HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-03-25, Page 3. I ____ - ---
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11 MAwH 25,1892. . - . THE HURON EXPOSITOR __ - . . - a .
- I - . Ears! — __ - mmmmmmmmm6mmmmpmlmpwg - i i - i --- � -_ -
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11 40as ok1M.'syrmNw to mris rro= no own- --,isiffil mr. zma anywners.-- no was TU&S was before Any o' you people knew IMPORTANT NOTICES. � I . I
. is perspicap -him myself I I . ,
- wsbh� sit a motiosit being marked by the anxious to display hi . ity, and not him. I'm darned if I know . . '. ::
imest asbcaal and ewe. He restepperad unwilling to crow a- little over his col. when he can* home. That fat old Ger. ONEY TO LOAN -The Municipality of Me- . ; OfIF11
� � _ original COVOC- i Who had been a little in doubt. man was the cleverest bit of make-up you M Killop him, inoucy to loan at 6 per cont. Inter- I . 'up
** b0go A" restAiced its ; Teel"iseg est, on first mortgage on facm property. Time to , Q3
imp of oiled Wk and wash -leather. He Ar. lutterUld was beginnin to display - ever did, William. " suit borrowers, and costs low. Apply to the ReM �: ,
I k � ,
� �,�
wqmd tke point of each Syringe with a a tendency to baldness, and looted, if any- , "These reinilliseences," said N1c. Butter. orTreastirer. j. c.,NlumilbON, clerk. 1263-tf 1^ 1- , . 'A
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clean fragment of an old cambric'nandker- suing% A bri a more tinau ever representa- DOW, are extremely rati yLng, 01.10 I AM
chief, which he burned in a crucible stove tive of the prosperous and intelligent Brit- unfortunately pregscl b -%TOUNG BUbL FOR SALE. -For side a Thosough- i 1
'I, other business. 7
1 bred Durham Bull, with regibtared pudigice, 14 i I
ja on* corner of the apartment. Then ish tradesman. Sornething had happened - Cali we conie to all u rutanding as to X o sind by big- i .
- months old and of red color. Hews I I --t--
having screwed on tho caps of the syringe I to Ma teeth, and when he Smiled, as he did � time? When cain yon be ready, Mr. Oil- gin's imported Bull, 11 Excel9ior." Apply oil Lot 26, 1 ! i -
I .
ho, Set the fan in motion, producing a pretty constantly throughout . h i foil 9 . concession 4, Tuckeramith, or address cicaforth 1'. U. � Sore hands, raw fingers, cracked skin' What pain and
. - t is later. '11 CHARLES RUTLEDGE. , 1263 tf, .
view, he made ;o large. an Auriferous dix- "I cayn't tell exactly," Gilead amwered: . I '
strong current of Air. . ; ! misery many women suffer t4rough 'the use of injurious soaps
Af"r &wo minutes of this he rang ag in,. play that be seemed to promise well for 64but I think you may roakon on having WELLING HOUSE WANTED. -Wanted to rent :
4841 priscilla re-entered. Gilead., with %is ; mining purposes. - enough to begin the London boom with on 11) a medium sized resideuce in a corivenieut aua I and powders ! I.
features oddly distorted behind his mask, ; The annaLeur detective was ab first hard : Saturday morning. It William can come pleasant locality in Seaforth. The .westwirn of I
lifted his blanched hands towards his head. put to it to maintain his own smiling do. down to me on Frid&7 night at twelve I the town preferred. A stable In cohnection Vlart'llio These troubles don't exist where f'SU N LIGHT " SOAP is
meanor in M r. Butterfield's press a, and , desired. Apply at Tun EXPOSITOR OMCC, seaforth, -
The girl undarstood the gesture, and assist. I think I can he ready. ' used. On the testimouy of elm�nent scientists IT CANNOT INJURE
1265.4 ; I .
ed him to remoyeL the mask and the I for one mi�ute his blood actually iled at " "I am ence.ged -on Friday night," said - _ __.______. .. __i____ - THE MOST, DELICATE SKIN. I I
the memory of that worthy's vir ous in- Harry, whose qns anxiety was not to ap. Second Division I .
lbreathiiig tube attached to it." . , � JOHN BEATTIE, Clerk the of 8 �
- 1 Coil - '
I rt, county Commissioner,. of Huron, Con
"I i;hink,!' said Gilead, "we've fixed. it dignation at their last interview. . But re- pear too witious. Soap which hurts the skin MUST HURT THE CLOTURS
this time." flecting that every minute br t him veyancer, Land, Loan and Insuran66 Agent, Funds .
- . .
I,][ don't see what you want the murder- ,. nearer to his own triumph and hi hernies' "Come, come, Mr. Reid," F, -,ii-! �),:�al,oxi, invested and to Loan. Office -over Sharp & it should be avoided. 14 SUNLIGHT " has been awarded 6
OUS things at all fo; " said PrisciI14. She discomfiture, he controlled himsel . "this in serious busine83. ltisveryilnpwll� Livene'store, Main street, Seatorth. 12M Gold Medals and other honors for puHty and excellence. -
P C&pt&i L ' � I
was a girl who adhered to ideas and "I am glad toast,,, said a Heaton, ant, as vou k1low, that the ivork Alotild be ArONZY TO LOAN. -Private and company funds I
phrases. (411hat Mr. Reid has consented to come done on'Saturday and ',Sunday. I Rill airaid M to loan at lowest rat4w. $10,0W of rivate Lot this induce you to teX it ne�t wash. day, and for all
� I . .n. funds have been placed in our hands whFoh we . � .
