HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-01-22, Page 8%-­W5,.,q)VRqqW ... qq,)1N1W_-_ �. ­ ­ . .- . I . . I -_ I I i � - . - I I N, � __qF NP11111-- . . I � . - . . I . . I ; I I . I - � I : . � . .1 � � I R �, � I . . . I � � ! . i I I Z? . i . i . ! . � I I . I . . � . I i : I I � . . . . - - . I � . : - � � I -- . I � . . : .- 1 2�­ .-- ­_ __ . I . - I . . - � . i . I ! . I . . I I . % � �] I I 1% ; . � '44 1 1 I ;,,�� I - . I ,�v. 3 � V * R , t I j. ,�, I 'I, .�� I � ,I I;' I . ; � .��J . � � �, _­ T � ­ , � I � r. � - I � 1" i I - "' , i 4 �,F,,­ I tl* �, � . � � I _4 � I , A; i� 1. N. � I� 'It, � � � At , til , , �, �t . t - � � I r . - 1�i "i f4f, V, i,; �t � 1�" w'4 1 A dril V _!� 4 � �' d'k , p, 1, , � , i� � i� � It - �� , . " � 'I , �: I J I " , �, n, )i� L tt I , ,� ;k 1 ­ , j ,�_ ;,V . - t- - 1 i ";,i I : .1 � 11 � : ) f � , i. � �11 I 11, I 'r 14 h, , T , i t v ; � W t � A , , �,2 � t I , I . C. i T, t, I4 - � , ,;."JA ­ ­ � - — . I � - ­ � I - . � . � - I - . I �. � I : . . i , � . � . . � I I . � . . - . J I : . . . I I . . . � , . . . ! I I - I" � . I . - I � . Aft � . . . . i . I . - . I I i I I I I , . . - � . - . - I I - - . 11 I : : . - I , - _t - �__"'FA� --- -:?- I . � . � I ! - � - �, I �� � _;;_o � . : : A - . I - I I : : . ! . .- �. - � - I i I - I . I � . I I . � . . . I � i I ! � . I I I � . I I - __ I i . . . I I � I . � , . . - JANUARY 22 d2. - I - - 1 181 1 8 � � I . . .. XPOSITOR, 1, I I I - - i __ - . ___ . � - I i .1 I � . I I T, , - ; - I -:- -H I I a cause� ,of gencral regret that many of our M ission Society, rejoices at 6e progress! easily imagined than described. Mrs, -Lyon' able cow a few days ag.o.—Mr. David Ged- companied by their beat girl!", made a, �arge, 1. ' _B11C3-- PDWARD �CAS I aged residents ate not blessed witb_good made by this Society, and the zeal witlill has been Secret%ry of the Society ever since des intends having an lauction sale on the happy ancI interesting F 6,heriDg. � i � a is which the work is, prosecuted by I with Will continue to buy any quantity of � health at presert. 'Mr. Andrew McCa . oun, its organization, and this presenta �ion %,as 25th inst.—Mesqrs, W�n. Micbie, Sr,, and tables fairly ____ I . a Society to 4 I atill confined. t6 his b:3d, his leg not being esteemed women commands t I simpi a graceful-recoguition of til faithful (T. Hood attended the �ntertaiqment at Mr. weight of good thill, and Ii t is i Fine R011. and Print Butter� Also I - us I . I strong enough to permit of us--. Mrs.8loan, the confidence of our people, uni, prays that and erliciert services she has so long and so Isbiqt r's school housO on Wiidnesday last needless to say that �io eumptuo . Furs, Hides, Sheepskins an& t*,tllOw his daughter, is., till in constant attendance God may bless it more and mord." The re- willingly rendered. Revds. Messrs. Hender- week, where m pleasant� evening was spent in repast was heartily enjoye. - by the fzood- I � � , at his old stand � on him. Mr. Jqbn Cumming's health has port shows that the members ip of this son and Aicheson delivered addressles on be-. chat. Messrs. Davidl and Burney pl:*yed natured, happy crowd till* slirround"d the I . - I ' I i I for some time bueuCAUSiDg his friends con- Society is #30 ; contributions f )r the p,ist 'half of the Preebytery. The Judi a of the several selections on the violin, tables. The chair was fict.apied by Rev. . : GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH. siderable anxiet , Mr. William. Payne is yeai arnoutited to over $1,300, being over, Scaforth Auxiliary bad tea.provided in the . i i Mr. � Henderson, and .all excelle.nt musical I FOR I __ - , ! ___ still confined to ,,he house. and is not mak- $100 advance of the preceding � �ear, Boxes; basement, mud the delegates, together with, � I— — I and literary programme, was given, which I i I a I ing that prpar(ss -healthward which could of clothing Were sent to the Ind ans of the' the' members of the Huron Presbybery who, Clint on. � : delighted the audience, On the whole the � . - ' � be desired. lWe are glad to note that most Northwest ,valued at over $400. . . had a meeting the same day, Wei a hospit- FIRS.—A, somewhat olerious fire occurred ,evening wasa very pleasant, profitable and � I . i SPRING'S OLOTHING, I of those who have been suffering from la � 0 ably entertained before departin for their. in Clinton on 'Monday' evening last, The 'enjoyable one ; and it is hoped that this ex- - . I ; 9 I , I __ grippe are getting on foot again. ritE McKILLOP 119SURANCK COMPANY.— homes. The meeting, on the wbole, was fire originated in the brick store of A] r. ceflent society may go on and prosper i,a the I I I I — � I The sixteenth annual meeting ol� the McKil- one of the. most pleasant, interesting and Gilroy and was caused by the explosion of good work it hm to do. i ' .1 TuE SouPr Hr,Ra,-; AGtICULTURAL SO- lop Farmers' Mutu&l More Iwsthranoe Com- successful in the history of the Society. It alain . This building and the two adjoin- . . � — � Big ranZe of New Clothing consisting of. Men's CIETY.—The' annual meeting of the main- pany was held in Kidd's Hall, i this town, is also gratifying to note that the Wise of � ing fr me buildingsoccupied by Mr. Rurn- � . Hullett. Youths' Boys'and Children's Overcoats, and Suits outh Huron Agricultural So- on Friday last. There was a fa r attendance the Society find the: work growing on their ball a i d Mr. Cunningh %na eyed. e have gone in heavy, and in a, bought at pricis away below ordinary value and bers of the �, I i �, wero, destr NOTEs.—At the meeting of the Hallett . . '. whiob will'be sold at proportionally lower ,rates. cieby was held In Dixon's hall, Brucefield. Mr. Gilroy lost most oll his stock and had 7 . ' I of members, but meet of the were from hands, as the contributions this year for . , council on.Monday last, all the old officers 39m's Oyereciats from $4.60 up-, Men'sSuits from 84 The attendance was not large, owing partly this immediate vicinity. The chair was missionary purposes are considerably DE urance 6f $6 000 1 The cithers saved . ver� few weeks will show the fine,st up; Boys' Suibe from $4 up; Boys' Overcoatit from I , larger an I I , were re- 'appointed. Well done good and no doubt to ,the- Farmers' Institute meeting occupied by the President, Mr. Thomas E. than they have been any year �et. The most of their stock, The buildings were fa $2�7 6 up; Children's Suits from $1.76 up; Children's . , I I ithful servants.—The many friendpi of Mr. selection of . Overcoais from $2..38 ur stock of Furs, com. being held at Kippen on the same day. The* Hays. The financial statement, which was amount raised thin year was $1,314.53 an owned by Mr. Joseph �Vhitehcad aul were and Mrs. Andrew Reid, who reside ear . =ug Ladies' avdu8-..t`q' Coats, Cape, Cape@, financial statement shows the affairs of the read and adopted, showed th t, although compared with $1,180,53 last year. The insured. I- Killburu, will regret to learn of their serious � . arettes, Mugs, Bons, &c., is now complete. at the Society to a . a very satisfactory coadi- the losses for the past year had been some- following are the ,amounts contributed by, illness and all will hope for their speedy re - Bargain Clothing and Dry Goods House. tion, there a ill being a liberal surplus in . what heavy, they . had all bee promptly' the several auxiliaries : Seaforth, 18269.15 ;i . Beechivoo& covery. � SPRING.GOODS - . , , WM. PICKARD, the treasui-7. rhe following officers and met, and the Company is in a m at safe and Clinton, $200,7Brucefield, $127.54 1 Thames: �, t Nolg&—Mr. John JohDaton, who was so A PLEASANT PARTY. —On Friday evening T. Kidd's old stand, Seaf orth. directors were eLect3d for the*current year, satisfactory financial standi n that it Road, Usborne, $95 ; Egmondville, $72 ;, sick Y�ith la grippe, ha� almost recovered.