HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-02-05, Page 1N000ft �
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� � The County Council of Huron opened at
Goderich on Tuesday of l4t week. All the
members were present except Mr. A. H.
Manning, Reeve of Clinton, who was de-
, ,
tained by illue8s. The first business was
the election of a W!Lrden and, as we stated
last week, the lot fell upon Mr. John Tor-
rmice, Reeve of Stanley. The next busines§
was the balloting for a committee to select
the Standing Committees, The ballot re-
sulted in the election of the following:
'Henry Eilber, Stephen; John Beacom, God-
erich township; Joseph Beek, Colborne; V.
Ra,tz,. Stephen ; M. Y. McLean, Sealorth;
D. McPherson, Turnberry; John Kaine,
Hol,wick. �
the following appointments were made -'
Thomas Kidd, Seafo,rth; Henry Plamsteel '
CliDt0o, and F. Jordan, Goderich, trustees
of their respective Collegiate Institutes.
Richard R-adeliffe, Goierich, and John C.
Morrison, MeKillop, auditors. C. Clarkson,
B.A., Seafortb, and George Baird., Stanley
on Board of County Examiners of schooi I
teachers. Henry Bilber and William Lane'
were appointed on the Board of Criminal
Audit. . -
Moved by H. Either, seconded by M. Y. '
McLean, that this council desires to exprFas
its deep regret at the illness of one of our
esteemed members, A. H. Iff'snRing, Reeve
of Clintoo" and we desire to express our '
hope for his speedy recovery, and that the
Glerk transmit a copy of this motion to bim,
—Carried. -
The council adjourned until 10 o'clock
The following communications were read
a,nd referred to the special committees:
From. the County Council of Elgin, asking
co-operation in petitioning P&rliament for
improvement and more atringent regalations
in the ahipp�ing of cattle on ocean steamers.
From County Council of Grey, asking co-
apera,tion in petitioning the Lieat.-Governor
to abolish the law allowing the 'union of
High and Public School Boards. .
From County Council. of - Oxford, asking
co-operation in securing the repeal of section
30, chapter 50, Ontario Statutes, 1890, re-
lating to the construction and maintenance
of bridges 100 feet or more in length.
From Canada Land Lam Amendment
Associatiort, asking co-operation to secure
the extenaion of the Torrens' Land System
to county municipalities.
The report of the gao,ler was read and re-
� ferred to Gaol and Court House Committee.
It reported 19 prisoneru incarcerated at
preseat—one female and 19 maleB, three of
tha latter insane, one dangerously no. Three
of these prisoners are committed for larceny,
one for rape, three awaiting trial, and the
rema,ining 11 vagrants. ,The ages of these
vagrants range from 56 to 85 years, three
totally unfit to earn a living, but the re-
ma,inder able to provide � for themselves.
The remainder of the report relates to mup-
plies and details of the gaol management.
A motion by Holt and Beek to instruct
the county engineer to extend the wing
walls of the Maitland bridge, G9derich, as
may be found necessary, -was r4erred to
Road and Bridge Committee. A motion by
McPhersqn and Cruikshank to have the
council assume the Race bridge in Lower
Wingbam,. received the same reference. A
I �
motion by M. Y. McLean and F. Anderson,
fo,r a grant of $300 to -be divided between
the: several duly organized Township and
� Horticultural, Societies was referred to the
Executi,ve Committee. A request from the
Priaoners' Aid Aesociation for the usual
grant and requests from the East and:.,West
Huron Teachers' Associations for 4 the
Statutory grants of $12 each. were referred
to the Executive Committee.
Ten tenders for the creation of county
bridges were referred to the Road and
Bridge committee.
The reports of the Public School Inspect-
%lc,ssrs. Tom and Robb, were read and
ors, T
r*ferred to the Educational Committee,
These reports are very lengthy,contain many
ueef u! hi.n�g and much interesting iuforma-
tion on - school ma-tters, and they will be
publialied in full in a future issue of THE
Letters and .OLL.tiatico from the Goderich,
Clinton and Seaforth Colleg6to Institutes,
showing the attendance at these institutions
of county pupillo, the relative cost and the
additional amount required from the county
for each, as provided by fftatute, were read
and referred -to the Executive committee.
The Selecting committee reported the fol-
lowing as the Standing committees for the
EXECUTIVE. —Beek, Ratz, Holt, Cox,
Kadne, Mooney, Eilber, R. B. McLean, M.
Y� RcLan� .
Fizi,�-.,(;E.— Coleman, Cruickshank, San-
ders, S.pa,c'kman., Kennedy, Hamilton, Gir-
vin, Bryana, Ka.y.
EQUALIZATION. —Griffin, Malntoah,Proud-
foot, Johnaton, RcEwen, Bennewies, Stew-
axt, Hannah, Milue. .
RgAb AND BRiDoE. —Beacom, Jacques,
Kalbfleiach, Marrisou., Sherritt, Sheppard,
.Kydcl, Taylor, McPherson.
KDUC,1,TIoz;. —Anderson, Woods, Manning,
Bawden, McDonald, Erratt, Sparling. I
COUNTY I'RoPaRTY. —Britton, Chambers,
Oliver, Schnell. Rowers, Malloy, Howe. �
WARDEzN,—Otiver, K.Mne, Kalbfleisob,
Ratz, M. Y. McLean. .
SrE.01AL.—Eilber, Beck. Beacom, Kay, R.
B, McLean.
The report was adopted. .
