HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-09-02, Page 4neighborsof the W1
from the Choler& In this-aountri, it' to sinikhlea to Aid die
A bei;eilin 64 par4aftook aftef sach Ord sty petition -and blood allopendfig, 616, tons element of an- old story. Toronto Article was u to ohollik It and biewting -faint Kind hearts friends and i a taken to prevent Its intro Arahu: which sw; &shelter under its- -then them Is,b giving the he fall back In the tug. He called for bellp. departed *atobed �by him s" did aII that W piper oft *hick the PrOCautlops ar -upon -for the people of rtt"ent be 11001". duction, and the antho in, It b fortuasite mantli, is, jbei now, a little doubtful. At solid xtart that the -Industrial got 10� years Whonthe bathroom Was opened Mr. Rodw - wal.possAble unVll the and catne. Frank ,and Lot fo Beam. (5) ritisS 806111 to be Ontario that their Goveinment1ave at their - he beglonlig of the campalp I had hoped' qo as the reason -our record leadmi, Its man woefound In the bottom of the tub acrer- course, was unab to 014111sa–mrs ftllllli�p fully ailive. to the requirements. of the situ&- Is each home in thn�l to disposal the iniani of counteracting the evil for great things from them. There "OMo'd plain sailing, now, Their arrangements oito ad with the vicaldiog ge of Businew-4ohUhan Be*. (8), tion. I - . hot water. Dr;Edwin A. attend the funeral, so that Harry was the rth @!der X111-41ohn Vain. (5) influencoo -of the n ny honest000uragebus, ha - no sooner' finished for one year than a Lewis Wait summoned,, and Us remained with only member Of thefanilly present, OveI
prote ted and pam rd lows (8) 0. 0. Willson. (a headed men in the movement, but now the thought Is had for the nextt land good busi. Mr. Rodman for Oeveral, houts. When he- —A farmer in Wawsaosh.h4d. a combines, 'If- the Free Prove would induce tra, a's r want4d X Bat". (5) - ins vant, Girl' Rosd Makifig. cloven foot appears, to be. very apparent. I nevo managemont doom the trick. The best left the venerable pa0ent sbeenvad to be experience a few days 090—Se he -as I ethe' ra L yll Domitilon Goern e 4 whext-- a. (8 Several of the leading p 0 itV board a typical old Yankee former express fetiture of the exhibition will be the Interna. somewhat easier, Re" � became wor'le and w ext field When eat to remov
111POrs in this using a binder in A Wb .Voodo-f I? (8) mantle'of protection o *114
1. Wait f ORD th000 combines, 1 himself pretty strongly on this question the tional. dog show. which Is act for September died "the following morning. Mr. R dman some unaccountable Province have recoutly beau, discussing the manner, he became en. prilvate enterprise wquli very �soon aocom. otharday, He is just such a type mosdorne 126h to 15th, No work was ever done in wall aged To, and an old resident of Brook- tangled in the binding twine and wa -J
-Dalloan & Dudean, (6) W
-In politics he W a Johnston Bros. (6) subject of road making. -The. Idea is to plikh wba -the Ontario 1;ovornment. finds it the! pal�es'of Pock and Judge, hard as nails town so'quipkly As on the new grand mtand. lyn. so 'Democrat, but of ried up like a sheaf and sdown on d
to Order -Jackson Bros. (1), "cuts better, roads, or rath e�r a better re- t and as fair of boss sense'! an an egg is of Halt an hour after the now by-law proyiding the independent,lt the ground with tilo whe&t, d nor for We --J. Wonder neoessary to do In the interests of the meaf,,sn oraolo and a fenae-corner lawyer In money for the work was passed the'dobtraot TUG BURNZI George N. Brady, -no, Xefthqr he turn for the money now being exponde4 tug I on the m8i0hinewari Injured, be -took hold.- f Pe ple. 11S, his oonuty. The substance of what be said was 'let and'the job will be 'ready for tb e owned by the Howard Transportation Cbm the if r Wanted-Chiii, Campbell. (5) the roads. -One of ihe-first to ui4iteg in this nes again and went on with big wor.ir P to 1101
n Shoes --R. Willis, fi) was �his I have no use for these People's benches when the whistles blow first on, th's of Port Huron was burned in --the Of Ike as though nothing had happened. direction, as is generally Admitted, I thly Wa--Qeo. a to Partkc. fellows. t first there were a lot of 6th of next montli. On the 13th the Trades Palladia of Lake St. Clair the other morn. —Mr. Thomas Gray THE An-ODIPIOYes at the twiD 7
Toronto Us[! @a a Wanw-FAPOMTOZ OrPICA. (6) abolish the effete and wast good fellows in iti but now, every place you and Labor League has arranged for a mon- Ing. She was valued at $12,000 and vas in- Win h chair factor met with -a , inful 1Xonthl oful system of am PA Sale--4eorge Good, (s) yl Gerrymanders across the line have been. o, the professional politiciatis, like Jerry star procession and demonstration, ending sured. t and Shoe Business for 8&19��George Good, (5) statutie libor, and the second is to have the declared unconstitution 1. It hits been sug. impoqu, have t'b ld accilont on Satuday morning.. 20 t' I *111
A 0 0 There0a nothing up iii the Exhibition grounds. Patrons. of YiqA3arE Fums.—A oar loaded with om thing hadstone Wr th u3 I
road imp D t -pipes 1 erovements. Carried out under skilled to rn !bly WA
gtoted In CA -Dad& th t ini thave"ilib time to go fooling trade from all parts of the Dominion will: ingots consigned the Ca. egle mill one of the engine to
si sibly the Dom on in It foi
And competent sapervisidn. Although blown up with, d was fro a bolet o -J0.4 took
redistribution is el g ultra vires, and, around-ibatay. I'm going to stick to the attend, yasmite or some other high was en eavoring to make it right, when sea. -boblig
IN good Liberals have been appealed toin con 6nd, old party, They - may not be, what A rICULIAR GIRL, explosive, oin a side track of Lthe Allegheny cap flew o and the escapin ron is noted r the -excellence -of it enter upon course of litigs. gs 9 water nd Vt) $owl L
!quenoe.�o t ey ought to be, bub they are tried and This. city has -a young woman who re- Valley Railway at Pittsburg, Friday. The ateam scalded his face and �eck very badly. j;rn In, 'KOI
highwiye, there is no doubt but even -public Ron with'& view to its qtruction. Before staunch. They have taken us through some aorta to very peculiar methods of 'mortify. car was blown to atoms, but no one was it- Mr. Jesse Button also received a $I ad the
in this county they co lold be inipr`cved, and suit is entered wo�would advise anydne who pretty ti& places, and If any party daiii be Ing the flesh. Her name Is Carrie H I iiht' AIDAY, ftt. 2, 1.892. )IIiags- j ured. N6 clew to the perpetrators. the side of the head;' at he 006
