The Huron Expositor, 1892-04-29, Page 4N
Aff The figure between the parenthesis after each
line denotes the page of the paper on which the
advertisement will be fouxid.
Mon's Furnishings-4ackson Bras. (6)
Fact.Worth Knoviting—J. Fairley. (6) .
S'vn'ng Puzzle—Imadies' Pictorial Weekly. (8)
Ifemilock Bark—G. & H. Jackson. (6)
Notice.—Win. Moore. (6)
Now Good". McIntosh. (8)
Buggy for Sale—Rev. A. D. McDonald. (fr)
Found—George Strong. (6)
Gymninastic Exhibition—Mr. Hallett. (8)
Tea—Sharp k Liveng. (8)
Stacks of Clothing—Wra. Pickard. (8?
Court of Revision --_McKillop Township. (5) .
Tea Year's Record—George Good. (6) .
Rain Stick"ackson Bros. (1)
Girl's School Cape --Hoffman & Co. (6) I
Great Bargains --A. G. Ault. (5)
Cut in Two --10. McFaul. (8)
Splendid Opening_Wni. Kyle. (5
At the C*uW--J. 0. Laidlow. (8�
Shingles --J. Twitchell. (8)
Great Annivervary—Geo. Good. (8)
Band Concer"eo. Good.
=Bargains --Geo. Goodl&
Forget—Geo. Good. (
To Contractors—R. Bestf;41 Co. (6)
To Contractors--Alax. ThOmPsOli- (6)
lexecuiors Noticoe—F. Holmested. (6)
� XxecutoWNotice—J. P. Brine. (6)
. � D&try Butter—E& Cash. (9) -
Annual Meeting --G E It ndersou.(8)
MrL Sam 14rd li�-I'e7y'.780) � e
Tea ggie—]). Weismiller. (8)
Buggies for Sale -0. C. willson. (8)
Chopping—Cook Brothers. (8) -
40 Nour.011 C.TV00itot
SRAFORTH, FRIDAY, April 29, 18922.
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A Worn�Out PolicY-
That the people of Canada are, at .the
present time, In a state of great unrest,must
4a plainly evident to every one who is not
wilfully blind. The reasons for this unrest
are not far to seek. A few yeare ago we
adopted a policy calculated to make us rich
by taxing ourselves. That this policy has
proved a failure no one needs now be told.
Many,, if not most, people have had the fact
them by personal experience.
The only ones who are really satisfiqd are
those who are, either. directly or indirectly,
being maintained and enriched from the
public exchequer. These are the few who
are profiting at the expense of the many,
but are the only ones who are really satisfied
with the present condition of this country,
and it is not to be wondered at either. When
the National Policy was introduced, some of
us at all events were made to believe, that
manufactories would spring up in every city,
town and hamlet,. -that there would be
11 tall chimneys" everywhere; th"at we
would manufacture amongst ourselves all
that would be required for our own use;
tha,t our operatives and work people would
no; largely increase that we would consume
at home all that our farmers could grow,
and that, consequently we would have . no
surplus to export, and as a result of all this
we would have peace,plenty and prosperity -,
our vacant lands would be settled upon, our
population would increase, and nearly every
person would grow rich. Well, we have
bad fifteen years' experience of this wonder-
ful panacea for al,l our ills, and what has
been the practical results ? The results are
-these: The public debt of the couutry has
been nearly doubled, wbile the burden of
taxation has kept pace with, the public debt;
manufactoriea that were once doing --, pros-
perous trade: have become bankrupt and i* -',q
now closed up, and the bul' of the manu-
facturing business is concentrated in two or
three mammoth firms or combines,which are
located in the principal cities ; instead of
our farm produce being consumed at, no a,
. � our export-aare larger now than ever before,
and we are more depen . dent upon foreign
I markets and consumers than we were in old-
en times, while our imports of manufactured
goods areproportionately on the increase;
the value of car farms has depreciated
at least one-third, and notwitbstand-
ing that millions have been open ' t in endeav-
ore to induce immigration our population has
remained almost stationary.
Under such circumstances it is not our-
. prising thatt the people have become restive
and are looking about for a change. Nearly
every one, except the subsidized monopolists
and paid Government officials, now admits
that the 'National Policy has proved a- - la-
mentable failure, and that there must, *in
the near future, be a change if we are to
avoid the calamity of national bankruptcy.
Some advocate free traie with the United
States ; some go, for Annexation out and
out, while other . a advocate closer trade re-
lations with the mother country, That even
the Conservatives, who have stood sponsors
and apologists for the NationalPolicy ever
since its introduction, have at last lost faith
in it and are looking for a change, was strik-
ingly manifebted in Parliament the other
day. Mr. McNeill, a Tory of the strictest
sect and one who has ever stood firm by the
W�.stiouwl Policy, introduced the following
resolatiou :
" .
�( That if and when the Parliament of Great
Britain and Ireland admits Canadian pro-
ducts to the markets of the United King-
dom upon more favorable terms than it ac-
cords to: the products of foreign countries
the Parliament of Canada will be prepared
td accord corresponding advantages by a re
duction in the duties it imposes upon Britidt
manufactured goods."
This resolution was. carried on a @trio
party vote, every Conservative in the Hous
- voting for it. If the National Policy is ac
complishing the purposes for which it was de
signed,why go in for this now scheme ? Tha
it has been the failure we have pointed out
and that its failure is now admitted by it
authors and sponsors, is evident by the fac
that they have unanimously adopted th
above resolution which goes in the oppositi
way from the National Policy. But let thi
pass. in the meantime. - . .
If -such. a scheme as that proposed by Mr
McNeill. and which has been approved o
by the Dominion Government and their sup
. porters in ParliamFnt, could be carried out
it would, certainly, �vork advantageously
Canada, But the extreme improbabilit,
that England would consent to anything o
1. the kind makes it impracticable. It is eve
. weaker on this ground than the Unrestrict
ed Policy of the Liberals. It is very muc
less probable that the people of England
after almost a century of free bread -stuffs
would now submit to be taxed for the benefi
of Canada,than that the people of the Unite
s nt to an equitable fre
trade arrangement with this country. Eithe
propmitioD,in the hands of any party,woul
sweep this country if definite assuranc
could be giv�on. But this is just where th
weak point of bath comes in. This assu�r
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� - I __ I — __ . �, i . J I I r. In addressing bead clerk for the Grand Trunk for nineteen I �
- __ - � ' �,hs taberinsole for one yea I
criminate him, another drastic reform� An said the years. He is a first-class man, and th W -1 I
was pretty evenly divided between Republi- tiIe difference owing to their being no com- a any official a meeting, Mr. James Spurgeon a . �
ance can not be got, although, as we have e: trikordinag clause prohibit in a more flourish- pointment is not only a meritorious one, but - .
