HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-07-08, Page 1.
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. I - . � . McLEAN BROS., Publishers,. I .
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I � TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. '. - . I SEAFORTHs FRIDAY, JULY 8o 1892. - 1 $1.50 a Year in Advance. � : .
. I .
: I . . . � - . . I f �' .
I ! � , - - . !
� . ; NMOLE NUMBER, 1,282. 1 1 -------- - . �--- - ' -- i - . - .
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. t 0 - da in 18*20. He wasborn inPerth '.. ., .
I I - , ee Ingersoll), about 28 ears old, five feet eight' room on the ground floor,and was there sub t Calla �. .
- �
. .
. by proclaiming in the face of the world that of drving the last ke in the Canadian the United States, only to become Fr y � �
I � . - I .
* a Yours, inches higho dark, sandy moustache, wooden I jected to a severe catechism by- Dr. Clark. and educated at the Grammar School there. 1* - I
I we have - entered upon a fiscal war with Pacif ic Railway. Thpai Princess Louise ' and Trade Americans after all. - a , d ughter of , � .. i
- . -told ac- Comingwe8t, he married SU an a - $-1
�- I Another Chance. themi and that we intend to bring the Mme Albani received a similar prevent from . R. G. REYNOLDS. leg, foot off above ankle, wears blue seek I He repeated to his examiner hIs oft jo� �
val4able GO0XR1Cll,.Juae25,1892. . - cost. The other is about 25 years old, I!ght I count of -himself, and showedl himself to be the late Captaiu J,vhn Lougworth, of God- IT. I I
- �
� . �
� mighty D&tiOU to its knees by coaxing our Sirt onald on -that occasion. A .. I �
is. - � f moustache , and wearing light cost. The the possessor of more than average shrewd- erich. He emigrated to British Columbia in . . �!
I :
. T
- I . - own and their citizens to, break their laws dlAmb'D`Ww Walso found In Lemotge's hbuse, 0arikida. � police authorities throughout the Province Des@ and a; fair education, A later report 1859, and grew up with the country a-9 one f � - �
. W -., .
- *nd rob their revenues, and thus become which had been stolen from R. B. Angus, P1, p
. .� Our Saturday Special Frice Sales ' iminis in crime? What. from director of the Merchants' Bank.. Lemoige -Wireworms are destroying the corn im have been notified to arrest them on Night. - eliys : The boy has made a confession. of its pioneer newspaper publishers. He was �1 '. - �
. .
. - I - particepis .or intry on the re- many places in Essex. -Agnong the items contained; in the His name is William D-. Adams. He comes a legislativ6'councillor when the province �
. ; . I A It �
- -
I - complete was allowed to leave the oou �
I . . havo met with popular favor, and we their standpoint they ,Would call a ix months of Dominion supplementary estimates is a sum from the vicinity of Hamilton, where his entered Confederatio.n,and subsequently a
. ' -
. ; Contiggentst Union, can be consummated in quest of Mrs. Van Horne. During the first e this yeai I �
� .. ,. ety � , -,. , I
I will continue them during July and � 24,213 immigrants reached Winnipeg fog � of $14,979, to pay claims of Yates & Strat- father resides. He was aching for notori member of varrious Provineial Giovernmaiats. I ;1-1. I �
r I I 0 . four years. Free access -to their !- markets, . . . I . , , , I
. I )
� I - ford, of Brantford, for refund of customs and adopted this scheme to get his name For some years be has been member of the I
; August. On account of the bad e'mounfain the Went. I . . i
. even should Mahomet induce th' io berries hav( duty on o" lumber f6i car buildi which, before the public. ' .. Province of British Columbia. Deceased �: I
� . 0 Many Free Trade vs. Amnexat n. . ntities of straw 'was a Li , hex%l. He was in the 68th year of X �
t man were un - I -Large qua
� I - y lill'to duty -Alex. Sproat, a lad of 14 -years, attend- .1 � Z
� . weather of last week to come to him., must take at least a o
� , ,. h DsAu ExrosiToIL,—If Political Uggi�n or been spoiled on.the vines around Burford: by the Exchequer Court, was rul . - -
. '
I r
I able to attend and in - consequence, years that you and- those who agree wit 11 free under the tariff in force from 1879 o Ing Upper Canada College and coming - from his Age. . V .
; y .1 I con not becau;b of too much rain. . - i �
. I a silent tomb. Annexation- with the United Statin d' � * I I �
. I . will be :laid away in th
: we have decided to, ai�,ain. offer our- last yon - --On - Wednesday mornin k 1884. . . � Milton, died on Monday night last week, �Mr. Thomas H. Stinson died quite sud- 14 . ?
I , �
w � . 0 . to the front is a factor in our po�iticjs ". . �
� I � Sir, I Am convinced that the granil scheme donly last week in Hamilton. It is thought
i . come basists of strawberries were shippe -During the thunderstorm of the 29th if from the effects of a wound received in
� - go.ins agmin on � - . . - -, r
4 two barg . of Continental Union is impregnable at it wi I not be for the want of in a - 0 - .
� �
. June, the residence of Robert Dodds, of the fencing with his cousin, Sam Hewetson, on death wain caused from heart trouble, Mr. .:�--
. . . I �.
� . every point. . cate, in the person of T. M. White, ;hose at Picton, for Kingiton. . ��.
� . ,
� � . . e
i . 1.
R But about Direct Taxation: You have a lette a on th4k subject have .Appeared ii i the -Judke MoOrse, of Algoma district, die Armstrong Carpet Company, Ggelph, w4s the previous Saiturdsy. Rewetson'a foil Stimon was 31 years of age and one of the IIJ
i � . Ding of last week, at 8,%ul struck by lightning. Part of the, fluid ra6 went high and struck- Sproat in the tbroat. most popular men in Hamilton. Atthelast t-- �
i SaWrday and Mond huge amount of missionary work before you columns of THE EXPOSITOR. He in s6 king on Thursday eve . - down the chimney, killing a fine n��astiff an' attention to it at the time, but general electioni for the Legislature he -de- 1`�.� 7 � . ;
� ay l 84 years. � He paid no . 1� .
i � a majority of Canadians that to his guns like a brick, and Do doubt with Ste. Marie, agec. �' -
; to convince Queen's hotel . Injuring another. Mrs. Doddsii who *i a shortly after became ill and died as above feated the Hon. J. M. Gibson an memberfor joi- - I
. . . .
m I
I . . Direct Taxation is a good. thing for -them. the best possible Intention@ and hones ;y of -The- proprietor of the ro only a few feet distant from the dog i, stated. The immediate cause of death was Hamilton, but was unseated for .corrupt I 9 -
I � In common with THE EXrOSITop. Galt, was last week fined $20 ancl costs I . I f I - I
� �
� o its successful working in purpose.- i escaped without feeling the slightest shock. the formation of a clot of blood on the practices by bin agents, slid on a new elec. �
� , JULY 9th a,nd 11th. Can you point t nd took- selling liquor during prohibited hours. I � I C
� - I I
� . .
