HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-09-02, Page 81�
SEPTEmBER 2, 1892
8 -THE-HU'RON EXP,^01-rfM
mossr"61 liroadfoot & Box, wi whi I to&,, drove south through thim village, It is Charles Aurtleib has been at Sebrin'gville
are sparing no pans or expense to make it �Mr. Ed. Christie has exchanged his fine
'E.DWARD OA h a a X ibrlok oottage on Huron street vrith Mr. Ar- visiting his father -in -lar -. .'He drove down September 2nd.
19 driIie their electric light plant.—A little Pity it at Men will mak 'on h a hi mor* sucaleaeful this yesr.4he Rev. R. Y.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in da�ghtar bf Mr. James Greaves met, with a bitions of thenisq),ves, but'what about �thur J. Rollins,of. the London road one mile with a horse god' bug,-,, and while cbming
those ThotII Professor of K- nox College, I out of
plufaful, accident on Tuesday.. While play. who violate the lIaw by selling during pro- Toronto - and : formerly pastor of Carmel �aouth of Exeter, for his valuable farm , giv- home, near Ruseeldale, -e hosegot
ing Mr. Rollins,$4
ing she got one of her fingers so badly 'hibited hours? 11t hardly needs w.Royal church,' Hensill, ocou I
ad the pulpit of [,,006difrqrence. We wel- humor and started to, tin and before he
b ath morning last, come Mr. Rollins and. family to our village. could be stopped had ki ked the dashboard
aniashdd1h&t the and had to be amputated.. Commission to prove the true inWidneris of Carmel church on Sa FAMIONABLE 0008,
WDER1011 STREET, SEAFORTH, —Mr. William Cudmore, the well known the business. ---The cultivation of munolar delivering one of his old time grand a a r Christie will have one of the beat farms off -the bulgy.—Mr. Henry Harvey, from
buy degler, -,has pressed and shipped over power' is a gra�d thing, especially when pressive a on. In the ev Pn Cie cc inty, #I which he will find a valu- New York tate, will perform on a wire at
Will buy* Daixy But -ter in any quan- ermon V. ;7ning the puilpnlr
Ar'a crop. The combined with ii�telleottuql superio In with his -,- large our fall show, on the show ground. ' B all
t1kee Aubdired tons of this ye rity, was occupied by the Re MeDonagh, of able adjunct In connection y
tity and shape, if well made wad good hdik 6f,:it has gone to Toronto.—Miss R., fact, brain workers can live but little stay- Exeter, who gave a good qormon.—Mr. W. livery business. 'Miss M. E. Down isill at accounts he in an expert on wire in the air.
Last week we promised to tell
color, from May Ist, 1892. Johnstoo, of McKillop, left on Monday last M Win. R. Hodgins, of the Commercial house, is
-Ing ability with flabby mi"goles. . r. esent with symptoms of typhoid fever.—' He will also walk an wire.
fo�' Bliok Rook New York Staie, where she Prendergast, B. Ilegiate r. Thovias Dayman, of Kippen, and his something a out our new Fall Goods i
leal'Orth Co building an addition to his stables.
will remain for some time, —The Buffalo Ex- Inatitute,.ii a go d example of the principle.
ister, Mrs. Beech, of Brooklyn, New York, Walton. and we don't know better where
Stacks of Made. Up piess# in referring to the carryiDg.Of the He spends part of his.: bolidays at -the
Bluevale. were the guests of Mr. Nilip Lung last NEWS NOTES.—Miss Ellie Hamilton,, who beg& than right among the Dres
Clothing. market iand fire hall by -14w, says: 11 Sea- parental homes�ead' near this village, and —A- person going under the pe. week.—Rev. John Ridley, of Galt, will has been visiting in Wingham, haBeturned Goods and Trimmins. TV
8 me WX
forth Ia i substantial town and thisevidence while there is n sluggard This ses;on he culiar aame of " Slim Jim," painted a' reach the Harvest Home sermon In the home.—Mist! Eliza MdKibbin i ho from
11 the
Ha,ving just completed and placed in stock a big o its inaterial growth is gratifying." Mr. took a turn his eel to visit some shop windowa in town on Monday. All the Kivitt Memorial church on Sabbath next- Toronto spending a few days under the DRESS GOODS.
purchase of made up Clothing, consisting of lberi Jamieson, of the Golden Lion store, friends, at som: distanc rom etro t in -windows are painted between Bluevale and —Mr. W. Gould left forBeHaville on'Thes- arental roof.—Miss " Egther McGill, of
6turno�d home -from the old c7tintry� this Michigan, makiD the roeiind trip, via on- y morning last. We wish Will success in Elyth, is �isiting her sister, Mrs. M. Mor- Ueir
Chicago, and every window in decorated da�
Men s, Youths',' Boys' and Chil Ladies differ very much in
week 4'
#d his purchases will -follow him� don, in*3 days, his new home. Anon. -Mrs. Richard Hamilton of Milver-
by'his epithet of Slim Jim. "—Mr. Harry dren's Suits, s4ortlyi !Lnd will, we are safe in saying, de- ideas of dressin& as well as in other
Boaman is ill just now, from the result of a ton, is visiting her'daughter, ii-rs. J.' Sib-
li'h h most fas
from the1arg st and beat manufacturing fiim in the 't tidiotig THE, beat plows in Canada are manufac re, James MCreight, ways, and this diversity of taste allp,
t dog bite.—Mr. John Ainsly, county On- Ans, of MoKillop.
o iiers.—A large number front town at-! A M plow companies of
Domin at prices in clearing lots which the makers a C4� e'hearts of his luredb Wilkineon,find Fiew Cromarty
urorZ —Miss Ettie- Allen of Strat- /of Wingham, is visiting friends in Waltot
claim they are losigg money on. We ofier the whole, gineer, of Wiugha:m, has found it necessary BwEF BiTs. L for a large, range of Dress Afateria4i. i
e � t6ded -the races it Brussels on Frid last. I It you walli i a plow( me to 0. 0. Willson 1�
tog therwith our o-.vn stock, at large redu2tions off III I and get one. 1290-2 to have a bent placed under the bridge.— ford has returned home after spending a few and vicinity.—The service in- St. George's Some people ad -here to the'old reliable - e
regular prices. Now is your golden opportunity to Mr.� Clark, baker, and Messrs.- Dopp and
FARr4ZXS'-ATTENTION. R. Scott's old Mr.'James Timmins is going to build a fine weeks with friends here and at Farquahar. — Church will be held in. the morning at 10.30
secure a bod Suit at a low price at the Bargain Idorton; butchers, have each put handspme�' reliable Mammoth Seed and F�,ed store, once more brick house on his farm this fall. His farm Miss Barbars Bain of Motherwell spent o'clock, instead of 2.30 p. in., next Sunday. Casbuieres, others like Serges ama, I
Clothing and Dry Goods House. Fall I
d4w delivery carts on the road, indicating to the front lit the s4ed line. We desire to state to will then be a first-class one Sunday with friends here.—Mr. and Mis —Mine Annie Ferguson and Master: John Tienriettas, others again, prefer the
inoroiase of business in each case. _Mi�� the farmers th t
WM. PICKARD, lendid stock 6' w fully j,4eTarad to oiTor you a Gillespie of Hamilton are here rusticating.— Morrison have gone to Seaforth to attend rough Tweed.Effects. Some Like . large.
