HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-02-05, Page 4M
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y h [ the church, . The inclem- he is either ill in a city where he is unknown �nce hall on Friday evening, February 12th.
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. munlcipa�litlqsii and the avp been doing so then murdering them, have been senteneed of Industry or any other unch organizations Howie lectured in - � i
. . o
- -
� - for years I to death. would answer the same purpos r doubtless prevented many from or has met with foul play. His friends are -,The following are the officers of I N, rth
� ne to ascertain big where- Star " lodge, Independent Order of Good.
� , and we have never learned that n ha�ing a smal' attending, buttbope who heard the lectu�er employing me& -1
I I . REDUCTION IN DUTY WANTED.—A petition guided by an asso,-iatio �5 Mr. Payne is one of Stratford's Templars, for the present Darter : C. T'L,
Ar The figure belvfeen the parenthesis after each 11 the lattet, have not promptiy and fully met w:i t were much pleased with his descriptions, of abouts. George E. Williams; V I I
I is in circulation among the farmers of West- fund, one could conduct experiments . �., Ao: die Crisp,
llne denotes the pr4ge of the paper on which the ther ith sprin his native land of Palestine an([ of the c'us- most estimable citizens, and news of his
I their obligations. On the other hand, almo, ern Now York praying for a. reduction in varieties of oats, &DO : ' S. G, T., Hannah Riddell ; R. S., Jennie
advertisement will be found�, I I � eys ud anothe tome and modes of living of the ancipnt safety are anxiously &waited. -Si " nee the
I . ' the municipalities,- both county and town- the duty on Canadian barley from 30 to 10 wheats, another with barl ,� 11 - T.,<,3ara,h
. I in type Mr. Payne has been heard Woodman , F. 8 Wm,Longman ,
,� 1� I � ry on ai � race which for over three thooFan J
Springoothing Trade—Jackaon Bros. (5) r I ta a bushel. with fall wheats; you would car - mes Hill, M., James
i sisip, have be n loaning Illoney to individuaN,' ceu . have called that lanq their own, Dr.11owie from. HeisatGalvestaD,Texas. Wallace ; Ch
XeducingSale-Win. Pickard. (5) 7 � I I - I THE BARLEY TAnir..F.—Mr. Lockwood experiment with ar ifici,.Ll fertill ers, I couh I Fairservice 1�1,,',Niaattie BrogdLPLU - S", J'a,mes -
Business Chauge--Richardson & Mcinnia (6) ; and in ndithcr case have there been anydif- I was dressed in the Otriental garbi'sang one of -_ .-.-- - -_ --- ; 7
Sleigh Robes Lint -Apply Royal Rote.,. (8) I Congressman from Buffalo, has introduced do a s,milar work with clover � some o1r, ' Leadbury. an ; Organist, P,'tta Callender ; P,
Dtformities Cured -Charles Chithe. (8) � ficulties 'xperienced. Why, then, should in Congress a bill to reduce the barley t%riff tisc with thinning turnips to �lifferent dis the native Pongs and otherwiso broughtto his Woodrn
Wsehing Machines [31-0. C. Willson. (8) I � . onception of the Jewish people as PASSEL) AWAY. -It is, a well known fact C. T., B. Laurason ; Lodge Deputy, George -
we anticipate difficulties in connection with from 30 to 10 centit a bushel. tances, and still another thel szLme thinj hearers a c "I I . Newton.
White Chaft Spring Wheat -R. Scott. (8) 1 . 170 HAVE A NEW TRIAL.-Dr-Gravee, con- with mangolds. A host of wo�k might b they were and are ; and in a humorous way that there has been agreat deal of' sickness .
Auction SAle-H. B. Dettweiller. (5) i this scheme ? We, of cour2e, have no victed in -the Mrs. 13arnaby poisoning care at accomplia')ed in this way at ve y little cog he touched, u ron some of ' ', he: di fferences be- anti many deaths all around -us during the — -
Hotel to Ren" ohn E. Swarts. (5) ! . .
Xisburn Cheese F4ctory-J. MoDowell. (5) means of. kn),wiag what Mr., Mowat's views Denver,Colocado and sentenced to death,will to each one concerned, while ti e work car - tween EasterD and Western 4!ustomg. - past few weeks. It is with sincere regret Bluevale. I
--Annie Carroll. (5) 1 nefit the entire lo - � -.Mr. Samuel Herseyj Of E Xleter, narrowly that we now record the death of three Tesi-
Card of Thanks i on thie matter are, but we do know that he have a new trial,.and is Ao be relemed on ried on by each vmuld be I I CON -CERT._ -A grand concert' was held in
1) Goods, &c. -Wm. Scott & Co. (5) - 7 I cality. The reports frurn thcsel cfabs ( dents of the Leadbury line, two of whom �he Foresters' hall, Bluevale,on Wednesday
= of Farnit-Hoskin & Ogden. (6) , could not rn�ke many moves that would be bail. I wool , sucaped from being iv�tantiy killed the ..
Notice -John Avery. (5)! 1 STRIKING ENGINEERS-SiX thoueand,eu-, form an important and iubtrucItive Itern ab other evening. He went outside to close a were only a few years past middle age, aad ,fanuary 27th under the auepices of Court'.
I more genera ly popul,w in the country or I . W , shutter on the housq in which lie residep, - I
Milk Routes -R. H. Ferguson- (5) ! glu gl%fj, Canaiian Order of Foresters. The .
� ll I eers employed in works on the rivers our annual Farmers' Institute etlng the other in the bloom of young woman
FAtate Late T_ W. Duncan -F. Hohnested. (5) beneficial to I t I t1ga'ni;tio and when about doing so P, keyptone, wtj'gh-, 'hood. The firat of these sad events to take on
Wotice to Debtars--F, Holme3ted. (6) 1 1 Weir, Tyne and Tees, have struck in conge- would thus have a complete , " ing about 30 pounds, fell from the arch pecial attraction *m Professor Fre(JeTick
' ' f
Estate Late H. Mason -Y, Holmested. (5) 1 quence of a dispute regarding payment for Cr!n1MCnCiDg With our experim nt station , place was in the case of Mr. John Stimore, . bbott, Canada's great elocutionist, who �
' ' 'j" - . I
Purse Lost ---James Nichol. (8) TfiE Toro to Empire and sime few other : overtime. eXtClIdiDg to our Farniet-,"imtituteii, the above the window, striking Mr. Hersey on who had been very ill for Several months was presentand gave a good Programme.