, I . .
- caus and Democrats', city members and Petition as heretofore to bona : t It I p prices in document relating to affairs of State 'Which tabernacle was never one which the business men will be pleased � I
already said, there in much- stronger probs, t�e country. . ! . I condition. -T - -
bility that the Liberal policy is obtain' able, bars. The debate showed the Britieh�' markets are h 6o not been published from being produced uVEDGED 11; Icj;. he steamship Caprivi with. -
country mom Advices from it Court, 'the permission of the of ' � -
than that the policy recently adopted by clearlyihat it was the unanimous indorse * 3g, one cable to -day ssyin� , unless by, I from Shields, which has arrived at -Easter. Sunday brought its hand full of
� t - more encouragh for good cattle. 11 fter at the bead of ithe Department concern- prosperity to James Sharp, concession 5, :, -
, ment of the bill by the labor organization@ "Prospects aTe' better 4 eal of Philadelphia, became wedged in on im-
. -
jervatives in P - .. a , Thin clause wIll PTOvOi _; I
the Conr , arliament is attain Americans sold to -day in Livlerpool at 6id. ie a good xnense ice field an route and remained fast Morris. On that day 2 calves, 2 lambs, a I
t ihe majority of local d �S=Bvion. An6thbr important reftrn is colt and 12 little were added to big il
abls Both, -however, are problematical and of the State that brough or I,& higher than last week. The I - �or 38 hours. .1 pigs . -1 -
it ie'time our etateame I were going in for the city members to its support. Several markets are glatted with cattle and the ��de by. providing that a witnees wh? do a laying of the farm stock. The mother of the little pork.
It , -day. , Choice steers c Ines to take an 04th may make affirmation I SF,nious AcOiDENT.-At th eented -him with no fewer than 36 �
s voted for it, d',rovers lost heavily to the same eftect as �Gruei-stone of a Y. M. C. A. building in ers has pre .
something more definite. Free Trade with Tammany representative . a � An old Bay. L .
- . -dealer, was so a ld at 4jo. to 41o.; medium, 4o. to 4.1.c.; a d i his evidence will hav Holyoke, Massachusetts, an iron girder7fell, squealers during the_palt year. I
all the world that will give us Free Trade, though one of them, a liquor rge oxen and bulls at -.3c. to: 4c., and com. i given under oath. � This roform has d seriously injuring a ing has it ththt "it never rains but it
L J many years 'a all killing ope man an I) ' �
I for during 1a, I .
and direct or income taxation for yevenne violent and coarse iki his denunciationsof 1 on stock at 2jo. to 3c. The a was an over a Itated I dozen persons. pours, and it seems so in Mr. Sharp a case,
L he Christian religion I named Neil Hayens,
ech was expunged s pply of hogs and prices a sed off about ho did not accept t �� ; MOBIC PIROVISIwNS -FOR RUSSiA.-The - -As a young lad
purposes, .is a definite policy and one that the measure that his ape I A�d refused to be 0 orn were incompetent i b with a cargo of about 16 years of age, wa B at work on Thurs. . _1�
11 it, and the from the record, What will be the fate of I c. per owt., $6.50 to $5.65 being the range. thei evidence, howe�er im- iteamghip ConemAug ,
can be. carried out if we but wi . - so witnesses and 1,000,000 pounds of flour, 800,000 pounds of day, 14th inst., in the Union Factory,
adopt it, is the the bill in the Senate remains to be seen. S sep and lambs are in demand at 4c. to 60 1 '
party that has the courage to �r pound, and common calv,es are a drug portant, Could Lot be�taken, �ye and other provisions for the famine suffer. Wingham, be went to clean the sawdust -
It seeing quite certain that, as the number P - � , � AN IMPE�IAL SNUB. I . from under his saw table without stopping
pacty that will rule in this.coustry. 0 the narket. I Last session at thel inetance of the. Gov- �ers of Russia, sailed from Philadelphia on ng that it was running, .
of self-supporting women increases, the de- i T!tere ,aretru more afloat that shippers are ` �- his saw, and, forgetti
a , ,h ntry ; but the Montreal ernment, Parliament ladopted an add ess to ,iSaturday. oHisTs.-The raised his head, and the saw made a cut in
mand that they be giv a will b sty, asking Oer Majenty's Govern- I GATHERING IN THz AYAR
Why Halt Half Way 9 Most of the =811884 1pniositieveleyouthat they are doipg noth- #or Maje re the repeal of the Mp'st Fa- 1police, not alone in Paris but throughout big hat all of six inches long. To look at
grow stronger and stronger.. in The first boat to load will be the Ifient to seou I ' the hat a person could hardly understand
The Liberals in Parliament the other day - a Treaties b�tween i'France, are very active in arresting Anar- not killed, bat he
thoughtful men who oppose woman's suffrage F smona, which will take 700 bead to Now- Vlored Nation Clause in th I hints, and there will be very few at liberty how it was that he was
supported the following resolution as an �, - Zollverein 1c
ground their opposition upon.the supposition ca�tle for John Crowe. By the time my Great Britain and the German create trouble. escaped without even getting a scratch. �
- � lBelgium, the effect of !fon May day to
amendment to Mr. McNeill's motion, to that as yet the suffrage@ of women upon the next letter reaches you the season will be in 4nd the Kingdom of , negotlat- FOR THE PROTECTION- OF SMALS.-Presi- -R- Leatherdale, bf Brussels, noticed the
which we make reference in another column: suffrage question would pronounce against it fu I owing. The prospects! are none too which clause is to pre �ent Canada L' dent Harrison has issued an executive order other day that big bay colt was lame on one
r I that' be I I br ght, but shippers may that one of the most ing a treaty with any foreign country, with odus vivendi be- hind foot. He took it to P. Scott's b".
"That all the words af to by a decisive majority. This, however, an cessful seasoDs in the history of the trade �,espect to commerce &Z giving any special promulgating the new m nited States stnith shop to havethe hoof trimmed. Mr. ;
omitted, and the followina substituted, in not by any means a safe assumption. op ned up three 'th the condit- privileges to BUCh f I )ign countries in our tween Great Britain and the U i upon the head of a nail, and on ��
' inasmuch as Great Britain ;dmitB the pro- I . years ago, wi '00rrJ special privileges to for the protection of seals in the Behring Scott came
1-0 of affairs almost identical with those of markets, in return f a. getting hold of it with the pinchers pulled * : - I
ducts of Canada into her ports free of duty, . th present. . . I alaada in their mark6te, It - also prevents So -Mr. John Hartnup, the chief out &four -inch nail. Itia supposed to have - 11
this House is of opinion that the present IT is evident from the following remarks he Allan, Dominion and Beaver lines Elanods. admitting V . tish goods on any FATALI[TY. a Birdatone Obrervatory, beon picked up in the yard and the bead , �
scale of duties exacted by Canada upon in t6rms more favorable Z'sn she admits Ger. ,astronomer of th was somewhat worn as if in the foot for ' �_
goods mainly imported from Great Britain by a correspondent of the Montreal Witness have made their rates for M 60 shil gap i ' sys ago. - He -
. go extr" man or Belgian goods, and in fact the goods l3irkenhead, was killed a few d tiol. I
a .
r the the Allaus charging 5 shilliul a tor nt to the summit of the observatory to sometime. No serious effects are a ;
� it � 4
should be reduced," from Memphis, Tennessee, that whateve in urance. This rate is 10 shillinge� higher of a dozen other countries, e ine the apparatus, and while there lost p4ted, as the nail was a now one. The story .
