HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-01-01, Page 3rry Xmas. a Stock has come. — stints, are now on 5h1ewd buyers are choice from ray : Holiday Goods. nice Goods been e prices been so low. Lsed who sees and 9 -ftv line of .1 �� . � � ; Jewelry,, Silver- , I v Goods,. Spectacles, I - � tc. There is sure i as at your house if , from � � I DIU NT ER, I - I I, St., Seaforth. � ----------- � - I I count. i oun.t. I I I � , � I ,Discount., � � - I - . e .E k ' purchased during - I S,�11 + $50 will be 1 al -'*4 1 Nowed off ea I � -- � I : I � Dominion I Pianos I 9 in stock. . ion OTT JDZLO-S-9: I I I I I . I -- Seaforth. --- — I I I I i I - �- It I � � I . I I owd. n M 11 I �t A e ... S 0--w 0 �"- .6 11 11 9. ? -. � 1,11 t4i` t -1 I'll � 1 � '� . Z 0 g . -S W - �� I Uq :Z 0" -.4 � . .. I I'll �N W 11W 1 , 11 I .. . � �� 11 I � 11 .� M 5 : - � � I 1 . � I . :� M �:l W-1 04 I L ��. 0 �1• 4., •f f t"I- CD r-7, I ow. 0 �-� �- M *-1 D 0-2 � , , I . I P - � �v P ­� .4 & Z V: Y�­ 0 - CD . - �� I Z P -+- ;w- I � I I - . -11'' � I I C+ 4, 0 z CD f -S � . I I =4 , e M . .1 C" 5 -1� � 0 .01, I 0, � 0?, clr- "%, I , I tZ, ./I- W I , I .. . I C+ - It : , 0 6o, ot ; . 1 W I �I � � - I P 0-11 M ;,�I ..., � . . I - .-4 l, .. 0-0 I .^ 0'' m 0111 � . : I I : I - 5 � 110 � C, 01 , C � tl+- I =11 C , ZI � (D 011.1 r ' Porter" I �; � �9 and Furn - ONTARIO. HE COMBINATION. id on, the shortest notice2 i anteed. A large assort- "offins, and Shrouds &0 i he best quality. The b;;R I [a8cd free of charge and', Fine Hearse. . f. .Funeral Director. Real- ;- w ist church in the house - I �y Dr.. Scott. - — -- ---.--- r - I . I I �� V 1, i . I , , � - I I 'A �- I - I � � ; i � i i I I � I I ; t. F- N, — 7 I I i op Mutual -Fire I I I I I I I � qe Company. , � � � I . .1 I ISOLATED TOWN 7 ONLY INSURED. - � , 4 I . I - �-FFXHFS- � . �,,ient, Sea -forth P. 04 IV. J- Sc�dorth P. O.,; John Hannah, I . ii. W I- AK70R& forth; Donald Boss, ' ss Clinton ; i , �-11` Geor-e Watt, Harlock . ,stood , 3i.Mu'rdie, Seaforth -. - - 1.1 . �- A(MNY4. t ick ; Robt. McMillan, Seaforth ; V,�-, � % John O'Sullivan and G co I - . - i P effect Insurances or tran . I " . ' bv proin-ptly attended to on hi! .,.'baye officers, addresged to Wees. . Im w � ,- %1�6'� .71 9.. UGENSES qs v I I I f � , r � It I v . I I � I 7 � - , EXPBSIT09 OFFICE . 1 i sei - - IrRSES FZECUIRE13 � j i I i . � I I . - I I I I ; I I I JANLuARY 1, 1892. . . I i � THE HURON EXPOSITOR. . I I I - I I - I i -- - . I - i the stafrs. He did not move away from tl a jasnings taRon from bis arms 11le ascended the it OuW X nor love bora on,, she was my own IMPORTANT NOTICES. i place where he stood, for he had no objec;; side of the ship and passed ver the gang-. mal„ . ! . "You loved her a , - I NY FOR SALE. -For Bale cheap, .A good,, rell- he only awaited the result of this movemen;, ' way. ; i -s a child," R?hispe�ed the PO - --,177 -m AK DOWN. littledreaming what it was, and little beed- "Now,il said the ca �, I count. - - able Pony, about s years ola, and perfectly � A B R.-L!j -FL4&"A3, I I'll take ,the sound, gentle and suitable for frinily use. -Apply to ing. Ina few moments more his door w bandage.00M your mouth, ' if you make 1 "AYe,-1 did -for she was of my own flesh A. O. AULT, Seaforth. 1261tf . pushed open, and 4 a cadi entered, followed the leasCnoise you will repon it.)