HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-05-27, Page 8.
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10, EDWARD -:- OASK �
Wholesale an& Retail Dealer In
-0_A_11R'_Y_ JS_Cr=JM:R,
Will buy Dairy Butter . in any, quan-
tity end shape, if -well made and good
color, from May lat, 18,92.
- -
Stacks of Made Up
- Glothing.
Having just completed and placed in stock a big
purchase of made up Glothin,-, consisting of:
Men's, Youths', Boys' and Cohil-
dren's Suits,
front the largest and best manufacturing fUm In the
Dominion, at prices in clearing lots which the makers
cla�wi they are losing money on. We ofler the whole,
together with our awn stock, at large redu--tions off
regtilar prices. Now is your golden opportunity to
� secure a good Suit at a low price at the Bargain
Clothing and Dry Goods House.
T. Kidd'o: old stand, Seafort4.
shr Xilt uron 9XV00itot
CD . V
- __... -_ -
has been read in the papers lately abotit the
. Weat rains and floods in the Western States,
e reports appear to be fvlly oonfirmed, in
so far as the State Of Missouri is concerned,
where it is feared farming operations will
be seriouslv impeded, as the f0110wiDg ex.
.tract taken from a private letter from a
former Huronite, who has beeti-in Missouri
for a number of years, shows. The writer
says : 11 I presume you have read in the
American papers of the - prevalence of rain
in the Western States, Well, every paper
I have seen has understated the facts.. The
,season is the worst I ,ever saw. We just
commenced t.o plant corn the day before
yesterday fMlay 21st], and have half our
ground unplowed yet, it being so wet, we
can't touch. it."
_� — -
FooT BALL.—The retum match between
the Hurons and Galt foot ball clubo, was
played here on Saturday last. The weather
was not favorable, the frequent showers. of
rain making it unpleas%nt both overhead
and under foot. The grounds, also, were
wet and slippery, and the players on either
side could not possibly do their best. De-
spite the unfavorable weather, however, the
interest our citizens took in the match was
well exemplified by the very large attend-
ance, the fair sex being, if, anything, in the
I majority. The match waa a very interest.
ing one, there being, some splendid pla i
douc-on both sides. The visitors, however,
proved too much for our boys, and came out
victors by three goods to two. This defeat
threw Seaforth out of the competition for
the championship of the Western District,
This honor is likely to be won by Galt- this
- . — -+4— 0, A.f.. t, -A *h. Q-#..
�_ -, - v .7 .1
of Toronto,, on Tuesday. TheGalt team are
a, fine,, atbletic-looking lot of . young man,
and they plawy good foot ball. it in ;o dis-
credit to any team to be defeated by them.
Tim QumN's BiRTHDAY.—The Twenty-
fourth passed ever very quietly in town.
Nearly -every person who could got away
left for some of the neizliboriniz towns and
villages, and the town was nearly deserted,
only the old 11 hoine guard " being left be-
hind to guard the interests of the place.
The day waa not very agreeable, as'rain was
threatening most of the time, and those who
felt disposed and had the opportunity to go
fishing or something else were afraid to ven.
ture out lost they might got wet. The irre-
ible small boy seemed to have the most
enjoyment, aff-there was a perfect fusilade
of fire crackers kept up all day in all parts
of the town. We notice that several of our
town athletes distinguished themselves
abroad. Messrs. A. C. Winter and J. 0.
Rose carried everything before thern in the
bicycle contest at Exeter ; Messrs. James
Reid, R. Beattie and William ]laid Cline
won, laurela and numerous. prizea in the ath-
latic, sports at Mitchell, while Mr. R. Roach
took &L good position in the Brusseli� races
with " Gussie Pickard." There may have
been othera who showed off to good adva L lit _
age in other placea, but we have not caught
their names. On the whole, the day was I
one of rest, recreation or pleasure to most -
1 - - :
. peop �e.
Ea-HONDVILLE NO -TIES. -70DO Of these epi-
godes of domestic life showing the necessity
of a wife to home comfort, and the terrible
void caused by her absence, occurred in our
y. 'illage last week. An estimable lady, wish-
ing toL Pay & short visit to some relatives,
left her husband to keep house during the
interval, well supplied, of course, with crea-
ture comforts ; this he bravely promised to
do, but found the solitude unbearable, and
at the end of two day& closed up the house,
and the next morning a " to let " might be
seen, on the. corner Of it. He now expresses
treat commiseration for poor solitary old
achelors and. realizes vividly the truthful-
ness of the saying, " 0, solitude ! where are
the charms that sages have seen in thy face,"
—Mrs. Needham left on Saturday last for
Corunna to spend a few days with her
mather-in-law, who has been seriously ill
for some tiMeL. We trust her presence there
will act as a restorative.—It is hoped the
lecture on 11 Skepticism " by the - Rev. Dr.
McMullen on Monday evening next will be
largely. attended; a treat May be looked for,
as the Doctor is a witty, forcible speaker.—
The sentences of your Egmondville -scribe
are generally rxther " flat," but when he is
made to say, as in last week's notes, " and
- by her bedside " instead of " and by her
. side. All that was mortal of him was laid to
rest on Wednesday evening in Egmondviile
cemetery," ho feels as thou L gh somebody had
blundered. .
Ax_oT.i=:Frm.--OnThursday night of
last week as Mr.'W. G. Glenn, of the gea�
forth restaurant, was extinguishing a large
hanging lamp in his sho'P,L preparatory to
closingusp, theehain by which it wa;s sns-
pended to the ceiling broke, and the lighted
lamp fell down. In its descent it struck on
the show -case and then fell in behind the
counter. The Oil taking fire the whole plage
-was,in,flamesinamoment. Mr.Glenn dia-
his: best to extinguish the flames, but all in
- vain. So rapidly did the fire run through
, the buildingthat Mrs. Glenn and the other
members of the family, who had retired for
the night, bad barely time to escape from
the building in their night clothes. The
alarm wait soon sounded and the firemen
-were promptly on the spot, and in a surpris-
ingly, short time there were four powerf ul
streams of water being poured on to the
flames. The building. in which the fire
originated is in the centre of an old wooden
block, a veritable fire trap, and, besides this,
the in-terior of most of the buildings were d -i -
vided into apartments with board partitions
which were papered, This being the case
the fire spread with great rapidity, and at
one time it looked as if the whole block
would be destroyed. Many of the Citizens
who- had gathered turned their attention to.
wairds assisting in removal of goods from the
adjoiniag stores, but this was soon found to
be unnecessary as, by hard work a d good
ri:management on the part of the b Ado, the
fire; was got under CoMplate control, and was
confined to the building in which it origin.
ated. In about an hour and a half from the
time the alarm was given the flames were
thoroughly quene - bed, To look at the
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promises one could scarcely realize that a
fire could have been put out in ach a way,
but this is another proof of the %callence of
oiir fire protection sy_."t m and the efficiency
of our fire brigade. Everything worked
like clock work and every man was at his
pofft. There was an aboonse of that excite-
ment and confusion which usually character-
izes occasions of this kind. Chief Cline did
his part'well and proved himself the right
man in the right plao, while he has just
. -
reason to be proud of! his man and the towns-
people are proud of and grateful to the
brigade which on this as on former similar
occasions, have done such splendid service.
