HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-03-18, Page 1wit � � � i . . I - — - - � I . - - - . - - % I . ! � . . I . I . ! " . . - . b - I . - . � vhi�, - .—;i,,, . 1 . . + rid - , - - - ,1 ',��al� - . I � ,=� .�__�� � � � - .Ah, Ah� - 1:7_�;� � - A " - 471 - I - - - - - .Ak, — - , ___ .------------ � - TWBNTY-THIRD YEAR. I , W]ErOLE NUMBBR 1,266. ----.---. _ � � ____ - i I ; MCLEAN BRO& PublIshers. SEAFORTHo FRIDAY, MARCH 18,11892, . I �_� : 1 $1.50 a Year, in Advaum __ - - - --- I ___ i I I . � and swiftness. It is not always a colb of a per bushel more for his barley than it was . furiously. The writhing victim's cries midst iw�thout some testimony of the bene- � an temperance lin, ii� It should have been death having evidently resulted fi,am suffo. I ; -, Does few months that you have to handle but worth, Mr. Heys' states that in 1889 he I brought out his, wife, who hurriedly pro- fit he hiLs been to the town, tendered him ! where it in to -day seventy-five years ago. cation, Deceasedf who wz� about 60 years I frequently -a yearling. I have lit-1ped to st,ld 300 bn9bols of six -rowed that did not I cured a quilt, which she endeavored to the supper and presented him with an ad- If the Christian voters of - Kingston acted as of age and one of the largest. property own- , brand more than one, such. The next step average over 40 cents and adds, this was be- I throw about her husband, but he sternly dress and a handsome easy chair. I � they should there would not be a saloon or sirs in the city, leaves a widow, two daugh- i Your L r.'John Blewett, one of the oldest place, to sell liquor in � this snug city. is to halter break the little' fellow. This fore there was any McKinley Bill. I find warned her to keep away lest .she also —M , He tere and two sons. The building wait gut- ' requires all the address, skill and patience a that during September 1889 the McKinley should be burned, and when she continued merchan�@ in Nipanee, died suddenly last declarecl that the temperance people need ted, and only a few articles were saved . man can bring to bear. The instrument Bill was being discussed, and Canadian to approach him he fought her off, and Frid y evening. Deceased was around all i expect �othing from either political parties, from Lit. Boy - used is the ever-present lariat. The colt is buyers not knowing the day nor the houi it finally ran away until, exhausted, he fell tbat&day in his usual health, 1 The question was simply a play toy amcmg —Mr. Alexander Robertson., of concession first roped and not infrequt-atly has to be . would become law, took the precaution to down, and after a few momenta of most ex- —A bqrglar st6le.some scent from a To- them. I 1, Welles4ey, has ishipped his Clydesdale I choked down before be will Itsm that he buy barley on the . basis of 30 centis duty. cruciating agony death relieved him. The ronto drug store the other morning and a —At �t Augustin, Portneuf. Quebec, the stallion, Earl of Bopetown,,to Mw,itob&, . . Want � is captured. v- When by dint of much I The price of average barley ran about 45 body was burned to a crisp. couple of detectives hunted him down by other di�y,* & young women in the employ of —The sad news of the death of Annie, coaxing, he can be approache-11, a hackatriore cents up to the end of the year, and an till 0 the small. : ,& Mr. Wunet, mt;t with a painful accident, eldest daughter of Mrs. John O-kee, of - I � —The deposits in the Government savings . While eXamining & loaded pistol, which she Hawlisville, cast a i!udden and deep gloom. hatter is formed of the lariat and the hard- I the barley shipped across the lines previous Permanent Pastures. a eat, though,p_ot the longest part of the task, ! to the 6th of October, the day on which the To the Aditor of Tur Eipoarroz: banks in February were $225,482, with- , found in & drawer, it accidentally die- over that village on Tuead-sy afternoon, last drawals $V,1,552. and balance to credit of charged' the ball pap,sing through her baud week. Annie had been a s,jffo!r6r frum con� . is Pniahed. The colt 45con findu that the I bill became law, shippers cleared from 2D ' t I I Sm, -I frequently receive letters, asking depositors $16,00.825. . and narkowly missing a man who happened sumption for some timi- pas L�_ She will be Hat ? , � hackamore halter i -i there to ,�t.ay and bye I cents to, 25 cents per bushel. Buyers made whether it would be a paying investment to -Mr. M. H. Poterson, of Colborne, who : to be in'the room at the time. sadly missed, ,ae she w s .uch a universal and -bye allows bin -self to be led about and no mistake that time, but they all made a I � . - tied up. He never forgets this part of his I fearftrl mistake thts fall when they allowed turn arable land into permanent paatures, represefits ai Livetpool fruit firm, has ship- -The large saw and stave mil), owned favorite. Her funeral wi Frii;ay wes large - L education but always afterwards will stand themselves to be carried- away with the and if so, which grasses a hould be used for pod abotit 70,000 barrels of apples from On- and ope�lated by George Vt itch, of Clifford, ly attended. The bert-avea farcily h-AVe the � . motionlets ad soon as a rope Ulls over his I glowing accounts in, the Tory press of the the purpose. A letter, therefore, on th"' tario this season. togetbeo with .about 10D.000 staves, was heartfelt sympathy of the entire comniunity. Just now we are sellin-, a Boys' subject may prove opportune at this season t5 neck. I unlimited demand, and the high prices ob- of the year. . -Ex-Mayor James E, Smith, of Toronto totally Oestroyed by fire at an early hour -James Wilson, grandson of William 'O c ; The Mexicans break their horses at two 1 tainable for two -rowed in the English mar- I desire to as at the out8et that perm di6d at his residence on Wellesley street in lust Friday morning. The fire in supposed Wilson, Durham, wag coa-t-ting on thtEl crust School Hat at 10 J. whicli knocks out years, but Americans generally bet them run ket. Fartners who sold at 55 cents have i y a" that city on Wednesday zri:irnizig, Oth inst., to have 6riginated in the engine room. Loss, of the snow near his hotrie (in a sleigh drawn I Dent pastures are Lot likely to oc: I till they are -three and sometimes four. ; had by far the befib of the bargain. Mr. cuPy so aged 61. $6.000;! insured in the Gore Mutual for by a dog on Friday lam, � The dog endex-r- all bargmins. The supply being Very often only the horse colts are broken I Hays thinks two -rowed would sell higher if prominent a place in our agriculture rela- -a-Misa M2,r Jackson, a young lady well- $2,500. . . . ored to pass a team aden with ice and , - - but most people break their mare.