HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-01-29, Page 6THE HURON EXPOSITOR. JANUARY 29, 1892.1 Ibtfitron Cxpinitox. DISTRICT MATTERS. Stephen. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. -The following offi- cers, for the township of Stephen were ap- pointed at the first council meeting, viz: C. Prouty, Clerk ; C. Brown, Treasurer, ma- mmy $I00; M. Finkbiner, care -taker of Hall, salary, 20;$ W. Stephenson and W. H. Winzel, auditors. - SCHOOL REPORT. -The followiog is a list of the first three pupils of each class, in School Section No. 4. based upon good con- duct and general proficiency, for the half year ending December 31st: Fourth class, Lizzie Beattie, Nellie McIntosh, Aggie Mo. Seed. Third class, Willie Beettie, Maud Thompson, Mary Campbell. Senior second, Rude Beattie, Ada Lawrence, Tens Calder. Junior second, Maggie Murdie, Wesley Bulger, Hanel Habkirk. Part second,Tilly Scott, Andrew Calder,Louie Beattie. Part third, Bessie Scott, Russel McIntosh. Mullett. COUNCIL -At the last meeting of Hullett council the following township officers were re -appointed for, this year: Thos. Neilans, collector; Robert Smith, assessor; David Jackson and John Wilson, auditors. The local board of health will be compoeed of the reeve, clerk, George Watt, John Spring and Thomas Carbert. and 0. Young, M. D., medical health officer. Application for charity seems to be inoressing in the town- ship, a petition from Summerhill on behalf of one Mary Ann Johnson, an indigent and imbecile person, waa presented to the council. The reeve was appointed to en- quire into the case with a view of Riving some relief. Three other persons, R. Kitty, Mrs. Stinson and Mrs. Tolliver are receiving township aid. Tenders will be received by the council up to the lst of February for a quantity of Rook Elm plank for township purposes. Council adjourned until February let, at 10 a.m. Stanley. DISTRICT LODGE. -At the annual meetieg of the Stanley District Loyal Orange Lodge, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: D.M., Robert Nicholson; D.D.M., Robert Pollock; D. Chsp., Wm. Rathwell.; D. R. -Sec., Janne Caldwell; D. Fine -Sec., John Torrance; D. Treas., James Campbell; D.D.C., Thomas Johns- ton ; D. Lects., Joseph Foster and James Keys. i Bro. Joseph Foster is the retiring D.M. • to him is greatly owiug the present flourisiiing state of the order in this district. Winthrop. OUR SCHOOL. -The following shows the standing of the pupils of the Winthrop school for the fall term of 1891: Senior fourth, Bella McNab. Junior fourth, Mag- gie MeNab, Samuel Pethick, Alice Adams. Senior third, Willie Govenlock, Mary Mur - die, May Morrison. Junior third, Mabel Govenlock, Recbel Hannah, Robert Grieve. senior second, Harry Blanchard, Ida Mc- Spadden, Joe Dulmage. Junior second, Bertie Grieve, Joe Brewster, Mary Dodds. Second part class, Samuel McSpadden,Thos. Pethiok, George Henderson. First part class Percy Morrison, Alfred Morrison,Wil- lie iitcheson. The Changes in the New School Regulations. As the Amended Regulations of the Edu- cation Department, which have just been adopted, contain a number of changes, we now present our readers with a synopsis of the most important ones: PUBLIC SCHOOLS. In the coarse of study in Form V, Algebra Euclid, Physics, and Botany are now optional subjects, and are not to be taken up, unless, in the opinion el the In- spectors and the Trustees, the circumstances of the school permit of their being thorough- ly taught without injury to the other classes. A Public &heel Leaving Examination has been established, to be held at the ssme time and places as the High School Entrance Examinations. The following are its chief features: I. The eeaminers for each county are the County Inspectors and the Principals of the Model Schools in the county, except when the latter send up pupils, in which case other competent examiners are to be ap- pointed. 2. Only those candidates are eligible to write, who have passed the High School Entrance Examination or, who, keying made the aggregate number of marts re- quired, are recommended by the Principel of the Public School. 3. The examination papers are on the following subject, of the Fifth Form of the Public Schools -Arithmetic and Men- euration, English Grammar and Rhetoric, English Poetical Literature English Com- position, History, GeographY, Book-keeping and Penmanship, Drawing and Reading - all of which are obligatory; and Temper- ance and Hygiene, and Agriculture which are optional. 