HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-05-13, Page 1r � 11 I � . 11 1, � . I - - � V � I . � - -I � I . . . . — - I - I - -, . � 1.1-1 - 11 � - . - 1, . k � i � — . I . — : i � � � i i I � i . i . i I - I I - . - � _.­ _11 ___ __.­­--- �­­­­­------ I I - I __ - - -1 - ___ I I - I . I - - - -1 - �, - — - - I � ONOWBOOMWO -_ - I � slow I - _­,�"�,7" -­� ,q - �—,-- "o ­.- � - I - I- .__­ - i �40&, _V- IMP - - 2 1*� � . - I I ­ I : I I McLEAN BROS., Piiblishers. I . _______________ I . SEAFORTHo FRIDAYs, MAY 18v 1892. 1 .1 $1.50 a Year in Advanoe. TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. ), i — - I I . I . _.__.-._.._._0 -WHOLF, NUMBER, 1,274. ) . I- . __. . I . i - s eco- even refuse to grant him &.1ittle cheaper engaged in her work as such. Her parents iatione to their aged father and mother, and . _____ - - ,-; I — — . rning dawned foul with weeds. It will uivally do well on cause of greater bompression, and binding tw I ine. reside at Wardsville, Ontario. Mr. Howell wishing them many years of healt� and an � . 1 matches to cook with, for mo . All things considered, yment, 'Mr. Smith� Was presented with a � I and I was still ungabbled. As I was leav- clover sod, and the sod of old pastures, but nomic I of roofing - ' I aol lindly charges me and. Other is w 11 known in Brantford and .Paris. He ja in the latter instance there is some danger of the wo a silos with tar paper between the Leadbury b a ,�ld-headed cane and .'Mrs. Smith with a RT ing the vicinity to continue my aimless . wo liniDgi, has give�n the best satisfaqtion. Liberals with abusing the manufacturers. filla a good position with an electrical corn- g i n-_ disturbance to the crop from the cut worin. t le that in the near future silos Here -again he is mistaken. I did not sneer pany in this city," , � pair of gold -mounted spectacles, . . wandering, a large boa constrictor lazily u , It is probab r. Robert Snowball of St. —A Harrington correspondent writes: ' That Jack -son Brothers are selling the 1 wound him--edif from the limb of a mangrove PREPARATION OF THE SOIL. nd cylindrical in form, at them or: anything like -it, but my f riend —The farm of M is in you may see - 0 1 tree, and indulged in his morDing stretch land for corn built of boiler -iron, a Id a few da�s ago to Mr. . Now that the trout season � - The mode of preparing the will be used to some extent ; and viewed is good at kwisting things out of shape. We George was so � I a wish every home industry all success and George BdInham for abbut $9,300. Thefarm the small boy and the old grey -headed man finest Class Of - ; The aiglit was one calculated to 11 speed the will vary with the place given it in. the ro- from the standpoint of durability, th y contains IPO acres-. wending his way toward'the porid, but so far . � a I partiDCf guest," and I sped. .' ows a grain crop, the should prove a success. The foundation prosperity; but what we protest against is -beauties are very shy and ver I C, tation. When it foll I -' the speckled 'N y i got higher and warmer I found d, and I n I As the sun land should be at once gaDgploughO walls should be stone, and the wood sills the power they possess � to fix their own. —Farmers in the vicinity of Lucan re - Boys"Olothin- g r place, and sa.t down, for the 'ted before the final uld be firmly held prices and thus pile up thousands to be used port tha� the fall wheat and clover crops few have been caught, although, Mr. Oxe - I a log in a shad5 I again harrowed or cultiva . which rest upon them abo in turn to bribe the electorate to support a were considerably damaged by the recent ham, our genial teacher, reports having . I derr�finds of hunger were beginning to tell on deep plowing late in the autumn to' aid in in place by iron rods and bolts, coming UP protectionist government. If this is not the frosts. i I ,� caugbt two over a foot inlength, but he is .1119,t'On. 1 my strength. I took out -that bird corpse t roug at least a portion of the space. i at reasonable prices, is in Cire the destruction of weeds. In spring,thorough h lip ' � —Sir Tiebard Cartwright intends modern- an old fish man. W. e don't intend to contradict it, as ! from my game bag, and Razed'long and I book of the value of $1 was offered in � otirnfully upon it. Mechanically I began and frequent surface cultivation should be The size of the sills and studs more common- case, what means those " red parlor " meet- Z . hie ouring mill at Napanee, It is an —A ;00 � le —and there's no i in given to secure good tiltb, the retention of ly used is 2xl0 inches, and the distance ings, inaugurated by the most fertile schemer i log hie it happens to be tri , I of the past quarter of a century. How are historical landmarki having been running the Presbyterian Sunday sch orter Cate- �, I to piek1tho feathers from its hind leg, and, ground moisture, and the most com late de, apart should vary from 12 to 16 inches, as I down, to all who recited the Sh . exaggeration about it. ,� ion to be con- . i having cleared quite a section, shut my eyes, otruction of weeds. When the corn is to be the silo is deep. or otherwise. The studs *a to into r[ the examinat , Prot that fable of the acorn and for 50 years. er the I held my breath, and took a large mouthful . —The Stor ornwall has been chism perfectly, Put our Bays' Clothing und planted on an old sod, the ground o6uld be should be carefully bridged, and should hogs in ,any other way? The sage of , mont.mill'at C 0 1 closed do n, thereby throwing some 600 or ductedby Rev. McEachern and W, N. Stev- compare I of that nice, tough, raw bird. it was a case arly in the . I I e euson, the superintendent. The following stroiqgy . have double tennents at both ends, There McKillop p6gain makes the purity argument ,est 11 glass of Scrutiny," ploughed late in the autumn or a . out of work. The cause wa 1 Z3 1 e the of have to, so after chewing it savagely for a I riug influences may should be a girt for receiving the studs do duty a4d tacks on to it the long exploded 7,00 hand theia Nvith any other make, not spring, that the - weathe . . iong the employee. ivere successful : four of the Misses Mitchell, and a good tilth. When it t llow:4 clover loyalty cry. True, the Government did some diss tisfaction air, , , moment, I swallowed it heroically, give ,t 0 every 8, 10 or 12 feet, according to the ' - of Aldershot, Miss Maggie Smiley, Miss prices, a-n(i you'll find we are the That was breakfast. I re- sod ill Dear make an! abortive attempt to purge the —A W nnipeg despatch says: Dr.Loving -adford, breathed again. . , the ploughing may be deferred height of the silo. The plates may be of the mail Jessie MoMonies, and Miss Annie R leaders. We've been mak-inq boys' ' rtme#ta and made the most of it in the 4eart an the driver of the McLeod . ?D placed the remainder in the bag for dinner. the time of planting the corn, that he decay same size as'the girts. - The sheeting may depa —Joseph and Harry Heintzman, little for some year whole thiDg was a have bee . just as I arose to go, a tuft of something . consist of inch lumber jointed and nailed bye-electi6na, but the 28th P�J,niisioiug siDco the blizzard of the ' and men's clothiag, � 81 er- of orgapic matter may be hastened. 