HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-06-03, Page 8— -
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roved a serious accident occurred in our -Mr. Win. Clarke, of'this town has been were appointed a committee to Ion ect the arty. �Vfr.Dimertvvasauthorisedtoletth�. Nul'sl church, preached his farewell sermon :
PDWARD —:.- CASH '1 P y - n in lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, co, cossions job of onstruoth g the culvert at Powell'9 on ,Sabbath evening last, ,%ad left here on I
— village one day last week. Two ladies from awarded the contract foi carrying the mails drai rner on the 6 �h line. Mr. Harris wa : Monday for his new fieb, ,.f labor at lklar�
wholesale and Retail Dealer in the country were driving into town and between Seaforth and Bayfield for four 1 and 2. and report at next meeting � Michigan. The i veread gentleman
He enters upon his duties about the or not it is in a proper gbar to 1d4e water appoint ed to arr a with Howick Counci quettO, .:em. here, and his
� when opposite Mr. Ross'- shop the horse years. lot 5 an 6. The for pu;ting in, ulvert on the boundar was hold in very high e, ,
X3_&1__E-.' Y :B _U r -r r-r:M IR) ., 1 seemed to conclude that he had gone far first of July. 1- He is a most obliging and re- off the road between - concession C. urn berry ` many ifriends will be plea �,ad to learn that he
aim for $30 by John Stafford for smages opposit3 Lot 30,
GODETLICfl STREET.- SR&IFORTH, I enough and began to back down the hill, liable youngi man and a better selection cl 35ing su dry accounts he councii� has received a good appointment at Har-
I but taking no heed to the- direction he wa;s could not be made. He will -soon he agreat to horse on account of shying at ood on After pso une, At t4 quette.—The annual Sabbath school pic-nic
. I steering soon landed the buggy in the ditoh. favorite on the road and will do a gcod buf4i- road, was laid over until next meeti, . The adjoun ed until t a 15th of J of Ca
Will buy Dairy Butter in any quan 1 clerk was instructed to notify Mich- el Wall court (f revision held the same day a fe , tmel Presbyterian church will be held
- ! Fortunately the ladies eveaped injury and ness. Mr. Clarke will have to remove to vision this ear at Goderich, on Thuradayo Jane �
important chang, a were made in the roll
tity and Shape, if well mide and good the only thing demoralized was about fifteen Bayfield.—The address recently presented to remove logo off the road an complaint was � ommittee hab been ap-
made of hindrance to travel. Accounts were and it so finally adopted as revised. 23rd,. J A strong
color,, f rom May I st, 1 89 2. dozen eggs, which not being Ironclad were� Rev. Dr. McDonald by his nougregation has � pointeld to make every arrangement for the �
i unable to witbataudsuch usage. The beast, been engrossed and illuminated by Mr. E. roamed and cheques given for $27, ' Appro- I
as fol I Ch selhurst. . plesslire and comfort o the children, and i
; however, ought to have knolwn better, be- 'McFaul, who kindly consented to do the priations were made for roads , Iowa: I .
. I �* . full pirticulars will be given in -another Issue,
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Stacks of Made Up I irig about thirty years old.—The remains. of work. As a specimen of neat and artistic Ward No. 1, $150; Ward No. P, $175; NoT�%—Mr. ewis Pariah preached to a I ---.-- ____ �
I the late Mr. William Sproat, which were penmanship it equals the beat we have ever Ward No. 3, $40; Ward No. 4 $150, and large crow�dla�t nday evening, Rev, H, i Staffa.
a u a
. h P is , �
Clothing. �' deposited in the Egmondville cemetery on seen, and is very creditable to the skill and Daniel Manley to have the expanding of the Irvine ! Pr ch'ed ,special sermon in the ve re-
� g to ,a c I re -F,s.—Mr, and Mrs, Ferguson ha
state labor tax, Par- mornin , the ch dren. No+
) T 0 pw rt ] vi -
I Saturdby, were followed to their last resting taste of the clever artist. —Mrs. C. W. P&pst Canad,t Company's at
. .
i place by one of the largest processions ever has returned home after a week's visit with ties not doing their statute labor under the CoNoxRT. i The Epworth League concertt turbeil from their � sit to. Raglan and To
2 as a great 4, There ronto looking thebetter for their trip.—
Haying ju�it completed and placed in stock a big ' witnessed In these parts. her sister, near Georgetown, who has been different pathmasters will not be.rafunded Monday evening � as a great succe
i . - wan A chur ple, ho at,the low - Mr. Wm. Straeban and daughter, of Mill -
purchase of made up Clothim4, consisting of seriously ill but who is now recovering.— their taxes even if the work is dope after re visiting friends here for a couple
I I . � J AID FOR RUSSIAN SUFFI,RER.S.-Rev. Mr. Mrs. J. Habk,irk has removed -to Stratford, wards. All parties having wood� logo or sum often and fteen cents each- netted bank,:we
Mderft, Youths', Boys' and G'hil - i requested to remove over$�O, Kipp choir did mostof tho� of days last ,week.—Our base ball boys were
dren's Suits, . I Graham, of Egmondville, has been interest- where she will in future reside.—Mr. George bruah on roads are council will not be 'singin �, a duet slightly worsted at .the tournament in
:1 ing himself in behalf of the famine stricken Wbitely is having a cellar placed under his them immediately as the 9 by Miss Mary Merrill andi Mitc�ell,beiug weak at the bat,but put up an
from the largest, and best manuf actu ring., fl.im in the i peasants of Russia and - having shown his residence on John Street.—We understand responsible for damages. The treasurer re- Mr. G orge Wren condemning the tobsoeq
Dominion, at prices in clearing lots which the makers i a it, rought do n the house, and broughp excell�nt game in the field.—Mr. Wm, Jef-
I sympathy in a practical form b' &,personal that Mrs. Chesney, of John street, and her ceived $1.50 for wood gold off road'by path- h b ,� 'I
claim they are losing money on. We ofter tho whole, . y fery captured the harness offered for the
together with our own stock, at large red u2tions off � contribution, he has received a graceful son George, intend leaving here for Eng- masters. Council -adjourned to meet at up the ire of the u iors of the . weed. ,There
� evs, Mr. Schofield, A farmers' foot race. -Will is a hugtler.-The ,
regular prices. - .'Naw is your golden, opportunity to ; acknowledgment from Mrs. Hesba ,�'�tretton, land early in July. They will be accom- Fulton's hotel on Monday, 27th June, at 1 were speeches by R ?
