The Huron Expositor, 1892-09-09, Page 1Men
DW -
tbe the
et -7177— •
/1 cut and feitt. td loittle from the stacks_ in the
/Rn a winter seatene t..44 ttio head of the valley
-r or oue branch icJi it is Long Lake. It is '
We are making a special display of
It Hate and Cape on
aturday, Sept. 10th.
We will be pleased to have you call
a d see fust what we can do for you
in this line. We show the West
glish and American novelties in
Our entire stock will be displayed on
tbe above day. Come and examine
them, whether yod desire to purchase
01 not.
°low is an interesting and vivid account
of Indian sun dance in Chief Pivot's re
ye in the Northwest, near Long Lake,
ritten by Mr. Jain,es Robinson, ex -Reeve
the Township of Wallace, County of
• about threner enr t iniles wide and nearly
sixty inilest iong. A small steamer rune on
it for the ccinmodation of tourists and
other pleasure nick ts. Its waters are filled
with fish and iits batiks and blends are
covered with Oen eivild geese by the thou-
sand, ducks in 'a,abundance, mis gulls and
pelicans. *beet linhead waters bears and
antelopes can be fund. It is an Eden for
spor smen in the ting of the year. The
fish from Long It e enter the Qu'Appelle
river to stawie id when the waters. re-
treat, whio givelin se its banks, fish can be
got in tragcin load e in pools along the river.
We are not date ncling tattle valley and
turning to the 'rigi t and cansee the plains
about three thiles i *ay dotted with tents.
We take e tern lin, mid a projecting hill on
our way clOwn • d observe a number of
white object e on t o hillside. It is an
4 A
V.,..ilil0 GRAVEYARD.
We slacken ourpa nand for a- moment gaze
with reverential id peot on the graves of the
recimen, allti Oat ., henghts wander back to
where our affec ist is' lie buried and whose
care of them we r4, igti to the stranger. But
it is early in the any ihd we stop to examine
the last reining ' lace of the Indian and
learn, that When, e, ehild of the plein dies
he fiats no co n ti on his last resting place,
no costly shreitd. encircles his •body, but he
is wrapped in hie blanket and then . carried
to his graveby, hie ietatives. The grave is
dug about two feet deep and when he he laid
therein somestlinne are put across it to hold
up the earthiwhert, . the grave is filled up, a
blanket or ;Tiede of Canvas is then placed
lengthwise ,., on t' Out grave. This is to
frighten away Wit teti or badgers who might
otherwise deepei tt, the grave. No man is
there to Beni eat h to , earth or blessed are
they that die lidittne Lord, but, poor crea-
tures 1 they 'have lino -knowledge of the Lord
and Savior. tnBlet *tears anxious to see the
4 - i,GRAS 7ST. DANCE.
It was near sundown, July, 1892, when
Charles Stewart came home and said that if
I anted to see a Pagan sun dance I would
h ve to be in the Qu'Appelle valley on the
morrow, as Chief Pisuot's whole baud, num-
bering some 1,500, had encamped there and
all preparations were made for the great
Ma dance and dog feast. I asked Daniel
'Stewart if he would give me a drive on his
neck -board on the morrow, which he readily
agreed to do, and a better man I could not
have found as he WaS thoroughly acquainted
ththe whole count*. He was one of the
first white men who hid struck watt in ad -
venal of the Canadiaii Pacific Railsvay ; he
had crossed the Rockies by trail and had
seen a good deal of western life. He is a
bachelor and owns a huge farm and grows
wheat by the thousand bushels, besides he
isle, shareholder with his father and brothers
on an extensive cattle ranch in the Qu'Ap-
pelle valley; he is an ,, accomplished' horse-
men and could head off a badger or round
un a herd of horses or ;cattle with the beet
cowboy on the plains. Next morning. as the
min was making its i appearance in the
eeatern skies we were on our tourney, which
lay over the prairie smile twenty-five miles
distant. We took a north-easterly direc-
tion in a bee line straight across the country
sometimes on a trail and sometimes off it.
There was, nothing ofipartionlar attention
for the first twenty miles. The prairie Was
' etildded with flowers in all directions, a
person Would ,.almost fancy himself in some
grand. boulevard as he would pass through
the ravines, go beautifin did they iappear.
Niovi and -then we would run against the
iiiisd and bonen of a buffelo which had fallen
i the chase; sometimee we met a pair of
fine feet horns of the elk which some trav-
eler had raised at the dinergence of a trail,
other times a flock of prairie onioketis would_
, Hie before us and fly for a neighboring bluff.
Occasionally a jack rabbit would flit across
our path. They are very fleet and about as
la ge again as ordinary rabbits. Well, after
a out two hours' drive We sighted the hills
along the Qu'Appelle river, they are ten
miles away but it don't seem more than two
or three. Along the river banks it is a con-
tinuation of hills or inoentains. It is the
farther side we can see as this side is en-
tieely hidden from one view till we get
hin a few rode of it* banks. We have
not met a man since we started as it is
- e rly morning, settlers Mit) not up, as many
g to bed before sundowe and don't get up
till long after it rises ; it is nearly all day in
slimmer here. We go on i a bit and meet a
man on horseback - he ships and enquires if
we met a span of 'horses ;he had unhitched
from his nagon the night before and left to
feed upon the prairie and they had got
i away. There are no 'stopping places for
travellers here outside the towns; most of
s ttlers travel in bands, iiome go a hundred
tmiles to market and will take a week or ten
d ye to make the trip., , They will carry
with them their tents endiprovisions, tether
their horses or oxen on the prairie and rest
contented for the night. But I have set off
far - t
1 entroe's suer pArics
and We hasten on.; 4 can already see the
great circle ni tent. And can see a large num-
ber of ponisin some are running loose, some
are tethered i and ileitis are hobbled. It
looke as if there were More than a thousand,
but the Intikanntilen there to worship and
they have dierohglit with them, all their
property, detudeting Of wives, children,
miss, cartelinddegii. i We are now enter-
ing the circle: of itente and we take a- long
look at the enolci'eune. It is DOW to us; we
had not thOilkilt,:ther0 WAS such a class of
people on the fade of nhe earth, but here is a
great ocintreist beititeeeh those who worship
the God of neaviineuid those who Worship
his creature; the :Sen. As we entered the
enclosure we obe
women sqU'atted
cakes. The he
worked the aour d and they had a board on
which they Petted it tilt it had the desired
shape. • It was then baked on some !coils.