Mr.Ainaley,Couaty Engineer, reported hav-
ing i3aued orders for county works dHrin.g the
.year 1891 to Vae amount of $5,99i.62 ; also
that all the improvements the Council have
ordered ha,ve been completed, except the
bridge over Black Creek, on the boundary
between Stephen and Hay, and, it was
thought the traffic would be better accom.
modated by having this bridge erected
during the winter season. He had examined
the bridge ea the County boundary between
Stephen and McGillivray, in company with
the Commissioner from Middlesex, and thoy
considered it ausa,fe and that it should be
rebuilt during the yf ar,, and the Council of
'Middlesex have agreed to bear their pro-
portion of the expense. He bad - examined
the Calder bridge on the north gravel road,
McKillop, and recommendad that it be put
on the list of county bridges. As consider-
able -bridge flooring will be required next
season he recommends that it be- procured
; in the winter, He recommends placing. -a
crib in the river at the Manchester bridge to
'protect the pier from being injured by ice
and ti-taber. The bridge to be erected on
the boundary between Grey and Elma, at
the 4th concession, will likely be placed un-
dar con -tract daring. the month of February,
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.. I SEAFORTHs FRIDAYs FEBRUARY 5y1892. . . . . MoLBAN BROS. rubushers. I
� . . - � � . 1 01-50 a Year, in Advance, I
. - _. . i I
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, - . I I
the Perth County .Counci have taken the forward the same to the Lieutenant Gov- council the report was amended so as to re iged mother, Mrs, Margaret Me.ther, war , ,secured at the instance of Alberta Jane the chairmanship. The defendants are
cessary action in the matter. ernor in council. � commend that the grant to Agricultural n 4 bed of sicknees at tier residence in 1 Vamsickle, yvho has entered an action liable to a fine of $20 each aud costs if they �
' '
Societies be $300, and that it be divided be- o, when the telegram arrived. The against John Boyd for breach �of promise are convicted. Judgment was reserved for 47,
. - v I
-idge Committee. - I tween the Township and Horticultural So- ;iug refused the sad event to be made and seduction in 1888. She asks for $2,000, a week. Th,3 case is curions, because the r,
The report was referred to the 11toad and : The clAuise of the report recommending oront
that the Inspectors be allowed to vi'sit some , octor ,
ONTARIO STATU7 Ks. cieties. 4nown to her. Mr. Mather was one of and her father for a like amount. Boyd is board not having organized last Wednesday i
schools twice in one half year, instead of On the clause of the report respecting the I His evening, the7statute makes no provision for I 1.
A motion instructing the elurk to procure once each half year, was, on motion, struck )Vinnipeg's prominent citizens, and was the a descendant of Sir Francis Boyd. I
� !k�
- Treasurer's salary, it was moved by Mr. Vresident of the Conservative Aseociation father left a fortune of about $50,000. . organization on any other day. The defend- V
copy of the Oatario St tut a for each out, as the recommendation is con: trary to , V
-Reeve t 6 Mulloy and seconded by Mr. Griffin, that here. Last year he occupied a seat at the _1&8. Blackwell, of Wolftown, Renfrew ants as a majority of the board had passed t:
�eve and Deputy R or the use of the requirements of the Statute, and the !:
eir municipalities, was a0pted. report -as amended was adopted. the report be amended by striking out ouncil board. county, is' said'to have poisoned tea with a re,,olutio.n last Monday evening, in Mr. I
' $1,350 and putting in instead $1,200; It —On February Sth 'a by-law will be su-b- intent on the life of he'r family. Her hus, McRae"s absence, declaring Mr. McRae's ' ti
Moved by Mr. Proudfoot, seconded by In accordance with a recommendation of .Wao moved in amendment 6y Mr. Hilber mitted in Orillia raising the hotel licenses to band det�oted something wrong, go diil big seat vacant for the reason abov,e stated, but '-,
r. McIntosh, that the Co4cil appropriate and seconded by Mr. Milne, that the clause $350 and reducing the number to ten, while daughter, but Mrs, Blackwell denied the Mr. McRae, who was examined as witness, �
the Finance Committee, a special committee r.
e sum of $8,000 for the p rpose of erect- in the report referriDg to the Treasurer's sho licenses are to be limited to two, with accusation, and drank one cupful. She was denied the legality of the Tesolution because�_ j :
Composed of the Warden and Messrs. Cole- p �
g a County House of Re uge. Referred main, Bawden, Milne and X Y. MuLean was salary be struck out, and th ` at the following a fee of S2,70 each. taken ill. The doctor was sent for, but the three months during which be was A I
. t - I ..�
the Executive committee. - be substituted, viz: "That this Council —Mr. R Wright, of Chealey, and his son before lie reached her side death came, The absent from the meetings had nor, then 1�
. appointed to confer with the .Mayor of God- - * - � ��
. �
The same reference was ade of -the fOl- erich and arrange about the price to be paid pay the Treasurer the sum of $150 annua'ly, ert , shot ten rabbits in two hours and a woman was considered derangqd. elapsed. There are a number of other legal fl
wing motion by Messrs. St wart and Gir- for the water and eleerric li lit ust.d by the so long as the sinking fund is handled by q arter in one afternoon, about a week ago, —During 1891, as in the preceding year, questions involved in the case , which will , 0
19 him, provided lie gives additional security ith the' )bably be brought out in court. The i I
ri : That as the asseisme t of the town- county and to report. - help of but one dog, the reliable t here was not a sinLrle bank failure in Can- pr( �.11'
- J -
ips is nearly nine times g eater than the by 'way of land mortgages or guarantee b ack hound Nick. ad&. Our financial institutions have pros- school board has just finished a course of _i:
The Special committee appointed to con- . 2f
Ressment of the towns and villages in the company bonds, to the amount, of $15,000." * The Windsor Keystone Gun Club are pered, without having to contend with any three years' litigation over their school - N
for with Mayor Butlar, of Godericb, respect- Upon the nadiies being called there voted 0 oring � good price for live sparrows, and serious losses, while there were no special building and it is feared that there are fresh ,I -
unty, and as towns and vil ages contribute V
e greater portion of the inil - gents, it would ing water and electrio lights, reported, for the amendment, Messrs. Beek, Britton, s no of the farmers are reaping qnite a occurrences out of which they made great troubles in store iPl
. . reoommendingaefollowa: Tbattheuounty' ', of Kingston, has been ap- 0
an injustice for the towns ips to contri. council offer the town council, of Goderich * Beacom, Cox, Cba-nbero,: Cruiokshanka rvest. ' C. F. Coonette, of Rochester, cap- profits. It is to be noted that $20 OW ON —G. M. Pierce .1
te pro rats with, the tow a and villages . I Errett, Eilber, Hamilton, Hanna, Holt: t� red 1�0 sparrows in one barn the .other have been added to the deposit alccoQ, pointed choir masterof the First Presbyter- 4
the use of the water in the gaol, ' I I _1
r the erection and support of a poor $100 for 0 Howe, Kaine, Kennedy, Kalbfleisch, Mor- e .ening, some of which was due to transfers. from .the ian church, Denver, Colorado. )I
use. The council then adj 3urned to meet and $60 for the water for the oourt hous rison, Milne, Alooney, McIntosh, McEwen, —Mr. William Roiebrugh, some years ago government savings banks. I —Two Westminster farmers, Messrs, ill
and registry office, and the electric lights in ; 4
9 o'clock Thursday. Oliver, Spackman, Schnell, Sparling,Woods. a prominent resident of Branchton, near —On Tuesday of last week Win, Rupert Beattie and Thompson, are building barns , �1
t I
the court house, that the clerk submit this —25, 'For the motion—Mesers. Anderson, Gilt, but whe removed to North Carolina in was working on the G ,rand Trunk Railway -with concrete foundations. One barn will till
THURSDAY,—THIRD DAY, proposition to the towe council of Goderich, Bawden, Barns, Griffin, Girvio, Johnston, 1�72, died in tbat'State on the 18th of last track'bear Richwood, a few miles west af be 12OX40 feet. :,*
The first order of busineo after routine and request a reply for the June meeting. Jaques, Kay, Kydd,f ' i -
,., . .