we believe Wald be vastly Waved. witht. roposes to Contest the I W,to put his money trusted they can, and the rest can say or head, her ago 27, and station, domestic ser- THE SAME OLD STORY.—Xhe old- story of —On Saturday morning, 20th ult., 3fr. -cow
Iout Any additional act il Eack. into his puree. A w ill not unconsti- think what they like." There seems to be vant. Periodically she makes atonement the wealth farmer being swindled by three- James SnOIJ Who toth U XP uditurs, if y reides near Constance, p *ut bl
The Oa tational because it is on r nor Is it uncon- a pretty general feeling to this effect for her sins by f"ting and varying th� card monte. men who wanted to buy is' was going to Clintonith, aosd. of flax th
every munick�aliby the ata ate labor was stitutional because a If and jonio by President Harrlibu-s proolamationo imposv. law in the United throughout the country among the best close monotony by liberal siplication of oarbolie form Is reported from Tuscola, Illinois, picked- up Mr. John Lap a 0 enumerated at) say 75 cents or day and -a States is unconatitatio 1. The fact; Is, the of farmers, if re arts are to be trusted at All sold to bar bare flesh. Her .1 at experience, F r I r. n the ro'sd to -Ab lot g tolls on, P a �qr Ephraim Dranobaqk allowed two give him a ride ; when near toWn udioious system of written constitutions of ortain of the neigh- I believ6 the People's - party -a nut vos4els carrying Canadian more ov :eight adoptd'd had a was on Monday night, and now she occupies strangers to walk Away wi,th 16,009 of hI4 CARDS off 'one of the wheels, and theheel ighto passing through �he St. Mar in the lay ng'ou,t of the mon boring States declare * ow redistributions history before it. /Whether they have ;;S;� &'cot in the General Hospital suffering in. hard:%ped money while he held box Con_ eya 03' and the mak., sin running off, the load upset @hall be effected, sad it I -only when t with dr. Lai C was to go lni� forcen 'the first of Ing. he in. tied way their Por on y t it or. not tithe tenvely from -the horrible burns. The most taini 'g'i blo k of wood. baried ben -as t. roads. The following article structioris Are exceeded Oath it- He was extricated Vi'l
mber. Itia likely, therefore, that the at As American"- alone will tell.. Th4 factiremaine that the' a extraordinary part of the whole thing Is MISS WILLARD QOX8 To ENGLAN-D.—Millf qolckly as possible, but none to* soonp for from th with a
a St. Thom" Home Journal is to the gerrymandon are upset. 'We have no con- is room for just snob a party as It was O -X'. that Carrie Is a good girl, of monomaniacal France' Is are now being 4 collected, an the Can&- 0 E. Willard of Chicbgo, president he was Almost suffocated. point and ig- as applicable to is., County. as stitutional tales governh g the details of re-- peoted to gooand,'if it fails, Another will religious temperament, and, to the ordinary of the V�orld's Christian Temperance Union, —Howick voterlirlist tbi# year contains arid
d An Gove im-ment 9ave not, thus far, taken distributions, and, to the County Of Elgin. It bl I omsequence, of very soon take its place.. It cannot come min4j. not needing such heroic treatment, as accompainied by Miss Ann% Gordon, her see- the names of ail i3r further action in the ma f A to declare 1201 persons, 787 of whm are IE
In facto 0 11 gerrym der invalid would too soon, her ifus are entirely imaginary. She has retary, ailed from Now York on Saturday uslified to serve.as jurors. Th� voters are two4al
tter Commenting 013 the no ,-- tion of the simply bit a Waste of m O�. The ttitudil. of the Democratic party at anointed herself tl �ere. has: not been k�* Cabinet meeting mines Journsilithat statute labor be �ommuted with corbolio sold six times for ED land, on the steamer Etruria. They aivided upas follows . In Ward No. 1. 202 and this timails very amusing. By the platform up to date. Perhaps what the Mai says h correct, hut. t1 a toll Provilamsktion. was. issued asf the o to unglaud as the guests of Lady. Henry No. 2 the money expended under the direction of 188 ; No. 3 2.30; No. 4 207 o. 9 s4o 'ted at its National Convention it made D'ALTON WILL STAy-RIOHT WITH iiS. lomerset, 5o, a county supervisor or inspector, working in It has not got hold of he right idea. - No c mombers of the (Oblast are scattered far 199 ; No, 6, 175. Under the old lawwhich
the Tariff the -issue of the campaign. It do- Mr. D'Altion MoWithy, Q. Cop Mt P.,was' SATIVACTORY conjunction with township trOotees or com. Person holds that becaue the Redistribution In IwvETiGITiax. —The Ports only permitted 200 persons to vote in a tself strongly in favor of freer in town on Monday, just back from Eng- recently ordered an investigation to be made division, at least three nqw divi ions would a wide over thd oarth's surface, while missioners, an intelligent Southwold farmer Bill is unjust that, there ore, It is unconati- trade, and, If not free trade only, land. He vonfesses having heard the pro. Into theburning of tho'houssof Rev. r. have to be establithod in the'township to Id c red I
01 of- them are on the bosom of the deep. remarked: am convinced that the ��utional.' But, mAny is, the highest legal M least for 11 Tariff for refenue posLI of the Irish, loyal party to lnvitq him Bartlett, an American missionary at Bour- serve the reqtti 8 J. Caldwell AbbOtt is said to be seeking present system of r -lad making is 'a bad one, Now a large and indstrious section to serve them as Mr. BI roments of Evowick, 'this i a4thoritio of this co, atri hold that the on y ake is serving the door, As!& Minor, and a report hi)v been re- year, _th but I do'not like the dea of increasing. the The P h in a yaohti#g tri on the lower St. of le pairty Is trying I" best to bury this McCarthy faction., No official intimation Vance gives the fol. g the oonstittion. issue, and in showering maledictions on the has yet reached him,'however, and he do- dwellings was due to the carelessness of an lowing account of work done by one of �he rence Sir Jo number of officials, and consequently aading Government; in re-arran In ceired showing that too destruction of the —The Wingharn �n Thompson Is rusti- to the cost of our roadg.l,
cies to suit themselves g4 beyond thefir con- heads Of those who are responsibli for this clares his determination to remain. F�d oat,. Ing by the ass 0hore with his family X is not proposed to do either the one Flsitform, � while it loudly prool Ameriban servant and notto fanaticism of smartest boys of that town, It AA SOW
_7111 Charlie stitational owars, . an that thim work aims that the adian politico. The Equal Rights, ves, 31 Tupper�ia ditto M.r.Bowell has gone to thing or'the other objected to by this gen- P ores bill is the only living issue. A -champion the nati Kling, IS yeais of egf, in one doy -at the T ralft
