The Huron Expositor, 1892-03-18, Page 7Ontario
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Mocii *18 • 1892
Difference in the Careers of the
Descendants of the Great
The second san of Dickens- was Francis
Geoffrey Dickens. And some of us who
have nailed the newspeper life of London
and Chioago and Celcutta, kcow him well -
knew him well, for one meet write the sad
past tense. Dear Frank Dickens waa born
in the year 1841 -he was the fourth child.
in hie note book tha navelist wrote : " A
plump and merry little chap, this second son
of mine."
Poor little chap!
He caught the Fleet Street fever and went
ink -mad ; hece,ught the Dahooley fever and
flashed and fleshed and blooded his sword in
India ; ho feught Louis Fie' in Canada -aye,
and ca.ptured Big Bear ; he came to Chicago
and gambled away his money in a Clark
street gambling house the died one windy,
sleety night in a grim, little Illinois town-
Moldue. There he is buried.
But his brother Henry did well; won the
eecoudscholarahip at Trinity hall at the age
of 20 and was twenty-einth wrangler in a fair
year, when the wranglers were over forty.
.He is now a suectssful barrister, with a wife
and live children.
And the daughters of Dickens t The
oldest is unmarried; the other is Mrs.
"Kitty " Perugiui, • a, deservedly well
known portrait painter, Mrs. ''Kitty's"
farne-if one must be fairly accurate -is a
wee small affeir, but then she has done
semething ; she has painted the protrait of
that baronet of baccarat, Sir Willian Gordon
Mr. Junior Charles Dickens has three
daughters. Two of them run a typewriting
eatabliehmeet off Covent Garden, the third,
Mary, is playing Email parts in a stock com-
pany touring the provinces.
No-genins is not hereditary. -Vance
Thonapeon in the Chicago Graphic.
Suppose You-
Reeeive not to sneer at the woman who
believes in God,atod the forms of her religion,
just beca,nse you cannot understand each
Resolve not to speak disparagingly of
your father and mother, and do not speak of
them aa "tbe goy." .and the old women."
Resolve to pay all your bine, especially,
the small trades people.
Reeolve not to touch the wine which
cheers if you cannot do it within reason;
you must know the shame and misery it
brine to your womankind.
Reeolve not to fight against the voice of
conscience not te strangle your goad im-
pulees, jnst to do some wrong which will
make you unhappy.
Resalve, dear maiden, to "be good, and
let who will be clever; do noble things, not
dream them all day long."
Resolve to be good, honest and true,
knowing that "all good is lovable," and I
.ani sure that the year 1892 and every other
year will be happy.
A Recent Ramble.
in April, as the world grows green apace,
the dispoeition to ramble beeomee delay
more. pronounced, and a fitting aim is to
browse among bright meadows, culling here
and there a. thought -quickening blossom and
at times chancing suddenly upon a startling
novelty that spur a our flagging faney. Tura-
ing my back upon the town to -day, the
river literally flashed into view, and, int-
periouely demanding undivided attention,
led me a willing captive. There is no feeling
of self-debaeernent in being thus held help-
less by a great natural force. If a rieer is
not sa powerful, as a whole, 43 mankind, it
is none the less a commanding feature of
the world at large, and worthy of high rank
in leadership. Though it may speak in a
foreign tengue, its orders are no: ro be mis-
understood, and obedience thereto is over
well rewarded. In such a frame, drifting in
my little boat, the river toyed with me, as
it did with the little sandpipere that played
bo-peep with the waves. What marvelous
variety crowds the little beach Where, I
eteanclecl upon a loug and narrow island,
there was gold in abundance; yet gold that
passes current only among nature's lovers.
It was only the clustered bloom of caltha
hnd the gilded spikea of orontium, but what
did thie matter? A coin would have been
lost te view here and exchengeable for
--An ounce of self-respect le worth forty
tons of fame and fireworks 1.1
-He's too happy-go-lucky by half. He
tambke to his day' e work as a teetoturn
might -perfectly hit or miss! Only a. gam-
bler, who ha a nothing to !else and everything
to pin, could tied such an accident of a man
for a helpmate.
-It's a pity he doesn't know enough,when of hie schemes is knocked out and he is
clehrly barking at an empty bole, 1;o put his
tail between his legs and sit down on it. It
would save a lot of bark, and give a chance
for freeher scents.
-So long as lautranity is imperfect, it will
be easy to piek flaws in its work. That's
the loweet grade of criticism. The genius of
criticiem conshits in knowing when and how
conch to compliment. It takes greaeness to
recognize the really great.
-Lent him some money, heb Weil, all
depends on whether you are aiming at tbe
hen or the henhawk. A few 'mail leant,
wisely piticecl, are often the hest of keys for
hiking one's door on the ineide.
-He tallie toe much and too loud to be
geoutne. The man with s. cool quarter -
million to let out doesn't need a bugle
to attract, an audience of borrowers. I fear
he's oae of Joe Cunningharn'e "vocal capi-
• taliets."
-Yon may envy your com.petitor who is
baoking better profits than you have the
wit to melte ; but you needn't fear hint. It's
the church mice that are liable to gnaw boles
in your cupboard door.
