The Huron Expositor, 1892-04-22, Page 8- , r,r , , ! i �'t , - �- ) 1, . - � �� : -, - t ,-11 I � . 4 I , it ; ; , '. tz I 1 4 1 1� W - T .'.t.- rf P I . LIF j� 'I J11 r t , . J 40 - 0 ff il -1 � . I - - � � I . . I ­ ­ �-­ ­:­�­­­ I -1 -- �. I I . . . i � I 4 . - � � I - -1 � - . . I --- -- -- I . . I - ­­ . ­ � - 1. � ­- - I � I . � v&.L �Plm § I -1-1 I � Veitfm .W 0. 0 69 9 -@1 01 � ."�� �-Qk V I- , .-- –� �­ . ­ — � " . .. I � I . . - � � � 10100016 I . � � . . � I � � i � . I . . . - - 1 1 - � . I � I -- . - .. I I 11-M - . ej . I - I i I � I 1 1 . I - . � I � I I I I W � - � 1 I . I I . I � ­ "I r� . � . � ; , I I I - . � . . .. � , � I I . I ".- i I APRIL 227 1892 1 : � � . . I THE HURON- E POSITOR. i - - ---Zzz� . . 8 � . I �-- i . ----F— � - i i i i Mr. . I -- a little below the rump. The parents oeived his oream separator,� an4 is having it � ors in dividends of not I ass than W1 per cent. =rabip. Mr. Smith has bought � I . � village, the guest of Miss Maggie Sproat. kick) - erected in the 'Winthrop factory. It was 1 an soon as collected. It is expec d that inson's share and in4 -ads running the THE PLAOE, ,� fEDWARD -:- OASH) She is a welcome visitor, and her many never said anything to me ; the boy 1�,as mannfactured in England.+The cold, bleak.� dividend of 25 per cent. will be je� in t 0 machine himself this s ,on. Mr. Smith - I I . I her looking laughing after the - punishment and n6ve.r : Wa Krer, of has bought a new McClut - i separator, built . . coml The parent of t e past ten days course of w week or two - — W. * ' - 'Will continue to bu any ,quantity of friends here are pleased to see 3lained to any one. a did winds and night frosts I y � so well.—Mrs. D. Stevenson, who has been d 'had an injurious effee upon the fall i the Brussels Post, is ap3ken of ELS !the new in Sarnia, which is witho, . an equal, also Sailor Hats by the Hundreds i �- V Also I very . I stionable if any the engine has been sent to London for a A eat line at Fine -Rool and Yrint Butter. sick so long, is evidently making good Tro- not know that he had got punishe till quite have promis- , Reeve of Brussels Itisque selling � -1 Furs, Rides, Sheepskinsand tallow gress healthward and to those who have a few days after. In any other -case the wheat, and field �� ill run against hirn.—Thomaq Stewart thorough overb6ulingi,. We predict a very 1wrlenty-five cts. each, -:.� ag when the snow went off.are now looking one w � -1 ' � . �e is 4 busy season for him, as he has the finest out- I watched the case it seems almost a miracle, punishment would never have been noticed ; ii at his old stand I . but his getting sick with the diphtheria pre y sick, but a warm r�in would revive is busy scraping off Main Street, : H —Mr. Robert Boryce, of Lho I assort6d colors. I . but human vitality is a wonder when proper soon after, was what started the talk ; the�wonderfully.—Mr. James Lennon, one hustler when you _get him started 'TheOd4 fit in, this part. ;011.1 - I . I . , d paper- 2nd concession of Stanley, has recently sold I -,- GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH. ly assisted by good medical skill and son Follows hall in being oil somined 4( nson's sister, Mrs. and when that starts it is like rolling up a of §eaforth's promising yopng men, is open- . -bred bull, "Sir [lector," r to � I - sible nursing. Mrs. Steve " —it gets . —Nr. A, finished -1 ill be ono of thle his thorough , FOR SUNNY DAYS . I who has been in constant big snow ball when the snow packs, jug a law office in town. , L. Ander-1 ed and when finished Frayne, of Sarni%, sti finest halls * e count . The hall is oO- Mr. Joseph Harvey. A few months 0 Does Spring Suit. d bigger the further it goes. No son1bas been busily engaged for the pa , in th � I I , Mr. We are showing a I arge variety of attendance for the past seven weeks, return- bigger an . el . one in the section or vicinity who has en- week gaining information 4nd views of thel cupied by the Odd I I ws,Royal emplar -1 V Mr. Boyce bought this fine animal from - ay. -Rev.' Mr. �: 3 nd Sons George Leslie, of Guelph. Mr. Boyce is Sun Hats, from t5he good strong cad your Spring Suit suit. it not wliy not get a edto her home last Thured ri for the Illustrated S�turday Mail, l rder of orresteri [ cheap itable Suit. we can always suit you. . t quired into the facts and got the full par- tow� . � and rapidly coming to the front with b up to the # Stewart, of Clinton, will occupy the pulpi some' of Scotland, —Farmers are*busy selding 'a article for ev wear, I- . of our church next Sabbath, morning and tioulars, -entertains the ridiculously absurd which Seaforth will show to advantage I ome are getting pre'�tyl near through, therp thorough -bred stock. Mr. Harvey intends e.ryqay , , Spring Suits. evenin - notion that the punishment I gave him was ,.of these days. The town council gave himi a as yet. Fall wheat is daily shipping the bull to Manitoba to his son -in- elegant. , Our store this season is :a - - I t it suita you to get -suited elsewhere it does not suit 9. � the cause of his death. But others quite a a sipall grant to assist in � the w(Trk.—Mr ' is no growth i i law, Mr. Henry Hood. regular Millinery Aline, any or all . I 0 * I jug crops � 11 makip - 2 � the news in a W., T. Whiteley, Editor of the Clintnn. going back, and the spr ' supplied with the newest thin, for what suits You must tn us, but we Must feel suited .-EASTER SERvicn.—Large congregations ways off seem to have got It time I its 0 may be , I - necesearilly suit us, . Now in � filled St. Thomas' church on Easter Day, kind of round -about way, one telling and News -Record, has been appointed sub -col -I the farmers hustle in himrvej roos - I . . ed medium or expensive . - i i will nearly &II come in at once.—FL S. Sco4t Hills Green. low prio Springsuits not only to view the beautiful memorial adding, or cb�auging, and then another lector of Customs at that point. Mr. White-, th half !'Of lot 17, onoesgioln NOTES. -MI Jarrott has been lying 7 - ' . We have an immense ranye of the best makes to be window which was on that day unveiled changiDg) it siftl more, and so on until it ley, is a good man for the position,—and isl has sold the son I � iBs May If you are seeking the right place to . b ty of the has got around to you the way you told me. deserving of it from his paity. We hope 8, Morris, for the Freehold Loan orapany, . - - . " -- ackson, 0 Morn4, very low for a week, and but little hope is make your s,pnng purchases, you call. - - - but also attracted . by the eau hel entertained for her recovery. —Mr. Robert found in Ainerica. at bed rook prices in all sizes, - i e and,Children's. our Clothing to ordar . taste- That you may see it is perfectly true about will find it more easy and remunerat v of Toronto, to George second to services themselves.' The ohs I - 11. J. - VeWs, Boys' ucel was k —J. D. onald i1s not afford to pas, us by. will. be found inprice, q d* htheria being in the school, the health thit the newspaper business. -Mr. James for the sum of 82,5 ualitY and style fully decorated with white flowers, the ip � nding .Jarrett is able to work again. -Mr* none in'the trade, at the Bargain Clothing Dry Goods Kidd, of Toronto, spent Easter in t I - Smith has gone to Dakota for the summer House. Easter Lily and Camellia being moat promi- officer, -Dr. Cale, b" since been around. He own.