This is good so far as it goes, but it stops people of that city may be in other respects, . treaties also contain We most favored nation *, exam ground, breaking may seem incredible, but Mr. Leather- .1 �
th n that of last reason, I d fell to the -
less than half way, Is there not a Liberal their heads are level on the trade question. , lause. The reply of ;the British Q'overn- :his balance an I dale has the nail to show to the sceptical. .
. IRUTTZR, cHEIRE, ETC. I ted hisneck. - I
'' . . ant to this address hike been received,da, ; - londay of last week, while Mrs. ;
in the House who has the courage to test The people of Memphis, also, are not singu- Now cheese in coming in more freely in . . . PARNELL SUES Hxr. TEXANT.S.-At -On IV I
t' sting 10 ril 2nd, 1892, and it distinctly refusesi to � MRS he other day Mrs. Samuel Treffroy and daughter, of the Lake
the feeling on Free Trade pure and simP16? lar in this respect, for it is becoming patent 10 which is 00 qua t on the ground that the Wicklow sessions t
a of 40 and 50 boxes, ply with the re . Road, Ray, were returning home from
to 11 cents per pound according to quality. -
Let Canada give Iree access to her markets even to the most obtuse that a large number I would be adverse the trade of Great Parnell, widow of Charles Stewart Parnell,,
. T riew goods compare favorably with that . 'brought suit against twelve of her tenanta Zurich, they met with an accident which I
to every country that will give her fre"e" _the South and the , a i , - ritain. It is easy to understand ,vv&y Eug- I - might have proved fatal. After driving I -
of the people both it N if the warm weather con Several of the ap
. .� -I, of aat season, and. avA,which-bas a total trade with Germany for non -.payment of rent. mile they met
access to theirs. To this extent, at least, North are oomrnoncing�"to get their eyen ti the season will be ea liar. The re- )f about $M,000 does not wish to,'disturb . plications were dismissed by the court on about IL quarter of a
as , w rate, and it seems
let us fellow the example of the -grand -old spened to the absurdity of protection and p t about the Ingersoll abi ments is de- ;hat trade in any ay. Mr. Abb�tt, Sir � the tenants producing receipts showing that a team driving at no slo '
the occ
id Liverpool , ,apants did not have enough sense to
mother land. She has prospered under such high taxation, when neither are needed in in, i . Advices from London ar fohn Thompson and r.Foster, last, session i, their rents were not yet due. In the other he road, so of course the ladies !
re ort 1he market dull. �he Liverpool !
3ointed out that the a itension of this most ; cases the tenants refused to pay unless the
the people and .-it is Only 1% . I give halliv he road ; their horse
a policy and why abonld not we ? This, the interest of Is is down to 54 shillings.j� Bids are be- , i Mr. Parnell some had tog a all t got -
0 but if the '3vored nation clause ,o the Colontef was a � abatement allowed by frightened by the noise 'of the wagon and
_____ and surest way of get- matter of a very few years u 10 to 101 cent*, �
-also, is the quickest ntil the Unite*f in , made from heavy blow at our trade and that :of our '; time before his death was given to them. ts into the ditch, smash -
ting Reciprocity with the United States, So States will become a free trade country, It. ca )Is keeps going down it i likely to have . stitutiortal right to! regulate tha� trade. � __ � turned its occupan topped. I
soon as Canada admits the goods'of- Eng- would be that now, but for the firm grasp a deterrent effect. Last ye r now cheese Vrnemier Abbott said that under this clause Huron Notes. ing the shaft of the rig, but soon s
ic a 11 wi 9 a factor in the English n�arket, and at Canada was tied I I hand and foot." The of - -Mr. J. Swartz, of Wingham, has sold Fortunately the ladies escaped with a severe -
land -and other countries into her markets the monopolists have 4011 the polit i n , th a time the cable was 59 shillings. - the British Povern- 11 Cleveland shaking up.
free, the United States will be forced, in but the people are more powerful even than �he movement in butter is still confined fect of this re his Cleveland Coach stallion -A young son of John McCallum, of I$ -
self defence, to pull down the tariff wall be. the monopolists, Only it takes them longer to a small jobbing trade. Receipts of now �nent is,that no matte -whether tbId, c0`8t'- Lad," to Mr. J. McKenzie, of'Culrove, for 8, Ethel, met with. a painful accident on Son-
' - butter are small, and all offering sells at tutional iights of Canada are taken �way or good figure. day evenint-17th inst. He had a strong 1�
tween that country and this. If she did to make their powers',felt. The correspond - er trade injured, so 16ug as the tra4e with -Rev. Mr. Martin, of Exeter, left on - a
good prices. Old Creamery remains as it �_ I u: of this lece of a stic cord hooked in a button
- I "J Oreat Britain requirealhe retentio Tuesday of last week for the Old Country, Kock which his brother had. Drawing and -
not do so, she would be required to main ant says: 11 But what pleases me in Memphis was. The stocks are still heavy and have a �lause in these treaties, they must t . a he has'. gone for- the benefit of his denly on the cord the strength of tha elastic
tain an armed force the entire length of her is to hear " free trade " in any form, whether de r aging effect, but they have worked amain. ,,bar
. .
frontier to kqep the smugglers in � Aeck, and tain, so d n to a better basis, Some sales are re- fin other words, the commercial inteiriests of �ealth. .-W fulled the hook from the brother's hand,
reciprocity with Canada or Great Bri . rest Britain are paramount. It also shows -Revds. Messrs. Hunter and Crossley, the Lt law into one of his eyes, piercing it
she would soon get tired of such sport as universally demanded. They want free trade po�rted at, 18 to 20 cents. Now Creamery is very clearly that the Salisbury Govern- noted evangelists, whose labors throug-hout On
- q loted at 22 to 23 cents ; Townships at 19 through and destroying it utterly.
