HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-01-01, Page 6ft u- f i . _ f . . - z . i I i . _ �_ ' f �i . . ► ' _ ? .,..„ --- _-- ....e. .i. r. I 1 I .( . t =- -� . � I TH HURC)I`I E P�SITC�R.mmm . 6 i I . - . utak for her she ex plains away my answer, not worf luggin' around de kentry. Christmas Day. q . or modifies it or signifies her approval of it. A dollah will buy a' great deal moat for a A good old-fashion4d Christmas, with the loge upon Then I try to be dignified and to show Janet grateful man than it will for a stingy one. the hearth, her lace. If I cath her eye I frown, but People who expeck a man to kick his own a � A he table filled with feasters, an' the room a -roar place. What ' 'itl Haired, cosh bpportnnitie are rare, for it is the dog in cafe of a fight have got a big surprise With the stockin' crammed to Bustin', an' the guest on whom he eoncentratcs herself. laid up for 'em. m dders piled lith snow— She even tells hi , in my -presence, little When you flatter yourself dat de majority A good old fashioned Christmas tike we had sA long things about mysel which I would prefer to of people don't know de difference between o ! keep to myself: T e impreeaion conveyed de roar of de.liou an' de bray of an ass yen ,� v vow that's the thing I'd tike to see ag'in afore I by her is that ao fide everything to her. have struck a bet naana peel that will bring "i • des' bore—it's diff o' m 1 When my guesk re ' arks that I am becom- you down ker$op. i, But Cristmas in the city bore a . With the crowded; hustlL-bustle of the slushy, noisy ing a hardenedibao elor, andI hint tollanee le your dyspepsia chronic? Is itsovere? Is it a street, because the lacier o not give ore a - `` An the reef, upon the faces of the strangers that Janet breaks is5 w th- mild form ? Try K. D. C. It is guaranteed to cure �I' you meet. � a Oh, deed its a ouder he wasn't married any form or money refunded. ® 11 ���---- ,' Oh, thore's buyin'T onty of it, of a lot o' gorgeous long since, buG the one he wanted wouldn't K. D. C. is " worth its eight in gold i4' "sells like toys : � have him, and'the ones that want him he hot cakes," „ is all it is recommended an excellent Rammma An' it takes a mint o' money to please modern girls , " , rented and " the best dyspepela remedy ever / ��. ti and boys, won't take. lie s an ill man to please. i offered to the public." See testimonials. ` '� for be Why, I mind the time a jack knife un' a toffy -lump " Ah, Jauety" t e guest may SAy, ( ��*0_-_— for me enjoys her int8rfe rose more than I dor) „The proof of the pudding is in the eating." h• Made m little heart an' stookin' jus' chockfull of ,t you make him o comfortable that you I D. D. has been tried and tested and. has proved itself �'icLSitob'ja, IS �p° Samuel I�itL'hQ`r's p;reSCrintiOn for jnlanes y Chris'mas.glee, y +� to be the Piing of Medicines, the Greatest Cure of the and CblldreIIo It eolitaiius >ucitl>ler Opium, Dlorphilae not spoil him. ; An' there's festgtin'. Think o' feedir.' with these "Alaybe," says Janet, "but it took me Age, and the Perfect Dyspopeia Curo in the rnarlcet. �tL�r T•i�rCOtiC sI1�JStaT1CC- It is Z �laTiril�05� SIIUStitllt0 i stuck-up city folk- l �.��.. why, ye bare to speak in whispers, an' ye day's n't YeB� a to learnho to manage him." (rood Advice. Does he need o be managed ?" �Ol^ 7L'aregoric, Drops, So©tmiL1� Syrlip�l, anti Castor Oil. crack a folie, troubled with.head- Then remember how the tables looked, all crowded '' I never k0ew a man that didna." DEAR SI>for I have beenears and had it so bad ' It is �'loasant. Its 11aTaIItC© is thsI•tf yCflrSr IIs0 by with your tin, Then they get anet to tell them all my ache for over rorty years, When you could t hear a whistle blow asters the about once a week that Ilwas sometimes not expected y q' little " tantrt> me, ' as she calls them, and; she to live. I was advlsed to use B. B. B., and have used Millions of 11ZOthers. �%� stOrlD' tics �royS �orII13 �1A(� C_, 3�, 9 merry din;! holds forth iEon my habit of mislaying any 3 bottles. I now have an attack only once in four or t mush er, or on how I hate five months, and feel that if I continue using it 1 will :fevorishn'i3SS. C aStoria, prevents VOlnitiII9 S©IIP CIIrtlls You see I'm so aid fashioned like I don't care bat and th®n blaming h , be entirely cured. Therefore I recommend it