The Huron Expositor, 1892-04-15, Page 1md,
i � __ Mi.- -
- � —_ - . McLEAN BROS., Publishers. �
TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. I I SEAFORTHo FRIDAYs APRIL :1 1892. i �7 $1.50 a Year in Advance. 4
1 � . "
I .
WHOLE NUMBER, 1,270. 1 - - . J - I I i�� ;-.=
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-.-------- — - I
;.;�;_-_�_ � � I � era to whisky,
- - q rids and on lavishly treating his- compe .1
a duty of 20 cents per bushel on all foreign 1 1887, and appointed Clark of Session in He regained consciousness, and retained it turn � d to ther, cello, where he remained until the matter into their own ha M so 'igars, candies, &c. John A. very soon .
ion were such till the last, but did not rally after the first somell time in ,'the afternoon, when a quartette Wednesday morning, March 30tb, i c -
His walk and conversat . nd defaced one 11
WANT A ]JAT1 wheat. He is quite willing to guarantee 1 1890. �
-EA- X e that Manitoba,is able to supply all their � as became the Gospel of Christ. Unobtru- shook, and passed quietly away early on of hi's friend� footed tke bill and he was lib- Stoiey surreptitiously left home, was met traced a very badly torn a up here .t
er for Wednesday morning. The deceased was an cratid. by 1�r. Payne at Toronto, from which point dollar bill from Miss Staggs' tea c , w V
wants witbou�t Increasing the cost to the sive had retiring'he yet w a a pow � a to Chicago and were the money was kept, through the boy to I
. old resident of Inverhuron, a conscientibus - ichard Rudd Dent, now in jail in they proceeded at onc � tj
- d. His kindly nature od -genial sym- � re, Stratford, -where it
. consumers, but tb a English are a I I queer " goo i �
d an member of the Presbyterian church, and Toronto, awaiting trial on up charge of steal- there married. The chagrin caused the Kenner's book sto i
people ; they. believe supply and demand pathy won all hearts, an his life was an in payment of the ball. , A , war- -.1
er of Divine much respected by all who knew him. He Ing $3,000 from one Matt Evans, of To- parents may be imagined. Edith was the was giv "
e P171ces.. If the good peo. unbroken testimony of the' . i was issued, a
ing neat and regulat I pball's had already lived over the alloted span, ronti, has a long record of fraud to answer lastAoughter at home and her sudden de- rant nd the theft Clearly J
If you de3ire someth had a surplus grace. A few jottings of 101. Cam l I felt. Dr. Payne brought home to the boy in Court. The . P
ple of Slanitoba out of Olson. being over 78 yearB old. . for, lthouRh only 35 years of age. He re- arthire was most keenly - ill
nob'by you must have one of ours. -of 640 millions, and the wicked Yankees, family connections may riot be E American home judge, after a little fatherly advice, let hirm , �,
L. . was Provost of -Melvin Maynard, of South Gooford, side I in Woddstock for several years, and as it good practice in his
and the heathen Chinese had each as much His uncle, William Greig, . will, and while there earned a very unsavory rep - off on'suspended sentence, and the boy now t,
We import our Hats direct and buy lar- more, the better the English would like it. Perth, and had the honour to -rPreffient is the died recently without heirs or I I ufa,_ and !his prospects -are bright. Lost w"k the thoroughly understands that another op- I
. - loyal keys " to Her Majesty on tfie occasion of her his $7,000 now goes into the Provincial tion. � He also spent some years in Michigiri, -iThe Galt Reformersays :
. It in strange they will not pay the I . . . pearance before His Honor will land him for I
farmers " of this country who are willing to first visit to that plactv Another uncle, treasury. - w4er's he masqueraded as a clergyman. i Ayr' Recorder announced that the paper
and, sell cheaper than most places. a- -Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M. A.,'after ,-In the course of his sermon on Sun n with that issue, in- .three years in Penetainguishene, _�i
day would cease publicatio �
. t' 'V I it
. . to, P -r sacrifice their pecuniary Interco 8, as well'se James, was editor of the. ,dinburgh Soot etired, because of ill morning at: Brantford, touching on religil on tlm�tlng that lack of support was the cause -As Win. J. McKee and hired man, ,
It follows that you will see with us a the interests of their country, to supply man, and still another, Alexander, was serving 34 years, has r � business, Rev. Dr. Cooh . .
their wants, any more for what they offer' Principal of Perth Aoaderriy. Mr. Camp. health, from the High School Board in the In! rane said there of the trouble. 'The fact is, that there are George Bennett, were taking a fat steer to -
broe brothe I re, all now dead. tow � . were some people who would not shave far t � oo many small country weeklies in ex- Listowal on Monday, last week, he got out- . , �1'
range of Hats which no other house for sale, than they are willing to pay to all bell was - one of t thpir istelce, and as a natural result rageous when ha,lf way and got them both
other nations; neither will they' ran the risk There are two sisters It ,Ing, Mrs. Dr.' -Rev. W. Jackson, of Cornwall, is men- themsel 'ves on Sunday who shaved in , Ing down th I
- ' in tioned as the coming President -of the bois all the week, and there wore oo to atition, subscription and advertis' ree times in Mr. Forfar's field, and
14 aw , Mrs. Capta neig �
I of cutting off their many sources Hurlburt, of Mitchell, meeting in soma� 'ople who would not blacken thoir rate have been reduced to a point at whicti would have killed McKee but for the timely
can show you. We are the only house Neal, of Port Huron, Uiait!d States. Mr. Montreal Methodist Conference, I pe . _4
to keep the Tory party in power in thin 1875, to Miss Pembroke in June. boots on Sunday who blackeneet thoir few ublisbere can long afford to continue in aid of men and dogs that drove the brute ,
in this section showing the I' Dfinlap 11 country. What a predicament would they be Campbell was married 11 , -The youngest'son of the late Hugh neiggbors! characters all the week. i busl�ess. The majority of the weekly Pa- off. He then took the road for Moleswartb, I
. in if they depended wholly for their wheat. Murdie, of the township of., MoKillOP, Who - .
1,0 supply on Manitoba, and the crop was de- survives him. The earthly career of this Allan, of Montreal, having attained his ,-The Galt Reporter of last week sqs : persl are now -offered at $1 per annum, and where he was captured and died shortly
Hat, its the newest in the trade. stroyed by frost or any other cause ? The brother beloved is closed, a[ A our lose is his majority, the great Allan estate, amount- Inqu!ries of farmers fro,tn all sections who In many cases &,Phromo or something else is afterwards, .
Ing to millions of dollars, has been settled. werel prpsent at the need fair on Wedneed y, throl!wn in asan inducement to mmure sub- -Mr. John Linton, formerly of the town-
tariff walls would have to be thrown gain. ' I I I heard a voice . saying unto me, . a experience of pub -
be properly dressed you requi he -The - remains of Harris, the Northern elIoit�d %he information that the wheat plant neril�ers. We believe th -
ire one. ; ship of Logan, but more recently of Wier
. down in a burry. The Tories are jubilant, write, Blessed are -the dea that die in t Pacific fireman who was killed at Grand op I p"re . to have come through the win;er lishers in, that a''weekly paper cannot be ton, met with a terrible accident on Fri- 11
because in this. year of plant our exports Lord. " �1 1*1
Forks, North Dakota, will be buried at withou the slightest injury and never look- pub lobed at one dollar a year and cover day, Ist inst., that has since resulted in -
have largely increased to the inglish mar- ad b her, the -oat of publication. The wonder is that death. Mr. Linton was occupied in big saw ,
. - L Guelph. t'jit , r than it does now. Cooler west . I
kets, because we have nowhere else to send . Winter Dair3,ing I �
OUR LEADERS ARE -On th 31st of March, -A temperance Band of Hope was organ- no or) frost, is wanted for the next two no ir any of our contemporaries continue to mill and working about the saw, when te
them. It is time enough to rejoice when � DFAR EXPOSITOR. about weeks, nd then the geDersl opinion is � 11 sell - thbir labor anid brains at so cheap a was
' ized a week ago in Wyoming, when a : by the back triotion of the carriage, I I
!hey can realize a profit out of that ms,rkot In company with Mr. John Elannah, 50 boys and girls signed the pledge and put danger ' ill be past. . I ratei "
. ;;;; ? thrown against the revolving teeth. One I
Men's Soft Hats at 1 Ina year of European plenty. It is profits I visited the Mount Elgin butter factory. on the blue ribbon. 41 ; I . -ttle girl in Embro, says the Couri�r, -4The Montreal Witness of the 7th inst.,! arm was cut off at the wrist and the other - 4.
- that are wanted, an well as a market. An- This factory is run during the winter by � ; . I
25c, 50c, 75c and $ . -�-Fibroua talc hAs been found in Adding- was ,as ning the golden text for Sunday's says': On the Halifax express which arrived at the elbow, and a deep gash was made in
T � - A
nexation is required to develop the farming, the Gov'e'rnment to show farmers and others ton county and is attracting the attention of les�so , hich was the first verse of the first last' night were 130 boys from Quarries's the shonlder and breast. The injured man 11
0 mining and lumbering interests, the three interested, the P fit f Vrinter dairying. paper manufacturers and others. The de- Psalm -Blessed is the man that walketh not Home, Glasgow, who have come to this lived till - Monday tnorning,- the '41th inst.,
Men -'s Soft H'a ts a t $1 to $3. 5 - roln5sero se 6rator such - as
I - great sources of wealth in the country. If They use an Alexa d posit is larger and can be more easily work- inthe council of the ungodly, &C, When grow up with it and make it and his remains were brought to Mitchell
�_ this were done and producers were allowed to will be used in the Winthrop factory. Thin ad than that at Gouverneur, N. Y. - she began to recite it to her mother she got 'their home. They crossed on the "Buenos on the following afternoon, and buried in - I
Boys' School Hats at '10C. sell in the dearest and buy in the cheapest machine cost $W and will separate 3000 -It in said that the Government will ex- rather mixed I up and gave a new version of Ayrean" and landed at Halifax. - Their des- Trafalgar street -church cemetery., He leaves A
market, it would at once increase the pounds of milk an hour. The one at Mount pend $5,000 in dredging Port Stanley bar- it, which was as follows : 11 Blessed is the tination is Brockville and the Fairknowe a widow and several small children. _1
Girls' School Caps at 250. purchasing power of the people ; the money Elgin separated 4600 pounds 4si 'one hour bor this s-�ason. For many years this fine man that walketh not in the County council," Rome, where they will remain until suits a -A select company of friends and rels- J
- would go into the pockets of the massep, in- and ton -minutes. The people, we were In- I
of harbor has been filling up until it has become then ,added "stop mamma, papa is in the placps are provided for them. These little tiv
I - stead of into the. pockets of the combines. formed, are well satisfied with the result colinoil." chaos were as bright and healthy an nature as assembled on Wednesday, 30th ult., i
ter almost closed. t at the residence of Mr. Robert Hamilton,
-An excee in case came n .
