HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-02-19, Page 8� I � 4�
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- ! FEBRUART 19, I 892
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a throuFhout the - attraction for Donald. ]way suc4ess crown Casson, of,Seaforth, WPI proach missilinary Gre� to Mr. A. McDonald for $1,77 -- NEW SPRING GOODS .
Jackson's many frisn� _ . h next 18un- sorving their right to take off a" logo. —Mr.
convention, or knowing its inclinatiOus,t)14 a in the Methodist ohbro � I
EDWARD -:- 0ASH1 would not have been candidates ,at all. coun deeply sy pathise with him in his visita.—The Royal Teu�plars, of BrdoeT sermon d a Samuel Scott left for Manchest- .- on Wed- .
. �
� ty will ater I supper !on day.—Rev. Mr. Campbell preac e
Under then 4 rules there will be no open his heavy b Mr. D. D. Wilson field Intend holding an oy I the Base -
ereavement. i —AT— -
Will continue to buy any quantity of o*nday, February 22nd., 1,An excellent Oro� special sermon to the.4ow converts of the nesday.—Mr. John McEwen, - half of ..
nominationse 'The nominations will be made has been confined to his residence for over a M t,, A - ib I L
Fine Rool and Print Butter. A180 by ballot, 'and the person receiving the week with Ia, grippe, bat is now recovering. g amme, consisting of rea4ings, recita, ons i Methodist church from 5th chapter of ,'&I& Line, has boukht for $700 the - .
r .. I f se, �ast �anday night.— lot 53, concession one.—A misi_ae appearpd. I I
Fun, RideS,L Sheepskins and tallow smallest number of votes on each ballot will —Mr. A. H. Manning,11eeve of Clinton, ac- vocal and instrumental Intote, will be Oror tions and lot ver a k's issue which, wheit corrected � 1 4
I nied by Mrs. Manning, left for Flori- vided. Supper will be served in the Tqmr A number of our youn Z folke are t king in in last wee ba' I 8 i ��
. be dropped out until some one person re. comps I I voing would appear that Mr. J. I. Denman
at his old stand, perance Hall from.6.30 to$ 0 clock. Sp9akr the Emma Wells con 3irts, which are 1, .
. .
I 1� ceives a olear,majority of all the votes cast. da on Monday las wit� �h h pe that the I on in Clinton this week.—The funeral of the purchased the whey for $3 per ton. a E. M cFAUL ft - .
In this waythe feeling of the convention change will provetze cialleto Mr., Manning ers have also been provided f 6r the occasion� ' .
GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH. t1i. The A cordial invitation is extended to all. ' late Orlando Currie U �ok place on - Moibday . .0 !� �
. will be made manifest at once as soon as a who is In a very critic state of heal . �
ballot is takenj and those who see that they esteem in which Mr. auning is held by Mr. Alexander Mustard, of thin village, 1h" at I o'clock. The remains were takeo to Turnberry. ;
�th6 the M ethodist church, h � the Rev. I Mr. DxATzi.—There died last week at big resi- � , !
f Clinto and the sympathy , w ler ;
have no chance can retire and thus save the the citizens, of Clinto received the contract for supplying I bed t a 1�rge audi � SEAFORTH.
. . � uship of Stanley with cedar timber I foe Campbell prose 0 cace, a dence, on the 6th line, Mr. William Fortes, 1�
ipa *fested by the bow I -
OLOTHING. . odium of .being made to appear as pushing felt for him, was fitting y ul � : very feeling and . olemii sennon. f he Mr. Porten was one'
. � themselves forward when their services are presentation to him on� the4ve of his depar township improvements for this year. � � at the age of 84 years. if I __ _. ,
09.—As a peculiar in- I � parents, Mr. and Mrs, Beal lother of theearly settlers of Turnberry, having �� � � TWE11S
not desired. In this way Much irrita,tion ture of. a purse of $5 � - were but few -
a are cident of life we -in Y mention that Mr. . Walton. J I friends have the sympathy ot the lcom come into the bush when there
and friction will be avoided. The rule I I unity. settlers. He was of a cheerful dimposition, I Having made arrangements with manu- - WHOI
. in I
- . I
Big ranire of New Clothing consisting of Men's short, compact and complete, and the com- James Durie, one of t e oldest and most're- AN_N,xvzRsA-Ry - SxRvraRs:—The anniver- — I � facturers for early shipments - __�__ 4�
Yoiths'Boys'snd Children's Overcoats, and Suits I . i and was much respected by all 'who knew. in many lines, -
bovight at 'ces away below ordinary value, and. mittee having the matter in charge are on- spected residents of McKillop, was, on the sary services in connection with DO �.s -
V11" will'Te sold at proportionally lower rates. e 22ad day of August, �822, engaged in turn- church, Walton, will be held on Sunday, MCK410P. I - him. The early pioneers of Turnberry are, we are pleased to be able to announce the - GOL4
titled to the thanks of the Reformers of th I fast going over to the great majority. There i I
Nois's Overoosts from St.60 up; Men's Suits from 04 Riding for their diligence aod care in the iDg peas in -Scotland, land on precisely the March 6th. The Rev. Mr. Tully, of MiO- THE WINTHROP Cuzxsx'FA0TO1LY,-+At a ' thell arrival already of several cues of choice
up;. Boys' suite from $4 up; Boys! overcoats from ; obell, will presoh morning and ev are now left but comparatively few of - . - i
92.75 up; ChUdron's Suits from $1.76 up; Childron's matter. The Associr-tlo.n is hereafter to samedayof the moA I th in 1891 Mr. - Durie . � eniok. meetiag of the patrons of the WhAhrop ong the new arrivals are -
was similarly em I d on his farm i social meeting will b� trons men and women who first came into thtii goods. Am � �
Overoosits from $2.38 up. ourstock of Furs, com. t Ily on the 3rd Tuesday in Janu- n Me- -On Monday evening a cheese factory on Wednesday, the p; township through the rough arid wixidingi �
h � I
g I ' "Wr'u' The meeting, although Killop'.—V I agreed to give the milk to John Hanqah to �
' rue' p oy ' '
. Ladies' and onts' ary at ucefield. fe are sorr to learD of the dent held, when Mr. Tully will deliver his celo- path from " Harpurhey " to hew out homes - �
arettes,, Muffs, Boas, &o., to now complete at the N E CASE— .
Bargain Clothing and Dry Goods House. . ] not 11 , was a very pleasant one and will of Mr. Thomas Shan on, jr., second son of heated and very interesting I Aure on the 1 make butter, if enough milk can be got to �e 0
b -Shannon collector of customs 11 Pyramids of Egypt." le for themselves in the forest. During' th The 51&x';
e.p=ct 1 t
WM. PICKARD, �ive of good results. The new Mr. Thomas ', and brother of the AddrIes will also pay the drawing. Mr. Hannah's proposal w years death has claimed many of tion that 0
1 constitution will be printed and copies will at, Gretna, Manitob be delivered by some of the neighboring in to pay monthly for all milk delivered at ls-4�- fe Ladies' Stanloy SWtings.