A little to the lett itf where we entered we
emild, hear the he
over to see what ,
was the wonted;
the feast. yo,
luxury andriitea
at sun dancenfo
of tents !steeds
that around:: it
throng of all od o
liked a number of Indian
on the ground making
tekell dishes which they
ding of doge and ventured
se the cause and found it
datightering the dogs for
ti dog is counted a great
numbers are slaughtered
the braves. In the circle
large one and I noticed
: congregated a large
s Opine squatted on the
a4id will endeavor to desotibe it. We take
a turn Around a bluff and come in sight of
t ree or four large buildings. There is one
'inch looks as if it had been built for a
.hool house or b. hotel, near it stood, an -
o her. Its windows were narred, there was
c ose to it a blackernith shop and around it
s ood a number of plows and other farm im-
p ements. Those buildipts belong to the
e Indians get their weekly allowance of
ur, pork and beef frorlythe Government
understood from Mr. McKinnon, who was
charge of the buildings end who was also
dian Departments and t is here where
his bravery . If he sten
be eligible in m,arriag
daughters, and take firs
braves; ; if he fails be
the equaws. But hgre
chief goes over to him
through a slit whieh wa
man's breast. The youn
back so that the whole
would come on the rop
aroun( the half circle for
I could see the blood
breast, otherwize he she
foringonly a certain pa
able in his cheeks.. Th
that en old Indian wen
and put out a number o
discovered what it me
about to come off, but w
Presently enters four won
pots, while soma othe
baskete of cakes. The f
They were handed to the
sharpened stick and se
with his hand, he pass
dishes) to the bucks—the
This over, the chief drew
becco ouch a quantity of
ground and some o libidos and some stand-
ing, and sonie naked, save a breech cloth
' '
and all painted 1 ' different colors, but prin-
cipally yellow, red and green. Some of the
bucks would It'eet :their cheeks painted
yellow; their nest green; their forehead
and chin red.'. Th� ladies would excel the
up their nose and; along where their hair
was parted. e But 1 there is an unearthly
sound going iiii in thnlarge tent and we go
around to the tent to see where it oomes
from, and weiba I see sthe whole scene and
we forget oneseiven and think V70 have
passed the petted" of death and come to the
suburbs of • Pandene‘ninM We tried to con-
, e a
sole oureelvesithat 0 Might only be a terri-
ble nightmare; but it was neither. We .are
standing at the door of a heathen temple
where the rites! of Worship are going on.
There is no epredo et standing behind the
altar reading froni thei Bible, how men fell
from his first e taterapd how he was rein-
gents as thetnal
ing, as they Wou
and have a ttri
IZJ a, farm instructor, that qiiate a number of
the Indians bad taken to farming and this
year they had a considetable extent of
veheat sown and Were owners of about one
hundred and fifty head of cettle, besides the
Government had furnished them wagons,
- plows and oxen. Besides all this the Gov-
ernment had there a herd of five hundred
itead of cattle which were slaughtered as
required to feed the Indianan We are now
ola the top of the hills whit* oderlook the
river, but there are no hills Above the plains,
0 ly a great depression in the ground of
s1met three or i four hundred feet deep,
hioh looks as if twine great rent had been
ade by a mighty earthquake. Its hills or
declines are of all shapes and sizes, some
- rtmniing one way and some another, some of
teeth are nearly etraight dciwn end it was
°yet' these the Indians rushed the buffalo
aid where great numbers Would be killed
f' om off the plains. It is A grand sight,
ver ao mile wide and nearly one hundred
nes long. It is here where nanehmen have
t ken up their abode and wilere thousands
f horses and cattle roam the year round,
ever finding a stable and always fat.
housands of tone of hay grove here and it, is
s no in the art of fresco -
'ane their cheeks striped
tinning from their chin
s the test he will
for the chief's
rank among the
ill only rank with
he stands. The
aud ties the rope
cut in the young 1
man then leans
eight of hie body
and then dances
bout half an hour.
running down bis
d no sign of suf-
eness was observ-
e over, I noticed
around the tent
'Indians. soon
nt, the feast was
n't for everyone.
en with four large
a brought some
ur pots contained
hief, who took a
&rating the meat
d it around (no
squaws got none.
from a large to -
(thecae filled his
pipe, took a pull, and passed it around, each
taking:a whiff. It was the calumet, or pipe
of peace. While the fell* -was going on
inside, the young bucks were trading ponies
and to confirm the bargain ithe owner would
ride them in to the tent an get' off ,and the
other bucks would get on and ride away.