. The government for the last ten years have the experiment and intend contirining but -Mr. Barclay, of Blnir, near Galt, has a d., gly pitiful I p and; good care could make them and are ncession 10, Elms, to witness the marriage I
You1l profit by it if you secure some been spending large sums on emigration, and making during the winter. They raise fine ewe which gave birth totwolambs at . he Brantford Police court one day bouiid to make sturdy men and good citizens. co
claim to have brought in about 900,000 peo- more grain now thari when they had fewer on the 26th of March, which died, and, on race � tly. Willie Cheevers, a ten year old "Thtose are the kind of immigrants we want of hie second daughter, Annie, to. Mr. At- I
. � Although Canadians are a most pro- cows and my object in wrilling this letter is the 2ad of April she gave birth to two more lad, tole a bottle of liquor out of a farmer's in tl�ia country," remayked one of the pas- bert.W-hitfield, of Grey township, The I
Of the above,. but come at once they're Ple. q marriage rite weia performed by Rev. A.
. lific people,'still the census taken by the to try and induce the patror s of the Win- healthy lambs. wa , drank the most of the liquor, and seDgers. On the train the little fellows an- wood. Miss Whit- I
aoIng rapidl New colors just re- worst kind of partizans, only shows an in- throp factory to prepare for the fall month: -The collection in Knox church, GaItp go und-lying iusensible in the street. joyed themselves immensely. They eagerly Henderson, M. A., of At . �
b - -1 y- crease of 500,000. In ten years from now by feeding their cows well a �l the time, a M1810as brought to the police station and a ad4ted every means of a;musement. In the field, sister of the groom, acted Rs brides- i
they are -to be paid by the. amount of butter on a recent Sabbath, in aid'of the distressed doct( . �r worked with him two hours. The evetjing they sang and recited for the pas- maid, . the groom beirig supported by Mr.
ceived in 'Young Men's Fedoras, the there will be more Canadians in 'the States Russian people, amounted to $119, which Robert. Hamilton, brother of the bride. I
between the ages of 20 and 40 than there for each day. Supposing two men each was dulv forwarded by draft to the proper father undertook to keep the boy right !in sengers and it �was not necessary to ask them L
- will be in the -Dominion. Annexation is send 2000 pounds of milk to the factory, the � twice to do either. They stood up and said After the iisua I congratulation's all partook I
latest and best. wanted to prevent the exodus of native-born milk of the one averages 4 rer cent. fat, and authori�y for 'distribution. A further the future. 4 . men, and a great deal bet- of the wedding dinner, after which the re- �
supplement of W wi8 received later. -The Iunerkip correspondent of the Wold- their pieces like m&inder of the evening was spent I 1
-la danc- f
er three per ( '
young men, -every one of whom is worth that of the oth ant. fat. Now -The other day the two-year.old dough- stool; Sentinel Review says : Your corres- ter �!than many. Before retiring to their . 'na gr q 4
. at least three imported immigranto,-aud for this 4000 pounds of milk is to beepaid ter of W. F, Vandusen, Napanee, fell out of ponderit paid a visit this week to F. Mal- bunks (they travelled in colonist sleepers,) Ing. The popularity of the bride a 00M 11
which would reunite us all under one gov- $20 and as the,y are to be paid by the . as testified to by their being made the re- I
an upstairs window, and was picked up un- CoWs to inspect the silos there, Anyone they' -sang hymns and said their prayeri w "
JACKSON B11111 IO S. 7 . cipients of many handsome and useful pres- i
ernment, The constitution of 'the United amount of britter fat contained in the milk bur � t. I In falling she turned a complete sum- wAl I be convinced that the silo When Wfi�n the train reached Montieml they were I I
The - Famous - Hatters,. - Seaforth. States is both long enough and ,broarl the one sending milk 4 per cent. fat will mersault, alighting on her back. She fell a prOperly built has come to stay, The ensil- all Isound , asleep. Messrs. Thompson :Ina ants. - .____.0-___ -_ - )i
. � enough to meet the requirements of the receive $11.43 (is his share of the $20, while distance of eleven feet. agp in these silos of Mr. Adalcolin's .-is sweet C pbell, 'of Glasgow were in charge of the I
- whole continent, an well as half of it, and the other will only receive " 8.57. -Now, to 11 World's Faiir Notes. �
. , plenty o cats and peas -The will of the late Mr. H. E. Clark, d ple t to the taste. of a christian, Ilet bo . - 1;
. . disputes make good milk & . , y .
would at once remove all M. P. P., has been filed for probate. The ainle a acaoawn. We know from experience for I A very complete, and doubtless an eye- i
Trying to Frustrate the Designs both at home and abroad. Yankee tail should be sown 0 feed early in case the Proonalty is sworn under $76,000 and the w) tested it. The large herd of cattle are in ; ":
opening diamond exhibit, will be made by i
of Providence. twisters and superloyal Tories keep the gmes should fail. For later feeding, white P Arriong the bequests are a good condition. . i .,- i
� i
. realty $54,000. number -of farmers in the vicinity of Cape zColony, South Africa. The exhibit q
[WRrrrim roz Tnic ExroarroR-] three countries on the verge of war, about flint corn and for late fall a d winter, grey- f a public -One of the bears in connection with a M -a i
' i number for $1,000 to institutions o it hell were plowing last week. wiil include 10,000 carats of uncut stones, -
Protection is a puny effort, on the part bonding and fishery disputes, regardless of stone turnips and marigolds, Swede turnips character. oi,,cqs which was not allowed to exhibit ]in t and polished .
Dcas of war. Annexation taint the milk and c,onsequently the butter : --LBuilding operations are in active pro- large quantity of very fine cu :
of man, to frustra,te the designs of the At- the awful conseque . . —The last act in an assault case in which G el' h on Saturday, was killed near San I- i ones, together with all that is necessary to
- would end all such disputes, Instead of and cheese. I forossiDg on the march from the to a gr in Trowbridge. . I -
mighty in dispensing His favor@ or with I Samuel McKenzie, of Esqnesing, and James land The Listowel Spring Show will be held show the process of mining and washing. I
d spending S1,250,000 yearly for playing sol- JOHN C. MOF.RISON. ted here towairds Hespeler. The crossing watchsan 0 . transport
holding them according to His own will an — 0 — Smith, Acton, ha.d alracas, was ensc - rilr1day, April 22ad. For this it will be necessary to
pleasure. On a continent like this., where dieri their gune could be used in plowshares, last Friday. The case was settled out of saw the animal on the track as a train caine I
there in such diversity of both soil and cli. such relies of barbarism would- not be re- The -Colorado 7heat�ou court, and it is reported that the affair cost Mank and supposing -it to be a calf, ran Ito ,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pearn, of St. to Chicago'100 tons of pulverized blue earth,
quired any longer on this cqptinent. Oats- _ _ by it The bear was aroused ��nd Mafys, celebrated their golden wedding on 50 tons of unpulverized earth and a com-
mate, it often happens in the same season _ ,uosiToR,—I e r last McKenzie something like $23. "'On"!' . plate washing machine,which willbe operat-
� drought rio would then derive the full benefit of all DxAR F, g ve cha Saturday, April 2nd. .
portions maybe burned up with week's issue, that at meeting of the —Mr. John Pringle, of Maple Lawn Farm, inetto the watchman. The train -+The' Misses Delaney and Miss Lizzle ad by natives. The exhibit will allo include
rts her natural advantages. The exodus would . line to save the watchman from
and others drowned with wet; some pa Miller's Association held * Toronto they near Ayr, has lately made some exceedingly cs me up n � Tully, of Beachwood, left on Wednesday, a unique collection of crocidolite, special -
may suffer from heat, athers from the want at once caase, the tide would at once turn, have passed a resolution 3ondemning the good sales of his Holstein cattle. Mr. ca�pture,and killed the bear, � last week, for Detroit. . dismondiferous products, ostrich feathers, I
of it; conditions may be favorable for the . wealth and population would pour in like a Colorado wheat as a milling variety. Now, Pringle ham for a number of years past been —Incendiaries fired the store af Car- i
- . i Mr. M. Gallagher, of Saginaw, Michi- fleeces, etc, It is reported that a Bushman .
m in' -certain die- flood; farming, mining and lumbering Fowler's block I .
production of certain crol sir, as one who, only a few aye before the dealing almost exclusively in this class, for michael and MoTagRart, in is Visiting his numerous friends around and Hottentot in native dress will accorn- .
would at once improve. Prosperity would .reeswater, the other evening, and the 9 I
tricts, and unfavorable in others ; there may - report of their meeting was &do publio,had which there is evidently more . enquiry than ily of Jameo Wheeler,who resided above nliiu. pany the exhibit,
. be great abundance in some parts, and total be the only change the people would ex bought fifteen bushels of ' t at variety for formerly. !The high wind of Friday raised the The World's Fair commitWo of the
a in
seed and I am 'aware of ny farmers in —An Elgin farmer tied up a bag of clover ft I
failures in others. It is possible there may perien'ce.,,the laws would all remain as they t store, were 'almost suffocated in their rooi off and blew in one of the outer walls of North American Turner Band ban made a !
be.failares of crops in Canada, mind plenty of are, excepting the three acts of Sir John this part having purchase all the same for seed in bin barn last fall so that the mice b4 do. When the. flames had been e4n- I
a ad Daly's block, Stratford. ersonal application to Director General
full crops in the States, or it might happen Macdonald, (who having now ceased from seed, it is a little hard to k ow what to Ab. could not ok down guished two piles of packing boxes i and 7 Cis for space for a display of gymnastic
failures in the States and his labours, his 'works should follow him,) ' W I There were 10 births, 8 marriagei b
.the other way, If the Colorado is suo a poor mining the bag the other day -he found that the barrels completely saturated with cost �il, � i registered with Stratford City Clerk apparatus, literature on t e subject of
-1 . . deathe
good crops in Canada. Itstandsto reason viz.: the, Indian act, the Gerrymander act h V1 Some one w aicb were discovered, showed that the iat- .
�i . epresen
variety, is it not singular i was not sooner clover need had turned to oats. Larig last month. . ical exercise t, and
whichever is blessed with plenty, it would and the Franchise Act. Three acts that ascertained before the far ere had supplied had stolen the clover need and filled thebag up tempt of the firebugs bad been a most 4e- _W assrs. W. 'P. -Anderson and Joseph r tatious of gymnastic organizations,
� be to the mutual advantage of all to supply are a disgrace to a free people. I themselves with seed. 1, or one, bought with oats. tirmined one, Kelly left Dublin and started for Fort Ed- as well an for outdoor gymnastic exhibi-
Yours, etc., . —An aged Scotch lady, Mrs. David Arm- I
� the wants of those who were in need? in the belief that the Colorado was —The followiLg unique epistle was raceiv- . monton, Northwest Territory, last week. tions, which the turners desire to . ive
% 1, JAMES PELNGLE. I Wgus :— strong, died on Sunday, April 3rd, at her . -
. There is no, guess work with the Almighty 1'1_. not only a good yielding but also a good a few di.yo ago by a clergyman in I D. A. Anderson, of Lindway, has eight days in each mouth during the V
� '
I . r withholding His favors, Stratford, April 12, 1892. '-- a that I and Miss home near Bran'chton, a few miles from Galt. -�-Mr. of his hib � Mon. ..
in dispensing o I milling wheat, and I 7as led to that oonclus- 4- This is to give you noti name was Annie bec'pme an assistant in the office I
. I . issued by the —is coming to your church on Satur- Mrs, Armstrong's maiden
; there being, always enough to supply the- ion by the bulletin No. 71, brothe Mr. Stanley Anderson, dentist, of Pope Leo XIII: has written a letter
o :
� This year there Dakota vs. Ontario Labor. I see day nex, to undergo the operation of mAri- Brown! She was born at Cagel Hand, Can- i r'
- ,
.1 wants of man and beast. ' Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. - eas be-promp,as the nobie,Scotland,in 1827. Married in Sootla�d, M obell . strongly commending the Exposition, which
. EXPOSITOR,—Some people seem to by said bulletin, where not later than De- mony at your hands. - PI on a four-year-old itisbelieved will have a most favorable I
z were total, failures and partial failures all DFAR 3 . a windy day, lately, '
L over Europe., but this continent was blessed think that far away fields � are g d camber last, at a meeting of the same rig is hired by the hour. Mr.—. I she followed her husband to Dumfries town- of Mr. Thomas German, of Listowel, effect in stimulating interests in - the Fair '
� o. The f a -'On
.. . with such abundant crops of all kinds we judging from Mr. Stewart's - letter in THE millers' association, the managers of the —Mr. Angus McKenzie, for many years a 9 ip, �about twenty� years ag it on the part of all Catholie countries and
I I "I had his leg broken by a fence panel blowing
I n C( nsisto of two ions and six daught rs�
� � ov :r on it. - communities.
