HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-01-08, Page 2F n _ - - JAISITARY , 18142 iHF. Ht��n� YPOSITOR. - - I,- o — — — . --- :tltat�owa�wnrst:on"b , also! I.�LIlL ha'l'l a�'1'L': Mt,lt tkALlt. Claus • `.a,nt�.3'it�f#ItD 11rL03[ 1WE1' 1►1fJSi) ,. g sun auu ., ""ilr ! aL Eo N y SEAFORTH tCAit "MWI Was wild m . An, i ,<,,. , lwtew that 11[easikot:' lad ifM tlslast lbawiy "' • abant its. I know tbas for southe he lW ulLtrliidA >< I+ult dol lt.-Th. t..darslg.dl - of Tula as though bad been •n has a netsber e1 Me building Lob ON tiadsrMb . Has joined the firth .wild now e tits 00r>eV0 dMlr00- James Iltnet! ter sale, at low prices, Fbr pt• _ K - +, what >Qo*► your o:,i.,io,if , >%i `4Mn plottiag y Iv u, with emotion. ''what ,at-ot tin. On" rdw mewdkolL tlrepvittoe�swloly aryl' b D. D. WIL13U1�. � :will >s1I have is to iw i eilood; the day of trick Qan4 I y •u Of Michaele ' ;vbtmbntf" �� )L=T OS FOR SALE. -The hotel PrOPKIF alta" end !� g btzL reproof tor' Yb igao�- keows ss tis dsassiller BOK 4110■bd favus Of tit was *bile to Rorie n *a t1rOtlt yo0i". ,.„ TO gave 1Mes! parts all ibe Township N Qolteesne. Wall knd why alt- d Wremaift in banish'" a�1oe .- MerJ� V shed l' . tlbst ecanatiiadol� Then fit was tkta .tti.r reliti■d K e■Ia to snit ftC. rciss•sba �, �{ 1 v •� . Moil" d s hi i " fined to werk bb trnia, Y as ws b .scud opee6os. APplit2 t! M. FALL AL1 •' a shc,utd cot." iaew all tbb, cad I knew too fiat it pas 13wre■ilwr P.A.-----�- # is �. ,, by s he cot ham .. a vasft • fates that were oe bis own, s wuiob aoaald but ?Ilia a shadow evsal of the truth t,R�[ FOR cols Olt TO RLNT IN TH3t TOW1P• 1 — on:wanid not Tsarsa him." sHIVOF TURNBURRY -A good 188acre farm My Big Holiday Stock h88 GE3iBQ. --oecslse you ><eartss avatar were so wickedly Econ tiiut(' cons cleared, gone crane bear.. Rest can w r►id "2Iot so, sirs. It arca the ignominy I fear- +>ge should have em,". said ttte..emperor, «, wMy I tbS�t 1" aoiei �,�„vsssar ea firs place. Also. wanted to let, ' irk. Go ask your genersts in the imperial a:jug Ivan sharply FioboLO. With btr ooaataaance already es■ts.a for the «Atli„? and drawing of saw Sop &My, if I fear8eatIL No, no, sire. For long _ cord woad Apply 6o to ?6 sores l And in x126, Ivan bowed his and trembled, but at ate• w■.hip. Ap*ly a KILO. Tliolir8o2f, Bax 146; The elegant l�rets�>ats are I)OW Ali loars,I held my life is my band, and at any length he looked II and said: . "Beeson cry owes p1lasis wennot Complete. ingham.. -1960 U. - laomeat was ready togiveit b Nicholls of ..Do you kaon dre3" >< 11ad nos 7 wholly tahapped the eebeeaiwg We Lave reeeivec ex etealmships %oeagoliag, Alaidets and Corea3a, s Isrge exhibition, The t�hrewd buyers are haus - .. was the eeo- cad I dared not atm the risk of ex- �- OUSE FOR SALE OR TO RRNT.—For Sale or getting the first ch{lieu from ]tray guseis.. My life and my good sword To be sure I ow you!" P*i� ltietn offered often upon the s1taT of your••I intrusted you lbw moms t posttre. I took the only means in my power, I w Kent that west clo fly situated and comfort- oc • offered h ten did not take the eacri- p°rOT `reply. a,r cwtdenoe on vest aoierieh iltreet, formerly oe- ortion of our Fall Ilei rttttions, which we hope t4 have complete with Susi• grs►nd display of Holiday GoodsR. that when t should be known to ted b Yr. J. ii. P r There is hard and soft p . reuptrs, Dug I when I Arst set m eyes neon you Yes, les, trusting they p y ype Mas." Michael Basilowi , I' 'knew you before I you, your n ey -would pardon them." rtor, x splendid odic, and a large garde■. Will be Never have Such nits Goods been "But'you disobeyed s strict order,,, said y� with y first mission. Nicholas •` Indeed, you fatter;' said Nicholas, with Id cheap of on easy term. ,the owner has shown. Never havr pi ices; been so low. Nicholas, in a tone lees stern. something nice a weer upon his`faoe. •• Had eft the 2w■. Apply to DR. SCOTT, Seaforth. j of Russia�bas eyes 1249 tf. ex Canada and Montevidet�►n, in a few days. "I know I did wrong, sire, and for s lorg ..�,ael Bsail witzl Prince °of Tulsa" I known is then, even •grand dukedom Everybody las pleased who trees call While I arced out; but a r ,woman fell ata could. not have saved your life. Michael ES1r• ".