�v tleman. The roads of -the county of should be delagated to an independent or f a the has gone out of -town for a rest, as his In- S3111C;GLING.—All the United States reve- salt barrals, Elgin Winglism salt works th i Pacific Coast �4 with his deputy and Oros bill Is practically no issue'st all, so far tended holiday in the old country turned out nue officers on the Pacific coast are watehin 30 8 a day aad 30 the dwy follow- made 40
can be, withinoten years, ma& the admirs. neutral body, instead of being performed by the pr Vion
9 do xgliters, while i1r. Haggart and Mr. as thi whole country fa concerned, we -must to be altogether too bully, for the smuggling schooner Halayon, which Ing, in all 100 in three days. This is re- tion and envy of the whole Pt�vince without the G;vem'ment which fit interested. This agailnecommend Governor St. ohn's pr000p- RXMOVAL OF AN OLD LINDMAR Ch[apliaan are off sotifide place else, we forget Increasing the taxation Of 'the ratepayers left Victoria, British Columbia, on Tuesday markable work, -and we doul* if is Is the point, and it is up#n this point that a tive qualities. By the way, judging fr�m St. John's Chur�lh, cornerf Stewart and 6f last week, with a $30,OW car 0 Of I C re. As for Mr. Costigan and Mr. one cent. The game now expanded on the. another b d , who Who oy n sitis a equal it. In .—The IS
highways and bridges are amply ouffiefent definite And fodepends log tbe'revenuo expanded by the present Con. Portland streets, is an old edifice that has This is the mine schooner wfloh I detL him we feel confi da,,Dt that Wingbista has Imette, 00' they are seldom or ever ai n gress, if the Democratic party remains a outgrown the tfm� for which it was built. $5D.000 -worth of opium at Hawailasofew champion In this line. tobreate and maintain first_01088 _ thorouih- required.; Money exple-1 ed :I. decision in capital, and don't sibm to count for much fares, If *only inte 11 P lgently spent, not frit. having this 11 tariff for revenue only " party for a few This'wav In the old days when British reg. months ago and sailed away from Uncle —On Tuesday evening of last Weiak a r id oint' settled -would, certainly, not 6 years longer, it will be an extrethely high ulars were stationed at the Fort and made Sam's fastest cattere. vb� an they are thbre The - valiant Sir tered away under the operations of a system a tariff osity. livel th, was made upon theresidence of AlexanTler on' which has long outlived its usefulness, wasted. y streets of the town. At that hard Adolphe Car is abotit the only ons of the The extreme foolishness of the policy go WY110911, E119., Fordwicb, by a namber of u- period �Clarence -Square' was the cebtre of the leading members of the Fordwich Pus�. orally L a fashiopable Toro Huron Notes.
lot tbst tv� at his post'6nd it in said that he, Road making in Ontario, as at present Con- i countay of running dopted in thf ducted implies a tremendimili asto of mo ey MAUD 8 ato and Windsor, John, liXerlain congregation,, along wi%h their Of Kentuckyj a mile in 4-081 municipal politico on Nationsil Party lines, Pster)knd Wellington streets were gay i -Mrs. 'an too, 0 is to go'o' someivIlere,"the end,of this -and labor. The work is, in *1 2:08 Nancy John Derry, of Cli ton, left an wives and w Afte wdg espL by n
many CAB Sunol, of: California, a sden baskets. r spend- was shown in a certain county in a certain night" with the sound of revelry. Then wask. Ws a good thing to Do a member of: performed underthe direction 'm Wednesday of last week on a trip to the old ingasborti,time in friendly conversation, 'Grant". i have Aabsolutely -no knowlidge of the first y country, of men 4bo Hanks, of Kentucky, a il:ntn 01 the prohibition State in this country ver re� families, mostly Anglican, on Sunday wend Mrs. Wyness ented a. Government durinj the dog: di Yell_ AV
i sys. In the cent] Tki county has enforced probibi. ad their -way to St,jobas. Th t priticiges of - road maidng, and its a conse: summer of 1892 S 'a world'## trotting bitii a soldiers . —Mr. Robert Ferguson, of Lakelet, ship- filled puree and a Ing tp cOmPlimell0ary address, Jim time tolls are b4i collected by Uncle - 2' better Ilrobablyq than any L other, also Attended in uniform, as do no ped some 60 head :of cattle to Calgary, expressing the high appracistion *t
-ihe labor performed often worse record stin % . I W tho "C" quenc; do u;- 'Th6 eagle of vie- 'county in the United States up to the UltL from vessels than wasted. For instance, Outside to the so the coagre. sh Is officials at th� Sa, pres- School of Infantry. have seen tory flow; from Ken- ant; time. It is very stro uth Erthweilit Territory, one day recently. gation have for Mrs. Wyne", services as t acroso the c atinent ly Republican.,'used to be the soldiers' burying ground —Mr. Thom" Farrow, postmaster organist. ht. THE Exp'osiToR gravel hauled long distan at great ex -
car lug Canadian fr44 he gave a screeoh,, Of course At every elootiount Of —The A
tacky to Valifornia, the 1 or county offi- which lay neglected long after the old fam'! Brussels, Intends erecting a now brick "post —On Monday evening of last week wo Traeo, 11",
do :not profess to beinuoh of s piophot,but panes, and dumped on a ols, do the contre flapped his wings and! shot 'back to Ke . cirs there is a full Republican ticket brought! fifes, disturbed by the i roads of railway office building in the village next ng, n
of which was several inche:s il n
at than the tucky, perching himself'on the bann'er of the out, rind, with very few exceptions, elected. men, named respectively '#a rel safe in as Ing i�at the result of this sides. Z Sherildan, dy The pathnias�ter was ig orant; of the yards and rouildhouseff, moved to quieter —ThiJuly makeof obsess at th damen . tal ruh mare named for the ate an the Wal. Doutherty, were arrestd b Constables ilag bran mi
wh bagineff will be -mother of Abraham T�is year, I believe, befere'the Republic parts up town. A few years ago' -,the oft ton factory -has been f at the amounts paid f on' that proper afasige is the Lincoilii. 1 It was thou t that yeatj must pninarloo there were two orominent csndi- transformed., the graveyard Into y for 9+ dahts; sold to Mr. Motaren Phis ey and Whestley, . 0 U wton, on a in Ila by the vessel Owners; will bei. made ;firat requisite in road maki d h a public charge of marderouslyassaulting, Afr. ion h som
AD 80 elapse before Sanol co d be distanced, but dates for the Republican nomination for square and arranged the isoldiers'headetoties —M r. William Waters has been re-engag- Rider. He had been sitting quietly at pi os woken rib
