All tho i t .ted or meeting last Sunday forenoon. The pro- Michi an, , � f, � �, who,are willing io take �art in � ly In- , R.' Mercer, who has Consequently, on Friday af ter- Varna. Varna at Bayfield. Although no late in 0; , a Isabella Vited to attend, . . Z) L on any of the parents deemed it expedi- � . son, 46 - Mrs. Campbell, 45 ; Miss i t # A're' nelper � I , - ceed8 were good and the coiagregation was .no ;�,7e� �� W.,w. 3-footty, secretary, M hanics' been.,spending the summer in the old large. i out an all, that could be J , 46; Mrs. Coulter. 46. The attend- � 296-1� country visiting relatives,'returned home on . ent to visit the ast adieu desired. The picnickers heartily enjoyed Watson, 15", I on , FiRE.-Oa ,'Sanday morning last at, ab, season 'the weather w ; In8titute. i it to sc iool and bid a I ' half past nine our citizens were startled by � anUe wits Most irregular in'the rooms of the I i .i . I . .. - I I 0 P Monday last.-7The excavation of the cellar to the r much reept,eted teacher, For the the cry of " Fire." It waisoon ascertained various ways usually I - : I- . � inter- I . Nissan Cowan and Miss Elder, MILLINBRY Ot,E-�iINGS._The oustomaiy for Strong Brothers' new brick block is now , that Mr. Morrowom store was on fire. Wben I I -.--- — Morris. enter ainment of the visitors a -very adopted at a picnic ana returned home � . annual millinery displays marking-th6 open- com, leted- and --the. masons are beginning ITE,ms.-Mr. D. McCallum, of the Sth eating programmN consisting of readings, first seen the amoke was burntfiig ,out. more than satisfied With- the day's enjoy- � 111 h ment.-A series of special services are b ' I I JUBILEE AND SUXER WEDDING. -A very Ing of the fall season were given 6y o6r wor? on the foundation, Lumber and line, disposed of 15 two-year-old steers to recita ious-and mmsia-vocal and i]38tru- t rough the roof and siding. In a few � sing �; . interesting and pleasant event took place on merchants, Nlessra..Iloffman, MeFafilll atid brick in being hauled to the ground. -Dr. Mr. Bawtinheimmer, of Ethel, receiving . ment I was rendered. by tbe pupils, at the minutes about one hundred people had held this. week in the English church, I . - I Monday evening, 3rd inst. at the residence - - . 7 Pickakd on Friday and Saturday last;' Tlie McFaul, who has been practising here for therefor the snug sum of $605. -Mr. Duncan close �f_which a neatly worded a ddress, ex- gathered together to aid in extiiiguishiii he Goshen line, Revs. Newton.and Kerwin tak- I - I . I . I . of Rev. William Graham$ Clifton cottage, weather was all that could be desired for some time, intends going to Toronto, where McArthur, of this locality, was visitinc, presail�e of the good will of his many well- flames, Pails and, axes were secured angdtin Ing charge. They are earnest Christian . � q � . J `Egmondville. That date being the twenty- such an occasion and the ]adieu were 1but in he will engage in the practice of his profes- friends in the township of Lobo, Middleaeox . wishet's, w4 9 .read on their behalf by _Mias a very short tinte holes were cut in the roof I � ; 1, . . workers and we are sure their labors will be � . I fifth akunivoreary of the marriage of Rev. Iarge numbers taking perspective ald 1*0- tion. -Mr. and Mrs. John MoMillan're. county,16st week. _Mr Joshua Cook, who Hattip Sibbons, and a very handsome jold- and plaster and two streams of water were bleat, - . "I - I , ' . I . � . 11 Mr. and Mrs. Graham and this being the spective views of the. many elegant f things n1rued from their trip to the Northwest is packing -appl6a in lihis township, spent headed cane atid a pencil were presented by continually . I I '�11 . I . I pouring on the fire., Men:* - I .; i service in the ministry, th . I Ian has promised to I tit Sunday at his home near Clinton. -Mr. Mr. James Cimeron. Mr. McLeod then women ana children atrenuously fought the .i I � 1two events ware, winter wear. From - long experiq'hce in givehis impressionsof that great country- Win. Carter sold the Coleinan farm last made a very feeling and appropriate reply, fire for over an hour, when it was got under - BRIErs -In giving the names of some of . I fiftieth yet5r of the rev( end gentleman's our merchants have provided for fill. and last week. Mr. McMil a F . . . 