3g. Inside the sham from the start and has caused even A it is feared they are dead. boys aged 9 and 6 years respectively, were and we know when We get a 8nap,_ black waving to and fro among the und FERTILIZERS. horizontally on the studdii , has cared for the other night by the authorities 7owth, attracted my attention. A closer —manure if; probably the best lining sheets of tar paper are tacked up and conte 'from some of the best men in the —Mr. Amassa Wood, of St. Thomb,s, in Hamilton, awaiting the arrival of friends I F%rm-yard I mpt d that the church bearing his We ulaterial, mqaking it lip 9' n .�s namely, Z5 look revealed the alarming spectacle Of a fertilizer for corn where it can be obtained ' down to assist in excluding the air. 'Over Tory 9 _ Boulton, Pope and received I from Dundas. Their fatber, a cigarmaker ' 1) tecently destroyed by during t1le 11 off season," and sell large black panther, crouched close to the sufficient quantities. - Not more .probably the tar paper another thickness of 1 inch others, Who have denounced it in no name in �Osr an was . ) always. Trying is the best I ground, gr . owliDg fiercely in a low undertone, red. terms. Take the whitewashing fire.- Mr Wood will rebuild. by trade, is said to be working in London. it cheal than 15 tons per acre should be applied in boards, tongued and grooved and piano on measu ,ent —Mr. k. Snell, shipped from Guelph- last The boys were found lying on the sidewalk . I proof, and our auarantee secures you. his eyes gleaming at me, and his long black any case, and more especially where the land the inside, is nailed so as to break the joints. of Langevin, wl�o allowed his departm iport, by a policeman at a late hour, and said that 0 tail switching nervougly back and forO,and is leachy, lest some of it be lost. Frequent Al'. things considered, lining the silo �, n the to be fleeced out of a round half a million week a c4r load 'of prime cattle for a] � - . Our ,,:-'2.00 1 roxi- . t; �he pretended dismissal of clerks The price was from 4� cents to 5� cents and they had no place to go to. I which had first made me aware of its p i applications of manure in. moderate quanti- inside with such substances as petroleum, atleas I - and their re -instatement with back. pay the weig. t would. average about 1300 lbs. —A man boarded the Quebec C. P. R. 9 mity. There was no escape to the rear of ties are decidedly preferable to heavy appli- paint pitch and coal tar, does not seem to n Wednesday might at Montreal and Mens Att-Wool Pants, where I was, for a group of sharp needle cations but seldom given. When available, ' dvantage. When the thrown in', and the determination to shield, —Wm. Bradley, Reeve of Greenock town- .train o . behind me, through be of any adequate a @'there by the brtite force of a subservient majority, ship, die I suddenly of apoplexy at Paisley as he had no money to pay his fare, the con - palm were directly the manure may be applied in the afituni, on silo forms a part of the barn or stable ,, s 8 rt and Caron. Onb Friday, while in town on businese. ductor told him be would put him off at e of -oods nearing ibe ' our - own - make, is a lin ,,, Which it was impossible to force a passage. the surface or buried, according to t1ho nature does Dot seem to be any necessity for sheet- those mat6hles worthie , Elagga -Mile End. As the train was ,. They're The creature was abont ten paces directly in of the soil and the CODdition of the I manure ; - g on the outside of the studs. Where the The fact �s that the whole structure is rot- He had 'leen Reeve of Greenock for many . W,Drthy of your attention inj .. air it for years. station the man,who was under theiDfluence , d trimmed only one way, viz., f ront of me, and it was as dangerous to at- but when incorporated with the surface soil silo is large, it may be necessary to put in ten and they dare nob try to rap . —A m itch at artificial birds, twelve men a of liquor, rose and went out on the platform Irtade an . tempt to pass him as to try to shoot him in the springf good results may be 'looked for. temporar or per- fese of a; general collapse. I would not here he tried to jump off, but missed the best for'a ch.eetp, everyday pair of -shot, * . a useful pur- one or more partitions, y notice tbi loyalty cry, only that your scribe side, fift an birds each, rapid firing, was from w . 7 � with my one charge of bird . Artificial fertilizers may serve manent. When the walls of the silo are t b n olled under -the car and was - ot beaten in town, . makes th 6t a pretext for a sneer at the Ron. shot on he Ayr grounds .etwee Galt and his aim. He r pp,nts, they're n , ut i�t was apparent that he wasn't going many I advantage may be taken of the pres- . � . - B pose in localities. :iighl whom all sensible Ayr gun clubs a few days ago. Ayr made cut in two, - to stand there all day looking at me, so I PLANTING. . ence of the permanent partitions to strength- Oliver Mowat, a man � —Some Ridgetown ladies were engaged in sizes ,A to 42. We can fit Y031- or and who has 122, Gal 96 - - ; decided to take the initiative, and get in The time - for plantiDg, corn for the silo an them by running iron rods through the Canadian i delight to kon I A. Oar, of Berlin, is in Winnipeg in revolver prartice in the yard of John Smith, I the first clip. So, fervently wishing I was - 'alit' , soil, and ide of conserveg the rights of Ontario against the — in , when one . loc . I c unec iln with the question of taking Can- the other even g of the bullet@, y in- varies with the climate y corn used. partition and within