"Don't you?" Gilead answered in a tone mund. I think we may honestly con- we were guilty of ail indiscreorm in. o;)e,,. will loan in sum tosuitborrower. Loans can be domest[c purposes. : i
of badinage. "Well, I do, and perh&M ratulate both ourselves and him 6n the ing with tire sroall ualltities we placed a, oompleted at once it title Satisfactory. DICKSON � 1; - I - I
! I � !
you'll make that enough for ou." iscision at which he has arrive&I' Spa and 2NIonte Carlo. We llltl;e heard 110, & HAYS, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 1148tf �
y , � I I .
ga c � I i
His success had inspired him with an un� It Was the ' 1L1&nJ Captain,$ part inform- thing, but we inay hear at any moment. - - ' . �
- .
usual good temper, and Priscilla, After the ally to, take the chair an such . occasions as We can afford. to lose no time, and you - 100 TO LEND at 5J per oont, In sums to I i
the present, and to make little business must not allow any mere social engage. $160 suit borrowers first claim farm I Remember the Na e, '.'Sunlight."
� . V sale at a great I 11� - ,
fashion of her sex, took advantage of, the I ments to keep YOU &way."L - securit . Also improved term for I
fact, and pursued the theme further than spochas of this sort. tampered by his own bargain. i Former owner left County. App person. I I I I .
she ordinarily woulA have dared to do. polished sodety airs. , "Very weTl." said Harry. "I inust keep allyor write. E. N. LEWIS, "licitor, tdorieh I
I � - , - I I I
"If one of thern- gaahly things was found my engagement, but I'll tell you what I'll 1247-26 �
- 1 �
"In the old days," said Mr. Butterfield, do. I will leave word that any niessage - : . .
about you, Gilead, you'd got into trouble. with an almost sentimental aspect, "our re- ONEY, TO LOAN. -Tho Township of Tuoker- I . I
. I
You can't, have any but wicked uses for lations with Mr. Reid were Of so cordial a sent to ,me at the hotel shall be instantana- M smith has money to loan on first mor4pWb On . ! . -
'em.1y liature, and were so profitable to all parties ously delivemd by my secretary wherever 1 1.7 - � � ; -
r,ogiroperty at a reasonable rate of interest and for
414 Zy be. 72 peri s to suit borrowers. Apply to ROBERT B. — I
All right, my dear," returned Gilead. concerned " here he carne out of rev- re 11SVery well," said Gilead. ,,you,11 Sim. McLEAN, Reeve, Kippen P.O. or to JAMES MUP, � - . � I I I __
"Chatter away it it pleases you." - ene, &nd mbbed his hands in a rich enjoy'- . em y. Al Ve RAY, Treasurer, Rodgerville P. 0. 1261-tf I a
"Well, what ood are they, any way!" ment in the memory of old profits -"that ply get the words 'Proofs r d ' I'll . ;
riscilla, dernarifed scornfully.. we may all c you the address now. Fourteen Wexford OD PASTURE FARM TO RENT. -To rent, Lot it'ral i Furniture House
onsider ourselves fortunate in Row, Clerkenwell. It's just, past .NH�ddel- Gol, concesirion 2' Hullett, known as the river M. Robertson's Ceij I I
the renewal of our ancient ties. " . , , - I . � I
"What good am tboy any way?" Gilead "Shall:we get to business, gentlemen?" said toa Square going towards Sadler*s Vells. firm. It contains 1&i acres and in all seeded to -grass i
echoed, barift his teeth and turning upon Butterfield's name is on the door. You just and is one of the best pasture forms in the country., i : .
Harry, with a suavity equalling tile good the river runniag through it. WM. - FOWLER,
. her with a sulden suarl. " Wh t ood man's own. "Air. Gilfoil has at present in his knock twice gently, you needn'b make no Seaforth . 1266-4 OPPOSITE F. *'cFA'�rL'S DPLY"GOODS STOREI,
. I$ 1
they? I'll tell you what = tte.y aarree possession all the bonds on which I haye as row'. We'll hear you. --- I � I .
rm a worthIm cripple, deaf, or as good as yet been able to lay myphands. You must ,"Fourteen Wexford Row, Clerkenwell," A GOOD BULL. -The undersigned has recently I I
dead, from the hips down, and with one of said Harry. "I shall remember. There's .LA t
- purchased from the well-known breeders, John �
these in my fingers I'm a match, and more , take that as an earnest of good faith. And nothing more for the present, I suppose"' McKay & Sons, a very chofee thoroughbred Durham - I
. � - -now I suppose that I am not to be left out bull with registered pedigree, 18 months old, and MAIN STME—ET, I I SEAFORTH.
than a match, for the biggest liell-raker ' -Nothing more for the present, I think," which he will keep for the service of cows on Lot 31, �
' in the cold? Our ingenious frienci Gileid . . I � - -
Texas ever bred." He took one of- the informs me that there is a better thing on , said Mr. Butterfield risiny. Coneeaslon6, McKillop. Terms. -To insure, $1.50 ! .