Mr. Milnc, seconded by THR BOAD AND BRTDGE REPORT. M. Y. McLean, MoPj`enon, R. B. McLean, Rnebtugh. the Toronto specialist. round the curve and struck him down have raised a bornets' nest around their ears � ?
Ls a motion by i mailoy, MoDouald, D.-cember. Deceased was a brother of Dr. Paris, in a cutting, when the train dashe(I —Hunter and Crossley, the evaugelists, i
r. Ellber, that a committi e composed of , - an �s
The Road and Bridge Committee reported Proudfoot, Ratz, Sherritt, Sheppard, Stuart, I *Robert 19. McGreevy, writing from New mutila,ting the body very much and dr' ),. at Nanaimo, British Columbia, by deno c- I
� "g i
,ssrs. Ratz, Kaine, Mooney, mover and making the following recommendations: Sanders, Taylor. -21, The motion was lost. Y�rk, states -that be has been vilified, and gil3g it alODg the road some distance. De - ing infidels and 6keptics. � � !,
)onder be appointed to.coafer with the That -the race bridge in the town 64 Wing- The amendment then became the motion. that he intends to return to Canada and o was 26 years of age, was well- —A circular issued by the Winnipeg t 1,
A .
inageCommission now sitt;'ng,and suggest . . i
ham be assumed by the county &a. reoom. Upon the names being called there voted for sa tief y the requirements of j ustice. . He says known and much respected in the neighbor- Grain and Produce Exchainge states that - ? 4
ch isa e esent drainage If
provements to the mended by the Engineef and asked' for by . the report Messrs. Beek, Bawden, Britton, he left because the jury in the eonspiracy hood. - He 16SVeS M Young widqw and an in- smut hao done more damage to the crop of 1�
we as they think advisable arried. the Reeve �nd Deputy --Reeve of Turnb6rry ; Bryans, Cox, Cruickshanks, Errr.-tt, Hamil- case at Quebec was packed. . fant child. . 1891 than frest. - It urges farmers to clean t
' .1
THE BOUNDARY LINES. that the appropriation of $3,000 for the im- ton, Hanna, Holt, Howe, Raine, Kennedy, —The by,l%w granting a $10,006 bonus to —Tha village of Teeswater, with a popu- their wheat. I i -
A motion for the usual appropriation of provement of boundary lines be made ; that Morrison, Mooney, McIntosh, M Y. McLean, tle Strathroy Caiining Company (a two- lation of 1,128, has two Presbyterian —P. irving sold for Johnathan Gillespie, 1i
. V
. 7
,000 for the improvement -of the boundary the bridge over the Aux Sable river between R. B. McLean, Proudfoot, Sitriders, Spar. t�. irds majority of the property owners be- Churches, ard 390 communicants. This near Innerkip, the other day, % acres of , - I
es was referred to the. Road and Bridge Stephen and McGillivray be re -built this ling -21. For the motion Messrs. Ander- ing necessary) has been carried, 416 for, membership includes some of the adjoining cedar and black ash timber at an average of I 1.
Mmittee. year and of wood as recommended by the son, Beacom, Bowers', Chambers, Eilber, and 29 againstl; majority for the by-law was township of Culross. The members. of Zion $65,90 per acre. Some reslimd,as high as . !I
I �1
A, motion for E6 grant of $2.10 to assist in Commissioner ; that the Calder bridge on Griffin, Girvin, Johnston, Jacques, Kay, 7 votes. church pay 'their minister the highest sti- $104 per acre. .1 �
� I !j .
the north gravel Toad in MoKillop be a%- Kidd, Kalbflei8ch, Malloy, Milne, McDon- .1 —William B. Wood, eon of the late chief d of any miuiete'r in East or North —Mr. Byron g- �_
ilding a footbridge on the8ite of theold _ .__ . f Manitob-q, who two or three year a[n Lee, of Ernest, Dakotal a - -
aham's bridge, in the towE of Wiagham, surned by the county as recommended by ald, McPherson, McEweD, Oliver, Ratz, j stice o 8 Ernu c e. T h e ount paid ;s $1,350, The writes ,that there are thicty-seven families --_:
6a read and referred to he above coir.- the Commissioner ; that a crib be built to Spackmain, Schri-ell, Sherrett, Sheppard, a o left Winnipeg for Chicago, where he has minister of the other Presbyterian church in that immediate vicinity who came from i�
- V
� . $900 per Lennox county, Ontario, and most of them i;
.ttee. protect the pier of the Manchester bridge ; Stewart, Taylor, Woods -26. The motion b en running a saloon, has mysteriously (Westminster), receives a salary of � I
. - r!
