HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-09-16, Page 4I . * N / , I s ,-�'.!V, - -_ I 1441FIFIRM00100010 —_ - . .., - --- , _4L;__. - � - - -- � I . � � I . . I I . ­ � . - I Z I " I � . � q, , I . ��­'- i � '­­ . - , I - � .. I ,�, , - � , 1, - !­ " - I . . I � - I - . I , . A . - I . � � . . . , . - � � , � , , 1, ,--, - - . .� , . . - - .- ­ . . I � - � � ­ I I . - . I ,� , . " . I � I ___ - - , i � I � I . . . I ­ I � -- ,- -, � I I ­ I - - � . � , , :_­7� ­� � " I - . . . � -.11-11 . � � I � . . I , , : .. . . � . � . . � � - -�� . - I _ . I . � I I 1� ` ­ - . - . � 'm kii�._­ � " - - � � - I I � I . - .11 - -1 - ­ 11 - . - 1.0-1- I — ,; ­ A7 �', �,_� I _1 - - I- . � 1. . . I . NMR, _L__Akh*ft" , - - ­ .1� - - �A � - IF'. I W09wilam"l- - �� . __ . 11 - - - mugmhe-4--d� ", � ..­ - : : i� " ,� �, . -_ - - -_ � . _i_ I - .1 � �­ I 1�71 -.- � , I �_� - - . . . � � W I [01 I F _��: �J_,._ - I '' - -1 1. � ��­,�.-, _` �'. -- I . I - , ­_,��., 1- 1� . , I , - I - I . I 1. 1� I . . .- . . I . I 90=91INNESSIMMU - , - - � ... " ,,� - - - � , ­:_- - �- , " � --,, � ---' I I I . I 11 ; - P -MV ,� I -1 , �., ­ , ,� - �', 't - , �. , - � "� - ­ . _. I . I ''I I �, '.., I'll, 1-1. .. - - "-I,, . _- I ­­ - __ .L � I . ______ ___ - __ � � �i ­_ 7 _`T'x� , 4_. � - I � I . - �­ - - , , ".. � - - -_ - -�04woo",-_ 004� wm � � � - 0 _____�C_ - __�_ I � .Z i , � INNIZZIRM -,---- I - p- _111M., W,V_Y1_�i14__1 ­t-'� �­_�' W - r : �,� . . . . . I ­.- - - � �� - .1-1 I _��� - ._ o 0 i - I .1 I I I. , , , - __ _._______ --- ,� - . . � I � - , 7. � — - . � . - � - � . - " , - - '17 —T�'7_�,­ - - �,,� ,1�, - � I - I I ­ I � I ,��: 7 1.1 , _,6�, , ".­­ ­9_al - . - I � -T _�%_ �, - I I t - . �� . 0� AN - .�W­ — ,�I.jl­ � I � ,­ -111 , ,' -7- .11,1� �� _:� - , _,� . 4 . . � � � . . 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I _­ � 3 4 � . � .1 �� - . . � . . ­ . � - - i I I . � "I I I I - I . I ". '­ . .- I i I I . 1. . . - 1-� I I I - - ;" . I . I - I . I , � I , - . . E � . . I � . � , I . I . . � : I . . - , I , � , � �, . - 1Z - I I � � il �i ., . .. � - . � 41 � I . . I ..... ...... . I . I - . I . �. ; �. . - . � I 1. 1892 � ' , 1 I i il .1 Q . I I I . !"" - TOR, I I � � 4 " .. !�, t.� , � . I � . T .1 I . . 1. 1- __ - I --- = - I __ - - — .9 — . I . � __ ­ ''I — I ; _. . I - — � - - - I ;I . � io . . ­ . , I - I . , A p F .. - I M 1, J - . membered , express on the Fitchburg railroad at West search was begun for the missigg man I NEW ADVERTISEMENT.S. with. 041 W�wg continuously, and this iw,- nition�bv his election to the vice-pred ency prefer to,hnve somebody else then the nom nary degree, but when it is re - . b ' !� F, �� - � e, Id boAchusette, 11 Saturday assistance of Chief Bullard, of Wingh'am I I "' . �� pro*od gk*in kod ogain, -until now there are of the Perth blutual IusurftR6 Compai4 � inee of a Roman Citholic bishop to settle that during. 1891 the famousAor infamous as Cambridl a I) � I I ,secured. Enquiries were then made I " Aff The 01gure between thi parenthesis after each I I I and the British Mor,tgRge & Loan Con -, Uestions now peoding as to whether the some prefer to call It) M KI ley Bill has night, be,crash was terrible and much being directiome, but of o Une denotes the page of the paper on whloh tho maq,hineo *hL%t print in eight colors at tf e pauy, of Stratford, and to the directorate c f � Woman Catholics will have separate soh4als been on trial and that t'h'is rLe';ornt urportu to destrliotion of property resulted. in all � advertisement will be fou�d. . H .7 � . . TrunIC Railway wires were then � . I 06. - 6'af , I , otario Mutual Life Insurance Con, -1 in opp9sitibir to the law and constitution of L -partizan -and thorough y reliable MARRIED 73Y A WomAw. —Miso Kate Pier, Grand - What About FAU gufts--JA400n Bros. (6) rat � ., copiem an hour, deliverini tl.e � the O' . be a non t court commissioner of Milwaukee, married brought into use, and on a message being , 4 PeNctl folded. But, meanwhile tl� I I Manitoba apd, against - the wishes of -the test of Its workings in the foremost State of � Ham PaInny, �of Berlin. , I I I - Auction Sale of Stock flteerv�Jas. Snell.. (5) � . I &noon of sent to Ethel to Conductor D, McCallum) 9 of � t. iner of light maystruggle Jacob Youdall and Adelpens H � k. (� 847 deceased 'married Miss Mar y� Feople of that Province. This,at all events, the Union, a glim � . Teacher Wanted -Alex. Ker ,)) work bt ng the type bas gone on b; I Chicago a few days ago. They were the whose train leaves Wingham at 8.30 p...nl,l I Wanted -Thomas Govenlock. ( .1 Moore', of Blenheim, Oxford County, wl� , I what thei people are saying and there is into the, p,jzzled brain of the stranger, Of Information -Duncan & Dunoaq. (6) hand a s�, I arr ed by a women in a person answering the description given ��t Rill does, practically, all ovfr first couple to be in .i . ' �i gurviveR him. Their five children, four sons certainly something holding Sir John course the Democratic press straightway set . Now Read.y-Jackson Brov. (1) � ' � I was found stealing a ride on a flat car at � . the,'world'i ' So absolutely devoid has th-19' an d a ', d- . ' Thompson back from seizing the prize with- about pick d Milwaukee.* � . aughter, are ale Ing faults in the statistics an . F;ewing SlIko-Hoffman & Co., (5) -1. f - � i � 0 all living, - IRD PRF.AoHEks.-Dwighj L. that point. The wily conductor invit.ed � - I , For Sale --G. X. Matheson. (0 deli. I trheiii i eon "of progress: thikt the v I HIS POLITICAL CAREER, I I in his grasp. He ban only to say the word throwing slurs at the ability and integrity DISTINGUISI Li 8 o 1 . Teacher Wanted -Alex. Foster. (5) ­ . . ory � r, and equally as a matter Moody, the evangelist, delivered his fare. him into the caboose, and when t wel . I Farm for SAlo--Wm. Grinn% . san4� cA46:44 type in used as wvaq deviEed In 1867 Mr. Trow was elected in the Rr.1 and he could be Premier to -morrow. What of their compile - on 7riday. The was reached a constable was there to ar. 11 . . I '_ . L �� . Fall Goods Arrived-Robt. 1411120! (6) , form interests to the Legislative Aosemb ; " Trevents if it is not considerations like these of course the Republican press adopted Mr. well address in Belfast by English printof6, Now Ue rP - - have mentioned. Sir John Abbott, when Peok�in toto, without a question,; and her. Rev.'Dr. Talmage sent a te4egram from rest him, . Liquidation Salo -J. R. Gregory, (5) - mil on- ­ , - - c,unts Due -W. G. Davis., (8) co '_ f hettin g type may.be reduced practi. from South Perth, and eat until 1871 h 'to fill Sir John Macdonald's shoes, alded the purport' d results of his investi- Cheater saying he was suffering from in- -Mr. R,obert Edgar, of Orange Hill, had - ' I Ace - 3 �c f lie was defeated ; but the' following yeir chosen a a complete rest a bad runaway one day last week. It a 0. F, R. Lace Boots, -J. b1c14tosh. (8) - , . - a and must hav p. � h4th ng by spreading it over a great the same riding sent him to the omin �,n Wag . ) call"'i to , - 1. D i I a cOl�fless and comparatively unknown gation over the couDtrywith a haste that somnia;, I - Village Lots for Sale -Mrs. M, Gilqhrist. (5 _ , . , %iling for harne. He regretted dis- pears he left his little grandson in the buggy 11 f Seaforth Roller Mills. (8) I � an and The course of events may yet ele- rather ouggented that they felt- that such prior.to si I I - editloni�' I d, where the edition is small House Of Commons- He was re-elected in . and Belfast friends. while he went into the orcharA on lot I 1, I I Auction Sale of Valuable pro rty-Fi 11olwooted. (5) " �- �'; . , I acclamation in 1874,'aua again returned vate to the position some other dark horse favorable gures had better not be looked appoIntil3g his Dublin IsH. -While crossing concession 10, Howick, and while he was in I . Girt WantOd-Mrs. S. T., He Imiles. (8) __ theA..tetri� of f ("pe seiting is the principal e e- . to a J)EATA OF Joz E.NGL �q ) 1878 1882 1887 and 1891. During la t within the next few weeks or months. In Into too,closely for fear, that inv tig tion ferry on the orchard the horse took fright and ran ��� . � t t moi��'i d h�A�i Thus, while such works as year: howater, he was�' unseated for the ill the high state of perfection to which these might show, a fatal. defeat in he method of the North river at New York on a I . . �' � � ,'� n, .