highly. (iaStOria, relieves for style, rice pudding, or n the way I have worn the y MRS. E. A. SToxr.Y, cures DiarrlaCE a, :aIICll W�� CoIiC. ! An'to eat yourChris'mas bz►ntluets here I wouldn't carpet by wa�'klta up and down the fluor . Shetland, Ontario. go a mile ate— toothin- trot abler, Cu''as Coyistipation and Ilatulenc�. i 1'd rather have, ;like Solomon, a good garb -dinner when I wold be mflre comfortable in a set, ; cha'er: Now nd again I have wound -myself Ei ditOrigj Evid:ellCe. (;asteria asSin2ilates tho food, renulate5 tiro stoniaCllt .t With real old friends, than turtle soup with ail the up to the point o reproving Janet when the C%" nobs you'd get. p g Gr.sTLr.�tF�,—Your Hagyard's Yellow Oil is worth t 1 sleep. guest had gone, ut . the result is that she its weight in gold for both internal and external use. Ai1C11. 1)p`VOlS,-1viDa llealt.ly Dn(j IIa^.tIIrc , There's my noxi; door neighbor, Gurley—fancy how tells her eelegt fr ends how "quick in the During the late La Grippe epidemic we tonna it a feria i8 the Lrhil(1T,vIIrg panaCear—t110Othcr's Frleliltl. his browsu'd lift temper " I all, - �So Janet mast remain as most excellent preventive, andel or sprained limbs, 1 etc., there is nothing to equal it. If I'd holler, "Merry Chris'mas ! Caught, old fel- she has grow ,and it is gratifying to me Wer. PP.MI;N.RTc.\, /•r lcw, Chris mss gift !" Ca storia. Cic`a,,riti0r1c`l,. Lordylcw, I'd' like to try it ! Gnese he'd nearly (though I do 't flet on) to knout that she Editor Reporter, Dellis, Jrrtario. rr have a fit; f turns up'her nos at every other minister ' 46 Castpi is i3 0 �vc11 ads *et1to clrildrenithst Hang this city stiffness, anyways, I can't get used who preaeheie in my church. Janeti is al A Change for the Better.. . •' f;astorla is an execLent rredlcino for ch.l p tort. y Stas,—I have taken three Bottles of Burdock Blood dies. PIot:re:s ha�o repeater3ly told Ino oL its I rocomrirend it assupcj,-iortoa:iy paescri�btion ways afraid Nvhe I go off for a holiday that elfin' till it nearly buret con re iatio s in the big towns will Sitters and find it a good medicine for constipation cool effect upon their children." L -nor, n to mc." H A. Ancaslt, lli. T?•. There your heart it kept a. sw the g g and ora flee. I will continue taking it as it is D .. G. C. OSGOOD, . your side, •� dna me u " It is pleasant to feel that poor ppe An'by night your jaR<s were robin' with your smile p • . �. p a great blessr,I and I feel a great change in niy Lowell, plass. 111 50. O�fprd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wt - four inches wide, she has this pluton-of me, though I know health since taking it. ' one you'd 'use grab his that the lar a congregations do not share it. MRS. J. V. GREEN, .,C Storiaisrhobest remedy forchildrenof "Our ph;slcinna in tido children's debate. An' your enemy, the wo st J 6 Sydenham Street, hand an say, Who are my winter visitors? The chief Toronto Ontario. r o1:c I hi hl of Wear eiperi- �+ a both et us was wrong, John, Come, let's Cre ]lave no doctor, t<l:ich I a:n acquainted. I hopo tho day is not men• in r ,,o SP p y Mebb of t -hem is the dost -_ hris' wren come --. _- . .. _- far en(; although uteeir Oaly h^ oractice wita"1011-9 too�r shake. >t s C y of course, up here, and this one haS to c e ris'maa spirit Seems to dwcll'taeen �i =NE interest of t::elr children, and use CsWria Mighty little Ch p twelve miles to us. He is rather melan s:eatl or thevariouz°uachnostrumn�vhicharo medical supnllea �vlhat i, 1 nc; n as regular that the city,valls, choly when we send for him ; but he wastes � foreinjo ium products, yat oro aro free to confess Where each atiow-flake brings a soot -flake for a Y French China 3ntrG ng t'1eir loced ones, by o p , brotlreras it tails ; no time in coming; though he may not bane Cas cries has won us to look ,vied Mighty little Ghrig'mas spirit! An' I'm pinin', don't had his clothes off for twenty-four hours, rnorph!ne, sooth!ng syrup and other hurtful merits o� F i ! thereby sending' favor upon it." yon know, c agents down t heir thrOatS, - U-,ITED �O3PITAL AND DISPY-113 .itY, and is well swaps that we cannot pay 'bI>g TEA SETS . them to premature graves." < For a good oId•fashioned Chns'mas like we had so fees. Several times he has had to remain _ Boston, !ii1�". long ago. Dir. J. r. KINCREW3, i -Alice Williams Brotherton. with