Several strangers were among the spectators
at the fire and some of them were heard to
remark that they had never seen trained
city firemen act better or more in unison
than did our volunteer corps. The building
destroyed belonged to the estate of the late
Mr. A. Strong. There is an insurance of
$1,000 on the property, but We have not
heard what the intentiODS are with respect
to re -building. It is, however, in the best
business part of the town and will not be
I allowed to remain long idle, The occupants
of this building were Mr. Glenn and Mr.
John Ward, saddler. Mr. Glenn lost everyv
thing and had an insurance of $1,200. He
estimates his total loss at about $500 over
this amount. Mr. Ward's @took of harness,
trunks, -etc,, was badly damaged by water,
but there was nothing of importance burned.
He had an insurance of $1,000 which will,
probably, cover his loss. The C.P.R. ,tele-
graph office, which adjoined Mr. Glenn's, had
the instrument-- and all other articles re-
moved from it but the loss by water and
removal will be considerable, and we under-
stand that Mr. Duff, the agent, did not
have any insurance, These, we believe,
are the principal losses. Mr. Ward had a
can of coal oil and a barrel of other oil in a
room behind his shop and about the centre
of the building, but, fortunately, the fire
did not reach this spot. Had a spark got
into the open oil barrel :)r bad the fire
reached this part of the building the conse-
quences might have been more serious.
WOOL—To FARMEPLS. —Remember, that
you are always suie to get the highest price in cash
for your Wool at No. 6 Warehouse, Seaforth. JAMES
WIDE AWAK.E.—The June Wide Awake
is a picturesque and delightful number, interesting
and entertaining for boys. and altogether charming
forgirls. The post office department, with girls' and
bovs' letters from all over the world, is more than
usually interesting, " That Mary Ann," the story of
a country summer, just begun, promises brilliant
reading for young folks. - 11 Men and Things," good
as usual, besides numbers of others we cannot men-
tion here. Only 1,9;92.40 a year. D. Lothrop Co-wpany,
Boston, Mass. 1 1276-1
Gy-NINASTICS.—The gymnastic exhibition
given on Friday evening last by Mr. B. E.
Hallett and his interesting class of girls and
boys was a very plese-ant affair. The at-
tendance was not so large as it should have
been, but those preAent could not fail to be
pleased with what they saw. The skill
achieved by the little folks in so short a
time shown Mr. Hallett to be an efficient and
pains -taking instructor, His class will be
closed for the summer, but will be resumed
in the fall, when we hope he will have a
large number to take part in the invigor-
atiag and healthful exercises in which be
eiDgages thein. The iollowing is a liat'of the
successful competitors -on Friday night:
Barr belle No. 2, George Haxby ; Edward
Daley. Swinging clubs, Minnie Haxby -
Rachael Langstraith. Indian Wrer.tling:
George Haxby ; Ed. Daley. Faticy March-
ing, Mellie Wright; Agnes Cash, Horizon-
tal bar, George Haxby ; Ed. Daley. Barr
Balls No. 1. Minnie Haxby; Saddie Donb-
van. Parallel bars, George Haxby ; Arthur
I Forbes, Jr. Dumb Bells, George Haxby ;
Win. Hawkshaw. Club Race, Agnes Cash;
Susan Hale. .
-- TowN COUNCIL Dovi-os.—At a special
meeting of the town council, on Monday
evening last, it was decided to advertise for
new tender@ for -gravel. This action was
considered necessary,.on account of -a mis-
understandimg as to the figures in one of the
former tenders. The committee appointed
to look up a site for the town building' - re-
ported having examined several sites, and
recommended the Pillman and Forbes prop-
erties on Main street as being the most
eligible. The report -was received and its
consideration deferred until the next meet-
iDg of council, and the committee was in-
atructed to procure definite prices for which
I the Strong and Davidson properties can be
purchased. The Clerk was instructed to
advertise for tenders for the erection of the
new addition to the water -works building
for the, accommodation of the new steam
pump. The tendem are to be laid before
the council at its next meeting. Mr. John
A. Wilson gave notice that at the next
meeting of council he will move a by-law,
providing that all loual improvements be
made hereafter on the frontage tax
principle. - — , .
eleven o'clock Monday forenoon the people
of this town were shocked and pained to
hear of the death of Mr. Win. Sproat. It
seems that about nine o'clock in the morn-
ing Mr. S.proat hitched up to his road cart a
young horse be was breaking in and started
to the country. It is not exactly known the
route he took, but as he was on his way
home by the town line between Hullett and
McKillop, and when nearly opposite the
residence of Mr. Win. McMichael, it is itip-
posed thehor8e go' frightened and bolted
from the road, &owing him from Itbe
vehicle and killing him.instantly. The ac-
cident was not witnessed by any person,but
the body was found very soon afterwares,
and life was extinct. It was taken to Mr.
McMichael's residence, word was sent to
town and Mr. M. Robertg0u, undertaker,
was sint out with his hearse and brought
the remains to Mr. Sproat's late residence
here. -Mr. George Watt, of Hullett, was
road after the accident, and he assisted in
one of the first who happened along the
removing the body. He made a minute ex-
amination of the ground,and from the marks
left he is of the opinion that the horse bolted
to the side of the road against a barbed wire
fence, that the wheel of the cart struck on
the.emballkniont and.then on a fence post,'
that the concussion caused- Mr. S
lose his balance and fall forward. In the
fall he must have struck his mouth on the.
I top of one of the fence posts,and then bound -
ad off on to the ground. Hisbat was lying
� on the opposite side of the fence from the '
body. The horse ran some distance, when
it got ::entangled in the -harness - 'and was
stopped. There is no doubt about death
having been instantaneous, as in addition to
the bruises on the face by coming in contact
with the post, the neck was broken. -
—Mr. Sproat was born in Kirkcudbright-
shire, Scotland, on the 6th of October, 1822.