&, even if 1 there was more of it. Dealers don't think tively as they do in that of Great Britain- known titroUotit the Brandon district, -A curious discovery has been made, In turned into the traek in front of the horses . lim-ked we advise yt-itt to come or send f - I In the first place, our easors are too dry. Mani toba I they do not iptend to use them for draught , so ; one buyer not far from Seaforth who a," 1, has entered suit against Robert the survey of the w�sturn bounds,ry of the a little too a(�on. The front foot of one of . purposes. Ib is very eel lom that mares are 1 holds 6,000 bushels would feel much better In tho mouths of July and August &ad Noill, & I prominent Manitoba farmer, for Vancouvet Island railway beit, of craters in the animals was planted on' the buy's head I I your bey at once and secure a hat for is be- sometimes in September, the weather "' of- broach of promiFe, the limestone formation. They are cireu- and his bodylimmediately afterwuTdb kicked used for mddlie purposes' When breaking if Mr. Hays had the whole of it. It teritimes so dry that Lucerne even grows but , 10c. They won't last long at time comes, then is the t u*g of war. With ing clHered to day at 42 cents to 43 cents. shyly. In Great Britain, during the same . --Johr� Crosby, of Caistor township, ia in lar in foim,'and from twenty five to fifty out of the track by the frightened borse. "I t St, Catharines, charged with break- feet in diameter at the top, and affoid Twelve pieces of borie were rtmoved from thig few exceptiops horses raised on the range This shows how 11 innocent buyers" have months, they too often have a super-abun- �"`i a ' buck when fint saddled up and a bucking suffered from the "fraud," -but depend upon I into Wil;iam Ridge'a barn in- Binbrook and mute evidences of a long past subterraneun the brain, but he cannot recover, I I price. I I bronaho is a sort of combination of toruddo, it, they will not make such a mistake un- dance of moisture. ,, In the second place,our st�oaling �O or 60 bushels of wbeut. activity � -A farmer named Wilkinson, residing in wintem are too cold-'; Because of the inten- �-Mr. C. Love, the newly -appointed m- -Jacli MaeGachen, the 9 year-bld son of Carlisle, came to Aberbuyle the other day whirlwind and greased lightning A roll is other s8ason. If farmers will Eow barley, sity of the frost, many grasses of much 'Ven's Hats are the newest tied on the fr4nt of the saddle, which makes I by all ma&us atick to the tix-rowed. It is sistant superintendent of the MmoseywHarris A. F. D� MaeG,ehen, manager of the Bank and went to the house of Is,ac Kidd to in- , Our - the seat firmer and safer, the ci ch I the kind that is wanted for malting on this value in'Great Britain caunc,t withstand- the works, was presented with a handsome clock of Montreal,* Lindsay, while engaged in a quire after his wifei who bad ,left nis house a " a Oonti cold of our winters, and consequently they and address before leaving Brantford for game with several of his playmates the (.ther three weeks or a month prev �oui­ty. The story examined to see that they are all a -mad a2d nent. Witether the sample is light or perish. And, in the third place, we happily . � - -_ - shapes and styles in the trade,our own & bucking strap is buckled through the I heavy, �right or dark in color. it is apt to do not require them Fio much its . the peo-pl-e - Toronto. - � day, received an injury from one of them in goes that the missing wt,mau %as found in . �-A youn� man named Fred Foster, an the st ch. luflummationi at in anti, de- the house, and a quarrel eiisu+d, in which, ca.ritle, givi,n� a good hold for one hand, compare favorably with any rai8ed in the of Great Britain, aff we have a silage and , 0 a siciaus, death Wilkinson got the warst of it. De was impartatiom, and start in prioe at 21'5c though it is a point of honor with the regu- same .season any wh�re on the conthient. fodder crop in In8ian c m en�ploye of Noxon Brothers. Ingersoll, met spite t4aefforts ot several pby nd outside the door with a large gash lar brouoho� "buster" not to - touch Whereas two -rowed, if heavy enough is upt with a serious accident on Monday of last rasulted� . fou to $5.00. 1 value than anythii[ig which they can grow I ' - leather." The colt to he brokou is roped to be dark in color and if bright is sure to week by which he lost the use of his right 1 -There was a chopping bee on the faral above the temple. Neiglib,irs 6int w .bix for these purposes, Yet it would not �bl hand for life. �of Mr. �hos. Amos, Pualinch, Wellington assistance and conveVed him away. , It i itnd led outside and after some inanipuls- be light in weight In either case it is only prudent to bay that we have no place for is ,in, ,,,n,,,,,, to have a bridle and saddle fit for feed in the Eugli.sh -market, and comes I -An explorer.named Banaon has brought .'County,l on Friday last week. The neigh- said that Kidd adminis ered the blow with I - New stapes and colors in Soft Cru8h blanket placed on his back. Then, while into competition with all the poor barley, permanent pastures laid down upon the into Rat Por'tage� samples of gold discovered 'bore turoed out in -good fi,rce and cut be- an axe handle. � European plan. Many farmers may find it ritiar there, which have met the town wild 1ween 2 and 30 cords While cutting one, -Jos6ph Eager wasu p for trial at Toron- fine holds thp rope, another takes up the and all the cheap corn that is ruised on the to th,,if advantage to keep a certain field in , Hats at 50e, 75c. and $1. saddle and V . laces it, quickly but gertly and face of the earth. The first years of plent . th exc4ement.; Exports say the samples of thete,ecs a flying �quirrel was found in to laer week. . The charge upoo which he 7 ' . y pasture for a term. of years in succession. In iw,�dicata at least $25,000 to the ton. the top lof it. Thete isquirreli are so&rce was convicted this tim, wl,a one of highway I I without b1tister, on the Raddle bbbuket, in Europe will show jubt how much it is these instances, mixed gresses, if properly ' I A return from Mr. Mackenzie Bowell now, &no some of the old settle . We beat the wGrld on 11 a to- Its a There is a pause till the pony gets accustom- worth to the Ou&irio f4rmer. !