HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-06-17, Page 4f
thing, because' with his products he -has, to
anA able reply, in which he justiaed
I - - -
compete in the open markets of the world.
ceptanoe of the title and combatted t
Mr The fkgure between the parenthesis &Per each
The price of his - raw material in enhanced,
jections of tbose,,Who think differe
line denotes the page of the paper on which the
advertisement will be found.
to him by this very system which the Lyn
11 .
the subject frog� what he does. But
. � I
Bicycles-Lunaden & Wilson. (8)
farmers ask to be applied to one branch of
ever opinioniVpe.ople may entertain
I .
I � I
, � .
- . . . - I - 1-1 -1- ———,.. � -1—---1---- 7 —,,.--—
' rhaetoR for We -John Smith. (6) -
Grand Excursion. (8) , I
their industry. They are goiig in the
subject, evety person known and
Situation wanted -Mrs. Shaw. (8) I
wrong direction. They are simply asking to
that in A04pting the honor Sir Oli
Farm for We -John Dunkin. (5)
Teacher Wanted -W. Cash. (6)
` -
have the ahackles,wh ich make them the bon d
actuated only by a sense of right an
NowerRepairs-T. Ifellis. (8)
11ouse to Let -James Beattie. (8)
slaves of the combines, more firmly bound
and however much some may stil
Apia We Lead -Jackson Bros. (1) I
about their limbo. No doubt the Govern.
from him in his conclusiong, all wil
-,----7-- (6) .
ment would be only too glad to accede to
that his long, faithful, honest and &I
I r (5.)
their request in order to close their mouth@
vices to his country entitle him to th
. Look at your Boy -Jackson Bros. (5)
Farmers Excursion -R. Common. (6)
in asking for freedom in other directions.
eat honors that could be bestowed up
It is not more protection that the farmers
and while titles can not increase the
ght ty.positot
nt, and what they
the,people for him or heighten their
. � -
N Itrota,
m,usthave,*if theyeare, to succeed, is the.
ation of his character and services, g
privilege of buying in the cheapest market
fervently hope that he may be long @I
and selling, in the dearest. This is what
enjoy his honors and add dignit
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, June 17, 1892.
they are debarred from doing at the present
title, as he certainly does so far astio
time. Additional protection will not secure
to Canadian statesmanship. . f
I .
The Campaign in the States.
for them this privilege. What the farmers
Our neighbors to the South of us have en.
want is to get rid of the protective 'system,
Ho -,q. Edward Make has received
tered upon their Presidential qampaign, and
not to introduce it in new directions. They
message from Dublin, Ireland, date
politics will be as hot there as the weather
want to break down the rings and combines
13th, to the following purport :
o for the next three months, We in Canada
that have been formed and are daily being
party unanimously. invite you to
make a good deal of fuse over our elections,
formed under the protective system. They
Irish seat at General Elections."
bat in this respect the Americans leave us iff
Will not do this by getting a bonus on their
telegram was'8igned by the anti -P&
the shade. They go to extre . mes. The Re.
butter or anything else they -have to export.
leaders, viz: Justin McCarthy, Jo
publicans have chosen their candidates for,
-The only way to do this is to let - the pure,
Michael Davitt, T. M. HesPresident
and Vice- President, and have de-
free light of competition in upon them.
Wm. O'Brien, Mr. Blake, at last ac
cided. upon their campaign policy. The
Free Trade alo'ne will do this, and this is-
was in communication about the
Democrats will select their standard bearers
what the farmers should unite and strive to
but what course he will be likely to tak
and construct their campaign platform at
secure and"they should not rest content until
yet stated. "This will probably be ki
' '
their Convention, which opens at Chicago on
they do secure it. They have the power to
a fe * days, ':
1�. �
� � .
Tuesday next.
break up all the combines in the country in
� .
The Republican Convention at Minne-
six monthi, But to do it, they must unite
spolia, last week, resulted differently from
and they must go in the right direction.
(By Our Special Correspondent.)
. what most people expected it would. Presi-
They must oppose, not by voice alone, but
OmWA, June 13th
dent Harrison was renominated for a second
by vote, Protectiou,the breeder and protect-
The piece-de-reistance in Parliam.
. -
term, while Mr. Blaine, the late 'Secretary
or of monopoly, no matter by whom or by
week was the motion of Sir John
. .
of State, and decidedly the most able nian
what party it is eapous-ed and advocated.
son's for the second reading of the R
in the Republican ranks, was badly snowed
bution Bill, and a motion in amendn
under. Mr. Blaine, who has for so long oc-
The Frontenac Election.
Mr. Dalton McCarthy. It is not one
� I P
cupied a leading position in American poli-
The vacancy in the representation of
y ears that a leading Government an
I t�
tics is now politically dead. He deserved
of Froutense, caused by the appointment of
risen in his place in Parliament and n
� better treatment at the hands of his party,
the late member, Mr. Kirkpatrick, to the
vote of want of confid ' ence in the (
but the party bosses and office holders being
position -of Lieutenant -'Governor of Ontario,
ment, but this is precisely what W.
ranged on the aide of the President, they
- -
has been filled by the election of Mr. H. A.
Carthy did, for his motion-, if carried
proved too strong for Mr. Blaine, ' Another
Calvin. He was elected on Saturday last
have compelled the Government to
ri �
reason f6i his defeat. no doubt is, that he
by acclamation. He is a Conservative, but
Mr, McCarthy not only moved this
� 1.
. R
refused to push.himself forward. He seem-
' '
profeeses to be independent, and if he sud-
want of confidence, but denounced tb
ed to think that his services to' his party
ceeds in maintaining his independence in the
ernment Bill as a piece of iniquity,
� ,
; �
hadbeen of such a nature that they should
House Froutonac will hive made a good ex-
esty and as lacking that British fai
� q
offer him the honor unsought. In thi 8,
change while the country will. profit to some
w hich he would like his party to p
It is needless to say that all this,
. .