4. Each candidate pays a fee of $1, unlest the County Council or the Board of Trus- tee e assume the cost of the examination. The examiners are paid the fees, or the equivalent. 5. A Leaving Certificate is given to each papil who passes, 6. On certain conditions the Minister may divide 'among such schools as conduct Leav- ing exaaninations any sum appropriated by the Legislature for that purpose. Provision is made for the establishment and conduct of night schools. PREPARING YOR EXAMINATIONS. A few itnportaut changes have been made in the Entrance Examination •' the first four ahould be oarefally noted by teachers preparing candidates for the examinations next July: I. The examination in Literature will be based partly on prescribed selections from the Fourth Reader and partly on the re- maining lessons in the same reader. 2. At the examina.t!on in compoeition the caeadide.te will be expected simply to write a letter and a narrative or description, each being of about thirty lines in length. 3.- Drawing Books No. 5 and 6 will both be required. 4. The subjects of Agriculture and Tem- perance and Hygiene are optional, but papers will be submitted in each when required. Candidates my take either or both; but, when taken, the minimum cf one third will be required in each, and the total aggregate shall be correspondingly in- creased. 5. The presiding examiners must in all oases be inspectors or teachers in actual service. 6. When at any time during the interval between Entrance Examinations it is con- sidered desirable to admit a pupil, provis- ionally, until the next examination, the Principal of the High School and the Pub- lic School Inspector shall at once report in detail upon the case to the Minister, with whose approval uo provisional admis- sion may be made. ,Usborne. TOWNSHIP OFYIaERS.-At the first meet- ing of the TIsborne council for this year Mr. Wm. Kydd was appointed deputy reeve, Mr. G. W. Holman was appointed clerk at the same salary as last year, a motion by Messrs. Cameron and kydd to appoint Mr. D. Hay as clerk, at a salary of $65. being Children Cry for "A gust F .ower" I had with Dys me it was after eati pit of m quently f. matter. ness at th me. Th terrible such titne could not Thomas Irwin an City, Pa been for August one bottl tirely reli can now before. Mr. Mc who kno and from eine. Ili at 39 Ja Signed, J G. G. een troubled five months psia. The doctors told hronic. I had a fullness g and a heavy load in the stomach. I_suffered fre- m a Water Brash of clear ometimes a deathly Sick- • Stomach would overtake n again I would have the ains of Wind Colic. At I would try to belch and I was working then for cHenry, Druggist, Cor. Western Ave., Allegheny , in whose employ I had even years. Finally I used lower, and after using just for two weeks, 'Was en- ved of all the trouble. at things I dared not touch would like to refer you to enry, for whom I worked, s all about my condition, whom I bought the medi- e with my wife and family es St., Allegheny City,Pa. HN D., Cox. REEN, Sole Manufacturer, odbury, New Jersey, U. S. A. lost. Mr. senor at a s Cameron th collector be of $100 w Coates was salary of $7 amount of was appoint same seem Farncomb ary of $5 Board of H reeve and c McInnis, aid C. Monteith, at $1.50 per day when on dn y ; Dr. Irvine, Medical Health Officer, at $ per day when on duty, and J. C. Tuft., ea itary inspector at $1.50 per day when duty.I Messrs. M. Routley, J. Hazle- wood, R. 1feddy, G. Rook, ar., T. Pass- more, S. Ciampbell, W. Gilfillan, sr., and R. Hunter were appointed pound -keepers for this yea . Messrs. J. Copeland, A.Cole, P. Moir, B Delbridge, C. Switzer and C. Coates wer appointed, fence viewere.Messra. G. Ruther ord and J. Delbridge were ap- pointed auditors. Thomas Veal WAN ap- pointed ca eteker of the hall, at .