HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-07-01, Page 8. - . - - _- --�, 41 . � W *"who, 00"'..0 ,"41*6 - . I � - A= N.W�*Wmw�,*� ­­ ­ I . � - � - � . - I _ , - * . I I - . 1 8 - __ - -�-- I � , 11�4 t.'i � , 7, t , \ t . P , � 1, : I L -, � . . � - I -, , �& , u , �t � � i � I I � � i � - , � - i I I, I - i - , _� " Ii , i.� - � I !, I I � ,,, 'I; ;� �� . , 1-. i . , 1— i . �. ' ' ' � ' I- _j 4I �! � � � ( . 40, j.� � � I I - 9W - .- � , W - , 11, �' , , 4 I' ? �, , j A - � � '7; i I- � , 11� :, i ,�rl � - i " I-, t � t 11 ::: I - � , - , � � r, i 1� . 't, I . : � � j� " 1, ", 1 — 1. , 1 : I (f � I ! il �, �, . � I I � � , �, � . � � I � I I � .1 I i% I I 4 i . , I I !, I - : � I tk , � � ; I " , " I . , i I :1 . r f I 11 � � . ( I � , . 11 V ,, � � � f 1. , � I I � � � , � iI, I i I - I � I I �, . �',J , �'�� I i I - . � �, � 11 I I . i I . �t � - � . - � A . - I I I ir� 11 �, �If , t � 1- � ­ - �, � . I , � tt I,:. I I z, t . I I � r � , � I . I � � le 0 I � I e � I � , I i , . i I , n � fl, I , t � . ! �, I � I I I � � 1 , k� t I � " I 1 I , k I . k J X 1 , ; � ! , 1, I � 11; , I I - 1 I I i " k i q . , , ; i '. � I ;. I ; r, � I f, f 'It �� I i I 1Z � i � , I � �. , i ! .- I . , � 4 i I - : � . I � I 11 ; I I � : . I I . ; - . - - - - I . r'', 7 � � . � L I t " I I I i . I - � i! ( . il f ; I � � � � L I . ;, � � Is *1 . � - : I . �� . . i i , . I , . - i � . I k I '! I T - , I i , 1. 41 - 1� . . . � I : I f � r t � I � _. � iI , I 1 ; I - t �, - � I � I - i � � � , .- �. , � i I 11 r �, 4 - I , I � I I I i ; I � . . i I I t, � �, I � . ! , i i , � , I . It � t � � � � - � � . - EDWARD -:- 0AYS., Wholesale and Retail Dealer In T7) A_2[T;CY_ JB_Ur_Vr_rM - GODERICH STREET, SEAFORI Will buy Dairy Butter in any tity and shape, if well madejand color, froni May, 1st, 1§92. . . Stacks of Made U I Clothing. . Having just completed and placed in stock purchase of mado up Clothing, consisting of r Men's, Youth�', Boys' and d:ren's Suits, - I - from the largest and best manufacturing fl.1m Dominion, at prices in. clearing lots which the claim they are )()aLrig n - ioney on. We ofter the together with our own stock, at large redu2t! regular prices. Now is your golden opportu secure . a good Suit at a low , price %t the Clothing and Dry Goods House. � WM. PICKARD T. Kidd's old stand, Se � � _� Utluron (rxpooi 91 I DISTRICT MATTERS. ., Goot) HORSEA FORTHEOLDCOU.N Mr.G.T. Turnbull,of McKillop,s . from Seaforth station,on Ssturd_-.�,, nine of the finest drafight horses that ever left this section of the country shipped to a. firm in Glasgow, Scotlan had considerable difficulty- in gettin what he wanted, -as he will urebase n but the beat. Mr. James Eeiper won the horses to look after them, and. w he will land safety with them. This second lot Mr. Turnbull has sent this � ELECTION OF OFFIGERS.—Atther meeting of the Independent Order of era the following officers were elects the coming year : Court Deputy, Jo Wilson;,Court Physician, Dr. R. Smith ; Chief Ranger, William Some Vice -Chief Ranger, William Scott; R - ing Secretary, John W. Livingstone ; cial Secretary, John Robb; Treasurer Robertson ; Chaplain, F. Kestle ; WardeD, William Lloyd; Junior W A. Winters ; Senior Beadle, Dr. B Junior Beadle, Hi.J. Crawford. This good order" which is shown by its growth during the past few years. . AN OLD RESIDENT HEARD FRom. Democrat, Port Angeles, Washington review of the business interests of tha makes mention of a former well-, resident of this town, Mr. John M. N Mr. Martin left Seaforth about fifteen ago, and many of his old aoquain bereabouts will be glad to learn that still in tho*,.Iand of the li - ving and pros The Democrat says: " Most pro among our leading businses men stan M. Martin, Port Angeles' leadling de and manufacturer of doors, blinds, mouldings, etc., in addition to the stock, he carries a fall and complete window -glass, putty and builders at in gener4l. He also does a general j business, and his ample promis I thoroughly equipped, with all the too necessary material for manufacturi order all kinds of office, bank an fittings, church furniture of every d tiou, sideboards, cupboards, kitchen ments, etc." I . - LEFT Towx, - Rev. - Mr. Cassot f amily left here on Wednesday for ton, their new home nd Mr. Casmon'j I an field of labor. Mr. Moon has been of We Methodist church here for three . and had the rules of the church allows to remain longer we are sure his peopl would have been only too glad to co his services. Mr.. Casson is an excep ly able reacher and a most eat citizen. go was well liked not only own people, but by the people of oth nominations, while Mrs. Casson was e popular and was very &ctive as a worker.' The people of . Harriston be congratulated on their good fortt securing so good and worthy a man ax have no doubt they will use him w we are sure he deserves. In his fa , sermon here last Sunday evening, Casson spoke very feelingly of the � treatment he had received from his c g&tion here and said he never left a fi I labor with greater regret. - GREEN GOODS. -Scarcely a day bat some one of our citizens it us that they have been favored counterf eit money circulars. They c the usual newspaper clippings showinj easy itis to pass counterfeit money. usual skin game will be worked On who will be foolish enough to have an to do with the sharpers. It is a verj gerous as well as dishonorable thing fo man to handle counterfeit money even was sure of being able to get it fro parties who profess to handle it, whiol - not. The unfortunates who have a� I this quick way of making money a have plenty of time to repent their from behind prison bars. Besides thi who have tried to get the money from sharpers have got caught at tke ver met. Instead of getting the bogus they only got a block of wood, a bri some other valueless article for which had paid several - hundred dollars in money. Howe s bought experience is likely to be the lasting and sure, and those w10 have c ponded with theee rascals have got a perience they will not soon forget, alt it is perhaps well that they obtained experience so early in their career o honesty, for had they got what they ba � ed for they would soon be landed penitentiary. It is, however, annoyi respectable, honest people, to be roe letters, circulars and propositions these vagabonds, and it would be the post office; authorities could an these communications or in somb way vent their transmission through the and in this way save innocent people unnecessary annoyance and insult. IS W. Crich, of the west �nd, Tuckeremi� the lixat person who showed us one of letters which he has received. EGmONDVILLE NOTF.S.-For the a time in about four months death visitf,d the home of Mr. J. R, Adam the many friends of the family in this . ity wiLl learn with regret of the dece his third daugkter, Flora, on Sunday at the early age of seventeen years. was a victim of consumption, caused . grippe. Ida died in March, of the disease ; both were bright, lovely gir deared to a wide circle of friends and tives, who will extend to the bereave !adly afflicted family their kindest aym in this their time of deep sorrow. Mr. resides in Teeswater.