� .any nation ? How do you propose to set I venture to take issue with him, a , ship, Peter Stuart, of L* -Prince* Michael's hair and 1whisker i, brain. � tion being held he was defeated, Deceased I �' . :
� , -
I I . . about it ? Let us in all fairness have the ing at the matter from my standpoint, think -The iron , W40 -
� 0 Ir - o n in a . I I
; . . -A terrible boiler explosion occurred on was one of the most cbf%rit&bl me th
� I �
% I
i I You can have your choice of any Tie full details of the scheme, so that we ma, it is not 'expedient, or, at the satne time, at pool, has been wrecked off YarmouW which were' shorn off at the coggg�lenceme4t ..'�
; . - y . v� of his term of imprisonment, have beem. Saturday ogg� the farm of Fred Lewis, mouth city. He was a member of the Hamilton .�.. �
g ,
� in the house for 50 cents. We are criticize it and assist to make it perfect? all necessary that 1eor anyone -else should Scotia, and 14 lives weretost. - 4 �, I
I -
I first' car load of coal from th purchased by the proprietors of a Dotrolt of 'Morden,. Manitoba, by which four men Cricket Club and was a most enthusiastic �
� I noted, for fine Neckwe ' and have a What will you tax? Under the Direct advocate such a -policy, but on the cont�aryg -The sohed Winnipeg on the Is show. The price paid was $750, and th were terribl' ldheid, one of whom will die. supporter of all kinds of manly sports.. He f- �Xj. �
' ar, Taxation we now hay.e for the maintenance in the direction of Free Trade with the Souris district re - a D I ' � .-.. I
. I
W, - are to be used in fitting out a wax figure f The men Tericae ged threshing at the leaves a wife ind two young children.�- .
ME consigned to Premier Green- , IP
7 very complete ran,ge of the latest of cinr municipal institutions, the farmer Wor , on the lines advocated. by Sepator inst. It was .. :
� . . the prince, to be placed on e*bition ia time of the Vxplosiou, all close to the boiler. -Rev. Dr. Griffin, of Galt, does not see I
�. . . * il-, .
I cr ods. bears nearly all the burden. How are you Bol , a converted protectiftist. Ia'the way, . . .. . I
I . .
�JQ0 1 - -i
91 to the museum. . The victims are: Robert Bothrel, terribl. much to rejoice about on the anniversary of I �
- - * first lace it seems to me, in advocating --n- -The pipers and drummers of the 48t�' y , I .
� - . g to -avoid a similar injustice in levy*- first Confederation. In a.,nuouncing to his oo I
. I
Z I - - . g9in . 11 -Tfie' brutal treatment of the h4roe GW - - scalded, tw4 ribs broken, will die; Thomas rg- 1- I
. I
I I , one hp- got to face the proapi6t Highlanders, Toiouto', pirticipated il . �,
i . Ing your, direct tax for -national purposes? nex ion 8 - gregation that July I was the date of the '. Z " I
; . . Dominion istor in the steeplechase on Friday at Wini - Campbell, burned about head, face and .� I
T . I
� . . . . There are almost hundreds of questions that f a internal strife of the Kilkenny cat demonstration in* Hamilton on .417 -
1 . I 0 - . . - 11-,4 .
i . i 0'rin iple, whiuh would as "a matter of Day. I- sor resulted in the arrest of the rider, Sn$ body, injuries very serious; Newton Lewis., oburch's picnic, he said - "This is not only h,-, ':
. : might be asked about the scheme of Direct p 9 a severely a A in abdomen by our picnic day, but it is also a day of cele- �, t I
; I
I . , . ;
, I , .
I ;
� on' ll m I I ,
I . 1. Linen Handkerchiefso fil nev4table remults,- -James Robinson committed suicide Sat der, the alleged owner, Hamilt d a ded and stru �
; I . .. Taxation, hat any farmer can - ferret them cour a, be one of the i I a
� day night at Toronto by junipiug into- th named Nixon. They -all pleaded ull�y, an I pieces ofiro ; John Drumm, scalded. All bration throughout the whole Domini n. P
a - - � L
. should the political . union i,propagandism ur , , I
- � I .
I �
� out for himself. . . reumetance were fined $12.50 each. The di ectors c f the victims hall from different parts of I never was In favor of Confederation. I - I I .
� I - Thankiug You again on behalf of the once I assume formidable proportions. Sup- Don. He was in destitute circum t n e . I always thought, and still think, we made La -, � -
� e . . I I
. -1 �
LOT NO. - I -White Hem' stitchedi I I the park mill suspend Hamilton, S yd ir an I - Ontario. - - � ,
i� 'si. 56 hundreds of Continental Unionists who are pose,foi a moment, the United States tried to and his wife was very ill. I 1�
. . � . L ��, . �
; . T � .
I . � we all be up -Early Friday morning the old Baptist Nixon. - I -On Do , inion Day, a boy named Harry mistake when we joined together. Ontario , . .
� L
. 11L) .r half dozen take Canida by force, would [lot . , f�� I I
� � -St .
� I 'e each; 80c pe ephen Duffyj a painter, mlet with �a Stephenson, of Norwood, had a narrow is a grand Province, rich Lin everything and .
I .1 . subscribers to your�, valuable paper, for the -,
. ,political union I `� I -
; ists and all troyed by fire I
i q
r ! . per dozen. insertion of these litters, and for the die- in ar 9. Itand oppose church in Windsor was des '-
� I was the oldest in the Dominion4' terrible death the other mo -ruing at Niagara escape from being eBMn by a bear which was out of debt. If we hsd been alone we would #4;
� . . them hopeless though it might be. Would This church ; . I ;.. V:
- . ' the Canadian Pacific Railway not have had :such a heavy debt over our . �� 1.-.
P � . .
� � � evasion you have started, " Fallej fallingetrom a scaffold near'the top of chained up in 'k-- , -
I - It as built in 1788. . I I � I
I ke place among our- w - I � ,
; I I remaini- not t a same results ta � 4 ;
I * ad pa, o 9
� rmerly of Port- the north tower of the Suspension;tridge on yards at Havelock. The bear made run heads, nor would we have h to y f r ,�� P
, LOT NO. 2 -White Colored Bor- . Yours Very Truly, I selves, by tho'opponents of the measure, if -Rabbi.-H. M. Lasker, fa ; � .. , - ;
� ".1, :
, - I
� Buffalo, the Canadian side, to the footwa� below, a I at the boy, who backed away instantly, but other bankrupt Provinces. For those that :- . . �
. I :
I n -stitch -ed 10c each; 50c per . T. M. WHiTE. we were about equally divided on this land, Maine, and more recently of ' .