If the Liberals desire Reciprocity �Vith Great Britain because their cotton ties t � neut i not at All inclined to enter with the the Dominion have been so signally --blessed
N� ,a
that, 0 1 cents ; Brockville at 18 Ito 20 cents, and Monday it was thought best to remove what
I , ' .
with the United States, as we know they are beat and chespeatwben imported thence; 11olonies into a preferential trade orrange- of God, will commence a series of special was left of the eye, which was done, and tho
N eaternat 16 to IS cents. ; �
a under ,The bottom has dropped �ut of the egg ment, such as tho United Empiro Trade services in Win bam on Sunday, May lot. little sufferer is doing well. Fortunately
do, the quickest and surest way to get it is because.. their canned goods cost mor I League advocates. It is -Mr. M. C. 8ameron, of Goderich, who it was a blind eye that was thus de- I
material for the rn�Lrket, The supply is heavy in the country,
to have complete Free Trade with Great protected tin plate, the and buying: in being done at 9 or 10 cents on lesson taught to this protectionist Povern- has just returned from Florida, says that stroyed.
Britain. This is something we can do our- Manufacture of which does not even exist in th6 cars. Business is slow here at 11 cents ,ment by the free trade Mother coun�ry. Mr. A. H. Manning, Reave of Clinton, is t the Canadian Pacific Railway
. I . . ill -When a
. We do not need the consent of Great the United States except in dreams ; and, in single case Iota ! .. I THE CROWN �PROSJKCUTION. I improving in health very rapidly and w depot, - Wingham, on Monday morning I
selver. . I I All the much talked -of Crown prosecu- soon be sufficiently recovered to return of last week, Beatty Bros. 'bus team, feeling �
Britain or the United States. It is a policy finally, they want jt because they are not FLOUR AND GRAIN. Itions on account of the boodling e�posuree home. frisky after their Sunday rent, took fright at �
about which there would be no doubt, and capitalists, but farmers 'And artisans, and be- The flour market is still i1i an - unsettled of last session, which were to be triep at the, -Death has claimed another victim in the the incoming train and - started on a wild I _,i 11
copdition, no arrangement having yet been - -
in adopting which there should be no hesi- lieve that the 11 greatest good to the greatest co�e to concerning the Newfoundland diffi- Assizes last week, have been thrown over person of Mr. Henry Ctark,.a highly esteem- stampede. They .ran the 'bus up against a If,
It would make Canada the cheapest number " - should be the policy of go.vern- eu , y. Some deaders say that the trouble until the next Court, The cases j against � ed young man of Stephen township. A telegraph post in the railway yard, and the
tancy. persuade them w2 have the effect of building up our ex- Thomas McGreevy and N. K. qonnolly, short time ago he took a cold which, devel- force of the collision telescoped the con-oey-
and best country in the world to live in, and ment, and because no one can port trade with Gres, - t Britain, but prices Were postponed on account oi the continued � oped into consumption and finally ended in ance, broke the tongue and allowed the
would give the country such a stimulus that it 'is better to buy an article for, $1.25 must advance on the other side before busi- illness of ex -Chief Engineer Parley, who is a death on Saturday, 9th inat'. horses to _o free, with the exception -of a I
and boom that in a few years we would not in their own neighborhood when over the material witness, and who will probably -Mr. W. Weymouth, of Hallett, has a 9
. . neas can be done at a profit. Sales are be- Ing portion of the tongue, which they got rid of
know ourselves, especially as it would car- way it may be bought for $I." All these ing . made at low prices here. Consignments never be able to appea, ' - in Court. The case horse that is 30 years old, and is work' after going -about a block along John street.
5 against Arnoldi, of brass dog fame, W8131 well every day, Mr. W. Farquhar has an- a o ses d ' the I
tainly be followed by continental Free reasons apply with even greater force to of straight rollers: h p6vey,, beep closed oat at postponed at the instance of the Cqown be-' Strange to a y, the h r reverse ir 1�
. �
$4,35 to $4.50 accord ing' to 8, ze . of lot and ; other that is 26 years old, and by all appear- itionsin coming ont of the yard gateway. �_
Trade. Let the Liberals adopt this policy Canada than to the United States. cause one of its witnegoes had gone 10 Eng-! ance is likely to raise a gopd foal this Pos ,
. . quality6 Manitoba's firp- o cring freely at land. The case again'Bt Larose was with- i summer. The bus was badly damaged. .
and they will sweep the country at -the next reduced prices, but -are movi g slowly. The
1. . '�'
- I -N- his address at the recent Reform con- drawn in order to put �him in the bol as aj -Wearesorry to have to record the
election. Free Trade with every country in ra go for strong bakers' is v ry wide, choice I . .
I . Blyth.
'J witness a nst Talbot, who was at officer' which .
vention in North Perthi Mr. James Grieve, ci brands selling from $4., 5 to $4.90, and '. ' death of Mr. M. Pearen, of Belgrave, I
the world that will give us Free Trade, and . y . in Sir Veictor La0gevin's Dep rtment. � ecea,sed BRiEFs.-The annual meeting of the Ep-
who was unseated for that COLStituency by', o or qualities at $4.35 to $4,70. -Western took place on Tuesday, 19th inst. -D
direct taxation, as in England, to raise the ting for b"ineEs in oat� Talbot appeared in Court, but as th, Crown at of East Wawanosh, worth League,'of the Methodist church, was I
m Ilers are compe I I was a former reside I ' nd
revenue is, let the politicians say what they the Supreme Court and who is again the right and left, I neglected to secure th� renewal of h!! bail or -fifth year. He leaves held on Tuesday, evening:a elected the
Mal, and are cutting prices 1 1 and was in his eighty
may, the great iEsuecf the near future and Liberal eandidate,-is reported to have said: bit the movement is smallIo Mill feed is i to take him into custoHy, he took &( vantage, a wife, seven Bons and one daughter to following officers for the coming six months -. -
,of their negligence to! skip out. oat of i
, � Ruotations being as fol- : � mourn the loss of an affectionate husband President, Mr, Wm. Tait; Vice- Presidents,
the political party that adopts it will have " That nearly a week before judgment was qt iet and steady, J shorte, $16 to these cases were post � poned from he last� nd father. Miss S. Bentley and Miss L. Jameson; .
the mhsoes at its back. The country is ripe given Ron. John Haggart told a Liberal in lo vs: Bran, $15 to $15.50,; Assises to this one and now further put off, a __Wm. Marshalli of the Ilth concession, Recording- Secretary, Mr. William Taman ;
the Rideau Club, Ottawa, that he (Grieve) $1.6150, and middlings $17 t� vs. , -s. W. H. Erwin. -Mr. -Jobst
for a change, and this is a change that The grain . market is quie�, sales of No. I until the next one, so that the pu . blic are I Usborne, ban rented his farm of 148 acres Treasurer, Mi d
- I
would be acceptable to far the largest nurr.- would be unseated, not on the ticket charge re Yular Manitoba wheat arel reported at 77c. beginning to question the bona fidea' of the, for 7 years to Mr. Urquhart, who has been Livingston, of Baden, was in town on We -
I I � -
I prosecution. I living on a farm near Farquhar. The farm nesday.-We are sorry to state that our
I I .
bar, as it is in accordance with reason and at all9 but on the Go -wing charge. He stated to:D78c. for May. Red and' white winter in NOT11S. I : eriously ill at
. et seling in the went at prices ranging from. : � is well situated, being about one mile from citizen, Mr. Lowry, is very.s
good government, and is attainable if we also that Mr. Haiggart had offered to b . Ic. to 53c. in The census returns of the origin and relig-� Kirkton, well fenced, has a good brick present. -The Rev. Mr. Parks and his Wife, '.