•NCE FOR SALE CHEAP. Hr. IIeu• ° pa's uttered Ruric wh bad heard all, and who m McLeod Is leaving town In a few w=eeks 4{ purchases froitl my great line of ay feet and begged to ees her father once be i wY tunable to. suppress his astonishmetiL � Basilowitsr+ I laved you, haat you have dome vita bit t ;Amity for Brandon, be offers i r sale that el fore he died. When her tears fell' like rain « ownetkin that-" ,q de0rabie residence now occupied by him on Goods—newest styles and good value. Watches, Clockt�, J,+welry, Sil�rer- n m feet I forgot that I was a soldier a w indeed t Are you the Prince is 11 apo y >� of Tula whom we all thought in 8iberia?" '� etnperorl hbaitated and turned -away. oderioh street, for 111,000. There is a good eom- embered gni that I was a man. I „ »returned lean, •'I stn the His face was very cold and stern, and his ortable house and a good stable on the lot, also herd plated Wart?, Fancy Cloocla, Spectt mics, and rem y Yea, Foodor, ,d soft .water, ap_d all other n, cessary conveniences Meant no wrong—dreams; not that evil could �e prince of Tula, and your father was my brow was contracted. He walked twice or fun her �:cionlaft, app19 to J. M. BEST, bar- Pipes, Novelties, etc There is �ttre bapoen. I may have deserved punishment, best friend- Oh, sire." he continued, turtr across the hall, and then he beckoned for rioter, Seaforth. _- 123'6 � - but Idid not deserve death." the emperor and sinking upon hi>r the soldiers who stood near the gre" door.. R. J A M I E 6 0 N h to be s Merry xrna� � t your horse if "Do on dispute m: nsticer' mg to.. Take your prisoner back to his cell," lie liS1D&NCR FOR SALIf~-ior sale cheap, the y sP y j knees, spare the nut Ruric. He is young, �sid, R, res Jeno• in Egmondville now owned and oc• you buy your gifts from . `" ••I am a condemned man, and so have a and I know he is oble pnd brave. •` No no 'sir "interni ted Ivan with oz- auyied by 1l r. Henry Jackson. It ie eomuaodio■l slight to speak: and why ebould 1 hide my - ,, et up, get u , prince," _ said Nicholas. ��� p � and wary conveniences, and has in connectionbard with 3t, all W. R O O U N T E j cwt,. belief? I do: but speak as I think, but I 1,I have some qu ono to ask of thea first," tended hands• Pardon him, pardon him 1» neoesrary a is Aldoences, n ac as hued and sof-water, .. would not tell a lie even to gain your own •• Away with him, I say.» pleasant Thera b aero 'alt an were of land. It i a moat R. Ivan arose to hi. feet, but before the em- j, plmasat►t and desirable prate to live in, being high, Ial favor." "Sire," urged the Count Gaut rzin, dry and healthy. Apply to W. 0. DUFF, Seaforth. LaN Jeweler, Main St., ,Seaforth. . iniper• peror could si- further there came the me speak but a word." 1153 tf. - a "You are bold, sir." sound of a distur ante from the pws�age-way « , "Because I awn speaking with a bold man." that led to the Ila 1. The clamor rose hi her There'll be time enough for that after the 'lRAdC Me11tK. g » ARM FOR SAI Low The undersigned Executors rty VRLE HAND � D- qrE A D E The emperor gazed hard into the face of and higher, and t ere was surely the sound Count Ruric is Lone,". the emperor's offer the Joh,. Lown farm for sate. The property the count. but, he ,met only a calm, steady > of a violent stru gle. For the instant all reply' consists of 100 acres, being Lot 10, Concession 6, Zook in return. eyes were turned the direction whence the irlyrrha moved to spring forward, but has urs , and hsvis thereon a- fir -t class brick house, hh father held her back. bank barn, or hard. wells, never failing spring, Boots and Shoes But you slew the men whom I sent to ,ap- sound proceeded, and the parties who had „ » whi red ' "for on ood fences, ae.; about To acres cleared, balance Ag EA g the details we Speak not' h0 ape ' y burp. Possession will be gluon next fall, For =�� _prebend yon been so deeply ngaoed Iu `•A escaped from your prison, sire; and have given re ded the movements with mightmo well urge the whirlwind. h 18 not W, Bar NICKS N, oto price and terms, apply N MOMPHRE - . those men whom you sent to take me were solicitude. At le gth the emperor arose to to moved, and we must not chats lama" s B. uiCHaU E. solicitor, Brussels; xe t, JOHN :11fIT[t and E, J. 11cARTHUS, Executors, 8th �� D , � C � � T Y R but so many bolts and bars between me and his feet. `• Sire," spoke Ruric, after the soldiers had concession of Grey. 123etf liberty. I moved them out of my way. "Wait," said Ni bolas. "I'll see to this." taken him by the arms, " I will not beg your , They willingly set their lives against my li- And he spoke moved toward the door. mercy, but humbly crave your justice. Try ARM FOR RALE. -For sale that splendid and - ---.