- away at Preston this week at - nd examined the school ; condemned the old Mr. Harry Beattie, of the Brantford Colle.q- public meeting in regard to the iourchase of .a months.-ldr. Albert Tiffin- has gone to OUR NEW PARASOLS. .WM. PICKARD, nent. The latter is a "I re flower here a . e. -Mrs. VV. IT. Cluff had an operi- � . T. Kidd's old stand,.Sesforth. came from the private conservatory of Mrs. desks, which he said were a splendid breed- ia�e Institute, is spending 'his Easter holi- fire -engin , Harriston this 'Week to write on the pre- Dozens aud dozens ing ground for germs, and ordered the -old days at the parental hoine.-Dr. Charles I tion performed on her �ast week b Dr.Teu�- liminary examination, as a candidate for and dozens of W. N. Cresswell, The Aervices began with i �- the Methodist mini,stry.-The Parr line them2 an unco mimon variety! plain — . I Holy Communion at 9 o'clock and again at floor and desks to be taken away and new McKay, of this town, . was � elected one of the� ple, of Toronto,and solfar everythi6g is suO it * 11 o'clock, eighty-three partaking of the ones put in. The men have been working Council of the Canadian �acroese Associa-;� oessful and she is now etting all right. Dr. school, in Hay, is sbut down until the 25th and fan4, new handles, new shapi-eg - ..jtff. Sacrament. The singing of the choir was for about a week at it Dow, and are just ti6n at the Convention in Toronto on Tiles+ MoNaughton aacomps�ied her and asvistod of April,because of the many cases of mumps -n ordinary. We ght 'JiMU, 9XP V� -Mrs. Kirkman and Miss Tytler r in the operation. It in trusted sbq�� will soon among the acholars.-Rev. H. S. Magee and value more tha - T, -V exceptionally good and has seldom been aboutdone. It I & kindof double build- day. . i bobackas well as over. -R. Wilson, Of sold a great many last year, but we - ' � .— -- I excelled in the church. In the afternoon ing. They are wirking in the north end, spending the Easter holidsis with friendsA I ched in the Methodist church last Sn - n: - have put in more than double the .- ered by Mayor and I am teachin in the south end, there Guelph. -The heavy rains which set in o Seaforth' got his Carlisle filly this week that pres � . � � day afternoon. His sermon was much en DISTRICT MATT19RE; excellent addresses were deliv Thursday morning will grestly aseist ve he lately purchased f4om P. Scott of th�s joyed by those present. quantity for the present season. 's - - Holmeated and Mr. George Jackson to the bcing seats in both rooms." tation if it comes warm afterwards,' an town, and is going to put her' in traid- - . - - � Th, ­-.' I ­ -- children & the Sunday school. In the even- . � � means a large assortmext to select � --- s Mit ing at 7 o'clock the usual service was held EGGS FoR GREiT BIUTAU,.-Mr. D. D. will prove beneficial to the seed recently pu iDg for the fall ralces.-W. T. Scott and 0 us MITCHELL RECORDER. - . a Wilson, the well-known egg dealer and eix- in the ground. -A shootin match, partici �Gideon Perry, Cariad a noted athletes, are W alton. -i T. -Th and was well attended. The subject of th 9 . VESTRY MEXTING.—The annual vestry from. , I � I -sold at auction, by here visi few days. i Both are . — � chell Recorder was morning discourse was "Lessons frnm the porter, of Seaforth, hasiesueda circular to pated in by the Seaforth, Clinton and Brus �' � Meeting of St. George's church was held on - - Sheriff Hossie, on Tuesday, and was bought Resurrection " and of the evening, "The his oustomers,- from which we ,take the fol- sels Gun Clubs, took place in this town on looking well.-Revo' Ross and Miller were Monday of this week. The pastor, Rey. W. I BE WELL GLOVED. in- by Dr. Hurlburt, in behalf -of the Liberals lowing extract, to which all having anything Good Friday, The several olubs had 4 away attending sy.�od at Stratford t1iis � � I ,of the town. The Recorder will be contin- Intermediate' State." The offerl,ory (8180). to do with the production or handling of friendly contest of skill, � which resulted in week. -John Robertson, of Binievale, sit- T. Cluff, being absent, Mr. James Bulger To be well dressed,you must be well.. was devoted to the rectory debt. --On Men- . neral of the late Hou. Ale*. occupied the chair. Mr. Win. Smith was I I - � ' nod in, its publication, and there is a deter- day evening . was held the amnual vestry egg would find it to their advantage to pay Clinton coming out first, Seaforth second � tended the fu He is a fu4 cousin of re�elected. people's warden, and the chair. gloved. There is a pleasure in select' . o a The shooting all roun4 McKenzie at Sarnia. I man re-ni mined effort on the part of the Liberals of heed. He says : " You are all aware that and Brussels third. )pointed Mr. R. H. .Ferguson as ing Gloves -where everything in the . the town and adjoining townships to retain meeting, when the chu�rch-ward n's report that, gentleman. � I showed the church to be in a very prog. the McKinley tariff, to a large extent, ex- wan very good, and the sport was witnessed I . � I the minisi�r's warden. Messrs. John Bulger I Glove line is almost, sure to be kept, the old manager and editor. Matters, how- perous condition, the congregations having eludes Canadian eggs from the American by is, goodly number of spectator,g.-Mr. JnOt - , Alexander Ellis, John Searlett and John . ' cerning the Recorder's future increased 50 per cent. within two years. market. We are, therefore, compelled to McDonald, who, for many years, has been 4 Chis0hurst. i ; Hewitt were appointed aideamen for the Our Glove stock covers a big catalogue management will not be definitely settled debts are paid and a balance on hand. find an outlet for;thern in Great Britain. In resident of this town, has removed his family NOTEs.-Mr. Justus Parish 'conductod for another week. The price at which it All I J " , ensuing year, and Mr. Robert H-. Ferguson of kinds and prices. Nothing is over - It was resolved to proceed with the enlarg- that market large eggs command a good to Goderich, where he is engaged in fi8hh3g.