payable January let, 1893. JOHN S. BROWN. i
syringes in his thumb and -finger and toved -to-day than You ever bad before, and that There was a cordial hand -shaking all . 126fixt t - I ! I I I
. �
'th 1 . will round and the aniateur detective took his I I
wi t- As he did so his complacency re- my services,'if not, exactly necessary, ' I I !
tumed, but it was bard to say whether his leave. c
. . I at least be acceptable." - OG LOST. -Strayed from the premise� of th �FURNITURE.-Nobody contradicts the weli known fact that in this
expression were uglier in his rage or in his There were two young men standing at 11) undersigned, 3rd Consession, H. X. S., Tucker. department we carry one of the larg"t finest and best assorted stocks of
good humor. "There ain't no harrri�-n taLk- "I promised," said Gilead, "to take the door of the house as he desceuded the bruith, on or about the 2nd of March, a small black I I I -
f your po4-et, is Willie in if he did the square thing; but I stairs. They stood on one side for hiln to Collic dog, with a white breast, and answering to Hougehold FurDiture in this part of the coal I Ary. Our Furniture stock at pre
ing a pencil -case out o , lving such in- !
M want to put it on a clear understandinz If . the name of - Nigger." Any person g pr
there, niv darliag? Suppose I ftu�d, i�yself -t pass, and when he had got some score of sent is larger, more complete and ices lo,Ter' than ever before. We are
. _ there's any more hanky-panky. ou hi formation that will lead to big recovery will be suit- I
- 11 ".5art .
in a tight, corner some &ty. Supposej/'J filid yards awa one of thern retired to his own ably rewarded. and any person found harboring hiTn anufacturers as well as retailers in -this lin6.
, he'll have to take the risk." M . . I .
some bravrny villain towering over ine with I - room on Ye ground floor, and the other will be prosecuted as the law directo. JOHN G. . .
"Gentlemen," said Harry, "I acccvt tile I . SPROAT, Seaforth P. 0. 1265-4 -are givin g, the -best of
a bowie knife or a, six shooter-, tellin' hie risk. I shall take 2, perfectly straight I 'sauntered after the d18811ppearing figure and . PICTURE FRAMING. -In this department we 0
h e's rcr never lost sight of it until the Westminster Pictures ef all shapes, sizes and kinds, are
ping to have my blood. Tivere ain't course, I promise you." ' OT9L TO RENT. -To rent for a term of years satisfaction to our customers.
no harm in screwing this little cap off, is ites," said Hotel was reached. - Hand on easy terms, that well-known and p6p. I
there? Not if you sit very calm �nd quiet I 'Mr. Reid's experience and abil �� Mr. Butterfield was driven away with ular hotel, known as the River House, Bayteld. It framed at the shortest of notice and.. at the Most rea�onable charges. & large
and look scared. But it's audden death, Captain Heaton, "will be of the gteatest his companians in the little- brougham is one of the best and most popular hotel stands in stock of all kinds of moulding kept constantly on band. I
. darling. It's only to be used in ex- seryice to us. He distinctly understands . which awaited him at the door, and Mfiss the county, and does a large and good paying bu8i-' L I . I
M y what is expected from him in the �,way of' ness. Satisfactory reasons given for wantin to
tremity, because sudden death to anybody fealty and in the way of business fairness. Priscilla went back to Gilead. rent. Possession given at any time. Apply to 9the MANUFACVURING.-In this department we manufacture all kinds of
is da,rtgerous, almost anywhere. But it's a - a in a. tone of mocking in- Proprietor, JOHN E. SWARTS, Bayfield. 1260
- I think," be added, with the consci�us ease . Furniture to order,as well as the most of that for sale in our retail department.
. sweet invention." of victory, "that our young friend has quiry. SINESS.-To rent -
' ' -
Priscilla looked at him with au expres- already been sufficiently admonished. We I "Well!" answered Gilead drily. Aon easy terms, a commodious store with dwel' REPAIRTNG.�First-clasg repairing guaranteed on all classes of furni.-
sion ha,lf alarmed and half wondering, and "I suppose you've let that liulkin' stran- hod. There is also a stable. This .
have shown him -in 2. friendly way, I trust, . ling house attao ture; try us, .
was turning away with a gesture of the and not in a manner calculated to excite ger into all your secrets. - � pro erty is simated in the Village of Cromarty, and
head when he addressed her again. � I I rancour -that we can hold our own -and I "You make ine sick," said (lilead. "G o in le oentre of as fine an .agricultural 4pnimunity
I' "dove that table," he said, "and let me ,� , 27 1 . as there is In Canada, and offers a fino opportunity UNDERTAKING. -Notice of this department will%b,e found in another
I � i think in future we may hope to continue a . - for a good, live business man to do a large trade. i
get out of this. Now open the door. Help ' 1 a7';n vin " she answered column of this paper. �
I i those cordial relations which we all found i I - 3 and Gilead Apply to GEORGE MILLAR, Cromarty. 1253tf I . -_ � L -
me across this )�it of a ridge. There we � i noticed for tTe first time that she was. at- - � �
e.,, ! so reeable years aao." � I — r :
ar i OR SALE. -The undersigned oilers for sale that � � ,
� 'Tear, hearl" said Hump. Mr. butter- ' tired tor the streets and that slie. carried a i �
He bixd laid the four innocent -look* mall black hand -bag. F valvable hotel property situated in the Village I � �
lng, ! field echoed the� encomium, and added, 3 ,, of Zurich and known as the Commercial hotel. The
deadly things on a handkerchief in his lap, 1! I'Ve neatly.turned." . You are, are you"' Gilead responded. house is comm,odious and convenient, enjoys a pat-
. "g "And where do you suppose you're . ronage second to non6 in this section and affords a
and now, having gained the sitting -room, 0 going 8 CHANGE; in SEA FORTHAP
� ) w, gentlemen," said the Captain, "I �
he wheeled himself to the table, where he i did opening for a good Kve man. Possession � I
'e I �
; shall propose that Mr. Reid be admitted to?" Zynb, bad at once. For further particulars apply I . I
took up a, cigarette case of Russia leather, i to our councils. Those who are in favor "I'm going away for a day -or two, p.er- to the lessee on the premises or to the undenigned, I i : .
