HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-03-25, Page 4- - __ - I - . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , I . � AWThe figure between fhe' parenthesis after mo: . Ilas, denotes the page of the paper on w4ich th - . advertisement will be found, � I I 111111nez =Openi H ffman & Co. (6) I . 'N D=13ros. (1) . , Spring : � � 81prifig—E. mcpsul. (�) - 11olsketa Friesian Cattle—John McGre or. (5) - Housekeeper W*nted—Peter Grant. (811 1 Millinery Opening—Wra. Pickard. (5) Teacher Wanted—Thoc Calder. (5) I Millinery 0 ning—E. KoFaul. ( Everybo&vvlgouseole3ning—J. 3101tosh. (8) House For Sale -11, A. Strong. (5) rine Footwear—Robert Willis. (6) Have You Seen It ?—Jackson Bros. (6) - Aobe Lost—Wm. Aikenhead. (6) . I �_l 4) - -1, _1! I I I ;,I I - � g - - - , - , � � 1 � , � , ,_ , a I . If, � � - " , f kaj�rir � , , - j 1� Cr; T` J -X, p. g 4k: '! I -,� �.! - �4_ - :J . t-, , dit� r � � 4,:.;4 \ Ir - - I _.� f. �.44 'A �- 1 -- I - 11, 1 41C .1 ., , , ,J i, if:,. �; * 9 �. - . ,_ i -� � _y . _ 1*.� - 4, I _. NJ - i T"-� J, . , trliRll 5,11 , � -! ,- 4,r` , 1; 1; ,�� f,,--., -­ 1 -4 Y_; " P,� I ; , - I il I � _ I . . il - I , i�­ � f. N I- i-, I .. ix, ';� �'I:'��11 _-, , f- � , - , �� - t ,� �. i 4 it, I i - - , , , -r, , J��S',I' -1 - � " � " ;� , , , A -1 .�T E- � t- �� i�� ,�, . -4 � I i L 4 � . , � , t � :1 , i , il i� I � ,-� , , � 14 - ,, . w I � , � [ _� � � � : �, " ,,, - - - ,I . 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I 9 , � �,, - +f , . . ." � - I I I 4. .11, - * I . h . , , . , , - . I I I . I . . - � � I t . I I -1 . : I , 11 , - � . ,1 . � f iI )_�, � � , � _L I I � I I , ill , i I - � . M, 8 � I I I I � r 4A � - I . . - I i : . - , I I I - . I - �� ;. I. t . , 1, " J` I ; I I v , 41 , � i * I , I - � , � . :11 , A4 - � - � . e �,,w . -X , � r F � 4,: , -1., . � L It, � . - I "' , , � _t 1� �` , j� f . - "; -1 F � , t-. ": I I I � j . �441 i � �; I I I 11 I , . , , ; 4, — — I I the *,Uron &Pmenedfor , I I - _.... - - SEAFORTH.,VRIDAY, March 25,18% � . _ - - - 1. � The County Housa of Refuge. Contrary to efistom, the grand jury at tb recent assizes in this County, did not recom mend in their preagnItmerit the erection of . House of Refuge[ They did the next be� thing, however, or perhaps a better thing While deploring the necessity,of. incarceral ing the poor as ccimin&ls in the gaol and 0 hoartlesness of such a proceeding, they r4 commanded that a vote be taken in eac municipality at the time of the mu,nicipi elections to determine whether or not majority of the people are in favor of th * establishment of such an institution. Th: is: a very good suggestion and should b acted upon, but who it is that has tb authority to order such a vote we do uc know. However, that is a matter which We presume, can be ultimately determine(' Such a vote would afford an Opportunity c having the question thoroughly disou8se, bef � ore the people, both by those in favor c the scheMeL and those against it. We believ that if the facts were intelligently lai before the, people of this county,and the vot could be taken squarely on that issue an, � uninfluenced by any other consideratior that a large majority of the people of th county would declare for a House 'o Refuge. � T— The Railway� Strike. There is serious trouble just now betweei the officers of the Canadian Pacific Railwa] and the train men. The result has been i stn',Lke *a several portions of the road. A, -the present writing the strike extends fron Chalk River in the east to the Pacific -coast, a distance of 2,600 miles. The, .striking em. playsea are the conductors, baggag*emen an� brakemen. These, it seems form an organi. nation of their own and separate from th( organization of engineers and firemen. It a settlement iSL not soon zaade it is almost cer. ftin that the strike will extend over the *atire C.P.R' system. The cause of 'the difference is that the men, Soule time ago, asked for a re -arrangement of wages, which, . of course'L 'a tantamount to asking for an in- , . crease. This the company declined to grant and sought to get the'men to promise that they would remain loyal to the interesta of the company irrespective of any orders they might receive from their organizations. All those who refused tOL make i this promise . were being quietly it . ischarged and their places were being filled by outsiders. This - in wh%t brought matters to a crisis and caused the strike. The men now demand that those who have thus been discharged � be reinstated and that the re -arrangement of pay asked for be granted. The compatty refuse to make any concessions and are en. gaging and sending forward new men from the eastern cities to take the Places of the � . strikers. They are also distributing along the road carloads of special policemen to -protect their property and .preserve order. Some of the new men being put on are ex. 1perienced., but many are not, By this means I the company hope to keep their trains run- ning, and beat out tbeL strikers. Whether or not they will succeed remains to be seen. Thu& far their passenger trains ha-ra been run - with fair regularity, but freight has been pretty much at a stand still. So far, &Igo, the colonists' trains have been ran 'through. That. which left Toronto on Tuesday night wLs accompanied by a posse of special con- stables and a number of green h4nde, who were to be distributed along the road as oq. casion required, Both parties -seem very determined, and the men are liberally' sup- plied with money and are prepared to make & strong resistance. If the Company can one. �. ceed in getting enough new men to take the' places of those retiring, they may break up the strike without causing serious incon- venience to trav�l. Bat if they are likely to -do this.1 it is probable that the Society men along the entire road will be ordered outp and the engineers and firemen way fol- low their example. Should this prove to be the case, there will be, a general tie-up, and traffic will be virtually suspended. .This is a bad time of the year for any such suspension of operations as this, and it would be followed by the .most clisastrous ' results- to the public. However, there is no use in anticipating trouble until it comes. The differences between the company and the men may be arranged without any such serious results occurring. It is to be hoped L that such may be the case, In the mean- time,it will be a wonder if peace be restored � without serious consequences resulting, even should there not be an entire