secure a good Suit at a low price at the Bargain secretary of the Russian Famine Relief panied by Dr. and Mrs. Atkinson. -Mr. o?clock. S. Magee, Robert Miller, Sad H.. Irvine!. garde� party at the parsonage on the even --
Clothing and Dry Goods House. I Fund, London, E ogland, in which she says : William Wallace, foreman at the 'o%tmeal . .— I All tho addresses i vere good, but Rev, Hen- ing of the 24th, was but poorly attended
WM. MCKARD, , " I'Ve have remitted ,C700 to the Bible mill, has returned to big post after a few - . Leeburn. derson a was spqially fine. Chiselhurst, on ac�ount of the threatening weather and so
T. Kidd's old stand, Seaf orth. . Society agents in Russia, who have dis- weeks holidays spent with friends in London NoTEs.-Queen'a Birthday wss� quietly Epw h League can draw a crowd whe� muchl going on at- other places, -There is to
or ' ;
I tributed it through persons well-known to and other places. -Mr. Wiliiam Chesney, spent here in social g%therings. 1 In the they ciloose to get up an entertainment. i . be an:excursion to Goderich on Friday, June
- t themselves, chiefly Englishmen, who have of Tuckerarnith, has shown us a stalk of fall evening the Good Templars had o , Pe of the I ___ o — 3rd, for the school children and any others
I i who 4ish to avail themselves of a cheap
1ft i lived years in the famine districts and who wheat plucked from his field which menaur- most' successful literary and musi�al enter- ! Morris.
I , trip t� the lake. .
the sturou'(Expositore 1 know the language and customs of the ed three feet, six inches. tAillments ever held by the Ind e. Mr. GON� Hoy,fF.-On May -19, there passeO �
� �
I people. In Sawara; alone we have 66 _. . Harry Horton, of Toronto, an old tember, from this earth to be with her,,Saviour�l i Exeter.
— I families,'nuinbering about 300 persons, to - Tuckersmith. filled the chair in his usual happy style. maggi , the eldest child of Peter and Mar� i
, maintain until next harvest." Mr. Graham BR'D(;E CONTRACT LET,-Teuders for the
DISTRICT MATTERS.' NARROW ESCAPE. -The road at Broad- The Port Albert lodge ably assi;ffed with Jane - 4cArthur. She wag only six yearn I -
. brought this matter before the anti -union- the proivrarnme.-Mr, And -era b other of A! erecti; of the Aux Sauble bridge on the
. foot's bridge, which has been termed a trap 'On' � old, -bit very brih ht ane. intelligent, ai I, , on
Presbyterian congregation at Bracefield, to for the travelling public, has proved itself to Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Goderich, supplies althou ;h her death -bed was one of inten ' county boundary line between Huron and
- ,
U11 COMPETITION. -The Seaforth whom he ,ministers, and as a result he had y here during the summer month�. He is sufferii ig, it was very bright and h &P - MiMesex were opened at London on Wed-
Gux CL - be such by a late occurrence. On Sunda P7 , .
Gun club bad an interesting shooting com- 1 the pleasure this week of forwarding a very evening as -Master J. G. Crich was retUrDi . 13g well liked, being an earnest and enthusiastic Young an she wan, she loved her Saviou� nesday of last week. The contract ,.*aa
0 'I liberal contribution from that congregatio worker for the gool of his -fellow Iman.-A with t e simple but fervernt love of a chil&, awarded to Mr. S. Hardy. of Exeter, for
petition on Tuesday evening last for th, n home and when turning off the bridge his i
permanent poseession of the Carroll Cup. I to Mrs. Stretton, and which will, in due horse became unmaDageable and gave a goodd-ealof damagehas beendone in this Shortl before he- youthful spirit winged �760 and the contractor to have the material
! course, be forwarded by her to aid the section to spring, -grain by the exce sive wet its fli � �
The following is the score : J. Dodds, 14 ; J. I quick turn, which upset the . buggy and ht for the I otter world, she told he� in t e old bridge. -Mr. Hardy is a compe-
Turner, 14; T. Jordan, 12 ; A. Stark, 12 - F. ! Russian sufferers, This is, certainly, a de- threw the occupants into a barbed wire fence. weather during the last few weeks. -Fall niamma she. was'going home to Heavei tent I and careful bridge builder, who
. y promises 1%_ heavy thorolu hly understands his businets, and
Beattie, 11 ; It. Grieve, 11; B. Hinchley, 9; serving object, as the terrible suffering They escaped with a severe shaking up and wheat looks well, hay where I she would ,see her Father and the 9
A. J. Bright, 8_; J.A. Anderson, 8�J. S. Rob- caused by the wide-8pread destitution in a few elight scratches. The buggy and "'P, pasture lands look admiraZle,- and Lord 1ho died for "is all, - - I the 'Work could not have fallen into better
Russia is something appalling, and philan there is a good show for . almost all kinds of I hands. -
* I
erts, 8 ; R, Roache. S. Each marksman had I - harness were badly broken as the horse g6t - large and small, while the growth 'There was a li tle band in ifeayen, . � I
, thropically iuclined congregations or indi fruit iThat was not quite complete, � BRI -EFS. -Mr. Robert Fianson and wife,
15 shots. Me8srs. Dodds and Turner being I away and ran for a short distance before it t . . �
ties they had to shoot off for the on , when I viduals, would be serving a good cause by was caught. now is something extraordinary. � - at ier ca ed our Maggie home, I of Sel J orth, spent the eginniDg o t is week
P contributing their mite towards its alletia- � . 0 1. I To fill an empty seat. i here I visiting friends. -The Grand Trunk
I .
Mr. Dodds became the proud possessor of I tion. Contributions addressed to Hesba — Kipp, She's resting on her Saviour's breast, 11 Rail ay civil engineer was here on Tuesday
the trophy, he having made 3-alipts and Mr. , Bluevale. en �, i .
Turn For the balance of the season the � Stretton 93 Ladhope Road, W., or to the CAIAIP MEETING.-Alrea,�y quite � a num- She's free from earthly care#, I sury iDg the road for the proposed switch.