- ' ti�e iem- home, When turning in - at the gate I tho*6 of,�'the JL no9t sentimental novelists could legal -act of an agent, and at the subsequ men have brought the 11 machine, " it does their compilation. � Thursday, Sth iust,, Joe English, the . .. �� ,., I thr , Itrou k5xpjasitor P � i I I 1�a t not much iniatter whether the leader has the I have nort been able to secure the perusal perance reviv'ilist of Pough - - - . lutspsie, 'ad a buggy came in contact with the gate post, I # I be Printid afid sold at cheap rates without . � byt-elpetion was defeated by Mr. "' __ violent hemorrhage of the and before upsetting the rig. The little fellow clun I I 1�. - L . . . I . . . N, , - f4 � Pridham, the sitting Conservative memboFD. 'confidence of the public or not. For many of a copy of the report itself, but I have. * e e to the vehicle, and when it upseb crawlel L - - - t ta j!�� f - I he authoro' profits, such men For fifteen years he w'" chie . f whip of, the months Sir John Thompson has been the rea3 some extracts from it, and I rather in-, medical assistance could be call d h 1 '1 I � , - out little the worse, only having received a . ` " � t' ,�4osd. works, though Liberal foroes In arliamient. The dubks .� Airector general of the Ministr e id close � died. L I 813AFOWEH, FRIDAY, Sept. I er 8 f! k pencer, P . 1-1 � y and und r cline to the belief that it- won't stm . _. 6, 18992. as �:: w� I N � - Mr. bla--k eye. The boy is about three yearn of ... - � ___ - th fo n it head of an entire literature, this diplomatic office �he disch wi�h his auspices corrupt men have been shielded, investigation. To begin with, Its' public&- GLADSTONE'S MARVELOUS ENERGY- - � . ' W ' r This is a most wonderful escape from - I �' _' . e � investigations refused and mock royal earn- tion was undoubtedly authorized by David Gladstone's address, which was read befo e age. . , 1, I 11 I w t,e rea: - few, wag obliged to suffer loss marked efficiency and acceptance, He ado- . - . A Social Pr'obiem Indeed. , ; -,i , i ,� � t? oeeded in winning the cuifidence and ep. missions .1osudd ; an infirnous gerrymander Bennett Rill. This is positively known. the Oriental Congress in, London, England death. 1. I . ' in t�he �U�ildi Ion of his works, while many . derful. proof Oi -On Friday night. 2ad inst., Mrs. A.. W. In the last i!sue of thd Like Magazine ap- L . teem of his political opponents proposed, and the notorious John flaggarb Mr. Hill's enmity to Mr. Cleveland and his has been hailed as a won � . - A.L . � ,­ . , and makip . . _ � ,9 Pr:mier's energy and.industry. Leitcb, of Detroit, and daughter of Mr. ery suggestive article, au"1!oro,,, W_ pre bhut out from' the stage of of them firm friends, while he was.one Pf elevated invo the lcadership� of the Ontario endeavors to reorganize the Democratic the new 0 . Abraham Jackson, of Morris township, died . - I I . Coneervati4res. The Ontario Conservatives 'Party, making it a political party instead of The manuscript covers 8,000 words, all in . ' contributed by Mr. J, Lambert Payne, of pu blicity, fAINftether. - ... Ever since . printing the staunchest and truest; of part e - Put- his own Writi ? g. Every extract rind 10,ery Eaddenly. A short time: previous to - I ' � . '6-ri'" o"f "the -gigh'est f, the House and i on Mrs. Ed -die � I ai invA&. a&- -a - - - t' " The I iberml members a li who can swallow Haggart, as they have all a machine, is also positively known, Ottawa, and entitled, " A Now SociEd Prob- 1, w! .- I - rt, invent . -, 0, I i, - , - in the.Province who know his kindness if except Mr. - McCarthy done, will. swallow ting two and two together, I must a y that reference contained ia the address was her death ishe had Called , 1) I ord6k 04 0. ' _' r Leech, who was a near .neighbor, and at � I .1r. Paynegives us ,,�aiis have been trying to d vis� 4 lem. The facts which � A I ., � I ____ ' disposition loved the quietly genialold in ,a Thompson and fohow him with the'oame the fence bears the unmistakable imprint of chiefly compiled during the progress of the I I . . I that time appeared to be in the beat of I- ofibservienoy with which they formerly foi- -a negro, according to the old story., In ad. . late general 6lection. . are generally known and their importance', in a ni4ch!�4. �o�,gdt -type. Millions of dollars and respected his str9ng sterling characto r. - l � . � , [, . - dition to health. The doctors were mystified -and ' in a certain sense every*here acknowledged, havd beo'n't� i6it and many lives sacrificed to His defeat in South Fer�th was regretted Py ]owed Sir Rector Langevin. , � this fact, Mri. Peck stated in an. I were unable to Bud the real cause of death, I � . his political opponenti as well as by 46 OUR DISGRACEFUL QUARANTINE.. interview with a Herald reporter'that he 'Huron Notes. I - o� -hi� ob�J i � � Deceased was 33 years of age,,and leaves but he places them bef y which 1. - ., .ce8s, It is I had obtained his information by pleans of I � teus in & wa - ,,, , �� 11 but without sue friends. Members acrts the floor recO,g-. 4' If 5 biligle ease of cholera gets into Que. tten to manufacturers, &ad that, -Mr. F. S. Scott, of Brussels, has a her husband and a Bix-year-old Bon to mourn . I � . Ing �. i rizedin hirq a man of I influence and PaOY bee your public career is ov - cherry tree in his orchard with blossoms on her departure. . - in little less than startilt., . The. new social dotibtful the work of the hand printer letters wri - -1 . problem to which he refers has two catiaes; WiWeve� 6 imholly superseded, but, to -day useifulness but would �: have welcomed his addressed by a candid friend to the Hon. as the information con'tl-ained in the majority it � -The Rapid City, DAkota, Repubhean, I . " I . � � , 9 of these letters was of a private and confi- ' . y - or 'it woul&perhapa be more accurate to Pay, I thei�6 arb' �Ic'reral machines that do some return to the Hou" because of his' ersoti John Carling, who had psked his Opinion dential nature, they could not be made pub- -John Steiss has purchased- the 50 -acre makes the following complimentary refer� L I 1p I I ��, ., I I His defea as not t of precaifitions gahist the farm belonging tto Thomas McGregor, 9th I two 'manifestations -first, the increase in I rt� of A,'t1Ji6 okk far more rapidly than the qualities. ' he result of on the subject a ence to a former Goderich-boy: W, M. Cox,, pa �­ � � any losy� of popularity in his constituency, lie. In fact he stated that he had litained 'of, $1,700 the genial and popular $,alr*man in the em - 14 I mos.t skilf ., 41 compositor-,, The cost of pro' . The very -next day the frightened the information in many cases, 0:31Y upon concesajon of Grey, paying the sum I .. the numbbr of women employed in