- - _ _ E�� Has on hand a large number of tenial and Shoes of his berry -we played the game --they lost." as your own heart, and sec what I have dono conveniently situated farm adjoining the vii• own make, best material and For awhile the emperor was silent. He that you would not have done." lege ri Bned. )d, and a ned and occupied by the y ut,decsiFned. There are.118 acres+, of which nearly Warranted 10 give sat2$1'aC�fli• took a turn clown the hall, and then -came __ Ruric saw the st,-Yu cold face of his impe- all is clrared a„d in a high state of Cultivation and all A back again C TER XXIV. but about 20 acres in groes. Good bnildinics and M F i rial master, and he t=aw the light form of her plentl of water. It adjoins the L'rucefle)d Station of N L.. If you want your feet kept dry come and get•• poi* of *'You may not have been s° deserving of . y THE ME FIACSERS. be loved as it sant: fi..intin into Ivan's arms. the Grand Trunk Railway Will t+e sold cheap and AL A L'S P INDIA our boots. .which will be sold R ! . death in all this as would at first appear," he T11e emperor wa' movinb down the hall at a Ile did mot gr oyn tk�ud, nor din be weep, but on easy terms. App], on the premises or t1 Bruce- resumed, stopping in front. Of Ruric and field P.O. P. MCG EGOR. .-- 12,3 tf. C H E A P FOR CASH > PP g quick, angry pace,when -he was suddenly with head bo%. eel Icer was led from the hall. addressing him; "but other things combine brought to a span b: the -bursting open °f Once more Count Ituric was in bis prison. OUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—For Sale - -- � - Repairing promptly attendtd to. All kinds of Boots with them to. make your guilt fatal." the doors and on the same instant a light The iron door %vas lc- ked ulron hili, and be H or- to Rent, the property on v+'est Goderich and Shoes made is ardor. All part!- s who have not +`Will you asanae them skis?" ' street ad oiuin Soafortb formerly awned and oe- paid their accounts for last year will please call and form, clotbed in the garb of a Greek bay, was alone. -,o�v lie .I ue:v not which way to j R , "Yes. You havo given utterance to state- cupied by air. Wm Copp. There is a splendid one �,�F OT30I0FST settle up. rushed into the pl ce.- The light velvet cap frame house containing 9 rooius and a splendid stone lnents opposed to the stability of our empige fel' from the inti der's head . and a mass of turn for the hopo he sought. Ho was in the collar under the whole hnusoI also a w=:Iodyhcd, hard IIf2, D. N1 _11'�!'S' - hoafvrt, and you, have even dared to scoff at the sane- olden curls s%ve down over the uec s and emperor's power, and who should read the and a ft water and a goad atdhle and other out- BREAKFAST E A pity °f our holy church." g P will of that iron -hearted autocrat? buildings. Also a splendid garden et ane acre. ENGL' `jliy my Saul, sire the man who say; this- shoaldcrs. _ Will be sold cheap or rented op rcasonn' le terms. 1-3 � -4 A ' "Z'�-hat have hEre?': tittered dichol'as, ` Apply to A. STRUNG, or JA:afil:S mc..mol.lAEL. I C `.i is a—a iniatai;en man. But who told you 1044 II E a him and dare ham co in astonishment. CIIAI'TER XXL'. T��;+ �%ORAD (Z) ID S_ CD ,'� �' this, Let me face I the Prov=." But the intrude d',tl not iaotieo him. 'Twas CONCLUSION. AItAf IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—For ' ale l — 1-0 ID � � C "The Pi ince Alexander Menzikoff told me." a female, as the 1 ail avid feature= sho .yeti. Nicholas was alone in thea art eat which cheap, the East half of Lot 20, f;nyfield It 'I i - 0 She rushed ou t,� there P,ur:c stuOeT and p F nley, containing f,4 acres, of %vhieh o2 acres are �-'• }. • R "O'h," uttered Ruric, with a look and tone r he had occupied sin --e his aniva in Odessa, ]eared and in a good state of cultivation. The bal- i �y �- M with a vti-ild cry erall into his firms. unci b rho manner in which h walkecltbe ice is %vein timbered -with hardwood. There are L7ilAa anteed hS011l ;e�y 1 lire as Manufactured on , o a ' ;k of most bitter scorn, the prince is powerful, , , a ' y - IyrritaI Myr hal' ne exclr iu,ed, folding floor, it could be plainly seen hat he was cod buildings, a bearing orchard and plenty of P-0 L• but he— water. It is within half a utile of the Village of the Gardens in India. her to his b0soriz. It tires all he could say waiting for sono one. At length the door y In � is 0 � �-a . . "Well—speak. on." I i0, the tsild thr 11 that shots through hie aria and thrco miles frmn Bn:ceficld station. to."I will s:,cak. He is a villain, sire -an �va5 c,pened, and Ivan cratered. Possession at and time. This is a rare chance to �"j' enemy p� his Clod, to ]lis eryiper�;r and his soul was too ove> p veering for further utter- "You have sent for Iva, sire, iud I have uy a ttr, t class farm pleasantly situated. Apply T -1- _ G- o c ertn once. come," said tha pelf -made serf, bsming as he ARTIiiiR hORBES, Seaforth. 