'kept on wasting the money -,f g" to them out Of 06 Dominion treasury his fello t6 thing, has been don In one year. Trot- County Attorney, the officer with whom, atone end, The pa�fsh %has pick ad as teacher of Fordwich school for next hotel in that,1.10 fa adup dur, of z8116 in a vain attemptto build a.roadby ting h a' been brought Will, when these partiob, Us At"
t�hs the incident will be made an exones for, p to -the speed nf the: mainly, rissis the question of whethgr prohl- Ing th 0 'damping gravel in* wbst was tactically a It few years a d has' taken out & year, at a considerably Increased sl Average railway.train. What will the next bition shall prohibit or not. a sty. were drunk, -commenced abusin IV g th tractor 6r the new . Canadian One' of these permits F01 a now a n him Wth �The N
a con 9 dttab. The results inay easily a Imagined. truotu're to cost $15,000, —Some evil 4(sposed persons have out and their sts, had one of them picked up a It seemol OL
record be ? - Wo need surprised at noth- WAS & staunch Republicant a fine speaker, s - di windows in several atone Ana at their Work
can I -at the Sault som6 hundreds of thous- With every rainstorm -the soil m the sides ANOTHER CONVEaTIO.N. sfigdred the plate glass
Ing. Sofar seNaboy. asks' bravevictory man to ther, black boast conscientious and of Toronto L May ruck , him a villainous f of the road was washed on the gravel, ii c well be ol' - blo;w on and of dollars for eyqtrao, supposedly t L 6neerned,ft Illed thecity of stores in Brussels. the head, causing blood to flow quite freely. high prinoiPle, but not an active practical Coaventions. Th,6Typothefto delegates had —At the Caledonian games at Dutton, The or horses and the now fang was'pr bably helped on by there to be Churned by be f hu up the wori, bu,4 -actually, for the wheels of vehicles until t led bloyal sulky, with its ball politician. The other� is an insignificant no sooner left town 'prolses of arties Were brought before -the Mayoro —The I
lravel be- bearings: and - pneuina voicing their Ontario, last Week, three Huron boys, W. who fined8heridan $5and costs or 30 Jay& Ic tire. The honor little party hick, a professional office -seeker local hospitality and the superlst#ve virtues F. Scott P Ol ion expenses, this �Iso to be paid out came lost to view, and. the was ODO belongs to the marsoth driver, Budd* zen. and'Archie Scott, were and, Dougherty $15 and costs or 50 u Of he Dominion tresoury, a, liberal per strtoli of rats and holes. Doble, and rather too apt to indulge froolv In the of oar city In general, than anot#or convan- am aners. and the bloyoleulky -Now lot Robert Bon. fio%lug�bowl, but he 11stooct lull with th a ir In ja wore oommlited., onx t d,%!#jTn pift W. ro �J
It Is to prevent snob a ruinous waste of ad went to. work,1 This was nderson of Brussels hog Potato
a tion arrived a con go to be paid back, again by the con- nor try S; in a 146Z sulky. less I! he Wingliam, Advance f last week' unol. office holding ring, and, after -a @bar that of the Brotherhood of LOCOMOti vines gr —The A
--- I . ! � I P owing in money, and to secure better rede from the 0, he secured the nowl' ve bil garden, that oantainis the following story of the miefo. trao ra into the Tory ign fund, and #q1l; Now Eaginoirs of Canada. B he Is t nation. fully ix feet, There are tunes of a merchant not far from that towa-� *d, with the wkole dirty procoa, -AMPA same expenditure,thai we irgue for a chaing - o regular FlApublican candidate, and y way of amuse. measure ding will be Carefully of system. Lot our Country ri lads be buC The running of the �Iootrlo street care in went they had a demonstration and ball at good potatdoe at the roots. An Auburn merchant, who perambulate$-' every loyal Repul�,lioan must vote for him the Pavillaii,and an excursion to Queeneton, factory
Covered up from publibi view -by the Old on business pri lee, and the money now Toronto ;ban had a t4rrorising effect upon —The Gorrio7 Gazette says: John Ma- the county with hie -goods., came to With in
or be bra�ded As a Itraitor to his party, and, X
bat vay few. OW- OsntlY. He was In the Closio.proximity of —The d�
think them ano th real go any Furthermore, Any person Who will 0001 will be the horses. Then us�ful ahimals seem to should hco#er become &,candidate foi - office formationel0f a Mallinfon board of arbitra. M Flak� -waj on the plefe- raised for road an bridge pur One of th rincipal discussions Loughlin sold big farm on conoession'g,
quite sufficient. It Is probable lok, to Arch. cNail, of
darera* a a corner of th Old F ag to expose. himselfp Is sure to have It brought up Against . Craubfook Pos- Marovich, when his stood refusid to 1161go At A
atepayero have any correct idea of the lilt is tion. Although the meeting was with sei(elon Is to'be given next ATM, further, but instead upset the rig over the Poote -to r "'ad him that he "bolted the. Republican ticket." closed doors it is held , certain that the Goderfah, while therAtenness which it covaja� will be do. athount of money. which is - Dually ex. that there have be:=bvaril bad runs —Mrs. Mi Prgason, of embankmento,and in doll -1
AWere it not for this pe b
Rit ponled on these countyiroads. rniclous system the PS so a large 'number lox# will
'mant tobal
noun, -.-ed by all the good' loyal Governme and a number of eop a have be sohems Was unanimously favored and will be entering her dwelling the other morning of eggs were d and many mare Let us take the township of -Yarmouth' on more or best man would assuredly have been elected. acted upon. slipped and fall, and by the fall broke bar cracked. rgans, as traitors and 6nnexationists, and less injurect, One w men was thrown from' A man would have to ran on what he Is and THE In fact the road in that ity A
the township Which Is now con idering the �4]ZW LIM BOAT. In what pull be has with his party. As is strewn with ben fruit. The erao, 10990 ford,' hat �hat be thd and of % except that aw- advisability of abolishing the a tuto labor a carriage and receiv d such injuries that not O' On Wednesday afternoon the bay front —Misses Kate and Jana Grant# -of Clio- were divided Among the widow and or- RM , le Irp the situation sis:nds now in this county near'�York Streei was oirowded with people ton, left on Wednesday of last week for i that neighbi other weight will hove been -added -,to the system, mind see what sums it has been ex. @be has since departs this life. The
Mail -the Democrats have not suffloient strength phapis 11 orholid by the uniuky -to 003 Niblat burdi in, of the poor, deltided taxp who di on roads and bridges. Arq there SIH to witl2ass the launching of the life-bost Spokane Falls, Washington Torritioryt-where orses, app ran peddler, who has no doubt come to t -be 400 11- tilt hall app tly, are observing to put in a good tnaniii�svon If the wished hereafter to be manned by the Sons of Eng-- thay purpose residi 9 In future. clualon ore thishat a first-4ol"s h ay'ar' Pon a ozen ratepayers In the township who to" -V