4 ,.;
however, he reckoned withotit his host. In
the N%tes, as well as in. Canada, individual
extent. The late member used to take an
from the desk mate of a cabinet mi
independent freak once in a while, but it
created a genuine sensation in the
!, �
merit and party services are too frequently
was never of long duration, while of. late
which was increased by the way in
lost eight of, and the worthy and deserving
is left behind, while his cheeky,
years, since he commenced looking for Gov-
Col. O'Brien repudiated the Gove
and the Conservative paxty which
ernment favors, the intervals between his
years he has supported. Let me gi
- scheming, log -rolling opponent, who has
L --
independent attacks gradually became longer
an idea of Mr. INTeCartily"i speech.
served self and ca,res only for
until at last they entirely ceased. Firatthey
His amen'dineut declared th&t the
, a
.. that portion of the psrty - covered by'
were quieted by his elevation to the Speak -
bution of seats should be based upon c(
of population which this bill failed
� !
I f
his own hat, is selected and the
ership of the House. of Commons ; then
cure,that it ignored community of int
rank and file are expected to support
came a promised or expected seat in the
disregarded geographical compactnes
1 I .
- - him for party's sake. In the present in-
Cabinet and afterwards a Lieutenant -Gov-.
dered stability of constituencies imp
stance it is scarcely likely that the Repub-
ernorship. As a rule it i& the independent
and was liable'to gross abuse by givi
party in power unfair advantages r
lican party will be united on Harrison, and
members, or the " Kickers," as they are
less of the consIderations which on
should Cleveland or any other strong Demo -
usually termed, who are allowed to pluck I
determine such a question. Air, Me
I i
crat be selected as his opponent the race will
the Government plume. The others, the
held that the Bill of 1882 was an outr
be a close one, with odds in favor of the
subservient followers, are sure -game and
gerrymander and ought to be reversed
new Bill readjusting every constitue
Democrats, A, contemporary remarks -
they are kept safe by smaller inducements.
Ontario on a proper basis carried th
r '�11
I �
� I
"Mr. Blaine was at Boston when he receiv-
Unfortunately, it is but few of them who
He appealed to his Tory friends to do
i -
t F.
ed. the news that Mr. .Elarrison had won.
. - -
' .
are really actuated by principle. However,
and confessed . that he had himsel
� �.
� 1,
That evening he issued a card urg�44 -Ae-
we may hope bAter things fr4m, Mr. Calvin,
wrong in supporting th Bill of
"Surely," he said, "We eannot ba
. �
publicaus to merge all miLnor differences ana
He starts out well at any rate,'! n n
' I '-his O.m�
right to cut up constituencies at ou
. L
unite for the election of the ticket in No-
ination speech he said: ._, I
will, I fully realize in every sense, par
, I .
� :
veraber . This may be r as his fare-
I am in favor of lightening the burden on
political, that the Bill of 1882 was a
, :
� ",
well ddreas to the party he,perved so Ion o,
a n
the people so far as is compatible so that
mistake." TheGerrymander of the to
of Clarence from Russell into Presco
� i
- I , 1,
and so brilliantly. As a rule the American
sufficieht funds can be raised. The leps
to his mind a blot upon the Bill E
I �
I � ! ,
papers speak of his downfall with tender.
funds created the less temptation there will
could regard it as nothing short of
Ili i
ness. The World (Democrat) says " few
be in the direction of boodling. I believe in
trade being mutual. We must wipan'd if
quity. He did not believe that it wo
1, �
men have deserved better or got Worse treat-
we are going to be any good. To profit
complish its object of defeating Mr
wards. In a cool, logical argument, a
ment " from his political friends, The cor.
from trade the country must grow out-
this eininent, leader of the Bar in 0
7 �
. . E,
ndents say that Mrs. Blaine wept
respo I
wards. If we built a barrier around the,
'-of Fronfenac
is capable of, Mr. McCarthy demons
, :1 .
. I . .
when she heard the news from Minneapolis.
county we would never
amount to much. Let the people work un -
that this Bill disregarded the princi
i I
� � t
An hour or two afterwards she and her hurs-
der such conditions as will enable them to
equality of population upon which a
Bill should be founded. He condemn
I �
; 3
I I �-
-their home at Augusta.,
. band left Boston for U
carry on tr ade with.other nations. We
gerrymander in the city of London an
1 7
, Maine, in a dejected frame of mind. What
should cultivate trade with our neighbors to
demned the Minister of Agricultu
. .
I ,
shadows weare and what shadows we pur-
the south of us. I am in favor of trade
with them. I know that the McKinley Bill
having it made. In severe terms M
sue! The --Blaine men feel'hia defeat bitter-
has given us a black eye, but it will not be
Carthy denounced the cutting and par
of counties and townships for partl
I �
ly. They asoriba it t9 the pre.Rence and in-
long until a change in this law is made. "
poses. They bad no right, be said, to
I �
� i
fluence of the office-bolders, 144 of whom
Referring to Mr. Calvin's election e
any particular township its belonging
, �
were delegates to the convention. They also
Toronto Telegram says :
particular party and the Opposition c
T� ��
point out that 244 of Rarrison's 535 votes
11 Frontenae has set Canada a aood ex-
this sentiment. The bon. gentleman
i �
I i i
came. from the Southern States, which are
ample by choosing Hiram A. Calvien', who is
certainly rich enough, and claims to be
legal argurtient took the view in opp(
to Sir John Thompson that Parlia,men
overwhelmingly Democratic, It is quite
strong enough to serve in Ottawa as an bon-
not the power to pass this Bill at all,
- I �:
possible that before another convention
.eat man. And, heaven knows, stalwart
Ing on this point with the Hon. L. a. D
U -1
7! * r
comes round the Republican party will de-
honesty that can stand by the right, regard-
whose speech was fully outlined in my
of last week.
0 ,,, -1
clare against second terms. The spectacle
less of party, is the country's need. Blind,
unreasoning fidelity to party is a virtue so
When Air. McCarthy sat down a ni
. t
of' a horde Of office -holders and .a horde of
common that it has become a vice. Parlia-
of resentment was heard from the
i�� 11 ��
office -seekers joining together to renominate
merit is not peopled by men. It is a stable
terial benches for they had been str
i N
a President is not aa-exhilsrating one., The
where two herds of driven, but not umb,
severe blow by one of their leaders,
was made the more evident when Mr.D
Maine Republicans wi4h to send Blaine to
cattle go, first this way and then that in
Obedience to the will or whim of party
r berland, Nova �
- the Senate when the next vacancy occurs,
bosses. If Calvin is the man he claims to
made a speech attacking Mr. McCarth
� �,
but, in all likelihood he is done with public
be, he will be, so to - speak, a Texas steer
. �
aneering at what he called his very
" �
I 14
... I ,
life forever. His managers played their
among the meek -eyed and low -minded kine
that browse in the Government
change of heart, and insinuating tha
McCarthy did not oppose the Bill of
11 W
� -
ciards badly."