Wood Wanted -1. V. Fear. (8) ' � I i SUICIDE -Hume Webster, the famouB; to our Farmers' Clubs,a , side of the head, which knocked him al- with consumption, and his death,whicht,00k -
Whiteman Pea Harvester -Thomas Brown. (8) Conservativ papers are making des t ad thro gh them iu,- the He kerit the audience in roars of laughter
I i , . ontin6lly. The principal piece was "How
� I " ' English horse breeder, it is proven, com-: VolViog eVery farmer in the I rovince. Ip mopt insensible, and inflicted a very severe place on the morning of January 23rd, was 1
Selling Out Damaged Goods --J- Beattie. (5) P'�rtlhe I I c
1 efforts to co nect Hon. Mr. Lsurier wit
New Spring Goodi-E. McFaul. (8) f I mitted suicide, owing to fi,nancial difficulties this way we would mutually help each ot - wound, . not unexpected, Air. Stimore was a good Ruby.Played." This he rendered in a-m-,st
boodling in nebec. It would be meat and I and irregularities. . - I er, advance in our agricultural� pursuits an -P. Porterfield, municipal clerk of the man in the fullest Eense of the term. He laughable manuer. He r-epregeDted a young
. I I & 11: ; V 4- UU. .1, 1—a baoin Cov�_ t� I Ix. -
N , I drink to the ejournals if they could only get ; BONDS SOLD. —13hicago has sold 63,000,000 � utilize the experiment stations, which h p Own" V 0 _� _._V . was Irind, honesto and sy PAI, el, C. V W"Q recruit from the country who visited New . I
- . (5d , of evidence of its $5,000,000 World's Fair bonds, and been egtablished for our benefit, to t ir fined to his honEo. since the New Year with one who tried to carry out the scriptural York and heard the pian6t Rubenstein. At
,_1 I . . T with probl injunction : 94 � low to ta e o ence, er-
. I the first lio by which they
131.1. gut , Itron &P00itot theforce of men now engaged attIie Expo-' fullest extent; they dealhig ,a an attack of the grippe and poeumon ' i I first the music wag not appreciated by the
�V ct. .�,
i c%nnot Bol e under skilful treatment expects to be aboi�; g none," ai;d this, of course, led him t. e
. 4 71 . could, -either directly or indirectlyii, con . ne siti�in grounds will be largely increased at for our advancement which w� . in � YOUDg recruit, and he did not hesitate to say
- " I as uq- . I
i.q. I -
I I the leader (if the Liberal party with thes-3 once, for ourselves, and feeding 8 with wo k again as usual in a few days. He �v I often impo2ed upon by those of a, Vic 8 so. At last, however, the charms of the
M-1-- I -
) I - able to tLttend the council meeting on Mon- t L
if ;, - 1)392 shady tranmetions, but thus far their most which the cannot do for us. vpe,. The deceased was it native of er-
"L "� � R . 5, y I day, the 18th ult., in his official capaci ' music wrapped around him, and he began to
i 'I *, : . — . — � 77 _1!_11 V " r;any, and was 55 years of age, He leaves see some . very ludicrous visions. The Wing-
. minute researches have resulted in failure
4 -1 t . — - , Advantages of Individual Experi- clerk, the first time the like ha;g happened a widow and family of seven children, the
�..k - � ; . . harn Quartette Club was present :and ren-
.. . 11 - Death of Rev. C. ]EI. S urgeon.
- �
. 4 I , �, a �,'� Reicirm Meeting. � and the future promises no,ba,tter for them I menters in Agriculture. Rev. Cb9s. H. Spurgeon, . tHe celebrat(d him within the 21 years that he has now youngest being only four years old, —A few .dered isorne excellent music, consisting of
7_� 1 . than the pai It. It is aleo amusing to notice I � held that office. hours after Mr. Stilmore's death, the sad - �
-1 (-BY D. 'BUCHANAN, HAY,) I divine of London,' England, d�ed at Me - .soloo,duets and instrumental music. The .
� A , I We ate -requested by Mr. Thos. Fraser, of 11 —On Sunday, 24th ult., Mrs. William news reached us that Mr, Archibald McNab
. . . 7 1
� � i the gusto w ,th which these sime journals, tone at 11.05 Saturday nigh . 31r. Spur- Bishop, of Beecbvillej formerly of Grey had also passed away. Mr. _McNab -had proceeds amounted to $33, beingritarly $7
1 � If Stanley, SEcretary, to say that the annual Farmers co-operating with the experiment
. day after da y, dish up to their readers the geon had been in ill health fo,- some ti , e, legs than expenses.
� . � al meeting of the Reform Association of South I . � stations most always be their own experi- 'T township, went home to enjoy the reward Of been ill only a few days with that terrible
I .: 1. misdeeds o( Mercier and his colleagues, menters. While the stations are doing an aynd had - been spending the winter in ie the faithful after a long period:of suffering. complaint, inflammation. of the lungs, and B_ni.Eps. --Th e Youn g People's Christian En-
� � Huron, as constituted for Dominion pur- resort at Mentone. A o 1 deavor Society held a meeting on Thursday
F",1� while they are dumb as stones about the immense work, there is a branch of the ex ' celebrated health Her death was a triumph. Her husband, notwithstanding all that medical skill could
I poses, will be held at Dixon's Hall, Bruce- periniental work which they can never do- week previous to his death strong hopes two sons and two daughters .are left to do -in his behalf, he succumbed to the dis- evening for the purpose of electing officers.
, .
-ill -1 I revelations of boodling in their own political 9 were entertained -of his recovery, but he su�f- The following were elected t Presideutjaia.
, .r. 1� field, on Saturday, 13th inst., at I o'clock and which in all progressive agricultural mourn her demise. The deceased wms in
I � . case. The deceseed was a very honest and
-1 i 11 fered a relapse a i her 50th,year and bad been an invalid for " hose word was 'Wilson ; Secretary, Joseph McPherson;
� I 0 camp at Ot,lawa, although the former are . nd passed away as above
. I IX � com-matnities w -
1_,i, p. m. It is desirable that there be a large will be done by the individual ats,ted. 1�ev, Charles Haddoft purgeolk W&B truthful man, one in fact
� . I
s" . only as a dr:)p in the bucket to the latter. years, latterly a cancer set to w6rk and ulti- Treasurer, Henry G. Ross.—Miss Sadie E.