— last about 180 invited guest!; assembled at � 9 1. , I ihat it has yet been our privIlege to - .. viz.: Hugh McOartney, President ; Robert has been carefufly..and ec n mically man- Kirkton, $65 ; - Blyth, $137.42 ; i Bayfield' Mr. rhomas O'Rourk�e is busy drawing the house of Mr. Wm, Best, of the llth" �. MeMordic, firs � Vice ; Robert McAllister, aged. A fesolution was a iite recom- Road, $46; Manchester, $44; Goderich . n, to assist him in warming up his 1. WIV . - , brick for a new house.�Mr. Patrick Flynn coDcasslo lace before the public. -F . to the old $30 ; Duff's church, MoKillop, � $10.20 ;1 had a bee cutting wood and he got. . handarme now brick residence. The. ur dviw second vi e.; Directors,—Jolin Ketchen and mending the Directors to retur� a large . p I . - VS 19 -tot och,.Stanley; Robert Love, Hay; system. of paying only two-thirds of the 6 g � amounta amount of it cut.—Slelghing is good in zthis ticular feature of the evcning w pq6r- I 11� ht �_, on (F xv . �, Ir � Smith' Hill, $17. The followin as the p6pular George Peuoale, Stephen ; James Pickard, value of contents destroyed by 0 re: This were contributed by the Mission �ands in� sectioa, and woad is going to town by', the amusement, " tripping the light fantastic," he purchases are much greater � .1 . Exeter'; Leonard Hunter and Thomas Rus- resolution received considerable � discussiono' addition to th& contributiona of the auxili- wholc sale. . . i and in this both old and young joined with I � � I I - sell, Uaborge ; Alex. Rosi, Tuckersmith ; and a vote showed that the mem�ersi,p,reeent arias of the places named : , Goderich $45 ;� . � T . DISTRICT MATTERS. - al I . r all the energy of youth. About 12 o'clock th nany precious spring semon, and v,inj Robert Wilson, Seaforth. rhomas Fraser, were largely in favor of Is _ th a as Thames Road, $28,50 ; Clinton, sk ;1 I the inner man was satisfied with a most I Stanley, and James Swan, Brilcefield, were they 'are now, and an amend � i East Wawanosh. � I . me t to that, Brucefield, $21. The following officers were,r bc,untiful supply of sweetmeats, gotten up the goods will all be to hand early, STILL ANOTHER —Another of these appointed auditors. At a meeting of the effect was carried by a large maj( rity. Thd elected for the current year : Mrs. Thoa.� J07 TINGS. —Miss Duff, of Guelph, is :� the in mine host's bF-s' style. After doing fall � . happy* events which occur only once in the new Board �of Directors subakquently held, retiring directors were Messrs. Thomas Ej Fair, Clinton, President ; Mrs. - Fletcher,1 gu(st of Miss Maggie �IcGowa�.—Mr, gas. I � P � I . most of people's lives, took place in. the Ro- Mr. M. Y. INTel,ean, was re -appointed Secre-_ Hays, M. M urdie and Joseph Ev ins. Mrl Thames Road, let Vice ; Mrs. Needham 11 Irwin is at North B"my bralt.ing on ;the justice to this rart of the proceedings the I J imusements were again resumed and kept This space will t3ll you of the i man Catholic church, Brandon, on 1 January tary and Trea3urer, and it was agreed to Have stated bin desire to be allo ad to re' Egruondville, 2ad Vice ; Mrs. J. �t. Lyon:! train.—Mr. Fred Mullett, th� renowned up until the wee ania' hours, when all de- ; I . ' ' l .- ; . the 10th, when Miss Lizzie L%vin of Me- meet at Heutiall about the 16th of March, to tire, and although he intended to continue Seaforth, Secretary ; Mrs. Al, Y. 'McLean,� prison lecturer, was at I.Westfiel� last w6ek, parted to their several homes feeling that arrivals. I .. I Killop was united in the holy bonds of mat- arrange forthe pring showre . a member of the Company he would not I Only six attended tile I lecture.t--The enter- , : � I , Seaforth, Treavurer. � i . they had spent a most enj;qable evening. - __ —.---- I taitirnent under the auqices of 'the Patrons Before parting all jo ned in wishing Mr. � * rinLony witkJohn Kennedy,formerly of Tuck- I act as a direckor even if elected . This is to I 0 I i ' _' ermmith. The ceremony took place at 8 o'clock CAMPBELL'S V 7HITECHAFF SPRING WIIXAT, . be regretted, as he has held the position of LoCAL RMEFS, —Mr. John Han all, of the of Industry on the 6�h line was a grand and Mrs, Beat, with their family, long life in the morning and was performed by the a now and promisi ig variety for sale at Scott's Man)- President for several years d P o a Seaforth Creamery, ban been appointed See-; success.—The pupils of Union S'Phool S�ction AT PRESENT. moth Seed and Pei d Store, Seafo;,,.. We desire to ,. a ' � andpresperityto enjoythe comforts which I � state to the farmers that we have �,ow on hand a ' ( " - - ' No. ,3, Mho A. Ross, Tea,cher, intend hold* . - . Rev. Father Bourdeaux, of Brandon. Mr. I Dims -.If a most active and eflicVent Mcur,�, retary of the Ont&rio Creamery A�30(3iatiQa.t - . ! by their industry -and pers3verance' they " � . I * Kennedy is a much respected young man and quantity of th 'eat�grown by Mr.-I-I.D.Wilso.. We Mr. Murdie mild Mr. Evans we a a good I --appolot-: iug 4 concert on Friday, Februar' 29bh, IVe are engaged in clearing out any - is re I r�e-elected, The -Association have mad , y have -laid up for themselves.—A GUEST.' . � we congratulate him on his choice. � We also would advise ioar7l-1 ers as there is not a very large and Mr. Alexander Gardiner w, a elected in ment.—Nlr. Edward B�uce, of the PortAgal This ' roniise8.to be a girand success. � . r . . extend our beat wishes to the happy pair quantity to be had � this season. Steele Bros., Toronto, Mr. Ha is'place. This Company, like all Plains, Manitoba, and formerly of flibbqrt; � - I . . I Miss Lavin was the reci ient of a 4u�mber o' in their report saj : At the Experimental Faral in y ! i Zurich. , 4bino, and everything we have left m . p . f 1890 the orep was $1 Imshols, when the best crop of the others of the same nature, is doing a. Was in town this week. M r.Bruce has been' Kip en. s.—At a meeting . of 11) . n I I costly presentg.—Co-sr. I TowN_-snip Or,FicER - - I any other variety was 30 bushels, and they think it good work, and saves to the farmers a largip in 'Man itoba Jor eleven years and hasdone A )'rENEROus A(;T.,Rev. Mr. A'clieson the townabip couincil of Hay held on Mon- Winter Goods. is thn most proKising Spring Wheat for Ontario . . . sum of money annually.—At the close of the well there. Lie is now on a visit to frieridal was greeably surpriJed on entering his ,day Mr. Michael Zeller, Nv-ho'f or a -quarter I A WELL-KNowN DETE::�TivE DEAD.—Ille they have grown, Wi can also supply you with a inembers'ineeting the new Boar(. of Direct- around the old home.