$5 per year. The clerk was instructed tb ask -for tenders for leader aud rook elm lumber, the • tenders to be laid before .the Board at its next meeting. The claim of James Moir for damages for sheep killed by dog', amounting lo $16, being two thirds of valu- ation, was, ordered to be paid. The ex- penses in crinnection with holding the late municipal election, amounting to $24.50, were also ordered to be paid. James Halls was authorised to get the necessary im- provementS done to the township ball and grounds. The council meets again on Sat- urday, February 6th. W. Miners leas appointed se- lary of $50. A motion of Mr. t the offices of treasurer and nitecl in one person at a salary s not seconded. Mr. Thomas then Untainted treasurer, at a , be to furnish security to the 12,000, Mr. Alexander Duncan ed collector, and to furnish the ity as the treasurer. F. W. SI appointed engineer, at a Bal- er day while on duty. The alth is to be composed of the erk and Messrs. L. Hunter, D. bring it up on a bottle. It'll serve him right if it equalls half the time. Anything elli31W" "by, I notice that a woman has just married her fifth husband, and isn't fifty years old yet. Her neighbors are so in- dignant that they talk of driving her away." "La ! Got her fifth, eh ? Wall, if I was that woman the nayburs might talk and blow and be hanged to 'em. I ain't fifty years old, nither, and I'm a-livin' with toy fourth, and don't keer how soon he goes.. I was powerfully deceived in him." "Do you saythat you'd mairy again if he should die ?', " Sartin; and I wouldn't wait over six months; either. Some folks think a woman has no rights, but she has, and she's a fool if she don't assert 'em." "This may interest you," said the man, as he turned the paper over. "A St. Louis doctor declares that the feet of women are gradually but surely growing larger, and that in the next fifty years to come every one of them will want a No. 7 shoe." " Shoo ! He says that, does he ?" "And he's a doctor ?" it Iye8;r:11 . s"va he h in't told no startlin' news., I've been wearin' No. 7's ever since I was a gal sixteen years old, and I've got the smal- lest foot of any woman in our town as it is. I did feel kinder sorry when I diskivered that I'd left my spectacles on the kitohen clock shelf at home, but if that's all the noes the papers kin rake up I guess 1 hain't missed nothing !"-New York World. -After running the Grand Central Hotel, at Listowel, for about a month Mr. George Hayden has sold out to the Messrs, Baker, from Fergus. Hay. 1 Couscri. m MENTINo.-At the lust eeting of the con.tit, the following township of - c16. ficers were ppointed it the eateries tnention- ed,viz.: Cl rk,Sam J.Latta,$110 ; Treasurer, F. liess,$8. ; Assessor, Henry Lippert, $55; Collector, Wendel Smith, $50; Auditors, R. R. Joh ston and J. T. Wren. The Board of Health will consist of the Reeve and Clerk, tog ther with Joseph Snell, D. Stein- bach, Wm Stoneman; Medical Health Of- ficer, Dr. 1uohanan ; Sanitary Inspector for Western ivision, H. 9reb ; Eastern Di- vision, Jo n Scott. The salary of mem era of Board f Health to be $2 for each siting of the Bard. On motion of Mr. Torah ll, and !moon ed by Mr. Voelker, the resi na- tion of M. Zeller, treasurer, was accep ed. Regret wa expreesed for losing the valuable servict s of such an efficient officer, who for a quarter of a century had so ably disch rg- ed the sevnral duties pertaining to his oft ce, and an earbest wish f9r his future prosper ty. Moved by Mr. Voelker, seconded by lr. Turnbull, Ithet Henry Liabold be allowe to cut firewo$ for his own use on road all se- ance betw en lots 15 and 16, concession - Carried. Moved by Mr. Kalbfleisch, ec- onded by Mr. Schnell, that the receipt of the collector being found correct that the bonds be delivered to him -Carried. Mo ed by Mr. Sohnell,seconded by Mr. Kalbilei ch, that after auditing the books, the trees Ter deliver all monies, sate, books, eto., bel ng- ing to the township to F. Hess -Carried. Moved by Mr. Voelker, seconded by Mr. Turnbull, that tenders be received by 1 the Reeve, clerk and Mr. Schnell, at Zurict4 up to 5 p. m.1 on Monday, February 1st, for 10,000 feet red beech and 15,000 feet cedar, and that Ithe clerk notify parties -interested -Carried. Mrs. Reinhhardt was appointed careteker at a salary of $20. After passing sundry accounts the council adjourned to meet on Saturday, March 12th, at 10 a. m. Didn't Miss Much. , The man on the seat ahead of her was reading a iewapaper, and after getting set- tled in th4 midst of her parcels and bundles and regali g herself with a pinch of Scotch snuff, she eaned forward and said: "1 do 't git much time to read the pa- pers now days, but I allus like to hear what's join on. Is there any news in perticulerl?1: "Nothing very exciting," he replied, as he sized her up out of the corner of his eye. "Here's an item about a wife killing her husband.' "Shoo! How'd she do it ?" "With hn ax." "Law me!! Wall, she probably stood it and stood it until she couldn't stand it no more. It's awful how some husbands do carry on. Anything else ?" "Here's an item about a woman