me all night, and once he was snowed Conway, Ar dla.g=r C. Setrrl, Z''es•, i - . up. here for a week. At- times, too, he A C011lplete aS drives so far on his way to. us and then bag Tho Centtanr �;ompna7' 'i7 Murray street, Ntevzr York City. d Life in a Country Manse• to turn back because the gig sticks on the SO1tTYlent Of fin ) . Up here among the heather (or nearly ao) heavy roads. He ie only a doctor in a Small decorated Chin we are, in the opinion of tourists, a mere county town, but I am elated when .I See Ives we are at least Y _ _ _ -- _ ___._ �_- __ - -- - hamlet, though to cares $ just to hand at - — • „ him, for h ca tell me whether the overs•;, ___ -._ _ a village. Englishman call us a elachan" —' — -' - ment is still i power. Then I have the Q though, truth to tell, we are not sure what school ins pea or once a year. The school K' LLO R A N 'Di. COQ that is. J abt as Gulliver could not see the inspector i always threatening to change �j n O B0Q'T s S H E�. thesetourists p Y kes W stern Tea Em orium. V V DA Y8 SALE f Lilliputians without stooping, the date of inspection to surnmer,but he to e P may be looking for the elachan when they the town f oml which the doctor comes in are in the middle of it, and knocking at. one early spy ng,fand finds it convenient to . of its doors to ask how far they have yet to come fro " th 're to here. Early spring is - T 1 go till they reach it. To be honest we are q • E V SI N E S S i', _ - often whaler with us, so that the school in- / b GIVING iT P �•J y only five houses in a row, including the sector coimea when there is usually snow on J smiddy, with a Free church manse and a few the gronnI or threaten ng. The school is a ® , farms here and there on the hillsides. mile awa at another' but the in r ' w - . So far as the rest of the world is concern- 3�-�- a seer dine9� with me, and so does the I ed, we are bleated out with the first fall of Pe 1k..� snow, x gnppose tourists scarcely give us a seheolma�ter.' Ou these cocamioos the school- 0 bays master is Inot lbuch good company as at othar 0 . ~---- McInnis to Mr. Thomas Richardson, who is to take possession of th stock on heard g g ex lains,'as f think, m and adding, „ that re alar ai'�e ndance is out of the ques• n February 1St, 1892. c` But. vFhat a place it must be in winter ! tion in a place'Iike this: The inspector's j - m As Mr. Richardson and i Innis wish to have the stock redu ed about To this their friends reply, shivering : visit is the time of my great.annual political m` ONE-HALF, we will offer our entire stock of about I ' "A hard life, indeed !" debate, for the doctor calls politics '-fudge." chi- a'= } h Asd the conversation endo with the com- The inspector and I are on different sides, ` � Worth of Boots, ®�e ("Shoes C 0 $5,000 Wo r Ment = however,`• and we go at each other hammer � � � � CD � O ' Don't Bali it life ;itis merely existence." and tong, while the schoolmaster signs to and Rubbers Well, it would be dull, no doubt, for me :(with his foot) not to anger the in m 5 tourists up here in January, say, but I find specter. z t� .. "� the winter a very pleasant change from sum- Of course, outsiders will look ingredulous n• M tai Cp Away down in price. The stock has got to be sold, and we are going to mer. I am the minister, and though my • haste sank when I was "called," I rather en- when I asauke them that a good deal of time O sell it. joy the new life now. I am the man whom is passed, in preparing my sermons. I have cfi only one Sabbath service, but two sermons, • m $1�f Red,uetions on Everything." the tourists pity most. ,7 the one beginning as soon as the other is fin- tt '� O t7 11 lbe. others drawl through their lives, fished.