I . ders, her . 1. . hief dintance of nearly 100 feet. His neck, both not before the bear had caught him by. the feel like celebrating,,let them -do so." .L. - .
. - .
.. .. Wi-illsoR, JurNm 25,1892, � matter? Human nature teaches mb that it New York, has accepted the call an C1 . j I
� 0 -Dr. Murray, of Bryanston, was in Lou- , -, . � ;
.ke� �' . legs and his back were broken. The unfor- leg and pulled him down with his hug , �,-*, .�
. - - , 11
� I . half dozen,. $1 per dozen. ,, �- would. Surely there is enough bitterness Rabbi of the Orthodox Jews of Toronto. an was about 25 years, . t . :
I an tunate m of age and tee h. He made forty-seven- cuts in the con Tuesday and put up at the Ontario
. I � ch attempted to board ,ft. 4 ;
. - ,� �
� � ... -John Roa I r
; . and ;party strife now among us, without .- I
I &J hailed from Utica, N.Y. . -boy's leg and took out six pioces of flesh. It house. o 30 p -m., while going to the - �
. I .
Bear in mind these pricea are for . electric car on Wednesday -of 'last week, I rig, the ,cork -*f a bottle of .; I i
- or 4, :
11, . . T, I
Ahis fact being seriously introduced. As ' Dr. MW was only by the presence of mind of another - stables f,.)r his " I
au V the above dates only. ' Sault Ste. Marie. He fell under the c Mrs Middlemissi wife of Re I
I - [Written for TitzFAFOSITOR'.] it is,.wa try to settle our differences at the &� - I [mere chggr�h - ied in his top coat w
; . , r dl6miss, pastor of Chal , Elora, .lad, who took a stick and beat the bear over -nitric said which he carr -L�l .
. . . . . - 'L
. tly killed. . . - �
- I
. . foRTm DAKOTA, � polls and put up with -the'results with joy and w,ss instan . -
I -PRIMBINA, I :1 pocket came out and the deadly liquid flew : .
: I :
I .
. . June 30th, 1892.1 or a rrow as the case may be, but7with an- -The immense timber limits of Pierce & died on Wednesday of last week. I DeceaseA the head,that he got away. , 2 .
; .
; . . 9th ye' ery ill -John n of Mr. upon his face, burning it frightf uRy. The 4: . - . �
.- -the -house- . i :
I Admirers of things beautiful in nature nexotion to what is considered a.foreig'n Cbmpany on the Upper Ottawa -were nol4 who was in her 7 ar, has beeA v Arnold, aged 13 years, so �, i
- I I
Datralia, . JAC-m - Morse, of BoA� nearly all this year. She was an I estimable Philip Arnold, was run over by a, railway doctor immediately rushed for *- % �
. I . .
. - -�
z I , L I sh a Vs this north-western oou�try, ae`& direct issue, I.am convinced the other day to Sheppard & - lady, and held in very bigh*estee � by all car at Baden on Wednesday mornizig last and asked for lard, With which his face was ?"t .
t on, t at P � .
I .b i $215.000 and $220 000. �
-� -
country during the months of June or July, constitutional teaching would be lost sight ton, for between' The unfortunate lad was on the way rubbed. Though 'suffering agonizing pain � � . . ;
pra took .. MEN'S YURNISHERS, CUIL when the prairie is bedecked with flowers of bT the opponents of the scheme, and pre- -Strathroy clergyman have issued an who know her, and, especially by t a cobgre- week. I I I �
el no i: y re �� �
I r .
- .
. - .
week.- of every tint, and the air is filled with dict,an army of men who to -day aria political appeal asking customers to do their shopping kation of Chalmers's church, over hich her to school walking through the railway yard I h I kil solved to go home that night,, � 1*'--� �
I . .
- . ,
�ts, were I close up earlier, on bereaved husband has labored so and at the same time a freight engine was an- an drove away. The acid had penetrated ,
� I melody from the birds of passage that opponents would - join hands and forcibly so that merchants can . . � I . gaged- shunting care into a siding. "It beeme into his left eye, blinding the optic. it is i , ;
. . V, �
for the, falthf ully, �
I Saturday evenings, -1 �
f �
ANOTHER LETTER FROM MR. sojourn with us during the summer season. resist this measure to the bitter and, from tly while - � : .
(ndman , Harrow, Essex �-One day recen Mrs. Darius the boy bad been watching th-6 locomotive feared he trmy permanently loseitesight. '
�v - WHITM At present writing the outlook is very shear cussedness, if nothing else. It is idle -Augustus Klee, - of Police Malott, f the lake shore, Kingsville, was which was moving on the main line. and One side of his face was frightfully burnt . � 1� y, �
and Mr� . - - - promising for a bountiful harvest as we to think this no-ithern half of this continent county, has paid $37 fine &lad costs to I 0 - I? I I
it - week � Out workin � in a brick cellar adjoinirg the. had hiabsok turned. to the care running on and will disfigure him for life6 Mr, Mac, - L I
11 ED,XTap. tX-POSITOR.—Your issue of the .have had sufficient rain ever since the snow would be banded over to the United States Magistrate M-.Gee,for selling liquor With, 1. I .. - donald's bartender, :in ' plying the lard, - � � -
I I I . house, she heard a noise an though bees' the side track, which knocked him down, � I
I and S. . , ap
p I � . ir .
r . .
ihased a ... 24--th inst. is to hand, containing my letter disappeared to keep vegetation advancing, on -pea ceful line8i no matter how much a license. k1 yearly meeting of the were swarming, and upon turning around the wheels passing over his body, He died burned his finger painfully. If" -
S- I
Efalid,a,ys on Continental Union and your reply in be- ', and if no calamity befall the crops between nature would approve of the scheme, or that -The annul omfield, to examine she was horror-stricken to see tin hour afterwards. . , 14 1 1
half of Free Trade and Direct Taxation - 1' now and threshing time, glad, beartp and the transfer would be looked upon as a Friends of Canada concluded at Blo . Perth Items. * -� .
ay next. at week. Next yoky's gather. a hupe rattlesnake ,staring at bar. Xfol- - -A sad accident occurred at the Mohawk - 'A i ;
- smiling countenances will abound on every purely plain business transaction. Those near Picton, In . _ -Mr. R.. W.Sparling of St. Mary's, with- � I . �
crave for op' ce again, though I shall be brief lowed her to the door but she managed to Institute, Brantford, on Sunday. Some I-,.