--Vanderbilt to the contrary, I'm willing
my public should instruct me. Here's a
euetorn of the trade that's as unscientific as
the English method of weights and meas-
uree. But its gee something of the same
hold on the popular mind. In this instance
I think we'll have to be content to wear
eeventetnttecentury clothes, just to be in
keeping with fashione of the nineteenth cel-
eury's ele,e,
-No, I don't know that I object to slang,
merely as euch. hlang tame are merely
tlight. Next day she went to the field to
again 1 ok at ,the bird and its 'tiny egge.
What as herldistreee to find that the cows
had be n let loose into the field. " Surely,"
she tho ght, "the little nest will be tram-
pled u on arid destroy the young." Ap-
proachhig the epot with trepidation, Mrs.
Spurge in was overjoyed to find that the nest
was un iurt ; the cows had eaten the grass
all aro ind, but as if with some divine in-
stinct had left this spot untouched. Upon
-such an incident Mrs. Spurgeon would base
a serrno as powerful in its way as those of
her hue and's. Then in her reports of the
"Book Fund," in niiseellaneous contribu-
tions t the "Sword and Trowel," Mrs.
Spurge n has shown some literary gift,
searcel lee arked than the homely taste,
the moc Iiart with which she ha a made the
inside of Westwood as beautiful as its out-
side, an its surroundings ass beautiful as to
all her husbandh adherents appears the
charact r of its mietrees.-Frederick Dolman
in the?. arch Ladies' Home Journal.
"Thai Man's a Fool, or I Am."
At a
to Mr,
Dr. B.
in regar
to one o
book, a
or two,
came in
little fu
-or I a
right th
and, sai
eception recently given in London
. N. Stearns, Secretary of the Na-
emperance Society of New York,
'. Richardson paid a tribute to the
ranee Work of America." In his
r. Stearns told the following story
to one of Dr. Richardson's tem -
books: "A local doctor, going in -
the reading rooms, took up the
d, after glancing at it for a moment
threw it down, with the remark,
aa'm a fool.' A few days after he
again, took up the hook, read on a
ther, and said, That man's a fool
.' The next time he came he read
ough to the end, then looked np,
quietly, "Well, I'm the fool after
CoTparison of Fertilisers.
An art cle on Land Plaster as a fertilizer
compare with salt and ashes, has lately
been bro ght to our notice, and is one that
should b read by all farmers. The follow-
ing is made up from tbe annual report of the
Michigarj State Board of Agriculture:
" Very cirefnl testa were made last summer
at the A ricultural College farm by Prof.
Johnson, showiog that 100 pounds of land
plaster i creased the growth of timothy and
clover ha 1,400 pounds to the acreand
that it increased the growth 240 pounds
more to he acre than did 300 pounds of
salt, thr e times -as much salt as plaster on a
correspo ding piece of grass; also, the plas-
ter inore Ised the growth 760 pounds more
per acre han did three times in weight in
a es.
brres onding plots were left without
fertilizer In thio test the plaster, aebes and
salt, w er sown in April and the hay was
cut in J ly. The grass was nearly all tim-
othy ; t e clover in the plots have been
winter illed. Other tents were made
where th fertilizers were sown in June,
which preyed exclusively that such fertiliz-
ers must be used early to get the benefit of
them, us the fertilizers sown later did not
effect n arly as much gain as where they
were so in April. It will be eeen from
these tea s that for tbe emelt outlay of about
30. C6Dta for 100 pounds of plaster, a clear
gain of I 400 pounds to the &ere may be ob-
tained. Now, 100 pounds of plaster to the
acre seeni a small amount, and if the farmer .
would u e liberally, say 300 pounds, as the
salt and ashes were used in the test above
referred to, it is believed that a greater gain
would b znade. Paris Star.
No ha
need for
of water
often di
Carry a
taken in
on getti
are two
rough b
o Bathe Without a Bath.
hrooni is required, and there is no
the ordinary large tin bath, or tubs
or any of the usual paraphernalia
cult to procure or troublesome to
out in travelling. The bath is
the bather's bedroom immediately
g out of bed, the only requirements
rdinary bed -room towels and a
th towel, the rougher the better.
the upper part of the body, leaving
s, from the loins downward, cov-
pply the rough bath towel to the
part of the body, with firm and
rapid friction, a.11 over. Take up ore of the
tle wate
avoid d
per pa,r
sing ove the shoulders arid taking these
opened- nt ends in both hande to rub the
back. 1Vring out the towel and 'pass it
again over the whole trunk for ehe drst dry,
after w
dry tow
towel uii
put on t
whole o
body. ou may open your window to get
an abundant supply of oxygeon, and you
ought to take a tumbler or two of holt
cold water, in sips, during the operation of
dretsing, after which go out into the open
air for an hour before breakfast, and you
will return with a most uncompromising ap-
petite, and thereafter go through the labors
of the day with a bouyancy, ease and elas-
ticity that will be a new and delightful ex-
towels, previously steeped in a lit -
in the basin ; press it out, so as to ,
ipping, then well rub the whole up -
of the body with the wet towel pas-
ich rub thoroughly all over with a
1. and then apply friction ith the
til the skin is in one glow, when
e flannel jacket. Then repeat th6
ration on the lower part of the
IBurdette on Ti1e.