er 2. 1 treasurer' of the fund, R. Barela . Esq.7 BRiEFs.-An accident which might have Pha's gone to draw us nearer Home, � . - �
I �
members of the cli4V will shoot for medals. I y resulted iL death happened to Mabel Oliver, her of families are taking tents for �he camp. iAnd bid us we � [come there. I As the Verity Manufacturing company in
Thire wIll be, three classes viz., A B and C. I Lombard street, B.C., London, England, of Bluevale. It appears that while playing Everything points to tin interestrbg and - I tend' leaving this place the surveying will be, I
This will give all the members a better will no doubt, be promptly acknowledged * e, fitiable time. . I NOT .S. -Mr. James Hall, of the 6th line, unnecessary, unless some other noted induo- ,
and properly applied. on the inbankment at Nixon's gris' mill Pro is pu!t ing up a straight rail fence on th� try o0upies the present foundry buildinge. '
' t' NOTES. -Mrs. William Ivison W getting
chance and will make better sport for all. she fell into the witter, a distance of �w,'n y side li e at lot 10. This will be a great iin-
I , , 0 ' slightly better. -Mr. Clegg, station agent, . I -A cricket match will take place to -day,
MR. S.x,Ro,A,,T's FUNERAL.�The respect in I ComF and see Mullett & Jackson, Sea- feet. Luckily, where she fell was, not a prove�ent on� the old zig zig style. -Mr. Frid 1, y on the recreation grounds between
forth, in their new store-, Kidd's old stand. They shallow spot, or the fall might have naused is making an effort to get reduced fares for James, Craig, of e 7th line, is making a t ''
which the late Mr.William Sproat was held., have stoves and tin -ware suitable to all and want to iDstant death. When first noticed she was the camp meeting, from Witigham and Lon- 9 line, he �linton an,d Exeter teams. -There is
as well as the general sympathy for thebe- see all their old customers and lots of new ones while climbing up the embankment. -It is report- don to KippeD, and also to have the trains great improvement in the buildin' b� some talk of holding ji Dominion Day cele-
reaved family,, was strik.iDgly manifested by bargains are going. 1277 . stop at Kettle's crossing for the conveniance eDltirging his barn Ile intends having all b n and the 12th of July demonstration
. ed that Miss Daisy Sanderson is dead. We the m4nure under cover in the future. Mr. ratio -
the large number who attended the funeral As. usual we are paying the highest prices sympathize with the parents in this their of camp attenders. . in thij a place. -Mrs, George Brooks under
. . � . � Stone4ouse will do the mason work. -Mr. I
on Saturday last. It was the largest funeral for wool in cash, and two cents per pound more in sad bereavement. -Grey Tobe has been in _. went;a skilful surgical operation on 'Koaday
seen in this district for many years, There trade for goods. A. G. V -4-N Ewio_ND's Soss, Seaforth. A. W, Sloan, near Blyth, had a bee on last, and is much improved by- the opera -
were in the procession over one hundred 1277.1 bad luckso far this,,y'ear. HiUs Green. Tuesd6 last, raising his now frame barn. ' tion. --Mrs. George Cudmore is ill with ery-
� - ,- - . Mr. Albert Tiffin preached to -
con-veyances, besidew a large number on foot, FURNITURE FOR SALE -2 -Mrs. Deem, CuuRcii.- Mr. a d Mrs. W. Michie spent the 24th sipe]4's this week.-',Nlr. Thomas Dearing is
Methodist church in v si 0
Goderich street, west of the Royal hotel, has a Wingham. a large congregation in the I i �i g friends in Turnberry townahip.-�- vering nicely after having two of his
The pall -bearers were all early. friends and , . reco
quantity of household furniture which she will dis- LOCAL BRIEFh.-The town lockup was last Sunday evening. Mr. Tiffin gives up Some of the youbg people spent t toe t off last week. -Six uew members
former neighbora of the deceased, They pose of cheap, preparatory to removing to Toronto. - " "' u
. well patronized on Queen's Birthday, there his work, teaching, -this week and attende '
were: Messrs. John- Sproat, sr., William - . . - . ..... 1277-1 fishing in the Mait�&ud, but the weather h � . joine!d the Royal Templars of Temperance
Allan, Robert Leatherland, John Reinkie REMEMBER MULLFTT & JACKSON Sea- being almost two dozen guests in it in the the Methodist Conference in Guelph. The been. Irather I f I t for this sort 6f last )Ionday evening. -The Oddfellow8'hall
COO, 101 11
scholars of the Par line are sorry to lose ,_
and George Lsidlaw, of Tuckeram,ith, and fortb, open their new store, Kidd 8 old stari'd, four evening. -The crops in this vicinity are . I sport, [as no one .,e ,ma i10 "catch very many. is undergoing repairs at presenti and when
- W 8
James McMichael, of Seaforth. The floral doom north of their present stand, on Saturday 4th looking splendid and there is a great pro ..is their teacher. I -Some are planti4g potatoes this week, bdt completed it will present a handsome ap-
gifts were numerous and beautiful and inst. __ - - 127 7 of fruit. -Dr. and Mrs, Towler left on 'Monday � -0. — t the grc)und is too wet yet. -There is mom I e I Mr. George Heaman and Mr.
. I � pearance.-
' for the old country. They were aCCOT11paDl- Zurich. talk of a canal 11 eing dug this summer,
MOng the number was one from Mr. R. LOCAL BRiFFs.--The Seaforth band went ed by Mr. Homuth. They sail from w ' 13 continuing James Jewell went to Winghain on Monday
ewitt in memory of 11 Old country " days, . 11' GO To D. S. Faust, Zurich, for pure, pro- starting near Su shine and last to complete the plastering of the Meyers
which was much appreciated by Mrs. Sproat to Mitchell on toe 24th,to furnish music -for York. -Harry Garbutt, a former resident of lific, sweet Ensilage and Green Fodder Corn.. 1276 through to Mr. Hughes' farm, on the -1th Block which they built last fall. -Mrs. N.
and, family. I - their celebration, and & Advocate makes this place, who has been in gaol in Toronto: NOTE9.-The Hicks Company are working line. I When comp eted it will afford a good McEvoy, who has been-spendirig the past
� the following reference to them: "The since last summer pending extradition pro. I many farmers, h se farms it goes through, few monthe visiting relatives, returned to
A PLEASANT AFFAi' Seaforth Batallion band, composed of 22 ceedings for a forgery said to have been com- day and night at the swamp drain: and are an opportunit wn 0 ir land. as I
R. -The choir of St. making good progreEs.-Mrs. AiDurstein y t( , at her home at Kincardine on Saturday last.
James" Roman Catholic charch spent a very members, furnitibed excellent music on the mitted in Texas, and whose case has bean has been here on a visit. -Mr. Maine has present the swam a are useless, but when -She :was accompanied by her Biriter, Miss
' occasion,and conducted themselves through- prominently before the courts for months, drain d they make the very best of pasture
enjoyable evening this week at the residence been in town over Sunday. -T e Zurich I . Annie Sanders, who will spend a few weeks
of Mr. Thomas Downey of this town. The ou,t the entire day in a manner wLich reo has given up the figfit and Was taken to wool market is now open and -th I' Messrs, I&nd.-An explosi In took place a few even- visiting in and -around. Kineardine.-Mr.
members had learned with regret that his flected credit upon themselves and the Texas last week. He will be 'tried by the . i0g8 a - on the 6th � line, but fortan
town from which they bailed. "-Messrs. the courts of that State aud it is not likely Johnston of the woolen mill are �uying all - I at8ly nP Thomas Tipling, of Detroit, formerly of
daughter,. Miss Annie Downey. who has fill- lives �;ere lost, al hough the wainscotting
that comes sloug.-The members W Court , . Clinton, was purchasing horses here on Sat-
ed, with wel�l-known efficieDe , the position Willia'm, George and Alexander Sproat ar- he will be around here again for a good I of the houre got a peppering. Peop!e can -
y Bismarck, Ancient Order of Forcisters; at- , urday last. - Reeve Bawden assisted him in
, 5
of organist in St. Jan-ob' church for many - . . 0 not ous in handling gun powder,
rived here from Virden, Manitoba, on Fri- while.=Mesars. Crossley and Hunter, evan- be too cauti �us
, day. They came to attend the funeral of gelists- ,'.cave their farewell sermons to a tended a special service in the to7.n ball on even when it is put up in bottles and purc�asing some very fine stook. -Mr. S.
years,, had resigned her position. Deeming ' Sabbath last. The Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Sparling, of St. Marys, shipped 3 car loads
the pleasant gathering on Tuesday evening a their father, the late Mr. William Sprost.- pseked liouse on Sabbath evening last. At d an excellent ai;id appro- tightly corked. I ; is also very danger- of fine cattle from this station on Monday
suitable time, they presented her with a Sacramental services were held in the Pres- 20 minutes before the time for meeting the priate sermon. The local lodge was accom- ous v�ben a. revolver oes off in one . 'a last , for the English markets. -Mr. W.