1144tf l M. - p d 1 fellot:•s. You know hint no.,." In V � f p• � � � 4� '~� f _ j9.h! Yes I kncvr iairrt %vu11, Count Ruric, "O $.uric'. am not sato here? uttered "spoke. I PLEIDID FATi'+I FOR SALE—For tale the Fast go x hien %'ell. 1!e is dead now." the, fugitive. "Ca inot you save me now?" "Aye, I did lead for you,•, r =turned the half of Lot 4, on the 4th Concession and Lot 4 �'+ a--� � I know "Then God h•r:ve mercy on hihu, for he "Here is one wh can save you"' emperor, taking a seat, and ut tinning his nes, 6thall Concession, about 12 am L-. Concession, 160 , AGENT FOR SEAPORTS, C � n ' ,. Cres, all cleared but about 12 agree. The fano is �Q needs it-" 11Iyi•rha started p and met the gage of visitor to do the same, for I ave made ell ttnderdrained and well fcriced. There is a OrQr ` w• s somethia- in the tone and look Ivan. She moved quickly front her lover's; up -rtly mind. I have conv -sed long rick house and bank barn, 60 by 50 feet, also an ond � 0 There .� f a with Calif cin and I know that -on are free d "the arms o 3 rchard of 200 bearing trees. There are three �• 1 of ttre yours ; ca.tt;t, so noble and fearless, and embrace, for she ad found , et :o modest rind tr uthful, that Nicholas "fattier, acid upon is broad bosom she pal- from all blame which was east apo you,under ell- on the place and the rivor ruTia thrauzh part of ria 0-10 • . o There is no waste land. It to within four nri'esITIYEnY WE- � � •i° c inti 110, fiat loolz unou bim with admiration. lowed her swirnm' head. She did not Alesander's reign; but you have en mach of Seaforth and ie convenient to a rood school. It O �"'j She was safe now, to blame since.' s a magnificent stock and grazing farm. It will be �'S CD ;0 `i The earl}eror was meditating on what he `speak, for sho soul not. << » old thea and on very easy terms as the proprietor t ii had heard, when the lower doors of the hail and with a low mo n she burst into tears. In what; sire? p r N X � � ,. ' 1- ; wishes to retire. Apply on the premise3 or ad- I �` ''Upon my soul,' spoke Nicholas, coming `In opening the doors of my prison.. Stoprasa Egn oridville P. U. JAhIES PIUI{ARD. 1215 i Tn �'F '­' were once more thrown open, and tr,, Wren ii U1 • Rear- up st,that women , ``this is a most strange -Speak not yet. The moment I w that gi 0 P entered. One o= she m was an old man,� t• -.-a interruption. s , Basilowitz, and tell me clasp Ruric about rho nec>,, and found that ARM FOR SALF CIIEAP.—The farm of 100 We have bought T `� C10/�iAS DALY'S stock, t4 � s � 1 0-0 P I ing the insignia of a Russia" count, and the wbat it means?" she was your child -that moa] Ant I. knew acres on the t th concession of Ale-Kitlop, be- CO�1 t � W �G Q7 Other was Ivan ^he serf. Thep ac' :'ance:l ftp ,_ ; onging to Thompson Morrison, who is residing eo�nprisin g � M' the hall until thFv carte near the ,rune: or It simply m s, sir, that this is my twa5 you who set him free. Oh Michael, it. n Dakota and does not intend to return, is of- "d • i - child. She'has a caped from, the bands of came hard upon me. But fort t I could ,red for sale very cheap. Eighty acres are. f P> C Q �- �� . O- t and then they bu%ved. -a Turk." have 1 P given you back all yourestti and your feared and the balance good hardwood, maple r� y! _� � � = 1 1Z/� ! % "Ah, Galitzin," uttered Nichols, exterid- „Alm! . The Tui ks a n'.'' uttered the em- titles. it makes no difference to e how in- ltd rock atm, within 6! miles of Seaforth et and Gee o e e rie s, Crockery and G las s w a L e l � � O C -t- 10-- , ` '' „ r 79 Quilt the prisoner was he thin of a mile of school house, Methodist 3 iJ ing his hand. How faro you. peror. I ll recko wi�t them. nocent or how guilty p , nd Presbyterian Churches, stores, wilix, black' , P M • 'AAAA : a S (D "Slim—slim, sire,. I have been vQ.