He was the second eldest of six brothers and
the fourth oldest of the family,'a brother
and two sisters being older, He came
to Canada in 1842 and first settled in
the county of Halton, where he worked for
two years with Mr. John Sproat, a name-
sake, but not a relative. Leaving Halton
I he came to the county of Huron and settled
on the farm on the Kippe'n road, south of
Egmondville, where he continued to reside
until two years ago. This county was at
the time of Mr. Sproat's settlement in Tuck -
er8mith a vast wilderness and his farm was
unbroken bush, but Mr. Sproat possessed in
an eminent degree the pluck and pergever-
ance of many of the early settlers, and he
soon had his bush farm converted into a
comfortable and valuable homestead, A
few years 'after settling in Tuckeramith he
was married to Miss Margaret Gerrond, who
came to this country to unite her fortunes
with the choice of her youth, made in the old
land, and who has continued to share his
joys and sorrows until the tie was so rudely
and suddenly broken on Monday last. They
bad a family of four sons and three daught. .
. �
ore, MI. of whom are married with the excep-
B. Wasmith and family, fro I Lockport,
aid4 intally drowned while suparintOndillg
tion of Miss Jessie, the youngest daughter,
Now York, are on a visit to his brother
son a work about the water -power of' the
who is still at home. The 80118 are all
here. —The doctor hiss been in Exeter a good
mil..—Mr. Simop Hunter returned kome
located- and doing well in Manitoba. The
daughters are Mrs. John Thompson, of Me-
'deal during the past three weeks attending
his mothery who we* verk low. ,We hear
th week from Iowa.—We are pleased
see that Mr. J. Pope, merchant tailor, is re-
Killop, and Mm. S. Hicks, of Manitoba.
she is reoovering,—Mr. John, Sadler has be-
cZering from his recent illness.—The Rick -
last Week
About two years ago Mr. Sproat sold
ron the foundation of his now store. It is a
epco Medicine Company left here
Morrisou, Seafortb,
his farm pud purchased the comfort-
0'rge building, and will be a c6dit to the
for Illinois.—Miss of
able residence in this town where
village. We hope Mr. Saddler will most
was In the village this week visiting friends.
his family now reside and where he hoped
with the success bis enterprise! deserves.—
—#Aise Carlisle, of Brussels# is home on a
to- spend his declining years in the quiet re-�'Our
baoe b*ll,team played the(lovin oibles of
violt.—Mrs. King and Mr. D. Foos have
tirement and rest to which his lo and ac-
Cromhrty lost Saturday, and sitar a hard
battle by three
both already opened out their ice,cream
Surely the hot must be &-
tive business life entitled him. was a
fought came out victorlojus
pa�lors. weather
man of few words, but was possessed of good
runs to one. ; . �
I .
coming. I :
ability and more than ordinary intelligence,
o- - '
- I
while his amiable disposition &Fd thorough
f I . . Kippen. � 11
� Brussels. ,'
rectitude of character made him a loader
NoTls,—Farm work is ver� backward
. RIEFS.—Dr. T. G. Holmi?s h" sold his
among his fellows. He occupied a 80At � in
here, Owing to 0011tiDued rains crops are
res dance to Mr, D. C. Ross. for $2,300, and
the Tuckeramith council for many years and
had higher honors
looking well, hay will be abualdant.—Mrs.
thi week moved to Detroit, where he In -
could many times have
Win. vison is very poorly with anthma and
toil, a to engage in the praotive of his profes-
bad he desired tfiem. He has been an
bronchitis. —Revs, George McKinley, B�. D,,
sio . The doctor's old friends here
of the Presbyterian church for many yeare
and R, Barnby, 8, T. L,, .Wero'attand&nts
I with as in wishing himself and family
and was always ready'to give his time and
at services in the Kippen church last Sunday
su, ess and happiness in their new houie,—
means for the ad good
afternoon. They both take circuits . this
Thpinas Town, an old Brusselsite, was in
and worthy object. He was, in short, 8
year. Mr. Baruby expects to be ordained
to n, spending the 24thAMODg old friends.
man whose noble ualities won him many
at Ouelpb, in June.—Rev. H. Irvine
He looks hale and hearty, and is now in the
friends, while we not believe he ever had
preaches a special sermon to children next
city of Buffalo.—The genial Mr. Murdo Me-
an enemy, His death Is a lose to the corn'
Lenn&D, of London, also spent -the th
munity and the manner of -it was a terrible
0. .
bere.—Mr. J. T. Pepper is away at th� ex -
blow to his worthy partner in life and the
HWs Green.
am ination of the Ontario College of Ph�rm-
other members of his family,as well as to his
NoTEs.—Mr. A:Ibert Tiffin preaches in the
Acy, Toronto, as an examiner, and intpnds
numerous relatives and friends. They, how-
Methodist church next Sunday evening.
&iso to take 9, pleasure trip east before .re -
ever, have the consolation that his death,
although sad and- very sudden, in a hu-
This will likely be his lastservice here,as he
turning, Mrs. Pepper is accompanying
hini.--41r. Benjamin Garry wee taken !and -
man sense, must have been, to him, pain-
expecte� to enter the work of the ministry in
daily ill, with inflammation of the bowels,
less, and that he has long been prepared for
PRESENTATION,—Ou Friday evening of
on Tuesday last.—Mr. Robert Malcolm'and
such a change. The funeral will leave the
family residence, Goderich Streit, for the
last week Mr. C. Stalk, leader of the Metho-
fan ily removed to Kincardine this vOeek.
The best wishes of many friends go 'With
Egmondville cemetery on Saturday at three
dist church choir, Hills Green, was taken by
. *
surprise. Two inernber* of the ehoir, Miss
them, ;
o'clock, I
L. Foster and Miss M. Coleman, after thank-
CuvReit ExTERTATINM19NTS.—Those who
ing Mr. Stalk for the kindness he has shown
Tuesday morning opened gloomy and threat-
ening rain, and the weather was slightly
go to Egmondville Church next Monday
them in connection therewith, presented
him with a beautifal albuin. Friday was
showery throughout the day, ,although a t no
evening will, no doubt, have the pleasiure of
The la-
the occasion of Mr. 8 telk's birthday, *so that
time di� ra'in enough fall to injure any or -
listen ing to a real literary treat.
dies of theWomen's ForeignMissiouary Aux-
the present was partly a birthilay present
son:. The unfavorable. appearances, ow-_
ever, no doubt prevented many from co iuR
iliary have secured the services of Rev. Dr.