�eautifal Wedgewood China salad bowl met byterian church in this town last Sabbath. church was crowed to the doors, and shortly panied by brethren from Seaforth, Clinton hands before taking aim. fu fact, it is against Cudrnore,,of Kippen, shipped a car load of
in silver, with salad fork and spoon, as a The preparatory sermon was preached on after service began Rev. .Mr. Hunter receiv. - '
Frida b Rev Alr Rim ann nf UrnpaGnIA aA a -4, f f M 11. + t;. 6 and other places. i �, the'laly to carry a revolver unleas you have hay from this station last week to Torovto.
. .
maric or their esteem, and at the same time, .7 J . . r I I � . � u. . v, ma "6 e o come ACCIDENT.S.—A abort time ago as Mr. a certain amount, of money with you.-il.i.r. -Mr. Thomas Oka has received tbe contraot
expressing their regret at her resignation. and an excellent one it was, The pastor, to the park, stating there was a big congre- John Newswanger was drivitig along the John Healy, of Siginaw City, MichigaII9 of watering the streets at $3 per day. -Mr.
Rer. Father Cook. was present and replieJ Dr. McDonald, officiated on Su '13 day and gation outside. -The meetings here were a London road, near Rogerville 1 big �horee got paid a flying visi to his friands ir- this Zach'Ariah D. Johns, eldest son of Mr. D.
on behalf of the recipient, thanking the Rev. Mr. Needham, of Egmondvil e,preach- grand success. Eighty-six joined the Meth- frightened at some goat@ that'wer: feeding townAip, on Satu -day last. .N,lr. Healy Johns, postmaster, whohasbeen spending
choir. In sifew happy remarks he referre edthethank8lZiViDLI sermon on Monday.- 8dist church on Sundayj while the accessions 0 says the farmers ar i not more then half done
to Miss Downs 'a efficiency and many a d One day last -�reeVwbile. abutting the safe to other congregationd are large, Wingliam on the road -side and ran away. �-Ir. Now- with their seeding, and moriie cannot work the Past three weeks here visiting relatives,
y c- door, Mr. Alex. Wilson of the firm of Lums- ought to be a better town a swanger was thrown from the vehicle and retu�aed to big home in Handford, Califor-
complishments, and expressed his regret at fter this. I � . on their land at all. So f n On- '
. den & Wilson,gob his thumb caught between *-- seriously injured and still lies in a precarious ario have no reaso� i to complain, as seeding nix, on Monday last. -Mr. D. Johns, post -
the lose of bar services. condition, being 'paralyzed and iptiable to � master, is still confined to the Hospital in
— - . . the door and the jam and had it badly . Wroxeter. is done and crops o all kinds are gr i .
squeezed. He had a pretty gore thumbfor a move a limb. -A few days ago as Mr. Henry- . _� Owing London through illness. We hope to hear
DI -1,D i,.%' fti,LLIA.-We are 8orry to learn �. NoTEs.-Mr. Robert Lang is now erecting Weeloh, sr., was leading a coll., the brute oom Is ny sign of an hbundant of his speedy recovery. -The Presbyterian
of the death of Mr. J. B. Thompson, of few days. -Doctors Scott and Smith are in Days' bridge, on the -gravel road at Wrox- commenced to run throwing Mr. Wooloh crop -of fruit therel will be no searcity of Sunday School of this place intend huving
OH114M so apples, pears, e,herr[es and plums this sea-
, eldest n of Mrs. M. Thompson of Toronto this week attending the annual eter. Consequently, the traveler will have down sad dragging him a considerable dis- an e:�curpioa to Goderioh on June 23rd next.
.ff Thompson, . sooc"' to pass over the Wroxeter valley bridge for .
this 4wn and brother of Sheri I . meeting of the Ontario Medical A i a t, 8on.-Potatoplantitg and isheep washing"
I tance. H w a considerably scratched about Is -A sunflower concert and tea was held in
of Port Arthur, and -Mr. Geo, F. Thompson, tion.-M.r. John Weir intends leaving for the the next.two or'three weeks, -The weather the face but Was Dot seriously iDjured.-Mr. the order of the d&3. -A p%rty took place the skating rink on Thursday evening last.
, old country in a couple of weeks, where he � at Mr. D. Kelly's rt sidance, on the Oth linP, A large crowd attended. It was held under
)f Winnipeg, Mr. Thompson was also well- will spend a few mouth visiting relatives is just dei*lightful, and the prospects for a Henry ]Randall while working- at the big on Tuesday last. -Mr, Samuel Irvine, of t " the organ fund of the Tri -
known to many in this town. He had a As. A "; n 11 I'l-f rr + : good, crop of -hay, grain and fruit,never were inargh drain et with a very painful acci. � the ausuices of
severe attack of la gri,ppe last winter which ` A v- ` as e , OJ'on 0, a jug" better at this season of the yer*r, in nor' 5th line, has had a honey locu8t hedge
I now vi i f M re, -h dent on Tuesday. While cutting a ems'll vitt Memorial Church Guild. -Mr. Isaac
developed into consumptiob. His death, isiting in town, the guest OL I Huron. -Com. . � planted Mong the rout of his farm. -Mr.