85c. to 87c. Corn is quiet at 5 1 !
want it. There is no indefiniteness about it. that Liberal anything fgorn a box of cigars bond. There is a good enquiry for peas for ion of the people will be out this work. � house an(I three bank barns. who formerly officiated in the English �
to $1,000 that this would be so," Now, if ex -ort. Advice& from the �tratford district Ron. Peter Mitchell is here YiDg to. -Rev. J. Ferguson, of Londesboro, met church here, but now of Listowel,wore
� secure for himself the Lieutenaut-Qovernor-1 - .1 ,
- � with an accideDt,on Sabbath morning, 17th spending a few day: visiting old acquaint
this statement is correct and there is no ar? easier at 58c. to 59c. pe� 60 lbF. Prices ! : -1
Lambs for the Buffalo Market. � � inst. , While driving to his appointment ances here last we k. -Mr. McCummingo �
� t
good reason to doubt it, the question natur. here are 76c. to 78c. per 66;lbe. afloat May. ship of New Brunswick. 11 I
Feed barley has been gold 'during the week Judge Foster, of Knowlton, Que�ec, and' his horse stumbled and threw him forward of.Relgrave, has opened out a custom tailor j;
Mr. G. D. Matheson, president of the I Dr. F erguson, of Welland, will bei shor p in Dever's old stand here. We wish I
ally &risen, how did Mr. Haggart get the tlyi out of his cart onto his face, which, however, sho �
I at 42 - I I ston 0 I
Matheson Live Stock Company, Buffalo, information that made him so positive? 1c., and malting at 58Q. Several trans- called to the Senate. . I did not keep him from doing his work for the him success. -Mr. Alex. Living a, f :
has made an important annouiic�lment actions are reported in oats on private terms In the renewal of the Modus Vivpndi the &y. Wingham, was visiting friends in town on . .
Had he been in communication with the for May shipment; but 3XIo. to 34c. per 32 Government propose that Newf9undland oundrels broke into the house Sunday. -Mr. Wm. Taman spent .Sunday _ _
through the papers of this Province. As lb�. is about the idea. No. 2's are quoted -Sorne Be
' Judges of the Supreme Court, and had they 33c. and others at 30c. to 32c. per 34 lbs. licenses shall not be recognized by Canada, of William I Sleamen, of the 5th concession of in Walton and vicinity. -On Monday last
Buffalo is still our beat market for lambs, given, him to 'Understand, in advance, what "I a thing which in in violation of the Imperis Usborne, one night lately, while he' and his the Division Court was held, when a num-
it will be advisab'.e for farmers to follow M�lt is selling at 70c. to 7pe. There is no arrangement of 1888, and still anoth�r foolis�l
their decision would be? This seems to be change in seed, quotations being as follows: � I wife were visiting friends at Exeter. They bar of -cases were tried. The principal one .
the advice thus given by Mr. Matheson. a matter that viould stand a little investiga- Rod clover, $7.50 to S8; Alsike, $7 to So.; act of retaliation, I . � ; put everythiDg-*in disorder, pulling the bed- was that of Nichol and Kelly. The result I
- .
He says: . . Canadian timothy, $2 to $2.15, and Ameri- The ree i t from Customs for the last 11 ding all through the house, and even med- was given I in favor of Kelly. -Mr. Wm. Liv-
' It is to be hoped that there are no a"
"As the Canadian lamb season will soon tion. , $1.85 to $1.90. A sale of 10 bales of months euxiluog April 120th were $�,600,00 Idling with the clocks and aestro iDg one of ingston, of Embro, was home visiting his
Judge Elliots ao high up as the Supreme OR less than during the yrar previous. The rel I'tbem. y i L- wife on Sunday. He intends moving away
begin, we wish to draw the attention of the ho a is reported at 221c. ; . ceipte from Railways, fell off $1,000,000; 1 ' - soon. -Miss Swazie left last week for her
farmers and dealers of Ontario to a rule that Court. � he Grand Trunk Railway issues today its I -Anthony Allen, of Godericb, has pur
has been adopted by the dealers on this ta ff on grain to Montreal for export. The leaving a deficit of ab ut 8700,0W on a6c- . chased the splendid Clydesdale stallion home in Thorold. -Mr. Robert Walden has �
market which is of great importance to IF we are to take Mr. Foster's word for it ra a is on carloads of 30,000, lbs or over to count of railways. T a total receipts from "Lord Ullin"(5,1791 vol. IX, and will finished his apprenticeship with Mr. R. " -
- 11 sources decreased $1,600,000, while the travel him in that a ` ' uglas, blacksmith, and we believe he
them. It is in regard to the castration of that it is hopeless to expect -reciprocity with Montreal for export, exclusive of terminals. a action. This horse is a Do ,
lambs, and as it is the intention of dealers our neighbors, it is clearly our policy to' Toronto and east (including Midland total expenditure iner 3ased several hundred son of the world-renowned "Darnley" intends farming with his father till after
ence of one cent per lower the tariff upon British imports. Our Di isions) 10 cents per 100 lbs, until the thousands. . . (222)III-andwasimported-by Graham Bros., harvest.. -The Miases McFarlane's trade in
pound between ram lambs, and ewe and own view is that in any event it is our ta iff given less ; Stratford, London, St. The Redistribution Bill will be introduced of Claremont. music, painting and fancy work, is last is-
wether lambs, in favor of the latter, we policy, for our own sake, to reduce the tariff omas and stations east, 12� .cents; north Thursday. It will deprive New Brunswick -At the last - meeting of the Women's creasing. We congratulate the young
upon all imports to a revenue basis. -Globe. an west of Stratford, etc, 14 cents ; to be of two members, Nova Scotia of one, Prince Foreign Missionary Society in connection ladies on their success.-Tbe licensed hotels
� - will give this latter suilloient Edward Island of one � and gives two addir u for Blyth are, at present. Mr. John
�- ,ad 1% . with the Presbyterian ch rch, St. Helena,
prominence, go that this fact can be fully Why not throw off the tariff altogether, shipped at published tariff "tes and reduc *
t I tionsi members to Manitoba. Thq amount
brought to the notice of the farmers in time, olabove on proof of exportation, . I Miss Gordon was presented, in the name of Emigb, Mr. John Kelly and Mr. Watson.