� were able to supply all European wants at EXPOSITOR Of March 25th, on Dakota, Ruch Agricultural college laid before the meeting merchant of Glencoe, and widely know
� a.
� sonable prices. It is always the came if seems to be his opinion. Mr. Stewart says 53 varieties of spring wheat for the express and highly esteemed throughout the county Twodaughtera are married sttd two iare I Mrs. T. M. Daly, of Stratford, having A California " big tree " ban been selected
k i $
� rea .
I ointed bursar of toachers in Toronto public schools. ,
� there is a superabundance in one part of the fa,rm laborers are paid from $250 to $300 a purpose of getting their opinion on them as of Middlesex, and lately app ad a relapse, has been removed from her in Tulare c
I . —There passed away on Tuesday of h ounty to be shown at the Exposi-
i e to be failures in others. to on fast
� year. Now farmers in Ontario are just rooms in the Albion Hotel back to the tion. A committee of the
.1 ilobe there is sur . as to their milling qualitieb. Out of the 53, the Mimico Asylum, died in Toron - board of trade, .
� -
� t . . U Dakot eek at the family residence on the 6th con -
I Irade being the rea civi izer of mankind, well,if not better off,than farmers in a they pronounced 9 as first tor milling pur- Friday evening of pneumonia, after a short w I I hospital. after an e;Aended tour of inspection, picked
� 0 s8ion of Beverly, Mr. James Blake, aged I
I the 11 Almighty uler " seems determined and they -Cannot tifford to pay such wages. oses, the Colorado being one of the 9. illness. —Rev. Wilfred Lindsay, the new pastor out a tree measuring 87 feet 9 inches In I
I . 8 years. Mr. Blake was 6, native of Galla-
� to make the nations of the earth trade with ' Laborers have to depend altogether on the C w, it does seem singular that in the short —Rev. JX, Moore, of Dorchester station, 1. I I of the Congregational Church, Stratford, circumference at the base, 85 feet five feet
ch other whether they will or not, There crop there,, and if Providence sends the farm- space of four months the same association spoke on the "Seven C's of the Gospel " 9 iolls, and came to Canada about sikty gh I
ea , I was tendered a reception by the members of above the ground and 65 feet at the hei t
i a o, , He was a sailor on the lakes for s9me
has been no year during the last thirty ers good crops well and good, but if not should so strongly coic demi the very itn Sunday even irig-L--conviction, contrition, a �_ �u the Church and congregation the other of sixteen feet.
I a v - i i p I
yearg where prices went to a high range on where is the money to come from. Why is � they had recommended as among th s . confession, conversion, communion,consecra y are after coming to Beverly, but took ' evening. - A Board of Lady Managers is making or-
. this continent.—tha,t large ahipments of it that so many come back -here in the win- There certainly wil' be two bushels of it tion and constancy, after which he received t a land on which he died about 1840, and of List6wel, shipped, .
barley, oats, hay, potatoes and eggs did not ter ? Is it because times are so bard there sown in thispart to o e of any other variety Ldneteen members into his Church, which is asisince continnally resided on!! it. His —Mr. John Scott, rangemento for an extensive exhibit show-
. pidly. life died about eight yzars ago. The lately, two steers, not quite two years old, lug women's share in the illustration of
find their way to gew-Yark from Europe. in the winter, or in it that work cannot be r, which went. 1,300 pounds each. They were .
during the present se sori,'oo farmers have growing ral f mily left consists of four sons land two books, in engraving and other forms of
. ,
Ten years ago Chicago used Irish potatoes had at all? One would think that $28 a their seed purchased nd bave no time now —Rev. B. Pierce,of Maberly,near Kingston, I purchased from Mr. D. D. Campbell and picture oduotion. During her recent visit L
nemrly at] winter. The all -wise Ruler of month was enough to induce any man to to change. If the millers' association make preached a sermon several Sundays ago on the sughters. . [toba weFe fed on his farm. to NewTrk Mrs. Palmer consulted with a - �,_._e
the Universe can knock the protective stay awhile. Then Mr. Stewart says $2 a a few more such conti adictory .reports as re- pompa and vanities of this wicked world. —An Ontario farmer going to Mani , ' The Royal Branch of Pa,trorio of Indus,
schemes of nations Into a 11, cocked hat"' by day is paid to threshers. Well, even so, f erred to above, the f armers will soon put His sermon, aimed principally at extrava- n the settlers' train last" week, 'with his try was organized at Klakora the other number of publishers and received consider-.
. I . able assistance from them. A list of distin-
simply withholding his favors. France and that job only last@ a few weeks. Then- the very little conflaence in any report coming gance in dress and indulging in unnecessary amily of nine children missed his night by organizer IvIcLean, of Lambt,,. guised women illustrators was -secured and I
Germany were forced this year to lower seasons are so short there. You cannot P101V from them. Spring heat, particularly the farbp.lows, etc., was -so torceful, and some of ld; son when the train was between Chap- branch starts out with fort -five �
. . I .
their tariff walls to keep their people in as late there as you can in Ontario, and if a Ileau and White River. It was in the night The y plans set on foot to obtain old volumes and
, Colorado, has boon 4i ing v ry,well the last his listeners were go affected thAt feathers in 1. d th father immediately entered on members, manuscripts illustrated by women, together -
food, and Russia had to close her ports to thq�_'g-rain is noteown early it will be damaged few years in this neil �hborhood and this is some cases fairly flew. . time an( a —Messrs. 1. Hood & Co., of Mitchell, re ' with historical data concerning women's
I a as far o a I am aware that it —The late R. -N. Light bequeathed a lib- . .1
prevent her people from starving. by frost . So, all things considered, Ontario the first tim' search for him, whiih revealed the fact ceived four cases of goods last week, direct
.61 Y, ' - Ene an a ricultural coun v as there is t- v, - A —A .Q M Win wheat eral ortion of his estate to the the hat�, the boy was not on the:train. A " I--- , En land and on an in- share in thie line of work from ancient times
It is a blessing there is a, 11mer WOO a . E) as CC" V - 0 5 . r glaquiere sent back to bring in 'the . Lrqm amv 9 15 7 CLOwn To bhe present.
gulates the affairs of inani, or things would in the -world. Think of the advantages On- There certainly will )e more of it sown this town of Woodstock. Mrs, De 0 of and car was -
re .. . -_- voice of $800 had a duty of $300 to pay. A feature of Idaho'o Exhibit at the Fair -
in any p levious year and there Barrie, a sister of the deceased, brought ou �, i
et badly muddled. If Sir Charles Tuppor tario has over Dakota. If the spring wheat season than * it angled remain'ff,� � The- mon had to go back H�w ia,tbat for protection ?
one failo then there i§ something else to make up are, no doubt, many like myself who, when. to set aside the clause making the bequest so ve miles b.efore coming on any trace of will be a practical illtiatration of the system
Ed got his way there would be five milli - � . ered -The Young People's Society of Chris-
- of people in Manitoba and the Northwest the loss every time, and although the labor buying seed would have hesitated befois far as it affected the realty. Her suit was the boy, and when the latter was discov� rom ti n Endeavor of the Methodist church, and benefits of irrigation. A large section
I little less here than in Dakota, he y known it successful, but the town will get from $8,000 �he was not &wake. He had stepped f a 1, -have secured the services of Mrs. of sage brush soil will be trxtisported'to
- ricty had the, I
mad a surplus of 640 million bushels of or gets.& purchasingithie va I I n I fall Listowe hicago. Through this ditches will be run,
- Whetat. It i8 plain to be seen, with the is sure of his wages, whether the wheat is would be s6 stronj ly condemned by the to $10,000 from his personality. he train in his sleep when t was i d Boston C
� bad. �d by the �� and trees, fruits and flowers will be growu
,rnotion and bad not even fallen ! Sa.rah Lord Bailey, the celebrate
great redvction of consumers in the old good or Miller's Association. By allowing space for -A petition numerously signe I '' elocutionist, 'for Tuesday night, May 10th.
I LABORER. the above in our mlidely circulated paper merchants and shipperg of Paris and vicini- 1 -Dr. Springer, a well-known physician in the soil by the irrigation system, Pro -
land and the prodigions increase of produe- . y f Oxford county for thirty years, died A few �-Mrs. John Staddon, of Listowel, has opective Idaho settlers are expected to be
, MORRis, April 6th, 1892. you will oblige, . ty, praying that Mr. W. W. Hume, station lately been'bereaved of her two little dough -
tion in this, the grain trade would have been . � V A of ,, especially attracted by this exhibit.
- _.q.__ T. E. HATS. agent at Paris, be appointed to the position idays ago at his residence in Woodsto for )uly children, by diphtheria, one dying
consul, i L Monday morning and the other on Tues-
demora!iaed all over the globe and wheat in of vacant .paralysis, front which he has suffered. tars, ( . A 16,000 monument of Barre granite will
Manitoba would have been worthless. It is The Late David S.'CampbeH. Mclimr,or, April 11th, L892. American rendered Deceased was a pro'min- Ork
(From the Presbyterian Rariew.) - . through Mr. H. B. Belknap's resigning, has about three years. . be one of the exhibits from Vermont.
about timai this " great stretcher " was put , ant figure in Oxford for a quarter of &;can- ds�y morning last week. '
anymore harm. On the evening of .Sabbath, February 281h, (0) ada. been forwarded to the United States govern- . . -Mr. Fred Zilliax, of Listowel, has pur- The New York Assembly has voted
. -
7 in safe-keepirig before doing tury. He was a liberal in politics and al- � ..
ffa, got this Imperial Confederation ALvid S. Campbell, older of Knox -Prince Michael and his paramour were ment. chased the old Raley farm in Minto, paying permission for the raising of one or
. , _ Mr. -7 the other day. -lAat year -Mrs. John Hankinson, of ways hold very decided opinions. He. was $406()O. It has 100 acres, and some of the two old sunken vessels in Lake George for
' '
" fad" on the brain, he is going to make 5 church; Mitchell, was -suddenly removed by released on bail, in Detroit, t of the !,born -near Hamilton and graduated at Cleve -
fool of himself in trying to unite this cOull- death caused by aneurism. The sad news -The immigrants who settled in Canada Aylruer, kept an exact acoonn and-; Ohio. He first began practice in In- fitxeat buildings in the township. He bought the -purpose of sending them as relics to the
. I was, a shook ered 32,165 against 75,967 in amount of butter she made from her six A culatiori, and does not intend leav-- Fair,
try with. the British colonies on the other to the entire community in 1,ast year numb i ! it,on spe
I ersell, where the name of Dr. Springer was I
bide of the globe, whoge pecuiniary intereste which Mr. Campbell was universally loved 1890. . -1 . cows from the time they came in until they pg Ten Ing hotel keeping. Saginaw, Michigan, noted as a � salt pro
are as opposite to ours as are the north and and respected-. In Knox church especially -New Canadian acific Railway stations were dried up. It amounted to just 1,400 ia household one for twenty years. �-On Monday night, lafit week, when -Mr. ducing city, is constructing in miniature a
South poles. Then, also, be is going to have was it felt, for there he was a prominent are going up at Porlage la Prairie, Brandon, pounds: The aveTage price she received 'years ago be removed to Woodoteek and en
- cepathic. J4s. NichoLson,of Logan,was working in the complete salt plant for exhibition at the
th,e cheek to ask Engla.ud to give up " her figure, not only an a niember but also as an - Regina and Calgary, � for it was.18 centa per pound, making a I joyed a lucrative practice as a born VVorld's Fair.