- In such a little church, you will say, � " � nX., these tourists say, " to the manner born ; they must b$ easily pleased ; but they are M Come along everybody ; our stock is large, but the first choice will be the but think of au educated man who has seen not;- -Some f them tramp long distances to " O W 0 best. Alco a large stock of TRUNKS and VALISES, which will be sold at life spending his winters in such a place, Q rr o society." church in weather that would keep you, prices to suit the -buyer.. Sale to .commence on FRIDAY, November 3 t . He can have y reader, in the house, though yobr church is W ; "Let us hope the poor fellow is mar round the coyner and there is pavement all �, �, d 0 Don't forget this sale' at • . � 11 ried." the way to it. `} i " Ob, he is sure to be. But, married or m ;= �- HAMILTON �c 1VI0I N N I S'� 1 single, I am certain I would go mad if I were I can preach old sermons ? Indeed I can �: r p• in his shoes." net. Many of my hearers adjourn to one of 0 caCorner of Main and John Streets, is John Logan's3 Old j Stand. I am the five hooses when the service is over, CD ^ 0• Thein conipariaon is thrown away, �' I strong and hale. I enjoy the biting air, and and there I am picked pretty clean. They v Ct, ,..; j I seldom carry an umbrella. I should per- would detect an old sermon at once, and re- t P •• 1, haps go mad if I were in the Englishmen's sent it. Ido not "talk" to them from go, v M O cr - 1 Shoes, glued -to a stool all day,and feeling pulpit. I write my sermons in the manse, a..—_--TTOrTS&E_ t niy road home through the fog at night. and though I use "paper," the less I use it p- ,- @ O . And there is many an edacated man who the better they are pleased. ¢, 0 As the firm of Hamilton & McInnis is about to undergo a cha> ge, W. J envies roe. Did not three titres as many The visits of the doctor are plcamut to me 3� i or a hearing, --when the in one sense, but painful in others, for I � td f FIanlilton having sold out his interest in the business to Thomas Rjichardoon . probatianers apply f g church was vacant, as could po3s possibly be need not say that when he is called I am re- s>• p rn m � we notify all parties owing Hamilton ce; I�Zclnnis to call and settle' their ac heard ? quired too. To wade through miles of snow E p� p, I �- counts before January 15th, 189`.', Those not settled at that dal`I will b But hole do I occupy my time ! the Eog- is no great hardship to those who are areas- � C` r, m handed in for collection. - �" Iish gout, would say, if they had not toured to it ; but the heavy heart comes v m _ HAMILTON ae. M %o .N S• forgotten Inc. What do the people do in when one of my people is seriously ill. Up GS I— M — _ ` j+ winter? here we have few slight illnesses. The doe- o � P __ -::-z.--- _ __ _ _ ___ _ --1 ' No, I don't lie long in the mornfngs and for cannot be,summoned to attend them and � , doze on the" sofa in the afternoon, rind go to we usually fight away until the malady has - �j, e+ � �`1 /� OST �^ feel at nine o'clock. When I Jwas at college, a heavy hold. Then the doctor comes, and � O � 00 STOVE i,' AT . C S Je i where there is so much "life I breakfast- though we are so scattered, his judgment is rn O m { P• , G1. ed frequently at ten ; but here, where time moon known of through the glens. When F•,_, P• ° I M (they say) hang hfavy on my handy, I -the tourists oma back in ��summer they c�t cu®T l� _am up at seven. Though I am mot a married will not see all the "natives of the year. � m ccl- �, T1N�ARE AT man, no one has said openly. that I am in- before.owl -L t 1 sane. Janet, my housekeeper and servant, It is said by those who know nothing of v � ,�, M M . d _ . has my breakfast of porridge and tea and our lives th t we have no social events m `G cr• I haul ready by half past seven shat ,you worth s eakin of and no amusements. This 0 Ln 11 see the morn cgs are keen, and so, as I )ave is whatpignor ignorance brings outsiders to. I (A @ �, „m BARDWARE AT COST ST no bedroom fire nor hot water, I dress more bad a marriagelast week that wm probably t� quickly than I dressed at college. Six min mere exciting than many of your grand af- M f then Ja�►et and I have fairs in Londe . And as for the amuse- utes I give myse! , P-+ 0 M ; prayers, and then follows my breakfast. menta, you sh uld see us gathered together Mntr 11'� �'Pha an appetite I have ! I am amazed to in the &middy, and sometimes in the school �ptd j�+i The Greatest Bargains Bier offered it recall the stude>,t nays, rodeo I "could not house. But I must break off here, for the n 0 I look zit porridge," and thought a half -penny reason that I have used up all my spare Ser- W Seaford for a short time only roll suffic"tent for both of us. mon paper—a serious matter, h shall send �-` the editor s methio about our social 5 , Dreary pleasure, you say, breakfasting g - r• t alone in a half -furnished house, with I the gatherings pr sently, for he says he wants d- 11 `� SZDD'S 4LjD. sT� D snow lying some feet deep outside and still it. Janet, I ay add, has discovered that AT monotonously falling,. Do I forget the sound this is not a sLrT . and ie very curious I of my own voice between Monday and yatur- about it.