While all these performance were enacting
the piping and dancing an
never °eased. These clan
started at sunrise and k
days, and pipers and dan
drink till all is over. i
' I have now described
Paw eun dance, and let
refleot that they, too, wo
like these poonbenighted c
not for the Gospel. Soni
your ferefathers and you tr
the Indio= in the loos len
me to say that there is
woman in Ontario but co
an old one, or some weari
Indian women and little gi
part of Canada, and whe
as I trust it will, when the
you with linen, olean an
the righteousnees of rain
regret it.
stated through a, greet sacrifice, but inside
are all the old Min Fhe ladies are seated
on the ground Leine; not a chair or stool
in the camp. p 1 013)3 the tent and near the
outside of it is ii intact of about four feet,
running about theeeiquarters around. It is
for the music:loose', pent is a pOle in front
of them vehieh they i. take a hold of with
their bands while in theft mouths they hold
a sort of whiettee abotit eight inches long,
adorned with ivitehere tails. On ,thoge
whistles they n nti
tune. They hold
ha.ncle and keen iic
nally blow at the same
p, the pole with both
dance—never raising a
'foot Off the groundot epringing from their
knees. Inside of them is a place for the
drummers; There ate twelve of them seated
on the ground; Their. drums are about half
the size of he tle-driiins. On them they
continually beat, ,Making no varietions in
the sound, wht, e the whole crowd keep up
a sort of a songWith no variations in the
tune, and sounding like " yo I ah yo! ah ! "
While this tuip AMY Chanting to the sun is
(thing on, the e id is Marching around a half
circle in thintent. i He is owner of a half
dozen wives ind is! about seventy years of
age. He is naked to the loins, from hie
loins down he is. concealed with a buffalo
skin. On his head he wears -a cap made
from badger,: @iciest i From his long hair
hangs Belot okpaitited feathers, in his hand
he holele the Wing of an eagle, which he con-
tinually keeps [brandishing from side to side„
all the time lieepinnun a chant of "yo ! ah!
yo! ah 1" When the chief gets tired an-
other takes his place and he
AicEkl A srEEcii
dreadful music
es are generally
pt up for three
ars never eat or
y visit to the
my readers just
ld be •heathens
eatures if it were
ebody sent it to
y and send it to
, and here allow
not a Christian
Id send a dress,
g,apparel to tbe
ls of this western
the day contain
Lord shall clothe
white, which te
s, you will niit
etood Farming Needed.
the papers nowadays alio
crops. Some of it is print
a good deal the very rioter
ee a good deal in
t the Manitoba
nearly true and
e. As I am one
of the crop reporters for our Government,
and as I am also one of th
part of our grand country,
all feel prond,and of which
farmers of this
of which we may
we read so many
exaggerated accounts, I theught a few facts
in regard to our crops might not be amiss.
Our wheat is juin now abut balf cute and,
wherever the land has be
ed, we have a very nioe
25 bushels per acre; but t
the land that the seed has
to live or die as it were,
our average down to from
per acre. That kind of
well last year, but good f
ever yon go. This year t
winds have ripened some
on liOit soil, a little too
ing to be a little thin in t
not be 'quite so heavy.
frost yet. The most ten
fine s fr. Our oats are
the wheat—where the
worket there is a big ore
great many poor farmers
seem to think that any k
do here,1 but in this coma
n even half work -
op of from 20 to
ere is so mu:oh Of
hat it will p 11
been pitched t,
12 to 15 bush s
farming did vety
rming tells wher-
e hot sun and hot
wheat, especially
click, and it is go-
o berry and will
We have had no
er vegetables lonk
'net the same 0
land is properly
but we have a,
n Manitoba, who
d of farming will
y it will pay to
work the land well just as much as in any
part_ f chttario. In regard to settlers com-
ing, , man who is not afraid of honest wotk
need neeer be afraid of coming to Manitoba,
as there is not the least nanger but be will
makida good living for h mself and family.
beforetthey had reached it Mini' boat had hotel at Iona, where, at the time of wr ting,
she was still lying, not having recoyered-
OCMSOIOUSINSO. The woman is 'Omit 25
years old. The doctors thought she, was
suffering only from the shook and expeeure.
A later despatch says : Miss Sophie nhep-
herd, found by the track near Iona, Assum-
ed her journey to RipineWieconsin, Thurs-
day night. A telegram from Niles, Michi-
gan, Friday morning said she was all eight,
and would be able to complete her journey.
—Reports from Alberta, Northwest Ter-
ritory, state that the potato bug has reeched
that district, and there is considerable
consternation among the farmers in Conse-
quence, who heretofore have been free of
this and other vegetable pests. Prince Ed-
ward Island also reports the arrival of the
Colorado beetle this year.
—Beatty, Downs and Dawn the alieged
counterfeiters, of Port Lembton are still in
Sarnia jail, unable to procure the requisite
bail, which was fixed by Judge Robinson in
$4,000 each, the principals in $2,000 each,
and two securities in $1,000 each. They
will appear before Judge Mackenzie to elect
in which court they will be tried.
—The town of Blenheim bonused the
Lake Erie and Detroit River railway to the
extent of $6,000 on condition that the
station be erected within a few hundred
yards of the main street. Now, as cars
often obstruct said street, the people Want
the station removed, end the railway people
ask another $6,000 to remove it.
—It may be interesting to Canadians to
know that foreign exhibitors at the World's
Fair, Chicago, will be permitted to state
upon placards attached to their exhibits the
price at which the products will be sold at
place of manufacture, and also prices in bond
and out of bond or exclusive and inclusive
of customs dude", in Chicago.
—Wm. Dnrham, Another of BiddulpIns
most respected citizens, has passed Way.
He was a gentleman in every sense of the
word. Deceased belonged to the A. F. and
A. M., and Workmen of the W-orld, end
held a $2,000 policy of his life in the last
mentioned order. He twee a wife end
two little boys.
shipped considerable water, but by dint of
great perseverance on the part of the men
the party arrived all safe and sound, but
.censiderably drenched. A return trip was
a so made for tbe rest of the party and after
o nsiderable di 'Entity they werealso landed
i safety. ' Mr. Norrish prefers being on
d y land hereafter. The boat drifted some
d stance out of the course before the party
• 1412i—deTdhesaMfeelytiodist clergymen of Kingston
district have approved of Dr. Douglas'
*ems to raise $25,000 for the better equip.