Si working days a week: that's all you
lovely little bit of turf, quite large enough
for practical purposes. I placed ray five
shillings in my brother's 'hands, took off my
coat and waistcoat, and rolled up my sleeves
all with an apt:ma-term of cheerful alsrity,
"Now my friend," I said, " I am ready as
soon as you aro." The anxiety of the moment
was, I confese, very great ; but it decreased
as I watched the man's face express success-
ively all the enaotions of bounce, surprise,
doubt, hesitation and abject cowardice.
"No," he said, "gimme the three -and -six?
I know your tricks, both of you -I've been
done this way I'mfore 1" And so, grumbling
and swearing, he drove away." -London
School Reports.
EGMOICDTILLE,•:-The following list ehowe
the correct standing of the pupils of Eg-
mondville school for the month of February,
bseed on general proficiency, good conduct,
regularity, and punctuality : Senior fourth,
Albert Colbert, Harry Colbert, Cot tie
Rudolph, Flora Porter, Katie Purcell.
Junior' fourth, Ritchie Elliott, Harry Pur-
cell, Connie VanE,gmond, Willie Kyle.
Third claim, Duncan ' •MeMillan, Bessie
Elliott, John Starr Mary Finlayson. Senior
second, Seymore Hill, Joe Winters, Annie
Flintoff, Andrew Oakes. Junior second,
Maggie Elliott, Maud Callaghan, Sarah
Folland, Jade Collie. Part second, Willie
Martin, John Bergard, Alfred Powell, Hugh
MeKay. Part first, Percy Colbert, Eddie
Morenz, Hattie Flintoff, Lucy Brunner and
Rosie Hale.
Mts. Paringington's Half -Sister.
A certain Maine woman who has plenty of
dollars bat a very hazy idea of English or-
thography, returned from a. visit to New
York lately. Said she to a friend:
"Oh, I had such a perfectly lovely time;
everything was so convened, you know. We
stoppedt in a house where we rode up to our
room in a refrigerator, and.' alwaye had my
washing done at the foundry right there in
the house. It was awful nice. Thou there
warn't no stove and no clutter in the rooms.
There was one of these legislators right
in the floor and the heat poured right up
"How did it happen that you came back
so soon ?"
"Oh, well, yon see, Sairy didn't have no
appetite. I had the hardest work to get
her anything she could realize. Honestly,
when I got her home she was almost an in-
Perhape it was this woman's husband who
said that Hen Peters got killed this morn-
ing, and the corner has jest gone out to hold
an insect on him."
Farm Machinery.
This is good weather to test unhoused
machinery. That water that filled the
cracks and crevices of the itnplements last
week has a chance now to expand by freez-
ing. It will find the weak placeor make
Borne. A day or Bo ago we sew a traction
engine, a water ta,ok, an improved separator
and a stacker standing out when the steam
was shut off.
A True Story.
Some years ago, a young lad applied at
my ,store for a position; he was bright, and
I took a liking to him and put him to work,
he remained in my employ a number of
years, doing well and fitting himself for a
good, successful business career. When he
was about twenteetwctyears old, he had a
position as one of four salesmen, selary
$1,200 a year. After an absence of three
menthe in Europe, the writer on coming
home missed the young it slemman from the
store, on asking for him, I was informed
thee on account of some matter in which a.
young vvoxnan was iuterested, he decided to
go west. He went, our firm gave him a
good letter of recommendation, and he get
a good positien in Chicago. Three years
afterward, he again presented himself for a
position as clerk in our house. saying that
he did- not feel at home elsewhere. 11-8
took him on again to travel as salesman on
the road: he did well for four or five years
but, we noticed that he looked Ake a man
that was drinking lager beer. He admitted
that he was, but that it did not do him any
harm. He grew larger and- toon weighed
200 pounds. After which he grew to be
indolent and lazy, so we decided to aek him
to get another place. We succeeded in
securing hien a position where he would not
have to travel, at the same time advieing
him to give up his drinking habit; 1
Two year' rolled by, I met this young
man occaldenally, and he always interned
very much pleased to see me, but I yoticed
that • he still looked as though he took his
I heard that his employer did not want
him after July lat. Two weeke after, a
newspaper reporter called to enquire about
his history while with us. On asking why
we were informed that he was missing, ha,d
written his father that he would never see
him any more, and that he had written
some letters bidding his friends good-bye.