countless �, :�k butwas caused, perhap , more by a feeling OgiuiLr packed his vallise and started fo' forit, ' ploy of George W. Price, thi's morning tele- . _ I h t 0 r ' - occupations, aiidsecond� the advance in the parbig tW Ries from,'whizh newspapers of over -confidence on his part than aoy'thi - the assurance that the 'contents of the orig. I I f 'I !, I . � ag Quebec.' Like all weak-minde.d. men - Mr. inal letters would not be made public, Now -Mr. Henry Clark and family left Wing- graphed his resignation to that gentleman . average age of men at the time of marriage. are �ritiibo 4t been reduced by at least one else. Ca;rling takes counsel of o what - I I ham on Wednesday morning of last week, and will leave our city in about twenty days. t . !" , ." , � . : ' it is lainlyevident thatIt is to the inter- I . P. I- He goes to Aberdeen where lie will accept a . . Th,' a to manufacturers -to make ag� good a . futur� to reside. - '1h qd, , rk of improvi a Though it cannot be proved tha� these two halL r t, , I aj the machine HIS TRAVELS IN THE NORTHWEST. ' ' ' he ought to do when It is too late. He has F for St. Louis, Missouri, where they intend � . � i i2 and ` edh6l' he men to work it id now going Mr Trow trhvelled more extensiv ly realized all too Ia'te that the first severe test in pobition as manager of the Aberdeen gam - I , great -facts are dependent upon each other 19 0 I through Manitoba and;the Northwest t an since Confederation -has found � Our quaran- showing for high tariff an possible, and -Mr. Lawrence, of Lucknow, happened moth department store, one of the largest I , . any way, the majority bf people will have on, �and ,,ih 4 very few years existing idiffi- - while I would not care to lmoeaih the ' . ` 1� . . probably' any other member of -th branch utterly unfit for service.. What veracity of the manufacturers an a[ class, I with an accident lastweek on the 12th con- and best known institutions of that city. It I I ' . . tine , no difficulty in believing that they are. -cultl6s *,.Ill li�,complotely overcome. If the of Commons; havizig'spent 'several Zno�hes makes it worse is the� fact that his own offi- cession of Aslifleeld, His team -ran away, is with regret.that we. see Mr. Cox leave us, I . . `40 � . I must say that evidence in the form of' un - Which is the cause latid which the bonse- c4l of iiAti�g type under fav O'rable con- each seadon for six years in those regiops. cer, the medical superintendent of the verified statements from intereste& parties, the buggy was brokaa and one of the horses for his genial and winning way will be miss - 11 I Grosse Isle station, has pointed out year killed. - ed and in his resignation.Mr, Price loses a ' " Making careful ,observ,atiovs, he publisled I quence, if they are so related, and what the ditidbs 19 t6aticed by seveinty-five per cent. after year in his annual reports how helpless is rather it poor foundation on which to -Mr.-William Cudmore,-of Kippen, hill � I I I 1. 1-1 the results, and so %,&I uable were his 6n. most truhtworthy and competent ssleeman. . f, I . y �, I build so sweeping a verdict as thq, Repub- , ipped from Clinton, Sesforth, Brucefield However, the best wishes of a host of warm under -working iulluenc� is that brings them it w1i) n6t �A a matter for surprise. -that the Dominion A . . I an - . � �- , � - � � � �_ tributions minia ra- the station would be f such an epidemic lican Press would fain pronounce on the ; to pass, it would indeed be hard to, say. .1 At thd �Mrf� time great strides have b;en tion, three tened us .as has now reached o Kippen, in the past few weeks, over fr It . . � ur 'iends will accompany him In his new vea- - I 4 � l � " ,his political opponents, put the in& ' iter authority of Mr. Peck's report. Nor is his and - I � mad� in el irection of cheapening the do3t in pamphlet form, and diotributeLl 80, 0 shores, yet Mr. Carling,- the Minister paid 400 tons of pressed hay to Toronto, and ex- can see him leave knowing, ) Mr. Payne does not pretend to settle these I , � method of handling figures calculated to ture, and the�' . f ; 1 I I " for giving beed to just such things, paid no pects to ship a great deal more this month. that his tho I _F - '. for the ,encouragement of immigration, . Lir rough business principles will . r Of of p .. eri.sha as used for the cheaper class impress a close observer with the Idea that - I It questions, nor does h6 assume the role � 11 - . Charles Tupper and the late John dpe, attention, but kept on issuing monthly the compiler was seeking' simple facts and -On Monday evening of l&at week, while -insure his success. . . . � . .�, prophet in order to show the probable out- Of 111terat ,k I " As in most other- casEs of at that time Minister Of Agricult . �f bl th cheqdes to the officer whose advice Tile eye- . Mrs, Wilson, Clinton, was reading by a -Another pioneer of Huron county passed i ' not working to show the correctness of a I � � � I nio iBrn " z v- fice, the tendency is t6wards ack�owledged in the House that t r as temat�ically ignbred, 'With the result that lamp it exploded, shattering the whole lamp away on the 26th of Augaat, at his Isto I come of the present state of affairs ; he only - , previously formed idea, or striving4o injure, to atoms, but strange to say, no other dam- residence, lot 8, concession 9, Colborne, in , . . i .. 4� , .. � - . - � �� .1 showa what a portentious front this problem centralizition; for the benefits accrue, main- no man who had done so much by his writ. when'the cholera did come he was bewil . I . I Mr. Cleveland's chances for election, on ac- . � " � �, dered-as to what should be done and know e was done. the person of Adam Auuand. Some sixty I I ,to � �to open up the country and give to ,_ � ly, � th,4 #h'ininoth -establishments of the ", � I . A count of his known hoatility to high tariff -ag . � bears and urges that it be considere . . tha i 08. � I . ending immigr%nts reliable informatio'ure- t he could not equip & quarantine stati -On Wednesday of last week, Mr. Th years ago, he, with his brother -,John, both � , I � . . i . 'on in general and the McKinley- Bill.- in partic- . I greAl cid�i � here expensive machines can be in & d . When the Province of Quebec Walker, of Gorrie, received a telegram in the summer of life, came from Batiffabire, I . � It baq been the cus . tom of late years to I � , , .1 specting the 8oil, climate -and natural re- ' ular. For instaucp, he speaks of having � Oak e7ective action by hibiting the stating that his son Gec�ige was danj�er6u_qly � use&4 to Area . advantage, 8our�es 'of the Dominion, Mr. Trow -4'18D t _pro i P. a � urge the'employment of women in different I I _' investigated sixty-four industries and then Scobland,and took up I ad in;Colborne,the I I I I #� however, warn us that p landing.of immigrants, Mr. Carling's depart- ill. in Dakota. Mr. Walker left the next in the heart of the wilderness, to maike a � occupations, and as field after field of use- ' T4ese iit�t I ower. visited every Province of the Dominion, �-od states that in seventy-five per cent, of these - -- �. f "Orl;bbad paper before, it - is to be wrote graphie'deberiptions of the place� he ment began to talk about the Constitution acertainresult ' He also,atat day for his bedside. home for their p-arents. The father of de� _ftinese was opened up,,, to women, the mosi ful aO w4i . - I and the in,�asion 'bf federal j urisdiotion over was shown; es -On Tuesday -of last week, Messrs. John ceased was the late Captain Amnaud, Who �� � I visited; besides