it, from side to a. cks of the Federal 0 t 0 ,JACKSON BROS., somewhere else, I blazed away. To m i sometimes with the variety of the the silo. The'pariitiODS, when permanent, most det rmined atta ssing the target, penetrated the summer ense surprise and joy he dropped simul- m I -inch boards with Goverum nt. What ould Ontario be to- adian Germans from Waterloo county out to mi In Ontario, it will range betwee n' May 10 ay consist of two tiers of ..., � kitchen of the next h9use, and lodged in the . . . Manitoba. He believes a large number 1wll tameously with the report, I had hit him" of 2x4 or 2x6 inch dayif - eowat had not ruled for the past and June 5, as it i is considered more safe tar paper between, or lv_�c I corner of the eye of Mrs. Youcum, who was Leaders in Clothing at Moderate broadside, and, the wado being loose in the not to plant corn until the soil has become scantling placed flatwine on top of one an- fifteen y, arm? Half her territory gone, da- be induced to settle there. wisshiug dishes at the time. shell, the shot had scattered and given . him warmed to the temperature of 52 0 to 54 ' d nailed firml together. When plated of imber and mineral lands, with a —The number of eggs received direct at engaged id Prices, Seaforth. .- However, I waited.a, tber, an y Dy may McCarth liquor law, and the whole pro- the Fergus packing house and brought in by A doctor was summoned and dressed the s widely spread dose. Fahrenheit. All things considered, we favor 0 und, but it is feared the sight will be do- . the partitions are not permanent, thi 7 while to give him time to become a fall- ition vince given over to boodle and corruption. .teams, arnount to from 20,000 to 25,000 wo 1. - fledged corpse, as I had- had experience with cultivation in drills. The distance of the consist of two inch planks, kept in PCs What a igiserable subterfuge is this loyalty dozen p I r ek, or in weight between 18 stroyed. , . LOST IN THE JUNGLE. drills apart may- vary from 36' inches with at the ends with cleats. The cornets of the is scarcely land 20 no —The Dominion Line steamship, Oregon, � dead animals before that were quite frisky the smaller varieties, to 45- including the silo should have a board or plank 8 to 10 cry for a, party whose cabinet i — - when stirred up. T�e dead animal was a larger, -The distance of iho plants in tLe ever without one or more members who have ; Rev. A: C. Crews, a former Middlesex which arrived at Montreal on Fridaj,, had By R, J., DV'_%S3fORE. inches wide and bevelled at the --edgee,fifted , ssengers- She arrived at Quebec on beautiful specimen -of the jet black panther, filled not, at so!me period of their life, been tainted iboy, seems to be the popular marriage -knot 681 pa drill will depend upon the kind of corn, and " � er of Winnipeg. In April he perform- May 5 at noon, and landed about 5W pas- SEAFORTH, MA�. 2, 1892. se large as an ordinary log. I skinned it into them, and the air space behind - with ann No sensible Imak , Ty for the Wes' rn States. to some extent upon the character of the soil. with some substance, as sawdust, The farin . oxationist sentiments. ouples, while only sengers, most ,a [EDITO�R.—SiuCe my return from Spanish and packed the skin away iff my game bag' The actual seed requirements wil I vary from silo at this station has a succession of doors man dot, s a annexationiste are to be led the c�remony for six c an officiated at Among the passeugers were 30 girlfi, sent found in both political parties, but certainly lione other Winnipeg clergym Honduras, many of the readers of the Ex.- (That panther skin is Dow being tanned 'n 6 quarts per acre in the largest varieties, to from the top to the bottom, both at the in- � . out to Hamilton by the Hon, Mrs. Joyce ; PO. 1-1 con- operation 24 to in the Pinallest. Corn should be edaretobefoundto-day as many' as three marriages. anion's boys, and .0-9 boys KITOR h&--ve asked me if I could no Seafortb.) While engagea in this side and at the outside of the studding, and the most, pronounc ; of Dr, Stev 9 for your PI quar A - In in the Tory camp. For instance, Sol. White, , —Las� Friday evening a fire broke out in 27 Is - tinUe Writing. Honduras anecdote the report of a gun off to the south met my anted shallow in most seasons, on cold they seem to answer the purpose well. sent out by the Young Men' Christian. As ennyson's left I could not .1 doors M-P� last refuge !the sheds of the old Hanes Line, at Mont - I j,ournal. ear. d in any case when it is planted P. i Truly the cry is "the � : I While I cannot, like T Having no cartridges filling the silo, the space between the t I I ain shed was destroyed, causing sociation of Manchester, England. direc- 801 S" an of a scoulhdrel " in election times to impose real. T�e m or " I will relate one )lanting, and prin of . ra ion agent at brook, "Igo on f orev , answer it, bat I hastily set out in the early. At th6 usual time of I in filled with sawdust. A cheaper f - —Mr. Jofin Smith, immi I ti I ras whieh depth gveable on those:who have never had opportunity of ;a lose ofi about $50,WO, and the Cremona, . advent that befell me in Hondu tion of the report. opening -consists in having as MaWY in I ilton t1fe, secretar of ure I Under ordiDary coaditions,the average to the " semi- ;which *!,as being loaded at the time of the Ham , and Mr. S. Wo y . published, and which may possibly ,A number of shots followed ; then a silence n some lining between two knowing better, In reference . � . was nal . � for planting is about 2 inches. I sections of the inner - ' ions," I mentioned the ,:fir a narrow ese a the -labor bureau, report that it is impossible yonr readers. for a while ; 'then began a, perfect fusilade of he.pur- d. Of the ffifferent concealed insinuat I . a 0 ay be require names of five or six members of the cabinet i "a T'neb-C-anadians to to get farm laborers. Mr. Smith says he prove interesting to countries, corn planters made for t studio at m 11-1 Thie migration of I would also state, in view of the fact that shots, which convinced me that the camp pose are used, but in Canada it is usually kinds of floors, none have proved more satis- - the re8!31ts of the purifying ro � the Nevii England States still continues. It has applications for over 600. There are a ' so many of your readers have enquired the was out in force searching for me. Iwhoop- planted with the ordinary grain drill, when factory, all things considered, than clay, as showing :. . 