? I aiid blood -the child of my love, the (laugh- -- -- , -, - - ---I,- I . I :: I ' three men each -wearing a nondescript The count signified that he ould be quiet, r of my bosom.11 - .. I OBN BEATTIE, Clerk The of Second Division - . � 1. I t, . i Court, 0ountycouirnissioner, of Ifuron,Con- I of dren 'moment Ruric saw the r and the gag was removed. Por a few tilt.- "But Albee-11 �, ; but thtF ; veyancer, Land, Lcan slid Insurance Agent, 1! ands . dress, he knew them -to be Russiins. I ments hO gazed, silently about him. The I I 'He was her graudfaher-the father of Invested and to Loan. Office -Over Sharp a I .. . I "Is this the rruan'r' asked the cadi, turn Ig ship's crow had all come on d�ck, and by, the Myrrha7sangel mother." I I Livens' store, Alain street, Seaforth. 1289 1 1 � "'or - � . mot . � toward his followers. . . manner ,lin which they conversed among "But Myrrha , does �0 know this{" said . � OSEY TO LOAN. -Private and company funds I . m7 fit -� . One of the Russians, who seemed 'by'blat themsel*es, it was evident .�.hey knew tb,p Ruric, in amazement. . - M to loan at lowest rates. -$10,000 of private * eery bearing to be a leader, approached tiie characte� of the risoner, a ,,Yes,. Yes; she knows funds have been placed in our hands which we I I . . p , 'd by he had h rparentage.111 Loans can be 11 . I - w completed at once if title satisfactory. DICKSON I I young man and lo�'oiked into his face. � - been brought aboArVhe � 1. "But she told me that bee ---71 � will loan in sums to suit borrower, I , . "This is the man," he said, : with a tj i- !,C*pt�in 1�bnzo", said ric, speWng "lundersiand,11 ante Ivan. "She & RAYS, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 11113tf I - 0 umphant look. I nervou-sli and with, `pain, "I. have a qu6tion was not to blame for thi Lt. I -will O,J',lairu - . . "You are. sure P' suggested the cadi, seen I- to ask you, and I hbpe you 4ili answer me I Years, ago I went to Circasda to find a ome. OOD WANTED. -Scaled tonders will be re- I * I L I) ,� . W cowed by the undersigned up to January 10, *•I -, ing anixious that there should be no blame or truly. I was a widower the -I had placed a 11 _r, . . i I 1 .4 r 1892, for the purpose of supplying 12 cords of reen - I . � I I Ili fib youVg and childless wile in the grave- maple body cordwood for School Section No, 8, L I mistake upon his hands. #M't object to tell you anythili(- I F, � , � - . - - , , I t 0 � "Of course I am sure," returned the R - and f�sought a home awa -from the Tuckeramith. JAMES NeGILL, Egmondville. 7 - , . i u 9-- know," was the captain's reply. . " . �- siyoli * .1254tf I � � I sian. 'I I know him as well as I Ino- w ant up to my room �t the inn once of my countrymen. Ifo nd shelter beneath - / Imyself. it * . - — — ­ - . , I � I . before you found m the roof of the hunter I lbec. He had a I I 0 . z . . 9 thereV I I $a 1 6 000 TO LEND at 5k per cant In sums to i . f ; 11 "But who tum I? What means this,V1 elyes.10, . child-adaughter-named Myrrha, aodsho suit borrowers first class farm 11115-'-1-- - I ' I - - I . . 1. . uttered the youth, gazing Orsi upon tie "And as there any one in imy room?" became my wife' 'She haj lived with me becurir,;. Also improved farni for sale at a great i - -.;-, .1 . I - [ - Tifikish cadi, and then upon. the Russians. 64 twelve years, and during - that time Was a bargain. Former owner left Count)'. Applyperson. z:-_ ---..O �, i , , I fou�.d nob6* there but the c", ally or write. E. N. LEWIS, ,tolicitor, Goderich . . I I 1 . E " Who are you I Why, you're 7-Feodo r, it. i whom happy man. We had one .