- I rs say they robbery on Mr. J. B. Ca, 1;1e. R ,9t ­r and ' , selected, will give more pasture than can be shows that bet%teen January, 1890, and have n4 seen them"for ue&rly 2D years. two tither men, who haw to, f -,r ejuded the I . � ed to this new instrument, then the front I thotfg�t Sir John, years before his deaAb, obtaiucil where not more than two or three j nel 1891, there arrived 2,637 Cbinepe in -Ab4ut four monthsago Philip Wiffitm, dpt�utives, knocked Mr. CbLrlile down and . pleasure to have you come and see cinch is, in; the eame dexterous tna,nner, demonst� ated ' to every Tory in the country varieties are grown. fastened up; then the back cinch i,j pulled that the Canadian farmers paid the duty, C nads, on whorn A taX SMOUDtiDg 10 $1311- .& well-k�own resident of Norwich, isuddi-My rohbed him one night dui ing the month of � linder, the l4dego strap is run through the If Mr. Days had a car of first-olas3 barle The value of permauent pastures in this 810 was collected. And my.�teriouifly kat his voice in the course F, bruary, behind St. P -trick's market, our goods. . y ccuntry will depend almost entirely on the -The Canadian Pacific Land Department, of & term of sickbess, and from that time to, Toronto. Eager was fouDd guilty by the .1 ring of the cinch and the ring of the saddle Ani coul I ship it to Buffalo by some under- nature of the soil and the selection of the ' 7 ' �" Winnipeg, sold $100,000 worth of land dur- -the othe�r day hi,i. titm(,3t efforts in the talk - jary, anainviewaf-the extenhive list of i the,requisitenumberof times. The *per- ground railroad without paying the duty, it grasses to be tjowo. The 8oil should be a � , � � ing Febrnary. nearly all to actusl settlers jng line buly amounted to a whi-per. On previous convictions agait-st the prisoner, � ator takes its extreme end, att%nds back as would net hirn fully 80 cents according to ,oam ich in humus, and well d from Oniario and Dakota. The salts for ',that day 'however. while waiting at the Vie judge sentenced hiin to 10 years in the I . - r rained, Dat- ., - far is possible, gives the m,An holding the this day's market. It is time enough to ,urally' or otherwise, that is to say, it fabould !4arch aOerage thus far 1,000 acres per day. , Woods4ck station for a train his voilte Kingston penitentiary, ., rope notice to look out &ad gives a long firm dr&w comparisona bet -seen the English and bo soil which is naturally well adapted to , -The 1 Winnipeg Board of Trade will was restored to him as suddenly as it was -Berij,imin Bell, -J. P., one of the most I . pu It , Just There the fun generaOly com- the American markets when both are the growth of grasses. On dry, gravelly : I � I ' ' The - Famous - 11afterii. - Seafortk mence.,4, butafter two or three bucks the equilly free. The one Is 3,500 miles away; soils, very stiff clays, or on light Fands, it erect a handsome building in whieb will bar lost. I highly esteemed ciliz- na of St. George, is - . I b. c,ncho quidta down and all-, w3 - him-ielf to the Qther-at our very Ooor. Thismakesfar would be a great mistake to try to grow co:ocentr�ted ail the grain business, financial -It Is remarked by the Fort William dead. 'He had beeti a rek,ident of St. George I . he approached' again. Then- the ladego more'differenoe in f&v6r of the near market mixed graszes in the permanent form. The it.Aitutio�ns and Other Manitoba cominereW Journal!tbst the tide of h emigration to the for the last half century, and.w-s the head . interests.' I great wheat garden of t a world has again of the well-known firm of B. Bell & Son, COLORADO SKETCHES. strap is firmly secured, the reins tied to the than farmers have any idea of. This fall, returns would certainly be AisappoiDUDg,118 horu of the saddle and the colt given h is Ontario'having produced the bent crops, and -The Dominion has at prevent a total baizun 0 flow. Recently five trains, each agricultural impleninut mantif,seturers, f4- ' ' -1 head and even encouraged to buck zill he is the finest sample of wheat. silo ever raised, such lands are not well adapted naturally to . Indian population of 121,633, of which ,.with a passenger carriage and from fifteen mous in Causda, the United Statt-s and [Written for the Eftpmvon. ] the growth of gransts. On the stiff clays Zi,195 aria in Manitoba and the Northwest, , to eighteen car loads of stock and househnld foreign countries Deceased was born ia a little tired. Tben the -buster" ap exporters sol,1 cargoes Md cargoe.i of white the results would be more satisfactory than 3,5,202 izi British Columbia, and 17,915 in effects, psesed through Fort William. The the Township of Grimaby, Ontario, in 1810. XURNENG .117110OC-130RUS.- , pro&ches, uuties the lines, gathers them in and red fall wheat to a.rrive, a"t bigb prices, on the lighb lands, after the seeds had got a . LnTER NO. X. his left hand, at the same time h?lding the but it takes two months from the time grain start. - Ontario. emigrants were principally Ontario farmez-a, He was a man whose repuLation for honest .