di lifte cc gists of er, of
uthe wheat * %, followiv -Varieties: Kippen. patterns Sat
Jr:,hn Nowes, marble cutter, Mit' hell,'re-1 of a2l's"for thtlfa I trade. Our stock '
T. KI d's old stand, Seaforth - d ntly, placed a vark handsome monument MilcGIm Leeming in negotiating with the Collegiate Institute. �Mr. J. Pith others small, m�uy ad -mire
bur rise, Early Red, libwson �hnadian elvet0baff, PLows AGAIN.—T. Mellis is: again on Alexander Boyle for the p rchase of a town 'Blyth, has taken possession of the. Ro�al Brocades, Spots, Stripes, etc., � and a
6�er the graves of John and Trace - terranemn D`6m crat, 4perican Bronze, and u
y Ken- lot on which to erect a dwelling. Owing to Hotel. We hope he will be
hand for the repairing of all plows md gang plows, !good citizen.
nody, son and- daughter of Mr. H. P 'Ken -I ione's'Winter Fife. e can aW procure for you -any with a now line of mould boards, plow handles ued poor health of his son he -has —Miss Alice Hewitt, who'445 been on the host of oth4rs -always like plain goods
of the other new var eties yo*, ish, and guarntee n;d shears, castings and bolts—all plow -repairing wilf rented bin farm and will move into the sick list, is, we are glad to hear's recovering. the be§t, but whatever kind you may
y, Vgmondville, —Miss Charlotte Engels,�
vv IF fthem just as cheap! not che er than you call pro- receive best attention. A new stock of plows 'and ally V ed house in'Ontarlo.
Sebringvilles who passed the junior leav cure them fro holesale village.—The Presbyterian choir have pur- —Niliss Maggie Hamilton aoti)d as organist
e'xar�inatiou (second class) at Seaforth We have &Isom ag plows always on hand and sold at small profits want they're likely to be found With
a good stock of ome grown Timothy' AIRLms, Hippen. 1289.2 ' chased a number of fancy chair@ to be used in St. George's Church last Sunday, in the and sl
u o ering you
iste Institute will attend the Clinton geed. We have no iesitatio, I If * this us. A sprinkling of our showing teN
seed,aswehqve rocured it fro in good reliable mo�n. RuxAwAy.—Ou Saturday, as Rev. S. lace of the benches in use formerly. This absence of Mine Hewitt.—Query : Who
DISTRICT MATTERS. ��od'col School.—Miss Thompson, of London P the following in t'h
Giveusacall auXyo will dur stee and prlbes will add to the beauty of the church as well are the two young men from flullett, ntar
fin H Acheson, accompanied by his wife and little
olater, of Mr. Henry hompson Was visiting right. - Ouv Flour a d Peed, b *ar, ent Engli
you w daughter, was driving on the London Road, " the comfort of the singers. Londeaboro,,who have been in Waltoh for
fiiends.,id town this weeki, She was the alwayq find stocked ith the A e - arket can, the last two Sundays in succeesionsbut after Plaid Serges in navy and gold, navy sud
THE SALVATIOx A_Rmyj'—Mrs. Staff-OaP. Oest of Mrs. H. P. Kennedy, El�mondvillei� afford. RolI SCOT ea 01 Ontario. 12W-3, about a mile south of Kippen, his horse white and other combinations, 12,1c
tain Read, head officer -in the Rescue de- shied at a bic cliet,reclining on the roadside, .4ondesboro. driving around the village- and country for , I
4 --Mr. James Hastie, of MoKillopi and his NEWIWO,fUrrow ga g plow the boat I y some time came to the cc iclusion that. the �42 inch Hungarian cloths, fine finish, in
partment of the Salvation Army heaolI 4 aughter, Miss Hastie,, left on Tuesday on 8,6 out, manufactured b the Co shuti, plow company. epjo ing'the abade of a tree; and turning NoTEs.—Mis. Janies Fair, jr., of Clinton, Navy, Seal, FiLwn and Black, 25c.
call and nee It at 0, � Willson' Seaforth. 12DO-2 :haryly, upset the buggy and occupants into was visiting'friends in the' village o girls were all away. Never mind boys,
ters, Toronto, accompanied by Mother ikip to British Columbia, where they will n Friday
come again next Sunday, a' a the girls will be Double width, all wool Princess Slerge in
Florence, another Rescue officer, spent Fri- lAt Mr. Hastit's son' James, who,occupies TORONTOS G-REAT A; .7 -The Toronto he ditch" and fr i hi 4elf from the last —Rev. J. A. Hamilton offloiated at clear and beautiful colors, I Navy, Black
day, Saturday and Sunday with the -,28ea- good posi�tion in a large manufa Industrial Exhibitioq opens or Tuesday. next, the buggy niad eel%v= Kippen. Mr. boti services in the Presbyterian church here
oturing a good tim all home. No disappointment next time.
Oth of September, and closes oe;�'the 17tli. ' With - the _.W — ; and Ruby, 30c.