—Rev, Mr, Hodgins I C? y . good saniple of Co orsdo and other varieties. In a stable list Monda evebing to find twenty- . I y of a century has faithfully and efficiently . London Advertiser of Monday I%Ist si.ya : few da3 s more �ve will haya in a full stock of Oats, ors met, and appointed Mr. 1). Rose, of has purchased the residence of Mr Kenneth! three bags of oats in 4is granary and anew fided the office of Treasurer, declined re- . —_ Thursday afternoon Mr. William Smith, one Peas, Clover, Grass Seeds,Mangold and C&rrot Seeds, Stanley, President ; Mr. M. Murdie, Of MoLEoi on Goderich street, for $000. It is overcoat on his horse. I MEssrs.Joseph Had- appointment, and the council paL,sed a reso . of the oldest residents of the city, wad also a fuli line of Garden Secid3, and we h& � .. hesitation in say nx that when you come anye no McKillop, Vice -President, and INIr. John a pleasantly situated and eomfoipttble re8i- son and David Andersqn, as the reprosel3ta- claimed by death. Mr. Smith wag in 11-118 d ex- . . I . lution ackDowledgiog his long and faithft ?� I I - Haubah, Inspector. _� 'Ar. McLeod intends removing his tives,of theHiI18 Green 6ongregation,had call- � i 2nd year,and had for MADY years ably filled amino our stock and prices you will be telling your . dance. I 1i Edward McFaul, - neighbors that wil hout a doubt Robert Scott's is the - 0 i !nz, f. amily to Brandon, Manitoba, at once. —Mr. ad du ring his absence "d made the donation. services. -Mr. Zeller's successor is Mr. F. the position of detectiva for the Canadiarf place to buy your eed3. r%OBXRT SCOTT, Seaforth. 7 1 Hess, late Reeve. The council could not - 1258-1 Twd-Rowm) BARLEY.—Mr. Then. E. W. H. -Code who has -been canue:cted with, The inini8ter s horse vqill be fly after 'this- have made a better seleetion, and we hope SEAFORTH. Pacific Railway. Previous to ,tiris the de- - Hays has shown us a s%niple of two -rowed the Red Mill in this town for several years , But it is just such kindly acts that gladden . . - ce&sed X -N 0 I � 8111110111111111111111 thirty days a full vidth shaker Flannel at TIc por birley grown on on -e of -I -_ was, on the -.Ontario Provincial de- B. 8. Gu a' going to sell for the, next I his farms, near Sea. hag withdrawn from that business and on the minister's heart an4 lighten his labors. Mr. RES3 will be spared to -fill the position tective force. He was then in the prime of as long as his ptedeceFsor h'as done. Mr. S. yard; this[ ioe i especially good value. A good forth, during the post season. M r. H a), s Weduciday left for Valleyfield, Province, ofl Even ministers like to 'fkDow that their ser. J. Latta was re -appointed CI . ark, Mr. Henry Koenig; 2ad Vice -President, Thcs, DAvi,d- . life, and in that capacity he cleverly ur,- heavy Cottonade f or the next t6irty days at 22o, per I . - ravelled some of the greatest mysteries. of fectly free froni d casing, and well worth intending had .six acres and a quarter undAr this crop, Quebec, wilere be has a brother residing. Rel vices are appreoiated by those .in whose In- Lippert, AEsessor ; Wendel Smith, Collec. eon; Directors, George Johm3ton, W,' 11, the da.y. He worked up the Melady in,ur- purchasers' attenti )n. We also have it large range and it averaged 50 bugheIg to thi-, acre and intends going to Manitoba in th:' spring.,' teresi a they labor. ! _; It. R. Johnston and J. T. Wren, Au(ji_ Kerr, James McCallum, D. McLachlan . . ! tor , D. . � der case at Goderich some 19 years ago of Colored Shirtings, guaranteed strictly fast colors. weighed 56 lbe. to the bushel. It is a beau� Mr. Code was a good citizen and n active �! " tors; caretaker of hall, Mrs, Reinhardt. Milne, P. Scott, Robert Graham, John I can say, without fear of successful contradiction, tiful, bright, plump. sain'ple. Fifty-sh church and Sabbath School worker, and in . and was instrumental in securing Ole arreit: that I can give yot the best 25c Japan Tea in thL just the kind of mali we do 13 � t like tol - The minutes in full will be published next Sibbins aia(l Alex. Gardner; ''Secretary- . pounds to the bushel is the standard for No. Q op - Treasurer, D. Stewart; Delegates to wait conviction and execution of young. Malady, trade. B. B. GL-.f.i, Seaforth. 1263-4 1 barley in the old country, so that this bar- lose. However, we wiab,,hifn eas wherJ CO ;.NCIL.—At �thce �i etingofithe council week. . on for the marder of his father and step- suc i on Monda , Mr. Jo n Morrison was rp- THF, HAY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Minister of Agriculture, Thomas Davidson mother. . ! i- REMEMBER T His. —When you make your ley would commandthe very high�st price ever his -future lot may be caslit and hisi y . —The and Thomas Gibson, AI.P.P.; Auditors, A. new resolutions f)r 1892, don't forget to. ftdd this a 0 learn of elected Deputy Ree've. The following annual meetiu,f of the members of the Hay . . in that in rket. When we coli8ider that many friends here will be pleased 11 0 - one: "Resolved, that I will purchase my- Watches officers were appointed i- John C. Morrison, Branch Agricultural Society was helti in the t9trachan and Alex. Hapter. The fall show . Clocks, Jewelry, Silrer-platecl Ware, Fancy Goods' this last year 35 bushela to the acre and 50 his well doing. —The annual meeting of the I' I THE COUNTRY Wi_,,�s AGAiw.—The Peo- P-.pes, spectacles, &-c., from W. R. Coi:NT-mt, Jeweler: lbs. to the bushel was a good yield for the Ontario Mutual Live Stock Insurance Coin- clerk, salary $200 ; S.,"olomon J. Shannon, town hall here on Thursday of last w,ek. will be field on the first Thursday and Fri- ple's Popul%r gaessiog competition !at Fear's Main Street, Sea'orth. 1258 ordinary six -rowed variety, tile profit cf pany will be hold in this town or, Friday Treasurer, s9dary $80 ; Win. ! Evans, sr., The fir-aucial statement, which was read day in October, being the 6th and -;.th. Other . a . esefi� or, a a . . - ties in the vicinAy should take notice ' alary $80 - I Drug store closed on Saturday night, and SPECIAL No4E. —Those parties who have growing two -rowed will be app r t if any- 2nd February, at 2 o'clock p. m.-LThe an'- � harles Dodds, Col- and adopted, � was emiDeDtly satisfactory gocie ! . lector, salary, $80; Adarn Dickson and and shows the society to be in an excellent of'these datcs. In juetice to Mr. Stew - the con-4ing- committee composed Of E. Me- not yet settled -with the undefsigoned for last s-eax's thing near as good a yield as h.'11ir Dual congregational meeting of the Presby- F&.ul, Dr. Belden, F. G. Neel,in and George bills, will very much oblige by doing so at once. J. bould be depended upon. It is al3o said terian church in this town was held on Mon- Joseph Evaus auditors, allowa 9ce S.8 each. financial condition and to be doing a ,good art, the Secretary of this society, it Bills upon opeaiDg the jar found 4.,6$6 FArr,LHY, Seafortb. 12582 that the two -rowed makes a stronger, bet- day evening. ()WiDg to the sto�my night Accounts were passed tp the amount of$217. work. The. membership fecs for the past must be said it wa-s not his fault that the I . i 51 i year amounted to $214, and the receipts on Seaforth and Brussels shows were held on rains of wheat, and that the country and LAST CALL.