HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-08-18, Page 54
8, 1892.
NEW ADVIOMSEMENTS. vided, reaelvei but one kenmItair. Equity� for even the most humble of us to do this. proposal, well and goo.di but If` net, then., with hard work and the. changes which are custody of the Mayor. As soon they are. Stirlingand a gr iduate of Albert College, to
n whom he had -for s6me time been nga
has no definition pplicable to such a case., We are -all too apl� to think that the partiou. our Government will hisve to knuckle down apt to take place In a constituency between all in,;the meals are broken and the ociinti 9 Mr The figure between ibe pmntheds after each If was.never coptimplated that one elbotor One goo -oral ileation and another, there. is commences. 'It is done with such extreme InvitaI were printed and sent, and
line denotes the We 0� the paper an which the lar business or Interest in life with which we once more and got on their marrow bonse ant,
So should posessi two or three times more. in- every possibilit, , of turning the Consorva- care, and the process is hedged about with preparations ' full r made and on the e,
advertisement wilyal with the ful evening. the prospedtive -bI arrayed
fluence in the p4son of a representative or arot�,ideudfisd. would come to an abrupt and do under pressure again whait they tIv6 majrity 17200 to 250 at the preceding so many safeguards that tampering
I - ith h
Jqew Goods --Wm. Picker � (6) - ingclot en, and, wi I
A few Weeks X ore-4"Ii, "on Bros. (5) Seinator than bicthor elector in a w (ire to ratlons, should have done volun e
nother die- staisdatill If we gease,our ope tarily, In thiff, as election jnto a minority. ballots is im ossible. The --counting takes herself in we r
lace bebinlbarred d'oors, and no.o.ne ita - &I- friends and invi d guests, wAs ready for. the
trict Equalit in such matters lies at the oreas th At headquarters In London there, is no I bel jin. 11r. Miller, ho
wh e best of ug may Arop out at any in many other matters, our Governme rowed in or out until the counting in at an ceremony to waver
bas R of oul
Peoples, Life Insurance 0%3nPany—,T. McKeown. (6) 1 -NIkoverninjent. trouble in- finding &candidate. Theseare
Cavida's Great Fair—Wm ill. (8� 1 time, and e,made utside did not put in &I appearance. As -the houi
The State dann . v�ry a pit we will not be yen have 6t done Canada justice and h9i and, While this is going.on inside, o
Ot be divided into sens. tary of each national organi-stion has a long
StrayoA,—Paul Madge. (5v the town hall 'the - people embling. for the ceremony draw -near Miss Thrasher
missed. Three year o ch smaller than she should.
bental Card—R. Agnew. (6) torial districts with mathbrasticad e�csctness, a ago some liet.of men who are eager to contest con- n the ti
A le"60 E. lienderso, (5) nor does the Cbristitation r;equire it. It re- Cansdalcould not be govprned siucceastally, stituencies 'like the one I am describing. They know to. five minutes at what hour the became anxious, and w1p me AtTived
'ile— regor. (6) f and still he did not come her znxiety gave
Apowin C;t % Jqnires the exercise on tl�e part of the Legig- result will be declared, and'" the time ap-
Tenders Wanted—D. Stevonson. (5)_ t without the aid f Sir John Macdonald.' THE Salisbury government in Englapol These men are "carpetbaggers, o coursef proaches the excitement becomes inteneq. �way. to dismay, and ollimay to angry es -
For Sale or to Rent—J. 3frNamara. (4) a ure of an honest and fWir discretion in ap- want but in England, where'neither residedAtifil
Many more thought that the. jer direct vote of
Central Business. ColregeI R. Shaw. (6) portioning the districts so vie to preserve as geeat.Cono "'v- has been defeated on a nor any other qualification is negeseary for a The announceent is made by the Mayor, pair. After wa Mug until long after tile
1, -
Farm to Rent—R. Hick*�! (6) near as may b6 he equality of rejpresentac -ative party would be 'I'llivered Into-frag. of confiden6e by a majority of forty, and who immediately hands to the successful hour the guests departed. The father drove
rliamentary candidat, and wLere quite
__Sd uelDickson. (5)
oret i -candidate the writ received from the Crown into Belleville Si tiday orning to I . t
Seed Wheatfor Sale earn be
io a
tiou. This�oofiatAutionai dis [lot Monts as so hit resigned. Mr. Gladstone has Veen call one-third of the members of the, House of
firlWanted—Mrs. T. %)emp. (8) on as he dioa;ppeared, anil we - a nce, and found
exercised lmons are always of this class, it is
the ed,.on to I orin a Govern meat, but, up to thI Con I it -or parts unkncI
in 6e apportionment lof "91- have no ou6t but] thaI he cherishea Office, which entitles the holder to his seat cause Of the yout g mam's abse The
i'There is 'no difficulty i ki apTor,-f gain in the House of Commons. that he bad
I t which shall all mm in e idea himeelf.i' WeltiSir a h" been ly to a candidate's serious diiadvantage to
� tionmen aisfy thge I man 5 a John basIbee present, no official announcement I young lady fee a "her embarrassing posijion
W.W * t and public hum liation. very deeply. it is
the Constitution. dead a little o4er a year, and his place has Made an to the personel of the new Govern
be a 11 carpetbagger," and, if he s elected
the fact he in a If carpetbagger " saves- him The Chinege in British Columbia' that
I L 'VFRNox,- British At ller is engaged to 11,110ther
Chief Jastico, Morse concurred I the de- been a' wbll filled that he is scarcely'inise- ment', &H oned. coal calls upon his purse, Columbia, )
0 111ough many names .are mend from numerous I lady, which stalltement, if true,, would so-
cision of the other judges, but ptepsred a The Old Man ademn'to be taking his tima an 4rtion of 31iss Tbrasherwho
ed. So it wilVIbe wben Mr. Gladebon Mr. a from a hundred- pdty annoyances and August 6th, 1892. f
1,892 somewhat lengthy pinto expresa ve of his 10a, - count for his de,
SEAFORTH, THUIJBDAY, Aug. 18, discomforts which are the lot of the man (FROM A -N OLD HURON -BOYJ
individual views. 0 e cour lowat, -and the res about it, and with so small. & majority he Ileville.