. COUNTY EQUAL17A � ION. that having examined all the tenders, ttn in was carried, the report was amended accord- d sappeared and ftul play is suspected. It annarp. - from Odessa. ! ,
A motion of Messra.Moone and b/IcEwen, number, called for by the Engineer for the ingly and was adopted, is learned that his wife has become blind. —An accident oocurred at Brantford on —A Kingston clergyman went to a village 1,i
it Messrs. Mc2herson an; Taylor be in- erection of new bridges, recommend the an THE SPECIAL' COMMITTEE. —Dr. James Young Allen, one of the Tuesday night of last week by which .11i.38 near that city and gave a lecture. He could � f'!
-1 - ntion of the people, and at � .
,noted by the council several ceptance of the following: L. Hardy, for o dest medical practitioners in Canada, died Vanfleet, a well-known young lady in the not hold the atte I 4
to vipit the The Special committee reported recom- a his residence in Toronto on Sunday, He city, nearly 16st her life, She, with a party the close discovered that the chairman I
wnships south of the Hlbron road, and Crediton bridge' ' $350; L. Hardy, for the mending that in regard ta the petition from . �
asars.'R%tz and . boundary line bridge between Hay and the county of Elgin, in reference to the signed the first requisition to the late Prom- of friebds, were tobogganing on Sproule's was asleop and had been so during the "I
Kay be also instructed . . 7?
Stephen, $220; R. L%Dg, for Day'a bridge in . i�!, asking him to contest the then town of Hill. During one of the downward trips address.. I :
visit the several townsbi, 9 north of the ApAce given to cattle on ship board, it is re- - i
. . I 9 , j
iron road for the purpos of Wroxeter, $614 ; that the request of the Too. ling ton, they ran into a horse and cutter, and Miss ,�The fin(, farm buildin 3, together with —
examining commended that ,the council co-operate ,_%r. implements, this season's crop, etc., of Mr. 1 i
a various townships And giving e tion for F4 grant of $250 to build a foot eorge M. Pi,3rce, leader of the Vanfleot, who was sitting in the front, was si
vidence with the county of Elgin in the matter, and � i i
nham street Methodist choir, King- stunned and badly cut about the face. She G. Booth, who lives a few miles from Oak- - �i
I �
d information before tle Equiliz%tioil bridge on the Bite of the old Graham bridge that the clerk transmit a copy of this reEo- ,�
A, �Ie - destroyed by- fire the �
nmittee at the June in eting, -for the 'It Wingham be not acceded to. The com. lution to the clerk of the county of Elgin ; , has gone to Danville, Illinois. He is now lyinj at' her brother's home, but be ville,. were totally � 1-1
' *ttee also find that the traveling expen - h ' secured a position in a piano factory, ing of strong constitution, will recover. other morning., f he loss is partly -covered 7
rpose of better guidaD e in correctly mi Bes that this oouncit-co-operate with the council "' - .�,,
U%1iZiDg the roll@, was vot d dow of the Ro�id Commissioner for 1891 amount- a d has been appointed leader of the —Friday evening Mr. J. Ross Robartson, by insurance. . The cause of the fire, is Im . -1
a. of Oxford in petitioning the Legislature an � L
. ,_ ed to $200, but that the Commissioner has �irst Presbyterian church choir at a salary Grand Master of Canada, visited Sarnia in known. I —
THE TREASURER'S SALARY. . - to the construction and maintenance of i� i
� 11
I . . not furnished a detailed statement of his cx- bridges 100 feet or mare in length, an pro- of - $400. ,. his official capacity and lectured to the —The London city council Monday night, �, !
rhe repart of the Special committee ap- penaes as required by the Council. . vided for the Ontario Statutes, chap. 50, —Mr. Edward Swartzenberger, of Pus- assembled masons on Craft history. There on rooeipt of potition,g. containing 1,471
inted at the October meeting to report on This report was amended by expunging linch, county of Wellington, was attending was an immense attendance and a royal names, passed a by-law reducing the num- � 1,
section 30, 1890 ; that no action be taken -on � �#!
- _
3 responsibility, duties and saliry of the that part referring to the Race bridge in tp his atook in his barn, the other evening, reception. Mr. Robertson's lecture 7aa ber of shop * and tavern liceneen by ten. 1�
' the memorial from the county council of i
unty Treasurer was read and referred to Wingham,, and substitutirig therefor the fol hen a r4m hunted his lantern and broke rich with historical matt -or, replete with Only four aldermen voted against the reduc- i
. � - Grey, praying that the existing school law 7t
3 Executive committee. lowing : " That the matter be referred to a, which allows the continuance of Union High I , setting fire to the straw. The barn and interesting illustrations amd enlivened with tion out of 17. The Women'n Christian � f,
. .
REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTRX. Committee, composed of the Warden an& I its contents, including horses and cattle, anecdotes that relieved the recital of facts Temperance Union was principally inter- f�
. a be amended ; thai no ai I ,�
� ,
rho Finance Committee, besides 'recom- Messrs. Milne, McDonald, Beacom, and Me- action be taken on the communication from were consumed. and figures. It was A rare treat and great- eated in the question, and elected 10 out of I I
inding the payment of sundry -accounts Pherson, with instructions to thern to sub- � . - —H, H. Anderson, of the Dominion Bank, ly enjoyed. � the 18 councillors on this ticket. i �L
the Land Law amendment associa.tion In �_
' wit all the facts to the County Solicitor, and '. !
