HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-09-02, Page 77� 7'N EXKJ TOR SO URO THE t 2, 1891, M ou of the merit of Go to convince -AR SVPT this great to - OHANGE M mage In Y, Large Batt es, 50o. and 81. con&tiou; rains aid a 11ttle U016 triet $7.07; P. Timothy is better 9. On; J Tim Bo-ys P ScIlooi,,—Bays who are away at 11001 0-- 0 T wp romqd _T Or or ey 06k, $11.90 .0 E. q Cramps, Diarrhoea, or Dpli A IMOPS AND. 9001, a, elsewhere. should always have some quick and s N LIVE`83TOCKio Giey rio than clover as the latter s4ffered some, es- Bairt 62 oboats; GeorgeT We c supecially in the %vesto' from winter -killing. Boamblk. $6.65 D., Hetrin 1 near, and no libur's . 5 f W. Tay. fdr a physician to not always tud Carter, $4.10; H. Sellars, P leads to sokio a ro* tompIATION OF REPORTS FROM ALI. The quantity and quality lof crop promises , Par- delay In cases of this kind olten nz)_Q� y �ptionally, good. The total pro- lors $7.96 i Georga. Pierce $4.06 ; D on tbeirls MAKE MONE stilts. Therefore parents should pY V I 9 to be exet a oca- OF ONTARIO. C. with PERRY:DAVIR' PAM Kumit, whto as 0 Fam "hin-, PARTS, 4i384,838 uhsrsono� $2.20 Ellen K 0-rn0y, $1-20 less. Directions are All patties requiring duot of the province this year is 5. jam s Martiu, 16.30; 0iollsasit.la simple g�nd harm ions per goClalla4d, Repa, wOuld tons, or an average yield� of 1.74 i lose rarely fr#ilg to 9 Implements aud Department of Agricultu" minso, 14.80; ohn Roe� with eavh bl�ittle, And, one I n ery, %cr% ag -1 t total crops of 2,392,798 tons Jimes Ti relief to a itifferer from any bowel complal .. t. y Issued by 41118, 0 ' 6 Wheeler, $3.50 of al' kinds do well to call at' and, 4,305,915 tons in 1891, and 1890, at the William artlu $ _.'25: 26c. for s, b6ttle doubl6 Old bize, A Great Olearing Sale Of —Statementi Respecting the Weather detto $154 J. � Golle $3.10 ; I if-- ev. , r I .1 At- ra of 0.9Cand 1.75 tons per acre. John So James PoArter, asant Herb Drink. -Of -At ces—General Condition Of otort $2.70 A Ple Ware,room uoh Grieve s (i and Its Influen H_ POTATOES!, Douglas, r eysirin culvei of for constipation and 0 n The best cure we know ,t,he,cro.ps_,KxtraordinftTy- Yield of USY iaqa e �i �si $125; Aeadache let the pleasant herb drink called %nee % loot lit a fair crop may be ant* ' t d) as :50 lt� Burns, iaRpectl I oc ods $4. 1 e Sum south. F, bridge, east riii rti $3,50- ,* amily Medicine. it to said to be Oregoll mer Dry G OPPOSITE _r"turez and Live Stock -,,-roof Year did great damagd in the A. MOOO65 cot, combined with simple herbs,and is made I r use �yf wet - court of, Ravisions OER ard, notice 11D y pouring boiling ater on ihe dried roo;s and 'bor and WAses. stern districts, and bugs are reported as Itlyth Stnd bract ou 7th line; in all blood dis- . now going on at 0.rsey-'s Blacksmith h op for r-rultit—L& un sually destructive in ill, sections. The $1 25 - hiomes Jackson, c erbs. it it remarkably efficaclouil John D 'il patch, Ins oti 9 and spreading jgki remedy with fiRdies 019 Che Department of Agriculture of th e eral condition is reported as. follows-. brdero, and is no*w the NoVefti n g elsewhere, as he. purchasin a the east; ptyan, ravelling o South �or cleaning, up the complexion. Druggists soil the rio, has issued the foll6w- e E rie, poor to fair toward packages at 60c. and U. Before g );ng Province of 01*a 'el .7ro ; P. & oo:dfollo:wp di _g' G, AULT'So the MaSSeY-HaTrlss Ing -port respict, $13 -, Georg 'keeps davi. ing the conditionf crops Lake Ituron, poor to vood towards tile tro&uMar, An' u and re N#est Mi(t. z in the royince. It is a cou'- north Georgian Bay, good; ditch lit Beigrave, $i .20 John Geddes, rla, &rbolle Patterson, Wisrter7 GOIAY, MR -W ites, $7.25; 7�—� G A Wounded Spirit who 0411 heal 004 oma live stoci king -grl cuts, bruises or iburno. it received from all land, poor in the west, better towards tepair tg scraperi and In Salve heals all other wounds, Anirroplements, pag,tion of correspon, ence $2.50 - W. ta of the countr, and th the east - Lake Ontario, fair to good James Thynnep'buildl.ug culvert, 31 _E'AFORTIffe Ooleman machinerY par e information it y t , St. Lawrence and So Lists and hand SEJ and he is also agent for the Bain -and -sat- towards the m H. Kerk, printing Vote Think for Yourself. sents will be read with interest cures others pre -n 'bills, $25.75. Moved b, P wagong Ottai riast Midland, nd Northet iiiiir. Caldbick, see- hinder -and good. Tile p6tato t b law- No. 10 i ONIT you think a medicine which Maasey-Ilarris will cure you ? Don't you think you need Bur- Rections, good to 'very onded Aby Mr. IKirkby, th rakes, &0; the Coleman ksoft GEEp.AL bONDITION' OF CROPS- p, a failure on low 'Coi ried. lile Council- - dock,Blood Bitters to help you to health an hapi- mer Dry mower, drills is � very uneven cro, al be passed bilious- I kinds of §um 'Plows, Coll- In the estimate of yields of grain made and crops on light, as re 1! to Mee, -again on the 26bli ness? We know B. B. B. cures 1 Don't He intends clearing out al MADE ro]ler and, a full stock of ansheov 1�nd and gr th ness con stipatiou,,headsche and bad Goods, including a 'very 1111 lot of RtAY, to be carea Ci f ail stantly on haad. tring the present month, it is well -drained soils bein W. Z�Ajl BESTs 'think it is,time you tried it? g reported from the RK and boi uits, and dc epten,i-bor next STRO you CLOTHING in men's,youtbo' fully noted that the yields are for the-. most oame districts. ned goods will be _V onla, Lime, can summer hate. The above mentic HUGH GRIE A A based 6 observation in the field Persistent, Distressing 00 Seaforth pa upon ins no iiii,lum, Amm Ito TS. (Coutinued It Page 6.) tonta any 14ad=ta That HAORin"', Pine sold out at Once at cost price, A cordial invitation rops ad also P. I Phosphates, or be quickly eurA bf using Dr. Wood's Nor a 'he growth of the cl lay his finger on of the &U6�e during t are the condition of roots in all parts Of tile sequeAly, could he on may want any dring their harvesting. Later returns =T� Syrup-� js e -<tended to all who I flareshing results. In 1891 province is very promising. In many caw th _4k moot which h felt existed in the, !!!