feels isippy so long as hir can hurrah for I animals, And,the t to, and the Republibans year they -pay an like the comprehend that In each the u�nu I ives them g id to sup- land navrl brigade., Seven hundred invits. . —Mr. A. Knox has sold his hotel any article -on sale, in the cheapest in the u u us, g are pled orse,
In re'a ge
Old 11ag sod vote for the'.. Government, even thousand dollars for the t accustomed to the ort a bad one. It may be al right to draw tions had been issued to W. John:
average of eleven' alarm, When they - The ceremony w arty in Holmosville to Mr. T. C. Piofard� long run. Ialthousih his farm Is mo-rtgaked, hi debts maintenance of their' thoroughfares? Yet trolley dr, even th u �rty lines pretty tightly in National sf- perfoned by Lady Kirkpatrick, wifa of thae who Intends erecting a store, hall and shad —Tha young man named 0 1 h they may not have sirs, or even in State politics, b4 in muni- Lieutenant -Governor, after the boat had on it, such Is the fact. In 1891 the statute labor very Ole combined was taxtril
t re several other aliases, wb,o, W" gr.res$Q in as 'to I
unpaicl and his stom"W.Iohipty. Such is ar Idea of th a' of the motive CiPal Politico it can result only In evil and been dedicated by the Bishop of Toreao IT 1"to: suspend 'ud.gmsnt just for re resented $5,756, -The mon I -expended MO&Dtiv?O PSG not sure Of their in thl Gry, as successor to L. Hogg. tolisliveat.joillet 8 vr,,*Vn Tory readers p Are a CO hand, as was his pretty little daugliper, who rformed in Yarmouth equalled! 5,756 days. -;--Mr. Salows, of Carlow, has been on- -life. We ask- our readets, especiall y our rcmpatlog this at one dollar 1, nal harm. Owing to this unfortunate system BuffAIO last Week On A charge of bliamy.,and Or day, it power, it'will lose A.; its terrors. In the there Is not.s. city, and scarcely Admiral Chaddick, of the fleet, was on gaged as teacher in School Section No. 3, who U awerfilned
ey ple whol a great country that The living n . various parts a t About Ona, and in thei meantime oa roads and b is not ruled by a presented bouquets to I I he Valted'St year, watch ridges inT the same year was ability t� Control RM hten:d horses;' should 'ring, 0 Lady irk Ati-ick, present engagement' is for the balsoo of the and Canada, managed a private atom r that has not a ring which seeks to the Bishop and Mayor Flemin- a ba a ul
treat th
a 0 nk in Brussels in this county some 14 or 15 yeall's a
or a total expnditure'of $11,670. avoid Church a &her thorough. control It for its own selfish purposes. We boat in manned by a, uniforms ow, who 'has been CIA$- go. Hillasinle at that time 'Was the or, irrent of events and k a if our prodic- lif year
J Were the statute labor computed at so or Mr. G. A. McKee. who
tion b i not very closely If It be fares on whio# shortilT th don't bear of them except in the big cities, intend patrolling the most fr Bailey five cents a day,: the sum expended a care will be ran. ,equened por- 8"I master in the Caledonia High School, Harrison. HA Afterwards he ,ran &aimilar �.j not, then they can T ExposiToR is no still reach the large total of - $lo,231. in niDg�. This is one of Ohs dangers Incident to but they exist, nevertheless, and are getting tions of the harbor each season halt been appointed to once In- sad Mr. Morrdw stijution inthe village of Tilsonbqr g,vounty every day -more dangerous because bolder, A- GALA 000ASiow,' as Classical mentor In the Clinton Collegis proph, t �y softie years the &M'ount devoted to -thia pur- the now kind of loo�motfou that must be Could part lines, however, be eliminated Centre Island lagoon was ga to of Oxford, and, while there, married . . . . . . pose Is mu�h Iarker than the sum spent in with thous. Institute. �W* he
daughter Of Squire Tilson the big man -f 189-1, but this sum may betaken as repre. lived down." from municipal politics, their power would and@ in gala costume to see the l6lano aquatic —William McDonald, an old and highly The CholO be gone, except in such Places as Now.. York, sports on Saturd iibseqently se- rra I the town. Miss Tilgon '
senting the averige expenditure. where their organization is so -nearly per- ay. Men and women par. respeoted� resident of Blythops sod aw oured a divorce. It I y ears since we ha ergo. and the interests of
It ii a good many E, after distinguish- ticirated sky
a This mum is too I a hoped he has got to v HON. EDWARD B and the events ran a early Wednesday morning of set ek. the and of hils tether at last, and that he d much about t involved are too importa�t, for an intelligent feat that it is independent of party, Here from swimming to gunw&1e.cano" tithe WAY we gear r vid(� Let a Ai a 80 years of -age and had been Will have a ahanoe to cool off pickin oakum .he cholb A on this ocati.. Ing hi i elf in. t a pol tical sphere of the old a, still greater problem presents itself, Mo Rol h pol Deceased wa, community to longer consent, to have the accident marred thd afternoon in poor health for a long time. 9 *r-9 we have been us hope that it will be- solved soon, for &I. Year, neat., In tin recent ye money land, has returned W, Canada. He reached. although the spoc in the StaWa Prison, expended In a slip -shod manner, tators who were timild —Mrs. Alex. Forsyth, of Morri ready tendencies havei4akeo firm root In the is, has a Ito- �iad, 1, On, romar -ably free from sedurges of ovary Quebec last San(fay and immedi winked a deal at the tub race. The pro. brown Leghorn hen that in establithing a ti — that a over overtaken any family in inar without methodi'and frequently without I' ately pro-, nation, as a result of this condition of affs to, P h the greatest number ri st visitation of reason. There may be room for question as ceedled to his summer residence at Mu coeds, which were BOt"small, go to the record that will be difficult to out.l&y,, 'o be adopted. viz.: the section has come upon th which we have had to comp)-ain. Although There a a I via f&M- rray which will bring this:. great Republic into Lakeside Rome for If k o I dr n. groducing eggs measuring 7Jx8J Inches, to th�e beat system a h I Pur
can be none as tw the dealrabilit tay, where he joinled -his family. He is the dust j not as -Rome was brought. ily of Goderich township. that was bad enough it ,y of &ban expected ouble yelkairs. A. Purvis but also]
next week. During was ftiffing in com- donng the present system. was one of the best. kn6w,n and most pro- W14. J.