- Mies. Annis McCormack, formerly than whom a better clans of settlers it would and straightforward dem,lingfi, with his pa,- . ch . eck of the bridle, puts his foot in the is sold until it arrives. This year the price The following is the list of grasses and oas stirrup and swings into the saddle before having fallen 5 cents to 10 cents in the ma-tron of the Children's Convalescent be hard to find. t, one was thoroughly established. His I There are different mvthods of managing , EreRn- clovers that I would recommend in laying Home at Ottawa, was found dead in her -Mr. Thomas Lynch, -the first male child as a public-spirited citizen is deeply deolored. a horae ranch in theweit' W There aro the the bronoho knows what I �,"s happen- time, cargoes ond cargoes were refused on down a permanent pasture in Canada, and nor hotel there on Satur- born in Guelph, cnet with an'secident on -A young man named John Fitrairrimone, big Companies, raiaiDg a particular grade or ad. He just stays with him' tiff' --he is so their arrival on one pretext or another. r Oin at the Wind I . I breed of burst:3L %rho tired he is entirely docile and the first If -own The white was not white enifugh, the red also the respective -amounts of the seeds Of d last.; � - , Tuesday evening of last week, It appears residing in Warkworth, while sufferbig from I I never a-li-ow any of each to nee: a On aDd after Tuesday, the 15th inat., : that he , was chopping wood when the axe delirium tremeus, attt,mpted to commit sui- their horaes to rub ouwide , f the ),ome is ended. The same process is gone'through not red enough, and in many instances ex- Timoth .. .... 1. 2 lba. - I I ranch,, but conduct their busia, a- just .hour day after day till the 0019 learn@ to steer, to Earters had bo stand the losses.' English 16, * ...... evil service employee will have to pay I got caught in &clothes tine, which was sus- cide on Wednesday of last week. He tried I , . Orchar rasa ...... , . , 3 " p Dbtage 9n private correspODdenes, Lad per- pended above his head, which.caused it to to buy some strychnine but, failing in this, like an eastern &took farmer oi,ly on a larger go when he, is told and to stop -when he is uyers are noted for being the greatest Meadow Foxtail .... . .... 2 lid . u ' fter from three to ton days of sons sending letterh to members of the fall from his hands. In alighting the bladr he attempted to swallow a twenty-five cent UoAle'L Bitt this is a growto of a In -ter d.te, pulled I kickerh on the face of the earth, and will Meadow Fescue .. .. ..._ 3 " instrument struck Ur. Linch on the pluce. A tns-,n standing neiLr grabbed higt I ' . so, I will deal with the Od, an4 to Rv,tern- this wort. a �Iorse iB considered broken. If stand no 1,,s,ex they can get out of by book Tall Oat Grass ...... ...... 3 66 a irvice at Ottawa Must LISO PAY. of the � L I Is jag it be desire& he is then broken to harne*a by or by crook. If t is bad with wheat it would Lu,,erne ...... ...... ...... 4 It - 7 a at and prevented him from &c- ars mot in the buvint wi, more intt�rerfti i An employe named Do�agh in S,esigrist forehead, just above the eye, inflicting an by the tbro , way. Probably the litst way to go t the beiug PuS;1 in with an -old, ateady horse and be worse with barley. Alsike Clover,. ....... 2 44 wmill . at Colpoy's Bey, �rpy county, got ugly gash. c,,mplishing his design. Finaliyhe tried to , ht In't a shol ro driven till h� gets used to it. L would like Mr.. Hays points with pri ttle - White or Dutoh­6iO*Ver .... I lb. 'walet and bad his right leg broken in three .onFri4y*flaat,%eek. Thedeeessed *a- histhrost. Aftersome trouble a doctor most into, the smallest b.pmce is to begiu with . do to the 'ea 1� u h - 'ting on-, Tuesday of lost -M i Levi Montross died in St. Thomas swallow a harness buckle, which* stuck in I the colt and follow its htit,ry. We h,,-ppen to describe �he prouess of bucking but it is trade.' . There is very 4ttle to be proud Yellow Clover or Tr'efoil .... I 11 I I I '4th year. She leaves besides her succeeded In dislodging the buckle, and the to be In. the store one aftrrummi when an- utterly impossible. - I have experionood , it about ,In it. Before the export trade to -, . li.aces. � in her 7 on a bare -backed mule but all I know- -is Bogland began, cattle buyers were the most -Mr. Peter Chevalier, ninety years of* husband to mourn her death one daughter, vraz�.d man was put under restraint. . - other rancher comes in and vays : *1 Hatio. Total .......... 21 lbs. ge, was croasing, the Grand Trunk rail- Mrs. Thus. Wilson, of Lobo. The deceastd � . The second son of Mr. John Wright. Bob, I saw some horses of yours out on the that its head entirely diaappt arec4- its . back prosperous also, of men that could be found, Theme varieties are all hardy, and will a - Belwood, a boy about six: years old, t L road track at ,Sto I near r, irtaterday, aroAmid at the back of th turned into a camel -like hunip &n(fis was in It is only a few weeks siriao the "cattle king" Day Point, near Wind- was probably the oldest resident of St. - . ange .. . stand well the rigors of our cold winters. * kkn fe . , Black Hills no ar th,!- W.11s Lake." " Woos the air aboat half the time, the other � sor on Wednesday of last week, when he Thomaso having lived there for 60 years. while playing with an open Jac i , fell in half had a letter in the Globe atki,ting that the Some of them, as Timothy and Alsike clover, Wos struck by a passing train and fatally She was born in KiDJ?8 OFOU13ty, NOVaSeOtia, the doorway. The knife entered the fore - there, a, bay, inure with two ivaite hind f,j,;U,, being, employed' in hittiog the eorth in number of exporters were now reduced to will only last for a limited term of years. it . we � 11 Y�e-&, think there was. G ,,)d sized m4re divers placep with prodigious force and hwo than a baker's dozen. rhis is rather ,jured. : ; and st to St. Thamus in 1831, where she head, above tba right eye, to the depth of I , I Orchard grass is bunching in its habits of I -The first dolivery of wool on the Lon� has since resided. . three -fourth@ of an inch, directly intothe It, wasn't she, wit,h a kmr F brand un the left speed. The next thing I knew, I was on strisule. Men now -a -days are not apt to growth when sown thinly ; hence it is 80 d n market was made Thursday, 10th inst, -A lver .severe storm viRited Ot-aws, bi-min. His mother went to his aesistanov, il . the ground. The other boy@ wort -,to:,, help- * 'o y 4 hip?" I- Yes that's Iter." - Had she a colt?" give up a good profitable calling. The reason fur objectionable, but it furnishes a, large 'A Westminster farmer bad a shearing of early last Frids,y morning. During Thors but was unable to pull out the knife. His .11, 1*1 Yea,, think she ba i, a lit, -e, bay horse less with laughter. 