- service in the ,NL[eth diet Church!last Sum' t. - a . I :0' lay delegate to synod. The followiDg looked, from the common low pricea . was bid in wat $1,075. in of the school -room at once and a com- price, wbile small eigs sell at a very low Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Young, of Blytb, spen d y morning. -Mr. i(rvine preaches on the I � resolution of 'coDdolence was unanimously 9 � wearing glove up to the finest Kid, to I . - oi,nted for that purpose. Mr. price, often selling fWfive cents less than Good Friday and Sunday in town,tbe guests third Commandmen� next Sunday morning. passed : 11 That this vestry hereby place on Z5 - mittee was app � match any Spring co�tume. NEw POTATOES. —It is not often that one F. Holmested was selected rector's wardenp the large, and unless they can be bought at of Mr. W. M. Gray. -Mr. Archibal Scott,of -The religious quarterly meetin'g I sincere sympathy with our canenjoy a meal of ne-w potatoes at this and Mr. G. E. Jackson I people's warden. their value,or by their weight,it will not pay Thornton Hall, Flarpurhey, is having his pen circuit, is to be, held at Kippn on the esteemed pastor, Rev. W. T. Cluff, .in the - n I -time of the year, but our old friend Mr. Messrs. Kemp, Neelin, Bullard and Simp- to ship Ahe small eggs to that market. barDS torn down with the view of re.build� Ist of May, t 10.36, a. m. ; the quarterly illness of himself and family, and we f Andrew Govenlock, of Winthrop, is just,90 son were elected sidesmen. The total Therefore, it will be in the interests of the ing in more modern styl . e. -Men are busily board will m:et on the following,.Saturday, severe STAINLESS HOSIERY. , � . I trust that not only his own health but that fortunate. He brought us in a sample of po- amount contributed for church purposes dur- farmers, as well as the dealers, to buy by engaged in enlarging and beautifying the IMay 7th, in the same place. -Mrs. Horton, - - tatoes of this year's krowth a few days ago. - weight, and so encourage the production ci residence of Mrs. F. Case., When the work- or. i-3 still ali�re, an . d there is now:Eome hope of Mrs. Cluff and their little ones may be The Stainless Black is the most sat - ing the year was over $1,600. f I q speedily restored. That he may be given isfactory to buyers, and out stock of I They were as large as ordinary potatoes, - large eized eggs, and it is fair and just to do is completed, Maple hall 'Will be one of tbe of iler'r � - ; i . --.- . � ! divine gra-ce in the hour of need and realize - I , . ' - is i - Mr � the Stainless for Ladies, Alisses and �­ - bat of their eating quali,qes we caunot,speak. LAIDI.AW, Seafortb, is 'Offering Big Bar- so, while - the present system of buying finest residences in the: county. I -11 L- ! that all things work tagether for good to . . - They came About in this way : Mr. Goven- gains iu Dinner setts, Tea Settg and Chaniber Setts. simply paying a premium for the produo- Patrick Keati a ro I ing his residence XiPpen. : . I them I that love God." Children is without do bt equal iLn � look bad a large pit of last year's potatOES. Don't miss them. . I I - tion of small eggs. Further, the British I on Goderich stirtei't', eimasp, y having a stone � . . most of the city houses. When he opened the pit he found that. many LAIDLAW',,�: 25 cent Japan Tea is the beat market is far away, and necessarily a con- cellar placed under it an adding an addi. NOTES. -Mr. Jam es McClymon't has b� n I � �. 1 7 t . I Leeburn. We never had so many good kinds to- . of them - had sprouted. On these sprouts that nioney can proedre. Try it, .and his special siderable time elapses from the time the egg tion to the rear of it, , hich will make � very sick with quinsy but is �rccoveri g 1-1 were growieg these second growth spuds. Blendsof �Blacksat pricesto suit. Remember the lymotit it, borne ITEMS, -Seeding is going on steadily now 0 J Central Grocery, Scaforth. 1-D is laid until it reaches the consumer, hence great iniprovernent.-A! very intereatin� rapidly. -Miss 8:%r1ah McC I I gether before - Cotton, Cashmere 271 1 9 He bal several wheelbarrow loads of them. it is of the greatest importance that all andinstructive-ad dress % a delivered at th from London on * Zort visit. -Much feariis and farmers are kept bumping. -Mr. John Lisle and Silk-, all sizes, aood in color, It is a, very unusual occurrence for potatoes A NENs- DEPARTURE.—I have done no ad- orth League �odist Churcl being felt here for the meadows and 1�11 Rankin, of Se'aforth, spent Sabbath with, 0 . years, for the si handling eggs should use the utmost despatch Epw in the Moth � e continual cold and fro3ty friends in Dunlov.-Mr. Andrew Ne good in sbape and good to wear. Even' � to grow in this way, and especially to so vertising for the last six or seven Im- on Tuesday evening by Rev. Bert Cassov�, wheat, as th . I � sly I . I � Ae reason that I could not truthfully offer the same in forwarding them to the consumer. The I re preached at Smith s Hill on Sabbath, and our lowest priced goods upon examinal - great a. size. Connor spent bi� winds are burning up the grass and , 0 F.'ducements that others in myline of businesswere farmers or producers stiould collect the eggs Fullarton.-M.r. W. M.1 t, . - 0, IJ e 8 . and .� g the fall ,wheat, excepting wh 're will also occupy that pulpit next Sabbath. tion will be found an agreea I ur- 1� offeiing, such as selling at cost and under cost, everyday-, should never keep, them ove� a Easter holidays with fric6ds in Trenton ' dainagin . HOTEL Lici,:--sEs.-At a meeting of the quoting selli prices below what 1 could purchase Latir.-,.er, of the Elora Hiah School the growth is exceptioually rank. -Rev. �. A goodly number of the Leeburn CODgrega- . . . Ig ut, ., I - week before taking them to the market, A-liss 0 prise. � , � . bolesale; B have seen no euch advertise u the Metho ist Chur�h tion went'to hear him last Sabbath. He License Commissioners for South Huron, w nk it might be well to let the peo- should never touch them with damp or moist staff, has been visiting at her home in thi S. M,Agee preached i . . inentg latcl�. I tht last-, 8unday evening, to a larg� congrega- was not sick as reported a few weeks ag-0. . held on Wednesday last at Henaall, the fol- pie of Seaforth and its surroundings know that I am hands, should never waah them, however town durir).Q the past week. -Miss Casson I lowing liquor licenses were granted, viz : still in business, with a very large stock of near]), all dirty, and should keep them in a cool, dry of the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, i tion. Service will be held in the same but has enjoyed excellent health so far this GREATER THAN EVER. . �. ; �' the various lines kept in a retail boot and shoe store ; ; term. -Communion service will be held in Sesforth-J. H. AloClinchy, Thos. Stevens, and bouOt with the advantage of an experience oi place. ��The hsno'nests should be in a dry, spending her Easter holidays in town.-INI I C1 urch at 2.30 next Sunday. We are a lona wav ahead of former i * I . ; Z3 . H.'G. Edsall, J. P. Dopp, H. P., Kennedy, b . . town �hi�' I the Leeburn Presbyterian church on Sabbath . 60 years in the business. With the o Ject in view, cool place, and the -hennery and yard should Harvey Rush, of Simcoe, was in 4, I ! I be kept scrupulously clean and dry, so as to t week visiting his friend, Mr. S. L. '.Nlullet 1. . Or � � next, conducted by Rev. Mr. Black, of seasons in our variety of F W. Hawkshaw, Win. Pinkney. Shope left for my own make, to give my customers the best value benway. . . i . over for future consideration. Tuckeramitb, 0 sible for their money. and as I am getting heartily preve t the bens from soiling the eggs wi-th -'t\lr. McKeown returril d on Wednesda BRiKFs.---Rr. W.