irt which he stowed the syringes away. ; i .
i of that proposition will signi the haps," she answered. "Perhaps I'm going D. WEISMILLER, Proprietor, Kippep, Oat. 1257 tf - - � -I-
Then he took up a copy of that month's � d L-ried to Manchester." . I � .
I same -by a show oi ban s. , . ! '
Scientific Quarterly, and having lit his pipe ! 6 what are you going to Manchester for?" !
I . I Unanimously. Mr. Reid-, you are once 1 $ 300 Private funds to loan at lowest Notice is hereby given that the partnership which heretofore existed be -
and bestowed himself in a comfortable i Gilead asked. i . I
� I more welcome back to the bosom of the
light, became &Usorbed in the perusal of an i family.,,, - "You don't tell me your business,' $ 500 rates of interest at sums to suit tweeln the undersigned as Boot and $boe merchants in the Town, of Seaforth,
articie on heat as a pain - relieving -agent. : I Priscilla responded, "and Iaha'n't tell you $ 700 borrowers. Loang can be com- in the County of Huron, under the 6m, sty�e and narne of Hamilton & Mc-
. I Gilead wheeled himself to a cupboard, , I I I
After some half-hour he laid the magazine I and drew forth two bottles of champ& mine. Good morning Gilead." ' was this day digsolved by muti
We, $1,000 pleted and money' -advanced Inn* ,ial consent.
- .
4 .
upon his knees and looked up at Priscilla, i of which Mr. Whale relieved h' on Gilead mat tugging at his goat tuft,.staring
who sat near him sowing. iinji wheal I . bar with his dead blue eves, and she $1,500 within two days. Apply to R Dated at Seafortb, this 28th day of Jan�ary, 1892.
' he prodnoed glasses, of himself ! at
"Upon my word," he said, "it's real - back to the centre table. Hump prZeed I looked back at him with a smife of peculiar $2,500 S.HAYs,Barr-ister,&c.,Seaforth' . I - DONALD McINNIS.
lovely to See what science is doing now- I a pocket champagne -opener, and opened the I meaning. Before either of them spoke .� _ I - . .- __ 1258 * ' . I . W. J. RAMILTON,
&days for the relief of human suffering." I again the maid appeared to say that the : �
I 1 bottles with professional skill. TRAYND STEER Strayed from Lot 7, Comes- I I I �
"And upon my word," Priscilla answered, 1 "An excellent wine," said Mr. Butter- I cab was ready, and that the portmanteau S alon 12, Stanley, on or about the first of Novem- We, the undersigned, baving ptirchase4 the business of the above firT,
"You're a curious sort, of mixture, Gilead." had already been taken down stairs. ber, 1891, one small Steer rising two years old ; white i
I "I'M d#&A &M the mflictioll Of * !, field. "An excellent wino;'3 "Good -Gyri, Gilead, said Priscilla. ,,I and red oolor,with white spot on forehead. Any the business will be continued under tbe fir�n name of Richardson & McInnis,
P-0113, i -It, isn't Hum ' private brand." said person giving information that wHI load to big re-
Perha,parveliN enough of it Myself to : HL I dare say I shall be back to -morrow. " - and having enlarged- our stock, selected fiom some of the best houses in
I . I
arpy, and at 1119 there was a Xemer-al ' . covery. will be suitably rewarded. D. B. STECKLE, .
make me tender about it. There ain't no 1i laugh, for evei7body supposed him to recog- "Don't, You hurry an my account, darl- Blake P. 0. 1264-4 Can�da and tbe. States9 thoge favoring us with their patronage will find our
. )
. -
pain in these things," indicating the i ing" Gilead aamwered. The tons Vf&SL in
. c1sar- i Mize the Allusion. StOCII complew in every line, and at the Vl�,RY LOWEST PRICES.
' . I OMORTHORN BT;LLS FOR SALE. -Two yearling i . �
atte ease in his pocket by a motion of the , "Now," said Mr. Butterfield, drawing . tandod for the maid's ears, and Priscilla , . �9,. th6roughbred"Shorthorn Bulls for Sale, sirtd by :
thumb. "If' you've, got to kill anybody, out his watch, "harmony is happily restor- . received the viperous look which accom- Cruickshank's bull 11 Perfection." They are ex. ; : .
kill him clean and don't hurt him." ed. My time happens to be unusually Yal- panied it with no change in the expression tra good animals, and will be gold on reasonable - , . 0 U R ,. CUSTOM WORK
The conversation was interrupted by a nable this morning. Can we got to lbusi- i She Wore- terms. Apply on I Lot i6, - Conce*on 10, Morris, or .