T. Kidd's old stand, $oaf ortb. have Messes. Shannon, of cKillop. The death minis �sical part ' f the pro- factory, six cents pjr ton pounds .for the these, and go where you will you find the in the polit
- vailable for those desiring to � tern. Thff mu P e i vacant chair. . more promi
1 bthe e in's . I occurred at his father a residence in Gretna, gramme will be supplied by th cho r 6, f first four months and I seven cents for the
I SomE GOOD CATTLE.—Mr. Samuel Blacki Every lady should see these .goods; they, merry, ligh
4 (gXP00it —In this connection we mightsay that it on the 5th of Jana ry, at the age of 19 Melville church, Brussels. . I next two months. iThis is a good chance , Bluevale on� are simply beautiful. NO MAn 1
would be exceedingly desirable to have a years, after an illness f a year of conoump- - I for the farmers as by, cream raising it takes weighed five beef . cattle at .
ght '161tro Or* similar organization effec-ted in South Huron tion. The deceased as a native of Sea- Dublin. i an average of 30 pou de of milk or more to Saturday last. They are a good lot, and I -office in thl
91 , , I- averaged 1,270 pounds. One steer of the I ot I somethiug.1
as constituted for the Provincial Leg-islat uire. fortb, and removed w th his father to Man' BmErBITS,—A eooialin aid of the -�,ion makeone poundof utter'; and by this offer 7eighed 1,400 pounds. Mr. Black has sold ONE CASE— political 413;,
At the last convention held, now -nearly two tobtk in 1881. The merson Times says: Sabbath School, will be held at the ',,regi- the farmers will r ceive J8 cents ELpd 21 '
. I � them to Mr. J. Scott, of Li!itowel, for 5 ct3. i attend thefil
DISTRICT MATTERS. years ago, it was resolved to have an annual 11 He was an active, si eady young man who denc-3 of John Jefferson on the evenink of cents for each pound pf butter if the were . � Flannelettes.
had gained the eateeir and good will of all -M ound for the May market.—Mr. Douglas - they a,re i
meeting of the Association, but as yet no Tuesday, February 23rd. The object in to to make it at home. bosides having no work IL P y, has a choice lot of steers, . sure to hav,
I . move ban been made to that end, and we who knew him, and was valued by his em- secure sufficient funds for the pilirchase of 'a in making. Mr. Ha6rish will put'a c ntrif - Fraser, Turnberr .
M.kTwxoNiAL.—A. very pleasing event would direct the attention of the officers of ployers for his ability and diligence in their librari.—The assesior for Hibbert, G. G. ugal machine in th --Winthrop chee e fac- 15 in all. They are a nice even lot, are .in New patterns and fine quality. the electiov
took place on Tuesday last, at Glaciswood, the Association to the overnight. interests." Rewa-io2aviaittohisfriends Hurlburt, is going his rounds.—A number tory to separate the c earn from the Mi k,and good order, and wilt net M.r. Fraser a nice I - L stay with u
I I um in May.—Mr. Peter McEwen has a good a INlexi'mD -:
the residence Of Mr. John T. Dickson, being � in this county in the surnmer of 1890.— of couples from Seaforth, an Mitchell he will sen,d back the skimi milk Bwee and 8 in SILl �
- Mr. A.. Milburn, who has carried on a suc- lot of cattle for the May market, 23 ' I ONE CASLE— Aisessf)lrl. 01
the marriage of his daughter, Bliss Rather THE LAsT SAD RITES.—The remains Of assembled at the Dominion he el here on take the cream to Sesforth creamer s. now, I
ford, to Mr. James Whimster, of Aurora, the late Mr. John Payne, whose death we cesgful confectionery and fancy ioods store Friday evening and spent a f hours in made into butter. lt�is on on tkis a count Tan of these average over 1,300 lb I Louis Gun7
- here for some time, ha 3 sold ou� t; Mr. John . L ; . and the others from 1,000 up. -prints. firs' tinia .
Ontario. The ceremony was performed by announced last week, arrived here for in a .1 L s to St L Cath tripping the light fantastic.— a are sorry he could make such EN4n offe . He wit make Ewen might, be called the turnip king, as I . and entbusi
Rev. A. D. McDonald, and was witnessed torment on Monday by the one p. In. train. Laird. Mr. Milbur a 'gone - to learn that little hope is ent rtained for a personal canvase of �', the trons within the — . �bly a success This - . I refr(-sbing .:
by ainumber of the relatives of the contract- They were forwarded from Houston, Texas, arines, where he has secured a good situt%- the recovery of John Rogers, se,,, who has next three weeks, w an a meeting w�ll be his root crops are invaria 'F In theme goods the patt-nnii are entirely :
ing parties. The bride was the reci ient of to Stratford, and were kept there from Fri- tion, He is steady and industrious, as well as f' the milk to the Year he had 200 wagon loads. Mr. raser . tires-)rne.
P been ailirig for some time with lung trouble. called to let the dra4ing o ' cessful in the tur- new, and colors fast. ranch thene:
many- beautiful presents, thus indicating day until Monday. - Mr. Paynip having been being a good business man, and is sure to be I d Mr. Black are also suc
Jos. Doyle left for Minnespolia'on Tueildav, factory and, home a4ain. , The patro�s will an '
go , t, m advocates of that -down below
the esteem in which she is held by a large a member of the Masonic Order the funeral succeisful wherever h may go.—Mr.Geor where he intends residing for some tim�. ' appoint their own !,treasurer and ,eceive nip line, and are war ONE OASE—
Ma Ia auspices and Hammill, B. A,, of th a town, and a grad. I I , . not useful and profitable root. Quite a number . ber of us mi
circle of friends. The happy couple left on was conducted under doni I - I their pay every rn�nth and if they do
I I 9 . was intentwe
the 2.50 train for New York, en route to the remains were accompanied from Strat- unto of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, � Hibbert. ! want the milk home 1 Mel laantiah wil�,� pay of farmers winter their steers fairly well and Sateens. prise it wot
Florida, We unite in wishing Mr. %nd Mrs, ford by a large number of the brethren and left on Friday last for Sterling, where he — as �ave a finish them on the grass ; others prefer fin- I I
� BUILDING OPBRATIONS. -Air. �ohn KBmp, for the milk drawing� so the patro
Whimster a long and happy married life. friends of that city. .They weremetat the has secured a situation in a High School,— . I I ishiog them in the stables. We suppose Lut season's Sateens were very pretty,
. - . Mi&S L Lizzie Wanless, of Varna, who has of ilie 8th coacession, is haull 9 inal erial good safe offer, I - i each system has its advantages. We would but this season the patterns and qual:itjee aance., ThJ
AT ToRONTO.—The Seaforth Curling Club station here by many of the relatives and been visiting friends in Seaforth and Mc� and preparing to build a, new. Ouse in the i- 1 like to hear some -discussion through the with th" tifil
friends of the deceased and conveyed to the Killop for the l%st i hree weeks, returned 'Priag.—Mr. Matthew HarburFis t)rppAr- Looburn. lumns of THE ExPOSITOR 011 this subject. surpses anything that we have ever shown. Mexican ho
was represented. at the grand curling com- residence*of his father, Mr. Wm. Payne, ing to raise and put obmforta�ie stabling NOTES, —The weather for the past week co I floor. Ohl,
petition it Toronto this week for the On- where the funeral services were held, and home on Saturday.—Miss Lucy Hillen, of under his buildings, So also - ii jMr. John z d the . I 0 Ladies call early and choose your D-reiss meagm- one.