'in the city looking for work, ' I I I . ultimate fate of the Smith family, a member ad and yelled as loud as I could, but could only such of the tubes are used as are neces- 5 ss said to have been so effective. fit in- � is stated that for two months the regular good many men ut of the city even of which, Nors, Smith, died in Honduras, a not tell whether I was heard or not Sud- , in dry weather, the land should be providing the drainage is Food, a i singular to see a gentleman of Orange pro- trains on the Grand Trunk railway have but they will not go o . . sary. hould -be, Where there is apprehension of French -Can- when six months' steady work is offered anaticism, that bank of tiie 'S'an- rolled both before and after planting. a - ment, floor may be clivities ' acting as apologist for Sir John carried each week about 1,000 � ke chances -of getting victim of Christian science f denly I came out upon the trouble from rats, a ce them, �ieferring to t&L � afterward the boy Smith, who was sick, and grelaya, the river I had been searching for � - I CULTIVATION. made by first using several inches of small Thompson; a main who could not find an adianis to the States. also: his father, both died in Honduras, for go loDgL, and a few moments later three boat After planting, the harrow is some- stones or rough gravel, with a limited,quar). educational institution on this continent —Lalt Saturday was I I hog" day in the odd jobs around the city, and assistance for I -attend- und a bend, and ' ently loyal to his faith in which to village 6f Princeton, and what with hogs old their families when they have no work. , lack,. or rather, refusal, of medical loads of the boys came arc, times used once and sometimes twice before tity of water lime over them, and above this suffici )gs young, hogs big and hogs little, —A deputation of six ladies of the Wo- I &nce, Mrs. Smi,th being the only one out I was found. I was most warmly welcomed. the corn comes up, and it is usual to harrow -a light costing of Portland cement. From educate his boys, but had to send them to and h( I of the family of four that survived to return They had been searching Since early morn- twice after it in well above ground. The Stonyhnpat. No, Sir John cannot be our the stro'ets presented a very animated ap- men a Christian Temperance Union of Otta- the data given, anyone who knows the cost nce. Mr. Misner paid out about 82,5W wa., and one of Aylmer, headed by Miss now most suitable cover a . in com- future Premier-; our liberties are too sacred peara McDonnell, of Toronto, waited on Premier to the United States, which she did soon ing and all the previous day, and it was harrows which are of material will have no ' difficulty se sympathies on that, day for hogs. afterward, still clinging with fanatical ten� three o'clock in the afternoon of the second wide space, and light of drought, and possess puting the probable cost of that which he to'be eptrusted to a man who gbter of Abbott &be other morning, being introduced ible delusion that bad rob backward , are with those who have been driven at Mi0a Agnes M. Turnbull, dough - day. a may purpose to build. The feeding of the — . nbull, formerly Presby acity to thahorr numerons short teeth with Rev. John Tur terian by a number of members of Parliament for , its all very nic ard, sually ti-mes frp!i� almost every country in Europe I bed her of husband, son and daughter within a to write about Afterw rather than a forward slant. The cultivator silage may commence at once, but u fter for conspiring against liberty. In it bigotry mioiste� of the Bay-Quinto district, grad- the purpose of forwarding the c ition of I the space of two weeks. Verily, " What but excuse me from ever again - being the should then stir the soil between the rows or � i u suffrage. They presented a pet - . . ir the silo is not opened for some weeks a to pro t our liberties, or are we to allow noted in medicine at Queen's university this in& The Premier fools these mortals be !"— R. J. D.] guest of 11 sic beasts " any more in th i bills not seldomer than once a week, until it has been filled, The silage should be fed t She intends becoming a in more than 18,000 signatures. — native wilds, though it is only for one night', the corn commences to tassel, but not after from the top, as feeding by this method is them to' pass from us without a struggto 7. year. edical - - —.— with the least waste. Silage In my limited knowledge, I considered a missionary in India. -said he was personally favorable to woman A small party of us started up the. San � that period. It may be several inches deep attended ould —An Alvinston man sat dreaming the suffrage, but at the present time did not see grelsya river early one morning in January, CORN, THE SILO AND SILAGE. at first, but should gradually become more makes an excellent food for milch cows, god Finance Minister to be one who w . . - his way cleaf in bringing the matter before - - � . nd ways and means of raising revenue happy hours away in a chair Sunda, for the purpose of trying. to bring f rash, meat � shallow. The cultivators used may be drawn beefing cattle and store cattle of fill Ages y after '" salt pork was PROFESSOR OF AGRICULTURE the corn be- to s meal without'constantly adding to taxation ; this noon.. �A practical joker thought it would the House. 9f some'kind into camp. BY THOS, SHAW, " by one or two horses, until when fed with other food adjunc , a 0 sleeper's ear, . —The remains of George F. Ford, who, getting monotonous. Ata, dist of There is probably no qnestion relating to comes too high for the latter. or bran and a suitable proportion of bay or is not Mr. Foster's qualification, though it! be a go� d joke to yell in the 8 L, while acting as watcbman on a steamer, was . five miles. up the river, the dark bro*.n body . I . It has also been found was Air. Gladstone's and he never proved and did so, The man fell over backward Marie, have of a, deer -was seen pushing its way,, slowly the farin in reference to which there is so HARVESTING THE CORN- straw, cut or uncut. rt of the ration for derelict to moral duty to suit party exi- and broke three of his ribs. He is now in- crushed to death at Sault Ste. , great a desire for Wformation at'the present The crop is in the best condition for bar- highly useful as a Pa . � been interred Dear