In answer to notices abont it in tbe pub-
lic press, it was discovered that his body
was found floating in the Sound, and that
he had been buried near where they found
the body. A business card was found in
the pocket of his coat, with his name as
can get unless you steal. horn ttunday, and representative of the firm printed on it.
if your basiness requires you to steal either Moral: Lager beer leads to suicide. Yeeng
time or
get into
less profi
week pot,
what oti
off and p
that's all
start eve
Isarn ho
learn it
when yo
the good
of my li
thing on
I sey, "
and As a
get abo
oney, you'd better give it up and men -beware.
mething with more honesty and
in it. What you can't finish this . News Notes.
pone until next, or forever; and -On Saturday, 5th inet., Mr. E. H.
ks out over the end of the year el.1,W Webling, of Brantford, had the niisfortime
t in the stove, writes Robert J. to fall heavily on the sidewalk opposite the
in his department "From a • New livery atable of Mesers. Hunt & Colter in
" in the March Ladies' Home that city, fracturing his leg near the
Fur sossona have passed and ankle. •
there is. You must make a fresh -Mrs. Ingersoll,helict ef the late Col.
y year. It isn't an easy matter to ' Ingersoll, registrar of Oxford County, died
ta do this, but you've got to on Friday, 27th ult., at the residence of her
ometime, either before you die or EOM, }dr. ...E. M. Ingersoll, in Brockville.
die; why not learn early and get Mrs. Ingersoll was in her 70th year, and
and the comfort of it? Every day heart failure was the cause of death.
e the evening is apt to find some- -A three-year-old sun of Mr. J. G. Irv -
my programme that I havn't- got, to. ing, of Guelph, bad the misfortune on San -
Maybe I won't do that to -morrow," -day, Gbh inst.. to fall down the cellar steps,
rule I don't. I go to sleep and for- and on being picked up it was found the
t ie. Every year closes with un- , poor little fellow's thigh was broken in two
d work on my hands, and that year places,
ends thi t work. Prn not going to drag it
along w th me into a new year. I used to
do that, so that about half the Ulna I was
workin eix weeh e ago instead of to -day„
end dra ging, wearisome business it Way.
enterprising tram pe knocking for _admisston : When y u die there will be unfinished svork
to the dictionaries.. They may have a smell I and ray led out plans on yonr hands. Then
of soil and hay About them, and the Century 4 whau a e you going to do' Take it to
'dictionary ma met, clap the door in their 1 heaven ith you and bother and drag along
feces, but those that knock hard and bong, with it here ? Not much you woo't. Well,
cuough all get in. Don't be afraid to pop a ! then, hy not learn to drop some of it here ?
:tew iota) my advertisements. I've no doubt 4 It is a emu not so easily learned, but,
they II prove pepper to the broth. ;_once le rued, it is more refreshing than a
-There's no quention about hie honesty, ! of cool milk to the lips of the man with
and jet•t as little about his business ability- the gri .
or hick of it. As a bookkeeper he ought to ; „-
know that this balance -sheet, which he ex.- 1
hilnee so cheerfully, is in reality his winclbtg ' tt
eheet. lc etory 0
-Never niind what our i•dvertising i' i mine d
eoating us. I'm sure it won't fail to show I in the
neanits- Myonly fear is that we shall fail ' getting
te make proper use of those results. It's three S thirag to lay eggs and cacle, and quite little o
another to hatch and reiee a family of eeer,
chickens. refuse
_ She dri
The Widow of Spurgeon.
Apart from her intense piety and greet berme g
e Mrs Spurgeon is a woman of some jr, Piekwick even of the fighting -attitude. ly caused by the kith of a horse.
'ery thing ! Capital! We'll have the -On Saturday, 5th inst., D. Foe and
the back garden ; my brother will Thomas iloldsworth were cuttingsome wood
, hold the stakes, and see fair play ?" for Mr. Edmiston, near Burgess Lake, a
leman not down slowly. ' I was shalt distance from Drumbo. They had
' continued the narrator, ' to dis-
-Samuel McCrea, son of Mr. Alex. Mc-
Crea, met with a painful accident a few
days ago while working at Mr. James Rey-
nolds', near Elora. The turnip pie caved in,
pertly burying him and inuring him intern-
ally. His case is a serioue one, and his re-
covery is doubtful.
-Mr. James Douglas has sold his fine
farm of 150 acres, situated about four miles
frorn Celt, to the west, to Mr. Jeenes Lake,
aleo of the same township. The price paid
was $9,500.
-On Wednesday morning of lest week
Mr. John Hillock, an employee in the Todd
Milling Co's Mills, Guelph, accidentally fell
down the stairs leadine to the basement,
The Baffled Cabman. breaking hit right leg badly near the ankle.
Vatter &sane tells the following Be had occasion to go down into the lower
a disputed cab fare: "A friend of saorey in discharge of some of his duties:
aye from Piccadilly to some place the stairs being very steep he &lipped and
suburbs outside the radius. On fell with the result mentioned.
