HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-01-08, Page 4/
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t � I . THF ;HHRON EX a- . — - - .
� IT . . . I - - . I . . - I I ' . .. . . � . . . .- . Berry, a� well-to-do farmer of the township
1 4 - - . .. .. j - �
� � . . " , . The - � to enter will have to submit to being kiEsed of T.uckersmith, and formerly of this villave.
. I - .,ts great credit on. Mi$s,,,1?otter. ot for us to Bay.
� - I � to submit it to a vote of the eugiLes at Palmer ske the other day in reflee I of the.. --by whom it is n -
� In this way he would have Aeared wisely decided I trustees know what, is jo� the. good - ing oat of The marriage cerernony was - performed, hv
h- NEW ADVERTISEXENTS--iment. - ra I tepayers. For the past, two weeks meet- buc King snow, and there is great danger to section, aud have eng&ge4 Miss Potter to ' -R. Miller, a fireman runu , and'w�s -
: . , the tender the Rev. It. Redmond, of Crediton
� , 1, his own' skirts, but by his inactlion End in weather continues. - I : . Stratford, accideptally fell from witnessed by a number of the relatives and
. AW The figure 16 . etween-the parenthesis after each � . . ' e iDgs have been held in favor of and against atock if the severe Hit NiG F,R- DEAD. -Right teach next year. onday and dislocated his
k Quotes s, not chly an I EIR BISHOP or I British of , his engine M -he
. � line d tb6 page of the paper on which the ; difference he shows that he i olitic, a Sunday service, and, after a spirited con- Rei. Samuel Adja Crowther, D. D., Bishop -.-,Wm. Johnston, of Part MOOdY, friends of the contracting parties, ,T
r advertisement w4l be found. expensive excrescence on the body bis, has sold his 100 we farm on the sboulder, eat daughter of bride'was presented With a number of useful
ii a native of Africa', Colum -Miss U,illy Roger, young eut)5.
4 . Footballs-Lumaden & Wilson. (6.) . I t ose test, the matter was decided on Monday. ,of t ,ie Niger Terri iory, . I ssion of Morris, known as the aud Mr. W. Brown were and valuable prea We join with their
i� i but he is a conniver at the mied ; Is d aad. I ra. Wni. Kelly, of the W. Roger, Esq., 8,
- � Annual Meeting -E. H. F. 1.'(5) immediately under him and the sooner he According to the published returns there Wooden, late su- 11 Darb " farm, to M ,o5o. Mr. united in'the holy bonds of matri-rnony Oil many friends in wishing them Much h p,pi�
I Patrons of IndubtV-J. Fl. Gardner. (6) '. I paid was $4 Peas. I I .
- . .
Girl Wanted -Mm M, C. Chemney. (8) ' is withdrawn by thos3 who sent him li�re voted for Sunday cars. 10,032, and against 'per utendent of th Peninsular and Oriental eame line. The price perty Wednesday evening last week. ' . ;
� Board Wanted—Box 343, SeStOTth. (8) 1 the better. If we are to have a Governor- the running of oars on Sunday, 14,230. The Steam Navigation Comrany at Hong Kong, i Job�nstoa paid $5,725 for the I same pro . , -Mrs. Edward Carpenter, of Hibbert, re- ; EXAMINA-lio-.-T.-A few months ago the - -
Pianos and Organg-J. McIntosh. (8) . ' . mar Agwalion, : eight or ten years, ago. I n - 7 e Presbyter-
i Builders'Ha T I ted one at that we pay- Sunday scheme, therefore, was defeated by hag been arrested on the. stea I secident occurred in turned home from Duluth, Miu esOta, a few: �11 v. J. S. Henderson, of Carmel
- . , rdwar�eReld & Wilson. (6) 1 General, end an impor .. ; -A s%d and painful i - ' a ago, after a visit of about six months. Aan church, announced to the Sabbath School
- Guessing Postponed -1. V. Fear. (5) Toronto is to be charged with embezzling $100,000 from ,day, last week, day
L . I
- .
� After the Fire -Jackson Bros. (6) 1 enough to get one that is some g ad, and' �ver four thousand votea. his employers, -an with falsifying his ao- the;Blyth factoKy on Thdrs, accompanied by Mrs. Holland, nee that he would hold examinations in the
I ". Rannie, (5) I sincere- I by which Mr. Jamieson loat ihe greater part She was ,catechism during the last of December and
i .
A Rare Chanc ul than congratalated-on this result, and we COUMN. � ca
. caution -M. Zeller. (6) that can do something more usel, . - I &,mw........... � many Illinois points the of bie right hand. In deavoring to Miss E. O'Grady. . of Blan- would give three prizes to those correctly
Clover Seed Win � ted -Cook Bros. (8) 1 IR8T . 'While Mr. John Somerville,
I I fish. � - ! ly hope that the citizens of the chief city of I t
. � Bat tighten a bolt while the 1planer was in MO -T Marys
I .
Do Loff"amesG. Grieve. (6) 1 1 � fir t snow of tb a &son fell during the � ming in contict chard, was returning home from St repreating from memory the whole of the .
I - .
*tWousehold Guide" -D. B. K i .(8) ; I Ontario will never allow the fair name of . we k, while thee Thermometer registeres a tiou, his hand slipped, cOi , last week 'be was shorter catechism, and in response there-,
Breast. Collar FoUnd-John Dopp. 8) - their city to be disgraced by permitting so I . w` h the kni�es, -and he lost the three fore- on Monday afternoon ) such were no fewer than 14 who engaged to repe .
� . - was experienced at it . I
. (8) 1 . Not Done Yet. " flagrant a breach of the Divine law. lower temperal r;er. The snow and sleet finger . � . He is doing as well as thro*xf from horse -back and received at
Store to Let -Mrs. E. A. Watson They � Is and thumb . at ho -died Wednesday morning. it. Eleven of these did so successfully.