� and inspect my stock. Also b 4 you—love'. nomedj�oods, to COMO In reversing 'matters—and ch,- Bo —I love based on actua;] us , Fin c ed ust to hand G al timate was found to be - con- the ro6ts are lae mud the rush of other enomi defo- s d A Consideration. averyiargestockof new SeA80il teas � OD"m"JOH ust es . is 4w vor Au the actual was has not a4lowed time for cleaning, -the dioiSion: of the to rt. hlip DAT118. was �ytu-;—IOVS YOU- - 146Youreforevii ELSIE." (;BTLZ3111N,_A1y brother suffered from summer jn�Greein, Black and J&PP11111, all Of whic 111 be told siderab! y below h a I 1�e felt, be in a 1�� Oro 4f good He would th $ OMPIR at the -very lowest Possible Pri afterwards determined, the grain as a rule bu?'Ithe general prospects are 'very made, fidiiintly ing came there was a c int and was o.xtramely weak. We tri Dd many eAls4 a full Resort 8team Bofle,r; Wok& 108id 14 more con And so, remedies without effect, At last my aunt advised us and Frovis- n where 'he cc and rst-clase-Groeerlp ba,ving beau much heavier and thicker fhan 14deed. r over which discus to try Dr. Fowler's Extftoi of Wild Strawberry. ment of all kinds of Pluto,, (ESTABLISHED MO.). 'Pon Mr. Cuyle the requFst, for his -, - ttle he was cured., We stookof Fruit Gems in at first i urge wadding in High Street All the Mat' before he h bo . Also a large was -uppoffed. Last year was a 110PS. sion waxed hist and furious, k ions kir for rain of all kinds. Thefew s -indicate a pro- daug'i;r's hand. 11 the maidens consider it Vvt#'Id en 0 e, quarts and hatf-9:6110116. The highest �nvarket Pri6e@ ery few 'heads, and a blelif - orable yet reports of hop the followin 108 D L,AII)B CRITTENDEN, however; t e 9 rons shook their into were; of course, tter, Eggs A0 all kinds *1 OHRYSTAL This year, e season has not mising crop. T4g case WAS put, d wO for ided W an0auded, The pres4 Bardwin, Ontario. will be paid tot good Bu bbr and untif th 1 it was doe and'from the 00to � 0 a. diamond star. Fsrin Produce.' All Goods DellvorO Free- Game been Of so favorable a nature, *F _r, D! esible, s;jerb. DirokBogaert sent rga �Pffrt. PASTURES AXD Ln Drance, -if PO IT -delicate wOme 7e:best. lany com.nents accompanying the estimates keep, kisio's Parents in family -Cone herself sent a, lovely. set For Inval , ids and weak in lusiq Xil- 'one, Come All, and get some Good Bt, ins- Successor.to Chrystal Black, . The bulk of correspondents have a t against Mrs. Clinton unken grains, too of 4 eir daughter's Vol of yields, referring to shr ear little devotional books, bound in bura!s Beef, Iron and Wne, no other, it Is Jb of Stationary of all kinds of d, eturers gardiug patures. r� . I SEAVORTIa. M&-nuf* id filli Ld ripening, etc., it is greatly 0 ii, with such 9, sweet note. mpi ng ar favorable word to say re -hem, A. G. AULT, Upright & Tubular Ifloon. -to be feared tix&t the exoet determination" The I frequent rains of Mav and June gave t exactly Ilk deceiving t - you white Vellaiii nab like all HOW to oure Headachbi. - ; .. 11 ated great growth -'to grades"of all kinds &I "4"Uld R.1 � what cssuistlo&111-1 The wadding- Itself was very m the eatim kno , as Elsie* 10 0 eept that perhaps the bride was made ubsequently will prove each, wadding$, Ox 'DZAP. sirts,—I have used. your Burdock Blood re going to see t er of the last 11 It Asn'b an if' we nd, sick heiadache slid never ields, of the various grains in this bulletin though with. the'drier weath me brides are and that the ten for biliousness a than tool I ow. two' or three weeks the fields were getting othd+ 9.1l'the time ; Ali as We aren't theW rettior than so #.radiantly. tri- fieglect to praise it It bring the flush of liesltk to BOILERS &king evei riaggroom looked more it highly. 34siness. too high rather rybody,'. ono's cheeks, and I re of in the Change' brown in plli,ces. �ertilnlj can be no lie M ANNIE 115A.A011, FAIt WHEAT. as described as Stevensville, Ont. eet Iiat, Works unha y deeidedlyJ )1iseVan'Dreoposmoi0f course, looking S%It pans, Smoke Stacks,, A was ent in Essex as early as arl part of the sdason w 4i nn at &11,11 said Bob, Some wheat Solt " in quality -owing to tile. continuous 0 Use lin,in the- daint CARRIAGE *Oip, oF SEA- aeason was a would �ather fight it out fair IMOst young and pretty agi t in general extend- rains, but i -lie s �Ccur,s, erseFf Pure Cod Liyer oil combined with WUdCberry and THE; DORSEY NDS. etc.' etc. Fuly 4th,but, the harves Laken altogether t d and all, little bonnet whose purchase Elsie h FORTH, HAVE 0HANGEDHA of iddle of July to the end of I ba 0 �'CQDO I � , ht An Sidde Valve ill ),t ealment ion the best d Horizontal Ida ed from the In grand one for the meadows. ..'From several and, square. f brintended. She cried a little When' Hypophosphites renderg X11burn's Emulai 11 Also dealers in UPI` Aes aspecwty, All on the market. 