im in Vilctoria,—Mr. David Dorrance, wh; enlarged gTounds, ne h It track, new . grand -Acheson and daughter escaped injury. Mrs. on Sunday last.—Mr. Joseph Garrett'@
forth corps. Mrs. Read addressed a large Z.Pieoes, Double Fold, Black Dress Goods,
k teli2 stand 700 feet long, mprovements,' and meeting Saturday night on the special or his holidays in town, returned"to hi! n n; othiT I Acheson received a severe shocks and was house is completed, and, by all appearances, Mort is
figured so& plain, some beautiful things
in which she is engaged. She also led the tit en as principal of' H&rriston' public' the large number excelle0 special attractions badly braised about her face. The buggy ill soon- he occupied.—Mr. D, McFadzean, BRiEFs.—A very heavy rain storm passed among them, 40c., 50.. 60c.,
provided, the comin tair will i,�ndoubtedly be away 75c.', 90.#
was almost a total wreck. a former teacher in our school, has been via. over this township on Tuesday afternoon
meetings on Sabbath,all of whichere iohool last Satur'day.—Mr. George Murm''
V ahead of all that haie, recede(tlt. The entry list In
161el attended. Mrs. Read is a fluent 6v several teams busily at work delivering all departments is lar er than �b'er, ia�nd the space in NOTRS.—Miss McNeil, of Toronto, is via- iting old friends in the neighborhood for last, and now the ground 'a in good con- Tweed Dress Suits, scores of them, in, Greys
piessent speaker. She has been an offi- boil ar und *town for Messrs. Reid & Wil ail the buildings has b en tsI The usual cheap ite a number of
an iting friends in this neighborhood. —Anotber t "AaA few days.—Messrs. J. P. Brown, of dition for fall loading. Qui Fawn, Brown, Large and Small Checks, Our i
0 fares and excursions w Ill be gi n on the railways. wedd is on the tapia this week.—Min Auburni and Will Brunaden left here last ilie fatmers,are 50WiDg their fall wheat this
cer in the Army for eight years, and' is sR 00n. this is one of the first signs.of'winte I
Scrolls, Spots, etc., very serviceable the i
r, The attendance of visitors 204 in all parts of the M. EloMorilie,who has been spending t Thursday with a car load of horses for Mani, week.—Misn Annie McArthur, of the 9th
enthusiastic and devoted worker. Mother Owing to the coal output of the'Unite4 country will undoubtedly be gre4t. 0 goods and most reasonable in price
129 M4
Florence was for some time engaged I' the States being in the hands of one single com- WANTED.—AthDroughly experienced girl holidays with bar, parents, returned las toba.' Mr. S."Ward proachad in the Metho. line) was visiting friends in Auburn during Suit Price $3, $3,50, $4, $4.50, Z, ani them
r I f
10 sy mornin
Itfteue work in Cleveland, Oh , and reisited �Ine prices have gone up'. this year to 87 per forhousework. Appl, rat once at 41 G oderich Street week to Kinoardine. —Tuesday afternoon we dist,church on Sand last, and the past week.—A large number from this $6esob. o UA
some v ery interesting experiences connected we U. Fred a Brussels last
with on—pacts of even higher figures,- Sestorth. 1290xl re favored with a heavy fall of, rain, 16, MoBsia in the eveninj vicinity attended the races I
with the work in that city. a. ,, Ir Wilson is at present in Grand PL' which will -do a great deal of good, Manning and daughter left for Niagara Friday.—Dr. and Mrs. Kneohtel, of Ripley,
OW POINTS and repair, (or Hendry and You, who are early on- thelook out,
orir�� 's on gat- ido, Michigan, having been called there He an plows, all from al patterns at 0. C. Falk, on Thursday afternoon of Isab � week made &'brief visit at Mr. R."Moore or �J 0-100
Ace w-=T.—On Sunday forenoon last as the I Ineen and death of hir- father, Mr. w on's, Seaforth. ld m t� and iron taken in Brussels. on their way to their home in Now tork. urday last.—Mr. R. J. Moore, was In Strat. are the surest of novelties, f h
Mr, George Habkirk, jr., of Tackeramith, exchange for repairs. 1290-2
ter Duthey. —St. Thomas' church ' 8 BRIEFS.—Mrhomas' Farrow, postmaster, ford on Saturday, on important busin,o'g.— dresseg are like all other good thinz&
ad with 60hool will be, held in. the afternoon during `4r. Beeki market has had the old building between the Pont- Bel&Tave. the' best is sure to be picked up firat
living along Haunah's hidero
was d CHANGE OF After three weeks vacation Rev. W. P.
a horseand buggy, and Accompanied by his the tail and winter months, commencing .,gardner ot Egmondvill 3, bag 04;lne-i Possession Of office and W. Hi* McCracken's 'grocery re- PRRSONAL.—Mr. C. MoCasay, of the firm Csmnbell has resumed his pastoral duties.
the Seaforth market garden, fortnerly conducted by Now ,about Trimmings, we must my
,wife and a couple of children, -he met wifth i tiext Sunday at 2.30 o'clocki —Miss. Alice Mr. Morriss, from the wner, Mi. D. A Wilson: and mo d to make room for a good now brick He cialiered an excellent sermon in the
ve of McCassy Bros. & Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio somethin ;n
somewhat unpleasant aco@�ut. When ow r *�feirillsj who has been spending her holidays bm on hand a lot of chalet vegetables such as Postoffio that he is said to be going to *build is visiting his parents and friends at Bel' Jackson appointment Methodi t Church on 9 of the ' What is-theup-w-
Sunday afternoon last.
the railway crossing at Horpurhey his libui - it home, returned to Smith's Falls ]&it potatoep, cellery, cauliQower U.: orders left at � the thi ll.—People are wondering when the grave. Mr. MoCassy looks well an est kind of triu:iwing may be askeoll
d has
garden will be promptly filled � and delivered n any AN
got frightened at a calf on t12e sid6 of,' ti, 3 Saturday, to take charge of her school which prize list of our fall fair will appear and been abseat for the past ton years, During NoTs.—The besvy rain on Tuesday of Well, that would be a hard.. question
parbofthe town free f charge. JONATnAN fton.
roa, Jumpin up suddeuir. The horse ol - I -
opened on Monday.—Seaforth is esented 1200-2 what are the specialts to be I given this year. that time he has been engaged in the manu- this week has again delayed harvestfug, but to answer. There are so many difier-
ed I a I h, upsetting the buggy at- Surely the seorbtary and directors have not facture of all styles of show cases, counters,
n it the annual shooting match,of rteearDomin- GxonaE GOOD III Mouth,ly Sale com- the farmers are never idle, as the ground 'I "ent kind&, some better,than -others, but
throwl theoccupants out, a d made c1 ion Rifle Association being held'this week mences on Saturday. For parti��Ularg see page five. gone to sleep, The show Will be held on store fixtures, drug store appliances, &o. to plow for fall wheat and manure to
With vehicle. It rang'tr&HiDg the buggy spread.—Mr. �ohn Cook sowed fall wheat all of them used more or low -with tke
A Ottawa, by Lieutenant A. Wilson, Thursday and Friday, October 6 and 7. A The firm also have a' wholesale grocery
1290 Be
after it, until it got oe&4 to the residened .,wilsou sud'Captain Roberts.!�The good Ilk of special attractions should be got house, on Monday last. - If early sowing will do chfferent dres �iaterials. We tan of an
with . branches at Philacielphis,
of Mr. John Beattie, adjOining this town on safort steam cider will will be ready.foii Ba:�fleld- up this year so as to make the show second any good to ensure a bountiful harvest Mr. naine a few of them' 5ervi
the Huron road, where it was stopped. Denvero and 84a Francisco, California. but when you see . . . . . .