-Our people w lighted with the earneat, practica courses of Mr. T. Mitchell, who occupi pulpit of oat church on Sabbath e last, and on Monday afternoou, in8t Rev. Mr, Pletcher, who was preven,tec coming by a sudden death in his ow . C�egation. Mr. Mitchell is a stud OX College and a graduate of the . sity of Toronto. His is a practical n and with an easy flow of thought, clot simple language, he finds no difficul attracting attention to the great pr side of religion, which makes it a principle of earth as well as He& � . � - - I . t � * 4 1 - � i . . - ­ - . � I 1� 4 . . I . . - � I #­.­­_.,___ - I �. � . i I I � I I . - � � I I " � � - . - . I . � , I— . "' ,---r --- � ­—_—_,____, �­'_­ , , � � - - - A�44­ -�­ - � - - - . - , � . � � I I � - I , ,— � , 1. I =��i.;�i-���,�,:���-,.-��4-f:r"x , �___Z!77_Jt3W_ � �i�X. � 71'1,__irl�_`4q7_�_,'"�_ ­­*­_�Zz._­�­� ­ ��._­­&,;_.Z__--..,e� � ;-�_ 4 �­ - ,� , �, — ­­ � ­_-­.­._­ ­ — . ­_ _,­__­ I ­_­­__­Z�_��­!-'-�_ __ ,�,­­.'��* � - . I . _­­_­ ­­­­ , , - - I � — . 4 - I . . I , ) . . - . � I . '� I . - . I - I - I . . - � � , . . . . . I � . � . I I . I � � 2 ,. I I i - . — . � . . - . I , I I . � . � I � . i . . i 1�� � ! i - � I � ! ��_' ; . � . - I i -1 . 1P I i . . — i I . . . I I I � I . i i . . - � I I � I A / I I I � i � � i I � � - THE HURON. EXPOSITOR. i : . . . I . . I - I I . � - . - I ___ __ . I . I HStrawberries and lee cream I will be plentiful thouib him Injured limb still causes him James Smith attended the District ir� ; eating band went to visit three son I 0 In the i'Pralrie 9 at the annual induction social, to be hold in trouble. .Mrs.. Walker wah also laid up of -the Royal Templare of Tamperancel hold Province. They returned *bout the Ist of the basement of our Church on Monday with a severe attack of erysipalso and for a in Hansall on the 20th aft., as a dole- to N vember, apparently the I better for the ' i � I w RA 0 . a - evening, the 4th inst. It Is not hold on thst time her life w" dispaired of, but she too, fvom W�Itoa Council.-Misi Ann e �! ol- trip. However, in the spring, a o6mplic :R, occasion because we are annexationist@, buf we.are glad to learn, is now in a fair way to Ace returned on Saturday after speniding a tion of troubles set in, which finallyl result - that we expect to get the best berrici of - the recovery. -Mr. Andrew Archibald, of the ! two weeks' pleasant visit at her brot,her's, ed in death on Thursday 41ternoo�a. Al_ H, season, the nicest ice cream, the beat speak- 5th concession of Tuakeramith, has erected -near PAsley.-Mr. W. J. Shortreb Is re- though but little ast th prim fe, ' d � � � 'Montt old, he, had are, readers and reciters, an , a large new bank barn with atone otabliag covering from a slight attm,ck of rheum�atlsm. being 55 years and I . jusn- the _ choicest music. The social will be under underneath. It.ia now nearly completed -A ,number of farmers of this to*nehip her trials of sickness and �ain, whi# I , I good tho auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society, and and will add materially to the appearance took advantap of the cheap excursion to &4, borne with the spirit of ; true C4risti3n. as they never do things by halves, a very of his magnificent farm. Mr. Anthony Guelph, to visit the Model Farm, oxi Mon- Her son - Thomas, who ha been id- Mani- - pleasant evening maybe anticipsted.-Dur- Tindall, of the same line, has had his barn day. -We are sorry to announce tba Mrs. toba for some time, reached' home tlis night — �, , nd ing ,Mr. Carnochan's illness, Mr. Hicks will raisedu and is having stons stabling built un- Robert Lsidlaw is on the tick list this- week, before she died. A family iDf six boys a � P take charge of the agency business of the derneatE.-Mr. Herman Bubolz, of the Huron but we hope she may soon recover M usual two� girls are left to mourn the lose of a lov- , MaKillop Insurance Company, in Tucker- Road, Is making preparations to have his good health. I iug mother. Three- boys, Islase, Charles and � . smith, by request of - the directors at their . barns removed and placed over stone and-* , I - __ . � Thomas are in Manitoba,, and one daughter, I I a big last meeting. -Mr. Alexander Charleswortb, brick stabling.- Mrs. Chesney, of John .. Mob�sworth, , Mrs. Wnf. Ball, in Dakota. The Juneral, i of this village, who is a great borse fancier, Street, accompanied by her- son, George, NoTzs,-Mrs. Duncan McTavish - who has which took place on Sat,urd�y, was � largely .1 lost a valuable yearling colt a few days ago. and Dr. and Mrs. Atkinson and Mile Ches- been sick for a number of month' ' s'lis not attended by friends and -_ s, thowing Uhil- Aa it was from a Clear Grit mare and sired ney, leave on .Monday for the old country, likely to live much longer. -George Robert- the esteem in which the = w�s held. , - . � � 0 � i . by Carlisle the loss will be a heavy one.- where they purpose spending the summer. 1, . in the About ten agpkr&Ut3 for future literary hon- They mail from Mpntreal one the Steamship son, much to the surprise of his friends, is I BluevaleoI � able to wv,lk around the house sga U.- . I - makers ore are writing at the entrance examination. Sarnia, of the Dominion Line, on.Wednes-,. Meynel Armstrong is, slowly hering NOTFs.-A pie-nio is to bo held on Tass whole, . They were ticketed through by, Mr. gal T Diment' grove, oils off this week from our school ; we hope to see day. strength, and.thinke in a few weeks I e will day, July 5th, in Mr. John, �, nity to them 11,13 iet through with credit to thern- Win. Somerville, the agent ,here for that be able to carry on his farm work. -John under the auspicen of the Bluevale Presby - Bargain selves an teacher. -ScRiuBL-ER. I Iine. -e -Haying would have been general in and Joseph Vance started for Ne)pawa, terian Sabbath School. The Metho4is�s iD- this vicinity this week but for the very wet Manitoba, last Wednesday, intendng to tend holding a pie-nic also 'on the '6th of A-NOTHER SEAFOuTH Boy HEARD FROX' weather. The crop in heavy and soft and work at their trade out there.-Johd Rob- July. -Mr. and Mrs. Walwin gave a fare - 9 -THE Ex-POSITOR always takes great pride farmers are afraid to start while the weather Mon - &forth. ertson and wife started for their h�me in well social on the parsonage lawn on . in chronicling the succesk and well -doing is so uncertain. The heavy rains of this Kansas City, Missouri, on Tuesday m4rning. day evening. Owing to the iaclemO,ucy- of of Huron's boys whether at home or abroad.* week have also lodged the. wheat in many -The new cheese factory stands complete, the weather there was not such a ls.