*pent of the Wesleyan Theological College.
—The .death has occurred in Montreal at
the advanced age of 83 of Miss Eliza, Her- .
vey, a wealthy lady who founded the Her-
vey Institute for Children.
—Wilson Mitchell, Strathroy, had the
misfortune to break his annat Watford a
few days since, while playing lawn tennis.
The fracture is a serious one as both bones
are broken.
—Alderman Thomas Gilroy, of Winnipeg,
was married in Simooe on Thursday last
week to Miss .13eatrice Groff,daughter of the
late Mr. Henry Groff, county treasurer of
—Mrs. Edward McMenamin, of Salt
Spring., Cumberland, Nova Scotia, has
given birth to triplets, two boys and a girl.
This is the third time in succession that this
lady has thus distinguished herself.
—Dr. Matthews, permanent secretary of
the Alliance of Reformed Churches, has
arrived in Toronto from England and open-
ed an office for business connected with the
approaching Pau -Presbyterian Council.
—Through the kindneas of J. L. Engle-
hart a scholarship of $50 is offerad annually
for competition at the Petrolea High school,
among those going up for matriculation for
Toronto University.
—Mies Heron, of Scarboro, was run over
by a trolley oar on Church street, near Isa-
bella, Toronto, the other afternoon,and both
legs were severed below the knees, She has
since died from the injuries. i a
—The centennial date stone of the new
Collegiate Institute at Kingston was hid on
Saturday afternoon by Lieutenant -Governor
Kirkpatrick, in the presence of a large as-
semblage of citizens.
—The Canadian Pacific Railway Lend
Departhient sold 24,400 acres of land last
month. During the past eight months the
5C1703p307000y has. s. sold farms to the extent of
—Mr. R. W. Phipps, the well-known
writer on forestry, was throwu from his
buggy on Thursday night, last week, at
the corner of Richmond and John streets,
Toronto, and was seriously injured,
—Reports from the cod fisheries along the
northern Labrador coast are discouraging,
and so far the herring fishery has been a
complete failure. Many of the people in the
vicinity of Currant Island will require &s-
entence to keep them through the winter.
—The Dominion Rifle Association
matches, at Ottawa, ,were concluded Friday,
The big event of the meeting, the Governs) e
General's prize, was won by Sergeant Dr sr
dale, of the Montreal Garrison Artillery.
—Contracts have been let by J. T. Hardt
and S. 0. Fisher, of Saginaw, to Canadian
parties to out and put 50,000,1)00 feet of logs
into the Wahnapitae river, Georgian bay,
on the truth of timber recently purchased
from the McArthurs.
—The Christian Endeavor societies of
Toronto and York county formed them-
selves into what will be known as the York
County Christian Endeavor Union at their
Convention held in Cook's Church, Toronto,
Friday afternoon and evening.
—At Port Bruce Elgin °Comity, a few
days ago Mies Mary kireser, of Sparta,
jumped from a runaway rig to save herself,
and landing on the back of her head on the
hard ground fractured her skull. She
died within a oouple of hours.
• —Two men named Ellis, father and son;
while working in a stone quarry the other i
day at Calgary, Alberta, were buried be- i
neath a mese of earth and stone through the'
caving in of an undermined bank. They
were almost instantly killed.
—Mr. Benjamin Cook, of Aon,writes to
Crown Attorney Hutchinson, sting that
E. York, of cattle dehorning fame, 1(4 a
fine steer last week been the effects of de -
horning, and that several of the dehorned
cattle are in a bad way.
—Thomas Fulton has rented bis farm of
50 acres in Biddulph to R, Little of the 16th
conceesion, London, for the annual rent of
A •
51754 William Kinson has purchased lot 3,
concession 3, Biddulph, from Mr. Andrews,
of Usborne, for 54,400.
• —Fifty-five families of natives of Beni
arabis are expected to take up farms shortly
in the Northwest. These people are de-
scribed as industrious farmers, each family
having from $1,000 to $1,500. They are at
present living near Philadelphia.
0 —The barns of Mr. James Sloan, of the
10th concession of Dunwich, took fire at
noon Saturday, and were consumed with
contents. The hired man had, not ten
minutes before,put four horses in the 'table
which, with 600 bushels of wheat and 400
bushels of other grain, were burned.
—The commiesion appointed by the Do-
minion Government to enquire as to the ad-
visability of disposing of the Thousand
Islands for the benefit of the Indians,recom-
mend the sale of some of them, and the inn
provement of tbe Canadian channel to the
$t. Lawrence.
—Since the burglary at the residence of
Mr. A. S. Ball, Woodstock, a number of
the citizens have declared for more police
protection. The otber night, when the
burglary occurred, Chief Will was still on
duty, and along with the doctor was the
second to reach the house.
—Mr. Pickering, druggist, Morpetb, took
an overdose of (Moral which came very
near ending his career. Dr. Younge, of
Ridgetown, was summoned and succeeded
an resuscitating him aftee'working for some
hours, and at last reports Mr. Pickering
was out of danger. 6
—Mr. Thomas MoGiverin has disposed of
the Galt Reforrner to Mr. Laidlaw, formerly
of Pattulo & Laidlaw, Woodstock, who last
week took possession. The Reformer has
always been a well conducted journal and
doubtless Mr. Laidlaw will keep it fully up
to the standard of a first-class newspaper.
—Levi Boughton, of Paris, had two
brothers and a deter who, up to a short
time ago were all living and whose aggre-
gate ages, including his own, was 374 years
or an average of 94 years each. Mr.
Boughton, who is an honored citizen, is
enjoying good health, considering his age.