NOTES FROM THE QVEIMN in Ticrout� parison to what Cholerai smill-pox, or other his atijr, in the oldl'cou Ne'We of the Week, —Miss Mary, daughter Of Mr. W. R. gressive farmers In the section, nd wiis f&- ntry he delivered Lou h, of Clinton, had the misfortune 9 of t
Aeadly diseases several. powerful add�esses which war CITY. z. —There I$ no dedrease 311nilailly 'infectious &D4, No DEmBA to vorably known a U a very In diel amber of our readers. CON'SIDERAELF, dheasiiiess is felt in this costs her shoulder on Saturday, by a Lost yeae his nephew, Col the ravages of cholera at Hambur, despite fall, while visiting a illo W14 killedn would I have. been. It is alwut thirty-five favorably'commentel on by the journals t the house of a frie on
Province conceri ToRawo, August 22nd, 1892, the cool weather. nd British Cofainbli section of the Canadian oing th6 safety of tha,r Several isolWied cases in the conntry, where she had been spendin 4The 11
years, a Inoe Canada has had visitation f Ops both aides of politic�. Mr. Blake has done' These are days of, education for the t an Pacific railway.' Durinf, the past winter, &3t 0
have occuirred in England and Sco I d in Manitoba and the�i Northweit. Latest her holid ys. tbill
asses'in the INJURED— PE0PLp,.—j8eVen Uncle the genuine Asiatic oholerdii It was then much already to brii;ig Canada prominently matter of wood versus iron People were and atint died at anknoque thou, in suploner
advices are to the elffe6t that about fifty per, —Mr. Wm. Jones, a LoDdony Huron and F vel wolley poles and elecirigal systems general - badly 1�ared by failing Walls on March last, Mr. Purvis was stricken do Pr4ton 7y biA in many places, a#d the smaller before the British people. Wooster Bruce brakeman while assisting in shanti WU oentre�ss-well as the I e bities suffered ty a ng with sickness unto death; a little over a week stri.
cent. of the whe %4 or6p' has been harvested. Y firstly by newspaper talk of the a[ street, ew York, on Saturday. cars at the Wi nesday agq his &jed a street-rai ba* to everel, T a is Other Passed &way; and on %rg The crop.. is not so h0avy an last- year, but egal diffibulty with th Iway com- C01-14MITTED CREAA1,—ThOMso Neill, aliss of last week, had th m fortune to have his Sunday last a noice h:re is, just now, a good deal OUR AMARICAN POLITICAL any, a _ , Mrs. John Salkeld, jr.., rei4slued
the sample is goodj' There hae boon several nd secondly by practical results of Dr. Cream, the Canadian, bag been com. left foot badly jammed in the per. under A car wheel. died at ton o7clook in the even g, nah a bout this d -read disease. i s getting, too near the care initted for trial in London for murder and No bones v7ere broken.
It front Attacks during the present, 1 11 LETTER.- in is aweek, and, orig�rina d a mouth, or,so, ago *hile in motion. From numerous small so- blackmail. ties of deaths has !xmt taken place in th 'as 11 the famine IWILMEN FOR THa EXPOSITOR.)' —On Saturdayl.13th ult., Edward Brew- a
W�u DA
although little dikviagb is reported, -there is Wants during the week it I midst of any famil L, the section within Hly'pha, bou
easy to see it SUIOIDE HPIDElftc.—Sixteen person distria of Russia, and has stread widely The Session of the fifty-second a have at. of Morris, was kicked b horse on the the m thdre;w Con- 4ill take' another mouth left leg, and the result was bras the Odest resident. a g r a a
little doubt bat Ill be found a good for citizens to CO mitted suicide at Trieste while labo * ere is war be. Dgement brought ring
it deal -of frosted ktaid. The results of the arn the sense in the old adage -44 don under mental dera,
throug�out that countryi Th� official Clio' gross is anded,and now t yth: king of —A team belonging to McLean & So nut red urns, up to the first dk tween Ps organs—war to the knife hilt, oicessive heat. on'by the large bone between the knee and ankle. ara re. thi' k -6ofikey with the trolley." -hod 0 we' I front, however; A I nts were not :rhO Ito u lican papers $neer and jibe and Education too, Mr. Brawar will be laid up for six or eight sawmillers, Wingham, a pair Of show that on one day 4,767 neir cases - were I a . 9 PRECAMONS.—The French Government weeks. standing Close to the in:'th4ir lines we are having, All of the heavy -tracks, while wide spread nor ie told you so," pointing to the Dr 'fact daily'shoots hav*e seized the news of Presi has ordered that all Russianewg mill onTuesdayo took fri deaths took place, whil arrivi ghtat t reported, and 2o324 that th rst Session of this Demooratia dent -7mOu Tuesday of lost week while Mr. and Inj of the whistle at Congress :has expended $40,006 six :oclock, and 4,ai M0 with:
in t. I letersbark on the same", day, 125 new Mrs. Placombe, of Exeter, were driving away. Lntgsd of going Harrison's retaliation edict as one at Marseilles be sent to the lazaretto an
Y 000 Mrs more fit opportunity to inculcate a patri- have -their clothes burned. out the mate they d first Session of the Republican otic fooling into the masses. The poor THE BEAUTIFUL OFER,& HOUSE RrIqRD. THE London Rr 6['6 kress in referring to than the along the road In a wagon their team became went through the ion cues wil re reor "Billion Dollar Congr4so." TheDemocratic 9 it sTightla
ted, and, the d4the number- the proposal of th4 066 Government to readers are Wadi through The frightened and ran away, throwing -the Oc- big enough for tftr.in a I�oie in ra House 9.
