HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-09-16, Page 3e 7"I 7 SEPTEMBER 16,,, 1892 TO OLIVER WENDELL HOLMftg On August 29, 1892—his eighty-third birthday—from John (reenleaf. ‘Vhittler, now in his eighty-fifth year.) Among the thousand s who will ludi and Cheer 'WM welcome thy new year, How few of alt have passed, as thou and I, Sammy milestones by We have grown old together ; we have seen, Our youth and age between, Two generations leave us, and to -day We with the third hdid way. settesde ---esS.,esse2a—,,eies---- • - - Loving and loved. If thought must backward run To those who, one by one, In. the great silence of the dark beyond • 7 anished with farewells fond, Unseen,: not lost ; our grateful memories still Their vacant places till, And, with The full -voiced greeting Of new friends, A tender Oliver blends. Linked close in a pathetic brotherhood Of mingled ill and good, Ot joy and grtef, of grander and of shame, For pity more than blame,- - The gift is thine the weary world to Make More cheerful for tfiy sake, Soothing the. ears its Miserere pains, With the old. Hellenic strains, Lighting the sullen face of discontent With smiles for blessings sent, Enough of Selfish wailing has been had, Thank God! for notes more glad. Life is indeed no holiday therein - Are want, and woe, and' sin, Death and its nameless fears, and over all Our pitying tears must fall. Thy hand, old friend the service of our days. fn different moods arid ways, May prove to those who follow in our train • Sot valueless nor vain. Far off. and faint as echoes of a dream, -The songs of boyhood Seem, Vet on our Autimm bou„,,rhs, unflown with Spring, The evening thrushes sing. The hour draws near, howe'er delayed and late, When at the Eternal Gate We leave the words and works- we call our own, And lift void hands alone For love- to flit Our nakedness of soul Bring -s to that gate no toll; Giftless we come to Him, who all things gives,. And live because He lives. —Atlantic Monthly for September good nature, that trie yshave paid a ooMpIi- ment to the farmer ha thus elevating hie calling. The bnportanee of agrieniture in Canada is priine, it itatids first. It stands. first, because all other industriesi in the country are very Sensitive to the ebiedition of the farmer, If be be experiencing hard times, every Other intettstry and latereat, suffers and is depreisea. When therlarmei has good times, every other industry and ' interest is boonding with prosperity. The farmer's success conies mainly from good crop; and good brbpa come mainly from 'Toad cultivation, gob(' itihnagement and good weather. The farther can control two of 0 these, and in the third we are more bounti- fully dealt with than most countries in the world, in poilit of Weather favorable 'for the growing of large erops, of finequality. Still, I am not to detain you on these aspects of the farmer's bnsiuess to -day, but on the marketing cad of his calling. It has been very oftea prieilege to meet representa- tive gatheritigs of farmers, to discuss with them some espect of their oval busineee. It has not reqaired any oonscious effort on my part to refrain front discussing the question of markets, nesse dr far off. I have not felt called upon to give utterauce to almost a single senteace efalirection or advice to the farmer cmicernirig the market end of his business. have0seen trying to direct the fariner's attention to the hoine end ot his business, the end where his profits aro. mainly made. The profits are maialy made within the sphere of the man's business, where he can exercise a,ppreciable jurisdic- tion and edittr0149 and the market end of a man's business al subject to the inflnence and is und'er the tontrol of all the pr-oducers, "as well as the buyers, in the wide world. In my humble judgment, public speakers, - the press boliticiAns and other leaders and teachers Of the people, have directed the at- tention a the farmers all too often. and much too itiphatically to the marketing end of their bilsiness, That mischievous course hag resulthd in leaving on the „minds of many . farmers ax imPression that a .market, the market, enery Market, has sonie sort of -per- sonal, self eblitained existence ; in fact, that a minket iii to the farmer of Canada -cleat a deity ht.' devil was to the heathen, ame external, flower or existence that could brine happy dehVerance or wreak dire de- struAimi at niel'ie caprice. A market has no such power, has no such functions, has no such exiEitence. Some of the farmers have bulb even further misguided, insofar as they have been lead