I , of London, tree his axe caught in a branch, causing it to Greorge Hanna, of 0 e 6th line, has purchased H andford has under construction a hand-
however'L Wag very suddyn at the last. On Archibald Scott. -Mrs. Coates BRIEFS. -Messrs. Hamilton & Sanderson descend with great force on his foot, inflict- I some wagon for 'Messrs. Perkins &.Martin,
. was in town this week visiting her mother, a fine new buggy from Mr. Cautelon, of
. Saturday and Sunday h�l was feeling better Mrs. J. G. Ament.-There has bee rain, shipped a large quantity of pigs on Wed- ink a severe gash the. entire le th of the Clintoo.-Mr. Geor;e Parker, of Sanshin' organ and sewing machine agents of this
more or less, every day while the - c 1011 09 place. -Oar furniture dealers h�ve been do -
than uraal and was able to be out, and he , � , " ne8day. It looked like a fair day in town, axe blade. The accident will him u P has got 66 head C f cattle feeding on t4 ing an extensive business during the past
died Tuesday morning. He ban been a resi- this V.eek, so many farmers in delivering pi s, and for I y e
weather has been warm and vegetation has 9 a long time, which is very unfortunate
dent of the town of Orillia for many years been rapid. there was a lot of money paid out. -,Mr. A. for him at this busy season. grasp,, and wants 14 more yet. -Mr. S. Ivy. week ; large loads leave daily., The gray-
' -
and carried on an extensive jewellery busi- . The country now looks beauti- McMaster has been ill with pleurisy, and 0 Sloan, of the Sth linp, had a bee raising his n of this place intend
ness. He was one of the leading men of the ful.-Tbe Band are to have a phonograph has been laid off work for nearly a week, I new barn On the Uth of May. No 8i ps *
: 'hoseu, an it took too long to do 80. of Exeter which played here and was defeat -
town. Ra -served the town as councillor, concert in Cardno's ball this evening., Thin but we are glad to say he is recovering and Brucefield. I were, 6 playing a game of football a ion with the club
is sometbiD J. A. TVICINTO811, ConveyancOr,
reave and mayor from 1882 tr, 1888, was ,a new and the attendance should Will Soon be at his work again. -Mr. T F . . Com- The building was too large for one day's ed on the 24th. -Fruit in this section will
-111 , nilssicner for taking affidavits, Deeds, Mortgageg, work,� as some of the plates were not put up
president of the curling ( b and a,lEO Of the be large. -The Huron Football club will Miller haq returned to town. He was' out, Wills, &c., carefully drawn lip. A large aniount of ! . be plentiful if the June frost does not c . ie -
play a match with the Detroit club on the
Agricultural Society, a prominent member recreatio in the West, but he thinks wisely that .both private and company's funds to loan at lowest nor any rafters. M, r. Sloan will have plenty stroy the present, prospects'. -Mr. M, J'.
I e.31 rates with best ' ossible terms as to repayment.
of the Sons of Scotland and the NlasoDic noon aLeX n grounds here on Monday after- " there is DO place like born He is mov. p I I of room to store away his crops in the White, of the Exeter Times, purchased a
fraternity, he leaves a wido,w, tkree sons t. This promises to be the most in- ing out'of the house lately occupied by him ' BRiEF.s. -Mr. W. E. Graham has gone to futuro.-Mr. R. Yo ing, jr., of the 6th line, beautiful sorrel driving horse on -Monday
and one daughter, the eldest beiar, about teresting match of the season. -We are glAd int:) Mr. J. B. Voght's house, on ]Nlain Chicago ; he carries with him the best wishes is getting material o the ground for a new last. -Mr. R. S. Lang is improving the ap-
0 to learn that Mrs. Robert Goveolock, of
seventeen and the youngest about one year. McKillop, is recovering. -Mr. Jo - hu Ward street. -Mr. Jerome, L. D. S., of Wing- of his many friends. -Dr. Elliottb'�s return- house The gash and doore are made by a pearance of his large show room by having
--.O--- has purchased the harnees business and stock ham, wa3 in town on Monday last. -Messrs. ed from the funeral of his brotheri in -law. -,;.- new �rm near Brus3els, known as the W. a verandA built around it. -Over 60 head
A.NoTuER#FooL CAUGIIT.�We ba% -o fre- of Mr. George E. Henderson, and will here- - Gibson Brotbers ate running their saw m ill Rev. IFr. McDonald, of Seaforth preaches H. Cj Manufacturi3g Company. -Potatoes of cattle were weighed at the market scales
quentl"YL of late referred to the circulars Of after, carry on bUSLineoo in Mr. Henderson's every �ay, and they are making things hum, the preparatory sermon in Union �hurch oa are being hauled to market now, but 20 on the old market' grounds on Monday -
New York sharks sent to the addresses of store, This will make one harness shop lees * Friday, June 3rd, and the Rev, J.1A. Ham- cents a bushel is no, much of a priq, and -Mrs, William Heaman and family, of
oughout the pountry. in town. Mr. Ward has ,dways been - Brussels. ilton, B. A., of Londesboro, the thankagiv- trade at that. . . . �. London, are v i8iting relatives here this week,
We did not thiak, however, tha t there was h popu- BRiEFS,- ingmerinon-ontbefollowin .Monday. Both - 11 I
lar with the public, and has ad a good Division Courb on Tuesday, June . . 9 0 -Mrs. Robert Kell:ind, jr., and family,
a man living, green enough, even if -he was trade, and this new m ove will, no doubt 21st. -The new Re6e takes his seat on services at 11 a. m. -Our football team, the fiensall. moved to'London on Tuesday last, where
aulhoieutty dishonest, to be caught bY 80 largely increase his business. -Mr. and Mrs' Monday next, a.nd then leaves for Goderich - Rovers, did Exeter on Mr. Kelland has been working for the pant
a GOOD HORSES.- n Saturaay last TNI r.
transparent a dodge. It would seem, how- D. .McInnis, of Usborne, spent a c uple of to attend the county council. -The side- Tuesday last, winning s�,cond and Thom , om Berry, our enterprieing horse deal. year as hostler at the City hotel. -The shade
ever, that there is at least one fool and tying for first, so they brought- = half I
0 �
knave left in the world yet, as the follow- days in town this week. -The plate glass walks on the front street are now in first- .the prize money. We wieh them overy one- er, shipped from thii station an exce`ption�l. trees of our village present a handsome ap-
ing despatch from Buffalo, dated May 26th, fronts were this week put in the stores of class condition.�D. C. Ross has sold his cess. -Mr. 11'.. G. Simpson is adding some ly fine car of horses, for Boston. They were pearance. -Councillor Spack man's new house
' .
shows : 11 W. A. Thompson, a Canadi Messrs. Jackson Brothers and C. W. Papet. frame cc ' ttage on Hawk and Turnberry noveltits in the form of confectionery and pronounced by comp)tent judges to be tl�ie is be * painted in very brilliant colors by
streets to W..M. Sinclair, for $800. -Robert . n
an They are going to be among the haudsomest other things to his already well kept a ore. finest lot of horses bl�,at have everleft He; - Mr. Mgorge Davis, painter. -Mark Clark's
farmer of Cliepetome, Ontario, arrived in stores in town.-RepoTts of the proceediDgg Dickson has sold his Carlisle mare to R. t Pall. These horses were purchas4d from t�e valuable brown thrush died on Monday last,
Buffalo, yeriterday from New York. He was Success young man. i
of the Tuckerainith; Stanley. Stephen, IiUl- Logan, of Seaforth. for $140. She goes to i farms a in this neighborhood at biR figureo, Mr.:Clark will be lonesome now without it.
as North weB t. -Business is a little quiet (The above was intended for last week ibut did not .
a victim of the gang of swindlers, known lett Councils and Courts of Revision are on the t showi g that it pay to raise horses of t4e -A large number- of the House of Commons
green goods men. It was the name old hand, and will appear next week, not having these days as farmers are busy with their reach us in time.) � i .