�ge at- - . ' I It is a phenomenal fact that boys from Old places but with moderately cool,dry weather and we have the honor of saying there is tendaDce as there would have been other - oti Huron almost universally 'make their mark for two or three weeks, a good crop will be none like unto it in the Dominion. wise. -On Saturday, while' riding on his- when brought into competition with the assured. -The funeral of the late Mrs. bicycle, Mr-Wilsou fell olf and iDj,pre in men of other lands. The last instance of George Dobson, of TuckerAmith, near Chis- ; 0; 1 hand. He was uncorisciou for a feW, min- - -to our Wingham. , utes but is all right again -Som� of our . this kind that has come notice is elhurst, parsed through here on Saturday i . . afforded by Mr. John McNaugbt, eldest last to the Maitlandbank cemetery. Mrs. THE RACEs.-The races here, on Tuosday townspeople attended the: social at W. J. son of Mr. David McNaught, now. of Rapid Dobson died on the previous Thursday after last, were well attended ; the weather was Johnston's on Friday evening last. . � City, Manitoba. Young MoNaught is a a protracted illness which she bore with- favorable ; the various contests were keen I TRY. - native of this town and g�t his early train- a patience and fortitude which only a Chris- and interesting, and everything passed off I I hipped ing in the Seaforth Public school. - Since tian's hope can inspire. Shewas a sister of to the entire satisfaction of both committee Varna. � I I am going to handle binding twine this season last, leaving here he has distinguished �imself Mr. Joseph Fisher, of Tucker8mith, and Mr. and spectators. The sum of $700 was paid same sg�before and will have the following brands : have in railway circles in .the great American Hiram Fisher, of Hullett. She was much in purses, and the receipts of the da were StandarA, World and Blue tin tag. These are three ' . - He Republic. Four years ago he started as a and deservedly ebteemed by those who en. .sufficient to ena�le the club to have a bal- brands manufactured expressly for Massey, Harris & Co., and are controlled entirely by them. They d., and brakesman on the Canadian Pacific Railway joyed her acquaintance. -M ks Grace Me- ance to the good aftef paying all purges guarantee it to be extra quality and length. Don't 9 just and his upward progress has been remir,k- Faul, has returned from Toronto to spend the and expenses. The following are the prize buy till you get our prices. Expect" a car load this , othing able. In a little over two years, by his o sn summer holidays, Miss Nettie Wilson has winners in the several events : I week. JOH. MORROW, varna, 1281-1 t with ability and unaided by any outside influence, also returned from Brantford Young Ladies' FreA For All. -Four horses starte,ld, but BRIEFS. -Mies Lizzie Wanless has return- . I a hope be worked'his way up by degrees until he College. -The first lacrosse match of the Mr. E. Livingstone's Dr. Livingstone after ed from Blyth, after baving'spent a pleasant I is the attained the position of yard master for the season was played on the recreation grounds winning the first bpat got lame an had to time with her uncle, Mr. Thomas Wanless. I year. great Eastern JUilway at West Superior in this town on Friday last between the be withdrawn, He ran away a few weeks -We noticed in last week's EXPOSITOR 1 City, Wisconsic. He now has charge of the Beavers, of Seaforth, -and the Clinton club, ago, cutting his hind foot badly, but it was about some fall wheat that rpeasated four 1 7 6 gular yaTdo at Duluth and has 42 men under him. resulting in a victory for the Beavers by thought he had sufficiently recbvered to go feet some inches high. Wh�., that iq not,. a i "oreat in this race, The first heat, howevbr, put circumstance to the wheat that we con raise � � - So well has'he succeeded in his responsible four toi two. -Miss Annie 8impsoD, of Me' I d for pcaition� that he has never yet had a Killop, and Miss Gerty Crich, of Seafortb, him lame, no doubt spoiling his cha+s for in Stanley. Mr. John Spar�ow, near'Varna, hn A. blockade, although in busy s"easons they' have successfully paEsed their examinations first place. First money was w n by has a field -of 15 acres which will;%verage V. B. handle from 1,000 ta 1,500 cars a day in the at the Toronto Normal School and have been Prince Frederick, owned by D. HyT(dman, over six feet high. -It has bleen said by dome rville ; yards. He receives -a salary of $1,500 a granLed second class certificates. They are of Grand Valley ; 2nd, John L., owned by old settlers who have been residents'of " this- ' ecord- year. We wish our young. friend continued both graduates of Seaforth Collegiate lasti. J. Becker, of Hills Green ; 3rd, Barney A., county for over 50 yearg, h at they have , Finan- prosperity and hope his career will be on- tute.-Mr. W. Pickney's three-year-old owned by B. Barnes, of St. Thomas. ':: Time, never seen better prospects or an all! around � , John' i � 11 ward and upward. stallion, Froiddie Archer, won third place at 2.32, l� crop than the present one p omises to be, 'if Senior. Wingham on Wednesday last, against six Three Minute Trott. -Five entri4-1sb, there be favorable weather for harvesting it. arden, , SEAFORTH ROLLER MILLS. -Special atten- competitors. He starts again to -day in MiRB Garfield, by A.Roe,of Wingham'; 26d, -The strawberry festival, under the aus- elden ; - tion is given at this will to local and exchange trade. Exeter, and will give a good account of him- Sir Wilkes, by A Hyndman, of Grand pices of Varna Council, Royal Temolars of is a satisfaction in every Instance guaranteed. Flour to self. This colt was bred by Robert Bonner, Valley; 3rd, Fred Archer, by Wm,Pinkney, Temperance, came off last Tuesday night-, rapid delight good bakers. A!I kinds of mill feed fr-r sale - ,., . and chopping can be done any day or hour. 1281.8. Jr at present owned by Mr. Robert Adams, of Seaforth. Time, 2.49J.- and it Was- a, grand success. Over 50 mem- ' ' of McKillop. -Mr. John Dodd's new pop Green Trot. -Four entries-lat, John bers were present, and, after the berries, an THE PopuLAR GRocERY. - The holiday wagon looks .splendid, with the smiling face Nelson, by Dr. Perdue, of Blyth ; 2ad, excellent programme, consisting of instru- and fruit season is now begun and we are prepared , -The to supply you with all that is necessary for them. of John on the seat. Success to John, and Abbie V., by B. Wilson, of Wingbain , 3rd, ental and vocal music, speeches, readfUgs.' v in a For picnics we have canned Pork aud Beef of our own -may his busive8a steadily increase. -Mrs. Tim Scott, by P. Scott, of Brussels, Time, ?to., was disposed of. Everybody' was de - t town canning always on cut and just the thing for sand- George Williams, of 'Toronto, is at present 3.00. l lighted with the evening's entertaihment.