-ysieh.' "The emperor]" whi pieced liyrrba, starts was under any condemnation, and yon mithing and wagon making shop, post office, dee. "So I have heard. _'�tid you, too, .Ivan'? s cod buil din sand water for cattle, and good gravel ~ i CD ins up from her ether boscm and gazing snatched him .from me: What would an adato any Bart of the lowish p. tales the lowest AND HAVE ASSORTED IT UP `WITH A • F Xo one' wattici accuse you of� ha%iri; l,ee�i upon £be giant f rn, -o the Mian �vho had emp©ror's authority be if such }I example f any of the bordering townships. A -mortgage will . ' sick." _ � - were followed? Let me tell yo that that a taken for $3,000 ate per cent. Apply to JOHN � P � � 5 jusu molten. w "No, sire; I am reinark ably w6l. 1 si,oal i i es, my child; his is our emperor." same Slavinski—tbePole whom R ric suffered. C. MOtiRISON, Winthrop P. O., Ont. 1178tf , -f have returned, but I- stopind to nurse the =Ana he called on B ilowitz' Have ycv to escape—is already hatching ebellidn in p g i' lie: 11e��v selection of goods, and we are sell"' rn ~ O IRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE.—Com rsiin ++' � 1-1 C ♦v corw;t." • grained your rights.'' Poland. So -much for interferi g with my Lot 22, and ells half of 21 in the second coneos• i ,~:r Q t -r - "It ght^r alit," replied .�is`h.)las "tliottQki "I d° not know• but I hank v� e have troth- will." siort of U•borne, the County of Huron, containing ►— ' ' ' 760 aeras on the Thames )toad, 1Timiles from Exe• in all at Great] Reduced 1'rlees. �+ v G :� t. the presencia of fire coin ni_y capital is 1]01 Ing to fear. Look -up, �1 ha." Nicholas hesitated and raised hand to ter ntlrket. There is on the fern, . a two storey © `� - so necessary Howe euzikoff is dead." Nicholas was m ch rumored by the inatchless his brow, but in a moment more he continu- brick house, 28238, with kitchen 18x19 ; "%%'oodshed � M-, �I I t "Dead, .wile?" beauty that now d alt 1 fore him. But grad ed: 14x29 ; two never failing spring wells and cistern ; I%Q � - "Aye; he diel in prison." ually there came • cloud upon his brow, and "Michael, I have loved you as brother- tbree barns, one having a b,ick foundation, 33x53 ; I . v 0 `cIn prison?" murmur ed Ruryic at the same slowly end thougb tfully his eyes turned tow to be sure, it was long years a when we one with frame foundation and shed underneath, W will l also C a r f~y 0 rl 1 t h e PORK PAj K I N G I - P , were both Dun but I have n t "forgotten 36x52; third baro on surface, with stable at end ; � time mJving further back., fleeing that the and Count Ruric. y g- good driving home and young bearing orchard. v ot emperor did not notice him, And the thou. -hi "It seems that • he re •ogniaed our young it. I love you yet, but I lrnow you are no There are120 acres cleared and free of stumps ; is much ore extensively this season -than last, and pay the HIGHEST M ofta-; iZ,+ gavehim a new point of hope. friend first," he said, in i$ me�aping tone. longer a Russian in your feelin s. Nay, do also well u❑derdrained and well fenced, the remain- U P der hardwoodbnah; the farm is tutuated enc mile O�Su PRICE FOR ALL DRESSED HOGS. .� The two o>Tifters who had accompanied "Ygs," answer Iv "for they are bound not star 1 I ]mow what I say. I have watch- from school, and is convenient to churches. This is f t i-' Ruric t<7 the hall now approached him ae heart to heart by hem tual pledge of love. ed you well, and I. know that yo came back one of the best farets in Iluroa county. Terms easy. tD though to take him in custody uncia, 1 on the rcmiees, or b letter to MRS. ("� m O Ruric met her in b r Circassian home, more to punish Alexander ilZenz'koff than bd Appy P y "Back back," said ti`ichola� xiopicia� their and—n gain your standing in the empir I know.it{• S13i0N. A. DORY, Exeter P. o-- — 1211-tf Macy" thanks fol' the people's libel -al patronage in the bast, and again we O" ,,,,,1 ' ' "Stop", interrupted T1Cllela5: ll111II Out 18 SO." I� , N t lair. Lave the Stop, Int, p pulling ARM .FOR SALE. --The undersigned offers for solicit a call. Our store is situated in the centre of the town, feeing John `y K c'� c movement. I will see o P hall." his watch, and •lq king�at its face. "I have "I will not deny it, sire." F sole that valuable [arm formerly owned by '_416. Q the time to spare, and I' would;have this enig- "It would avail you nothing if you did," Irlundeli, on the Sth concession, Tuckersmith. It street. . They accordingly left, and again the em- contains 150 acres, of which 115 acres are Bleared and H i peror turned toward his two new visitors. ma solved in regular "hence. Let me hear coolly replied Nicholas. And thbn drawing a r��{� Z in splendid condition. It is well fenced and- fairley W " © , Seaforth. th. �+ rte. -+ � C "`Galitzin," he said "I learned that n . y our story first, I an -for I suppose you still small packet from his bosom_, lie added, "Here- well drained. The buildings are first-class, a goad 1R. BE w ,.,.,,, p were sick herein Odessa, and I found o mer' acknowledge that names?" take tbis. I have given my