to imagine that the marketn a Market, any market, can be charmed into sweet serving by the wand of oe ban be chased away beyond touching, tasting, handling or seeing, by their edikeof hostility. Ile markets for farm preiducts—andthe moon—are in some measurai turiersable- to the edicts of sonic ;Robertson, Dairy Com- missionea. TH Ing him espeolal attention, putting bn through his a -b abs and eab ebs with mueib pr Su lo te ne en th so to a alternative ; fifty pairs of eyes were este upon -her. She reached under her desk slowly drew out a hickory, the very Uncle Jack had brought her. Fifty pair eyes showed their whites. '"Fake off your coat."' There was a gasp throughout the room, Uncle" Jack ipaused a moment as 0 stem fied, then laid down hie book and tooltioff his coati "Take off your waistcoat." HO obeyed. "You ain't gwine meek me teck off m shirt, is you ?" he asked, tremulouely. " 1.4o. Clasp yont hands." He did so, and she raised the hickory sin brought it down "swauo " across hie baOk Again there was a gasp throughout the rooni which came every time a lick vs given'. Uncle Jack was the only one uttered no sound. He stood like a states When she finished, he put on his coat eat down. School was dismissed. Next day Uncle Jack was at his old plao at -the stable. . " VVhy, I thought you were at school? eaid his master, who had hesrd somethin of the trouble. sah ; I got 'nongh edication," fh said. He stuck his curry-oomb into' brush. There was a pause; "I tell you fee', Muse Conn. I is too ole to be whi, by a , clomp, an' a po' white ooman at dap It Wes several years after this that Uwe Jack was working one day at a water-gd when the children came down the rind* school. They stopped and peeped stolid through the fence. Among them was " tile," Mrs. Scott's hopeful, who had pro an apter scholar than his father. His was on hie arm. He climbed over the fano and from the bank gazed down apath cally at his father in the water bel Presently he said: "(h, popps, sde teacher say you mug' 4It me a geography.: Uncle Jack's Jaw set. He dug on as irhe bad not heard. Then he repeated to Ken - self :1 " Geog'aphy geog'sphy. Majese Conn, whut is dat ? What is geog'ephY ?" he asked, looking up. "A geography ?" said the master. "Why, a geography is a—is a book—a book that tellsoehout places, and where they are, and eo on. ' He . gave a comprehensive sweep around the horizon. " Yas, sub ; now understands," rid Jack, going back to digging. Presently he stopped, aud looked 9') at " Jawnie.' "1 say, boy, you tell ,4 de teacher I say- you better stick to you', a -b ales an' you' e -b ebs, an' let geog'aphy You known de way now t� de spring an' de wood -pile an' de mill, an' when you gets a little bigger I's gwine to show you de way to de hoe -handle an' de cawn furrer, an dat's all de geog'aphy a nigger's got to know." He dug on.—Thomas Newton Page in Editor's Drawer in Harper's Monthly iviag- azine for September. HURON EXPOSITOR IMPORTANT NOTICES. ° OUR 80L ID MONTH of BARGAINS. ide, and holding him up to her Yous/r OLSTEDI FRIESIAN CATTLE. — Pure bred young Bulls of the very best milk and butter holers as a shining example. A few da fam lies for sale. Prices away down low. Post °Moe, ter , Uncle Jack appeared armed wit'4H a Constance ; Station, Londeiboro. JOHN MoGRE 1267 tf. We are determined to clear off our whole stock of ng hickory, which be presented to the GOR. aeher with a remark about "lay niggers °din' hiciery 's much 's bread," and land ough to be heard by the whole sohjol. in Barr (call "Bear"by Mrs. Scott) vet is hickory with visible emotion, made a pee& to the school, and Uncle Jack, wi,th tich grandeur, went to his task. The • that day was bet ba, be be. Unhap- ily, Unele -jack had learned a -b ab, e -b *13, o well, and b and a were never anytla'ng ut ab, and b and e never anything but b o matter how they came. Miss Barr was t her wits end. She had established her u les and she stood by them. She woiild, ad she believed it her duty, have gon to erdition without a tremor. One of ital. oat invariable rules was to thrash or issing lessons. When Uncle Jack mi4ed wo days hand running she was in despear ; ut disoipline was to be preserved, and atter ours of psinful suspense, when he etill ailed, she ordered him to stand up. Ile beyed. She kneed around, seeking Wow ed nd no of ALL SORTS AND'CONDITIONS OF MEN. Lord Salisbury dispenses most princely hospitality at Hatfield House, his Magnifi- _cent seat in Hertfordshire. His entertain- ment of Queen Victoria there excelled in splendour, it is said, the historic reception given