'j; I - Leadbury. . � " , .�� celebrated by the entertainment at tea of catering to, the wants and tastes of tois com- in a series of letters in THE, EXPOSITOR, week to his brother,'Albert Carter, of the (luring which it was quite evident to all control, A great deal of the goods were those who attended the Toronto Exhibition, - I - grea - . - , V quit& a number a the neig�hbors and other munity, our dry gooda merchants arefable to which, we are sure, will be read with.' t Sth line. `Ihis farm contains 50 acres, and present that the stroDgest bonds of SY111- destroyed by the,xater, the dry goods es- as announced in the Exi,osiT F. week, ­ friends -from a distance.i The Rev. Mr. , o, last I',- select and offer to their castomei-9 such interest. -Mr. George Hammill, a graduate J9, composed of part of lot 29, on the 9bh con- pathy and love bwl existed between t pecially. Th6y had been carried out, as it Mr. Simpson should read Mrs. Simpgon, I . �-, � . excher �_ . Sturrook-, fror� Edinbur­h�:, Scotland, a del- styles and classes 'of goods an arb most- of Seaforth Collegiate Institute, 4has 'been cession. Mir. Carter received $2,000 for the and pupils during his labor among them,and was thought at one time that the building the lady - referred to, being wife of Mr. � �!_'. C� , J J, egakte to the Pan' -Presbyterian Council, i I I -- suitable to the place,the season and flie good- appointed mathematical master in Qolling- place, and, as there are no buildings except everyone seemod grieved at losing so true A , could not. be saved. The lose is estimated - Thomas Simpson, of the 10th line. -The � . 1- I , �, . and a relative of the -family, being present judgment and discernment of the eople. wood Collegiate Institute. -Mrs. William a log houge on the farm, it is considered w0l frien( and faIthful teacher.' Nor did th . - I I I � 0 le at $1,000, fully coveied by insurance, farmers and their boys and girl's are busy' . 11 - I ­ on a visit, added much to the inter- They each display large and varied 8 ocks of Copp, of Goderich street, fell down the cel- sold. Mr. Carter talks of going to Mani- day's proceedings end here.,� Mr. Cameron, OBITUARY.-. Death has claimed another of pulling mangolds and taking potato - I I i� X. e4t of the evening. After tea Rev. Mr.- everythirg in their line, but the M -A tle 4nd � up I ex.: . , , I i - lar stairs a few days ago and inj�rqd herself toba next spring. one o the trustees, invited, the young peo- Huron's pioneers,' in the person of Mr. The former is a good crop, bu atter is - I , , , . . � - especi- considerably, but is now recovering.- - pie t spend a social evening at his house, Geor e Laing, veho died in Lynn county, somewhat light. There are some good- . I I Graham entertained the 'company by reading millinery departments are this s6asoo t the I i I a paper narrating the Principal events of ally worthy of notice. The lady whoi cannot - . 9 v - Master Albert Robertson, son of' Mr. M. Exeter. . wher no paina were spared by himself and Miss . . . � - ��l his pastorate for the past fifty years, first be fully fkuited i!nd ea-tisiled out of the piles ,.Lblessrig. Biseett Broe. who have ouri, on the 9th of September. The patches, however, Mr. Win. Smith, of the.' � ; - Robertson, has gone to Buffalo, where he - BRIEF lis orthy pirtner in providing amusement deceased enjoyed exceptional g9ad health up Leadbury line, having taken upwards of I �� I _J__ ` ia the old country and afterwards at Galt, of handsome mwatles and jackets to be fofind has taken a situation as book'keepqr with carried on, theHardware and Tinwa ulli- I * and it was quite apparent, " I for t eir guests, to a short- time before his death, although he 150 bushels off less than 8, half acre,_A.1r, kk . ­ Egmondville, etc. Dr. Campbell gave a in the Seaforth shops, must indeed,' be ex- his',pnele.