6de the following recommendation That reference to the Torrens system of Land ( -uelph, was driving a valuable livery team, —Urs.'McClement, mother of W. T. Me- —George Darby, aged uiuety-three years, � I �
rocure his opinion as to whether or not the . which became frightened and ran away, Clement, science master in the Collegiate In- Crowland's oldest resident, was buried on �
hn A. Mooreshead, of the illage �f Exe- P Transfer, - . 1 4
county is liable for the maintenance of the . t 3rowing ,the driver and some ladies and 8titute, Ingersoll, had a painful operation Tuesday, last week. Deceased was born in '),
-, aged 36 years, be made ward . of the ' The report was adopted, and after passing I e ago she Niagara, and being too young to. shoulder a I
bridge in question, and in the event of the . gentlemen out unhurt. When nearing the performed last Friday. Some tim I
inty, and that $6 per month be 'allowed Solicitor holding that the County is respon- a number of by-laws and some other unim- stable ono of the horses fell and broke its was bothered with chilblains on one of her musket in the war of 1812, he was appointed i
. his maititenSlIce, commei icing with Janu- portant business the council adjourned at 12 1 as a driver of an ammunition wagon.. ' He ;
r Int, 1892, That B. W. Osborne, of the 'ible, that the Committee have the bridge , and Was shot. feet ,and later mortification set in, and t�
ru of Clinton, be made.' at placed on the list of County bridges, and the 0 clock Friday'night. 91 A meeting of 75 prominent bicyclists, spreading rapidly, neciessitated the ampu- was at the battle of Queenston Heights when 1:
abounty ward . . 0 — roe' was killed. He leaves a
, rate of $100 per annum. That Mrs. J-1. � engineer be instructed to take steps to rebuild ' beldOn Toronto Thursday night, unanimous- tation of the foot. The operatiOn was pF,r. General B K
or repair it at once, and if rebuilt the en. Candda. -1v decided to form a Century Road Club of formed by Drs. McKay, Dickson and Wil- wife, but his children, five in number, are
-Donald, of the township of- Ashfield, be - I
gineer to receive tender@ for the wofk, the Two-thirds of the policemen in London eanads, having for its objects the 613cour- liams. It is thought she will be able to pull all dead. z . . t
,de a county ward at the rate of $100 per contract to be awarded by the Warden an& are to be allowed off Sunday duty. agement of road riding, the recognition of through - . . i A
. —Mr,. James Noxon, who has left the am-,
num. That M, ary Ann Jo noton, of the . — �
1. ;
Frnship of H allett, be m%d a a county ward Eagineer." ' . . —Thieves got away with close upon $60 road recardr, and the improvement of the —1he New York Dispatch, in speaking ploy of the Patterson and Bro. Co., Wood -7 I , I
the rate of 86 per month. That they haid The report wag further amended by sub- from Delhi post -office on Thursday night, p ablia highways. of the recent case of Miss Crawford,of Harn- rday night presented- ' - I 1
stituting the followling for recommendation —La grippe and diptheris, are raging in —Tri his own great surprise on Thursday, ilton, who had a sealskin eacque taken from with an gAdrses and a handaoma gold chain I
unined and compared the County Engi- in reference to Graham's bridge in Wing- the country districts of Nova Scotia, - t ie 28th ult., Hon. Alf,xander Mackenzie her at Suspension Bridge, New York, on by the office otaff and the heads of the de- . J
er's certificates and found them all pro. m : Thai the Warden and Measra. Milne —The well-known thoroughbred horse Was presented with $500 by the North account of the duty, refers to Customs-Offl- partments. Mr. Noxon, it is understood, I -
rly certified ; also that the bad exa I ' York, t I
Seoul? pres- cer Lu as a rnean will shortly leave for Batavia, Now � —
: a
I an( and McDonald he a committee to examine Stracbino has died at Woodstock. merican! Insurance Aisooiation as a- rch, ci Suspension Bridge, � w
3 County Treasurer's tie I found this bridge -site and make a , 11 necessary en- -1 - f,
ortgage securi to the sm4uut. of —Sir Donald Smith reached his home in e t on his 70th birthday. - He constantly man and a robber besides. An investi-I where he has established a connection with � o
I .
ty $W,000, � i,
i personal security for a si�milar amount; juiries into the matter and report at the Montreal Fridav from the old country in a tends the board meetings and takes a gation is about to take place that will reveal' a large harvesting and agricultural imple- i �,
I .
une meeting. i good health. 11 d ep interest in the management of the the truth or faleeness of this statement. .'Nliss ment mauutactory. ;!
o that a committee be app inted to confer V li
�, . � Crawford is. a teacher of the Delsartia'n Z ,I
th the Mayor of the town c f Goderich to A motion was also submitted to wipe —The Canadian Pacific Railway is going c mpany. —Isaac Barrows, Rutliven, was buried at � i
� I
Dot some definite arrangemeiit for the . out the recommendation for the boundary to build a big railway station in the heart of —On Tuesday last week a wedding occur- system in New York, and it waa while re- Nilestown on Tuesday laot week. He was a . -,
, ,
ter and light supplied the 3ounty by the line appropriation, but was, on a. division, Winnipeg. . r'd ,in B tfo rd that was quite a surprise turning from a visit to her friends in Ham- rioneer of that vicinity and � removed to I , �
t i I
. defeated and the repQrt as amended was t th "i thveii only a year or two 4: go. He had ' I e
Vn. � —A ribbon factory is sbortly to be started e c1tinens, It was the marriage of ilton that the unpleasant affair happened. t .
PUBLIC VS. HIGH SC HIOOLS. adopted. . icks may also be made AJlan.!on,!arris, the founder of the A. —A winter nieeti,ng of the South Bran . 4
H passed his 7OLb year, and was a bighly,re- I
TRF EX11CUTIVE COKMITTRIK'S REPORT. in the same building. a rg & Co.'s works, to Mrs. "Powley. Farmers' Institute was held Monday after- spected citizen. J. C. Barrows, Ruthvdn ; �
Et was moved- by Mr. hIlln ded by * I r � in The -t week, at Mount I I
.. Ratz, that in the cy i of this council The Executive Committee reported with —Last year 2 251,955 pounds of fimh r, arria is a man 75 years of age. noon and evening, laL Wm. BArrows, London, and Edward Bar- � 1.
- I
i� valued at 895,975 Nvere shipped from uple-have gone to spend the winter in Pleasant, near Brantford. It i�as largely .