- known witches also all, kinds of canned Fish and Pickles visiting Afro. Win. Dill. -A garden party Running Race, -,Two entries,-ls�, Top- There was a meeting of the Stanley council . . art . either- in bottles br bulk. For the preserving season nder the auspices of the Royal Tom I I here on Monday, but there was no bus .110. we have on hand a large stock of 9 rand Jem jars U plars, sie B. ; 2nd, St. George. I iness U . I years and will have all kinds of fruits in tror season, and will be held-st the residence of Mr. James i 0 — i - of importance transacted. tances our prlz-,s will compare with any in the trade. If Beattie, on Friday evening, July 8 th. -Miss , . I - . . . you want anything in the Crockery or Glaan�vare line Uqborne. . ; he to we ask you to see our stock before purchasing. We Boswell left yesterday for London, where Bayfield., . riDg. have just opened up new Iineq in Dinner, Tea and she will spend a few days. -Miss J� Th SUDDEX'DEATH. +-On' Friday last lAdies, go to R. F. Edward� for corsets. Ten lower than - w om P_ ribly -sudden deaith:occurred in this town- different Varieties to choose from at prices from -60c. nineut Toilet sets. New atterns, and prices eon is'spending DomiDion Da it friends . ds j, everbefore, we claim to have the cheapest dinner y ship. A most estimable young man was cut up. 1281-1 � sets in town, see. our stock and be oonvinced that we in Brantford.-Mias J. Steele left yesterday down without a moment's warni'0g. It BRIEFS.-& sure and come to Bayfield on aler -in mean what we say. The Estate of H. RoBu. for Paris, and will spend a few weeks with seems that'Mr. George Monteith, a young the twelfth. -Mr. Win. Atwood has been sash, . 1 J281-2 friends in that town. -Mrs. R. Logan, with man about 25 years orf age, son of Mr. home for a few days. -Mr. John Pollock has above COAT LOST.—On Wednesday, June 22nd, her two children, left yesterday morning to Robert Monteith, of the Thames Road, was returned from Cleveland. -On Sunday last I line of -between Sproat'sBrickyard and Seaforth, a gentle- visit a sister in Maryland. Mr. Logan ac- . pplieg man's rubber cost. It will be thankfully received by companied her a3 far as Buffalo. -While engaged in shaving himself preparatory to Rev. Mr. Thibideau preached hii farewell V His obbing JAMR8 SPROAT,_Bnokyard. 1281-1 performing an operation on a two-year-old going to a picnic which was i to be hold that sermon to a fair sized congregation. . so are 0 - colt, belonging* to Mr. John Dickson, of afternoon in the neighborhood. His father, next appointment is Beamiller.-Come here Is and .LOCAL BRmFs.-Some of the gaming have who was riser by, noticed that his actions with the crowd on the 124h. -Mr. George I Roxboro, Me. J.Grieve, V.S., was surprised were somewhat unusual,and that hiO hand kin attended the Wingham races this Dg to been amusing themselves and trying to turn to find among the intestines of the animal a I store a penny or two by driving the E mondville boney growth which, when abstracted, was seemed unsteady nd asked him if soything weet.-Rev. F. G. Newton was attending A13 � escri.p. cows into the Seaforth pound. ;?this is rare was wrong. I The young man, who �ad one Synod at London last woek.-On Sunday , equip- fun for the boys, but it makes Egniondville found to be almost the exact shape Of a side of his face nearly shaved, turned par- morning last Rev. Mr. Henderson conduct - horse's tooth, and measuring fully an inch tially around to reply to his father, and be- ed a very interesting children's service. The !pow owners pretty mad. -Mr. Isaac Lang- and a half in length and an ineh in circum- fore he uttered the wordo, he fell o�er on Church was beautifully decoratqd with straith, of this town, seems to be the cham- ference. A growth of this nature is a very his side and expired almost finOrtantly. flowers. -Mr. Arthur Wainwright, of Tor - and pion strawberry grower for this season. He rare occurrence, and Mr. Grieve considers it E[&rri _. showed us a single berry which measured Heart failure was, no doubt, the, cause of onto, has been visiting his uncle, Mr. H. . 2 - f L a lucky find. -The funeral of the late Mrs, death, but, e4y far as is known, he neyer had Wainwright.-Tbe Royal Templars are pre - new six inches the one way and our inches the Thomas Hodgins, formerly of Seaforth, who any preViOUS LSYMPtOM@ or premonitions, paring to hold a lawn party in Mi. Whid- pastor other. It was as large an a small apple. died in Stratford on Wednesday last, will but always enjoyed good health. On Fri- don's orchard, on July 12th,-Come;to Bay - years, These berries are of the Shaw variety and take place from the railway station here st day morning he was a witness to the! bleed- field on the 12th, and have's time i to ' d him this is the first crop on the vines. -One of 1 o'clock to -day, Friday, -to the Egmondville ing of a horse, sod at the sight of the blood be for otten.-Miss Grace Cimefon has o here the largest barns in the county waa raised cemstery.-The ladies in connectiop with . ntinue last week on the home farm of Mr. John St. Thomas'Church Guild, hold an open Mr he fainted. This, however, is not an un- been tome on a short visit.--�-The ' tional- MoMil . ]an, M. P., Hallett. It has extensive meeting on the beautiful lawn of Mrs. F. - common occurrehice, an the sight of blood Bayfield correspondent of the Clinton imsble stone stabling underneath, and when com- affects -many people in the same wa,y,but it is News Record is still alive and puzzling the . Case, on Wednesday evering last, which possible that the shock he received may have readers with his disconnected oorr munica- by him eted will contain every convenience known was largely attended. The programme con- accelerated the disease. Mr. Montqith,was tions, a good deal of which -is derived from er de- or the saying of labor and comfort of alisted of songs, duets, solos, readings, &O. qually stock. We hope he may often have it filled I - a very quiet, steady, industrious you'pg man his -imaginative brain. Some think it must ,,Duri g the evening refreshments were I church to ovdrflo*ing with the fruits of his fine 11 and wax a universal favorite with all who surely interfere with his iandies. H should ' are to fatm.-hir. D. D. Wilson has shown us &IV,,, erved in abundance by the ladies. The knew him. His sudden death was a' severe try and find another broken legged rabbit to . ' ne in very fine sample of spring wheat which in I awn was beautifully illuminated with torch blow to his friends, but the beresvment is practise on. -One of the recent sights here is I ' ights and Chinese lanterns. -Messrs Brown d we growingonone of hisfarms. These sta�lks4 & Menzies, of'this town, have sold over 100 most keenly felt by the aged parents, who a two headed calf taken from a cow owned all, &a were pulled on Friday last, measured- overl ' have the sincerest sympathy that hearts can by Air. Gemeinhart. It in pertainly. a great �, . itemau Pea Harvesters for, this season. render. The esteem in which the! young curiosity. Each head is the same size and rewell three feet in length, and were nicely headed t2ie is doing a good business. -M -r. Peter man was held as well as the sympathy felt joins at a point behind the ear, 0 , which Mr. out. Mr. Wilson says these &talks are a McGregor and Mr. Charles I E_ Mason, . I ' kind fair sample of the whole field, w . hich indi- of Brucefield, arrived home after their for the bereaved relatives was amplk mani- there: are three ; the pentre one two ongre- cates that there will be a very large yield. fested by the large number who attended sided and facing for each head. Each head I It is of the Colorado variety. -There were trip to the Old Country on Friday evening the funeral on Monday last. � . . is natural, -having two 6yei eaqh. Mr. eld of last. They sold all ,the horses they took - 0 - i 87 candidates writing for entrance to the i Gemeiuhart took it to Zurich to bel stu&d. over with them, but did not bring any back. . I I . . i -17he Orangemen are busy prepapug for Collogiate Institute bore. this week. Ofm -The Galt Reformer of this. week makes the Wroxeter. � � passes these about thirtyare from the Seaforth following reference to an old Sesforthits: BRIEFS.