-Mr. George Wh ' . er of yeara in this � place from the merry way in which the lively , � 11 - � -1 itely, has gone mesa for a numb I I Joseph C. Kenny finished harvesting on- .. I 11 sbort address, giving his impressions of tremely pernickety, and it is dcubtf�l if she on a trip to Manitoba and the Northwest.- made an, assignment on Friday last for the con' any tripped the light f,antastic, that He was born in *Dundee, Scotland, and Saturday. Friend Joe is a -bachelor has I i,--- . had reached the ripe old age of 83 years. . . . � � " Ei Anburf,,h and its preachers. Rev. Mr. can be pleased anywhere. Fur tjimnling Mr. Jamps Berry, of Tuckersmith� bRe par. benefit of their creditors, and a meeting of all e joyed themselves exceedihgly well. came to this country with his wife -and fam- lots of money, and ,just farms for the ' I : , �' �-' - � , I . - I .1 11 Sturrock' being called upon, gave a short is much in vogue for jackets' and the three- chased another splendid carriage stallion. the creditors will be held,at London on the # ;. . ily when about thirty years of age, and met. it. -In regard to the Gode fun of I ;I -pleasure he had in quarter length prevails. Some o t em are rich allfair, made � I ,; . addre,ts expressing the i I ; I . - I I being present and made some _' very com- elegantly braided, some plain. � He was got from Golding, Illinois. He is 10th of this mouth. -Mr. Richard Manning, : Brussels. I � tled on a farm wbere Varna now standg. mention of in the Ex'posiToR last week, our I � t . F Z Bthbk is the four years old and weighs 1,300 pounds, the old established life Insurance agent is FLE CROP. -The farmers are busy He was tax cd1lector. for the township of learned friendo the Editor, appears to take I � 31imentary remarks about , I I . . I . _-Canada and the prevailing color, but - we noticedi some in I 1. - ting the apple crop, it' being one of Stauley,and was considered one of the best iesue'with our remarks, Both he and all � - Cai-adians, so far as he hao� come in contact brown, ndvy and grey. There. i4 � a lkrge produce the stock that the market now do. Mr. George Heaman, contractor, will have tbe 1�rgest and beat ever grown in thin vi- educated, Xen then in this part of the intelligent men, who take any interest in I � and is just the kind of animal required to at present seriously ill at his residence.- harv�s . . � . with them., The evenini's entertainment stock of trimmed millinery in eal of -the Mande.-' The first snow of -the season put in the brickwork of Charles Snell'sline resi- ci t , and the packers and shippers are country, and his advice was always sought politics, know full well that when anything ' .. I was interspersed with musfe and recit%tions three show. rooms. Mies Smitbi no�v in an appearance on Wednesday morning.- dence on Andrew Street completed this bini moving it. Every day Is like a fair for by his many frieiide when- in trouble. He of the nature of scandal or any wrong doing i I T and quite. an enjoyable time was spent. as, , - 1- I charge at Hoffman & Colo., hap thiii depart- Messrs. Scott Brothers have purchaied from -week. -Mr. George Weir and wife, formerly day t our station, loading, boarding and was the'firet sedretary'of � the Stanl be omei attached to any of the promine t' 3: e - . The, worthy couple were presented witli an ment fully up to the standard Aiher p're- ey Agri- c ut " g spea position men of either party, the opposition party ,�". I . 1_�_ address of congratulation and were the re.