which. he has trav4lled that in fifty trades there wais such and an h L, f I . Wallace, S. Hyndman and James Barr and was the first to sledp in what is now knowu �. advanced radicala rejoiced. Along with mad1far,pluAb powerful by reinforcements through the British Isles, France, Gera* the matter of quarantine. Meanwhile the an increase. This , is 'the old, old trick'Dof � � i': . � ny L I �� . - � a d, set of inba cu a" a strength. The question for and'Belgium. He wrote a series of 0oat Provincial authorities were hard at work, selecting your 0 . . basis, using only such son, of Howick township, left on a two so Maitland cemetery, Goderich. In the I . F . - . L. � . . . ' � e Constitution, but on the best wn onths' visit to Manitoba and the North� troublous,,time Of 13'-8 deceased Went to the A- 1, * L- bat are wegotag to do refadable and graphic letters on the Fra�lco- not On th r forth in the Kuights of Labor platform and us to _fadelli I . , material as is favorable to the conclusion in I i I r - - I , ma in- be employed to keep out of Canada I - you wish to draw, and then giving the re- w he I�te Captain Hyndmau's com- I r.- , recognized as just - by all, that women about it?" � �ry child nowadays can read, ' Prussian war after having means to cot, . :11 � & an exak� front in t t � . , -1 . . . t 5 I lation of the various b*ttlefields. Thehe the greatest and-, most fatal plague with - suit reached as the only definite conclusion -Patrick '.NKc13,Iyn, on Concession 4, Ash- pany, He waa a progressive 'farmer, and . ! L I t sho�la have equal pay:.for equal work with and �Ieadtb ' atter in'unmeasured volgrpe letters were extensively reproduced in', the which God hae ever visited mankind. What field,met with a-serioug accident lait week b �-, LL i � --- I . . � , - to be drawn from the whole range of the y was the first to introduce Durham stock L I i��;d'j t �ein with I into the township. Of late years .he had .r men. But this only 4 -If settled the ques-, maybe h the,'child's petty sav- Canadian press. . ! was. the,, result? When Mr. Carling, who fa,11ing -from the top beam of the barn on tLo . . d L s i" m" . ] had been inexcusably absent from duty for subject to be investigated, To cap the the floor, bruising his arm and hip. For- withdrawn from public viewand devoted I �� t - tion of 'women's � in eddence. If ta� e.m. ing � S4%Llt ke make these great gifts of , FROM THE LIBFRAL LEADER. . climax he speaks i� the lauguoige dear to . - . 0 I 1�. two of these ' unately no bones were broken. � , , I critical weeks, ret o his every partisan distorter of t himself to a quiet seclusion on his -farm. ' I . ploy a woman an a clerk or mechanic means modetn InPO'bibn ableAsing.or a CUrJe?L Dr. Trow received the following nlee�sar_,e facts 4 d figures, L ,�- � - . - . .. I 0- neglected office his- colleagues idvised hini -Miso . Aggie Riddell, of the 13th con- Since New Years he - had struggled against '�, I Of L'the the " deadly average," which every student . .. . ' � a made from. I -Ion. Wilfrid Laurier, leader I � to 1A the question of jurisaictioh" alc6e and ... I to have a man uuemployed, the result must Unfoitunk*l y one of the 'earliest use pt for yoursplf, � t unreliable cession of Hullett, has in her possession a . � I ': �t t 'I ies of cheap literature is in.; - join hands with the Provincial authorities "and at other timeg totally miele and blos- Slot year, and like the ripened grain he fell I Liberal party: I I Please acce of figures knows to be at ben severe illness, but finally suctounibed, in his � - t be another movement soon to check the ad. of thd oppok ah i I I yo ading. Last- f uchisis plant which has 520 buds . , I � - � i I I ur mother and family theexpression of in keeping our ports free from disease, . I L " � I vance of the system, The opening up of the *irong� direction. We 'find offered in my deep sympathy in the sad berpiave�',ient Whether cholera enteef, Canada or not Mr. ly the investigations of Senatoii Aldrich soms at present. This is a very large num- ' before I the grim "reaper whose - nar I be- is , : - ;i � ' ber for one plant. . I � - I the great champion of high tariff, Ax -tend- I Daath. ' - .� . riew fields of labor to w'o 'men has evidently every,, cify'i ,,� d even in every hamlet, cheap wh-i (ch deprived you of a f ather and. me i --,f a -Carling has shown that he is noe6ore fitted -The hidies of the Missionary A8socia- t ,. 4 � i� ,� ingover a gre.ht portion of the country -On Tuesday morning of last week quite -A� -L . i - , . I gone on - more rapidly than the increase in M dii� y nasty prints, the produce of very dear friend." ,- n tt id eicee w L z. to administer quarantine than ifulmigration. C 8 i tion of Knox church, Brussels, last week, a number were Idaving Ethel station fa"r To- ; . � . laim an increase of only three-fourtb a . I �� ; I can"d, I here The funeral took place in Stratfor4k an His incapacity; is so well known here that it forwarded, a box of clothing to Rev. Mr . I � Arneii � 0131 wages, a - routo, and amon' the friends gathered to : i the range of employnient, for men. Either , it go. These things are not ; e per cent. in nd it is hardly 9 � �4 � -1 ,; rain �was is amid he is incapable of quitting offic �' I I - . I -1 by acbidefi% they are not here merely for Tuesday, and despite the pouring . .. of likely that the figures for New York would McKay, of Round Lake, Assinuiboial, North, bid them " bon voyage " was John Slemmon, . f that or the women hiiv� been made more in '� ; - I 1. . I � I'll, .1 ; - ully very larizely attended by peo west Territory, It was valued at $75. , one of the earliest settlers and a most succeh- I . 11. - era and, the ti -the ;,t;)Jb have can�s,ag they,boantf pie frogi all It TILE MANITOBA SCHOOL QUESTION. be so very -much higiier, and if they really � t dependent by becornibg wage eam � I . . " . I , . � -Grey township council ban let the con- ful farmer. As the 4rain was It ' - 4, ., ., � , is reported from WinDipeg that Sir are, it makes a rather poor showing for the aving t4e 11 t the men more dependent and more ready to liutjt� to� Ay"" tha�'is if we will allow over Perth and adjoining counties'. I � , tract for the erection of a township hall to station he turned wi'tjh Christopher' Rsyy. � I 1, p , � - . � � John Thomps'on, has employed Mr. Le tariff men to point to in the great majority M . I - I thern.'. R. tria ",be difficult to frame a law to - r. J. W. Fogal, the lowest tenderer, for � live in idleness at the ex ense of the women, � I . b . Bruyere to approach Archbishop Tache, of of the other states having highly' - nard to go to the- horses. They had neatly - w � p . , - �protected - I I i -1 I a THE South Perth petition, fited sg),Inf;t a industries. $850, The site decided on was lot- 21, cOa- reached Issue Gill's house when Mr. Slem- � thus reversing the order which most of us exclude thoiboheets; it might be in dvisable . � . Manitoba, with the suggestion that Hi . . � Z, li ; . to att i � . � I nalism for the people, the return of 'Mr. Win. Pridliam, M'� P i Grace should write &'letter agreeing to Re— The caLmpaign has now begun in car cession 7, fronting on the 8th concession. mon fell back dead. He had known that I 11 have regarded as founded in the very nature 9 Vp aboo pater - ' - ' nest I � .1 �, I i -I � - - I ca ' ord' cept-the decision of the judicial cohimittee. and is general throughout the country, The Mr. William Knapp, of Wingliam, is � me up for hearilij it' Stiatif ­ ­_ ,_t such an end was impending for months. Hffiis -', P of the sexes. The f%dto as they remain, or But aij ghWs the conqueror of darkness, go , . �p applying to, the United States Government heart was diseased. It fell to the .lot of � .