—All accountg due.tbe Estate I Josep � McKay is to redeive $2 per week for 9 ter feed for stock, and the'only thing against and so many being sick, the atteu�ance wasi I . f A. Kidd not paid by February 1.9t will be placed . keepi g an indigent DaImed Jarues Leonard. the days of the show figured up to the very the same days, as the notification he receiv— town were a tie oa nearest guess, John , it is that it will not take in the Ameri�,an not so large as usual. However, t a reports', . Livingstone, of Seaforth, and James It. in court for collection. This is positively the last ' during his illnees. The next ;meeting of respectable sum of $199. The sum of $354 ed from the Seaforth Secretary stated the call. . — 1288-1 market, but if it can be grown to suit it will submitted from the various br nches of the council will be ,at Dublin on the was paid out in prizes af, the fall sifow.-. dates of that show to be September 30 and Scott, of Roxboro, guessed 4,683. On the - . 0 contriland a higher price in the English mar- church work were s-.tisfactory, nd show. J thraw-off Scott won the watch by paying -rowed an onward m-.rch on the 22od of February when, the auditors' report The year was closed with a balance ef $20' Octobcr l6t. Bad these been the days they THE Tow,( CIOU.NCIL —The first meeting ket than we formerly got for the. six part ofl the con- . . � . �' I in the treasury after all liabilities were pAid. would rot have co cted with Brussels, * Livingstone for his share. Mr. Fear is to f the new 0 wl� council was held on Mon- in the United States. Most of -the experi- gregation, eepecially .in the matt r of in-! will he received. Trustees are requested to nfli . be congratulated on the fairness with which 0 1 1 ; send in their addresaea to the clerk me re. The following Officers and. Dircetors were which was held on October 1st and 2nd. , these contents are conducted, which ex plains day forenoon. �11 the membeis were pres. snents thus far made with the two-rowad. creaied contributions for the scherf .as of the � . by law. - : I elected for the current year - Dr. Buchanan DFATHS.—On Sunday l%st John Brown, a � 0 the hearty interest his customers take in ant and mad a necessary declaration of have been fairly satisfactory, while in some church.—Mr. Donald McDonald, of this i ' quire I I . President; John Johnzon, Vice -President . from Mount Forest, who had been visiting . qualification. 4 resolution of condole instances, as with Mt. Hays, it has given town, has been appointed agent for th vi-; . D. S. F,Aust, Secretary and Treasurer ; J.A. for a few days at Peter Mie'Donald's, Morris� 8 .said, cini Provau,q - -iale. .� -as something taking next - with the widow and family of the late Tbos. 1. I them. He promie nee is year in this line, which will create a still an extraordinary yield. It ,,mu�,t b ty for the sale of 11 I�Ion Track - .11, , Blue Williams and S. Hardy, Auditors. Diree. breathed bialast. He came there all right W. Duncan wi seed, and the council also however, that last year was a peculiarly Carrier Forks and Slings." Mr.Patil M-adge­. ��z ERT.—The Foresters of Blueva! " greater &ttraztion if thAt be pnssible.—Com. " P& � already , a In" ters.—Robert Taylor, Johnston's 1,1ille ; but on Thursday took sick with I& g-rippie- - - id the funeral in a body I : te esdaY Daniel McColl, Rodgerville ; John Jewitt, was an . — agreed to atten - - A favorable one for it, but enough is of Exeter, is the county agent for t is usefu' i nd I �aving a grand concert on � Weda which ended as above stated. lie , . . STILL ANOTNER. —Another of the pioneer resolution of cotidolence was also paped in known to justify farmers who have suitable implement and he informs us that d. ring the' 27th io8t. The programme will be sustained Kippen ; JohniCaldwell, Hensall ; Henry old acquaintance, being 62 years of age. I reference to theldeath of the Duke of Clar- moil for it, to give it a fair trial, as it would Past three years, he has sold and put ul� over i by F, -ed Abbott, professor of elocution, Lippert,Zurich ; John Vnelker, Dabhwood - He Was a -stone cutter by trade and at one . residents of this vicinity pas3ed oway on enca and Avon4ale. Mr. William Elliott seem as if this in likely to be the variety 5W, and they have given the besti satihfaic- 1 L ndi n, and the Wingham Quar�tette. Club, J. Ii. Snell, Blake ; Aaron Kaercher and WP time resided at Fordwich in Monday last. We refer to the death of W . t that will at least take the market for some I ti0n. Mr. McDonald is a hustler and will no co thi county. I Mrs. Richard Cluff, who died on the above as re-appoin,.�d Clerk ; Messrs. W. G. I onsh ting of Mr. Friend and the Misses B. Battler, Zurich. . His remains were taken to Mount "Forest for date a,t the age of 68 years. Mrs. ClaWs Duff and Josepl� Ross were appointed Audi- years to come. The seed used by Mr. Hays doubt do a good business in his line in this Wats on. These names are A' guarantee . . ,. . interment on Tuesday.—Mrs. John Biird, . maiden name wima M%rgaret Jane Turner. tors, and Mr. D�vldjobnson was re -appoint- was of the second year's growth in tbis coun- vicinity.—Mr. Win. Habkirk, of ray, was for a, irst class performance. All are int- � of Morris, also passed � . I . - is A . . morning from the saine cause. In the early days herself and her husband ed Trustee f t 'a XSUegiat -Institute. try, and the soil was a rich, stiff olay, which in this vicinity this week calli g on old vited. I Brucefteld. She leayes� settled on the farm adjoining Seaforth on committee as ppointed to select the he considers to be the beat adapted for � it,r-- friends and relatiyes.�—The first sk ting car. AN uAL MxuaiNG.—The Bluevale Cheese DRATH OP Mns. Ross.—Deep and uni- a husband three sons and three daught,ers to � . the north side, now Gwned by Mr. E. . standing c m itt as,, for the year. The - 9 nival of the soaacn will be held in he rink and attar Company held their annual verpal morrow was felt by the people of this mourn her-losa. She was much respected I . 001 C Clerk was also ut orized to prepare % by- DEATH 611, this (Friday) evening. I;tberal I rizes are nseeti g -on Ttiesday, The auditors report vicinity on bearing of the death of Mrs. . by all who knew her, being the mainst,sy of . eman, and Mrs. Cluff continued to live � MR. T. W. DUNCAN.—NIr. . 1. on this place until about tw�o years ago law for the appc�in ment of the various town Thomas W. Dulloso, one of the oldest busi- offered for competition, mud tben i will be I show d a cash - balance of $1,554.97. The James Ross, of the London IW&d near the whole fianaffly which makes the loss all f lots of fun for both old and youn , Tues-'� total mount paid to patrons this season was here, - which occurred on 8 . She was an officers. The douncil adjourned to' meet Dean men of S&aforth — Stalf da_� last. the greater. when she moved to Seaforth. . I P di,id it big residence day night last was the coldest of ti'e' season. : $21,4�2.46. Assets.—Cash, $1,554 ; Real Mrs. Ross had been ill for about a week I - earnest, christiau woman and noted well her again on Mond * night next at 8 o'clo.ck. in this town on SuInday last, at the cOm" The thermometer registered 23 dog'rees be- t! ta and personal property, $5,600 ; 'With inflammation of the lung,11, but it was I - - .1 - ' ' She was wall known - I - e Mr. Dun- lovy zero in this town.