—Gailvy, in British Weekly.' p 'T FORGET THE I'LAC. day ? I should think not. Nor do I ftilrget � DON y R>Iv. W. A. NEwf;OMB, - Jzanet's voice. Z -have read somewhere-'thst Thomaston,- _ _� _--.__- __ ,-___- ___.. ,__ o ch. are a ver taciturn race, but Maine : " Su ering from Indigestion when -_ Cl- JO • — tbe sat Y - _ Janet is far more Scotch than the hsggis io Nova Scot a a year ago, a package of K. _ . - THE _ SEAF ORTH FOUNDRY that is paps -,d round at some London din- D. C. was gi en me and, I cheerfully ac , ners and Janet is not a silent wemam The krowledge that the effect of the remedy in w,, $ . . ; difficulty with some servants is to get them curing the t ouble was very marked and `THE SND r.A , as we l as laet'tn ." NO SECOND CHA:�C;E. Having cbmplated rebuilding and repairilig the old foundry, and; lntrodu to answer your summons, but my difficulty prompt g Good .�n.e R.., n„O.e ., Y. -: ,,--t. de the latest equipments and the most improved machines, I am nodi preparE oiled Janet is to get her back to the kit -- IME�V '--ft t0 do ` Chen. Her favorite position is at the door, bort Sermons. , ° - whick she keeps half open. One of her feet in a man credit If you want to sL'art him A ( Kinds of M a� h : n e Repair' --w� lids twists round it, and there she stands, on de road t de Poo, house. 5E � half out of the room and h%lf in it. She has p a cod de"al of osy :p to t: 11 me about those As it am a roughness of de grinstuII — �� � GE F RAL FOUNDRY WORK• whisk shat ere de axe eo it am de troubles have made and kept l c:.�'. �rcd Business = five horns s thatlie low, two hundred ykr,:.. p the largest in the wo:!.1—ML:ri: 1'cl!s, �j , 1. from the manse, and, it must be admitted, I of 11fe which aige up de human mind. Ferry's Seed A.r.nu�l Fo: t8' z LAND ROy • • •• j listen. Why not? If one is interested in Gray hairs am, entitled to respeck only ITV - 9 peopl3 he muse gossip about them. Yoli, in when de ow ors of gray heads reepeck deli tells the whole Scud. story—Sent lira for the I selves. asking. Don't sow Dced 6..1 }•c gc: i[. ` London, may nor care who your next jdoor FERRY & CO JV;ndsor,tJ€it. We are now turning out some of the best improved Land Rollers, a>< neighbor ia, but you gossip about your It doan d no good to dight a candle anter .M. r brothers and sisters and -aunts. Well my you have bi-eatin' wormy , apples in de- invite the f ^rmers to sae them before buying elsewhere,- ? Pe are as tainid,ir to me as your brothel -8 dark. De puss who judges de speed of a mule T. T. COLEMAN. are to you, and, therefore, I say, "Ah in- P _ I deed," when told that the smith is busy by his bray Ian t complain if eberL. ybody IN THE /� __ - with the wheel of a certain farmer's cart, passes him o de road. Surrogate �/ o U rt _RT ,�_T C j and ”` Dear me, is that ec ?" when Janet ex- De puesen who am neber tempted de-__ plains that William, the ploughman, he$ gut serves no pe' tickler credit for obeying' de Of the COUNTY OF HURON. f me;gy, his wife, to cut his hair. M�eggy law. , Quta my flair. She pate a bowl De less advice you gin without pay de mo IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF AM NDA SOLID GOLD, GOLD FILLED, P SILVER, credit you will receive fur beim' chuck full McLEOD, LATE OF THE TOWN OF SEAFO tTH, All the best makes. on my head and oiips stray every- IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, DECEASE thing that it does not cover, So I would of wisdom. thin Janet if she were gone, and bar ttingu0 hien who expect -to be he treated jiet aq NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Chapte 110, DIAMOND RINGS, GSM RINGS, PLAIN RING you treat them will never slander nor abuse of the Revised statutes of Ontario, 1887, that : is a% enlivening as a sarong ticking clock. Y all persona having rialtos against the Est of �JFJ El • R J� a No doubt there are times when, if I,were you. Amanda McLeod, sate of the Town of diedSeafn or '�'' i not a minister, I might fling something soft Between eadin' a man's character by his the County of •Huron, Deceased, who died n or at her. She shows to least advz►ntt, a when bumps or g in' on a pie-nic wid him, take about the 28th day of