I tion in recent the following recommendations : Ttat the (31 " rows, Mississippi, were sons present at his I
� tendency of school legiel - ;
usual grant of ten dollirs be made to the Manitoba. C liforaia and Florida. attended and very successful, Hon. A. S. funeral, Grant Barrows, another son, was I i
krs hag been to build up High Schools and . P �
Irlegiate Institutes to the detriment of .Prisoners' Aid Association ; that no action —A Kingstc n bar * rister, R. W. Shannon,_ —Mrs. Robinson, who was committed as a Hardy, (himself an old Mount leasant unable to come from Oregon.
has purchased the Ottawa citizen and re- v grant from Mulmur about two years ago boy) was present and de',ivqred an addreFs. . ... I
) Public Schools. That no public money be taken in reference.to the motion asking', , moved to the cap-tal. . ar d is now about 70 years of age, lie@ dyin The following papers were ' ead : 11 Mixed A wrestling match took p1sce at Sher- � �
mild be expended for school purposes, ex. that a sum of $8,000 be appropriated for the 9 " r 23 brooke, Quebec, The other night, between - .
—Mr. W. J. Middleton, proprietor of in a narrow cell in the Orangeville jail. Her husbandry," E.Eadie ; Township Roads, .
A for common schools, 4nd we would erection of a County House of R-efuge ; that the Russell house, Toronto, died on Sunday last request is that she may be buried beside Thomas Brooke, " Dairying," Professor ff. -W. H. Quinn, of Cornwall, -and Roderick ..... .. I
*mmend that such legislati �,_n be enacted no action be taken on the application of . 8; McInnis, of Bodie, California, a new ar- ��
will make the common och- �l - efficient Gaoler Dickson for the refund to him. of $12, from la grippe. hf r husband up in M ulmur, but unless some H. Dean, 0. A. C. ; "A plea- for farmer rival in Sherbrooke, and of whom the peo- ,-
—Jack Bartram, the suspected -murderer of her friends volunteer ussistance even this boys," T. A. Ivey ; "'Byeediog and rearing I
possible, and further that 6 copy of this the price paid for a washing machine for use o pie of that town expected great things, The li
' of Mr. Heslop, in Ancaster, has been trans- fit al appeal of the poor old wornan is likely dairy stock," Professor Dean, 0. A. C. � )
olution be sent to the 4eve ,al members of in the ail ; that the usual grant of $12 to atch was for $200 a side and the gate re- f I)
) le�islative assembly for t iis county and each o) the oounty Teachers' A.saociations be ferred from Brantford to Hamilton jail. to go unfulfilled, —Death out off one of Strathroy's promi- in � t
_ —The estate of the Montreal Herald hag —The 'Department of Agriculture at Ot. ii�nt citizens ou Monday, last weeki in the oeipts, collar and elbow being the style. I 11
the Lieutenant Governor in (-',ounoil,— made ; that no action be taken in -reference Quinn won the first fall in two mirJutes, the -1
. � received a box of butter Ee�aon of A L, Leitch, son of Dougald
ferred to the Education committee. to the'application of Mr. Morton, of Wing- been sold for $18,000, and it is unde6tood tawa. has from Ads- second in 4 minutesi and tho third in 24 - i
ham, for the share of the county grant to the purchaser will shortly itsue an indepen- tr ills' F h�ing been ordered by the depart- eitch, formerly reeve of Caradec, and ,a. S. S. McKay, of Montreal, was J
rbeCounciladjournedtuutil ten o'clock � dent mornI, paper. � m,-nt wi t a view of showing the Canadian brother of J. A. Leitch, reevo of Glencoe, inioutt !,
Friday. ' - . the Wingliam Horticultural Society for 1891 —James Philp, B, A., principal ot farmers the kind of article tbey have to com. Deceased at one timo was a teacher in the -the referee and a large crowd winnewied the I
. , I as it does not appear that the Wingliam atch, Quinn returned borne on Monday,
I I VOURTIL DAY.4RIDAY, . Forest Hi h School, died on Saturday lost pc is against in the English market and the Strathroy High School, ut latterly had in i
rhe first busincas after � Horticultural Society is recopised . by the He was strother of Rev. Mr, Philp, pastor nwda of p I %eking. The butter arrived in ex- been �engaged ir! the inmura ice business. On and is now in active training for him match t
Out ine Was A mO- Wust Riding District So-aiety ; that no with Harrigan, which takes place in Boston
a instructing the Clerk'[ to procure a suit- action be taken on the latter from the of East L(indon-Metbodist church. cellent oqndition, It was packed In a box the death of the late Mr, Sparling, M, A., in a few weeks, I
e book in which to have the county by, —While George Gale, of Waterville, &nd weighed 56 poundit. - he accepted the position licld by that gen- "
County Registrar asking that an allowance I A
rs inscribed. I b C �
t be made to him for attendance on the heat. Quebec, was speaking with his Bon by tele * —Probs, ly one of the tallest trees in tleman, and filled it until B few days since, —One sunny day laist isummer Walter J.. Pk
I � !
ing furnace in the retistry office duriag the 8bo the other day, he dropped dead.— Canada, at least this side of the Rockies, when the grip siozed him,apd he succumbed, Cohen of the cloth ing firm of Cohen, Solo- I I
COUNTY PROPARfT.. - 4 er net f Mr, Ed- Deceased was a brotherl of Rev. M. L. mon & Co,, New York, appeared in Preston, �;
winter season ; in re erenoo to the' report ebrAl a oplexy wait his ailment. w u t 11.r.