and thereby enable them to save thousands and raise the revenue required, as they do I � i IIIIIIIIIIIIIII of gerrymandering which the Government the auxiliary, with a certificate of life mem- The other two, Mr. John Mason's and Mr.
of dollars by having all their ram lambs in Britain, by direct t,axation ! Will the ! — - will got out of th�ee changes remains to be bership, handsomely framed, in appreciation Patterson's, are out off. -Mr. Wrn. Kelly,
. THE DOMINION PARLIAMENT seen. In -Ontario, Toronto will get anothe
,ed that they intend for the market. Globe or any other : erson give one sub- I — I of her services as Secretary for the past our popular butcher, while using a knife
castrat p I : member, and also Muskoka. Montreal wilt ,
I seven years. . last week, bad the misfortune to severely
We have always advocated the castration of stantial reason why, this should not be I � (By Our Special Corre�'pondent.) be given two additional members. ' . I -The members of St. Paul's church choir, out big knee, which has kept him in the
I �
lambs, knowing that it would be beneficial done ? We do not believe any valid reason I i OTTAW4, April 26th, 1302. 1 1 Clinton, on Wednesday afternoon last week, house for a few days. -We hear that Mr.
to all in the trade, as ram lambs have al- . . . The'House did not get d wn to work last 1
waysbeen a drug on the market, and very can be given. . y - News of the Week, �-; 1 waited upon Miss Bell% Cree, who was leav- Harry.Jeosop intends moving his store into
I � Thursday, owin; to the death of
difficult to dispose of, but as the farmers _==0"N0N�__ week,until 9 I POIMLATION OF Nx�y YORK STA'TE,-Th' ing for Went Superior, and presented her Mr. P Kelly's brick block, the place be is
have seemingly ignored our. advice, the THE North Perth election takes place on . Hon. Alex. Mackenzie and;the adjournment' I P I with a watch and chain, accompanied:by an in now being too small. H -e -is a hustler,
I total population of New York State is 6,483, - i
dealers here have taken this action to pro- Thursday, Ma 19, Mr. Grieve is the to at end his funeral. Splendid t'ributes to I 632, of which 720,605are aliens. ; address expressive of their appreciation of and wherever he goes the people are bound
tect themselves, and as the castration is a y t i I ARDS INJURED.—The French vine- Miss Cree's long and efficient services as a to follow.-Ift. D. Metcalfe, of Toronto, -
Reform candidate and Mr. Scrimgeour, his memory were paid by the leader of the I VINEY i bar of the choir. 1� I wa;3 visiting at Mr. Hugh McQuarrWs on
very simple matter, we hope that the farm- 1 yards have suffered Immense damage frorp, mem -
- Inanufacturer, of Stratford, the Conservative House and Messrs. Laurier !,and Mills. Asal I I -Robert Thompson, Jr.. of Goderich, Sunday. -Mr. Charles Hamilton intends L I .
ers of Ontario will see the benefits to be . . 'I : . L the cold storms of Easter. I a barbershopof Mr. James Huck-
. derived by doing it, as their lambs will be standard bearer. If the " honest farmer pleas4nt preliminary to bus ness Mr. Laurier ,: thatth seems to be,rather unfortunate. A couple taking th
more saleable, will thrive better, and will, ' ' I i ROYAL BFTROHAL.--1It is reported � of years ago he had bin legs run over by a step and converting it into a real estate
argument will work as well in the North in oduoed another supporter to Mr. Speak- � betrothal of Prince George of Vyales an and broken, and last week he had the office. Mr. Huckstep intends moving into
"sys be in demand." Princess Mary of Tack has been, decided bus
Aiding as it did at the recent election in the er in -the person of Dr. Co�ter, who was re- . � I
1 on, N. B., by a On. I misfortune to get his arm broken. He was the store lately vacated by .Misses Critten-
South Riding Mr. Grieve should be elected ceptly re-elected in Carl� , RBSTRICTINa HouRs.-The oity;couucil of I driving a waggon without a box, using a den & Forsyth. -Messrs. Coombs Bros. .
Women Coming to the Front. .
by a good majority. It is not likely it will trebled majority. Most ofl Thursday and of' Salem, Ohio, has passed an ordinance pro- 1 board for a seat, when it broke and be fell have a large season's work ahead of them.
In the Ontario Legislature duriug�the last honest Friday too, were spent in Committees of I hibiting gtrls from bei'�g on the streets af ter ! under the wheels, which passed over his arm At present they are working on M.r. A.
' '' . .
session tbose-in favor of granting a4ditional however, as in this instance .the I ` I I . 8 o'clock at Dight.' . ; i and broke it in two places. Sloan's barn, and then they are going to
. ' ,-
privileges to women, gained a signal victory farmer " is a Reformer, whereas in the South supply on estimates for agricultural and im . EAF MUTH CosGP.F,s,,.-A congress q'f I' -The new's of the denth of Jason Ellis, of build Mr. Knighling's bouse.-Our band is r
the farmer was a Conservative and that migration purposes which are in charge of D �:
passage of the law permitting I . Mf. Carling. Absolutely no progress was deaf mutes will be held in Hanover on -, West Wawanosh, who went to North Da- now practising right along, but it will likely
by the makes a big difference rmetimes m4de because of Mr. Carling's incapacity Whitsunday. Germany contains 30,OQO kota some four or five weeks ago, was re- be a while before they are on parade, as
# women to become Solicitors. In this' Pro- m deaf mutes, about 10,000 of whom are par ceivad by telegraph on Friday, 15th inst. .they have -quite a few new men, and it will -
. and inability to answer even the most ordi- -, �_
' I
- vince women are now eligible to serve as A coN!rF,MPORAF.Y ma,kes the following re- na i yy.questiom 'regardiDg big own Depart i ly educated. I I We are informed that he had reached his take come time to break them in. -The
* ' ,
mchool trustees ; those of them who are not . When he asked the Committee tol R. -Charles Milljr destination but half an hour before he be- Good Templars, of this place, are making
marks which should be; taken and thorough- meint. i- only eighteen years of age, was anged t came ill. He was 27 years, 3 months and extensive preparations for the District
otherwise represented, -that is widows and several members of the Do- v+ $200,000 for immigra�ion the Oppoe Z c w May 20th. Thi
ly digested by tiop demanded an explana ion of what good Cheyenne. Wyomiul n Fr day for i 14L days old. The remains were brought Meeting to be held here on
t spinsters, are allowed for school minion Parliament. It says : Rarely is a murdering two compan. ions more t an a year , back and interred in the Westfield - place is noted for its large meetings, and
thq money voted in previot,is years for this i
e trustees, municipal councillors and money . I cemetery. they intend to make this one the best that
speech delivered in Fur Parliament that purpose had been, pointing out that accord- - &go- I I i I
- by-laws requiring the- sanction of the rate- I TERRIFIC CYCLONIC4—A Oyclo in the i -, -Tuesday night of last week,. while Mr. has yet been held. -Mr. and Mrs. Hale, of
could not with advantage be reduced in size ing' to eturns made from year to I neighborhood of Gladv . t r, Texal he othe�r I Samuel Stanlakel of Exeter, and his son Seaforth, were here on Thursday attending
- payers. They are also allowed to pracbioe by one-half or three -q yei�r we had brought in du�ring the last ten .�a a r a ,g in con- .