by his great ancestor to Queen bliza- beth at the same place. While Lord Rosebery was writing his life of Pitt, he kept an engraved portrait of the famous statesman on his writing -table. "It kept the image of the man steadily in 7niew," he said "for one must have a clear ,tmage of him in the mind before it is at all '.possible to make himbe seen by the reader." a Lady Roberts, the wife of the Commander- : in -Chief in India, takes the greatest interest in the welfare of the soldiers. This she has shown in practical form by the nursing inetitations she has established throughout Iodia, with the help of the brave ladies who voluntarily go out as nurses to the sick and wounded. . - — - The little King of Spent has smoked his first cigarette l'His Majesty purloined it, it is said, from his mother's box, and astonished his governesseil by the ease with which he took his initial puff at the nation- al occupation. Report is silent as to the consequences of the performance, but it, is safe to suppose that this six-year-old mon- arch felt somewhat uncomfortable. Harriet Beecher Stowe, the authorems of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," has recently cele- brated her eightieth birthday. Never in the history of literature has there been a bcok written that fired the heart of a nation more than "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Its sale was phenomenal and it was read the world over. Had she never written any- thing else the writer's name would have had an honored place in literature. She lives in her quiet Connecticut home, and it may be truly said that there is little to look back on with regret in her four score years of earnest labor for humanity. On Man Can Do It. The ;alit explains a practical method for one malt to heist grain sueli as corn, etc., into the cord house in a bushel basket. Two -rciPes -are necessary; one on the bot- tom of the bpaket, as welk as the hoisting •, TosN BEATrnt, Clerk of the Second Division ft) Court, County Commissioner, of Huron, Con- veyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to Loan. Office—Over Sharp Livens' store, Main street, Seaforth. 12,t39 risEAOHER WANTED.—Wanted for School Section No, 8, Stanley, a teacbermale or female, hold- ing a second or third. clam certificate, Applications stating salary received until October 1st. Duties to commence on Januarzillet, 1898, personal applications preferred.'\„51. BAT18, Box 15, Baytleld. 1290.4 friEACIIER WANTED.—Teacher holding second or 1. third class certificate,wanted for School Seetion No. 8, East Wawanosh. Duties to commence on the 17th of October, 1892, personal application prefer. able. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Secretary, Married' P.O. 1290-4 TIOLSTEIN FRIESIAN CATTLE. — Pure Bred la Holstein Friesian Cattle of both Sexee also a number of good Holstein grades for sale. 'These are of the very best milk and butter families. Post Office, Constance; btation, Londeoboro. J 011N1281ilso. GREGOR. 118TRAY SHEEP.--fitrs,yed from the premises of D MeLinchey, Lot. No. 8, Concession 18, Stanley township, on or about the middle of July, four ewse anethree lambs, with a black mark on the head. Any person finding them or giving any infor- mation as to there whereabouts will be suitably re- warded by applying to WM. MoLINCHEY, Blake 1289x4 P. 0. Ont. EACHER WANTED.s—Wanted for School section • T No. 7, Ribbed, a teacher bolding a second chute protessienai certificate. Duties to commence on January 1st 1898. Applications stating salary desired and giving experience, will be received up till Ootober let, to be addressed to GEORGE WREN, 119x4 Secretary, Chiselburst P. 0. box 58. a SI is de- pt le e, ly w- ed ag e. ti - w. rope. ;- The ;bottom rope will invert tne baskele ever+ time, inside of the granary, and between the two,ropes the basket re- turns out, bf the window Automatically. This enablea one man to stand on the grouq and put a large number of baskets of gfatn otof sight in a very few minutes. —I. E. Wlltiarns, Cattara,ugus Co., N.Y. i! I Scientific Drops. Mr. Ritchie, the well-known writer, says that in her young days she used to go to Sir Edwin Landseer's beautiful villa in St. John's Wood, and she tells the* following story about one of the artist's dogs: "Among his many stories I remember his once telling us an anecdote of one of his dogs he was in the. habit of taking out at the end of his work. The deg used to wait patieutly ali day long,while Sir Edwin wee painting„ but he used to come and lie down at his feet, and look up in his face towards