and partly a gift for kind services as leader
of the choir. Mr. �_ Stelk, with a few very
to 11own, and the attendance of visitorsiwas
McMullen, of Woodstock, to deliver an ad-
appropriate remarks thanked the n
not so large as many of us would
dress on that evening, Dr. MeMnllen's
theme will be "Some of the Vari%tiODS Of
ladies for their beautiful present. It is ru-
to have seen. There was, however, a fairly
good day's sport, The first event wile a
Skepticism." He is an able man, a pleasing
mored that Mr. Stalk intends removing from
Hills Green, If so he will be greatly missed.
fol 'a ,3:tto,ch between the clubs of 1�rus-
b 11
o I
and logical spewker, and will, we are cart a in,
He Lisa been leader of the choir foranumber
He and L wel. This resulted in the de -
do his subject full justice. It will be a dis-
of years, and bai filled the position to the
Foals to 1. ., In
fes .of the home team by 3 g �,
course which cannot fail to do all who hear
satisfaation of every one, and all would be
the afternoon the races took place on� the
it good. /
—Mrs. Cummings, -of Toronto, who last
sorry to lose him, not only on account of h
. . is
Driving Park. Although there was no
of �ary
exciting event here, there was lots u u,
summer, at her own expense, visited the sev '
services in a musical capacity, but for his
many excellent qualities as a citizen.
_ r
The prizes were distributed as follows: --ree
eral Indian Missions of the Northwest, is
, —
foriAll,—Ist, P. Ament's "Prancer;" gnd,
now travelling through Western Ontario,
. ..
R. ' Roache's " Gussie Pickard." Three
I -Rivin the various Women's Auxiliaries the
NoTlEs.—Mr. W. L.'Parish
Minute Trot,—let, P. Scott's Carlisle 01tal.
b of her experience. The Auxiliary in
is recommend-
lion ; 2ad,J. Ament's "Charley ;" 3rd,Geo
connection with �� t -Thomas Church, in this
ed by the District Meeting to Guelph Couf er-
Caidiff's "Tom." Green Race,—Isti R:
town, have asked her to remain over one
ence, for work in the gorthweat ; he' "
Str ichan's "Chicago Volunteer;" 2n�', A.
train on her way to Clinton, and address the
pects to iltart early in June.
Koenig�s "Chicago Volunteer;" 3rd P.
ladies of the town in the Sunday school
. ENTHRTAINMVENT. —The Epworth League
,Scott,o " Carlisle." The judges were - , .D.
room to -day, Friday, at three o'clock,
is congratulating itself on postponing its on-
Warnock ; Samuel Laird and Mr. Barn , tt ;
Those who have heard Mrs, Cummings have
.tertainment, the evening of the Queen's
Ja 'as T. Ross, Timer. r
ged in mission work by
birthday was anything but favorable, the
7 0 � I
the information given, and it is hoped so
rain, wind, and darkness conspiring to ren-
I Exeter. �
many as possible of the church workers will
embrace the opportunity of hearing this
der night driving very u�pleasant; the
League holds its entertainment on Monday
i CIZ1,Y)MATION.—The Queen's B rth-
devoted WOMal). I
evening,next at 8 p. in. Revds. J. S. Hen-
which was held hereon
. 0 .
derson, H. S. Magee and a couple of btu-
last was a grand success. Alth - c ugh
. .
XIA. �
DiRD IN CALIFORN —A few weeks ago
deats will give addresses, and the Kippe.n
choir will apsist in song. This League is
weather was very unfavorable throi igh-
, the whole day, a large crowd was- pres-
we made mention of the death of Mr. An-
drew Gray, which took pl%ce in Stockton,
probably the strongest young people's
in Huron
to witness the .differelit sports. �The
as and calitbumpian procession must�red
California, on the 9th of this month. We
society County, it.having about 60
members, 40 of whom take regular turns in
the agricultural grounds at 9:30 &.1 m.,
were not then, however,in posseL
,sion of atiy
of the particulars. It seems that Mr. Gray
leading the meeting, under the President,
by the Blyth Brass Band, w�
. job
died in Stockton, California. Some years
The large Methodist church is fillel every
excellent music during the whole
whi I ch passed through the princi-
150 be bad a severe attack of paralysis.
Sunday evening at their meeting. Nearly
the members are eonverted and able to
streets in the village. There were ,,five
From this he never fully recovered. Shortly
before his death he was again attacked by
. .
-all .
pray and testify publicly. Mr. Lewi 11
in the Football Tournament, viz.:
club, J. Snyder, captain; 9den
the same disease,- which this time affected
Parish preaches a sermon to the
Sunday evening. I men next
James A. Dempsey, captain ; McGilli-
the throat and tongue, causing inflammation
. vray
club, John Downing, captain; Chisel -
of the lung@, which his enfeebled constibu-
. 0 .
Belgrave. :
club, James Reid, captain ; E�eter
sion was unable to withstand. Mr. Gray
was a native of Tuckeramitb, being the fifth
� . ;
NoT,xs.—Mrs. P. Scott, of Milton, was
cluh, Charles Downing, captain. The Bruce -
field arid McGillivray clubs played first 'arid
son of Mrs. A. Gray, of the Mill road. He
visiting friends in this vicinity last week.—
13 1 efield scored a victory. The next to
was just in the prime of life, and was a gen-
The lecture given by Mrs. Scott,
of Toronto,
I )Irar was Eden and Exeter clubs, the 4den
tlemas of much promise. He was one of the
on Wednesday evening last,
, was rather
club coming out victorioud. The next on
most expert stenographers in Canada, and
has held
poorly attended.—Mr. E. Livingstone shi
the list were Chiselburst and Eden, the! lat-
several very important positions
ped a quantity of lumber from this station
ter' club winning. Thea the linal coqtent
both as teacher and reporter. When stricken
last week. —The fall wheat as well as the
took place between the Brucefield and 10en
-down, was on his way to the South in the
spring crops in this vicinity pre0ent a, good
cluos. After - playing 40 minutes nei�her
hope that the milder climate would benefit
appearance.—One of the greatest drawbacks
clu� scored a goal. The. money was,
. his health. He was attended in his last
which our village has to iionten4 with is the
tb9iefore, equally divided �betwee 1 the
days by his brother and other friends, and
want of a public school. The! nearest one
tw� clubs. Below is the prizenli.st :
nothing that kindness and skill could devise
at present is two miles and a � quarter dis -
Beat- trade outfit,—let, Digory Brtd ;
for his relief. and comfort was left undone.
tant.—Mr. Thomas Powell, of 0"t Wawan-
2nJ, Browning & Saunaers. Beat adi-
His death is a eevere bereavement to his
osb, lost his valuable stalli6n, " To,
thumpiau,=Iet, Sons of Rest, 9 in number,
aged mother, who io,herself,in very delicate
Dinnie," a short time ago, fror� acute indi-
Jaroes Bissett, Jr., Captain ; 2nd, the !: Big
Ni :
Company Troupe, 6 in number, A.