He can do his own thinking, and if he votes
because it- added two townships to hi
as he thinks-, he may be unpopular with
atituency. Mr. Haggart, the new Mi
Looking in the Worng Direction.
partisan midgets, but he will be held in
of Railways and Canals, whose pron
to the head of the party in Ontario i
� �
At a. largely attended meeting of farmers
esteem by a country that is tired of looking
at a Parliament of puppets."
urally resented I by all the respectable
recently held at Lyn, in the county of Hast-
I - -1
bers of it, defended the Bill in it spe
which he, too, attacked Mr. McCarth
� I
iDgg,. the following resolution was passed :
was officially made in the
what was more,.read him a lecture on
� �
, 1�
iq I 11 Whereas, the Dominion Government
English House of Commons, the other day,
discipline, assuming the airef of a leade
a follower. This rou�ed Mr. McCa
I �
seeks to encourage and foster other infant
industries by a protective duty, we farmers
that the dissolution will take place before
anger to a white beat, and at th
, ;
: .
of the Dominion recognize the great import-
the 25th inst., probably next week, and the
opportunity he -administered such a ,,,d
- -
� *�
ance of the dairy interest, and feel that we
elections will, consequently, be held in'July.
rebuke to Air. 44ggart that it will ne
I �i
have as good a right to assistance as any
Both parties are getting into battle array an
forgotten while�either remain in publi
Mr. lHaggart had told Mr. McCarth
L j
other manufacturers ; and whereas the but-
ter trade of thig country is in anything 'but
fast as possible, and there, will be lively
he should have informed the Governm
I .
I -
a healthy condition, the natural advantages
times on the other side of the Atlantic for
his opposition to this Bill at a much c
I " ��
being such as would warrant a large export
the next three months, All seem alike dif-
season and not have it sprung upon th
the last moment. To this Mr. McCart
. � f
� :. trade should the manufacturers of a superior
fident abou t predicting what the result will .
plied that he had taken the very firs
-article be encouraged ; therefore, resolved
that we farmers assembled at this dairy
be. Both parties seem sanguine of success,
portunity of informing his leader of
.. �
I 11 '41
meeting do ask the said Government to assist
but, of course, the Conservatives have the
tention to :oppose the Bill, but, adde
McCartby, " I did not inform the Mi
and encourage this infant industry by giv.
prestige of office and power on their Elide.
of Railways for I have not yet fallen El
ing an export bonus of 2 cents per pound on ;
all farm dairy or creamery butter exported I
It is very generally admitted, however, that -as
Lord Salisbury's in he
to recognize him as my leader."
I* � �
to Great Britain, and that a copy of this
recent speech, which
clear, penetrating voice,: ri
. .
resoluttion be sent to the Minister of Agri-
squinted somewhat strongly towards pro- �
erated through the vast Chamber a:s I
i - 1.
culture at Ott.awa," I
tection, will lose him more votes than it
tered these biting words, a thrill of e,
ment ran through the House, and eve
In reply to this, The Sun, the organ the
will gain. Irish questions will occupy the
admired the courage of the membe
N -
Patrons of Industry, says:
leading places in the discussions. If the
North Simooe as he flung the words re
. ! �
11 The butter manufactured by.every farm-
Irish are really sincere in desiring Home into
the white face of the Minister of
F �
er would not go to Great Britain ; should
not those who sell to other countries be
Rule they now have an excellent opportunity
Col. O'Brien, the tall and gallant me
equally aided ? Many farmers do not make ,
of getting that for which they have been so for
Muskoka, who seconded Mr. McCa
- butter for export; should not those . who
long crying. Mr. Gladstone is pledged, in amendment,
took to himself the char
manufacture cheese be also assisted ? If
the eyent of his return to power,to give them treachery
to his party made by both
cheese and buitter makers are." protected,"
Haggart and Mr. Dickey against Mr
would not those who raise apples, horses,
what should be a satisfactory measure. They -
Ca�ifiy, and he too announced that hf
cattle and. pork be ready to suggest that it, '
" I
hold, to a large extent, the balance of power taken
the earliest opportunity of noti
was their turn. next" ?
and if they would only unite in his support the
First Minister of his intention to o
In the above quotation our contemporary I
they can secure his election. But that they the
Bill. He declared, that if a me
an independent view was t
very apt ly points out the absurdity and in- 1
will dot so is doubtful. � charged
with ireachery to his part
justice, not only of the request of the- Lyn i
the Govei lament read him out o
1,i-, f 44, . I 4V 11
. - farmers, but also Of the Protective sys. I THE CoUrIty Council of Oxford, at its re. Lan' � V v L persona o owers Une D
. and they were wel6ome to do it, for h
- tem. The various industries are to link- I cent session, presented a congratulatory ad- not going to be tied hand and foot. H
ed I
together and are so , L&Pendent t dress to Sir Oliver Mowat, Ontario's veteran clared that this Bill was an, extension o
t I
. N upon each other that - a special adv*antage : and honored Premier, congratulating him On measure of - 1882,,iand violated every p
pie. He warned the Government, stro
. -, cannot be given to, one without doing an in - i the distinction lately conferred on him by it was, that they were not too strong .t
. justice to all others. This is one reasom i Her Majesty, or, rather, we might -more regard public opinion, and recomme
why Ga'r Protective system falls so heavily properly say, by the Imperial authorities them to repeal the Act of 1882 and pr
upon, and is so unjust to the farmer or I " to the House a fair measure of redistribu
, . i for it is doubtful if Her Majesty known or-
- . In trenchant language he declared that
�. original producer, while any protection ' cares much on whom these honors are con- Bill enabled a dominant ma . ority to
. � I ;
. that can b,,e J
. given will not avail him any. 1 f erred. Sir Oliver made a somewhat lengthy public opinion in order to serve par
- �,
: I --
: -
. , 11
- "
� I
. � 0
I 0
i . . �
! � �
lake po�ts are frits of their deceased friends coming back, 11 and settled in the township of Oxford, Gran. 4 'ro
i ;
his so- terests. He administered a rousing rebuke Winter, while cargoes at Two years later he married �, w
i a �11
to Sit John Thompson by telling the Minis- quoted at 84 to 85o. I i ifthey do not show them proper respect, At � villa count
he ob. I - Elizabeth Wunter who now survives him, q �
ter of Justice that the doctrine he laid down There is a firmer feeling- In oat me4l, On- the close of the meetin Mr Currie %as pre- -, -i
ntly on Of flne"'quilte from the 1, aged 83 years, And who received 100 acres ot y,]
was a bastard Conselvatism. to which he an tario millers asking 10 to 15c per !barrel sented with a couple �i
' Mission Band. . land from the government for o 11ty to t .