—Mr. Robertson and his .9411 Wal- the celebration. The business peop le and forms public school. IU& liberal percentage' of ,'A Mr. Frank Paltridge, of Los Angeles, Call- ter Robertson, of Terre Haute, I�diana, citizens generally have responded liber&lly and a large amount was subscribed in a few with these succeed in passing, additional school fornis, formerly of Galt, dropped into this have been guests of Mr. R. Douglas and I . ontain accommodation and an increased teaching hours towards defraying expeinses � for the office yesterday. He is on his wedding trip, family. Mr. Robertson is a brother �of M ro. ! ; I U, day. : I how staff will be required. �Mrb. James Dunca having been married at Detroit on IM oaday, Douglasi They returned home on ednes- I The of Pickf ord, Michigan,. is at present in this " . I to Mrs. Annie Hough of that city. Mr. Pal. day last'. -We had quite a number 01young : I itlypne vicinity visiting friends- Mrs. ­DuDca ' , flensall., i n 8 tridge is looking and feeling extremely well, visitors this week from the surrounding . 19 - ytbiDg parents formorlilived in Stanley, but they and seems to be prospering in the Golden schools, writing at the entrance examina- BINDER FOP. SALE. all A ne, I axwell 1� 5t 7 dan- now reside in Goderich. Mrs. Duncan has State." -The Seaforth. Cricket Club go to tions, which took place on Tuesday,NYednes- binder with steel frame and tes ,op'lovements for sale very cheap on easy terms or in exchange for r any been in Michigan eleven years, and this Is Woodstock to -day to play a friendly match day and Thursday. A lady teachgr from logs delivered next winter. pply to ,ROBERT if be her first visit here. Mr. Duncan ban a fine ith the club of that town. Wingham. is the examiner. Mr. Moore is "a- . w BELL, Jr., Box 35, 1 � 1290-tf in the farm there now and is prospe � : ring, and in Brussels conducting the examinations � ' ' he is the family are well satisfied wiiii th's . there. -Miss Montgomery is veryi ill at TO THE FARUEMi. — Mr� Thoma� Berry opt6d country. Mrs, Duncan intends re- Morris. - I has just returned from Boston wher4 he has I prejeent. There is very little hope � of her . sually maining in Ontario a,bout a month. -Rev. A GOOD TimE.-A very pleasant farewel recovery by what the doctors say, .but we been for some time dispoal f , �car load . ' . _Pg 0 a folly Mr. McLean, of Blyth,preached in the Pres- party was held at the residence of Mr. F. � hope that they are mistaken, and t at the of horses, shipped by him from thisletation. s, any byterian church last Sabbath. Dr. McDon. Phelan, on the 7th line of Morri3, on Wed- lady will be speedily reatored to galth.- He reports fair success or; the enitire lot, . these aid preached in Clinton in place of Rev. - nesday evening, June 22ad, as a compli- Our main street is in a somewh1rough bat says that horses of the � right st4mp sell out- Mr. Stewart, who is enjoying a few well. ment to Mr. P. J. Phelan jr., who has for , com. readily and at good figures. The 6tyle of y looking state at present. The stree noney earned holidays, and Mr. Wilson preached the past three weeks been spending his sum- �. drawing and the strength of all heav�y horses ck or in Blyth in place of Mr.MoLean.-Mr.David mer vacation with his many friends in this mittee have been grading it, and t: a late , verely and thoroughly "sted. The ani - I rains have 'made it very muddy, bu�i when "' go I they Campbell, of Grey, near Walton, returned locality. . Although the weather looked very the gravel goes on it will make a better Mals are hitched to a heavy truck *ith the . gOQa from a two months' visit to Scotland on threatening, it did not prevent the light shaped street, although at present v e bear wheels chained, and are rquired !� draw - dear Wednesday. He looks well and enjoyed his hearts and smiling faces from turning out to this to and fro past the sucti3neer-a block, considerabl6 grumbling. ; most visit very much. but in all his travels he spend a nighi of amusement with their re- - on a sanded pavement. Mr. BerTy says: orres- saw no place he thought so much of as On. spected friends, for the clock had scarcely . Owselhur8t- I . 11 Flat boned, low set, short backel, stroog . n ex- tario, and especially Huron. It is 40 years marked 8 p. in., when the sweet strains of - i coupled, deep ribbed horses, weighigg from I � hough since he left the old home, and this was his music were heard to float through the air and I N6TES.-Our foot -ball club attend � d th 1,400 upwards, take the market readily and their first visit. -Mr. James R.Aitobigon had floe the 11 tripping of the light fantastic ice" was -nic near the Thames Road sich;ol one bring -'good profitable prices, but the long . f dis- ripe English ch-erries in his garden on Louisa proof enough that every person was eDjOylng Vrcidsy last. They played a game with the legged, shallow ribbed kind are but'a drug rgain- street a week ago. the earliest we have the evening with the greatest hilarity. 117he Maple Leafs, of Exeter. The Exete'r boys on the market, and difficult'to sell at Any in the heard of this season. They were well de- music was furnished by the well known and played good foot ball and succeeded in scor- price. For horses of the former stanip w7e ng to veloped and delicious too. -Mrs. (Rev,)C. M. accomplished players, Messrs W. J. Ton h, ing the jirst goal in a very shori, time. can still &fford to give a price that 'Will pay eiving Thompson and children, and her a4ter, Miss Bayfield ; Frank Doyle, Usborne, and 1. Chiselhurat then succeded in scoring 4 goals the farmers neatly for the raising, 1 because from Hirgain, all of Houghton, Michigan, are Stalker, Morris, on the violin and they before half time and after that neitb�r side those are the kind that the Americans want, 611 if guests at the maternal residence on Church were accompanied on the piano by Miss scored, leaving the score 4 to 1 in falvor of but those of the latter style will hxv� to find ppress street. They have come over to spend a Nellie Stalker and Miss Aggie Doyle. At Chiselhurst. The club also got w9rd on a market elsewhere, as the Yauke�s have pre- couple of months with relatives and friends twelve o'clock the company partook of a Saturday morning that the Hensr.11 club was no longer any use for such.