HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-05-20, Page 1� _� A
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. � � � SEAFORTH11 FRIDAT, MAINLY&I 20i 1892. . i ! t $1.50 a Year in Advance.
TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. . I � I . . � ___= — 9
�oLE NUMBER, 1,275. . I — f I ; I . .
WH _ ____ - I I i . ng an in charge and had her sent to
______ __ _____ - � I . ' f our mar a for the Waterloo macad amized road between Galt and returniDgin the afternoon, leavi the woln
- 1, , &If to 9 years. In all the crowded streets you jostle through keeping only the very best o 0 1 1 1 Hospital, where both mother and
continental breeding purposes, and mating them4ith I and Hamilton. He was 83 years of age, and Londou'at 3 o'clock. The oldest inhabitant the City .
in age from a year and a h no one knows you or cares a I ded his days on the farm where he had s -o along the route will recollect 11 Jack's" child are doing well. Mr. McHarg kept the
CY OAPSA The youngest one is called the" Doll" of whether you've eaten three square meals a sires that are quality from the hoof up. en . London and woman's tickets and when Bbebas sufficient -
FAN . the shelter. She is a beautiful little thing, a bite for a month, L Owing to a former almost universal cdarse- I long lived. The second death was that of r de of 60 -miles a . day between ly recovered, ahe will join her husband in
and is the smallest and smartest child of her day .or haven't eaten draught horses, many have, in I Mr. Thomas Turnbull, of Turnbull's Gor- Goderich,! .
— age I have seen. Her hair is of a golden Perhaps you run abort of money and you Dess in our on the legs with ners, near Branchton, who was in him 80th � —The Paris Manufacturing Company of big new home.
u are in their minds, associated hair I a a meeting of . �James Goudie, sr., has just died in .
.shade, and in every other particular she is a bate to let the old folks know yo ou'd dig- coarseness. A comb of fioe,silky hair, is by I year. He was a native of RoxboTougbsbire, Paris is reported to have c Iled aid to have built the first'
We axe showing' an attractive line 8 its creditors. This firm, which is one of the Chicago. He is a
0 beautiful child, that is, ff your correspon- need and not succe sful ; anyway, y
A beat native place and have no means incompatible with hard, flinty, Scotland, and had been a resident of Dum- I I
of Fancy Caps in the latest ai dent is any judge of bfa:uty. The children like returuing to your clean bone. We have draught sires, though fries ever mince 1832. The third wa-3 Jonah 14rgest mqnufacturers of woolens and tweeds vessel that ever crossed the Atlantic by _
fellows asking you if you have uffered severely from a steam power alone, namely, the Royal", -
shapes, soni.ethiuc' decidedly new. are all orphans or outcasts. Some belong the other . � are they are far from being universal, witl�� legs T. Howell w ell -known resident of South in the-Dominiori, s about William, which made the trip from Pictou,
c' to drunken parents who were unable t6 keep made your fortune already, or - you on which the sinews Dumfries, A�nd a *-native of Ancaster town- 6re a few weeks ago. The lose wag 833. � He f -
. the nobbiest goods in the if , but clean and hard, and d by Nova Scotia, -to Gravesend in I I
They're them, and to turned them out, and only homesick. It's Mehl], of course stand out as distinctly as on those of a ship. Re was in his 78th year. ' $100,000, of Which $70,000 w was 81 years old, a-nd was married to , his
trade Tuade not only for looks b,at for nd we're a mean : 0 . ipsurance4
they were picked up by the Army. then that's human nature, a .
I us humans. So a few weeks thoroughbred, These horses are now being ! D., one -of the first wife ,nearly 60 ,years ago, who survives him.
,triking example of the lot anyhow, i
wear. . Here again is shewn a r the best of our heavy mares I In : Canada. � —M is s i Oliver, M. '
noble work in which the Army is engaged in - pass, and after you have -washed your own bred to I � l4raduat�slof the Women's Medical College, —A deal. has been closed at Sault Ste.
-bowl saveral times to ea�e Huron county, and I expect in other parts —The Sarnia Bicycle Club hag LOW over �iiigstbri, to go to India, returns to Can- Marie by -which the Perry Lumber Company .