judgment in brick house almost now, lame frame barns with ;21 �. � I t:5 ' 1 f "Yes, sire, ret ned the prince, passing his there, and you cau go to Galitzin, and be stone ntab]i,=g underneath• suitable for feeding stock. ou h to make it the object act o r There is oleo a large silo on the pre,rises, capable 2 � tie have secured MR. D. DORP�ANCI�, one of the oldest and most'. �"f }� • � business en g J . visit to see you.. Sof wha�evcr you lriay bold daughter over to Ruri''s care. ` I can tell RiII help you translate it. I am not wholly holding ail the corn enaileRe grown on to or 13 Bettina a � I t (p evidence against ;ifenzikoff cannot affect you my story in very Ifew words. When I ungrateful. Ah, here comes my secretary. acres. This is one of the finest farms in the County experienced packers in the Dominion, and customers can depend on b I R;ra M • CD of a was banished to bei is by the emperor Alex- We have business. Adieu, Michael. of Huron, and wil be sold at a moderate price-nnd him now. He died from s_ ameand. chagrin. + on easy terms of payaunt. The farm :swell adapt first-Gl£LSfI article. - l"-� ander, I was a w'dowel? 1 knew thatZ did Posoovitz came in, and Ivan turned o go ed for mixed farming, producing fine crops of grain, , ' I think.- Yet his estates are not settled, and i what he may have done iu time past cannot not deserve the ,disc , for I knew that out. H» looked once more upon his emperor, and is also well adapted for grazing. For further have much bearing span their dispo al." i the emperor had een d ,t�ved, and I resolved but those dark eyes were turned from him. particulars apply to the undersigned. D. D. li'IL THE to escape if ossa le. A len h I effected my It may be that Nicholas felt a pang, at that SON, Seaforth Ontario. 12W t "It should have much bearing that ivay,� P p � � - CANADIAN BANK . of COMATERCE returned: the noble, "for he has �irongea purpose, and too rriy way at once through moment, and thus hid it. many .,^x man of his birthright.'' Tartary to the s ores lof the Caspian Sea. It was early in the morning that Feodor FromthenceI passed Cireassia in- Ruric was visited in his cell y the jailor W. SOMERVILLEI s Established 1867. I saw a letter that he wrote you " pursued oyer 1 kOd Vq 3 ( the,emperor. "Ivan showed it to me." tending-to a littlekvi to e t lied Stamyl*S)me o her part of o Iiwas upon the prisoner . Tbe man of the rison and thenein tu nen t ward Agent C. N. W. Telegraph and Can ! HEAD �FFICE, TORONTO. John zoe r or el s' t "Yes, sire; I gave it to Ivan. I should But in g adian Ex ress Com anies taken sick, and neatli the roof of a kind the open door. He spoke a sin Ie cord, and p p 1 OAPITAL. (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - $6.000;000 have sent it to you before, but Ivan :vas eoi kn - - - - - - - $900, 000 - leering evidence of Menzikofi's ?skip, rand I hunter I found a ome. The hunters daugh- then passed out In s moms t oro the SEAFORTH, - - ONT. ; REST, Un Undertaking g and F'urni- . " ter ministered to y «'ants -I loved her and doorway was darkened by th stout form B• E+,, WALKER, Gliv'%TER.AL �ANAGLt'R. let him have this. - ., � - . to, did well enough though I shor1dc1I! a she became my. fe, and from her I received. of Ivan. Ruric saw him, and sprang for- Telegraphic connections everywhere. Low rates tune '�IYlp�l'Iu]Y> to know haw many nacre of iuy noltles re- this sweet child. But at length, after the ward. There was something in the presence , n money pKkages, and remitters guaranteed .against SEAFORTH BRANCH . EAF'ORTH, ONTARIO. vedletters °f like description."' lapse of Sears, sh died, and for the hunter I of the strange man that Carrie hope with loss. The convenience and safety of our money ce order service is attracting the attention. of and pleas- AhGeneral Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted Drafts consented to I sit of. There I met Galitzin. it. OUTSIDE OF THE COMBINATION. L "Not many, I think," said Cralitzin. "Re: „ » " inv many patrons. Special rates on produce and . i He knew me, and, advised me to try and get Ivan, the youth -uttered, k. What poultry. Toronto train service only 4 hourq, Mon- issued payable at all points in Canada, and the principal cities in probably wrote to me first, and I think mp back my estates, and a pardon, at the time is this visit f0rn' - 12 Funeralsfurnishednt the shortest notice � answer must have dampened his ardor. 