3t thefirstweek of August; in the north it County of Peterborough an4 tbat, but when it con Engines Automatic uf�'Jffftgi laces in the �Ies to fighting & lot 0 had sup e bride. This makes me so dzes of P1 n band. w yo she kiesea th Sadejolpe-fitting constantly as even'late b y season Was �rlam one or tv. i(i, Goodo unsalf- on short notice. -r but the o points . in the West com ghostly grandfather h I don't see that LEW FAV01tate's urnish W us -them oi; happy, my dear 1" she a% Option. Ite G. T. R. Station, 00dedeb. 30th. The heavy y nythIng foNti but to meet rly of Walton' Works—Oppos from July 15th td July plaints were readived concerning injury h ihere to a 11, . ttle Miss,Vau Droop I And then,with: Local (Forme ainsof June and many severe windstorms fair condi- -own grouna, as It were. i1ah, 11 be &pplied to the choice every r hoppers. Live stock are in thitr her eyes, she kissed Bob, HIS terin should deal of the grain. Rust was zrasr 0 youu tears still in T intelligent person. has between Burdock Blood Having purphaiaed the Blxckmlth�`ng and Carriage lodged a great tion generally, but hardly as fit as tile irei had conspired 'With thesO tw the )rs, the natural and certain renledY for dyspep- making business so long and so suclneofullv carrlid in nd b�d aged , I wheat'coun- asonou aret from parents too. Bitt( all the prin lovers to keep their so t night, after six, bihouonegg, Constipation headache -a on by the late JOHN DORSEY-, be to state to the T —the butchers are complaining of the lack of deoi4ed not to'raturn to Wolve the arties as belin " Juat as N&R it a ft't July which u- that 'e will hereafter encour pearance of pastures during the se & V I warrant, and one correspondent states that Mr or mother's dest if Mr. D%vis felt IO1`0IY tha iftati;vns ofered by unse patrons and ties. J.,hename a very o 9. Cjjyler after h nhook, but to wedding Was Over and the happy pair blood, and the various fir ftood.11 There is )jublio general 1 -SI ESS 1",� ALL ITS DE- t.1peneXthe g ain a, little too rapidly 65 an empty feeling about the is an hone ARR.y O THE BU immv pulcus9p .I., as go( P A 0 notht, 7as B. B. B. t result is that much of the grain is shrunken have Elsie jolaber,!a�d to 9 adross markable cures right in aid Is not a stranger tol most of the cus quality in cattle taken off the grass' gone ; there wo . OF he' reels house. 64 I shall miss the boy terribly he medicine and has inado re Mr. 31cDon '�nd light, and the yield will not be so large small black insect, said to be the "horn dtately, to 'Englaud'for a few Mont soly to and fro. By our own town. tomers of -this establishmentp and,,4 as the business. where grown, the fty , b&s caused much -annoyance and injury Mrs, olintonrCone, therefore) said, wandering restlei will be conducted under his own petsoual arvision W, . i , and change. tinue the patrona, sul the old as. expected. In the east, and up the shade and looked out f 1P od. 8 formin by he dreiv (a'UILFD IN DAY.— South American he hopes to con oorted very go The straw inilost of the countie 0 e O' quality is rey to cattle IIi found no opportunity to elai%hten Mrs. eT.0 was a light in the many now ones. e . ield Of grain is report- The' genpri -tale - glances and into the night. Th Rheumatic cure ifor Rheumatism and Neuralgia radi- customers and to receive favors ff, SAr i& a good yield ; th the West ial d group. Cayler as to t6ose tell whi tied rsoftly as he C, t Hy, Ui air te C sees of stock, however, is house oppotite, He 18 caily cures In 1 tol 3 days. its action upon the ays- WAGONS, CARRIAGES,BUGGIES and. all kinds ty On very It removes'st of vehicles eoustructed.on the ml y skilled ane health of -3 ed good, but the qat W W all hand-clsaps. stood there—he whisi the t tem is remarkable and 3nysterious. fall -whe not' turn out b6forL AAW! whole ted as first-cla S, and no serious forly'l of ihe cause and the _� disease immediately disap- om the very bee ra This was to be the laot� meeting a prr-�,�,y old tune. By and once t orkmen and fr tile tit wo, 76 cents. w jobbing CUPF- 5 od a cr disease is complained Of.-- While corn fodder 1sle sailed. They, had strolled away td- badly, bu ff and x4ghed—" So it broke first dose greatly benefits Horse shoeing and all kinds Of gOnsfal op as that of last year. i nearly so go & Wilson, drugi t calculatiOns are that ther aus will not be abalidant,there �vsarri%ntehd' by Lumsdon for e will shine under the 3Off4 by he br6ke o e )eclally attended to. The presen and coarse gr gether in the softly.- I Poor %p&lring of all kinds done as ugual. of V2.5 ibush. per acre from I the p sp"ingenn through the swe4 her heart,'did it I" he said Seaforth. rospectig for OP /CO be an aerage =will be plenty of hay, aai feathery elm branches, yield -of. i,ve stZcl,- for the fa�h,and winter&re encour- 9W 5V_ acres, giving i a t fresh springing sounds' and oaors. . Eve4r Susie A tki&I solicited sin satiorSOU0111 guaranteed. bush. per ,obbe# And &or Gold No� 80 PrecioUs ifortb. against 15. 7 d flow of milk dur this em. thrilled and thi oss the way Miss Van Droop in &I seasons we h —The old Establish d Dorsey Carriage si Is, as ig about th 7252 035 bushe yield of aging. Theae Was 9, goo is looked out from behind her t —For SeVOr ave relied on Dr. Remember, D 956 acres a0ad a total and g perations with life, and hope,!and gladness ; and thoo the darknes sly "s Extract of for all suntmer Works, Goderich Street, U_ !cre fro 84, m pfORB ]-in unison. curtains and saw him standing there against Vowler W110 Strawberry it bush hrtlledl toO2 complaints 2-1,V2,489 in 1891. have been, brisk. hearts"t Ion tighi�.