cessation of : Operatiours. The Canadian Pacific road is , Due'verY dilkcult to operate, and to ensure due safety experienced and skilled officials are required. To place in Positions of re- , I sponsibility, such as conductors and others i in charge of trains, men who are not only ' unaccustomed to the roads but ,.who, I according to the admissions of the 4 leading officials, have little or an know- i ledge of the business they under- i take, is a very risky and dangerous experi- o ment. In doing this, it seeing to us, the i company are assurning a terrible responsi- I bility. Thousands of human lives are daily I placed under their care, and a very trifling ( slip on the part of one of these 99 green " v hands might be fraught with the most seri- ,v ous consequences. In ,view of the state- a ments that are being made by the offlcialsof 4 the road in this connection, it would seem as ii if there is room for Governmental interven- I tion, or at least enquiry, The 'Company is - worked under a charter granted by Parlia- a ment and Elust owe some responsibility to ie the Canadian authorities, and it should h. - I I the duty;of those authorities to assure the I in gelves and the public that the lives of th I people who, in good faith, place themselve a under the care of the road, are not jeopar dised through the greed or indifference o the company. There waa, Also, some talk of dissatiefse tion among the employees' of the - Gran Trunk, but it is now said that all difference between the men and the company hav been amicably settled. . . - . -Since the above was in type news ha - been rectived that the strike is ended an matters have been satisfactorily arrange ' between the company,and the men. Th � company agree to reinstate the discharge : workmen in their former positions and :. submit the question of pay to arbitration - - This being quite satisfactory to the men a bands will be at work again at once. . e South Perth Returns. . The following are the full 'returns. for th 06 South Perth election as given by the Return f, i,ng officer: � L . . - I TOWN OF ST. MARYS. - I - PJUDRAm. TRom e Div. No. 1 .... ........ 33- 35 t- 2 ............. 54 . 47 h 3 ........ - - - 60 76 61 4 ...... .. - 71 : 1 101 5 ...... ..... 84 51 a 6 ....... . .. 58 59 .a 1 - — 4 . . 360 30 Majority for Trow, 9. a 1 1 TOWNSHIP OF 1)OW)nX. e Div. No. I ............ 76 168 t 2 ............... 30 123 0 3 ............ 40 108 1. 4 ............. 55 89 f � 5 ............ 110 53 I . 311 . — . . 481 f Majority for Trow, 170. ' D I TOW198KIr OF USIOAX1. `�_-, I Div. No. I ........ \.... � 146 45 0 2 ............ 60 89 I, 3 ............ 119 � 65 4 ............ 71 87 P a 396 286 f Majority for Pridham,_ 110. 11 TOWNBRIP OF REBBRIN. L - Div. No. I ............ 70 89 . 2 ........ � ... 68 98 3 ............ 64 91 a 4 ............ 57 118 F . 269 390 6 Majority- for Trow, 137. . * . I "WN OF MITCHELL. , I I South Ward .......... 69 81 97 69 . West Ward ....... 64 52 — � I . 231 — 202 Majority for Pridham, 29. ' ! TOWWgHrP OF FULLAIWON. Div. No. I ............. 129 . 88 ' 2 ............ 130 67 3 ........... 62 1 118 1 - 321 273 i M t3 jority for Pridham, 49. TOWNSHIP OF BLAWSHARD. Div. No. I ............ 123 . 65 2 ............ 67 70 3 ............ 107 30 4 ............ 88 61 5 ............. . 62 74 -447 300 Majority for Pridham, 147. Total majority for Pridham, 18. I . ]LECArITULATION. . - Piumium. TR,ow. St. Marys ............ 360 . 369 Downie ....... ­­* 311 481 Usborne .............. 396 286 ,Hibbert .............. 259 396 Mitchell .. ........... 231 202 Fullarton .... � . ...... � 321 . 273 447 300 ' 23Z 2307 Votes polled,at last elec- tion .............. 2186 . 2363 — — - - More, 139 Less, 56 . TZ19 VOTE IN 1891, .1 SHARP. Tiww. Sk Marys ............... 366 - 367 Downie ................. 290 506 Usborne ................ 363 301 Hibbert ................. 240 4,05 Mitabell ................ 2o7 191 I 287" 306 — — 2186 2363 � . I - - ... I � L!A11w-fflA&._` i . . - - - . � .. . � I* I I . - - � I , . - I - , I � . . - -� I MAmm 25, 1892. '� �- . � . � i I I . I � - a Is 1.6 � . . i . I- r1r 11 I 9 , 'Lt. a 6-1. ir - 1. L. L : 11 I QGa -C � I - MLO K&,VW Ug 11 K or every day. Inere cer7 ball,pl� in or danoe house, unless she is 16C U ALL T,Ile LAMM Upon D a p, e o 9 VU U96L op owever, om tte Lo , ALS " 0 JOU411mul n . I f" A,"Y Moved . a tainly Appear to be two distinct codes'of com anied by a parent or a guardian, n � Wl'.'uee. The Clerk of the Crown in C4an- specify in what way he would improve upon to Michigan where they purchased a farw. . I a morals recognized in Canada, one for Grits also imposes a fine of $10 on any girl un ler� cery since the receipt of Judge Elliott's the methods now in force. �The burden of and se�tled down in . a home -of their own. . the a ecified age who shall be found viol I . judgment has made the following endorse- his complaint, and that of those who fol- Her health at that time was very poor, ai. t-, I . . and another for Tories. This is, no doubtf ing Ze ordinance. ment tin ,the Voters' Lists: " The n mes [owed him on the game side o,f the House, though nothing serious was anticipated un. � f highly convenient for croo I � ked members; of I I : scored out in red ink are henceforth to Orm was that farmers' son@ cannot be per- til !art fall, when she gradually began'tt � I , � I � � . the latter orgiinization, hut it is bad for the THE DOMINION PARLIAMB$T part of the Present list of vqters." �his suaded t I' - I fail and kept getting we"er till deMh, U I - . I proves conclusively that these names did � TO STAY ON THE FAr.u, her a welcome messeuger, called her hoise, I . . country. " I i I I not form part of the list whe12 they Were 'but thit in too many cases they crowd into Consumption was the cause of death. N. d (By Our Special Oorrespondeat.) ! � I � , i , used for voting, and that consequently Mr. cities And towns, there to add to the alread ceased leaves a husband and two little girl,, , . OTTAWA, Marah 21st, 189�' Hyman received a majority of the legalland n . y to mourn her loss. I 8 .. Gut of Their Ow'n Mouths, &c, i kee competition for existe6ce, to their own ' ' 0 The London Conservatives are being con- The return of the Hon. J. A. Chaple&4 to qualified votes. i detriment and that of the fty population., --- --- Canada from his southern trip has given Oise The question which was mkod W -day. by Mr. Dryden recounted whZ11 victed out of their own- mouths of h * Mr. Somerville brought out �he fact Ithat Farm Crops. avlog