� ,*� 'farmer. The agricultural experiment sta- aft good as his bond, and who looked down
41. � I representation of the Liberals of the Riding, one of the most widely -known clergymen In Williams has decided to continue her evan-'
, -1
�,,�' There is no 1person, in Ontario at any rate, tion has sprung up with wonderful rapidity. . ng- mately caused her death, The funeral took on deception and knavery in whatevEr form
- place on WednEsday. Mr. Bishop and 's a -native Can-
14p:�.�1'1 " important business will be transacted at , who will even attempt to excuse, much less A little more than forty years ago there was .theworld. He.wBs born atK'.Ivedon, E - itpresented itself-. Hewa telistic work for another week.---�There has
-�,7 - ,., the meeting. The By -Laws Committee are * established at Leipsic, in Germany, the land, June 19, 1834, was edu ated at Col family have the sympathy of their many old adian of Highland Scoteli ancestry, and was een a rumor afloat for some time to the
i q-,I justify, the doings of Mercier and his gang, ch, ter and Cambridge, and fterward be-
" firststation for the investigating of pro- 8 friends in Grey. about 56 years of age. He leaves a widow eff6ct that Mr. John Agar, formerly of Blue-
! . came usher in a school at Newmarket. It ; va - le, had been frozen to death. We are -
V �-f requ,ested to meet at the same place at 10; - W
i'A"', 0 I although their proceedings do not much con- blems relating to, and for the advancement . —On Saturday last P* horse attached to a and 'family, the youngest being only three
' I - - o'clock a. m. was at Feversham, near Cambridge, that he ' ad, however, that it is unfounded.—The
I I I of, agriculture. The organization speed cutter made things lively in Clinton for a years old. The- most tender sympathy is 91
" I "y delivered his first ,iermon in 1850. He wag few minutes. The animal was tied to a Bluevale School football team would like to
. - - cirn the people of this Province.' but to
11 F keep on howling at Mercier, while apolOgi8- extended, and to -day there are more .than then 16 years old. In 1861 the Metropolitan � manifested for Mrs, MeNab and her children play %Dy of tha school teams in the county a
, . y
. 2 I The Bye -Elections. ' one hundred kindred institutions in Europe, lamp posit in froni of. Robson'� grocer . in their tad bereavement. —Again, on Sat-
- I � ing for Haggart., Cbapleau, Caron and Lin- In 1875 the movement crossed to America Tabernacle was opened and in this church urday, the 30th ult., the ,spirit of Miss I endJy game, on the school grounds after 4
. I THE three bye -elections which came 4 off � Through some cause the horse jerked the tie fri
, k�'. i gevin is, certainly, straining at a gnat, while I , Mr. Spurgeon preached for 30 years, during line and broke the eight -foot post off at the I o'clock or on Saturday af ternoou, If any of
�, - last week left the standing .1 I when a station was established at Middle- i Christi" Stimare took its flight, we firmly ,
1� an Thursday of which period his fitme constantly increased. '
_14� r4 on, Connecticut. The example was soon . bottom and bolted across Dinsley f
t � swallowing a might big camel. The Mer- t 'a vacant trust to a better land. She bad been an - t4e surrounding echool teams would like to .
" v , - of the political Parties i-ast about where it l y Mr. Spurgeon published his wkekly sermons
1, 7" _,;� cier escapades, however, serve a very good followed, and the stations in the United, corner lot and down Rattenbury street with fering for -upwards of a year, and, bore lier- -try their luck they are welcome. Address -
I I ' for 36 years, He also published "The 'Edwin Bailey, captatin, Bluevale.—A meet-
. 1'�,, was before. Kingston, which elected Sir States now number about sixty. In 1874 , , the post dangling in front of it. ; It came -to pain calmly and meekly. 'She wag a sen- 1. .
fe, 4 , purpose just now, and the most is be- an expogition of t e
- `�4, John Macdonald last March by a majority the Ontario Agricultural College was insti_ Treasury of David," � a stand of its own accord at Searle's corner, Bible, pious and Christian girl, aikd passed iing in connection with the Bluevale Cheese I
.: , PMIMB in seven volumes. In 18-6 M I
� Ing made of them in order to keep tated, and experimental work was taken �ollegj, with little or no damage. , A double team at ,,way at the early age of 1:9 years' , Much xnd"Butter Company was held in the For -
I ;� *I- of over four hundred, elected Mr. Metcalfe, � up - Spurgeon founded the Pastore' the same time headed np Ratte6bury street, ' ters' halt on Tuesday afternoon. The
� the attention of the public from Ot- in 1876. In 1886, as you all know, the Do-, - sympathy is felt for this doubly ,bereaved Fa
. the Conservative candidate, his successor, on . . which has educated over 700 ri.�n, afterwa]l - Feeting was not so large as it would have
� �If � I minion Government made proviiioa for . I - . but were easily etopped without any dam- family. I i e
.1 - tawa. It is another case of hounding engaged as Baptist pastors, missionaries an 'en had the roads been in a better state
. . V, Thursday by a majority of one hundred. � establishing a central st%tion at - Ottawa, age. . � !
, ;�, the little thieves, while the big ones. are i nd the weather better. The various milk
�. . r
i � with five branch stations located at the evangelists. The Stoc —A public meeting of directors, patrons , . . I
.�, -41 . Halton held firm to its old love and re- : ' founded in 1867 by 'Mr. Spu�geon, has re- ioutes were let to the various bi-Iders at very .
.1 I
* , allowed to go free. Quebec may be very most suitable points throughout the Domin! . i and shareholders of the Morris and Grey Green,q�ay. I
� I elected Mr. Henderson, Conservative, by a . of, cewed more than 1,000 chlildren. fh' .
,,,# . I Cheese ManufacturiDg Company, was held LOCAL NOTES.—Mr. Charles Fairbanks �'�wrates. 1he highest bid for the whey was
Y � majorityof about four hundred,over Mr. bad,butObtawaiss good deal worse.and Ion. Suchbasbeenthe rapid progress : Metropolitan Tabernacle Colportage Associ4 k . en by J, J. Deumb'D at $2.55 per ton.
,�"'.', I the people of Ontario are, or ,ought to be, this institution, but for it3 work to be fully tio'n has 80 or 90 agents. occupy�'ing district I in Brussels on the 21st' ult., to and wife visited friends here last wee ,— Tr I
I McGregor, the candidate of the Patrons of effective it must be accompanied by a cor- consider the establishing of a butter factory. Mr. Win. Dowson of Evelyn,
- V� I y -visited his . . Miller said that they could not accept
i . I' different parts of England.. Mr. Spurgeo: The matter being freely discussed, pro and '
Industry. Lincoln re-elected Mr. Gibso . n, vastly more interested in Ottawa than in respondiag advancement of individual ex- . n I Boston House friends here last Saturday, �his. The wood was let to Mr. George
I i., . - I
q 1��_ also established years ago a 'tbook fund " I
. Quebec. But to read the Ministerial papers perimenting. . i con. and no definite conclusion arrived at, —Mr. C. W. Wilson and bride, of Broom- �ohnston for 45 cords at $1:40, and 40 cords
- I
,# Refomer, by an, increased majority over . . which has distributed free o� . cost ove . -r corl].
i ,., -experimental stations, t Duff k Stewart, for $1.65 pe,
. I .