Marble Work". W. Nevills. -ems that Mr.,Tarte has n6t ,remptied � ny time last win iy interferin can be expected. : ! in Lurie th Strat" The first prize was won by Mi
Clearing Sxle--Hoffman &Co. '8� 5 "did themselves credit on Monday. are said to be already serioua� 9 I 24th ult., Mr. . FAR Jennie I
I a 9
�9 1 it s- - " e 'morning of the Edward Farr, son of Jame ' a Farr, Lizzio Reith
himself yet. . �io'ns of street railways, te e - '
I Mr. Tarte, it will be .� remem . with the operal , I - On th pected resident ford, broke ons of , his arms at the Young -Buchanan, the 2nd by Miss
* I =d,lis t�he man through whose; instru- . . . graph and teleph9ne systemE, and in some George You�g, a highly Ves . De- Alen's Christian Association gymnasium Ou while Nellie ,13-hirray. Vina Kerr, Aggie'
! � his long home .
otor Langevin, Th :mas Me- ' THic money for the eiaction of a statue of cases with railway traffic. of Dungannon, passed to age, and Saturday aftern -Smillie were equally
Lght lourint it . ta .ty q - -five;yeare of . L - good, each obtained .& third prize, The
. Xfooftot �� ir He' Sir John Macdonald,at Ottawa,6 to be voted . N� - .coaved was just forty I trapeZe. - oon. while performing on a Buchanan and Maggie
- T. __ I - . Greavy and others have been 6nted to a " - - leaves a. widow and one daughter to mourn eat --.d it through -
. I at the next session of Parliar�ent. Parlia I ncil. his losq.. He was a coosiotent member of -Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore, of C%rthageT, names of the others who rep -
� � earth. He ha!, evidently, entircl� parted ment put up-% statue of Sir George Cartier - * The CountY COUT - he were recently presented with two very out in a very creditable manner are - a3 fol- -
TIEC.: FRID..�, company with the Conservative patty, and,, to please.the French Canadians and can The County Council for 1892 will be com the Episcopal church, and a teacher in t
SEAFOR I I Sabbath School. He will be much missed handsome easy chairs by the church people lows: - Edie Bonthron, BeII3, Boathron,
------- � afford to put up one for Sir John Macdonald ,posed as follows; � of services rendered the Aani6 - Bonthron, Jessie . Thompson and
from past experience, we might judge he is a ! DEPUTY. in the religious', in acknowledgment 6 be no
- � � to please the English speaking people ' i REEvE. . vicininy both -in social and el
, - dangerous man to split with. At any rate, - D, John Shepherd. circles. I :)ngregation. - Robert Stewart. As there -ig said t
I VV'hy The Difference � , - There should be one of George Brown , an Tuckeramitb, R. B. McLea inted. -Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzp&trick, of Park -The Christian Endeavor Societies Of better food than the shorter catechism and
ho ex- at a recent meeting in Jacques Cariier Pro well, and one of D'Arcy McGee, and then Usborne, - T. i M. Kay, To be appo gational porridge, and as it is claimed that it has *
. , . I H. Hilber, . Knox, St. Andrew's and the Congre, -
It in somewhat strange that those w . e of Quebec, Mr. Tarte intimated that the Scotch Grits and the Irish Catholics I River, Dakota, arrived in Tuckeremith P6 ord, distributed over 100 produced .some of the very best men and wo�
of the vine � Stephen, V rVatz, t i Tit to the latter's churches, Stratf ,
cuge�andeven commend the course he can yet a tale unfold. Among other state- would have lets ground for the feeling that . I J. Stierrit . short time* ago on a v a he world, Carmel Sabbath School in
� Lieutenant there has been discrimination even in the I J. C. Kalbf1eisoh, mother, Mrs. Cudmore, of the West End. baskbts of provisions to the poor families In men in t -
� Govenor of Quebt3c in dismissing orge M Ewen, ty the day before Christmas. the above mentioned have representatives
, . oodling ments he made the following; I u a at Hay, Ge � I J. H. Schnell. Immediately after they. arrived Mr. Fitz -1 that ci . -
. . matter of monuments, by our r ler I 1� Toronto, the in that line and list that they are now, ,and
- the Mercier Government for their b a -sure riderfake hi . - I I . Staft'ley, J 'bn Torrance, J. Jarrott. patrick was taken ill with a severe attack -At the veterinary college, this may'even yet have more reason to
a. have not one word of cc 1. That he was incited to u s Ottawa. I followed by inflam- following are among the successful from - � feel
4 propensitie , u.paign against the hangevini, Me- Goderich Tp., J. BeRcOin, of la grippe, which was - f St. Marys ;
ijer the junction, not to say indifference, of ca' - So says the Dunldas 'Banner. Would it � J' tec'ki A. Malloy. mation of the lungs ind he is in county: -Mr. Geo. H. Gibb, 0 proud of.
, Greevys and Connollys by the Federal min Colborne, Joseph, I . a very low m, of Sbake -wag
Mr.- Mercier's Gov- isters themselves, and -especially by Sir A. not be better for Parliament not to go into I Hugh Girvin, condition, but we are glad to state that he Mr. Jacob Willie] - speare, itud [The abovewas intended I for last week, but
,- the Governor-General. ' Ashfield, Joe. Griffith, John Chambers Mr.'Rich. T. Kidd, of Listowel. not received in time.) .
I ,ern-nent have certainly ,been extravagant, P. Caron, who afterwards basely deserted the monument business at all, but to leave - t I - has taken a obange for the better. -Miss Fannie Bottrell, for a number of LOCAL BRIEFS. —We are favored with ex-
ancl to put it in the mildest form they have him, and that it was this desertion which the matter to private - enterprise. If tke W. Wawanoah, I A. Stewart, John Bowers. -A darina and bold midnight robbery ok at the Mansion house* cellent sleighing, and cordwood, grain, pork
compelled him to seek -the aid of the Liberal E. Wawanosh- IT. H. Taylor, F. Anderson. was perpetrated on three farmers in the vi- years head co and logs are fairly pouring into market. -
'boon at least. exceedingly careless of the mon-. , personal and political friends of departed John IBritton, A. T. McDonald cinity of Centralia, on 'Wednesday uight, Stratford, vvss prEsented with a Christmas
Party. I I . 111ullett, C. A. Howe: * box the- other day in the shape of a well- Air. G. R-cEwen, our enterprising Bait"
ey placed under their custody, if they have 2. That on the eve of the voting - at the Statesmen Ao not think enough of them to Morris, a. Mooney, nk. last week, and the marauders managed to filled purse from thebbarders.