The usiness after the 5th inst.—In the Carlin BRiKF,%_Rev. r. Turqbulland wife, of to none in the county, as 'the stalliono are These Canadian boys will come right to the Cook should have one.—Mr. Hamilton' and writi
buggy was a complete writok ; the 1ainess them you can judge b4ter as to which
brd correspondence of the Stratford Herr's Toronto, who ape a pleaef6nt holiday here this year to be shown 011 the first day of the front every timc wife, late of Toronto, have moved into Mor- Her `01 t
was considerably broken, and the horse ke ootice the f lair in pl�ce o kind would suit you the best, _e
following: 16 Many in tb a 'runticating on the v ore of t!'e noble old.lake, f, as formerly, in the spring.— tie to rive. Mr. Hamilton's health is not Pert
# very good. We
slightly scratcheol, but, fortunately, none of h-eighborhood heard with morrow the Intel- leave this week fo home Tuch4nvigorated The Vanqtone mill and stores on Front street Molesworth. Rh;re te',e change maYbene. are a few
the occupants of the vehicle were muc6 in- Ugenc4 of the death of Mile Mary E. Tybr. by their sojourn. — t. J01211'8 Church choir, will be offered for sale by public auction on LOCAL HAFrENINGs.—Miss Wright, of fit him.—Mrs. use of Saginaw,city,
hiani at Seaforth, a few' days ago. Miss V arms, picnicked hereon Friday, and all- Thursday, September 8, at the American Morrisbanji, spent a few days last week Michigan, is here spending a few days GuIpure Latces, �Chaa
hotel. They afford a good opening for good I we
!Vyerman taught as assistant teacher in our joyed a pleasant day, and treated the Bay- with her friends around the village. among friends on the Oth line.—The Thuell Ribbon Gimps,
r g season's threshing. Silk Gimps,
AN INTERESTING CASE --At the las sit- Oebool,; she was very successful in he, work fieidites to some sweet musio.—Mostf our U1811--COunoil meeting on Monday of next Lillie Scott, bf Bluevale, is v1sitin Miss brothers are doing a bi havA
tings of the Division Court.here 'on Thurs. 4ud w#s well respected in the community. summer visitbFs haver left. town 'for th6ir re- week. g her They use a Clinton Monarch thresher and or]
friends in this vicinity.—Mr. J�mea Scott an Silk Edgings, m
an appropria, madein Toronto. It taken a Astrachain' Edg!ngs, befit
. te reference spective'homei. —There waia farmers' pic- met with a serious accident the other day- big barn
day,. last week, a case came up which is, of ev. J. Ball made THE RAcEs.—The fall meeting of the Abel engine
interest to a goodfmany in this county- o d nio here on $&turda, ' and thq bad a real Brussels Driving Park Association was held -fall to hold them a day.—Miss . . . . . all
g Iceased in his sermon last Sunday even- While passing over -the railroad track his Feather Trimmings,
y y
Ferguson has
-The Rome Knowledge Association, of Tor- u the Methodist'ohurch, of whicfi she 'good time apparentiy.—Mr.lj. on Friday Ust. The day, although Occal buggy warAmashed by a. passing train an I Fitniiy Stubbs, of the 4th line, died )&it Bead Sections,
onto, sued Air. W. q. Duff, of this town, a sun
as formerly an, active member,"—Mr. D. purchased a sailing �oat callqd the- 11 Enter. sionally threatening rain, was favorable ; himself badly injured, but he is recovering. week of inflammation. The funeral on Cords, \Ste'v
for the amount of a note given for mb�ber- aDonald,-of Brussels, and Miss Driver,. of prise," formerly owy�ed at Pqt Alpert, and the splendid now half -mile track was in ex- —A d party will be held on the Saturday last was largely attended,over 100
gar an rigs a Loops, bucl
sh' in this so called Association. Mr cheater, Now York, were the guests of will add it to the 1 Bayfielol'�' fleet.—Reeve callent condition and there was a good day'@ grounds surround use on Friday b ing in the procession, —A good many agre
resists the payment of the n the k d are on the sick list at present. —Miss M. Buttons, avIt
D otf. oft Mrs. 4, R, Horton this wee Mr. Jons- Woods had the misfortune t6 fall off a Jos sport. One commendable feature which ing the Ma Pendants,
d that the Association, if it 68 an evening, SeptOmber 2nd.—The people con' A- 2 is attending the Detroit exhibition this
fhan Beek, of Egmondville, has assumed of grain a few days ago and broke some of reflects credit on t4a management was, that gil Witt
'6ontrol of the Seaforth green house a his ribs, but he is gettiDg around all right
t0ioutunce at all, did 'not carry out iti con- nected with school section No. 16'. -Howick Velvets,
nd the Iskirg and niountebanks usually so r week. firat
traet, but Mr. J. M. Best, solicitor foir th and Grey, will give a picnic a week from Plushes, Shot Silks, &a.
Mr. Beek in a thoroughly again.—The impro ements on the public prominent on such occasions were not al- vani
Saturday. It *ill be held in Mr. Robinson's Wroxieter.
defence, raised thebjeetion that the Home feliabld man and understands' his busincio school building are ot yet Completed but lowed on the ground. rhe attendance was grove, an excellent place for such an ocour- Our assortment is very large, and had,
'Knowledge Association ban tau corpqrste yery fair,'although a much larger crowd rence. Most people would have finished careNly selected so as to Beer
4tid will do well with his new venture.— will be soon. Some may the work is not be- HiToHooc_x.—The Royal TiemDlar has been
existence, and hence cannot legally tra�sact Mrs. Fl. J. Hicks, of Harpurhey, left here ing as well done an ft should be, but we sup. could have been accommodated. - Th
8 new harvesting last week, but owing to the rain of this place expect to have c
business an a corporate bod nor collect the 6n ' ch ll the �shaes- of Dress -Goods.
.y Tuesday to visit friends in Albany, New pose the trustees wil I look af ter this. grand . stand J is a splendid institution and there is still some outstanding grein. the famous Tempersuce"lecturer, for four or wht
l2oten given to the Association. The Court
ork.—About twelve o'clock on Sunday added much to the pleasure and comfort of We have also plaeed onsale a -stipenor.
I five niots, beginning September 26th. Her
held the objection valid, but agreod to.0er- higbt some evil dispoebol persons throw B the occasion. The several races were very
mit the case to: stand over until next Pourt rU`P efleld; venly contented and every person prevent McKillop. name is well known throughoiit Ontarioand lot of Waist, Skirt and Sleeve Lininp� -I
everal stones through the windows of ' Square Head or willueed no recommendation. All should Dress Shield, Bindings, Swings, pell
to a5rd the plaintiffs time to prove their cor� seemed satisfied. The following is the COUNCIL Domas.—Atthe lost meeting of lannigan's hotel and broke three or four Harvest queen and Jonek Winter Fife, for sale b3, avail themselves of this opportunity to hear in fact, everything requir(d for te
porato existence as an Association if they ban, DumaN, BritI P. 0. 1 290.2 the township council, held on August 22od, 4,
&nee of glass. —Mr.Charles Brodie is erect- Join score : his lady. We understand the price of ad- up
but put the costs of the case thus far bil the i accounts were piesedsd paid to the amount
9 a neat and comfortable now residenoe in A GOOD OLD AGE.—Rev. 'Mr. Simpson, 2.50 trot ; purse $160. 1`1118liOn is to be put at ten cents, only proper make up of a good servieeable cow
plaintiffs. This Association has donea large he notith ward near the market garden. — pastor of Union C*ch, was away last Walter G., ch. g., J. Swartz, Wughe.. 1 2 1 1 of $102,04. The collectoes bonds were so- enough to Pay expenses. dress. All buyers, who'like to make
Nimrod, 1), g.,'R. J. Welles, Harnston.. 2 1 4 3 oepted as satisfactory. The clerk was in.