LOCAL BmEF.s.—People would now be pleas-
0 .
L oer,�J i 3rd, Harry Piper,' Tpxas
Joe. at caljt� umpian from the cou�try.
ed with a spell. of dry weather.—We are glad
LocALITIES.—Mr. R. B. Je#rey, station
—F. Coates. Cross -out sawing contegl.tl�_
toseethatMr.JobnMeNamara,of Harpurbey,
agent here, has purchased the boune owned
4 efitries,-2 foot log,—Ist, Harris & a .
is again sufficiently recovered to be able to
be around.—Mrs. M. Morrison, Wood-
and lately occupied by Mr. William Bruns-
den, it
say'v Walton, time 41 seconds ; 2nd, Frazer
sr., and will move into Fjl�ortly. —Mr.
& ,Maguire, Mooreville, time 52 seco'�ds.
stock, was in town this week.—We regret
George Newton has been in Wi0gham for a
Bicy�cle race for silver cup and S3; 2nd,1 $2,
to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. Robert
few days. He has purchased a harness-
—5 entrieg,—lst, Alexander C. Win�ers,
Govenlock, of McKillop.—Mr. E. M. Sip-
stock there and in all probability will move
= forth ; 2nd, Joseph Rose, Seaf rth-.
preH, of St. John, New Brunswick, manager
to that town before long. —Quite a number
1 . yards foot race, championship of Exeter,
-in the Maritime Provinces of the Ontario
of the Sons of England attended'ehurch with
— entries,—let, Charles Fritz, Dashwood,
Mutual Life Insurance company, paid a fly-
Clinton brethren on Sunday.r--The Good
(prbtested); 2nd, A. J. McTavish, Exker.
iiag visit to friends in town this week. Dur.
Templars'Lodge was well attended on the
11 I -
Hu dle 1tace, 100 yards, 6 hurdles, 3 entries,
ing his brief stay here he wi,s the guest of
evening of the 17th, 47 members being pres-
— . Fritz, Dashwood ; W. Folland, Ex�ter.
Mr. Robert Logan. —The Beaver Lacrosse
ent. After the business of the lodge was'
Tu of War between five men and a cap ' i
1i �ain,
club went to Stratford on Tuesday to play a
concluded, an excellent programme was pre-
J. #andford, from Exeter, and a lika.gum-
friendly game with the club of that town.
sented, of a reading by William
ber'from the townships of Hay, Usbprne
The Stratford club. came out victorions . by
Longman; two duets by Misses M. Brog-
an4 Stephen, Captain, Henry Jones,� Us-
four games to one. --- :-M r. Anderson Coulter,
den and Elva Adams; instru ental music
boe,ne,—Ist, Henry Jones ; 2nd, I. Hand -
of Ingersoll,- Spent a couple of days in town
by Walter Cunningham a6 A. Taylor.
� I
for . Lady and Gentlemen Rider, 'let,
this week.—INIr. Frank Cant, of Galt, and
The programme -was concluded with a tab-
JoEeph and Polly Bawden ; 2ad, A. J. 1� nell
his sister, Miss Alice, were visitors for a few
leau which was well received. Two now
and Fanny Bawden, Special, Fruit Basket,
days this week at the residence of their
members were added to the roll.
Bei t Lady Rider,—Polly Bowden. Best
uncle, 2NIr.William Elliott, Egmo�dville.—
. -
ten or more Drilled Scholars,—T. A. Brbwn
All the parties who suffered loaq by the "late'
, . flensall.
ang Walter Millson's squ*ado, Exeter public
fire have made satisfactory settlements with
'CHOPPINGdone every day in the week &t
school; prizes divided. Boys' race, u' der
the insurance companies. —The stores of
Messrs. Jackson Brothers and C. W. Papst,
the Hensall Grist Iblis. Bran. $12 er ton ; Shorts,
,R14 per ton. CooK BROS. rp 1272
15 iyesrs,-6 entries,—bst. Percy Dignan,
Exeter; 2nd, Ernest Dinnin, Lumley. boys'
which were being re -constructed after the
G. j. SUTHERLAND, Notary Public, Con-
Rape, under 12 years. -13 entries,—Ist,
fire, are now nearly ready for occupancy.
veyancer, Commissioner in High Court of Justice
Fred Hetherington, Lumley ; 2nd, Ale�an-
They will I before—
be better than ever We
understand that Mrs. A. Strong intends re-
Insurance Agent and Issuer of Marriage L""':
Deeds, Mortgages, Agreemonts, FarEr Leases, WilJ8
der Martin, Exeter. Girls' Race, under 15
building on her property on Main street,
etc., drawn up according to law, and at shorte8i
notice. Office at Oe Post Office, Hensall. 1276
years, -9 entries,—lst, Minnie Cave, Eden -,
2nd, Ellen Ford, Sarepts. Biggest load of
recently destroyed by fire. The remains of
the old buildings, as well an those to the
I LOCAL NoT.Es.'—The 24th of May passed
people coming from the country,—Nel-
south, are going to be pulled down and three
cover very quietly here, there being no public
celebration. In the evening Mr. T. Scott
son Baker) of Centralia, 58 people.—
The concert in Draws' Opera House, in the
handsome brick stores erected in their stead,
held his concert in Coxworth's Hall, which
evening, was a decided success. Miss Maud
This will add very,much to the appearance
Main Street, -1nd we are sure that there
was fairly well attended, and the programme
Hicks got the prize for- being the most
will be no lack of tenants as this is one Of
very well carried out.—The Revds. H. J.
Fair and J. S. Henderson exch8,11ged pulpits
popular young lady in Exeter. The rendi-
tiODG of Miss Nom Coleman, of New Castle,
the beat stands in town, and has never yet
been idle, and we are convinced that the in-
on Sabbath morning last. Mr. Henderson
were loudly applauded, also the singing of
vestment will be a good.paying one and re-
preached an anniversary sermon at Mr.
Fair's appointment at Bethesda.—Mr.
Miss Mutch and Mr. Skinner, of London.