the. o'clock, and- - on one occasion, finding his hints disregarded, ;trotted into the hall, and came back with the painter's hat, which he laid on the floor before han." Four of the daughters and two of the daughters-in-law of "General" Booth are en - mend in the work of the Salvation Army. Kitty, the eldest child, now a "Marehal" and the wife of Mr. Clibborn, did much to develop the Army in Switzerland and Frence. Emma (noW Mrs. Tucker) made India her field of operations. Misses Eva and Lucy Booth, both young yet, are ar- dently interested, arid promise, in time, to rival their elder sisters in useful- ness. Mrs. Maud Ballington Booth is the - daughter of a clergyman. For a time she served in Switzerland, and was subjected to much persecution. As the wife of "t leneral" Booth's eecond son, and director of much of the Army work in the United States, she is widely and favorably known in that country. Mtb. Bramwell Booth is the wife of the "General's" eldest son. Before Maniacs(' she was a Miss Soper. Her great work has° bee, the foundation of "rescue homes," which are among the most successful establish- ments of the kind ever started in Great Britain. She is a woman of fine linguistic and literary accomplishment. • Biel:tries welding has now become almost universal in large establishments. The use of a itrIX is necessary. Electricity is used for xraking forgings, augers, railroad spikes, ball hearings and other articles hitherto made by head. A Frenchman has been experimenting with ! a new electric boat which has two side iwheela with hollow rims to act as lived, and vanes like a mill wheel. At the sterts there is a smaller wheel to steer by. The boat is driven by means of motors. The influence of forelas in protecting the water silkily is welleillustrated in the case of Gkeece. In ancient days she possessed 7,500,000 acres of forest. To -day she has hardly 2,000,000 acres, and the scarcity of wati- and other injurious climatic effects are traceable to the destruction of the trees. CYcloriea originated in the tropics, arid are OhieflY found in five localities :' The , Wo a Indies, Bengal Bay and the Chinese ' coast, north of the equator, and in the South Indian Ocean, off Madagascar, and the South Pacific, near Samoa. In the Antilles there are not half a dozen on the average every season. DULL FOR SERVIOE.—Tho undersigned will keep IP for service on Lot 23, Concession 5, McKillop. The pure Cruickshank Thoroughbred bull, "Lord Huron" No. (16980), bred by D. Patine Ethel, got by Perfection, (9100), Imported dam, Queen Bees, (15787) Sallebury,1(6943), by Banarack (11180), (imported). Terms—$1.50, payable January let, 1893. Thorough - brads, $8.00. WM. LOCKHART. 1274-tf ILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE.—For sale in the thriving village of Heneall, the follow- ing mentioned property namely, a good frame dwell- ing 18x24, 11 storey and kitchen 19x19 and debit 18x24. These buildings aresituated on the west side Brock Street and are all in good repair. There is lots with a number of young bearing fruit trees and small fruits also in abundance, and a good never failing well. For full particulars apply to, JOHN A. MITCHELL, Proprietor, Henan P. 0., or to G. J. SUTHERLAND, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Hensel'. 1289-4 Tho Biehop's Speech, A certain bishop in the }louse of Lords, according to Mr. Greville, rose to make a • speech during the reign of the laet George, and said that he would divide his speech " into twelve parts. At this juncture the Duke of Wei:at-nil:t- ater begged permis4ion to tell a story that was appropriate only at this juncture. "A drunken man was passing by St. Paul' e at night," said the duke, "and heard the clock slowly striking twelve. He waited patient- ly, counting the strctkes, and when it was over he looked at the clock and exclaimed: "Confound you t Why couldn't you give us all that. at once.: - Then the Duke of 1,Vestinimaer sat clown, but the bishop never finished his twelve - part speech. the properties possessed by the metal glu- ciniim, about which comparatively little is yet known, appear to render it valuable for thenonstruction of electrical instruments. It Is said to be lighter thau aluminum, stronger than iron and of better conduc- tivity thatt copper, besides resisting oxide- tioa, while its cost is estimated at $1. an A new Preparation has been introduced iniFra,nce for the purpose of replacing India rubber and gutta percha. The ingredients are Manilla gum, bitumen and benzine, to which is ridded a small percentage of resin oil The product is said to have all the supplexiess, elasticity, solidity and dur- ability Of the best India rubbers, and can belarnictinized in the =Jima manner. GLASSWARE • AND CROCKERY Daing this month. These goods will be offered cheaper than were ever offered in Seaforth before. Our Groceries, &c., will be down in sympathy with the above lines. will make a big push to empty out this stock before removing to premises, and intend to hang up some easy prices. Call and see us, and be convinced that we are doing business direct- ly in your interest. such Goods our We w R BEATTIE, & CO., SEAFORTH. THE SOONER THE BETTEB. MO SCHOOL TEACHERS.