to a grealt many rumors in connection With nient were now doing in the � way of agricul- 4 secured the election of Mr. Carling to ParW i Mr. Richard White, of the Montreal'Ga- tural education by way f ge, i ants to agricul- THK MRODUCTIOX ON NEW VARIF,TIM, a- that erratic gentleman. Some of his friends zette, the leading English GoverDmen1b or- 0 d ment by means of bogus vo�es, On the 19th I tural associations, dairumen's conventions, To the Editor of Toy lluzoK Expoarrom: allege that there is a conspiracy on foot I to gan of Quebec Province, had unloaded upon farmers' institutes and o"ther meaus, besides SIR, -There is probably no -work under - d of February the Free Press, the organ of 'he dislodge him from the Cabinet, and t�at the Department of Agriculture about maintaining in a high state of efficiency the e party, said editorially: I - J. this conspiracy is aided and abetted by t1he $1.5,000 worth of back, numbers of th Do- Agricultural College and farm at Guelph. taken by the Agricultural Experiment Stl- * d " The Liberals will seek to make capital � minion Illustrated News, of which h be- He announced that he intended to make the tions at the present time of so much value to 4D out of the decision of the Court of Appeal Ontario Tories. Thin much is true, that $he came possessed, and v hich were ul�jerly instruction given at the College even more the farmer as that which relates to the intro - London v Ontario Tories regard Mr. Chapleau with . duction and testing of new varietiesof the . respecting 220 names on the oters' . worthless for any purpose what- available by establishing a three mouths, I list. Let no one be deceived. The Conger.. aversion, distrust and fear. They recall �the- ever, only Mr. White -induced the Gov- t seeds of the various kinds of farm crops, 11 - � , course whereby farmers' sons who could 'no The tendency to deterioration wi Vativeo never, for one moment, counted On fact that in the -hour of danger, with de at ernment to say that their distribution in spare the time toattend for the full term of th nearly I all kinds of crep-9 as grown at preeen " those names, and it was they who pressed . , -1 England would promote immigration. For three years might receive special training in t is to for an early decision of the court, as shown staring them in the face, the Goverh9ent ways that are dark and tricks that are vain, such branches as da'irying, &c. The trend well understood by farmers that they are by the Globe's report the other day. Had was practically deserted by Mr. Chapleau, there are few men in this country who can constantly on the lookout for a cbange of � of migration in this Province, As in almost . those names remained;on the Conservatives and was threatened- by him with all sorts� of get sheaa of Richard White,, of the 11on- - seed. It is very important that when such � every other part of the world, is at present I 0 would have stood 534 ahead of the Liberals penalties, and they desire now, in the hi r treal Gazette. � from form to town, and in so far as the change is made it will have reference to - on the list ; but as it is they are quite con- of their triumph, to tell Mr, -Chaplc&u �hut On the platform of the bye-,electio the movement can be,checked at all it can only varieties, the superior value of which has ry . "I been demonstrated by repeated tests, In tent with the net gain of 314. Let eve . Government claim credit for pnnishin'g hose be checked by making farm -life more toler- voter rest assured that the Conservatives they do not want him and point to �the found guilty of wrong -doing Isat Bee6i the introduction and testing of these va,rio_ . ; 1011, able and farming more profitable. The peo- ties, to say nothing of the Origination of wanted theme 220 names out of the way be- recent elections in Quebec, in which �r. and they announce th at they �ad degraded ple of Ontario are essentially an' agricultural fore pollingday." Chapleau took no part.- as proof th , ey Mr. A. M. Burgess, Deputy Ufnister of the people, and that they do not objec-ty,w culti- others, the experiment stations will find A more explicit admission than this, that can get SIODg without him. Sir ltdol he Interior, to the rank of a first-class clerk. vating the coil where they can do is � profit- work, which, like the story in the fable, � C r is said to be in the forefront of thi in- As i -matter of fact, however, Mr. Rar'gess will never have an end. . I the names in question bad no right to be on s U � ably is evidenced by the way in Zich -they , tri gaivet Mr. Chilpleau, for it has actu- has never ceased to' be Deput'7 Minist The Bulletin recently issued by our Sta. : or of are flocking to Manitoba and the Northwest tion on " Experiments with Spring Grains 11 the voters' list; in fact that they �had, vir- allyRfomale to this, that the leader in the the Interior, and Mr, Dewdney anno need this spring where they think they can farm brings out some facts relating to the intro- '. 14 tually, Ueen removed, could not be made Cabinet from Quebec is Sir Adolphe to the House it was bin intent, n t , , t I o e -in- to greater profit, Reciprocity with the and yet it was by using these votes, admit- Caron. - I state Mr. Burgess as Deputy Ministe , It United States would be more efficient than duction of new varieties which should re - ted by the Free Press to be bogus, that Mr. NICALT CAUGHT. i was acknowledged also that 1: Mr. Di6nne, any scheme of agricultural education in ceive the careful attention of every tiller -of I Everything has been dull in and around ,who was tried At the Police Court foil em- keeping the boys on the farm. Complaint the soil. Reference is made therein to the Carling now holds his- seat in Parliament. Parliament during the past week, and the bezzlement, and no case proved against !him was made by some of the Conservative testing of 81 varieties of oats for three House did not sit at night until Friday,w has had been re -instated in the Departme t ol years. The larger number of these were The. Free Preis, Mr. Carling, and all can. . � f members that.farmers' institutes were d,- e and other countries, - they got into the Estimates, which i th Public Works. Col. Tilton, Deputy... inis- generating into political engines, the ,,Cen- but all tbe'leading Canadian varieties that nected with the -disgraceful proceedings, imported from Europ I 1:t;9'8 ter of Fisheries, was sabpendod for reg- tral Institute leading in this offence, and I ' should be ashamed of themselves. Out of first