. one would think the reverse is the case Many object to .9 O� it was agreed to drop it at .preeent. The ington, a village' about 60 miles north of I
� ,� Mr. Ne I I * holding that they are expensive to support, 80,000 volumes to indigent �ninister qnestion ofthe Treasurer -ship was brought Toronto, arrived here last Saturday. They �Tigx CHEESE FAcToRy,—Tbeannual meet-
. - I � ..plon, the Conservative candidate. Quebec is simply being used as the red her- various denominations. Mr. S I _
, 111�r � Honors, therefore, are about even so far. True. th,!y are orgainizations which coet us 0 up and being put to a vote of the meeting, are visiting their f - rieluds here and at Moray i�g of the Bluevalecheese factory was belil ,
4 - very much loved by his people.; In 1879 he it was unanimously agreed that Alexander an
� .�, .) ring to draw the scent of the people from a trifle, yet is it not the cheapest� way the d Parkhill. —Mr. Thomas Stinson, of Bay-
:,, . in the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on January
:� - - ' received ' a silver wedding 1 testimonial -
- i 19th, President Millerin the chair, There
I 1i It, lei an ingenious device,. ,and work can be perfoirned ? They are doing a 1884-- Strachan still continue Treasurer but with- field, spent Monday and Tuesday visiting at I
:�i��, Cheap Money. wo'rk which is absolutely essential, and- amounting to nearly $30,000, ai�id in out salary. The letting of the milk drawing W. J. Wilson's.—Mrs. Gollin died on Satur- was a large attendance. The (�uestiou of
I ii We have received the following from an whether or not it will have the intended wh ich co-ild not be done so economically in when 50 years old—another sum�� of $25,0,00. for the coming season wiLs the last item of day last,—Mies Rose Brophey returned the whey for the coming season was settled
�. -
- . result on the bye -elections remains to be He devoted all theso su!mo to charity. No business. The followin are the routes let, home last Monday. �
.�% . any other way. Varieties of grain, roots , by vote viz., to be sold at the fa-etory.
, -ij L es I - 9 I
_�_kl teemed subscriber in this county : seen. I .and other plants become ,exhausted, and English minister of the Gospel ci� thi.s gener- and the price per 1000 pounds at which - , MATRIMONIAL.—'One of those ple%sing 9 . nite a discussion ensued over the Babcock
i I " I am pleased to say that the gen- ation has approached Mr. Spurgeon in fame,
i '%_ -, V af ter being grown for a period of time they contracts were made and signed :-3rd and Tpater. The following Board of Directors
�k I 1,11 eral character of your paper is, very - - ' events Which create a flutter of excitement
, -
� ,_ 1,1 - AT THE last general election for the On- I no longer give the returns which they were, popularity or elficient work. Of late years 4th concessions of Gtey, to Samuel Me- 'and interest in every community took place was elected Jno. R. Miller, Jso. -Elliott.,
i_ moderate and fair, so much so that . he had been a great eufferer from gout, and
... ..- , tarto Legislature- North Renfrew elected a i wont to do. In winter wheats we, see the , Cutcheon, at 53 cents ; 5th and 6th conces� at the home of George Bloomfield on the Ist Win. Isbister,'W. J. Johnston and Robl'.
I many Conservativus read it. I think that I I recently the disease attacked hi� hands andi sions of Grey, sto Robert Dockett, at 8.1.
� t " I old and reliable Delhi and Treadwelt varieties . I inst., &n which 'Occasion his eldest daughter, Maxwell. At a meeting of the Directors
� is quite right, but I was certainly surprised Conservative in the person of Mr. DUDIOPI headp culminating in his drath.1 Mr. Spur -r I I
� now extinct ; in potatoes the once general � cents; 7th and 8th concession's of Grey � to Mr.
I At your editorial of the week before last. of Pembroke. 'That gentleman died geon was very ha to Miss Annie,'was -united in marriage' Mr. Miller was chosen President again ; I
� ". . a few I favorite, the Pinkeye, and later the Ear ppily married 4arly . in life.' Robert Dnckett, at 184- cents ; 4th line of George H. Morgan, of Brinaley. The cere- Jno. BurgEsq, Secretary, and Wm. . Messer,
I You there endorse the absurd idea of the ly His wife and tyvo sons survive him.
�,�r, weeks ago, thus causing a vacancy in the I Rose, have gone almost entirely out of use. Morris to Peter Barr, at Q cents. -
J.i , I I of Treasurer and Salesman. Thos. Ballantyne,
. f , i . Patrons of Industry, that the Ontario Gov- pro I mony was performed by Rev.- Mr. Shore, '_ for Perth county, linown as the
, �, ernment should borrow mone on ihe credit .1. by
1, y Huron N t � their quarters at the Dunlop' schoolhouse a his sister, Martha, while the Groom'� right- - " �_ P_
�,� � I constituency. The Reformers mptly The old Club spring wheat, once so univer- I � —The other evening two. tramps m&de . Ails& Craig, The bride was supported
�, - Of the Province, and lend it to the farmers Barr, in the sal, is now no longer heard of. All these - 0 es' � " � ' heeee King," was to have addressed the
I-1 ; I �� , placed their candidate, Mr. have been displaced by newer and more Miss Kate Campbell, of _ lole�,worth ' � Ilittle after dark, making an entramep by, 'hand mikn was Mr. John Luther. tie pres- - �eting, but was ui�able to conic on account
IF . at ai cheap rate. I think this is tb e most field. The Conservatives held their conven- e picking a look off one of the school doors. I
�_. � valuable varieties; yet we. find many farm- has gone to Cypress River, Manitoba, wher erits were numerous and handsome, showing of illness. He is expected on Tuesday of
, �
.�.,N , unreaionable thing, and the most unwork- tion on Friday lAst for the purpose of select- era continuing to grow � old varieties year she ha's been engiaged to teach s=ol. :They lighted a good fire and made them- - next week, when be will gi've a talk. on
,� � - , able, that I have heard propounded for a - I sit -ion after year lo n . . a the eateena in which the bride is held by her I . . .
` I ing a cindida,�.deckfter offering the po ng after otherFs- much superior —On Sunday, 24th ult., _.NJr . Win. Me- selves comfortable for the night. Using - I Dairying.." The following are a few par-
' ver . �
� 1"' 0 -
, ,,, y long time. D you forget the trouble numerous friends, Thib wish of all is that
I , Quoid, of Ashfield, who had bee in d c i ' �culars taken from the aDDual report pre-
" - _.� w , . have l6eani6troduced. If'o'ur experimental ali ate� piece of pine kindling as a ta;per, they porr,d
, ,* to severa :r1ined it, the Convention t Mr. and Mrs. Morgan may enjoy a long, t
er - , there was in settling the old indebtedness of . a geography t see the shortest r -
- . ovel 0
, - station would introduce fer illustration say health for some time, passed o oute to -
1 ,.� I 7 � her long happy.and prosperous married life. splated at the meeting :—Amount of milk re-
, _ , the municipalities. What wouid be said of passed a rag n to the effect that it is not , ,Stratford, By a strange coincidence the lo- ...
V 0. 1 -1 a Government that would sell out a farmer to ol *iO . a new variety of oats that yields one bushel home. I . I "iv,ed, 2,821,588 lbs. Amount of cheese
.1 - � deemed adv - �ble to place a candidate in per acre more than those grown, and this Ota, b I cal board of education was t6 have a session — '. i ade, 258,335 lbs. Average lbs. of milk to
I - .:i I 'would those say Is , —Alex. McDougall, of North Dak i" ��
�, �, � ' . Is I about school affa,49 in the 8chooi house that .. . . . i
-, 1 11 who did not want to borrow, if the Govern- . ve ests in the field at the var - in isit 1�. of cheese, 10 92-100 lbs. Average ,price
� pay his mortgage, and what the Conserva inter iety was universally sown the Pro- fermerly of Grey township, is Ing re a 1 Hibbert.