—TeSeher wanted for 1. Union School, Section No. 11. Morris, Grey and MoKillop. Applications will be received up to September 13th Wrest° commence October 1st. Applicants to siate salary desired also to give ex- perience and grade of certificate of qualification. Male teacher preferred as it is the senior department ° that teacher is required for. Address JAMES Mc. DONALD, Secretary -Treasurer, Walton P. 0. 12.89x4 ISSOLUTION ,OF PARTNE SHI P.—Notice, le JJ hereby given that the Partnerahip heretofore existing between Coad, Rennie and Young as Gener- al Merchants in the Village of Henson, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent and that the business will be carried on in the future by R. Coad and E. Rennie, under the name style or firm of Coad & Ronnie, and all accounts due on let of October 3891 must be settled by the lst of September 1892. COAD & EANNIE, Bengali P. 0. August llth, 1892 1289-4 - STORE PROPERTY IN CONSTANCE FOR SALE, —For sale cheap the well known and popular business stand in the village of Constance. There in a large and commodious store wittidwelling attached and a good cellar, store house and stable. There in also half an acre of land, well planted with fruit trees. Constance is the centre of ono of the beet agricultural dietricts in Canada, and this is the principal store the village and s good iive man can make moneiI. The stook of general merchandise will be sold with the property if &sired. Satisfactory reasons for selling will be given. Apply to the proprietor, J. A. STEWART, Conatanee P, O., or Mrs. Jas. Burgess, Egmondville. 127741 Be wise and grasp the present opportunity of being able to buy the best PrliTIRa•TI'11171RM In the market at midsummer reduced prices. We offer you, during the month of August, GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO BUY $ 300 Plivate funds to loan at lowest $ 500 rates of interest at sums to suit ir 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- $1,000 pleted and money advanced, $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. $2,500 S. HAYS, Banister,&c.,Seaforth. 125 This season's patterns of all kinds and complete Parlor Suite, at figures be saved by getting your furniture no during the dull season, and so reduce intended to purchase. Special prices The M. Robertson Furniture Emporium, At the lowest living Dealers and others quantities, it will pay you to call and see us before purchasing. HV -YOU - ofvlurniinitouorevioeyou , from anodd monyoa dhachairtoea full that w. We must keep our workmen busy prices to entice buyers earlier than they on upholstered furniture at "Baokache means the kid- neys are in trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills glue prompt relief." "76 per cent of disease is rat caused by disordered kid- neys. "Might as well try to have a healthy city without sewer- age, as good health ,when the kidneys are clogged, they are the soavengsru of ,the syiktoolu: 'Delay J# dangerous. lected kidn troubles Aim In Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and the most dan- gerous of all, Bright. Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy." a "The above diseases cannot extst where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used." Sold by all dealers or sent by manotireciipt of price so cents. per box or viz for fiassa, Dr. L. A. Smith Sr Co. Toronto. Write for - bock called ICulney Talk. il•=•-11•M••••• FARMERS. 2 Where are you going with your next grist. Remember we are giving from 38 to 40 lbs. Of Flour to the bushel for good wheat, FLOWER AND FEED • Breezy Bits. —Moving for Position. — Gentleman "Why are you running no fast, my little man ?' Little Man : I wanter ;sit far 'nough away from Jimmy McGoug6to tell him I aint 'fraid of him."—Street & Sm' ' Good Nome-, --Prospective Purchaser : "Is this mule fast ?" Owner: "No, not entirely—his hind lege are loose."—Kate Field'sWash- ington. —A Son of Erin.