solatelyc6rrupt, and -if their &no- last Federal elections a public contractor erect 9, monament to their memory, we do Turnberry, W. McPherson, W. Cruicksha carryaway eleven bags of first class clover : � manufacturer and grain buyer, is now our
not been ab I t ' he looses : Mr. �MiS3 Lawlor, who has been a member of 1 worthy reeve, having defeated his opponent'
I I nomical brought down to Quebec $45,Wl for the not know of any g6o&remon"why the pub- Howick, JAU Knine, S. Johnston, seed. The'following are t Richard the Stratford Collegiate Institute staff for' by 85. This speaks for- itself as to the ea-
� Vwors were likely to be any more eco purpose- of bribery. and this to the know- . I J. Jacques. Wesley Huston, five bags; Mr. - where t.ep . r is held
used for , a till should be tapped for such a . p, Win. Elicks-, of the past year, has gone to Toronto, In in which he
or careful, the people might be exci 1"dge and with the approval of Si ,� Adolphe li I I . - Gray, W`�. Milne, W. Oliver, Hicks, four bag:, and H . villa#e but throughout the township. We
overlooking any irregularities -which have Caron. ' purpose. . . f Ed. Bryans. the 2nd conces ion of Stephen, two bags. she has accepted a situation a � is teacher 6f I Ve,no doubt but that the iEame qualities
- been committed by the Governor- . General,on 3. That $500,000'were expanded by the MoKillop, J. B'nnewies, To be appointed- They were tracked as far as Clandeboye and English. he �
. - � P. Holt. L - -ISI r. Charl(s Hugill, of North Brano 1 which have made him successful in his own
-the principleL that the end justifies the Ottawa government to carry the last Federal A (;OOD M%13Y Of the papers, especially on Goderich, * Proudfoot, there all trace was lost. - old business will serve him to good purpose in
1. elections, and that they dare ,act avow where a 'are not pleased with Clinton, A. H. ',Manning, H. P. Kennedy. -The anniversary of the Nile Sabbath Lapier county, Michigan, formerly an his I new, honorable and responsible posiCion.
But anything that has bee, ,h,Lrg- the Cousery itive side�L 9, ton, is
means. they took this money, but that he knows V Seaforth, M. YL. McLean, , E. C. Coleman. School was held an Sunday, December 20th. resident of the townshipL of Fall r and
* ed, against the Mercier Government, to 981 and will expose it. the decision of the . election court judges in Exeter, Wml Bawden, .H. Spackman. In the morning Mrs. S. J. Pentland deliver- over now on a visit to his many friends -Miss Simpson, of Walton, our new
. . orsing of notes I oes to the children, tak- relatives thereabouts. � teacher who succeeds Miss :.ToThnston,
aothing of what has been proven, pales into 4. That the signing or end the North Perth election* case, which decrees Bayfield, Geo.�,ge Woods. ad an earncst addr - has entered upon her duties, ,And -
mpsred with t Oss for political purposes,which notes were af ter- that the action of the Grand Trunk Railway Blyth, C. 4amilton. in for the subject of her remarks the words, -A person attending the Rankin concert
insignificance when cc he gr . wal-de p%id by others with money of which - WiDghani, Jobp Hanna, R. C. Sparling. a, 'Umember now thy Creator in the days entertainment in Atwood an Christmas coming so highly reoo i mmended as she
irregularities and stealings that have bee" he did not enquire the source, is nothing new 'Company iu furnishing free pag3es to elect- Wroxeter, - T. B. Sanders. - of thy youth." In the evening Rev. A. night lost the sum of $135. A liberal re- does cannot fail to give Satisfaction.-
. plainly proven ag%inst the Ottaw& Govern- to Sir Adolphe Caron. I Ora to enable them to come from distRut Brussels, J. W. 34elatOB11. Potter preached an eloquent and practical ward is offered for the recovery of - the Mr. and Mrs. Robertieon, of near London,
man I Governors do not pos- These charges, he said, he was prepared to parts to vote is not an illegal practice. This � __ I . sermon toihe parents and Sabbath School money. . were in the village recently visiting their
I -t. The Lientenaut- � I � : my lambs. " -Mr. A. Burritt, of 'Afitchell, w few days daughter, Mrs. J. Stoneman. -Mr. William
. 10 - Car of Thanks'. workers from the text, " Feed . pe Wilson, of the township of Hay, who is -one
leas any powers under the constitut' n that "' solemnly make .,and prove in the, House as is quite naiural, &a it so happens that -a good �- -A well deserved tribute was psid to ago,.received a Christmas treat in the sha of the oldest and -most rebpel6ted residents of
are not equally poshessed by the Governor- he had made and proven the McGreevy- many more Liberal seats will be influenced MR. EDITORi-rThrough the medium of John McNair, of concession 14, Grey, on I of &large box of beautiful oranges from his
General and yet the Lieutenant- Governor Of Langevin charges, but, he added, ths-t they by this dooision than Couservative,al though, . your valuable pi'per the members of the Christmas eve, when a nu'rnber of neighbors brother John in Southern California. The the township, and who until of I -ate years,
Quo'bec-, dismisses his constitutioaal *-dvis- were far from b ch the budget when the conduct of the Canadian Pacific Seaforth Fire Br�ig&de wish to return their and friends assembled at his reaidence7 and box cost nearly 83 in freight and duty. when the weight of age preventedhim from
eing ' all whi � most hearty thanks to Messrs. Johnson Bros. in behalf of Knox Church, Cranbrook, -The Manitoulin Expositor of a recent doing so, took a very active interest, in the
era, while the Governor of the Dominion contained and whigh he intended to reveal Company comes tobe enquired into the turn and Messrs. Jac4sron -Jros. for the very lib- presented him with a splendid gold watch date cont-Ains an announcement of the mar- municipal affairs of the township,, and who
, It will be seen ,of the Con8' queM will come. eral donations of $50 and $20 respectively; and chain as a small return for his valuable riage of Mr. R. Macdonald and Miss Jennie
I . still retain% his advisers in place and power when the proper time came. and filled many responsible positions with �credit
I '
�. ch the greater offend- that very direct charges . of . corruption are With reference to the matter the Galt Re- &.1so for their kii,idly expressions towards us services as precentor f-0 ' the past fifteen or Dryburg. Miss Dr_vburg wail long to himself and advantage to the general
although they are mu . of the familiarly known in North Basthope. public, intends going ou,t to Dakota next
ers. This being the case, there must be made not only against Sir _ Adolphe Caroni porter says : . as a Fire Brigade, twenty years. L%chlin cNeil, one 6 -
We would also tender our thanks to Mr. manager@, read an address and Elder. McIn- -Richard Gray, an Elm& farmer, has a week, ia company with his youngest daugh- *
something raffically wrong on either side. If but against the Ottawa administr%tionas a -Butthe decision in the railway ticket andMrs.Geo.600d for the very liberal thepresentadon. Mrs. McNair curedapermanout situation as manager of ter, Mrs. Dickinson, and her husband. They
Lientenant-Goverrior Angers is right, then wholq. Of Mr. Tarte's ability to substanti- case is very serious as it at once opens the . . I ated us with re- tosh made I silver but- Whyte's pork establishment in Stratford. have,, been here for4he past few veeks o�ja a
manner in which they tre was also made the recipient of a d I -
I I ai door to immense power on the part of our freshments, (coffee . , cake, &c.), on the night ter dish and a gold brooch. Mr. Gray will quit fariniDg altogether an visit. While we will miss Mr, Wilson's
Lord Stanley must be neglectf al and remiss te what he gays, his past record would railways to bribe during an. election contest. I Id say 'mother of Mr. - take up his residence in Stratford. .