-hild-a daughter=- - I - I k I . seriVp.- 4 , . ; . - . to ­ 1247-26 . ­ . Count Ruric. Will you deny it I" .1� I I a perfect type -of its mother, � and she, -too — -- -- I Thq d0l, - 1 1 1 . : .1 It . I - -if, 71 '14 ". we let hin' go upfirsk.;to Myrrha. After my w OTICE TO CONTRACTORS, -11 anted to let, the No sir. It is a name I am proud ­ I , " .� k' was named . I ' i I clear . wife ,�ed, N Job of cutting and skidding the cord -wood and returned the count, with a flush of indigna- Y. 11 I .. - ventured to Azof, and at . oar the! wap." are !I me t Ha d back -breaking toil Ont kaw logo on fro m, 60 to 100 acres of laud, also alearing ,,back -bre I at the wash tub, inhaling hot i i' John Galitzfn. From him 1:1emmed tome- the same. For further particulars address the un. tion. , I Yo . `'`Well, "And did he not find someone there?"'. I . dersigned, Box 126, Wingliatu P. , U. GEORGE . and bad ell, has broken d' n many a woman's health. But I sup � you are," said the Rui. I thing that made me reso! re to � L f W clan; "but yet it -s a name that I should"Not hat I know " ' ' � 1, go to Russia; THOMSON- 1246 tf, millions 0 women at the worbi have been rescued . F�, n't ' "You did, not see r of. I and toRussia'I went. I "aft my child in Al. I I L tkroug�ol : like to own under present circumstances." L WC)man�ll and care, �Lnd I made he pron�ise that der ----.-- , from thi unhappy conditioo by the use of " Sunlight " Soap, I "No --not a blessed wornan!have I seen in ONEY TO LEND.-Wul. Campbell, Seaforth . .1 Ruric turned pale. H3 gazed hard upcn the city, 11 11 all circumstances, until n y return she *ould , having been appointed agent for the Hamil'• which almost does the wash itself. A trial will convince you, by ' his interlocutor, and be recognized him as "And �he cadi--do you ' call Albec her father. I went'back to I visit Urovident Leon and Savings Company, is now - following the easy directions. Don't humbugged by cheaper some one whom be bad before seen, t know if he Aaw t);iem after I had been' tc prepared to effect loans on the most favorable ) . a bough one?" L Rus,cia; but !now, terms. interest 6 per cert., payable annually, i1nitatiOl LS. . '. . . . TV here he could notiat that moment determiD ?. alas, I can visit them no ore!" I charges very light. Partied desiring money will "If he did, be said nothingme about it. The count was puzzled now, and foi co"a t their own * fntermtd.by calliDg ou me before . I - "You don't seem to know me," resumEd � the . I a the man, as he inoticed Ruries scrutinw. He 'Up there some times poking about time be forgot part of his grief. � borrowing elsewhere. WM. CAMPBELL, Seaforth. L . " Didn't you ever see me before ?". . before I went up. But who Tlas it?" . � "Why should Myrrha h ver been forbidden ; aden , 1239 tf. --- -- I . . - . " I think so. 'I I � "Nevet mind. It's nothing now I- groaned to speak of you as her father?" he asked; STRAY EWE AND LAMB. -Strayed from Lot ' I Ruric, as he tarried away. - This , I " Well -my name is Peter Bonzo, and I , . isi,the end "She was not forbidder to do so. I0111 E 14, Concession 13, Stanley, on -or about the of my struggle. Come, sir, sad m6 to ,my requested that she Y lith of May last, a Ewe and Lamb. The owe was . am captain of the merchant ship Vologda. I place of test." I would � Lcknowledge lbee unaborn and had a large piece cut off the top of �REAIDY : FOR CHRISTMAS, am last frorn. St. Petersburg, and am boun J, Ias her parent, and it seem s that she