Wilkesport, in Sombra through the undergrowth and roasses of time as that of corn, the silo and- silage. And pray what is Chapleau's min, quiring where the joke came in. he deceased was engaged to be 'at once vesting when the corn in the ear has reached horses not at work, brood mares and colts -of geucies. have a poor esti- —The Brantford license commissioners township. T , given to tangled, vegetation. A landing wa#1 This desire is manifest in the large number d or roasting different ages. It has furthermore friend Leadbury, that you . - married to a -young lady there, Miss Queeni entire --par "' to time. what is known as the glaze mate of him? Is he less clever in "ways have just issued a notice to the liquor deal � and the t3k started good results with-breedioR ewes, store sheep, a d the body �� made, ei� There of iDquiries which reach -us from time state. In our experience in CUttiDg the corn, - ark and tricks that are vain," by are of that city that they must now close Bishop, daughter of a farmer, n in porsuit of the disappearing d'e ,, on the various aspects of the question, in the re being fattened, when fed that are d was taken to her father's home on arrival was, a long strip of savannah laud, ;wbich is a lo.% homemade sled running between two and lambs that ai 'no means. But you regard him as being their saloons and'hotele at 11 o'clock, p, in. more or less open—being mostli, covered extent to which it is discussed in the public t with knives which have a forward in varying quantities along with other food. . rom Sault Ste. Marie, end buried on her press, and in the�relative importance attach- rows )g it to pigs in the restive and too much of the 11 stand and The hours in future during which liquors f chief mourner. ' ' the sled, Our experience in feedh deliver " sort. Yop also seem to think my may be sold are from 5 a. M., to 11 p. m. , father's farm, she being the with long coarse grass—and across 'i this IV -he ed'to the discussions upon it at many of the slant firmly bolted to the sides of Mr, Ford was studying for the Baptist min - 8 has given rruch satisfaction, The sled is different stages of fattening has not been an- - deer ,went with long leaps, the moit of the itute . The . ' . t new. In An infraction of the law means a fine of $20. � meetings of the Farmers' Iost drawn by one horse, and two men stand couraging, but it certainly fins a place as a charges against Haggart are no � Ede, a son of Jacob Ede, a farmer istry, had previously been a teacher, and party struggling after -him, in the vain hope principal object of this paper,'tberefore, is to it falls, and 1part of a maintenance ration for brood sows, this y(T are right, but, like other accusa- —Eli -er was working, when he met his death, to earn nd catch the corn as . t ey still stand unrefuted because his. in Coleheet I was killed the other day by a of getting within rifle. range. The writer furnish the desired information in a concise Upon it a ISilage in now considered the cheapest ration - tions . to aid him in the course. ' , was armed only with a shot -gun, but it was and practical form. 1his information is boa- lay it off in sheaves upon -the ground. Prac- 'Which the farmer can produce. friends would not permit them to be investi-' large s one, which he was dragging out, f ail- money f. Scrimger, Al. A., of the Pre&' I -shot shell. Instead of tical men are now nearly all agreed that pies -of gated, and certainly he will not plead guilty ing up9n him. When taken from beneath —Rev, Pro loaded with a buck ad (1) on our own experience, (2) on that of - Lest parties should write for sami kn College, Montreal, was admitted to ass of wilting is unneceseary, and that it is decid ' a he has such powerful support. the stone be lived one hour. He was an ex- byterit fol -lo -wing on the savann ah, I started through farmers who have made a decided suce ,and thin seed for experiment, and so lose time at this whil the ju g the deer the work, and (3) on the fiDdiugs of various edly objectionable in wet weather a may mention that the only In his closing sentences, your scribe pays, empla�y young m6m, 24 years of age and the degree of D. D,, honoris causa, at the ng.le in the hope of beadinj . i in agreement with our experience at this late hour, w but a small compliment to the memory of, much respected. convocation of the Wesleyan College, Mon - off. - But the deer entered the jungle before . experimental stations which have given It outhern Sweet as been section fore- treal. 1his act is one that reflects gh - , on. For drawing the corn to the silo, varieties that we can supply for this purpose Macdonald, who, he says I —Mir. Streets, who h credit I reached that point, and, thou I fired special attention to the various aspects Of stst' a flat rack upon are the Mammoth S , Mam- the late Sir John f man o' the Grand Trunk railway, at Bright, both upon the recipient of the honor and the I -shot after him, it only - hastened] I any form of old track with moth Cuban, Wisconsin Yellow Dent, sinned because. of a defective law against ti posi- institution conferring it and will doubtless, my buck the 9.%me, . it will answer well. In our experience good . - ne to his re- for .34 years, has been promoted to a his opeed a little. I CROpS FOR THE SILO. ults have attended drawing on low, long Learning, Thoroughbred White Flint,.and bribery., Well, Sir John is go tioll � Falo, to which city he purposes tend to increase the friendly regard entertain - I ree ward and as I made no charge or accusa tion in Bufl, - In the m eantime the others had given up I In this country, beyond all doubt, corn is - forms, made of two poles or scantlings, . Compton's Early. 