� J. Wilson and famil�l; Hamilton. Preparatory service on Satur- Embroideries, ,: -J. B. Weber, firseld of the credit system, as an inducenient to cash 11 vening from Forest, to which place he ha ties Lillie Brophey, and Air. ,Tames Brophey day, at half -past two, conducted by the same - Laces, . ­ � � � - Wm. Dixon, Wiri. Kyle. buyers, i will give, on all purchases of over .ql, five their feet. By strict attention to the fore- e -N gentleman. . Ribbons, Usborne-Thos. Fotheringham, Mathew percent. discount for cash,and,as rLy goods were going directions,t& shippers may be able to -been suddenly summonel a few days ag I left here last Friday to visit friends in Bay- � - Kelland. Exeter -John Leathorne, T. W. all marked in*plain figures before I concluded to mother. T is . 0 Veilings, make this offer, parties who buy for cash willtget forward eggs to even the distant market of owing to the death of his I' 'is field and Seaforth.-4-Mr.- Charles Hohn has I Hawksh&,w, W. D.�Acheaon, Mrs. Page, goods at an advance on cost that ought to sa ii,fy Great Britsin in a fairly marketable condi- Mr. McKeown's second bereavement, his decided to retire from farming. He 4 1 as N - Blake. - Frilliugs, . . � I 'Thes. Crews Shops. -Turner Brothers, F. even the Patrons of Industry. In custom made work Lion, and so acquire a good reputation for father having died leks th�n four weeks - purchased Mr. C. It. Wilson's re'sidence'in oTm. -Mr. A. Parke left last week for Scarfs, I -) . J. Knight. 'Stephen -Robert McFall, Win. I can promise no improvement, as I have always don, Canadian eggs, similar to that now enjoyed Both his father and,mothOr had lived t:gi ,he village. Mr. NVilson leaves here on the British Columbia, along with Mr. John Belts, I � Moffat, Mrs. T. Hiodgine, William Cunning- my level best to give the,very best article that men atteir lgt of Reith. We wish him success in that great Buttons, . and money could produce. The neatness with which by the Canadian cheese." very aged, the former to i, 87 and the I October, to become's citizen of Pa�k- - . I - bain, William Holt, Patrick Ball, James - . . , 9 79, -Mrs. H. G. Edgalllspent her Easte!Ir hill. Mr. Wm. Hohn takes charge of the land of possibilities. -Mrs. J. Ealer died on Trimmings, &c. : I have my repainn done is well understood. That - Hannan, Joseph Bremner, Henry Wilbert. is ail at present, only I tender my thanks for past. holidays with her parents'in London.-Mro. farm, and one of his sisters, or some other' Saturday last st the advanced age of 87 ­ Hay�W. R. Hodgins, EAlph McIntyre, patronag,andthe hope for a continuance of the CHURCH SOCIAL. -A vcry pleasant con- t! wn, . di ' I . years. -Mr. Donald Manson is recovering . . same. no.m-jLs covx,(TRY, main Street, Seaforth. gregational ,qocial w&6 held in the basement John Habkirk, of this is open ing fellow's sister, is t8 keep house for him.; . � . James -Coxwortb, Charles Grob, H. Peiney, 1271-4 of the Presbyterian church on Monday a few days this week witg friends in Stratl- Mr. Robert English! is building & Dew fer�ce very slowly. -Mr. R. RoBs, our teacher, is VERY SELECT PATTERNS. William Nicholson,. Stanley -James Dick, TIKLEPHoz,iF TALK. -Hello ! hrallo ! Tom- evening last. The main objects of the social !ord.-Nfiss Watson, of Voronto Juncti011, in front of his resid'nce. Mr. James I. Ale- this week AtteDding the Provincial Teachers' The Delaines, Muslins, Sateens, john grissen, I Georgel Facb, Wilson Cook is visiting the Misses Watson of this t ' P . Association held in Toronto as a delegate - Hello, Kitty, is that you? Yes,Tom,yea. It'scome, were to allow the members of the cougreg'a- Own- Pher8on is remod6liug his home.-W.J. Prints, Ginghams, &c., that we are � Bayfield -James Pollock, 'Edward Elliott, and it is wonderful. it is just wonderful -to see the Mrs. George A. Sills spent Easter at the Wilson has built I new fence around the from the West Huron Teachers' Association � tion an opportunity of becoming personally - . . - . showing this spring are reall hand - Richard Bailey, six months. Goderich work it does. I have got my washing out, and did - Z5 y . it all mvself, and it is only half -past nine. You will acquainted- with Mr. Wilson, the new as. parental home in Stratford. � Boston home.-Mr1ohn Bloomfield left here connequently the pupils are enjoying them' Township -James Mude. . be astonished to see how beautiful the clothes look. sistant ; to congratulate the pastor, Dr. Me- --' 0 ; � 1 last Friday for his fiorne in Brinsley. He is selves at home. -The debate at the last some, and we are glad to say that in * - � . literary meeting was a success. Subject: most cases, the are decidedly fast in . Do come home early and see. Dinner will be ready Donald, on his newly acquired honors, and I)EATH OF MR. PAYNE.-After a long &nd, arranging to go to r. Jan. �y YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIA-N AssoGIA'110N,-.- beforetwelve. Hitty,willyou please tell me what edioua illness Mr. Wm. Payne, of Egmonq- -Resolved, that city life is preferable t all thie fuss is about 2 What are you talking about? to spend together a . pleasant, social, musical t : T. Wilson and his rand -daughter returned 0 color. We are adding new tkiugs Rev. Mr. Casson's lecture on " The British Why, about the Standard Washing Machine that 0-. and literary - pvening. All these objects ville, passed peacefully away on FridV home fforn Atbenslapt week. I countily life," deeision was given in favor of daily, so that you will find oar stock . ; I Empire," on Wednesday evefiing, under the c. wwson sent up this morning. I thought you were, we thiiik, fully accompl . ished The morning last. Mr. Payne -was a native f I I � the country. -Quite a lot of grain has been always fresh and attractive. . auspices of the Young Mun's Christian Asso- knew. Olf. that is it! well, i was sure you would * - e already sown in this neighborhood. itself, full be delighted with it. Good-bye. I Good-bye, Tom, basement was- comfortably filled. The du- the parish of Kirkeudbright, Scotland. Glei�farrow- J I . � - - ' I ciation, was a decided auccew in be -home early for dinner. 1271 ties of chairman were performed by Mr. M. came to Canada in 1844 96nd settled on the BRiEFS.-Mr. John Green, sr. ' left Tups- . . . of most interesting and valuable informa- Mill Road, Tuckersmith, on the farm which I ) � Bluevale. � . . - tion and delivered in. a manner displaying at GENEROSITY. -The .peeple of thin town Y. McLean. Vocal musical selections were be continued to occupy until a few years day last for Neepa ,.-Miss Jennie Brarn- BwEirs.-Mrs. William Sanderson, ac- BOYS'- CLOTHING .1 , do riot take very long to discover an improvement given by the choir and by,Miss Scott, Mount ner, of Belmore, in7aisiting friends here.- �1 , once the excellent ability and deep love of made in their interest. Mostly every body has al- Forest ; the -Misses Da*idiSOD, Sealorth ; ago. I His elder brother accornsanied him to Mrs. Muir, who spent the winter with �her companied by her family. left on Tuesday to The new Suits are in Large StoelL I . . * � the lecturer for a most worthy subject. The ready found out that the proprietors of Perry Davig' .t this country, but only rqtnaine a few years, n her husband, Mr. Wm. Sanderson, who Closest Fi-ures for cash. . ' Mrs. J. Scott, Roxboro, and Miss Borret , son at,,Port Huron, has returned to her 101 n . n erate,should have been Pain Killer have just issued a now "Bix Bottle" of when he returned to his native land and for has been in Toronto for some time. The that old reliable medicine. This bottle contains McKillop; and Messrs. James Scott, E.Mc- hom,k-4obn D. Campbell. of Seafortb, is - . - . 