—The schooners George Boyce, John
Wesley and Thome Howland arrived at
Point Edward the other day from Chicago
with 70,000 bushels grain in bond, compris-
ing 30,000 bushels oats and 40,000 bushels
of corn, and discharged their cargoes at the
Grand Tuunk elevators there.
—On Tuesday morning as some men were
going to work on the section of the Michi-
gan Central railroad near Iona, County of
Elgin, they found a woman lying near the
track, She eves without hat or wraps, and
in an unconscious statinall indications point-
ing to the fact that she bad fallen from some
panting! train. She was removed to the
I have over missed a or
the country. Last year
out Sinn bushels per acre,
for any of it was 55 cent
cents per bushel. This y
better than 20 bushels p
p since I came to
y wheat turned
and the least .1 got
, and the most 65
ar I expect a little
r acre, and I thiiik
the sample will be all a good No. 2 hardier
maybe better.
iAN OLD Sammie'
• KILLARNEY, Manitoba, Augrt 28, 1892.
naclian Pacific Rail -
--Last month the C
way sold 24,400 acres o
!--In Manitoba. 30,7
• aerived this year.
—James Fisher, W
Stratford, is chairma
procity convention.
—W. W. Crawford
in the Creet language, telling how their
fathers kept tio the min dance and how the
elk and buffalo were plenty to feed the In-
dian, and now the White man bad come and
the buffalo tied gone. Another would take
his place midi would have tied around his
bare body a *olf of eagle skin and tell of
the past and anotherwould have a toma-
hawk in his belt and Would tell of ware and
scalping and well they might, for some of
the Indians are here that were in the Custer
massacre. ' All at once a sort of procession
arrives at thee:loon and the chief makes a
passage for them , to enter. They are all
males; in the front rank is a young, man,
who appeern to le about twenty-five years
of age. He 1
is painted aii
breech clothIl
work, his lo
feet. In the
a strong athletic fellow, and
d it ;entirely naked rave the
which is made of fancy bead
bait hangs down fully three
centre of the tent there is a
long pole, to, he to of wnich is fastened a
long rope, the pi ell and tomra •tonever
cease. I noticedt esottng man take up a
e front id the tent and I saw
taking a hold of the rope and
the young man. Are they
him foe some terrible crime?
en? They are going to test
2 immigrants heve
nnipeg, formerly ' of
of the Dakota red. -
is barn and all the
season's crops near tBowmanville, were
'burned e few days ago',
—The British Coluinbia Iron Works at
Vancouver, B. C., Were burned to the
ground Friday morning. '
—John Martin, aitch respected farmer
of East Whitby, li ing near Columitus,
hanged himself in hi 'barn on Thursotay.
-There is a great plague of graeshoppers
in the Napsnee distct and fields of
oats are being much injured by them. i
-Angus Elliott, of Mayfair, county i of
Middlesex, has sem d a second-class oar-
tifioate at the early a
—$t. Paul's Chur
Protestant Church in
142nd anniversary o
—Six months' imp
$50 was the penalty
non, et St. Thomas
liquor to Indians.
--Kelliy the burgn
S. Ball n Woodsto
an unsuccessful at
Friday. .
--Neil Swartz, a
has been fined
liquor to a person
—The assessed v
estate in -Montrea
position at th
the old chief-
goiog over
going to ban
No. What t
e of 14 yearn.
h, Halifax the oldest
Canada, celebrated its.
Sunday last.
isonment and a fine of
mposed on A. Mo in.
n Saturday, far ing
ar who attacked
k the other day, *de
mpt to escape from•jail
oodstock hotni-keeper,
and costs for selling
when forbidden by the
lue of ecclesiastical real
is $3,412,000, but
The Canada Revievi claims the real value of
these exempted pro
—The cow -horn
damage in the se
Several valuable o
few days.
—At Belleville, o
Donald, a notorio
guilty of burglary
years in the peniten
—4 few days ag
dent was narrowly
place where Georg
their lives. A pa
Norrish, wife and
Norrish's sister and
North Keppel in
Cloud Island in 001
bay was a little ro
made in good ti
—A party of four wealthy citizens, of
Winnipeg have left that city with the inten-
tion of making the longest drive on recerd.
Their destination is Jacksonville, Florida,
a distance of 2,500 milee. After spending
the winter in Florida the party will early
in the summer,- drive from jaokuonvillel to
Chicago, and, after taking in the World's
Fair begin the return drive to Winnipeg.
—It is now pretty well understood that
the Canadian Pacific Tailway have decided
to establish a feet...line of Atlantic . steam-
ships to Montreal.e\ The idea is to get Ithe
British Government to grant a subsidy and
to carry the Chinatand Japan traffic right
through by the Canadian Pacific instead
of going via New York as is done at the
present time.
—About the time of the robbery and as-
sault of the Rev. Mr. Erb, at Berlin, kt is
now learned that the three men also attempt-
ed to enter se farm house occupied by James
Clemmer, shout two miles from that therm
They were trying to force an entrance
through a back window when the dogs
began to bark, and the intruders left in a
—The people of Antherstburg are greatly
agitated over the proposal of the Detroit
health officers to place a floating hospitel on
the boundary lin e in the Detroit rivenbetween
Detroit and Windsor. The Eoho declares the
proposition to be one of the most outrageous
it has yet heard of, as it is made in utter
disregard of the consequences to the resi-
dents along all parte of the Detroit river
below that city.