in the wash - Ontari 0if F
Blue Tam 0:'Shanters5 this city and also in the whole Dominion. socks i of the Province, .such as York and 10, 50 membeis. i es 0 . �
0 , i I - ad& this �ear. Miss Fraser, M. D,, residing obtained possession of 192 square mil f
� Leaving this part of the city we proceed to laundry bills, hidden from the gaze, of all lin
. -the solemn sacredness of your little six by where horse breeding has received a —A glass factory is going to be started in ing and pine, spruce and cedar lands on the Cau'a-
� . . gecia a�t Mhow, India, writes very interest -
At the - four back room, up nineteen stories, and attention, there is growing up a 88 Of Winnipeg.� eging letters to friends. Miss Oliver's than Indian reservation, 40 miles north of
White ". . 110ME OF REST. young stock characterized by their 4lean, —The T appist Mon a are about to estab- I - neat St. Maryle, Perth the 11 Soo." The deal involves millions wid
. This branch of the work is under the com- . sewed on myriads of buttons, you are apt to ell -set nitoba. relatives 'reside will result in logging operations on a vast ,
self back to the parental roof just as flat bone, sloping pasterns, and w lish a monastery at St. Norbert, Ma
mand of Mrs. Captain Langtry, Matron of hie your hie with. limbo. Such animals constitute the knaw —About 60 attended the Prince Edward qounty, - I I I
the Home. She has three assistants. There Soon as you get the wherewith to cially general purpose horses. They are County teachers'conveutiou at Picton Thurs- —The . congregation of, Burns' church, scale. ri,
College Caps,, are at present 13 officers resting here. It is Of course some prospgr in cities ; you of ten . Mesa, west of Loudon, ha% e presented Rev. —The other day Mr. McGee, liveryma
see Eomething in'the EXPOSITOR about " An- worked profitably on the farm, and bring day last week. � � e, had John White, jr., and
provided with three differeltit kinds of ward@; omething the highest price when put on the market. —Pierre Langlaisi aged 77, died lately at Air. Stewart with a purse of $112 and Mrs. of Kincardin,
Turkish. Fez Caps3,", one for the mein, one for the women, and one other Well -Doing Hurolnite," or s ig like , Windsor, having spent hIs whole life on one Stewart with. a fine gold ring and a neatly- David Goodwin before the Mayor of that -,
. to that effect. , You never see anythir . -worded 9�ddress as a slight token of esteem town, charging them with abusing a horse
for the married officers. There are quarters ,, Another Busted Huronite," still that is no " Private and Confidential." fairm. they hired on a recent Sunday to go to
- to accomindate 25 officers. The builOing is NG LETTER FROM SIR Joim A. I —The Montreal Cotton Co. are increas- and regard. Mr. Stewart and family have n
proof that there are not any wandering INTERXSTI left for their new home in Prince Edward Underwood, The horse was fou d in th-e
conifortably provided with all requirements ing their �capital from $800,000 to S,1,000, - � creek near the Russell street bridge. The
Comm-odore Caps, through the adjoiniDg land of liberty. ' MACDONALD TO MR. MCGREFVY- I Island. .
for the comfort of thos6 residing therein. Maybe you want to go to Central America The Globe Friday reproduced in fac simile a 000. � - I ' young men ,did not know bow the animal
n entering the Horne we were shown into . es� Elliott, a wealthy farmer, near ! —The death of H. W. Bretbour, a former
0 in search of adventure. All right, if you letter from the late Premier of the Dominion —Jon, � - . antford, is an- got there, but the damages cost them $21,
the dining room, and we here met a very -sad on. Thos. McGreevy, written � eight Tottenham, has been smothered to death by well-knoyvn merchant of Br
Yacht Ca ps, can't possibly wriggle along any more in the to H . I I tiounced 'from Riverside, California. De- —A serious runaway took place in Berlin
l I
case. One of the officers was lying on the county of Huron, where there are (presum- years,ago, which, in its way, is,a, revqlation a load of grain failing on him. a ge, and had been in the otb . er morning. A farmer named
I lounge, and Captain Stark, after shaking likeys, panthers orboa-constric- and goes to corroborate the ongstainding R U McDonald has accepted a Pree- ' �essed w; s 76 years of ag e immediate Shantz was driving a heavy wagon through
im and ask- ably) no mox - v*�afi from Winnipeg to Grafton, Da- failing health for some time, th
� �
$icycle Caps, hands with the others, came to h tore. But I'll offer a little advice gratis : .suspicion that the strained relations !which I by�eri:n cause of death being a stroke of paTalysiB. tbat town, attached to which was a team of -
ed him bow he was feeling to day, to which First—Don't go. Second, etc., BRy a re- it was discovered existed between those who I kota � He in survived by a widow and adopted spirited horge�, when the linch-pin fell out,
- answer, but inatead,tbe officer — ' �In electric railway is to be built from I
be received no ptain turn ticket ; tarke your mother with you—it should have dwelt together in harMonyo - — along the Niagara daughter, .. thereby throwing the tongue of the wagon
- twisted a little on the lounge. Ca takes some time to learn how to cook ; have were of ancient birth. This is a copy'of the Lewiston to Youngstown, I —The deborning commission met in Til- on'the horses' heels. �,They started off at a
I -
Cricket Caps, Stark was then told that the young man's your liver tak I en out and scraped, and your letter given by the Globe :— river. I Id mad gallop, leaving the vehicle badly wreck-
. mind was affected. He seems to think that stomach provided with a sheet -iron lining— - ' OTTAwA, May 6, '84. - —The Montreal Bicycle Club is the 0 - sonburg a few days ago and took consider- The animals were -finally caught after
- he has committed some terrible sin for which ntial. I est one In America. It is now eighteen 'Able evidence which was all in favor of the ed.
Lacrosse Oaps. there is no forgiveness. He is not at all boiled baboon wears out the membraine, lin- - Private and Confide � ' practice of" deborning, not a single word be- they bad run for a number of miles, but I
ing ; also, some lumber and half a ton of ice, My DEAR MCGREEVY: L years old, . ing spokon against it, The following gentle- slightly injured by the accident. Mr..Shantz
dangerous, but very quiet. After being and you will be sureto get back anyway, All my colleagues from the other Provinces —During last week there were 25 failures I .
men testified to the merits of the practice : was uninjured.