`�-Com, mails hereabouts. -Mr. William Logan left herd hearty repast, but not yet thinking they had coming out that might. About 7.45' p. m. BuiEFS.-The wet weather still egntinues from on Friday for his home in Carberry, Mani- done their duty they still continued in their the men lined up and played for 50 n#nutes, and much anxiety is felt on! account of fall r. F.i toba.-Mise Jessie Sproat, daughter of Mrs. 11 tripping" gaiety till the rays, of sunlight neither side scoring. �Mr. George fl�ckuey wheat, which is being beaten down. -Our th, i� William Sproat, left on Tuesday last for thp obone through the shutters. Thus warned has been away attending the f uneral'i of his foot ball team have, within the past week or ' these prairie province, where she will visit hef of the flight -of time they all - repaired to cousin, who died on Friday. -Mrs.,' John � so, played games with KiPpen, Chiselhurst I sister, Mra.S.Hicke,at Crystal City,and also their respective homes feeling., much pleased Shepherd and Mrs. J. Drover, wh have apd Exeter, and each contest resulted in a I her brothers and other relatives about Vir- with the n ht's entertainment, also wish- been ill, &re getting better. -The sacrament tie, -Quite a large number ,of Foresters of econd den. She was accompanied by Miss Dun- ing Mr. P. ir Phelan abundant 'success and of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in the this placd intend going to Winghant on the has lop, of Hullett, who goes to Killarriey.-The is safe journey, to his home in � Cincinn - ati, Presbyterian church here last Sabbath.- let of July, to attend the grand celebration a, and young ladies belonging to Miss Cowan's Sun- Ohio. - . Mr. Thomas Dobson, who has been in Maui- being held by the Order tbere.-The Sab. vicin- day School class met in the basement of the LOCALS. -We are pleased to ,announce toba for some time, came home on Wednes- bath School pic-nic and excursion to God - ase of Presbyterian church last Monday evening, that the family of Mr. George Kirkby' have day to see his mother, who was dangerously erich, held under the auspices of Carmel last, and proceeded with the construction of a fully repovered from their late illness.- ill. -Mr. John Morrison and sistef, who Presbyterian church, on T4ursday of last She miesion quilt which "they propose to con. Miss Jennie Scott, of Bushfield, ,is at pre s- have been attending Seaforth Colleg ate In- week, was a grand success, the long train of byla tribute to.the collection for the Indians in ent the guest of Miss Alice Hewitt, of Wal- stitute, spent a day or two under t e . cars being crowded to theirutmost capacity, � � same the Northwest. After the workwas finish- ton. -Mr. G. D. Shortreed, who is attending ental roof last week. -The wet west r oes so much so that a couple of ears bad to be � 19, en- ed Miss Cowan treated the clas's to straw- the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, spent not help those who have not got their tur. taken on at Clinton to afford accomlinoda- I rela- berries and cream, &c., and a pleasant Sunday under the parental roof. -A very nips sown yet. . tion. The day being fine a imost enjoyable d and social hour was spent. -Messrs. W. 0. Reid; heavy rain storm passed over Ithis town- DEATH. -We have this week to chlronicle time was spent by . MI on the shores of Lake � . I pa,thy It. Wilson, W. It. Counter, Geo. Whiteley,1 ship on Monday afternoon. -Wm. Button the death of Mrs. George Dobson, w�o has Huron, and not a mingle mip�hap occurred to . kdams T. F. Colem'an, R. Roche and G. - E. Hen-. Esq,, of Merrill, �$aginaw_�count�, Michigan, been in delicate health for some- time.' De- mar the pleasure of the occasion, ' Master ere de- derson attended- the Wingham races ow is visiting friends in this vicinity. It is ceased was a sister of Mr. H. Fisher, of Hul- Willie Elder has returned from �orbnto, l dis- Tuesday. -Mr. Fred. Johns, who resides' twenty-six, years since Mr. �Utton 'left lett, and of Mr. J. Fisher, of Tucke�smith. where,he has been attending' the University ed the near Thessalon, Algoma, is at present visit- Morris and he no doubt has seen- many She resided for a number of years on� f arm and passed a very successful examInation, vening ing friends in this I I vicinity. TAr. Johns changes since then. He is a proaperous on the Huron Road before she moved to and will return again after the mid-oummer ead of formerly resided in the west end, Tucker- farmer in tl�e Saginaw Talley district and Tuckeremith with her husband and 6mily. holidays.-Mi8s Kate Bonthron, of Rodger - from ornith. He has been a resident of Algoma ereaks very highly of that part �f Michigan - They settled on the farm they still 'own ville, in spending a few Weeks near God - n con- for nine years. He has done well there and .as aifarming country. We wish �lr. Button quite a number of years ago, and by patient ericb, the guest -of Mrs. Buchanan�-Mrs. � e says a pleasant time during his sojouO with us. and greevering labor have made it *bat it William Elder left this week fot'Toronto, to ,nt of is well pleased with ' the country. H - Fraver- the crops looked splendid when he left.- -Mr. A. E. Pybua, of the 6th iconcession, is. ince coming to Tuckeremith 4he has visit her mother, Mrs, Lo i and h -pr bro- gl ature, The family of Mr. John Walker,of Roxboro, was visiting friends in Hensall and vicinity made many friends, and although troubled ther, Rev. Thomas Logie, tie latter being . t I hed in hi%ve had their share of trouble this sprin. week. -This is the week for pie-nics and with asthma for a long time was nearly in a low state of health4 wit. no h, pes of ty in To begin with Mr. Walker fell from a build- everybody is_wishing for fine 1weather.- always able to attend her duties -about 'home, his recovery from that drea ed disesoe, con- actical ing he was shingling and sprained his anklel Quite a number of the young people of this and at the call of the sick and afflic d was sumption.-Mr. James Subherlandi post - living so severely that he was laid up for several township attended the Royal Terplars' pie- always ready to relieve and comf art a far as moister and merchant, and JY �rs. Sut4erlaud, I la � Von.- Weeks, but he is now able to get about, al.. nic near Walton on Saturday at, -Mr. lay in her power.. Last fall she and h6r hus- are this week visiting relatii es in -�hamea- . . I I I . i � . . ! I . . . : t . ; i . i : . : . � � . - I � . - . I I I � . 3 V � I I � . i . . . � I . I I I � . 1�_.,� . , � & , I I villa. -Mr- D. McLennan ,eturned this week V ti I -1 � � fr6m Stra�iord.-Mrs. si- I Miss Gorill hAve JUNE0 . returned home to Paris. . - � A PLEASANT Timz.