—Rev. Alex.-kennedy, I _ - Lower Wingham. part in life'A battle. parativily early age of 45 years. i"4 to many of the old' settlers and was highly . _.LREcoc,_NITIoNJ0F UERITS AND SERV,IGES.— can took a very active part at the late 6 L _ itits none. The directors,for the pres- only within the last few days that she was M rl an aged clergyman well-known tolmany i were elected 1, esteemed by all who enjoyed her acquaint- r. Andrew K' dd, fiir many years connect- and getting veiy wet caught a severe cold this vicinit , and a r3lati . in ant y ar . . . I considered dangerous. She was only 36 NOTYS.—Tbe niill d&m here has been un-. ance. She. liss been in feeble health for sev. with the band 'of the 33rdL Battalion, was which ultimately settle I.y ,ve of M�rs. John -----,..— I years' and 11 months old. She was the dergoiug repairs.--4We hear Mr. Hutton presented with % handsome cane upon the " , d on his lunga,result� Weir of th"s town,:died at Wellan on Tues- I 'youngest daughter of Mr. Neil Ross, of the - ing in pneu �_ day last at the age of 87 years —the hand - i . er&l years. The remains, were interred in monia and congestion and caus' Grey. intends building a 'Mill here next summer.— the Maitland -bank -C amatory on Wednesday. occasion of his I ea,ving Seaforth; to take up ing his de ith as above at&' , RE URNED.—Mr. Robert Habkirk, son of London Road, Tuckeramitb. She leaves a We regret to have to report that )kioe : hn' residence in Toronto, The following ad- 4 ted after an illuel - ii some gold-hesded cane preaent'ad t� 'Mr., ,A - Mr. % m. Habkirk of this townsbip,is home family of eight childroll, the eld(st of whom Maggie Morrison, who has been sufflaring for . --- � of a few daya. Mr. Duncan Was a native oi Kidd -by the members of the Baud 1wa3 pur- . the last three months, is still very low and ,- � ST. TxoMAS CHURCH INIATTER.S.—The dress aocomp..Anied the presentation :—" Oa Brantf rdi,� but came to this town about . from anitoba just now. Mr. Eabkirk is is about 15 years, and the youngest only I I I . Rev. Mr. Hudgins goes to Ilderton this behalf of the members of the 33rd Battalion twentyfiv.'e years ago. Hewasfirstemplo chased from Mr. W. R. Counter, joweler Of - loastc d near Neepaws. .Heha� been there about five weeks old. -Mrs. Ross was a her recovery is doubtful, —Mrs. Flack, Mrs, � .1 ' ed as as . and devow y deliver a lecture in aid regret 1� .. ill about eleven years � and' like: -many other particularly kind, amiable 3tl Green—Aliases Lizzie and Fjorence Green, � to express our deep sat man- in- the dry goods establish, corfined to his residence, but is ratcoveriug. I Mr. Netterfield and .M r. Reid I (Friday) eveningto, Band, we beg I t this town.—Rev A. D.' McDonald in filt of the new church there. He rem%ins over that your reint val from Seaforth will ne- ment.of E.1 RickSOID & CO. JU Compan Haro a boys who had �nly their energi and Christian woman, whom to -know was to - cessitate the severance of your conr�(�ction his uncle, Mr.-J-ulius-Duucan they purchas —Mr. Fred. Robb, of Park Riverl� Dakota, . a done well. He is. 1 IOS3 to are all suffering from ]a grip � Sunday,. and the Rev. Mr. Diehl, of Hyde and bro'her of Mr. John Robb, of Tucker- musele to de0end on ba' , love and esteem. Her death is a A Sabbath school class has , pe.-- . from the band,bf which you have been one Mr. Hickson'" a siness ar�d-fo_r, many year . her bereaved husband and young children Park and Ilderton, preaches here.— A meet- now ngaged in the implement business and . been started in ing of the Rural Deanery Chapter of Huron of tile mcst active and most useful ilLembers carried on a very large and - rofitable tra Smith, who, with his two child�en, have in ad ition raus two large farms. He had such as .few .experience, and 0 they to- this place, which meets every Sunday after- - vva,s held a,t CU ' . for the past 12years. We wish als') to give p d been visiting friends in thi's vidinity for good crops this year and marketed his gether with the aged parents and other noon in tile school room.—Mrs. Robert Cur- nton on Tuesday, Rev, Rural On Mr. Julius Duncan retiring from the busi ' ; 88 a � I some time, left for home this Week, Mr. wbea in the early p%rt of the season and friends have the consolation of knowing that rie, ef Fargo, aud children, are. visiting old � Dean Craig in the chair, and Rev. J. W. some tangible e cpression of our regard to ne fiv ,or .six years.ago, Mr. T. TV. Dub Robb is another of OntArio'8 sons �who has friends and acquaintances in this neighbor - Hodgins, Rector ef Seaforth, 'Secret.ary. you as a cam ade and fellow -citizen, and can assunled the entire management of th obtai6ed good priCe3 for,it. He expects to the sincerest sympathy that human heart . ap. ; . can bestow is freely theirs. Th, hood at pTeeentp—Nlr. AnAtew Willson is I 11 also of our done well in the Northwe,st.—We ,,are glad remailn here until ip'ringl and intends taking a funeral � . Letters were read from His Lordship urgin� :D reciation'of your valuable concern and was the sole proprietor al- to see Mr. M. Jordan of this town , lat busi- ome from -Maniloba ; al3o ,Mr. Lewis � I It -8 . � I , - out w1th him some goodlotock, I S ervices to the and, of which you have been though tho'busiuess was continued under the ness agairt after several weeks illness of la I i I homson, of Melita, is bome at I , increased activity in hlisAouary work.. . ! took,place on Monday, and wail very largely � present on -a devoted main er through evil and gool re. old tirna name of Duncan & Duncan. The grippe.—Aliss Barnett, of London,, is vi5it- �_ . I was resolved t4at the annual Missionary . — attended. sermlyna be preached on the last Sunday in -port,through ii diversity as well as pro3perty; strain of conducting so large a business, un I i i . __ - � a viii.t.—Mrs. Wrn-Crilikshank ba4returned r, i � - ' . ing her sister, Mrs. H. G. Ecisaili, of the *H. � �� - i t I I . Bayfleld. . horne from Peterborough where she epent �1� .inded his healpb, and a fevs Commercial El otel. —Our firemell W re enter- SA LOGS WA�NTFM.-LAny qiiantity good . rgyman exchanging for and we, therefoye, beg that -you will accept aided, undern Hens ' i he was forced to retire and tb( 017 I Cbrhtmas with her parenis and old acquall]_ that date. Rev. Mr. Higley, of Blyth, of this cane as un expression of wir good months ago tained at an o ter supper on Mon ay even THx Ac;RICULTURAL SOCIFTY.—The an- tances.—The Rev, Mr. Nric . wishes.. 'VN'e hcj.pe you may Iong be sp%red - sound logs wanted delivered in my yard at HeusaU ' r comes to Sea,forl-h, and Revo Mr. Hodgins I 0 business wis wound up, Mr. John Beattiq ing last by 1. V. Fear, druggist, a the St or on the 3rd Coneessio I . Dual meeting of the memb holls preached goes to Goderich. . to Use it, and that, wherever year lot may n off' Hay. Ciistom sawing ers; of the Stanley in the lower town. - school house on . U prom ly attended to at both places. Partieshavin- Agricultural Society wa,3 � held here on Sunday - forencion, .0 - and Messrs.Jackson Brothers ultimately purJ Julian.