11 larger, but those preeent enjoyed the lecture twice the quantity that the old style held, and it Is to Faul ani otherg. Miss Caven, of Paris, many years has been an extensive and one- ending his Easte�' holidays under the par- Misses Sanderson- will be greatly missed exceedingly. -On next Wednesday evening. Naturally . cessful business man in Castle Douglas. The 'p en be sold at the old popular 25 cent price. w does gave a reading, and Miss Grace Johnston, of entid roof. -M iss Jossie McLaren, and Mrs. here, timy being leading members of the Edward McFaul Rev. Mr. Hodgins will address m only, in the users of this bld favorite medicine (and wl following year after coming to Canada Mr. Methodist church choir. Mr Sanderson I an�e and praise Golerich, a recitation. All did well, and Mitchell, of Wingbam, spent &` few days * . 11 ristian Association not use it ?) are jubilant over the ch .t, the young. ,,- -making shop . the Young Mea's Ch the proprietors very strongly for their generous every piece seemed to be highly pleaaing to Payne was married to Margare last week t P. �jampbe .a.- MiEs Mary has carried on a boot and shoe SEAFORTH. rooms. Subject., " Sports and Amusement," if Dot. be e t daughter of the late John Walker. She a here for 11 ears past. We wish them pros - action. Have you seen the Big Bottle? the audience. Miss Ewing presided at the .11 Anderson spent a week with friends in Grey. y Mr,. Hodgina is a grea.t lover of sports and sure and call atthe Drug Store for one withotit Oelay. piano, and played the accompaniments, as continued to share his joys and sorrows, and Miss Jessie McPherson, who has been qui I te perity in their new bome.-Mrs. James Lee, . . ENTEENTEIn will, no doubt, make the address both in. With it in the houBe you have a veritable medicine . chet3t at hand, and 'all for the triffing surn of a she invariably doem, to the Satisfaction of- proved a worthy help -mate to him, until ill, for sometime, i� recovering. -The Misses of Wingham. is Visiting at Mr. Hugh Ross'. their own horn.6 a,gain, but they had no toreating and usefull. Th6 athletic clubs are quarter. 1271 all. A pleasing feature in the evening's pro- November last, when she left him for the Scott and Miss W' , of Glenannan, spent _Rev. A-. Y. Hartley was unable to fill his sooner got the borse hitched, and near the especially. invited, while all are welcome. better land. Their family consisted of two position as pastor of the Presbyterian ' Mr, T. S. Cale,, Provincial Secretaryds ex- FACTS WORTH K -Now i.N,G. -Everybody ' 's ceediDga was the presentation of a congrat- sons, John and William, the younger of Good Friday- ,1�amyr. McDougal Vs. -Mr. church here on Sunday owing-, to sickness. scene of the former accident, when it began : dollar is Avorth ioo cents at the Post Office Grocery. ulatory address on behalf of the congrega- Alex. Gemmill ha rented the farm of the to act badly and to back up, wbereupon Jo- pected at this meeting, and if present, will market -p -rice whom died about three years ago and the La Grippe was the trouble. -Mr. James P . Indian Teas are the best value in the tion, to Dr"�-McDonald, congratulating him late C. Willis, and! moved thereon, and Mr. aeph j= ed out aud. caught it by the head, have a few words with young men at the 40c, 50c and 60c per pound for the "monsoon , elder only a few months since. So that now ' -Maxwell left on Tuesday for a trip t - brand ; try a package, Extra 0hoice Japan Tea fo - on the honors so recently bestowed upon D. Fraser has rent. -d Mr. Gemmill's farm. �rough but it continued to spring in all directions. � close.�Help to make the Bible class attend we have the unusual and sad occurrence of Manitoba. To benefit his health is his -main ance 80 next,Sun I day. -THE SECRETARY. 25e per pound, or five for 81. Sugars ire lower in him by the faculty of Montreal College, and an entire family having disappeared and not Mr. rveith 'was thrown out of the buggy,.re- price than ever before; now Is your tinie to buy. expressing the satisfaction of the collgrega- . I Bdyfleld. qbject.--Mr. J. F. Aforrison has opened out ceiving inte-rual injuxies which caused big . .� �, - The cash buyer gets the IoNvest cut every time. The a single representative left behind. Mr. aboot and shoe -making establisbrnent in 11 Goimistr WFD,Dl:,NG. - A correapondent new Patent Foot Brush is just the thin-, far superior tion that their pastor had been selected tor .Payne was a victim of consumption. He Fon good C e�-,, k�o to H. F. Edwards, Wm death. Although EomewhKt stunned at the n rs are Such honorable distinction, thus bringing or , �", " Sanderson's old stand. -Mr. Jobn to a door inat. The 1!issel He has the leadin� and prices are right. . Carpet Sweepe � time be recovered somewhat, and itwas . sends us the fo!lowing: -Ur. and Mrs. James perior to all others. Conic and get one ou trial. honor alike to himself and them. The address had been in declining hiaalth for about two Special valtie in Dres Goods. 1271-1 Robertson, .of Blueva,le, left. on Wednesda � Blair, formerly of flowick,.township, Huron " - - 5 i y hoped he would soon be all right, although J. FAIRJAY, Seaforth. 1271-1 was read and presented by Mr. D. D. Wil- years and since the death of' his wife, foI- BwEFS.-�erbe�ht Colloday left on Good afternoon for Sarnia to attend the funeral ,.of Buffering considerable painj Mr. McKay, - colunity.,. butjiow of Saline county, Missoari, MR,L SARA LoRL) BAILEY. -This talented .son. The Doctor made a most suitable and lowed by the sad death of his eldest son, he Friday fo �Goderi . where he has e gaged his cousin, the late Hon. Alexander school teacher, kindly volunteered to drive - eelebrited the 50th anniversary of their seemed to lose courage entirely and the D Mackenzie.-Dnff & Stewart have nearly %, og with a and beautiful Boston elocutionist, who has met with happy reply, in.the course of which hc de- - to fish. -Miss L4 Elliott spent the Easter Mr. R,eith home with his horse, which is a wedding on April the 5 th by meeti sti-ch grand success in her first Canadian tour, pur- disease did its work even more rapidly than completed sawing their stock of maple logo, . number of their relatives and friends at the Poses gii-Ing an evening in Seaforth on the 30tb Nst. tailed the proceedings incident to might bave been the case under more favon holidays with fri�nds at Blyth. -Mr. Robt. about 180,000 feet. They Pawed it into very gentle one. f hi3 was between 6 and 7 residence of their 8igter-in-law, Mrs. ProbablN. no American artist has received such univer- ferring of the degree and robed himself in able circum�tances. During his illness Ile Drysdale, of Drybdate, was in town this o'clock in the even;ng, and Dr. Maediarmid �al pmise fron, the press of Canada as has this charm- thecloak and hood pertaining to the de- week. -Mr " 1�a�rd Routledge, of St. blocks to make mangles. These they ship was 3, t � Eupbernia Orr, near Salt Springa, Missouri. i�ng reader. Her rendering of the " Chariot Race " was tenderly ministered to and care - L -_ a .Europ,3.