� I us ord Stanley is right seem to afford ample evidence. But, Mr. The officials on the roads do not own them, of the late fire, and before closing won -Mrs. � Isabella Hunter, cheery and familiar face we trust that he -
I - � � -ce, iind to say that our services, although voluntary, will .W. Hunt of the 2nd coticesqion of Hill- -There was a grand bee in Atwood last will find thechange a pl,eas%nt one and bene -
1P, then it is clear that Governor Angers has Tarte, dangerous as he is, is not the only are merely the workinig fol always be most cheerfully and promptly ren- Zerri" P Tuesday, the obj et being jo lay gravel ficial to his health. -Mr. Erastus Rannie, of
. -, let, and , ct of the lat John Hunter, died make several walks, and
z I greatly. exceeded his constitutional du- source from which the Government is th reat- that they can use the property of the stock dered and every man will do his part so- on Friday morning, thc� 25th ult.,at the age Tound the seboole the firm of Coad, Rannie & Young. of this
I holders to further their own particular poli- � � mprove the appearance of the
; dismissed from his � Mr. Thomas McGreevy and Mr. L � cording to his ability. of 73 year's. Deceased as a native of on generally ii village, is by all odds the ha est and
tical v I t only resided in yard, which has i
I ties and should be I ened. iews seems so manifestly out of tune � .' Signed on behalf of the Brigade, berland !England, but,has been in a frightfully muddy proudest man in this plaee,'fhpis wife ,
position is soon as the Dominion Parliament Nicholas Connolly have both been commit- with the intent of our laws that if the law 1� , Chief I condition lately.
meets, no matter -what the decision of the ted to stand their trial for fraud at the next will not now stop it, it should be so amend- * GEORGH MURRAY I Hullett'fyr about six years ; she leaves fo r having this week presented him as
I I . R, HAXBY, Secretary. daughter$ and one son ; three of the daug - -The Literary Society of Anderson on a New Year's gift with two loving and good
I . I *1 W� vas a grand
I electorate may be. competent court. The prosecutions were a it will." . ters are married, beini Mrs. W. Reid, Saturday eveDing,.26th ult" V . looking girls. -Mies Aggia Hunter, who h�.s
' I
A -
I . . the Government. There is, no doubt, a, good of truth in the . 1, rdue, of Michigan success, the room was crowded to its utmost,
. We are of the opinion., however, that taken a,t the instance of to, 1 , Huron Notes. r Stanley ; Mrs. E. Pe . - ex remel . been here visiting her sister, Mrs, T, Mur -
L -
I I doch, and brother, Mr. S. Hunter, returned
I Mn McGreevy now says that he has suffer- above remarks. It is a dangerous power ; . M iss Lizzie Strachan, of Grey, has been' Mrs. E. �Iann, of Hullett, and one unmar the programme was ldngthy and t
� Lieutenant Governor Angers is right an&we i . i. interesting. 17he pr6sence of J -- W. this week to Brantford. -Mr. and'_Mrs. W.
11 Govern. have at the disposal. of the great railway, engs h in the Teeswater school ried.
Z think our opinion coincides with common ed enough in trying to shield the � aged to tea F -On Christmas Mr.'John Wise, wife Atkinson made the meeting still more C. Davis spent Christmas at Mrs. Davis'
11 sier 1 for next year. I , - � * -9
. F sense whether it does with the views of the ment, and that if they do not call off their aorporatipon. But, the better and as -Mrs. Pete�r Elder and Mr. tbd Mrs. and child, of Tackeremith, spent the day lively. ' home at Brucefield.-The following &pil
. wayto overcome the danger would be to� i - r. ale left -Stratford Mon- �
It Is un- p en the I .� Wise's father, and while on their -M Daniel Wh
11 constitutional authorities or not. dogs he will a We unfold that will o I Donald Bain, lof Grey, left on Monday, with Mr , received prizes for the recent competition
in quite adopt the principle of one man one vote, and 28th ult., for Metborn, Manitoba. way home by way of the Loudon road, they *day morning last week for Kingston, to examination in the year's lessons Of Carmel
'i admitted that, the We believe, he . - . 0 ving a life sentence - let, Amy
ivemally Cen- eyes of the world, the polls -Mr met with an accident. The horse to, k fright visit his father, who is ser Presbyterian Sabbath school .
, '
- � stitution gives to a Governor Gen � eral atpble of doing this. The course of the to require every elector to go to . a. R. Pincomba has disposed of her penitentiary for wife -murder. The Murdoch ; 2ad, Jennie Buchanan ; 3rd,
I frame dwelling! in Exeter to Mrs. Fulton, of and sudderly wheeled .clear around, throw- in the
1� - and to Lieutenant -Governors the power to Government will now be closaly watched. and deposit his ballot under pain of being I The price paid was $600. ing them all oat. Mr. Wise fell with hia young man had already been to Kingston, Maggie B. McLean. -The many friends of
dismiss their Governments wh,-4never they If they show any laxity or leniency in the disfranchised. If this were done there Tuckersmith. - unable to nee
�: - -Eli Perkins, the great author, journalist neck across the top strand of a barbed wire' but learned that he would be � Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne will regret to learn
!; consider their actions deserving of dismissal. work of prosecution which they have com-' would be no absentee ,votes for the railways and humorist, ill .give one of his famous fence, and cut his face' and neck severely, his father until Monday. three that she has been for the pastfew weeks and
� 1, I * Pruary. the wonder being that his throat was not -1diss Lottie McLaren, for the past ' 'Ider,
to carry, and those at home would be forced lectures in Go erich on the Ist of,Tel I I ie still severely ill.- Raster Willie h
Why then is the power given if it is not to menced, the public will have a good reason ; -Rev. Samuel Small, of Alabama de- out. Mrs. Wine was pretty b%dly braised, years assistant. teacher in Fullarton village who has been attending the Collegiate In-
. be exercised? We . admit that it is a dan- for suspicion., and if,they go fearlessly on to do their duty irr"Pective of doubtful in- '
livered an address in Rattenbury street but sustained no serious injuries, .school,. has retired from teaching for the ati�tute in God-, rich for some time pastIleft
� ower to nd ducements, What does our friend theRe- loethodist Chirch, Iblinthn, on January 6th, -Miss b4aggie Moffatt, daughter of .Mr. present. She has gone to her home in S)t. this week for Toronto, where he hitends
. ,,place in the hands of any and follow up the rascals, if McGreevy a I . It is her intention to attend the �1.