- the bright background of the 'room- A few do%es aivvays eve relief and LEWIS MIDONALD, Chr0LfJ?A— . ith a and( io tbink it a very valuable SPRMG, 'WH%AT. SYS later, Bob, w never failis cure. Proprietor, Two d IV 0 n tlt� It Good nightt" she said the tears stream 018 9 gold. Milton ening at hill heart, read Elsie's name I medicine; ne preel Cr was in Progress at Good M S.F. _Cf. Wl',GFR, .1 or H-arvestin Swarming is ,laid t ha the " Gallia." He W06- i�g down Ov' her faded cheeks John The Font Hill, Ontario. over a ilost the entire province. most lo ities; adiough "Will. passenger Iiit of y dear. ;as ad. 10th on Augu frequent in -c e beeii iatlug his roses Wy night; God bless you,'m L nea I litioll ! of spring ivheat is report- d ' report to Ee con- dered who ;k1V ne dlesex co nd then 6 Y5 t� ona s, that of fall wlxe&t. omplain of the blue ri0bonthst tied. them; a t BrowrtsvalleY, Indiana, Rebecca Wilkinson, 0: D_ e CENTRAL ge de 1� not, so good a the. west is ii ht traryi Whille!�.'nf(eew e loss of f�fth,16 smiled a little WINTER 33UTTER I had been In. distressed condition for three -AIVDAL 1g bees since springs th genera Miort is that his strongi. true of the. Starnaeb, rite, Dirok Bogaer!4 co What little is grown in .-years from Nervousne s, we*n"s conditioA. In fact see her moth8r'111 IfAvo r tion until -my health was gone. ,rth. and much of it is rusted. , The Lae! colonies are in a � f' ig Ina" de of any name among the list- THE ]DArRy COMbiISSIONER'S IL"ORT ON Dyspepsia and Indige ess ,olleroce-1 of ULTS� s report. a W I I hwd been doctoring constAntlY with �no relief r crop in wouldn't tru TWS FRomignm nONSTRY. usi n tario and eastern cOuntie- very little* sllecia� M ntiOn O'k OYAD God b as her, I bottle of South American Nervine,which in Vol-ilme, under the average in quality, the e summer th16 supply Of 94 An if, irck. Bogaerts," he sai ion Dairy boughtione' iod than any 050 worth of ddetoring fzeN S. disease. Durin t117 C ILD A:i; C, 7 D. S., e corretints re- heir'with a dozen (1i Professor 1tobertsony the Domin did we worega ife. I would advise every wea NT. most fa-rorable reports being Irom Lennox, nectar Was goo , So the hen his case had at last CoMmi nual rep�rt I ever did in STRATFU K 0 igioner, in is,juing his aim There '�n s valuable and ,ruflohi ld4ait. In six moul 9 icaltare accompanies person to us, thl' lovely remedy." A. 19,,stinglVite.10171 porting linden as b ing abuy r follow- A price nt in' lvfus'koka and been reached and. eard, Mr. Cu iayou Warranted by F -A 0 it rst to the Minister of Agr bottle will cOnviuc F c Sto on Lauark, Leedx Dundas, e md at prese is great yariation in the reportd rep�rding ending ti a I= TIKIR'Zi - al d range from ed to fetch his fam, ly home - it with some account of the winter dairying sden & Wilsonj Druggists, the oiher northen. sections the general a?" the yield.of honey- �The returns 'he hurriod offs at Mount Elgin and'Woodstook. Dominion ith the Taking t e 20 to over 100 pounds, but the alVerage rosy decision of th, c I b rtl 1892. There Re -opens WndaYyl 3ePti- -th pearance is very promis ea was out )f ry stations up taL A ril 30P Rely on This. liberal V is a good o our cor- e4 of the I dat ce as a whole the straN be put -at abot 35 �. ion f ost before provin I 9 back with them. I -y in 01t1tainin the final so- sm. &IM ed handler, of, his -,head had start was some dela sN —W -e have six childreti,mod have relied an, GmTmill respondents, an enc I a frM b e 'As count sales 0 g a of the on Dr. Fo;�I;jeaa crco�,, the grain is in good quatit �&Jeful to see bed home the'. decision 6 shipments .&ntter which gLxtract of Wild Strawberry for the The L. lighter than usual. Rust is reporte bees, advises aplsiii�t�set 11 the time they SOM In 1611 cases of diarrhoea and s.um- and, Pen- pound's I f were 0 , ce oompiuy- liuey in no in � the suspense over, eat to Great Britain past.twelve yelt, Commercial, Shorth 6if Deu. nealjy e-�ery county the %aidge from Ha would be kno s fight w6ili and mer-complaint8i and it never fails tocure. suran, r with-- [esslan fly also has that each hive has 30 ;oCr,' in.ordor bid butter was hold, in warehouse at Liverpool MRS. ANNA ALLXN, omanship and �ngfish at 5th Bob had fo ght i store at the lat 01 Oct L two or tL tes t too,, Peeil,York, and the E tity is e Ring Points tu bis srg�- Gre lon.jer than it should have ITArley, On TOWN Le total quan the 1�b S through mad . and elsewh Departmets. FARM AND ISOLATE'D done some damage. Tb to ensure the,ca 9 % . bed judges ess if directions had bushelaj ins o the lee,, silkeu-roi -W� �_ . t� ON 11,338,571 Mont. 0 been hold by the consign PROPERTY Ly INSURE 1204 at present estimated at compared wi�h the winter. ad Issue his neighbor, Bud been' followed. In consequence, it came HAMILTON, X4rch 21st, M2. the tth by or 17.4 bushels per ��cre, as LABOR AVD WAGES; Litge into competition with the grow made butter DR. L. A. i The courze of stud S up to- an(I bushels Per acre iri whispered laconica IY—' routo t oftion P O.- M. I ince Rose Presidon 10,711,538 eetion. C ad, men, 'sitting #0 of England, land failed to realize a price OOr, 8;0",T O highest sts�nd&r D. In nearly every if the forov freight Pre d of ey.L ence. BUS" We�y ls -scalrdity of farm they the ht those learn Beeidse there GlINTS,—P ease $hip Us ger G. T. R nto Trm., gz*lortii p. those of t4e r' ht sort) oalemnbu%eii�A t sir carved oak ecreo�isl alto satisfactory. ore of your Anti -Dandruff. ractice work with our Toro Shannon, there waa- which was.