-The cold winds which have . once called in to see Mr. Reith, and - !8 gree. During the evening there were a y Thomas. spent ar holidays at his hame to They, were the recipients of - a number of from Ben Hur, throws a most intense light on thi nureed by Mies 11oustoq. In politics, . again during the -2arly hours of the morn� beautiful and appropriate presents. Their -,18terpiece of Lew Wallace, and in 11 Life for a Life", couple of intermissions, which were devoted Payne wag a Liberal and in religion a Pre3- here. -Fishing h s been extra good here prevateo aeavea a�aeec upon ing, but despite all that medical attend - old friends in Ontario will join with the Dow 'he has probably never buen equalled. Remember to social converse, and in which the entire byteriau, having been for many years lately. -Andrew �� owlie, John Gerneinhart wheat and grass in this section of the coun- ,,nee could do, .he pawed away about six the date. Further particulars will appear in a few audience joined, and which they seemed to . a 'on' John Davidson a d Robt. Erwip have �ef' try. -Farmers are getting on well with ones in Missouri in wishing them Yet MaDY days. 1271-1 Matent member of the �First Presbyterian t seeding.,and many will be through in April. o'clock on Wednesday morning. Deetased . greatly enjoy. A very pleasant evening to fil I positions fis Jug. -Since the merchants Was a ustive of Kincardineshire, and emi- - years of peace, �Ekppiness and prosperity. O�NE DOLLAR AS G ,001) AS $2.-On'Satur- was closet], about half -past ten o'clock by the church, Seaforth. - He had a somewb t have commenced uying eggs b' . h it . Is - The occagion was made none the leas jOYOUS da,�y next Lurnoden & Wilson's wind3w %ill be filled pronouncing of the benediction. The ad_ distant manner, but thos� who became in , - aTv weig � 1� grated to this country while quite young, - Would be much t, the farmers antage, to Rens&ll. land after spending % few years in New . on account of a real wedding taking place at wiih an Immense assortment of Photograph Albums mate with him found him a most ki d , I ; . � - the same time and place. MissMaiiiemay bought at a great sacrifice, and in order to clear' dress to Dr, McDonald was handed to Air. hearted and generous man. He w I bring in the large� eggs. . i TiiE Hensall Implement Shop is where Brunswick and Onandago on the Graid. them out clinekly, the price will be ticketed on each, E. McFaul to be engrossed -by him, and it ­ I . you will find the best Riding, 7 Orr, onl daughter of the hostess, a charm- 60 I I Wa)king or Gang Nows, river, he took up laud in the towitship of - ly have your money In your pocket, and you can got scrupulously upright in all his dealings with I - ing young lady of bright eighteen, was a bargain at Lummaen & Wilson's, beaforth. 1271-1 will be handsomely framed, I Leadbury. � ' such as Wilkinson, Fleury. Patterson, Whitt resided coatiuuously on hit bome- ' his fellow -men and his sterling qualities ' Exeter, Copp Brothers, Mitchell Waterloo, Coe) �, Hay, and married to 3dr, William E. Baur, a pros- 0, C. WILL90N; The Standard Washing I brought him the respect of all who came in I BEG to return, my sincere thanks to all shutt, Ayr, Repairs kept in sto�k for all Plowii. stead about two miles from here for over - porous -young farmer of the neighborhood. ,Nlachino you sent us is electricity in itself; save@ Loc,%L BRIEF.S.-At the Synod of Hamil- My old customers, and many new ones, for their very Windsor Stilky Plows $15 each, W, ELDER, Sales- forty years. He was a steady, active and contact with him - He had reached the good liberal patronage to.! me the last threel months. I Inan. 1270-2 energetic man, and soon made for himself Amid so much rejoicing it would be difficult time, labor. bone and sinew, and just the machine ton and London, in session this week At age of 70 years: but previous to� his illness wish to say hare that my prices will not'be chan ed, to determine who were the happier, the that is needed in every family. Joux WALKx1t, Mill Stratford, Rev. Mr. McQuarrie, of ,Vlring - his years sat lightly on him. The rema I 9 IBRixrs.-The Easter holidays passed over 4nd family a good home, as well as pro. . Road, Tuckersmith, � I . 1271 1 in@ but that w'.11 still Oill anything I bave in stoc at friends' young or old, who had gatheied to . bam, was appointed Moderator. This is the were interred in the Egtpondville cemetery, Scaforth prices f ' ask or trade. MRs, M. E, Me, very quietly here, Good Friday being gener- viding good farms near him for a number of - - ' ,or c ' 131CYCLIES.-We have nted Bwz,(, the Post 0fue Store. i 1271JI ally dederved as a holiday. Service was his sons. He was a staunch Presbyterian � � make merry ; the aged couple,,who haa trod � second time within a few years that the on Monday, beside those of the other mem- t I special and sole Agents in Seaforth for the sale of the . A Nxw MACE ,xx.-Mr. Johni Crozier of, held in St. Paul's Church in the evening, and occupied the position of elder up the hill for half a century together, or '..The Rudge " and " Gendron " Wheels, considered honor has come to this county. -The Post- 1; bers of his family, . . . the young pair starting out, even at the by competent Jud es to he the best English and Office Inspector is' advertising for tenders -- 0 — this vicinity h 5 purchased W now steele conducted by the Rev. 13. Sermans.-Mr. . for a very long term of years and whioh -, I " dawn of the bey -day of life, upon so im. Canadian makes. We road championship of Canada for the carrying of the mails daily between elevating binde , withou4 canvas, from Urquhart had the timbers or flame of his position he hold at his death. In politics he portant an undertaking. May the fondest "' veon lastyear on a Rudge machine, and "The Seaforth and Bayfield for a period of four Brui3sels. Mes3rs Brown Meaziei, of Seaforth. saw mill raised last week, and has' now the was a Reformer and as a friend and neigb- Gendron " not being subject to the excessive duty, I . This is the first i troduction of this machine greater part of his ;nachineiy in position, bor he possessed those sterling, good and hopes of the young couple be more than is considered the best machine at the price in the years. Tenders are to be received atOttaws, ILLICIT STILL.�011 We3riesday, A. Cavan, sociable qualities which he realized, and may they be spared to have market. See them, and get prices and terms at until the 22nd inst., and the new contract collector of Inland Revenue from Stratford, in this vicinity but it is considered by The mill will be running in a few days.- � Id him. in the many decades of joy, peace and prosperity. Lunisden & Wilson's, Seaforth. 