0 Hie moving shortly with his family, Mr. Mit- ad by the two great denominations represent -1 to the boat. I pre-eminently the crop for the silo. Nearly Plat and boards nailed -across I against him, I will not do so now. I takes Mr. Street's ad. It has a precedent, in the case of the the Pursuit and. returned * ry is to be perpetuated in marble, chell, from near Drumbo, with head pieces memo Play. Dx-, Nelles, of Victoria College, who . started to retrace my steps, and had wEk'lked all kinds of other fodder crops can be cured . le beicg suspended to the The Promised Reply to Leadbury. history will Write him thq place as section foreman. . I . . for some time, when I began to realize -that so readily as to make it at least an open them, the who TOR,—Permit me to notice a but i partial her would —At the Baptist Young People's Provin- received his degree of divinity from Queen�s - ' mak' front and hind axles of the waggou. DEAR EXFOSr Walpo a of Canada and well for . ' I was: a long time in reaching the river, and question as to whether the practice of � FILLING THE SILO.. few of the points at issue. between myself it be if the effects of his rule had perished cial Convention in Toronto the other day, a University, and also in the caseo of the Rev. it began to dawn upon me that I had lost ing'them into silage should become general. resolu ion was adol mani- Dr. Moulton of the Lays College, Cambridge, I f bably It is not considered profitable to cure corn and your Leadbnry scribe on the p6litical with him, but the 11 evil which men do live# P 3ted regretting the . a University of - . my way. I fired a shot and listened intent- Green rye and red clover shou d p o - runniDg it through questions of the day. In regard to the after" Ito curse future generations. In con 4 feat , ribery, corruption, and self-seekilog WhO,wao thus honoured by th referring ly for an answer. I could hear nothingL but form exceptions to the previous general state in the silo without first ld be Franchise Act, I was not prepared for the clusion�, I thank you for your forbearanc' tical life, and callieg Edinburgh. Principal MacVicar, in the, die- I was made at this a cutting -box. The cutting -box shou 11 its expense is its only de- e conne�, ted with poli ferred upou Professor the hoarse barking of baboons - ment. Good rye silage -city to take the admission that . with -he actors in this controversy and niheyoung people to protest against to the honor con upo . I . Scrimger, bailed the incidentas drawing 4 upo hing calculated r ry station in 1891 by cutting the rye at the strong and of sufficient cape Due, but ry to lower the moral I fired again a2d again without ob . �urely this is a very grave i upo - tance, When I discovered it down firmly corn as fast as it is brought from the field. feet." 8 trusting that this shall be my last demon eve the two bodies still closer together. blossoming stage, tramping i ev y taining. any response - a Carriers are attached to the cutting -box to even on that ground good Tories should not I r kindness, I am, yours, etc., � stand#rd of.the country. that- of ammu,nition bad given out, in the ,silo and weighting it to some extent. plain, as it is more than suspected that upon You I erstburgb, shot her- —An amusing altercation occurred at the U�y stock . into the silo to any desired com their own EGMONDVILLF SCRIBBLER. � —Mrs. Joneep of Amh Trinity Church, Billing'is Bridge, Ottawa, and that I had only two loaded shells left, In feeding rye silage, some form of covering carry the corn f self i, It was then is requisite to,prevent it from drying too height or distance. Our practice aims at their revising fees come, not from ! � the leg the other morning with a re - and they wer6 No. 2 bird shot. three -fourth pockets, but from that ever Useful boodle . , D no . Canada. 1 volvei . She was attempting to shoot a rat, - vestry meeting. An account was presented aboat ten o'clock in the forenoon, and I rapidly on the surface. , cutting the corn into le gths of actory. f und. Were this Dot the case, the $1,000 re- I by a Mrs. Stoke, residing in - the village, � strike the VARIETIES OF CORN- of an inch, and the results are satisf _Galt has 207 less population this yeap when! in some manner while pulling bar - � I thaught by noon I should surely ach revision would soon cause a I the revolver was die- who, itappears, had the contract for scrub But noon came, and the sun was In choosing varieties of corn, the aim It,is claimed that the short lengths pack quired for a : camp of the than l"t. skirt out of the way be calf of bing and cleaning out the church once a I - river. of largest amount of more closely in the silo, are more easily revolt against it, even in the ) iniquity of —T ie mineral bathe at Kress' hotel, Pres.- charg d, and the bullet lodged in t , of her week at Mrs. ra,pidly Esinking toward the high range ,should be to secure the atur- handled, have less tendency to make sore faithful. But what about tht now open for the season. her leg. As it passed through par# the rate of $1 per scrub. mountains. in the west, and still I had not stock and grain consistent with that in a disfranchising so many when this revision ton, aue ousand trout fry have been clothilng the wound is not serious. Stoke's bill amounted to $31, and exception -ound the river. hout doubt, ity which is necessary to ensure preservation. the mouths of the stock, and are eaten mor 8 - —F ve th was taken to this claim by a member of, the f I was, wit —track- it ig impossible to name varieties that will cleanly. When the corn falls from the car- takes place only once in two or three year . works pond.1 —�an'lel Outwater) Napanee, ia over 80, hopelessly lost in. the tracklesq jungle tre of the silo, or of one Is this not a defect 9 I am pleased to find place� in the Tilsonburg water a account of - Daily good results over all parts of the . � A little —8 arvation and wretchedness are said t,p years! of age, has seen three generations of vestry who presented a contr lees, save for the occasional trail of the tapir ive eq riere into the can &oily spread my friend admitting so much , I all . prevail on the northern co%st of Newfound'- frienAs depart, and took a trip on the first $1 ag net Mrs, Stoke's as payment for the - Or wairi, frovince. For the past three years, at this compartment of it, it is more a further investigation will make 1 him de- I steamler that soiled up the Bay of Quinte, board of a cow, said cow being accused Of IL,4. . A atisfactor results and intermixed, -Mixing the heavier por- 111k nf f.;r. land,1 ! J 4. t� ; .1 �f f.ha mating 9-1 I worth of hay belongi4g tothe I was poorly prepared for the happiness of station we have o a us - JT ntre with the lighter por-_ nounce it in toto. As DO it's aqua . .T f He noo since witnesse - wX V � I knew not, with Compton's Early and King Phi%of the tions from the ce . 