� id three (8) gross n1l neSS 13 *dOrth P. 0. laborers (a eciall nor& more tb June caused , g an harvesitingif y d' m the developtntint Of A you since issivary 16th, 1892, it little !E�osdfoot SeaftAlk; A1611- GAM06 rde riin that romance was M ding before them were compii concerning the quality of a rhi;l makes six gross or Set bottles purchased from alW firawlass an two eollege. Experieneed 4 Par The excessiverain of during h. rasys? .; iihs a ride as well as % few lots rof Ito fro to tke meritis of Jam a - - Geo. wattl Haiiii 6, is uOus work, in lags, ar, ome fr6m the food- months. The lags demand is due bury; Galidel Z! V wet of dered contin r rs to whom we pave twhers in every depart*ent. Be On Clinton the and rafik growth of straw, the t0`z1ns Weather being asked st,thei fitvror which seemed to 0 reparstiont as our custome the of ,God e is, as, also the olsion was owel f ots which had been kept badly dar- the and at )ening. 1 Handsome JOsi Evans, Beechwood _; 11L Murdle' 56*1W deal lana as a consequence had not tl* do with ti I h Thos. Garbutk Clinton In many na he ourved I% ch?Ztef- Says tht forth. �Tisre�wasone old judges h ver, who i- sold t certify. We find It not only removek lodged'& g barley is this. year was f, t portion of the I fact that tances the, grain i professor; dandruff and scurf, but it Is an ele$ant hair dressing free. AOXXIG olil Neilans, Harlock; Batt. x0lifillan ger catalogues 04i the lax I to� r -know. He I ad dwn from out t] ommend to the for the hair. clean to use and nag an Agreeable Thoo. apidly under ti - ate� haying com Jiscolored. It ripene4 ready to be out sh m wall ; fortunate 11 I had the honor to reo of odor. It is one of the beat pr &rations we know of Sestorth.: ohn &SZi;Z1 pane Ing of bhe:oour roo t and the gram MI. ulture that the patron Tair and prevent Its y an Angus menced. The mi ati6n of --fIrmers, sons to I' Ic tZe heat of Jul The beat, re factor in. ressioning -1y for his would-be grandson, however, a -Minister of Agri ation be paid for to promote ihe growth Of the: SHAW & ELLIOTT, Principals. kurd,iej Aud6n. ports as the Mount Elgin dairy st fallingaut. wishing you continued success and an a effect Insur"Oes or in, Bay- is not perfectly filled. the Northwest W& &lad a Parties desirous i a east. W 6 (luring har- hard cost of Varnish sealed his lips factured to the, extended sale We Mullin, 1288-4 tkiended -to 0 seat other bi day, ac- His son, hoviever, had a id, and %plication 6D any of UO above onlem, Wright. to two -rowed barley come fron.ii th the number of hen s. othing but smiled theo'butter which was manu I joiness will be prompigy at his, 24 gents per pout You" truly, YA vesting raged fr-9 $1 to ed end of F4r JNo. A., BAIM CO- -Niany corre-spaindents think the' season- t of help, g lawyer, and when he le,&rE been even more ulife,vorable. for- two-rOwed cording to IOC&IiLt and thb Bkarct y. for his youn aided in for the butter manufaotured during March A. 13. bad been de, A barley turns point to $1.25 with -that the -great r pound, and that ix -rowed. The quantity mo t of the 21 cents 40-0.0— i ir S to M 91 N rth- -Oakota � WigU 1 than for 8 Mai but s Laard for the season. The his enth isiasm knew no beau 18c. and April at ation 0 ghwood, avalable and suitable for export for board, as the etas their favor, cried. Wha,� a the patrons of th . a Woosleltook dairy at I much ;15 Jo $32, but the ss My dear follow I" he ufae- ing -will probably be very limited)' monthly, rate ran ftom I be pild for the butter which was -man E range o an I Ebajo a " L ..' less th bulk of corresponatuts repoit, a f y!iumph I" ebruary at 22 cents per for tbr say 1 cure I do jwt mom mudY -f& *0 tbom .0 1i S Md,then * an in former year to la serview to tured to the end of F Ymen it I h am gla mft ge dl= of oA.TS. $20 to W5 W1 e n 6d tter manufactured FOR !OM Irp M I from is sai hile h so und9 and for the bu her (%zi stody.. warlsot athodid yout . d-Bdbo an4 after w ek, we gave in We a � an 'taws I n eA us crop bulletiust I M arch and April at 21 cents per when Baby was at By I)r 2?,&LLTNG 81c"ZI ly to cure the wort 0911iii, FRUIT. .0 Lre&&= for nd nov cultural As we stated in previo the price of that 0%& evx& When shewas Dot vixy Wma 'The fee rat ow. he��-r year for fruit. early rains arowned out a considerable lI ask is possibly an unuOI&I parinnf. These prices should be satisfactory -cried rbr castoria. Oita xxpmal _DELAIDE of th This is on the w�ole as, as the result of the fi A BIG N. once for a trea and a Floe e crops Ili low-lying and _poorly ut you have been. ood to. the patro When.she becarae Mee, ehe clung,tO CastOrI& ed , 18# A portion ed those Berrieg have been igeneral�y an abundant one)" he said. lx� in this direction, and I am 000- W Q1. R _0T M C rid Via., Whou she had CWIdreu lsbl�9015 the drained land. , The oats thdt Burviv Dp of fair quaity. Cheiries #can be set n gh to 80's&k o MY services 06 9 ariment and or, n. !fine condition, e of lue you Knt that in coming years, with maiket Is EST' grozi value rains have come on other thiii,A a total failur been ly. to those which prevailed during si�g, although not'up down as noth outh: 11)4 d Mr". Cuyler ohs prices equal A CHANCE YOU SHOO: NOT M S are to -day very promi e Niaga-rS, and fig Eh aterrup The he -r-' Aaches,- in bo th our winter -made but- of 1891. 