Blyth P. 0. NEIIJ MeDONALD. 1264tf
I I �
rin , of the bell. She tripped down s"irs, Settled herself . Will be under the supervWon of MR. EDWARD LATIMER, _who is favor-
,� neae" * --- Customers'will find him
, reckon th&Vll be Willie," said Gilead, "You have a sample, Gilead," mid Cap- I �"Inreedly in the calo, and dr'ove away. 0 CONTRACTORS. -Tenders will be received by ably known to the people of Seaforth and vicinity.
Consulting his watch. � , tain Heaton. � I She ad ,not gone a hundraid yards before Tthe undersigned until Saturday, April 9th, for competent to give satisfaction to those getting ordered work done. _.
"Willie !" answered Priscilla. J"Willie I "Yes," Said Gilead. "I'vegotene. Proof sheopened the small handba , and todk the erection of the new Presbyteri4n chureb, Wroxe- - �
� � 9# . Wo - ter. Plans afid specifications .can be seen and other
who:?" . from it a lad,v's card. Mrs _naid Mor
I after letters. Here A is." I . information obtained on -application to A. L. GIB- gap, Havimg taken the accounts of Hamilton& McInnis to collect, parties
I He produced from ,an inner pocket a too. nee Melikoff, The Hulme/.St, PetOrl-" SON, Wroxeter. The .lowest or �any tender not -
"Willie Raid," said Gilead. , r trouble.
"Of all the fools I've ever known, when . b&nknote of the Bank of France for one "I reckon," said Priscilla, "she ought to necessarily accepted. ROBERT MILLER, Wroxater. indebted to them will please call and bettle at once and save furthe,
- on take an ,idea in your head you're the i hundred tranes and handed it to Harry, know Willie Reid, if I don't," and with . 12604 � . . -
liggest. That man's no more Willie Reid � that she returned the card and closed the a
. I who examimod it with great � minuteness. I EHD POTATOX9.-The undersigned has an hand
1king forward � which - black bag with a decisive snap. Potatoes of IR 1
than I am. � You�re just. wal �! Gilead, observing the intentness with S asid ter sale any quanity of Seed ichardson & McInnis, Seaforth.
into some trap or other." I he poured upon it, Shot away in his wheeiled I � Empire State variety, at 40'eents �per' bushel ; also
"Trap! you chattening idiot!" snarled I ehair to a corner of the room, and returning ' Potatoes, seven days earlier than any other variety i I � .
Willi L CHAPTER XIX. at $1 per bushel; also Puritan and Early Prize varie- - --- -
Gilead. "Didn't e Reid go up country ' with a large magnifying glass laid it on the I I . ties at $1. All orders left at Scott's Seed Store, Sea- i — -, . .
. in Turkey? � ,Didn't Ronald Morton start - . � . I For three days Inthia had been in forth, or at Lot 21. Concession 13, McKillop, will be i .
t table. . -
Where Willie Reid left off'? Didn't I get a i trouble. Her earliest interview with the promptly filled. JOHN STAFFORD, Walton P. 0. :
letter from him un4er that name ? Did ' "I never found anything in this world," I returned wanderer had brought disturbance � 1266x4 You are making : . I
anybody but Willie Reid know where them � said Gilead pixil6sophioally, "that got to be - with it, but that had had time to subside, - I - -_ — I
'bonds ware?� And haari't Ronald Morton any the better for being bragged abbut, but and she had succeeded in persuading her- TALLIONS FOR SALE. -Two Canadian bred
, that's as fine a piece of engraving wdik - as S Stallions for Sale, rising three years old; one - � A wrong --i m ression
got.'em now-, and didn't he try all he know � ever I pilt a tool on.') self that she had felt nothing but the sh-ock sired by imported horse, McAlpine, 'cut of mare got � P
toatickto'em? You talk tome, you patti- i of meeting the man who bad stood by by Sterling, sire Champion; the other sired by 'Por- - _'z, I I
i "Let Mr. Reid compare it with one of
coated j"kass! Gitr' : Harry's side at the moment of his death. ter's Goderich Chief, out of Enterprise mare. Both �
I the original," said Butterfield. He drew for sale on easy terms. Apply to ROBERT ORR and � Wherever you go.,
"Very well," said Priscilla. "Go your of t,,,e I She wilfully 'obscured the memory of the GEORGE SLACK. Stanley Township, Lot 16, Sauble � i
one Originals from his own pocket- , I ! i
own. way, a -ad when you come to pay for it I strange half -recognition which had so amaz- Line, Baylield P. 0. 1 1263-4 � I
book and laid it beside the forgery. ; __,_
you say.1 tQId YOU." I i ed and startled her. There was no heed for � _P1 -1., � .
: � .�1_11
I The detection of forged bank -notes had - I .- 1-C �, � 1, I 4_-,.� -
I I K, 11; .�; _f
A rap at the door put an and to this bro- , I Wynne's ; her to arrange her own conclusions in set ULLS AND SEED GRAIN. -For Sale, a few good 1�2 . :,�--A,;?, I
never been any part of' Hat BShort Ilorl; Bulls with first-class pedigrees and I � 4��N ,,� I;,- . T-
A_ .
� �...-� ,� I
.: v4 ..