- deceaeurs, showing neatness, viriety,,and Robert Scott, Scott's block and the grain visiting relatives here the past week. -The qsntliapil ty of fruit grown in this I ocality, They until, he left for Missouri about twenty-four lose sight of the moral and social aspect Of I - 1; �­ . � the executors of the estate of the late of this place, but now of Ridgetown, were bi i The buyers well of the cultural Society, and occupied that ,%Z . � * I - - I . . cipients of not a few souvenirs as men!ientos good taste. Mr.. E. MoFaul'm inillii:iery storehouse' at the station, and Mr. John Annual Sabbath School Anniversary of the an hat this year� it is th best quality years ago, where he had been- farming until the- . � . . ill A� of the occasion, among them being, a fine rooms never showed to better ,%Ava�iage ly .case, and assail the accueect without � That than this season where everythid M e James Street Sabbath School, will be held gro n in Ontario. The fall Y a few years . . . � walnut clock from the neighbors. Scott his purchas id the -two hundred acre ruit is nearl ago, When he retired to enjoy mercy-, not knowing or caring very much I _f, under farm at Roxboro. -Mr. Robert Scott, of on Sunday and Monday next, The ­Rev. all a ipped, and buyers will then be at the his old age in peace and plenty. whether the charge is based on slander or . . ��' Rev,. bit. and Airs. Grabam. may live to Miss Stobie's supervision shows .skj 1, deft- Paisley, was in town on Sunday. -All o John Holmes, of Parkhill, ana Rev. J. S. win er 1ruit, which in even More plentiful BRIErs.-Mr. Henry Diehl,of Hyde Park, otherwise. The emphatic denial or tender- - �: �� , 11 , �� - - 1. . I or �il. calebrate the anniversary of their golden ness and familiar knowledge in tho Inystpries townspeople should bear in mind the enter- H�uderson, of Hensall, will conduct the and or which a higher price will be paid. � occupied the pulpit of St. John'z Church, on ed oympLthy of political friends is but poor - 'i wei'ding is the fervent wish of their large 11 .- � of popular millinery. We were 'plossea to tainment' under the auspices of the Fire Sundry services, and the resident Ministers One buyer places the number of barrels of Sabbath last. As is an old V4_ua boy, solace in such cases, while the . same word�,u . — , th - .� - circle of friends and well wishers. ' find Miss McLaughlin back 4giin at the Brigade this eveniniz, when Conductor will oc�uduct la Tea meeting service which hi d, from Huron county at over and the village has resson: to be'i)roud of spoken.by political opponents- come With I ' del app es a ippe � . . . - - head of Mr. Pipkard's millinery do�artrilent. Snider will iver his -celebrated lecture takes place on Monday next. Tes. will i be 2DO, , which means nearly $300,000 paid him. Although a very young mmn he de- much gr6ster f6rce, hence our remark from . � � FAREWELL 80�,Ar,.-On J�Iednsmday even- Miss McLaughlin bas always bee4 4 favorite and Mrs. Stickle and Mr. G W. Cline served from, 5 to 8 p. m. -Special Services ont or apples alone, as well a a large sum- livers a sermon with the ease and eloquence a Conservative standpoint. I , I �. . ing laet the Christian Eade&vor Society of with Mr. Pickard's customere,sad i4aeived- will delight the audience witehomrtaicsl selec, 0 the PrF-ebyterian Church in this town held ly so. She has prepared for thom�' a , I large tions. T h . will - commence in the James Street Church for labor etc. Apple growing pays, and of a' grest many older men, The church . I wot _­*__ I - e entertainment will be an inter- on Tuesday next. -Mr. and Mrs. James Bis. Id pay better if farmere� I was crowded to the doorm.