_ -
free trade policy " that has made her the elder' The following � sketch of Mr. Camp- -A public vote o i prohibition will prob- total of $252 or an average of $42 for each Jig was in his sixty. second year. Heleaves barn, the lantern exploded and the building
. . i a widow but no children. was soot in a blaze. The barn was com- The cottage in which George Fox, the
wealthiest nation on earth. In other words, bell's history is offered as-& token. of loving ably be taken at tie Manitoba Provincial cow. Oriental preacher, pletely destroyed, but the stock was saved founder of the Society of Friends or Quak-
xt montli, . -F. E. Arkell, the absconding mayor of �! —Dr. Gosbu Howie,the
he asks her to break her "' back bone - by remembrance, by one who loved 'him as a elections ne I I by special re . quest delivered a temperance with the exception of one horse. The loss era, was born, in Leicestershire, England
-inied 'with him dur-ing the —A turtle weighing one hundred pounds Blenheim and president of the Conservative 1, will be partly covered by insurance. is being taken down to be re -erected at
restricting her sources of supply of cheap brother and comp, t
breadatuffs, and of the raw materials requi,r- Campbell was born one of the sights in a fish dealer's window Association, will be prosecuted criminally � lee ure to a large and enthusiastic gathering
. past ten years :—Mr in is .nent- farmer and at the town of Three Rivers, Quebec, one '—Below are the names of the ten pupils Chicago. and" in the Exposition
' by Mr. Hobson, a proml i Ion of The " wooded isl '
ed ir. her manufacturing industries, which the city of Aberdeen,' Scotland# in 1841. in Kingston. , I I Buinglastweek. Hesaid:�"The thing who stood highest at the lapt examinat'
,es, C upbell, was i,t present in the lazaretto at father of a young woman of high character) 11 ev4 u a a a er
enables her to compete successfully for the His father, the Rev. Jam a —There are i that puzzleg me is that a nation so wise' and tlie senior fourth class, Listowel Public grounds is begiUDi g to a sume the oh r ct
foreign trade of the whole world-i.q spite Of at that time pastor of the Silver Street Tracadie twenty -Lw D male and twenty-two whom it is charged Arkell had wronged Ili .
. - 1! eo:great as Great Britain should ?dlow ,such School. Subject, history. Maximum, 60. which in great part it will have during the
all the tariff walls that are erected against Baptist church, but shortly afterwards came female lepers. . under promise of marriage. Arkell'n pres. I eguie-Caswell, 60; W. Sebach, 57;�J- Fa,ir--that of & gigantic flower garden.
!a s the liquor trafic to exis If J �
her. per, with his wonderful powers to Toronto, and took chargeoftheBond —The number of �-,hildren sent to Canada ant whereabouts are unknown. itratilence a Ford, 55�; J. Large, 55 ; A. Lorne, 55 ; E. Already the Floricultural .Department has
I Sir Tupl . izationa in Great —A Bright corres dent says: The do- e true that some M.P.'s float on 4isky Farrel, 54; W. Vaughan, 53; R. Campbell, received 27,000 rose bushes and other plants,
of exaggeration, is making a desperate effort street church� now khown as the Jarvis in 1891 by charitable organ .
to settle Manitoba with robust young Eng- late Hon. Britain was 3,418. bate by six young Taodnles at the literary � to 4heir seats ; if it be true that Sir Adolphe bin, 52 ; W. McDowell, 52. 8eveml thousand of which came from
Street Baptist church. The 11 7 , 58 ; C. Brig
was at. that date an —Reeve Smith, A -Wyoming, has pur- society on Friday last was a new experience ,'Coron is being, sued for the �rice of the d. These are being transplanted o -a
d the Go-verament is supplying William McMaster to vote for him, '—Mitchell never had a finer day for its abroa .
. lishmen., an ' e, a people of our village. The eloquent 1 spirits which moved men i
him libera,lly with all sorts of immigration active worker in Mr. Cam,,)bell's C011grega - chased a farm of 60 tier s in Plympton, near 1, to th I , - � Sq- . ring Show, and never had a more ,-uc-- the island.
Sarnia, for $3,200. and ma.sterly manner in which they handled what advantage is representative over auto ssful show than ob Tuesday, last week. A business house in Chicago has establish -
literature, including the $15,000 worth of tion. The failure of his health caused him and the I . a and in -
Canadian picture books that were of no use to iettve Toronto and come to the county of —During -last we k there were thirty-one I the subject, was a surprise to all i cratic government; Great responsibilities ! c -country ed a physicians' bureau of servic
- freedom with which they spoke convinced *,I liq on liquor dealers, much more on the The crowd from the surrounding makeof
here. He will doubtlege succeed. If he Perth, which was to be the field of David's failures in Canada, a i compared with thirty ment which legalizes this destructiv'e 'was very large; the stock shewn was very formation, which it proposes to
- the young men -that, after all, women must ,� Govern - members of the medical
. does, annexation is wanted to keep them in labours. Schools were then almost un two for the corresponding period last year, � , are the most respon- fine, and the bu8inp..99 done by the mer great value to al
CXDectations are known but the preseverance of the man was —Evangelist Raiton has been speaking I have been born to 11 argy." I .. bosiness, but the voters e Exposition.
4-�- � ---n:t— in caae their I ; ; :_U1-_ F .11 " c ants was better than that of any previous prof ssion who may visit the � af
� - 1 4_1 1.4-1, -4 n�ppg a -nne day lately Inomag Gordon, o s V . . i . '171,o grm intends to fit up spaciou" 10—
. in Strathroy a y " 6 . I 11 a rinj . .
not realized, which is not at all likely. marked in the boy,.for with a, purpose all and after imbibing !-A sensation of more than ordinary in- i a 4 sh:)w clay. I -
, I i too rare we find him engaged in the daytime is holding a series of meetings in that town. Speyside, went to Acton, acted in Acton two weeks ago. - 1 -A few weeks ago it was reported that . which visiting physicians may make their �,
I Manitoba is a fine couiitry, with any 0 - i pretty freely of whisky, proceeded to act terest was an headquarters, and -where they will be pro- I
number of drawbacks that settlers bave to in the labours of the farm, and in the even- - -The exodus to the United States con - isance of him- It: seems that Miss Edith, the youngest 1 the house of Mr. George Stagg, Shakes- acilities for readinv,-writ-
Ing ing with- the ploddings of the student, tinues. From twenty to thirty young men the -fool and make a general nu � I ad been eutered by tra,mps and vided with the f 0 1
find out for themselves. Instead of hav* He was arrested and daughter of W. H. Storey, Esq., had formed I peare, h
- finest With no help save that 'afforded by his oross the river at Kingston daily. self around town, . ce with Dr. Payne, of P,ich- I t10,45 of Bible Society. inoney collected by Ing and sending and receiving mail and � �
a surplas of 640 million bushels of the - -A Barrie tailor named Kelly was struck lodged in the cells,and next morning brought an acquaintau � been stolen. The story telegrams; can ay.ail themselves of tele- I
I , he passed his preliminary .examina I id, Iowa, which as the months advanced 1, his dalhghter, had
wheat ever grown, in 1890, as, predicted by mother by a train and badl 7 injured -at Newmarke� before -two justices of zthe peace, charged lar, , 11 boy 11 phone, messenger, livery and express serv-
Tupper,they havenotgut,even this year,after tion as a Provincial Land Surveyor in 1852, 1 blasphemous and obscene Ion- � had ripened into affection which pointed to I of the -tramps was told by a smal ase Exposition, theatre and i
[ big crop, 10 million bushels and his final four years later. He then ea- the other day. He was tramping to Toronto. with using Stoney has 1 yearn of age, who said he saw them coming ice , ean purch, have banking conven- ,
their supposed and also with ! a matrimonial alliance, Mr. ,
antable wheat, and they have tered into partnership with Mr. W. Rath, -Mr. liorman Campbell, of Inverhuron, guage on the public streets, �r- �! always been remarked for the love he bore 1, from the houffe, and as two tramps did, on railway tickets ; can of German, French or .,
of good merch Provincial Land Surveyor, and upen his passed away very 8 ddenly on Wednesday assault and malicious destruction of prope 1. 3, actually steal a ride iences and the service �
from 10 to 12 million bushels of rejected and , toward his children, and desire to see them 1 thte day mentione, d can receive infor- A
ty. By this time he was sober enough to �, I �
low grades, which are now selling in country death assumed the whole practice. His morning last week. On Monday he was ap- � on a freight train, most people believed Spanish interpreters, an .
. whole career was marked by integrity of Rar�ntly in his usual health, and led the realize his position and upon being arraign- �, comfortably settled in life, but when ap- i west . John A. Crarar, mation -generally about the sights of the city,
markets at 15 cents to, 40 cents a bushel. � �� proached for his permission -bo this union hej �he story. Not so, Mr i
� purpose, candour in statement and' justice ,singing in the Gielic meeting in connection ad pleaded guilty to both charges. He was ho 11 smelt a mousell, in the as well as the location and rates of desirable ,j
When such is the case in this year of Edro- a -with the sacramental services of the Presby- fined $10 and costs in the first and SN and �� elt that he could not sanction a marriage I qonstable, w to inveptigate, He soon hotels land boarding houses, All of these
a of his 'to a%d began ,
pean scarcity, what would it be worth in in judgment, When sixteen years of ge he , miles away. I f=d t at the said boy had made 9, present ac .
years of plenty ? It would not pay harvest- professed his faith in Christ. In 1874 he terian church that: norning, but Boon of ter costs in the second charge, which, with the which would necessiate the remov I commodations the firm intends to provide
Knox leaving the church he was seized with a damage to property, made an aggregate of daughter so many hundreds of he scholars, mud was - free. '. . i �
Ing and threshing. Sir Charles is trying united with the congregation of eople then determined toi take , i f a $5 foot ball to t -
He was unable to pay and WX4 re. � 11he young p ; 6
hard to persuade the English people to put church, Mitchell, was ordained an elder in fainting fit, and ha I to be conveyed home. , $42,65. � . I
- � �
. .