In th e of big Abbott, Mr! N t of in whose home is in the constituency is popufar-in Be
he hap -
DEAR EDITOR,---�! see by an issue of your
opinion he delivers the following emphatic more humble spberes drop out, Thr orld will have td exercise caution.
pens to represent in Parliament. The can %per that two hundred Chinese have landed
Partizan GOrymandering. lankund I A believe that, the time for Newi of the Week,
keepe on the movo even though-Ahe best and didaV who is thus assigned, after the appli- P1 Well, I Maist
11 at Toronto during this year.
;he last s4sion of the Dominion plainpeaking has arrived in relat�on to he Aow tho English Elections are cation to headquartes, goes down. to the - 10,L —T
Dhring t 't rh� most powerful and gifted men in it frll -by say that.you are a very much favored people C1 kTING A MORTGAGE.
I outrageous prOidtice of gerrymandering w tell he Metho.
Parliament, when 6'et re-distribuffon bill Conducted. constittIsIZICY with letters of i nitroduction
has become so dommon,and has sollong been the' way. It seeme foolieh, therefo for if no more than that have lauded in your - diets of' Lancaster, Pennsylvania, publicly
he question was raised indulged inVibhlout rebuke, that itl threatens ife iBY EDWARD POARIT.T. t Provii2ce. Every steamer thit cross rned a $1,000 paAdmrtgag, with formal
wavander discassion* o the chairman of the local organization, es the bu
men who have the opportunity of ta i g I" and in due course has an interview with the great, P&cific,ply,ing from Hong Kong, brings ceremonies. -
as to whether or nof,., the Government, have not only the-pea-ce of the people b�,It the per- For Parlibmentary elections, England and
g the ' In more than that number to oar fair Pro- NEw- FERRY. -TI -A scheme is afoot to ferr
e at its close, * Ito be shorte4in local committee. His views are known be
manency of - our free inatituti it has ms.y 3hort Wales and ��Scotlaiid and Ireland are divided _y
the power to preparII submit to PaI forehand ; all the local committee desires to vince, which is already filled to overflo�ring. care across -Lako' Michigailt.
t span left to them in toiling for emrthIyj'%1ory into county and borough constituencies. An
ontie cauno
ment such a measure� It was held that this been demonstrated that the p.. t satisfy itselfAbout is his record as a poli- True, the --Government -reaps quite a large GOT TEx YEA' .—The Berlin banker, An -
right the wrong. They mayt..1hanget-the and honor. But human nature -is pretty' England we haie 465 members of Parlia- tician, the length of his purse, and his pre -
power chould be delekated, to some Indepon- political majoilty in the Legial Y much We same in high and low, rich and ment� of whom 226 axe representatives of entablity an a candidate. As soon; as the revenue from them by imposing a tax of ton Wolff, has een senten6ed'to 10 years
on- Ighta for embezzle.
pro- borough cies, 234 of county c fifty dollaraper head on each and ud 5 years loss of civil r
hority and iti'llat any- %� lommittee is satisfied on these point 1 dividual of the pigtailed race The Canad- ment at Berlim,
dent sI such measure have often dque,'but the new maT-er'iSt,&y Ile poor. t
emanating from the; overnment of th' day ceeds at once 6 make a now t ment -stituenob s, - and 5 of university constitu-
e ap passes a pesolution adopting him as the can- ian Pacific Railway Company also draw@ a EXTR PR:E(!,.k1Troxs.—The German U11 -
in the intereeii oCits party me uf trqiosoli and encles—fiat is, two each for the Universities
is Uu-coustitutionat, This- opinion was didate, and then calls a mass-meetini of the large revenue from the same source. � The thorities are t king extreme precautions
politically viclotis as the one ths, it repels. Binder �Pvvine- of Oxforo� and Carnbridge,-aud one for the party with a view of introducing him to, the question in a greit many minds to-d�y is, against the in reduction of chol-ers. f rom
stronly maintainert'r by the leaders of the There is not intelligent sciin )I boy but I University of London. There are in all 670
To the Editoi of The Exeter Times. constituency, au'd getting the rank and file why does the Government impose this tax across'the Ruse trontier.
Opposibl= aud,the c4.�tention was supported knows the roldii've of these l6gisla;ive appor- Lerriberelof the Houseof Commons, Wales
I 1 3 of the party—those not actively connected on the Chinese?, Because they have been A, CyuqTmNARi -,q.—Mrs. LaVinisFillmore,
b� each eminent le" tiouments, aI it is idle foI th courts to ' While on the. excursion to* Sarnia on the - Or, cotland has 72, and Ireland has with the local political club—to approve of acknowledged by every one to be a detri- of Buffalot, cele ated her 105th birthday
; A�l authorities on the keep silent &A to -the real reaso , whichAs 4th inst,, three resident i of Usborne made 103 T a franchise is the same in coun t the choice whieb the local committee, with
Government side as Ar. Dalton McCarthy.. not I 'I " reo'so y n
w I than artssnadvan-_ it their buoiness to cross to PortHurob and ient tQ the prosperity of sicounfry. If that Saturday.
hing m9rd or eso than parl and borol gh constittiencies, and in all parta the aid of the headjuartere orgaulzmtio' be on, why not make the� tax one J�undreA - Vrmopvs, —I is, estimated that 100,0W
�and others, The 0�vernmen, however, tage taken In ol�fiance of the pone 'tution atid, make inquiries in regard to the price's ..of bf tbb E higolorn, i exercised by in London has' mado, The can4
ever 9 �idate at times that Amount or. piollibit them from visitdra v-73re in Denver, Colorado, fromnt.
ugly they visited th a -meeting makes a s eeeb, .'stating
declined to "ateu till, this contention and in utter disrdgard 'of the � rig . to of the binder twine. ' Accbrdi e y in& :i who, between July in one year this in so P coming in altogether ? I 'Contend that the side, during the session of the RUigtg of
carried their measil-ke. The earnestness Citizen. firm of Anderson & Co. ; who deal extensive- filid Jaly 1� the next, has occupied house hie views on current political questions, and
b Government have no right to impose the tax Pythias.