real indication that they are g �r could be oMained were tested with them, . down to business, although now four w9eks ularitiee and considered unfit to loiigqr oc- . Mr Awrey and others took- pains bo deny aud- untler similar conditions. By Canaffian their own snouths let tbem-be judged. After io session. ,The Estimates contained Ithe cupy that position, but Mr. Tapper annoiinced this* and to show that some questiouz of "-' * . I ' this, what security has any constituency:' usual items for Sir Charles Tupper's exp nees that he had been given a retiring allowance vital importance to farmers, such as the varieties, I mean thoge which have 'been - A n e e grown in this country for a number of years. that the man properly elected- will be al_ as High Commissioner for'Canad i Tg- of b twe n$1,500&nd$1,600. ' a year for the best markets in which to market their pro- Of the 81 varieties thus tested, we find that , I land. No deduotion was inade from theif all balanceof his life. Thus 'due, by ono'are ducts, were quite legitimate topics of dis- lowed to take his seat, so long as by virtue annual -sum of about $15,000, and the Oppo- I the hypocrisies of this Government being cussion in farmers' mectiDgs. Mr. Bishop, the 9 varieties taking tbe lead are from im- � of the Francbii Act any number of bogus sition wanted to know why the country iwas brought to light. I � : parted seed; and they give an avers, e of . se 1 of South Huron, made a short but char" 4 1 -5th bushels per acre inoie each yeargthaR votes can be held in reserve to be used or called on to payTapper's expenses du liog � A deputation asked thb Governme't r u, On teristically vigorous Speech on this phase of . February and March, 1891, when as ev � Friday to double the duty on pork fror;n li the best of the old sorts grown previously. ,-.not as party necessity may require ? If y- . the subject, claiming the utmost freedom of A -ad this superiority in several of the im- Mr. Carling could have been elected without body knew, he was hurrying 'about the cents a pound to 3 cents, bnt the recelption speech for farmers on this or any other country electioneering for Za they got left no hope that the pefit'n" topic. The Minister of Edu ation defended ported varieties is not confined to oats. Wz those bogus votes, it is evident by the re- in the general elections. Mr. Laurier! de. would be granted. � 0 find results very,similar with barley. With ' the policy of the Government in assisting . . marks of the Free Press that they would not scribed it as nothing short of an outrage hat The Waahington papers laid: on the Table higher education which had been assailed barley, the 5 varieties taking the lead are the Liberals of Canada should be compt Iled disclosed the fact that not a single pro' all imported ; and if we include the Scotch I 1posi- during the debate, and enlarged upon th�l Improved, which has not- been in the coun- i have been used; but it was -found that to contribute toilie salary of a man wholem- tion had been made for reciprocity of -Prade L I— desire of the Government to promote Agri- try for many yeare,we have 12 imported without them he was in a minority, hence ployed one-sixth of that twelve months with the United States,but some stepa,,Wdre culture in every . possible way. the bogus votes must be counted, and all fighting against them. Sir John Thom sop taken towards settling the boundary of varieties ahead of the common Bix-rowed - this disgraceful hocusing can be Carried out rose to reply, and his followers leaned ee ger-. Alaska and running &,boundary line thiough XOTES. Ontario bt%rley, which stands first among under a law of this Domin-on. If the . re in ly forward wit& a smile which seeme� to Passamaquoddy Bay. Here Again it re- The frequent and prolonged absences of the old varieties hitherto grown. TheBe 12 ' may, "now he *�ill not leave Laurier a leg called that the Tories shouted from c7ibye- Mr. Meredith from the sittings of the House varieties gave an ave I rage of 41 bushels per anything worse than this in the United to stand on." $ir John then calmly, in- electian platforms how delegates e I , go- this session are provoking comment, and are acre per year over the Ontario, six -rowed. States Or any other country we would like formed the Hottse in his most judicial tone ing to Washington to obtain recipr Z for in marked contrast to his practice 'in prev- The comparison of the imported varieties of to know of it. that Tupper ha been brought ever in Feb. the farmers, and in the end it hat all aim- ioas -years. � spring wheat grown with. the old sorts has , ruary to take p rt in the negotiations at mered down to the erection of half a dozen The Private Bills Committee in engaged in been carried on virtually for but two years, I The Advertiser also broadly insinuates, Washington, an the Conservatives applaud. buoys in Paseamaquoddy Bay. the annual struggle with legislation affect. but the results ;obtained point in the same - and the statement is otherwise made, that ad the reply of , heir ebampion. What was IMpVtv for the first eight months of the ing'the city of Toronto. This year the prin.. direction. Some -of the imported varieties , Judge Elliott, whose judicial decision was their consternation, however, to hear Mr. fiscal year show a decline of a million d . cipal bone of contention is the bill incorpor- have thus far taken the lead, The seed of Patter on, of B'ant, . quote verbatim I rorn half in value, and a decreased e of ating Col. Alexander's nompany for the im- 80m required before this iniquity could be per- a � reven:-�n & e of these varieties has alreadybeen Hansard of lastpession the declaratiot of $2,563,000, the exports for th6 same period provement of Ashbridge't; Bay. The pro- widely distributed. Thei:e can be but one petrated, was, during and before the elec- Sir John Macdohald that Sir Charles Tupper increased $11,000,000. , ; p9sal to give the waste land along the shores result. The old varieties which haveserved - I tion a contributor to the columns of, the had been brought over by him, for the ex- A Northwest Company has An appli4tion of this Bay to Col. Alexander on condition their day will be disca.