'or goo J
Fanny X., b. in.. T. Hetherington, Cedar structed to notify the township engineer to the Presbyterian Church is going ahead
business in this and other counties, sod a re. George A. Sills and family, who have week, attending lithe funeral of big THE NEW CH"(31I.—The brick work of their Selections- from a nice
many who have given their notei are 63en sojourning in Stratford for the past mother. She died ikt Oakvi e, having at- Spring@ ..................... 2 3 3 2 inspect a ditch made under the, engineer's lay.
considerably intereoted in the final out-bome ion daysi visiting Mrs). Sills' parents, re- tained the unusual h, f 3 J. �Nelson, b. g., J. N. Perdue, Blyth.... 5 4 24 should all aud se us,
go o 85 years and rapidly. Mr. Davidson was here on Tues. of Ahin came, Thus far the honors resi �with Miss Garfield, b. m,, 0. B. Roe, Wingham 4 die award on lots 6 and 7, concession I ; lots 7, day and net the frame, There is going to be tioI
�T turned home on Wednesday. She � was months.
h1r. Best and his client- Mr. Duff. Time -2,41J, 2.61, %4115J. 8, 9, 10 and 11, concession 2, and lot 11,
good p 0� I
iccompanied by Mrs. T. O'Brien, f Strat- FIXING Up.—Tbe P Of Union Free -for --all; purse $250. concession 3, and report before next meet. a scarcity of brick on the ground if the men Aotr
d Miss Johiisov, of Galt who church are making eKtensive rovemeDtfl Bay ly,'b, m., J. Johnston, Petrolea__ 1: 1' 1 Ing' if the same Is in a good state of repair,
o - having teams do not turn out and draw Edward McFaul Th
NG.—At a special metting or 6n;nding. a few days in town'—The on their church buil4ing, it i,� eing paint. 1,Rosa B., ch. m., T. Hetherington, Coda
COUNOIL MEETI liitendl - i and if the work Is not done before next them. It will be a pity to have the masons for.
I s ........... ......
of the town council, held on Monday vu- #rat frost of the season occurred on Monday ed and orp th in'termally and ex. stop now when It is so important that the SEAFORTH. tu
Ing, the fire -hall and market by -law, a4bat- not severe enough ternally and a new f n�ce is ]POing added, Ti 0_2.35�, 2.331,2MI. meeting the enginf or will then be authorized
r hior4ing last, but it was Stallion t1ot - m,,,,. I work should go ahead at this season of the er,
to have 'it done. The rate of, taxation for p
ly approved of by a vote of the Prooeity &uy harm.—Rev. hi year, The furnac as arrived, and will be gra
the contract for furi ishIng wl i�h has been Prohibition, b. h., i. Crosby, Sarnia 1 the onrrant year was fixed as follows, the
-Plans pre0aked of N�*ark, Now Jersey, was- visiting at his given to Mr Adelk If H gall. . These Carlisle, b. It., R.'Wilson, Seaforth .......... 2 2 2 total assessment being $1,777,475, viz shortly. Smither leave to take charge of the hotel At the
owners, was finally pissed. placed in position
by Mr. Lyon for the proposed new Mr. James Lennon, Hupo Fred Archer, b. h., W. Pink, Seaforth ...... dis 3 die BRIEFs.—Mr. J. Hamilton shipped cat- No I
n road; -a improvements will &.ad materiatly to th Smith's Hill.—Miss Forsyth returned home
were received and laid over for consibtlilding bw days last week, The reverend gentle- pearance and comfort of the bu .4ding "e Time -2.40J, 2,45, 2,381, County rate and municipal school grant, tle on Mo from London on Saturds after a sh
de'rAt'ion hian, ii bead of a missionary field and has ing thei' Pen open run; Purse $100; 1 Milo. 2 1-10 mills on" the dollaI township rate, nday last. This gentlemun and y
at the nextmeeting. ' The fire -and *iter r complet the congrOgation hold Mr. W. Sanderson have paid out an im- ther.—Mr. William MicElroy has this week
T�o.pi,,y, b e,,%�t B he IIgh,.,m 1� mills ; for raising $100 for each public in I
el "V )Urne 2 gohool,69.100 ofamillonthadollar. The mODBO sum Of money In this place for cattle, opened out a cooper abo in Auburn. It Is
tion of Silver Creek on the town ,erty at ability Church- Th Sabb th services are held as Z , 0or rot . . ... ...... 3 total to be raised fo'r schools is $5,143, Th sheep and. pIgo this season and the run RIO r! ele
committee were authorized to have that$or- lhtei� had conferred upon him the title of their services in i I Canada Pr byterian s amora e. h�� J B' k , 8 el v and M. Holtz -
,,rem)her General, as'� token of his ti�d de ich W.
prop 'preacher. He is a son of Mr. J. I)e follows Y7
the water -works, from the dam northvhirds �abbest�' S�hool at I p. in., church Tit I ment.hat the farmers can �Ave 0 .7. are- hATn--MfBl Maggie Morrison, who has been
ii a-, no .36 next m6sting of the oonodil will be at Craw- - on Once Ot.11
to the bound&.ry, properly cleaned oat,,, and of Dublin.—Mr.'E. T. Kellam, services at 2 and 7 V. M., and Christian n- in.—Our sohool re visiting in this vicinity, returned home on
Hullett, ford's hotel, Dublin, an Monday, September -opened on Monday rill
work as �iglting friends in Harrisbon this week. deavor at 8 p. in. When the improvements morning last, Mr. Moore., the principal,
to lot the work by contract, the V Sunday. —Miss Pelton and Miss Ferguson,
pson,of Houghton, on the church are leompleted they intend GOOD THRESHING.—One day last week
�to 19th) it noon.
be done if the cost will exceed 830� The ii Rks. (Rev.) C. M.Thom arrived home op Saturday, after an extended of Wingham, is the guest of Mils Afabal.
following resolution was ad pted : ThA; in Michigan, who hag been spending a couple celebrating the ev�nt by a, re- opening oar- Mr. B. Gibbiags, of the uron ,road, near visit among friends.—Mr, Cameron- was able Jamieson a ent,—)tr. Hector Buel has
0 Iff ritiontha here at the residence of her Leadbury,
the ratepiyars I Alma, threshed on the farm of Mr. Thomas ut the first tiIme on Sunday t.'pres talloring
accordance with the vote Of vice and an old-feaMpned-tea-motiDg. These to, sit up for abo started to learn the - mysteries of
in reference to the selection of the rniiket 'hiothr, Mrs. Hargau, left with her childre evidences' of prospe�,it NOTX.S.—Rov. Mk. Shilton, of Brussels last, but he has not felt quite so well minee, in Mr. S. 11. Gidley's shopi—M, Albert
it the offlei of y Are uot��only credit- McMichael, in ten hours, 1,200 bushels of
1 r able, to pastor and eople, but Oust also be grain, This was thagrain from 35 acres, last Sabbath. Itowver, he in progressing well under the mi
Is' e, is is hereby resolved that qit lkednesday for Ingersoll, On route to hen preached in the MethodiZ church near here McDowell, of Woodstock, wag in town t.