has als Ibotween
W masufsotory and in brue-to-country r papers elm mthat hadit not been for bills 0 DU out, Mrs, Pincombe rooeivini very through abreast, and taking a post out ofoff�v. ad 35. o spread io Francs and establish a binde 1 ' columns of Metropolitun Oje New- capa, two or three team@ to io
AteraturO all the way York,- occupying an entire bl;i-1 was severe Injuries, fracture German ind other European bountrioa, IaL t' Passed by that Congress# which called for a
temperate to the fire -brand article. rained by fire Saturday- morning. The with 1% few slight bruises. from the while Mr. Pincombe escaped A boy held a plank out to stop them, but ofrianN
his way to at On6s%e0ixaIfze the evil effects continued expenditure, this Congress would But after all the alarm seems to be only in. d is estimated at M,000. they jumped it. Hamb nIt is especially badi and SL great Of the binder twinq over The team re&ch - iog,* nationiand atilise have spent ab —Dr. E. A. Martin, who formerly pr out $80,000,000 less than the this led
aths have occurred� Deaths okra Business amage t SIXTY-ONE ESCAPED 44- o no street and then turned south and many quair or. -men who have din- .—Sixty-one of the ticed as a dentle the labor of thei tie in the Central other. However, neither 40 nor 80 millions ant In Brussels, is now in Fort do's rain, so i an t
a people on the front. s Do says xas, He writes t treat Could not London, prio cuts much of a figure in a total expenditure that, all rumors to the contrary, list crops I also reported to have occurred Ili oussed it fail to foresee C a miners supposed to have lost their lives in Scott, To n that stop them, so they the Board the Bridge End colllery, Wales, were rescu. section are alm continitted on their mr*d mr,
ailare, on m- flight as far as John Salter!s, wher -,"M rpo -ore -he Demo- of Trade is not going to advertise its big ad Saturday. They bad escaped the flames count of drought end hot weather, the the t Live 61 and Glasgow, but thOse w of M,000,000, and the fact that t oat & complete f
Of Of course if bindet -Wilus is made by Con- cratio part , pledged as it is to 000 Only
athey a building for sale. President Baird want@ through being bqriad in a rams, r-'- were to d bpy Mr,Saltor, having psetengers- who came by steameis from some victs there is no gayinj where the 1100 shall -an retrencLent, spent such a sum I mometer often going As hiiii run eyAor
d be draw 11 A Mr. Haggart to nber
shade. done was tho'
of 'the affected otintries: Throughout. n in this 91 " t rush on the Canadian Sault FAIR DEALING, — The Delia Lur 105 in the three miles, The only harm P6 4omPet1tiOa Against single Session of Congress seems to confirm CanxIto of Mr. I
icox? PY��
a re1P- The hors" were private enterprisil. r Oliver's man thi a quick finish. George A. Chap. Company, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, bag con- —On Friday, 19th ult., all some men were considef&bly armed i Britain he most strenuous exerbion, are be. not' Si the famous saying of Tom Reed that 6 this is n breaking of th ant make -i I ka the beat thing would be the abro 4overum Ahners and - ceded the demands of Its men for 8 hours a liftin W Rid �, a(A Wro are' c mowing a billion dollar country and needs billion gation of the treaty of 1871 and the making day at 10 hours pay, PI& an old boiler out of horse Sagranac S- ing p#1 orth to prove t the opibad of the machines ? A wagon a J. —While: OmPlAints dollar Congresses, exercisia
The fact that a Demo-, of a fresh one. tt a Woodyard, in Goderich, it fal 4 and a the race course in Winghwo, on 8 disleaso, md, with'the efficient Asuit�ry ar. about the high 06i b ines cratielCongress,followini a Republican Con.' Till then he suppose@ no- DAMAGING STORM.—A rainstorm in Ron. sharp corner came on to the g aturday, gines, w y
rangeme its now existing, it is likely those and on 4 lt*rt a foundry and gross whi.,h they had duounced 11 suffer by the one-half c:ut: bu�h- all&, LoKer -California, has done $100,000 Postlethwalts, inflicting & foot of John 20th ult., Mr. Wirt - Dolmag e -came near be- no to be wide an outrageously extravagant, and with Medical aid was at once summoned and the' Adly, if Dot fAtAlIyr injured. - Another Xr.
efforts will be successful. It is scarcely d Charles B. Watt,'seoretary of the Dominion METHODIST MINISTER, 1DROWNED.—Rov. injured man was conveyed.to his hom horse ran fair Into 81krahao, which caused 64 -is the If freight by the St. Liwr 0 "vere
machin Shop?L far and 6XIeltwral no r(.. 1. damage4a the Fruch copper mines. -gash. Ing b likely th�t we;.will have: a visitaii Government is to' a sufficient majority to enable them to oarr ATKINS01
tiOn from it nenew the a nrob&' !,Syste y e. He the bitter to Plunge headforomost into the convialt in and met its out millers,says flour wiltnow be 10 oenta a bl�n John B. Jacobs, a well known Methodist is progressing satisfaotoril i
almost a, ny measurd, failed to keep the 'Of Mr.:
on this 1continent this year. It will not face against the eir�ingi 'i of privsti. capital rel dearer, and he votes for th Y. 'fence. This throw 1d, Dalmags, over the e abolition 'of preacher, of Webb City, Missouri, has been —On Sunda annual expenditure of this country for Fed. the treaty and letting things Y evening some boys w of .