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- � —_ - . McLEAN BROS., Publishers. �
TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. I I SEAFORTHo FRIDAYs APRIL :1 1892. i �7 $1.50 a Year in Advance. 4
1 � . "
I .
WHOLE NUMBER, 1,270. 1 - - . J - I I i�� ;-.=
. .
- .
-.-------- — - I
;.;�;_-_�_ � � I � era to whisky,
- - q rids and on lavishly treating his- compe .1
a duty of 20 cents per bushel on all foreign 1 1887, and appointed Clark of Session in He regained consciousness, and retained it turn � d to ther, cello, where he remained until the matter into their own ha M so 'igars, candies, &c. John A. very soon .
ion were such till the last, but did not rally after the first somell time in ,'the afternoon, when a quartette Wednesday morning, March 30tb, i c -
His walk and conversat . nd defaced one 11
WANT A ]JAT1 wheat. He is quite willing to guarantee 1 1890. �
-EA- X e that Manitoba,is able to supply all their � as became the Gospel of Christ. Unobtru- shook, and passed quietly away early on of hi's friend� footed tke bill and he was lib- Stoiey surreptitiously left home, was met traced a very badly torn a up here .t
er for Wednesday morning. The deceased was an cratid. by 1�r. Payne at Toronto, from which point dollar bill from Miss Staggs' tea c , w V
wants witbou�t Increasing the cost to the sive had retiring'he yet w a a pow � a to Chicago and were the money was kept, through the boy to I
. old resident of Inverhuron, a conscientibus - ichard Rudd Dent, now in jail in they proceeded at onc � tj
- d. His kindly nature od -genial sym- � re, Stratford, -where it
. consumers, but tb a English are a I I queer " goo i �
d an member of the Presbyterian church, and Toronto, awaiting trial on up charge of steal- there married. The chagrin caused the Kenner's book sto i
people ; they. believe supply and demand pathy won all hearts, an his life was an in payment of the ball. , A , war- -.1
er of Divine much respected by all who knew him. He Ing $3,000 from one Matt Evans, of To- parents may be imagined. Edith was the was giv "
e P171ces.. If the good peo. unbroken testimony of the' . i was issued, a
ing neat and regulat I pball's had already lived over the alloted span, ronti, has a long record of fraud to answer lastAoughter at home and her sudden de- rant nd the theft Clearly J
If you de3ire someth had a surplus grace. A few jottings of 101. Cam l I felt. Dr. Payne brought home to the boy in Court. The . P
ple of Slanitoba out of Olson. being over 78 yearB old. . for, lthouRh only 35 years of age. He re- arthire was most keenly - ill
nob'by you must have one of ours. -of 640 millions, and the wicked Yankees, family connections may riot be E American home judge, after a little fatherly advice, let hirm , �,
L. . was Provost of -Melvin Maynard, of South Gooford, side I in Woddstock for several years, and as it good practice in his
and the heathen Chinese had each as much His uncle, William Greig, . will, and while there earned a very unsavory rep - off on'suspended sentence, and the boy now t,
We import our Hats direct and buy lar- more, the better the English would like it. Perth, and had the honour to -rPreffient is the died recently without heirs or I I ufa,_ and !his prospects -are bright. Lost w"k the thoroughly understands that another op- I
. - loyal keys " to Her Majesty on tfie occasion of her his $7,000 now goes into the Provincial tion. � He also spent some years in Michigiri, -iThe Galt Reformersays :
. It in strange they will not pay the I . . . pearance before His Honor will land him for I
farmers " of this country who are willing to first visit to that plactv Another uncle, treasury. - w4er's he masqueraded as a clergyman. i Ayr' Recorder announced that the paper
and, sell cheaper than most places. a- -Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M. A.,'after ,-In the course of his sermon on Sun n with that issue, in- .three years in Penetainguishene, _�i
day would cease publicatio �
. t' 'V I it
. . to, P -r sacrifice their pecuniary Interco 8, as well'se James, was editor of the. ,dinburgh Soot etired, because of ill morning at: Brantford, touching on religil on tlm�tlng that lack of support was the cause -As Win. J. McKee and hired man, ,
It follows that you will see with us a the interests of their country, to supply man, and still another, Alexander, was serving 34 years, has r � business, Rev. Dr. Cooh . .
their wants, any more for what they offer' Principal of Perth Aoaderriy. Mr. Camp. health, from the High School Board in the In! rane said there of the trouble. 'The fact is, that there are George Bennett, were taking a fat steer to -
broe brothe I re, all now dead. tow � . were some people who would not shave far t � oo many small country weeklies in ex- Listowal on Monday, last week, he got out- . , �1'
range of Hats which no other house for sale, than they are willing to pay to all bell was - one of t thpir istelce, and as a natural result rageous when ha,lf way and got them both
other nations; neither will they' ran the risk There are two sisters It ,Ing, Mrs. Dr.' -Rev. W. Jackson, of Cornwall, is men- themsel 'ves on Sunday who shaved in , Ing down th I
- ' in tioned as the coming President -of the bois all the week, and there wore oo to atition, subscription and advertis' ree times in Mr. Forfar's field, and
14 aw , Mrs. Capta neig �
I of cutting off their many sources Hurlburt, of Mitchell, meeting in soma� 'ople who would not blacken thoir rate have been reduced to a point at whicti would have killed McKee but for the timely
can show you. We are the only house Neal, of Port Huron, Uiait!d States. Mr. Montreal Methodist Conference, I pe . _4
to keep the Tory party in power in thin 1875, to Miss Pembroke in June. boots on Sunday who blackeneet thoir few ublisbere can long afford to continue in aid of men and dogs that drove the brute ,
in this section showing the I' Dfinlap 11 country. What a predicament would they be Campbell was married 11 , -The youngest'son of the late Hugh neiggbors! characters all the week. i busl�ess. The majority of the weekly Pa- off. He then took the road for Moleswartb, I
. in if they depended wholly for their wheat. Murdie, of the township of., MoKillOP, Who - .
1,0 supply on Manitoba, and the crop was de- survives him. The earthly career of this Allan, of Montreal, having attained his ,-The Galt Reporter of last week sqs : persl are now -offered at $1 per annum, and where he was captured and died shortly
Hat, its the newest in the trade. stroyed by frost or any other cause ? The brother beloved is closed, a[ A our lose is his majority, the great Allan estate, amount- Inqu!ries of farmers fro,tn all sections who In many cases &,Phromo or something else is afterwards, .
Ing to millions of dollars, has been settled. werel prpsent at the need fair on Wedneed y, throl!wn in asan inducement to mmure sub- -Mr. John Linton, formerly of the town-
tariff walls would have to be thrown gain. ' I I I heard a voice . saying unto me, . a experience of pub -
be properly dressed you requi he -The - remains of Harris, the Northern elIoit�d %he information that the wheat plant neril�ers. We believe th -
ire one. ; ship of Logan, but more recently of Wier
. down in a burry. The Tories are jubilant, write, Blessed are -the dea that die in t Pacific fireman who was killed at Grand op I p"re . to have come through the win;er lishers in, that a''weekly paper cannot be ton, met with a terrible accident on Fri- 11
because in this. year of plant our exports Lord. " �1 1*1
Forks, North Dakota, will be buried at withou the slightest injury and never look- pub lobed at one dollar a year and cover day, Ist inst., that has since resulted in -
have largely increased to the inglish mar- ad b her, the -oat of publication. The wonder is that death. Mr. Linton was occupied in big saw ,
. - L Guelph. t'jit , r than it does now. Cooler west . I
kets, because we have nowhere else to send . Winter Dair3,ing I �
OUR LEADERS ARE -On th 31st of March, -A temperance Band of Hope was organ- no or) frost, is wanted for the next two no ir any of our contemporaries continue to mill and working about the saw, when te
them. It is time enough to rejoice when � DFAR EXPOSITOR. about weeks, nd then the geDersl opinion is � 11 sell - thbir labor anid brains at so cheap a was
' ized a week ago in Wyoming, when a : by the back triotion of the carriage, I I
!hey can realize a profit out of that ms,rkot In company with Mr. John Elannah, 50 boys and girls signed the pledge and put danger ' ill be past. . I ratei "
. ;;;; ? thrown against the revolving teeth. One I
Men's Soft Hats at 1 Ina year of European plenty. It is profits I visited the Mount Elgin butter factory. on the blue ribbon. 41 ; I . -ttle girl in Embro, says the Couri�r, -4The Montreal Witness of the 7th inst.,! arm was cut off at the wrist and the other - 4.
- that are wanted, an well as a market. An- This factory is run during the winter by � ; . I
25c, 50c, 75c and $ . -�-Fibroua talc hAs been found in Adding- was ,as ning the golden text for Sunday's says': On the Halifax express which arrived at the elbow, and a deep gash was made in
T � - A
nexation is required to develop the farming, the Gov'e'rnment to show farmers and others ton county and is attracting the attention of les�so , hich was the first verse of the first last' night were 130 boys from Quarries's the shonlder and breast. The injured man 11
0 mining and lumbering interests, the three interested, the P fit f Vrinter dairying. paper manufacturers and others. The de- Psalm -Blessed is the man that walketh not Home, Glasgow, who have come to this lived till - Monday tnorning,- the '41th inst.,
Men -'s Soft H'a ts a t $1 to $3. 5 - roln5sero se 6rator such - as
I - great sources of wealth in the country. If They use an Alexa d posit is larger and can be more easily work- inthe council of the ungodly, &C, When grow up with it and make it and his remains were brought to Mitchell
�_ this were done and producers were allowed to will be used in the Winthrop factory. Thin ad than that at Gouverneur, N. Y. - she began to recite it to her mother she got 'their home. They crossed on the "Buenos on the following afternoon, and buried in - I
Boys' School Hats at '10C. sell in the dearest and buy in the cheapest machine cost $W and will separate 3000 -It in said that the Government will ex- rather mixed I up and gave a new version of Ayrean" and landed at Halifax. - Their des- Trafalgar street -church cemetery., He leaves A
market, it would at once increase the pounds of milk an hour. The one at Mount pend $5,000 in dredging Port Stanley bar- it, which was as follows : 11 Blessed is the tination is Brockville and the Fairknowe a widow and several small children. _1
Girls' School Caps at 250. purchasing power of the people ; the money Elgin separated 4600 pounds 4si 'one hour bor this s-�ason. For many years this fine man that walketh not in the County council," Rome, where they will remain until suits a -A select company of friends and rels- J
- would go into the pockets of the massep, in- and ton -minutes. The people, we were In- I
of harbor has been filling up until it has become then ,added "stop mamma, papa is in the placps are provided for them. These little tiv
I - stead of into the. pockets of the combines. formed, are well satisfied with the result colinoil." chaos were as bright and healthy an nature as assembled on Wednesday, 30th ult., i
ter almost closed. t at the residence of Mr. Robert Hamilton,
-An excee in case came n .