—An ancient walnut tree is growing near
Cataraqui, Frontenao County. The branch-
es cover eighty feet, The walnutwas
planted . by the mother of John Brasier on
April 29th, 17$9,,making the tree 103 eiears
of age last April. Mrs. Brewerwent to a
Quaker meeting in Third Town, now 'Adel-
phustown, and while there got two wal-
nuts. When she got home she • planted
both, and only one grew. It is the tree
rties is $8,211,000.,
y has done widespread
tion around Belleville:
ws have died within a
O Saturday, Coffin Mo-
s character, was feund
and sentenced to:i ten
another drowning taxi -
escaped near the same
Steven and party lost
y consisting of H. N.
child, of Guelph, Mrs.
three other friends left
small boat for White
oy's Bay. Although the
gh the sail across was
e. Before they started
back for the shore ithe wind veered round
and the situation tobited eerious as the ladies
of the party wished to return to Keppel, A
• portion of them 'tatted for the shore and
IMeLEAN BROS., Publishers;
$1.50 a Year ill Advance.
most killed, the Trotter family were hor-
ror-stricken to learn that the other brother,
Albert, was seriously hurt while at work on
his father's farm. The young Mall was en-
gaged with some other workmen making
a ditch, and by some means he fell in the
rear of the soraper, and had his leg severely •
bruised, also receiving other novels injuries,
but will recover.
—Mrs. K. Goodman, of Parkhill, had a
yellow canary bird which was a remarkable
singer possessed of wonderful powers of
imitating mound. It had learned no whistle,
to mimic the sound made by the pump when
used, the sound made by the lips in kissing,
the notes of other birds and a greet variety
of musical notes not contained in the singing
of the ordinary canary. For fifteen years
it lived on canary bird seed and water, with
an occasional leaf of lettuce or other herb in
summer. It died of old age the other day,
and its loss is felt in the household.
—Rev. Murdo McKenzie, of Inverness,
Scotland, who is a delegate from the High-
lands of Scotland to the Pan-Preebyterian
Council, and is a leader of the conlititution-
al party in the .Free Church, will preach at
Embro on Sunday, lith inst.; at Ripley on
Wednesday, 14th; at Lucknow on Sunday,
18th; at Toronto on Wednesday, 21st; at
Dunvegan, Glengarry county, on Sunday,
25th September; and at Grand River, Cape
Breton on October 2nd. At all then place.
he wilepreach in Gaelic to the Canadian
Highlander', who are manifesting groat in.
West in his visit to this country.
—The Hamilton Spectator says : fdr.John
Jackson, the noted sheep Man of Abingdon,
arrived in town on Saturday afternoon with
his fine flock of 91 sheep,which he purchased
in England. He was kept for 15 days in
quarantine at Quebec. The sheep which
Mr. Jackson brought out are good OEM
Among them are a ram that won second
prize at Bath and West, ewes that Were sec-
ond at the Royal County show, four of a
pen of five that won the champion prize of
twenty tatnineas at the Royal show, a pair
of ewe iambs that were first at Cambridge
exhibition. Mr. Jafikson will create a
sensation at the fairs with the new Stook.
—Some weeks ago Mr. Wm. Smith, a
well-known and highly respected resident of
East Missouri'Was charged with hating ex-
ploded dynamite cartridges in the Over on
the 24th of May and killing a quantity of
fish. County Constable Mason Was the
—The elders, 360 members and 159 ad-
herents of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
church, Windsor, or 90 per cent of ' all the
members in the city, have addressed a mem-
orial letter to Rev. John Gray, testifying to
their appreciation of his services as pastor of
the church and expressing regret at the an-
noyance to which he has lately been spbject-
ed. They express a hope that he may be
enabled to continue his pastoral worknimong
them with comfort and success.
—A disgraceful scene was witnessed the
other morning in Guelph, near Kleepfer &
Co.'s coal yard. A young sparrow, not able
to fly, had fallen from its nest. Two young
men, about 17 years of age came al ng, ob-
served the bird, and at once made a target
of it with stones until they killed i. The
brutal sportiveness of the men was witness-
ed by a gentleman from his bedrootri win-
dow while dressing, so that he coeld not
prevent them in their barber* amusement.
—Detective Allen last Fridley evening ar-
rested Wm. Stinson, of the East End, Lon-
don,on a charge of seduction. Stinson is
saito have 'seduced, under promise of imer-
riage, Mary Jane Arbuckle, a girl under the
a$e of 21 years who lives just outside the
city limits in fasndon township. She is a
good looking girl and recently gave birth to
twins. T / e oriole is said to have been oom-
mitted in November last. StinsOn is 27
years of age. He was taken before Squire
Smith and remanded for a week, 1
—A woman who gave her name as Mrs.
Hayes, was singing hymns and otherwise
conducting herself in a curious Manner at
the Grand Trunk railway statiod, Guelph,
the other evening. The police tonic her in
charge and she was lent to the General Hos-
pital, pending the arrival of her 4ister from
Barrie. When taken from the railway sta-
tion the woman had a satchel with her con-
taining over $90 in bills„ besides a quantity
of wearing apparel. There can be little
doubt but what the poor woman has become
demented on religious subjette, and will be
sent to an esylum.
—At Richmond, Elgin county', when the
honey was being removed from a skip of
bees, the latter became enraged and stung
W. N. Cook until he fainted away, and
some time elapsed before he was fostered to
coneciousness. They then attacked horses,
dogs, hogs, ducks and chickens,. causing a
general stampede. They stung ' Don Mat-
thew's trotter until she ran away, destroy-
ing the harness and doing general damage.
The driver escaped uninjured. They then
cleared out the town blacksmith ehop,which
bad to be locked up for some hours.