-,,% 4rand strawberry � I We are showing a splendid va,r'ety 14 farewell and reception 1, ,cival was held . in the Mithodistoliurch on Monday evening . of goods, specially suitable for this 0 , ;I last, under the auspices of the Epworth season of the year. Our stock is c,D,ua,_ I - League, the occasion being the departuire of plete in every department, and will be * , Z.1. "' Mr. H. S. Mages, assistant to the Rev. bdr,, found more than usually attractive iii 1�7 -1 . Fair, and who. has beew appointed for the I I ; � i next year to Georgetown, and the reception RIBBONS, � � M of his successor, Mr. George McKinley. HOSIERY, I . -71 After all had partaken heartily of the good � : . t7� � � 31 things provided in abundance by the ladies- . GLOVES - 3 I 144 __ - �_ ,c 1 . -pro- the literary and musical part of the LACES, T ; , . I- 4 ramme was entered upon, Rev. J . S. Hen- CORSETS it �, :. � �Z . lerson, of Carmel Presbyterian ..church, act- Ing as The programme, which � I 8CARFS9 P. � - 9 , chairman. was an excellent one, was carried out by the BELTS, &-(,,. 1 . F I � - children of Mr. Magee's Saturday class, and - .i '. . ,it. that in a manner that r6flected great crea . . ,_ : � upon themselves and their teacher. At I rINE SELECTIONSE ; 7 � the close of the entertainment Mr. Magee Mr. George JZ]aight, station agent, qr&nd . � was presented with a very flattering address, read by Miss -Cora Manning, and a beautiful DRESS ROBES, . � ­� �- � . ! � � rubber coat the same being given in 'the 10 COSTUMESY - t i Z " - name of his Saturday class, He made a GRENADINES, I I , , , � very feeling reply, thanking the children for 31TUSLINS, � their kind and unexpected gift, and assuring CHALLIES, I - them that much of his happiest and most pleasant work had been with his Saturday I . ZEPHYRS, &C. , . .class , and.that, although about to be Isepar- . I ated from them, he would never forget them I - ­ I � � � - and the pleasant associations he had formed. . - -IV THE NEWEST I , I W alton-- � L - 1 NEws NOTE�i,-Mr. Charles sage is seri- HAT% . L- ously ill with dropsy of the heart.�Nfr. J. BONNETS7 I - G. Hamilton of Milverton, -was visiting PARASOLS, P � friends in Walton last Sunday. -.Rev. David UMBRELLAS, - - Forest is laid up with an att%ck of sciatica. in- I - CIRCULARS &C. .- I The members of the Okange Lodge here 7 trustees of the tend to celebrate the 12th July in Kiucar- I have been a very serious accident took L. dine this year. The Lady True Blues are - and caretaker of the cemetery, which duties also goiiig.-Miss Flora and Maett;r John McDonald are home for their holidays, the - EXCELLENT VALUE, - I former from Toronto and the latter from Berlin. -Some. of our boys and girls tried � LACE CURTAINS, - �, ', , the Entrance Examination in Brussels this CURTAIN NET, . week. We hope they will be successful.- ART MUSLINS, I Rev. W. T. Cluff will preach a sermon to I I OIL CLOTHS, escaped with a few sprains .and bruises. - the Oran eman in St. George's Church on Sunday, Yuly 10th, at the usual hour, 2.30 CARPETS, &-c. - I P. MI . � - pearance an possible. - I I ( - � . BARGAINS IN - � Kippen. Reeve Bawden, left this place on Thursday , CAMP MEETING. -The , following fis a . . _. BOYS' SLTITS, , , financial statement of the recent camp meet- . - � - ing held at Kippenj as provided by the treasurer, Mr. William Cuamore : Receipts NREY9 SUITS, . by his cousin, Miss CaTrie Drew, who will -Collections, ate., $155. Disbursements : 1. UNDERWEAR, of a curio.9ity in the shape of a pet bear. lie L To freightage on tents, etc., $20,17; Con- FURNISHINGS, &-C.-- Jaques and J. T. Westcott wete the dele- ductor Snider, Misses Ball, and Miss- Wil- � - some respectel, attractive. t liams, $26 ; railroad fares for minhiters, 1 $16.75 ; rent of tents and camp beds, 859.70- _'' Edward McFaul - gate keeper, $4 ; bay, 86 ; printing, $1.75 ,- I I with a accident the other day while raising James Lennon, nails, ropes, lumber and repair@, $5.45 - SEAFORTH. - postage and post office orders, $2.18 ; bal- I .; ance given to treasurer of parsonage trustee board, $13 ; total expenditure, $155. I intend spending Dominion Day at Centralia, - � . NOTES. -The trustees of School Section will be the centre of attraction on that � No. 14 have greatly improved the appear- .which date. -About forty-five of our villagers took . Q I &nee of the school house and grounds by in the Port Huron excursion laist week.- One hundred and thirt y -five tickets, were � 1 , having a neat board fen�,e erected around the . play ground and blinds and wire screening sold at the station on Thursday last for the t � I ; i . .put on the windows. -R. MeMordie jr., Goderich excursion. -Mr, G. P. Hyndman, � z 4 . who has been attending the Ontario Agricul- Detroit, is holidaying in tbig place,and MT. ; . I tural College, is home for the summer va- P. Bawden, RidgetowD, spent lant week � � I I I cation. His sister, M iss Maggie,who for the here visithig relativeii.-Metors. J. and S. I ast year has been a resident student of St. R Manning, of this place, have purchased a 1 � i Thomas Ladies' College, is also home.- butcher business in Ridgebown.-H61idays 11 I Misses, L. and G. Mellis- are visiting friends start in our public school on Monday next, 1 in London and vicinity. -Miss Webster, of A -large number of pupil* intend trying the 3 -3 Hullett, has been visiting friends in this"I entrance examination here next week. -The � J neighborhood. -We regret to learn of the lawn sociall in connection with the Ladies' death of Mrs. Robert 13ell, of the London ,Aid,of the James Street Methodist chuTch, road north of here, which esd event took which was held on the church lawn on Fri. . . I place on Wednesday evening. - day evening last, was a decided success.- - Mr. Isaac Handford, who has been at the - I I . Zurich. ' it at- London during the past two Hamel al I ' W a, returned home on Friday last, much 11 BRiErs.-Mr. Brown, Principal of Exeter improved by the operation. -Mr. Robert N. I Public School, has been conducting the en- Rowe, furniture dealer, disposed of a fine trance examination here this week. There parlor Suite last week. Mr.. Robert Pickard were tvienty candidates. -Mr. S. J. Latta, jr.,,�" the purchaser. IV& the finest in the � principal of Zurich public school, has been � village, and was manufactured in Waterloo, I at Exeter, taki2g charge of the entrance ex- Ont,%Tio. Robert is getting the house far- amination there this week.-Faustown Sun- nished previous to the bride. -Mr. � day school held their annual pic-nic last ,getting peter , .Straith, of Clinton, was in this place I Tuesday in Taylor's grove. Their close on Sa�-,nrday last, getting agents for the I companion in the afternoon was a good Straith Cycle grinder. -Mr. Robert Rich- ! ,J It shower of rain. -The Sunday school of the ardson has. started a flour and feed store op- I -J I Evanaelical church will bold their annual 6. I- 1-4 . � - I pie-uic to -day (Friday). They have selected pool we 1. e 5own 11811. vy1ra nis gooa Dull- . ness tact and ability be, no doubt, will om- Bayfield this time, which was is good move mand a good trade. -Mr. William Dawcand as a number of them have 'never yet visited wife and Mrs. Walter Westcott spent Sun, Bayfield. No rain ' is wanted. Also the day last ot Holmeaville, the guest of Mrs. Sunday school of the Lutheran church will Dawn' psrents, Mr. and Mrs. Jennings. - hold their SWOU&I pic-nic to -day (Friday) TheRoyal Arch Masons, N,o. 133, attended in Taylor's grove, Everyone wishes it to be the Trivitt Memoria � I church on Sabbath af- a nice, clear day. -Work was begun a few I ternoon last, when a very appropria � days o at gravelling the Centre road.