1 „ � rcab hos rs. the United Staies,Great Britain, France, Bermuda,&c. and eatiatactiodgui anteed. A large resort-� promising toasss me in tearing theveilfrom TO lead you hence.', SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. meat of Caskets, and Shrouds, due. i c simply wrote ,to him that he had mistaken Menzikoff's f 'ce: I consented to the proposi- `'Whither?" -- always on ;land of the best quality.. The bes�Y his man." _ "To liberty." t, tion. Notice to Creditors. I Deposita of $1,00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest allowed, 1N'"Et- of EmbalminFl+kid aced free of charge and, He must have mistaken his man, if he "Then I we' t.b ck to Cireassia, and having Ruric put forth his hands an bowed his E9T ADDED T THE PuINCIPAL AT THE END OF MAY AND NOVEMBER IN EACH YEAR, rices the lowest. Fine Hearne, e� S. T. HOLMES, Funeral Director. 1106 - thought to turn John Gal'itzin into a trait- taken leave or m child I returned to Azof, head. The words were soft a d sweet to IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN I � dente — GODERICH STE.BET, directly op- '11 1 or," said Nicholas, With a momentary glow and from the �v I accompanied anied Gallitzin to his ear, and he knew that they eant all he DINSMORE, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Ih Special At ention given to the Collection of Commercial Paper and Farmers saps posits the Methodist ohuresh in the house upon his features. Tula, where i ,-tato la P There I took the' could ask of life. He spoke n t but with MAY, IN THE COUNTY OF Ht ICON, YEOMAN, Notee, formerly occupied by Dr. Scott. y y p° ' DECEASED. P, gOLMETFD Solicitor. M. DZOP►RIS Iriana gr ter"" —'� !�" t' There was a pause of some moments, d:ur- character of a� ser and- the count wrote to both his hands in Ivan's stro g grasp, 170 c + ' i; , Notice is hereby given pursuant �o Chapter 110 of ing wliicli the three inen regarded each othor Menzikoff s 'tin( that, upon the estate of walked forth from the prison-honse. The the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1587, that all perRons earnestly. = L'asilowitz thre as a serf named Ivan, ivho guards gave way for them go pa ,and when having claims against the Estate of J, hn Dinsmore, t �_ Iran had grown own uneasy, and he seized the was a ready scho a: and a capital engineer, they reached the street our her asked if he late of the Township of Hay, iTI the Counts of Huron, i �• Q was again to see the emperor. "No " said Yeoman deceased who died a or about the deliver day i Announcement prezent opportunity to speak. who was also usi us toIiyain tit. Yetersburb. g P , +� of Januar], A. D.,�l> 01, aro requ[red to deliver or I � portant a ��/�•. " _= Ivan with a meaning shake aft ,e head, vve head by poet to Robert Douglas, Blake P. O., Ontario, the Mc ilio' ltii�tlial i`IZ'e Sire, he said, I left some ]tapers avith 1s waS etpeeted, Lenzilcoff sant for me at , i the Executor of the last .wilt and testatnant of the you in hopes that you would live them a once, and I went t the capital. He did not are not ,�o see tho emperor. Bu vee will not ,1. p said John Dinsmore deecased, on or before the 10th careful perusal. You remomber?" recognize ane in rat sol did be hold a sus- talk of it' ere. Lotus walk on. ' 1} day of Januan,, A. D., 189 ,their names and addrea- Insurance Company. "Aye," returned \ichoIas, %v€rh a kind= i^ion though he bud discovered m secret In fiftesla minutes they reached a dwelling sen and the full particulars o` their claims, land the — ` g + p - Yg which Ivan entered. In a lar •e drawing- securitles (if an. }held by them. And that liter the — lin� eye, I do remember, and I have read when he last saw e. It is now nearly three r said loth dap of Jat,uary, A. D., 1892, the said BRIGHT B �T�� B FARM AND ISOLATED TO N them every one. 1 have rheic at this neo- years since I beta trite his serf, and as you rooru P�uric saw llivrrh4� sitting : one. Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the 1 PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. meat." ! ' ' y •"C ln,", said the fath'.r.. '•S e iS yours, said deceaseds mong the parties entitled thereto icnoty, ?arc, I lla.e ticcompiihe<1 all I could i`° i -As the emperor spoke hell drew a packet havu honed. I t!A,ed his full cunfidence, now, Reocdor." having regard only to the claims r n, -an notice shall t , g have been given as above required, and the and �EgFORTT-T orFicxas. y from his pocket and cast oft the string that Tie youth moved forward and sank upon p o ajtcl piece by Uiece I worked the proofs Out. Executor will not be responsible for the assets, or,any - ihos. E. plays, President, Seaforth P. 0.; W- J. bound it. His countenance caannud as he t his knees at the maiden's feet, bu she, seemed kart tr:ereof to any erson of whose claim notice shall Shannon Secy-Treas., Seaforth 0,; John Hannwb, Yo have tLem al and you know holy great t Y p inn his eyes over it, and when he again duck a sinner 1 urn." to have auticipated his movem nt, for she not have been received at the time of such distribu- l Manager, Seaforth P. O. The Leading Clothiers of Huron ,. _ was instant] kneeling beside bin . tion, J. NI. BEST, Seaforth, So'dcitor for Lxec•ueor. ! -Dixrscrortrs. ed up his ,lip tremNed, The emperor lis erred with marked- atten- y b Dated december 10th 13+9:. 