. The government for the last ten years have the experiment and intend contirining but -Mr. Barclay, of Blnir, near Galt, has a d., gly pitiful I p and; good care could make them and are ncession 10, Elms, to witness the marriage I
You1l profit by it if you secure some been spending large sums on emigration, and making during the winter. They raise fine ewe which gave birth totwolambs at . he Brantford Police court one day bouiid to make sturdy men and good citizens. co
claim to have brought in about 900,000 peo- more grain now thari when they had fewer on the 26th of March, which died, and, on race � tly. Willie Cheevers, a ten year old "Thtose are the kind of immigrants we want of hie second daughter, Annie, to. Mr. At- I
. � Although Canadians are a most pro- cows and my object in wrilling this letter is the 2ad of April she gave birth to two more lad, tole a bottle of liquor out of a farmer's in tl�ia country," remayked one of the pas- bert.W-hitfield, of Grey township, The I
Of the above,. but come at once they're Ple. q marriage rite weia performed by Rev. A.
. lific people,'still the census taken by the to try and induce the patror s of the Win- healthy lambs. wa , drank the most of the liquor, and seDgers. On the train the little fellows an- wood. Miss Whit- I
aoIng rapidl New colors just re- worst kind of partizans, only shows an in- throp factory to prepare for the fall month: -The collection in Knox church, GaItp go und-lying iusensible in the street. joyed themselves immensely. They eagerly Henderson, M. A., of At . �
b - -1 y- crease of 500,000. In ten years from now by feeding their cows well a �l the time, a M1810as brought to the police station and a ad4ted every means of a;musement. In the field, sister of the groom, acted Rs brides- i
they are -to be paid by the. amount of butter on a recent Sabbath, in aid'of the distressed doct( . �r worked with him two hours. The evetjing they sang and recited for the pas- maid, . the groom beirig supported by Mr.
ceived in 'Young Men's Fedoras, the there will be more Canadians in 'the States Russian people, amounted to $119, which Robert. Hamilton, brother of the bride. I
between the ages of 20 and 40 than there for each day. Supposing two men each was dulv forwarded by draft to the proper father undertook to keep the boy right !in sengers and it �was not necessary to ask them L
- will be in the -Dominion. Annexation is send 2000 pounds of milk to the factory, the � twice to do either. They stood up and said After the iisua I congratulation's all partook I
latest and best. wanted to prevent the exodus of native-born milk of the one averages 4 rer cent. fat, and authori�y for 'distribution. A further the future. 4 . men, and a great deal bet- of the wedding dinner, after which the re- �
supplement of W wi8 received later. -The Iunerkip correspondent of the Wold- their pieces like m&inder of the evening was spent I 1
-la danc- f
er three per ( '
young men, -every one of whom is worth that of the oth ant. fat. Now -The other day the two-year.old dough- stool; Sentinel Review says : Your corres- ter �!than many. Before retiring to their . 'na gr q 4
. at least three imported immigranto,-aud for this 4000 pounds of milk is to beepaid ter of W. F, Vandusen, Napanee, fell out of ponderit paid a visit this week to F. Mal- bunks (they travelled in colonist sleepers,) Ing. The popularity of the bride a 00M 11
which would reunite us all under one gov- $20 and as the,y are to be paid by the . as testified to by their being made the re- I
an upstairs window, and was picked up un- CoWs to inspect the silos there, Anyone they' -sang hymns and said their prayeri w "
JACKSON B11111 IO S. 7 . cipients of many handsome and useful pres- i
ernment, The constitution of 'the United amount of britter fat contained in the milk bur � t. I In falling she turned a complete sum- wAl I be convinced that the silo When Wfi�n the train reached Montieml they were I I
The - Famous - Hatters,. - Seaforth. States is both long enough and ,broarl the one sending milk 4 per cent. fat will mersault, alighting on her back. She fell a prOperly built has come to stay, The ensil- all Isound , asleep. Messrs. Thompson :Ina ants. - .____.0-___ -_ - )i
. � enough to meet the requirements of the receive $11.43 (is his share of the $20, while distance of eleven feet. agp in these silos of Mr. Adalcolin's .-is sweet C pbell, 'of Glasgow were in charge of the I
- whole continent, an well as half of it, and the other will only receive " 8.57. -Now, to 11 World's Faiir Notes. �
. , plenty o cats and peas -The will of the late Mr. H. E. Clark, d ple t to the taste. of a christian, Ilet bo . - 1;
. . disputes make good milk & . , y .
would at once remove all M. P. P., has been filed for probate. The ainle a acaoawn. We know from experience for I A very complete, and doubtless an eye- i
Trying to Frustrate the Designs both at home and abroad. Yankee tail should be sown 0 feed early in case the Proonalty is sworn under $76,000 and the w) tested it. The large herd of cattle are in ; ":
opening diamond exhibit, will be made by i
of Providence. twisters and superloyal Tories keep the gmes should fail. For later feeding, white P Arriong the bequests are a good condition. . i .,- i
� i
. realty $54,000. number -of farmers in the vicinity of Cape zColony, South Africa. The exhibit q
[WRrrrim roz Tnic ExroarroR-] three countries on the verge of war, about flint corn and for late fall a d winter, grey- f a public -One of the bears in connection with a M -a i
' i number for $1,000 to institutions o it hell were plowing last week. wiil include 10,000 carats of uncut stones, -
Protection is a puny effort, on the part bonding and fishery disputes, regardless of stone turnips and marigolds, Swede turnips character. oi,,cqs which was not allowed to exhibit ]in t and polished .
Dcas of war. Annexation taint the milk and c,onsequently the butter : --LBuilding operations are in active pro- large quantity of very fine cu :
of man, to frustra,te the designs of the At- the awful conseque . . —The last act in an assault case in which G el' h on Saturday, was killed near San I- i ones, together with all that is necessary to
- would end all such disputes, Instead of and cheese. I forossiDg on the march from the to a gr in Trowbridge. . I -
mighty in dispensing His favor@ or with I Samuel McKenzie, of Esqnesing, and James land The Listowel Spring Show will be held show the process of mining and washing. I
d spending S1,250,000 yearly for playing sol- JOHN C. MOF.RISON. ted here towairds Hespeler. The crossing watchsan 0 . transport
holding them according to His own will an — 0 — Smith, Acton, ha.d alracas, was ensc - rilr1day, April 22ad. For this it will be necessary to
pleasure. On a continent like this., where dieri their gune could be used in plowshares, last Friday. The case was settled out of saw the animal on the track as a train caine I
there in such diversity of both soil and cli. such relies of barbarism would- not be re- The -Colorado 7heat�ou court, and it is reported that the affair cost Mank and supposing -it to be a calf, ran Ito ,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pearn, of St. to Chicago'100 tons of pulverized blue earth,
quired any longer on this cqptinent. Oats- _ _ by it The bear was aroused ��nd Mafys, celebrated their golden wedding on 50 tons of unpulverized earth and a com-
mate, it often happens in the same season _ ,uosiToR,—I e r last McKenzie something like $23. "'On"!' . plate washing machine,which willbe operat-
� drought rio would then derive the full benefit of all DxAR F, g ve cha Saturday, April 2nd. .
portions maybe burned up with week's issue, that at meeting of the —Mr. John Pringle, of Maple Lawn Farm, inetto the watchman. The train -+The' Misses Delaney and Miss Lizzle ad by natives. The exhibit will allo include
rts her natural advantages. The exodus would . line to save the watchman from
and others drowned with wet; some pa Miller's Association held * Toronto they near Ayr, has lately made some exceedingly cs me up n � Tully, of Beachwood, left on Wednesday, a unique collection of crocidolite, special -
may suffer from heat, athers from the want at once caase, the tide would at once turn, have passed a resolution 3ondemning the good sales of his Holstein cattle. Mr. ca�pture,and killed the bear, � last week, for Detroit. . dismondiferous products, ostrich feathers, I
of it; conditions may be favorable for the . wealth and population would pour in like a Colorado wheat as a milling variety. Now, Pringle ham for a number of years past been —Incendiaries fired the store af Car- i
- . i Mr. M. Gallagher, of Saginaw, Michi- fleeces, etc, It is reported that a Bushman .
m in' -certain die- flood; farming, mining and lumbering Fowler's block I .
production of certain crol sir, as one who, only a few aye before the dealing almost exclusively in this class, for michael and MoTagRart, in is Visiting his numerous friends around and Hottentot in native dress will accorn- .
would at once improve. Prosperity would .reeswater, the other evening, and the 9 I
tricts, and unfavorable in others ; there may - report of their meeting was &do publio,had which there is evidently more . enquiry than ily of Jameo Wheeler,who resided above nliiu. pany the exhibit,
. be great abundance in some parts, and total be the only change the people would ex bought fifteen bushels of ' t at variety for formerly. !The high wind of Friday raised the The World's Fair commitWo of the
a in
seed and I am 'aware of ny farmers in —An Elgin farmer tied up a bag of clover ft I
failures in others. It is possible there may perien'ce.,,the laws would all remain as they t store, were 'almost suffocated in their rooi off and blew in one of the outer walls of North American Turner Band ban made a !
be.failares of crops in Canada, mind plenty of are, excepting the three acts of Sir John this part having purchase all the same for seed in bin barn last fall so that the mice b4 do. When the. flames had been e4n- I
a ad Daly's block, Stratford. ersonal application to Director General
full crops in the States, or it might happen Macdonald, (who having now ceased from seed, it is a little hard to k ow what to Ab. could not ok down guished two piles of packing boxes i and 7 Cis for space for a display of gymnastic
failures in the States and his labours, his 'works should follow him,) ' W I There were 10 births, 8 marriagei b
.the other way, If the Colorado is suo a poor mining the bag the other day -he found that the barrels completely saturated with cost �il, � i registered with Stratford City Clerk apparatus, literature on t e subject of
-1 . . deathe
good crops in Canada. Itstandsto reason viz.: the, Indian act, the Gerrymander act h V1 Some one w aicb were discovered, showed that the iat- .
�i . epresen
variety, is it not singular i was not sooner clover need had turned to oats. Larig last month. . ical exercise t, and
whichever is blessed with plenty, it would and the Franchise Act. Three acts that ascertained before the far ere had supplied had stolen the clover need and filled thebag up tempt of the firebugs bad been a most 4e- _W assrs. W. 'P. -Anderson and Joseph r tatious of gymnastic organizations,
� be to the mutual advantage of all to supply are a disgrace to a free people. I themselves with seed. 1, or one, bought with oats. tirmined one, Kelly left Dublin and started for Fort Ed- as well an for outdoor gymnastic exhibi-
Yours, etc., . —An aged Scotch lady, Mrs. David Arm- I
� the wants of those who were in need? in the belief that the Colorado was —The followiLg unique epistle was raceiv- . monton, Northwest Territory, last week. tions, which the turners desire to . ive
% 1, JAMES PELNGLE. I Wgus :— strong, died on Sunday, April 3rd, at her . -
. There is no, guess work with the Almighty 1'1_. not only a good yielding but also a good a few di.yo ago by a clergyman in I D. A. Anderson, of Lindway, has eight days in each mouth during the V
� '
I . r withholding His favors, Stratford, April 12, 1892. '-- a that I and Miss home near Bran'chton, a few miles from Galt. -�-Mr. of his hib � Mon. ..
in dispensing o I milling wheat, and I 7as led to that oonclus- 4- This is to give you noti name was Annie bec'pme an assistant in the office I
. I . issued by the —is coming to your church on Satur- Mrs, Armstrong's maiden
; there being, always enough to supply the- ion by the bulletin No. 71, brothe Mr. Stanley Anderson, dentist, of Pope Leo XIII: has written a letter
o :
� This year there Dakota vs. Ontario Labor. I see day nex, to undergo the operation of mAri- Brown! She was born at Cagel Hand, Can- i r'
- ,
.1 wants of man and beast. ' Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. - eas be-promp,as the nobie,Scotland,in 1827. Married in Sootla�d, M obell . strongly commending the Exposition, which
. EXPOSITOR,—Some people seem to by said bulletin, where not later than De- mony at your hands. - PI on a four-year-old itisbelieved will have a most favorable I
z were total, failures and partial failures all DFAR 3 . a windy day, lately, '
L over Europe., but this continent was blessed think that far away fields � are g d camber last, at a meeting of the same rig is hired by the hour. Mr.—. I she followed her husband to Dumfries town- of Mr. Thomas German, of Listowel, effect in stimulating interests in - the Fair '
� o. The f a -'On
.. . with such abundant crops of all kinds we judging from Mr. Stewart's - letter in THE millers' association, the managers of the —Mr. Angus McKenzie, for many years a 9 ip, �about twenty� years ag it on the part of all Catholie countries and
I I "I had his leg broken by a fence panel blowing
I n C( nsisto of two ions and six daught rs�
� � ov :r on it. - communities.