I �. ;
ying the. - Z - . this, time. Before replyi�g, 1. must com- hand. � who think so have a most childlike and ing will be held at Pickering. do for 2,000 escape unhurt, and several men succeeded time -ago " Many Guns," a son of one of the his daughter 3fies, Sparling left on the ,ex- '.�'-, � ;
. - - , �
. . L :
&.-The, plain of one or two sentences in your editori- Threshing in *the order of the day at %bid ng faith in human nature in the ategre- -Arrangd ents are being ma . -a Nor � thweat chiefs, was sent to the inatitu- curelon of Tuesday, 28th ult,, for Pilot , . , - �
LadiW schere who are expected to att , � Mound, Manitoba, to visit his daughters - .
. � r, it would be fZni, or 3,000 to m 4nd in killing th�' reptile, which possessed fly ., I .
'ch � 11 &I which do me. injustice to this extent, that present in some sections, but the majority gater Ito very grgsn� rattles. tion at the expense of the Dominion Gov- combe, whose husband -died L. -.1 �
. �
. urch, I - more involved in the the Dominion Teachers' Association mee# .
: t them as being true with- of the stocks have disappeared in this im- there was a good deal d Ili the Mrs. South .
-1 those who &coop , L -At the session of the Grand Lod4e, ornment in order -to ,become verse 1� '� .
1, on Fri-, that ingsin Montreal. utly. I .1 . �
, , �
- ecome undu modiste neighborhood. The grain, where question other than the more advantage Independent Order of Good T s of civilization with a view to helping race I I
I out investigation are apt to 6 ty . amplars, way .
, 2 , " �
xcceay.- � I - -At the International Millers'Exhibitiorl -Mrs. Brown, known as Grannie Brown, !, .
� pro-Judiced against both myself and the great properly stacked, turned out in fine con- it in assumed would be the 29th ult., in Guelph, the followi g histribe. OnSunday he waslooking after
- to gained by an exten -11 I
ct at the; � of the stack sion of trade, and gain this 6ne apparent hold in London, England, the champion died on Sunday, 26th ult.., at Cromarty, I
. . cause I am, in a humble way, doing battle dition,-with the exception officers were elected: Grand Chief Templ ull, Dot -supposed to be vicious, I i�
. �
? : . . ,
. I .
mat two I f others just as gold medal offered for the best wheat was an after a long and we illness, She bad . � ., I
I ; for. The objectionable nhr-"e is that in bottogns,-grading,in some cam No. l'bard. advantage at the expense of or F. S. Spence; Grand Councillor, F. S. Mqr- when the animal suddenly turned him. t-- .
at, much. . "tut
itoban Government I reachedh ir. -her i�tellect had
I t f represent Canada The principal loss to the farmers who were dear and perho�po tg�oro so, will,: I think, awarded to -the Man er 90th yes , -4, - ;
. which you intimate that .1 I I rnon; Grand Vice -Templar, Sister Rach%ei Before assistance - arrived his left leg was ,� 19i .
I � ;
obert W. i is UD&bl to thresh last fall. was the drop, in req a a good deal more argument than has an exhibit of " red fife." ad not, sufferedin the least from the ravages of - r, I
I "A poor,, miserable, barren waste." You, a uir � Store; - Grand Superintendent Juvenile Tom- torn very badly and -one of the horns b Was L C� � L
- I I -
Df & fine � -politic at the tim . � ,
L yet ' I
. a Grit editor, have often been the 'market. Grain slightly frozen, could been advanced by the 461 unionists Harry Davey, of Woodstock, has a rand p arced his right lung. He is now a. She universally beloved in the --�Iltr - z
no doubt, as - I . . - plars, Sister Mrs. W. -L. Scott ; G S"- . - .
', Pickard,L ; ' a majority t! ighborhood. I . .
I .
� accused by the Conservative press of-' I run- then be readily sold at 60 cents per bushel, to convince o agree with them. curiosity which will be exhibited in the rotary, Thomas Lawless; Grand Treasurer, hospital in a very precarious condition. Die, - �
, i
I it . � .
- .
st in. the: .Y." I know it was while the same wheat to -day is only worth The extreme- indifference of the United Canadian section of the World's Fair. over the volun- -Mr. Fred Hurlburt, of Zion, who has ._11� , . �
% Ding down your countr L � 19,600 Frank Metcalf; Grand .Directors, W. J. .-A gloom was thrown - .
raterloo, .. I . the question into is a table, in the construction of whicl been undergoing a course of treatment in Lone .., I -
afavvioritebabitofC;onvervative. editors to 30 cents, and across the line in Manitoba it Stat6a an a whole, knocks Turnbull and E. Lloyd. teers' camp at London when it was reported hospitotla I ,-t��, . .
Mao, far- . . i I pieces of woo . of the at Toronto, has returned - � � ;
bring, such charges against the Reform press, is atill lower. a c4cked hat, leaving every other.faotor . -At a mosifing- of the Band,of Morey that a young man _named Fred Townsend, a ;!:, -,
�e�Mr� � though, L L market is . well supplied at Asid'. No leading- man or paper there but -In the disiriot around Quebec city . t and Is much bonefitted. It was feared for a -: I I .
speaking for my -self, I n,e,vf,r could The labor foil -2 ion in Ottawa, recently hold at Lad ral in the fourth troop, First Regimen , f
- place ' I Un y eg Would have to be ampu- .1 I
� L
ds ! . deme myself by employing such F4 sense- present And. will most probably continue a ILY he annexation of Canada to the United pr�yera are being offered for a ceination of .. coMovalry, had died. Deceased was not in time that his I i - I
for the I an i the supplication is .. Grantle, it was moved by Hon. MTs. Herbert, of , !'' -
� ,
. leew and baseless " argument." Equally throu. -&son of harvesting Sts, as win not take place until there is- seen rain, whilein Rimousk and seconded by Lady Grant, thatthe mem- good health whin be came to the camp, and tated, but medical skill has done so much Lt .
� - . I . . - A � I
. I
rt Rich- thout the coming so at to a genuine and spontaneous desire on for a few showers, as the crops are in danger on. for him that he has every reason to hope for �
I baselese So the charge of 11 runnirig down ,and t ,reshing. Threshing gauge receive bar@ of this union strongly protest against on Saturday it.was found that he had o . ' � .
. . I " ?late recove . 44 1
t . . . raw, and, r ', L
store O,P- . the country," is the argument you build iip- present $1.50 per day and, board and work ouripart to assent to it. If it Only involved from drought. the use of the check- agr�e that treated typhoi4 favor. He was placed in a Cogn] Y. S I
od busi- . . -Edugond Deades, sheriff of Norfolk . L -A couple of weeks ago Dr. Mulheron, of ;,:! .