1252.4 Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Ross, Clinton; "By this paper," he resumed, "I am in- tion to Ive.n's i eci al, and when it was con- "Myrrha," -,poke the count, �a he clasped Gabriel Elliott, Clinton-, George Wath, llarl&ek formed that Menzikoff was the only evidr ac : eluded be, shoal h s head with a movement the fond being to his bosom, I know that Be to inform the people of Seaforth and sur rounding country, that they have Joseph Evans, Clinton.Beeood ; ?,i. l4i:rrdie, :eafortl, ; �i' Thos. Garbutt lintoagainst the Prince Michael Basilowit..- I that showed some remaining doubt. - the sun of peace has come, I thi k my pray- u ONr-1`ATZT0 a ' ; �, ++ ars tiro ans?verecd. added to their largei;rdered clothinb trade one of the aertiFrs. : iemembet that the prince %vtt; banished to I undrstar•rd a 1 this Ire said butthere ,+ i Thos.lCeb)ans, ;iarlock; Robt. biehliIian, Seaforth ; - 'iberia b m brotborAtexauder." w Yes, murmured Mvrrba, Ochi e the warm S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo S y is yet ono thin t be explained. Ho caa,cs �(n�u�1 - g 7VeStock. 4e q� ' l ``A e ire so he was " earnest] responded the Count Ituric t hit so lain] upon this tears rolled down her cheeks like rain, (hod Mutual--- - x i t+ Most Complete and hest selected stacks of Boys' Youths' '�furdi i desirous ! Parties desirous to effect Insurances cr frau y S y 1? villa e %where our ciao h P dwelt?" p has r,ur•ely let the season of tribidation pass ! sact other business will be promptly attended to o" F r Ivan. g g and Men s Readymaede Clothing " Feodor tremble Wheu he beard this ues- frond us.., We should praise him, Feodor."plication to any of the above officers, ddressed to, l But have you read the other napery-tLe q i N S U R A C E CO.C .�i tion far he saw that the emperor's quick Aztd tiler did praise him. V ith fervent their respective post offices. lli3 others thist tell how false was Seuzikofi s IN THE COUNTY. accusation? Have: you read the paper there mind had divined tho truth: But Ivan did worc)s they offered up their than s, rind Ivan I in Menzikoff's own handwriting, whero he not hesitate. stood by and wept while they pra ed- Head Office : - Seaforth. �! i �� ro sed to Slamskov for the overthrow and "I directed ]aim there sire." ften the season of quiet came the trio sat Mt R G "�� p +i down. Ruric's first question %v toknow b THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Company in disgrace of Prince Michael Basilowiti?'' Aha -poo Gad And how did you see q y Ontario having a Government Deposit and being ISSUED AT "Yes I have read theca all." him? wha. means Myrrha escaped fre Constanti- duly licensed. by the same. Aie now carrying on - "Ana do YOU understand their meaning?" "It was l who li ra ted him from Prison.), nopl for on that point he was a iously in the b si a of of i e Stock Insurance s dance and breeders solicit the the Prices Unequalled . We lead the T rade. f � _, „ the ark. TNS�g�lli Yes, every feature of it. Beware, pr•iuc beware( uttered Nicho- y Provion Remember the Old Stand ,Campbells Block opposite the Royal Hotel, „ ,, "I�Phen you left me to to the house of the ' You remember the Prince Michaelf las, rn a deep tone. „ Gr k," said rho maiden, "I re fined quiet- For further particulars address ? - "Indeed I do," returned Nicholas, with a "I am not afrai to own the truth, sire, , SeafOTt11, _ SIMAF ORTH, ON". RICI• strange Idok. "We were at school together? quickly returned van determined to speak ly Pon the couch until I heard loud voices JOHN AVERY, Sec.-Trea.s. '�• . below, and among other words, heard your - BRIGHT BROTHERS. NO WITRESSE.S RECUIRED - . He was with rue under the severe tutelage of before the empero could have opportunity 118a - old Lseneral' Emendorf :and even when Ade- to make a de isio on the subiect- "The !1-0131e. I sorane to the door and lisrt■n. ' - �. 1 -- . ( .- I ` 1 l i( 11 - .