, , vince, it would increase �the-yield of oats for tives and friends in that to wnshi at present.; night and the genial secretary and treas-' OBITUARY. —Mortality still ravages the gold at 9 72-100 cents per 1b. Cost -Of mak-
0 - � ment. would riot collect what, w as lent'! present time, as by so -doing unnecessary ex- the province by 2,000,000 bushels and cal. lie intends returning to Dakota shortly. I urer left home a little on the� early side to comminity of this township, and this time ing cheese per hundred lbs., with supplies
. Again, if Mr. Mowat would do this thing pense and tu moil would be created. As a culated at 30cents per bushel amounts to —Mr. Ronald, of the Ronald Fire EnginO light up the fire for his. fello trustees. In- a , '
. �, , w uel,
I would not the Conservatives cry out that he a complete stead of seeing his colleaguee,as he thought, takes as its victim the widow of the late bed by Company, including f
, result of this action, and as the Empire puts $600,000. The difficulty i?, however, that Works, Brussels, hag placed I 1�.ranvi �i -, &c., $L50. Cost of making
_11 lamented Michael O'Brien, of whose death , ng milk
- 'f un without boxe's or drawing, 46J cents. Aver-
'44 � was bribing the people? Altogether, it is it, " The Gri will be elected by acclama. Political prejudice is so strong as to prevent silrer plating outfit in his'f dry. This' ahead of him, he found the tramps in the
. A2_1 the wildest scheme that has been before the . we made mention in a recent iisue; of THE
4011 � -.2( .
� idst of their studies, which he interrupted age cost of drawing milk per gallon, 7 27-100
r , - such a universal benefit being derived. We will fill a long left w1ant in the finishing o in
* ile E]itiOSITOR. The deceased lady bad been
� Teople for a long time, and'I am sure Mr. tlon." The pposition in the OntariciLegill- . I
: . findConservativesso strongly opposed to their engines. by ej�cting them, the broomstick proving suffering for Dearly a year from a ijumber of mills, Total sales of cheese, $24,196.19;
i ,,��, � � . -
,1: � , , Mowa,t will have nothing to do with it, and lature is mell ing away so fast, there seems the Provincial Experiment Station as to ab- . helpful in two ways, viz,: to eDforce obedi-
'� 1!� �!! -_ —M.r. John Welah, of Exeter has rentel oe, . 80 ; fu,e],
. i �, if he does it would be a sure sign that be .
I complic&tF,d diEeases, and bad gODe to the whey, $410.31 ; insuran $N
i1 1 � �: to be danger that before the expiration of solutely refuse to benefit by the good work the 200 -acre farm belongiDg t Mr. Samue ence and as a compass to point out the route residence of her daughter, Mrs.Jamcs Mont- $77.34; factory supplies, $754.29 ; eal-aries,
. -_
- 1, i� . I hag lost that Fjhrewd discernment between this legislati, . done there, And we find correspondingly, Morton, 4th concession of . sborne, anl� to Stratford.
;1 ' . right and wrong for which he has been' so 'o term the Grand Old man of . gomery, of Stratford, with the intention of including maker, $1, 33& 96 ; printing,
_.: I kable." Ontario will not have an Opposition . Grits equally prejudiced against tha Domin- purposes moving on to it a�boi t the Ist O —The regular Jan'uary meeting of the having an operation performed. Ifer at- $25.25 ; shares sold, $75.,
t - ., % remar , z at all. ion Farm. While these two institutions are March. . 1� - West Huron F . armers' Institute was held � in tending phyEicians did not deem it advisable .- - i
I �
,� ,F Although our f riemd states that the above , There is now a vacancy in Kingston, Mr. working mutually for the benefit' of the —Mr. Wilber FanSOD, Son Of Mr. Robert Clinton on January 22nd and 23rd. The and all hope of her recovery being abandon- �
-4 �
I � ;, was no -t written for publication,we take the Metcalfe, the gentleman elected to the Do- far�jner, we have farmers doing their best, Fanson, of Seaforth, who lia Blyth.
��;.. __ Es been in meeting was addressed by John 1. Hob�on, ed the venerable lady gradually grew weak-
t � liberty of laying it before our readers as ern- minion Parliament there the other day, hav- th�ugh not mutually, to deteriorate the in- Manitoba for the past thr e years, i3 . chairman of the college board ; W.J. Palm- er and weaker, and upon hearing the sad in- OBITI-7ARY.'—We are still being reminded
�_ I finjence of this wrirk. Truej criticism will At home at present and�is visitirg old fri d ,
� . � I . len er,B,.S.A.; A. MeD.Allab, Robert Me- telligenceof her beloved husbaDd'sdernise thatweare mortal, Oneofour respected
, .� bodying -the views of at least a portion Of iog been the representative in the Legials I
I I I - I benefit these or hny other' institu�ions, but in and around Exeter. I MillaD, A A Wilson' John Hannah and she quickly, though. resignedly, sank, until citizens,- in the person of Mr. Michael
I - the community on this important questiorl. ture. Wonder if it will follow the example 1 party prejudice is harmful-where'ver found. —Mrs. Ann Anderson, mother pf Mrs, � others. The meetings i ere nOt large, but death claimed her ag its '6wn on the evening The
I � � J . Doherty, died last Sunday moming.
A We. are also obliged to our correspondent , of Renfrew ? I ; We must make -our politics conform to our James Nichol, of Dungannon, � ied recently , the addresses were pointed and practical, of the 21st ult. She had reached the ripe remaina of the -venerable gentleman left on
1. If .
, �'* � I - , profession. This is an agricultural country; after an illness of short duration. Decease and were well drawn out by those prevent. old age of 73 years, and being kind aud
i I I for the trouble be has taken in thus setting . : 0 � the morning train on Tuesday for Hamilton,
; THERE is i great deal of truth in what 1 we are agricnitural people ; let us be farm- was 76 years of age. She was of a quiet), The musical part of the evening meeting was charitable, had made many warm - friendg. where they were interred in the Roman I
11 forth his views. We always like to hear ers first, and liti,cia s to suit. There may peaceful disposition and was n,, uch re5pec conducted by Mr.OkeB,ssoisted by othere,and . Catholic cemetery. The deceased was aged
- P 13 Her remains were brought by train to Dub-
(4- S1, I i the Montreal Witness says about Mr. Mere- I ,',In I nee such men as those of ed by all who kne� her. � was well given. The following �officers were lin from whence they were followed b 45 years, and his illness has been long. Mr.