strictly each ear. The lamb had a short tail and had a piece -- � " Bonz--.) made -no reply, but taking a for Odessa. Now do you know me?" carried it out. My reason was very simple. out off the top of the right ear. Any person giving ! But Ruric did not answer. He mistrus � - lantern fiorn the wheel -house he led the way A girl in Stamyl, with either father, nor such information as will lead to the recovery of these ed the mission of the merchant captain, a down th� hatch to a small roe where a lot mother, could have been 1 Ivan away in mar- animals, will be liberally .rewarded. R- W. DEL- : L I - I of old saris were stored. L .. . GATTY, Bayfield. ' L1252-4 . I -- now terrors arose before him. %, ' riage by the uzden, for that is the decree of ----. ----- --, ---- "If 1 " Herei" he .said as he ol Add the d r, - ! � -Wanted to rent, for "If this is your man," said the cadi, ,It 0 "you'll � ; the tprince. But there ma r have been other ARM WANTED TO RENT. -Wanted 0 sooner you get him away the better." . You'll And good snug quarb irs, afid it . oil reasons." I FARM torus of years, a good one hundred acre farm, L U M wS .D E f� .& W I L 8 0 N "I clef behave y1pursolf -you won'TJ 00 moleste'l- ' 'M 4 'Myrrha know me, and called me by' my convenient to maikets and schools, and wilh good . . . I "Hold I hold!" uttered our hero. . I L in sorry y0l are in s _ buildings, by a thoroughly competent and careful . the protection of the Turkish flag, o bad a fix, but I can3 help name, when I told her tbat you had: sent farmer. Address, HUGH J. GRIEVE, Se L aforth P. I .' I am it. Sombody'd have taken �ou, and I may ma.,, 12-53-tf - So cit a calf just to see their goods and prices. .. , 0. I here, a quiet citizen of the capital, and. I as well dO it ad,anybody else. III- . � I � i claim the sultan Is q8tre.17 - - . � "Yes; when I was there last I spore I 1. I I . I I I neasy. He turned to The co ut made no reply, for he knew �e of H BUSINESS. -To rent, ' . !-- .-A- - . 41, � I The cadi looked il�� ward . ;you. She knew you by, the deocription I Aou easy terms, a commodious store with dwel- 1� ; _. . . sordid n ure of the man with{ whom he had - t) � - - ' Bonzo, and said: I I have ling house attached. There is also a stable. This I to deal, He waited until he was I property is situated in the -Village of Cromarty, and . I I "You promised to get him away without and theli he laid down u oft alone. Again Ivan - got up and pacrid the door 'of F,r Otte centre of an fine ah agricultural cQmmuhIty . i -F IIV. - -A- trouble or disturbance." upon' sails. He t i . he cell, and as Ruric wa :ched, he could not as there to in Canada' and offers a fine opportunity . I . i "I know it -I know it -and I will do i % bu I i for a good, live business man to do a large trade. . - I thought of what his own fate might be- help wondering what man aer Of man he ]was. . .1 L You need not feni, " returned the captain t he til ught of Myrrha most. He had ceased Apply to GEORGE MILLAR, Cromarty. 12-.3tf r . ased weaping h 3 had ceased I sob- . A lid then . turningL UL � . � � . ��- i - . Suitable for presents, their stock is very large and varied, comprising man - .ric,, 0 added, "You I Ibang, an at only. mark i -of emotion now CATTLE FOR SALE, new and elegant articles it is impos�iblefo enumerate, but we can assure you know tchat you are an escaped prisoner, ani i CHAPTER XXII. ' visible were in the heaving" 'chest and tijbtly ----- . that a T.)rica is set upon your head.?? , A DISCOVERY. i •�. compressed hp:;.. � F .