'the feed- ness, if Leadbury were being trie4 in court —Winnipeg has a total population 0 - , elec- chur,,b. This contra account was in its tum ' being lost. in those jungles for, iscon- tions towardsi the sides, equalizes 29,18% including a floating population of rail w0y, telegraph, telephone, gas , tokes, who protested that as; Learning � tric It was out of the fruit belt, and early varieti , Dent and ,, which will, doubtless, never occur, 1, gLt and all the latest improvements in disputed by Mrs.S how long. medium maturing ing quality of the silage and preserves an for crim( 1 1 had but two sin Yellow Dent of the a unless he becomes the disburser of 'too much 3,000.1 . an assisted in its raid by a nothing eatable was in sight. — ine warr are out in Montre4l lagric i Itural machinery. Last week he her cow had be Chester County Mammoth and equilibrium of moisture, When the corn i U bar of the kinds; and _. Tory boodle, what would be the result if Ni ants , .. ing to another mern cartridges left,. and by some oversight 1. had nt of tramping ing business plant�d a patch of potatoes in his garden. heifer belong' - I had eaten a6 Sheep's Tooth of the later varieties. Of the kept well spread, that amon rners is suffi- judge, jury, lawyers and witnesses were all agains,t lottery managers do . A —After a long and severe illness, Mrs. vestry. After some -discussion it was decid- left my revolvers iii camp 11 here, and around the edges and in the co laintiff 9 there. i . d that V20 be voted Mrs. Stokes for her . that mornin other varieties that have done we It is now in sworn sympathy with the p , He ' t Hall, of A: hasty breakfast g, and soon cieDt which secures even settling. �:imir E. Papineau, one of the leading Robe yr, passed away on Tues- a . This AMOUDt the indi naut lady -pleasant discovery that I was also in other sections of the Province, we id might as well plead guilty at once, Now — -residence services. 9 made the un Cuban, Thorough- pretty well decided that filling may be rap notarii of Quebec Province, has just died day orning, 3rd inst, at her late and so DO understanding could be - may name the Mammoth as maybe con- this is the exact position of thq Liberal . i in thi 6t village. She leaves 6 sons' and 2 refused, very huagry.- I thought I could soon rem th Southern and continuous, or periodic, official in in Qu0bec, aged 66, " ear. arrived at, matters remain unsettled. edy that,, and a careful shot brought down a bredWhito Flint, the Mammo . !a favors rapid filling, party to this iniquitous act; every —Hiram Davidson, Newboro, was sent tio daug'liters. Mrs. Hall was in her 67th y hursday, May 5th, we - C. + -P�;de of the orth and Smut Nose. venient. Our experienc : ;*I- it being a strong partisan - ., .;Aon na a as Margaret Gladstone. , —In the Globe of f pyam-pyarn, a, bird somewhat larger than a er, , - t V, L . I . THE SEED, since it is economical of labor. Of the sev- connect, on w 11, in the no distant jail foF 15 days for stealing a muskrat o ; 1, " ever since find the _follOWiDg interesting notice: Ine -, I - pigeon. Thus I w%e left with but one load ination in the seed eral methods adopted in covering the silo,no Tory. The fates wi - i. Liberal govern- of an6tber man's 'rap. I She ad been a reiident of Ayr won, the well ad sher1l. I gathered the materials for a fire As the power of germ 'I completely future, be propitious and I � " 6ny, of Pio- h arriage to the late Robert Hall in the residence of Mrs, A. M. Co one has proved uniformly an( hich now —Tibe Clevela d Seed Compa - knowntemperance lecturer and worker, at - — of corn is easily destroyed, care should be estionb.ble if ment be evolved out of the chaos W D er .; 843. . ' - to cook my bird, when, judge of my dismay, may implicitly be satisfactory. It is at least qu , �,ave this season distributed over 2,000 year -no taken to secure that which ' rules our country ; in that case what a howl ton r - —Mr. Charles Laroy,of Bongard's, Prince 122 Huron street, was last evening the see a I would, I in using any kind of cover- : )f joyous festivities, the occasion being the search through my pockets a e con- there is economy bushels of seed, among the farmers of Len f which ( - t me, I looked relied on to start wall under averag - sidered, as the silo, wheu of terror from the Conservative paitY, if this Edward county, has two cows, one o could not find a match abou of seed should re- in all things con ked �- the fair- nox c)Unty. I last week, having marriage bf her eldest daughter, Miefs Mar- ditions, The purchase deadly machine gun is not SO y 'in ,, � for triyaun-glass, but I had loaned it, and I enable left' in this condition soon coats over with o, .. �Ileach trees in the Learn gton district -calved on Wednesday ret Dixon Cowan, to Mr. Robert Urquhart � I -t any means of ob- ceive attention sufficiently early to ve-ral inchee thick, and so ness-will vanish then. ' twin 11calves, both heifers, and the other cow Was absolutely Witholl .,it 11 this is the grower to test its germinating power white mould me Few farmers will defend the National h%ve ;intered in splendid form, and ti�a Friday, bearing algo g4acpherson, the well-known and popular taining fire. " Well " I thougl , ime before it I is wanted for use, The forms its own covering. The waste in such . vy presebt prospect for an abundant peaqb calved on the following in all four heifer young barrister and public school trustee. pleasamt," and ghoveA the bird back into my somet; 6 to 12 inches. A policy, which has exacted such hea, . I er better. I twinicalves both heifers, ghbors have The ceremony was performed by Rev. A - most satisfactory �Iay of testing seed is to instances has varied from - tribute from them, but my critic is Dot 80 crop as nev Mr. Laroy or his nei game bag.. It was now nearly night, and I . scous- favorite covering with many is old fence cor of the bride, assis�_ net a sleeping place after plant a number of grains chosen promi he rushes in 11 where angels fear —C ne evening last week a large party of calvelg. ' hastened to constr . I � Ited, as it lies compactly timorous; eibef ore even beard of a similar occur- McLean, of Blytb, uncle which I die- of average soil which is kept ner hay, cut and wi No one doubts that some articles schoo teachers, in convention at Cape Vin- n e,v, - Lev. Dr, Kellogg, of St, Jamee'Squsral the manner of the natives, aud ly in a box to tread." - cent,. had an excursion among the islan4o re . ad by P - when put on in this way. have cheapened since the first years of pro _ Presbyterian Church. The fair bride, who scribed in & former letter. As the last f aint warm and moist. The character