—" Late I" said an Irish- man to a departing guest, "it isn't !late till midnight, and thatie early r—dhristian Observer. —A bit of Shakespeare up to date Bacilli in bricks, germs in the running brooks, microbes in everything. —A Scotchman who wanted to sell some bees inserted the following adve4isement In the local paper: "Extensive sale of live stock, comprising no less than 140,090 bead, with an unlimited right of pasturage."— New York Tribune. An tie irt000n. Brace—Among ray dearest treasures is watch my father tarried -when he was a young man. Bagley --Would you mind letting me see it? Brace- -Certainly' not ; but it is tempor- arily in the possession of my—er—father'e brothers—New Yoik Sun. THE FARMING BUSINESS. It Has Two Ends—The Horne anti the Mar- keifng End. Upon the welfare of the farmer' of Can- ada, depends the prosperity of the Proviace of Ontario and of this Dominion which we J' eo well. Evetwbody says so, and, many Pieces Of natural iron have been found in Atizona, near the Canon Diablo, which pea- s* ail extraordinary hardness, and contain Mall eairities which are filled with a black stibstaime in which are diamonds, some half a ghillitnetre in diameter. The specimens of nituria iron appear to be meteoric origin. The occitrence of the diamond in natural irOn, whether of meteoric origin or not,is an e*tremely interesting fact. ;Jifitrtlier experiments made in English col- l'Ories with anemorite show that this explo- sive po4sesses qualities rendering it valuable f9r mine 'work. The substance consists of pure Ammonium nitrate end nitro-naptha- both of which substances are of them - elves inexplosive, but intimately combined frin a powerful compound. It does not Oxplodo by concussionunaffected by vari- ations of temperatufe, and can be detonated *helot:Med. ;" Take Off Your Coat." Wheb the war ended and the negroes were free there was a great enthusiasm for educating them. One of the first schools itaited was built on the edge of his place by Colonel Trigg, who got a little school , Maitre as they were termed, to come down and teach it. It was soon filled by the colored p pulation, the pupils ranging from five tosot.entyflve years. all studying " ab abj e -b h." Even "Uncle Jack Scott," the Cplo el'a lima man, one of the old- titne0, uent in, and was transferred from the stlibl to the school room. The Colonel fainatl !About it; but it was laid at the door of Uncle Jaell's new wife, "Mrs. Scott," wile Wes a 'citified" lady, and'had many ait-13, lfOcle Jacit was an acquisition to the schodl, and tve,,i given a prominent position by fife) stove, the little school mistress pay- th ce va or 00 do?" Engineer: "I would look side, sin". Examiner :" "Look o side 1 What would you look over for ?" Engineer: "I'd want to there wet, any water to pinup, or," He passed --Dundee News. —" Suppose,- now," said the examiner to e engineer applying for a chief engineer's rtificate, "you have your pumps and Ives all right and everything in working der and you start your pumps and get .water, what is the first thing you would ver the ver the the side know if ----- A SPLENDID BUSINESS CLIANCE.—The under 2. signed offers for sale cheap, and on easy terms his propertY in Hills Green. It consists of one quarter acre of land, on which le situated a good general store with dwelling attached, and under which is a splendid cellar. There is also a large ware- house and stable. Hills Green is the oentro of oue of the richest and beet farming districts in Ontario, and this is a splendid opening for a good, live busi- ness man with some means to make money. For particulars, address CHARLES TROYER, Hills Green, 12650 TIOUSE TOR SALE.—That comfortable cottage on Gdderich fit. opposite the show grounds con- taining hall and six rooms and summer kitchen, the houselaas a good stone cellar. hard and soft water and other conveniences. A good garden with plenty ef fruit trees coming into bearing. This desirable residonosic will be sold cheap as the proprietor is re- moving bis family from town. Part of the purchase money can remain on mortgage if desired. Apply on the premiees to MRS. JOHN GREEN, or ii`A. STRONG and BRO. 1267-t f OPPOSITE E. McFAIIL'S DRY GOODS STORE, •MAIN STREET, • SEAFORTH. prices. buying in Remember the place, Roller Mills, formerly known as the Red —"I have always taken pleasure, in Your presence," she said, as they weye Iowan& as friends and nothing more. "I beg your pardon," he said reflectively, "but do you mind spelling that last word ?" - —A model hand organ, lately 111 Paris, is -so arranged that the gri it down in front of a house, win so that