�� .� � il . . )f the Imperial Piivy Council. The induce- enthusiasm is beginning to rise and at its ! day, last week. The counsel for tlj�- pe. ( rather as they grow, 4re n at proof that the good litera,fti3O can be made to 'drive out .. ., for a pension, b6 haVing been disabled in the section boas - Greensides �to break the sail I � . " � " 11 titioner informed the Court that aftet', due Ment said to have been used was the im. close we may yet have a very hot fight, just wa? in 1851 so im' to 6o unable to return to � old! belief is wrong. A ather may we assume bad. ,',Cheap libeiature is here; let every . � I I portance of securing Sir John Thoippeon as as in bicycle races the contestants frequent- . story to Mrs. Slemmon and the remains were � � - . I i I � , investigation it was decided that th!�' the ranks N 1864. a I . . : .4 I � � � that it is) true that rh'an is naturally the man 4nd , 4cmad who loves ,children and I �-- " evi, First Minister sn�d theassurance was given ly wait for and watch each other until the -N. G. Bowbier, who acted so efficientily shortly after arried home The deceased I - I . � 1, deuce ovailable was not suffbient to void the that he would not accept the post unless he -top of the thome stretch is reached, and . was born in England and came to Canad.06 I � ishei-thd �b i' unity well, see to itjbat' '! __ t , ,a . . worker and Y: � I . 1, - then there Js one grand, ex iting burst of * in h Oacity of deputy postmaster at in 1842, settling in Victoria County. ' I .provider, *Oman the caretaker; w - I 71M __l . . . election, and hence he did_'n­o't_"inte4d to got much a letter from the prelate most in- 0 He " and that the state of society in which we that 4eap, 1jit' Bihture makes for good Ather tersated. It is also stated that Sir John speed. � Goderich for the past three years, left that moved to Grey township in 1854, taking up - a I I � C " I- : I prdceed. The Judges, therefore disn"issed - - I , . 11 live, in so far as it opposes that relation is than f6r eW�i I 1, � I . . ! 'I Thompson also promised, to have a commit- .From the present outlook it seems as if town on We'dnesday of laat week with the 200 acres of land, then bush, and which by I P . � I 11 � - ­ . intention of� going to Baltimore, MaryJand, his labor and energy was speedily transform- � ,� � 5 ­ � " - inst tee appointed by P4rliarnent to enqu-ire into � 11 . the petition. The cross petitio 'a the Republicans had the victory in their , i i wrong and injurioua.�;. I . I - I � I . n P �..' se of studying dentistry. ed into fruitful fields, Abo' . L � : � for the purno il .1. �� 9 - M *. Trow shared a like fate. These 'ae the intention of thb framers of the Mani. _hanAs, thougb it may be snatched from ut 35 yeara &go � . - es, . ; I il * On the other hand; it is impossible now to Oatl� )f Mr James Trow. r ..--.-.-. �. _. __ -1 tobs Act o :' This was irfade an Im- erchard of James Hogg, lot 5, he was united iu marriage to Miss Ann Tiu� '. � C 1,� - ,. haidi they beCD proceeded ;R_tC,__ fd` - " f 1870. them even at the last moment, The South . - L y won have . Concession 3, Grey, a graft was put on a . ; 11 turn back the hand upon the dial of time and � ' perial.Aob, so that it is out of the power of 'Will make a grand rally around the Demo- � dall who, with four sons (William, Tho6is . i Another , -9, - ; ia�t danmda s leading 'polificians been tried under the amended Act, ,nder the Canadian ,.Parliament to amend it and cratic standard and fight to the last inch,on plum tree la�t April. Two limbs grew from Charles and John) and one daughter (Niliss . . I to restore the old state of affairs. Even if I . . , - " . ; , has be6 called ircim earth.-- The announce- the Act, as it formerly was, one single cor- there could be - no object in inquiring into acciount of the threatened force -bill legisla. it, one attaining 7 feet 2 inches, 4ud the Mary A.) survive a kind husban-41 and fath- � �_ I - � - �� -in four monthe or thereabouts, or Apother daughter, Sarah J., died in � we could do so the iesult would be disas ment 6i thle i ( W, of �' ,other 6 feet,. � , . . rupt act on the part of an agent via@ - suffi- it. tion by the Republicans, but the People's � trous. Our only hope is to advanc6 -and to � . : �� - I � : Stratf8id, kAo" until lately M. P. for South ." NOTES, Party is showing unexpec6d strength in This is wonderful growth not often equalled. 18�9. and Edward passed away in the spring . e iond- , - -1 -Fire, oil' Sunday afternoon, 4th lust,, - . cient t:) void an election ; und,ei th On . that quarter of th . of IM7. Mr. Slemmon had eaten his bre I � fit ourselves for the,new conditions that t , e Union, and instead of ak- . � � I I I � PertbjicauiA no little surprise and univier- ed Act, however, the petitioner must *how . The American 11 case " in'the Behring Sea being a menace to the success of the Re- partially destroyed the residence of Mr. T. fast on Tuesday morning with the family . � I have &risen. In ordei to do this there is ` . sal regk�t a,ZeA, gHef, not alone through this ' - arbitration Ihas been received here. The W. Hildred, '4ucknow. 'The efficient water I'll I one thing necessary, and the fact that it is I . that the corruption ! or bribery waa "'Buffi- publican Party is in much better shape than � who little thought an be left the house to . . � I - - of 1the &nntry, wbere'tbe name of cie�nt to change the resul �1! Canadian case is also ready, or rather the its rival. at the present time. It presents a works and th,.,e hard work of the citizens drive the cows to pasture that death was so . . I I � section, : t of the electiop, British case. The Marquis Visconti-Veu- I .� - necessary, will some day make it possible, . the dedeased,wao so familiar, but through- I � �, . . seemingly solid front, while the Dethocratio alone saved the building and contents from near. I I - ,We must provide meatio for the employment . . . I. Osta has been chosen as the Italian member party is in a condition of uncertanty and total destruct�ion. I '-Some benzine becoming ignited in the ' , ' I I . out th �; eukfb� 'Dominion-. Mr. Trow 'has PROFE.9809 JAMES LOUDON has 'beO Ap- of the court. It will not likely meet until - - I I e� . . A few da;ys ago while Mr. Alexander -- pa . . I . . I A of men at good wagei3. If the sphere of [ k � - no means perfected its orgninization, " - cellar of the vinegar ana int manufac- . . � I been a �romigeht figure in public life for a ,pointed to succeed the late Sir Daniel! Wil- E , f Cl` ton, was riding with a friend l � I . after the. new,koxr, and then probably at wing, 0 n . turlu � I . = r, the balance ist at beft, so even I ) I I i , . � g establishment of William, Wi.1son., I : 11 women's employment enlarges, that of clod deal ov� . I Paris. . . � between'B the two that prediction, with the behind a op�rited team, the horsec took Torontp, set ,Ore to'the I 9 , r a quarter of a century,.. and son as President of Toronto Univeziaity. 