November, 1891, are re silted ( LATEST DESIGN to deliver or send by post, prepaid, to J. M. Best, NEWEST GOODS, gg de is-nic. i , Seaforth, Solicitor for Mr. Kenneth McLeod, theAd- I have visitors. and even in winter I have a P ministrator of the real and personal Estate o the CLOCKS, NOVELTIES, PLUSH GOODS, SILVERWARE. �_'. man to dinner now and again. Then I What we kalkerlate on dein fur to -mor- ' `za that Janet does net know her lace. row won't pay de grocer for 'taters nor de said deceased on or before the 16th day of JAInary, (� r.,, Yeah P 1892, their names and addressee and the full p rticu- SpECTACLEt,�{ While we are dining she hovers in the wicn- butcher for soug bone. , lars of their claims and the security (if any) he d by Gold framed and all SOTtS u0 Slllt all $Ig itF If she is not pretending to put the room Doan' be oa hard on human natur . De them. And that after the said 113th day of Jainary, V y' mss who ki sot down and tell - you exactly 1892, the said Administrator will proceed to iatri- For Christmas and New Year's presents, . k W rights, she is in her fortified positibn at - • the door and if rice is not at the door she what die ketry wants to make her great and bate the Assets of the said decemsed among th par- aq lotions may have no ideate where his next ties entitled thereto, having regard only to clai hs of The right goods at the right prices: Headquarters far repairs. a® immediately behind it. Her passion is t p i5 , whioh notice shall bave been liven as above req fired, bels in the conversation. As she brings in barrel of fl ur am eomin from. and the, said Administrator will not be liable f r the j the potatoes she answers the last remark my A religion which can't stand befo' de sir- assets, ilr any part thereof, to any p, teen of hose R. M'�1 RC R' S AE) ORTH9 cue ureesh in de sound of ; fiddle am claim notice shall not have been received at th time ,L�j.LI .1.:� i� a • : V A west addressed to me, and if I am too .p of such distribution. J. Bi. BEST, Seaforth, So •citor Children -Cry g P i to h a is C a sto r i a. for Administrator. Dated at Soaforth this 24t day OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. V 1 I ro i'l ry f ®r of December, 1891. 1rl 4.4 - . . . I _ -.. E ! 'i - - 0 1 'O � ,-�___ 0 . . 1, ,_ I I I -_ - .. _ .... I . . i . I 3 4W_T I __i51 ' Cures Bunce, Cuts, Piles n .their worst farm, Swellings, 'Erysipelas, Inflammation, Frost Bites, Chapped Hanpa, and all Skin Diseases. - HIHST PAIN EXTERMINATOR Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neuralgia Toothache, Fains i`n'every form. By all dealers. Wholesale by F. F. Dalley dt Co. . i - M, ROBERTSON, 1 Le ding Undertaker . '.11AIN STREET, SEAFORTA. My facilities are unsurpassed. I am pre- pared to conduct burials in a most :satis- factory manner. All modern undertaking appliances, (ompetant managementguar- anteed. A full line of burial goof Ion hand. I aim to be prompt, considerate and reliable. . — tom' Charges meet reasonable. RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN STREET. 1223 ,d 9 WHEN IN TOWN DO NOT . FAIL TO SEE THE • GRAND =,,- DISPLA Y ld OF . . Novelties_ __ and Toys AT - C. i4 W. Papst's Bookstore, 81 Suitable for Xmas and f �1 . New Year s PRESENTS. �S All cordially invited. I C., W. PA PST, SEAFORTH. JANUICRY 11 v VETERINARY. LNIT�X PLUMBING ' �(OiN GRIEVE, v.,&, honor graduate of Ontario AND HEATING. •l Veterinary College. All tdiseases tte of Into -an Ataiinials treated: Calls promptly attended to :acrd charges moderate. Vete rinary Dentistry, a specialty . r ri f Office at H`eir's Royal Iiotai, Seaforth. 1112th .EX, S A !J,'/ C IT1,11LANK S. Beattle, V. S•, graduate of-Ontartt, Vet- erinary College, Toronto, Member of the, Vet- - �•OjDE1�TC�_ crinary Medical Soclf%y etc., treats all diseases of the Domesticated An male. All calf promptly at tended to either by day or night. Charges moder- I,AEST METHODS: ate. Special attention given tc veterinary dentim- attentlon paid to tIY• Office on Main Str-0es, Seaforth, one Booz a,rt1C11laT south of Kidd's Iiazdwesc score. 1112 citation ;and Ventilation. EAFORTH HORi3E INFIRMARY.—Corner t f Jar. vis-and(IoderfchStreets, next door to tate Pres. lana aIId SpeCl$Cat10Il Careful byterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All dhaases of )repaired. Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do n sticated anin3als, successfully treated at th, in.rmary or GepairiIIg Promptly attended elsewhere, on the shortest notlor• -barges m)der- ate. J�itiiES W. ELDER, Veteiinary Surge)n. P. S.—A large stook of Veterinary 3dodieinee rept "eon etantly on hand 'tree Trains Daily. 'eleplaone No. 28. LEGAL lorresl. ondence Solicited. I ---- --_ __ JAMES LENNO, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Proctor in Admiralty. 11 OFFICES: 120 Yonas Street, eorner Adelaide, ' and 978 BIoor Street, Toronto, Ontario. hilt . ��jATTHEW KORRISON, Walton, Insurance Iq Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavits. oal I Conveyances, &c. Money to loan at the lower' rates. af. M. ,volimsox, Walton. - COAL CO'Y. K. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, ,&c SHE PEOPLE'S ��= J. Of ice—Rooms, five doors north oiGommerr�al ,hotel, ground floor, next door to G. L. Papaf s (OF'PENN,A. MINE OWNERS.) jewelry store, (lain street, Seaforth. Goderich agents—Cameron, Bolt and Cameron, 121{ ,NADIAN OFFICE, HAKILTON, ONT: GARROW nd iP•le�h,It DFOOT, Barristers, .Solici Wit. PBOUDPOO:. eft Coal in Car lots sold direct to j`fAHERON, HOLT & CAMEROid, Barrldcy& $o C lfoitors in Chancery, &c.,Gloderfch, Our M, a IIISulffic 'S. CuI'soa, Q. C., PHILIP HOilr, M. a CAattsoel No intermediate. PTGRt33,o J. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c-,Iate I D. of Victoria, B. C. Ofliee—O.ver Bank of Writ6 for Prices. commerce, hymn street, Seaforth. Private fund fito loan at 5i and 8 per cent. Special attention Given to S#- — OTT, Barrlrttera, 8olicilon, Con a,tia of t the B AoSolielects orlabs. i ali>td C et e/j��S&C Gala honey to loan Office— Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. M�iNING JAIL Soars'. 781 HE WAS DETERMINED. I HOLMEgTED, successor to the, ,ate Arm F. McCaughey & Hohnoeted, Barrister, Sts hello, neighbor, I haven't seen you for a long licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor 4cr the ne ? Where have you' been ? You seen; to be in A Canadian Bank of Commerce. 1Loney to lend Farnw irry this'morning,? Anything wrong? Well yes? for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Malo Street, ek I suppose? No It is worse, I'm lost, and as angry SeaforilL the duce: Bad enough? How came you to get to that dilemma. You see that watch?. I have DICKSON & HAYS, formerly with Messrs. G !en down the Country for some time on business, row Proudfoot, GoderieW Ba+riste . 8a 8, A- id my watch went astray; loiters, etc., Seaforth and -Brussels, Seaforth O ffne It never failed me before, and I am carrying it Cardno's Block, Main Street, R. S. HAYS. W. 3. aw;eight years," I took it to six of the shining Jew- DICKSON. Money to Loan, 1127 ry stores of the town, where I stopped, but mone of . aero seemed to detect what was the matter, I kept ;clog to them until I a as told, myself and watch, W . CAMERON SMITH, ere a nuisance around there. I got a chance to W. v ome home for a few days, and I was not going to . ise it either. 11 Where are you goi _g to get it re- B A R R 1 $ 1= R. aired to -day T"Solicitor of Superior Court, Comrnissiorer for -- Ism going straight to Papst's jewelry store Sear taking Affidsvits in the High Court arth, and if I don't gather fixed there, I am satisfied of Justice, Commissioner, hen that what those other fellows told me,that it is an Money to Lend .merican watch. Aud I consider Papst a magical OFFICE.—In Meyers' Block, Nair Street, Seafort}t, rorkman on American or any other watch. adjoining office of Drs. Betkune and Belden. 1134 He set this watch right for we years ago, and it ave me perfect satisfaction, but I believe them other luffers has nearly spniled her now?. DENTISTRY. My friend, I can tell you, that when my watch is vrong I am wrong, when she is right I am right, and . am going to have her right too, soon as I get to W TWEDDLE, Dentist, Office over Hamiltq.a leaforth, I know Papat can fix her, so good bye old F. & McInnes' Shoe Store, Boner Main and JoRh allow. Streets, Seaforth, Ontario. Nitrous, Oxide Gas 2d - ministered for the painless extraotion of teeth. 1139 DR. G. FRANKLIN BELDEN. Dentist; Assis--Ula&, CONSUMPT101to p ss e A. S. on of t eth Gas administrated r ainfers extraction of teeth. Office over Jahnsos�a I have a podtive remedy for the &boas disease; by "I . Hardware Store, .S'eaforth. Will visit Brucefield Me iboasands of eases of the worst kind and of long every of at Dixon's Hotel. 