tario Tankard by two rinks composed of the from thence,were taken to the Egmondville McKillop, is visiting friends in arid around ha -3 been very rough and stormy aq . Bayfleld.
i - Worden doing likewise.—Mr. hn ina 0 snow has drifted badly. In some p aces e Patterns, and if you wish your Dress made, Ia. is a .
followinggentlemen, viz.: John Lyon, J. cemet yforintermentin the family plot, Varlia. Sheis the guestof Miss L, Wan is prepAring to build a uew h) I H. F. EDWARDS has received a large por-
A. Wilson, John Turner, Jr., John Weir, beside :he mother and brother. The deepest less.—The Royal Te s of Temperance , (se also.— roads are almost impassable.—The lectur tion of his Spring Stock and has a very clioicevarlety we will book your order., so that it will re. st&nd in O"I
intend p � aying a fraternal visit to Varna Mr. John McEvor is preparinh' for a new which was to have heen given on Friday o Of new goods. Do not buy your rints until you have . cidei, pap, �
A. Young, Wm. Pickard, A. Wilson and sympa! 1y is felt on all sides for the bereaved P have yonr pick dance, the .,
W. 0. Reid, with George E. Henderson as a father and widow, as well as regret for the Council on Tuesday uext,weather permitting. bank burn. This all tends to OW that last week, under the auspices of the-. Goo seen what he has. Corne early and ceive prompt attention ax soon as Miss
Hibbert will rank among the—fiist on the Templars of this place, bag been pos�poned of the finest and best ever shown in Bayfield. See to take tbe�
Mr. John Cowan, of Paulin&, Iowa, who I . 1261 Nahrge.ng returns from Chicago. I
substitute. These gentlemen make two demise of the deceased, who was held in the list,for good buildings. on account of the storm. --1J. J. - We i lit of his so Cotton' . them, whel
btrong rinkso and it will take good players highes,� esteem both here and in Stratford, had been spending the past few weeks very , — � I the Point Farm, is gi�ttingi in his ilc� ihis BRiEFA. —Andrew Stalker spent a few I . of about eel
to kno--k them out. They were to play as was manifested by the large number wh Kleasantly amoBg relatiyes and friends in � week.—Miss Jennie rothe! bo has days in Detroit this week.—Mrs. A. Stal-I dances are,,
0 ringham, w I . t
their first match on Thursday, but at the ' to his cKillop, left for his western home on Wesffleld., ! ' �
paid the last tribute of respect I been spending the la8t thr�e or four weeks ker is visiting friends near Zurich. _M ' iss
time of writing we have Dot learned what memory. The cause of Mr. PayDe's death, Monday.—The ladies of St. Thomas church BimEFS.—Mr. T. R, Mitchell shipo,ed S. Morrison- of McFaul's dry goodrS .store, ' L�
ow- with friends at Loeborn, 3 returned to her 9 � simply a pri
success they have had. We predict, h as cert fled by his medical attendant in Texas, Guild intend giving in 11 At Home " on' two car loads of hors,3s to Manitoba on 'W�d- home in Tuckersmith.—L grippe is still Seaforth, has been holidaying here.—Jaines Edward McFaul rived, tiber
ever, that they will well uphold the good was co geative chills. Tuesday evening next, at which there wi I nesday.—Mr. Robert Ramsay, our Inter- raging here and all Over C nads, an&grasp- Ferguson is visiting at Goderich.—James, I speaking ba
name of Seaforth, and that they will not - be I - be refreshments, music, &c.. and to whic pribiag grocer, expects another car load of ing with its destruct J ve band both olli and and Andrew Huston have arrived froin Vir- SEAFORTIT. wa,3 in !ipar
far behind on the homestretch. all are cordially inviv d.—Mr. Win. Ball& - John Harriaoq bag I - den, Manitoba, and will likely remain a,
0. C. ITILROK.—The wa!,hing machine I . tea next week.—Mr. young. Among others, ho fell viclarns, a word hert.
0 ot fron vou is a good one. Mits. Josypu AsULL tyne has commenced he work of assessing ' � —Andrew Fowlie spent Sunday, - a brotber,01
SOUTH HuRo-.%- FARMERS' INSTITUTE.- leatorth. 1262-1 1 the town. Now is tl� a time to keep yo I ur taken the contract of delivering ninet�-nine was an old and *ery highly respected few weeks. I m�
cords of wood to Air. J. N. Campbolli our at his sister's, Mrs. Samuel Switzer, Gode- — I -
the South BusiNEss CHAN(M.—Jobn IAdrd having dogs in the cellax.—Mr. Thomas Pringle It former resident of Leeburn, in the person of . : torDey. Al
Meetings under the auspices of I Fire Insurance agent.—Mr. Alex�nder Mr. Wm, ClUttOD, Sr. When taken ill he rich township,—Henry Eilbe.r, secretary , bard grip of him,Nliss �S, Morrison, of Assessor, 7
, I
Huron Farmers' Institute will be held in the purchased thebuninessof Mr. Milburn, inSeaforth. of the Milwaukee Ca ket and Coffin Com- Nixoo'han moved from Donnybrook 6: this I 0. H, Clutton of treasurer and manager ot the Hay Township Seafortb, wa,s in the village this week 'visit. �
villages of Crediton and Exeter, -and in the wishes to infornt his friends and the -publio that he pany, and formerly of this town, writes to , % O was stay ing w ith b is: s on, Z2 apparently �
- � . placu.—Mr.T. R, Mitchell has disposed. of 'ra- Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company,, ing friends.—Mr. E. Bossenberry has so
town. of Seaforth, nexxt'week. Thn meeting will keep a full stock of Fancy Goods Of all kinds, friend here : " We are working nights and Stratford, his illnentwas of very sho# du z' hotel on Monday, Febru-i his celebrated colt, Frank , 14 - party, tipto
I also Pipes, Tobaccos, Cigars, &c. Also akent for the Sundays with a full force to keep up with his imported stallion, 11 Edlemann," to 54r, tion. His body wasitakep to Goderieh Bta. is to be at Swart I Woods, to Me where t1w S
at Crediton will be on Wednesday, at Exe- I ry 22ad, from two to six o'clock p. m., for� Lewis, of London, for a fancy price, .