diaplayed by those vAo raised the question. Take our *n state for exam le : In the lyin that article,- where'it., was ascertained 9,r�a pam"of a house in respect ofwhich at its close theeeting either endorses' or at all. If it be right fbr the Chinese to A BIG PU .—A 13�-year-old boy t
election of 19&4'the Republica candidate that the three chief brands used in,the. rates ba4 been paid for the relief � of the repudiates- the'action of the local committee pull d into
of constitationality hid the public . PI It p,66r. The mode of procedure - at a Parli' own, en sy vania, was
t6 believe for Secretary of State had a' ra i y,of 4,383 United States sold at 1121, 134111and 14 cents, - come into -our country, let them come free Pottst e
in sele�ti us that
-401013 the obliging merchant volunteeri e oto him. It rarely happt and not license a traffic; (for it can be called the water by a pound bass, and came out
that they were pre; Ared to back up their out of a t6te vbte of )1,013. he Repub, n the moptary election is practice'lly the same all th of the local committee is epudi-
iol -eg U
lican majority in the Leg at re !of 1885' further information that binder twi was over the country ; but, in describing it, 1 to nothing else), that is injurious not only to with the bass -a d a broken I -, having fa en
opinions by definite hictiolne, but after the nit, Med. The rank and file are disposed
-arranged the $enstorial distri to so that cheaper in Canada 'than 'the t:'Iuited, &drn it best to take an av6rage-sized, self- to, this Proviuco, but to the whole Dominion. 35 feet.from a I ridge.
division. in. Parliament was tskeya mud the upon the votd of 18�4 twenty -on were Re- Statee. Crossing to Sarnia, the storet.of C. cootained, and single -member constitue ke its wprd for everything, and the com- True, the people of Ontario have not, felt
Dl-,TIRF-S.Srx.'LFEXico.�Owi�ngto the con�
ney mittee in4riably makes itself sure about its
're -distribution measure was pissed, the publican &Ad -eleven were Democratic. A it lik� Lincoln or Chester, c their evil influences much as yet, but they tinned droughl great- distress revailsin,
In McKenzie, Milne & Co. was visited a:,'l athedral cities, or man bef6rb Introducing him in publiO meet -
matter was allowed toJi drI6p and nothing has eight districts a population of 1.316,578 -are was socertained there hat t6'three are 'gradually working east, and if this many parts of, Itexico. In some districts
Warrington in Lancashire, which is P, repre-
ea the same representation io the Senate pal twines used here are gold at III,, sebtative manufacturing town.- These are lug'. to the loonatituency. traffic in allowed to continue the time will- the people are slowly starving to death.
been heard of it sinc�. This is not, as it 91v , ople in eigh other dis., 12� 6erits, facts well-known to every rm�r constituencies with eleetbral rolls ranging
as ar , When the masa-meeting has thris approv- come when, if you will pprinit me to use FATAL, CoLLis iox.—Further details of the
should be. No persoh now pretends to say ed of. the selection,the candidate is regarded. the expression, you� wIll curse the ground recent steambowlcollision in the Gulf of Fin.
Aricts. If permitted.to continu in this kind in Ontario. It was also ascertained in, Port from four 'thousand to eight thousadd voters.
that a fair or equitable re -distribution has of business the next Legialstu e to appor- Huron that Silver Composite or jute itwine Eaob of them stands quite &part from the as formally bafore the conistituenoy, and
at they stand on. Old Ontario must waki up land state that nearly one hundred lives
bee begins his canvace. It frequently hap- now if it
been made. All now admit that the tiOu: 86 ;orsi If the -political complexion is sold there at 9 and 10,'conts, whifla in county or neighboring borough constitu- 0 -'Would avert thin evil before it gets were lost,
a tihat when the sitting member IN: retir- too deeply rooted. I vOill give,-& few of the he extra police
should,be different from the I t, following Sarnia, and other parts qf Ontario, h PRAcE Nmv P.m., —T
pleasure of ten years ago was a gerrymander . I ,,etter oncies, and it is easier to follow the methods pen
in the ste f ts predecessors, will easily' article is sold at 8 and 841 cents, Yet A the in vb-gue in such self-contained and a g, and this fact is well known, the new reasons why they ares.bindrance instead of have been withd - awn from Mayo, Leitrim,
face . of these facts, which can be verified by candidate is before the constituency, for a a y�qf a dountry.
e the figures again and give its party cbrisfiftuerilcies than in a London or a 'County help to the proopeyit In Westmeath, and portions of Tipperary, -as
i of the -most p�rtiz%n A�aracter and th y it -chang
Iuple of years, or even longer, before the the first place they dogtade I&bor by doing beirig no Longer i4turbed districts.
1 an undue advantage *4s given the one politi- the twenty-one Senators , an the 6ither anyone taking the trouble to enquire, we- division ; and to any one who. -desired to general election, As, soon as the Jbcal Con- all the manual work ncI only in the towns EuRo1:-EAN D' DANGER.—Sta-,tliug newt,
ca.1 party -over the otheir., It was also admitte eleven. are continually being told of the ruinous watch the conduct of a contfsted Parlia- Thousands -is to band from C
'It is time to stop it. ;And the citizen pricesof binder' -twine bere' as compared mentary. election I think ii, town of the class morvativea.have accepted their 'candidate, but in the coun�ry. of them are entral Africa, whert� the
the local Liber#19 begin to look around for to be found in back kitchens washing slave -trading At ibs are I revolt a ain t t
tl;at the bill of, this year, instead of remedy ' has the right, to appeal to the -ourt in de- with the prices in, the OUnited Statdo! . It I have briefly described would'bout suit his bef
t* 4 i theirs, and go through exactly the same pro- dishes, scrubbiag floors, cleaning ba-
ing ille defee 3 o, the fbrmer one,but aggra- fenBe of Ills most sacred rights under the must be remembered that Canadian' tW
iue purpose. - Any one Of them would suit us, _k whites, an&the gravest feare exist for the
vated and indremed them, In, this way constitution. . Under ou'r state constitution. dings a� the Conservatives. If the elec yards, etc. Many are also found carrying eafety of all European expeditions and ms -
is in every respect equal to, if not supfrior - 4or all are constituencies in which the Lib6r.
tion is eig teen months or two years off, the hod and mixing mortar. On the farms sions.
ngs, are going frotin' bad to.worse, and the right of the elector 'is fixe4. To him to the American article, and that tile' als and Conservatives are fairly evenly bal-
equ -esetita anced, and in which, since the 1867 Reform both candi' %too take thinks easily for,,a they do the ditching, clearing land and act EvicTED B
p T-15 ILL.
still no definite action is being tken to rept tion' is a iight 11 twaddle about the chen' binder twine on the —The Evicted.