. -h the Rome we took our de- fn I i I -
W- e also make, any style of Cap to Shown throng onsiderably cooled after concur with me in the opinion that Langevi in Canada as compared with 23 for the
parture and on reaching Yonge Street we your enthusiasm c - and Chapleau should try to live together in corresponding period last year. IThomas �Lutherford; J, W. Elliot, Rosehart; —Eli P. Ede, son of 'Mr. Jacob Ede, a
order, s-uita,ble for all games. ' . m there your trip. —Over 4,748,691 gallons of water from i Mr. Brown, vet6rinary. surgeon, of Aylmer, Colchester farmer, residing not far from
took a car for North Toronto. Fro - . amity in the Government. " land several others. Win(Isor, met with his �i death in a horrible
: - er works were used durin I _P In -n
we took an electric railway car to Eglington, I Wages in Dakota. They think that Chaplean is lees danger the Berlin wat 9 . 'ev. D. Sutherland, pastor of thePres- manner on Friday, 6th St. I removing
in the suburbs of Toronto,and finally arrived � ous when -he is a hostage for his good be- April. The large stand pipe holds 3,500,WO '
, HAGUY,, Trail County, . byteria� church, Warkworth, informed. big a large stone he had dug a pit beside it, and
at I North Dakota,May 6th, 1892. haviour by being in the Council than as a gallons. � ' , i
.Y ' . in is sensit:ve to —John H. Ferguson, sentenced congregation on Sunday morning last that in just as he wa' .getting out
. THE PRISON GATE ROME. man free to act. Langev '�Ieau in October, 1889, to five years in the Kings- future he would. do no advertising from his stone slipped back, crushing him against the -
. DEAR EXPOSrrOR,—1 send you a few items ' �
This branch of the Army work is, to my in regard to wages in Dakota. I think it attacks in the newspapers ani if Ch,a ton Penitentiary, made his escape Saturday ipulpit and would announce only such things side of the pit. He remained in that position
Seaforth. ' X&MiDatiOn that takes the field against him he willsting our I I � connected with church nearly an hour, until seen by Cyrus Balk -
Fashionable Hatters, mind, one of the best under the Army's di- Will be found on close e friend to death. L. is goin . 9 to Quebec by morning. i as wer directly well, who managed to extricate .him. He
rection. It is under the Dommand of En- where one laborer is working on a farm who - in loads of immigrants reached , work. The newmpaper, he said, was the
sign McMillan. We were shown through makes $300 a year, fifty will be found who the end of the week and will see his friends. —Thrge tra
im- Toronto on Sunday. About 60 got off there I proper medium through which to advertise died shortly afterwards. He was to have
the Home by that cfficer, and were first will not make more than $150, if the everything else. been married the following week..
' �mrl y make I wish you particularly to�see him and * ugli to Chicago I '
- THE SALVATION ARM � taken into the bakery department. They that much. Those who hired y in the press on him the neces3ity of putting up and the remainder went thro —The Ontario Government bas.decided to —Twenty-one years ago Thomas Norman,
IN TORONTO. ' are turning out at present about -800 loaves seasou did the best this year. The working with C; until the latter does something so and the Western' States. it issue licenses to brewers hereafter, but Louis ploya of the Kingsville woolen Mills,
wages for wrong as to justify his forced resignation. —Two of Mrs. Carey's little children, a .uhardt, of the East End, Woodstock, all sin onthe
-R.% FOR CANADA—THE TEM- weekly, and in the summer the� will turn season is eight months, and the h not � Bar near Windisor, deserted his seven in
THE READQUARTF _01.11LD_ out about 1050 per week. The Ensign told the season average $25 per month" and the Just now I cannot ask him to do so unless Waterloo, have been poisoned, thong f ace � refuses to take a Prc;vincial licenae. He has bride and disappeared. The union had been
pLE_RE.,;,GUE ROME FOR (41RLS me that they run this businees on " S. X. laborer has to sign a contract to stay the L. and Caron, or one of them, in writing, fatally,. by drinking their mother's a Dominion license. The license fee fixed
OF REST FOR and prove a dufficient charge wash. . 1. . a happy one and no reason could be ad-
. nE.N%i; sHELTER—HOMIE principles," as to the weight of the loaves. whole season or forfeit a part of his wages. either make . by the Ontario Government is $250. In-
O.FF10ER,g—P1LISO'_S� GATE HO -31E. hich of them to —Four old gentlemen reside at the Cooley ed for his unhusbandlike-conduct. A
. They are erecting a large brick oven, and A good many hire for seeding and. then for or say that I must choose w Spector McKay has reported Mr. Barn- Vane ,onths after Norman's disappearance a, -
ToRoNTO, may i6th, 1892. expect to turn out about 600 loaves a day harvest and threshing. The wages for seed- keep, . pond, Buiford, whose united ages are 340 barat's case to the department. few. P d MrF. Norman has cou-
Your correspondent, having never seen after it is completed. exit into in are $18 per month- and on this farm t.here This must be communicated to C. and he years. They are P. Thomas, W. Kennedy, qTbe destruction of the Ontario Canoe child was born an
ard to the 9 out one hundred men employed at will wreak his vengeance so long as he lives Geo. Trenmand, bnd Jameg Treumand, _ Company's factory at Peterboro last week tinned an employe of the mill. On Wednes-
anything in public print in regi the boot and shoe department. They Mann- are ab d head of tbcee,who drive him —Last Friday a homing pigeon, belonging day last week Norman came back 0 Kings-
Salvation Army Headquarters in Canadat, and shoes here. present and men are so plentiful that on the devote mpbell of Toronto, flew from by fire entailed a loss of $25,000. - This com- ville and Tendeavored to secure a reconcilim-
facture all kinds of boots overnm6nt. The faults of C. to F. W. Ca I an told him she bad,
Lthought that perhaps- a few notes on this The foreman told me that they guarantee new comers are working for their board. out of the G and L. vp ill be charged Drumbo to Toronto, a distance of 74 miles, pany built the finest canoes constructed in tion, but Mrs. Norm
lsabj,ect might prove of interest to the many every pair of shoes to be equal to any that I have lived five years in Manitoba and will soon be forgotten . Canada and a large stock of particularly fine gotten AIODg without him 21 years and could
readers of THE EXPOSITOR. Having come the city produchg, and at $1.50 leas, cost. this is my fifth year in the States and I with persecution and jealousy. This will in one hour and 40 minutes. canoce, together with all models, were de- continue to do so the rest of her life.
to this conclusion I wended my Steps to� There are at present 10 inmates. Those wauld say that wages alone are not all that creabe a sympathy, for C. and the Grits and —The City Council of Winnipeg is con- stro ed. The fire is believed to be due to ittle is known of the residence
adopting Henry �� —Vt�ry ii
wards the Army Temple, which is situated in the Home have served terms in prisons or is to be looked at . in leaving a good home. I Rouges will eagerly accept his a9sistance sidering the advisability of 11 taxation upon ineeMarism. .
on the corner of Albert and James streets, jails varying from three months to seventeen ba ve had the privilege of attending church and he will become a power in the State. An George's idea of placing a —After the 15tb of May all children under of Mrs. Peter Mitchell, wife of the Ron.