113 Bay street . I- I � men's employment should grow in propor- I I 1. .1 Mr. N, K. Connolly is here preparing hope of accuracy, is impossible. A swing fright at an umbrella being put up, and ran building at 5.15 1 . in,, XT6nday of last weak . I his � erilal ih'6ner and kindly disposition The appointment rested with the 0 " p . � 9 I , [ - I � f t11HO for the Assizes, which begin here on the away, throwiog Mr. Ewing out and break � I tion. Otherwise we ,have women merely of the independent vote or the labor vote or . - and before he could escape James Bricken- I . . � � nt, and, like most of thel,i.', op- I � his ribs. . � . ; made Bin iihilyeisally popular, and fe W. ir�en Governme 12th inst, Whether the Government will uple of den, brother of Messrs, E. Briokenden, of I I - the agricultural vote may place In the hands Ing a co � i . 11 . d i0hgh6k -in public esteem thain he a�id. polatmenta, it gives very I 9 -The Brussels Post says: Ament Broth- . substituted for men -i the ranks of indue j , o on with the prosecutions against -Me- I � � stan . I general saosfac- of the Democratic party a victory which Hullett, And J. Brickendeu� of Clinton, the - � I '-I I . .1. Greevy and Connolly at this court I doubt- ers are rattlin�' out apple barrels at their . 1� -try and this, as all must admit,'�,io not bene- The followift� ��rticulars regarding his - t r. tioD. - -% native,!'! ,Can- 8 almostassure'd to the Republicans. . foreman, aged 58, was sulibcated by the I I I .... H . I ficial, but the reverse, Generally speakin F y I . - .Professor London is ful, for they do not want to have the cameo now 80 ins factory at the-yrate of 3W per day. - They I � 9 r* Theletterof acceptance of General Bid- . smoke. Brickenden, together with William . � . : ha made on the . � Ibly a ddden . �eath will be read with m in T' adian, having been born in Toronto in I. ve now 2,500 , .12,000 order. Smith, an employe, was engaged in in* i . �. 1 .1842. -heard before Chief Justice Armour, who is I . -lowed in order to ' r6 ,� . � - He is w self-made man, having sprung I r we% the Presidential Candidate of th - ixmg . . the direction to be fbl , ; . a Pro " . choly 1.4ter ,s , . "f am to be the presiding judge and who will de. hibition Party, was the first to be published Their mammoth rack is becoming a fwmilia,r paint in the back of the cellar, using for the p . ; . Py many : � I � . . .. . �� widen. the range of 6mployment is that Mr-. Tro w' had been f' iling in health for - mand a strict adherence to the rules of and has created only favorable comment, sight he it delivore its load of 150 liarrels here purpose & L Matity of 'L � I . I a . - the ranks,and he is a graduate ofthe in'tita ' Qu benzine. There w" . � which le,%do toward free trade. -We do not . . evidence and of law. . � - I . . � � I some mbinths, suffering from heart trou le, tion over which he has now been fjolec, ed to I but there seems no possible chance of his and there for the buyers. I 4 gas jet burning close by, and the stuff I i I y, quate'recently had hi ndi on . ,I � . 4 use the word in the party sense, but in that but out' 8 co ; The bominion statisticiau,'Mr. Georg' being elected. President Harrjso6's letter- -11T. J. Rollins, son of Mr. Ed. Rolling, caugbt fire, In an instant the entire cellar . -1 . I . .71 ! preside. He has, also, been Professor of Johnson, is compiling statistics of the work. of Central a, whi on 0 . , i nJ Last we k, . I is alspout andis rece I le walklu - th Grand t which eve the strongest Protec- occasioned him any uneasiness, ived with great en- was ablaze *a'nd filled with blin.d.In smoke, �! Ing of the Sco�t Act so far as it elle R , � �_� r after colpealiationl- with Na -family physic an Pbysics in the University for ma�y �Iears. Trunk Railway track near% f tionists'use it when they declare that free V - . iver, On- I week, was struck by I �, I - - I / . 1. rime for the Royal Commission on the is nothing remarkable about ,it. to foNow him, - f I is in and both started for the stairway. _t , �, I in Str4t ord, he decided to go to Toronto One of the beat evidences of- his flines� for 0 thusiasm by the Press -of his party. it There tario, on Monday last Srhith shouted to Brickenden - I .� . liquor traffic, which Is now sitting in Mon- antly killed. His re- . . i trade is the ultlmate�koal and protection for treatment byjspecialists.' He arrived in I o passing train and inst Before . . ',the position and the excellei ce f th i or- t hiR usual cleat, forcible style, and the bur. a . they reached it, the apron BrIckenden wore . ' 0 real.7 It will afterwards go to Ontario. mains were taken to his father's residence, . 'here A at city I �, den of it is that the United States must get caught fire and he st6pped to put -the merely a stopping placd on the way. I on,,Eriday morning, and staid' ' - 'O' blaze . . . �� pointment is to be found in the fact th''t it The Department of Indian Affairs has Centralia. '� . t with hii sons Mr. A. E. Trow. On ,Satur. back her foreign commerce and the ocean out. - I i - are many obstacles to the free employmen meets with a proval. from the -press of `�,both decided to - sell a number of the Thousand . The delay provea fatal tjo him. When - . day, about 10� o'clock, accompanied by hie ,p ;: Islands belonging to the Indiana of Canada carrying trade she his lost to Great Britain - -The death of Mr. Alexander Johnstone, the fire had been extinguished, Martin R. 1. I 4 I of labor in these days, ipme not understood, son he'�taried to wali down to. the office of political partieg, as well as from that ' and that the way to do- this is by higK 7th concession of Howick, east of Fordwich, Derrick went into the 'cellar jind found . � ; - .1 P . . qf no. at private sale Instead of by public auction - - . 1. occurre , - � - some, perhaps, no -t etren perceived. " As amother aonj Dr. Charles Trow, on Carleton political party. i't . tariff, . d on Friday, 2n(I inst., of typhoid Brickenden's oody coiled up in a corner. � I � �1� 8 I 4 i those obstacles are discovered the street. �Bofore proceeding very far he earn- I s has been the practice, fever. Deceased was one of the oldest net- He was carried upstairs and restoratives � . - � y -, I ;�, . . 86P - � - I I . i lained bf,feeling faint, and. in consequenc I a I The Gove,mor General is expected to re- - I- tiers in the township. His funeral wag, . I 11 not have , wi N plied, but without avail, � . � i p . . - deceased's body, as well as his hands - I swept away. This done, man wi they to6k a passin treat car. Aver few 'THE DOMINIOX dAPITA turn to the Capital for the inter -n the ews of the Week. I perhaps, the largest ever held in the town, bf The lower ortion I 4 J � to fear the more: getieral employment of inomenh 11 -y - course of about two weeke�, from QUU;c. DEATHS. -It is said that 160,000 Russia 0 � . i afterwarls. 1�` no ship. � . , howe'ver, and just as The attention of the Government Is being have died from cholera since the outbreak -One evening r( was horribly burned. Death was evidently : � I women In the industriba, nor will women, the car.reached Church street, Mr. Trow (By Our Special Correspondent.) 1' .. wently the pupils who � I . . -1 by the mere act of' becoming wage earners, . uddenfy,� fell forward unc6nocious. It was OTrAWA, September f2th, JS92:- directed to the seizure by a Russian commenced. due to suffocation. Brickenden had been in .1 I � �� � . I were successful at the recent entrance exam- -the et�Ploy Of the firm for 24 years; be was � , - . cruiser of three Canadian sealers, in Behrin -ON STRIKE. -All the mills at Menominee, ination in School Section No. 5, A81ifield, a married man,end, has left a family of seven . - only a ittone's throw to Dr. trow's office, . . 9 . F- I add to the forcesi which now t . en 4nd th6 driver whipped up his horse and The subject of Sir John Abbott's r.�'tire- Sea. 37he out -rage will no -doubt complicate Michigan, are closed, the 11.500 lands hav- assembled at the residence of the .