-f porter say to this ?. � W. J. Moffatt, of Clinion, left on Monday .Marys. � prosecuting his studies at the U " ty
, -Mr. Claude Fisher$' of Benmiller, has . aiversi .- �
V man, but the danger is not so much after not unburden themselves a T . a - she has for some time Collegiate Institute there and study for,a
I. , Connolly do � : ion last for Manitol , . . ; Mr. Win. Bouthron, son of Mr. James
T, - I lleen engaged to teach in School Sect I been emp ; - I � Boathron, of the township of Hay, and who
. - all, if the action is immediately followed by something worth hearing,- the public will be IN A recent temperance address delivered No. 7, Colbor e, for this year. , loyed -with �ackson Brothers, in higher Tgrade of certificate. I
r an a,ppeal to the people as it must almost justified in concludigg that the Government : -Mr... Peterl Blair, of Sheldon. Dakota' is that tow;, and ou- Tuesday evening, last -A gathering of the "clans" took placeist has been out in the West for the pastyear,
'. ..
I a-ekson, of � e at �-veek, h4r fellow emplo'yeea presented her the residence of Mrs. Robert Hyde, North
� necessarily be. This is not taking power are not io bad as some think them. Which- in the town -of Galt -the Rev. Dr. J I visiting friend in and around Constanc returned home recently to spend tl-e win -
i r st with a beautiful cruet stand. ' On her ar- Eastbope, on Christmas Day. It was :a ter. -Air. William Johnston, son of Mr,Joh,n
. '
I ont of the hands of the people, it is making ever way it goes the public will await the that -town, made the remark that the " city present, Mr.,, Blair looks as if the We the wife gathering of some forty p Johnston, of Hay, and who ,has been at- .
? of Boston ap . ends about half a million dol- agreed with him. rivarin )lanitoba she will become �eople, and th�y -
the people the supreme arbitors between the result with considerable interest. I .. I of Clinton, met of Mr. �jharlea Hogla�d, an industrious were all related to each other, something tending the Collegiate a6 Stratford, spent
. lars on its public schools, training I some 23,- -Mr. Arth�r McCrae, young farmer of Shoal �`ake ; several of her that does not happen very often. Their
I Lienteriant-Govern,or and his advisers. , If ' with a painful' accident, a few. days ago, by , , his Christmas and New Year's holidays at
� I --- - I ears. '
I the course of the LieUteDant-Governor meets 000 children and youths to be good citizens. falling backward. He burst a small artery, cousins ISO made her t�e-recipient of � kind ages were from 75 years down to 2 y . . home. He intends algain returning to Strat-
The Vacant Seats. At the same time it every year commits to and received other serious injuries. gifts. 1 4 ford for a few weeks to resume his studies,
� with the approval of the people There are now 34 vacant seats -in' the Do- . rsons -On Monday, the 28th ult., Margaret, -The - proprietorshio Of the Clinton '. Hensall. I � and will then very shortly take a commer-
stands jusq,fied and his dismissed advisers minion House of Commons, of which 16 its gaols and Foor-hous2s. over 25,000 pe relict of the Ute Donald Buchanan, of the FQundry and Threahi6g1l4achine Works has cial position. -Mr. Deacon, of London, was
as a result of the use of drink. That is-, the ergone a chang�, in the retirement LOGS W,ANTED.—Any quintity of " go�a visiting at the Commercial hotel last week.
V are condemned. But if, on the other hand, were hold by Liberals after the last general 16th concessiop of Grey, departed this life, just un�' ership., sound Elm, Ash, Ma le, Basswood, Birch &c. Wan -
are _ . .
I the people refuse to ratify his course, then election and 18 by Conservatives. The fol- liquor business in Bostpa destroys about as L aged 79 ye and 8 m6aths. I of Mr. W. W. Farran f ora the partn ted delivered at ffensall Oatmeal yard. Highest -Aliss Wright, of London, and a foriner
I I many citizens as the public schools can -Mr. J. W. Manning, Provincial IDOec_ his interest having been purchased by his prices paid. D. UP-quil,iRT. 1260.tf resident of this village, was here recently
� L
1� . he stands condemned and his dismissed ad- lowing is the list of vacancies. with the ma- . I partners', Messrs. D. F. Macpherson and C. ' isiting Miss Petty. -Mrs. McAlpine, of
. I � make." The point i a & good one, but the tor of license and father of Reeve A H. ovey The firm o Farran, Macpher- SAW LOGS WANTED. - Three hundred v
I '
�", vivers come back into power - purged and orities at last general election,: i Manning and'Walter Manning, of Clinton, E. 11 I - thousand feet of good, sound, soft Elm wanted.. Glencoe, is here visiting her brother, Njfr�
possessing the indisputed confid J LIBKRALS. I CON'BERVATIVES. . doctor did not need to go so far as Boston died at his re idence in Toronto on Monj&y, son & lJovey, which hai existed for nearly Highest cash prices paid for the same. Also Rock Duncan McEwen, of the London road.
. �. ten years past, is in c(naequence now di8- Elm, Basswood, Maple, Beech, Ash, Cedar, Hem- Mrs. McAlpine says that Glencoe is head-
-those to ,whom they are really responsible. South Perth ......... 177 Halton ............... 104 for an illustration. 1D might have taken 28th nit. Custom sawilig as usual. Lumber:'On
It : - and the remi ining partners will lock etc.