Arriving at the Temple I bad the pleasure-. once since.last Nqv�mber and do . not expect a junior member of the Cabinet he is com- land. 14 years of age will have to be off the streets Peter Mitchell, who died a few days ago in
y Alexander Jamieson of Chatham was I
ejears' The Home is provided with sixteen n before next November. paratively harmless. — of Owen Sound by nine -o'clock at night, un- Toronto. She- wenz to that city last fall,
of meeting Captain Loftus Stark, who, by esping berths. Eighty-nine have passed to have a chance agat personal interest fined $150 and costs—in all a.mounting' to , - adult. arid rented rooms at the house of Mr. J. H. .
the way, is well-known to many of your through the Rome since it was started in I wouldsay to those who have a good home, It in, I think,in your in I 8200—for the misdemeanor of detaining a leas on ,errands or accompanied by an ,,clock Burger, 2:36 DoverCOUTt road. She was an
readers. I Captain Stark, with -,his usual September, 1890. The Home has supplied - think twice before you leave it for Dakota. not to have a split. Tupper, with who . letter contrary to postoffice law. . A curfew shall be rung sharp at nine c ) invalid, having been so for years. .., She was
kindness,. volunteered to conduct me through 500 with meals -to those calling and who I JAMF_9 WIGHTMAN, have one over the whole thing, agrees with d the' police will arrest any child whom
- I d run up to Montreal —Scarlet fever broke out on the steamship 'ill attendeif by her grand -daughter, and lived
the Temple, and also to take ire around were in need. Several have been sent to A Former Huronite. me. wish you woull - at Montreal from they ml�.y find on the streets after the warn- . She would not
through the different. departments of note . I- on Friday and see him (Tupper). He would- Toronto which arrived - Ila comper.stive seclusion.
their homes, and several have been found 'V , ast week. Three, . ing has been given. � fused
of Salvation Army work in the city. ng and are doing well. Some What Horse Shall We Raise ?' like to see you on the subject, and I have L; erpool on Thursday of I f whom died —Miss Alice Galbraith theclever youlng� permit a doctor to be called and re
hildren were stricken, two o I edicine. 'Underta:ker Bates, who took
good situatio I would write you to meet him. c dancer U
THE TEMPLE. remarkable caaes have been brought before BY D. BUCHANAN, HENSALL. Be sure you -go. He leaves Montreal for and were buried at sea. .;of London, and fo r of her talented in ,
. pnpils,:Beatrice and Lillian Shand, Hugh charge of the body, said she died of dropsy.
The Temple is a very nice buildiDg, and the notice of the Army through this work. Is there any money in horses? This ques- Halifax on Friday night. . —Richard Robeson, of 'Princeton, near I . Mrs, Stewart, the Christian Scientist leader'
% th i O&Ibraith and* Thomas May, along with J
issituatedin one Of the priucip When prisoners first arrive at theHomein, tin Burn this letter when read. You need not Paris, died on May 8 aged 79 years. He 9 , Irs. Mitchell, and
le p�rts of n put to different persons will call for a an intimate friend of N
1-1 Red Maria " they are given a warm rat says, " No, not nown in this vicin- Charles Donovan, the -gifted violinist have WA
the city, being bat, a block from Yonge the different answers. The 6 any to L. that I have written you. -was well and favorably k i been engaged to take part in the grand mili.- visited her occasionally It is understood
� I
street. It cost in the neighborhood of sba,ke band and welcomed, thus showing under present conditions," while others I Yours sincerely, ity, ba'ving been a schocd teacher for several 1 tary concert given in Berlin on May 24th. that Mrs. Mitchell, iiaving lost faith in
$60,.o0a. It .is .brick veneered, and has a that they are not forsaken by all mankind. would answer, 11 Yes, if we raise the right - JouN A. MACDONALD. years. * ' Miss Galbraith intends taking the little ones medicine, was anxious to try the faith cure, .
large audience rooiri, which will seat 2,5W After that they are given a berth and rigged kind." In -former years the borse industry —A grand excursion of Roman Catholic Christian Sciencep or anything to gain relief
people comfortably and 3,000 otherwise.- It Out in a decent suit, and all the doors are Was so profitable that almost any style Of ' [The reader will note the lapsus penna, archbishops, bishops, and clergy left Mon. to the World's Fair next year. from suffering: in
� - big go?s " and other spec- left open, thus showing that they are trust- . n on the right in the sentence beginning "This must be ayfevdnizig last, in a special —At the annual meeting of the Young
is only used on . imal would leave us a margi real, ol Mon& —Miss Barbara Currie, of Napanee, is i
ia,l Occasions. They have another large ed, even after coming from a prison cell. In " exceptional communicated," etc. Evidently the inten- t . Men's Christian Association in Brantford,
side. Not so, to -day ; it is an car to the Pacific coast. They will be away, the result of typhoid fever.