, . - . from our readers on questions' of -this kind, I . not be in this a . �_ y
. I dith. It is Tot sorry he has not bee whom I speak, y t, aa a in chain, ctrength is —Mrs. Smith, of Blake, died at Mr. John elected for the ensuink year�:President, a large concourse of friends- and neighbors, Doherty was of a quiet disposition and was
� even although they do not agree with us. It is , _� I -
I l'into the Don�inion Government, as 11 so long measured by its weakest link, so if we agri- Tough's, jr,, or) Friday 22nd ulb., at the a� P
. tbrou intelligent and dispassionate dis- i .- William, Baillip , Ist vic� preside t, Henry anxious to pay the ]&at tribute of respect to much honored by all who knew him. The
�! � . . gh - as the Gover,lnment comprises such members i culturists are to advance as a body,our rear vanced age of 71 years, She ad been ip Morris; 2ad vice-presi�ent, D.. Forester; all that was' mortal of a true and valued bereaved family have the sympathy of the
I -
� 0 L.
� I cussion, very frequently, that the truth is as Mcmrs. Haggart, Dewdney, Chaplean ' ranks must be brought up. . feeble health for some months. She w 8 Directors, —Clinton, W ' eir,A.McMurchie;- friend, . � - � whole community in their affliction.
t .1 brought, out. In reply to our correspond- And Caron, the presence of one good man For the carrying on of experimental work well-known to many in the vici ity, and w a Goderich, Aleck Saunders,. J. 'E. Tom ; THE LATE JAIR. WoRDE.w.— The funeral PERSONALS.—Mr. H. Dever, spent Satur-
�,l ent, then, we may Bay that we do not for our fair Dominion has been divided into highly respected . by all wh enjoyed h r Blyth, H. McQuarrie, C Hamilton ; Winj- of the late William Worden took place on dayland Sunday in Wingham,—Air. Hamil-
1 . � I
_� �_ et the trouble there wa3 in settling the old like Mr. Meredith could be of little fiervice provinces, and these provinces again natur- - acquaintance. ham, J. A. Morton, Job 3 Hapnalh ; Goder- Friday, 15th ult., from' his residence, lot tori, of Staff&, who has been visiting Mr. amd
I , � V'14', 9 to the count -y Mr Meredith has helped ally divide themselves into localities. The —William MeBurney, of Marnoeb, le t 'ich township, H. Htford, James Connolly ; 19, conces3lon 8, Hibbert. There was a Mrs. Jam,cs Hamilton here, returned home
- .
, V 11 I indebtedness of the municipalities to the t , 1* stations carry on 'the provincial work, a last week for New Mexico, with his brother Colborne, John Dustow,Norman Kernighan; 'large attendance. It was indeed the largest on Sunday las' ..—Mies J. Habkirk, who has
ii. Mr. Mowat i to make the government of .
.. I Government. We can not think, however, Ontario p ' I part of which is to la,y out the locality work, Adarn, of Turnberry, who is oing for the AghFeld, T. Anderson, John Mallough; funeral tliat has been seen in the to been seriously ill, is at present recovering.
I A , U e and economical. He might but the locality operations must be carried benefit of his health, which is in a very pr - � Webb Wawanceb, W. P. Grierspa, C.Wash- Wnship, -
'. but that the improvements effected in the � there being over seven' hundred people —Miss Pratt, of Stratford, who has been
� -, . have resort .,d to a policy of promising to on by the individual farmer, and in this we cariona condition. Adam's many friends "ington ; East Wawanosb, TV i 1�rowuii R. - present. The bodywas first taken toSt. visiting Miss Annie llodgins, returned home
V country by the money procured from the old �
r - V
i 1, � . squander the public money, and thus made i also will -require to work mutually together. hope lie will soon return greftly improved Currie; Hullett, James 6'nell, C� Cornish ; Paul's church, where the usual services were on Wednesday.—Mrs. Arthur Carter spent .
� I . Municipal Loan Fund were of vast benefit headway ,%�r oDg the corrup� against the Each locality has ito own peculiarities. Each by his Southern trip. ' �Secretary- Treasurer, W.N. H.6well. Henry conducted by the Rev. H. W. HodgiDs, The a few days visiting in BruEsels this week.—
. I
I to the, people, and we believe the country is locality is better adapted to the growth of. —A former Goderichite, who is now i, Morris was appointed delegate'io attend the pall bearers were: Jobn Saddler, Alexander Mr. G eo. Perkins spent a few days in Grorrie
I economical policy of the Liberal administra- son�e particular crop or some particular resident of Detroit, in writing to a friend in Central Institute. 1. I
� W better off to -day than if this money had not I Ferguson, James Hamilton, Joseph Norris, Visiting parents and friends this week. —Irl r.
A � I tion. He hi ght h -we -appealed to popular variety than any -other. The thickness of Goderieb says: "There are a lot of Goder- —On Saturday 23ri ult,, (,',�derich lost Thomas Brooks and George Kerslake. The Sam Herrington paid Clinton a flying visit
. .� . been loa,ued to the municipalities. It is prejudices a ' sowing grain or other seed ; the distance for ich boys here now. 'There wer,- no legs than , '
- true the system adopted might have. been i gainst Mr. Mowat. He has, on thining roots ; the method -of planting pota- twenty-one of us standing on a corner one one of its oldest and most respected residents body wa3 ericased in a beautiful cloth cov- on Friday last.—Mis'3 Ji Dawson, of Sea -
1 the contrar5, conducted the Opposition in by the death of William Kay,M.A., after an ered casktt,, with silver mounting, upon forth. who was.visiting Miss. S. Brownlee
t, improved upon, but, primitive as the sys- - toes ; the amount of fertilizer to apply; the I Dight� not long ago and we could count illness of short duration. The .,deceased was which were two inscribed plates, the first - 18,st week, returned home on Saturday
4 the Local -Assembly along f�ir si.nd straight varieties of oats, wheat, peas, barley, corn twenty more pasging.)) � � � .
��.l uem was, the scheme was,on the whole, pro- $ I - bearing the record:. "Died, at H g�—',Nlr. David Moody, of Lueltuow,
�, � lines and on sound political principles. The potatoes, turnips, or seed's most suitable Ex -science Master S. P, Halle, of the born in the village of Yetholm, Roxburgh 33 ibbert, 711017)"D
ii� duative of good, But, there in consid-erable � shire, Scotland, at the foot of the Cheviots William Worden, in his 65th year, Upon spent Sunday la8t with his mother in town, *
.t here, may not be ths most Suitable for a Godericb High School, was the other da the other were the words, I I At Rest. " At W gh ,
I'' � - Dominion C ngervative party is not worthy i — in 1811. In 1831, he accompanied his eldesy --Mr. Alex. Livingstone, of in am
I t
" difference between the old Municipal Loan I locality a few miles distant where the soil is presented with a handsome easy chair, RD
. " sister, then newly married, to Canada. She the conclusion of the services in thp church, spent Sunday with his brother-in-law, X _
1. Fund scheme and the one we propose. Under of Mr. Meredith,- who would pr6bably find ! different. The results obtained by the ex- ,i Btudent'g lamp, accompanied by a neatly- and her husband, Mr. Boyd, settled at and as the casket was being carried out, the JEL Hammond.—Mr. Alonzo Hodgins left on
i � himself more at home among the Blakes, , perimental stations in the various sciences worded address, expreSSIDg the feelings of Granby, in the eastern townships, where organist played *the solemn strains of the �
, 1. �_ the former the money was borrowed by the . Tuesday for Cleveland to take, a Bituation at ,
.1 .