it will go for an hour or then leaves it. When, hutimn nature can bear no more, a servant is sent ou to .stop the organ, and reach' this inscrip t ion over it: "If you wish this organ to atckp, put a penny in the slot." • 1 ented in der sets s it up so, and GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. Seaforth Anticipating.the rise in Cotton Goods, which has taken place since the W. H. CODE & CO, CottonMills of the Dominion of Canada passed into the hands of a syndicate, we laid in a large stock of all kinds of STAPLE COTTON GOODS, And will give customers the same at old prices as long as they last. We have also added largely to our stock of English and American Prints, American ()Wiles, Mulls, Bedford Cords, English Sateens, &6. Full range of Plain and Fancy Dress Goods. Extra good values in Black Cashmere, also in Black and -Colored Silks. ik.SPLENDID OPENING.—William Kyle, Iiippen, having purdhased a farm intends retiring frora buainess at once and must either sell or rent hie property and business in that place. The property consists of a resilience and Carriage Factory fully equipped for doing a good businese. The residence is comfortable, and has in connection with it all necessary conveniences. The shop is large and is fitted up with a good steam engine and boiler, and all other machinery necessary for carrying on a flret- class carriage making e,nd turning business. This is a splendid opening for a good, pushing man with some capital. Terms easy. WILLIAM KYLE, Rippen. 1283-tf of them ease it with a feelme of oenero a i e - , - , ., ..a , - : . x , I - -:' i: 0 1:r The Countryman's Contrpt4 The enthusiasm of a scientist is as incom- hoctaw, dent of studies musing. rtaining prehensible to the uninitiated as and the comments which the et nature receives as he prosecutes hi in the country are exceedingly The Boston Herald tells this en ' story :-- The other day, during the warm spell, a young Boston entomologist journ ed to a suburban city to meet an enthusi stic co- worker in the science. Togethe the two wandered into the fields in search if aortae - thing to dissect; and, thoogh it w s early for a thoroughly animated nature, they had a lively' talk, and did happen upon a premature specimen of an ani al with wings. 1 . The insect was promptly captu ed, and the two lads took ,it to the nearest fence for examination. Here neither f them t eould recall the order to which it loelonged, and the Latin name was various' given by both. In the midst of the controve .sy two countrymen came up, attracted y what Was going on, and wondering, s they x reseed it "what the lads were jawing about." But their perplexity did not last long. The youthful entomologists in- formed them, pointing to the inseict, that they: were "trying to think of the name for that." "That ?" said. the elder of the tountry- men with an expression of utter corn on his face, " why, that's a bug. icier seen a hug before 7" , - R. JAMIESON SEAFORTH. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Established 1867. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - $6.000,000 REST, - - - - - - -- - $1,000,000 B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. A General Banking Business Transacteid. Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts issued payable at all points in Canada'and the principal cities in the United States,Great Britain, France, Bermuda,&c. SAVINGSIIANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of pm and upwards received, and current rates of interest allowed. lerean- EST ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END OF MAY AND NOVEMBER IN EACH YEAR. Special Attellti0111 given to the Collection of nommeretai Paper and Farmers' Sales Notes. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. M. MORRIS, Manager HAND -MADE Boots and Shoes D. Me1NTYRE Has on hand a large number of Boots aod Shoes of hit own make, best material and Warranted to . give Satisfaction. If you want your feet kept dry oome and get a pair 06 our boots, which will be sold '011EAP FOR CASH. Repairing promptly attended to. _ All kinds of 13oofla and Shoes made to order. All parties who have not paid, their accounts for litet year will please call and settlie6up. i2 1). MoINTYRE. beafortb. THE - SEAFORTH - FOUNDRY. Having completed rebuilding and repairing the old foundry, and introdua- ; de the latest equipments and the most improved machines, I am now prepared to dp Ail Kindsof Machine Repairs AND GENERAL FOUNDRY WORK. OINTID ENJOIZIO Both the method and results when Syrup of FiFs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and