� were able to supply all European wants at EXPOSITOR Of March 25th, on Dakota, Ruch Agricultural college laid before the meeting merchant of Glencoe, and widely know
� a.
� sonable prices. It is always the came if seems to be his opinion. Mr. Stewart says 53 varieties of spring wheat for the express and highly esteemed throughout the county Twodaughtera are married sttd two iare I Mrs. T. M. Daly, of Stratford, having A California " big tree " ban been selected
k i $
� rea .
I ointed bursar of toachers in Toronto public schools. ,
� there is a superabundance in one part of the fa,rm laborers are paid from $250 to $300 a purpose of getting their opinion on them as of Middlesex, and lately app ad a relapse, has been removed from her in Tulare c
I . —There passed away on Tuesday of h ounty to be shown at the Exposi-
i e to be failures in others. to on fast
� year. Now farmers in Ontario are just rooms in the Albion Hotel back to the tion. A committee of the
.1 ilobe there is sur . as to their milling qualitieb. Out of the 53, the Mimico Asylum, died in Toron - board of trade, .
� -
� t . . U Dakot eek at the family residence on the 6th con -
I Irade being the rea civi izer of mankind, well,if not better off,than farmers in a they pronounced 9 as first tor milling pur- Friday evening of pneumonia, after a short w I I hospital. after an e;Aended tour of inspection, picked
� 0 s8ion of Beverly, Mr. James Blake, aged I
I the 11 Almighty uler " seems determined and they -Cannot tifford to pay such wages. oses, the Colorado being one of the 9. illness. —Rev. Wilfred Lindsay, the new pastor out a tree measuring 87 feet 9 inches In I
I . 8 years. Mr. Blake was 6, native of Galla-
� to make the nations of the earth trade with ' Laborers have to depend altogether on the C w, it does seem singular that in the short —Rev. JX, Moore, of Dorchester station, 1. I I of the Congregational Church, Stratford, circumference at the base, 85 feet five feet
ch other whether they will or not, There crop there,, and if Providence sends the farm- space of four months the same association spoke on the "Seven C's of the Gospel " 9 iolls, and came to Canada about sikty gh I
ea , I was tendered a reception by the members of above the ground and 65 feet at the hei t
i a o, , He was a sailor on the lakes for s9me
has been no year during the last thirty ers good crops well and good, but if not should so strongly coic demi the very itn Sunday even irig-L--conviction, contrition, a �_ �u the Church and congregation the other of sixteen feet.
I a v - i i p I
yearg where prices went to a high range on where is the money to come from. Why is � they had recommended as among th s . confession, conversion, communion,consecra y are after coming to Beverly, but took ' evening. - A Board of Lady Managers is making or-
. this continent.—tha,t large ahipments of it that so many come back -here in the win- There certainly wil' be two bushels of it tion and constancy, after which he received t a land on which he died about 1840, and of List6wel, shipped, .
barley, oats, hay, potatoes and eggs did not ter ? Is it because times are so bard there sown in thispart to o e of any other variety Ldneteen members into his Church, which is asisince continnally resided on!! it. His —Mr. John Scott, rangemento for an extensive exhibit show-
. pidly. life died about eight yzars ago. The lately, two steers, not quite two years old, lug women's share in the illustration of
find their way to gew-Yark from Europe. in the winter, or in it that work cannot be r, which went. 1,300 pounds each. They were .
during the present se sori,'oo farmers have growing ral f mily left consists of four sons land two books, in engraving and other forms of
. ,
Ten years ago Chicago used Irish potatoes had at all? One would think that $28 a their seed purchased nd bave no time now —Rev. B. Pierce,of Maberly,near Kingston, I purchased from Mr. D. D. Campbell and picture oduotion. During her recent visit L
nemrly at] winter. The all -wise Ruler of month was enough to induce any man to to change. If the millers' association make preached a sermon several Sundays ago on the sughters. . [toba weFe fed on his farm. to NewTrk Mrs. Palmer consulted with a - �,_._e
the Universe can knock the protective stay awhile. Then Mr. Stewart says $2 a a few more such conti adictory .reports as re- pompa and vanities of this wicked world. —An Ontario farmer going to Mani , ' The Royal Branch of Pa,trorio of Indus,
schemes of nations Into a 11, cocked hat"' by day is paid to threshers. Well, even so, f erred to above, the f armers will soon put His sermon, aimed principally at extrava- n the settlers' train last" week, 'with his try was organized at Klakora the other number of publishers and received consider-.
. I . able assistance from them. A list of distin-
simply withholding his favors. France and that job only last@ a few weeks. Then- the very little conflaence in any report coming gance in dress and indulging in unnecessary amily of nine children missed his night by organizer IvIcLean, of Lambt,,. guised women illustrators was -secured and I
Germany were forced this year to lower seasons are so short there. You cannot P101V from them. Spring heat, particularly the farbp.lows, etc., was -so torceful, and some of ld; son when the train was between Chap- branch starts out with fort -five �
. . I .
their tariff walls to keep their people in as late there as you can in Ontario, and if a Ileau and White River. It was in the night The y plans set on foot to obtain old volumes and
, Colorado, has boon 4i ing v ry,well the last his listeners were go affected thAt feathers in 1. d th father immediately entered on members, manuscripts illustrated by women, together -
food, and Russia had to close her ports to thq�_'g-rain is noteown early it will be damaged few years in this neil �hborhood and this is some cases fairly flew. . time an( a —Messrs. 1. Hood & Co., of Mitchell, re ' with historical data concerning women's
I a as far o a I am aware that it —The late R. -N. Light bequeathed a lib- . .1
prevent her people from starving. by frost . So, all things considered, Ontario the first tim' search for him, whiih revealed the fact ceived four cases of goods last week, direct
.61 Y, ' - Ene an a ricultural coun v as there is t- v, - A —A .Q M Win wheat eral ortion of his estate to the the hat�, the boy was not on the:train. A " I--- , En land and on an in- share in thie line of work from ancient times
It is a blessing there is a, 11mer WOO a . E) as CC" V - 0 5 . r glaquiere sent back to bring in 'the . Lrqm amv 9 15 7 CLOwn To bhe present.
gulates the affairs of inani, or things would in the -world. Think of the advantages On- There certainly will )e more of it sown this town of Woodstock. Mrs, De 0 of and car was -
re .. . -_- voice of $800 had a duty of $300 to pay. A feature of Idaho'o Exhibit at the Fair -
in any p levious year and there Barrie, a sister of the deceased, brought ou �, i
et badly muddled. If Sir Charles Tuppor tario has over Dakota. If the spring wheat season than * it angled remain'ff,� � The- mon had to go back H�w ia,tbat for protection ?
one failo then there i§ something else to make up are, no doubt, many like myself who, when. to set aside the clause making the bequest so ve miles b.efore coming on any trace of will be a practical illtiatration of the system
Ed got his way there would be five milli - � . ered -The Young People's Society of Chris-
- of people in Manitoba and the Northwest the loss every time, and although the labor buying seed would have hesitated befois far as it affected the realty. Her suit was the boy, and when the latter was discov� rom ti n Endeavor of the Methodist church, and benefits of irrigation. A large section
I little less here than in Dakota, he y known it successful, but the town will get from $8,000 �he was not &wake. He had stepped f a 1, -have secured the services of Mrs. of sage brush soil will be trxtisported'to
- ricty had the, I
mad a surplus of 640 million bushels of or gets.& purchasingithie va I I n I fall Listowe hicago. Through this ditches will be run,
- Whetat. It i8 plain to be seen, with the is sure of his wages, whether the wheat is would be s6 stronj ly condemned by the to $10,000 from his personality. he train in his sleep when t was i d Boston C
� bad. �d by the �� and trees, fruits and flowers will be growu
,rnotion and bad not even fallen ! Sa.rah Lord Bailey, the celebrate
great redvction of consumers in the old good or Miller's Association. By allowing space for -A petition numerously signe I '' elocutionist, 'for Tuesday night, May 10th.
I LABORER. the above in our mlidely circulated paper merchants and shipperg of Paris and vicini- 1 -Dr. Springer, a well-known physician in the soil by the irrigation system, Pro -
land and the prodigions increase of produe- . y f Oxford county for thirty years, died A few �-Mrs. John Staddon, of Listowel, has opective Idaho settlers are expected to be
, MORRis, April 6th, 1892. you will oblige, . ty, praying that Mr. W. W. Hume, station lately been'bereaved of her two little dough -
tion in this, the grain trade would have been . � V A of ,, especially attracted by this exhibit.
- _.q.__ T. E. HATS. agent at Paris, be appointed to the position idays ago at his residence in Woodsto for )uly children, by diphtheria, one dying
consul, i L Monday morning and the other on Tues-
demora!iaed all over the globe and wheat in of vacant .paralysis, front which he has suffered. tars, ( . A 16,000 monument of Barre granite will
Manitoba would have been worthless. It is The Late David S.'CampbeH. Mclimr,or, April 11th, L892. American rendered Deceased was a pro'min- Ork
(From the Presbyterian Rariew.) - . through Mr. H. B. Belknap's resigning, has about three years. . be one of the exhibits from Vermont.
about timai this " great stretcher " was put , ant figure in Oxford for a quarter of &;can- ds�y morning last week. '
anymore harm. On the evening of .Sabbath, February 281h, (0) ada. been forwarded to the United States govern- . . -Mr. Fred Zilliax, of Listowel, has pur- The New York Assembly has voted
. -
7 in safe-keepirig before doing tury. He was a liberal in politics and al- � ..
ffa, got this Imperial Confederation ALvid S. Campbell, older of Knox -Prince Michael and his paramour were ment. chased the old Raley farm in Minto, paying permission for the raising of one or
. , _ Mr. -7 the other day. -lAat year -Mrs. John Hankinson, of ways hold very decided opinions. He. was $406()O. It has 100 acres, and some of the two old sunken vessels in Lake George for
' '
" fad" on the brain, he is going to make 5 church; Mitchell, was -suddenly removed by released on bail, in Detroit, t of the !,born -near Hamilton and graduated at Cleve -
fool of himself in trying to unite this cOull- death caused by aneurism. The sad news -The immigrants who settled in Canada Aylruer, kept an exact acoonn and-; Ohio. He first began practice in In- fitxeat buildings in the township. He bought the -purpose of sending them as relics to the
. I was, a shook ered 32,165 against 75,967 in amount of butter she made from her six A culatiori, and does not intend leav-- Fair,
try with. the British colonies on the other to the entire community in 1,ast year numb i ! it,on spe
I ersell, where the name of Dr. Springer was I
bide of the globe, whoge pecuiniary intereste which Mr. Campbell was universally loved 1890. . -1 . cows from the time they came in until they pg Ten Ing hotel keeping. Saginaw, Michigan, noted as a � salt pro
are as opposite to ours as are the north and and respected-. In Knox church especially -New Canadian acific Railway stations were dried up. It amounted to just 1,400 ia household one for twenty years. �-On Monday night, lafit week, when -Mr. ducing city, is constructing in miniature a
South poles. Then, also, be is going to have was it felt, for there he was a prominent are going up at Porlage la Prairie, Brandon, pounds: The aveTage price she received 'years ago be removed to Woodoteek and en
- cepathic. J4s. NichoLson,of Logan,was working in the complete salt plant for exhibition at the
th,e cheek to ask Engla.ud to give up " her figure, not only an a niember but also as an - Regina and Calgary, � for it was.18 centa per pound, making a I joyed a lucrative practice as a born VVorld's Fair.