3,mehow it took me why so many have quit in because they have amount of.food both early and late in the fell father also was unable and, until further &e- ke . 245 , pounds from twenty lAicester sheep, day a great quantity of wet heavy snow colt." 11 pretty good colt V' " You bet about half an hour to -find out wb&t the j 0 got cleaned out. It is even hinted that the seasod. Tall oat 'grass in a vigorous grower., nud the lot was bought by Mr. T. J, B. Cox sticking to everything. Friday moruio,g 6 mistance was got from. the hired man, it One of the nictat corits I saw on the raDge." was. I never triad to break but tine bronchd " king" himself has got hurt, and in now of proged -hardiness, and like -Orchard grass, on erms� I . wacaumake time, we tAke and, much to my joy, it didn't bu . ck, ltvbn doing missionary work for the Government _�!ivate t heavy wind arose- blowing down the he4vily could not be withdr&wn. The point of the .r ri i, , oil colo So, a.% soon, &a furnishes a good bite in the spring and &lio he FlyinF ny held a largely ladau telegraph poles, tel -phone polia and knife being very dull, . and no doubt the a zid,ev over the range, around the Black then, however, it was ticklish work, for it is at the bye -elections, with a view of earning in autumn. Meadow Fescue- is a midsum- attended .meetLug the other night at a. house electric light poles as well aA all the wires. I skull bending before parting, was the cause Hifis and up to the foot of 8 Ivor Mountain. not exactly. a comfortable sensation to feel a Government situation, which is the last mer grass, a persistent grower, and has much on Stewart street, Windsor. The sect is For &while some of the street@ were in)- of the difficulty in extracting it. that on are on the back of an animal that refuge for all failures. The best market ex- � . We see� plenty of horses, but iio�f; the bunch y power to withstand well the influences of growing rapidly in W , indoor, Eleven wo passable. The snowfall was the heavie�-t -',Df -Dr. Ktativg, one of the tilde,st and inoat, J I we are- sifter. On in the Wt-r000n a rain you can neither steer, drive nor a op unless porters struck 44t fall, when well insured. frost .zud drought. Lucerne is -a most men cartip from �Uoronto recently to join the the year. Fully nine inches fell. . respected of the members of the medical . storm comes up, it grows t ol,ler and we it is willing and that you misy be carried was at the bottom of the sea, where thong- eruistent grower, but it should not � %a Detroit qolony of disciples. -In 20 years Kingston has paid al4no-t profession in'Guelpb, died very 8udaenly in kave a nasty, urjoomf,,rtsble tide home. It over a bank or crushed againt,t an obstrue- ands were well .a rketed. Cargoes and E: Eown where the subsoil is not deep -Thomwv Gir,%rdot, Inspector of Public $100,000 to maintain tramps and loafers *111 hi.9 own.office last - Saturday night about feels mighty good to get into the house be tion any moment. , cargoes that were delivered &live wtra so and porous, and where the water table is Schools for Nor�h Essex, has inistructed his jaiI. Aid. Curtis of that city is out with a midnight, The family r(;Bidence is connect - side the fire and got a warm supper. About At the present time horses are considered battered and braised on p,.ssage that hun- not below the line of the growth of the, solicitors, Pattle6ou, Leggatt & Murphy, to scheme to make the city uncomfortable for ed with bbe office and Mrs Keating and the % week af!�er we get antither chance. This alt . nost an encumbrauce in C,dorado. The dreda and hundreds of cattle costing $75 and deepest roots. Kentucky blue grass is not enter I them other members of the fami y had retired, . y down and the m&rket is limited, $80 a head were sold at $10 -and 6'20 a piece. ction for $10,000 dam,tges against these classes. He proposes to make . time we have bettor fortune and ou in the price 'a awa ' mentioned in the list for the reason that it is P. Benaet:au's piper, L'Indepeodeut du Can- break stone with a ba'd and chain Gn their the doctor remaining in the office to answer afternoon find the butich we arm in search frei ght being o high that it, doee, - n't PSY ,to No wonder shipperm got hurt when engaged, indigenous to our soils, and in one form or . legs while subsisting on two scant meals c.,.Ils up to a late hour, &4 wats his cueiom on _ of, We find two younz coll-ts with them, ship the In b:ck East. . Mule-ra, sing P�YS in such a hmz%rdous 'business. It is imPOs- another will soon make, its way into the sida,, for libel. i - uncil applauds his effs,tt to S&turday nigbth. About midnight the, ser - take note of ull Lhe I m�efj in the bunch, much better. Of course first, cl .s -i borsea, sible for Canadian exporters of either cattle pasture I -One'day re�ently a lynx walked -into I daily. The I co what brands they k�ave, who t4,ey belong to of fancy breeding, always bring good prices the house occupied by N1. Burkholder, near I effect a remedy. Tramps would better put, vaot whose room is over the office was . . or grain to compete profitably with the I would also have it distinctly understood the Nott�wao�ga River, in the vicinity o 'Kingston on their list. . awakened by smoke ooming from below. but few ordinary ratichmen can afford to Americans. In Chicago there are scores ,of in the first place that the -quantities of the Totlienhqm, Siruccie etfuuty. fhe a n and their generhl dracriptioa a6nd then ride unwelcomf 1 -A other foolhardy aspirant for notor- She aroused the family and the alarm of fire By constant, practict, it r&DOhMaD raise this kinA. TKe Col-,rado horse 6 a railroads, including two Canadian roads, different varieties to be sown may vary Visitor waa n t y, W I iffiain J. Davis, hailing from .