—On Wednesday of last week Wm. Trot-
ter, a young man assisting at threshing grain
in Dover, near Chathem, was seriously if
not fatally injured. Trotter was up in the
mow, and came to the end of the beam to
slide down to the floor, when. hei fell on a
broom, the end of which penetrated his
body. Two doctors were immediately sum-
moned, but they do not enterteie any hopes
of the young man's recovery. Trotter, who
is a most popular young Mall in 'the neigh-
borhood, is not yet 25 yews of age, and was
in the prime of health. A little after the
new had epread that Wm. Trotter was al-
proseoutonand his case rested chief(
evidence of a young man named Ho
near neighbor of Smith, Several
and respectable net hbors gave evi
on the
amen, a
enoe for
the defence and, a ter a few adieu nmento
and the submission of the whole evidence -to
Crown Attorney Ball, judgment was given
at Ingersoll the other day honorably acquit-
ting Mr. Smith of the charge alleged against
—John Blain, of Blackheath, drove into
Hamilton on Thursday with his wife and
daughter and *load of produce. When he
was in the city about a month ago his horses
took fright ett a trolley oar and rn away.
Mr. Blain was evidently apprehen
hishorses would rim away again,for
wife and daughter get out before a
Ing danger. Shortly after a trent,
ive that
he let his
y car ap-
proached aud the moment the horses ieaw it
they ran at full speed. Turning a corner
they upset the wagon, throwing plain out
on his head with the seats, baskete and pro-
duce on top of him. It was found that env-
esal of his ribs were broken, his left side
severely bruised and there was a scalp
wound about five inches long onthe top of
his head. He was removed to the Hospital.
He is severely hure, but his condition is not
—Canadians have been very suceessful in
winning -prizes at the Detroit Exposition.
Mr. R. Beith, M. P., Bowmanville, won 5
prises and a group prize for haokueys from
his famous stables. He won 3 prizes for
Olydesdales,—The Westminster stables of
London, owned by J. Beck, of Thorndale,
exhibited 40 head of driving and saddle
horses, and have obtained a great many
prizes for dog -cart horses, etc.—In sheep,
Mr. H. Crawford & Son, of Canboro, ex -
hibited Cotswolds and obtained all the prizes
but two 2nd ones,—Mr. H. Arkell, of Ar-
ks% in Oxford -downs obtained 40 prizes,
3 second prises, the champion prize for 10
mutton sheep and the Grant championship
pride for best mutton sheep on the ground.
—Mr. J. Douglas, of Galt, got seeing prises
in Southdowns, also Mr, H. Baker, of Sim-
eoe in the same class, • This letter gentle-
man also exhibited very successfully grain
and seeds, and out of 32 bags of grain and
seed exhibited he obtained 19 'prizes.—In
poultry, out of 2500 in the section, $400 of
it comes to Canadian poultry. In pigeon"
Toronto brings back over WO in, prizes.
—On Thursday of last week a remarkably
clever robbery was committed on one of the
most public streets in Montreal, about 2
o'clock, p. m. A well-dressedi fair coni-
plexioned woman, about 35 years of age,
drove up to the door of Nichols & Matter,
brokers Notre Dame street, Sliti was driv-
ing the 'horse and pretended that she could
not get out of the rig. She attracted the
attention of the clerk in the office by wav-
ing in her hand a lot of American bills and
money exchanges. Out ran the clerk to at-
tend to her. He was informed by the fine-
looking woman that she wanted information
as to the per centage charged for changing
American bills into Canadian currency.
After she teed got this information she kept
the clerk talking to her for about five min-
utes about money orders and exchanges.
Finally she drove rapidly away, saying that
she would return again in few minutes.
When the clerk. got back into the office he
was horrified to fiti& that thieves had been
there and had practically cleaned out the
place. Detective Grecs was at once notified
and put several of hietnen out on thit streets
watching the depot. It is said that between
$5,000 and $10,000 in money and bonds have
been etolen.
evening. She leaves her husband, Mr. Win,
Kerr, of the tannery, and a family of seven
sons. She was in her 57th year, The other
death was that 9f Mr. Henry Metcalf, aged
76 years, a resident of Mitchell for twenty-
two years. Deceased was a man of sterling
character and probity, consistent in his re-
ligious profession:1, and an fictive and pro-
greseive citizen. He was a native of York-
shire, England. Previoue to coming to
Mitchell he- had resided in Fullerton and
Logan. Lithe latter place he had been a
member of the council for several years.
--The Bible class meetings, at Znimuncler
the management of Rev. D. B. Neely, are
becoming intereeting and instructive, and
are being well attended.
—Mrs. Robert Muir, of Jackeou, lellune-
sota, is visiting about Cromarty, atter the
lapse of a quarter of a century. She finds
many changes and improvement'. C-11
—Mr. James ROSS, manager of Hannales
creamery, has removed from Kirkton to
Woodham, owing to a lack of house aotom-
modation at Kirkton, •
- —Mr. L. Goodwin, of Munro, had a sam-
ple of hie new fall wheat tested. It went
63 pounds to the bushel and about 34 bush-
ele—tAe thteheacrreec.ent university matriculation
examinations, held in Toronto, W. J.
Wright and Fi W. 0. MoCutcheon pupils
61 St. Mary's . Collegiate Institute, won .
—Mr. Robert Jaokson, of the2nd conces-
sion of Fullerton, has succeeded, after a
good deal of trouble in getting a plentiful
supply of water after boring to the depth of
16-5—teatp.tain W. C. Moserip, of St. Marys
has succeeded in passing for a first -oho:
certificate after a twelve days attendance at
London Militaty School.
—Mr. John Dempsey, proprietor of the
Gore of Downie 'cheese factory, has arrived
home from a visit through England, Ireland
and Scotland, he reports strongly in favor
of —C°Milartmes Comm, of Stretford, has
sold histfeee residence in that city, prepar-
atory to removing to Toronto, where he will
ocoupy the position of bursar in the Mimic°
Ae—YIT°111 Atwood flax mill is prospering this
season under the management and foreman-
ship of Mr. James Priest. It is expected
the Waters will realize between $12 and $13
per ton for theirflax.