� rightclasq, there bei g always a fair demand BudgetSpeeches rebeing circulated from
story. fie went down to New York on the B-RiEFs.-Mrs. George Baird jr I has gone . a
reached us in time for this iesue.-Mr. Wm. roots. -It is about-1ime they were making fo'rfir�t-clwadraught horses. Mr. Berrywen:t our post office daily to ihe voters of this dis-
. '
understanding that he could buy $�,000 to Lucknow to attend - the weddi�g of her I
. J McQueen, of Brucefield, and a graduate of another bee and getting the grounds of the . - ' with this load himsel (jAnd we wish him the trict. They do not get such a careful
counterfeit Mioney for $5M. He was met by Seaforth Collegiate Institute, has gone to agricultural society plowed and levelled, Heice,.Hios McDonald. -Mrs. Thomas Simp- success which his enterprise merits. . perusal an even a circus bill would,
one at the swindlers at Poughkeepsie, Bearnsville to teach school in place of the that is, complete the work they started last son has gone to Ethel to attend the wedding SAD ACCIDEN7T.-The funeral of the late I -_1
ta.ken to, New York, planked down his $500, principal until the holidays. -The attend- fall. -A number of chronic grumblerg are ,of her neice.-Rev. J. H. Simpson goes to PauL McArthur, held on Priday last, was Blyth.
-saw the bogus $77,000 counted out and ap- ance at the Teachers'i Inbtitute here Thurs- now finding fault with the assessor, but Montreal next Tuesday to attend the ' "very largely atteadee testifying to the re- MATRIMONIAL. -One of those happy
parently pat in a box,which he was caution- day was very fair and the meeting wag a probably the best answer to their fault -find- Assembly. During the Sabbaths of June, �
ed not to open till he reached Buffalo. 0 . . 12th and 19tb, the service of Union church � spect and esteem in hich he was held. His events in real life, with enough romance to
n most interesting one. -The Band of Hope 'Bg is to state that this is the second year in death wap caused tbr)ugh accidental di own- give it beauty, transpired at the residence
arriving here he opened the box and found will meet next Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock succession there has been no appeal against will be conducted by the Rev. George Need- ing while engaged at his duties, and was of Mr. Henry Taman, lot concession of Wa-
it to contain some paper and a piece of in the school room. - The Women's I his assessment,- Court of Revision M'eets ham, B,A., of Egmondville, at �.30 p.m, owing to the mill being itarted without wanosh, on Wednesday, May 26th, at 3
brick. He departed for home a sadder and The Sabbath school will be at 1.30 p.m. and
0, wiser man, aut his $500 and big -expenses Christian Temperance Union will- meet at ,1 next Monday evening for the purpose of the Christian Endeavor meetings, Sabbath knowledge of his beir g in the pit, or floom, o'clock in the afternoon, when his y6ungi�at
tor New York wnd back, as he deserved to Mrs. Dr. Smith's rpsidence next Wednehday finally revising the roll. Regular meeting evening@ at 7 p,m.-Mr. Wm. Gr'sham, of clea4g out some bark, when the wheel daughter, Mies Ellen, was united :in
- .
12 afternoonat4 o'clock p. m. -Miss Jessie 1 of the council afterwards. -The prospect of caugh,t his foot pinni 3g him down, while an marriagewith Mr. James Burgess, &very
be. a large crop of fruit was never equallei in the 2od concession of Stanley, started for * lar woment p USE
___ -40. - __ Thompson left on Tuesday for Orillia, on !. � Glasgow, Scotland, last .Monday with a car- adjoi iog -floom at th t particu womising young farmer near Bc aim.
this part. The only thing to ensure the ' " '
gmin anLouncing her crop now is no frost. Hay promises well load of cat burst,allowing the w er to pout down upon The bride was assisted by her cousin,
S. -One of the most brother's death. -Mrs. Perkins, of Toronto,] voyage and safe return. I
EWNIONDVILLE NOTE, - . tle. We wish him a pro him a a almost i0sta tly drowning.him. Miss Sarah Taman, of Blytb, and the
. -
intelligep-t audiences ever gathered ia the formerly of Seaforth, is Ppending a few days , but grain crops are not Eo good on account . I . LOCAI.S.-Mr. an -M&-urthar left bridegroom by Mr. A., McKay,- of Brussels.
. Mrs. I
Egmondville church greeted the Rev. Dr. with friends in town. -Miss Alice Trott is at i of so much rain. -The new 'boiler has been — I this meek for Ails% Praig, where they in- The knot was neatly- and scientifically tied
. j ..
McMullen on Monday evening. The lecture RidgetowD, spending a few weeks with her : ot in place idthe woolen mill, Itisavery Turnberry. � tend 1pendi the a mmer months on their by the Rev, Mr. McLean, Presbyterian min-
was evidently prepared with that care which eldest brother who resides there. -The high Aue large one, .built. by Hunter Brothers, of COU-NOIL Doi.Nas.-At the last meeting of fine f�rm.-,_Inliflr. [Jan) is Workman has sold later of this place. After the friends of the
distinguishes the'reverend gentleman and the and publicechools were closed for the week ;' KincardiDe. There' should be no trouble the Turnberry Council Messrs, Outton & his lot adjoining thI e�Mesars. Craig, to Mrs. contracting parties had offered their con -
fallacies of the different phases of scepticibm . on Wednesday afternoon on account of the 1 now from� want of ateani supply to run the Carr were granted permission io-, do their Georgc Moir, of Usb,brne, who, we are pleas- gratulations.-they drove to Londeaboro, and
were clearly exposed, but it Was, perhaps, Teachers' Conveiation being held on Thurs- ) electric light or anything else there. Pugh road work in road- division No. 4, 'Wingham ed to learn, intends .erectibg 4 comfortable returning, all sat down to partake Of a
I & Cornish had the contract of building it in town plot, 1, .
much more suited to an audience of divinity day and Friday. -Mrs. Sainuel.Hannab, Sr Mr. Diment was instructel to ' dwel ng on it and n'oving into our village- sumptuous repast, when the inner rhan,
. students than a promiscuous one. The pro- of 18ayfield, mother of Mrs. 8, Dickson O'j 1, and D. Zimmer placed the:smokestack in its inspect the roads in Mr. McEwen!s division Mr. T, Murdock's p cer took second money which has to -be attended to even on such
ceed8 of the meetiDg, however, make a nice this town and Mrs. J. T. Dickson, of Gode. ' place. -When is our cricket club going to And report, what is required, at ne t meeting I at racps recently hel at Clinton. -Mr. aq'd joyous occasions as this, was more than sat.