-For sale, four our Store is cram, med with all sorts �f new goods, and it won't cost you any - I , I I � I-Selilms house shall be torn 'down a thing to look atthemand if you want to purchase you will see lots of chances '-I lcn,,w that I escaped from a Russian I i bout 11) thoroughbred Durham Bulls one year old, and ) ces prison, but was guilty of no crime." One week more, and Feodor,43,uric was in his ears," the serf uttwed, sto all with registered pedigrees. They are of roan and to SaVp . , In ! - in - in mons o red color. Apply on Lot 27, Concession 8, Ribbert, I `'Ohs -not quite so fast. I know all abo t a Russi�� prison I He had been brought to the middle of. the cell, an I gazing upward. or address Staffs P. O. DAVID HILL' ' 1254x4 . . your letting the o14 Pole free; but how about Odessa a'pd delivered tip to the Russian au- "'By my holy faith, if he has injured my i . — - . I . - those dead soldiers �ou left by the mill? Yo a , thorities, find after a slight examination - for child, his best blood. shall a' ---- - Plush Goods, Leat 0 answer for i• I JERSEY BULL FOR SALE. -For sale cheap, the her Goods, 'Albums,'BOC&S in fule bindings, Chfl . ' 4: mustn't flatter yoi,irself on the score of in- he denied nothing -he had been placed in a will hunthim, though I have to dross i�qthe , thoroughbred Jersey Bull, "Pride of Seaforth." . - nocence. Now the business is just here: Th �- dungeon, there to await the first opportunity disguise of a wolf. I will not leave-Harki He is a first-class stock bull, and will be sold cheap, dren's oks, Bibles, Pr I 'er'ancl Hymn Books, Writing , � . I as his present owner has used him for three years, , I 9�y heavy -a to St. P -sburg. It was on the - . � &C - emperor has offered a he. y reward for y for passe etei What means that, i Cases, Milsic Folios &C., I 0 , ' ' JOHN HANNAH, Seaforth.,,,-, 1252tf I . . � and I am going to (claire it. I shall deliv third day of his confinement, and toward the At this moment the boi&ning of ca�nnou - . I I you up to the autbdrities at Odessa, and wil middle � the afternoon, that he heard shook the prison walls, and it was followed by URHAM BULLS FOR SALE. -For sale, three I I them you may arg I tie t6 case as some on treatding 11) thoroughbred Durham Bull Calves, from 11 to But we cannot 'egin to mention thel numerous lines we are showing, Come 1 17 . - best yoi � the narrow passage anot .her, and another, and yet another. 1 On 13 months old. all red. and one of which is .as good mention Can. . I . 'hat 16 to his cell, and sbortly they went in quick sue ion -boom 4fter as any in the County of Huron. Address. Ei,COAT and see at . I Ruric now comprehended the whole of th D afterwards the bolts ,upon - the outside boom -until the whole gr xt city shook with BROTHERS, Bruc6field.,,��w.-j­ , IL - 12t2x4tf I I i � ­ I mystery. He knew that he W been - sae i of his do4 weq it was not the the concussion, - I I -- -- -­'YKI - . i . .. p wiplrayvn. ' -1 f�-Vo'r- ... �ie�,,i-t 7ho. tighliir and recognized by Bonzo, and that for th, season,10 then{ bringing' of hi'sfood,and'he "What does it.mean T,as ad-Ruric. UDL FOR z Lumsd � n & Wilson"s, Seaforth, I I "Hark!" returned Iv BDurbani Bull of the Bates strain, coming three . I sake of the price he had been waylaid. He was yet wondering what the intrusion could an. "Ha, there go tile � . I the L years old, and of red color ; has proved himself a - � i also saw that the cadi had been bribed to give mean, �vbn the door opened and t jailor bells. By my soul, R is - first-class stock bull. Apply on Lot 10, Huron Road, apparent legality to the proceedings, or rath looked in. � He seemed to satisfy himself that here I That is the I Hiillett, or Seaforth P. O. ANGUS McDERMID. I , � ' i ! ria dilute." -- N. B.