- OVItthews, ' mon was delivered by their Rev. Brother, from Kansas, is 13- Mrs. N here vi F. Helling)Vatt, rector. About sixty Mem- iting her mother and &ister.-Mrs, Smith, bers atten4od in a body.�Iu another col - from New Dundee, is visiting her mother, umn of this issue will be found the adver- Mrs. Bossenberry.-Mr-m. D. McCormick, tisement of' Mr. William Rowe . 'a valuable from Detroit, in here visiting her parents, . - farmfor salo!, five miles east of this Place. ; Mr. and Mrs. Foster. -Last Tuesday even- Subscribers,, tho.uld always read the advior- I ing Rev. -G. L. Haist and. abo u t,,twenty:Y.OUDg tisements in, this paper. It will paythem. I people asoembled in the Evangelical Church -Strawbernies are very plentiful in this to consider about organizing a Young Peo- � place, Mr. John Veal lbrirgu!. the largest pie's Alliance. -The Bicycle club made berries to �he market. _ Harrison, of a few days ago-- Rev. Mr. Xose, from Hanover, arrivtd a Rodgerville, makes daily trips to Exeter, L I disposing of bid a traw berries, -Master Wel. few days ago, and will preach in the Baptist lingt9n Wes',cott has secured a situation church next Sunday. -The Sunday Fchool with Mr. Robert Richardson, flour -and feed of the Evangelical church, on the 14th con- me-robant.-In a practice game of foot Will cession, will celebrate their annual children's played here "on Saturday evening last, be - day next Sunday. On that SCOOULut there will be no Sundayachool or morning service tween the Eden and Exeter clubs, t4p for. by 41�oals to O. in the Evangelical mer won -District D�puty church here next Sund&T, Grand Master _,&ptain Thomas Robson and -Quite a number went from here to Dash- wood last Sunday afternoon, to attend and Mr. George JZ]aight, station agent, qr&nd Trunk Railn,syy, Ildertou, spent last SL(nday take part in their children's day there. in this place, and took part in the M4,`�sonic I procession to the Trivitt Memorial cli-urch. . � Exeter. W. R. ifodgins and Thomas Ballamt�yiie, of FoOT-BALL.-The Exeter foot -ball club Hensall, were also present Land took part in went to Chiselhurst on Thursday afternoon th-e procession. � last, and played a friendly game with the Chiselhurst club, and suffered a defeat at Leadbury. the bands of the latter., by 3 goals to O.- NoTms,-Thilcheerful face of Mr. Patrick The Eden and Brucefield clubs play in Ex. McLaughlin is [eezi in the daily rounds of eter on Dominion Day morning, and in the I afternoon they Centralia. gathering an4 hauling MI, ilk to the Win - play at throp butter faitory. -Statute labor is com- ROYAL TEMPLAILS.-Tbe officers for the pleted and MLcKillop can, perhaps, boust of next term in No. 207 Lodge, Royal Tem- Temperance, Exeter, .having &swell graveled road's a's any -town- Klars of are as folLIOWS : ship to be found-.-There-in only one store st Councillor, John Muir; Select Coun- doing business in Leadbury at present; that cillor, Polly Down; Vice Councillor, Carrie owned and occupied by our amiable and effi- Reid; Recording Secretary, J. T. West- cient poit-mistress,, Mrs, MoBwsn.-Ur. cott; Financial Secretary, M. E. Gill ; Alexander Ross bada large frame barn rais- Treasurer, J. P. Clarke; Chaplain, John ed on Thursday last; it is an excel -lent Yeo; Herald, H.F. Kinsman ; Sentiael,A. frame and stands on a substantial stone Snell; Inside Guard, J. A. Gregory,; Or- ganist, Luoy Bald WiD. Trastee8,-If. Greg- wall. The mas'on work was performed by Messrs. Somers & Staff,ord, and the wood ory,G.Penhale, F.Frayne. Lodge meets work by Mr. George McGLonnigle and his as- I every Monday eveni THE CEMKTNRY. . ii�he sistants.-In the burry and exciternent at � trustees of the the raialng of Mr. Ross' barn, what migh& Exeter Union Cemetery have engaged Mr. have been a very serious accident took Louis Davey, of this village, as grave digger place. The main plate, in being raised, gave and caretaker of the cemetery, which duties - way at one end, the other end striking Mr. he commences in a few days. No better Albert Dundas, throwing him off the beam choice could have been made, as Mr. .Davey where he was standing, from which he fell, - is adopted for the business, and under his striking the sill and bounding off that to the careful supervision the cemetery will be put ground below, altogether a distance of 25 into good shape, with the assistance of the feet.' Many present feared he was killed, parties who own burial lots there. All but, being a hardy and wiry young man, be should take pride in decorating, the graves of escaped with a few sprains .and bruises. - their departed ones, and making the ceme- Miss Sarah Ross, who has been residing tery or city of the dead as attractive in ap- with friends at Molesworth, is spending a pearance an possible. - I few days beneath the parental roof. -We L JOTTINGS. -Mr. Samuel Cornish, wife and were pleased to see Mr. William Glass out daughter, and Miss- Fanny, daughter of for a drive a few days ago, after having been Reeve Bawden, left this place on Thursday confined to the house for several months, last for England. -Mr. Jarnes. Lucimore, of with sciatica and kidnel, trouble. -Mr. John Afvinstoo, who has been visiting relatives Irvine has been away visiting parents and here the past month returned home on Sat- friends in Blansbard. He bas not yet en- urday morniug last. He was aveompanied tirely recovert d from the effects of his .late by his cousin, Miss CaTrie Drew, who will accident. -Mr. Joseph Stan"el is the owner visit relatives there for some tidie.-Messre: of a curio.9ity in the shape of a pet bear. lie L Thomas Gregory, Jonathan Manning, David captured it cl ise i,o his barn -yard a short � Jaques and J. T. Westcott wete the dele- time ago, ane'. it has become tame and., in gates from Exeter who attended the Royal some respectel, attractive. t Templars district meeting which was held . . --- -_ - 0 1 at Hensall last week. -Mr. George Weeks -11r, Micbael'K lien, of IriBhtovvn, met and wife, of Strathroy, who have been vis- friends with a accident the other day while raising James Lennon, iting here during the past few days, a barn%n the farm of Mr. on 1, � 7 ­ . . � .-i �� R I 0 1 1 1 c � ; ;. � G returned home on 8aturday last. -Miss the u` - �on Road, near 8earorth. Mr. Alien Palmeri of Rennall, visited her aunt, Mrs, bad occt-65ion to use an adze, and it glanced Alfred A. Bowie, of this village, on 89-tur- � off the wood striking his leg and cutting in- I .1 day last. -A large number of our villagers I to the bona, � 7 . - I �� I . I � . . . - I - - � - I - ­_ � I . �� I L - th(