—The South Huron-Farniers' Insti. logs )or!timber of any kind for sale will find it to their lie has only ,�cen I I . . � . be cast, when yi�u use it to sup'port your chasing thi stocks. Mr. Daucan was I tute meeting 11 at Kippen on Tues� . Thursday -of last week. The auditors' report, out from England -a short' ti�me..— THE 1UCr,F_RsX1TH AGRicULTURAL SO. a "J it will briling back to you memories of shrewd, eaergetic business man and wa4 f . 0 .1 day was ad a" ge to apply to the undersigned. Roirr. BMLT,, . CIETT.—At the annual meeting of the thapp"ieas%nt times we have spent together Iy well attended. At the evealug enter- JRV, 1'f�nsall. 1 1252 tf. Whtl!h WM3 read and adopted, sbowed the -M iss Carrie and M ins Lizzie Lamont and Mr. ' - mem- . very popu�jar both in business and socia receipts for the year to be S55S and the die- John Taylor, of Ripley, were down last I bers oi'the Tuckerismith Branch Agricultural in the !engage.*',' Mr. -Kidd was taken by circles. Reeerveds,everalycar8in the t tainment there wa3 an overflowing house. �. , . SUTHIERLAND, Notary Public Con sur I � We shall give fall particulars nexti week.— veyanc�r, Commissioner in High Court of Justice- burisements $591, thus showing a deficit on week attending the f uueral of Eva La lent, Societ�l held on'Thursday of 19.st week, the , prise, but in�de a suitable reply. only reti,red at the closE ow n I I Generall Insurance Agent, and 16suer of Marriage' - the year's transActions of $33. This deficit, who died on the 13th .of this month, aged I ,� council and- I of lai Capt. ki/krkle and Lieut. Wiseman ill fare - f ollo,wing officers and directors were appoin t- -_ — * . q year. He 4ad a large circle of frien s wb Licens4s. Four Good Dwelling ad for the er, year: Thomas Divisio"i Cod �� well in the Salvation Army bar acks on bargaizi. Deeds, Ifortgagea and Willi drawn up ac - d Houses at a great in due to the fact that the weather on the 6 years and 9 months. . " - j . SITTiNGs.—The sitting', deeply regret his death and who will exteno Sunday evening next.—Lieut. Dee i left on cordln� to law at-shorteet notice. 1268-1 O' Govenlock, vAT I President ;. Weno_rge E. Hendersan, Vice of the Division -Court for the County of their sincerest sympathy � to the bereaved wher second day of the show was very wet and President; Directc,rs,—Tuckersnaith—Jas. - Huron will be h0d for the current year at widow and'relatives, He leaves a family of e'sent stationed.—Mr. NYm. COWan, son of at th I - ' tile followin I - pr A I�X,RGII quantity of Mill Feed on hand the gate receipts. The gate receipts'at the � Tuesday last for Lin&ay, a is at � dis3greeable, causing a large falling off in A Thunderstorm on Mount . McIntosh, Mill Road ; William Co,lein%n I 9 places on the dates named : three children, a boy- and two girla, the , � , 's'l cle tmeal Mills—cheap. D. URQUEART. Washington. and HeLary Ohesnoy;L Goderich, Fcbru'�ry the late VValter Cowan, of Paulina, Iowa, I fall show alrounted to only $91.53, but had # � 1 1168-2 I') Grieve, Riallard Coin men. Hul,le M!Ly 4, June 3, 4uiy 2, September 1, Octo- r. John Cowan, ol MoKil- PA.qOED ANI.&Y. —There is -still here, as in the we%ther been favurable there The following description of a thunder- McKillop—John G. 3 March 3, April 4, eldest about thirteen years of age. Re was and nephew of N1 would .- tt—George a member of Britannia Masonic lodge and ends in this Very-wil 0 : L_ I It . F . qre, a I ' letter from a lady written last summ'r,, - I I el are pleased to say the great . 0 without the slightest thought of print a a) . �, —John Griev-6, V. S. G. E. Cress- i -June 23, August 25, the auspices' of that order, the brethren at- was in town last week visiting his mother. ' �! number are irecoveringl yet la grippe has $291 and there was paid out for prizes - er I Thomas McMillan her 1, November 2, D�3eember' 1. Seaforth, the funeraffiervices were conducted under present. —Sheriff Thompson, of Porp Arthur, land W hile w great deal of sickness, The Mein ** W&U, Peter Hawthorn lop, is visiting frii cl�strict at facte ' have been double this arnount. at rm on Mount WasbLiDgtO)a is part of a Seafort[i ebruary 2", A�ril 28, 1 boW. subscriptions for the year amounted t . . ink, ou the summit of Mount Was I well and D. Jahnson were appointed audit- October 27, Deciember 29. Clinton. Febru- tending ill 4 body, -The remains were in- � awarded at the fall 8hdw S291.50. The hington to I ors. The Secretary and Treasurer will be ary 27, April 29,� June 24, August 26, Octo- terred in .the Maitlandbank Ce I � — � laid its death!ly hold on .several 1withill the ,metery onj I !past Week. Among following officers and directo' a friend . r Brussels. February I appointed at the first meeting of the Dirac- her 28, Decembe� 30. Tuesday. , I Wroxeter. th� numbev wa&Mrs. rs were elected I came up here yesterday afternoon, and I for the current year : George Castle, Previ- � tors. The financial statement, 26, April 26, Jan' Hodgius, of 4he Commercial House, and of : which was . a 21, August 13, October ! ____ Tiir, COUNCIL. —The council met - staid over night, and such a night ! Yen- .. � . � dent; W. Townsend, Vice -President; Jas. � i read and adopted, allowed that the Society 25, December 27. Exeter. February 16,, whom we made mention last week as being in - terday was one of the lov.eliest days ever : . n - . ' d al condition, but that hopes ; John Morgan, Trea � April 18, June ]�, Aurfust 15, October 17, i cry critic ' bad been well and carefully attended to for W 0 M E N',� WORK 'ir-OR MisSIONS.—The an first time after their induction an appoint- a v Armstrong, Secretary I - � � . � Dual meetiiig of the Huron Pres ed the following committees and of icers for ; "- known here, and I wm in season to have a I � )� the D,,e,lb,r 19 ', D'ungaDnOD, February 21, � byterial were yet entertained for her recovery, but urer. Dirac to rs. —.Jose ph Wild, Thomas . � i, � ' -eign Mi'�ssibnary Society wag held in the , &I assrs. ' Harrison, John Beacom, C. E. Snowden, . unset time the . .?; . past year, and the aff&i-r8 are in a E&tiS- pr " . �Foi the current year: Street Oommitte( wonderful view. About a - . factory condition They bad all unusually A � Jilne 18, August 20 , October 22, shortl,r thereafter she took a chan -PceabyterizP church, Seaforth, on Tuesday Heniphill, -Sanders and R3,e; 110, Park ,ge for th wind rose, and suc,b cloud pictures I never 5 1`9 ' ec!,n.f er 24. 1 Bayfield, 0 George Irwin, John MeNaughton, R. pan- . I, Is 8 list of members, and if the present I February 20, posed of all worse, and although all 'that medical skill hale, John Stephenson, J-ohn J saw, an( &in. They ') fternoon last. This Society is com d Bell Committee, Messrs. E emphill, �could o was done, there being five' doctor - i directors exert themselves and get up as Ap�l June I , August 19. October 21, a . s ohbston. I never expect to see ag - I Auditors,—W. if. Woods and James : large a list for this year the interests of the D delegates fiorn the various auxiliaries in the %Tout and Lee; Charity, the ve; As- camesuddenly, they chased each otherall I : r 11) � R2E lsttend�ing and a professional nurse, sh - � . . J I 23 ingham, February �4, boundsof the Huron Presbytery. There I 81283or, A. L. Gibson ; Collector, not ap- ' ' pass- Donaldson. � ,. about us, they seemed hurrying and scurr Ili mission Pola Audit) ki society will be material�ly advanced. 