privilege of which the Leglalatur� bannot de� other side is but the idle vaporiugs of'�ho-ie Act, the while, hey are in and out of 'the 'as general ch6're boy around the barn,and no Tenants' Socio
result has sometimes gone one way ty of Cork has passed a reso-
check the evil, It is§true the qpppsition in prive bim� These wrongs have be�o com. who can 6e rothiag -cheap or goo&at horne and sometilnes Another. These are constitu- coI tion demandi that a short bill be passed
ituen � y as frequently as possible, white man will take a job that a Chinaman lu
'P&rliament fought vigoro n u- the mitted for partism It but are nglythiug� in another encies u v�hich an election occasions the usly agal's, npurpones. Tlitie objee but coat t themselves, so far as outside has been working at. Some one says, why ? before the Imper %I Pwrlis adjourns to
ag -ffect have been to deprive'phe majority con work is c6uleerned, with two or three meet- In the first place he must accept Chinese enable terricaits t purchape their holdings on
. ; I� a ru grqates' a t of pxditerrient,-and where
measure and succeded in inducing the Gov- nd C ntry It lIeude enchantrue, 'Oil
of thepeopleofz . their will in thel administra- to the view,tu but olbse inspectioh loca, rjonen, and political feelings run ings' in the cours e year. But things wages, whih are from 76 cents to .$I per fair terms.
ernment to, forego soihe of the worst and
tion.of the government.. reveals the rotten&s3 of the foundation that high, f u til the Returniug Officer's figures brisk up a� t b election approaches, and for day And bbard�,hlmself, and a white man CITY OF NENJ- YOK BEAT"5 HER, o),VIX
most glaring features f the bill, but 66 W, h three monthe efore the time, the candidates he timen d� by the ateamship
0 even ai d' un er the issue such fabrications, are built upon, are act all) made known the election is in must get, at least twice that, otherwise he REconD, - T na
after these amendments it was still unf air here madej to investigate but t o &Pportion. doubt. -and -their friends are exceedingly' active, cannot live. A white maI must pay from City of New York -from Queenstown to
We will asume that in the last House of Neither o
Sbmething mort ments, those of 1885 and 1891 Both are fJ them loses an opportunity of five to seven dollars per week for board; Sandy Hook was -5 d y�s 21 hours and 19 and'objectionable, than
We do not Theie is no do t bu le above state e
tarred wi�h the same stick. ub t th aking a �pa�lio or a ceremonial appear- then he must ba e t least -hang of
OmmCn8 the borough we have in mind wg� utes. This be& her own recordavers
'Parliamentary - talk s required. If the . I
But the're is one re' 0, ance - An kind of -public gatheri4 �ill clothes, where a Chin.-tman never has b cou a '� 10 miles I ger.
a -ither, -since there i a a remedy meuts are quite correcti press 2ted I by servative, wh on m ut r e
e serve uu?a ion- one suft for Sunday and Saturday, and that
re in unconstitutional it should be in the /handg of ille executive nd' th impor'taut fact which the' writer has, egistei of, say 'i' Cc" -he thei purpose—a church fo t
Meson, a r 5010 votes at t g�neral DIED.—Michave ffarkivs,ohe of the Fenian
rind if the stone layin church bazaars, frie dly �oclety is a suit of blue 4erry cloth. Take - the conspirators of
tdone away with Government Legisl%ture. dently,,overloolced. The twine combine en- electioi of, �886, was elected by a Ilisjority chester, England, who
dinners, ori concerts and entert%lu= (?n average whole ouifit,A don't served a long tort
1have not the right to ant and carve the The. cousel� uences of this i �ecision te of 250 )r 30P. It wiff-also suit us beat if namaU4 of imprisonment for oom-'
not for us. It is our duty to point out he braces all the Canadian, men,uf&ctories with we assi me 0 well that' the member then behalf of 10: cal charities, football m in cost thore than $5, viz : H&C 50c ; shirt, plicity in a n ite plot died of zonsurn
� I L, �1 p_
fro to -suit them- the winter� sum- 50c ; panta, 75c ; jacket, 75c ;' boots, $2 ; tion in Ph' del ia on Friday;
1but.one exception, and;ihost'of those -in the- elected is'�' nd cricket meetings in th
constituencies every ten yea invasion of �he constitution and o forbid it. ary f Parliamentary ife, and 0 � h p
40 U` rese I !otion eac yo met ip a tY stockings. 10c. Now for the grub bill : In Ox FiiaE, —Th Canadian Pacific! steam . . . . .
e 4
Iselves they should be prevented from doing I agree with the result as annot need in t the ui�t Is e N so of local public ebari
nited States, and 'practically controls the that At e( h litical escap
ise, and thd work that they have illegally opinion o Mri Justice Grant." trade in both countries. So that,'as a rul psrty in the constituency has to finc 0, now e8 their attention. As a rule, the China it costs an average �of 6 cents per %hip Empress of which sailed from
[do' e, candidate . fok the seat. Since the extension Conservative monopolizes the chief place at head p*er day, and the -poorer clasee& live on Yo' ohams on th Sth, for Vaincouver put
ne should be undone and set right as In comme'uting on th v k
judgments twine' is now sold at the same price to both meetings and festivals in connection. with much less than that. In this country, I am b
of the fra�c�ise in boroughs in 1887 ack to Hokoda,te with.her cargo on fire.. It,
the the Churel' 1
adian and American dealers, and the both rolitkc� par ies ave endeavored to told, it costs 14 cents a day per head. Some was necessary to ischarge her c rgo efore
*oouf &a possible, 7 -Whether or not they pos- the Sarnia Observen makes the followiiTg Can- rt h I of England, while the L�berai
candidate hos the foremost place itf all' these Isay, how6an they liv so cheap? the fire could be e4titiguished. a
Aess this po wer, can only _be definitely de.. pertinent remarks in I which we most heartily on, y way In which it can, be retailed cheaper maintan permaneut clubs in every con. one wil The dams
'cided when a test is made. The Govem.! he effort, however, has not gatherings connection with the v rious I will tell you. The house, or rat -her the was e
concur: not large.
I I n free church6i. As to the political wo k it- b6g pen, they live I
in'th& one country than the otheri, or in one Itituen ly. oll Ath much success. English, in, is built by themselves, A GSTLY SCAJLE.—On Saturday a dyn.