4 . almost a 64 YO Lion, therefore, m- tias winter of 1891-92 very scarce -- reoiw to the very high Yield e owing -western districts, are ur kind op uld command a rela- ber a small . w on Bob, undistur'Wed, ter frorn creameries WO 6881 Acres choice f"Irming land In Lone- block -140 Vest in the west 'V�illL pi, little lat falure, plums in� most cases ae boldens me,!, w Itura) with wire,, ginLg—i.t _4'll be in full operai or piles. gland is fenced (for at ' The black knotis dge of the importance tively highs acres of thii lou, of which 9.0 d lod a average. does m� kno mes under cult n So Porter' otel to rain a Professor Pobertion's I)elay is DangerO. 3 fields 340 ac - St. August. crop, below th, This experiments'In. into far or P for 1898, 30 acres and 20th of the cherry and now prepared for en the 15th of this dsci�ion to on—" - following hints� for are outot orde�'delay is dan, acres are tion lietw ,&Doe g _ tgrining "n m Lae reported to be killing out lug st' the When the kidneys well .210 tf. iag reports comefro the curculio - d nervously I Ind 6Vcome 60 natural" meadow bi �j and Mr, Caylor fidg opinion, 4 geroul. I of frame, iiii roof stable, The most promis', o Any disesse m%Y follow I and 'Jum trees at a rapid rate ch. Pears (Jiutg,rio St, Lareni e. and Ottawa 8,nd the- t you will not" future operation's b d th t months Of suffdring *Ill follow. A buildings 00 0 . fmWe frame sat." An. abuadaul tonic like Dodd's AIQueY L7 I- ­ ­ " -� - g* abunclAuce Of the an n ture Emporlum-4 East Midland mlly ieported 0A &Tt abundant crop ink my demand reasonably gr fall' -i am dwellings and other out butidin ;n--- ;and The'northern dis- 18s Lffected the plums irety mu 11 And Isids me o hope tha � supply of succulent ifeed shingle roof granery, 1600, tw 1127 y yet are generi th . provided for the. cows for 'Q ite a goo Wells. This land earl s of Ontario. it ! You make as should be cep able to the kidneys and protects them ft Very best water from 11T 2A Y, t all, out with kidney food. trict promises wellj but it is too A f;w re- of gOOd-cOu dition in 8,11 he Well, W asking winter and spring. Corn enjilage Is cheap, ease. They are a Jolus the City of L%ngdon e . My wat of C'6v&licf' AFORTR, e estimaes. ons are next in has 6 elevatOlf ROY -10I to make very definit I most oecriar much preamble an though you were todder comes oalkota, 0 FAin. t avil eat, and best; corn eetens the County, North I d oor yield through be Grape vines ii houg � essentials of a Ave ports of rust and Of P DSPeCtS qte very Lrood for a cool th usaw i I" ility carrots, D. C. eleauses the stomach and ow t on the laden, �nd pr, 0 6ded schools an e to handi bit One- f economy and sultabil Free sop le, testimonials churches gro t your door, -all OUTSIDE OF TRE 0021BINA11014- blown down ar o st proniiaing mildew' and rot. aig earecY by many. esid Bob, contemPtu point o Ureath. Try it �, Try It! town. W& have a ready Mak. &I g if the vio quantity 66 A thOUSEWd I? mAugolds or sugar beets, with bay, straw and guarantee sent to any addresoT K. D. C. Con'- the coneniences of an old se ed country, and a ftnerxiii furnished on the thortolk inbet of whole the crop is one somewlistv limited in * ood joke I That decision ;t qI the improvements, Aples are 11 That is sh, Make excellent ra�ioas, 'to on O-Qr list- qualit�- i, This apears t g in of a thousand dollars and bran or meal pany, New C-lasgow. N- 8- choice farm at about the cot jer acre* Terms-- knd satisfaction gui wroteed. A laige an irif" ior ii if sold at once, t, f thOZ'e di er worth thef'great be- but they cost too dear for profit. At page" --.W* Pece of tam ce good i f Caskets. 00fte lad ShidW116 *8 RYE. year pecifflirly unfor�iinate in earit poundq, W down, balan w beek quality. 1W on In per 99 to 109 Of MY annual $1, 500 to 981( on hasid oftl h b 'en v Or I Lygland. That is 8-1 9 Chilciren Enjoy' thing eff crops will obeen ave 0 In and in the pro- to Y9u I . 78 to 84, and b&I"jWg Fluid ased Iwo of *wmno to rye have the d0truction of blospb - Ing just0er fror -ood- 26 to 44, matioa,on the combina- s -farmer an for the farm. uIree my attention. Very few reports as nit pests and para report, detailed infer the pleasint flavor,, gentle action and soo r1other business FIneR Royal fav�otable- 11 Howeveri railer vount worth the may be arranged joke I" he said vi� f rations wift be found. sets of Syru 01 Figs, when in need of a aWrite, Box 77, LangdOn, T. HOLMNS, rl TRZZT but theY are all quitd` detiO4 Of all B'Dit' O' ft e �T. or, I ask as my tiOus 0 ther be costive or bilious, the ngs sites. IThe larger fr(IM, foods haye and If the fa her or %0O low its use- so that it is th0 Dakota. GODZRICH 8 from beat to et to the point. not been pro r. Cu actory Mort family should 0 lie &UghLte 2. Where these gratifying results fol tie Ue me Wiist ti % *0 sidence in th� following apples, peaches, fe your vided by the patrons, to alter a cheese f edicine known and ev In Essex, ed by Dir. BOOK. 0, erlycoupi iwould This crop is very poorest Pearils p eir cried Mr. Cayler, hip red best fainilY m ifor winter buti W couple& the crop have a bottle. 1121 Kent, Lambton, and face aflame, .16 a" YOU— to failure and oreatitiPf4ctien- -e Middlegex 1)) and equip I &king re owing to the early cherries- flame, only iivf 6cid- Prage Sal artLurn, 6 termed a failu I Mort. ug cows �nay be As we go east anil I have.love her 9;11 my life," W4�," Bob. 3. M far �ss practicable, milki Are bled with headache, he Cures. the King of Dyspepsia rains and the bugs iffe zoardieii—*nOugh "Id' 66 y "—Von o�body I do Yo d t tempera- Ity ? �'O,Zitroul). C conditio ch improved. o*—You In should be kept in stables where the it is guaranteed to cure you. north the orbelow 45 degrees i§ fair; in the �enti�tj .