_ -
free trade policy " that has made her the elder' The following � sketch of Mr. Camp- -A public vote o i prohibition will prob- total of $252 or an average of $42 for each Jig was in his sixty. second year. Heleaves barn, the lantern exploded and the building
. . i a widow but no children. was soot in a blaze. The barn was com- The cottage in which George Fox, the
wealthiest nation on earth. In other words, bell's history is offered as-& token. of loving ably be taken at tie Manitoba Provincial cow. Oriental preacher, pletely destroyed, but the stock was saved founder of the Society of Friends or Quak-
xt montli, . -F. E. Arkell, the absconding mayor of �! —Dr. Gosbu Howie,the
he asks her to break her "' back bone - by remembrance, by one who loved 'him as a elections ne I I by special re . quest delivered a temperance with the exception of one horse. The loss era, was born, in Leicestershire, England
-inied 'with him dur-ing the —A turtle weighing one hundred pounds Blenheim and president of the Conservative 1, will be partly covered by insurance. is being taken down to be re -erected at
restricting her sources of supply of cheap brother and comp, t
breadatuffs, and of the raw materials requi,r- Campbell was born one of the sights in a fish dealer's window Association, will be prosecuted criminally � lee ure to a large and enthusiastic gathering
. past ten years :—Mr in is .nent- farmer and at the town of Three Rivers, Quebec, one '—Below are the names of the ten pupils Chicago. and" in the Exposition
' by Mr. Hobson, a proml i Ion of The " wooded isl '
ed ir. her manufacturing industries, which the city of Aberdeen,' Scotland# in 1841. in Kingston. , I I Buinglastweek. Hesaid:�"The thing who stood highest at the lapt examinat'
,es, C upbell, was i,t present in the lazaretto at father of a young woman of high character) 11 ev4 u a a a er
enables her to compete successfully for the His father, the Rev. Jam a —There are i that puzzleg me is that a nation so wise' and tlie senior fourth class, Listowel Public grounds is begiUDi g to a sume the oh r ct
foreign trade of the whole world-i.q spite Of at that time pastor of the Silver Street Tracadie twenty -Lw D male and twenty-two whom it is charged Arkell had wronged Ili .
. - 1! eo:great as Great Britain should ?dlow ,such School. Subject, history. Maximum, 60. which in great part it will have during the
all the tariff walls that are erected against Baptist church, but shortly afterwards came female lepers. . under promise of marriage. Arkell'n pres. I eguie-Caswell, 60; W. Sebach, 57;�J- Fa,ir--that of & gigantic flower garden.
!a s the liquor trafic to exis If J �
her. per, with his wonderful powers to Toronto, and took chargeoftheBond —The number of �-,hildren sent to Canada ant whereabouts are unknown. itratilence a Ford, 55�; J. Large, 55 ; A. Lorne, 55 ; E. Already the Floricultural .Department has
I Sir Tupl . izationa in Great —A Bright corres dent says: The do- e true that some M.P.'s float on 4isky Farrel, 54; W. Vaughan, 53; R. Campbell, received 27,000 rose bushes and other plants,
of exaggeration, is making a desperate effort street church� now khown as the Jarvis in 1891 by charitable organ .
to settle Manitoba with robust young Eng- late Hon. Britain was 3,418. bate by six young Taodnles at the literary � to 4heir seats ; if it be true that Sir Adolphe bin, 52 ; W. McDowell, 52. 8eveml thousand of which came from
Street Baptist church. The 11 7 , 58 ; C. Brig
was at. that date an —Reeve Smith, A -Wyoming, has pur- society on Friday last was a new experience ,'Coron is being, sued for the �rice of the d. These are being transplanted o -a
d the Go-verament is supplying William McMaster to vote for him, '—Mitchell never had a finer day for its abroa .
. lishmen., an ' e, a people of our village. The eloquent 1 spirits which moved men i
him libera,lly with all sorts of immigration active worker in Mr. Cam,,)bell's C011grega - chased a farm of 60 tier s in Plympton, near 1, to th I , - � Sq- . ring Show, and never had a more ,-uc-- the island.
Sarnia, for $3,200. and ma.sterly manner in which they handled what advantage is representative over auto ssful show than ob Tuesday, last week. A business house in Chicago has establish -
literature, including the $15,000 worth of tion. The failure of his health caused him and the I . a and in -
Canadian picture books that were of no use to iettve Toronto and come to the county of —During -last we k there were thirty-one I the subject, was a surprise to all i cratic government; Great responsibilities ! c -country ed a physicians' bureau of servic
- freedom with which they spoke convinced *,I liq on liquor dealers, much more on the The crowd from the surrounding makeof
here. He will doubtlege succeed. If he Perth, which was to be the field of David's failures in Canada, a i compared with thirty ment which legalizes this destructiv'e 'was very large; the stock shewn was very formation, which it proposes to
- the young men -that, after all, women must ,� Govern - members of the medical
. does, annexation is wanted to keep them in labours. Schools were then almost un two for the corresponding period last year, � , are the most respon- fine, and the bu8inp..99 done by the mer great value to al
CXDectations are known but the preseverance of the man was —Evangelist Raiton has been speaking I have been born to 11 argy." I .. bosiness, but the voters e Exposition.
4-�- � ---n:t— in caae their I ; ; :_U1-_ F .11 " c ants was better than that of any previous prof ssion who may visit the � af
� - 1 4_1 1.4-1, -4 n�ppg a -nne day lately Inomag Gordon, o s V . . i . '171,o grm intends to fit up spaciou" 10—
. in Strathroy a y " 6 . I 11 a rinj . .
not realized, which is not at all likely. marked in the boy,.for with a, purpose all and after imbibing !-A sensation of more than ordinary in- i a 4 sh:)w clay. I -
, I i too rare we find him engaged in the daytime is holding a series of meetings in that town. Speyside, went to Acton, acted in Acton two weeks ago. - 1 -A few weeks ago it was reported that . which visiting physicians may make their �,
I Manitoba is a fine couiitry, with any 0 - i pretty freely of whisky, proceeded to act terest was an headquarters, and -where they will be pro- I
number of drawbacks that settlers bave to in the labours of the farm, and in the even- - -The exodus to the United States con - isance of him- It: seems that Miss Edith, the youngest 1 the house of Mr. George Stagg, Shakes- acilities for readinv,-writ-
Ing ing with- the ploddings of the student, tinues. From twenty to thirty young men the -fool and make a general nu � I ad been eutered by tra,mps and vided with the f 0 1
find out for themselves. Instead of hav* He was arrested and daughter of W. H. Storey, Esq., had formed I peare, h
- finest With no help save that 'afforded by his oross the river at Kingston daily. self around town, . ce with Dr. Payne, of P,ich- I t10,45 of Bible Society. inoney collected by Ing and sending and receiving mail and � �
a surplas of 640 million bushels of the - -A Barrie tailor named Kelly was struck lodged in the cells,and next morning brought an acquaintau � been stolen. The story telegrams; can ay.ail themselves of tele- I
I , he passed his preliminary .examina I id, Iowa, which as the months advanced 1, his dalhghter, had
wheat ever grown, in 1890, as, predicted by mother by a train and badl 7 injured -at Newmarke� before -two justices of zthe peace, charged lar, , 11 boy 11 phone, messenger, livery and express serv-
Tupper,they havenotgut,even this year,after tion as a Provincial Land Surveyor in 1852, 1 blasphemous and obscene Ion- � had ripened into affection which pointed to I of the -tramps was told by a smal ase Exposition, theatre and i
[ big crop, 10 million bushels and his final four years later. He then ea- the other day. He was tramping to Toronto. with using Stoney has 1 yearn of age, who said he saw them coming ice , ean purch, have banking conven- ,
their supposed and also with ! a matrimonial alliance, Mr. ,
antable wheat, and they have tered into partnership with Mr. W. Rath, -Mr. liorman Campbell, of Inverhuron, guage on the public streets, �r- �! always been remarked for the love he bore 1, from the houffe, and as two tramps did, on railway tickets ; can of German, French or .,
of good merch Provincial Land Surveyor, and upen his passed away very 8 ddenly on Wednesday assault and malicious destruction of prope 1. 3, actually steal a ride iences and the service �
from 10 to 12 million bushels of rejected and , toward his children, and desire to see them 1 thte day mentione, d can receive infor- A
ty. By this time he was sober enough to �, I �
low grades, which are now selling in country death assumed the whole practice. His morning last week. On Monday he was ap- � on a freight train, most people believed Spanish interpreters, an .
. whole career was marked by integrity of Rar�ntly in his usual health, and led the realize his position and upon being arraign- �, comfortably settled in life, but when ap- i west . John A. Crarar, mation -generally about the sights of the city,
markets at 15 cents to, 40 cents a bushel. � �� proached for his permission -bo this union hej �he story. Not so, Mr i
� purpose, candour in statement and' justice ,singing in the Gielic meeting in connection ad pleaded guilty to both charges. He was ho 11 smelt a mousell, in the as well as the location and rates of desirable ,j
When such is the case in this year of Edro- a -with the sacramental services of the Presby- fined $10 and costs in the first and SN and �� elt that he could not sanction a marriage I qonstable, w to inveptigate, He soon hotels land boarding houses, All of these
a of his 'to a%d began ,
pean scarcity, what would it be worth in in judgment, When sixteen years of ge he , miles away. I f=d t at the said boy had made 9, present ac .
years of plenty ? It would not pay harvest- professed his faith in Christ. In 1874 he terian church that: norning, but Boon of ter costs in the second charge, which, with the which would necessiate the remov I commodations the firm intends to provide
Knox leaving the church he was seized with a damage to property, made an aggregate of daughter so many hundreds of he scholars, mud was - free. '. . i �
Ing and threshing. Sir Charles is trying united with the congregation of eople then determined toi take , i f a $5 foot ball to t -
He was unable to pay and WX4 re. � 11he young p ; 6
hard to persuade the English people to put church, Mitchell, was ordained an elder in fainting fit, and ha I to be conveyed home. , $42,65. � . I
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