' colebrat5d Singer Sawing Machine. Remember the MeManis, of Saginaw, Michigan,(fox a laQe tion, arid from therei "to t6e residen4 of his a . - standing au
ter on Thursday, and at Seaforth on Friday. place, Main Street, Seaforth, opposite Richavison & orders, owing to Is grippe."—The Seaforth sum. - Mr. Jasper Cook, -of 91cunk-town, Ome, the purpose of collecting a6sessments.—Oal
1 1262-4 son, A. if. Cluttou, ��he dq'cea8ed's old h tiptoed bac],
Evening entertainments will be given at .Mainni8'Shoo Store. I curlers were pitted agaitist Galt at Toronto paid Westfield a flying visit on Monday,— where a funeral service w�.s held bbfo'e con- Monday last while a Dumber of men werel hirn to sp
Exeter and Ciediton. . Papers on interest- A C6RREcTioN._We wish to correct the for the Provincial Tankard and were, un. Mr. J. N. Campbell intends shipping a car F, engag - ed on Mr. T. J. Mark'ii farm, cutting'i Gorrie.
. -jects'will be read by practi- impression apparently prevalent, that we areAealing fortunately, defeated in the first match.— Veying him to his last res�illg place in Cot- - BRIEFS.—MiRS Wright, sister of Mrs. Nel- Louis, who.
Ing and live sub load of horses about the first of Marchi . timber, one large cedar fell in a differeA,11 11
witk the Fatronvol Indfistry as a separate institu- Ales. May Damao e ', ere or er hornt, in — borne cemetery, His end was peace. son McLaughlin, returned to her home in I , ipped off I
Cal and experienced men at each of these tion, and under a speefil. agreement. Such is not Mr. James Woods was tormented with hen � .. direction than was intended. Thomas Par -1 two minut-ei
I egg � � Woodstock last weeki—Miss E. Jane Me.
. .
meetings. The full programme will be the case, We shall be pleased to do busin ' with Detroit on Thursday, —Major Baugh, the I burglars the other night. I I � i Zurich. -jumped behind a tree that was parti
I kel noso and 'thi
umns. We the Pations on the same basis as everybody else, new commander of th � London Division of . � I I Laughlin, daughter of Mr. James McLauo- -
found in our advertising col I- - I down, the eedar fall across it, and breakin , in which he
hope the farmers ' in the respective namely, the best goods in the trade at the lowest the Salvation Army, will bold special wel- I - - . . WEDDIXQ8,-Thi matrimonial business it forced Parker beneath the snow. - or-' lin, J. P., of Gorrie, has gone to Wc-()dgtqck -
rasible price for cash. . RoisxitT WILLls,. Boots and come m I has been very brisk lere of late. On � Tuee- tunately, though severely injured, no b nes! to continue the study of musici—Mrs, juA asy her
districts will take advantage of the hoes, Seaforth. 1262-1 eetiDge in the Army barracks in this - - Beechwood. I .
&at event, day Mr. VVm. Ruby,and �Iiss blary 1 1 was one c
opportunities afforded by these meet- ' . town on Saturday and Sunday next.—Re:v. WEDDING BULLS.—A very pleas I Prang . E. Swarts has pur- Southerland succeeds Mi�s AlcLaugblin as -
0. Q WILSON.—The washing machine I Mr. Rose, of Brussels, preached two excep- took place at ther home of Mr. Miohlel kn. were married, On the same day Mr.': Over were broken'.�Mr. John organist in the Presbyterian church here. Then tbe pr.
inga of gaining and imparting information, got fro your agent, Mr. Holman, is all that It was, chased a hotel at Winghaui, and will soon two, the i
and that they will attend in large numbers represe ted,tobQ. WHAIAMOOLSMAN, Tuoker8with. tionally able sermons in the Presbyterian right on Tuesday of last week,.!it being Oe hold and Mis.i Oesch joined hands istitl were milarpogition A;
I - 1262-1 1 ' Elii4beth, made man and wife.' Mr.' Wm. Wiug, Sr., remove there. During his stay here he has Mrs. Southerland Occupied & Lai was moved,
and makv them as Fitiecessfal as possible. church here last Sabba,th. He also preacbed marriage of his third daughter,, . established a first-class hotel business, and in the Wingharn Presbyterian church for a placed ion
0 A TWELVE THOUSAND DOL"n FARM.— on Monday forenoon. Mr. Eboss is one Of to ]Ur. John McAleer a prosperous oiling having come tn the conclusion that it was number of years. -Mr. Alexander Kaine,son , -
. Y . .his many friends will greatly miss him, and these, one V
MR. MCMICHARL'S HoRsEs.-DRAR Ex. A subse iber to the Montreal Weekly Witnets writes the best preacher" In h church, and the farmer of Hibbert. fie marria�e cere,rnqny not good for man tobe. alone, took unto him- wish him and his family every success in Of MT. John Kaine, reeve of Howiak, visited ' a guitar. 1�
PosiTou,-One day recently we badthe pleas-- to that )aper, that through the hints receiyed in its Brussels people have Pe:18011 to be proud'of took place at the,Catholic church' Irish�own, self a wife in the person of Mrs. Catharine Wingham,-Mr. James Pollock has rented Owen Sound last week, to consult Dr. Pat. I
Agridul, ural column he is now the possessor of ' rending PC
M W a __ Geiger, on Wednesday. We wish them all
ure of visiting the farm ofMr.Thos. McMiah- twelve ihousand dollar far hich he Otherwise him. He stands hig4 is the estimation of mud was witnes4ed by a large! Inumber of . Swarta' hotel. -Our photographer, Mr. JJ torson, of 'ilist town, regarding some eye up. " Prm
ael, of Hallett, and were very much pleased would u Dt have owned, and that he, through follow- the Seaforth pe le. Mr. Wi18OD, one of friends and acquaintances e wish this much happiness and prosperity.
- 0 ard and the students atV V1 , RIEFS.-Messrs. Amos Geiger aud his W. Cook, is indisposed. -Mr. D. Wileom; trouble. Thedoctor advised him to consult trial, etqpp
with his fine stock of horses. In his stables in'W its Id ice is making a success of his oroh nox College, wbo-preached young couple a long and happyi ; edded life. B � week
bee oul" ;e. It is a notable fact, tkat the readers of I I has arrived home. -As mentioned last ,�' Dr. Reeves, of Toronto, and,51r. Knine has little, tightl
I ' n begun I t daWn � a grand phonograph concert is to b held gone to Toronto to do so. We sincerely
he has two as fine Canadian Draught stal- . the Mor trea Witness are as A rule well-to-do, rop- in the Presbyterian c arch here during the Hardly had the an P on brother Simon have returned home from a started up
lions as could be found in Canada. The porous and influential. People of this clan ilire illness of Mr. MoDou Id, has accepted the Wednesday morDiLg Of last W14 till merry visiting trip to Waterloo county, -Mr. o 1 ho hope that Dr. Reeves may be able toremedy
Y !uch a paper as the Witness, and the Witness aide in invitation tondgred:b m by the congregation .. . Simon Geiger left for Buffalo a few days Bayfield town hall shortly. At w -Miss Lucy Kaine has gone to general mol
were both prize -winners tit the Western Fair groups and flying horses * in be seen heard the wo derful invention last fall at the trouble. dances heldi
sit London, last fall. Thetwo-year-old is.a increast 3X their prooperity and extending their in- to be the af3istan for the surnmersix wending their -way to th h XfbMr Thos. age. -Quite a numbpr of our young people the Fair wereug rest ly -pleased. It hasnow Belleville to pursue her studies with a view I
fluence !or good. It is a ihighly interesting paper. is . om there was aj
a very hea*y colt with lots of bone and bair Messrs. John Dougall & Son, Montreal, are the pub- months and will b�ehere after the close of Curtin, it being the marriage 67i his 'fourth attended a tea-meetirig in the Presbyterian beibn so arranged that large audienecs ca I to enter the teaching profession. Miss �., , -, waltz oceasi
-1 t rm. daughter, Jobanos, to Mr. Ed��rd R6 church near Blake on Tuesday evening P .
and good action;. Hie is from Mr. McMich- lishers. 1262 he College te - ,acbe, . I last Robins i2aine, formerly &8siA#,nt in - the " .