L ra, for I never, in any' letter I about eleven hours, while last fall they were Ont�rio it might be otherwise, as this rich behind, emplo the hospital and attended by Surgeon Han- � a_�
� I
will comw I on ray latte . - .. took on Monday, they will not kide , or in any �
. have ever written, made any statF4ment that paid as high an $2.25 and worked not more Irroyince would perhaps be worth straining county, died at Woods. way.knowingly hire, for any ser ice, horses o,van, 6ut he gradually got worse. The Detroit, son of 31r. Thom" Mulberou, of LA I
I)avr and o, point for. So much for expediency. Let where he had gone an a visit. Mr. Deades, man Mitchell, and who at one time practised "'t L
wt Sum. could be tortured into a sem:blan(-e of the than nine hours. Wild geese and dunks, i that are check -reined. Also, tha the press body of deceased, who wss a fine young in medicine in Mitchell, started -on a western ; �, ..
� sentiment you appear to think I have ex- venally to plentiful oat here, are very scarce us Ilook at the matter from a trade stand- who was in him 82nd year, was appointed to be solicited to make this resolutign public. 19 years of age, was taken to his home - .,
, ,
', I �
- I
-f Mxa. this spring, for some unaccountAble reason, point aa to whether it is worth while want- the office of sheriff in 1959. . , . . county, by his father. I trip with two of his daughters, When In- ; - 4 1
. - Sys: Kingsville, Essex . I I .
"It p!essed. You have read my letter to Mr. , Sunday -The Galt Reporter of last vieek a polio was reached the eldest of the -, .
!Dmga� - . eating the air in -The Amberetburg Methodist --On July 1, at Wiarton, Rev. George dianL& �,�'. 1
Meredith. One of the sentences concerning 'but it is generally supposed that they either ingi one's energies and b' - he heavy rains of the past week the - �
undertak- - Do ite t r I
atten�. A I ken to raise $50 toward &yed girls took sick and died. She was a fine .
L -ed . the growth of Ontario is as follovve : "On- periefied in a blizzard we had late in the tryfag to bring about so -7ast an school has underta, I Yeomans, Pr"byterian minister, diipl . 7 1 1
abath af- . a co' g the basement of the new church fiel a of fall wheat, the heaviest seen for ing lady., highly accomplished, and had I
� . tario, with the boot agricnIturE61 lands on spring, or were induced by mid �lizzard to so many ore th nflicting elements finiallin I . an American flag over his- residence. The Y01 "I'
. I �
ate nor I ing" and the Ladies"Aid are to raise $150, thus years in this vicinity, are still standing up. budded into womanhood; being 2-1 � 7
I . -- I i that I a seen Reeve of the village delegated three con- just . 9 lt.4 .
� the continent,. her great fisheries and her summer. elsewhere. Fortunately, however, would oppose it. I Here 0 . I
Brother, I - Mr. White must -be board of SM. and there a small patch may b ,�
� unrivalled mineral resources, is more richly if game is scarce, fish are unuelially &bun It moms to me, and relieving the trustee ELS a rule the plant stables to go and have it lowered. -They years of age. - i�ox, for nearly 40 years a I �
. I ' I
�, .
ity mem., I endowed by nature th3n almost any State in dant and are of excelleut quality. Very large aware of it also, that there is just as much .-z-In the.last heat of the free-for-all race, somewhat lodged, but went and did so. They aricended the roof --;-Mr. Richard �
her ca -1- � uare inch with the at Comber on Friday, Israel De9jardines, a stands strong, and the sight is enough to reach-. resident of St. Mary's, died on Friday 241h 1 z I
I the American Union," My reference in the specimens have been caught near here in the dissatisfaction to the sq i On I i
a adver" t merchant of Stoney Point, who gladden the eyes of all. Heavy lands, and pulled down pole and flag. Box was widely known isud held .� -
name letter to the mineral we&] th of Ontario Red river, notably no ,`an immense sturgeon trade policy of the United States among . ing the ground they were met by a crowd ult. -- Mr. �* 1k I
I gartles He , L
� . P ro m i nall 4 1 z
-'v,alnable was dr 1g. his borne, Joe Beef, was thrown however, we regret to say, are suffering,and . �
. also shows. that I do nct consider thq countr measuring over six feet long, the weight Of those people as there is with us. As a proof, � I who, seized the offending flag, tore it in the respect and esteem of al coal itac - �, I
� � � y and@ only dry weather can save the ; - �,
� - a. barren waste. except in so, far as tfie refusal ,-#hIch I did not learn. Although fish are th� great, Democratic convention which re- violently from the sulky and hurt intern- on those I . and bad been mayor :)f the -town, an I a -
a place. . . e ribbons to a pole . I ��'s
� .
. t crop. Rust is greatly to be dreaded. . seat in the Council for 20 years. He was . . I
le, -id-ver- of the U d States ta grant ias f ree trade- 4leatif ul in the large rivers, the rural popu- ceiitly nomi"ted Mr. Cleveland, endorsed ally. . . e, destined for Three carried them at the head of a procession I ; I
- nite , . also -a director in the South Perth Agricul- 'i I-)
ay' them. . . closes our rich mines and renders our im- lation seldom have ,an opportunity of feast- th� speech of the chairman of said couven- —Mr. Joseph Woodruff, of Kingston, left —An immense engin hipped from the through the streets. It would appear that ,3 .
I i a t hi S, - � he said: "The Tuesday for Killarney, Manitoba, where he Rivers, Quebec, ,was . a atter in not going to stop there. Legal tural Society for a number of years. He - �
I ; mense natural wealth absolute. y worthless to ing on them*on account of lack of time and tiop. Among other things the m I
largest rAon, easily ob- the absence of a second " Harrison " to re- people see to -day o; prostrated agriculture, a will build a roller mill with a 75-borrel, Goldie & McCulloch- works, Galt, the other , proceedings aro threatened, and justly so., leaves a widow, one daughter and one 2
- .
I us, while under Continental U . The engine weighed -over ten tons,and I � �� :
,�rison, of .. stricken industries in capacity. . He has been granted a bonus of day. : against those who destroyed the flag. son, .
. tainable,and guaranteed perp4tual free trade' tail them through the country. shackled commerce, a Oc Railway . � .
. �
�, Exeter. . .9 . at a fever heat just now the compulsory idleness of labor, S law $4,500 by the residents to establish this now *" dr wn to the Canadian Paci . 'dent occurred a few days i
in a few- yearn this great l.latural wealth Politics are . . —A writ has been issued at the instance —A fatal acei . It i I
. king industry. station by four- horses. On the way to the Z- � - �
.ter Wel- - would give Ontario alone a laorger population throughout the entire Province of Manitoba made wealth, the discontent of the WOT , of Mrs. Arthur Beal, wife of Arthur Beal, ligo at the old frog factory in Stratford. A . c . I .