. They were already toodefinite and ,..-"-% �-":;a. ,,:_�.n,,.,
, business, and the experts had 'r? d colorg,all fit for service. Prices fromSW toW. I &A,-,.-.. �111_-, -w - I
therly and sisterly discourse, and the houae a 1 eady suc- ' form. I ,__�,., - P i�
�., "., I
servant, pre"r-ted a card on which was en- I too assured. Harry was dead, and Ronald. -goo re the best I have had.Aloo a qua - . on �
; ceeded where he failed. But after a; search- Some of them a ntity of i *111,
._1 - .
I' I If ,_ .,�, I
graved the, name of Mr. Ronald Morton- ; ing and minute examination he could dis- Morton's likeness to him could be no more clean Colorado Spring Wheat; Black Tartarian,vick'a .. IN kl� " -4 __ 11,
,S,how the gentleman up," said Gile d than fortuitous. She dreaded to speak to Vanner and White Poland Oats, and Prussian Blue 91 1
,4 �r- �U� 4 .� .. �7��z
2 cover no difference between the false note nd was all the more unwilling and Crowlit Peas. Prices right. DAVID MILNE, I Z � � � -
"And you'--4urning to Prisbillp.#-"get and the rea I. The whole party awaited his the likeness, a Ethel, Ontario. I I264 tf. I this I f; �i V �,;, - � your
�. �
&OU t. Y) I . judgment with interest, and even witb� some to break silence because nobody else had re- ! I I 1q, ��, ". aa
She obeyed the injurletionthus courteous- show of anxiety. Gilead -appeared to take marked it. The old Earl', Lord Hounes, SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. -The under- t ! -R,_ -N
� � ��
ly given, and a second or two later Harr ale and Humphrey Frost ABigned offers for sale oheap, and on easy terms, ; ,� _ :� ,
y Lady McCorquod i , ",
umbrage at the length and closeness of the his property In Hills Green. It co,nsi8ts of one- 1 is . . . . . . I '�, .-re%! �,�, Rubbers
I .
Wynne entered with a neatly -folded parcel had all known Harry so intimately, that if I I I �, .
examination. quarteracre of land, on which is situated a good - . . L" --A �, :
he likeness she had found between him and genertu store with dwellinir attached, and under 1 -4 ._,� , L&M.
in his hands. � "You can look, Wiffiam. You won't t I �,'. � ,
"Them the bonds?" asked Gilead, with no Ronald blortion had been more than fanciful, ,hich is a splendid oellar. There isauoslargle ware. I , -- . ��
reliminar greeting. . find nothing the matter with my work. If � they would surely have observed it. house and stable. Hikls Gre6 is the centre of ope I not ! ..,_ �:, .:�,,111 11 11 and
there is a weak point iVs, the p4per. " of the richest and best farming diotricto in Ontario 1". 1; .-
I .
P ill the � I
C9 i ... � I
These a e the bonds, Gilead," his visitor It was not Harry's cue to express his 1 It w" none the leas, but perhaps i and this is a s lendid opening for. a good, live buai' I - 11 ZS
answered, rith a perfect, show of ease and � own sentimrints. 11; was there to imper- I more, troublesome to her on this account. ....Man witE some means to make money. For i . �
- � She carried the thought of it, like a guilty I the 1.41", Over-
good humor. sonata Mr. William Raid, who would . - particulars, address CHARLES TROYER. Hills I . 9; .
They make an uncommon arnall -Parcel, secret, in her blameless breast. Her mind Green. 1N6tf ---
I doubtless have been much *9 surprised . -_ I I .- �
William. Lot's bave a look at 'am. There a - dwelt more than ever on the memory of her —_ on 2, 1 11_.. shoes.'
thrm be war. ut the excellence of the imits- ARM FOR SALE. -For eale Lot 13, ConeWi
- nothing but Austrians here. Where's the tion. � boy lover, and she awoke from bar own -FH. R. S., Tuckersmith, known as the Rammy Pattern
Russians a�d the Italians?" I farm, containing 100 acres, 90 of which are cleared _�, -
I "Itisn'tbad," he said. "Arnanwould thoughts in an aebual terror to find that' il I:,. - IX ", , `
oice, the and in a high state of cultivation. There is a large i .1 , - . . -,
"All in gOod time, Gilead," said Harry, i have to be auspicious to suspect." . Harry had taken the term, the v tone honse bank barn with stone stabling, geW 1�1 __ - -
-These are all that were left in London.:' � bearing of Ronald Mort -on. The very 0 Shea and outbuildings and a good orchard. . .
i This was accepted by them all as a warni drivin I I - I
"What �Iut these on the Continent?' . encomium on the work. I thoughts that did homage to the sacred It is 1hin a mile and a half of Staforth. There are 4WRAMBY RUBB . MR.
I 'All in !good time," Harry repoawL i "These follows," gaid Gilead with a tone ! deAd linked themselves about, this mere about 19 acres of fall wheat and iisplendid Preek runs 2HZ HERL OF THE I .
� . She tried to bide herself in the along Side it. This is one of the best farms In Huron I - I
'Rome W It, bxilt in % day." I ven at once.