*h.o opened an offic?3 on mr. Cayler, fairly I ech. _70F La,ke Outario the crop A young d me. st�mmeie ture is comfortable—nev i ome rh Alon�g itif'week, finds a good ees Fahxouhei� eport' 'enue lose with indign ion v above 60 degr S splendid crops) Jefferson av and ne or at 8i; cough I SHILO" pa -to of, geetions r a. His first patient man, a ows Ohl FAIRM East 8 On, the many diaciouragemil ppery old gen a SIVIP te -falures. WiL 4. The milk f N&TAing. Thi sirst PefhXP8 Of 6i who *or n in his. t 01jr, Bob bout Ovek the Ps rom. a few freah-c VALUA .C3LJLJF Others close by comfole A in e nc� waist- I ow -hair wi h out to the flavor' of the Will you heed the i ch under the averag"' was a thin imparts such 5. quli Dach of that more teriib a disease Con- 0 U young T holding him d whole the crop is mu. with a pink him, $ull in be the sure appri I it you can afford for the triced up VA person. M, and looking butter, which may on�v Ask yourse ves N PTION Z'F 4 IN- S coat and i str hole quo 6, nothing C S Ing 6", to run the risk and d he a welL but it is Is Yet a and yellow beli. hethe face. made in a creamery from November till sake of Oure TUCKEROMITH i a profit&ble hour or two jig valtie in the Brit- tor it We know from exprience that shil6b!s ey ancer, The crop promise i'w, Mt., Cuyler, listen to Ay March, 1259-52 Th as will increase y accurate in making Swe Ws� th-jeh'the dentist told his N( d ' hter d will ;Ure your cough. it, never Mile. - a slittle early,to be ve chor, during V uietly D4&rry Your aU I' market from I - to 4 cents per yoou�t reliance -CUR aish Tinder and in i _t - ---------- will the 28rd day of The crop Is stories as he filed and chiselled and t togiach, nausea, 'oney to h your consent orn,pou out the generaL diractions an funniest �ithor v;i �,11 '* 6. To supplem 10th, �660ur Ott Ina be produced at the ring �19, instead of filling up the ke - your � copsent ontained bo troubled - C t,%lned in a ce= buzzed. 9 it my &no -;&I report I . Are' of Dyspepsia this year. At lengt I will ta which are c recelve 'ties WU gold and charging $10 as YOU' Plesm I Lot of" in6rination to. those nizhtmayroe"? Tat e.K. D ., the King October A. D MAT Couqli Ct. On j: at cava I I Inn Cures. It Is guarante to cure you. c er will by Public Auction At TM% G1 bigge my fee. time of W LINT TOWN OF SEAFORTH. (UP ions beginner saidi If yoll refuse it ihillings and will furnish specific the ROYAL cessful C0148UMPTION 1CURB, is viftut tion and prospects Of- aplece the coliscie d and in pounds who apply by letter, qiviqg the!plaus of All 9)) express my I The gener&l cOudi I shall not insult the do- 014 aallel- in the hisiory Of ft filling, air. Liquor H&bit ILU P warn you runke pot- the corn crop are briefty sunlnlaRzed as I.Sh'all I put i 'he e:Khausted occupant pencei-, and buildh%s and other particulars, c !a D nness — sell it on a t altry sum as World there is but one T. 3rd, 18929 druggists are authorimdo Exie late planted owing. tO "I board, re Kour daughte by naming a p of effecting the alterations in choe ail the ATURDAY, SEF r follows :_ Lake . ) I saidi -tails in itive gua. .: y .7 1 t e than half a crop, of the chair, bridfty_,� 'shall then, as tinost suitable packages a—Dr. 'Haineis' Golden 8 _ , autee a test that no other cum Lake dentist, doubi er'�quivalo refuse*. faetoories, on the Curo tte!rnoon, by VT. G. Duffs.. successful Stands, If you Uve a rains, poor, not mor r&d1J I 4id the t he engagement t specific. At a eclock in the a, her wi hout the consen So; Throat, or Bronchitis, it, for it 1�dR op. about a soft filling-" 0 the fo owinfe �,f Lot S -in the oth Con- you.,' if your child lias the CrOup. or better in Huron, 44B marry which to put the butter, on t )perty viz.—The west we& it can be given nf 8 t half of Lot 7 and ruce; Georgia Bay, I the who oor in LambtOul I fully r I w 11. YOU have YOU choice. of competent, butter -makers and! on the in a cup of tea or coffee without Auctioneer, crood in Gray best in itiVilunder a4d hghtniug " shouted the ow—take till tif morrow the knowledge of the' person: %&king it, effect* of uekeninith in the anaW 11 r000d on the Whooping Cough, use it p aud,liililcoe; Lake Ontario, g in t1jech'air and pulling don' ans er e n Poe-. p the BEitish market ent cui e, whether the patien cession of the Townebi romp. it over with El Thousands county of Huron, contildu land, Yaore insidious diseoie ge very good on well drained- I atient, a' distill a from those factories whose managers desire speedy and peimau 11lig 150 acres of is swe. if you. Aread that adbury ,I tell you I live in a desirable farina in avera oi,;�Oep� my moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck ave taken the 11i4e, it itwin is Mouth into I )en cured who h or less� This Is one of the mas dr to good; to 1, on a lude that to of drunkards have bf 'tuated ona good gr�ve DIN don'tfiail tO =I, t. LaWrence and Ottawa, d if rou ve got any sib to dispose of the product in that Way. Golden Speelfie in their coffee without their know, Huron, It is 01 CONSUMPTI, Northern 0,; i&n Seatorth, and On it 16 A I little boaxd.ing hous"' roiled steel Cap# pro sition 11 be the wisest an4llehsant- 6. It will be better Policy to delay for one the County of A your Dry ut that you can mrz,* 0, as it actory and its ledge and to -day believe they quit drinking Of theiT road only about 6 miles from k ham and good- st&b- cule vou or cost nothink- -4 large new blick house, a bar 10 ct$6,0 11reported on e the&] terinK of a cheese f nOHIS �CURA Price n f0r. Most Of the er'Df. I iciiii eat �irrang fr blect,to