—A n w lot of Cloth Window Shades just to hand on spring rollers, renc4 all was secure, and then he stepped back and i:a - 1252tf 17 or to conduct them clear of the interferent I "Nicholas in Odessa uttered the count and selag chea er than the cheape�t. I . of the police. He saw that Bonzo was L spoke to some one that followed him. -Ruric thunderstruck. i I : : I HOROUGHBRED DURHAMS FOR SALE. -For heartless man, and he knew that looked upland saw a stout mau�onter the cell, .'17es, it must be." . I - . 1 94 T sale 9 A I Short Horn Bull Calves from 6 to 13 - -- -- -- �— - I he had no hope. His sword hung upon a peg and then the jailor closed the, door and went Then my case is hopoles3,11 murmured our months' old, got by the Pure Crifickabanks Bull, . : L, � Dear the head of the couch, and with a quit l away. - i- i " Perfection," 9100 ; also a lot of good young cows i hero, in dospond,3nt tone. "I had hoped to and heifers in call to Perfection. The above animals ! i I . - I bound he seized and drew it. . "Count Ruric," spoke the man who had make my e& --ape between h re anti St. Peters- hava first-class pedigrees and will be sold cheap and. . ; . 3 . p i � . I : "Stand back!" he cried. "You have n4 thus gained entrance to the call, "I did not burg, but it cannot be now." I on easy terms to suit purchasers,- Fifty head of I I i � ' ' . . Short Horns to select from. DAVID MILNE, Ethel. right to drag me away from here, and I cla" - think to And you here.'! I "Do not despair yet," said Ivan. "While' . 1248-tf . . I They are. the best. the rights of a f . - KLZ-v I I - ree man. The whole neigh' Ruric started up, for he recognized the there is life there is hope. But. I must go - . borhood shall be aroused.71 . I voice, an& when he had gazed more c10301Y now. I must see VV3 emperor, and then� for . "By the. word of Solyman," uttered th I he saw the' bold, frank features of I 0 , BOARS FOR SERVICE. f � - ' ! - van the Constantinople. Couragg courage, I � . cadi, in terror, "You must do this wor� serf - - � . � I . � Good Material. I•Ill shall see you again. I ma;- have some ipflu- FRKSHIRE BOAR. -The undersigned has for : I � . I quickly, or you cannot do it at all. Yoll "Ivan, uttered the young man, starting once with Nicholas." B service on the west half of Lot 6, Conceesion 1, WEAR ;' I - cannot get him out of the city if he Me forward anid extending,both his hands: . Hallett a thoroughbred Berkshire Boar; Terms- : i -1p As Ivan spoke, he turned toward the door $1, wit{{ the privilege of returning If necessary. I I L his situation known." - "Yes," returned the serf, gazing earnestly and : passed out. Ruric heard him speak ,with GEORGE IRVINE. ,.,L)�­11­':�im 1264x4 ; I Honestly Made. into the prisoner's fam-. "Yes," he added, the jailor and then the door was closed' and . I" . . We will look out for that, Bonzo replied . in a confident tone. And then turning with a deep emotion, "I' have ome to visit bolted a- in. Our hero had now something ERKSE IRE BOAR. -The undersigned will keep . Ruric, ha added, "You must be mad to dravi , you in pr- on once more," � . 