this way they are led to a better life and are of the writer was to say, 14 This must I last wpek, the secietary's report showed a the asylum,
room, in which they hold the meetings at horse that now brings in a respectable profit. tiou ted to C. and," etc.] for about three weeks. ,iDg H.er's is a sad story, and shows a sister's
night, which is quite comfortably fitted up put at some work around the Rome, which Authorities tell us that England will take not be communica —George -Langs, Round Plains, Brant! membership of -550, and an encours,� self-sacrifice. Last September her
the do willingly. � - After a while they get v. ' rearling financial statement was presented. 1he love and � `
for the benefit of those attending them. The y our horses - at a price that will leave & rea- county, has lost a very valuable 3 1 ddress of the evening was deliverea by brother was taken down with'typheid fever
itself is four storeys high and has a ealary. The foreman of the boot and shoe sonable balance if we raise the kind she Repl�7 -to Dakota Laborer. colt. It was turned out for exercise and! & �
building . department gets a regular salary, as also -Pos May injure, Rev. W. J. Clark, -of London. The pros- and his life despaired of. An soon as she
Startilng at the trade wants. Theoe are coach and saddle horses. � . I'TOR. —In your issue of di ear are heard of i,t Mi�g Currie, who had a splendid
very high tower. DEAR Ex "Labor met with some accident, whereby it i pects qf the society for the engUiDg y iiapauee and
stores, which are thfee in' number, we pro- does the baker and the rest of the workmen. Believing'tbo these men speak of what they 6th there appeared an article headed its spine. It wag valued at $1,000. � . partico I situation in Toronto, went to Z
ceeded to the basement, and here found a They are trusted with money and sent on know, I doubt not that a first-class saddle inDakota." Now, Dakota laborer starts -on —Mr. John McFee, of Belleville, has� larly bright. or nursed him back from death's door. She
d, and are always sure to come t a blemish or un- the wrqng track when* he says that Morris -A [striped- worm, known as the warri
refresh.m. ent stand and tailor shop. The re- some eTrBn . . or coach horse) withou 1 found a remarkable bed of galena in Barrie' — remained at his bedside night audday, and
, worm J
back I I straight. " They have four horses in, body or limb, will laborer had never been outside the township ,:has made its debut in the vicinity of
freahment st%nd is Jor the benefit of those oundness in eitber township. Mr. A. W. Bishop has found, I his physicians stated that nothing but her
. two for the home. He seems to be � Round Plains, county of Brant, and truly it
connection with the Home ; 04 than � phosphate and mica leads on Mr. Samuel: I brought him through. Af ter
officers and soldiers'who may need anything bring a price that will more or not very far from ; it marches like soldiers. skill and care
in th,%t line.. The tailor shop is a 'very . " Red -Maria," and two for the bake carts. pay for big raising, but --this is by no proud -of being far from home. Now, air, I Blair's property in North Wakefield. i in rightly named, for destruction be- his recovery Miss Currie, her sister, arl�d
upied by 14 ' There are eleven barracks in the city, and means conclusive to the farmer. lie, as in have been from home- a good deal and have —Fires have begun to attack the forests and leaves a blaak path of the same
neatly fitted up room, and is oce all are doing a splendid. work. On the whole, most other lofe6nehes of'his business- has to worked in some townships that weee very in the back part of Addington county. On hind it. Several fine meadows have already mother were taken down with
hands includinIg the cutter, who is not a V ,er got discouraged yet, The di� direase, and our heroine, for lack of suf-
I I think the city of Toronto and the whole rough but nev I" Tuesday Ompah villagers were -called out to been destroyed by this plague. attention., and bein run
Salvatioaist� He is the only one in con- Dominion should feel proud of the fact that look at the question from many sides. He a as fine a rection this peat seems to be traveling is ficient care and 9
nection with the Temple, I believe, who is thinks of the work to be done on the farm, my first letter I Said Ontario i subdue the flames attacking valuable pro- down through loss of rest and anxiety, was
not E6. - Sal.` We then proceeded through there are people who devote their energies country as there is in the world. perty in the gutskirts of the village.
that he may just as well be' driving a team 113 Grovel —The ten year. old son of Mr. Walter with difficulty brought through. Sad to
and their lives to -the carrying out of such a that will plow two acres -a day as One that My brother laborer admits it is, but te —N. H. Beattie, of Wilton ' . encement of her dis-
the different offices of the building, which noble work as that in Which the Salvation that me to wait until Dakota is -as long settled as countylof Middlesex, has lost a large num-, Teal, of the Glencoe marble works, found a. relgite, with the comm 9 overtbrowD, and
are as follows : Enquiry. waiting room, io engaged, and they are entitled to will only do half that amount, or One ber of i sheep and lambs which haxe been railway torpedo in the field opposite the ease her reason wa
post office, Special efforts, rescue secretary's, Army will cut eight or ten acres a day with the Ontario, then it will be as fine a cquntry as I His loss is estimated Gran Truhk Railway station. He thought although restored to health again, for the
auxiliary, finiiincial Becretary's, financial and should receive the sympathy and moral binder rather than four or five. He rellnem- there is in the world too. Now, 90, how do scab. . past few weeks, she evinced signs of insan-
. . p . i raised you make that out? Would it ' afflictea with $5,000.L it was a tin box and pounded it with a large
commitsioner's, commia- and pecu�niary Sup Qrt of all Christian peo- bers that a, percentage of 'the horse not have at between $4,000 and - I )IodedL, ity, and it was deemed advisable to.send
caghier'L�, pro,pei-tyy eat work for 11 h farmers and tone PO for . The thing exE "
- ple. The Army is doin,0 a gr d, more particularly light horses ; been settled before to -day wit —A � sensation has been caused in Sarnia ce it open. asylum for special treatment and
,sioner's private secretary, chief'o, field see are unaoun 11 he tips of two firigers of the her to the
� y and field ,humanity and for the Master. A visit to that the slightest blemish renders a light other classes if it is the country MV friend by the arres,t of Andrew Crawford, first shattd,ring t I
retary's, chief's private secretur their various institutions in this city could I would ask NN,b&t are nIt tearing a long, deep care.