�teachorj I I � , . children, four sons ' � � � I postponement of marriage. - meat is still the popular topic in Ot�%wa. the settlement of this Vexed questi lrtg gone on strike for higher wa eq. and three daughters, the ' I � Was quickly at the door Intelligence of � .on, &a Mr. .R. E. Brov�n, and presented him with youngest being 12 years of age and the eld. * . � I �he seizure spread quickly: and before, -the The Premier has been absent from 0 aws - hitherto the Russian authorities have re- RE -ELECTED. -The- Trades - lon Con- & beautiful rocker and camp - stool, accom, . - . I 1: . eat, a son, 34 years. . " k_ � - infferer-was removed from several for: some weeks. He came up fromMon- frained from interference. There will be a gress at Glasgow has re-elected Mr, Charles pabied by a neatly worded add -fen. - � . - . I bill of damages for them to settle if the Fenwick, M. P., as Parliamentary Secre. -Mr. Charles Schmidt, a well-known ho- I . - A Literary h1-qndatf_bn. hoc -tori �were in attendance. Finding that treal on Thursday night and consulted'i, with facts are as reported by the sealers who tary. I . . . I � - . � � . - - - . �, ; Already we feel thefi,est waves of an ad- �hey cotild not restore consciousness the . tol keeper of Hamilton, died on- Wednesday , Gorrie. - � � 7 his colleagues as to his r"otirement.' He havi been released from a Russian priao in, POOR COTTON CROP. -The cotton report- of last week, after a short illness. , , - vancing tide, which may mean inuali,of good tenderly removed their -patient to his son a Deceased BRIEFS. -Mr. William Ashton hais gone � ' 11 � honse, Where every means that science represented that he was very ill and no I — of the Department of Agriculture at Wash. was born in Hanover, Germany,and came to , I ­ . ,, to Belleville where he intends to study .with i I or rhuch of ill, for humanity, The spread .of ington indicates a lower condition of the Canada in 1876, residing' at Lintow I nd ie e te a odis't ministry. I f, could sukgest was resorted to to bring baek longer able to discharge the dutiq�i ' of OUR, AMERICAN POLITICAL e a a v w to n ri g the Math � I - . . . crop than in any September since1883 - . � education ia thro EugliA speaking- woAd has onimation, but without success, and 'at leader. His colleagues in the CafAnot - LETTER. . - 1� - THE ONLY ONE. -T . . WiDgham. before settling in Hamilton. He " Willie " is an exemplary young man and I of late years made shch a demand -for iongth the sad truth forced iiself upowthose "� he only Woman in was 43 years of age and respected by all he is sure to make friends w er v r hsi.goes � 17 � � I urged him to withhold life resignatio ", and I � . __. 7 . England who is proprietor, editor and h e 0 . ,e�jus of present that the vital spark had flown. - . 4' who knew him. r . ('something to read " that the g � . ,De� �� 1, fWR1rrXN FOR Tu -z EXPOSITOR.] manager- of a newspaper is Mrs, Comyno of , We join . hismany friends in wishing him I 11 , I . I ceased did not show any sign of conscious- take a trip. to Europe for the benefit, of his -At Cleveland, on Monday of last week, auccess in the honorable profession he -has . . I the inventor and the 4kill of the ready riess frohi the mo . The topic of absorbing interest just now the Feathered World, the circulation of Walter Ring, a former resident OL -Blyth, choeen.---r,Mr, C. C. Kaind; son of Mr. John � 1 4 ; .1 nient of the first ssizure, health. The Premier id in political circles is the recent report mad6 which paper 1a 20,000 weekly. met with a very o8rious accident, an iron Kaine, reeve of Howick, les es for the '. I writer have been severe,ty taxed to provide and the physicians were of opinioii that I in I .promised to con�i er I . I � the suggestion auC.'Ieft for Montreal the by Mr. Peck, the Commissioner of labor for LARGE FuR SHIPMENT,S.-The largest 11 - a supply adequate. Of late, however, diffi. all probability he breathed his last at that . abaft falling on his'back rendering him un,- Northwest to v - . . �� . same day to consult . his " family. . ' in mission work.- I � time. I I He'will New York, a Democratic offidial, placed in shipmeks of dry furs ever despatblied to conscious. Everything " has been done to Mr. and Mrs. - culties have been overcome that seemed to . . . - e7aavgida McLaughlin, of Mc� I � . . . SKETCH OF HIS LIFE. probablygo overand consult offi.ce by ex -Governor David Bennett Hill. London, England, from British Columbia, alleviate his sufferin I 11 go, but the wo ' set a bar to progress in' this directi I I medical me rat IU ex. Killop, are visiting friends in and around � r ; on, and I n This report shows by the most elaborate were sent recently by Messrs. J, Boscowitz pected. Mr. King lived foi a numbe 1�� 'James Xrow was born at Newtown, Mont- there, The Conservative party . r of Gorrie.-Mr, and Miss Armstront of Stiau- �� il . I might as statistical, methods that there. has been an & Sons, of Viotorla, valued at $40,000, years in Blyth, and is a Bon of Mr. William ley, are visiting their brother . ` i � now the world has facilities for the� produc. gomeryffl!irej Wales, on December 16th, -well face the inevitable at once and choose a average increase of wages among the work. . UNFORTUNA�F- IRELAND. - Continuous .King, Auburn. '� , � V , r. James I - : . ,: tion of printed matter 8uch as would have 1825, and was therefore in his 67th Y�ar. I . men o I Armstrong, our popular veterinary � a' . I - f New York 'State in 1891 as com. rains in Ireland have spoiled the harvest, -Harry, son Of James Oliver, of Port -Miss Nellie Gregory ha I . . - new leader. Sir John Thompson .desires to made Caxton stand in aive of his i nd Mary Trow, , . wn oraf t His parents were Thomar -a r,etlurved from, I a pared with 1890 of about.11 $23, or'$23. 1 1, I which gave promise of great abundance. The Albert, met with rather a serious accident her visit to Harriston.-Mr" Walker and � aQuId_ he have foreseen them. It has -often both of $ewibown. After's common school postpone the necessity until Parliamed believetbe exact figures are, in seventy-five potato crop is blighted, and grain. and hay on Friday, 2nd inst. He was sent to tak Mr. Wiggins, ' ; � � educatiofi he followed his'father, V6 had meets, when "he can obtain the @&riction ' u e of Dungannon, spent Sunday � - I �� , been said of late years that the era of cheap emigrated to America, but: did not stay'long the Parliame'ritury party , of per cent, of the sixty-fou� industries exam- have been del ged. the horses to the pasture. Not returning in with friends in tOwn—Mrs. Days, of Luck- : � � - - to the selection of ined into by him, He also atatee that in GOT HIS DE.sz,RT.s,-At St.. Paul, Minna. reasonable time a search Was instituted, He now, who has been the Lgueot of Mrs. James I �� � books ba,d arrived, and the low"pricen at in the Stotes, Coming to: Ontario in 1841, himself for the leadership, There are var- fifty trades there was an average increase of sata, Simon J. Ahern, 9, le�ding lawyer, - /-"s discovered lying in an unconscious state Armstrong for a few weeks, returned to her � . - L , I which even the best books could be had lid settled in the County of Perth, where he, .ion@ reasons why Sir John Thompson could wages for the year of, I think, $44.63. I worth S.300,000, has been convicted of crim- itithe field. Medical aid W&B -summoned, honie early this week.