�3e at bon
L t
' d
to our :people, as a ralb, take but a quiet and pass,, leased by them for a smite cartridge wa� exploded under a f -a
metit and their friends who are satisfied Tliere is not a syllable contaned in -the town than I self in the eon tituency, ward meet` a are on land thAt has been
A another, is that local compe
�vith things as they are, will not make that above opinions that I ot appli table tition ma ' force the retailer to wqrk on, ive inoterest iit politics, except at election held almoob a iery night -in the week thile number of years, of rough lumber; the wal sh.
y Is lotiable cafe in 02tebd which is a summer re -
own case. The principles of law and justice 40 re one board thick and battened. This sort for the Aristocracy of Europe, ree
est and it clearly devolves upon the Oppo- smaller profits in one place than in a66t ea. p are �o in the daytime the candidatq makes A 10 a,
heritage of t ke E nglish her. tim Ther' local and few national
are a comm in-house via ta ion all. over the cofistib-BZ, building h" a ceiling about seven feet high persona were kill4d, many wo d
iiition to do it.' We do not, know the exact offices , io be �warded to active politicians
speaking nati have the r origin at But, twine iimade in other countries beides undcd a
ions d IME
tilere is 111,6thi g, *in fact', to hold these looai. w ith a viei o making Ili ielf personally with an attic aboye� Into that building they the cafe was complptely wre k
to be tak t fount. N; in applicable to our, Ill
pburse en to secuieuch-a tent., but he same at Canada and the United States, and if the! wry obtaipin his crowd a ed
clubs toge e - between one general election* known to voter, and as manyaf the pig -tailed race as can A.MAD WOLF.�-LN'deepatch-to the Lou -
my, and it is neighbor's case is ap licable to ourls,- and the f.. n a.. el andthar "el ;F DDort at the nal iber& must surely be some w k I'aniI nf. intato ramnir.A. +.b;. t� L I vledge of sul In. If tim )ad. And
a course for our eaders to -ifursue is to "VL &AV k V e r V TV", "V U&I a at UL, on dou 13tandard says that Yu adults, 10 child-
-ear An the inte trg of the pubt
cl ly res ic that Pla' ocial i de, for the billiard-room8, the card- mits of it, no house is miseed in the can- the floor. They live on rice nearly alto- ren and numerous animals were r-ecently
wouIld come into ihis country and would fJ
takd the :*nee seary qt ips at once IS
e e to appeil TOO Vass, and v4ter is beneath the canidio: ate's gether. If they got their bowl -of rice and bitten by a mad wolf at Lodz, I'vlaud aud tel
0efinite, and speedy action be taken. The- ms, knol t4e' bars, the majority of them n
against the GerrymIder Act of T892, -and if -.ompete with the combine twine, and -thus e
i I. would 3ollapAe in the intorval. As it is personal att ution. During all this 014e, of two sticks to eat it with, they are all right.
Matter should be appealed to the' courts and necessary appeal It " the Privy y that 11 are now ra-ving mad and beyond Tewc all
for e a material reduction in price. Even dburse, Par fame
ey a on'l and Table utensils, such as we consider 'indis- covery.
if necessary, taken to the Priv Council for judgment, th ui ually 1 cost- the sitting members ' ut is still in sessi
y 6uncil, ntil the di,
isno doubt rio%V, British Wine comes Into this' countr golod ro Ind stin in annual subscriptions to u Osolution In announeed, the elec- pensable, are things of the future to a MARRIAGE OF MIDGXTS, — The bn*de
There We are given to pointing the finger ol I YJ tion, strictly speaking, has not commenced, Chinaman, PI
�he last c6A of -resort'. keep th, im all 'e. Th form a, meeting -place It a ChinalnP takes sick they� stood 49 inches high and the groom one inch
ridictile at the corrupt political methodsof pays the duty and in retailed at about the
'It w f0f me," 0! two Opposite classes, although r send.:for a doctor; lhe is-, pat off in a less when,Rabbi Wile last Sunday to N
1, ould. cost money to do this., but it would our Republican neighbors, and of dowiding same price an a similar q6ality of Canadian These are o ly preliminaries t nolvmq�ys, neve ow ICU
when the blet act and ecrrupt P.� cice corder by himself, and if he gets better all York,
belonging to the same political party. Few 8 made Miss Lottle Swartwood and,
�a money well spent and the money could be their 01"tive judiciary, but in this matter 'act have oerv'ed to compress a � gene�al �lec_
made. twine. It is not t6 the United States fl h 1 b I I -0than two hundred
aail imble, rigging with the peo�ple's elec- . I - right 'if he dies he is put in a rough box LeoI Khun, well known as Admiral Dot, hi
y got for su6h a purpose. The party Of til tion into two weeks, or three at the:but4ide and carted awa
lesson that 'we have to look for relief from the ex-
Oulgiullee u a _'l%ve motor ape twenty are y, and put in a hole in the man wid wife, The wedding of the mi
toral rights, they have set us a -4 +�I,. -1 --- � : 4-L _L dvets ti
Vubtf ng an e. US 0: 0 . upon s gerry- W to in 11 W90 may be elms as local politicians. ML �0 RLO e most JJ por an t, round, sometiules in the burying ground, was attended by a large number of pkoI
Ili h -t would be well for o r people to tortiolis of the tvOine-,00mbine, because the part of a contested election,
Mandering businesol would confer as great 4 learn and profit by. T cy f in the local poli teal committee and -Eut not always. Urge nufnber of them fessional people.
same coinbind! coutro 10 the markets of both ar eleltred annually by'the 'Members oi' the As -so -on as he dissolution is announced, make their living by* leasing a piece -of 8iTTi)g(; BULL'S
service upon this couiltry as has ever been Are our people too debased y the 1wor- i DAV(--HTXn,A romantic
countries, but with free admission of - twi b aj the candidates � issue their electioneo'ring ad.