�._ �_ Mackenzies, Lauriers, Cartwrights, Wills I relating'to agriculture, and those relating to regret felt by the pnpils at is depa,rtu
it municipalities for public improvements ; un- she still lives, The rest of the family fol- funeral march. After leaving the Church baking. His many friendsWish him sue-
- ' �__' A 1 the live -stock branch of agriculture,may ap- from among them. I I -body was hiterred in the Staff& ceme- , Mrs. Ashbury returned .
* , �, and Charlt ns t�an 6mong the bbotts, , - lowed a few years after aad settled in the the C-89. — home .from
,i=, , der the latter it wonld be borrowed for in- i ply equally well to all parts. In the —Mr. George- Menzies, of Moleswort
�!, I '- dividual use,—to liquidate existing debts Haggarts, Dewdne Chapleaus and � . 1, same neighborhood, but have all since tery'where the burial service was most im. Lynden on SiturdaLy, where she was attend -
L , � . .
$- . il L Y� - . I live -stock branch there are niany little intri- met with what might have been a seriou I s passed away, Mrs. Boyd, who is a year or pressively rendered by the Rev.Mniffodgins. ing her mother wh is suffering from a can-
. 11 Carons." eacies which we will require to experiment accident the other day. He wax forkiD - . 0
.�4 �� and thns save to the individual the differ- 4 9 two older that Mr. Kayj being the sole -sur- Mr. Worden had been in poor health but a cer.—Mesers. Harry Allan and Mack Best
Ir -_ . i on ourselves, as they are too numerous -and bay 'out of the mow with a fork ,%hen th P
I A. . � I vivor. In 1858 he came to Goderich, and short time, and no' immediate danger was are busy buying a car -load of horses to ship
. I
k I � ence between high- and low-priced money,
� -
� �� AT THE W at Huron Cons e Con- , varied for the stations to cope with them handle of the fork broke, and Mr. Menzies entered business with his broth6 I anticipated until within a few hours of hiEi to Manitoba.' Miss Annie Bodgins is seri-
- - . 4v tiv I r, the ]a ' te —
i.4 and also. to place it within the power , all However, an important part of the sta- fell to the floor belo N thing
!'�! � I W. mora
I ve6tion held on- Wednesday &VS ithsHill I - * JohnKay, After a yearor -two, businss demise. He was a gentleman possessed of ously indisposed this week.—Several of our
, of ur AT to improve their 9 and serious than a spra ned iTe e . -
0 f I wers , I I tion, work is that carried on in the fieldl i ka was the not being then very brisk, he resumed teach-, many amiable qualities, His hospitality, young people took in the ball at Londesborci
-- � HOD. J . atteraon, the uew ecretary of j here it is that we must help ourselves. The result.
. . I
v. properties and in this way increase � � iDg, and filled a position on the staff -6f the sympathy and pleasant smile had endeared- on Friday evening last.—A horse belonging
' .
'�- te w ,a n minated. The Clinton News- I station, with its hundreds of varieties, can Mr. Rd. Harvey, Thames Road, Us. -
L, their revenues. The benefits would be . — Montreal high school for abaut a year, him to all with whom he came in -contact to Mr. Wm. Bell, liveryman, ran away on
Record ill be mad now. The Reformers ! discard. the worst and select a score or more borne, has purchased the 150 -acre farm of when be again came to Goderich and � re- He was born in Devonshire, England, anA Friday last, breaking away from coDstable
�, - certain and speedy. Of course the scheme : of those moat suitable for our climate, but to the late James Jory, situated about one mile "
� I hold their Convention to -day, Friday. The ' select the variety, or few varieties, most I west of his present borne. Mr. H . Burned businege, where be continued to re- came to this country at the age of twenty, Davis. Nothing but the cutter was hurt.—
, I would be attended with some trouble, but � " .
I I , . nomination arvey, is aide ever since. About 4 or five years ago One. He married &-daughter of .the late Messrs. George Brownlee, " a
I ,las been fixed for Tuesday, ' of B ytb, nd
h . , suitable for cur particular soil and our par- now said to be the possessor oi 550 acres Of he gave up busineps, feeling the charge of it Joseph M-offatt, of East Whitby. They had Sam. Keit, of Clinton, spent %
. .no good resuA3 can be accomplished in this I ._;unda�y in
February 1 V and the elecition f Or Tuead a, Y, I tic'ular locality lies beyond their power . i the best land that can be four d in the 8aid I
I I to be too much' for his advancing years, a family of eleven children, only, seven -f Brucefield.—A load of young people from
- world without some trouble. It is for un- I
I dertakiag these troublesome matters a,nd 3r . The application of artificial fertilizers may I township. The farm and b_uildiDge realized 0 1
Februpjy 2 'd. I retaining only the cxpress office. Soon whom are now -living. The last- thirty-six , Clinton and a few Blytbite.q spent a very
,i � I I ., i soon come into use, and many believe that: 1 $10,000, 1 after his return to-f4oderich he was made years of his life were spent in Hibbert, two Pleasant time at the residence of M rs, R.
. I I
- aolving these difficalt problems that we pay . I I even now their judicious application would -I —There died at the resi� ence of her a trastee of the grammar school, and after I Of which he was a member of the township Brownlee on Friday night last.�_Nlr. 1-1obt, ,
I . .
� , � .. the members of our Gavernment; and our t; Ws 0 the Week. I be profitable. --The stations can giv-e us� brother-in-law, Mr. Joseph Taylor, let con- _McQuarrie, o . f Tor I
� . � 7rell Mackenzie is do iith '! most valuableand essential -information re- I cession of Kinloss, Miss Maggi I ffi Emglish onto, spent a few days in
.. ILf,.— wn w I wards was elected chairman—a position . council. He was a member of the
- legislators. The people make the demand beonchiti'p, I i I which he continued to hold until 1891 when I Church, Staffa, and while his health permit- town visiting Parents and friends this .