addition to the funds of the society, whose, rich, died on Saturday last. Mrs. Hannah ' give us a game of cricket, seeing that it has of council, Mr. Cruikshank wasinstructed Mrs, !Fletcher, of Goderich, were here isfied. The presents to the bride were
� I
members are grateful for the kindly pres- bad reached the great age of 87 years and ! been organ . ized? - to examine the road where culve4 is want- i recently, the gues 8 of Mrs. J. Ellis— num,-rous, beautiful and useful. About six
ence Of so maijy from Seafortb, especi- until within a few years -was unusually , . ed by Mr. Gilmour and report a the next Mr. J1. B. Blatchford. Sr., returned home on o'clock the young couple, accompanied by
. I MCKillop. meeting of council. Mr. Roberta ontgom., Saturday evening last from a five weeks' several more, drove to their home in Brus-
alily those who contributed to the musical active. She was a kind and affectionate �
rrt of the programme. -The Rev. Mr. I mo�her, an obliging neighbor and a worthy i COUNCIL Doi_N(;.-;.-The _%IcKillop council ery was appohited path-ma8ter i'p8tead of I trip a6Aong friends in Essex County and sels, where a grand reception was held, the
eedham, exchanges pulpits with Rev. Mr. I citizen, The remains were interred in the , met as a Court of Revision at Crawford's James Linklater. A by-law was passed 11 Wind or, and reports having had a very Brus�selv brags band and others, being pres-
Anderson.of Goderich, on Sabbath next , I Maitlandbank cemetery on Tuesday. -Law ' hotel, Dublin, on Monday last. After mak ordering the removal of the fence from road � plemaint time.' .11r. D. McLennan, our ent to welcome the young people. We join
,who will occupy the pulpit of our church both iRkno respector of peraous, the chlief con- _ ing a few unimportant' changes on the roli allowance at Lot 29, oonceesion 11,' on or be- - well ,known grain buyer, who has been I with,the many friends of the young couple
aving fallen under ' the court was adjourned to meet again in fore 15th June. A etition from Alfred ! home �t Stratfor uriag the pa
morning and eVeDing.L-Mr. John Muldrew, stable and an alderman b I P d d' ,9t two or I in wishing them every success that wedded
a, student of Knox College and the Universi. the terrors of the cow by-law, the former Fulton's hotel on Monday, 27th June. : Rae and others asking for assistance for 1 three,weekL-, has returned. -The Re-,% A.Y. : life can give. I ,
ty, who is spending a few weeks at his home baving had his useful bovine einpounded After closing the Court of Bteviiion the I William Duncan was read and it was re- , Hartley, of Bluevale, was in the village t&is I LOCAL BRiEF.s.-Mr. Alfred Lawrence, of
here, preached a very acceptable sermon in and the latter his faithful charger. -St. council resumed general buainaus. Alex, I solved that if Mr. Duncan will return to I week ,�,visiting his friends, who were please( Welland, but some five years ago proprietor
Egniondville church on Sunday evening last. I homas church Sunday school. will be held Roys, '.Nlicbael GivliD, Dayid Pwss, Alichael I Bluevale and put Mmself and hiRleffeCts in i to see" him looking- 8o well. -The Roy4l i of the cabinet and undertaking business
He goes as a, mi"ionary to the Calgary pres- in the morning throughout the summer McArdle, James Campbell, Robert Gibson, the charge of t�e couticil they will! attcnd to t Tamplara of Teniperance intend holdin � g here�, is spending a few dayb visiting his old
bytery for this summer, ia a short time.- months, commencing next Sunday, at 9:30. John McIntosh, Christopher Barrows at3d his support. The Reeve and Deputy -'were I their ineetings in future. on Thursday evep. 1 frienas. Mr. Law- rence is welcomed by
Miss Charlatte Porter returned from a -Any pf.rson desiring to see a arst-class Thomas O'Hara were each granted perm18- appointed a committee to arrange'with Mr. ' ing, i4stead of Tuesday, and will meet next � both young and old, he being superintend -
prolonged visit to Uxbridge, on Saturday game of scientific foot -ball should not fail to sion to take clay off road allowance to make Joseph Leech to procure from his pit gravel week In McEwen'a hall, The meeting will ; ent of the Methodist Sabbath School in his
last. She has been stayin with her sister, attend the match in the Recreation grounds* approaches to barns, on condition that the for use on township roads, A st-tisfactory bean! mp'6rtant one in view of election 9f '! sojourn here ; also leader of the singing.-
INTri. John Latimer. & Latimer has re- in this town,between the Detroits cf Detroit work be done under the direction of the arrangement was made with Mr. Leech. In officers for the next term. -The Hensall 1 Mr. Arthur Erwin, who is practising den -
moved his: family to Peterborough, which and the Hurons of Seaforth.-Fred. Archer, councillor , of the ward and that they level I the event of no objections being raised Mr."' flouring mills are giving great sati9factiogi, 1 tistr � in Wingham spent Sunday in town. -
is mare convenient for hi -M, as he is travel. Mr. Wm. Pink ney'a-horse,took second place the ground and seed it afterwards. The ; McIndoo was given authority to havd-.,& and for some time have been running night I Mr. ;. H. Gidley, our popular merchant
ling for a Moutreal firni.-What might have in the t6ee minute trot in Clinton last week, ' Reeve, Daniel Manley and Janice Evans I drain cut a,cross the road opposit6 his prop- I
; - 4 . - i �, and day. -The Rev. B. SermaD, of S�, I tailor, attended the London races on Thur3- I
i � % � �
. �
. : !
I � I
- - 4 - . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
JUNF, 31 1892
We are showing a splendid 'Variety
of goods, specially suitable for this
season of the year. Our stock is com-
plete in every department, and will be
found more than usually attractive ir,
I 1- .
BELTS, &c.
y :i
Edward McFaulll'
day and Friday of last week.—Miss Sophia
Symonds left last week for
a situation at dressmaking.—Miss Milne '
and brother, of Almonte, are the guests of
their cousin, Miss Millie Simpson, this week.
—The members of the Good Templar's
lodge here have decided to get up a literary
contei't for the present quarter. The cap-
tiins are Mr. George Jenkirs and Mr., Jofia
McInnEs. We believe this.will be a grand
contest, i%s every member is taking hold of
it.—Miss Sarah Taman spent Sandayin
Brussels with friends. —We are glad to, state
that Mips Flins, Floody, who some days agail ,
was not expected to live, is improving very
rapidly, and will be able to be out in the
near future.—Mr. Ted Wstson shipped from
this station on Thursday a large number of
cattle to Montrea).—Migs Mina and Miss Ids
Witid�mill, of Auburn, who spent the 24th
with their friend, Miss Lillis Fisher, return-
ed totheir home on Friday.—Miss Aus-
burne, of Albany,New York, is the gue,nt of
the Misses Floody, this week.—As -the
evenings are beginning to get hot, thtre is a
great rush on i,3e cream, where it is found
in great abundance at W. H. McBride's, the
town restaurant, —I%Irs. Harris, of Detroit,
daughter of Mr. George King, in home on a
few week -'s visit; -her mother, who had
been over visiting her, accompanied her
home.—Mr. George Stewart. an old Blyth
boy, who has been over in St. Paul, Minne-
mots, for a year or so, returned borne last
week, looking all 0. K.—Mr.John Freeman,
of Buffalo, is in town this week. We think
at the present his intention is to buy a
couple of carloads of Jambs.—Rumor has it
that some of our popular young men acted .
in the place of the conbtabla on the night of
the 25th of May. Wonder where was Mr,
Davis when the boys cleared the north end
of the town.—Alesirs Jas, Somera andTboo.