BowelsJ cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers .and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy Of its kind' ver pro- duced, pleasini: to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and i truly beneficial n its effects, prepared only from the most hec,lthy and agreeable substances its manyexcellent qualities commen'd it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is fof sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, SW' FILAINJOISCO, CAL. LOMBVILLZ7It2". NEM Yomg, lc, Sold by 3. S. ROBERTS, Druggist, Seafo;th. APPLES. The undersigned is prepared to pay the highest cash price for any quantity of first class Fall and inter app les. GEORGE E. HENDERSON. 1288 LAND ROLLERS. SEAFORTH Musical Instrument ID1.11201ZITTIstet Scott Brothers, We are now turning out some of the best improved Land Rollers, and invite the fermers to see them before buying elsewhere. T. T COLEMAN. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. ..agm:2111••• „ Our Rapid Progress may be seen from the following Statement : Ineorne.,. 187.2—$ 48,210 1876— 102,822 1880— 141 402 Net Assets be- Life Amur - sides uncalled ances in capital. force. 9 96,461' 81,064,850 265,944 2,414,063 473,633 3,897,139 Income. Asset,. 1884-8278,379 $ 836,897 1888— 525,273 1,536,816 1:01— 920,174 67 2,885,571 44 Life Assur- anoes in force $ 6,844,404 11,931,316 19,436,961 84 PROPRIETORS, SEAFORTH,- ONTARIO. PIANOS.—Dunham, New York W. Bell & Co., Guelph; Dominion Piano bom- pany, Bowmanville, oRGANs.—W. Bell & Co., Guelph; Dominion Organ Company, Bowmanville; D. W. Kern & Co., Woodstook. The above Instrumento always on hand, also a few good socond-hand Pianos and Organs for sale at from $25 upwards. Instruments sold on the inetal- ment plan, or on terms to suit customers, Violino Concertinas and small instruments on band also:sheet musics, books fits. The SUN issues an absolutely unconditional policy. It pays Claims promptly, without waiting 60 or 90 days. R. MACAULAY, Managing Director. A. S. MACGREGOR, Manager London District, JOHN FAIRLEY Agent, Seaforth. W. SOM E RV I LLE Pride Of the Valley Medicine, Agent G. N. W. Telegraph and Can- adian Express Compainkes, SEAFORTH, ONT. Telegraphic connections everywhere. Low rates on money packages, and remitters guaranteed against loss. The convenience and safety ' of our money order service is attraeting the attention of and pleas- ing many patrons. Special rates on produce and poultry. Toronto train service only 4i hours, Mon - real hours. _ 1228 WOOD WANTED. Wanted between 10 and 20 cords o iroo d beach &nd Maple wood to be delivered any time before the middle of October. Apply at Tim EXPOSITOR OFFICE, 1290 Seatorth, The Great Blood Purifier; price, 25e a package ; five for $1. Pride of t e Valley Liniment, the greatest pain de- stroyer on ear for Cramps in the Stomach, Sprain, Bruises, &c.; use no other; price, 50 cents. Pride of the Valley Catarrh and Rheumatic Cure, a specific for the opening of the organs of the body that become blockedswith dise,ases ; price $1, or six for $5. Ask your family druggist for the above remedies, and new sleep without them in your house. You may need them at any hour, SCOTT El!IOS. MINEMINNIMINININOINENINI M. ROBERTSON, LeadingUndertaker MAIN STREET, SEAFORTIL My facilities are unsurpassed. I am pre- pared to conduct burials in ,a most esti*. factory manner. All naodern undertaking appliances. Competent management guar- anteed. A Minima of burial 1(004111 on band. I aim to be prompt, considerate and reliable. Vir Charges moot reasonable. RESIDENCE, NORTH WIN STREET, 1223 ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, • 1205-52 REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers Sail rim agularly fro PORTLAND and HALIFAX to LIVERPOOL via LONDONDERRY DURING TOE WINTER MONTHS= Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, VC Steerage at low rates. NoCATTLE cAmtim SERVICE OF STLAITigE ALLAN LINL STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK & GLASGOW, via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Steerage at low rates, pA ply to II. k A. ALLAN, *mitres!, or 0 upwards. Second Cabin, ip25. BEC:14:NES400raWnd. G u„ 72522. Patrons of Industry. Mr. R. COM171011 has been commiseloned to organize Soeieties of this order in this County. Any section wishing to organize, oo.n receive all intern:talon by applying to R. COMMON, Seaforth. 1274-tf MARRIAGE LICENSES Ir3SUED LT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE SEAFORTE, ONTARIO. NO virnaHESS€11 RSOUIRIED