. - I armer." This * —Joseph Cote, employed at the Michigan station the wheels of the truck sank so deep lad named John Soden, son of Charles Bod- � -,� �
situation, o Dominion contains: to -day. and will continue no until the provincial man and the despair of the f . .. farmer, township of Townsend, county of . . - I I :
than the whol ' shedsi, Windsor, was run over .in. the earth—softened by the excessive 7
Und feed � Careful reading of your Witorials con- elections, which take place next month. The.. is what the Democratic party say protection ()entral coal _ I Norfolk, against a farmer named David an, of Light scrambling about I A� I I
foot hall-' . United St�tes. What br I car the other night and cut com- rains that the horses could not move it,axid i1cox, residi I the same vicinity, for the building with other boys, when he fell ��7 .- I
i burning question of Prohibition is causing has done for the oa W I � ;
LL. i vinces me that after all, you 4nd the C011tib- p a a c 0 old, and evIentually it had to be "'jacked " up and "nf a ' Plaintiff alleges or was pushed of the roof, falling on bin j.; ,�
last, be- . tal Unionists are separat6d o�'-Iy by a tissue a great 'deal oi discussion in the ranks -of language could be stronger ? The two great tely in tw . Cote was 55 years planks placed beneath the- wheels. . 1 $2,000 damages or slander. �, 1� - -
;. I . - �� I
the for- � sal le to tell at parties are, at last, fairly and squarely leaves a wife and four children, The lattpr ined ' d face - Dr. Brownlee found the boy bad been L I
� both parties, but it is_ impto ib k . an . It . R-- -
. . paper wall, just as those favoring Canadian i I —The closing �exercfsem- of the Ontaiio that defendant had maliciously co - - - 1.
: D t - are all married. I � � injured internally. The doctor was of the . . 106 I
��, Independence also are sepag�ated from the this early. darta what the result will, be. As divided on the trade question, and the great - I bridge, Agricultural College took place On Tuesd4y, circulated slander against her as a married e a a beam or. .,� I -
'8p . , . I
' a�y . d Reciprocity - - —Stuart
an and can say that fight is DOW only Proteation an Walker, formerly of Ux woman, to the loss of reputation and de. opinion that Soden f 11 acroo , -
��Grd&nd out-and-ont and more coursivaus Continent- far as Dakota is concerned, I d Free Trade. Under 10 years of age, has succeeded in gaining a the 30th ult. A carload of citizens from notion of her domestic felicity. Several stone, as his stomach was badly bruised, and . --d r
� - � .
. -
al Unionists. We all believo that the one Prohibtion. is a success compared With either vs. Tariff Reform an tl� I
.c ' � ipetitors in Gor- Toronto were ex cted at 10.45 a.m., but str - . �:
�,Un a -y y ofiould anyone here scholarship froni 400 oom i per. death ensued from a ruptur� of some intern
- reason why Canada does not progress and High or Low License or Local 0 tion. theme circumstances wb: Orkpatrick and HOD.Jdhn well known farmers are mentioned aj I . �
&SOMC . � 1J ley bill as a fixture for don's -College, Aberdeen, Scotland. This only Lieut. -Gov. I . - � �1. . �
remain comparatively poor, Altbough -considerable liquor is sokil itis look upon the McKin . On arrival of the sons to whom the slander was repeated. &I ; :
� � why her people , d I?ryden braved the rain organ i �
U I look upon it as one of the big- entitles him to free books and tuition An' - —A iurglar entered -the Jasidence of Mr.
ch rch. . I The case will come up at the Brant Fall . I . �
is that its valuable products'of field, forest, nearly all retailed in concealment. As an all time. train the distinguished visitors were met at . -1; �
` tyne, of waters and mines cannot secu�r of the working of the prohibi- -of Free Trade $20 ring his course in college. _ Assizes. Joseph Wilson-, Stratford, the other night. i - e
` e free access illustration , goat facton for the education a year du tting in the station by Prof. Mille, Mayor Sleemau, . The m' suder entered by a bedroom ocou- i .
, part ia . to, their'natural market—the,United States. tion law in North Dakota, we will take for ideas that the United States has vet had, —Wentworth men have been ge � I other prominant —Farmers are crying for rain in Mani� , or ft rp
- ring. Joe members for the ridinq, anc trybas aton, who kves in the sam .. I I
7. L XaMple the city of Grand Forks aad its If their form of government had been the 'some heavy work at sheep shes, . ri o tobs, but up to the present the coun led by Mr. Ru - L,
i - We differ, apparently, only il, the means by e: carer of Rockton, citizens, and were �. . touse, and who was arouidd by the lutrud- L ;, I
- which this desired adgnissionL� to their mar- rival city, East Grand Forks, on the Minne- 'game as -with us, the said bill would have Harper, the great sheeo mh ake part in the cerem o-nies. not suffered much from drought. 1 4 1 I
. been swept out of existence some time ago, sheared 40 sheep in ton hours and Thomas t . ,,rappled with bitA. Mr. Ruston 'L ;
w kits can be secured. Continental Unionists got& side of the -river. When the question i —The Ontario Government has appointed or, and 9 . . �
: . Clelland, the sheep shearer of Sheffield, 11 —The station master in Tara Is the owner � .
I o
- 1� I
' Patrick believe what dozens of the leading stattep- of Prohibition was first submitted to the which is one of the advantages of our fory tened a horse belong- Mrs. Helen McDonald, of Cornw;11, to be . was attired in his night dress, and this the � I
t Unds, of great cry of responsible government. Witness the drove eight miles and sheared 52 sheep in of a goat, which fri h up. registrar of the Surrogate Court of Stormont burglar tore off In the scufRe. The burglar �
: men of the United States, as well as the people'L the liquor party made a . Pierce. Vhe horse ran away, nO t§ A *k- I I
ha Win- that -our boundary cities would be ruined overwhelming defeat which overtook the eight hours. Ing to Mr M ton's pan nd .� ,�. � � �
� principal papers of the American Adminis- . tor of the Wind- �etting the rig, throwing out Mr. Pierce and Dundas and Glongarry, instead of Alex. E, had gone through ,r. R . 4 . �
I .
� -I*- com- � tration, have told us, namely, 11 that .;f Can- from the fact that the money paid for liquor, McKinlayites in Congress the first oppor- —T. M.. White, late edi - . McDonald, decessed. - taken his watch, but this he dropped on the . I
. Is got - to express their sor Review, his been Appointed permanent his sister and dams a the. -buggy. The ndant and Mrs. Herbert ,Booth,, lawn when making his escape. . I 11
. I �
� !
, , i
)Oast of which was certainly a very, large anlounti. tunity thin poop . of case came up in the Sifision Court on the —COmms �;, $
1-Y town- adians wish to -secure all tht3 advantages of as in a it thin poll*, after the bill became secretary by the provisional committee I the now commissioners of the Salvation —A wild steer created quitea sensation i
American citizenship, they niva,t be prepar- would leave the State and cause a gr t op io round that the smell from the -goat fright- . -�* �
1, -, I 9 financial d . business would be law. D;Othing lika it w" ever mean beforet t&ho Political Unionists' Association of On- 9 Army in Canada, arrived at Toronto Tues- , in the suburbs of Stratforathe other Any. ! � i -
xe store ed to accept, equally with Americans' epression, and I at 'once to Toronto oned the horse. The judge hold that the . Oaxed Into I ., -1
I .