in this state who drove her husband to suicide by nagging h fn. " Shoo 1 Jest kept jawing and complain - in from in rnin till night, I suppose, and he finally ot so tired that he took piien ?" " No, h hung himself." "Wall, I don't blame her a mite. Ho was probe ly shiftless and lazy, and it spilt her temper to see things going down hill. She'll havi a chance now to git married to t letter ma*." " And ere's a case," he continued, a he preteu ed to read, "of a wife and moth4 who ran a ay from home with a tin pert dler, leav ng a husband and several child ren behin ." "Shoo! Does it givo the perticklers ?" " It say she is supposed to he a littl flighty in her head." Wall, s e ain't a bit flighty. She don jest right. I know purty nigh how it , WM She had a 1 her housework to do and thetr young 'un to take keer of, and the husband was probe ly findin' fault all the time on top 0' tha . She jest slaved and slaved ' till she could 't slave no more. Some folks think a w man can bear everything, but they can't I 'epose the youngest child was purty small ?" "Only seven months old." "Wall, she probably hated to leave it, but it wotild have been weaned in a couple of month anyhow, and the father in 3 Pitch:, r's Castoria.1 REV. J. W. MCGREGOR, Stoneham, Mas- sachusests : "The names of the remedies I have tried for Dyspepsia in the last fifteen years is legion'. None helped me so mach as K. D. C." Six Years' Suffering. DEAR SIRS, -I was troubled for six years, with erysipelas, and two bottles of Burdook Blood Bitters entirely cured me. I keep B.B.B. constantly In the house and think it an effectaal cure for all diseases caused by bad blood. Mos. M. Downier, Portland, Ontario. Hagyard's Yellow Oil. This great intermit and extereal remedy always allays all pain. It is a specific; for croup, and promptly cures coughs, colds, sore throat, prains, bruises, burns, rheumatism,outs, wounds, eta Good for man or beast. Stands all tests. Sold every- where. Price 25 cents. Hagyard's Yellow Oil. • Culloden Cullings. GENTLEMEN, -In 1888 I was severely afflicted with gravel of the kidneye from which I suffered great pain. I was recommended to take Burdock Blood Bitters, which I did, finding great relief, and after taking 4 bottles can truly wry I am cured and have not since been troubled. I highly recommend it. PSTER WEST, Culloden, P. O., Ontario. MillEMMEMM. Fil\TM French China TEA SETS. A complete as- sortment of fine, decorated China just to hand at KILLORAN & Western Tea Emporium. oS NERVE BEANS NERVE BEANS are a new covery that euro the worst cases of Nervous Debility,'.Lost Vthe and Failing Manhood • resteres e weakness of body or mind caused by over -work, or the errors or ex- cesses; of youth. This Reined/ ab- solutely cures the most obstinate oases when all other TREATMENTS have failed even to relieve. Sol by drug - mi gists at el per package, or six fofe r re, or sent mail on receipt of price by ;addressing THE JAMES ttICINE CO., Mhem one P. Q. Write for mtmehlet. Sol hi - For sale by J. S. ROBERTS, druggist, Seaforth. a) 0 3019 ISd3 °Mv9 minnow° `HiUOAv3S 0 rn 5 4 ° )(21 1-3 o o o 1171 ca, P P eer- eei-' gg 0 0,, 0 0 01 0.•,• ° l:r _ a) cc, o 0.... M.Crg )..• CD . • 11:1 t-ci 5 sn'Te P g co 1.4 CD eD 4 . • 1:f O ts, ON; 12r1 ct- 0 (1) P cf) CfQ I -se • 04 • a) r:L:Cfq ,51) 00, tzi • • CiCi pj- or). 'a?Iv_A1Q2ivH .q tojeas `squiBtjaaap DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Moving Buildings. The undersigned has a complete outfit for the raising and moving of buildings, and is now prepared to take contracts for all such work on the shortest notice and moot reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1264x12 GEORGE A. LOGAN, Brucefield. What is \\`"N.,•>\W\W),.‘\ - rgo,mk.u...,.....--... `'N-..;--..',-, '4.:,:, ,`'-:k. s.:: k,..-- '•-,.• N;,,,I, I , Castoria is Dr. Sarnuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It (contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. ' It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, I3oothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantco 13 thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria, prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoeaand Wind Colic. Castoria relicves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimil, tes the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, gi.1ing healthy atyl natural sleep. Cma toria is tho Children's Panacea --the Mother's Friend. --saeseeeeheeeseeasese , Caatoria. "Castoria is an excellent melicino for ehil-i drea. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children" D. 0. C. OS0000, Lowell, " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I ho the day i3 rot far distant when mothers will c nsidcr the real interest of faeir children, and O. CaStOr la in- stead of the varlouc quack nost frts which:aro destroying, their loved ones, by forcing, opium, morphine, seething syrup ant other hurtful. agents down their throats, ereby r;ending them to premature graves." Da. J. • KINCHELOE, Conway, Ar" Tho Centaur Co pany, T7 M Castoria. " Castor!a, 1300 well adhpted to children that recommend it as super ror Loamy prescription known to Inc." 11. A. Arsenate, M. D., 111 1.1o. Oxforct Gt., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our phynicians in the childre,n's depart- racnt have spo:zen higbly of their experi- ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although wo only hare among our medical supplies what in known as regular products, yet we aro free to confess that the merits of Castoria has 'won us to look with favor upasa it." UNITED 'HOSPITAL' AND DISPENSARY, Boston, Masa. .a.LLEN C. SMITH, Pr"., urray Street, 1JO97 York Oita STOVES AT COST, TIN ARE AT COST, RDWARE AT COST. NEW CASH STORE OF- A. G. AULT, SEAFORTH. THE WHOLE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions 1 The Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in Seaforth for a ,short time only AT JKIDID'S 01113 ST.A_I•TD_ t° DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. IS ENTIRELY- NEW. Please call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. Highest price paid for all kinds of farmers' produce. I beg to thank all my old customers for their past favors, hoping to receive a fair share in the future, and would also be pleased to see as many new ones as possible. A. G. AULT. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Established 1867. HEAD OFFICEI TORONTO. RIA . .TAL(PAID UF) SIXMILLION DOLLARS - $6.000,000 - S900,000 B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. AiGeneral Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts issued payable at all points in Canada, and the principal cities in • the United Sta'Ges,Great Britain, France, Bermuda*. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1.00 and upwerds received, and current rates of interest allowed. INTER- EST ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END OF MAN AND NOVEMBER IN EACH YEAR, Special Attention given to the Collection of Commercial Paper and Farmers' Sales Notes. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. M. MORRIS, Manager FU LY DECIDED THAT MULLETT - & - JACKSON'S Stove, Tin nd House Furnishing Emporium Is the place for bargains, and if you don't want to buy a MODEL 000Ki STOVE, Which is the best for a Christmas; Preen t why choose a No. 1 CARPET $WEEPER 7 We have just received another shiprnent and. if you have already got a Sweeper, why come and see what other nice presents we have,in Lamps, etc. Remember the stand. MULLTT & JACKSON, WHITNEY'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. Furnace and Job Work a specialty. CIIEAP ! What does it mean I The Dictionary says low prices, that may be, but it does not follow that low priced goods are cheap. To constitute real cheapness other things must be taken into consideration before the price ; foremost among these is quality, which Means an attribute, or rank. Our immense stock of Furniture will therefore be ranked very high, because it is superior in quality to anything ever before offered to the people of Seaforth. Besides this, it pos- sesses other attributes, such at solidity, which means soundness or firmness. Durability, which signifies that our goods will last for a long time. Fitness, which means that you can find in this stock something suitable for everybody, this is because we carry So many various styles. All these attributes we com- bine in our goods, and we are able to sell them at such low figures, that we are conscious of having embodied all the necessary qualifications of real cheapness. One trial is all we ask, and if that does not secure your trade we will be will- ing to do without it In the meantime we are determined to stand by our banner of highest qualiti at the lowest living prices: M. Robertsons Central Furniture House, OPPOSITE E. McFAUL'S DRY GOODS STORE, MAIN STRET, SEAFORTH. Hard oat! 