-Last week William. Hunlyherger, aged
down, he tendered to the driver
fillings and sixpence, which was a '27, employed on the farm of J. C. Dietrich,
er the proper fare. The man, how- on the Clair road, near Galt, was found one
anted five shillings. The passenger evening lying on the floor of the stable in a
. I'd like to fight you for it,' said dying condition. Doc -tore were summoned;
er. The very thing'.' cried my but death had occurred before their arrival.
who bad never in his life put on a It was found, upon exemina:ion, that the
love teed was almost as ignorant as ribs were cruehed in over his heart, evident-
aceomplishinents. ‘-he has something of the "The
poet's faculty, and although very rarely tight i
reading any work of fiction, told her look o
friends innumerable anecdotes iftdi- The
eating the brightness of her trnaginattou. pletf;;O, split all the bloel;s hut, two or three at the
She tvill relate, for instane, how walking cover that he appeared almost as much top will their chopping axes. Mr. - Holds -
one day with her husband in their grounds affaid 49 I was niysclf, perhaps -if that worth was just epliteing and struck in his
at Norwood, she came aerials a skylark's was
neat in the thick grass, much to their de- into th
oeeible-even more. lie followed axe when Ilse walked up behind, or a Little
back garden, where there was a to one side, with one hand on his axe han-
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoriaa
dle and the other at his sick. Mr. Holds-
worth swung his axe to strike again and
caught Mr. Ifoe's hand at his side between
the lst arid 2nd fingere, and cut nearly the
three fingers and his bend slanting back to
the wrigt, nearly off.
Sheep Notes.
J. 11. Itosenkrane, who runs some 3,500
Merinos on the Republican in . northeastern
Arapahoe conney, Colerado, hes one of the
most complete feeding barns for his sheep in
Colorado. I is 32x192 feet in dimensions,
divided into 2 feeding stables 121x32 feet,
in each of which are water troughs and feed
boxes for 32 theep, A door from each of
these stalls connecte with a run or yard out-
side the barn 32x50 feet, and each of theses
are connected by gates 60 that they can be
thrown into one general run if neceesary. A
long alley or driveway extends the entire
lenth of the barn between the dual system
of feed stalls through which hay and grain
are carried to several compartment stalls.
During the coldest days of winter the ewes
with lambs and suckling ewes are housed
and fed in these comfortable quarters, and
many a Limb is thereby saved which would
otherwise perish.
• .
-A few days ago while Mr. William
Matheson, of the 8th line, Elma, was closing
his barn doors he slipped and fell, putting
his arm out of joint at the ehoulder, the
bone being forced up under his collar bone.
Dr. Rice was called, and after trying to re-
duce the dislocation, had to administer
ehloroform, when he succeeded in placing
the bone in its proper position. -Mr. Mathe-
son, who is over seventy years of age, is now
doieg well.
-English Liniment removes all
hard, soft or cant:tutted Lumps and Blemishes
from horses, Blood Spavin, Cutlet, Splints,
Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Spraine, Sore
and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eta. Save $50
by ise of one bottle. Warranted the most
wo1. derful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold
by .S. Roberts. 1237-3'2
-Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. Sold by J.S.Roberts. 1237
" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws
whith govern the operations of digestien and 'antra
tien,l and by a careful application of the fine proper-
ties of welaseleoted Coeoa. Mr. Eppe has provided
our breakfarit tables with a delicately flavoured bev-
magi which may save us many heavy doctorsbills.
It is,by the audieious use of such articles of diet that
& oonstitution may be gradnally built up until strong
enough to reeist every tendency to disease. Hun-
dreds ef subtle maladies are floating almond us ready
to attack whatever there is a weak point. We may
escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselve well
fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished
frame."-Civll Service Gazette. Made simply with
boiling water or milk. Sold only by Grocers, labelled
thus :• JAMES EPPS Sr CO., Hommepathic Chem.
ists, London, England. 1246-52
Dr. T. A. Slocum's
OIL. If ou have Catarrh Usc it. For
sale ly all druggists. 35 cents per bottle. ._
A Pleasant Herb Drink.
The hest cure we know of for constipation and
headache is the pleasant herb drink called Lane's
Irainly Medicine. It is said to be Oregon grape
root, coinbaned with eimple herbs,and is made for use
by pouring- boiling water on the dried roots and
herbs. It is remarkably efficauious in all blood dis-
orders, and is now the sov.oreign remedy with ladies
for cleaning up the eoesiplexion. Druggists sell the
parliages at 60e. and SI.
-- --Seto -
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs.
It is curing more eases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles,
than any other medicine. The peoprietor has auth-
orized any druggist to give you a Sample Bottle
Free to convince you of the merit of this groat rem-
edy. Large Bottles, 50e. and al.
Twinkle, shine, ye lovely dyes,
:Bright as stars in midnight skies ;
Ye are all of gorgeous hue,
Bright and last, eo clear and true.
Ye are Diamonds rare and clear
Jewels made thc heart to cheer ;
Herne without your light is Bad,
Ye can melte the longing glad.
thamonds pure -your glorioue rays
Bring to us such happy daye ;
Days so full of sweet content,
Home seems ricb and afll trent.
Glitt'ring, brilliant, fadeless, sarong,
Te oar people you belong ;
Ye go in at every door,
Friends alike of rich and poor.
Onward ! Forward ! Never cease
In your work of wesith and peace ;
Skew- to eager, watching eyes,
Your groat pow'r as Diamond Dyes.