of the ger . . I armers in the vicinity Of Essex Centre J mination is more important than the ability THE SILO, Ki igston. I site costume rays of the sinking sun died away upon the . it is usual for those tection ; the Inany inventions of labor sav- to I S d are complaining bitterly of a nurseryman, of looked enchanting in an exqai tree, topff, I lay down upon my couch of to germinate, As only the most perfect ears in locating the milo, in manufacture would ames Farrow, tried at Owen, Ong . line, trimmed with chiffon and who have bank barns to utilize a portion of ing machines used o is last eek for bigamy, pleaded guilty sod Chatham, w.ho, it is said, sold them boxes of white bengs' ange blogioms and bya- wild cane and banDana leaves, 'with my gun should be chosen in selecting esp6nding naturally pontribute to this end. Thi . th� peni- of N�rway spruce trees, oupposed.to contain and decked with or I asit must be thoroughly ripened before it the basement along with a corr he question, but how much cheaper was sentenced to three years in a nd for which they expected cyntbs., was attended by her Aster, Miss and its solitary charge close to my band. Macpherson, sister . - grow, it is Only in lim- portion of the mow overhead. Whether the not t ' I aobon� 100 trees a can bi3 relied up:)n to had we no protective tent a - ican says : t P y Julia Cowan, and Miss . the stables or would every article be i X lay awa,ke 13, long time gaZiDg Up at the bril hat it will be silo is erected outside or in ured _ Thye Chicago Canadian -Amer i were found to contain between 2,000 and of the groom, while Dr. J. A. Creazor sup� their azure ited sections of the Province t For answer, take any in ufact I d not a lit�'le li nt tropice barn, it should always me plane '%'has been " A n The bride was tariff ? ty ! , a d stars twinkling in worth while for farmers to raise their own V6 on the sa the du iarriage that hascre&te setting, and the southern erbss blazing in with the live stock, and as near as possible article from which note the interest in the city recently was that of R. 3,000 trees the size of lead pencils, and a ported the bridegroom, unusual splendor a -way off in the south, and seed from any but early varieties, but on the The size of partially or wholiy abolished and ttorney for the Chicago and ll,ol ic bill for $100. . given away by her brother, Mr. Will Cowallp other hand there are some sections where to the central point of feeding. riediately the price is reduced, Math!4, a P I re Mrs. Mae- - -the results: Imn Island Railway ­�4 .13', Lucknow, mother of the groom ; speculated upon the chances of some animal the silo will depend upon the wants of I and president of the Ham- r. and Mrs. Grafton Smith, I'Liddle Among the guests present we gobbling me Up in my sleep—gun, solitary the growing of seed might assume the dimen- ctive, which are to sugar for example� Perhaps our f riend, as iss Alice Jell. The couple stre4t, Woodstock, celebrated their golden pherso 1. &hell and all. The wind crept through the sions of an industry in itself. stock,'present or prospe foot of silage weighs a farmer, can tell us Of what special benefit ilt,on:Club, to M Detroit, where the wedding on the 3rd in8t., with a family re- Misses Macpherson, Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Kel THE SOIL. - be fed upon it, A cubic t a protection has been to him. Has it given met by arrangement at ag, Rev. A, and Mrs. McLean, of Blyth, tangled trees with an eerie, melancholy� )ut 45 pounds, and we ha�ve found tha, . sleepless reporter hunted them down and let union. AMODg those who spent the day at log Corn prefers a deep, rich, warm, dry, abc out the same him better prices for grain, cattle, horses, - Miss Jell is a ban 4 d- Mr. I mithis were Mayor D las Rev. Mr, Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Anderson; Mrs. Ballsin- . ' I OU y - Wm. and Mrs. sighing eouDd, that made uncanny shivers mellow soil, but will grow well in an ordin- mature cattle beast requires ab y other product of big industry ? the colt out of the bag. . ro.Murray (Enton), Dun tyne, Kincardine; Rev. creep over me, and made me wish I was a - 'other food or indeed an . Lun� and wife, Mi a . soils are rich loame, quantity per day, when some no, notwith- _some� blonde, who was married in Winnipeg ' o. The,bride is . Ud- ary soil. Its favorite ' to 7 ank J. Howell. can -.S�mith and family, John McLiven and Inglis, of Toront Walter Erag— little boy at school again, even though I was ncts as bay or straw are igiven. Al- His farm has deer;ased in val fe year ago Yi 34r. Hs- , getting a " lickin'." I fell asleep at last sandy or gravelly in texture. Though not adju ual to build silos �ectangular standing his improvements, at least 20 per a w 6 soon after removed :to fam y, Absalom Gloves and family, John daughter of the 106te Rev - and - - so well adapted to stiff clays, fairly good though it is us . mportant advent- cent. in ten years ; which be dare not deny. and Mrs'. Howell ac � a Smibh and family and , others. Duncan formerly of Kincardine and later of Ayr, slept peacefully until daybreak, dis - crops may be grown on them, providing a in ah�%'pe, there are some ii hicago, where a legal separation took pl a younger days, spent a num- turbed only ouce or twice by various howl them square. In deep silos, Yet be, like scores of others similarly C - address on and who, in hi ings and barkings on all sides. But, either good, vigorous germination as in having nore compactly, has less situated, hugs his chains with faliatical zeal in 1889. Miss Jell is a very expert steno- Smiib of the 12th line, read on ODgratu- bar of years in Mission work in Africa. . y I `As corn is a cleaning crop, it may with ad- the silage settles v oarse for his taskmasters who grap . her and met her present husband while beh�IF of thiii children, tendering C . the creatures couldn't po.3sibly locate m holds more be- and yells till h I whereabouts, or else, like me, they had no I vantage be grown on fields that have become wute relatively on the top, i � . � . I I . . . - I � I � I ` . . i i i 0 � Z. . I - i . . � . I . . 11 1, � . I - - � V � I - . . -11 . - � . . - - i . � I I . - . . . . — - I - I - -, . � 1.1-1 - 11 � - . - 1, . k � i � — . I . — : i � � � i i I � i . i . i I - I I - . - � _.­ _11 ___ __.­­--- �­­­­­------ I I - I __ - - -1 - ___ I I - I . I - - - -1 - �, - — - - I � ONOWBOOMWO