Ing now quoted on q
, what- a Conservative could not subscribe He more money, car lots be' , , ut.' Deceased went to Vrescott in
on the also told the Uinistq of Railways th4t the the track at $3,90 for rollqd and igranu- - -Mr. J. W. Walker, of Turnberry, had 8 co try L
! nee qut of lated. . ! . steer killed by being struck with lightning , 1837 for six months to defend bi un
believes motive in gerrymaoderiug Clare k, A horse also felt the I from the Mackenzie rebels. In 1852 he eame
Russell into Prescott! Was 8, purely party mo. The corn market has ruled very steady in one day last wee
. eff ot of the electricity, but recovered in a � to the Queen's bush and took up 200 acres
"' W'e tive and there wad no use to disguise it. sympathy with the west, but'price6 here 0 a i
d duty, * ! short time. . ; of land, lots 2.55 and 26, concession 7, Grey
-1 Talk of British praotice," exclaimed Mr. are nominal at 57 to 580. : I -
Col- Peas are stesdy with sales reported! at 76 -Among those who have already made township, wh -re he resided until his death.
I differ O'Brien, turning t� his Conservativ I . I kicago are 1 His family consisted of thirteen children-
: I entries for the World's Fair at C1
I agree leagues, "Ism asboPished after al have to 77c per 66 pounds. I I James Snell, Clinton, Clydesdale stallion, six boys and seven girls, eleven -of whom are
. i : - Deceased also bad 53 grand
heard from this side of the Hous kbout In oats No 2 White have sold at; 35 to
le eer- I and ten Leicester bheep; W. J, Biggins, ; now living, I
British ,precedence that you should sido the 351o, and No. 3 at 34c per 34 pounds, children and 8 great grand children,
e high- ' British 0 ice. A fair business has been done in the bar- Clinton, five head of Shorthorne. I - .
very thing moat foreign to PrI ' -on export Account at prices r . Angi --Miss Kemp, daughter of Mrs. Kemp, : De&th on Friday, 3rd inst., added on
on him, it shows that you sie the veriest a,& an to ley I Ing � , its vast roll, in the flower of old age, PAtrick
love of p rty and to the Executive. Thin I a are from 40 to 45c for feed, as tol quality.,. Malt- town -line Howick and Carrick, had the mis- � O'Meara, in his 82-nd year. The dece&c I
s i a -ad,
. done in this House session after sessi n, by Ing grades are quoted at 48c.1 � fortune one day recentIk to fall fron .
appreci- . " I I wagon and break her left-s,rm. a little above i with his family, came from near Nevagh,in .
virtue of a majority,� which would neA . DAIRY PRODUC . � 'I Tipperary county, Ireland, and before com, I
11 will tolerated in England and which no British the wrist, F I
Dealers appear to expect t at suppiles of I
t I
! -The Howick Fire Insurance Company ing to the Huron Tract in the fifties,resided �
&red to Minister would dare4to do, but the hon. 9811- butter may Increase at an momen1t, and, nty I
' took 28 now applications for insurance and at Dundas and London. In this con be �t
tismen here do anyt4ing and condone it be- although there is no accumu tion of! stock !
( to his cause the Government is in d a , It as ye 11 renewed 60- during the month of May, ,The I was a contractor, and gravelted the roads �
I rig t, they are anxious to re lize as c uickly to $129'900 for - then bi6ilding. For many years he resided - I
a I �
applies Would be better to go out of office for V renty There is some e quiry f(r gain- property covered amounts n' !
as possible. , notes -have bee given on oun of the late Sheriff Macdonald's farms �
which premium P I
years than to maintaln office bypraot* east pie lots of creamery, and few lo�s have amounting to $6,495. 1 near SaItford, which he rented. After his I I
, �
I �
variance with the English constitu. ional changed hands at 18c. Sma jobbing lots � .
a 'cable practice. " . I have sold at 181c to 19c. In�eaetern I town- -Tuesday of last week was baby day in I wife's death in 1880, preceded several years - � � .;
I in earnest at H. J. Strong's photograph alleryl I by the death of his daughter, Mary, Mrs, D, � '
d June The debate which -followed these reinark- ships dairy buyers are payinj � 14c to 15c ii it, I Corbett, from near Bingbampton., New York ,
Brussels. They began to arrive a out 8 _ 10-
:ble speeches was continued for three days -the country. Morrisburg sud Brocikville
" Irish nd a remarkable thing In it was that almost are quoted at about the Berri( ices. I o'clock a.m. and kept increasing in number State, with her family, removed from there,
accept every Conservative who spoke admitted that The cheese market is dn�l and lower. an the day advanced until when closingtime The weight of years coming upon birb, he,
This the Bill of 1882 pEksaed by Sir John Mac- Prices are fully Jo lower than a week ago, came, Mr. Strong had photograhed no fewer with a son and daughter, went to Goder.1oh
donald was a bad geiryiniander. The oppo. sales of white having transpired alt 9je, than 64 babies. So says the -Brussels Post. 1 township. From them every care that true
rnollite sition, every membeF of it, supportel_ Mr. while it is reported that one ]iolder accepted �At a meeting of the West Huron and filial duty could bestow, was given,
hn Dil- McCarthy's attitudl, which led Mr. Pavin go. . Farmers' Institute, held in Goderich on � brightened by the visits of his children and
. Receipts are increasitig', and offerings Jun6 4th, it was decided to hold a meeting grand -children. All, with many friend#,
ly and to compare Sir Richard Cartwrightfs aP- are lr e. Bellevifte sold last week the bal-
counts, proial of Mr. McCarthy' e at 8jelfor whit' And at- Wiugham. on the 23rd of June. It was will remember his tall, familiar figure and
meeting between thelA ngal Michail and Sic for colored, and Ingersoll! at Sic t: c. also decided to have an excursion to the his jovial manner, as he was always ready -
matter, the Devil descri y Lord Byron : "!They PRODUCE, , Model Farm at Guelph on the 20th of - to do a good turn for his neighbors, and
. I I June. won the respect of all who knew him, He
a is not did not kl8e, but still between his Darkness The egg market is still k sa�,es of �
own in and his Brightness, there passed a mutual round lots having -been mrdee& 'alt 10c for --Mr. Horace Horton, ex -Mayor of God- 'was a member of the Roman Catholic church I
lance of great politeness." The bestl, Mr. choice, h tock, and 10�c for Isingle erich and ex-M.P. for old Centre Huron, but lived in harmony with people of all
Vavin could say for I he Bill was that i� wag cases. Shipments to the old . country were was last week stricken with an attack of creeds, I
not so bad a gerrymander as the ill Of made last week by Ontario in�en, of botween heart failure, which laid him up fora couple — ------ .