*,yd- was given. Upon search being ,made the homer. he L - i � a half -famished condition and 'iet acquires such a good memory that can staunch, tireless little fell iw. who ean take . ct)mpetiag with each other for freight.' It is from those given in the above list. The easily ovprpowered. I . � neyt New South Wk-lep, sailed from Eogl-nd doctor was found sitting in his chair, his describe almost evory horso hei,sees in A care of himself anywhere and 'do a lot of possible any day to buy 1,000 head of cattle, capabilities of the stil may call for this, and I -Mr. James I Curtis, a young man em- I to New York on Sunday, 6th inst., resolved head reclining to one Pide, quite dcad. The day's ride and minutely at that, perhaps a work on very little food. Very often these or one million bushels of grain and have also the wants of the particular kinds of 1 employed in Raymond's Sewing Machine to swim the rapids of Niagara River where !amp which had bei5n reating on the bible, month after- Nothine further is done with ponies are beautiful animals and not a few them all shipped the same day. Time being sr�ock to be grazed upon these pastures. And Factory, Guelph, met with a painful acci- Capt. Webb was drowned in 183. He ia de- had exploded, caused by the shortness of - the colts until winter corn, s, on When tho, are quarter or half bred and some even three money, this is a great sAvantage, besidex in the second place that there may be other u a r- b8o n a 8ent the other day, While working a eircu- scribed an a powerfu)Jy-built man, im a the wick. It wais at "first suppo4ed that whole bunch is gathered into the home quarters. When the big cattle oompl%nies there were times last as n who c ttle grasses and clovers which could with &dvau- lar saw hie right hand came in contaot with ried, 34 years of age. He will make the at- death was caused by suffocation, but upon ranch. Then the littlo fell-wo are weaaed held sway, suoh horses brought 875 00 or were carried from Chicago to Liverpool at tage be added to the list as soon as we have the instrument,, badly cutting two fingers. tempt from the Canadian side of the river, further examination by several medical men L I $80.00per bead but Pow $40.00 is a pretty $10 to SW per hf-8A less, and grain at nearly proved their capabilities ; therefore, a list of ., . f the Keewatin clad in ordinary swimming trunks. it was pronounced to be from heart disease. and halter broken. The bralidio-g is done . —John Steveife, for3man c , , in the h,orse corral. A &4-cl, s x,ut of corralp good price. I have seen bornes � old at that one-half loss frtigkt, than from Se&forth. these grasses given some yasrs hence may Lumber Corilpany, at Whitefish Bay, Mani- -Burley, in the township oi Raldimand, No damage was done by the fire. Consists of three enel surts, all. ('LpeUio�g into figure that I a�m confident would bring The larger the consignment offered fo'r ship. differ considerably from that given in this Wha, bag committed suicide by .- taking has a centenarian in the person of M r. -An accident occurred in the brats foun- each other. The first ia a largm square one $140-00 in any part of the East if thoroughly ment to the English markets by Now York paper. The value of these grasses has been on and cutti 9 his tbroat, with a razor. George B.' Hannen, who was 102 ytjwa old dry depurtment of Stevens & Burns' works, iato which a large bunch oao be driven and broken. We used a black team for light the cheaper it is carried. Freights are much proved at this station, and to some extent is from which they are out otit as wanted driving that would do their sixteen miles higher to Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Ro. The cabse was tuhat his wife deserted him this month. Mr. Hstinen is a smart, active London, on Saturday, that jeopardized the . at other places ; hence they. are - mentioned recently. . She is now living in Toronto. old mah, and* walks a mile and a half every lives of several workmen, but was fortu- The second is a circular ez,cl sure in the on a fair road at a swioging"trot without a chester, Syracuse, and all intermediate as varieties which if sown will not prove a i -John W. Charles, of 116 Robert street, d y. fie is probably the oldest Orangi-man nately not attended with very seriods cou- I . e-eatre of which its a btrong post, sunk deep word or a touo:h of the whip,mad a�trr a feed points in smaller quantit'es-8imPly becau'll delusive hope. Toronto, who was injured rmintly by fall- iia Canada. He joined No. I Lodgf, of sequences. While the molting process was iato the ground. The third is & small one. and an hour's rest would be so fuli of fire there in not the same competition to other THowAs SHAW, ing off a, car on:King 4reat w4st, is suing Brouliville, fifty years ago. He is a widower, going on a piece of damp metal w&a thrown These corralit in,sy be formed in the pot -t and it was no oti-sy je�b to hold them. sawUrn cities. If we had reciproofty or free Ontario Agricultural College, the Company for 810,000. ' Charles in in a but knows nothing of ti,e whereabouts of into the pot, and immediately there was ;ka rai,l style or of p. sw set uprigh; in a tircDch, . .- TNz WA"zaz& trade, Ontario is in a much better position Guelph, 10th March, 1892. . -T filled in. Haviag driven the bunch into th - than even the Americans themselves to sup- 0 — . � very serious condition, with but slight hopes any of 6i* children. explosion like the report of a gun. - be � Arge corra-1 (it % ould bd almo-4 impisoibl: Mr. Pringle's Reply to Mr. H&YS- ply the waste of &11 ta,stern cities. for his Feonvery. Should he die the suit -Jamles Page, of RidgetowD, was swid- m­lt,en metal, like liquid fire , was hurled in - � I Canada. I ill he oprried on by his relatives. , lowing 0 raw egg on Tuesday morning of last Nil directions, and one of the wen�a trousers � to corral- a part only of the bunch) we cut DHAR EXI-061TOB,-MY Objsct in writ,48R The great troublo with -reciprocity isi it w . � The top of a pepper I The Flynn nickel mine in Worth Hast- On Tuapday night of last week Mr. J. E. - week. � box cover hap- were barned off. A young jman named on"t an unbranded colt- and run it in -to the on the barley question, was because know lawks permanency. It is only a treaty, and as . ; - - .1 ings has been valued at $100,000. ,bampbell's drok store, in Hepworth, was pened to be dropped imto the cup containing Cook was unfortunate enough O get a small central corral, alone if we &*n manage it. you had no practical experience of the barley there is so frienflahip in trade, the chances -General elections will take -place in broken into a , he the ` Mr. Page swallowed the egg. pep quantity of the red-hot