I and gesture scarcely respectful .to his col- ; stranger and will be sold cheap and possession gi
'1;1 memory of HArry, and reoalled-eagerly a ------------- .----------
"Youll �ye to get 'am, Willie." 1� leagues; "these fellows were in such A I � � 6 For further particulars apply on the prem.'ses , to .� � — ___ - ________ - __
"Of oour' I shall get tbem.1) i cursed hurry to get 'am on the market that thousand trifles of which she bad not MARION DENNIx, or to WM. McNAY, Lucknow' or
At this moment the rumbling noise of a I thought since his death. She strove to JOHN HANNAH, Senforth. 1266x4 i
the woulcin't wait to make a big splash --- I I
velticla in the street, which had bebri grow- 11� , par- fence herself about with these recollections,� - . - I APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES
, audible for a Zia em. They've got out two small but the bronzed face looked through them,
I '
iog more and more clearly cob, and though there's nothing been .
minute comed at the door. 7 heard up to the present, we don't Or some sudden and unbidden note of Mor- Hats, ... - D � .
"Her e Co.," said Gilea& "They re . � a
n at any minute that we mayn't ton's voice sounded in her ears in &ce f - 1111111111111
. eLr than I expected. If you know . recall. er very - . 1111111111111
a bit earl� et winded. I b'leeve in decision, and the tones she strove W -
t1d t go galtivantin' off to Asia, old f think, Willie, I shall have you alont with devotion led her unconsoieuslv to a thou
' 11:h sand repatitions,of this airy iifidelity. " Hats, Hat ' lo.
'I ss I
n, we �uldn't W wanted any Co. ' are the or"s .
There's no gettin" rid. of 'em now. They Me. Pluck ana patience � She was a woman of rare- common sense, i I Resions Fading hrJr to ft
for my money, and 1�m for makinf one I D. L. CAVAN. oriow esior.
Ileamen'r. put more than eight hundred into stroke now everythirig's ready, tbat'l pay and ma,de a strong fight against her fancies, - I T' rrbo. Tmvetllug Pu"mwnver A mt C. P. R.. I Stops failling of b*.
. altogeGher, and they take refusing for a time to admit that they' - - I -Qvw of 1)821,�
us for all outlay. Gentlemen," he coat? - - A . � O" case
the busine3a I- . Bays: And-iDandruff issperfea
three-fifths. ot the whole profits bet-weln troubled her at all, and for a while she d�nff -tia aawn in 2navvenous--in my Kew Via SOWO cleam
Yom. That's the curse of poverty, Willialn. nued, solemnly turning round to face his Id succeed in expC11iDg thein from her 1� 1� I a rov applisat1mg not pnly tholoug hty mmoved Makes hair sA and PlIable
three Dartners, "I'm garne to bet a thou- con f4iling or the Wr. nado it soft alld pliable &ad P"Inews &"&. ,
d"uff 900"'w"ti.. but fitawe4
u went away it's me that's nd. But at length, by mere force of ted a vl%Me 91rowill. i I
Ever swence sand dollars to a Key West orange that ml teDca, they conquered her, and �,UARANTEED -pr o -n , ,'v 0 d
found the ,rains and run the risk. But William sides with me. It's no use fritter- persis Js L .SM/ TH'S - i _.
rve never ibeen a capiWist- I cayn't Harry Wvnne and Ronald Morton became I � i .. .
ing, William, is it?" I - -- -___-
I allus fritber it a -way on ually intertwined. I --L—_ -_ ----------- I
keep mono r. "Not a bit, said Harry decisively. Take act I ___t__ .
some blam d invention or another. I've the thing by the neck and have done witla One natural result ot this was a fear of You will find. the best value in Hats I I
gokVa, rega�ar heap of patents, but they it.33 agsin encountering the traveler. She was ever shown in Seaforth.* See our 90C �
don't gee, qone of lem, soanahow. I cayn't I I You see, gen t-lem en I" said Gilead. ' 'Now averse to the social subterfuges employed Stiff Hat, - I[HE - SEAFORTH - 'FOUNDRY
le Gul Uch, ItVilliam. I'm at a great n by so man -1 of her sex, and hadliever I . .
iL:� look here, Willie, my proposal all alo g has y . I - . i
iL:� a t
iL:� aut
. 'aut ;e.)) been to got one smart bold man. Let him c;unterfeited a beadache in her life. e1D,uilding alad repai
The how einaid announced Captain Heat- There was no other excuse than I Having eomplated r I nxg the old foundry, and intro.du(
, do. all the Booro, de Change in London in illness to fall back upon, and she was. ; Ties,- de'the latest oquipments an.4 the most im I roved machines, I am'now prepare
on,_ Mr. '"'bale, and Mr. Butterfield, and a single day. Never more than a thousand baM She felt Is I I P
these genaerneir, immediately f6tlowing francs -anywhere. Take the night mail to pledged for Lady Mabel's to 4 i - I �
111POn her tstep3, presented themselves that she would infinitely prefer not to meet i Ties. I
Junilingly z t. the door. Paris. Put in a day's work thereabout Ronald Morton again' and she resolved that Ties, Al I Kinds � of M4chine Repair
the Pally Ryal, restorongs, banks, money- �
"Come ia,," said Gilead. "Be seated, � if ,,the meetini were �nescapable, am it seem- . - f I !
cliangers, everywhere, and after that lie � I I
- I
g,quitlemeni " He waited until the door was let A real live man like you can raise ten ad to be, it sfou)(1 at least be as transitoW . � FOUNDRY WORK.