0 There c Lincoln .... .......... 48 East� El in - - .' 46 almost any Province in the Dominion, or -Mr. Wile I on McLean, of Dakota, form- solved, , Jr." Hen- quarters for good Gaelic -speaking people.-
: q�nnot, certainly,. be ,anything very DIE" �� :,I I bana and cut -to order. ROBERT BxLL,
4 ., East 81mcoe .......... 207 East lesex.... . 65 erly of WestlWawanoghi is spending the henceforth carry on tbi business under the sail. . 1251tf The TMisses MIcEwen were home spending
1 East Bruce .......... 114 Victoria. N. 8 ........ 52 any county in the Province and he would! e and style of aSpherson & Hovey ' -
i wrong or�� dangerous in all thiis. If, however, holidays wit4 his father and mother, Mr. Dam D. -Messrs. Cook Christmas and New Year's witli their
�' . North Victoria ...... 202 Brome ............ 3 �
� the LieM'enant.-Governor should fail to re- Northutuberiand W.. 37 Rickimond .............. 187 have found a similar result. When -will and Mrs. John McLean, near Dungan ,y. B of the Hensell Flouring Mille, are prepared� to parents Mr. and Mrs. dohn Ate-
� King's ...... tmoreAcy ........ 107 le learn the foil' . oused last uror,IiKase any quantity of good Clover Seed, having a Ewen. -Mr. Daniel Bell, *bo is attend-
Teeive the;: approval of the people for his .......-161 Mon y of tearing down wit village. -Cc sidbrable interest was ar
� .. .... 73 Victoria S ........... 26 PCOP i I week a ich ga - arg I order to fill, an will pay the bigest prices. : -
I Digby ......... Quebec West ........ 53 d what they build up with th - . d in Goderich town 1 12564 ing the Detroit Medical college was home
I action,. then he should step down and out Queen's.. .. .�i. - - - - - 101 the one ban .-Mr. Henry Bacom, of Summerhill, re F, , 11 ,
1 5 -Rouville.. . - - � ...... 69 483 1 ceived a nast�y stroke on the leg from the ship by the hasty departure for the other i ' week spending his vacation.-
� BRIEFS.—Mr. J. E. McDonnell has reeelat- , last
_� - I &6 his position and if he refuses to Well,.,j .. .......... 447 Laval-, � ..... .. .... ::534 other, and stop it ? �: ' side of 4he boundary li ie of a well known I
1, and vac I . I arm of a capeiile while engaged in moving a Mr. Joseph Norris has received the position
do so he ishould be� dismissed uncexemonious. Huron West ........ 379 Prince Edward ...... 21 - 11 building a fe,.� days ago, and was disabled farmer, named James I �urke, who is said to ly=hased a fine span of matched blaq.ka of day operator at Guelpb.. We wish, him
! Glengary .. ........... 3121 fo , hearse. -Mrs. Win. Armstrong amd
I Lennox .. .... ... 57 News of the Week. of his fellow all success in his new and responsible posi-
ly by the power that appointed him, the Soulanges I.. ..:,.* ... 39 B9 ol .... ........ 44 . 1 -thereby. He is now able to be around again, "be into" quite a .xi, imber Miss E.*Essa,
11,1. (two seats) 927 it' -urists a of that town y, of the township of Hay, tire -Mr. R. ,chanan, of Brussels, is
. DominiO Gbvernment. But if,on the other Prescott .. .......... 661 , 'f,�� THE AGED POET DyiNG.-The Cond 10 -Mr. M, C. Cameron, of Godericb, bao agricull nd res dents visiting in St. Thomas, -Y-is3 L. McColl and tion. Bu
Richelieu.. .. .. .' .318 mains unchanged, gone on a business trip to Florida, and will who lo�n out money. , n addition to heavy . Jennie Eaorett, both of ,Detroit, spent sp
hand, hb conduct receives the approval of - - - REcovzRED. -King George, of Greece be absent two or three weeks,. If the tocsin mortgages on his far , he had borrowed Miss -their paretits and friend8.-A very interesting debate was
T . Queen's, N. B ...... - Cumberland.. .. . :* 840 of Walt Whitman re' '� � I ending a week or so among his relatives
� ,ha their Christmas vacation with
. the, people then, of courae, he would have I Total vacincies, 16 Total vacancies, 18 recovered from his attack of smallpox. I of war sounA, the able ex -M. P. promis,es from at least a dozen Oersons sums ranging . in the township of Hay. -Mies Carrie Chap. recently held in connection with the Young
- � � a. right t'o retain his position. Where the ' - - TROOPS ARRIVING. -Nearly 90,000 Rn i to return and enter the battle at once. from qne to several Oundred dollars. In man and her brother, Mr. - John .-Chapmom, People's Mutual Improvement Society. Th7e
I a I - .. sian troops have,been massed near the Aus I -At a rocent meetin of the Exeter most of� these cases the! lenders can ill afford. .subject was, " Resolved that morality bas
� Dominio� Government and Parliament acted � who were visiting relatives and Iiiends in I
REFERRING to the action of the Toronto trian frontier. I ; Masonic I d Mr. Hugh I.' Spackman was what bids fair to be alotat lose. 1. not kept pace with civilization." The alffir-
� ! I . � i Hamilton - and Caledonia during the past
I ,
: I . wronglyl and axbitrarily some years ago in newspapers in increasing the price of their PAINFUL DEATH. -Charles Raft, of Free: preaent,T2R a complimentary addreEs ac- T mouth or so, returned home on Saturday mative was sustained by Messrs. J. Stone-
Lieutenant -Governor - mansburg, Pennsylvania, died Saturday of companied b'y a Past Master's Jewel, so a . I man and W. Hughes, and the negative by
I I daily editions the Woodstock Sentinel -Re- . �
Letelliep was in dismissing him from office ated hiccon hing for eleve , tok � Perth ' tems. last and report having spent a very pleasant
P view makes the following sensible observa- aggrav 9 n days, . en of the esteem in which he was held by : Faged as time. -Mr. A. Arnold, barrister, of Toronto I Messrs. Win. Buchanan and G. ,Sutherland,
- M' � Al. Robson h 9
.. iss - as been en � ' I The judges gave their decision in favor of -
. alth6ug his course had been ratified by the tions, which the publisher of every b0ca-1 pa- a SEARCHING 3-oR DYNTAMITFRs.-Dubliri his brother gasons. - e� at Cobble Hill or is yea . f is here -visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
. uthorities are thoroughly searching all ves -A someWbat-unusual scene for this sea- eac . ' the affirmative.
, people, at the polls. ; -Some e busy plow- G. D. Arnold, and also his brotherF;.-Mr.]
;I per can endorse from experience. It says : sels arriving from America. They are .o son of the ypar was witnessed in Exeter on Fullarton fa mere wer G. Fitzgerald, our popular veterinary sur- I - --- .L I
k� It a Glovernor�G.eneral, or a Lieutenant. I I If the sime wise tendency were seen in the watch for dynamiters. Christmas D�yt when a number of friends ing du�ing Christmas week. I Grand Bend.