NoTits.—Wonder what was the matter
turn a handsome dividend. —Divine services
Ba'rnaby and Mr. Casson, who are both
with our town official on the night of the '
were held in St. Thomas' and St. James'
studying for the ministry, and who were
24th ? The village was left in total dark.
churches on Thursday last, it being Ascen-
sion Day.—Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith
each stationed here for their first year, were
ness, as the street lamps were not lighted —
Queen's Birthday with friends in Toronto,
in the village this week renewing old
Mr. Ba*den and his officials are to be co'n_
Messrs. George FitzVeraald, Kenneth -Me-
acquaintances. Mr. McKinley, who has the
same end in view, was also here ii� company
gratulated on getting up such a successful
demonstration on Queen's Birthday despite
. Lennan, T, F. and E. . oleman, have gone
with the aforementioned on a voit.—Miss
the unfavorable weather.—The gate re -
to Muskoka for a week's fishing.—Mr. and
Horne, of Exeter, and Miss Wright, of Lon.
ceipts on the 24th amounted to $310.
Mrs. Hugh Grieve were in Toronto, last
I -
week with their little daughter, Olive,, who
don, both formerly of this village, spent the
. �
ban been very ill for some time. While there
24th with frien4a here.—We are ver sorry
� y
to report the illness of our genial editor, Mr.
! Bayfleld. ; . I
they consulted a specialist and he gave them
Simon Stahl, of the Hensall Observer, who
11. F. EDWARDS 1*8 now giving some
Spec ial values in" seasonable Drew Goods T%�eeds
hopes that he could cure her, but he would
need to have her in the city- so that he could
is at present confined to his bed with a
for (ash. If yoi4 are in need of either of the a0ove,
Is the
be in regular attendance upon, her.—Mr.
severe attack of illness. He recently caught
cold, which resulted in his prevent attack,
now time to secure a bargain. 1�76
ImEirs.—Miss JWinnie Moorehouse re -
John McMillan, M. P., spent the holidays
,at home, but returned fo his Parliamentary
While Mr. Stahl is endeavoring to get a
in his in
tur ied last 'Week from a pleasant visit to
duties again on Thursday.—Rev. Bert Cas-
good man place order to carry on
the printing and job work without any de-
relatives in Bay City and Pinconninl.—
Ge�rge Stanbury is home for vacatio, .—
son, of Fullarton, son of Rev. Mr. Casson,
of this town, preached two excellent ser-
lay or disappointment to the public, we are
William- Nicholson of Goderich Town hip
mons in the Methodist church here on Sa.b-
sure the latter do and will sympathize with
has moved into Bay field. —Thomas Pa ker
bath last to large congregations. Mr. Cas,
him in his illness and make every allowance
hasi moved to Varna.—Mr, Me k, piano
son is one of the rising young men of the
if the paper is not quite up to its usual
standard. We hope soon to see Mr. Stahl
tunor of London was in town last wee i,—
There is talk of another story bellif a� ded
church.—Mrs. R. Fullerton, of Gresham,
Bruce township, spent the 24th with her
at the helm again enjoying his wonted
to-q'ur public school.—John Davi son � has
daughter,'Mrs. James R., Aitchison. Her
health.—Mr.and Mrs. J. T. O'Brien, of
returnedfromtbe Duck Islands. He likes
daughter, Mrs. A. Scott, of Paisley, accom-
Londesboro, with their family, were
in the village this weak spending a few days
,thehome ducks best.—Mr. Daniel Wilson
is home from Port Arthur,—Mr, James
panied her.—'The East Huron Teachers' In-
8titute meeting will be held in this town on
with their relatives.—Mr. R, MoLaren, Sr,
McDonald arrived hom'n last week from
Thursday and Friday of. next week. An
was in Bluevale part of last week and this'
visiting the Rev. Mr. Hartley.—Miss M.
Clevieland.—A number of the youth,and
beauty of Porter's Hill accompanie4 by
excellent programme has been provided and
there will, no doubt, be a town- full
Brown, of London, spent a few days recent.
their gay admirers celebrated the 24t4 by
tauchers on those days. The m'ore the
ly with her mother, Mrs, Brown, of the
London Road.—Mrs. R. McArthur, Sr,, re.
spendinf the* day here.—Mr. and 34ro,
Clark 0 Seaforth were in town on the
ceived a telegram the first part of this week
Twenty Fourth.—Mrs, James McDonald
- - 0 — .
conveyiDg'the mad intelligence of the death
and Wm, Johnston of Goderioh spent .Sun.
- I I'
of her soE, Mr. Paul McArthur, who was
day In towu,—Mr, James Pollook of the
NOTF.S,—Our Forresters talk of building a
engaged an superintendent of a large mill at
River Hotel is preparing for the acommods.
hall.- -The hotel has been painted and paper-
A41rnineapolis. Particulars have not as yet
tion of a large number of summer
ed and otherwise improved.—Our new
been received, but his remains are daily
guests. Several have already appli-
blacksmith, Mr. Cameron, is doing well and
expected home. . Mrs. McArthur and family
ed. The rooms are well furnished
has bought the shop from Mrs. Chubb.—
have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole
and there will be good board, wail sup -
We miss the kindly and venerable face of
community in their sad bereavement,
plied bar and an attentive hostler. The
Mr. Ferguson from the street, He was sum-
which is all the more painful as deceased
Albion and Commercial Hotels are also
moned to Toronto, to' the death bed of his
was in the very -prime of life and far away
ready and have received several applications I
brother-in-law, Mr. MoLaren.—Ald, J,
fromhome. As far asis known hewas ac. -for
summer boarding.—Mr. Fred Roth,
. �
�_-:,_ - I . �
bl*cksmith of Goderloti ,1:ownanlpp nais oue
on a business trip to �ist,vel,—The pie -iii
season opened on Monday -.!3rd when a goc
. .
si�ed pic-nic party wash, -, They found i
� .
Pretty cool,—Fishing o(, inues very goo
here, Great quantities ,-re being caugh'
The fishermen bays succe. ded in stopping u
th . a break in the north pier, The Goven
mint has many times been petitioned I
rant a sum sufficient to remedy the harbc
gut are very indifferent about it.—Mr. Do
Harrison iolkept very. busy in town wn
country,painting andipaper-hanging, for yc
know this is the seas4n when libuse-cleanin
is done' and a a ral brightening up
made. We w a ggest that the counc
take some action �Iwards brightening u
our town hall. A co4t off isint would grea
wourly improve it and it I d be - money wt
spent. —The - Presby I 6rians are preparing i
h( , ?Ida grand tea-mee �ing and entertainmei
on the occasion of their anDiversary. C
lz�nday, June 5tb, b§th morning and evei
Ing services will be. �onducted by Rev. .)