ir uarters. Much of the yeArs 886,000 immigrants 'and the census day, tore up thousandO of t ees an4 destroi. I Silas, were driving up Wain street in that the Executive Committee meetim
t metlicine and law,'and they are taking the' thing in its p 'th. The lops of life , village, the horse took fright -and ran fur- nection. with -the Independent Order of
. eloquence is not weighty. enough to stand - ed every 81 -
. as alongside the men on the public plat- nly showed a total increase in the popula' i I I iously. It shied near McTavish's store, up. Good Templaris. This meeting showed an
$ plac . literal reproduction in the printed p tioti,o'f 504,000, leaving 382,000 who had ap. was small. I I I and threw the occupants increase of Eome 250 members for the Die- .
e forms. Fifty years ago any one of these in- bh! THE CZAR'S SON. -T d'" i of Granid i. set the buggy .
i�e con itioi
the Hausard. Verbosity involves a sheer paiently left the country together wii i i - a very good showing. -Miss Critten-
. I - , I .
- I 1 Duke George of Ross 8 very- serious. H�g I out, injuring Mr. Samuel Stanlake seriously trict ,
t novations would have been scouted as pre- 800,,0,00 more representing the natural in -I " I , He was picked up f or dead, den has moved her dregs -making shop to
energy on the part of the speakers .0 , about the bead.
craose here in this period. ' Mr. Carling atill� lung di8ease is beco ing worsa, and his i . door north of Archie Taylor's grocery
a posterous ; now they are thought right and I i .
and -of ood money on the part of the i-, death i3 now regarded �s inevitablo. but rallied and is improving. one
� 9 preltexided to stick by the figures of imm � 1 1
1 a
in the public interests. A bill has also been � INTERESTING SUIT. -'Georgina Wolters,'i -Miss Ella, daughter of Mr. John Evans, store. -Miss Bell& McGiH was visiting
a before the Ontario Legislature for some time country. . I gra)n� arrivals, but was of course unable to, pretty cigar store girl in New York,has won i of Exeter, while in the woods on Friday friends in Walton on Sunday. -A number of
exo,lain what'had become �f this vast popti-, �
granting women the Pr'vincial Franchise. latilop though he well knew they were all her breach of promise suit againe� the rMh I plu ki flowers, met with a serious scoi- young fellows were playing tricks at a late
0 . -e. ! hey are old
I bachelor Louis Schult�. The jury awarded 0 Inful climbing over a barb -wire fence hour on Monday evening. T
Live Stock and Produc to �,e'iound in the United �tates. He stated dent. the mat-
. This measure has not yet received sufficient (By Our Special Correspoodent.) . i the board running along the top broke, al- enough to know better. What is
. that the Government hid no immigration her $25,000 and $1,000'costs. ;
f favor in the Legislature to secure its passage, MONTREAL, April 26. -The initial step of pol cy to announce. As the Opposition de -j STRIKING TE I I .-All th . a schob�l � lowing the girl to fall on the' wires, a barb ter with Chief Davis ? Is he too interested
M. "'r low. i;.th male I of � -The
. but it will do go before very long. But it is what will no doubt prove to be the most i teachers of Fort Dodge, 0 z one of which caught in one of her limbs in the band to watch the streets?
_ ma ded gome answer to their questions re -i . P uspended for some time. As Presbyterians had their new organ in on
9 not in Ontario alone, that women are coming portaut move in the history of the live stock gar ing matters which affect the vital inter -i and female, are on strike for an i crease of , and held her s
' � wages The schools are closed. �he pres- - a result Mies Evans in suffering from a severe Sunday. They have just rented it for &
no trade has been made by John Crowe and est of this country, and as they received - . . - Oaks, and then they
o to the front in � this way. It is perhaps tr I : 11, .
non, , the item was not carried, and it re-� ent pay is $25 to $30 ,-onthly. They want' wound. year from Mr. G. F,
that Ontario has set the example in liberal- Robert Bickerdike. They are applying for mains to be seen whether by to-morrow�l $50. 1 1 1 -The Wingham town assessor has just intend putting in a larger one. Mims Ida
f ity, but the United States are fast following letters patent granting 1 them a charter to wb4n the House again goes into committee., Yov.No, BEAUTIFUL� AND W TRY.- � finished his work, and the follovi . ing statiFt. Stewart has been appointed orLianist, which
- I tr -
I t " Allme. Francisca de Barrics, 0 Young, ! tics are taken from his statement: The position she fills very acceptably. -1here �
It our ex%mple, and even bid fair to surpass carry on business in liv6 sto6k, fodder, etc.,, MrJ Carling will have Iny new light o' 1 4
- under the in ame of the Bickerdike and Crowe thr ,w on the s . ; beautiful and wealth' widow of the late t total real property is placed at $455,738, were large congregations both morning and
us in the race. Last year women's suffrage 7 i president of the Republic Guatemala, win � personal property at 666,000, and income at evening, we suppose partly from curiosity, ,
h bills were introduced into thirteen legials. Cattle Company, with a I capital of $100,000. � AN IMPORTANT! BILL.' . S5 em it will
I A very important Bill 4as introduced by married on the 21st i6st., to onor Jose $14,525, making a grand total of $536,203, but if Mr. McLean can keep th .