'Ys THE PEOPLE'S W COAL CO (OF PENN'S. FAME OWNER asememasesmeeedeemessS.) CANADIAN OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONT. V ETER MARY. TOHN GRIEVE, V. S., honor graduate 0 Ontario e) Veterinary College.- All diseases of Domestic Animals treated. Calle promptly attended to and charger; moderate. Vete rinary Dentistry a spetialty Office at Weir's Royal Hotel, Seaforth. 11.12ti Coal in Car lots sold direct to consumers. No intermediate profits, Write for Prices. Special Attention Given to So- cieties and Clubs. HE WAS DETERMINED. MIRANK S. Beattie, V. S., graduate; of Ontario erinary College, Toronto, Member of the yet- erinary Medical Society, eta., treats all direases of the Domesticated Animals. All oath promptly at. tended to either by day or night. Charges model. sta. Special attention given se veterinary demtis. try. Office on Main Strew, Sestorth, one door eouth of Kidd's Hardware store. 1112 EAFORTH HORSE INFIRMA.RY.-Corner t Jar- sj vie and Goderich Streets, next door to Ike Pres. byterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All direeses of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any a1 the do.n stieated anhnals, suociesefully treated at th in. -I -wary or eleewhere, on the shortest notice. ,haegee ate. JAMES W. ELDER, l'etetinary Surgem. 13.-A large stook of Venetia ary Medicines kept cot stonily on hand • Hello, neighbor, I haven't seen you for a long time? Where have you been? You seem to be in a hurry this morning? Anything wrong? Well yes? Sick I euppore ? No it is worse, I'm lost, and as angry as the duce. Bali enough? How came you to get into that dilemma. You see that watch?.. I have been down the Country for some time on business, and my watch went astray; It never failed me befole, and I am carrying it now,eight years," I took it to six of the shining Jew- elry stores of the town, where I stopped, but none of them seemed to detect what ware the matter, I kept ageing to them until I Hai told, nryeelf and watch, were A nuisance around there. I got s ohance to cotne home for a few days, and I was not going to lorm it either. " Whore are you going to get it re paired to -day ?" I run going straight to Papst's jewelry store Sea forth. and if [don't get her fixed there, I am satisli then that what those other fellows told inc that it tea American watch. Aad I consider Paps t magica workman on American or any other watch. He set this watch right for me yeere ago, and i gave me perfect satisfaction, but I believe them oth duffers haanearly spoiled her now?. My friend, I ean tell you, that when my watch i wrong I am wrong, when she is right I am right, an I am going to have her right too, soon as I get Seaforth, I knew Paint can fix her, so good bye ol fellow. CONSUMPTION. I bays a positive renredy for the above disease; by its me thousands of eases of the worst kind and of long steadies kayo been eared. Indeed so strong la ray faith la its sitcom that I will send TWO BOTI'LlId !BEA with i VALIFABLII TOZATIIII on this disease to any miens' whs will send se their LI -PRESS and P.O. address. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT. McKillop Directory for 189 JOHN BENNEWIES, Recve, Btodhagen P. 0. JOHN MORRISON, Deputy Reeve, Winthrop. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Beeobwood. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Leadbur OHN C. MORRISON Clerk. Winthrop. SOLOMON J. SHANNON. Treasurer, Winthro WM. EVANS, Assessor, Beechwood. CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth. LEGAL JAMES LENNON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Proctor in Admiralty. OFFICE3 : 120 Yonge Street, corner and 978 Bloor Street, Toronto, Ontario. Cures Burns, Cuts, Piles n their worst forrf., Swellings, Erysipelas, bffiammatlon, Frost Bi Chapped Hanpe, and all Skin Diseases. MOST "'AIN .EXTERMINATOR Cures Lumbago, Safeties, Rheumatism, Neuralgia Toothache, Fable in:every form. By all dealers. Wholesale by F. F. Dailey & Co. M. ROBERTSON, Leading Undertaker MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. ' My facilities are unsurpassed. I san pre- pared to conduct burials in a most satis- factory manner. All modern undertaking appliances. Competant management guar- anteed. A full line of burin' goods on -hand. I aitu to be prompt, considerate and reliable. tiir 'Charges most reasona.Me. RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN STREET. 