I . : of days. He is, however, able to be around
ENT 1882. 1 300 and 400 cases. . � . Perth Items.'
Sir Richard Cartvfright made a vi rous The market for pressed h&3 is nearcoly as again.
speech and caustic or ! iticlarn of the Bill, For firm as it Was two weeks ago. Choicl tim- -A horse belonging to Mr. Hupfer ran -Stra.tford'a rate of taxation has been
,1892. the last twelve years he declared, the I epre- othy Is quoted at $13 50 to $14 in ca, lots, away from Bluevale station the other day. fixed at 20 mills on the dollar.. �
ant last sentation of Ontario!in Parliament h *Ospects I Keeping the road pretty w�ll the animal ran -Mr. John Whyte, ar., has returned to
I . No. 2, $12 50 to $13. The pr or the as far as the swamp, where the reins got Mitchell, after an absence for some time in
rhomp- based on I i I tive�' fraud. One prd-of of growing crop are magnificent, both i* On-
. . this was th:tglws isile a the last general elec- I twisted around the wheel and drew the the Northwest.
distri. tion the Liberals of Qntario polled a ajor- tario and Quebec. I I : horse into the swamp where it was thrown -Rev. Canon Patternon, M. A.,'rector of
out by ity of 7,200 of the �votes cast, their )ppo- i � on its back, breaking the harness and cart, St. James'Church, Stratford, died on Tues- .
e in ten nents secured a majority of four of tht rep- News of the Week. � but without injuring the animal. - day morning, last week.
pporter resentatives elected. � This was the res ilt of DELur,ED.-The island of bibs is dpluged -A former resident' of Howick,,. Air. ' -Mr. Alexander Campbell, jeweler, of I ��
the gerrymander of 1882, . when fift3-four with heavy rains and floods, i : . Robert A. Baird, but now for some time re- Mitchell, Will leave abortly on a visit to 11
Oven a constituencies were disturbed and plerry- CHOLERA.—The deaths from I chol�T.rs -in. siding in Clements, California, met with a Scotland.
Overn- mandered so an to hive the Grits and deprive Meshed, Persia, amount to 240 daily. 1 sad affliction lately in the death of his -11r. R. H. Knox, of -Atwood, has re- .
r. Me- them of their proper representation id, Par_ SILVER CoiN.-Ten millibn silver half- young wife, to whom he had been married a- ceived the 'degree of B. A. at the Toronto �
, would liament. dollars will probably be q'oined for the little over a year. She died on the 10th of Universit .. li
; . I -
A Vote wa's taken on Mr. MoCaithy's World's Fair. I May at the early age of 18 years and eight -On Sesday, June 7tb, from 9 a. m. I
* I . ; -
resign. amendment at I o'clock on Friday morning, Ly.,;CHED.—Jack Bliss, a notorious ;cattle months, leaving an infant child motherless. till 6 p. mit, George Graham, of concession ;
vote of when it was rejected by a Governmeni ma- thief id Wyoming, has been 1 3 :
I �ynched ait last. -Mr. Win. Swaffiteld, of Goderich town- 8, Elma, sheared twenty-one sheep. This in f
a Gov. jority of 47, the yeas ' numbering 62 anp the I BoODLERs AcQUITTED,—The seven �Alder- ship, left on Monday of last week for a well a good record and hard to best,
dishon- nays 109. To show the lack of inde . ed for boodling in, Chicago have earned holiday trip to 'England. Air. -Mr. Lemuel Pelton disporsea of his one 11
. Pend. men arraign I I -
. ence among the Government supporters it is been acquitted. . Swaffield has been in this country 38 years, hundred acre farm, adjoining the village Of
r play, only necessary to say'that not one of them A C11TCAGo LADY.—Mrs. Potter Palmer,- without having visited the land of his birth. Atwood, to Mr. John Coghlin, last week,
ractise.- except Col. O'Brien supported Mr. Me. after a triumphal tour of Europe f6r the Hewill also -look after business for the for the eum of $3,000..,
Corning Carthy in the statesmanlike attitude h had World's Fair, arrived at New York on Sat- Clinton Organ Company while there. -Thomas Stacey has sold and delivered -
ni"ter, taken. On the main motion for the second urday. I i -While Mies Muriel Spinks, daughter of the May cheese of the Fullarton factory, .
House, readin " of the Bill Mr. Somerville of BOME RULERS 0-4 A Missiox.-John' Red- 31r. E. Spinks, near Fordwich was carrying to Mr. Whyte, of Mitchell, ,at 9 I- cents per L
9 I I ) *4
which Brant, moved the �djournment of tb-, de- mond, M. P., and John WiseiPower arrived a drink to her father, who was working in a pound. I
rnment bate. Sir John Tho' 1pson wanted to force in New York on Saturday on ,�a Home' Rule field near by, she had the misfortune to fall -On Friday, 3rd inst., Mrs. Hethering- .
or ten the matter through �that night, I%to as it mission. i off a fence, and broke the small -bone of her ton, an old and much respected resident of -
ve you was, but after Mr. Laurier protested, the DIED. -Mr. John C. Elliott, business -leg. The doctor set the injured limb and it Fullarton, paesed away, after a very short
7NIinieter of Justi -- i I manager of the New York Daily New: since is ed she will soon be running .1 around illness, at the age of 71 yeaLrs.