mbined, social reform, , - horse unsaleable ; and that if such an ani- makes it out to be ? deputy -reeve, charged with common assai b oy's-iigbt hand and —John Elliott, a veteran medalist of the
private Secretary co I � o convince the most skeptical Of by two respectable young women—Miss gasb�o one of his legs.
i- not fail t Mal will n6t do the work on the farm as ef - the people waiting for Dakota to do ? Are I the other
social reform secretary's, intelligence, jan � grow to Ma Fleming. fire broke out about half -past two Crimean war, died in Kingston
this fact. I they waiting for trees to , I Frances Johnston and Miss Annie , clock last Sunday morning in the large day. The deceased was born in Northal-ler-
tor's, editar's, appointments and statistical " SLu(; THREE." ficiently as some other he is then kept at a I tim.- 0 - age of 19 years
. . The con- timber and lumber for houses and rai � Up to the
lo�§s during the rest of his life , Be had been inbibiDg liquor again. ctory' of Dowling & Leighton, to", Yorkshire.
department,5. �89 Have they as fine to . ish-
� wns � furniture fa
fhe offfice of special effortais under the —.-- clusion .is that this branch of the industry ber for fence . _AP exchange says: Announce 4. your. Harriston, destrOylitllg the principal part of he was engaged in a large binding estaibh -
, - . e, nor would it be profitable and villages ? Have they as fine churches births in your local paper. It will no, cost . ment in DarLmouth. After that he joined
supervision of Brixr%dier Philpott, who was STAY AT HOME, is not practicabl clay or clay and schools I Ali I friend laborer, I am 'baby is worth b ving the macbiuer� and Workmen's tools, dry , army and served through the
at one time com-fnea'nder of the London Di- . — in districts where the soil is a ' you anything and if a a cr and furniture in course of comple- the British
. 104m. Where the soil is a sandy loam, and afraid you will be very grey -headed before it is worth while letting your friends know lumbe Crimean war. he was present at the battles
vision, and is well known to many of your BY R. J. DUNSMORE. class can do the ota equal to Ontario. I Said - tion.. The firemen, headed by one of the
readers, There ate between ZO and 40 SEAFORTI1, May 17tb, 1892. the unsound animala of this � you see Dak - about it. They say the ladies always read proprietors ex -Mayor Dowling, did excel- of Inkerman, Alma, Balaklava, and the fall
I e of a heavier before, the S8580118 are too short and grain -_
. work equally well with thos the birth notices the first thing. ' ' Sebastopol. At the close of the 'War he
hands employed in the different offices Many of my old boy friends, now young 8 stated what d out lent ork, and succeeded in cenftilng the of urkish me&ls and
They are all fitted up with everything neces- men, who have talked to me since y re- stamp, the raising of these horses to fill the gets damaged by froste. I al 0 —A monument was recently turne W he building, received the British and T
sairy I for office work suah an typewriters, etc. in 'British demand may, by judicious selection makes so Many come back? Dakota laborer by the Canadian Granite works, Ottawa, to fire to one or two sections of t crossbars with the names of the four battles
, y the list of the different turn from Central America, have grown of both sire and dam, and by careful breed- tries to make out that they all go back again be erected to the memory of Catharine —The first trouble at Montreal over the He also received the
It will be seen b , quite enthusiastic in their desire to travel borer. I nt cattle ' gulations occurred engraved on them.
branch of tho Salvation . ing, -be found to be remunerative. , in the spring. Not all, dear la Cassidy, qhelsea, whose age at death was new Governuie re off decoration of the Legion of Honor for rescu-
Army work is well taken care of. We then and experience all di sorts of adventures in Another says, " The general putpose horse know men that never went back a second Ill years. This is the greatest age up to on Fr I iday, when 31 cattle were ordered -ing & French officer from the Russians uu-
o-therlands, where untramnieledunciviliza- is what we want,." but much differeDee of time; one season was enough for them. It date on the books of the company. the steamship Canopus by the Government
proceeded to the top of the tower, and had a The regulation. space had not der very hot -fire, After thewairs were Over
Every pp,rt of tion " reigns supreme. Now, I dislike very b to drive a binder —Alexander Holmes, Beachville, has. lost inspector. in Halifax
magnificent view of the city. much to -think anything I may have said or opinion 9xiBta as to what co natitutes a gen- was rather too cold a jo mittens they told been given the cattle. Some 70 cattle had be came to Canada and settled
it is plainly visible to the human eye from eral purpose horse. Every farmer, who is without an overcoat and a number of horses this spring from some is means for a short time, He then drifted to Lon-
I with such at all interested .in horses, has pictured in me, My friend admits that there is little to be removed, which at 55s a h ad I i
this point. I may jiist hem remark that the written may have imbued them mysterious trouble that baffles the skill of Cable advices say don, Ontario. When the Canadian Rifles
. arningg. Stay at home, fellows. ind an ideal farm horse. This or nothing to do in the winter. That is a all the -veto" who have been called to pre- a logo per trip of $960. d in
new court house is being erected on the op- unwise Ye his own m : partic- poor show - for a courtry that is going to scribe. The tomach and other parts of the that in the last ten-daya prices have fallen were organized he enlisted and serve
posite, corner block. This building, when Scooting round the world and poking into ideal may vary with men, but more � S $12 per head. them till they disbandi�d in Kiagston. Since
completed, will he one of the finest in the all Sorts Of outlandish places where a white ularly with localities. In one district the be equal to Ontario in a few years, Surely dead horses have been sent to Toronto for
man has no business to be, is not exactly ire to be of a heavier, and they will have some cattle and horses and ' —4 five year old son of Mr. Win. Hanna, that time he followed the occupation Of
city. From the tower we can see the huge one continual round of pleasure. Of course, animal may r,qu - LMp. The ideal sheepto-look after, and wood to cut and analysis. of I-',Qckwood, was playing with one of those horse -trainer. .