—Mr. James M. Merry, manager of the
Miss Macpherson Home, has returned from
the Northwest. He reports that the crops
have been prodigious on the Macpherson
farm and generally over the territories.
—Mr. Alexander Cameron, the Mitchell
jeweler, has returned home from a three
months visit to the scenes of his boyhood in
old Scotland. Mr. Walter Thompson has
also returned from a visit to the Old
C°---11°SturYit.has been commenced by Mr. Rob- -
ert Faulkner, of St. Marys, against the
Grand Camp of the Sons of Sootland,Messrs.
Wm. Banks and Donald McGrew, for A de-
claration by the Court that he is insured in
that order for $1,000.
—The other day Messrs. Woolfe Broth,.
ers, of St. Marys, turned out their horses in
a pasture field adjoining the agricultural
grounds. Owing to a defective fence both
horses got on the reilway track; and a train
passing killed one of them.
—Mr. James Crossett, for 35 years a resi-
dent of Stratford, died on Thursday, last
week, at the advanced age of 76 years. Me.
Crossett was born in the county of Antrim,
Ireland. He was a staunch Liberal and a
member of Knox Church. ,
—In Fullerton township fall wheat is
yielding betWeen twenty end thirty bush-
els to the acre, Spring wheat ie very
poor, owing to tbe rust. Peas are a
light crop, having been drowned out in
a good many oases, Oats are very good.
Roots, owing to the present dry weather,
me likely to be a light crop.
—Mr. George Raper, of St. Marys,- on
Wednesday, hot week, celebritted the 89th
anniversary of his birthday. . A number of
his friends and acquaintances gathered at
his residence in the evening for congratu-
lations. He was born in Yorkshire, Eng-
land and came out to Canada in 1840 and,
IP 11
settled in Etoblooke township. -He moved
to Downie in 1866, and about ten years ago
moved to St. Marys.
—Mete W. A. Wilson, daughter of Pro-
fessor Cavan, of Toronto, who with henhus-
band recently returned to Canada after sev-
ered years of missionary work in Central
India, gave an address to ladies on Tuesday
afternoon, last week, in the First Presby-
terian Church, St. Marys, on work among
the native women of that country. Mrs.
Wilson also read a passage of Scripture and
sang in the Hindu language, '
A ' farewell meeting was held in Knox
Church, St, Marys, .on Tuesday evening,
last week, to hear an address on "Woman's
Work" by Rev. W, Hervey Grant, B. Aa
missionary designate to Honan, China, and .
who is about to leave for that distant cean-
try. At the dose of the meeting a lwellt
filled purse accompanied by an affectiOnate
and feellug address was presented to Mr,
Blanshard farmer, named McFarlane,
drove to St. Marys Seturds,y afternoon and
put his mare in one of the hotel stable..
Returning at 8.30 o'clock he inadvertently
hitched a Missouri farmer's mare to hie
vehicle and started out for the return jour-
ney. About half an hour later the Missouri
farmer returned to the stables to findide
mare gone, His only alternative was to
hitch the Blanshatd farmer's mare to his
buggy and drive to the 8th concession, Where
an exchange was made and explanation
given. It was after ;midnight when the
Missouri farmer arrived homn, .
—A very sad accident occurred -at Carling- -
ford) about 9 o'clock on Monday, last week,
by which one of the oldest ladies of the
county lost her life. Mrs. Janet Davidson,
aged Si years, wife of Mr. Wm. Davidson,
Perth Items. who is one of the oldest teachers of Perth
—Mr. Wm. Canning, of Carlingford, had and now 84 years of age, accidentally fell
$20 stolen from his house one day last week. down stairs auto the cellar and sustained
—Dr. Horlbort, of Mitchell, is recovering a fracture of the skull, which resulted in
death two hours afterwards. She was talk -
from a severe illness.
—Mitchell Model Schoot class opened
last week with twenty-three pupils and a
prospect of two or tree More. •
—Mrs, floury Vietor, of Bornholm, who
Id! and broke her leg a 'short time ago, is
progressing slowly towards recovery.
—Mr. Peter Cook, of Elthe, is away on
visit to hie saw mill on the South River,
Parry Sound District, '
—Mr. Wm. McLaigan, of Logan township,
has just returned from a trip to Scotland,
after an absence of 39 yearsp,
—Of fifty Stratford welle tested by the
medical health officer, in only two was the
water found to be perfectly pure.
—A tomato grown in Mrs. Judge Wood's
garden, in Stratford, weighed 11. pounds,
3 ounces. In the same Arden there are lots
nig to ber brother from Bruce courity, w o
was on a visit to her, at the time that the
accident occurred and did not notice that
the stairway leading into the cellar was open.
—A very sad ease resulted in Mitehell on
Tuesday, last week. A married lady,whose
usband is in Chicago, while alone in thee
'house with her children, WAS terribly fright-
ened by repeated tape on otie of the wine
do we, which were made by 'flied:devout
boys from the outside. Her mind became
inahinged, and next day the left the house
unnoticed, and was found prostrate on the
railway bridge with one hand pointing to
tbe river below, and orying that one -of her
children had fallen into the water Her
mother, with the assistsnce of two young
men, took her home, when Dr. Smith was
weighing 12 pounds and over, summoned to her attendee:toe. Hepro-
-Two much Nespected residents of Mit- pounced her case serious, and wbst.bhe final
dell passed away last week, one very Bud- result may be is hard to -conjecture. Mucit
dente,. Mrs. WM. KM, who was in her
ordinary health up to Wedneeday afternoon,
was stricken with wale's* and immedi-
ately becoming unconscious died the 'erne
sympathy is expressed for the nu
woman and her family, and it is hopad
that she will soon be restored W.,lier former
good health,