onferred upon it,'and fb is a work in which ship of party feii,,shes, to protes against1he ne cl a w4ole. The voting for these ground, and on that they grow all kinds of wedding occurred at Bondont, Now York'
lose oftheir liberties by fraudulent franchise to this country,. the 'products of other couu- n, i mber, -a of committee is about the dr.esses, and the blank waII8 of the town vegetables androots. Those they have on State, a few 'days ago. The- 'contracting
the Liberal -party might well engage.. In 011 p ii - *021 �uty the other 180 members become radiant with electinueeriqg lit ra- the market very early. They do not sell to parties were a daugl;itor of Sitting. 13-dil, the
and G�rryirI Acts ; or are our judges tries would find their way here and w, 0 'Ili,
ct, they will yet be forced in self defenoe ould ducha e- pen nectloo with theirmember- ture in blue nol red ink. The Mayor eta the dealers, but peddle them around from great Indian chief, atiol, Mr. I>eter Markle
fm r�e I I
-C nadian ship o: t1h!o ub, These 180ara mostly as returning,officer, but he can take: no steps be
sofar tiderth� influence of those towhoin soon break the back of the Yankee' a
1, - use to house, and in thifs way the market.
to undertake it and the sooner they get at they owe'their sipointments thatthey cannot r an , y of whom are under age, whatever until he is in actur is kept glutted all the time. Itia impossible forn"I of the United States Army. Mr.
n ry _
It the �better. Undek the present system be trusted to redress the 'gross wro under combine. The:, e is nothi g like free, Open yo ing ne kl receipt of ihe MarUe it is pid. served with GeneraIl
_, go anli are, not vot re,and their connection with writ whilah I issued from tht, Cro, I w- n Office for a white man -to compete against a China. Custer for i long time, and it is reported
which a moiety of the people this 1Do- competiti 'on to settle theseMatters, and this -
1he prog�r'Vss the'y make -during one decade the political organization -tis ' tirely d6e to in the Hous at mau'. Gardening is the Chinaman's tbaL his bride cI saved his life, -whon
en of Lorde on the same �:day th
minion are doomed to political limpotenoe"! can only be'got under free trade. As it Is
I is dissolved. All tI hun. they re noted for being the beer, gardeners attoicked by Indiana.
The,way is open, it seems to no, �f or puttiug her interes� t em in the 4east, and if the billiard I and eventy write go out from this Some one asks, what do they ATTEMPTE OUBLE SUICII&.—TwD prOm-
is nullified by a ge mander on the pikrt the socla life it offere them, Politice do not Parliament' a,
-with twine so is it with thousands of Ot 1,h dred in"the world.
Of their opponents at the openiag of ihe these questions to the test, and we. -trust' I D D
articles. If we had av free, open market room, s nd the �ar were closed their. -mem. office by mail on, the so,me day. � As soon do with their money? Well, I think I am litent, society people df Fort Worth,
next and they are forced to begin the ere will be no unnecessary de y in setting I Texas,
tie machinery in motion. in Canada, the inanufactories of all countries be
b6,shJi. would I soon cease. The clubs of -me the Mayor receives it, he announces the juiatified-in Saying 'that four-fifths of all the last Saturday flight attempted suicide by
the Town money tI. 'I"hinaman earns- goes to China, swallowing three rahw of morphine.
are conducted on the same linec! date on which he will sit at
struggle aI Tberd is no use in talking es
nit. Public ani' Hall t its, and ba9k. It was only a short There are Engene P.' Thorne, a t.rayelieg
*b t influencing public sentime would b�e bropght into competition here, and receive nominatio nev come 9
and th persondifel. of their membership c er t ,
Why Do TI Do it 9. the consumer would -reap the advantage. be div ded in aliiiost exactly th� same way,' date on which, in the event of time ago) that I had occasion to go into onec salesman for a San *Aptonio drug house, a
sentiment is not given a chance. But for I " - I - � Conti st,
=10im" It I in the selection of the new candidate the election will be hold. it, the c tee of the B�nks in Vancouver, and while I was West, of
the gerrymander by their, opponents the Ib is strange iyhat men will d' td gr4tify married man' -and Miss N
i f or. th borough that the local political club of boroughs not less than t�o el isr in ther6 a Chinaman' in. with ten Hillboro,.- 'Texas, who had been visiting
lGiberal paxty would ha-ve gained power,ten ambition. Mr. bladetone, the new' 'Pirime Canal Tolls. . I came
or its ctive poli ical section, comes on the days and not more than three m0t elapse thousand dollars, to be deposited there until- friends at Fort Worth. T
I he two had fallen
years ago, and it is doubtful if they will Minister of ku ar Cabinet ace Fy. e the steamer would come to take it to China. desperately in'love a mouth ago, but on
First of all, the Executive Comm e the
Over reach power unless they can pu-t a stop age. Humanly 6peaking he h -9 everything held in Montreal oil Monday last, it was de- itte -- of the nomination, and the 'poll i mus -1be I asked the cashier if that was a common Oc- 'account of Thorn-c's family, ties theycould
gtand, is over Is' hty ye I s'of At a ineeting of,' th' Dominion ne, and into' ouch with the constituen between the -receipt of the writ and the d t
ii dering, me ib will never be stopped 'to add to III- fort and ha piness 1 4 twer.1 y active olitidians—look about for taken not later than three clear ol�ys af er -currence, and be -said it was. . He said there not marry. 'Saturday night they went to the
to gerryma to cohi lAt cided to discontinue, after the close of navi-' a lik y local can idate. They must select a the nomination. Thus in eight days af er wan scarcely a week wjmt;� past that some Tarrington no, represents themselvesman
so long ao the Governinint of the day have the heart could desire, He could pend the few, gation this year,L the rebate of 118 conts per man f some, w ' th, for it will cost him from the dissolution of L5arlimment a' Chinamen did not come in and make. a, der and wife, and were assigned a room, where
11 the borou h
power to fortify themselves by such means. remaining days df ibis life in II affluence X500 to :C600 to 'fight the dleotion, and if he elections ate over. A few days 16+r re p
ton to Canadian vessels that make Monireal 01it of from one to twenty thousand... they took . th� deadly, drug. After nine
it will cost hini at least another allowed in respect of county divisi �ns, as ile Think of the vast amount of money
Oar iriends on the othe*r side of the border and comfort without toil, card. or worry of suce ed's, 1 0 t
their deftination, �while charging American 9 sent hours hard w'ork both were reducitatecL
;C20 or .000, to ��maintair& fiis hold on the territory embraced in county cous�tituenci�s out of 0
have set us a good -1 every year, which should 1he affair caused intense excitement in
exainple in this respect, say kind to distdrV his r.epo e. And yet, vessoils which unload at Ogdensbuigthe full meat until the next general election comes is much larger,'and longer time has to be &I. beretain province and would be society circles,
8 o great had thin evil became in Wisconsin, we see him at-th8 present ti�ns, leaving all toll of 20 cents, This is a matter which has. rou d. This sum is expended partly on the lowed to the High Sheriff and his J deputies rett9d if it were white people instead of
these behind and rushing intd the turmoil Of been in dispute between the tauaidian and eiof the political club, and partly te n
Michigan and other States that the .0
people imi tei3anc for the organization of theii work 's return- golian � race that did the work.