1271-1 commences on the let of July. -Mrs. H. A. laid information before A. Hunter, J. P. many to be he coming binder of the Mion Stanley, Jof ,Luc%u, was this week the highest esteem. Deceased had attained the � - I . --- - McTavish of Detroit, was here last week,the against Conrad EugI6, of Grey, for having country. I guest of Mks. M.'Edwards, of the township age of 74 years and was at the time of his - . . . RGUOND-VILLE NOTES. -Your Egmoud- A FALSE REFoRT. -A ,report having got guest of her cousin, Mrs. Hawkshaw.- in his possession an apparatus for the mak- A STALLION I PURCHASED. -Mr. Ja�ob of Elay.-Mias Frieda Dent, of Mitchell, -is death in the- enjoyment of good health and � , ville scribe has enough sins of omission and abroad, especially in. the southern part of There was a large congregation at the ing of -whisky. On the premises of C. Engle Barrows, one of our most enterpiising fatm- visiting relatives here. -Mr. and Mrs. Brit- bid fair to attain a ripe old age, He leaves . � . . . iss purchased from Mr.'Butson, of ton, of Iowa, were part of last - eek and his widow, eight sons and six daughters to 11 commHuon to answer for without being the this county, that Mr. Bowerman, a well. Methodist church last Sunday evening' to being searched a still worm and other appar- ers, �, IF � scapegoat for the genius of the printing de- known public school teaoheri had- punished hear the ReV., Dr. Potts, and we are sure atus was found ready forlwork in the cellar Hibbert, the , well-known impor�ted stallion this the guests of --.Nlr. John Scott. -A large mourn his sudden &isth. The have the , I . I I y partment. Last -week -I was made to use a pupil of his so severely that the lad died that none were disappoi'nted, is he delivered of his house. 'He is an unmarried man, be " Stone Clover," [2,40"81. This I horse , all number of the Royal TemplarB of Temper-' sir.cere and heartfelt sympathy of the cani- . I I � 11 hotels " for " Holt's," and in. the issue from the effects of the injuries received a a clear, logical and earnest discourse, thor- and his brother living together. Mr. Engle, Imported by Messrs White & Son of 'St. anee attended an open lodge meeting at muility in their -Bad bereavement. The ' ' of the previous week the word 11 manufac- few days afterward, we have been requested oughly in keeping with the very high repu- on being accused by A-fr. Cavan, admitted Mary@, in 1882� and has tra*'elled every Exeter on Monday, and assisted in the way funeral will leave the residence of the . . I ture " for the word " manufacturers," all to publish the following private letter from tation lie enjoys as an eloquent preacher. the charge and at once permitted the officers season since in the southern part� of this 4nd of taking part in the evening's programme.- deceased on Saturday afternoon at two � - owing.. no doubt, to the ca-releaS spellilig Mr. Bo*werman to a friend, who had heard The sermon was in the interests of the Edu- _to -go to the cellar. He isays his reason was the adjoining C64uty of P.ertb. !� He hap a Miss Polly is visiting friends in London.- o'clock and will proceed to the Rodgerville and illegible writing. -The death of the la,te the report and had written to him enquiring cational Fund of the church. -Mr. H. P. that he owed some debts oud had not made splendid record and his colts are the beat Mr. A. McPherson, our respected merchant cemetery. - . William. Pa,yne is peculiarly sad in the cir- as to its truthfulness. The letter, although Kennedy has disposed of his hotel business enough off the farm th pay them, and recommendation,, he can have I We h?pe tailor, is fitting up the premises 130 13OW ----- . � curnstances surrounding it. From a beauti- not written with a view to publication, gives and took to a gentleman from Kintail, in thought he could make 8c me money on the Mr. Barrows wili have good Iuc� with him. occupies, and which he recently purchased � fal home the angel of death has removed a very plain and circumstantial statem t1101wuship of Ashfield, who takes pones- sly, in this manner to pay them. He com- Mr. Barrows rec6ntly sold a tbre,e year Old from Mr. G. C., Patty. -Mrs, Murdock and Hibbert. . every occupant, and the carefully kept of the affair, and should quiet any false ru- sion on 1he first of May. --V1r. Kennedy, meuced, but did not thoioughly understand stallion of his own riLising for $500, and M.ins Vera are visiting relatives in Lucan, DEATH OF MR. RoBEnT XoRR1.s,-JJr. premisea in which the late owner took so mors concerning the matter, which may have however, we are glad to learn, does Dot in- the work and it was not, a success, so he which went to Manitoba. I SAD DRATn.-It is our sad duty this week Robert Norris, or., one of the pioneer i I ; to chronicle the death of one of the eldest settlers of this township, died Suddenly on much interest must, doubtless, soon pass in- gained currency. The affair happened in a tend to leave Seaforth, as he is in search of went to a party who livel in a town and has -------*- - - I to the possession of the stranger. -We have school in the township of Grey, and the let- a suitable private residence. -Mr. John Me. the reputation of being �n expert in the I � I and most respected pioneer settlers of this Sunday mornin the 10th inst. He had not - ter from which we quote is dated, Brussels, Millan, M. P., took advantage of the Easter manufacture of the crookled article and got B C43 43 - � 9 lately examined a very clever and useful in WALL PAPER at greatly red�ced priqev, county, in the 1persou of the late William been in robust health for years, but was sup- , . volition, the creation of one of our citizeDs, April 13th'. Of course we Only give the holidays to take a run home. He returned his advice, in fact, he go men to go and to clear the stbok. Some beautiful effects in new Reith, late of the township of Hay, the air- posed to be about as well an usual, and -on the ' -Ar, L. E. VanEgmond, who, by the way, is part of the letter referring to this occur- to Ottawa again on Monday. -Mr. Wm,., visit him -lad give him a ow pointers. This American designs to arriTe to -day. J. MCINT0811. cumstauces of whose death were most sad Sunday previous to his deat1k was out around Undoubtedly possessed of mechanical ability, rence, and it proceeds as follows: 11 Well, Hawksbaw has purchased Mr. 11. Jordan's he did, but Eagle now t I inks his princip�l 1 12714 and unexpected. It appears that Mr. the stables. He took suddenly ill at night which, if properly developed, would enable they gay stories never lose anything in the residence, formerly owned by Mr. A. point was to give him a�vay by informing, ITEM.S. -Several of the farmers in this Reith's too William, re idin in London and passed away before morning. He came I I - _ I I him to take front rank in mechanics. The telling, and it seein-3 it is so in the case , of Cardno. He pays $1,500 for it. Mr., and,getting the reward. Mr. Engle, on vicinity have fini hed 8eeding..