11171, June 2, Augustb 24, October 26, . led av�ay on Thursday night, Tile remains � . ing in all directions at the rate, it was said, 11 are twelve � y- 171 ted ; Clerk, J. Cowan; I'S, TV. 1were interred on Saturday afternyon in the � — . . � _____ December 28. o*rrie, February 25, April ban a, em I auxilia "as and four M.Robinson and A.L.Gibson; Fen ' I . - of twenty-five any imes EOUONDVILLE ITEMS.—For some time a 27, J un a 22, 8 I c 0 er 26, Decern- d bracing a membership- of over c( viewers, YaDsville cerrictery. The funer4.1 cortege 1russels. U won approach us,' number of teams and man have. been eDgagod ber 28. Zurich, Februar 18, April 20, 500.- The r'neeting on Tuesday was largely Gun8ton, W. SanderEon and R. Sanborn; 4as one,of the largest th"at e the CIO , break into fine ' y attended, there being over one hundred . I ver passed out B-Rijus.—On Saturday last F. S. nveloping nit, and hurry on ugust 7, bar I L sold by public auction lot 13 nd 14, cc - after ,-others. All the While* the sun was in repairing the breach made in the dam. by June 15, A Octo 9, December Bell Ringer, W. Sarfdersor), Jr.� Truant !of our village, and much pyrnpatby is felt for Scott sparkling mist a the fall freshets. It is perhaps not the most 21. Crediton, . . ­ , F bruary 17,:April 19, June eaved husband and family in this the cession 3, township -of Grey, belonging to setting, and delegates present. 'The chair was occupied Officer, J. Brethour ; Pourd-keep!r, Hue- �the bet 8 a n by the President, Mr.'Thea. Fait, of Clin- bowerliti. 1 1 comfortable weatber for such work, but with 14, August 10, 0 tober 18, ' L occasionally the mists- would i � Repor time of I t son has man Bly6, February 23, April' 25, June 1. ts were read from each of the. N �heir sad afflictio�a. his-usaal forethought Mr. Wi,l, :t ox OTF.S.—Nearly every family in he Vil.L , the estate of the I& e Joseph Walsh.- The break away and give 118 1* view of the purple I V1 - . - I —, .8, McInnes, mother of AMrs, John first was a ti �; - 20, auxiliaries, nd all were of the meet encour- lage has some member I it . mber farm, and brought S,3,540 �� yment for his in aid up with r � a��old beyond. I was wild to leap from I aged to find ernp!o an while August 22, October 24 Dece: grip " McEwexi, also pas3ed leacefull . I f . mber 26. agi at - the old people principally are the Bufferers. — ' P � - the hers are reating. In a short . $ 0 ug D r , reporting larger contributions � � away on R. N. Duff, sawmiller of Bluevale, being' t a rocks Into these white billows and mail i 5 � � time we i I d ine Monda j 18th, at the ad�anced age of 83, the purchaser. in _. "� I � E . I � see busy gangs gathering in the ice PRESBYTE' � . An We had a very sudden death in the village And the remains were interred in' the Rod� and brought $2,500, A. Bishop bei ' � hope to an re se interest in the meetings - The other was a fs,r lot swiftly away with them, RY 0 V fluno-N.—Illia Presbytery add of v�elcomo o the other day, Mr.James Lodds,an elderly ng the harvest. ­A I ress . n behalf of the Senforth All this grandeur was caused by a warm �4 .ppearances iadi.ca�,e a speedy held a regular mebting in Sea'forth on th I �ervilly icemetery on Wednesday afternoon, purchaser.—The new council met o ' I - actory, As a .. I n _%1 on - day. I Think of it �! I could ut �t - . a Auxiliary was read by Miss Wnsonq of gentleman, went out in the ya d i the The 1" 3sral was larg t In S quautity of wood is being atored. nornina and , fell down, appare � ointed J. W. Kendall ther? without any,outside wl ap, holding a - I Opening Of the woolen f large 19th inst. Rev: � &son wau ap. eaforth, at�d was replied to by, Mrs. Mus. I 0 �rn'tll "'in a i NoT'Msi.—Revival services are I ramble abo n � - S. Han& s ely attended, day last. They app I This will pointed Moderatqr for the ensuing 6 months. grave,_ oil MkjilloP. The President also do- faint. -When asisistan arrived a a I . otill being and I. Y. S. kirk an auditors. They also umbrella to eiiiel un I - � be - a great boon to the neighborhood, as it Rev. Kenneth McL-e-nnau, M. A . , being livered an excellent and interesting address de'4d. He was a very f'ce I 'd conducteld in the Meth�dist church with appointed the Board 6f Health and passed a no c . d. y eyes om. the sun ; I give employment to limny who -can M present, was invil t . bill, no wind—no such day this isummer. eoi In P .117 wil -eeb av! I cont�ined many useful hints, and,wus ifig broken his leg ituout a year agp, ,a . n ' � afford to be idle. In th7is busy world per- ing member ted to sit as a correspond. which from good I �t i �tendance and , good res�lts.—Tho� few accounts. The street committee for Thetbermoin ter i the 81111 100 degrees, - I ha,psnone should bewithout something to ' Th� Session records of Grand full of enco.4ragement for the workers. which accident he never seemed t '. Rev. mr , Serman, of Sb..Pdul's church, was 1892 are W. H. McCracken and Geo. Thom- in th I ea shade 70 degrees. At � ast, to capthe . 0 - Band, B!yth, Go(lerich, Brucefield, Hallett The , a ver, unable tp conduct service� on Sabbath last soil ; Finance and Charity, R.- Reiss � 11 do to beDefit themselves or others. —"Oa I several aldresses and reports were inter- —Mrs. Win. Willis, of Turnberry, ied oil owing t I o illne8s.—Mr. iJi)hn C�rlile, who John Grewar. and clim. I x, while the moon shone clear—wbat I . . har� was of her—in the sk. , a thunder- Fri- and Londesboro, 0eaforth and Egriloadville, spersed by �appropriate and well-' Sunday last. The funeral took pn twe Oil has be( n away for so time, ba$ returned AGRICULTURAL MERTI�NOS,_Th I . day last the annual meeting of the Women's were examined al�id attested. rendered t . It was agreed musical sele6tions by Mrs. Archibald, James Wednesday to the Gwrie Cemetery.1 me a . Grey storm came up below, and u der the light � Foreign Mission Society was held in the to hold a conferetice on the State of Relig- and Johii Sclott and Miss Borrett. One of 0 ( home for the winter tooking hale and Branch Agricultural Society lield their an- of the moon we watched the lightning flash I basemeat of our church. The resalts of the ion at next meetilag. The report on Sab- the most plea ' mom's. hearty —11ise Mary Cai,lile and MisR S. ,nual meeting here on Thursday, January 14. fro Mr. Henderson in . i Carlile are v I ra -clodd to cloud A thunder - past year's labor have been very encouraging, bath Schools waslr6ad by I aing features of the meeting , isiting ­ below us, . to storm in the moon light ! But the pro- wco�,be has Ripley and Brusaels.—VIr. Pope, and his be $1,399.28, and disbursements $1,113,80, gramme of this bik mountain w,aq not yet , cash proceeds the absence of M�. ,Scott, the coonvener. The panied by �a life membership cortificate, gone to Newark, New Jersey.—Thai fun,eral sister Sdis-i Pope, both of Plattsville, who leaving a balance on hand of $285.48, The completed. Suddenly 'the clouds come -up - at leait financially ; the net [ relatiVen and friends in 1he auditors report showed the receipts was the presentation of an address, accom-_ LOCAL ITY04S.