)n t�e cost of seping thab his partisans are "Ing officers. On the rl'onlination'. day the During the four years that I have been Perth Items,
were ultimately forced to appeal'to the an-axoiting and wearing poJitical contest, American Governments,ficIr some time.' It Amod on the electoral roll and those of the friends of the c%udidate appea! before the among them, I have never found one that
courts,. and the result was that the Suprem e and voluntatily assuming thell biirdens inci.- was claimed by the 'kine'ricans. that this re- —The Elm& Fall �Show WAIII be held at At -
Pp ition candidate are kept off. There i4 Mayor and formally hand to him the paper Came here to - stay permanently, Their wood on September 29th,
Courts unanimously declared that the uti- dent to the goviirhmont of an immense ni bate was a discrimination against American bo By attaching to the office of member of in which'are oat out the name and' rank of whole ambition is to make mone
Is y ; they —Robert Campbell has erected a Ane new
equad carving of the districts of the States, tion'. Coming ptill ueayer.�h me,we find our —vessels and ports, and was consequently a Yar iament ; no mileages, and no free travel . the candidate, together with the � ames of care not how, so long as they make it and barn which is an ornament to the- 10th con-
ing n the railways between the constituency not less than eight of his supporters go back to their native con
which'& party advantage is obtained, is own Prime Minister, '1SI ohn Caldwell viola - At ntry to die, At. �7cession of Logan.
r tion of the iWashington treaty, which' d Westminster. Every'pefiny of his ex- the same time the candidate or his aget t tempts have been made
unconstitutional and void. in the case of Abbott, similarly, sit�asted. t is Baia that provides that the, causle and . other watet- pen es has to. be fpund by the member him. hande to the Mayor the sum which ItheMial - and are being made —Wni. Hill is erecting a brick house 'On
I - - all the -time to make good chriatian citizens his farm north of Bornholm.
Michigan the sets df 1891 and 1885 have Mr. Abbott worki in his o ce frorn', nine waye of both coun ries shall be open to the self r by his poll ical friends. It frequent- or has intimated will form the cilfididat� s of them, but the efforts'hIii been crowned
ly appeas that local candidates.are not share of the actual dut-of-poe- Ve —Excavation has begun for th
been nullified, and the State Legielatur6 has o'clbek in the morning u4til six or seven vessels of each ov �Iusl terms.. The Can- ket expenses ii *_ �with very poorsuccess. Xhey did e now
r the content. their native notleave -Catholic church, St. MAI to bevrected In
ctutry to get religion, but to tl�st town.,
beerIi called.. together to ffiake a re -appoint- o'clock at fiighfi slid that he is rapidly 'adian . Government, however, persisted in,, rt�jit e at the loce, club is compelled to. look With the nomination, meetings in I the con. get money. A. I said before that is- all
ment t4t will comply with the law as laid breaking down uhder,the str�in. Mr. Ab- abr —Mr. John Alexander, of Morhington,
f , icoming. In that ease the election com. currbdin the official part of
disregarding'theaemandeof the American ad for a call(; idate. To this end the stituency�usually cease, although t' e house- theythiu�, Of.Af the Chinese nation In has fall wheat that weighs 61 pounds to the
down by the Suprem&� Court. In looking bott is, river sevIii,tl.iy�years of pge he is im - Government, holding that there was- no un. committee pikto it6elf in communication"with tO-hOt)se canvass continues up to ti e eve o ever enliihtened with the truth's of the bushel. It is palled the MaDchestei Red.
ever the deliverance8 6� mensely wealthy.; he has at I his command just discrimination',- si the rebate' was 2e Parliament,whips of the party, who in thep011iugday, Every detail inthe official Gosrol of Christ, it triust be done in their Mr. Charles Jones, who left Mitchell 5
f the learned judges
p open _ rivare in constant communication with arrangements for taking the poll lis left t own country. Whole volumes, could- be ears ago for Victoria, British -Columbia, i
we find much in th6 o"inions expressed everythi that Adulld'! add 6 his personal alike to Americ�an and Canadian vessels tb6ir party headquarters a8flociation in Lou. the Miiyor. He appoints the presiding offi. written on this subject,
ng d, 8
but I have already ack on a visit to his old home -
which bear direatly �everal 'cbarm. which made Montreal their unloading port ; don, The National Liberal Federation for cer and the polling clerks for each booth i taken up too much space' in your valuable —Mr. John White, sr., of ktchell,, w
upon the injustices con- comfort and basd, - He has n
tained in- the last and previous gerrymanders Ing summer iuAJ4,inte'r resid.pnees, and still,, als the Liberals and the National Union of Cou. which the balloting takes place'a,04 also the I wpuld like to bear the views of' Wol u1i, for two or three' days' duri
o, that the Now York canals had never paper...
sery atives'Association. for the Conservatives staff of clerks who count the ballots ag last
iia this Dominion. , In fact had the Michi. duringt�hecold Of viinter Ind sweltering when abler men on this question.
been made free "to It is one that week with an attack of inflammation.
Yanadian ohipping.! :16 SuSiver to the Republican and Demooratic the polling is pver. He - also - prov I idea the 'is bound to take a promin
ent, part during —The Epworth League of Chiselhurst is
gan judges' been dealing W, ith the Canadian be%t of sui=6,thIi Canadian Premier is would now iseem that the grounds taken by, National Committees -in the United States espoosibler for their thenext general elections. - Nei people Of in & flou
balloting.-Isspers, and is_i
after, rishing condition, having a member -
ease, they could . scaircely have touched up found at the Capital,' one of Ithe most un- the Canadian , Government were .. not The committees of each of these o safe custo y before and
rganiz. the " election. this province at least, are getting wakened ship of about 54.
the- facts more- accukately. Judge Grant,- comfortable �plades in Canada to live in, t* h ver, are elected in a much more On these papers there is abiblutelk nothing up to the fact that something must be done
tenable, else they would hardly kave given a 'O's. owe
bap azM ind I —Rev. W. Wils6n and Mrs, Wilsoin, of
nye III e systematic manner than to indicate the politics of the candidates. I and tb'�' sooni Hundreds upon hundreds of, Indore, India, are Visitin
On, said way to the demands of the Americalliq to �4e Both names are printed on the one'c rd nd good Canadian citizen's who
who wrote the main 4ini away from his f inily and 4p co' forts, at
INational Committees in America, and a it wit4 friends,at
The unconstitutionality of the act is boarding at a "to our Motherwell and about St. aryi...