I ce yielded and the debate ' i bop
distri- will be resumed this �fternoon. The C ppo- 1883, died at his home in %oklyn o , Sun- again as lively as ever. - -Hon. Thomas B&llantyne left Stratford , �
lualit.y 13 ' e a
sition in by no means ready to let the B [11:go day, of spinal meningitis, , was Uyears -Mr. Malcolm Armstrong, son of Mr. last week for England. He was ac onip n -
I !
to ee- to a second reading until every feature 'of it, old and unmarried. i I James Armstrong, of the Bronson line, Stan- ied by his brother, a prominent merchant of
erest8, has been well threshed out-, and as' yet GREAT INUNDATION.—The overflow Of the ley, ba8 succeeded in passing the final ex- Washington, D. 0. ;
S, reu- nothing has been said about one of the moist Dadube and its tributaries inAustria povers amination at the Medical Council, and is -Ray. James Caswell and wife left Lie- �
ossible outrageous features of the whole measure, 250 square miles, of which one-half is �culti- now a licensed practitioner. Mr. Charles towel a couple of weeks &go for Grimsby,
i i - � .
� n.
ng the the barefaced gerrymandering in Prince Ed- vated land. . Lo "I it "Who has been attending a medical where they intend to reside, In church and
egard- ward Island, not to -speak of the 7 I the A BAD O.NE.-Thomas Neil, the m4n ar- college in Detroit, has also succeeded in temperance circles, especially, they will be
ght to Niagara Peninsula in Ontario. is twisteUnrd rested on suspicion of adminiqtering pp'ison- passing the examinations of this year. much missed.
Carthy turned. It is an exttraordinary thing I that ed pellets to unfortunate girls in Loludon, -On Monday of last week Messrs. Heffer- -A young man, son of Mr. :George Brig-
ageoua Sir John Thompson h" not as yet m ade any England, is said to be a Scotc,li-Canadian. nan & Bawtinheimer shipped two cars of beef barn, of Mitchell, received a severe kick i .
. i
and a reply to Mr. McCarthy. : . I SHVERE STOR-M.—A very severe. Otorm cattle from -E ' thel station. Thirty-eight out from a horse the other day, It was doubt-
ncy in I t.
NOTES. � visited Chicago on. Monday nigh ' Two of the number were purchased from Reeve ful at first whether he would survive, but
rough. The Ho'n.Michael Adams, the member for persons were killed and- five or six f�tally Milne, -of Grey, and they plumped down the later reports are hopeful,
- 'N
right North u inberland, New Brunswick, a 'Con- injured, Great damage was done to ?prop- scales at 46,SOO pounds. Mr. Milue-netted -The Women's Christian Temperance
f done servative, is so disgusted with the course of erty. a tidy suni on his sale. A young cow sold Union are having successful meetings from -
I �
1882. the Government that �e has gone hom for THE IRISH VOTE.—The St. t James' Gaz- by Smith Bros., 2nd concession of Grey Sabbath to Sabbath in Listowel. Mrs. James i
ve the the session without 4 pair. Col. O'Brien ette, of London, England, says it is a matter - township, weighed 1,770 pounds. led the ineeting last Sabbath afternoon, and -
r own has also had to leave � to take obarge o� his of indifference to Englishmen �vhich party is -A man, who is a stranger in the neighbor- led it well. , I f.
ty and battalion at the Niagara camp.which opens in power in America, -since both cater for hood, met with a narrow escape the other -The sad news was received Friday of .- '� -
- �
� .1
gross to -morrow. Mr. Dalton McCarthy will not the Irish vote by occasional rudeness to day at the Nile. He was drawing a load of the death in Chicago of M -r. J. S. Fraser,son I
wn4hip vote with the Government again this seasion Great Britain. lumber to Goder'ich with a pair of colts and of .'Mr. John IN.I. fraser, Of Stratford., De-
tt was and the Ministry have therefore lost three DEATH OF Emi,N PASHA.-Rlecent rumours shortly after passing the village the colts ceased was 27 years of age, and leaves a I
nd. hie of their leading supporters for the remainder . of the death in the interior of Africa of ,Emin -turned into the ditch and the wagon and young widow, formerly Miss SandelrEi, of
in ini- of the session. . Pasha are confirmed. I I load were almost completely overturned. A Stratford. I
N. B. -Since the above was in type the POLK is DEAD. -President Polk, (if the broken wagon wa.s the., result, the driver -Rev. Father Boubat, formerly curate of - I -
. Ed- second reading of the :redistribution bill was Farmers' Alliance, died Saturday mogning. escaped uninjured. It i's supposed he was St. Joseph's Church, Stratford, has been
uch as carried by a vote of 97 to 60. ffis death is a severe loss to 'the Alliance, asleep. appointed parish priest of the Sinicoe
ntario � . and from the members off that body in *ash- : -Mr. Welsh, of the 6th concession of Roman Catholic Church, in place of Rev.
trated --- - ington are heard many expressions of �egret Goderich township, who died recently, was Father Traher, who has'been transferred
pie of What the Mari�e n - over his sudden demise. � : one of the early settlers - of the township, to Offs. 4
ach a (By Our Special Correspondent.) GREAT HEAT. -The first excessive heat of having been ther4b for many years ; he was -The Elma, cheese factory has a big re- I
NTREAr,,` June 14 , IF
4f ON 1892. I
ed the this season was experienced in'the begi6nin one of the moat honored and revered of men, cord for Monday, June 6tb, on which day f
d con- It is pleasant this week to be able to re- 3 9 I—
q of the present week. At Boston on'TNIond being, when in his prime, one of the most 53 cheeses were manufactured, and part of ..