FOUND -The Daerveptic'e Best Friend! " 5. D. C.
is the bast medicine for dyspepsia eeer offered to the
public." Try it. ,
A King appoirited by acicasnuition Having been
tested and proved worthy the highest place 11. D. C.
kas been acknowledged the ing of Medieines. Dvs-
popeia cured or money refunded.
ainioue-E.D.Q. is not advertised to " i.nre all the
ins that tiesb is heir to,'' but is specially- prepared for
the eine of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. Cure guaran-
teedl Try it I
Cold'i Found by the It. D. C. Company, the Dys-
peptic's Gold Mine -K. D. C. Dyspeptics invited to
test the euality. A free sample package mailed to
any addrese. K, I/. C. Company, New Olaarow,
Neve Scotia.
Consumption Cure&
An old phyeician, retired from practice, basing
hadplaced in his bands by an East India mission-
ary ,rthe formula of a simple vegetable remedy for
the apeedy and perentment cure of Consumption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and
Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for
Nervous Debility and all Nervone CoMplaints, after
having tested its wonderful curative powers in
thmisande of caves, has felt it his duty to make it
known to hie But/cane- fellows. Actuated by this
motive and & desire to relieve human suffering, I
will send free; of charge, to all who desire it, this
recipe, in German, French or English, with full
direatione for preparing and using. Scat by inail
by addressing witstamp, naming Una Paper, W.
A. NOSEe, 820 Power's Block, Rotheser, N. Y.
When Baby wee sick, we gave her Castoria.
119 -hen she was a Cbild, nhe cried for Castoria.
*hen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
‘Phen she bad Children, eho gave them Casio ria
Monthly Prizes for Boys and
Thc " Sunlight " Soap Go.,Toronto, offer the f 01-
loaring prime every month til further notice, to boys
and irlsnnder4, residing in the Province ef On-
tario, who send the greatest member of " Sunlight
**were: 1st, ; 2nd, $6 • 8r8, $8; ttli, 81 ; Sth
bolidth, a Hantitionie Book ; and a pretty piebure to
thOse who send not less than 12 wrappers. Send
wi,appers to " Sunlight" Soap Ofliee, 43 Scott St.,
Toronto, not later than 2Dth of each month, and
marked " Competition;" oleo give fall name, ad -
drew, age, and number of wrappers. Winners'
names will be pablished in the Toronto Mail on firet
8 turday in each mouth. 1215•r)2
Oh, What a Cough
Will you heed the warning The Pig -nal perhaps of
tie sure approath of that more terrible disease Con-
eumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the
sake of sayina tace, to run the rick and do nothing
for it. We know from experienee that Shi: oh's Cure
w 11 aura yeur tough. It neer faile. 126e-52
Drunkenness -Liquor Habit -In
all the World there is but one
Cure --Dr. Haines' Golden
lt can be ga en in a cup of. tea sr coeee without
the knowledge: of the peraori 4akirej it, effeotin,7 a
speedy and penanent cuie, whether the patient is a
moderate drinker or an alcobo!ie •.s rec)(. Thousands
of drunkards have bei n cured who have taken the
Golden Specific in their coffee without their know-
and to:-dby believe they quit drinking of their
Children*Cry for Pitcher's CastorEa.
'own free will, No harmful effect results from their
administration. Cures guaranteed. Send for eir.
eular for full particulars. Address in conliden0e,
Gothria Co., 185 .11.4._.1co StreA, Cincinnati,
Ohio. 1260 52 -
Soma symptoms cif Worms are: Fever, colic,
sysarrivap.blei a.ppetite, restiesenese, weakness and eon-
vulsioris. The unfailing remedy is De; r. LowWorm
As ra Pick -Me -Up after exceseive - exertion or ex-
posurei Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine is gratend
and ocauforting.
11940, -----
Tourists, ,
Whether on pleasure bent or business, should take on
every tit) a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts mot
pleasantly and effectually..on the kidneys, liver: and
bowels,ipreventing fevers,headaches and cther tones
of eickatiss. For sale in 76c. bottles by all leading
. ,
In m endorsement of Anti -Dandruff I can say
Dorsett; ng that I never could before, which is thet
this pr peseta:in is a perfeet remover of Dandruff not
only in thealrat stages brit even where the plague hies
beconeelehronie and has merged itself into a disease.
Year of. experience as a hair -dresser, during which
'lime I have experimented with every reeexurnended
preparation, not on* has (nor I slight say, even all
ipuut together) given the satisfaction that Anbi-Dand-
It positively removes Dandruff. It stops falling of
the hair. It (Kink; the head. It makes an elegant
hair -droning without leaving a trace of its use. I use
it daily in my hair•dressing place, at Bahnoral Hotel,
and have vet to find the first customer who was not
pleased with it.
Proprietor barber shop Bahuoral Hotel, Montreal,
Praia/ice of Quebec.
inectiee or Torpid Liver must be aroused and
all bed bile removed. Burdock Pills aire beet for
old or yelling.
For Nettle Rath, Surnnxer Heat and general toilet
purpose, nae Low's Sulphur Soap.
Movrarata, Augnert 4th, 1891.
It is a pleathre for me to say good words in favor of
Anti-Daadruffaas its merits cannot be qnestioned. In
my own ease, Dandruff not only made itself known
by appearance in more than liberal quantities from
which I could not obtain relief, but its oontinued
preeenee and increasing formation caused falling of
the hair. My barber spoke highly of Anti -Dandruff.