-rded and others of Free Press, the Conservative organ. Such press purpose ofitaking part in the general for permission to manufacture beer At'; Cal- that he reclaims it, is meeting with a great superior merit grown in their place. elections. Thompson got red in the face; gary, which is the first of the kind in! that deal of Oppositiou, and the chances are that an insinuation as this should not be allowed And ; When the superiority of the More newly moved uneasily n his chair, but had not an- erstwhile prohibition country. I . the Legislature will provide that it ishall introduced 'Varieties has been demon,8trated �. to go unchallenged for even a day. The in- otherwordtoo . He was caught as neatly Notice is given that anyone having 6� aims take effect only after having been approved by the experiment stations, the gen4br,al in� n 4 dependence of the judiciary is too important as any deceivet in the world was �ver forlosses sustained in Behrings Sea gn ac- by a vote of the ratepayers of the city. troduction of these is aceelcratediasomuch . a thing to be trifled with. If Judge Elliott caught. The Opposition asked if the spicial .count of the Modus Vivendi of last- year A Commission to make full inquiry into that in a few years the growth of improved does not take steps to make the Advertise train which conveyed Sir Charles T ,must file them at Ottawa within a mouth. the question of dehorning cattle has been varieties may become general, a work that " , . r through the campaign was also to be u aid i i � r - &PPOiDted, consisting of Ron. Charles requir,ed several years to ff ct, bef re the � e e o retract its insinuations, there is good pre- for by the country, but Mr. Bowell i d - Drury, chairman; Richard Gibson, Del&- establishment of Experiment Stations. it ' - samptive evidence that the charge is vrell that when he was'acting Minister of ]i il_ THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. ware, breeder ; D. M. Macpherson, L%n- is true that some of these vari . eties will not . I . I � founded, and--& commission should ways the account for that special train was : caster, dairyman; Andrew Smith, Toronto, ed to all parts of the be a P___ I F '. (By Our Special Correspondent.) i be equally well ad -apt ' !aid before him and he had refused to : : 'Veterinary Surgeon, and Henry Glenden- country, but it is equally true that, owing Pay � uo.wo, March 21st, . pointed at once to investigate his conduct. it. If, as Sir John Thompson alleges, he I T� �"- ning, Sunderland, farmer. to the large number of sorts which is being If he is a partizan of - that kind there is no .was out here on official business, it was'l an I Mr. Hardy's bill tolreduce the me J m,ber- . - __Numlww� continually brought into the country, some . ,-room, for him on the Canadian Bench and he extraordinary thing for Ahe Minister." of ship of county councils is quite deserv#)g of of these will be found specially adapted to ­ , � � should be removed, so he could indulge Railways to refuse to pay even his tra�vej News of the Weak. - the wants of each locality. I . I his . , - Mr. Meredith's criticism that it is a, very S -Now STORm uf KANSAS. —A snow storm The in -fluence of this work upon tJhe ling expenses. But he was- not here on pfli- . ' penchant for partizan writing in, the politi- pial business, and none knew it better than ,radical measure. Under the existinq sys- exceeding in severity any of last winter profits of our Agriculture �cannot but be eal press without casting discredit upon Sir John Thompson, upon whose word Ahe tem the ; raged in Kansas last Sunday., considerable. The continuous introduction Canadian Courts, by giving grounds for public now know how much to rely. I COUNTY COUNCILS ; CELEI'BRATING THn 17-Tir OF IRELAND.— of improved sorts of grains and seeds of . I ' Ten thousand men took part in the proces- various .kinds cannot but increase in te all I even suspicion that the decisions may be THU ESTIMAfts' - I We composed of reeves and deputy -reeves Rion of Iriph societies at New York on e a ri y : St. the yields.per acre. If we put this annual tainted by partizinabip, We must. keep . t Since writing you last the Estimates I : . for who are elected by township, villagp and Fatrick's day. - increase of th-e differeat kinds of cereals ist . the judiciary pure and free from political ,he next fiscal year hrove been prevented, to town municipalities upon local issues and RoiaisiziD AT THE GAMBLING HELL. -Lad but one bushel peracre which i -s surely not : I y P .A - the House by a message from His Excel- ' Randolph Churchill was robbed the other extravagant, what do we get? The crops on or partizan taint at 11 bazards. But if our lency " signed by his own hand," W�heu with little or no reference to the matters day of a purse and valuable contents during �h basis of the acreage grownin 1891 would judges are allowed to dabble in political the Speaker announces that thijq message with which they have to deal as memb�.rs of a row in the casino at Monte- Carlo. be � increased as follows ; � discussions by becoming writers in the I from His Excellency has been act"lly the county body. The county council aP- TORN TO P119CES. -At a circus performance Po_ signed by his own hand, and not by his foot Winter wheat ... 849,956 bushels. litical press, their independence will soon be pears at first sight to be s'represent�tive in Heduesford, Staffordshire, a lion-tanter 41-4 ,- or his ear, the House of Commons : Spring wheat .... 510,634 a thing of the past. 'a com- body, occupying an intermediate pot'ition was attacked and killed by three bear* and Barley .......... 553,156 ic . - elled by oustam to rise to its feet and to between the local municipal coun ' a hyena. - O&tB� - - - � . .... 1,840,636 - 11 � ­ Fisten standing to His Excellency's cool 'ro- c'18 an" . Cyitrs FiFALD'S SON. -E dward M.'Field 64 WHIRN the� House of Common . quest that Her Majesty shall be voted the Legislative Assembly, but in reality.it son of Cyrus Fiel.d, who was recently arrest' Peas - - � ......... 753,453 "' was in $41,548,190.73. Of this no less a sum than' is not immediately responsible to � - Yalu e* the winter wheat and also the Committee of Supply the other day, scale $12,000,000 is required to pay the interest the people, ed for embezzlement in New York, has been spring wheat at 85 cents per bushel, the I inasmuch as county issues usually ept a pronounced insane. very important, although not very pleasant, on and management of the public debt. ' DiED.