A , . FOUND GuiLTY.-At Denver, Coloro, ,O congregated ion the lawn of Mr- John Small- -Oii Christmas Day a poor woman lost a geon, who, through skill and close attention
, . Governc r, is to be anything more than a i an I I � . to business, has worked up a nice FUMUIAM: - CHRISTMAS RRESENTATION.-The Grand
4 i - reterence to the price of the weekly editions, Saturday, Dr. Thatcher,Graves foun combe, dl indulged in a few games of ten dollar bill in Stratford. � I
. mere fioure�hemd, he has a. perfect right to the newspaper business of the country might guilty of murder in the first de . gree, hi croquet. I -Str'atford expects $60,000 joint stock here, has sold out his business and good -will Band congregation held their annual Sab-
I I i I exercise'the powers which the constitution I his nit factory shortly. to Mr. Chesney, V. S., who has been prac- bath School Christmas Tree on December
� mate basis -in time. But so victim being Mrs. J. B. Barnab an Th �ttner hip which has existed for compa y .to star a V
� yy e - atoah, V. S., of I 23rd. A lengthy programme consisting of
-get on a legiti a , �tw " tiaing with Mr. D. Mel
5 give hi � when he deems it advisable to do - money the object. - ' ao;�fe tiempe een Wm. Nightingale, of -R(bert Richmond, son of George Rich Brucefield, for the past year or so. While recitationa, dialogues and singing was well
tl: long as weekly papers can be got in connec I ,
� UNITED STATES IYEBT.—The aggregat, Brussels, a;n Robert Scott, of Mount Por. mond, A Elm&, has been seriously ill at Ir . on I
� so. - An -if these very high-priced officials tion with all sorts of fakes at from 50 to'75 . dissolved by mutual consent. Mountain, Michigan, we very much regret losingMr. Fitzgerald I rendered. by the children of the Sabbath
I t . debt of ',,he United States on January .let, est, has be
t! - I School, after which two well loaded trees
t, are to be only ornamental and not�- use. cents per year, the outlook for Czaadian *as$1,553,125,205161. Cash balance in th3 Mr. Nig)h I gale will continue to carry on -Tie Stratford Redge Fence Company from our village, who thinks in the mean
. ' numer
. f ul, the sooner steps are taken to get rid of journalism*iq not bright. The rivalry of the treasury, $134,574-0128 30. : the Brussel business. have Uen selling hedge at the rate of ,four time of going to Dakota in order, to get a 1 were stripped of their Out gifts and
jl� � SEVERE WEATHER IN THE WEST. -Des- -Mr. obert Addison, of Wawai ix � k. I larger territory, we are pleased that his : distributed to the children, who were that
y -them the better, as we have no room in this . 308h, to a iles a wee
big papers has led to an insane cutting of ' c Baptist@ of Fullarton village held a place will be filled by one who comes as night all present and were greatly delighted,
I i . potches from Illinois, Iowa,Wisconsin, Min- met with a very painful accident one day _T1
It I Canada of ours for any aiiperfluous machin- prices and to business methods that are , y successful tea -meeting and social on highly recommended as Mr. Che8ney.-Mrs. 1 Among other things two gifts drew the
� nosota--and Nevada state that severe snow- last week. While holding a pig that it ver . �
. , ery. .It does seem therefore, that whether This rivalry storms 9 raged on Saturday. The mercur, L might be killed it -kicked the front finger of Christ as Day. � Wm. Moir, of Oil Sp s, is hom!3 visiting 1, special attention of the audience. One of
neither wise nor legitimate. . 299. James Murray. , I these was a beautiful plush eas chair, given
. or not t e acts of the Qaebeb Government bap not benefitted the public, because it has was far below zero in many places. his right b nd off at the joint nearest the -A truant officer has been appointed for her parents, Mr. and y
� - were su-,b as to furnish sufficient cause for made the highest excellence impossible. It ONE -NIONTH'S RETURNS. -There were 37-� hand. . I the Dublin school to rally up the'vagraut Mr. R. Patterson, jr., has rented his fine ! by the Bible Class to their teacher, Mr.
. ab entee youths. - I Wm. Fulton, who was one of the first to or-
� : deaths in Detroit during December -.rhe- T uell family have purcbased.the and new two-storey dwelling to Mr. George Me !
their dismissal, if the Lieutenant�Governor has merely bedeviled the badness and made I DEAD. -Alfred Richet, the weil-k�now' IN acre fa m, on the 6th line of Morris, be- -T e Messrs. Rediriond have pnrchased Ewen. -Mr. Robert Larmour, thepopular i ganize our now most succeesful school.
i though -1 they were,he was perfectly justified French s . urgeon, is' dead, aged 75 years. e, _ p%ying the the Byrne propert i Dublin and intend �
; I some leading journals dependent on the � lonhing to Daniel McQuarri and obliging stage and mail carrier between I With deep emotion and suitable words he
. rer ing it into a ne it dwelling. here and Zurich, was last week invited to I expressed his surprise and tbankfulness
I in the course which he took. Indeed he bounty of the politicians. Any signs of re- MISS SHERMAN MARRIED.—Miss Rachel; sum of $5, 00 for the same, . It is asplendid co`�!% ca 1
� ' . lishers Shermau, daugbter,of the late Gen. Sher- farm. Mr M sermon was preached im attend an open meeting of the Foresters of � for the sarne.' The other was ,a b ut ful
. would ave been; deserving of censure had ' eQaarrio will likely return to -A special
I turning sanity will be welcome to pub h, Mitel ell,* on Sunday, 20th Zurich lodge. At this meeting he was pre- il fur coat presented to Rev L. A. Carriere, by
: he not taken the action' he did. man, was married at Washington to Dr. Grey township. Trinity ok'are .
. He might, - who have to depend on their own efforts and 'f Boston. � -Miss McKnight has been awarded nit., f�r the Free Masons, who attended in a. se'uted by the lodge with a, beautiful and. � the Grand B - end Orangemen, who thereby
! I Paul Thorndyke, i t ad -1 expressed- their esteem and appreciation of
, - . 0 costly fur cap, accompanied by a nea
. perhaps,. have gone about it in a different the merits of their papers for success." A LADY Bicycmsm - A Connecticut the prize a 'four volumes of Pansy'a -works, body. I
. -
- I mannei,-in a manner which would .have I - . young woman -the other night rode her for being t e most regular attendant at the -Mr. George Viviain, formerly of Mitchell, dress signed.by the members, as expressive , their beloved pastor. Mr. Carriere expres.s-
I i . .
11 .