liquid down his trade, and ,thinking your comments were 4. are the two countries would get jealous of I - I 11 . A little fire has meanwhile been built and eash- open per egg cover and all. The cover lodged in tke branding iron, which looks like a poker each other and fall out about the terms * 1� together too favorable and minleading, when f� Manitoba in June, - box was afterwarks round boV back, inside his shirt. Quick 'and williag ' -The -, University of Edinburgh will and its conte tz, two promissory notes, his lary � nx. . The holes in the cover by ad- bsuds grabbed the boy and out -off two hisvy with an iroia letter on the end, he -Aad. ,lVe .Von gave your readers to expeet higher bargain. , ' , two -rowed barley than confer the degree of L. L. D., on Sir Charles gone. Mr. 6*mpbell saved his cash by mittingair to his lungs prevented Mr. Pawe dannel shirti that, he wort, while flour waa coil our rope% &od a8 the colt comes around, prices from growing Ontario will never enjoy the full measure. I - - Topper. . baving it i liberally applied to theburned -fleih. Cook whizz ! goes a lariat. If the throLW is jUe- they had ever reached from grawin the six- of all her natural advantages until she * : with� him. from ch�oklug to death. After some diffi- tressful the nooac settles, around the coles rowed. It appeared to me that Ur. HAYE, adopts the "Abbott manifesto" of 1948- -Five httn7dred excursionists from On- -A young i1ri i an named William Ennis, culty two doctors extracted the cover, much wore a belt, but some of the liquid pmed . I tario and other points arrived at Winnipeg while afiistitigiio prew hay at the farm of to the 611ef of Mr. Page. . under that and went down to his boots. neck. All the strength of the thrower is inshowing his -sample to you, w&a trying in 11 In favor of annexation pure and simple." ; - I . coax you off the s4raight and on Friday last. Oliver Apil, Oro, Simcoe couuty, one day -Th'�Wllsr Methodist church, situated After his hurts had been attended to the a 91Y way to The arguments then , used have improved I ' . I I 1� y I put on, the rope, he works over towards the -There are 32 applicants for the posi- ecently, got h's foot caught in the ha about three miles west of Springford, Tian young man -buttoned up his clothes again post a.nd takts a turn wi,th his rope. Then narrow way that leads to national prosper- greatly with age, and 'will continue to do so. � i tion of general manager of the LWinuipeg In- ress w hile it ,*its in motion. The,. foot was broken finto and tho or an, organ fitool and and bravely went on with his work. bhe colt is either throvru by meacs of a rope " a',d on to the broad road that leads to - If & plebesite were submitted to the people, dustrial Exhibition. 0 angled and I witIll have to be ampu- hymn-�Ook stolen. Uorte have b,4�ci:i made ' Y' al po . thrown around its front leet, oi� chokes its- nation Verty. It was to save you that I with party pAtics left out, it would be - � I to diacqver their whereabouts but at no -Another old. Stratfordita b&a gone to sell down . . Either way is pretty rough on wrote and thus incurred the risk of being found that the majority of both Grits and -The Manitoba Legislature, it is expect- Tated. I ed, will grant $25,000 for an exhibit at the ' -Wirinipeg Was struok by S big blizaard avail. :It seems that soine party or pattio s that bourne from whe�;iae on traveller re- tke animal but itt has to be done. I once drawn into a controversy on the Subject. I Tories would be in favor �Gf it. , Our Tory i I I I . loped a. colt with too large a nonse. It Mr. Hays has deigned to reply to my re- I government drove the thirteen states into World's. Fair. I I � on I7ue9day night of last week and waa in unknown made aa entrance into the church turns, in the person of Mr. Wim. Irwin, & ' -The Christian Endeavor Societies of bad shape. There were mountaine, of snow by the rtear door, forcing it open by means well-known and respected Grand Trunk I., t hear of barley ' rebellion aad these foui)ded the American re- I Jumped thraugh. and the rope caught around marks. He does not like o und impossible of a tar' a block of wood, and made off with I'lailway engineer. Mr. Irwin h&d been &il- its flank& Then there was the biggest having sold a3 high as $1 and $1 35 on thit- public. A few wore years of Tory rule, Middlesex county will convene at London on the streetif, aad it was fo l 9 - ing for the past eight yearif, and unable to aircus. you ever s,iw. The p&jr little brute Seaforth market, and has no relish whatever coupled with the McKinley Bill, will sond on May -24th. even to run street cars. All rai road trains the property named. The churdh if% rsome- almost ivent crazy, It threw iiself against for politics and two -rowed barley being Ontario and the other provinces the same -There were forty failures in the Do- -we ' ra seriously delayed or cancelled entirely. what isolated, and the warm weather effaced follow his occupation. He moved to Port , - minion reported to Bradstreet's during the As the temperature was quite mild so suffer- all the'traooks in a short time. I Rowan about three years ago, and resided the fence, bucked, kicked, airnost turned a mixed up together. No wonder it i;i & very joad­winto the republic, and the sooner the past week. ing was repewr 'd. -A man.named Walter Maybee, a fi�rmer with relatives at that place. One of the kiomerBau[t and did other foo!ish things. I disagreeable pill for the son of a genuine old quicker. Will ive you later some of my V . 9 -Wildrabbits are pl6ying havoc with -The H=Ulton, Grimsby k Uesmaville resident of Ingersoll, but of late yearn an in- first engines that ran into Stratford was let go the rape as quickly 3a 1 could and one Reformer to swallow, but the two were so reasons for the faith that is in me. Yours, ' at the last election, it is hard . JAMM PRINGIZ. fmit trees in Waterloo confity,and especially Electric Railw�y baa improved upon its mate of the London insaDe asylum, escaped , commanded by Mr. Irwin, who was well of the other boy,4 g,,t his rope in the right. badly mixed around Breslau. ' . or I iginal inteDti 1 0139 and now propose-& to c*m- from that institution about a week ago and known all along the line. place. As ,,00n as the colt touches the to separate them now, and it ill becornos I .9-raAwfonri, M=h 11, 1802. 