� - d 'to They had a good time.j- . Kirizing r, all hear at the same time, and it has proven were call ed �
ael's prize � mare, " Queen Ist.'" Kennel. 0. C. WiLsoN.-The washing machine I _ — I of Hibbert, The bridal pa rove . ' 51 r e very popular. Full particulars will be an. Gorrie public school, and her brother Chris. frequenitly :j
- worth is the aire. The three-year-old colt , got frot 3 you is a fli at class machine. I Joi N_ W. TTRZ- E G X 0 N D V I L Liz ITZ s. -We are 1pleased'to Iriobtown Catholic church, wh �e the i cere- f * rom Caledonia , Michigano arrived bere a i3ounced next week. Watch for it. -Staff topher, are in that city attending College.- on the wboi
4.6 Dutchman," is the one which took first mwi, MaKillop, 1262.1 mouy was witnes3ed by a large , nuniher of few days ago, and togethe� with Mr. Chan. Mr. Gecrge King, son of Mr. Alexander ,
. learn that Mr. Willit Kyle is somewhat i�_ . . Captain Bolton and Captain Archibald gave they - caup
prize and diploma at London last fall. He - proved in health, au� that it is intended 'to friends. We join with the ycu�g co�ple's Hartleib, they have purcNased the tin and interesting account of the Reicue- King, of this village, has become an appren� . and tbe,eloi
, I - a very
)Dv stove busines s of Mr. Zell�r, and intend go
U one of the finest horses we have seen. He ANCTMER PioNimp. DFWART.S.-We deeply bring him home ai sc on as be ean 8aftly many friends in wishing them %1ong, �18`1213 work of the Salvation Army, at th�e town tice in Mr. Dane's mill. Geo looks it fro m, the
. . 1'. I I ijog into the general hardware business here. . I uite white at times. -Rev. Mr. rance,
is a beautiful dark bay with very short legs, regret being called upon to chronicle the undertake the journey. -The funeral�of the and prosperous life together. - : I mber were q 7119'r
and, is broad -set and well up in the -head and death of another of Huron's honored and late John Payne, whiii -h took place on Mon- .0 " . -Mrs, Karcher and'Mrs. Trumner, of the hall, on the 9th inst. A large nu ver $21 .Methodist minister of Gorrie, is in Wiartonv to be the fw
� present and were aluch pleased. 0 can quadrit
neck, while his style and action is the best. worthy pioneers, in the person of � ,Mr. John day, was 6rgely atte ded from this vicinity, Cromarty_. I I 14th concession, are visiting friends in
Blytb. i I � was donated. I - attending the anniversary services in that All the set.s
kin Cumming,. of Egmondville, who passed are �to be , I
-His sire in; that noted stock horse, " Ran while many came upwith the remains from NOTES. -Two new residences . - town. Hewasatonetime stationedth6re. th,en the go
Boy." -A Vrsnopt. - I peacefully away to his last rest on Wedri . es. Stratford, thus wark ng the high esteem in built in the village during the i corning'sum- I � . . flensall. . -The severe onow storm of Sunday night to the othei
0 day, at the age of 78 years. 1W. CUMIDIDg which the deceased was held, as well as show- mer.-Our'village merchant �as operled' a BrUssePs. BRiEF.s.-The weather during the past completely blocked up the roads, so tbat�no started. froll
. �
BID CO-_`TDVCT.-We would be sorry to was a native of Laurston, Balmaghie Pdr- ing merited respect o the sorely -afflicted new Jeparture in the way of a cash sy'stqin. BRiEFS.-Jobn IJVinc�nt has sold his mail trains passed through our village on - other way I
have to believe that the boys of' Seaforth ish, Galway, Scotland. fie came to Caiiai& father. 'We regret to learn that Mr. Payne's -An eDtertainment is to be h�eld in §tafra, house and lot on Hi6ron street to biis father, week has been that- of one good old fashion- Monday. -Mr. Perry occupied the pulpit in I dizz�y worl
n. the � � ed winter, with good sleighing and keen the Methodist church on Sunday forenoon,
are worsa behaved than those of other towns. in- 1817, and settled on the farm i health does not impr( ve, and as a conee . urder the auspices of the Eogli�sh chu�chj- John Vincent, of Grey, for S60O.-$amhel frost.-Mim Mary Johns, of Wiugham,was round of S
But, if reports of the doings of some Of the towns ip of Tuckersmith, now owned and quence he was totally unable to attend the The Basket Social, in connection with �ho F,ar, adjoining the village of Brussels, has in the village this week, ispeDding a day and Rev. Mr. Pritia, of Fordwicb, officiated ne �
boys or young men of our town, which have occup ed by his son James. He continued funeral; -The services in connection with Literary Society, was not us �ell att�nded sold his house and lot to Walter Richardson or in the roame place in the eVening.-A very � etands.. I
, � I
reached us from time to time, be true' it is to res de on this farm until about fifteen the anniverstry of c,,I.r churetl on Sabbath as was expected. -The ad isabilitY of for$1,175. Mr. and Mrs.: Fear leave shortly so with her relatives and friends. -.'Mr. D,'. . a n h � I
I years go, w � hen his wife died, and he re- . ' � Alacarthur, V. S., of Ai!sa Craig, wa " pleasant time was pe t at t e social, which Sellora or
high time, both for their own welfare and _ d w ' 1� was held at the residence of Mr, Thomas.H. * her p
last %yere well a,.ten I 'ea her and roads adopting Probibitirm as a pa�lt- of thd. Piat- for Goderich wherelthey intend to reside in n , artoer
time good nwne of the town, that they be tired rom the farm and came to reside in being considered, a d excellent practical ron8 of Industry platform was discussed 'at future with their youngest son. -Our curlers the village this week on visit. -Mr. A�. McLaughlin,on Wednesday nigbt,last week. cover that I
I ! . I W. King is at present away on an extende� A buccessful cocial was held on Friday I
more closely looked after, and that rowdy Egmo dville, where lie has since lived. He discourses were deliv red by the Rev. Mr. the meeting on Tuesday evening. Some at Winghani last week defeated their op- The Mex]
conduct on the streets at night be put a stop was arried -in the Old Country to MISS O� . trip. We have not learned when heintendp night, last week, at the residence of Mr. - , Slow wwsic�
I Grant, who has the appy faculty of apt good argunients were made in �favor of P ponents by 16 shots, They have yet to Play returning. -Mr. Thomson, of Seaforth, and I
to. A correspondent write3 to us domplain- Ma'e" n Sproat, second eld. si� sister of the illustration to a mar ed degree. The t -a- bibition.-The Conservatives -of So th Kincardine in the group. -The next horse Henry Perkins. -It is rumored that Mr. J. Coverl bi
: essr . Sproat. They had -a family of 5.ix who I was formerly in our village, is in Mi. 'ey .
ing bitterly of a disturbance which is said to Me ir meeting on Monday veuing wap, 88 usual, Perth nieet in Convention ia*t Ful larton fair will be held on Th�rsday, Idar-ch 3rd. G. Edgar has rented a grist mill in Tar&, lines. Tilt-
bave occurred on Main street last Sunday childr n, five of whom, t.iree disughters and . King's shop, attending the barbering'branc -1
a succesq ; the music d salectiona were well Comers, on Tuesday next, fo the p rp SO and after the success of the last one it will and intends to remove there at *n early ' around, kc(
I two sons, are still living. Mr. Cumming � of the business. -A very interesting meetin g
night about I I o'clock, by which the public rendered to the no E mail pleasure of the of selecting a candidate. .h venti be likely to be a large and good one, as by date. -Mr. James Leech is convalescent, swinging th
peace was seriously disturbed and the senses was H kind hearted, honorable man, and -- was held in connection with the YouD9 after having had a severe attalc�k of .14 I
listeners, while much credit is due Mr. Oaks was called for Friday, but was Pcst4o�ed that time buyer an&seller� will be nearer an people's Mutual ImproVeMeLt SOCiCty OP the w-neiie. �
I � -Mr. James McGrath, Of Chelten- four break i
of respectable people, were offended by the lived a blameless life. He was an industri- as leader, and Mrs. Needham as orgauist, until Tuesday, for reasons not eX plain' d. 1 understanding as Ito the price. -Adam grippe.
unseemlyi noises made and obscene language ous, worthy citizen, and was. held in the for their careful t ' " of the choir. But, � I i Monday evening last, when a ham, form
-used. This thing should be put down highe. t esteem by all who knew him. b�r,'"'ng i lenty an- d 9f , . _ ---- ! 11 11 Koenig and his bar4euder are laid tip with programme wag carried out. The ne t arly of this village, is home, and � them8el ves i
Z03 He though the eatal es ivere in p . � ' Ia grippe this week. -Ben. Mellick,�� one of in learning the " cutting " in Sbarpin's to repetit tb
promptly with a strong band, and it is the had 1( n' been a consistent member of the Logan. I I the earliest settlers, in Aforrip, haa�, rented meeting -will be held in three weeks, wbe n tailor sbop.-The Gorrie Presbyterian it goes on') I
. I 9 choice quality, and the music of a high ACCIDENT. -On the 30t.h ultl , as Mr.'Jobn in addition to the ordinary programme (of
daty of the constable to have a public ex- Prea-byteriat; church, and was a staunch order, yet the least ( f the evening was the his farm and will shor'tly r'emove to Briussels. church congregation is passing through the :this daure I
ample made of the offenders, whether they Liberal in politics. He had not for years lecture by the Rev. Mr. Grant, who de- Knechtel and Mr. Henry Meiiseramidt were f Ito the evening Mr. J. T. Wren, principal of ordeal of choosing a minister, a,yery respon- I as they,can,
be of big- h or lo,w degree. An introduction enjoyed robust hea-Ith, and failed rapidly lighted the audience by his driving home from Mitchell t4ey met with a He will have his sale 0 ck on March Ist,_ our public school, will read an essay, anid ' I
forcible manner, W. H. Kerr, of the Elru6sels Post, is &W'ay to .1 sible, and in tome cases, a very unpleasant the reM ol(
since ast summer, and has been confined to serious accident. When abo t la mile had a I which will afterwards be open to discusol'On
to the Mayor of such disorderly characters clear statement of the leadiug points to I be Ottawa as a delegate to the grand lodge of piece of business. Quite a number of pro- simply pla
would have a ealu-tory effect. his rE.sidence most of the time since Christ- . bhlf abmg the Logan gravel r ad they 1wpre � for the meeting. We will m(-ntion the sq�_ , C
discussed. and the wany aneenoteo intro- I the Ancient Order of United Workmen,- hatio#ers have been heard, but no ,call has other'B shol
- a mas, but he suffered from no particular dis- duced in illastration In the lecture, the caught up to by Mr. Runporkl and A16 El- Brussels council are asking for applications ject In next week's issue. -Mr. and Mrs. yet Wen extended to any. In our opinion people ba -vi
Sor,TH HUROIN REFORMERS'. -A meeting ease, . his demise evidently being due to a hearers more than realized their expecta.- cite, who were racing. Mr. Ronpork !pass- forr a general purpo" man for tlie year at a Joseph Gould are visiting relatives in and the s�oner vacancies aris supplied the better - The biiexie�
of Reformers of South Huron, as cousti- weartag out of the constitution. The re- tions, and should tht reverend gentlernain, ed Mr. Elcite. but ran into Mr. Knedht�l, salary of $325, He �� is to work on streets, about Lucan. We wish them a plemant for the congregations provided a I (adicious i . tische, is a]
tated for Dominion purposes, was held at mains will be interred in the EgLnondville at some future time, fa-1vor us with his pres. upsetting the -cutt(,r and hoises intd� the time. -Mr. Daniel Ross, of Detroit, was selection cant be mad I
Brucefield on Saturday last. ditch. Mr. M-'esseramidt as constable, sanitary inspector, truant e. It often happens of step dau
ence, we are safe in predicting for him a officer, etc. i I - "' - that the congregation is pleased with a can- each otherl
Owing, no cemetery to -day, Friday, the funeral taking � felil out on the act here during the past week visiting his MI'
place at 2 o'clock. - road and was not hurt, but Mr. Kerch�el I : I ter, Miss Maggie Rose, and his uncle
doubt, to the bad st%te of the roads, due to still larger gathering ,-Miss Ruby Adams, i __�-__ I - -, MT- didate, but through lack of promptness the and perfori
the storm of the preceding days., the attend- of Wingham, and M�ss May Walker, from fell in the ditch with t e h Bea on tbp�of i J'ohn Traquair.-Rev. John Ro,s, of Ne I
I .. � � call is delayed until it is boo late, We are a dance 11bri
ance was not large, although nearly every LOCAL BRiEFS.-Mr. Wm. Nesbitt,Grand Brussels, were very welcome visitors in the him, hurting him severe, he cutte Was B114'evale. Sarum, will conduct the anniversary se -
. I � ,;cF -The yo I uug people of Bluevale vices in Carmel Presbyterian church of the opinion that in almost every case a not mingle�l
municipality in the Riding was represented. Lecturer of Ontario, for the Patrons of In- &shed to atoms. , 0`1 . i Co- ,RT.
villqge during the &3niversary.-Mr. Will om ____ I I congregation retrogrades during the time of . do, but th�
The following officers were elected for the dustr ' r, will deliver a lecture in the town McDougall and his s sters left on Tuesday --t I intend having a grand concert on' March 4th. Sabbath next, at 11 a. m., and 6.30 p. m. supply by probationers. A congregation Along the M
current year. viz.: John Hannah, Tacker- hall, : 3eaforth, on Tuesday, March let. at 7 morning for Marine City to attend the wed- Blyt - 1 � The feature of the evening will be the songs The congregation have this year decided tip without a pastor is like a flock �of sheep ,_ their cl-ar�
smith 11 BRIEFs -Mr. George I Brow lee, of Ham of Mr. James Fax, of Toronto. who has be- dispense with the annual tea or concert, an It:), -
., President; A. r. McDonald, Hul- o'cloe i p. in. The lecture in free. -Mr. C. ding of their cousin, Miss Nell Anderson. . I .. 0 without a shepherd. -Good music is a great - lounge aro�
lett, Vice -President; Thos. Fraser, Stanley, W. F apst has let the contract for the re- We wish them all the pleasure such happy ilton'a hardware otore'i spei t Sunday in come so justly famous throughout Ontario. we venture to say that we will next week
Secretary ; . George Forest, Brucefield, pairit g of the store on Main street which Clinton. -On Saturday evenin g the Presby- Mr. Fax will be assisted by the beat local be able to report a larger amount received a's source of attraction, and especially so in -''- test sor-neb I
events bring. . i churcheervices. Hence it in important that . dance I,am
Treasurer. Municipal Chairmen,-Hullett, he recently purchased from the Meyer - terian church choir trea ied tht raselveg to an talent aind a good time is expected. The a free will affering in the way of collectio �8 those furnishing the principal part of the Passed wh,��
.� I; 0 1
Robert Scott, Londesboro ; McKill Goo. estate, and which was damaged by fire. Mn Brudeffeld. oyster supl�erat W. H.' MoBride's restaur- parties who went oyq�rfrom here to hear Mr. alone than when a tea or entertainment was music for such services should make apecial ing began.
' I �
Aturdie, Seaforth ; Seaforth, I kilson ; John Copp gets the contract for the brick ' ant They report having had a jolly time. Fax in Wroxeter are jubilant over the pros- held in -connection with the anniversary, . -
Tuckersmith, Robert Charters, Egmond- work ; Messrs. Tyerman & Sparling, the WE are now talking about Tess, black, _Messrs. John Xiguirel and -hos. Thomp- pect of hearing him again in Bluevale. Miss Martha Brown ban rd h preparation, so that they may be the bat- ger this on
ville; , Hay, Dr. Buchanan, Zurich ; Stan- carpeiter work, and Messrs. Cluff & Ben- green and Japan. Everybody tikea them good. We -son spent Sunday in Wiugharr.-�-Mr. James AucuoN SALH.-Mr. Walter Rutherford-, froxi London on a visit. -Mr. and Mrs. W . terabletodo theirpart. In thePresby- their bats,
are giring 'special attent ,on to Teas and can furnish terian church congregation here therein - balle the�,y
I . you the ohoicest q ou wiji ap. McDermott, of Fordwich, spent a few days of the Boundary line, sold his farm stock Ball left bare on Saturday evening ]as -
ley, Jahn Ketchen, Brucefield ; Bayfield, nett supply the material for the wood work ualitieii at prices that y I good talent, and all it requires is cultivat- when they]
John Morgan. At a previous convention a -Mr. John Lai�rd has purchased the stock prove. J. MOTST0311, Br cefield. 1262-1 in town this week, visiting fri rids and rela. and implements on Priday last. The da Goderioh, where they intend spenai I
Y '39 a fe' ing. Were the organist and singers to most then. j
committee was appointed to draft a consti- and business of Mr. Milburn, fancy goods NOTES, -The -Reform Convention held tives -'-Miss Bella Magill i,i v �aiting friends was very cold and stormy, but everything days at Mr, Ball's father's before startiD once -ice a markedimprove- I wilzb I .
tution and by-laws for the guidance of the dealer, and is . on the same in hero on Saturday las � was not very largely in Walt-ou this week,-McK unon & Co., Bold well. 0 ial townsman, -Mr. J. for St. Thomas, Dakota. On Monday Iasi, , a. week for p.rac- -
I _. now carrying . ment in the psalmody would very soon be sketch thit
Association. Thie committee reported at conneo-tion with his sewing machine agency. attended. -Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Clinton. are taking stnek this week. They have Farrow, wielded th hammer with good Mr. Ball's brother arrived h,ire from St. noticeable.4. I - dances, *bf
this meeting. The report, which embodied We h§pe Mr. Laird will do a good business. preached in Union c arch here. last Sabbath secured the assi,stance of Mr. N Tm. Hab cirk. effect. Mr. Rutherford intends moving in- Thomas, Dakota, and in the evening in com- fac��
-tion, was considere-d and -Mr.! John G. Wilson went to Ottawa thin and dispensed the 8-1, -. J, Ho ffran spent n few Aays in Qo4e- to Bluevale to take a well deserved rest pany with his sister, Afro. John McArthni, 0 � lory I -cot
.ram ,nt
the new constitu e . Mr. Stewart -Mi ' alon
discussed at considerable length, and was week is a delegate from Seaforth Lodge to is popular with the p ople of this congrega- rich this week. -Mrs. Arthur, Carter, who from his many years of honest toil on the of this place, went up to Goderich also. W To All Whom It May Concern. - one corner.
finally adopted without much amendment. the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Ancient tion. who are alwa5 s pleased to have a visit has been attending her sick mother in 1;rus- farm. We welcome him to his new home, believe that Mr. and Mrs. Ball, sr., have d EDITOR EXPOSITOR, - Please allow me
The principal ebangeg involved in the new Order of United Workmen, which -is in sea- from him. -The man� r friends of Rev. Mr. I sels, returned home on Friday .Tast.-M�, J. BRisrs.-Mr. Hugh Rops, who has a fine cided to go o9t to St. Thomas in a few days space through the columns of your valu - in another
. . able -
constitution are in reference to the basis of sion in that city. -Mr. Hugh Ross, one of Simpson wiil regret to learn of his 8 farm adjoining this village, and another a I together with their sons and daughter -in' paper to apologize for what was said concern- net.
evere I Emigh, of the Commercial Hotel, and Mr. .
representation at conventions and the mode- the prosperous farmers- of Turnberry town- illnea3. There has leen a great deal of I Wilt Kelly, our popular butcher, are 'busy few miles distant, in � esirous of taking life law. We wish them all a ,safe and pleasant ing an agent taking orders for California �' ., arms, al;"d. ,I
of nominating candidates. Tinder the ship, as in town this week. -Hon. Mr. sickness in his congre ation lately, and he 1 hauling hoine ice this week, Miss I I moutba, t!