-The address township, ewas dangerou:ly i1f, and on the to the township about forty years ago and article in question is a hand force pump, the boy you mentioned. It is true I gave Jordan has leased and moved into Mr. J; being brought before Mr� Hunter and Mr. by Mr. Paittersor in the Templ4rs' HaR on Afternoon of lueaday last Mr. and Mri. settled on a farm near Staffi, where he has -5 simple, -in construction. yet admirabf�. the boy a slight punishment. It was not H. McDougall's residence in Beattie'.s grove. Cavan, J. P., pleadedfullty to the charge Sunday night we i well attende'd.-We are Reith started to drive down to see him, but continued to reside ever since. He was a - ' - adapted for,8praying plants, shrubs and- by ,any means severe, and it happened that . We are pleased to learn that Mrs. florton� and was fined $100 an one month in goal. pleased to learn I, hat Mr. Donald Dallas �, as when about opposite Mrs. Lamb!a residence man of great energy and industry aud $lie - trees as well as cleaning windows, buggies, he bad di,yhtheria germs on him, and a day Sr., is very much i proved in health, He was taken to Goderich on Wednesday become agent fo the " Popular Atlas of the at Rodgerville, the horse which w spir- ceeded in converting his wood farm into ,648 1 � , m I 1 S8 a and the like. Many attem; to have been -Or two a, ter was down with diphtheria, although she is still unable to leave the afternood by constable Sfott. World." "Sure and Quick" is Donald's itedone,took frightat a wrecked buggy of the most comfortable homesteads in On - P made to furnish the public with a suitable There had been three other families in the residence of her daughter, Mrs. T. Dickson, BRIERS. --Mr. J. M. McIntoob has sent in watchword, and in him the company h�ave that was near the roadside, and springing tario, He was a good neighbor and w" I article of this kind, but in most cases dura- section sick with the same disease a few -We are sorry to learn that Mr. Hugh his resignation as Reeve of Brusselg.-D�r. secured a first-class agent anA a reliable suddenly around it upset the, bug throw- strictly upright in all his dealings and was - . 19y, bility has been sacrificed to chespncss ; in weeks before that, and some of them came Bell, of this town, is still in very poor McTaggart, who has been here arranging for man.-Houoe cle4ning is the order of the ing Mr. and Mrs. Reith out. ,- h and deservedly respected by all Who . The latter muc � however, both seem to be to school before they had been long enough health, and is now scarcely able to leave his the winding up of McIntosh & McT�gg�rt's day here. -Mess a. James and William. Me- sustained painful injuries,f rom, which we re- knew him. He was a Conservative in I % combined and properly managed, we should recovered, and the germs got into the school. residence. -Mr. John Campbell, eldest son bank, left this week for Alabama having Donald, of Tiv rton, were home spending gret to say she is still suffering at the time politics and a member of the Presbyterian - I I he doctor who attended the boy clears me; of Dr, Campbell, of this town, has returned put, everything in a satisfactory condition to their Easter bol days. -Rev. J.H. Simpson of writing. Mr. Reith, - however, ea6sped church. He leaves a wife, four sons and two . say there ought to be money in it, for the T tees. As soon as the doctor home from Jefferson Medical College, Ph at Stratford attending synod � � hurt, and getting a horse dau liters to moiirn their loss. The family inventor, Farmers and others needing an so do the trus ila. thel depositors, in the hands of A. Cousley, was away � any senom and 9 article of this kind .will do well to see and saw him he pronounced it diphtheria at delphis, where he successfully passed 'the who in to collect all outstanding debts and meetiog.-Miss �Flossie Weir, of Seaforth, buggy from Mr. H. Dougall, he drove Mrs. have the,sympathy of the whole communitY I test this pum-p before purchasing any other. once. The boy died about a week after the primary examination. He will spend the paj them in to the credit of Dr. Me- is the guest of her aunt. Miss Maris A. Reith home. This would be about the mid- in their sad hour of affliction, an was shown - -M iss Nellie Kelly, our former teacher, and day I punished him. I didn't kick him in summer studying with his father. and will faggart, John McCrae and A. Strachan, in Kennard. -The well-known firmlof Thomlin- dle of the afternoon. Mr. Reith and his by the large concourse of friends that fol- . now of the Blyth pubhe school, has been the stomachs but gave him a slight kick return to Philadelphia in September to pu� " trust for the depositot's in the Standard son & Smith, which did suoh good work in son Joseph then left home to -return the lowed the remams to their last resting - I (more a push or shove with my foot than a in him final ye'ar.-Mr. John Hannah has re. I Bank, to be paid oat by them to the oredit- the threshing line last season, h4s dissolved ho ' I ,spending part of her Ea3ter holidays in the I . . � ree and buggy to Mr. Dougall and bring place. - . - . - I . � ­ - . . � � . -- - � I . I I - �� I ... - - -i�- z.- . : I I . . . t, f a � I 1-1 i I I ill � '�.� i�-` t t y i` ; ti il .. 'a '' - I r h, � 4 � I . I I . . I . . : I � I . I . I � I . I - I . � . I . I � . I � . I i . I - ! I ! � - I . � - I I � . . I . . . . . I . I : . - . . � . - . I . . I I - . ! . I .1 � I il � -- - I TVV-ENT') -WH,OLF, - Z_— : � RAB . : I � May 8hovi quently re! Umbrella is, with you �e-ve want the Sill with ev,ery r made frame,3, an umbrella . protector wi. tached. 1 $1.50' 1 —, . Buys a s steel fra able haz $2.00 . : . - Buys a they're ) but gui sattisfyir $3.00 1 1 . Bu -vs a i bu� its trade as - better t fade or; Better -,ro!de ZA Our Wate that money ka,tylea �&n-a pi sixes, all M, ac, seams all s(, ; guaronteed.: . � JAC, M -en's - I - NOTF�� . � Along etreel of whatever p to honir him i Ron. Akxand . his late - resid4 :the Union Sta ,of last week a for Sarnia, I atatearnan. F1 liloatedat bell city bells kepi tune the cout. vice held at 0 the ,arrival,of . Baptist Churc found already ducted by Mr Dr.Thomas,vv:l Dr. Thomas' many, was th ever given at it he said - ", I colleagues in I had morz Ithal brilliant rhet but none coul of swaying ti force Of his b� ness -of 'Put, loved Canadi Queen-, to ",th�g pre-ernineutl.5 Alexander M he could spea �ed it would bi would tend b � hence herglo .cession to %bi tivea of pow* Thompson, ti Hon. Fr -auk' the ROD. Wil wright, Sir I Mills, the,Hx. other wellAr bearers were: Hon.01i'ver the Ron. 01. tice 34seleno Ron, T. W. I Jaffray, T-- � Many of tho uD with the I thursdaylo I AN� � - The city m excitement h that Mr. .Arl broker in'thl to parts uu� posed th%t turns out, the amount i has added, t geries for 1� been , e i I using other 3 J out their cc denth,e mig, some time y kler held sot L A list of th accidentally matter of ci who besides, to be pObQ � , Ift His surpris ,ad to find h I thought, h in the print orities to h4 that bit BtCL showed bil trans-ferred ' for them. trausacAion� Brown ; thi name, and money for i� collared hin was the br4e chain, and � . could got 0 and is now Ever sin( Arthur Br( Tall, good- ker had a i a son of '11 the lite 3: . was Sought I which, no L � . been congr, . with one 0 , . out8idera , , , , guilty a I - For one !th brokers In