I Ely I
re for port a decided upward turn in the British the temperature ranged from 156 to 10 de- active -church workers; for years he has the 54th, which could not be pressed ,as i
r. Me- live stock grees ,in the shade ; in Alban .
markets. The improve ent ,ty from 105 been identified with the Methodistchurch there are only 53 presses. This is the la,rg-
celling t V in the shade to 115 degrees in he a un. I In and honors,bly filled its various offices. For eat day's output in -the history of the
pur- which is due to lighter supplies, appea o New York it was several degrees higher, a year he has been helpless' ; he le'aves many factory. .
label be general, and farmers will echo the �ope numbers of people being prostrated with the- friends to mourn his dep%r' ure. A wife, -The Stratford Times has ceased to exist,
, ,. ! 'J
to any of the exporters thatit will continue. I The heat. four daughters and one son survive him. the publisher, ,Mr. ,J. Knelti, having sold
ieered Lake Nepigon sold in Liverpool to,-day,'and FoR THE STARVI-N;(; PEAQA-N-TS.-The ship -The home of License Inspector W. J. out to the publishers of the Stratford Her-
.� I I �
in a all her cattle made money,one lot making as St. Leo sailed on Saturday, fr6m. BroaklyD Paisley, Clinton --was the scene of a happy aid. The- Times was established in 1876 1 y
sition th 1,500.tons of flour, besides meat& and gathering on Tuesday afternoon of last Mr. H. T. Butler, now of the Wiarton News,
high as 87 per head. A cable from Liver- I .
t had I Veadatuffs, for the starying Russian 1peas- week, to participate in the marriage of his and about two years ago Mr. Knelti was �.
agree- pool quotes steers and maiden heifers at'!61d. ants. The ship was loaded under th� aus- eldest daughter Alagie, to Mr. Robert J. taken in as a partner, -
avies, - � . - �
I Another private cable:from Liverpool r ' do- pices of the King's Daughters and the I Red Dun6more, now' of New York. The cere- -There will be a good-natured conctest at
letter 11 The market is higher on account Of �ahor"t Cross Society. I mony was performed by Rev. A. StewaTt; Sebringville on July Ist for a lady's gold I
TiiE TITU.SVILLL DISASTER,—An o cial 2%liss Minnie Cantelon acted as bridesmaid, watch. The fair contestants will be Misses I
I urmur supply, Anticipated r i eaction with increased document issued frow. Titusville, Pennsyl- �-and Mr. Charles Carnochan, of Tuckersmith, Minnie Collisou, of Mitchell, and Minnie
Minis- supplies. Canadian �Elteera, 6�d," T ere vania, places the loss by tire recent dis"hater as groomsman, After a; wedding dinner the Thompson, of Avonton, two popular �oungy
uck a � , -
will be heavy sales of Canadian -cattle in the at $1,000,000, and states that 59 bodiest have party loft for their future home. The bride school teachers. The voting will -likely be
This English and Scotch markets this week,! and been buried, while several persons are: still was one of the most highly esteemed young keen and the interest intense.
ickey, exporters now hope , it the market kee,p,' up, mIllsing. Money aid is asked for. The losses * ladies in Clinton. -Mrs. John Thistle,of Fairview, Downie, I .
cot"" to get back some of their earlier 08 fall chiefly on the poor. . -What might haVe resulted in a fatalac- died suddenly ol the evening of the 4th
y and I I sea. n
Cattle are coming forward very freely,'and A.STRACHAN SnEEP.-Mr. Beale, United cident happened last Saturday a little after inst., while r,itting with the family at,the
great it'appears to be the impression that they will States minister to Persia, some time ago six o'clock p. m., at Mr. EI, Johns', - near tea -table, She bad been a severe sufferer
t Mr. *0
18820 have to go lower yet. From Montreal this ,sent to the agricultural department at Elimville, in the township of Usborne, He from dropsy for three years past. She was ,
week large shipments are expected. Ales
, sra. Washington twelve Astrachan sheep. The is raising his barns this year and has torn 59 years of age, and leaves a husband and
a con- Bickerdike & Crowe, who appear now to animals arrived at New York in good con- down one of the old barDs, and intends to four children.
Water have things pretty mulch in their own hands, dition and the number increased on the. voy- raise the other barn and join to it a newiy- c -Miss E. C,. Mills
otion $ second daughter of
will export this week over,?2,500 head. The age to sixteen. It is thought . they can be framed one. The men had euccbeded in Rev. John Mills, was married in Mainstreet
a naft- i
way things are working in Montreal OW bred in America. - . � raising the barn to a height of about eight Methodist 'Church, Mitebell, ont Thursday
mern- shows pretty conclusively that the doy of BOLD ROBBERY. -John Golson, of the 'feet, and were clearing the timber and rub- morning, 9th inst., to Mr. H. N. Morphy, of
ech in the small shippers is ; past, and even ,�ith Judon Manufacturing Company at San bish away from under the building,when the Minnesota. There was a large gathering
y and the present satisfacIorX state of the British Francisco, California, was robbed of 817,000 ba,rn fell down, a piece of timber used for assembled to witness the occasion.
party market it is doubtful, if small shiprn�nte on Saturday by two men, who compelled cribbing having broken, Three men and a -The trial of M1 rs. Nettie Carrothers, -
r over would make much Money, certainly not him at the point of revolvers to disg . orge. team of horses were under it at the time, charged with the murder of her husband,the
rthy's enough to compensate for the risk that will He was on his way to Emoiryville station to but hearing the timber crack ran out just late Thomas B. Carrothers, at Rairly River
e first have to be taken. The small !shippers can- pay off the company's employqs. The j rob- barely escaping with their lives. Not two on January 3rd, 1891, commenced at Por"t
riging not now get space anyway cheap, for the bers escaped. I ! pieces of timber in the frame work of the Arthur on Tuesday, the 7th inst.-, before -_
ver be I
c life, steamship companies . phow every intention CONVINCED oir THEIR GOOD WoRx.�� The barn were left united. Chief Justice Armour. The parties former -
y that of putting up rates, 'The Texas wenV out fact that Mr. Henry Labouchere rec�intl -The Holmeaville correspondent of the ly resided near 'Metropolitan, Blanshard
ent of of here last week to Bristol at 70s. Mepsrs. signed an appeal made by Geni6ral BooO foyr Clinton New Era writes: A recently orga- township. . -
arlier Bickerdike & Crowe, for instance, have their funds for the Salvation Arl4iy occasioned nized walking club, consisting of young -1-1r. D. Haragan, the genial agentof the
ern at space contracted for during the entire :;sea. considerable surprise. Mr. 1,4boucher� re- ladies of Clinton and Holmeaville, started 6tratford Hedge Pence Cor�pany, has ust
. cen a i
by re son at 40s. to 60s, Before I the next ten tly visited the colony n6ar Hadleigh, one morning of this week for a walk to finiished a very successful season's business,
- days exporters who work on the current England, and was thoroughly convinced of Goderich. The start was made from Clinton having planted over 5,500 rods of this hedge
. � -
t Op- rate plan will be paying from 708. to 8013. the good work that was being parried 06, early in the morning, and Holmesville wag this spring in the townships of Blowick,
As in- out of this port. The beat advice si:hall Boil FORD KILLED. -Bob Ford, the rdayer ,reached without accident about7.10a.m. Turnberry, Elma, Mornington and Wallace
d Mr, dealers can take is to sell and no't to shilj', of Jesse James, was shot and iiistantly kill- After serenading some of our citizens with -nearly 2,000 of which were set in the town- I
Hister A big cattle deal was consummated here ed by Deputy -Sheriff Kelly, at Creede, Colo- "Greenland's Icy Mountains," and partak- ship of Howick. - � .