-George Wi)liam Pettis, the' lam- barley at 45 cents, the oats at 30 cents, and information was elicited from the Govern- The Civil Service is to cost a little to a than comparatively small. figure in the elee'tion , ous authority on American whist, died , few the peas at'55 cents, and we have the .fDl- . ' ment by Mr. McMullen, the hard-workiDg -a million and a half of doll ' ara, the Mitia, a of its members as compared with tow9ship I days a�go of heart disease at his home in lowing increase in values : million and a quarter, Public Works a mil- issues, and the reeves and deputy -reeve's are - Brooklyn, Maspbxhusetts, aged 70 years. Winter wheat .. .... .... $7122,462 and useful member for -North Wellington. lidn and a half, Railways and Canals four judged almost entirely upon their local CARDINAL MANNING'S SUCCESSOR.-Thei 434�038 It appesis that the Savings Banks' deposits millions and a quarter on account of revenue . Spring wheat ........... record. Mr. Hardy's proposal is to reduce papal brief appointing Dr. Vaughan, at Barley ................. 248,924 1 are being withdrawn at the rate of a hun. and nearly three millions on account of OOPi- the number of county councillors to seven in present bi - shop of Salford, archbishop of tal., The Post Office is to coat three mil- 'Counties having a Population of 40,000 or Oats---- ­ .............. 552, 1W dred thousand dollars a month. The result lions, fonr hundred thousand dollars, The ,less, to nine in counties with a populatio f Westminster, to succeed the late Cardinal PeAs .................. 413,849 in that temporary loans have been made in , no Maining, is expected soon. . - charges for the public debt have been 'in- between4OO( and60000audwel- - - TH R VIMNIP A Iy- 17� IV -4_1 Majority for Trow, 177. 1 0 - " ­,K%,VJ,1:UR1ST.-3ianey ........... ithdrawdle. Now it is areased *160,01 , and this does not t4Lke into counties containing 4, population of imore S. Jackson, said to be the oldest borticultar- Divide the sum by two, lest the estimate becoming necessary to cover the temporary account the fast which - Sir Richard CA:rt- than 60,000. He does not, however re- . ist in the United ay I move the anomaly pointed out above, bat f As will be seen by the above figures there wright extracted from Mr. Foster that the 11 .States, died the other d should be considered extravagant and we loang with permanent loans, and as . at his borne in Cincinnati in the 90th year have $1 IS' were 83 more votes polled at the last election quence we shall b a cOn80- Finance Minister had borrowed tan millions leaves the election of county cbanoillor,s in of his age. . I 11 0,731. Add to this the money ave a new Than floated. of dollars in temporary loans, the cost of benefits accruing from the introduction of than were polled in 1891. These all went . the hands of the reeves and deputy-r6eyes EMPEROR WILLIAM IN TRoUBLE.-Emper- new varieties of grasses and clovers, pata- When the Savings Banks'deposita were on which is not included. in the words 11 PuPlic who sha)l fill in th or William of Germany is seriously ill, a Ges u ts m for Mr. Pridham and 56 who bad previous I eir voting papers A the irying ly ,the increase, thefaci waa instanced by the debt," as they are in the shape of floating first meeting of their respective council4 and nd t a d field roo , experi e ' . J . it is hinted that the abscess in his ear, be- and in feeding tile Vari nts in dai voted for Mr. Trow. 'friends of the Government loans. The cost of Government in the forward same to the county glerk. Afem- sides inflicting excruciating pain, is affect- stock, and those wb,. ous kinds of rive St. Marys polled 4 fewer votes this year ,as an indication Northwest Territories is $236,000, the cost her% of local municipal councils are! not ing hig brain. ich relate to tree -plant- � Now of collecting our customs dutie:t r94,600, I ing and Horticulture, and we get some idea than last, and gave 6 less on the Conserva- of the prosperity of th� e country. eligible for election to eounty council. � The DxAuff OF A VETKILAN. SOLDIER.—The of what ' And the cost of the Indians almo - . .these experiment stations are caph�- that these deposits are being withdrawn so I million voting is to be cumulative, that is the yoteli death is announced at Elyeres, S ble of doing for the interest of Agriculture. . tive side and 2 more on the Reform side; dollars, - I . outh of rapidly, by the same parityof reasoning may be recorded for as many candidate� as FrADOe, of Lewis Cardigan, aged 101, the I do not claim that they have accomplished Downie polled 13 fewer thin year than last, A SIXTY -THOUSAND DOLLAR SCANDAL. - .there are members to be elect�d, or m4y be last French survivor of the battle in the Bay 80 much up to, the present, but that the but gave 12 more Conservative and 25 fewer tho country must be in a state the reverse The report of the Auditor General, which Aistribnted in any way that May be deomed of Trafalgar on October 21, 1805, _y ous. . is a record of every cent of money paid best. I . are soon likely to be able to prove thus Reform votes; Usborne polled 18 more The Act is to be optional in its �'dop- AN UxPoN.TuNATz WOMAN.—Mrs. Os. helpful. And yet there are some in our votes this Oyear than last, giving 33 more . dnring the year so far as it is voted by A,Url tion and is to be submitted to phe peoplb of borne, who is suffering imprisonment for the midst who say these stations are only a bill Conservative votes and 15 fewer Reform A xxnTixe was held in the town of Paris liament or raised -by Governor_Geuer�lys every county at the nj�unicipii clectio" a of pearl robbery and perjury, is i - . P n a very seri- of expense to the country, votes; Hibbert Warrants, reveals a very serious scanda or 1893. Except in the case of counties whose ous condition,and it is feared she will die Tnos. SHAW I - . polled 10 more votes this the Other night for the discu3sion of the An- . rather Scandals, for there are several of he councils have a membership of fifteen or before the expiration of her term. Ontario Agricultural Gallege. year than last, giving 19 more Conservative L nexation question. It was addressed by Same kind, The Government passed an less, where the Act need not be voted on ' MORDBRER HAXGICD, -Schneider, who Guelph, Harch 21st, 1892, '. I votes and 9 fewer Reform ; Mitchell Polled Solomon White, M. P. P., Dr. Brien, of. Order- in -Council last year to advame unless by direction of the county council. murdered a number of servant girls at his . $60,000 to Messrs. Davis & Sons, contract. Nominations made by filin � itil house in the suburbs of Essex, and E. A. McDonald, of by ng N Vienna, has suffered ' 35 more votes this year than last, giving 24 1 , Toronto. ors foithe Cornwall canal. The Audi the county c %per signed 6� less the extreme penalty by