t., '� 1i I , garding th6ir particular properties and to:, daughter of Mr. John Tiffin, c�,of ' uCui'1bo'rnt'e
I., M 0109TIZI 611 wh is - rial I what crops they should be applied, but we ; township, on Saturday 23rd li t. The de- tendered his re8igp�tion as a-membei ordinanceB. His industry and good manage- Carter & McKenzie, moved his family from
, I . for the result they wish attained, and it is A .—Salton Ila , on t in C0D8eqUeDC0 of increasing dtafness, hi,' I ted was a regular attendant at public weCk.—Mr. Alex. McKenzie, of the firm of -
I . , � Vne business of the Government and the at Morri4town, Tennessee, is sai to f have � must for ourselves determine the most suit- : ceased was only 23 yeara of ah e, and was board. Both the town council_,,,,,,, meat contributed much to the comfortable Auburn into town on Monday last.—Miss
� . killed 9911inei . I I
I . Legislature to work out the details. In . I
I I - I �, FLOOD4 IN7 H E HIGULANbS. —S vere floo: able for our purpose and locality, I spending a few weeks with friends when representative lie bad been—Land the high circumstances he lived to enjoy, Among Bell% Moore, of ,Nlorris.,_8pent Sunday -with -
. I de � As agriculture advances new pmetices re- I she contracted the fatal p1d, . ,
, I which
thisinstance, the people desire that Ahe prevail in th? Scottish Highlands and much . . school board took occasion to express their those present from a distance were Robert Mrs. Win. Richmond.—Mr. Will Hablcirk * -
; I � . quire to be followed, For instance, the*,, finally terminated in congedion of the appreciation of the value of his services, Moffatt, Illinois; John Moffatt, East Whit- is holidaying in town for a few days,—
credit of the Province be used to get cheap damage l4as �een caust!d to prope y. , � ; . practice of broadcasting fodder corn is now ' JUDgg.
inoney and thus save to borrowers the .. ex COULD�'T ANAGE' IT.—Signor Succi, the ' recognized to be inferior to the growing of � � He continued to the lafst to take a warm in- by; James White, Columbus; Joseph Etb- Rumor has it that the next l2th of July will
I - - -Italian crankMl � —There died on the 9th concession of terest in the Echool. Mr. K%y was twice eriDgton. William Pellowu,Go . dericb ; Chris- be held in Blyth,—Mr, Altx. Stewart, of
, has, had to abandon a 50 days' I it in drills and cultivating. So this prac- Ashfield, on Friday morDing, 15th ul't,', married—first to a sister of the late Hou'. topher Hodg8on, Mrs. Watson Hodgson, Brussels, and -Mr. Will Moore, of Toronto,
. or'bitan'; profits that now swell the coffers of fast in Londbn after struggling through 44 ' tice of self -experimenting is forcing itself ! Mic�s Sophia Kickley, daughter of W. Kick.- Ma,leolm Cameron, and afterwards to Miss Raglan ,'Mrs, James Hodgson and family, sPentSundayinourmidst.—Mr. Hammond,
I � � I ,
i� the banks and loan companies. Let the days. I ! upon us, and we. cannot but admire the step ley, Deceased was a young lady greatly be y
Government and Legislature be led to DEATH OF � GREIAK POET. —T - I - Dickenson, of Prescott, who survives 1,'im. - Exeter, I of Owen Sound, brolber to �,M. fl, Ham-
. death is taken by our experiment stations in this re loved in , the community and v, consistent He bad of late yeark; been severely tried b . I . mond, of this place, is sp
d" I' -his 82nd year, of Alexander spect. In a bulletin issued bv the Ontario y _____ _ ____ ending a few days
understand that this is the demand of the announc I . I I member of Lane's Presbyterian church. Her
3, people and they will soon find the ways and Rizos Rangabe, the Greek poet, aro�hieolog I ist station . last autumn, on winter wheats, we life Auring several months ol suffering in affliction in the death of Dear and dear rela- I Londesborough, . I Visiting friends,—The Blyth monthly fair
and stateama ii. I Z, tives and losws in business ; and it was not ,was beld on Tueeday ..last, Although !he
means to make the scheme practicable, In EPIDEMIC OF SMALL-PDX.—SMal I- 1 were given an opportunity to select one or I the atages of consumption and her peaceful to be wondered at that a frame thus tried , Rmvll) A13OUT Us.—Mr. D. Fell, former' weather was unfavorable for farmers bringing �
. Pox con- � more of five series, COD6iBtiDg Of five or six 1 death teach a lesson of trust in Providence ly of thiv place was in the village on Fri-' '
the practical working ont of this scheme ih - tinues to spr�ad in New Y rk cit I and sev- i varieties in each, for the purpo e of carry- which all should learn. and bearing the weight of 81 years succumb-. ,in animals, there was 4 great crowd of buy- I
wonld not be necessary for the Gov-ernment 0 5� d instrue- —Rev. Ghoan B. Howie, if Lebanon, rived home from their wedding trip on Sat- - took dinner at the Commercial Hotel.—Mr.
I . I eral new cas4s , have been discov ed in the ing on experiments therewith, I ed to a severe attack of pneumonia, day.—Mr. Thonias Miller and his bride ar- ersfrom all parts, Coniiderably over 20
� 0,
I ,r
18 I
.- I Italian distriot. � � tions were furnished as a guide ,in carrying � Palestine, and formerly of Bru selo, preach- urday.—J. Brundson & are getting Lockie McQuarrie is busily engaged repair-
- ;flf
. . to deal with the individual at 'all. The DIED,--Ge�eral Manager James T. Furber, : on the work. Before spring I believe it is ed with great acceptance in V`ctoria Street —The friends of Mr. John Payne, grain ready a car load of wagons, &c., wb h they 'ing the Watson brick block. A'umor has it
' ' ,
1 f , Son
71- municipalities could stand as the intermedi- of the Bo3tod and Maine Railway died last 1 the intention to publish similar ones on oats, Methodist church, Goderieb, both morn- buyer, of Stratford, are quite anxiong about intend shipping to Manitoba about othe lot that the Misses Watson intend moving their �._
' i
. ary between the Government and the indi. week at Law*cb, Massachusetts I i spring wheats an& barleys,and we will have and evening,. on .Sunda�, 24th -of his safety, be having gone to t � he cities - of of Marcb.—A large number of the Good stock into it in the near future.
I . t: -rid - TIMS.— le I I There were larg-q congrega- Now York State over three weeks ago, and
". -J ut uary.
. '2� , who have been nderg * ' t riment 'economically we must com- tions at both services, and much I interetit was - not having been . heard from since, except lodge a fraternal visit on Monday. evening, have bad here before. --On Sunday evening
I . EIG V , Frank Schneider an i an opportunity to select as we see fit. B I in It is a bet -
T , Dial borrower, and thus avoid the dangers H d J agn
. which our correspondent seems to foresee. his wife 1 I a lie avi I slug I o expe , Templars of this village paid Manchester ter stand than any the Misses Watson�s
- their tri I i Vienna for h n decoyed I blue, and for this purpose I would. advocate. I manifested in the preacher and is sermons. through a communication received a few � and spent a profitable time,—The Sons of last Rev. Mr. Campbell preached from tke
. The Government now loan money to the eight y6uog �'Vomen from their, omes and � the estublialling of Farmers' Clubs. Patrons I On Moinday and Tuesday e enin a 'n- da a aft,pr 'h;o ,R 41— T#. : C v
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i I .. . I . 5 I . .7 'r"A I 19 . . � s eisred that ugland in give,& concert in the Temper- 4*h chapter of Matthew and 9th verse, a
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