-Mr. and Mrs. -Mr. James Sanderson, brakeman on the # a social in the church, to give the members and excellent stock to select fromil and out eating and i8stru the Firemen sett, or,, with family,of this place, -celebrated as attention to the orcha�da that they Johnston are visiting friends in Kincardine Grand Trunk Railway, wat killed at Mill- . � ctive one and am I of the congregation an opportunity to bid of which all ages, sizes and ,b6ibplexiOns are expecting a full house and they should the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage on do he other branches of fsrini�g, � this. week. -A very pie" . ant event took bank about eght o'clock on z Saturday night, - 1. - 1. . - f - I farewell to Mr. James Wilson, B. A., who may be hatted, bonnetted and h6dded 1with not - be - disappointed. -Mrs. - Sara Lord Monday last - Lby having a family reunion B isirs,-The fallshow on 'T ce c I . 5 rtigh o! 11 h . . . has labored here during the past six month elegance and comfort. The lursday and pl� at the residence of Mr. Andrew Stin. 24th u!t, , was with a spe ial freight I ­ � t e Bailey, the celebrated elocutionist', is to be and getting their photographs taken. The rri ay, this 'week, promises tolbe a success, eqn, on Wednesday, 21 t ult:, is .5 n � � - as Rev. Dr. McDonald's -assistant, The little bonnet is not yet past. In the present here on Wednesday evenin next. a being the�; from P liner to , and was detaoil'ed to Rag r V, . first part of the programme was carried out 'era of faafhion bonnets are not She will family group consists of father, mother, four - r. Thomas Farrow has let! the contract marriage of his daughter, Miss � . ,�_ 64nstriieted likely have &'full house . Mellisea, to the 7.25 express going north at Millbank, . � ` in the body of the church. ;I ' . is an elocutionist sons and four daughters, all grown up and. off ekeavating the collar and foundation for Mr. J. McCallum, of port Elgi 2 ! I I - � Dr. McDonald with a special view to comfort dp. a da th D. The core. He went,down the track some -distance, and , I � I y I oceDpied the ,chair. she has few equals. -Mr. John Alrd, of the married, with families. The heights of the t e In office to Mr. Alfred Lowry,who niony was performed by Rev, Mr. Newton. it is supposed that in an attempt to ard ­ I Music was furnished when the mercury is flirting do*i towards Bank of Commerce, Toronto, was in town entire family only varied one and one' half I ow bo Z I _� a . 1. , b f ; I I � s ��, by the 6h,oir iktid a quartette was rendered the lower end of the tube. Th6J are &I. tbis week. --A meeting for the organization inches. We trust thatiall will be spared to 3y b�vlitng the work dope. -Mr, Wni. We wish the Young couple long life and the express for a ride down to the station .to . .1 , 4 - I . . .. h�,Fo,wn, ,,af Morris, bad a horse stolen out of happiness. -Mr. J. E. Johnston, me-ft,,hant, re*om' his own train, he bell under the - . � by Misses J. Scott and C. Davidson and ways designed, however, to be woin o� the of a literary soeiety in connection with the enjoy 'many such pleasant and h!ppy,� row Is sat e field one night laat week. Con- of Chatham, formerly of Varna ya us& w I 2 .ur .L. _. Messrs H. Campbell and W. Beattie, and head, and when fresh from the skilful hands . . pa Cele and wall instantly killed. His legg r; ,; � . Mechanics' Inatittite will be hold in the In- waions.-Mrs. IVm. Waste tt, of Henoall, at% Is Broadfoot in on the look -out Jor it.- flying visit on Wednesday Mrs.' John- were completely severed from his body at . �� readings were given by Mr. H. J. Crawford of any of our Seaforth millinersi 6 one can stitute rooms on. Tuesday evening next at paid Exeter a flying visit onoe day last week. Th voters'list court of revision for Brussels' ston who has spent the summer with bar r , I - ' last, � - i ;; I i, * Y I . . I I - on behalf of the "beauties," anyway. in& me, on Y and should be actively aided by all. -Mr. Fair, at Seaforth, on Tuesday and Weduea- Oc ober 12th, at nine o'clock a. m. -Grain Cooke, to I - Chrh,tiau Endeavor Society, read an ad. used in their construction are t,ibrets, silks, of this village, en red his two-year- Railway for roe years . The move in a commendable one -Mr. Frank Hunt took in the South Huron wil be held by His Honor, Judge To mother here. returned with him, --Mr, Wilson had been 1 the employ of the Graind Trunk I t ,and Mrs. Kirkman, During this part of the truthfully a& -but that they ikte " little 8 o'clock. 