[he County Property committee reported . —Jean Econti, aged 60 years, who was w� d Ar I oher, of Smith, near Peterboro, Leitch, pastor of Knox chi I h Stratford. a little town in Waterloo county, wbove I
. of the special [comrrittee appoin-ted to en. I i4re , ;
— ;
ring visited the gaol and f and it in good I into the duties and owNry of the abovelliDg snow from the roof of a house in Re tree was 180 feet long, and measured 5 -According to statist compiled by the greatest attractions are its mineral bathe 11
[er, and found the number of inmates as Montreal on Monday, fell and broke his feet in diomieter at the butt, and 2 feet in Canadian Gazette, LondoDo Eugland, from and pretty girls. Shortly after him arrival I
. I
ted in the gaoler's .repo t. They also Volurnety Treashrer and rec-orrinleDdiog that - he was I'licated" by a detective and arrested ..
ommended that the cl rk procure a the salary be increased to $1,5W, this 00111- nook. diimeter at 100 feet from the butt. The 'Board of Trade returns, the exports from a capias charged with defrauding New ��
—1,011is Tassie, truant officer of the Ot- trBe made about 7,550 feet of lumber when Canada to Englaud during the past year 013 i
. mittee recommends that the said report of � have increased by about -$363,000. In very York parties out of $100,000.. Able to i
)k in which to inscribe e by-laws of tavirs, public school, died suddenly on Tues- c4t d as sold at $24 a thousand. e I
the special committee be adopted, providing r' u "' giving up the . j
i county, also that the cler be allowed to . — Ap'l , tl't a w 9 I
and the Treasurer gives additional security by day might, last week, after having atteuded r came to the Galt Post Office depart ' merit of live stock there war, a fallin secure his release only by .1
icwre additional shelving f r hii office, a meeting of the School Board.' I Is t week addressed as follows : " To the off, but in articles of food there was a no- money, he ,refused to do so, and remain- -
.t the count flag be r paired. Other way of land mortgage or guarantee com- � parently contented prisoner. All i
y panys bonds to the amount of $15,000 and —Mrs.. E. Poole, St.. Catharines, was a lectmenof North Dumfries, Ontario, Can. tice&ble improvement. The shipment of ed an ap � 1�
waaaryTepairs to county property were orted as being $3,420,000 in ex. this time, however, he was planning to I ;
that— such increase of salary shall only be seized With a fa,iLtiDg Spell and fell upon a a &.1' Itwas put into- the box of Mr. Bar- wheat is rep I
ommended. � hot stove, and before aasistauce arrived one ri , Reeve of Datrifriett who, on opeping At ceas of the value of the shipment of 1890. escape, and suspicion of collusion attaches r �,
THE XDUCATIONAL R PORT. . paid to the Treasurer so long as he is band- ear and one side of her face were badly burn- f und it to be from a lady in Rock� Hill: .rhe export of butter trebled. Cheese and to some of the Jail officials. Lawyer Cars- I
ling the sinking funds of the county; in ' en of Hamilton, Ontario, who has been i
Che Educational Committe f -reported with reference to the money invested in mort- ed. The ear will have to he amputated. aseachasetts, asking for information re� fish make a better showing than they did call I ;
, following recommendai'dons, viz: That gages by the county, the committee consider —A $W,000 organ is to be placed in the I tive to the death of the late David ,Shiell, last year. While the farmers have bene- looking after the interests of the creditors of I
. ;
reports of Scboql Inspe tors Tham and that it is not advisable that soy person but Brantford Baptist church, the �ift of Mrs. sq. 1 . fited, the lumbering men have Buffered. the buppoAed boodler, received word that . I i
. i
blo be adopted, and -that 500 copies of John Harris, The present win owe are also —Mr. John Chambers, of Dresden, Hasex Sawn wood, which reached ;C2,993,524 in Cohen was planning to escape, - and, pro- , t -11
the Treasurer and the Auditors should be '!
ae reports be printed in �amphle to be replaced by handsome ones, the gift of c I unty, is as sound as a nat at the age of in 189.0, is for last year figured at X2,013,- ceediDg to Berlin, where Cohen is confined, �1
t f orm permitted to kuGW to whom such money has . � "A
Alanpon Harris. 1 5 yearp. He visited Chatham last Sat. 452, a very considerable falling off. Theex- madean investigation. The pri8onerhad � ,
distribution among thel teachers and been loaned anditiA recommended that the —Mrs. Eaclide Hebert, of Troia Pistolies, u day, and talked freely of by -gone days, port of hewn wood was half a million dol- dug a bole through a plank, a timber a foot 11 �
atees of the county ; tbatl the re of Treasurer be instructed to allow no member . . f I
are, and nearly through the- stone wall. �
pector Robb that on( Male" Quebec, gave birth to a son some days ago. e was once a lumberman in Quebec, and lars less than the year previous. According squ �
' and of this ciouncil or other person to Bee the The little stranger- represents the fifth living o a pul chasing trip took up land near to these figiares the abundant harvest pre. In a few days more be could have crawled 1� i
' g i
) silver. medals be proilidded for each mortgages thus provided for oonuty loans. generation. Three grandmothers were pres- awn M' ! lls, where he farmed about 50 vented a great reduction in the trade with through it to freedom. Had be -escaped the �
ool inspector's district 0 be awarded to In reference to the applications from God.e- j
nt at his birth. y arm, We, is now living with his daughter the mother country. Sheriff would have been held responsible for . i
pupili that excel in thel subject of agri- rich, Clinton and Seaforth Collegiate In. e . — I t
—The Barrie Advance has carried out its i Dresden. —At a nia,gistrate'a court in Ayr, the whole $100,000. i
tnre at the Public Sabool beaving Exami-- stitutes, for the propQrtionate coot of main- threat of publishing the Dames and amounts —Messrs. R089 and Holt, local capitalists, Waterloo County, a case was heard —Professor William Henry Huaton, prin- �,Ij
ion, be referred to the xecutive Com- tenanice of county pupils attending these of delinquent debtor@ by the publication of ave purchased the Queen's hotel property which is of considerable interest to cipal of Woodstock College, died at Wood- ' I i?
,tee ; that the request of the Inspectors inatitutioDs as provided for by vie. 64, chap. , "I I
. fil i
. a list, embracing half a column, and it i Winnipeg, the price paid being about public school boards and municipal cor- stock Friday morning, aged 33 years, His - �
visit some of their seho)la twice during 57, section 31 and 8ub-sections, the com- . � .
pr m e more in this week's issue. 0,000. I It is rumored that the real pur- porations. Messrs, Rennie, HeDderson and I death is considered asevere loss to 1he town � I
first half year so as to give more time to mittee have agreed with the representatives 0 115 11 . . . ; i
chasers were the ana is Acific Railway yr a ic as well as to -the Institution of which he was r
' � !