- ir PF *b*'I* stagnated. Now, what do we find ? Grand the ,Democratic Majority in Congress has tario, and will remove id reception, was hold on It refused to be led, driven or c �' i- :�
at ;. that, - the oper share of the rea at r . . uliar constitution of the horse made him day night. A gram the city and finally became. very much on- � - 1
3 IS011f ' to force the fight- to open up headquarters for the prosecution Pee I -
�anci effi. . I irid improving in Ovary been doing all it can since �
. - ity 0 government. " L CGU urn- Forks is advancint I . . Ste of the work. run away in this case, and that &'goat is an Wednesday evening, at which thousands of A- .
m.—Mr. line of legiti --- uninems, while its schools in on Free Trade lines - by passing separ people were prevent. raged. It ohiwged fiercely on one of Its I , .i
I .
- ..� - an I - ..., . .
I � .. ish yom these quotations, word for word, —Lut Friday the constables at Humber imal that will not usually frighthn a horse. vity in the drivers i-nd he a moot literally flew through, ;�
arn raia- . I olleges and &archeo would do credit ;; bifis for free wool, free cotton ties, free sts of the —On a pretty abrupt decli t. '1�
� if it be necessary to convince you that.they' 0 a a considerable portion, . ".1 I
� � - the I roe tin stone arrested a man with a valuable span of Mr. Pierce I therefore oat the on -
INXcellon't. r in any country. The bi din I twins, and is now at doorway on the -farm of John Dickey, near a wire fence, leaving I I.. �
L .
.Yebeenmade. And fror-a their stand- much older cities �
ha ranquility of the place in seldom broken by mate till. Free coal, free madt and free horses. There were two men with the rig, trial. h be .
it stone, I point, is the condition upon which they will t —Mr. Joseph Clifton, engineer at Decow's Athens, Leads county, stands an apple tree, of his cloth! g . bind The animal then .. I -
,king night umber are sure i one good thing but one of them made his escape. The te4in on a seedling, and the original of that fine turned its atten-ftion to another man and . I L .
Z z
�med by, grant us unrestricted adrni8sion to their -the nigl�t-prowlilgg inebriate, me . to follow, &I '11, Essex Centre, wam severely scalded It LW&$ in the act Of . I I
, I . is a pair of bays, about 15 hands high. The M. I The trunk knocked him down. I .1 :
he woott - hideous in a manner too wall knowti to re- begets another.' These Free Trade measures y j,pple the Maiden's Blush. � , �
- to be owned'somewhere aroul by the breaking of a I t I
markets, an unressonahle, or.te 4 Their mar ' i It Dion in the are supposed md Saiurday, 25th ult., essures 6 feet four inches in circumference; preparing for a spring to pin him to the 1 1 �! � L
d his as- i -her common or explanation. All are being, forced by public opi v in . � L, 'L, - I
ke.t, of 65 millions in all in all to us who are quire furt steam Ipe. Ha will be laid upf,or a couple -one earth with its horns rben its feet slipped � I
� ion from the professional Jar is, but the owners are unknown. I the boughs spread over an area of fifty � 4
ment, at less than five Millions on the same' continent, time is rather limited*l must hasten on and face of stony opposit of weet u. Before it had time to
. L I
. L . ,a on the Leamington a. and it went dow � :
t migIA. lions -is of description in outline of East Grand lobbyist, in the protected interests. - —staples is a villag I
e I Oar market of less than fi--e mil and St 'Clair Railway, where four years 0190 —Archbishop Fabre, of Montrealy has feet in diameter, or 153 in circumference, 45 , ;
mt took trek's. In the first place It has about An a further Indication of the signs of the itter strongly feet in height, and about a ,hundred yearm recover the man was out of ,h&rn3!2 way. .,% �
I little or no' concern to the4 sixty-five mil- I issued a pastoral It enjoiniq . I
-here range anomaly of four there ;am a population of not more th swi name sa .!t ;
- I lions. Continental Unionists propose that thirty places w Is sold, including times we have -the at . 1hae old. It has been sigood bearer for eighty An a It ,ya that the movement by �� ; � . �
I . � Last -week a scho(sig tZ"o stricter observance of the Sabbath by -
ed, gave liquor ' There bra but former Republicans now an Democrats, soore persons. )i ears. It in capable of carrying fifty whicK that man sought a place of safety was , 1 . �
a Mr. we, aboill accept their very fair conditions, hotels, saloons and dens. ; 0 Roman Catholic population,, and forbidding , I
. j7 arpasse a
.9 there with an attendance of � Chile of fruit, which is more than some never a d I an acrobatto feat. The I �
�e boam, dition, uur naitional- and four or five stores carrying oil a legitimate Presidential possibilities at the late couven opened D- them to at -tend places of amusement on . z
, -
� - . .
they are willing to do. trade in general merchandise and one or two tion are now either Free Trade or low tariff pupils, and it is said that this will be I ield durin f, i
be fell'; . farmers have siltagether. The y g steer headed for home and no further at . �
� I state debts, which ' low because respect- men, viz.: Ex -Gov. Campbell, of Ohio, Gov. crossed to 150 in winter. I Sunday. I made tointerfere with it* .
L4 to the The Free Trade and Direct Taxation party churches. Rents are � —Before the dehorning commimion in eighty years griust have been in the aggro- tempt was i I - I ; I
� —Senator Sanford, of Hamilton, . During the raising of a Is' barn at R. z �
I 4 ' rge --
of 26 1 and the Canadian, Independence people, I able people prefer residing on the other side Bolen, of. Iowa, Gov. Grey' of Indiana, and icin�laty Toronto, Wm. Levack, wholesale hutch gate, enormous. .
. 9 Further, we bought a large tract of land in the v er, trawberry Nicklin's, township of Mornington, the � - :
� killed, believe, propose 0 compel t4s States to ad- of the river away from the fames of liquor Senator Palmer, of Illinois. . bought and slaughtered! abo6t 5,OW -LiThe Patrons of Industry a ': I
- 11 of Winnipeg and intends to establish; a a said he Mo. lose from festival, which was hold at Roseville. a few other day, at which about 1.00 men 11 i I
�man, he. gnit us to: their markets, whether they care and removed from the allurements of gin see the Republican .party relyi g on the �tlo head of cattle yearly ; and I an accident occurted - -�
- .