1 .
closea, am -listened till the swift rattle of Snous'and terbng in that way. Reckon the as she could make it. For the neKt 'two weeks only, we . - !
the re he maid's dress had faded a Thursdaycaiiie and with it came Lady I I I
ex& and loss on stobes at two thousand i !
Out ., tir: --.,,. Inlesuppose," he said, with Mabel, Attired for the. Archbishop's garden will sell Ties at small advance on cost, !
pounds, that leaves i clear profit of eight ty. She sailed into Inthia's roofto, ; LAND EtOLLERS.
a wry smi ,. "there ain't no nead to 'ut'ro- , thousand. and that's aas much as we've got the Inobbiest goods ever shown, quality i ; �
dace, you entlesnen?" rl bt to expect for one while." =ing with good humor. - considered. Call and see them at !
"I ha met a 5" ' I 1 We are now tarning out some of 4e but improved Land RaUm, ar
' i�
r 0
41§ Mr, Reid can do business at that (Td i3E CONTINUED.) .
- "I th- not," said Harr6al, quite re- If I I . I te the fzrwers to sae .
I I and Mr. . t" b,efcre baying elsewhere.
0610", rate—" said Mr. Rutterfield. - J. L SMITH'81 i
afttlys I think I reesember Mr. Butter. , "Mr. Reid's done business at that rate," �lr Wm. Britton and wife, of Bibb rt, .
sald.-" I I add Gilead. "At that rate and better. M R -berl- El Ornes and Mr. John Tillie,of 'I Whitney's - - Block, - Seed orth. � T. T. COLEMANO
4q, P11 said Mr. Butterfield, *Is"=- . Why, nine r e ,
, year ago, with them hundred - Mi�j-ll, left Mirxhell, fo, Manitoba, on . .
eW AN GTV ' . OltbAt If ho )A MLY301f h&" r61 ' lainble notn� he Dafted 'am b_V the b"AkA. ii ,1,4y, 1,ist wetA. I I I .
I I , �
� � . I . �
ONTO Swirowls
1� ,I
Doth the method and results when
. �
Symp of Mos is taken; it is �Ieasant
and refreshmg to the twW and acts
geptly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
� I
biv er and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
tem elff6ctually, dispels colds, heid-
aches and fevem and oures habitual
constipati�on., Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
.��j �
duced, pl ing tothe taste and ae-
�i -
M pt in -
ceptable to the sto ach ro.!n
ita truly beneM, its
action and in
effects, pr ared onl from the most
*'S agr;;Ne its �
her.ltl�yan substances,
i t �
i I
to au and have made it the most
popu,lar remedy known. �
��', -
- Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c
bottles by all leading drug&tg.
� �
AAV reliable d" ist who may not
� 1
have it on hauff WiR rocure it
I .
promptly for any one wrTo wishes
to try it. Manufactu=d only by the
. A
I �
3old 'by J. S. RoDERTs, Druggist,- Seaforth
� ,
J. Ce SMITH C0*9
I i
� I
I �
A General Banking business transacted. .
11' -
Farmers' notes discounted.
Drafts bo:aght and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits.
SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for
OFFICE -First door north of Reid &
Wilson's Hardware Store. . I
h 1
C i
't I
�. �
i I -
I A.
uncT Er a ,,imumon arr
, :
" �',
Leans caii be arrangea with my lo -
=1 agent at Seaforth.
Boots and- Shoes
Has on hand a hirge number of Boots and Shoes of his
. own make, beet material and,
Wan-amited to give, Satisfacion.
If you want your feet kept dry come and get a pMr ot
our boots, which will be sold
Repairing promptly attended to. All kinds of Boots
and Shoes made to order. All parties who have not
paid tkeir aoaounts for last year wiH plow call mid
Settle UP. -_ .,
I I Ao T'l M �TVqrV-P.R 1�aafrkrfl,
Musical : Instrument
3MM:P01E?j1-17M ,
- Scott Brothers,
Pill ANOS.-Dunham, New York; W.
B-.11 & Co., Guelph ; Dominion Piano Com-
pany, Bowmanville.
ORGANS. -W- Bell'& Co., Guelph;
Dominion Organ Company Bowmauville;
D. W. Karn & Co., Woodshok. �
The above Instruments always on hand, also a few
good second -band Pianos and Organs fet vAle at
from $26 upwards. Instrumente sWd on the inok*
ment plan, or on. terms to satt cuietomms, Vlobff4i,
Concertinas and small instirilments on havid. aha?sbmt
music, books U.
. 800TT BROS.
Leading Undertaker
Xy facilities are -unsurpassed. I Lni pre-
pLred to oonduot burials in a meet sat!&
factory manner. AH maodern undertaking
sW,ianoes Com eltantm.anaffementguar-
. antmd. 1 fullyine of 'burial gmls on
hani. I aim to be prompt, conmderate
and reliable.
SW Charges most reamnable.
� 1223
! 1'4 I
___ --------- - - _ -
� .
. steamers Saff Regularly from
� Cabin, $40 and upwards. Socond Cabla, M.
steemge at low rates.
via Londonderry, every FortaliArt-
CaWn, $40 and UPWAINU. Second Vsbto� W,
Steerage at low rates.
I Away to IEL A A. ALLAX MentilleW, Ot 0
Ngflaux,g at W. 9. DVrF, Sedorth.
. I"$.
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