the unexpired' t 5 oft 611 g, you cooi do 1v is t e Cres guaranteed. Sena for gis for SIT cl.gl"Sis tt*g`lk point q year inuance of r.0 ul nem m or beat from a finan for butter -making during the own I ee will, No harmful effect results from their administration. cir- iing. The sale will be ins" ru er, r fodder purposes. ' A cont -0—Detroft Free press. cerjainly is t equipment term or a lease to mr- 8, Hunter, -which expires 5o cts. and V.00. agrrowfor N jai 1) an to begin this now business be. ilaro. Address in confidence, �fill greatly improve the like a suiziW winter th in er, ceuL down at weather 'v V W. oular for full Partic' �reet,.Clncinnxti, 1897. TERM---j-Te g.r':0`wing -ra,Pidly- On a clover young dog Bay nufactarer andpatrone.are both GotDEN SPFCIFIC Co., 185 Ram 81 April Ut, ein one mansh thare- which is nov You are fore the Ma 1260-52 the time of Sale and the boanc, prop, alter without Interest, & cc the whole te condition is fa,ir, but the jhal t for you," fhmed Mr. Cuyler. quite ready to conduct it with suo'bess. Ohio. For further particulars THE FARMERS' I. iii1orris - Bankers,sesforth, OU il'3 not so large said Bob pleasantly- ual report itself contains full Par- apply to Mesi es olicitor. , ultua. . Any e ()OUNCIL he Council met r or Vendo quautitY ljdlkGs. —T 44 Thank you, On accom- or t6 the ucuor r, Goderich. h a air, I L . - "i sila, e Orlocider corn, t; on the 15th gesti will YOU! Ula�,TS75 the work undert.vsken and R. C. H 8, or's selleito Banking t ficieucy- ta -over 'my - Bug tic FF, Auctioneer, S$aforgi, H -v�r will be more than made up by the pursuant fd idiournmen' Think hom�e August. Uez�bits all pres�nt. Moved by Good moiniing." plished. day 91 August 1892- -.0— - I Dated at Gode th hay this YW. nded by Mr. Proctorp that Ian -servant oJaMM 'That eve ng the Cuiler's s of Mr. Kirkbi.. 000 MM the Saink 61 NO116164L) exces I all&k 25 cents per rod for dik:- d , Iled —The Irish Gentlemen cricketers will (in voonneeffien I the Davis' steps an Pu a at Toronto, beginning thbi Couu( actually we up' .ey 0 -a &t of timothy ging 54 r1odiiii of ditch on sideline between D 'via' b 11 handle. Ml,,%. , I , Diinton-Cone I leven of Canad The best crop this year i# th —Carried. Moved the 01 Wi fe qta noteA.which Bob. 96 tember 12. ansuraouce LOGAN u IS a 6 blac 'saw him do .. He 10 and clover hay. The harvesting beg&, ssiou 6. r. Howes kiised a dozen Esq., Seaforth, Ontario: The DOMM011, August 10tu lots 5 an ick, seconded by M X. CAMPBELL, -to vl AL AG=T �x on Jun; 2()th au(I .-On terribly will ever remomb' com*iy BANKERS A Ease, 'ble act- by Ain a open , Clinton -Cone was ire the D FINANd cage to octor be instructed lee and or with pleei considem that Janieil there Was state tof d thirsted' after plu%blo remedy. I Sanshind br put in a proper tated. She hungered an day I diseovered your v an 'ut in Muskokaj Algoma,, an& NPissi mediate. upon all sound plans 11EMIMI) d. tion of the proNince" hay, repai moved by Mr. Kirkby, the knowledge of what that note have used four packages of K. D. C. and Reliel'i'm Issue% policies be Thij preparation M a great and longfelt WARt smOug owmerclal HOW Buildl For the larger per ri Proctor, that the clerk it iii "it's all' is the only medicine that ever Application Psinless"d e"y' - agi WU st"A assuall0e. To 4he C ne *aft nng to the end A, General Bad endowment inni, seconded by. Bobl, -dear Bobt must say it those -who suffer from piles. It is a remedy of the of life and king Busumm;tlo given their 6onsent at last, -1 did, me uY effective and reliable, And has mor ing extended from the be -filt instructed tOOWY Owners of lots 5 and 6) i 11 Oh a -good.,, e For further information see ;Hawod On. 4;;I�L. i upted by jight—thei ihave highest erit, ies. err I I July, when it waa their -fences from yeicians who 7.0 -if-Nis ed on Tile ra- con sai0q. to remOV9_" Come, over at once nh 'd maturing of th, fyAl wheat. ts—Carried. 'On � ad I am e. P LEJEONE IS A Met the anticipation$ 'Of those AMY have used it in their PrActiO a a oden said lo Py;, U. Do�'t look for A Sensible'W&u )ST,Vg CURE when otber treatmesits fall to re- J. W. OLARKE Olt good notes Of molUagol. of this is that much hay was Ney ore 9 0 left until side 1 'ri Howe, seconded by Mr- Ing 0 price $i. For sale and there motion 01 me, though�,' I have tried sult I K Baisam for the Throat and Limgs P1 -corddi weloc Would use 11011) 5 iieve. Testimonials furnished. the wheat h9A bee. accounts were ordered over tike Lord loveth. f Co he CoTas Asthina price. District Agent, #uron Co., Seaforth. ROBFRIT LOGANs XA$A#fti afte t a ILowing Ists, or by mail on receipt of I re ana mnress a on them thal it is euring more O:.'d",%i1*Thro3 &4'd Lunj Troubles by drugg I tisiderable %ua-utitY Proctori i impren a Mist JS4 Dun 12%-22 1"r, T, STRONG, Vanufwtu will doubtless be a co, has -avel.—Joimog Watson, to ring Che to be p%i, i vor ' but it d ant lam to Brondhitis,VTOUP 12,8Q.52 over -mature- 'On tho whole the yield one �JOOU Cl;akey, $3.80; Will-IaM Is 'cheerful 9 re habeen I b1ttle royal than any other mei The proprietor has subb London, Oat. less $18.37 t them,J The ,to give you a umple Bottle das otteet, seldom ff my druggist I Imen 715h r o_ ege P 2 a'21 Dhoi exttaordinary� i Fast W%wanosh, $3.40 Jai, oc 'a pothing Olin olized been and a half tons Per acre,,- and in some cases Tucker $54 won the dayt.&O Att I but we hav ver three tons John 801#in" "file, $5.40; 4iorge Re, gone �o, C' it is reported to have harvested in Th M14fol it Woo forl Pltdh. P" h 11dren "-'�: