HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-02-12, Page 8� I - - . I . I I - :� I , I I I . A 1_,Z .6 --- OASH) EDWARD __ . � � � . I I ­ I ; V-1 . I f'., I � . , - Will continue to buy any quantity of . � - I I I A_ � ; I I - I � � , . Fine Rool and Print Butter. Also I . . � I � ­ . I I I . Furs, Hides, Sheepskins and tallow I . � I \A_1 I - N, � .> i at his old stand - �, �k , t , I , ## - * GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH. � � � _ � . . . . . . , ,4 - ? .,� .1 : B � 1_ - OLOTHING. i�,1�5' � I , " - . ­Z� . � '.4 � , �,, � - � � �-4--� � I �-.t I ; 1� ;.� � ]Bi_sr ranire of New Clothing consisting of Men's . � I � � . � f T(miW Boys'sud Children's overcoats, and Suits I . � � � bought at prices away below ordinary value, and -bo 4 - which will sold at proportionally lower rates. . � �_ . Main's Overcoats from 10.60 up; Men's Suitle from ,04 ; I � !. Z � up ; Boys! Suits f rom $4 -up ; Boye overcoats f r6in 7. ! W.75 up; Children's Sultafrom $1.75 up; ChildrOD'D I 1; � � Overcoats from $92.38 up. Our stock of Furs, COM- . , � "t � � . i -1 I % GOMM' 00at§, CA M . cam - � =`oU!Z vlw "Boss, &c., isizow COM11), 6110 It the I v I - I : - , - � Barg aln Clothin and Diy Goods HOU26. . i 11 . : . �w . - WWPICKARDI I - 7 - � � - I . T. Kidd's old stand, Sesforth. ' I . I . . � I � i � , i - I — ght A-Ruran &P00itot CD � - �. . � I � , - - I . DISTRICT MATTERS. � - � - - I I e'. 1. , � � I I ! ' TuE BARLEY Quxsmox.—We have r000iv- 11 - ! I" ed an excellent letter from our old friend, , � i � 1. � � . .Mr. James Pringli, on the hailey, quehtion. " � Mr. Pringle di.scusses the* relAive merits of �` I 11 the two -rowed and. the Ax,rq!yed .barley, - TOR on W the paragraph of T`Hz'16kk` � I ", M�kin r. osys'two-rowed barley, which appear- - � � ed a, few weeks ago, as a text. His long- . experience in the grain business, both iW a � � grower and a dealer, enables him to speak _7 . with bnthoritv on such questions, and we � �: - know his lett;r will be read with interest by 1: � I � I the farming community. It will appear - 7 � - next week. � I I I � I . E�J[KA WZLV4,-So far this week the � r : � I I Emma W`614 Comedy Com?_ any, which is I �� . . appearin$ nightly in Cardno 4 Hall, .pnder. . � the auspices of the band,, have bow g tooted � - . with full houses. The merits of the corn, I -1. ­ .. pr6uy well deserve this, and any person who! � , I I � - may attend w -i y .. . *11, we feel sure be well satis � I fied with the performance.' Besides this , � � i they are appearing for our band and sbould, I - . I . be well patronized. Miss Emma Wellij the I I I silar of t4a company', in-. truly & marvel In . � . 11 her line. 8fie sings clearly and Awcurately I I I in four distinct voices, while bar piano solos � I are of & high order. Miss Jennie Ray, an- . other member of the company, delights her I I I I i audience with her sweet sisging and is &I- r I � I wa,ys heartily applauded. 1N1 r. T. H. � - Marks, the funny man, keeps 'the audience : I I , r in roars of laughter whenever he appears. . � I - The comedies witb which the eveningis' an- � � . � tertainments are always concluded are well Z . � f acted and as a rule, most laughable, The � "I � company spend next week in Clinton. I - -_ - - i. . I � � I . , 1- - TILE HORSE TRADE. -There has been quite a little boom in the horse trader dur- I - . � . ing the past week, and some .,five oar loa& I . - ' d from here to Manitoba. have been shippe . The principaf buyers were Messrs. Dorsey . and White, of Winnipeg ; 0. C. Willson and J. Irvine, Seaforth ; A. Cardno, Sea- forth.; Isaac Miller,,Harpurhay; Mr. Clarke : and Mr. Fowler, Manitoba, and Mr. Mul- _� doon, McKillop. Some very good horses I � .� have been bought, and. among .the number ' � � � a pair of very handsome drivers were sold I I I I I by Mr. R. B. Ross, of Gowsaside Farm, . . Rodgerville. These were purchased by t , Messrs. Dorsey & Whit6, and are as dandy � � a pair an have left the town for a Aaod I . while. The majority of the horses par- I chased, however, were of the general pur- , - � pose class, weighiag from LWO to. 1,500 I pounds, and were bought at prices ranging - . I all the way from $M to $125. The old re- � liable, Mr. John .MoMann, also shipped a load of picked horses to Alpena, Michigan. � . One mare in this lot weighed 1, 900 pounds, 1 I and the others averaged from 1,500 to 1,600 1 � pounds. This lot would average about $150 � each, and it is only the very best � I � I � - now be shipped to the 'States. , - I- �_ I I r � . - I I A HuRw� Boy'L - 4 MisFoRTuNE.-The fol- � � . . I . lowing paragraph wet%ke from the Lang- L . � don'L North Dakota, Democrat, of the Uh 7 7 1 1 inat. Tha,youngmsn reffbrred to theretu L I I . I . I was a former re6idenLt of the towuship of � -1 - . 1, - Grey, and his father now resides in Brussels. L I � f I Himself and two brothers have been engaged I ( . I . for some years at farmi in Dakota And I - ha,ve done well there. 71ames was a par - f ticularly industrious, steady and intelligent � � . . young man, and was much and deservedly I � I h new home. lain many I . friend -SL in this county will hope for his I L I speedy and permanent recovery. The 7 I w . . , Democrat says: "James Stewart was taken � : I r before the board of insanity Monday eveu- I I 1. � ing for examination &nd adjudged insane I . - �Lnd orde1ed to, be committed to the asylum , at Jamestown, where he. was taker., the next . I day by Sheriff Pinkerton and a brother of - � .� I the aflUcted man. Brooding over religious � �. � ; I questions is what turned the young man a � � � � brain, and although quite barmless, it was : i I � deemed beat to commit him to the asylum I I I � . where he can receive the beat treatment. . I- � It ia expected that in a few months he will I . � bec returned entirely restored. to health and � . .13.1 U i ty. " I -0 � . . I A M(XILLOP LADY Ix,juRED izi LONDON. �I 11 - ' -The young lady mear,ioned in the follow- � ing from the London Advertiser of Friday I � �1. � last, is a daughter of -Mr. Richu.,rd, Pollard, I � of McKillop: Aboat 9 o'clock yesterday a team of horses; attached to Joseph Mitchel- I � tree's butcher wagon because frightened in % � � the Market Lane and started at a lively gal- , lop eastward on Dandas street. At the corner of Richmond the driver was thrown �� , out bv the sharp curve taken northward. i - same to advertise for tenders for the stone I required for the -work. Councillor Lyon was authorized to pro are plans and specifi- cations for the new aldition to the water- works building, said addition to be of brick with stone -foundation, to be 12 feet wide and the length of the present new por- tion of the building, and to havei & ceiling 12 feet high, to be large enough to furnish am - le room for the new pump and electric "' r' light dynamos, and to Jay the plans and � specifications before the council st.the next meeting. The clerk was instructed to. a4 - vine by letter those dealers with whom the town runs accounts that the town will not hold itself itspousible foX any items of so- - count for which that dealer cannot show an order from the chairman of committees, and such orders must be presented with their ACCOUDU when rendered. The clerk � was authorized to surrender to E. Lusby, con- stable, his bond, and to receive from him what funds and property belonging to the 01 * Letters town may be in -his posses on. from A. H. Ingram and W. G. Glenn, rela- tive to the purohaBe of a portion of the elec- tric light'Plxut, were received and laid over until next meeting. Accounts' to the smount of $863.08.were passed and ordered to be paid. The account of E. Lusby of $5, as Truant Officei, was ordered to be paid. Council then adjourned to meet at � the call of tne Mayor. I . �� I EGMONDVIL�F ITEMS. -The many friends in this vicinity of Mr. Andrew McCalt 1wUll be pletsed to learlith4t he is to far recover- ed so fo permit of hisiremoval to his home in Toronto on Thursday last week. The fractured limb is slowly regaining strength, and It Is hoped will soon be fit for useig � ain. This will doubtless bi the case under Us carefut :upervision of Dr. -.Sloan,,� *fib whom he re - ides. -Active preparations are being made for the coming anniversary on Sunday sod Monday next, Tea will be served froii 6 to 8 o'cloclC on Monday evening, af ter which . the Rev. Mr. G rant will 44liver a lectun an 11 A' Purpoie carried out Earneotly," and from the gontlem&6'i well-known ability, an Intellectual treat way be looked for. -Choice wasio, under the leadership of Mr, G. F, , Oakes, will be given by the young peo le'of the congregation.- . The physiasl results of Is rippe have, however, sadly interfered Witt musical practice. -We were pleased to I Usten on Thursday evenlof lt, eek to a discourse by the Rev. r. Needham on I "God as Manifest in Creation." The -rev- erend gentiomau.purpow . a following out this line of thought for some time at the weekly prayer meeting, and as it is a most interest- ing and instructive subject, both young sod old would be Jamply. repaid for attending. It im-,surely,not a gratifying thing to see so many who are too -cureless to read the great book of Nature, spread out before them,aud discern on every page the work of a Supreme Architect. There would be fewer cranks and skeptics in the world if Nature and Revelation were studied conjointly. , 'BOY Wanted to laarn the dry goods busi- ness. Apply at HoFF_mAN & Co., Sesfortli. 1261 WANTED immediately, a Rood general servant. Apply to J. A. Wilson, Sesfortb. 1261 CURIX0. MAEASX BY ELECTRICITY AT HOATE. I ---As per advertisement it will be won that a repre- sentative, electrician of the Dorenwend Electric Belt Co., Toronto, will be at Commercial Hotei on Friday 19th Februarnwhere he can be:coasulted with I about the self -cure of the muscular nerves and chronic diseases. Nowthe afflicted havean oppor- tunity of tting a free and'impartial Opinion of their troubles. Com stay Is liwited don't miss it. 8-ur--URED FERso--is should see the new Dorenwen - d Electrical attachment to combine with asy truss ma n cares certain and adding comfort, c I at more &I Hotel on Friday 19th Februw, . per advertisement In another column. . 1261 i. . HAPPINESS. -Happiness often d6osisto in reading a irtiod paper, one that leaves a pleasant taste in the raouth, one that you can rise up from -perusing with the knowledge that you have gained something of perniment advantage. There are papers which do not give this happiness, but which, while exciting for the moment, result in perinandat evil, although the Immediate effect at the time may I not be apparent. The Montreal Wn-sms is a peLoor of the former clam. It is good; it does good. the Weekly edition is sent to subscribers for one dollar . a year.the Daily for three dollars, and the NownzRx MZ88XXGZ&,h paper for the younger members. of the family particularly and for Sunday Schools,for thirty centsa year. � . 1201-1 DiNING ROOM GIRL WANTED.- Wanted at once a first-class dining room girl at the Commer. cial Hotel, Seaforth. H. G. EDSELL. 1261-1 A MYSTERIOus RivER.-l' Prof. Gustav once with a inesmeric glance overpowered a frantic manias." In the foregoing sentence. is hidden' the name ofacelebrated riverandthediecovererolit way makemoney. For the first correct answer Tnm FiRx. STDF WHyxi,y off ere .5100 in cash, second $75, third $50, next two $26, mxt five $10, and more than a hundred cash sod other prizes; besides which M and $10 are offered for the first and second fron) each yrot!ince. Fifty cepts for a three nionths trial 8ub'c'ip 'On to the FIRFIRIDY must accompany each solution. Thirteen numbers of the best family paper in Canada for Fifty Cents. Send P. 0. orders where possible and send in early. Address, FIRUSIOX Wxrrmy, 9 Adelaide, West., Toronto,, Oat. 1261-3 HOUgE-KEEPER WANTELP.-A middle aged I woman as a house -keeper. No family, and- good wages. Apply to W. X. MORIvs, Seafbrtb. ­ 1201.2 i ___1 I 14LOCAL BRiEF.s.-A Winnipeg. dispatch of Konday last says : " F. A. Myers, of Portage la Pra_�Lrie, and head of the Order of ' i Foreaters in t�at place, died yesterday of . blood poisonin' * r. yers was, for ma.uy years, a reside;t of Seafortb, previous to go, ing to _Manitob�._It looks as if the people Of Clinton were abodt making a new depar- ture in connection with thei� public school. The London Adver�iner of wday' or two ago says : " Mr. Robb, inspector of schools for . . East Huron, and Mr. W. R I n b princi� pal of the Cii]PtD]2 High S&;10., ,�a,'e been examiniDg the workings of tht) 16cal kinder- gartens. It in proposed to estsbliah, the system there." What is Seafdrth doing in this direction! -Mr. E. Lusby',' svbo, for th� pa9t seven years has,. meted as ,town coDstable and Collector, and, who has re- ' tired from the service this year, thinks of I taking a trip to Ann Arbor, Michijgan, where his family have resided for somf 4-;,-- Vl� T. -V.., — . #.;i -U9..1 _3 :_ - :1 I 16_4 .., I I j� . ­ " . . THE HURON EXPOSITOR — VVso with him in his misfortune. -Mr. . Easton, of Wingh.ain, -was In town this week, looking up old frisqds.-The Broadfoot & Box Furniture factory 'closed down on Saturdtay, and- most of the em- ployees dismissed. The company have a very large stock on hand, rud decided to :uspend, work for a- time until they can get ome of it run off. They hope to resume operations with their full force in a.- low weeks. Mr. Brosdfo6t's pl%ning and sash and door factory is 'still working with Its fall staffi-The Oyster supper on Friday evening last, under the auspices of' the ladies of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, was fairly we!l patronized, and although the receipto,after paying expenses, will be small, those who attended spent a very enjoyable evening. Besides the re- , freshments musical selections were given by the Quartatte, club, and b Mr. and Mrs. Gibb on the organ and viorio, which worm much and deservedly appreciated by thou who listened to them.-Mr.sud Mrs. Wm. In. glis and childron.of North Dakota,who were spending a couple of months with relativei . . ' and friends in this county left here on Wed. nesday. ' They Will spend a few days with Mrs. Inglis' relatives in Michigan on theii � way home. -The annual meeting of the Sesforth Branch of ' the Upper Cana(lo Religious Tract and Book 'kRocllet - ill b k W1 ( held in tbe,lepture room of the othodial church next: Tuesday evening at 8 o'clodk, Rev. Dr,. Moffitt, the secretary of the society, will deliver an address on I ' I Christian Lih in Earnest. "-Sacramental services will bc hold in - the Presbyterian church next Sab. bath; Rev. Mr. Ross, of Brussels, is ex. pected to preach both morining and evening, -Mr. Thomas Bell, of Wingham, was-_- tu town this week. -Miss Clerale Davidson re- turned from Chicago 14Lst week, wihero*aha had been spending several` months with hex sister, Mrs, Black well. -Several went from here to Clinton on Monday night to hear Hon. Mr. Patterson and Dr. Montague, They say the latter is k cracker to i3peak but they were dlooppointed In Mr, 1191- terson as they may be is it very, poor speaker, -The literary ontertisinment, to be hold I by the Sons of Sootland.has been poatpons& till further.notice. A fall attendance of mem- bers of the society is requested at the noxi meeting as budoess of linp6ttance will come before the Camp. -The Womaii'm Christian Temperance Union are at peasant supplying , several lumbir camps with literitture, and will be pleased to got anymagazines, papers - or books from friends who have 'them 1� stare. They may be left at THE EXPOSITOR office. -The' Misses Sparliog, of Wingham, are visit friends in town. -The reports of Messrs. iyobb and Thom, Public School Inspectors for the county, will be found in this issue,. the fornper on the third page and the latter On the first page. They will both repay a careful perusal. -Mr. James Me. Michael has exchanged the old Copp resi- L dence and'gr6unds on West Goderich street with Mr. Isaiah Holman for his residence in which be now resides. Mr. McMiclisel gives Mr. Holman $350 cash it! the ex- change. -rhe skating carnival on Friday evening last was well attended. The skaten in cwtutne, however. were not numerous. There were several present from Heusalt-, Mitchell and other neighboring towns. -Mr. E. Christie, of Exeter, was in town tbiE L week and shed the light of h ' is genial count- enance on his many friends here. -The ice harvest has commenced and Mr. D. D. Wilson's teams are busily engaged in draw- ing from the Egmondville d&tn.--Some men who were working at the Egmandville dam the other day came across three Nectureo which they captured alive. Mr. Jack -son of Egmondville, got one and Mr. J. Livi ' stone -and Dr. McKay each got another. Or.- Jacki-ou's and Mr Livingstone's soon died but Dr. McKay's is silill living and apparently in good health. He has it in a glast casoja water in his office and it is qu�te an obje�t of curiosity to all callers. This is a sort - 01 a mongrel between &-fish and a liz%rd,,and ii " said. to be a native of the interior lakes Where they grow to a size of about three fqet_izi length. Those here measured about a foot in length. They must have come uF the river from the lake at Bayfield. A few years ago Mr. D. M. Rose, of McKill�p, captured one of the same in a stream in that I township.- The Seaforth Curling Club played a match with the Stratford club -in that city on Tuesday. This was one of the Group matches for the Ontario Tankard. Soxforth came out ' victorious by one shot. This.entitles our club to compete in Toronto for the Taukard.-Mosars. T. Brown and W. Menzies,of this town, have been appoint- ed agents for Mercer Brother.,� & Co., of Al- liston, manufactureni of barvesting machin- ; ery, including their new patent steel elevat- iug binder, without canvas. -At a meetingof Ithe South Huron License Commissl000r's Iheld at Kippen on Wednesday, ' Mr. John Weir of this town, was re -appointed chair - man.' -All interF.sted should bear in mind 1 the meeting of the South H6ron Reform Association at Brucefield on Saturday, at i one o'clock, -Mr. Jamos McDonald, of Win - ni I peg, son of Rev. A. D. M.cDonald, and Mr. George F. rhompgon, of the same place, paid a flying visit to friends here this week, Both gentleman accompanied the remains of , , the -late J. B. Mather to Toronto. They left * for home on Tuesday. -Mr. Patrick Me- garey, for ma�y Years a resident of this town, died in ,London on Saturday last. - Mr. William �Cooper, of the Mill Road, Tuckersmith, has decided to remove to the Northwest early in the spring. He has purchased the farm near Birtle,on which the late Henry Mason intended.locating. -Some of the citizens in various parts of the town are in the habit of dumping their coal ashes on the street. Besides looking -very bad, these ash hespi are dangerous in t,he way of . soaring horses, mud the practice should be discoutinued.-The *ipecial meetings held in the Salvation Army barracks an Saturday and Sunday last were Very largely attended. Staff -Captain and Mri3. Botton, of the Social Rdkfnrm W;ndv w- I- ______j -a ___._ , , hope, end &�cording to bib own statemon boarded a ateadier in - New York mithout knowing where it was going. He finally - found Aimself in Galveston, Texas, from which place he wrote -that he was ill and had suffered' Intennely from mental worry. He Paid -that he expected to leave GalvestOn and would send his, aid ress later on. He wasnextheard. fronk-lat Houston, Texas, but h intimated th-at they should not wrltell�gh"iit there, as he would soon leave. Nothing further was heard from him until the telegram announcing his death I was re- ceived to -day. During his residepce here Mr. Payne occupied many positions of trust. He was for several years slderv�au and a few y . ears ago contested the mayoralt ,, be- , I Ing only defeated b� a few votes. We was, president of the St. Andrew's 86olety and took an active interest in the charities of the city. His business troubles wete not of such a nature as to entail loss upon anyone, nor was there anything to necessitate his leaving the city, His flight to Tw,so and death there are T;4�,_n,eially looked upon as the ouicome of I seusitive nature, xud. from the despondent though affectionate letters which he wrote to his family 1 - t would seem as though he virtfially died oi a broken heart. The remalps will be enibalMed and' sent home for interment." . � . . p . - I . ANOTHER WELL,DOING Hr,rw-x Boy.- The-gentlernza referred to in the following, which wetake from alateissue of the De- troit Tribune, is a son of the late.1hom" 'Hislop of this town. Heisanativeof the county of Huron and was born near Rodger' - villa, The Tribune says : 11 Thomas Hislop is a mair of - thirth-eight, a Canadian by birth, and has practised law in this ici4y for ton years, previous to which he,was a teacher for someyears, in the Colle&to. Iu, stitute at Ottawa, the Canadian capital, He is "an excellent xoholsr, a fine lawyer sod a sagacious man of, � business, His practice extends to all the courts in tbeatate, and he Is well known and highly respeaW, both at the barand In tho,community. During $be ' few years that he boo been in, praotice 48' has acquired quits An extoil.41ve law bual000t and enjoys the iu�levt confidence of hloi clientis. He haa beep successful in niany important cases, notably the case of .,Krastz ve, Brush Electric, Light Company. In this aa8sl%f r.'flielop 'appeared for KraRtz land the late Judge Marston for the electric light company.4 The, case involvo&� many nice questions of - law and wasa difficult litigatiew to handle. It was fought with unusual skill and great determination by this attorneys -for the. r ' espeotive parties, for ,- over four years,,when it was finally decided by.'the Supreme Court in favor of.Mr. Kraatz. Mr. Hislop is an indefatigable worker in his profession. and a careful, shrewd, reliable lawyer, -He in a republican in tDlittos, -and .is prominently identified wit many, of the,loadiug f raternal organiza, tions in Dbtrolb. . , . I . I . I - - t Stephen. COUNCIL MATTEM,-Atthe last meeting . of the Stephen Council two applications � were received for the position of Assessor. The vote was taken by balloit and resulted in favor of Mr. Cya'u, whereupon he was ap. pointed at a salary of $75. The Reeve and Clerk were appointed to interview th Bosanquet council ap the matter of th: Grand Bond Cut ftDdl it necessary, to pro. ceed to Sarnia and say other place necessary to settle the busintss, After passing a number of orders the, council adjourned un- til the first.Mondayin, March, when path. masters, fence -vie we're and pound -keepers will be appointed. � 10 Staffa; . BUILDING. -Mr. John McIver, of the Tth concession, is busy making preparations for. the erection of a very large barn 76x50 feet,, with stone stabling underneath and having all the modern conveniences excepting the electric light. -Mr. Morris intends putting a large addition to hii residence.. ' � PERSONALS. -Mr. Win. Hastings returned home from Adiebigan'on Tuesday last after' baviog spent,part of the fall and winter there. -Miss Annie Lnng is visiting rela. . tives at Sillsburg.-Mr. E. Murphy is draw, . iog posts from Kennyville. I - . * I Kippon. NOTE$, -Mrs. Baylis is the proud mother of a fine littlo girl, who came lust, Saturday morning. -Mr. James Young, of Cliut�n, preaches at 2.30 next Sunday, in "he Meth- odist church. -Mr. Gtorge Greenslade and wife are getting better. -Mrs, Grant istill continues very low. -Mr. Hood is slightly better.�-Mr. Cathcart, who, has been very sick, and Mr, J. Whiteman, jr,, who was flargemusly ill, are both on the mend.-' Very few homcs have escaped the ravages �f arippe.-The Kippen Circuit Board rnet !in I Kippen on Monday afternicon. Mr. Albert � Tiffin wa.i unanimously recommended to the Goderich district as a candidate for the Methodist ministry. __ Bluevale. I � NOTE'4 -The funeral of the late Williani Portice. of Turnberry, took. place on Tue8- A day. The remains were interred in the Bluevale cometery.-Mr. J. J. Diment has purchased the wbey from the cbe-ese com- pany for $13 per ton. -Mr. and Mrs. Kirk- patrick, of Mount Forest, were visiting at Mr. Hugh Rcss' last week. -A load of Blue� valeites went to Wroxeter to attend the concert on Wednesday evening and expressed themselves pleased'with the proceediags.- _N t r s.. Joseph Breckenrid e is slowly im. proving. -Mr. and Mrs. fhomas Cornell, of Hespeler, are visiting in Bluevale and vicinity. -Mr. Alex. McEwen ha:3 movfd into the house vacated by Mr. Stephenson. - , Our sick list is diminishing. -Mr, John Johnston is having Mr. McPherson' a store repaired before entering into the mercantile line. - - � the crossing at the time, sod in a hurried . � �, - . - - . h 4 __�Uej�'_ I vant, and we do not think t ere was a this branch of the --- ____1 ____ -_ Army's work. The� Goderich. - . � . attempt to step backward out of the WAY, . . slipped and fell, the wheels passing over her her of the council board who was not sorry I to part with him, but it was the general im- 1 were as3isted by Ensign Archibald. 1: — COASTM, ACCIDENT. -About nine o'clock last Saturday night a serious accident took I - � foot * . She was taken into a drug store, but I � I I I , was found to be unhurt beyond a bruised pression that increasing years - impaire'd his in . � JC11 " DEATH OF HN PAYKE.—The following, place here. A p%rty of ydung.people were I . .1 . -1 ankle, The tearn continued runDiDg'0_q I usefulness the rough and tumble work that frequently falls to the lot of a police- . I which appeared in the Globe of Tuesday � coasting on the harbor hill. When about half way down, and going at a terrific rate . Itichmond street, and when in front Of John man, and as the duties of collector and last. as a despatch from Stratford, will be I of speed, the steering gear- broke, le a in - I Moule's grocery store one of the borses col- � � o I lided forcibly with a talegra,ph pole, 'The policeman are combined, it was thought wise to make a change Mr. Lusby is one of the read tvith-mel%ncholy interest by many in I this section. Mr. Payne was the eldest and I thcAe on board helpless to save thern elvves! 3 The sleigh dashed against the coiner of the � � . I poor brute was knocked down and lay on . .� # pioneer residents of Seaforth, and should he * only survivi6g son of -vir. %Vm. Payne, of I , Ocean house witb tremendou. ,� force: Help I . I tharoadsidefor a time suffering greatly . � I k t I decide to leave, the good wishes of many wi[l 1 I Egmondville, who has recently been -severe was soon at hand, when it was found that :, unfil chloformed to death by J. 11, Ten- � . � � - � rant, V, S, Its forehead was split open by I g,) with him. -The Lincoln, Nebraska, bor. I .9 all I lY afflicted,, having 1019t hi wife d two by death Re a i b rd Cattle had one leg broken and the - I . the force of the concussion, and it was respondent of the Chicago Canadian Anier'i- i . Bons '08 within a short period, a d h leg fractured. He D e smaller bon of the other I � . ; a � wercif ul act to put it out of the way. The, � t I can in its list of Canadians located in that i"is city says: " It. A. Stephens is from the himself in delicate health. The sincerest , was also i D�jured in the face. A young lad sympathy Pf all will be extended to him. I named Alvin Wallace, son of �rlr. P. B. . other horso was uninju-red. The driver was I .grand . I also unhurt. The dead horse wLts valued at i old county of Huron. Here ten years, A building contractor with a fine busincs-9. Mr. John Payne was a comparatively young I man, probably about 45) Wallace, commeraisi traveller,had one of his I ; 1 $200, having made a good record on th6 � . Is,nicely fixed financially." The same cor- years of age and , thighs broken. Miss Straiton, daughter of Dative of Tuoker,smi was a ith. He leaves a I Mr. A. StraJto,a, Grand Trunk Railway I local trac'k. � respondent gives the names and former I widow but no family. The despatch says : I agent, was knocked ,iensele.is I by the con- I - I __ . . � 5 . C09.NCIL Doi-,�(.s. -Council met in the residencEs of some twenty Canadiaue, who I are now in business in Lincoln. -Miss, Hys, 1 " The nivatery 8urroundi g tb a a n e di appe r- I cussion, and was. slightly injured. Medical . anca of Mr. John Payne early in- January I attendance was procured, and the -sufferers I cauncil chamber on Monday evening last. I " top, who now resides near Winnipeg, is at I and his whereabouts since then was partially � were removed to their homes. I The report of the committee appointed to I pregent Visiting relatives and friends in thi.s I t __ cleared up to -day by the receipt of a tele- ' define the duties of the various town offic- I vicinity, -NI r. D. D. �Vilson attended the � I gram from the medical- health officer of I Walton. I �L I ials was received and adopted. T,�e follow- I meeting of the Central Farmers' Institute c J in- persons were appointed to fill the L � , C2 various . at- Toronto. last week, and deli�ered an ad- L - town Offices - Treasurer, lVm. Elliott; I Houston, Texas, announcing his death in I COMPLIMENTARY REiOLUT10_14:�. - At a thatcity. Mr. Payne was a prominent grain I meeting of the Quarterly Official Board of n . i I dre--s on tho egg business, which wag very buyer Sod had been engaged in business I the Walton circuit li,eld in the church - Ai3-,eseor, Wni. Ballantyne ; Medical Health I � highly spoken of by the Toronto papers. -At on t here for some years. He had been fairly 1, the 1pt just. . a considerable I . � Officer, Dr. Bethune ; Sanitary Inspector, 1 � � Jas. A. Anderson ; Engineer, Robert I a mecting of the directors of the Tucker- Emith. Branch Agricultural Society, held last - - 'L amount of succeesful and was looked -- .. upon as a I business was done in the iuter6st of "the thoroughly. upright and honest citizen. Be ! � Roberts ; Electrician, A. U. Ingram ; Con- : - , C. M. Dunlop Town Engineer, week, Mr. W. G. Duff was appointed Secre- . Mr. Robert circuit, The financial returns were very left Stratford for Buffido on January Ilth, I satisfactory. A resolution was carried un au - We're for � -stable, ,i - . � John Beattie ; Fence -Viewers, Wm. Smith, 7 . t& , ry, and Logan, treasurer.- Dr. Campbell w as dangero�sly ill last Fri- and oome time all trace of him was ' imously invitiog Rev. W. Ottewell to re lost- ; It'was feared that he had . I M. Huxley, M. Keefe. C. .11, Danlop, as � collector of poll tax �tnd street- watering tax, day right, and was attended by three doc- tors. "He ia met with � main a third year. He returned his sincere foul play, but through the efforts of Eton. ! thanks and said that he always- felt himself Thomas Ballantyne, I . ired to � was requ furniski bonds satisfactory now recovering, and is out of danger. -We are glad to learn that Mr. jkl, 1p, p., Pad Mr, J. ! to be in the hands of the -itationing com, F. Palmer, who went to Buffalo to The following � to the Mayor, for the dne performance of I - , hi,i duty. The clerk was authorized to Wm. Sclater is recovering from a very prosecute ,! mittee. resolution. was car- the search for him, m-sisted by the police, it I ried by a standing vote : Moved by Mat- � re- � ceiver applications for the offices of night- severe attack of la grippe. -Mr. Thomas Downey met with a serious mishap oil Fri- was finally learned that he had gone to New I thew Morriaon, seconded by James Horney, York and there taken a steame� for ': . I . wa,tchmmn and market clerk, the duties to � . 7 I " be as defined by the Special Committee ap. . � I day last. He was coming from his kaw mill in McKillop, and meeting a sleigh on Galves- that whereas Brother J. J. Parish has come ton, Texas. Fromletter8 received by his I to the conclusion to remove to Manitoba, family, the contents of which have been i � I I . pointed to, define the duties of the town I � . .- officials, The clerk was also- authorized to ! the road he collided with it, upsetting his cutter and throwing him out, fracturing his just . we as members of' the Quarterly Official made Public, it appears tbut hl�- Payne had I Board of Walton circuit, in sessioili ssiem- lost rather hEavily in I ; I Z carrespond with the Kerr Engine Company I collar bone. He maDaged to get borne and ; � and procure plans and specifications for the wheat culations, ; bled, 4re desirous of giving expression and that when he left t was we I itph" the hope � our high appreciation of the invaluable of ser- q I had the fractured boni a6t, and in now do. � -, I - - bed of the j3ow.qte%m pump to be furnished 4 ing as well as could be expebted under bhe : that he w6uld be able to tide over bin fin- ) vices so cheerfully 'rendered by social difficulties, but Brother - __ by them, and as soon as he rece,iv" the , circumstunces. His many friende will a in. . y as the --xk -et con- I Parish while a resident of this tinned to decline be �seeme to � � cireuit. . I I I I . i�wlpi "St all I Baving been a member of this BoaFd for a - i I - I I - � � . I . / - I I . .. I I � I - . �. I / I 'i ,-,� I . I / D I I I . k . . __ - goodly number of years, we have found in himi-& wise and able counsellor. An ' a local preacher he was prompt to meet hiii ap. pointments. The forcible and 'l,arnest man- ner in which he has presented the truth ham m, . &do him very acceptable with the p6bple, in short he was ever ready to engage in evity good word and work. While sorry to loge him we can cheerfully recommend him to the people amongst whom his lot maybe cant, believing they will bar receivers to the extent of our loss. We pray that the rest Head of the church will follow with His blessi - our desir broth*, -his amiablg part - 3 ner in ife and their Int*eating family to their now horneo and that temporal and spir- Itual prosperity way be theirit to �UJOTP and that finally when the sands of time in the hour-gl,wo, of life are run that all may bi brought to that permanent home where parting is unknown, I - East Wawanosh. NOTY.s.-A social was held at Webtf;eld on Monday night to defray expenses.of the repairipgof the Manse. -The Independent Order of Good Template' Lodge of West. field, which died some time ago, from last Mear'S. grippe,' is being re -organized. - ,; Sixth � line Literary Society is ir full blast again. -This is certainly one of the best societies in the county, as it wal organized years ago. -Mr. Win. Carr, ol Kirktoo, was home on a visit, and reportA business lively. -Mr. Cxao. Quinn, who had his leg broken s6me time ago, is recovering slowly., I I . . Bayffeld. . H'. F. EDWARDs has received a large por- tion of -his Spring Stock and hag a very choicWvariet) otnowgoods. Do not buy your prints until yotioba" seenwhathah". Corneearly and haveyour of the finest and best evershown in Bayfleld.pIee', his Be Cotton. I . 1261 N(YfFs.-Mrs, Maniqj of Point Edward, and bir Hunt,of $outhwold have been visiting Mrs, James Erwin. -Mr. Booth closed the meetings at the Town Hall on Sunday evening.-Wrsd Roth la--dolog a rushin business at hip blackiimith sbop In Goderfog toftihfp;;�-The Officeft of Trinity Churob Frpo" haying a grand* rhonograph concert OU.the ToWWRAll' shortly,look out for fur. ther announcements." I � * � I . I - . - . . Ethdi. � I NOTH.-C-T. Chapman is getting_ material on the grot4nd for his new house.-7-37ho Eng- lish church people talk of erecting it church here in the near future. -About ' thirty of tho young people of this vicinity spent, a very enjoyable evening at the residence ol Mr. McLaughlin near Cranbrook. one eyen- ing last week.-�ohn Watson, f6rmerly of this place, died very suddenly at his home n the 16th concession Gf Grey.. His - many friends here deeply sympathize with him sorrowing rel4tives, ,David I)obson, wife and family, who have boon visiting in, Rib- bert township for the past few weeks have returned to Ethel. They expect to leave for their home in Msoitob4 about the lot of March. -Wm. Elliott on's of our most re- opeoted farmers, has rented his farm to Quintin Alofflaiu, of the 6th concession, for ' a term of five years, and with his son Robt. will go West in the spring"A . Mr.3. Eiliott and family will become regidents of the village. � I I Glenft7ow. � DiKD.-ThA silver cord which held the svirit of Mr. Wm. Port�ous to its tenement o clay, was severed on Sunday evening, and he p"sed peacefully &why from this world of morrow. The bereated 1�ave the sym- pathy ofevery one in t)heir �oes. DeceAeed I wag father of Mrs, WM4' Go 011) 1. - I PUXSONALS.-Mrs. Jd1hn R yes and'soiio ol . . � North Easthope, spent not ' k t Mr.i D, Fritasr's.-Mr. Agnew' of 7aw'snoeb; ii � spending a few days st,Mr. ohn Green I I.- 4 Mr. and Mine. Greer, of i GorrlV ..F.". - 1eq days this week at Mr. J&8. iVylie's.-Wir, James McCracken, of luevale,speintSstur, day and Sunday at Mr. � Paul Powell'g,--iDr un. and Mrs. Tamlyn, of Vfinghsm, spent 4 , daylastat-Mr. Alex.� McDonald's.-Misi Maggie Ballagh, who h�s been visiting. hei i t � I Mrs. Joe. Higgion, for some time,: re. t u's= home Saturday.�'Mr. Wan. Trace) lift on Monday for his 4ome in the - North, West. I A PLEASAINT PAnTY.7-On Thursday even, ing the y6lung pe'Qpl� of the neighborhood and 8urrou6diqg , country, to the numbpr ol I about 100, gathered at : h ,tsidence of J"Marl' Geo. Fortune, a " hou4- �11 armiog ", bei " � - nt, �p order. The evening wa's pleasantly' spoqt " tripping the light f 3tautic." Mr. '&A Mrs. Fortune and famil left nothing. lun. [�.' done that would add to lthe pleasure or 6 m. . I 0 forb of the guests. Th( I ifr new house is a model of neatness and comfort. It is heated throughout with hot air. . DIED .,.N KA-NSAS.-Mr. Adam McBu�rney, .who left here with his Wife and brother for Mexico, for the benefit 9'f his health, died on the 4th inst. in Kaugai.1 The change of cli- mate u6t being beuefioi4 to Mr. 'McBurnpy'a health they were return Dg home, and were only as far as Kansas, �rhea he died. His remains were brought h�me and were fol. lowed to their last resting pl�ce in wi�vg_ ham cemetery by & larg6 number of sorrow- ing friends. ' The Leresied widow and rela- tives hiLve the entire my inpathy of the oom� I munity. Deceased was; a sufferer from that terrible disease, consumption. . — I Wroxeter. . . NOTE,14'-We are glad to be able to report that Mrs, (Rev.) ShAw Is improving slowly but *Veadily.-Mr. 1G. Pane and Mr. Thos, Miller are about again. -Mr. Hughes, of Lakelot, in moving into our village at pres- ent. He ' has bought thl property formerly owned by Mr. Lee, of the firm of Lee & Co., and Mr. Lee hss moved' into Mr. Wrilker's house. -Rev. Mr. Carter has moved into Mr. Hazelwood's house.�-Our Presbyterians have decided to build their new,.dkurch on Mr. King's lot. We feel pro'ud V their good sense in selecting this site, as it will be very conveilient for all parties, and'will add much to the appearance of our Main street, for we feel 4ure, j udgiDg f rotn our knowledge of the Sons of Auld Scotia, that none but a building both comniodioia and handsome ,7 will be er " eoted. 1. " (The above was intended for last week, but was not received in time.) FORESTERS' CONCE,Rfr-A splendid con- cert was held in the town ball, Wroxeter, on the evening of Wednqsday, the 3rd inst., under the auspices of Court Wroxeter Can. adian Order of Foresters. The doors were opened at seven o'clock, 'mud in an incredi- bly short time the building was packed to the very entrance. It Was found necessary - to look the doors after eight o'clock, and after this time many -aleighloads from a dis. tance were turned away,'aud even a goodly numb ' er of our villagers, who thought that they were sharp on tin�e, found to their bitter disap tment 'that " the door was shut." w)-irl., John Neelands, of Wing - ham, took the chair promptly at eight [)'clock, but, owing to the terrible jam in the aisles an well as in t4e entry, it was im- possible to proceed With 'the programme for some twenty minute� af4r that.bour. Even the performers-notwithatanding the assis- tance of an able at%ff of usher4-only reach Dd the stage after a good-natured inch-byl inch struggle from the puter door. Owing to the el"ors6te programme that was to fol- �ow, the chairman cut'his address short, making only a few brief and timely remark@ relative to the age, woOking and financial standing of the Canadian Order of Foresters, ind immediately. introduped that celebrated ind inimitable humorisli; Mr. James Fax. ro decide the effect of the various character- stic songs sod recitations -of this artist ovould be imporsible. At the close of each . .Derformance he left the audience fairly play- �d out. The rest of the programme con- iisted of the follawiDgvocal solos and duets, I ind also instrumental quartettes by the I . � - - 0 = M 901___�tl F , .: - I FEBRuARY 12, 1892 - - I __ . I . members of the Wibgharn gwrtette club, viz : The Misses Watson sue 14r. Friend, NEW SPRING GOODS This club is well-known, and t ms to be in- - dispensable to a, good eoncert i , hiflf vioinitY. Miss Maggie Cargill, of Fordv --h, rendered - . several reoitationt In excellent- si y)e. This , I -AT- . young lady is a rising elocutioi,:st, and the I I audience manifested their appreciation of I 1; I her talent by repeated and her, rty encores. , Miss Lottie Brawn and Miss Minnie Staples! Es McFAUL'S, iof this village also furn.ished sonic beautiful I nstruTpental music, 'We have left to the I last Miss Kate Strong, of Mount Forest, � not -be pamed over with the I SEAFORTH. whose name can I ! ordinary remarks. Mi'm Strong's first a,?- i . I I iarance on the stage was the signal -for pro- � : o*lnged applause. She sang several solor, I I - and the graceful williugne6s with which she Ha'�ing made arrangements with rnauu- responded to the'enthuslastic encores, won factu. re for early shipments in many lines, the admiration of the w hole audience. 'Miss r1e . . .1 Strong a -ad Mr. Fax also ssDg several duets we ar� pleased to be able to announce the but the effect of these must be left to the arrival already ,of several cases of cboice imagination of those of your readers who goods Among the now arrivaL, are: . 1,were not- fortunate enough to be present on I I . the occasion. Min Brawn, who acted a,, ONE_ CASE— , accompanist for Mies Strong and Mr. Fax, is an accomplished musician and handled the Ladies' Stailley Suitings. piano with splendid effect. Mr. Fax, s k orea. � -iog to the committee expressed himis f In . . terms highly complimentary to Miss Brawn, E ry lady should see tbesegoods ; they whom he desoijbes as a rapid, accurate are simply beautiful, . .reader of music and a proficient pianist. - The net receipts of the evening were, $90:00, and the only thing to be regretted is that ONEM CASE— so many were debarred from participating in the pleasure@ of the evening owing to , Flannelettes. I want of hall scoomm.odation.-Com. . � . i I . New patterns and fine quality. - Hills Green. I - . NOTES. -Mr. James Young, of Clinton, ON CASE— , preaches in the Methodist church at 6.30 next Snoday evening. -.Alisgcs, Emma and i Prints. Bertha Tfoyer. or beha)f of his Hills Green . friends h%ve presented Rev. H. Irvine with I ' a valuable pair of d ' skin. gloves, They In t iese goods the patterim are entirely nside w of r, & ' are lined I ith u nd the exterior is new, a�nd colors rajit. . beautiful, They wete purchaied In Toronto. Tht gloveii are a very welcome token of his Of#! . 0A86 - friends' esteem, especially In view of Bottle . Sateens. ' of the torri dM48 in' Kippon circuit, Mr, 1 6 - I Irvine wits'very grateful for the gift, - . �. � . . . '�_ I . - I I . Last ses,fmn'n Siteens were VeFy. pretty, . . . 1. I �. Blake, . . but this season the ps,tterne and ,quallitie-3 NOT98.-r-Mr. George Doul?las and Mrs. surpal anything ihs.t we have over shown. I 't Douglas h&Ate returned from their , h6ney- LIL'adiles' "'ll earl and choose your Dr"s inoon trip, and both are looking -well.-Mr. - ' y - F. Bees, of Zurich, paid our village a flying PatterP4 and If you wish your DriEss made, visit lately, -A. very' enjoyable surprise we wil book your order, so that it will re- KIrZy,-gotten up by Messrs, Manson and ceive prompt attenti,on as soon. as Misa A�ride took place at, Mr. Charlem Meyers' N - � on Monday night.-.Atr. Dunbar is still very ahrgaug returns from Chicago, ill.-&fr. John Davidson returned- -to the � villagq a few days agb, but the mild weather ! around the village did not seem Ao agree I I I with him, so he baa migrated north. -What . � might have been weerfous accident happen- E ward McFaul ed to Mr. Wm. Douglas while leaving a cer- - - I tain house to attend asurprise party. Being mounted on his broucho, and not paying as 1 - SEAFORTH. much attention &she should to where his - steed was going, it tripped over a rail, I mm - - __ which caused its rider to salute the ground I rather forcibly. No bones were broken, JhLs br ok block, formerly occupied by Mr. I although blood flowed freely, but by kind 1. C. Riebards, and it is going to be occu- attention the flow was soon stopped, and no ad by George Good & Company. -Mi. J. serious results arp anticipated. � V. Gr int, our old post master-, now of Win - - I I nipeg, paid a flying visit to our town last Vama. . week. I Jie looks as of yoXe, and speakswell . J. A. MCj-NTOSH, Brucefield, Conveyancer, of thel Prairie Province, but was also de. CoMmissioner for takiav affidavitm. Deeds, Mortgag- lighteo at the improvements in Brussels. es, Wills, &c., carefully drawn up on short notice. A . - large amount of Money to Loan It current rates, on Morris. the most favorable terms so to repayment, 1261-1 UAL ITIffus.-Mr. Thoinas Russell and ROYAL TEMrLARs'LECTuRv,.-On Tutsday wife are away in Perth county, visiting I eveniog foist Rev. J. W. Bell, of 'Hamilt * '11, friend in and around Stratfonl.-A party I Superinteodeni of the Ontario Missionary was h dd at the residence �bf Mr. M. Cun- IDepartment, Royal Temp!are of Temperance, ningbi rn on Thursday evening, last week, delivered his celebisted lecture entitled, which belonged to,the society of chosen I "The House We Live-in." Thelecturewas friend i, A very Ple"Allt gine was spent in i a most able and ivitractive one, 'and was games -sod music. -Mr. illustrated by views thrown up�n sk large line, it hoey Young. of the 6th - I sbeet of canvar, showing the various organs , getting out i cMar rails and posts. This in something that ill always I ,of the human system in different states re- Wanted every year, as the old fewes are be - salting from the use of alcholic beverages, iog replaced by iiew ones. -People cannot and also a number of -other iqterestiog be too 3areful in tnrning around with a cut - sketches. We venture to say that any pres- ter in lefp snow. A young lady and gen- � - , ent, who may have been in the habit of im, ttema got� a, bad- upsot at the Sanshine , bibling intoxicants, will have some qualms .post 0�ce a few days ago, butno one was � about doing so in future. The * hall was hurt. --Miss Janet Rood has gone to Flesh - packed to its utmost capacity by a very ap- ertoo, in G� ; - preclative audience. There was also a large * �y County' L for a few months. - number of Templars from Goderich, who Mr. "Kin. Moore, of Toronto, &pent a few ' days o a the Sth line, visiting big Iriende, last .� drovidowri'for'the occasion. Aftertheen- week.--3fir. G.'Hooa in attending the Pro- � teftainnnent was over, thq visitors from vincial Grange at ]London this week. -At Gdder'ich and a uu&ber of others, together the Brussels horse fair, la3t week, it is gsid, . With Rev, 1, W. Aeil, adjourned to the resi- that 17 animals were 4old.-Mr. Thornaa I itene4 of M.r. John Wanless, where they had bliller, of the 5th line, sold a "n, of colt's . im ihvited, A d partook of a most bouuti- for $200 to a gentleman near Galt. They , ' PI reosst of g,6?d thiaps provided by Mrs. I I . were ard to beat in this locality -My. � iVabless and otliers.' The occasion was e . .u- I John tcneou, i.r., of the 6th line, has I �f livened by niusic by the glee club of' the I taken,unto himself a w . .1fe, in the Person of I Gojerich Council, and short addresses by Miss Wlilson, of the 2nd line of those present. Affir a hearty vote of � I Morris, 1. iI-----------#.— . thankstothe host and houtcss the very I I I i plea -Sant occasion came't;o a close. I Chiselhurst. -1 - - � No�_E.-,,-By an error of this scribe or the . Lower Winghana. I print#s' devil,& Cbiselhurst item got placed hmo the Kippen items last week. The BRIEFS. - 'Mrs. Stafford bus returned to I Faidultem"' was about, a Sabbath Schobi Palmerston after a shorkvisit at her old Teach rs' meuting.-The rain and sleibt on home. � -M- is. George MauboD, of Exeter, was Sund r_1 � af mor�ing interfered with the Meth. I renewing old acquaint aucts )ast week. -Mr. odist, lQuarterly meeting. The, church was and 211.ra. John Porterfield. of Howick, were about .tbree-fouitbs full, and. the meeting the guests -of Mrs. Robt. Cranston last week. was C iloyable and profitable. Several loads I . -Mr. Everett has moved into the ,house came from Kippeu,_�Jlr, John Horton came I lately vacated by 31r. Burrows. -Miss Tay- home from Lockport, over a week ago, very lor is at present with her sister, Mrs. James. sick with giippe. - Urr. Henry..Hyre io atill Reep, of Culross. -Mr. Cbsirle8 Manser, and confli ed to the house with the same disease. . Mr. Charles- Hewitt are at present off work I -Mr - G. Wien is r--covering:_Mr. Wm. on account of ill health. -Mr. Itiobard Wal. Leach and Mr, Wm. Kinsmav, on behalf of ters met with a very severe accident � on a number of the Chiselburbt people,present­�- Tuesd�y morning last by getting his leg ed Rev. H. Iri-ine with a load of oats for% badly rimashed in the busli.-Messre. Jame* his house, last week. ' The oats were mostly - - and Malcoini Grahsim were the guests of crunbed,tbus savinj the expense and trouble Miss Ellen Graham last week. -Mr. John I of getting them crusbed, ., r Mr. Leach did Morris -on, of Culross, has rented the farm I the collecting and Xr. Ki"IsuJan the crush, of Mr. George Burk, of this place, for a I iog. Chiselhurat did Mr.Irvioe alike kind. term of years, ­ - mess lost winter, They are bound to make I ' ----------*- - — 1� I th6 circuit work as Pleasant as possible for .- Brussels. their stor. - . . "' a . BRIXFs.-Mr; John McIntosh, of Grey, 19Fs.-There is still he,r.%kP 2.8 in fact I has sold his farm in that townabip,, lot 11, "!r�y bere,,,�%_ great deal,of slokoes$ but.we I . 't concc-ssien 7, to Mr. Wm. Brewer, his ten- are pl ' sod tojearn; there ate a great num- ant, for the sum of $5,100, which is a go,od ber re oVerjn g*'--Vrs. Thomas Nicholls -and gure. It is a finit-claks farm. Grey is it. .'r �Pho have been in Calif,ornis for fi diugh lb doing its own share of -males of farms this the past t ree mputba, returned home this Year, and fairly week, lookin good prices arp realized, _A as though they bad ,enjoyed which speaks well for the township.-Memsrs th I ' - r.-Williani Davey, a former . e'r r'p, Stewart & Duff, 'who purchased the bush.' reside t of 'this place, bag also returmed farm of the Joseph Wel,shesthte, bare -sold I frow. Californ I is, and is at present vi,siting. it to Mr. A. McDonald, for $1,606, reserv- his m ,ther in wing -ham, . w -h n an at- . iog their right to take all the timber.- tack of )a grippe is noW, in a very precarious Several of the good farms are yet on the I conditiou.-Miss Florence MeTaggart is z market, and will be sold at reasonable I rstill in Detroit visit * her uncle, Dr. hlc- 1, 113 1 figures. -Eli Parkin#, the American 1 Leod.-Miss Agnes 1149ohoril ,has -17 . Rumor- to Dakotis i%fter a brief re . turned I ist, delivered his lecture, entitled " Philos- visit here with her - he disagreeable weatber I ophy of laughter, " in the town ball -on Wed mother. -Owing to t I . neRday, last week. He bad a good house, I there was not as large' #,,gathering at the - Eli is a good lecturer, prActical, and without Methodist quarterly nie-etini! as Was expect - any nousense, until as an illustration ,of ed. -Rev. xk1r. Henderson, of Hensall, of - some point, and theta his jokes were veky - ficiate in the Presbyterian church last Sab- - � batb, L . artin, t e pastor, being ill. � applicable. He is well worth hearing, and 1 is a genuine Yankee of the Republican I . �__,_, - stamp, and is a protectionist, except in lec- 1 ' -Some four weeks ago Councillor William I I turing.-At the Iasi meet of coubei-I the I Rennie,. South Eastbope, while leading a hay scales were let to ivr. W. J , me colt rot ad a barn yard was thrown againat a �Cracken for $81, L for 1892. Messrs. Wn): ! stone,. sustaining a out on the knee. Ery- Sinclair,' Robert Taylor and J. T. Pepper i sipelas get in and blood poitoning, followed. were appointed band committee, and v ap- After much inten.4,e suffering he died about � plications will be received up to next meet- ; two we ks after the accident. . Mr. Rennie ing for a person to fill, the Offices of con- �e was 52 Years of age and a bachelor, jg,e stable, health inspector, truant officer, care- ; Was a so of considerable means, a promi- taker of engine, and general repairer of side. � nent and consistent memlier of the Presby - Walks, at a Palary of $325 per annum. The terian b-burch, and in the office of councillor . i clerk's salary way.increased to $80 per an- � he served his township honorably &ad cred- - num. The auditors, Messrs. Kendal' and I itably. IEI;e was a �staunch Liberal in poli- / Kirk, commence work next week. -Our tics 1_�ie death is deeply regretted by- a - curler* were awa i , , Y at WiDgham on Tuesday, I large ciFcle of relatives and f6endn. playing the -club of that town a match for , -So �th Easthope's Board of Health held . � the London Tankard competition,- Mr. D. � its firsJmeeting for.1892 on Monday last , I I � D. Campbell, of Listowel, D. D. _G, M t of J week, sod organized for active work during the Masonic lodges of this district, vis'Ited . the curfent year. VV. J. Schaefer was UP - St. John's lodge, here, on Tuesday last.- I pointed chairman. Dr. Whiteman, the The 891vation, Army are going to have a I M. H. 0., made some good sugpstions to I good time in the town ball on the l7th inst. I prevent the spreading of contagious diseases, Messrs. Walkerand Ewan have remov6d to I and among othe ' . I r proceedings of the meeting their -new premiset., Mr. D. Ewan having i the secretary WAS instructed to Lnotify ill, � purchased the old shop of the late W F � possess Hurter, and 11r. James Walker 4ra of cider presses and butcher shops * - I to remove all offal from their respective renting the-, old shop of Mr. Charlea Holland. -Dr. places d to keep. them in good sanit'ary. . Graham is having a plate glass front put in I qpnditi4l! L I 1. I - I ' Since w to Rourp. � taking a V me to VV away. I V� cat witi) ;1 about tw,,� walk all L L MlUj� � I I Rouse h In fact it � - queer U) t! � . Wbolly Of L ent's 11)M� I tro4ern fP � bandsomv! otb*�,r built &tely conn planed, u,u .kind of pe� canvas, I - proper, I 1 companyp I I ,era, and, f", quite inch have hea.VJ plaevs hw While in t . gine room� ting on " t �coal from I trains bv� rs:iiroad tr - middle of .i rs.i I road �ca L this tremtlle one from -e d,erground, tramways j at t he Let motive po..; � an engine.,A chain, th'a L . train 'of lit, . these minV mine quite the mar ot I near the �c � engine hou the man ut his traib aj to the r-hrul are em.ptiei . , Wbicb, inal principal li i man or bo) aUffiCj,e.Z1Lt U I, U:_ 4__..;_ _1L want to assurne, in the House. " L ifoor aettire,.U-4 A icyoung mam� I k&ve sent for y4 I tmvne-d�te transaction Or PUt9ble O`Vi4itnO 'tude." - "I a that 9r . 3�;, I may be hardly lordship was. goic when l"t, we rn Umt you maght srolosT.;1 I At this darm,j wickedness boye, �ak shadiered v aw wyakip &I Mat W . L% 1__ty�_IUV it, and so ii all I ba -e i pr� I ospectinj this fact I 1� wbich to b4 � markawbit teresting U f�j 11 L Last , T . I near the 01i , say wbid 000 to t. a will pay f(; ; ia P I rettY ) � haa been f, called "' I alr,eadyJ -1 have 8tro_-] better t1bal turnsout,b will be ab - I sum each fl Coyote 881 I � CoUrge, floc, Wh�)lt L the . I clairnX ;_ th L mens 11-ein stAked acla goill k -now one - for fifteen ( once how h be worth -- fact Of the , wortblet S, , � ProspeCtiOj � of fevel ish can give I They becor else, and i enough for to be off ,%g hard, rougi ever rt-aeh I for. MI-4ore happenea -1 - ral feet, �th someothel at the holt Couple mol is iaid th,jl . Lsily'er mim , way� 1% h lick paid t world to bi which wai wife's bard rich man. tune, but 1, in bis wifie romfort ta what his t, ProspeetipL aartin," f446 mineral,rqvi I has got t;f inonvy to m prospectin and had a] . �� a sure in this little of bis han . dow, n he his; ro ... sp 'do 1p of Iome v very fl, faith in t Lor aied b L bi have U -Ug the first ti never tbLLL in There in with Sily- t4l you.