I used it, and not only has every trace of Dandruff
disappeared but the falling of the hair has stopped.
Having hall faith in the preparation I not only en-
doree A for the above but, further add that as a fine
damming for tbe hair nottaleg equals it.
L. WORKMAN, Clothier,
1909 Notre.Darbe Street, Montreal, P. Q.
Ho! For Manitoba.
A first-olass farm for sale in the garden of Manito-
bo, Turtle Mountain, being' the North Half, Section
Township 2, Range fel, Weet, 316 acres JO. all ; 46
mate gammerfallow ; 45 new land, all :ready for the
drill. Also SO acres stubble; 100 acres fenced with
wire, balance prairie, except five acres scrub. Frame
house 16x22, kitchen 12x22, stone milk house 12x14,
two miles from school, five miles from a good market.
A never -failing stream of first -den water. Price,
83,600 ; $1,0410;clown, balance to suit purchaser at 8
per oent. Farm worth a4,000. Stabling for 50 head.
For Nether particulars apply to ISAAC WINTER,J a.,
Whitewater Manitoba. 1262-12
• -•••I.
• -alb
X130100 30 NOM
John S. Porter's
Undertaking and Furni-
ture Emporium,
Funerals furnished on the shortest notice
and satisfactioregu i anteed. A large went-
ment of Caikets, Coffine and Shroude, &ca,
iodalways on head of tho beat quality. The best 1
f Embalming Final aeed free of charge and i
pricer; the lowest. Fine 'lessee.
S. T. HOLl'ilES, Funeral Director. Resi- ,
ence --; GODER/CH STREET, directly cp- :
posite the Ilethodiet churth in the house ,
formerly occupied by Dr. Scott.
Steam Boiler Works,
Chrystal & Black,
_Brea/cif?j i'i'
sn't needed -with the Bal
:orset. It's easy from th(
,tart. Coils of tiny win
.prings in the sides make
,o. Try it, and you'll like it
If you don't, after a fev
veeks' wear, just return ii
Inc -I get your money.
THESE Comers.
$1,000 REWA RD
For any machine that will do as great a relive of
work, andt do it as easily and as well, as can be done
on the
Davis Vertical Feed Sewing
This oiler bas been before the public for the past ten
years. It has not been claimed, proving that the
Davis Vertical Feed is THE BEST ON EARTH.
Agricultural Implements.
Steam Cutters, Grain Crushers, Horse Powers and
Ensilage Cotters, two style Root Pulpers, Pulpers
and Slicers combined. Those machines are from the
beet makers in Canada. A full line of PLOWS,
fifteen different styles. The Oliatham, Bain and
Adams Wagons.
Fine Carriages, Top Buggies, Phaetons, Glad -
stones, Rensiogtone, Mikados, and all funds of
Fancy Rigs, and a spatial line of Road Carts, includ-
ing the famous Daisy Hill, manufactured at Gan-
anoque. Also a full line of
Come and get one of those champion washers on
a arionth'e trial, and save your wife's back from being
'Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale
All kinds of PLOW CASTINGS and REPAIRS for
all the different kinds of plows that are in the
market always on hand at O. C. Willeonar Imeaement
Goma NOR'rn-.
Winntiam• •
GOING eotern-
, Grey and Bruce.
3.00,r. se 0.31 red. 8.45 P.N.
3.16 9.46 9.35
8.30 10.03 10,00
3.40 10.10 11.10
Paesenger. Mixed.
6.30 A.m.11.10 A. n. 7.36 fem.
6.39 11.29 8.05
0.5a 11.52 8.56
7.05 12.07 9.81
London, Huron .and
Oonie Norm -
London, depart
Holgvave '
Witigham arrivo
Gonsa -Bourn-
Whighani, depart
Kippen- ..... .
- Bengali
9.16 1102
9.28 6.14
9.34 6.21
9.42 6.80
10.00 6.50
10.19 1.08
10.28 1.17
10.42 7.81
11.00 7.65
6.45A.a. 3.20e.m.
7.00 8.45
7.14 4.20
7.22 4.5R
7.55 4.60
8.15 5.09
8.24 5.17
8.82 6.24
8,50 5.68
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton dation as
Goinci WEer-
Passenger ..
Mixed Train..
Mixed Train.. -....
Genre newt -
Mixed Trani_ ........
Freight Train......
1.07 r.
9.16 P. It.
0.20.L. N.
6.20r. re.
7.59 A. a.
2.65 r. u.
4.25?, M.
9.32 r. n.
7.09 r.x.
7.48 A. er.
2.36 r.
6.00 P. n.
3.30P. It
This GREAT COUGH CURE, this; suc-
cessful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without
p2.rallel in the history of medicine. All
druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos-
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can
Fuccessfully stand. If you have a Cough,
Sore Throat, or Bronchitis,use it, for it will
cure- you. If your child has the Croup, or
Whocping Cough, use it promptly, -and relief
is sure. -If you dread thaf insidious disease
.CONSUMPTION, don' e fail to use it, it will
care you 07 cost nothing. Ask your Drug
gist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price zo Cts.,
50 015. rola $1.00.