?4oLean, of Blyth. ! On Monday evenit
the tea- � meeting and I entertainment will I
h Id in the town hod�',- It is safe to say thi
t4e programme will �e a most enjoyable on
A! union choir from Knox church and Norl
cl�urch, Godericb, h a- been eDgaged.—M
JOhn .McNabb, a fo mer well-known ret
dent, has been rAnewing old acquaintan(
here. —We learn that Mr. V. Roth, a form,
highly esteemed resident who, some tin
&$o, removed to Listowel, has now rn�ved 1
BT&ntforo where his. 8ons Andrew ar
Charles_- are engage in the clothing at
ta � 11oriDg business. heir many friends wi
wish them success. Z r Liddy hi
I -� ic"'a a
returned. to Detroit - �fter, asant visit -i
home.�Mrs. Robinson, of aultSte, Mari,
w�o has spentothe past six or seven montl
li�re, leaves for home this week,
! -
i . St , hen.
HAPF]ENING.S. -_NV�h le a horse belonging i
M �. Win. Sanders, 4t concession of Stephei
was left standing I the stable some tin
ago, it began kick' g against some boar(
w�en a nail ran into 6ne of its legs. T1
ai�imal is not --able to �Vork and is not in
proving very speedily. —Mr. Wm, Sander
of � the 5th concession, is making prepan
tiqns to raise his barn and ut'stone eta]
liqg under it,—Mr,l Thomas Kestle is pus)
. . I .
inT forward the work jof putting a stone we
u der his barn also.—A meeting of tl
Patrons of the town0bip of Stephen hi
boon called to meet i the town ball, Cred
toh, on Monday, Me 30th, at I p.m., f(
the purpose of formi g a township associi
-tion and to discuss di erent questions of in
partance. , — �
. ; Zuri -
GO To D. S. Faust, urich. for pure, pri
UP, sweet Ensilage and G een Fodder Corn.. . 12
J. ,
. 9
LOCAL BRiEFs.—R,'fe. J. Strumpfer wi
away to Elmira on im port -ant business r4
ga � rding church inatters.—Rev, G. F I . Haij
was in 'Dashwood last Satu
Doying left for Detroit a few days agi
where her husband .hap . graduated in
medical college.—Misi Kate Hill is hei
from Detroit Visiting . bar mother.—Quil
a of our y I pung people spent V
twenty fourth in Exeiar, whiere they' had
LOCALITINS.—There was a large crowd of
people in town on the Queen's Birthday
woo came in to take p Lrt in the celebration.
The games were hold i 2 -the park and passed
off very nicely and to� the evident satiifac-
tion of the. spectatoreq—The twenty.eighth
of'June promises to b6 a big day here. The
Turf club are offerinj [8700 in prizes, and
some good horses an 1"t traveling may be
expected.—Mr. A. Roja's " Mine Garfield," a
three ye%r old colt, took first place at the
Harriston races on ,Tuesday.—The many
friends of. Mr. Robert]'Elliott, proprietor of
tho Times, will regret, to learn of his serious
illpe8s, pleurisy an i inflammation of the
lungs is the cause of a trouble. We hope,
however, that his - naturally rugged con-
stitution will overcome the diseiise. —Messrs
Crossley and Hunter,� the great revivalists,
are still holding crowded meetings. A good
many go up to the penitent bench and it is
st6lted that some of the latest " repenitents"
w�re " hoeing it down " in the rink on the
twenty-fourth ; they vi illf dance.
I I Blyth.
'BRimrs.—Rev. Mr4 Hinoks, of Stratford,
who was to have 104etured on Wednesday
: . .
evening, in the Methodist Church, on
46 Snobs," thought it not a fit subject for
the Church, and decided to lecture on his
tr4vele through England and Prance, deal-
ing very fully with-toth countries. Those
who did not attend missed a rare treat,
wbich is not often offered to the people of
th,ese parts.—Mr. Robert Forsyth left Mon-
day for Wroxeter, where he is going to run
a fActory store. He has had large experi-
ence in the woollen line) and is wall and
favorably known to the farmers of that dis-
trict. He will only carry first-class goods,
ajid will be sure to make it a Buccesa.—Mr.
Thomas Wanless was visiting relatives in
S forth on Tuesday I&st.—Mr. Seth -Math.
erT and wife, of Lucknow, wete down on
Fpiday to take in the district meeting and
&I 0 to renew old acquaintances, They are
both great workers in the temperance cause.
—Quite - a large gathering of our young
people took in lChe il'shing at Benmiller, and
report having bad a splendid time, although i
wo think it was rather cold- for the trip.—
What is the matter With our liveryman that
the young folks have !to go to Clinton to se-
cure a suitable rig tol go away with. There i
must be something the matter, Is it the
-high prices ? ThIN's were different last
year when we had opposition. We think
there would be room for another livery here. 1
—Mr. John Brownlel, of London, is spend-
ing his holidays wxth his relatives and
friefide. He is quiteia favorite in this vi- '
Fini��.—Miss Maggiq 'Miller, of Wroxater '
in, visiting her numerous friends this week.
—Mr. John Tanner, Priiacipalof the Listo-
wel High School, was visiting his brothers
on Sunday.—Mr. Andrew Sloan had a large
number of the villagers at the raising of
his barn on Tue8djy. It is going to be
one of the largest and finest barns in this -
neighborhood. 1
. 0
-13RIEFS.—Mrs. Mahood started for her
home Wednesday I st, -after an extended
Visit here, under .. a parental roof. We
uelerstand that r. Mahood is not
IV y ' well, and this hastened her de-
p*rture8omewhat.. We wish her asafe and
�ioaaant journey.—Mrs. T. W.,of
oronto, arrived on Wednesday last, and in
visiting her mother,1 sis r
I te and other rela-
, -
ti-ves and friends in tiown.—The 24th passed
off quieter than usual, if such a thing in
Es0 9ible. Those wl �o staid at home went
ng, but we did n(t hear of any success in
��ti direction, exc4pt the usual 11 fisher.
nisn's luck." A goo4 many took advantage
of ' the cheap rsilwa� an horse and buggy
rates, and visited th,oneigbboring towns.. We,
di4 not notice any yo'ang folks g?ingsway an-
tirely alone, In the evening, quite a number
attended a garden p rty in Gorrie under the
auspices of the Eng�M Church there.—Rev.