hangimg. .Hivwij�,s From a Con,%erva ' nd .. �_ The hall was packed, and thb meeting in General -refused to sign the cheque bee 0 e t n fifty rate -payers before first Decetober sentence was commuted to penal servitude pol t more Conservative And 11 more *- lerk a p Reform a 8 ha tive Sta - votes; Fullarton polled I more vote this described as being rather disorderly. Dur- hesaystherewas no authorityfor it, 4nd of any year. The change in Acounty'like for life, 3 * . moreover no work bad OIL,-Zalile we admi ' - 1129 THF, CZAR ix D.AxGEn. -Special precau- appreciate t � ability re and year than last, giving 15 more Conservative the evening ballots were distributed been done by- �he Huron whose council has a memberahjp of DEAR EXPO-3IT among the audience, and the voting resulted contractors to warrant the payment of his fifty or more, which under the new! Act tions have been taken to protect the Russian -he literar �� . of your a & u ntiv at the same Imperial family because of i form tio tigme we feet a certain Amount Of pity for votes and 14 fewer Reform votes; Blaushard sum. He went -further and said it :,As 'would be reduced to eleven would be a jireat E mondville correisponde polled 36 more votes this year than last, '48 follows - Remain as we are, 69; inds- nothing more or less- than a loan to faVior. one, but it can hardly be said tha� the which has reached the St. Petersburg police I giving 42 more ' Conservative votes and 6 pendent monarchy, ,2; independent repub- ites, and that after Davis & Sons recei�ed present large body is absolute necessary that the Nihilists are prepared to make an To be sure, so long -all there are facilities . �ly . him in his present unhappy frame of mind. 1� the money there was nothing binding lam for the transaction of the county busine�s or attempt to aaaaesinate the Czar. Igo SNOWSTORM ALONG THE HUDSON.—The fewer Reform votes. lie, 6; imperial Jederati011, 1 ; political to Spend it on the canal, but they mighl',, that ileven good men specially electe& for afforded for letting Off steam there is not -The re-conat before Judge Woods closed Onion, 109- and buy a gold mine with it. It was ab�at the purpose could not do all that is �' much danger- cf the boiler explod we __ - o be deepest snow Since the blizzard of 1388 fell believe it was on account of the Dn Wednesday and resalted in increasing - the time that the Government required a done as quickly and aswell as fifty, !The . along the Lower Hudson valley last Friday. in __ firt and Mr.Pridham's majority froml8to22. It Tiffiz Toronto Telegram, in its efforts to thousand dollars apiece for sixty pro ate bill in its fearless manner in which the Conservative . present form is a somewhat tent%_ In the towns and villages the snow was Iexders� Mr. Abbott and Sir John Thomp- I against Liberal members of the House, nd tive one, and is not unlikely to re i on a level than it was is likely, therefore, that Mr. Pridbam will cage its conscience for its sup Port of the Ot- they had to have the money, eo they res rt- amendment in various wayE � 1'vye deeper at &DY time son, have dealt with boodlers both of high Tipg ast winter, and in the interior the drifts in i and low degree, that makes them so popular . taws, Government, occasionally Bay$ some ad)- it is said, to this deal with Davis & law. Mr. Balfour's bill to probjbit the I some places are immense. represent South Perth for this Parliamentary I'] � before beco I �erm. . good things. In moralizing on the London Sons, for the purpose of "raising the win UP GPLANTING OF Igor, uSX,3 ' i Nxw DATE FOR QuF,EN',,3 BiRT11D.A.T.— with the great mass of the intelligent elec- I election fraud it very truthfully Says - The Auditor General wag, of course, om er- The Queen has 'decided that all birthday , torg of this fair province of Ontario to -day. . ' " Aside from sentiment ruled and the money was paid, He 1 ro- except to railways, has brought out the fact functions are to take place as usual this year McGreevy has been e , Canadians prefer tent ' xPelled and is being Giup,always awake to the true position of ed likewise against an advance of $20, )00 that the country is pretty sick of the in Spite of the deep mourning of the Royal criminally prosecuted for his actual sins; � 3ublic affairs, in -its last issue very truly the institutions of Britain to those Of the - - to Isbester & Reid, contractors for the C 6pe practice lately so common of bonusm- an Langevin has been Set aside for his negli- iays: " .1 Quebec, and . in . United States. That great advantage will . sorts of industries � only to hav family. The date fixed for the official cele- gence in not looking better after his subordi- ore .especially the I Breton Railway, giving big reasons ad e n a bration of her Majesty's birthday is Satur- nates -and the e' . sho . wing that the claim was based up* cases the .melancholy retup of day, May 23 mployees in all the depart - 'liberals of Quebec, deserve the thanks and be lost if oar politicians are to be Americana . . 4 a majority of - - out ized by the' partisanship of th I juggling with the contract prices and sho Id watching the subsidi�ed concern drag bli. The Queen intends to ments who have been proven guilty of . )raise of Canada. For, unless the members e revising be rejected. Mr. Isbester a sickly existence and ,die with. the sheriff spend her birthday at Balmoral. d Mercier's own party had revolted, no officers, by trickery in the printing of the I however, it a acting as undertaker. Mr. Gib ' IlnWITY IN Naw YOXIK.-Rev. Dr. Park wrong -doing have been punished. Are those I wealthy contractor who contributes liberally - not indications of pure minds and noble voters' lists, by the robbery of the ballot to the campaig Huron, str son, of burst, New York, has preached two seath- aspirations, I ask 9 And again, who would uch majority could have been given to the a funds of the Government, ongly supported the bill, and gave ing sermons on municipal manag I . I and again the Auditor General was ovpr. which had come under his pwn einent in our Egmondville friend repla,ce them with? The result will have the boxes, like the crimes in West Northumb r- observation of the evil effects of the bo' that city, and TamrnauY is Alarmed at the lew Government. ' '! instances ruled, and the money raised by a Governbr- . nus- I .1 Would it be the Reform leader who led the ffe�t of wiping out some of our country's i land and South Grey. Just now the sacred General's warrant about two month Lng system. Mr. Meredith