Where are you going with yonr next
grist. Remember we are giving from 1
38 to 40 lbs.
Of Flour to the bushel for good
At the lowest living prices.
Dealers and others buying in
quantities, it will pay you to call and
see us before purchasing.
Remember the place, Seaforth
Roller Mills; formerly known as the
i Red 'Mill.
Manufacturers of all kinds' of Stationary :
Marine, Upright St- Tubular
Salt Pans, Smoke Ste,cks, Sheet Irer Works, :
etc- etc.
Also dealersan lapright Lad Hcrizoritai Slide Valve
Enginet. Aut6matic Cut-refi Engines a specialty. AR 1
&lea of pipe Laid pipeefitting oonstantly ou hand. '
Eetine4es fuenished on short notice
Works -Opposite 0. T. It. t -nation, Gaderich.
- ,
W. H. CODE & Co.
Pumps, Pumps.
s_ 71V -M1...8171,
Who is well and favorably known to the people of
Seslortb ' and vioinity, has purchasedrens XeSSTS.
Cleft at Bennett their pump making Liness and
ine,ohinery, and is now prepared to furnish the best
and Most improved kinds of Wooden Pumps, gear-
anteed to give good satisfaction and on reasonable
terms i He also makes Cisterns and tanks of an
kinds;i Give him a trial. Ho will always be found
at Clefff az Bennett's factory, North Maio Street, Sea
forth. Communications by mail promptly answered,
and ogtirriates furnished.
J. S. WELSH, Seeforth.
125a -la
Contains no Alum, Ammonia, Lime,
Phosphates, or any Lefuriaate
E. W. GILLETT. Teionto, Onto. .
The undersigned has on hand at his yard', near
Zurich, any quantity of first-class Building 13rielea,
also a lot of Draining Tiles -t inches, 6 melees, 22,
inches -and 2 inches, all of the -Very best quality, and
Beg to inforrn the people of Seatorth and vicinity that
they have started the Butchering bneiness on Main
Street, Seaforth, in the shop fornaerly oecupied be -
Mr. George Ewing, and will be glad to serve all who
may call on them, with lresh meat of all kinds. They
both have a practical knowledge of the businees au&
guarantee a good artiole and prompt attention tomes-
Orders solicited and meat delivered in any part
ef the town.
1239 tf. JONES ft McCUAIG.
When I say I cure I do not moan raetely to stop them
for a tine and then have theta retarn again, 1 mean a
radical cure. I have Mae the &seem of YIPS:, xterean
SY or FALLMIG SIGNIZESre•loesg otody. I warrant
nw remedy to cure tbe WOCA es. Beeauge otters hese
felled Vs no reason for not no seething a core. Sand ak
once for a treatise and a Free ZoMe of my infallible
remedff. Give RKPILESS and ltoszosincs.
The .bore mills have now been thoroughly reknit
upon the complete
The 1•1111 and Store/mum Buildinge have bean
greatly enlarged, and new msehinery applied
Flour Dressing Machines
From the hest Manufacturing Finns have been pot
In, end everything necessary added to enable her to
turn out flour
In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving grain
from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also
been extensively impreved. Grain can DOW lee taken
from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into
care at the rate of 700 buthele per hour, by the
work of two mon.
Has been put in, and the neeoesary machinery for
handling chop and coarse grains.
A good shod has been erected, so that wagons can
be unloaded and reloaded ander cover.
Promptly attended to, end
c-crsirom M'MMID
Chopped satisfactorily and without dthat.
I And militia& of
Constantly on hand,
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
for any Quantity of Wheat.
Only firet-clase and obliging men will be kept to
attend °Detainers. The liberal patzonge of farm-
ers and general trade respectfully eolioited.
Always Ready to Serve the IPublic
by Giving Good Flour.
Begs to inform his friends and the public that he is
again able to give his perzonal attention to business,
and having engaged Mr. John B. Austin, a thor-
oughly competelit,practicalmiller,be is preparedto do
On the shortest notice, and moat reaeonable terms
to all who may call.
ir Satialaction guaranteed every time. A
trial Solicited.
laTER:CE -nnA-ss are a new dir-
etrvery that cure the woretimeei of
Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor and
Felling Manbood; restorer] the
weakness of body or mind ceased
by ovor-work, or the errors or ea -
ceases of Tenth. This Remedy ob-
eolettely C111.0.3 the most ohstinate3 eases when all other
TREATIA.Erms have failed even to relieve. Sold by drug-
giete atal per package, or six for ra or sent by ratva on
receipt of price by addressing THE JAISIT.8' MEDICINE
GO., Montreal, P. Q. Write for nananidet.. Sold in -
For sale by J. S. ROBERTS, druggitt, Seatorth.
Banking - House,
(In connection with the Bank et Mottleal.)
LOGAN & 00.0
To the Commerelal Hotel lhailding, Mabi Street
A General Banking Business done, drafts Maus and
cashed. Interest allowed on deposits.
On geod, notes or mortgages.
1 ROBERT LOGAN, Tillaimarr,