foundation being laid. one only hears the lor h est side of being in another of a lighter sti e farmers do not —At a Meeting a few days ago of the Ag- tin whistles which accompany gum boxes, —A Saginaw, -Michigan, paper refers in
.g the Temple we go into the War ig t . you don't farm horse is frequently confounded with, or other chores. And if th ricultural and Colonization Committee in whe : he drew the whistle into his not,very complimentary terms to Rev. Mr.
Leavin away from home and friends , idered an, the general purpose, and thi8 raise stock how do they manure tlhe land ? Ottawa, Professor Robertson, the Dairy Mann, a few years ago in charge of . the
Cry office, which is in the next building' hear much about the disadvantages, discom- "Ing has prevented many from Again, he says I am mistaken about the Commissioner, stated that by feeding cat* throat while blowing it. The whistle ton Presbyterian church, and previous
tle in- is the fallacy that O'uld obtain' as lodg�d far clown into 'the windpi,pe, so that Gran harge of a ehurch at Walton,
We were shown the process by which the forts, and petty allLnoyauces ; so lit , Making the money out of korse-ralsing that threshing, Well, it depends altogether on with liozen wheat fariners c � Rio father ta that in c '
photo engra,vings are made for the War Cry. deed, that it is easy to conclude there isn't ley otherwise would have done. The sphere how the threshers work to make a job last. large return for t eir money as if they had the Aild could hardly breathe. Ontario. It says: A portion
. . I
It takes a man with a keen eve and steady . took him immediately to a surgery. An Huron county,
I - a any, and that anywhere in distant placer, is t', the general purpose horse must be even He also says they don't depend on whe%t sold he grain in good condition. - the whistle of one of the afternoon sessions of the 'Sagi-
hand to; do this work. This department i preferable to the seemingly hum -drum Mon- Of general than this. � The difficulty alone, for barley and oats are grown. I can � child of R. Sitzer, of Tilsonbnrg, who attempt was made to extract I naw Presbytery was devoted to a peculiar
under the supervision Of Adjutant Evans. more it will take a big a� The but �'vithout avail, when it was forced down I case which provoked considerable merriment
ting department otony of home life. � arises in the fact that farmers are not our tell youp brother laborer, te a me toadstools recently is dead. omach, from wbich it may Pass -
9 Just a! fa -mil 1 have been used to eating mug
We then go into the prin fool yourself, old boy. horses, wheia sold off the pile of oats to bring $300. That is a Dakot ' hroo,Ms, ' into the st after- and no little'indignation. it was in reference
I -nder the command of Capt. Phil- Don't you . purchasers ; that More tn h y I The litt1t, fellow felt as lively as ever on the minister who now
� which is u nds are employed in this there is where you make the greatest Mis- farm. do not go- to perform farm work, but man's wages for one year. 'in work_ and when the children werefirst taken ill I wards, and complained of no pain. to Rev. David M& , rch at Pinco.nning.
lips.- Thirty ha take of your life. I've been there, and have are used for an entirely different purpose, SO he says there is far more pleasure A e mushrooms were not considered the James Heslop, senior, of theGovernor's has po-se8sion of the chu
office. It is reckoned to be one of the best a faint idea of what I'm, talking abont. Let that the ideal farm -horse-does not fill. the ing on a farm in Dakota. no, cause, but after seversl hours medical aid I I. y surviving brother of the late As near as can be learned Mr. Mann is & I
union Offices in the city. Having seen all me tell you a few of the surprises that awlit The general purp'ose horse is one that thistles or noxious weeds to contend with. was summoned, but too late to save the little road, the oul f Ancaster town- singular character to istand behind the sa- I
that was, to be seen in this neighbor -hood we bill. Was it thistles thai made my , John Heelop, treasurer o law. He
you the moment you depart from , the 'Ory does all kinds of work on the farm well, and Dear me! . , girl. ' e cred desk and expound the moral
proceeded to the old farmhouse for pasture new,and watu fills the demand when put on the market. friend leave Ontario? Theo, the �next point, —The fog born operated by steam -.nd i ship; is slowly recovering from the injury h me to the Staten from Canada, bringing
. use at ' received in Hamilton market last September, ca .