also spoke probable results. Dr. Parkhurxt� before I . lisgrace, but we cannot expect to stand ! cause of British connection bag most to fear a AkO, strongly in its favor, and will no dou t 4fter discusaing the subject, made a thorough ' parte National in a race and revenge cry ' The Auditor General exposes other caseal of b I because a doubly guilty rebel and murderer ' eally well *ith the respectable world so I from its professed friends. Scandalous in. the same kind where money was advance to helping to kill off the Provincial system, personal .investigation by visiting saloons- received his just,deserts on the gallows; or, - contractors before any `� which permits money . to be drawn from the and brothels on Sunday, satisfying himself the late talented leader who, too all human i justice is becoming a part of our political work was done. I it . I - mg as our virtue remains lop -sided. The i machinery, "d when crimes are committed was for a precisely similar Offence that Mr. pockets of the tax-payerN and handed over of the gross iniquities that are being eon- I appearances I * 4it boodlers of Quebec have been stantly perpetrated under the very eyes of I , would be prepared to sit on . settled to Manufacturers and others turn in and I and flatten out the Reform platform of ! Mercier was severely condemned in Queb c, the police and city authorities, Great ex- Unrestricted Recip . . help the Liberals of th3, Dominion to do the citement p*revails. , rocity and leave that - 7ith, but as yet the Tory boodlers at Otta- 1 in the narne of British connection, the idea but what i-9 a diabolical wrong in Que�sc � Sam ?a have gone unwhipped of justice. Had � must suffer through the offences 'of it Under Mr. -Mercier's re e thing with the N.P. which is d I . ! 8 gime is all rigriktist oing � I similar friends. " . . . . Ottawa under theregime -of such purists ias the same thing Only On a much greater scale � mnww� great party without a single plank to ,procedure been followed -had the 1 13 � I stand on ? : I in the country at large. -There died at Ubly,Michigan - . remier Abbott and Sir John Thompson. : I , on March 11 We would wish to see men of pure minds 'overnor-General insisted on an impartial , � . I . r I 4th, Mary Jane Little, beloved wife of � - 3 FOR TIRE SUPPIZISSZO' N OF ViCA. -The City , ETE14PTS IN THE MOUSE. I EDUCATION ; I Rob- ' and moral worth selected for representatives velitigation into the charges . Hon. John Carling oannow be se ' is one of bhe most important subject I ert Henderson, aged 29 years, 2 months and in parliament, but this is not always done. against Council of Elizabeth, New Jersey, the other 'en - 8 a,om- 18 -days, Deceased was a daughter of Wm. 1. - h the City Oi Lt- witted to the care of the Provincia Why, right at home with us in the Reform t - I Legisla- Little, formerly of the 4th concession, Mor- I stronghold of South Huron, at their last s a claim, but to which M;. Carliag ture, and in one form and another it is sure rio,but now of Michigan,and was weli k mothers, Passed to its second reading an or- has no sort of title whatever. Mr. -Lister is to come up pretty often during the cour � -the re It might have been as gratifying -ristian don ha ,angevin, Chapleau, Caron, Haggart, et al � night, at the request of inany Ch cupying the seat to whie I . su � -that in Quebec has been. 0 , dinance for the suppression of vice which im- after him with motions for all papers and a s'ession. On Wednesday the q ,,,,i, ole of around Sunshine, where she was an earnest gates were not actuated by that,desire. We But these Min. 11own I convention we fear a majority of the dele- n of and consistent Member of the Methodist I trust THE Expo.SITOR,, a I e ty i poses a penalty of $15 each, for each Offence judgments in the case and the Opposition granting increased facilities to farmers' 'one church and for years a teacher in the Sabbath 1 not; forsake it in regard to giving this publi- .- ters have all escap�d on quibbles and tech- � n any club, person or so . 8 ., usu I ib rali w 11 icalities so far, and"the chances for justice I a oiety, - Lhat shall will formally challenge Mr. Carling's rig�t for procuring agricultural instruction was school. She was United in . . dmit any female under sixteen years to a to retain the sAn#-. ;-t mft"� 4, L ": N ou 00911 AS T,Uey el brought forward by Mr. McLe-naghan, of now bereft husband on L.V'o o er I cation, X ours, etc., � . . i . the 14th of April, . T. I - . . I I � . � . I I . ! � . . . . I . � � . . I - : . . � - ; I . - . . - __ . I . - i i I ; — . I . . . I I - 1. � � . . - . � I I I � I . � - � � . . . . I f . � .- . � I I I I I . 7 � M.d I I B1UF_"_.-1 the late Rev� at Mr. Willi Hamilton. 0 - last wee)C S business, has� Seaforth.-M Relgrave, wel Sunday. -Th byterian C . was voted i !Or and again - In one ;�h` fine church. Methodist LLL Snnd&y a., . Robert So L first four I Superite de 11 . � -and Mr. �M,c 'is the inten young laiw,ye I fice in. thisp ..... for one B wish Mr. Clerkship o %mcant loy th Young has b bell, who, - creditable � .. V WM. Livin been enjoyin papt Weeky I * 11r. Char L i Pe r, � - with ,our OUL and Sims, wL 'having work ,John A. Bro of Hamilton �� the MAcc --- London, w4s I wedding of - grave - - r. TneEaay fro z occupied by has -moved i A-abbury ,in Mr. Frank. . visit 'on ' L ' grand Rairnv given bythe dist ehureh o be -oneof , . present age. by the Oat -, ��choir, 101n thurch,choir Rev. Mr. CA - . ding Wing, , night 11"Mf..- home on Sa at Baden.- - day in Clio Gidley ret trip to Ba Lautinal 11 L Mrs. W. H' span Truman ment -of U r, take a situ Miss Sop�hia 11,01weaville Wkile out h in capturing Lean, of ... Wh -Mr. Will Clinton on b L ­ .- London, lape .. - week V'isitin fair, of Be 11 I gr ' Drummond Manter John, I ' � the ggroCery oc __ Taylor for t4 leaving for raontb. � � -Mr. T_ . � Wawano3b, Alanitobti. -Mrs. NA residence of, "Is, Paying I -The W 'of �Grey, ha is the fourtl I -ORMOX don, a rei-id, of 68 ytarp. death. - -The th e making arra tionon. Her J. May- I -The T U ,decid,ed notL - , SO also ham Society* -Mr. W has leased h for a term o vicinityof -3dr-Jal Mr. Alexxu� borne, Mr. moving tot _ML-. J.: . . of AG-lintoo, � .1. WL-ielnar - rmrry on bu --Conan( lecture, '" I uppreciativ� ,U,ethodist � evening of � --On Tuf Weir's mil had the ir.-� L tentm of it huge snow -A <ilea March 201. h,AM, On - terday's co on board t --Messrs have est�-Al Hebeall. U, Taylor,hav W. Downs Possession I a 'Well I a, The chang the firm of .