1223 ALLAN LIN ROYAL suit STEAMSHIPS, REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers Sail Regularly from PORTLAND and HALIFAX to LIVERPOOL via LONDONDERR DURING THS WINTER N0NT/18. Cabin, :NO and upwards. Second Cabin, 81 Steerage at low rates. NO CATTLE CARRIED. SNTENYORK GLASGOAvTE t SERVICE OF ALLAN LINE LINE STEAMSHIPS. via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, 840 and upwards. Second Cabin, Steerage at low rates. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or BETHUNE or W. G. DUFF, Seaforth. 22-52 delside, 1249 TATTHEW 'MORRISON, Wilton, Ineursace Ili Agent, Commissioner for taking &Siderite, Conveyances, &o. Money to loan at the lowest rates. M. Mortar/son, Walton. T M. BEST, Barrister'Solicitor, Notary, ke ej • Office -Rooms, fire doors north ofGonanieroial ;loud, ground floor, next door to G. L. Papste jewelry store, Main greet, Seaforth. Goderiolt. agents -Cameron, Holt and Cameros. 1215 fl ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Saito, Ur &a., Goderioh, Ontario. J. T. Garment, Q. 04 Wx. Paouvrecrr. flAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers Bo \j uoisors in Chancery, &c.,Goderieh, Ovs. IL GAMMON, Q. 0., Pamir Hour, ht. el OSAMU* J. DOWD. of Victoria, B. 0. Offioe-Over Bank ot NEY, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &tali* Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. Pr.vate feuds to lo&n at It and I per oent. 1035 Alf ANNING & scow, Barristers, 8oIIc1$or, Oon _31„, veyancers, ko. Solicitors for the Johnston. Tisdale & Gale. Money bo loan Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. S. Maned% JAN= SoOrr. 11 HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm J. McCaughey & Hohneseed, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary.- Solicitor kr the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lassa. Fara, for sale. Moe in Soott's Block, Mais Street, Seaforth. row & Proudfoot, Goderich: Barristers., Sol- ICKSON & HAYS, formerly with Messrs Gar eitors, etc., Seaforth and Brumels Seaforth Offios -Cardno's Block, Main Street. R. S. HAYS. W. B. Di()KSOlt. Money to Loan. 1127 W. OAMERON SMITH, BARRISTER. Solicitor of Superior Court, Commiseioner for taking Affidsvits in the High Ceurt of Justioe, Commissioner, Money to Lend OFFICE. -In Meyers' Block, IAMB Street, Sealant, adjoining office of Drs. Bethune and Belden, loot DENTISTRY. 11 W. TWEDDLE, Dentist, Office ever Hamilton . & .11cIonee' Shoe Store. corner Mats and JAR Streets, Seatorth, Ontario. Nitrous Oxide Gamed ministered for the painless extraetion of teeth. 1186 "1"-nR. G. FRANKLIN BELDEN, Destist ; Amish*, J DR. A. S. ATKINSON. Gas adminieerated painless extraotion of teeth. (Moe over .lehnemee Hardware Store, Seaforth. Will visit BrneeSeid every Wednesday at Dixoe's Hotel. Tx KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D fl., L-1 . Exeter, Ont. Wil be at Zurekts at the Huron Hata. en the Ufa 1NULSDAY IN SAM MONTE, and at Murdock's Hotel, Hensall, on the mass awe mem ismer in eaoh month. Teeth /retracted with the least pain possible. All Heili 1111M-CIMPS St Shoal rates. 991 DR. C. H. INGRAM, Dentist,(suceesser 40Billings), member of the /loyal College 01 Dow tat Surgeons, Ontario Teeth inserted with or with* out a plate in gold celluloid or rubber. A safe send thetio given lor the paiuletre /retraction of tee*. Oftioe-over O'Neil's bank, Exeter, Ontario. ISM N. B. -Plates secured firmly hi the mouth by Yemens' Patent Valve. MONEY TO LOAN. It TONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loaras ae 8 per .111. mit, with the privilege So berrewer ot repaying part of the principal money 14 SU) time Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. MEDICAL. D R. C. SHEPPARD, Physician end Surgeon. Bar field, Ontario, succaseor to Dr. W. R. Wriest. 1225-62 TAR. T. P. MoLAUGILL1N, M.C.P.S., Ontario, ▪ sician, Surgeon and Aoe.oncfaeur, N calls promptly bttetedet. Office, Dashwood,.Ont 1226 DRS. soorr & MACKAY, OFFICE, Goderich Street, opposite Method* Church, Seaforth. RESIDENt,'E, next Agrfoultuiel Grounds. J. G. SCOTT, M. D. C. M., (Ann Arbor and Vice toria,) M. C. P. S. 0. C. MACKAY, M. D. C. M., ('Trinity,) F. T. IL Oe, II. C. P. 8.0. DR. lloFAUL, Member of the College of Phe Seism' and Surgeons eta.'Seaforth, Ontario ' . office Cady's Blook, oppireite Commercial Hotel. Nightbell at residence, north side of Gederieh Ste seventh door west of theMothodist Churoll. 