withstan ompaiWl*r�` e labor in I the frost and the sealibn is th take th4ir drowned. are of the home Aud, -11119 Wait gliding UF.RTZEL
now srket ora purposes bel �7 heid of the hovel-ing around the corner of Josephine to I ovoro tfl course. Mostly every Toronto march Int DA. KEELY SUES FOR DAMAGES.—Dr. and Pat' check fwith cheap - goods i, ni th! top of his becomin 11 advanced that a no 4,.,Jny kind if the pulation cs OW very significant. b&4 vitallar views. rick streets, in Winglianit under the it I t rtainly trousers caught on the
e§61 the Areas against so we Mowat party has bot 0 to the factg that t a expenditure of the I he electric light. One of then eat SIMO@rthrough to the.,boSto trousers gl a anything to fear irom it in Fy a Kest of drnk cure fame, is suing the Lon ripped the elwe hav book in the vaiddleand
t WHO WILL PAY HIM HoNog? the as country is steadily in6ressing. It also poitl�e bei, actursisi A lr A (I, the bind6t twine hiaklu don Zancet, for damages for 11 Medical gon tah:16t an 'tore the thiscountry. It is giatifying 01, note, how. tep will bi�igsinst iofii One result of the Hon. Edward Blak, dge of Mr. A. Galbraith�jl window, boot completely 0 ft in, bther bushil my to the fact that In OpOe of their protesta. a mew watch the trial wit A
over, that every pre antion is l4eing taken onvict labor in lea, and besidedtaking off more �Aqy t 0 profit's" travagant pretended �orship of economy In a 200 to the cutting ddi* . 9 tiOr114l InOwNransous enve!ope 'me tiOna AgAinvt` OxtrAIVA anee ��nd their ex- -large panes, and, of course, no one know h excited interest, and in some way went through one of the orl su0bess in powing oil on fraland's starjoi SE1V81BLZ BUSINESS MZ1q---At the requet I of the ex
$it the sea Ports. cliol re, thrives on -dirt f.tbe waierx is the rivalry of the young Liberal �of clergymen of San Francisco, about of the humanbody aIgo
O .16t -any
other b and the Irish Nationalist@ f anything of it. Mr. Dulmgets and bad d rainage, and, so most, H not alit L ration of public afflairs, the gaged in it. tenderin rably,. but he alo able Ron#
usinevit and, the or the honor jof business houses closed on Thursday of last —The death of a former and well-known to st&rt after the 4ges of t foot W44 hurt eonslide he::
the administ
Democratic party i ealin -+of the Q Madian oitie committed _g him welcome when he arriv week to enable their employees to attend re- resident. of Wingbam occurred in Blue horse, which had sts,Lted a man f4 are no* kept in a -hoped �kit #4e resou to the same course th6- matter" is the town. Th )r Loll0ord set "it Ion rival services. It is to be a practically roes of the In to run, and on being spoken to by Mr. D41- Saul in& Rev.
Ontario Governmeiii 1611 enable it to cir. Republican party, It 8 EXPERrmENTING WITH ENTOCuLATION.—Dr. when the spirlt; of Tho a the animal stopped And came brick ry condition and hsv efficieut Friday sn& will spend the balance of t6 on Monday night of last week, at 10 O'elock,
mAs Billingsley for- Aga, and was easily capt yatems O! iooke more and more summer with his famil in the Blake cottage Haftine, of New York has been experi. sock its tenement of ared. It Was a W..
sewerage, th- wil not aument and run opt bvory combine oper Olay. Deceased was lucky swaps, a# If Governor St., Jilih� were right when be At Murray Bay. It will be September 1 t —On Monday evenin b.
-b t has in do matter of what &fee of ship country, had. degenerated into erals propose a grand banquet in the a." found a remedy, Wing;harn With his Wife, two sonillp Frank fi g Of I"t week the &ve the i asterial to feed on that Isting in this Pr as between the -two $rest before he seeks, Toronto. The Young L b remedy for cholera, and believes he has ondon, England, And- came to
born in L
said that politibs, h menting, in the matter of inoculation many of t ie European countries w6ri theme par
M Of Harriion, McLeod & Harrison, are nature, and which 10o6nid -and fostered by a scramble for spoil d Rarely, taking a vilion, the Nationalista a monste and Harry, and dauqhter Emily, about the threshers, who bad not sa well attende4 to, mercenary view 5; um, - r recept n HORRIBLE DFA111. —Thomas H. Rodman, year 1871, and remained in Win hing for 3fr the National P0114. '�� If the Dominion for ant, the spoils are and the presentation of s bow- 'thres 11 gliam nut Government d worth scrambling for. a11 J. W. McDonald, in Go&,i. denee
sidea this, medical m4de great addres he formerly disitriot attorney of Kings county, a few years ago, when he r h Ahe control of an am. Isttqr body h toWnship, wool tilnib" the duty on the cps to pin their point, owl g Now York State, met death in a frightful Moved to Blus- cime very near meeting strides do 409 the past qtkarter of panditure Annually of 4alf a billion good, 'OnturYt prodiote of theme is�%bhl�ments and let in ti? t§e Hon. Vale, his wife having with a serious,
o9880d AWAY while re- dent, eye.wftn -ter of
It and our medical men are, courquentlY, upon them the light sound, American dollars to no small matter. 16 -b4nqu Edward's well-known antipat y form at his homer in Brooklyn the other day. siding in Winglism. Tor four Years he had onder, SWR NaYz that the nly to andto the bellof that the gr at He was terribly scaldod in his bath, and he been an invalid, and death ourne As a happy 11 Someone was not injured. It alft- or equipped to 084 competition, the Darling the past month orl so I have begun to gtat*mAn is an Idghmsn ji
think that a great part of Ithe People's party giftee, peace they were cOmiag' ui, the steep -hill much bett contend success. action of the Ontarloiijo6inment would not his suffering*, The body was at rat and is LiberAl lingered for 18 hours. suffering intense agony,
release from
Ar a almost as bad. Whether this great th schoolhouse at ftrfieiiHill and isto 1psid to ries OUR. Big SHOW, is a Itas;f free from th to give the horses a 'O re hedged about i a H Hill busy van of th partne rat olli the Pit0h of the th@ WOM in 0141611, times, third party *111 h k to his bathroom to take a warm bath. He beside the remains of his r in life. hill,. but the blaeking ifuliv with an epidemic of this Aind than be necessary, butob on$ theme Indust Mr. Rodman, who was old and feeble, 'vent taken to the Wingliam cemetery and laid On the whoic' tected by a high sycophanti d profession I politicians who In bs�� from a ran to e Roat Ind got into the tub and then turned on the hot Only the two song are a behind- the -whoelis of Ow Win Frank, trial 4lo's exhi i. water, The boiling afteam came with great residing in K14 the engine failed to hold, and started to
M100134z British Olumblas run do" tke hillp petflag, a ewt on the van wfl� -
I b
Oros$ Ithe
ist, nsIbI
ITjig 1. u
V in
I Id I
0:1 0 a
kq I
--g 7