2 the thighs, and his head badly smashed. He " ; Programme Miss Tuffori, The teti*ls chieff D . 4� 4 - John Livingstone, of this town, was a day last. -The Royal Templars 'will move is P 4 el, drean to Mr. Wilson, expressing in kindly 'ribbons, feathers, flowers, jeti g �,=d fancy I _ - about th and lived .� : m,;� t :ghining to move up, but farmers are not old colt at the London Fair, and succeeded for a time in Stratford. lie was removed L , : � competitor for the gold bar offered by the into Wood brothers new ball on: November ea fled with the -prices this! year, they in . . d__ anti feeling terms, their appreciation of his pins in profusion. Velvet flower curing second * I �� services during his stay here,and Miss Elder ribbons, both wide and narro f and satin Century club, of Toronto, to every wheel@. lot next. -Messrs. Bawden brotherm, pon- bei g very low, Be '. prize. - Mr. Cooke feels from here some montbe ago to Palmerston. - �� �, . . yet they ato an high if not d Of his colt, as some of the befit stock The deceased was the sole support of a wid- . - : . I .�­ I I . ured the contract of !the eig prou p - �1 - - puree. Mr. Wilson replied to this in� a few are all 0 ; � ppag ; ... I anitable remarks and well f one'color, two 0614rutib or . 0 as bee Insu; . �, . -filled able features. Also that few b6ii ior bonnets hours, including sto- es. Mr. Li sitill '�' Ids the reputation of Robert MoCoo who h n . ,r, a. cripple. He had just hm4 her removed � pretented Mr. Wilson with a well w), 'ars 60tI00- man who will ride one hundred miles in 16 tractors, have me#'. big er than the n ­ hboring markets. Brno- in Canada was shown against him Mr - . brickwork for a fine brick residence for 'Mr. sal ban and - 1, Qwedr mother, who ban been for many years 1. I stone started from Seafortb an the William DearinkJr., on the 2nd Concession bei the beat market in the county. -Mr. Mr. Morrow's store for a number of years, . - W lobee for the harmonizing colors, and sometiiiies t9r Z1 . ie -1 - ; � � I f, 00s ult., -&kid rods to the Tecumseh house, Lon. of Stephen. essre. Davidson brothers M or, the apple 6 I from their old home In Fargas P r- i . � I : 01 I . I . v�aporator I . - I � � , I .� I i I I � .. � I t � m*n, is doing I left on Monday morning for ffarriigto!, I ston about two nwnthe *go. ,,to Aim$ . . . . I t . I . . I � I !�`�, � . ! , I , : 1 , f � - - . I . � I . - I I � ­ .- � I . I � . , , -.1 ­____ � __-­ : - � I r � F . I I 'n , V, a 11 I Mr1_ *8 , T --all , 0 - le all I a t t Inc "e " 'I ry I lilt We r it" re, OL u 0, 0A � I I ) .. e I - - I � . ; - - � � . II , I . � - 4 '-�- __ . f. ­ I I - �', ­ . 11 - - __ - _ __.__J;.-- ". -I � , � ­­­­ .. . I %.- - ;­ I , , - - .- - . I - � � , , - _�,, _ �� _�, - � I— - i I —1--41- - - 4k_�­­_�_ - ­... Ili .��_­_ - -1-1 :- I I I � I Z -, __ _ _-�--­� - —` ­ -V _­ " , - , 11 _. - � ,_ - . I � I � - . - I � , . " A J, , 1, , -1 �. 1. N11, . - I- � --- _,_�­ -1_ _­_­__t��­ __---__. ­.­ - , . t , � � ?� - f � - . A - � I - ,­ - ­ ,- - � 1. - . �� V ­ .1 . . I 4 - i._ - - . I � , . I I .. #� I . . . . . I ­ . - -, - I I I - . I V �k �. i - . I I � I . . . ; . . . . . � f._� I . . I I , .1 % I , I . . - . I - . � i. 1, . . 4 . � - . - . I v �. . I I � � I - I . I I � - . . . I-! i � 0 � - - !� . I I I I 11 � �i . . I � . I - , �. 1. . : I � I If, , � - � . . . . - �_, I �- . ; - . ; -�, - I I � I - . I I . i - I I � � I - i i . . . i I . � - . . � - � . I i . . I I - I - _. I . I � I I , � . . i ,--t I .1 . I . - - I .1 i � 3 , I . ­._­_­11..QW1111611;W� I ­ ­ __ I � I_ - _._ . . . - I . .. . I ­ __ _111., --".--.--,.-,�.--..-�,-�"-z�--!---,-------!��- -1 �_____ ___ - - -1.1-