Model Schools during Uie second half- of the different institutions that they are to —Donald Pollock, a British army pen- . i Gerbig,. three mem era o t e - i ;
I i
inner, having served in the Seventy-Fi'rst Company and t iat it is the intention to Schcol Board, were, cho6rged before Messrs, the zealous and eapable principal. William :
,r be granted on condi ion that each be paid the following sums, lose the fees " � I
county pupils, sighlanders at Gibraltar, is dead, e eut an iTmense hotel and depot rivalling , Hnwell and Watson, J. P.s, with having � Henry -ff uston, M. A., was born on the 17th ,I
ool be -visited at least tw ce during the reoeived by them for such - I !
years, He had been a resident of Wood- e Northern Picific structure, recently refused and neglected to discharge their I of June, 1859, at Whitby. He receiv- - i
x ; that the clerk petiti . the Minister viz : Goderich, $829.86; Clinton, $790 59 ; ,�r . �� �
I I ed bis education at the Public f,chool and 1.
Education to make 7 Seatorth, $937-06, providing the Trea stock -for 25 years. . erected. 'The plans are also said to provider duties'as public school trustees by going i f
,ix ch a contre for urers � _�
holding of the E h choul Entrance or Secretaries of the respective school: com- .One day last week Bomb. Maokney, f�r a thei4tre. I away from a meeting of the board held last Collegiate Institute there, matriculating into -4
: '
mination and in coun ction with the ply with the requirements of the High cornet player in A Battery band, Kingston, I —Emanuel Champagne, of Batoche, has � Wednesday evening, and not taking part in i Toronto University in 1876. He was then I
had his feet- and bands severely frozen ted uit agaiust the Government, 1 its proceedings for organization as required I engaged as teacberin tbecollegiate Inati- i
ierich High School, that George Connors School Act and a,1so file a declaration with 4 I
. -While crossing to his quarters at Point laiming $18,000 I or liva stock, store goods, I I aining there four years ; �
ruckeTSmitb, be adople� a� a county the Treasurer of this county that thi 9 , by law. Mr. King, Q. C., of Berlin, appear- Itute, Whitby, rem - duated .1
Tie It In nd the Frederi2k. �tc., incladin $5 ' 500 w@rth of furs alleged : ed for the prosecution, and 3L. Ball, Q. C., I at the end of which time he was gra X
dent at the Ag eu u _ I ollege. speotive statements are oorrect� a I I
- —There is excitement at Wolfe Island, have been lo ted b the troops under '! of Woodstock, for 'the defence. The reason*-! B. A. at Toronto University, winniug the . * -_
.ipliance with the spirit of the motion of three years torm of settlement be computed & �
s3ra. Milne and Ratz, it is recommended from J4nuary let 1892. In reference to the near Kingston, owing to the discovery of a eneral Middle 0, alter the taking of i given by th.e defendants' for their conduct � Gilchrist scholarabip of London, England,
t no large amount of: mo a-ey be expended motion for the usual grant to Agricultural great quantity of salt in a well 100 feet toche-An the rebelli)n of I . 885. It is ! was that D,'A. McRae, a member of the I University. He was tben appointed house -
. deep on the farm of Mr. McRae. There laimed that Champagite was in arms an f board, vvho also was present at the meeting, I master at Pickering College, which position
school purposes exce or common societies, it is recommended that $500 in- ' ppointed -
ool9; also that suA re indiemt-ions of plenty of salt in the vicin- rebel, that th( occullatiou of his house 1 had vacated his Best by being absent from I he filled one year when he was a7 il
� �egialation be on- stead of $300 as formerly be given and to be a . . I .
ity. I meetings of the board for three successive I prtucipa - le .
ed as will make the: common schools as divided equally between the Peveral riding . Iwas a necessity, and th; Lt the rebel forces, I ' ' I Mr. HuBton was marr' d Dec. -
ottho Vederal troops,'caused the tons of months, and that they believed the proceed- i 25th, 1882, to Miss Taylor, of Fontbill, by �
. I -ther that & copy Branch and Horticultural Societies in the —Mr. John B. Mather, ex -Alderman, I , . � I
cient. as possible and I u, do oomplained of. - lingo would be illegal if he took part in the I whom he had two children. In 1886 he ,�
this resolution be sent to the se'versl county. It is also recommended that no died on Saturday in Winnipeg. hir, Mather , C a ish mas (
" T
inbers of the Ontario Le islature of this action be taken on the suggestion of In- was some years ago well known in inercan- —Asensational affair occurred at Alber- organization. Mr. McRae.bad a double vote I was appoitit d fir t Eagli
I tile ciroles in Toronto, having been connest- n, Brant county, last week. F. J, Boyd, I in the event of a tie on any motion pro- ronto Collegiate Institute, continuing there
=ty and to the Lieutenaut-Governor in spectorRobb to furnish gold and silver . Is I when he accepted his late' .
moil. The motion of'. Messrs. Kaine and medals for oompotition by pupilsof the ed with Frank Smith &Company. He went wealthy resident, was gored by a bull , posed, and the defendants were afraid that ! until 1889, POW
iders asking the Legislat are to make a public schools for the study of - agriculture. to Winnipeg about ten years 'ago, and on- me weeAs ago, and from the effects of he could thus, as chairman, control the ' tion. From 1885 to 1889 he was secretary of
cial grant to public � s�hools holding a The report was amended in coinihittea of tered into the comwission business, repre- which ke'died. Mr. Boyd's son John, who - board and secure the election as oliairman of the Industrial school, Toronto., He was 1
350 as the senting some of the best known firm in On- has boon in Manitoba since INS, came to Mr. Willisou, who in both reeve of the ' ever active in the work of religious and
h class is approved of � ald it is recom- the whole by substituting $1, , oral reform. He was brought up on
aded that the Warden az?d Clark prepare Treasurer's salary instead of $1,5W, and, as tario. - A sad - incident in connection with attend %be funeral, &ad was mot with ; village and a member of the board, as against - in
a ed to Episcopalian, but was latterly Baptist I
i.emorial setting forth this request and amendaid, was reported to the counoH. In Mr. Mather's death was the fact that his shplas order for him arrest. The order was the defendant Gerbig, who also aspir
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