F. flelmested, George twing, James il- 6md' in. Michigan, —Little Beatrice Scott, gratifying to all wh take an in0rest in the and a.good crop, there being about 50 loads, He is ft nics,P]GOUnt looking circumstances, — Rev. , Mr. Hump tending his father's funeral, last weake.—Miri,
Scott hries or -
son and George E. Henderson be' 46ughter of Mr. James Scott, -of good cause Mr. McMicbael saysi this is the largest day's gentleman, with a slight English accent, preached an Interesting oar And Mrs. N. H. Young and daugh
cA d
e., p. Mon to the chil ter,Rdith,
�rot4ers, returned home, on Wednesday 4- tin
on condition that the by-law providiii ' the threshing he ever $ad done on his farm. His sermon was much appreciated. —Mrs. ren in the Methodist church, the church returned home thin week from an extended
requisite money for the purchase of thO site toni'Xpront.6, where -she-- bad been spending MoEwiso, postmistress at Leadbury, has got being filled with visit to Grimab Park.—A thank 11 1
Mr� Gibbingo has got a first-class threshing a highly pleased audio Rgiv 0
her new.store building painted which adds Mr. ibe allowed to go into force, and that t6 he i4lidays. Knowing the. schools had outfit, and one that will put through as Humphries very popultir In this place rvice will be given in the Epfscopal churef
T1q&yor is biareby authorized to haip iithe jiq:o�tiied his week shewAs anxious to be CiaoppiNG done evo grain as can to its appearance. —The Patrons of Industry and there will be Many regrets expressed op- next yhuraday evening, Septam
lt�y day at t -he Hensall much be got to it, and, an he
Flowing Mills, and l8faction gut anteed. All thoroughly underqtonds his business ond-has all' are in-vited,,—The'fune bar S
necessary agreements between the said i1ar- 14" t t On' d 'nee and no company being at -ir are rushing business at No. 9 school house, at his dep�rture, he ral of the late
for his assistants Mr. Brownlee, of Clinto Mr. William McDowell, who di d on Tues.
ch ppingi must be paid t ar before taket will,b leaving for
ties and the town executed as soon U6�nd�,hhe � uckily made thejourDey alone, 0 where they hold meetings weekly. We College at Montreal in a couple of weeks.— . a.
sible. �krivhlg I me safely, as above stated.— NOTEs,—We have thin week b� n f ' or' suppose after harvesting operation's are com- Rev. Mr, Shaw starts for ho day morning of last week, took Via
A committee consisting of the Ittio-ve, av ed and Mr. Richard Tanker, of Hullett both the about Sep- ce on
llors Lyon, Beattie and �Was vivg plele
�rs. obb t Turnbull, of Ayri was visiting with look wished foe rain@, the lipof ha first-class men,Lft Ia not surprising that he d their meetings will be hold more tember.- artin in going to Mani- for
Counci Selateil J *rs. ultivating.--;,Mr, Wini frequently, a number oUpeople in _�Mrs. D. M last to the Westfield cemetery
apgointed to try to arran �Henolu he a few days ago.—Mr. 'and M �s.. been too dry for getx through -with a lot of work and does it toba, aI Dpkots on a visit. She goes to . - rge numbier 'Of
ge an exchaI of r =nt, followed by. a is
property on Main street, so that Mr. ftong A. JAIlirig t returned from a very. pleasant Caldwell wa; the representative 9" f Hensal well. this vicinity express their intention of visit- sea bar daughter in Manitoba and her two
evening. ing some of the big fairs. Some are billed boy W
would accept 60 feet adjoinin oiiiti4 In uskoks on Wednesday Lodge, No 223 1 dr; d tO of Odd- Towmsffip MATTERS.—A meeting of the a in Dakota. We hope she May have &
g MrP Jj%Vaie- _en r,,,er
he Eg- fe _pan f -r
son's store, and that the town -��Rev., MTvT . Needham, pastor of t Ilows at i�e rOcent eeting of '�%he Grand for the lidustrial and some for the Western;
would ge t council was held on Monday last, chiefly for pleasant trip,—Apple" buyers are th
ploper Needham -.have
possession of -Mr. Strong's ndvilie hurch, and Mrs. Lodge at Windsor. We make mention of the purpose of mi ick —The store and Pon at Sillsbu-
-1 building. Councillor Darwin g4ve ib bed 1rom their holiday outing much this an, through an-crror, the rei4rt in last required for the current expenses of the Zurich. sell their aples this year it is certainly Tuesday morn were burned down on t
town hal tut, ot in Logan township
�ty far a 1110 akingestimates of monies around barest present, if farmers do r I � t offies
week's issue stated I iin to have b�en the re- Ing, last week. 1he fire vvus
notice that at the next meeting of counc 14vig�ritW —The many friends of Mrs. year. The rate for the t6wnghip will be PROPERTY 86LD.—Mr. E. J. Hardy� has their own fault. Prices are running from' 'not obsery d in tim h eked, and the
11 he
will move to amend the by-law regulitiog Thpt�aii darng, pf Goderich street, will presentative of the. Canadian Ordq'r -of For- 3-10the of a mill lower than formerly, and, disposed of his harness shop property in this $1 to $2, according to merit. a to be a a
adthe charges for the electric light, ftr r�gret ito earn of her very'serious illness eaters.—Mrs. G. F. krnold left '_'liere this an the county , requires $4,000 from this village to Mr. David McCormick, of Detroitj flames soon reduced both. the building and
i"'d `' pas ar'6- entertained for bevr�- week for Toronto, nt"tdo co'ni. for ip good 6 ure, Mr. Hardy, however,
some other unimportant business the coidficil countyrate will have t 9 Bl its contents to "hen, Much sympathy is
I I w
3e War Cry, published in 110'_ biniag business with pleasure, -in ibe way of muic'p"ity' the 0 felt for Mr. James Ernest, who
t "itto, the millin �y penin pd viplt-
which is' he official paper of the attending _grand social under the in & complete stock of groceries nd w
-,�e higher by at least 1 -10th of a mill. The still retains possession and will continue to LOCALITIES A had just put
t o gn total Johool taxes of the township amount to to conduct bin harness making, business as auspices of the Hopeful Gleaners, o c
vik ion Army, has recently been o r ginning o ork up a very good business,
nilarg. Ing friends.—Maste Ider. returned $4,107, being a little lowor than last year, Presbyterian church, will be given on Wed- The cause of the fire is unknown. The
LooAL BwEr,.%—Mr, Pope, who, foi d formerlyo
2 a h re
time, has been science mante grei tly improved,. and f urnishes a to TorOlDtOlast week to resume hi studies The estimated =meAts by the trustee OuR Siiow. —EverV person is getting nead evenipg next, Septe!#ber 7 on the was no insurance.