� kulldcs.— I to do so or not. They say tbey will succeed palaceb and brothels. Daring the threshing Reciprocity clause in the McKinley bill to tlement, assisting those w booking and goring was from $1,000' to miles north of r, on Friday evening, 24th were engaged, -
A populous city on what is nor a . !I in which resulted in the death of one
residing ia their coercion of our pow,3rful neighbors season last fall the arrests for drunkenness carry them tovictory, a clause Mr. McKln- start. ult., was a gran success financially and Two i -
y opposed being introduced, is, to one of the possibilities of the 81,500. . .1
aini, a� . and disorderly conduct were so numerous ley strenuous] . I —Residents of Essex county are having number- some 5W people being present. man and the injury ? f several others.
, I by stacking European goods alongside. of the -up was almost continually but was overrulid,by the setuts Mr. Blaine. =e. . , load and the third was I I
�f.— Vva Xr. Miller, Grand Vice -President of the beams -had beon ra
7 I international line, and inviting smugglers . that the city look urge ve Mr. Cleveland --Claypole Decker, a a r experi a limited way with typical - Order,addremed the assemblage for au hour, about half way Up, when it came b&ck'upon L-
ass out to carry them into the United States and filled to overflowing. while quite a I A low tariff platform ga ag on the Proof -LW6� road, = western cyclones. Small whirlwinds, fifty t �
�ug been violate their laws and destroy their customs number was sent to Crookston to sober i�ff 98,000 of a popular majority four years ago, livil a swept through the and gave some eloquent pointers on the the men. In attempting to ge out Of the ;
I . stand their trial. Several,of and since then' the Free Trade idea has township, has iniented a new patent pot�to or sixty feet wide, bar of the Order. The follow- way William Glen, a Young mam about 25 I
-mouths, .A . This will, they brilieve, so worry and thereafter v rds,tearing up trqea and carrying away objects SLud aims at I
I , . influential planter, and while testing one of the Plant- orchs, _'gSveshort addresses :— ears of age, umbled over 'a stick of tim-
tzr. Joh , . I aid - the sa,loon-keepers who make .their money made great 'strides, Able and One farmer reports an interesting ing gentlemen &180 ' 11 -
. � I
,ts at i the United States that they Vvill .be g ftto - man and newspapers all over the United ere last week at a high rate of speed the fences.. . f & Hon. James Young, John D. Moore, bf. P. ter and before he could rise the beam fe � - I
l'. and surrender and give us free e4atry to their And spend their time in the polluted atinos a doctrine with all machine collided with a stone, throwing sight, nothing less than a huge limb ,o of Galt. The reei- upon him with such force as to burst open -
� States are advocating th - � I
, et en- markets. to the ef- phere of East -Grand 'Forks prefer rearing ig trei flying through the air three hundred P., and Dr. Cameron, 1
� .What you may ,say as mid air andaeriously injurli n- his abdomen, Inflicting awful and fatal in-
iE1 I&tO- Dakota side of the the ibility they possess.. It is the people's the inventor in .. . rms are tations given by localtalent were well re � 4 . .
foot thatt such conduct on the part of Can- their families on the feet above the tree tops. Tho sto h an �
t &%siggat legalized robbery, there as -him. . dered, also the music 4y the M-usical Society juri 8. He was carried into
LA owner 11 adians, directly suggested and aided by the river under the bright, sbigging banner of figh by li bt rams o ost of which � --i "
�ar. He , I I an the ,ple are going to win, &I- -couple of suspicious -looking charac- accompanied '. lived about an hour during m '� J
bore, Pee —A . I �
� . Canadian Government, would have, upon the . probibition. � J. F. LANDsBoROUGH. though barrels and barrels of money will be term a few days ago were banging about —LastFriday Wr. Daniel Clark, of the Bond of Galt. gony. Drs. John- : T
. . —A cablegram has beau received on- time be suffered terrible &I
(1, a short . I . United States Government, oi, what effect . - I the inesine, in company ston, of Millbank, and Veit -chi of L.inwoodp � -_1 . �
� ownship in the neighborhood of Toronto Asylum for ,
i and, int Continental Unionists may say it would have 0 spent by the protected forces to resist the Brantford t with Dr. Richardson, pol, surgeon, and bouncing the death of Hon. John Robson, - we.re -unable to do 141-1
;, tide of public o e Smoky Hollow, They inquired at several _ - Premier of British Columbia. Deceased was were summoned, but . I
t pinion. Sul
� . is at beat assertion on the Part of both of —A diamond pin worth $3,000 was stolen - ity Crown Attorney Uurry paid a visit ore than alleviate the B.Afferingi of the I :
�' -he United farmers' houses for board, one of them stat- Con' left Victoria on an m .
- from the Montreal residence of President indications that the trend of t . go of uge,'�in in poor health when he in falling also I
- us; but I ask the intelligent readers of the Sts trade, and in - ked in Smith Bros'foundry, to Toronto gaol for the purpo 9 YID a . The same beam � �
wn, met I -heCanadisn Pacific Railway ten is all towards freedom of g that he wor the unknown . boy. who official trip to England, but his oonditiorg d i m n 1118 AD .
� � Bxrosaon, and I know there az-e none more Van Horne of t examination of strul William Reid, Injuring b' * d .
� -
I raising 1.11-4 intelligent in Canada, which policy is the a few days ago. The detectives found the if go, why should our people concern them- in Brantford, and earned $5 a day# They an found on tha bland, bound with strong was improved by the ocean Voyage. The breaking several ribs, but he Zs likely �O . I - .
i 1, but, inateid, disappeared later on and a couple of horses was ertaining the facts news of his death has, therefore, greatly .. . :
lixon, or., I . more likely to succeed and bring frosperity pin in the house of a deporstor named La- selves about Political Union Id also cord, with a view to 604 Win. Reid was less serl- -- �
�. Klierx . I and contentment to 0anada, z nd ensure molge, who had been employed at Mr.,Van work out our salva he in reference to his mental Condition. The shocked his many friends throughout the recover. Another
i tion on the same lines out at pasture in Mr. P. Islet's ,08 more
iglanced . The pin was in the shape of and become and remain Free Trade Cana- disappear d at the same time. One of t �Puutry. Hou. Mr. Robson was a BOB Of ously injured, and several, others were � .
peace with the rest of the contine.nt ? - Will Horne's house, sed boy was brought down from the ward in co
Lting , inorgles and men gave Ohio name an Frank Ritto (suppo n confined to & private the late John Robson, of Sarnia, who come or lea bruised. .
F— in- I ,1� we succeed by the complete union of both a spike, and was presented to Mr. Van dians, without wanting our C nexation to to be Xll Matthews, a noted borse-dilef of which he has bee I- -� W -
t I 1.
r 5 nations, who are but one people &ft -,or all, or Horne by Sir Donald Smith on the occasion embittering our. lives - over an . ;4 .
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