­�Mr. and Mrs. Suth, I . � . � taught Achoot for seven years with much obtain the adherence of nearly allthe mem- would not be - certain of the correctness inal libel and sentenced to 60 days in the and at last account, he waw in & fair way of erland spent Sunday in Winghain�-�Busi. I 11 were quoted as proof of it. Cheapness is a success. ,, In 1857 he organised a com any of berm . supporting the, Government. 1�e Is of those latter figures, but' they county w�rkboiuse. - . recovery, though still very low. It is sup. . relative term, of cournei and as compared volunteeis, and also took an active nterest the man in power wit neks has been resumed I FE h favors to bestow and are pretty near the mark, As soon as SPURGEON'S Succr.mox-Rev. Dr. Pier- in -the 11 Apple - I Z � I I posed he fell from the horse he was riding, Factory "-and large quantities of this fruit . I with the time. when onl' the rich conl"f. in municipal affaire in North Easthope,where at hie order even the close fisted Poster this report appeared, it created a sotim. on,\of Philadelphia, ban beon accepted a's and in some way was injured, causing con. have been bought at very low prices. I I y , ' � � I I � i ford to have a libraryi books have be' he resided. His record there'is of -interest- must unbutton the puree. His influ?noe tio ' 11 , ; . er. . . I n which must have satisfied its author to the permanent sudoeosor of the late Rev. C. -A .-, . I as indica�iv6 of the energy, business capac� helped to elect many of them and his I flu . cussion of the brain. ..... . I , I . - H plea are very plentiful ju Howlckj especil; . very cheap for the last duartir of a'century the extremity of fullness. To call it a at the Tabernacle, London, -Frank Donovan, who has been in the em- early fall ones.-INfaster Eddle Wright is . � � I aracter- once could deprive' many of the her bombshell in the Democratic Camp is to 3 and, and will avaume his duties Janu- � � . - ity and intelligence 1rhich have ch . im of &no � . . � i - � But the age of cheap iiiiating is only now 'imed his public career th'ioughout. I . ploy of Richard Hogg, of Turnberry, for a visiting friends and acquaintances in Sea-' .� . lil, lie was nomination. Niabither the country w?uld speak too mildly, wbile the joy -of the Re- ar Ist, 189 . me ( . I d 3 r I I en or"� cauque is quite an- publicane over It is not to bb measured by -A. HEAT CuiR,E,-George Francis Traf Past, now languishes in the forth. Eddie worked hi assage on his � st hand. ' . � asSe'asor � of the township for two years, , the action, of the . y short ti - - 1, e Is I - i It is a curious fact that up to the townebip'clerk for ten years, and reeve for other thing. It in not likely that at another a 11t county jail for br &king the eighth com. wheel. -Messrs, James and . . � . ny other standard than that of a "' co6n " the erratio, cays that t h I y 4homas HiKMc- r . wo ours exposure to mandment. Mr. Hogg went from born to Laughlin left for the Nox-thwest last week. . I Q - - a threshing on Fri sy, 2nd ins I � , 1 24 consecutive years, For. over twenty election the Conservative voters of Ontario over the biggest and finest "w%ttah million" 180 0 Fahrenheit in the form of a dry Turk d e rip. -Mr. I pertained oni to one Pe e fa . I I Yosrs the improvementg: in printing in#,. years he ,was Warden of the ,County of would s pport a. inan.,who had to openly' en- ever growi�, should it' unexpectedly come ish bath will cure the most violent cholera Donovan to look after th LF leaving We wish them e, To one not versed in , Ma very pleasant t I I chinea and methods rth ana chairman 4 the Finance Commit- lie a' rm r Ho John McLau has sold his in and we a W, y , t the services of 0, Roman Catholic Bishop into. his possession. cases. He asserts his physic knowledge of came to Wingharn, and on returnini malge hope he wilehlion far � 77 1 . .. I �dep%rtrnent of the work. The press room_ tee, besides which be has held office as high in a ider to ensure hip. own election and wb a American politics it would be a puzzle in. this is absolute. 0 .Joe .te again in our village. . - I- 13f the. great pri school trustee and filled other important induced the same blihop to promise public deed to account for these extremes of feel. the discovery that Donovan was gone sud go Mr* David Robb, Public Schooli Inspector I in ing hout.6 has seen 6hange Positiono,bf public trust. . RAILWAY COLLISION. -Eight Person . a were were two 'gold rings, v, sum 01 money, 6, He has I - I !� His keen business works for the cGuatituenoY if they elected ing over a matter that, ordinarily, would killed outright mud nearly thirty Injured by Pocket Compass and some cloth' carnation and am . ter change. for East Huron, is on the warpath. I . i . ; . - . .edlately went after her husligul and a , now approach the schoolhouneg abnost . - - t e)old hand "Press replaced chpacity hag also received frequent recog. his candidate. The people of Ontario wotIld cause o ly satisfaction, and that in an ordi. a collision between a through freight and an imm hanged his mode of lo I _. I `_/ � . I - . I � � ,. 7 . . . I I I � .. � . I 14 - � . I I . I I I - - . � I . . I . ; I - . I I , � I . . 4 . � � . I 11 1, - ,I I I : : � I I . I . I 1� 1� . . I i I I I . . -1 -1-1 I _. - - __5 � , ..A� I 111111111111111111111�111 .- 9�p t*; �, �_ � ,� J�. 0. I P13 1?iR -I- I '� , I -A� , - , ktk ,�, , A- , W.. �; "___ 1�__k - � I - '.�, � -i-ps- ;1, �-._t 'I, 4:--. i I �JF�� I 11 � �. i I I I I , '. - 1� I I I �_, i I k 1i R A e r� t t w ! ��[o , " � �rll I I I ur ie I I I ( I I ( � I - I I - � � -.1 I -1-, - . I I . - � - . ­ I ­­ � - I I .- ­ � . �1_111 � , ­ , .- � ­ 11 I I � -1 - . . � . �, .1 -i T. � 11-1 -, , v ." �4­.- �, . � " - . � . / -X - � -_ �, . - I . I �� 1---_ 4 _. I - - - . I __ . . � ,;,5 0 . 0 A 11 � - I - � I �: I - I 4 I � � �- � I r I .i _. N I I __ �, I . . . I � � , . , . - �� - . I I a '. 11 . . - - . � � � . % I I . I - 4 1 . . '. - � I . I I J I - � I . . - I- . . / �, I . . � I . I I . . �� I . - .. . � � I'll, I , . - I . .� . - . q � . , . . , . i I I . . . I � - . I . I , I �5�1 , . . 4 � I I . � 1 16 , �- - 7 -­ ... � �� I- - � I 1__--_1_1._-'__.- '... -----,--.,�,----.--.-.--�--Z-�-,----.,�-,---. - �­ ­­___.1____.__.________ �� - ­ � I , - 1. � - � I—- � - - -1 I 1, I— � - _­. _­_______ _­,_Z___­_�_­_..__ � - ." - ..,�, ­ -1-- .1, __1 ­­­­ ­ 111-- - I W�____ ,7:- , ,-, -- -, . � : � - . I I 913sar � 9000� voisele'.0, lagays vu I I . I I ,ena&s is no effort one seem I ver.ance j I a comitil I " use of I permitte, Ino'ke au _on w-, I Walker I Johv, * the- him 31T. Avi , V,or3r an,, . I � . for DAk! iGl I . ��, . � . . - NFTI�1' e 1; resigpec, I hAve 'an � -iralef to tending . .—Mr. ) � T.. Rey] I a Air. ., I -Ja .. - M!rs. m � friends: _J. D, I i Urdkv I I , , � Jessie 3 � *" Win, to ter t ,a ' r a ' whichr ,grippe. and wa ber acci ed to t! Cometei f friends'; the sim . I I ,raunit�, BRTI Grund line; A , - Jr"idO learn � i itable � I Toroat " village very 811 4, stretf4 _Misi , I la-tiv*A : .1 incre, � Sall, 1W InIg lat Cobbli the i -work i shortf, ported I Air. V liam 13 ter th -,the E4 for fo the it, this f will .: Aon ti - turn. durio Vale" , twolo struq- ­ I . IN� : -8th I dowt � Tue's A� -!,I . . bernisl , weia ShO4 m4k woqe: I D 0`11 Thmki ic suo� vil�t- . Sb�or Ite�-d � mx� � Bvtl ce�d , of Ttl � �t,V ,�* r, ". N, , A , J ' T�. 1. ,Ifgn] 11 the i N _Oj , ttnl ? Wa .� I 4;1 )on(: 1116 f-.�he Ion -ih -- ,,- u . $m . � I 10,9t - 0. I ipu - I- 0: IL : rat � � I.M1 �3hij - M, I ag; I - . Ps . , :� , R, ! 'lai � �- ]Be J� 'i iti] _ kt� . .-_ Of . il '_ . TJ . . bf - � PI . P, . M, I � .1 .1 J31 � I I � , M . I I . M - . . 1. U , - "_ 01 I �