1i mod 8 to take a little of the -The Nova Scotia Legislature has voted metice the buil4ing of the road within, one made h� a way down to his former residence, --On Saturday, 5th inst., death clai . grou-nd one jurnpi for its head and holds it Mr. Hays to refu a I , '-A, shocking suicide occbrred in the against extending the provincial franchise to year, to oontin a it to Winona or Grimsby where his family still resides. He became another of the residents of Listowel as a dowa, auolth-er takes a half hitch around Tory medicine that was so freeli need at the I . both front feet a,nd keeps them general elections. Mr. Hays hs3 been good, Gore of W,?stminister. a few miles south widows and spinsters. . i within three years, and to complete it to unmanageable and was locked up in the victim, in the person of Mr. J. 0. Morrow.. . pul�le - d out I enough to inform your readers what pricesA west of London on Friday morning last. �, -Dr. Patterson, of Owen- Sound, former- Rearnsville wit iin fire yearn. . house. The authorities of the asylum were son of Mr. Alexander Morrow, The de - straight. The third, if the colt has the - cf6nts Mahlon A. Swartz dressed himself and went ly of Gorrie, bas secured a situation I in a � -Miss Phelps wo3 delivering a temper- communicated with and an attamdant was ceased took & severe attack of la grippe proper side up, brings the iron and claps it I he received for his barley, via: 60 Montreal hospital, at a salary of $2,500 per :amee address in Queen street Methodist sent, down to take him back, but in the about two years ago, while out in Michigan � on. There is a sizyle, an odor of burning I from his brother farmers, and &S cents for &bout his chores as usual. He brought into .- I � 10 flair and fl, sh, the brander says " bueno," - some he Hold to dealers. It appears he most the house a- large quantity of woid and then � annum." . hirreb. Kingston, when a drunken man meantime he had made his escape from the working at his trade as a blacksmith� His the ropes are taken off and the bewildered be feeding the balance. I stated that one went out again, the family suspecting noth- I -A ple,ising event took place last Thurs- drifted In and �oon lapsed into semi -idiocy, house. and has not yet been located. didn't seem to gain strength, and -about & little animal gets up and makes its way bushel of peas was worth two of barley for Ing &mise. Procuritig a can of coal ail, the i day might in the dining room of the Com- ! interrupting by- grvaus and maudlin re- -Last Saturday morning about 7 o'clock year age he moved back to Listo Wel m9aillp : - back to ita mother. The whole process feeding purposes. This I maintain is the unfortunate man went a abort distance from morcial hotel, Teenw&ter, when'some 40 per- marks. Mies !Phelps said he was a good fire br ke out in the house of Jacob Cronk, to his native home with his wife and little - seems crucl, but there is no other way. Case, no matter bow Mr. Hays and others' the house at the row and deliberately poured sons assembled to do justice to the oyster �illustration of the kind of men the temper- Belleville. A furious gale w&8 blowing. at ones, but never recovered. Only at short - � . rid per they had tendered Mr. A. C. Brown, ance party wanted to move. The Rev. Mr. the time, and the flamen made rapid pye- intervals he felt better. About two weeks Aside from this, aspect of it, it is bracing, may choose to mix. them. But, what etrikee the contents of the o&D over his bead a supi . t a decided turn � me as being most remarkable is, that every about - his clothes, completely saturating the affable agent vf the C&D'adian Pacific !Kines said he was a good specamen of the gress. � It was believed that Mr. Crook was previous to his,�-eath he ook exciting sort of work. There is the exult- and passed away on Saturday .,�nt feeling at a successful cast, the struggle body no wadays is so ready to take an un- thew, Then he struck a match, applied the Railway at Teeswater, who is being tr&ng. 4aloon's handiwork. He might have been a in the Pouse, but when ihe firemen succeed- for the worse, . . U 1� 4- I- k.*. A I . -4, — ;ft AL ferred to Elora a promotion -he 'to ell but was now a drivelling idiot, the re- ad in eintering his bedroom they found Mr. evening, the 5th !nAt. His aged father and with the wild creature, which requirem all due advantage of the farmers. Even Mr. is %_Wm, � M - �_ I � your nerve and eoolue�s and pluck, and the I Hay , a would-be M.P.P., mmfenes to have blaze. The blaze *hot up above the tops of worthy of. The merchants and others, feel- sul� of Oink. Mr. Kimm fwther said his Qronk'Jyin$ an a lounge and fully dressed, mother, and his young widowed wife bald t U I slightt' injured by tho Assues, but lifeless, the sympathy of the entire c*lumuWty' lirium charaed his friends and neighbors Iva aenit the sarreauding trfts, and burned very : ing they could not le U.Brown leave their 1: was noi proud of the record of the churches � � ,ph of =an's ingenuity over brute force , 9 - 1_�_ .1 . I � I . I . . - . .- , � 'I - I .1 __ ) . � - I I � i r . J — I � � � . I . - I - . . � . � � . - ; . _ __ t - ----.-- � - . . . --- ----,-,------ . I 11 . . f I � - - . I - I . I � . I - I � - I - . I - I . � , � . , : 1. ; L - f I 1-1 , .J ; a�t -;] � I i I I 4 �.J ;i: I � ji I 11 11 , - - - - t. 14 , - , , . I � � 1: . 11 1, I �, Y . , . r - v. - .. I I !, I . I z � ti ��; �� . � 1 . , � P 1 1 - I � � V I T, �! t, F �f , � it L, i , - 'i k, � , I , i, I ii , 11 , - r, t , A R I � I . I I I I 1, P �'! F, S I' I � , :: N I - , E �; I ii . W111 - P, ff 1 . I I �,- J�, P - I T - , P � : � D z � � 1__� . �, � tj � I .. k r, , , y r . t It I , 4- 4 . I 't f i . I � �, I R - 0 1 1 . i � 9 K I _� �- . , � � �dl � I I . I I , . � I I � r � I � � . , � !, r , I I II f . , I I, 11 � . I � L � I I i� ., �i . 4 , 4 1 � I . 7 - I I . i ;� . . , . I 11 ; . � � : , �1: � � � I . 4� 1 4 - i - 1i I � . . I I . - I z ��A � - � _ . I � I , A 11 , I � � � - ill i� 1, - � � I . � I t I , V - 'I , 1�1� - I 9 f, . � . - � . � . I " � 9 fw I , . " , ! , 7 fl 1:1 . I