T.'A , Wright preac d his farewell sermon
in the English Church in this place on Sun-
dmy last to a large congregation, Mr,
Wright goes to Brantford to take an impor.
tant charge there, lie does not go because
it is perhaps a step h igher, but for some ad- i
vantages be could not -have for his family in I
this neighborhood. Mr Wri lit has had I
' r
some fine offers t go elsewlere, but he 1
chose to stay bore ul to the present ' He in
bi, hly respected by all who have bad the ,�
p1lasure of his acqaaintance, both in his
own church and in other denomination —
Mr, J. Rutherford came home from T.rs�n- �
to � last week, sick w0h inflammatory rheu-
mati8m. He has not �eeu well a -good deal of I
MAY 2" 1892 JR11
it - �
__ —
- I
. i
2 -4th of MRV, - -,-.
. 11V .
We are
showing a 9plendid variety . ! _0
of goods,
specially Suitable for this - I
season of
the year., Our stock ig com- ',��
plete in every department, and will be .
� �
- Z
found mora tha'n usually attractive ip, - I "I
. j
. � I
RIBB014SY "I, ,
. I
. �
HOSIERY, � . . -
. � -
I *;w_
. - �
. - - -
0 _
Nif V *z5 L T N 8 I -
ZEPHYBUS, &C. , . �
. I !
� I
. �
. ;
- � ,
, ,
- ,
- � -
- __
. I
S i ,
. I �
AICZ.1 .-IF111T, _S LIN 8 I I `
- CARPETS, &c. i* �
BARGAINS IN - , -, .
- .. MEN'S S-UITS,
Edward. McFaul, -
- . . SEAFORTH. �
' ' -It
the time since he left here. We bear he is �
some better now, and we hope for his speedy , � -
' I
recovery,—Th'e church excavation goes on � I I .
slowly, but it is about completed now, and I -
� I
we have no doubt the masons will be -on , I I I
soon and make things bum.—Mr. Dick, of . I
Fordwich, has purchased allthe lumber and .
partly manufactured stuff fromthe Smith,
Malcolm & Gibson estate, and is taking it to I
Fordwich. We understand begot a bargain, �
�� , ,
.0 'I
Bluevale. �
NoTE,%—Mr. John McDonald haA the
* fortune to break a bone in his hand on
Wednesday.—Miss Hattie Saults is visiting
,at Mrs. Stow's.—Mr. A. MacEwen was in 11
� Seaforth on Saturday to witness the Galt vs.
l match. We learn that the
Hurons were defeated.—Mr. and Mrs, Frank .
Scott ate visiting in Seaforth at present.— � #
Rev. I. B. Wallwin and Mrs. Wallwin had t
a visit from the celebrated eyangelists,.Hun- I .
ter and Crossley.—Last week while Mr.Thon. I
Fluker, was driving a cow with a rope, on . I i
the and of which was a snsp, the cow started Y
to run and the @nap caught -in the flesh of v �
Mr, Fluker's hand tearing it badly.—W. J. J
Duff had the misfortune to have two ipf his .1i �
fingers smashed by a car running over them, V, -
—The Bluevale Good Templars have decided �_ .1
I to hold a concert on Friday, June 3rd. The . I
� principal attraction is to be Ralph Bingham, I
the celebrated boy orator.* We trust a de- �
lightful eveningwill be spent. —Miss Maggie I
lobiater is visiting at Mr. Frank ScotVs.— .
Mr. MoLaren, of Heneall, is visiting at Rev. (
A. Y. Hartle,y's.—Mr. William Fraser, chief
templar of the Bluevale lodge, Independent
Order of Good Templars, attended the dis- � .
trict meeting in Blyth on F.riday.—Mr.
Daniel Lewis left on Saturday for St. -
Thomas, where be will visit his sister.—Me.
John Foster, of Clinton, was visiting at Mr. .
William Sellars' last week.—Mr. Philip
Thomas left for Woodstock on the 23rd inst. I -
—Miss Georgia Duncan left for Woodstock I
on the 24th, where she will visit friends.— .
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Rutherford bad the -
pleasure of attending the wedding of fh�eir
grand -daughter, Mine Nellie Rutherford, of
Zetland, to Mr. Hugh Hamilton. —Miss .
Mary Huggin, of Wingham, is visiting at
Mr. Walter Rutherford's.---Mr'. James Rose,
of Brucefield, is visiting at Mr. Hugh Ross'.
—Mr. William Haidy, of Teeswater, was �,
i iting at Mr. John 'Burgess' on the 24th.—
Mr. W. A. Elliott, of Wawanosb, was visit- - , I
ing Mr. R. M. Duff on Tue8day.—Miss -
Hattie Anderson left on the Queen's I
Birthday for Wiarton, where she will
visit friends and relativea.—A num.
ber of persons attended the games in
Wingham on the 24tb, and a few went to -
Brassels.—Mr. Harry Bosman, of the .
boundar line, had the misfortune to be '.
y I
severely bitten by a dog.—Mr. James 4
Timmins is having fences made on his farm. . -
We bear that a now house is to make its
appearance shortly. .
Crossley and Hunter in Wingham. .
A Wingharn correspondent says: After a -
very successful campaign on the Pacific
coast Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, the well-
known evsngelists, reached here on the last �
day of April. On their first Sunday large
, and appreciative audiences greeted them in
the Methodist and Presbyterian churches in
the morning, while at night the latter was
filled to overflowing -1,200 persons, perhaps .
being prevent to listen to the most momen-
tous of all themes. Throughout the first : '. I!
week services were held in the Methodist
church, but, that soon proving too small,
it was decided for the future to meet in the
large Presbyterian church, kindly placed at
their disposal. On ,Sunday, the _15th, the
churches were crowded. Apt and telling I
addresses were delivered with lzreiitt power, I
while in the new and commodious town I
hall was a congregation,of men only, of
600 or 700, crowded, 'every part -of it. The
Congregational, Baptist, Methodist and
Presbyterian bodies are all united in this
mdveinent and endeavoring to seize the im-
portance of the hour, while already over
200 persons have professed conversion and �
decided to lead a better life. The evange-
lists will remain til � I the closeof the mouth,
so that undoubtedly the meetings will go an
increasing in interest and influence,
—Elizabeth Colwell, relict of . the Uto � 01
Win, Hyslop, of Goderich, passed away on �
Wednesday, May 18tb, aftera, lingering ill-
ness of about three years. She was s. �
daughter of the late John Colwell, of Gode- ' .
rich township, and was born on the old
homestead sixty years ago. She haalived
in Goderich for over forty-five years, and
was one of the oldest residents, Six child-
ren out of a family of twelve survive, viz: *A -
Jam, as, of Toronto ; Walter, of St. Tbomss ;
Mrs. L. T. Macdonald, of Hamilton ; Mrs, I
Henry Martin, of Goderich, and two un- I
married daughters, Emma and Sarah, who
resided with their mother. f
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