91 come;
,(Iub, and I Agini in hired abolish the rebate, even under the threat; 6f e ch is practically dominated by. three or arranged in 'alphabetical order, When a proirince every �ear are turned away die- —The onl
clear. The county of Saginaw with only apartnlen6,,and, w'prking as hard as A h f to y son of Mr. Thom" Couch, o
If closing the 11 Soo oau%l to Canadian ves. r of itsmore active members in close, as. voter is unable to read, he has make a gusted because they canno t
6,839 inhabitants in dxcess of the ratio is were a poor msti",iliesides end a' tge work, John Mitchell, was accidentally drowned in the
divided into two,- senatorial districts, one aring the an I gels, At any r4iteive 6ink ths! action of lationwith its aid organizing secretary,,, declaration to that effect, when the names Chinaman occupies the places that. should
da a o, e as a a an
having 24,,189 -leas thah the ratio, and the noyancesandwork4s inseparable from thepo.' w In a our neaI approach to a political of the candidates are read over to him. be theirs. Will anyone who river a few y ag 'R w 2 ye r d
our Government is in the right- direction, as thinks a China- 4 Mouth$ 'of - &geL'
bo s,'.' and who Teceives zC8W or X1,000 a This is all the help he receives. Each party man is a good and useful citizen ind neces. —John H
other having 2&,394 leis than the ratio. It sition of chieftu&'�f this great country, And a reWiator'l war between this country and oi his work. in the, Polling. mary to the. prbsperity of our fair Dominign, earn, hostler at the Mansion
y year A,boroukh like the one is allowed &representative
is contemplated by the constitution that the he does all this m4ly to gratify ambition. h ve in mind would commanA first-class booth, but &part from these men none but please answer this question House, Stratfordwhil4i whittling some kind-
Oui big neighbor could notbe to out advan. wp 'VV I) Ly
ratio shall govern Ian f ar as it is practicable. c1nd dates from the headquarters commit. 'did, ling wood the other'night Made a mistake
This is apparent from, the provi �ion that 'One would nsiurll� think that at their age, tage, Ouly'this action should ]have been th electors aI permitted witliin its � portale. our intelligent neighbors across the lines' and nearly whittled his thumb, off,
tees in London, for Jr ,,ditiona The police are on guard, and there is r them, from entering their count
eacit county hereafter or�anized,. al and possessing thb flacilitigs for comfort and taken sooner. ' It - is not dignified conduct rarely I deba rY ? —Died, on August 10th, atthe reisidenee
with such
alI' y described eitheirmen2i'date would any disorder in the immediate neighborhood i Chinamen cannot set foot on American soil
territory as may be attached thereto, shall �enjoyment that- thbi do, both Mr., Gladstone on the part of' w Government to persist -in a h ea of his son William, in Moruffigton, Christie -
V, pe t I Tv n eiecell t fighting chance. An the, of the polling -stations. The ballotis abso- to -day without being exrested.
be entitled to a se i rate' representative when Nfr. Abbe t, en
anoll %vould be oon�ent to leave wrong course agiinat a nei' bilrou h is I HOI to pher Atkint aged 93 years. Deceased wa'9
it has 'attained a Population equal to a - i .1 1 ghbor until it in a the h3,nds of -the Conserva. lutely' secret, - Various devices are used for hear from others on this subject., I rem -sin
moiety of the ratio 0 the cares of Ststd..td younger in ti4s, that one of the oldeat if not the old at man in the
f representation.' A n, and that, forced by threats,of peroomallinjury to face party has the beat chance ascertaining the progre§s of the polling ; buA Yours etc., I e
county of Perth, Mr. Atk n removed to
0 's c
county having an excess of only about one- they would like td,@' nd the few last Years about f" . u ess, and only a caddidate who has none of them work: well, and in 4 closely S. T. ELLIOTT. the township of Mornington from Pickering
Pe and � reverse itA position. This f'c�riigh , Vrpso,.%, British Columbia.
fourth of the ratiQ is not, in the languap 6 - ci I qugh it series ofi forlorn hopes in other conteatted election the issue ill doubtful to ' I
e O,f of a busy life e and corriI If men is pre sely what the Canadian. Government .38 yeatis -ago, and w a one of the pioneers of
the oonlotitufilo�, equitably entitled t-) two r in 1, cojaiti uencies and esta.blished good claims the last. The polls open at eight in the
or mor' could only ea 26� what an �;Vsign uro�n t e party whips �1, in the Queen -'a Bash. He fol1lowed farmiug tor
a Senators, while one' composed of ificant have done.. ' Besides this, if -this rebate -Js London would be morning and remain open till eight in the —Last Saturday night was the date fixed many years and succeeded in obtaining a fair
eight counties, and coatair-ine nearly two factor each indivioiiii,l is in this �,great dra Obign d by the Conservatives to contest the evening, As soon as the polling is at an pol for the marriage of A17r. John Miller, a well- share of 01s world's goods, As years ere t
ma wrong, !It should be abolished at once in-'
and,'one-balf time seat, The Liberals would fiend down an the bo
are sealed in the presence of known young man in Belleville, to a hand- ottand he bee&
a the population of eaeh of life, personal ambition might perhaps, be stead of, wait'i)ngmotil the end of'the season.. equall good candidate, also with good nesses, and carried to the town hall under a some and highly respected young lady iiamed tothe'village where he lived retired for
district into - me inespacitated her
which- the former county is di- -materially curbed.' -But It is ery difficult If the "American Government accept �hjs claims )n their national iorganization, for, guard of police, They aredelivered into the Miss Thrasher, residing near the vil age of number of yea eurroundod by thecomforta