1210 -13 E. COOPER, M. D., Physieian, Surgeon and Acootscher, Condone., Ont, 1111 DR. ELLRYfr, Brnoefleld, Limit Maio B,oyel College of Physicians and Surgeons, burgh. Bruoefield, Ont. .119 W. BRUCE SMITH, 14.1) , 0. M., Member off L3/41 the College of Phyeicians and Surgeons, &Oa. teafiorth, Ontario. n aad resideos same St 000upied by Dr. Yeroms. A LEX. BETHUNE: M. D., Fellow of the Borg, 11_ College lot Physicians and Surgeons, Kinision. Successor to Dr. Mackid. Oita lately occupied] by Dr. Mackid, Maio Street Seaforth. Reskisoci- -Corner of Victoria, Square. in house lately occupied/ by L. E. Daticey. 1121 AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Lieensed Auctioneer for tn. Come • ty of Huron. Sales attended in al peril Or the County. All orders left at TED ExrderrOd • Office will he promptly attended to. DU. PORTER General Auctioneer and Lesil Valuator. Orders sent by mail to my ad- drea, Bayfield P. 0., will receive prourpt attendee. Teems moderate. 118542 W. G. DUFF, AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY, Conveyancer, Collector, Book-keeper and Accountant' Real Estate, Lite, Accident and Fire Ineuranet Agent; Money th. Loan, Correspendenee, Ste Partiee requiring his services in any of these brumes°s wit receive prompt attention. OPPIDS nt DALEY'S Dwelt. Or STAIRS), MAHN STRITST, SS.fr$3RT3. 1.13' K1PPEN MILLS. Always Ready to Serve the Publie- hy Giving Good Flour. JOHN McNEVIN Begs to infoern Ms friends and the pubike that be again able to give his personal ottention tee businesa and having engaged MT. John B. Austin, a that- oughly oompetent,practical ruiller,he is preparedtode GRISTING AND CHOPPING On the shortest notice, and most reasonable tensi. to all who may call. Vir Satisfaction guarenteed every time. le trial solicited. JOHN McNEVIK, sTANUAll Go Feel A pawn years ago, in ehiladelphia Terence. Her .and evinced EU friend accuse the subject of -wrote the folio Go feel whet Go hear w Sink 'math a And the col Thus etrnggle Thy sole relief Go weep as I 0"er a loved See every che Youth's swe Hope's faded 11 That led me ;I Go kneel ite I Implere, be Strive the be The downwa. Be east with b Thy prayer's b Go stand *he Acid see the With gns shin And cold an Go eateh Id.w There mirror GD bear what The soils oi e As memory's And it's reve Have told him Had he the d Go to my moth And her ern Thine OWE dee Wipe from h Mark her dimm The grey that The to -Swore/ And trace the Impressi (A paper read by Buren st the F Thirty-eight left Scotland th over me last fel toward the cies -Glasgow on the that desire, el •weeks gratified, after aii one can inthhistChriradba wite ,completeness an vation in peace with our newer , The hallowed wanting which abundance there There is a pe battlement for must yield its its dower." HOW The first thin dug outside of t harvest field the universally need ca.sionai cradle -tau place I saw one who might reaper was in go one out of twen. which dropped there was a sec° to do so ,and work was well a with us, as 1 aft amination. In there seemed to after one reaper, including the dri eight in the drawn by one h the working day Three women m sheaf into it, thr and stacking it. the cost per acre are just coming i Scotland. The judging from test place, it receivin cabi eds. er s ,Ithheelas'e ning them and fr harvest (and last to open out the e it is considered way, changing h cut six acres of to be fair not so eometienes but t spring and early average crop, 1 eativation is no was when 1 left, two reasons. T ground wider cu Von being laid tt laboriraPe'ht lv i aeee;n s r r in it might ha hands that 1 obs the grain could 1 was ready to has it seemed the cu first. Not only .grass, but also a grown than form ly 1-5 of the who Swedes and c torn tions. ET:14,anlidso grass field. There her b mode of disposit stead of at the r now disposed brought to oer some time provi< in a few hours dispose of great are responsible traneactions„ 1 I owners generallj the price does LI4 The method seer judge,tteiwevietr' there ohmage which about is that th quite an equipail by men *We sr more practical a ing. A audio] farms, w who knoIva tani told me that the the competition is caliedf, estates totbe the hall er <meth are fermi in jus fernier of the fi ceed will be the coat off, or at perintends the self. An in same thing, ti factor, skill count for a g and: he said sec duced„ there paying hie lett fortable Business in els with us which see Sir Charle Century, sugge posed a duty o lings to the qu the United Kin not amount to 4 lb.loaf. In as- I think it w whatever the ri at my opinion inaportation of 140,000,000 bu 160,000,000 bti asks himself w ..*natter of indi