. I given less semblance for the day's wheel two miles to town, calling out th�.e Nile cho f h ar 1891. Although is running a butcherin 7 business in Detroit of the esteem in which they held him, of the 'I ed his great pleasure for the kind feeling
charge of THE rEoPLE of Toronto did a good s 11 riends in pleasure they had found in his company,and which existed between himself and the peo-
I I . TV she lives a . and dc well. He was visiting f
,ult would work on Monday last. The contest for the I .
politi-11 partizanship, but the res fire department and s% ing valuable prop- t two miles from the school il
T she did no 0mu 'im, week. 1 the remembrance of the many favors and ple., and also his high appreciation of their
. - erty. .. iss a day's attendance during Mitch( ast i I '
; have "�een the same in the end. In like DIED AT VENICE. -Cardinal Domenico the year, . -Messrs. J. Murra ,of Woo0stock, Joh , valuable gift. Although the roads were
. I . , Mayoralty was a particularly sharp one. n courtesies he had shown them. Mr. Larmour, I
_� n by surprise, thank- : very muddy the church was filled to its
. , E Jordan, of Iron River, though completely take
i rn&nne� we beli6ve that the Governor -Gen- There were four candidates, viz.: Messrs. Agostini, Patriarch of Venice, died at Ven- -On Cpristmas morning Hugh W. Me- . Michigan, and R. -
. t , doome and ' utmost capacity, and all seemed highly
It -er&-1 ha� been sadly remiss in his duty and Robert J. Fleming, E. B. Osler, John Mc- ice on Thursday. He was born in 1825. ' Kay, tbelthree-year-old son of Hugh Me- Davie, of Detroit, wet:,e .spending the holi- ed the brethren for the very han I
I- Kay, of the 9th concession of Grey, fo - 6
. ,A GLiINT GR FPF,D.-John*Deitch, who has rmer- days -% ith friends in- a4d around Dublin. useful present they had given him, and as- I pleased with the evening's entertainment
I has be n guilty of censurable neglect and Millan, and James Beattie. Mr. Fleming been on exhibition'in -a Cincinnati museum ly of Lca�bury, died from th6 effects of an -Mr. Dave Hetheri t of Rapid River, sured them,that their kininess would ever " The proceeds amounted to $40.,
i indiffei ence. In his case be did not even proved to be the successful man and will be itrict, �,113!hom . i green and pleasant a . . I DEATH OF, A WORTHY MAX.—It is with
� I asa fat giant, died Monday of an attack of attack of diphtheria. Three other of the Rainy Aiver Die e to spend a few remain i pot in his I S
I . weeks'visiting parentel and friends in Fallar- memory. -Mr. .William Hughes, Walter I much sorrow that we record thi, week the
have tae excuse of % doubt. Wrong-doin ent year. The vote stood: the grippe. His waist measurement was children ave also been down with the same I .
, I Mayor for the curr � ! � .
wah I - . 9 Fleming, 8,605 ; Oaler, 8,365 ; McMillan given - � on. . i Hughes and Miss Maudie Hughes, are all I death, on the 30th ult., of the late William
z brought directly home to more than I I as K feet and his weight 763 pounds. tro-able, one of whom is hardly out of t -
his advisers, and the evidence was i SUICIDE, -Jacob H. Wight, one of the danger. I � - T�e Atwood Pres�yterians have decided at home spending Christmas and New Years � Turnbull. He was born in Glasgow, -Scot-
one 041 4,702; Beattie, 603, making a total vote of he with their parents, coming reppectively from ! land, 54 years ago and came to Canada when
. best known tobacco merebwats in Baltimore, -On Monday, December 21st, an ex- to build a $2,000 man4e for t eir mini.ster
. placed directly under his eyes in official 22,364. But the contest which created the Maryland, committed suicide at his regli- amination was held in School Section No. 5, durinj the coming season. . St. Louis, Missouri, Chicago and Eskridge � very young. He was a worthy elder of the
' I
docu ehts, so that unless he wilfully most interest among outsiders wag . that to dence Thursday morning. A revolver was Colbofne. The teacher, Miss Potter, was -Fb,rmers in the vicinity of Brunner were Kansas. -Mr. Connie Seibert, on Frida; Presbyterian Church, Grand 'Bend. His
decide whether or u4i the street cars should the weapon ueed-,and the bullet went through assisted . by the neighbori . last, stepped from the bachelors' list to that was a very sudden call, death corning to him
closed his eyes to the truth he could not ng teachers, Misses. taking up turnips anai plowing the last week I
- ., . . . I of the benedicts, his partner in life being I like a thief in the night, completely unex-
plead i ignorance of what wa, I run on'Stindays, Hitherto the his heart. I Halle, Litifield, Watson and Burrows, Mr.' of 1891. � Miss'C..Gabel, of Beilin, and well known in pected, but his was the death of one thor-
� 8 going on hereafter be BRITIsHTRoops VICTORIOUS. -A Calcutta' Sallows and others. The educational part -Mr. and Mrs. Wi�liam Bradley and Mr. I
around him. And yet be did nothing. He street cars bzve never been ran in Toronto- despatch states that the victory of the Brit-' of the work w interspersed with singing John MoDermid, of 1 Dakota, are visiting this- village. We wish them all happiness oughly prepared to meet his Master, whom
. : as h life. They were he had faithfully served .to the end. Our
should have followed the same course as his on Sunday. Ever since the service came ,ish troops over the Hunza and Nagar tribew" and recitationFi by the children, At the friend,8 and relatives about Amulree. and prosperity throng
subordinate did. men is complete. The town of Hanza has close addresses were delivered by the visit- . _T6 popular and riterprising editor of married at Brucefield, -On Tuesday last week congregation feel this greA lose by the de-
!!!�� �-� � I -._�__,
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, 0
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I . I He shopld have dismissed under the control of the city there has been i VII ig a pleasant event took place at the residence parture of this upright, active and loving
�_- kin &�.Tviser8, dissolved Parliament and a clamor in certain quarters for a Sunday been occupied by the British. ing teachers and by Rev. E. A. Fear, of the the Atwood Bee ha i been N resented witiL of Mr. Win. Harlt3n, of the township of elder. and are desirous of extending their
. SNOW ,I -N. COLORADO. -The recent snow Nile. Those who were present, and ought some Oprigs of mistlo toe an holly, says:
given �he people a chance to pronounce upon service. The question was brought before storm in Colorado, was the worst to know, say that this wme one of the best We hall put a bit of it over the Bee office McGillivray, on which occasion his daugh- sympathy to the bereaved widow and family.
the �ivdeeds proven against his Govern- the city council recently and that body very for many years. The Santa Fe ditched two examinations ever held in that echool,whi�!h door, �nd the first young lshdy that happens ter, Miss Selina, was married to Mr. James The late departed TwIll be missed, not only,
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