ontrolled nearly one- Sir , ohn Thompson respecting witnesses do Roda, a Soanish n I
9 tures at the North and West, and though These two gentlemen c and Martinez oWematt, at 1 which is $11,330 in excess of the total asms. verify his predictions. -Mr. John Sloan is
i . . -, men
not one became law, several of them were h alf of the cattle shipped last season and evi ence in all matters, whether civil or the residence of the bride, 855 Fif,h avenu ' P1 t of last ye�r. There -are 133 dogs -and studying under Dr. Farguson.-Miss Maggie
I Archbishop Corrigan officiated a� d Mm�. 1 5 bitches in town. The population i Forsythe left last Friday to visit her
t defeated by very narrow majorities. This the competition betviebn them has been cri inal. It provides tha4 a person accused of is given o. -The people of this
. very keen. Efforts will be made to bring of ! crime may testify in his own behalf, go Aparico, for the Queeni Regent , Spaip, ' as 2,104. There were 63 births and 15 � vening -
. . I �
d year the fight has been renewed,all along I . ve i way the bride I i � ' deaths during the year. t)la(,-e got quite a scare on Saturday a
other large operators into line, making a thal a. prisoner under indictment for murder ga a I . T -bell ringing. The firemen hustled
he tr- will a 06 .
a the line, and last week the suffragists concern strong enough to control t ade [ in futur be c palled to -go into th SPURGEON'S PULPI�._LAt a meeting in the he Buffalo Evening News thus refers . by the fire
. London,1 it was
in all its branchesi Their object appears to box and iv h'is accoupt of the tragedy. Metropolitan tabernacle ! Eugla%, I to the well-deserved pro -motion of the eld,est th%P engine out when they discovered
r achieved their most remarkable victory in - onl � ,v a c amn svie' house.
d years, The New York Assembly, by a vote be to get couceesions f ro m' the carriers which Thial is a re orm urged upon Parliament for: on Friday evening, it was resolved to invi e ! son of County Attorney Lewis, of Goderich : . bi ey on Mr. James D
. I - years by Mr. M. C. Qameron, of Mr. James Spurgeon to occupy the taber- ! Jerome D. Lewis has been appointed agent -We understand that Mr. Charles Hamil-
can not now be obtained owing to the com West � I - �,
- - .
a I i;J
I ,
C a �sisill i
A- "
4u . I
0 t -
i 'I
a 0 "
a I
I e
� .
t6 �
, I
I :
, c
I !
I a. ,
, I
a of, 70 to 34, passed a bill giving women the r6n. It also takes awAy from witnesses nscle pulpit for three months, and to rel. I for the Grand Trunk Railway at Buffalo and i ton tends purchasing the Rogerson Ter-
i petition among themselves and the small Hu lZnld inoving his family into one of -the
a framchise at all State elections after July 1, : shippers outside the ring. If the sch,eme is the �pcient privilege of ref using to answer a quest Dr. Pierson to conolude big � America� I Black Rock station, vioe Mr. Slemmings,'de- race -
que�tion on the ground th4t it may tend to, visit as quiskly as possible, and p'resoh in I comised. Me, Lewis has been cashi houses ;__
. 1893, The vote in favor of the measure successful the cattle feeders will soon feel . � I � I
. s . I
I ! I I � . \ I
I � �
. . I � I i - � I
I . � . ! r I )
I � -
� I i. -
I � � � � , .. VA
W,R,&T THY, Am)&
Mr. Evans$ the am
has -completed his I
I he has made of it
%he tow-nahip conta
the township is �
3,982 days statute �'
The populsI Of *k
there are 1.368,eeb,
5,&U cattle ; 3,209
1,982 hiorses. The
fall wheat or one I
towniship 9,�d SbOu
land. Last yeartl
every two horse$ ;,
three cattle fo'r CT
are over three b<
Each ratepayer lay,
Namaria's Hott-1, �
25th inst., membei
Reeve in the -.hoir
tions were carewd I
for Magisl
trustees of RomwW
be loaned $140 'fr1a.
Fund monm_vs fore
psrties haivingwoic
tions on road allovi
and that pathmasti
at once, as actions
.account of horses i
parties with obstri
and damages. Tb
Maunders, Morris,
name an arbitrato,
Union School Sect
845 this -Council ,0013
auce. That the r,E
mon, to have went
11, changed from i
No. 8, be not gr1au
of James Martin, I
of ,lot 11, conce
School Section Xzo�
That accountson(I
$1,04 be psIid by
That -all pathmasti
their inatructions
I council pay $5 fior.
.an indigent, for (
adjourned to meet
Crawford's Hdteli
SOth, at 12 o'jclocl
the'pleasure to cl.
those pleasing !ev-(
the future so bexgl
- to the marriage of
. Mitchell, to Ram
� McKillop, now of
the bauds of bo�ly
inst. at the RHO,
eels, by the, Rev. I
for the last five Y4
teaching professia,
interests in he!r pi
Ien, of McWllloP,
known -as to need
bride, no doubtt h
. ,of teaching the su
has proved A 9
doubl-e blessedues
companion would,
� Of her worthy hi
write, as he is wi
abroad as a very I
As both are of a I
sition, they will
many friends in:
take up their tiabo
Scarlett has a bit
to them our sincei
lations, and hope
future may be J
success. May b(
years to realize tl
society. - .
� I LC
. . Loc,ALITXVS�
gations of Londe
have a permanen
Rev. Mr, Hamill
take up his reai&
� I �
�& few days. It 1
the congregation'.
and Mr. R:Amib
among -a finer I(
and -literary cent
gress for some ti
lodge of thin plau
hat resultedlu f,
by Sinter Brov
entertain the lo�
. mear future.' T
added much to,
meet�ngs, as Ise
have been given.
A . ble addition to
more largely att
along the embav
the, river bridg,
will make this L
have Lover 14000.
summer. They
Iseeding Lie Well
several farmers �
been got in iO
. favorable westb
The fall wheat i
warm weather-,
that he can A&I
net returned fr
.days I ago. -Ab
here 'is -at Tuel
where he has]
Some time 8,90i
had one of 'his I
walk around I..
Hose left last N
ota' where be M
bustness forC,
the telegmppl; �
a house and I �
fice, from C. L,
A good idea tj
the bird. -Th,
ovramp is ma
works well. `
be loaded dow
ter passed thr,
a -wind purn
Gabriel Holtz,
loo on busives
ago.—Mrs. J. �
for her hoin,
Her husband
Inspector of
big tour thrl
He wag well
measures wer
den making al
order of the
tbroUgh the �
now A-ain fo
-5 ;
office ha,s 0, sa
Mr, Com
rin, from Cal
-Mr. M. (
Dublin, a fev
—Mrs, J
cestion. -of �o
both very P
—Rev. J.
the other dal
and harness.
—Mr. Con
1�z on�
,McNlane, �
�cuthis foot 1
� �
�_ —An old-]
Henry Koehl
to a fatm
of his healt�
ou Friday, I
sessed onie ol,
horse, which