1226 standieg laws been eared. Indeed so strong is mr faith .1 in its asfa wr. that I will send TWO BOTTLE8 MEE, � KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. fl„ s� a VALHABLU TRPATISE on this d1wa" to se7t. . Exeter, Ont. Will be at Zurio T , "am "Yo W8I send me their EKHREB&smd P.O. addrum fQj= at the Huron Hotel, on tht LAM T. A. SLOCUM, M. C,, 186 ADELAIDE THuml)AY is &Aon Stotts; and ?t WEST, TORONTO, ONT. Murdoch'.) Hotel, Hensall, on the Asst Atte TMRD ST., FxmAY in each month. 'teeth extracted with the - least pain possible. All woes first-class at liberal rates. 8'71 McKillop Directory for- 1891• R. o. H. INGRAM, Dentist, (successor to H, L JOHN BENNEWIES, Reeve, Brodhagen P. O. D Billings), member of the Royal College of Den• JOHN MORRISON, Deputy Reeve, Winthrop. tal Surgeons, Ontario Teeth inserted with or with- DANIEL Df ANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. I out a plate in gold celluloid or rubber. A safe an�" s JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Beechwood. thetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Leadbury. Office—over O'Neil'e bank, Exeter, Ontario. 1204 J OHN C. MORR18ON Clerk, Winthrop. I N. B.—Plates secured firstly in the mouth by SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Winthro Yemens' Patent Valve. ROBERT G. ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop. ADAM HAYS, Collector, Senfortll. i MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN.—Straight loans at 8 per ��{ cent., with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money ai an} time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrist-er, Seaforth. MEDICAL. DR. C. SHEPPARD, Physician and Surgeon, B - , field, Ontario, successor to Dr. W. H. Wrig. 1225 -b - DR. T. P. MoLAUGH,LIN, M.C.P.S_, Ontario,.Plty- sicism, Surgeon and Aeeoueheur. Night calls promptly attended. Otllce, Dashwood, Out 1225 DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY, OFFICE, Goderich Street, opposite Meth t Church, Seaforth. RESIDENCE, next Agricul�I Grounds, J. G. SCOTT,31. D. C. M., (Ann Arbor and Vic- toria,) M. C. P. S. O. C. MACKAY, 31. D. C. M., (Trinity,) F. T. M. C., M. C. P. S. 0. DR. 3feFAUL, Member of the College of-Phy sicians and Surgeons, oto., Seafor�h, Ontaslo• Office, Cadf's Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Night bell at residence, north side of Goderich St., seventh door west of theMethodist Church. 12113 tf. RR. E. COOPER, 31. D., Physician, Surgeon and Accouoher, Constance, Ont.. 1127 . ELLIOTT GUNN, Brucefleld, Lioestist t (QRS&D Royal College of Physicians ane Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brucefleld, Ont. ISO W. BRUCE SILITH, M. D , C. Ilii., Membra"All the College of Physlelans and Surgoeve, All Seaforth, Ontario, Otfiee and residence same as occupied by Dr. Vereoe. $a ALER. BETHUNEM. D., Fellow of the Royal -College ;of Phys[Mans-and Surgeons„ Kingston. Successor to Dr. M&ckid. OMs, -lately eccupsd by Dr. Mackid, blain Street Seaforth. Residence —Corner of Victoria Square, in house lately occupied by L. E. Dancey. 1327 AUCTIONEERS. . P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the Coua- iy of Huron. Sales attended in a.1 parts of the County. All orders left tet Tall Expesrr(m Office will be promptly attended to. 11).H. •H. PORTER General Auctioneer and Land Valuator. Orders sent by mail to ray ad- dress, Bayfield P. O., will receive prompt attention. Terms moderate. 1185-52 W. G. DUFF, . AUCTIONEER FOR THE COLTWff, Conveyancer, Collector, Book-keeper and Accountant Real Estau, Life, Accident and Fire Insuranot Agent Money to Loan, Correspondence, do. Parties requiring cafe services in any of these branches will receive prompt attention. OFFicz ix DALWs BLOCK, (PrP STAlsB), MAIN STRicsT, Sirj aoltTn. 113' KIPPEN SILLS. . Always Ready to 'Serve the Public by Giving Good Tiour. JOHN lVT KEVIN Sege to inform his friends and the public that he is again able to give his personal attention to business, and having engaged Mr. John B. Austin, a thor- oughly competent,practicalmiller,he is preparedtodo GRISTING AND CHOPPING - On the shortest notice, and most reasonable terms to all who may call. Ser Satisfaction guaranteed every time. A trial solicited. JOHN MoNEVIN, Kippen, :.� -- I