r in thle Vol- jjigdA 'ou it of reading useful io all but at the Collegiate. Vre wish him po�tinned bo rd of a h Sedtion is as follow': ready to attend the Zurich, show which is
legiate Institute here, hasecured a similar a a so ey gm=ds, A grand
6ecially i 3 those who take an interes't in good success, be having, at the lat' examin - For Section NQ. 1, $350 ; No. 2, $400 ; No, a expected. —An old resident of Trowbridge, named
position in Kingston and conaequeintly',, the 1 the first f the season to be hold in the —John Livingstone, of Baden�
gtiOVIB, Stood at he ead wag in town George Hetherington, died on gaturday, the
—Mr. Andrew Henderson, bro 9. —Miis , S450 ; No, 4, $360 county. The directors are not sparing in last week looking &I the fl*x industry.= 20th ult.,, being at the great
school will have to cut Aim�, iI of his c church
trustees of our iook.' Killop' Mar I - No.' 5, $W ; No. 6,
tber 4i Mr. Henry Henderson, of Me y Miller, ofteter, has been �ispendiug $340; No. 7, 8W; No. 8, $615; No. 9t their efforts to make it attraotive for both Rev. Mr. Campbell and wife, 'Who have been He had lived a grand, cousi f 95 lears.
Winnipeg, and formerly of Exeter, wa,4 ip erich on Thursday morning, isu
275 Many additions spending holidays at Grimsby !Park,raturned it
for another man.—Mr. John, Rantoni Of 41bd A� God the -Past week or so with Mrm. W, $340 ; Roman Catholic separate, exhibitors and spectators,
Jarrott :Chr
$i. jle�dersou was well known here',haviiij of Uay , townebip,-.-Mr. and MOS, Win. Union; No. 5, $160. Union, life for about 75 year d a a Member
tom� this week. a a
Mr. Raoton No. 1 )e
looks �8 if y a e to the premium list and, an home on Saturday, much benioted by. their of the Methodist Church for *11 theme. 8
He it 4 -ill Wwn.�. *ori several years he has been engag-' and formerly of , Tudkersmith, are.i isiting motio outing. —Inspector Paisley, 4 Clinton,spent bad.served the church as a lioc4l preacher in
Northwest air agrees with him. count , A letter from.tbe County Clerk and copy of will be seen by the bills, there atre several ear haived his apprenticeship as a tailor in this Moir, of near Oil Spi ings, L%mbto4l
A passe
d last session of Council was exciting and attractive features for the
traveling for a wh.o1e5!%1e house in Wj6i- 04 iii ilip tn�ercantile business in Sarnia. A! relatives and friends in this ri�igbbi�Tbood._'!'!_ Sunday in- town,—Miss S. $ymonds, who his younger days, and as a clasi leader right
read, asking the municipality to take a vote spectators. If the weather"be favorable halt been under the parental! roof spandin up to his death, having attended ch Znd
peg.—Mr. William Pridham, M. 1'. !or 6w *e6ke Ago he returned from Colorado Mrs. R. Bonthron and son W��iam are 9
South Perth, was in town on Sund%y 0 1 of the electors at the next municipal elee- there is sure to'be a big crowd out and the holidays for the last few week' returned to urch P
s Wee
t rf his a Mi death.
If e was the guest of Mr. Doble, who ir ii 4' a Toronto on Tuesday to takei her old situ ' The funeral services were conuc
06ri �e lad been for the bepefi spending thi in Detroit vIdth Mrs tion an to whether or not a house of refuge best show ever held in Zurich, I which I load his class three weeks befor
heilt% to attend the funeral of his father Bonthron'i sister, Mrs. Dr. MEeod. hall be erected in the,, County of Huron. saying a good de . a- ted and
nei tion,—We are notry to state this week that t
hbor of his before coming to SeafoA4,— fqi. ]fteriderson, of McKillop,,,and be Messrs, MeEw- en an Geiger have I a large Councillors Lasham, Macdonald and Snell JOTTI.sm8--ROv. G. F. flaist returned Mr the funeral sermon preached It Rev�. T,
Mr, Thomas Diy has-renioved, his farAily b4d iii thi vicinity ever� since.. Con. staff Of men now bu y employed idraWiDg were appointed t Dearr's bridge home from his collecting trip lost Monday, his' George Powell is indiipos 3d. We hope WO816Y COUSIN, of Bellwood.
back to Seaforth and intends e4agfrig in o, 1- 1 recovery will be NPee Ir.—Mins Tena, —About noon on Tueeday, I
sImptirib w�fvthe disease from which he in ind threshing fl This is a-. 4ew and and, if'n, Uve it raised and r having had i6od success.—Rev. Mr. Otto, d ast week
business here. Mr. Daly's many friends .,. enair- Morgan spent a' few as sliffero'kil —Mr. John H. Broadfoot�le%ves important industry our village, k.jving; a's ed, and to have the ditcli on eider days lately Mr. Michael McCormick, of Millbank, waa
7ill be pleased to welcome him ogI 30 from Tavistook, preached in the Baptist in Parkhill visiting friend
it does, employment so many, b4 I.—Mr. Will I in hf a cart speaking to a friend his horse got i
inter month
atid be absent about a -month. Mr. ing the summer and e.' Mr. J, also to build a breakwater and repair bridge has gou'� to Detroit to see the Exposition.— n
John McNalillan,.'K.P� for South Huron�,. 9nd hire ib-apy, Friday, !or the' Pacific coast, I tb d I ur- and 31, concesisionO 10 and 11 cleaned out; Church last Sunday.—Mr. William Kloph Powell gave our town a call On So day.— frightened, jumped to one side, striking -a
Mrs. Mc -Millan are on a tri -to Mani rdine, spent a gats post and breaking the wheal to atom
obt bombines business witk pleasure.: acArthur, pathma, er o6 the west.'side of on sideroads 30 and 31, conscession 7. Rev. Theo. Hauch and"wife left for their few days visiting old a
N ba Mr. Robert McGee, of
6nd the Pacific coast.—Messrs M Kines,
'11offat spent under the horse's heels,frightening the
the well known thresherg'., of NOTES.—Messrs. Dtitcan: plank sidewalk laid which prove ed -by the Reeve. and wife !were last Friday called by telegram Saturday in Wingbam at attached, fell
�Iotch of Council adjourned to meet again when call- home last Saturday.—Mr. Conrad Soldan week.—Mr, sod Mrs. John'
Brothers, the railway track, is aving a fine at', equaintanoes here last The loot -board part, with se
Tuckeramth, have got in a new Dek-ei a 4, d have recognized past efficie'at quite a, boon to destrians. —DT1. -Mar visiting friends.— worse. it
� . fftr
threshing machine, made by the Macdo4ald I _ y y to the funeral of their brother-in-law, Mr. Mr. Jacob Hunter, dragged the occupant in that
a �Viceej, appointing Miss Collie of 'this Hutton and sister, 66J.. Ejutton,;�)f For- who some years position a conliderable dist&nce until
Heller, near Mitchell.—Mr. C. Greb and.. stop -
Manufacturing Company, of Stratford,,Oiinid I I a d t 0"' esponsible position'in their' last Weeks c Ex6ter. taught school in this vicinity, bat who"io 06d. That 14r. McCormick was not killed
new eat, wero in the villa e Eciling on
wife have been at Milverton attending the. now teaching on the American side, was in a a miracles for if the horse kicked it
are doing slendid w;rk this season. it is She assumed her duties on friends.—Mr. and M a. Ellie took ad,�antage LocAL BRmFs.—The Ex"eter and Mitchell funeral of their brother-in-law,
Mr. JaI our midst on Suoday.