—Mr. Wm. Ne being _6777, and clothing for the. Indians to report was elmborlat�ly drawn out by Mr. beautifully framed, to Mrs. J. R. Lyon, the of the late David Purvis took place 'On Sun- have b�en here for the past week or so via- following officers were elected .- President, . . pres-3nt year are : Mrs.Need'ham, President ` dared to be forw4rded to the c6av . - The day- last from his brother's residenc6 in E�st! it I and: surrounded us, and we! were in the . the amount of $75. The. officers for the Scott, and was repeived-with thanks and or- Secretary of the Presbyterial Society . ' ener of address was'read by Mrs. R. Irwin. of Clin- * 4e!,r rolher Mr.Jo n Pope, merchant Alex Stewart; Vice -President, Jan Fergu- thunder -cloud or I his week for 11lome. They were son ; Directors, Thus Strachan, W H lie- ning flashed on all sides o us gy � Stevenson, treasurer, and Mrs. Joseph Rose, Moderation in a �,all was gr cemetery. —'Ni6ssrs. G. Hood and 1 ,-Michie we 3d with our vill4ge and surround- � ery moment. # sident; Mrs. Svaod's Commit�-tee on Sabbath Schools tow., and the presentation wag made by Mrs. e t�� thunder-cap.1 The light- -_ . - " �rt t , Mrs. W.. )�Iliott, Vice Pre Dy - Wawanosh. He was buried in rutsels t ai"I o , '%nted to this V� ,tsi d a congregations of,Hullett and Londeaboro, . nerally attended theDivision Grange, Noi. 27, at .—Mrs. Hall, of Dashwood, and A . ti elt the Z ir to ask, where ou, A. D. McDonald. Seaforth. It is ge ' - Cracken, Wrn Pollard, Peter Robinson I had t f , I 11 Pl�aalry" ) he strangest sense. ions. I - I understood that ladies ca ing cc _t I f e- � I - . allot keep a secret, Blyth on Tuesday last.—Mrs, Joh4 men Smith,.-Thcu McLachlap., Alex Gard- electric shock to the ver fin tips and the � ladies of this 1, � Bird, �Aiss odgins, of Lobo, 4re this, week the ner, A Koenig'- and Thos Davids y �� � t t on ; Secre- ends of my toes.. I � of the church can we find such organizations and Mr. Stewart lappointad to attend t6 this but tiv- Society must be excep- of the 5th lime died on M,c f, —Mr. � guestR f Mrs. A. Wes-Tob and in company tary-Tressurar, D Stewart ; Auditors, F S e ad. My heart beat very faat. 1 w �' an this and those ot'a kindred nature, the matter. Stipend! promised, $800 ; payable tional i mclay , . My whole body seemed - 0, thi's respect, for although the ar- John Munds and family have left 8 i n I " a. With r, and Mrs. mejubers of which cheerfully contribute half -yearly in adyance with a manse. Rev. r � 8 Ila . ' as - angementa,!for this presentation have been I We�slloh have been Scott and A Strachan. bar their time and means for the benefit of their D. D, McLeod, o'"Barrie, was nominat . . They moved towards Bluevale on Tuesday 7 9 friends in Clinton.! . electgrified. It was deliciously terrible. One R ad as in progress for some months, the secret bid- last.—Mr. Tbomaa Russell is on �he sick viaitin , The memb ! —The East Huron Agricultural Society held could not think of danger. Oue was in the � I I I - ") . a rt of i 0 . era 'of the lLodge of their meeting on Wednesday, January 20th, micilt of the elements a part Of them, as it fellows? la striking contrast with th003 Foreign Mission � ecratary Th repo bean so wel� kept that the first information- list at present.—A great many peol � — ple are. CaDadi . Order of Foresters in this place when the auditors' report showed race pts .t poor skeptics and otheri, whose lives are the Presbyterial Women's Foreign Mi3sion the recipient had that there Was anything suffering with Is grippe.—Mr. Job weri6i. 'thou � epent oaly�ia efforts ta demoraliz3 humanity Society. wa I - a I wh I was sending U a recei ad and -Adopted in terms of the kind n n me ' had a a '* .1 gathering in their lodge room to be $1,142.42 and disbursementi Sli,11 It seemed as and in vain efforts to destroy the grand . icon tem plated, was when she was Cutcheon, Sr., in busy drawing bri�k - Is . 0.10, Out �heae flashes of vivid lighining—such a ent to receive the his house on the 6th line. The brick I sy.evening. I of the following motion : " The Presbytery called on byl the Presid I for on Tue d The brethren, accom- leaving a balance in hand of .Q32 32, The urique impress lo'sudation, of Christiau benevoleuce.—It is r::ce;vcs the raper', . a come I c . � of the Women's Foreign - gift. Her surprise, therefore,. can be more . from Blyth. * Mr. G. Kirkby lost panied;by their wives and families, that is following officers were elected : President, about the tele � ion, The li ' tn I d � � i tied portion, and graph wire6 ingi%'e ring P &,ye . ­ . I I I -the young men ac. James Ferguson; let Viee-Prenident, A. gethir it was exciting, oom, - &Ito. ;, I - � I � � ; - : I - —Christian Unio'qn, I I I . � I i � . I �, : I � �- � i i . I I i . . ; . : . : -1 I I I � i . . . I . ; . . � I I � I I : . - 7 t -4 1 b ' ' " ' r a - - - I t' I I I I t' d � .1 a n a ng . 0 0 ubm I'll, re t n � � i , , � ' I . ' ' t t i I t d I 11 � , � 1' f 'I i I � �e � I,a � a " I n � q gill �, Ic ��! " � D. 1�� I a �, i : � i � � 0 ! I � i t . . I - . � J � - � . . I I � - - - , I � .. 41 .. � . �­ . I . - ) . ,!A ; I i . I . I . . t I - - I _- ..­ t,:-.; F . i I - . I -Z , . � , . � . I - I ! - i . � � . I I - . I . � i I I � . . - � I \ I I I . ! I � I - I . . � I i I , . � % . : . . . � - . I I - i I I I z � � : I � I I f a i � I I id �_ oil __1 7__ � T1W §101 The Farriner behl in � mencir.; of I-Ast � dent, ir Mr. � Ontari<;. subje . ct our Ilut buyingi peaduat 111,171i to, * ar*.I--!.-3,. I system) the old ,c way by of a Uni Mr. D blarne ci kRcper,:i, the w,)m if the M, be -vv�.uIJ - imaae in I by ref usi &seuas�o Hobson,. others tl� , At ' thi Hob.son J' tion, 54 Barn), axc' to m-ak-1 inanure r I proviffinq away 'y of . By havin cases '310 �7 to thestc to a large ,animsjs, � s tore ,tatt which abi coarse gn also, ' ship] thereby e tice ba -1 I would cl buy atocl'� do a1t a p] enrich b�' stodic i-� li, are, asht Vantage il making 1, managem4 not see an ficient to In opeu y madevo p a-, compat shoull be tists say t more valn Hobson ad surface of: -winter,un] be liable - melting or son be aslu snow if a value 011"o celved coli Smit. I ' An inte address an Wm. Bucl C-ameron a Air. W. r " Winter I ers have I in win �er;s ing only .3 tory se4soi -ter outsidf loss, as it i jcow� Mr.� 4 $64 per ci milk to tht made butt� the wiattr. sihlge rAtiq Would hall for wiutel breeding on skim 111:11 a5 on whtf Thedisc -was ta,ken D. Weismi Bhowing th in dairying M r. D. I tario Agric � prepared p dividual E. - paper , will;, ExposITOR M r. A, N dress on '_ Me L thods tq� and commen t Crolden Drt found the . shoulli be I they arE way. Gro. ducements � To get gom regularly ai a healthy c � address c1c, An inter in the Halt ou " Educs luical direet I � in the w,ay ter positior _ . C., In d-ept-nd' ures of tbe, terms he alo � the farmers With a goo ; tb a long wit make hoMe earth, and A calling;s. � Mr. D. N1 on thie "' R and the ar the mercbai ad his mere I i � globe 0 sul Mr. Alla Home, " H growing �( lawn, asure fru it gard,et Mr. Pa3m. sepn 'Worl& interesting . conditions 43 M r.. D. I " Fashion i -i which hie in ered recitat ' The speec Hie, vocal i Crawford as in an effect J. Murray, . hc�uaa by b number of I gave several orgau. At I