RE,SCUE ROME FOR GIRLS. 11 there is not' half the � rt ne sufficientto
you of the mighty tough grazing a fellow This animal is a size heavier than the ideal he tries to get at is, Compressed air, near the light he �
ared with Ontario. . ; as kicked by a horse, He is now with him a comfortable fo tu ,
This building is situated on the corner of finds therein occasionallv. We'll say you farm horse must have action and quality, drudgery there as comp Long Point, east end of Lake Erie, is now I whelp he w ged wife has make him independent of any labor, but he
Street. 1�r native town, or, I en hundred upwards. W hy,surely my friend does not expect pleas- ade. i ear, and with his a a'knea-q for the' pulpit
in peration. The entire Lake Erie tr I in his 88th y
Wilton Avenue and Victoria It 'a first learn a trade in yo and weigh from fourte I the ..iame house, or on the same has, it appears, a we bility-
We - ure all the time. Is it work, or what does he 0 signal at this lived in
under the command of Ensign Locke. worse still, you have no trade at all, just go i will be benefited by a reliable residing on, for 58 without the correspondiog grace and no
I all. it blind and strike off to some big city if properly bandled, he will at least earn mean by drudgery ? He also states that point. The horn will sound blasts of seven i property, that he is now )urpose usually associated with that high
were shown through this Home for the f (B&y his board from the time he is two and a half i years. His mental faculties are bright and of I ya it is claimed
eu and outcasts by one of the Lieutenants. Chicago) with the hope that you'll strike years old, and when five he is ready to be Dakota is a 6;� better place'for 'the laboring I seconds duration with intervals of thirty I clear, notwithstanding hie advanced age. calling. A Saginaw paper sw s a mischief
It is provided with a kDittilng room-, sewing work of, some kind. You've probably never sold and go. to perform the beavywork in man than Ontario. Then he invites me to 1 seconds. I s a great success A everal.
room iron-ing room, kitchen and dining- been in a large city before, and know no, one � the mail left Lon- 1 He was learning his trade as a mason on the that be wa
I the cities. The unsound ones of this stamp, take a trip out and get my eyes opened. I —For the last 50 years ' ker in the Queen's dominion, and a
to bear � vlr Ma now Sorry molou-
started about the ropes, an p " northern offices. ; Erie canal during its construction.
8ince this Rome was in Chicaga. You don't know d which will be few if they are,properly bred, Now, Sir, I am greatly sur ri8ed don daily at 8 o'clock for . I - I .
roolm. 1-1 I go clean I . d on I Reolop also worked as a mason on the disrupted churches are caliar methods -
30 of the inmates have been well taken ,are while you are nosing around for work and will be useful and profitable animals .to ke . ep that my fellow laborer had to opened. I For a number of years it was carrie Rideau canal when it was being made, and I ments to Rev. Mr. ' Maun�s pe
procured for itreet corner, -there . . ugh to Dakota to get big eyes I ', Jack " Quick. at a time I
of and sent to good situations, 1OSiD.g yourself at every L on the farm. � throl iee a greater horseback by will
them by the Salvation Army As to how ing past if we are to breed this stamp of horse,we But, 49 for nliy eyes they can ,, 1 when the roads were impassable for any 1 upon the Welland also. Z —The first Cheese Fair of the season
. . L nday says - i
the home I cannot say, but are hundreds of smart fellows hustl I ty, The Americans distance than some people suppose. Hoping other mode of Co venienbe. Subsequently, i —The London Adv ertiser of Me Listowel, on Friday, 20th inst.
many are now in you and juutping into all vacant positions, I must insist upon quali - resting little incident at - be held in
a chance to I d on your valuable being ' There was an inte � ting of the directors uill be
the officers in charge are always kept busy. waiting f r tired -time heavy I upon the LondonDand Goderich road I n Friday nDual mee Messer, of
with plenty left 0 1 have grown of our old I have not trespasse � the Grand Trulik Railway statio The a I Mr. Wm -
going to tak jum . � space,too�much, I remain, Yours, I d by stage up to i t train was waiting there held the same day.
Two more of the inmates are e . p. You don't like r(staurant grub; you weights, and come to the proper conclusion � LABORER. graveled, it was conveye Huron i night. An emigran ident.
wholesome, butter and milk, aheavy horse, more than i London, Bluevale, is the retiring pres
situations this week. This branch of the miss the good, , Ing . i the time of opening of the i De of its passengers was. Mrs. john I — hree o
e of which the citizens of -made bread. that, in judgi taken into consideration. MORRIS, May 11tb, 1892. 1 and Bruce Railway, after which the route : and o T f Mr. J. A. Hacking's sons were
Army work is on Leaving the and home weight must be ty first,and the . 0 1 short line between i Damrow. She was on her way in company eet, Listowell last Sun -
Toronto should feel proud. I ! dwipdled down to a 11 with her husband from Schoenfeldp Prussia, I driving on .Njain str
11 Is there a man with 80111 so dead, The cry is for quality ; cluali' -ee aged residents oc- : . I the horse got beyond
Iteacue Home we go into the Who does'nt like good home-made bread'!" I more weight the better afterwards. If there —The deaths of thr ;ownship 1 last week ` Lonaon and Lucan, but still continued to , osse, Wisconsin. While in the car I day morning, when et and badly
I is any mcney in horses for the farmer, this curred in Dumfries I .. I lea ' London in the morning until Men- � to La Cr
CHILDREN"; SEIELTER- - a '�well-known VP birth to a girl baby. I control. The buggy was UPS
which is in the same building. The shelter And you gradually get disgusted and home is the animal that will make it, that in, for They were James Brown, I ie early dayi last week, when the route was changed at the station she gave Master, took I damaged, but no one was seriously hurt.
I i
tire of the ever -last- A who, i0 ti I ., I Mr John A. McRarg, stAtion -
f%rmer near Ayr, an . I around,mow leaving Lucan at 7.30 a. m I . � - - .
is under the commandof Capt. Carpenter. sick and footsore ; you he iudiffer- I farmers on &Dytbing but alight soil. was s teamster on I .
There are at present 19 children in the shel- ing rush and noise of business ; t I . .
They range enoe and selfishness displayed on all ,sides. I How are we to breed them? Simply by - timesof the township . � .
ter, 8 of whom attend school, . . � -1 I ; .
. ; r
I L i i ;
. - � I I - I i -
! i ! I
I i � � t -
� - � I I . I ; __ � � . I