11 a is. easier hereafter, and; wants to sell- either trip. -Mr. James Rider, formerly of tb Spring wheat. Now, Mr. Editor, I saw the
� i esque gm
former rules the representation was based - Lauri r, leader of the Liberai Party iu Can- was most attentive in his visitations,' thus i Coates, of West Wawanosh, spent last week one or both of his farms, Any one pur- township of - Usborne, bat now of Vir agent, Mr. John W. Rymal, who told me
l . I Boole with
upon, the number of Reform votes cast in ad&, &need here .on Tuesday on the one doing overwork until he was at length 1 in town, visiting friends. -Mr. James ]luck- chasing either of these farms will have a den, Manitoba, and who has be e -n in Out i ' that no money or notes are asked from the I
ar'c !O.me,
each municipality at the preceding election. o'cloc train on hiR way to Godericb, The laid up himself. He is now recovering, and, stept, our barber, who was appointed Js the comfortable --home.-Mr. Peter Hill, of forthepast couple of months, combinin farmers at sill. I also saw the order sheets, all4s,
Under the new rules the basis will be the train topped at the station only a couple of we hope will be around again as usual soon. delegate for the Ancient Order of Ui ited Turtle Mountain District, iEl visiting at Mr. . business with pleasure and visiting,and wb and they have Do price menti promment
, p 11
number of vote, on the last revised voters', minut w, but l7ong enough to allow a few en� -Our old and much Be'teemed friend, Mr. . Workmen's Convention in Ottawa, left Mon- William Thornton's.-Megsrs. Hewitt and has been delivering lectures throughout.thi whatever. Now, the item which appeared tare a I nd P
list. This was considered more fair and thusia itic Grits who happened to be there Jamieson, has been elected once more as day morning for that plac6.-Mr. Sohn Conlies, of this plAce, were in Walkerton part of the county as immigration agen .. t fo in TnE Exposi,roR of the 5th of February, - lighted .2.
. equitable to all -parties, as it gives the muni- to hav a a cordial greeting with their honor- precentor'of Union cliurch by a large ma- I Brownlee, who has been in Ha�nilion & Me- last week to vote for the Grit candidate, the Government of Manitoba, delivered was just as I was told, but I was misintorm- su__, - ,
� every secoi
cipality where the Reform vote is weak, and ed pol ,tical chief. ' Had it been 'generally jority. We hope tha he may enjoy his old I Loan's tin shop for the past number of Mr. Truax. -At the meeting of the Young very interesting lecture in Coxwort,h"s bat ed about the whole matter, hence the neces- witha, pai .
1� i
where the hardest work has frequently to be knowt that Mr. Laurier -was to go west by position, and trust th it he will be as succeas. � years, left on Monday tnorini4 to take a People's Christian A�sociation on Thursday on Saturday evening. There was a very sity of me makin this apology ; as I do not '
done, proportionate representation with that t -ain a large"number would .have em. ful in the future as he has been in the past, 1 situation in London. We all 7'ish him suc. it was decided to hold a grand concert on I r e attendance and the v . ery best of ordei wish to do Mr. lynl%l any harm.-MoRaw to -keep ' do
i A . 'evenij?g ended th' term &'11 attention prevailed. Mr. Elder is a CORRL'3PONDENT.
municipalities where the Reform vote is braee� the opportunity to meet him. -Mr. which is the earnest prayer of his - many cess. -Mr. Vanstaline, P. KQlly & Son's March 4th. -Friday P All Me:k
I exceptionally strong. , Under the old rules, Rober , Logan returned on Tuesday last from friends.-MisaJenni Fotheringham, who I m , iller, spent Sunday in Wi-1-hwin. - of singing lessons. Mr. Skilling 'would fluent and pleasing .speaker, and dealt witt I seem to be,
at a convention for the nomination of a can- a business trip to Manitoba. -Mr. JohnC. hasbeenvisiting fri do in Colborne ,for I Jdr, William Moody spent SIi.nday with his have got a large clasj3 for another term, but the advantages and disadvantaget-of the far The following is the or -der the farmers are little girl I
� of age on t
didate, the nominations were made openly Steele left on Wednesday for Winnipeg to sometime, has returi ied to her home in mother in town.- Mr. Thomas. Clar4, ,of ke declined. We cannot speak too highly famed West in -I's straightforward, nisinly required to sign : "' I hereby agree to re-
. ,F I . I
and the vote was taken by ballot. In this bring home Willie Kyle, who has been �ick Tuckeramith.-Mr. 3imon, McKenzie - has Clinton, spent a few days in our midst. last of him as a music teapher.4-Mr. John John- manner, and the information and advice hc ceive from Messrs. Hutton and Carr, of the must have
way much valuable time was lost to no pur- in the hospital there for some time. He ex- finished drawing bric , for his house. When week. -Mrs. Tucker, of Beigr2;ve, spe4t � a ston opened his grocery ' We ' down witf
I gave was of a good, sound common senst town of Wingliam ......... bushels of Cali- joyment.
one, and besides, individuals were often in- presse I a wish to come hoine and, his grand- completed it will add greatly to the appear- few days visiting Men. N. Sisusl this wee k_' wish Mr. Johnxton 4ucoess in this enter- character, and could not fail to be of greal fornia Defiance Spring Wheat, which I will I attend are
9mcled, through the representations of father Mr, Janies Forsythe, is sending Mri ance of this place. -Mise Annie Allan is A very enjoyable time was spent at thelresi- prise and we feel an I
to become candidates before a con- Steele for him, as the doctors said they visiting friends in Clit iton. .1 i I I ! ared that he will re- interest and benefit to intending settlers.- now about one bushet and a peck to the grandmot
friends, -Mrs. McTavish, dence *of Mr. Thomas G, oam&U,l north gravel ceive a fair share oil the public patronage.-, Miss Berths Hodgins left this week for Lou -1 acre on good land, barvest and thresh and , �Wh,
I them .
vention not knowirig their strength or the thong t he could now be removed with safe- who has been confined to bed for some time road, last Tuesday night.-Th� new Mothw. Miss Annie Gra is s�riously ill at present
actual feeling of the convention towards ty.- a regret to learn of the death of Mrs is slowly recove . ) Y - don to resume her studies at the Forest! deliver free to the said Hutton & Carr in A01110 oze
. rin . Mr. Win. Cooper in- dist Sunday school library !was pu� itto -Mr. Dunn, who owns the house and Business College. -Mr. Rlswarith, of Lou. the pro'portion of one halfof the wheat raised - I
them, and were thus made to appear as as- Them s Jackson, jr., of. Clinton, and sister _ tends disposing of I property an�d moving circulation last Sunday. Mr. iGeorge Jen- orchard near the school, is in town at don, wa's -in the village this week visitin or - duced from the said. . � ...... hushob boy, and
pirants for position, whereas had they had . of Me . James Jackson, of this town. The went. -Mr. D. Dallas intends visiting friends Was has been chosen as Librarian, and � 34r. 9 yr� I howle of t
t present. -Messrs. Vuff and Stewart have friends. - Mr. William MeOlyment ' of ap ng Wheat giv-an me at the above ad-
� I Is n
an. opportunity of testing the feeling of the 1 sad ev.nt took - place on Friday last. Mr in Essex. The mouth seems o have a great Herbert- Young as assistsnt.�-Ikev. ;, Mr. sold their farm on thb 12th concession "of able to go around again. La grippe had a dress on or before November let, 1892 is I . ftionds him
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