nes ma.
one of the best mach,
ae. They were 96n Ayjlast.—Miss McClarty, teacher in of the recent cheap t ip to Detroit —A few from here couldot help but strike him,
threshing for Mr. John Mallann, adjoir4ng Miss lacrosse teams played a friendly game of Ia- Smith, Mt. Smith formerly kept hotel He in badly
here, took . in the conotert in Wingham on Frida, scratched up on both arms and one leg. The
th.� jd�i6r department of pur school, is in Katie Ellis, daughter of Mr J D. ]KIlis, of "crosse here ov Friday afternoon last, which but of late had charge of a hotel in Milver- evenin Mr
the town, an Saturday an& put, throud a ohhrgi� 6giin this week. She was called. Daluth,and formerly of this vill-age,a', d who - Will Emigh was this West horse also in badly scratched.
lot of grain in a'ahort time.—Mr. an , resulted in a victory for the latter by a score ton. His death was a surprise.—Mr. H. C. in Buyallo—looking after the selling of cattleo
d kisi hoinle &Sti-atf ord last week on acco�nt of I was here spending th summer on s.with of 5 goals to 2,—Mis. Wm. Parsons, of Doan returned fr6m a trip to St. Thomas, —On Monday morning 15th inat" Mr. - A.
Christi�,� of Exeter, were in town,�pn t�� deit�i of her father. Her many friends i her aunts, the Misse Bontbron",1 but has raturned.—A large number from H.
Pting to
of odger- London south, who has been visiting Mrs. Welland and other places a few days ago.— bers attended the races in Brussels on sto�p
Tuesday. They w -pre accompanied by Mr. iee iend Wynn, of Newry, while atte-
E 1. er their best expressions of ville, has returned h ine.—We are leatied John Brewer for the p%at'week, returned There will be no service or Sunday 8 A cojr was struck by the 1mul'urisited
a. Dg
iia this the time her b6reave- 'I to state that Mrs. B. Hoggarth, of this
and Mr Carli of St. Paul, formerly Miss s0npii�h� chool Friday. —Messrs. Brownlee, Davis . and anim ad the animal was
aggite home on Monday last. —Mrs. Henr in the Evangelical 'Church fiere next Sun� Drummond Were in Sewforth on Su6day,_ wild before t reached him, ' d Aried to
M Foster. PUrs. Carling's many . bid of �i y Harris a,, Wynn notic
Hicks has disposed of big farm village, who bag been seriously ill for the spent Sund'ay last at
friends were� much �leased W see her looki ,Grei ci Mr. Thomas Davidson Hensall visiting her day forenoon on account of Quarterly meet- A very interesting game of fo t a too an
bg of the'. Past week, is now ie�overibg nicely
so vvell,—Nlosars. A. C. Winter, J. AV, I lt4i and we son William Westeott.—Mr. Geoj�geDawi, ing on the 14th concession, ,-Jacob Soh I uc - pla 0 b 11 k avoid it, but the enraged brute made for
n to see h?1
c6bbeeption of that township. The price hope soo- h cc on the park grounds on Saturday itim, knockqng him down and tramping on
ugham, hirn. He -was rendered unconscious for
Frank, of this to�n, P814A was'.,,K009. Mr. Davidson now owns her wonted ha%lth, ---IMr, Gibson, of T(�ronto, month, left for his home, St, Thomas, on Edinghoffert intend going to Beine, Michi. and a picked - tea a a.
Livingstone and Fred- W in the enjoy�ent of who has. been visiting -here fG'T the past ter, Mrs. It, Fleischman and' Mrs, George evening between the Senjors, of Wi
'took part in the Stiatford bicycle races lion 200
aekM bf fine land within a short die- was in the village Ilast week visitiq�g Mr' in fro h r ThO game Somia time, the doctor says no bones were
Wedjaesday,—Mr. 1homas Nopper of L6n- Monday Iset—Mr. Albert'
ta0e Snell and Mr. gav, next week, on a visiting trip.w.—Mr. was a very tight one, for when time was broken. There was a large wound
don, an old Seaforth boy, wa . _,russels,—Mr, Frank Gutteridge and Mrs. William Moir. —The Alens4l fali George Hoskins, of 86. Thomas, w_
S in i'Own 019 is 4 Od this week in building a ho have Jacob Schantz, Sr., has gone to Michi
Wing- 'show will be held o or e pa 901 to called neither side had soured a goal. It scalp whiah bad to stitchad sumd tthhe'
wef;k. Mr. Nopper still represents -f-he niThursday'and A-1day, been visiting their relatives here f th t tay with his daughters.—Mr, Thomas- Thiel counts well for the Blyth boys, for th be
W41 toNkmonolville bridge.—Last Sabbath 'SeptPmber
engine works, of London, atid 6 15 and 16"when - over $50) will six weeks,, returned home n Monday a0t. paid his friends and his old home a visit last no iwactice wbatever.—Mr. Joe Fie ay had musbhw of -the right grin are badly crushedo
Ve young men who had evidently be distributed in pri es, ad while,ouiishow Misses Maria and -Myra Pickard, _f London, Sunday.—Mr, Ho L, Patna's sister,,, from
while here -he m%de a sale of auo es bar and besides other braises. Mr. W);�n is also
a10091116"to beO i i90 biiig something stronger than -cold Was a grand a's ast year, the dir�`ctory I are visiting' rels familly leave this week to iron the Union I 1hadly shake
tives sod friends he — Chicago, has been here on a v U
re, _Mr, hotg1,IU Walto n up inside.. but i rabovvrlog.
a Also does Mr. JMwurioa I It is very fortunate ba WAIS wt killed,
r 0