o low last Saturday by the 'purchase by Meg � srs. rado, on Wednesday of las week, The ing of some olf .the lunch provided by their -Angust Drager, a well-to-do farmer of
8 Mr. Bickerdike & Crowe, of the 600 distil��ery killing was the outgrowth of an old gr�dge, admirers, the journey was resumed and the township of Logan, Perth county, on
verb. ;
e ut- cattle at Waterloo. These cattle were the — - --- I Goderich was reached. We have not keard Thursday evening, last week, threw a crow- �
, :,& of James Scott, and were sold at - Hur6n- Notes I how many halts were made, but juaging barfrom a window and not notici- th + -
- . property I
To e- I r, . �.,
around 5c per lb. This is a $50,000 deal, I from the banana peels scattered along the stuck in the ground and stood upright, A
4one I I 'Mr. Hazelwood, of 'Wroxeler, has � pur- way, we think they were, numerous .
and is the first sale of distillerd made �this . ;.— ,I ;4- � I .
. P a r ti, He aUghted on it, and it
P for ,hased the Gibson residence in' that village -On Monday evenin� of last week Chas. penetrated several inches into bis, abdomen,
, seaFou. It is understpod that offers Aave I
from the estate of Gibson & Sqlith or' the Rozell and wife, of 'rey townehip, cel�- There is little hope of his recovery,
hot been made for the Belleville caWe 1%leo � f I
ail- y suin of $850. i �, �
Black's and Coffee's. The Waterloo 'c4ttle brated the twentieth anniversary of Weir -On Saturday afternoon, June 4th, after
will be exported as soon as possible. The -Mrs. Peter McDougall, of Oak �, take, wedding day in a right royal manner. There a very painfu . 1 illness of teveral months' dur-
It ber exports of live stocL from Montreal t Manitoba, who has been visitiiig her parents were present their own family and about ation, Mr. Wm, Ward of ListoNvel, passed
.. by's in Stanley, reports the ckops i n� Alan Uy I �
I U en
ge of week were very light, being but 2,237 c �tltloio- be looking well. itoP.i to - twen" invited guests and the time spent away to join the ranks of the eil ,t major-
� �
and 187 sheep. . ' was very pleasant and 'agreeable. Late in ity, in the "961th year of his age. He leaves a
Mr. -A valuable brood mare belonging to; Mr. the evening there was a bountiful spread of
. Me- FLOUR, GRAIN, ETC. ' wife, (who is now in the asylum), and three
- qohn Stewart, concession 16, Grey, d ed a good things and, judging from their disap- children, the youngeFA being four years of -
h'a' a There has been no notable improvenient few days ago. A short time ago h was pearance,�they were richly enjoyed. On age, and the eldest a daughter of 14 or 15
, I
fyiug in the flour market. While some einer en- offered $200 for the animal. I
. toward the wee hours the Rev. R. 'Paul, of years. �
ppo8e cies have been made from England and --.,Nfr. John Martin, formerly of' the Brussels, said a few words on behalf of the -The )Nlitchell Recorder of last week
mber Newfoundland the limits have not been high Brunswick House, Wingham, has purc4ased friends Who were present and had enjoyed says : The Hamilton Brothers, - of Strat-
o be enough to induce much busine8a. 1� ew- a business in Detroit and wilVshortly �nove themselves Eo much. fie referred to the ford, who opened out a boot and shoe store -
y the foundland buyers have bid ,'-'4 for straigh't his family to that place. ! � blessings of the Past twenty years, the here a few weeks ago, closed up, -and
f the rollers, limit $4.15 wag apparently the low- -Mrs. Black, of the Clover Valley, a very ! present happy relation of the- family and
etter, est millers would accept. The late I ed to Stratford again on Thursday OrDing,
bad feeble old lady, fell out of bed the othe . � day prayed for peace and prosperity with long last. They had a very nice -stock and an
e was weather has caused some fear.lest the fleur and had the misfortune to br�ak one to� her long life in the future. Mrs. Neil M t. .
. c- attractive store, but they found the trade
e. de- should get heated, and it is stated that one' legs. There is not much hope entert4ined Lauchlin also made a speech, which was fully supplied by the three houses in the
f the lot of Manitoba baker's has already Boged. for her recovery, i �
i I . noted for its brevity. The presents were town.
rinci- There is said to be considerable old Stu : on .-Rev. Mr. Currie, who has' been doing numerous and costly. -What might have proved a serious if
ng as tite market. i ion work in Africa, during �
� miss . the ladt six -On Sunday, June 5th, Win, Sharpe, sr., not fatal accident happened on 'Mr. Isaac
o dis- The wheat market is inaatiye li�re, years, paid Wingham. a visit on Thursd4y of of Ethel, passed away at the ripe old age of BarnetVs farm, Mitchell road, Blanshard,
nded although some business is reported in !the last week, and gave an addr4s in the'Con- 90.years, 5 months and 12 days. About two on Friday, 3rd �inst. Mr. Barnett with his
esent .West. No. 2 hard is quoted here at p2c, gregational church, in the evening, touching weeks ago Mr. Sharpe fell and fractured his father and the hired man were seated in a ' OR
tion. and No.3, 82c. In frosted wheat No.1 rogu- on many points of mission w�rk theO�, re- thigh, from the effects of which he never re- wagon and were about to proceed to the
this lar is quoted at 73 to 74c, No. 2, 63 to �Ac, lating his arrival there, sickness and 4eath covered, The deceased was born on Christ- house for dinner. As he had done many
stifle and No.3, 53to 54c. In Ontario millarslare of his wife, costumes of the ople, Manner mas day in the year 1802. He came to this tiwes before, Mr. Barnett stepped on the
y in- paying 81 to 82c for stiaight Red and W,bite of cultivating their soil and %4elief in'" the -country from Perthshire, Scotland. in 1832 tonLyuc of f,hA vvitann sma iam�.A f- --A 4.-
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