McElroy attended Messrs, Crossley and
Hunter's meetings in Wingbam on Monday,
—The Saciamental services in connection
with the Presbyterian Church were held last
Sabbath ; there were five new members; there
are some joining every communion, which
speaks Well for the pastor. Rev, Mr. Law
preached the sermon on Saturday, and Rev,
Mr. Hamilton, of Londeaboro, on Sund,&y,
He gave a most able discourse, and made a
splendid impression here.—A number of the
Clinton bicycle club paid Blyth a flying visit
Monday evening.—The Guild in' connection
with the Episcopal Church intend having
Professor Meeke here on the 6th inst. ,He
I made such a good impression the last time
be was here that they think it will pay to
have him m,gain. Th'ey have also ' engaged
the best local talent and intend making this
a success.—Mr. Cooke, our young lawyer,
has moved his office from over Bell's harness
shop to the office of Me. Charles Hamilton,
—We hear the Orangemen have been unable
to raise enough money to celebrate the 12th
here.—What is the matter with some of our
sports getting around and trying to raise
money so we can celebrate the first of July,
seeing we have one of the beat bsn4s,in this
county. It seems too bad that it has to
go away every holiday. They pleased the -
Exeter folks so well on the 24th that they
have an offer to go there on the Ist; so if
the town is going to do anything they will,
need. to hustle, or hire a band from another
town.—NIr. and Mrs. William Livingstone,
who have been at Embro, getting the seed
in for the flax mill, which he owns there,
returned to their boine here on .Saturday,
and intend moving to that place in the near
future, but houses mire so scarce they are
uncertain when they will go. They w�ill be -
greatly missed amongst their friends.—Au-
drew Ballantyne met with a bad accident
last week, while ' Playing at foot ball. He.
fell and Herb Young struck him on the
eye, making it black. I
-A very painful accident occurred to
Johno the eight year old son of George Gar.
ton, of West Wawanosh, on .$unday of last
week. He was trying to turn a cow that
she might not get through the swamp near-
by,when she made a furious rush and struck -
him in the lower j'Aw with her horn, tearing
'his lip badly and knoclLing out nearly all of
the teeth in the lower jaw, together with
some parts of the jaw adhered. It will be
a long time before be can recover, and he,
will likely wear an ugly scar where the
wound now ig.
—The. followiDg statiatics are taken from
the assessment roll for the township of Mor- .
ris for 1892 - Total number of acres, 54,387 ;
acres cleared, 40,748 ; value of real propn
erty, $1,766,0'i6; taxable 'income, $1,100;
value of pereonal properti, $3,500; value
of all property, $1,7710,776 ; persons from
21 to 60 years, 1,442 - days statute labor,
3,176 ; number of dogs, 311 -, female dogs,
3; persons in family, 1,880; cattle, 6,413;
sheep, 3,528; hogs, 1,347; horses, 1,�49 -
acres of wood land, 6,0311 ; swamp, marsh,
or waste land, 8,033 ; orchard and -gar-
den-, 628 ; under Fall wheat, 3,405 ; stearn
boilers, 8 ; persons between ages of 5 and
16, 755 ; between 7 and 13, 427 ; - betweem
16 and 21, 303, .
'__ . -
rn— ___ -
No house in th4'14
assortment -We, d1i
We hav,p all shap
I .
ligl�t an(i cool. �
Boys' 8chool S1
They're, cheaP awt,
summer monthq. -
Our'_Nlen's stok.'g
and best shapes
where w. ill you fin�
we offer. If Y01
, -
thing in Straw Ha
JACK'�`SQ_ �',
The Fam,ous 11
A meeting of the
,Association was held
- stitute, Seaforth, o1i
of 1w,t week. The xi
favor -able the attends.
might have been expo
began at 1.0.30 a. m. �
usual opening exercin
. of minutes and tb
various Committees,
H. Plummer, J311tb,-
S. Hogg to -discuss it
He maintains that
commenced in the
having the children
objects l2laced befoi
step, he recommende
ture and reading
taught, a number of
I son should be writtel
which the pup -Els .
answers. The thiri
means advocated by
teresting stories be
Pupils and that th
them. - ThisPaper d
eating discussion bi
Clarkton, McFAul, I
The -meeting thea,
The afternoon sess
first subject was
by Mr. Black. He A
a very important an]
reasons -. Ifit,—For
ad,- 2nd,—Its fittIn
knowledge 112 after'li
mental culture, In -
teacher of this impo,
know ; Ist,—What I
teach it. He tboug)
of -the manners, cust
the inhabitants iof �
should be taught in
give list of 'cities, t(
however, give an�
teaching this subjecl
methods used imuci
might prove a comp
of another. The a
cussed by Messrs. P.
Mrs. Coulter - 'thei
TIEAC11111sli A
with a class, and pp
cise by these pupil
of commendation. �
and hold the wtto
as toadvocate Mom
free use of objects,
ject to the class at
then writing the w
board. And by
positioxis of these
them, an excellent
obtained. After a�
class about the Tj
head Of the tab.' Let, I
written ,ou the boat
was taught, the -I
� review. She also x
tvo pointers in a]
Phrases in order to:
tion, in reading. I
forth ,considerable
�concbzsioa that her
one. Next in sulac
By Mr. Lough. A
Eapers read at ti
y him. It was U
son and second,ed.
of thanks be tend
very able report, i
paid by this &*so.,
- unanimously �carrio
Mr. J. G. M;cL*
How TO
He stated that thi
closely affects ea4
profession, And ofJ
success or failuri
order must bavo
This enables him):
that they are �d
teachers against -
The secoDd qual,
and sympathy; W
and by this means
and conildence �
essential element
fact know1odge, ol
In the schooL BI
in his pupils A-1
actions and mativ
sary to know I
to know the inil
pupil, so that he
. rect any wrong
also know how t
*eep the constaw
If pupils are kner
their work rn�
little fear of I
should be a NJ
procedure in a
Another essent1w .
vigilance and tax
ercised, will act
doing, and i
Tact will e=
different cases 1 i
. selves,, The phi
should alao becd
given, or short i
the rtault of
f tb�
means of procn)
Leod considered -
swearing, kc., al
Pori%l Pn`nI1)hr"UL