0 . B for service on Lot 20, Concession 2, McKillop, .104 I � - . l$ 1 to occupy his mind besides his- grief -and a thoroughbred Berkehire Boar, to which a limited I . I Perfect Fit. Tour sword upon us. What do you expect to 11,4aid you have.00me to free me?" whisper- even kis grief Was not SC utterly bla k as number of sows' will be taken. Term"l, payable 1�1 do ftg&i-nStLfour of us?" I I ed Ruric. : before, for now Myrrl ia hada h, 1per at the time of service, with the privilege of return. . ��, . "Only three-olily three," interrupted the t'No. I have not that power now. But besides himself, and for ev n himself he had Ing if necessary. JOSEPH BOULDER_ 1254x4 . ... - - cadi, with earnestness. "You know I have how came � you here?" a little hope. He knew no; where the fou - . � . i I-Mest Styles. nothing to do with any of your movements , . n- -DERKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The under- I "I was {recognized by some Russian seamen, dation of this hope could rast for a certainty, JO signed will keep for service on Lot 2, Conces- i . L further. Ionly brought you here." . - ! . and they rized me for the reward which but there was something in the manner of sion 6, MoKillol), a thoroughbred improved Berkshire I ; I "But you will conduct us clear of the offered." . . - Ivan the serf -that insoired him. . Boar. This piz is only eight months old, and is bred P said Bonzo. i from first-class stock, Terms -$I, vayable at the Beantifully Finished, I I• I "But what were these Russian seamen do- . I I .time of service, or $1.25 it not paid before three I I , I - I .- , ! . months. TIlOAlAS FLAN-NIGAN. 1264x4 I Ah, yes -1 will do that, 11 Inc; in Cirpassia?.11 . , "And that is all we wank we . will do the C, CHAPTER XII - I . . I "It wasIn Constantinople e that I was re- I . BERKSHIRE BOAR. -The undersigned has for - i rest. Now, Count Ruric, you had better sub- cognized.)' ANOTHER DISCOVERY. . I Farm, Thames Road, Us- � All Dealers- Keep Them. - , I I B service, on Riverside mit quietly, or you may repent it." . "In Constutinople I What were you d6iu,, ,Early on the morning following the ivisit borne, a thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, to which' a i . - �. I ' � limited Dumber of sows will be taken. Term"I, ! I "Take me, if you can was Feodor's reply.. there?" of Ivan to the prison, Ruric was aro!used . . � I I payable at the of service, with the privilege of . standing upon lus guard. , "I know my. "Alas, Ivan, Itis a sad, sad tale!" murmur- from a dreamy slumber b3- the entrance of returning if necessary. THO31AS RUSSELL. 1250tf . I Everybody Wears Them, - I I . I - . rights, and you may, be assured I shall not ad Ruric, sinkin., back upon his love paU40 the jailor. I . . . HE UNDERSIGNED will keep for service on . I . . yield them without a struggle. I know that and bowi g his head in his hands. I "You sleep well this fhorni 11 ­ the . I 119 TSouth half Lot 29, Concession 2, Morris, the . i sad down by the youth's side, and his visitor as Ito entered tile cell, sal' -Pig, ."Orange you haia no authority to take ,me from Ivan s A I I . cell,gland I oun d() thoroughbred improved Yorkshire , Have You Tried Them.? hero." I stout frarge trembled. � Ruric just waking up. I Hero." Terms, $1, to be paid at the time of service, I `•'Bub we have the power,' cried the cap- "What is the tale?" he asked, laying one "Because I did not sleep in the night,ll re_ with the privilege of returning it .necessary. Pedi- . � . I i. : . -- gree may be seen on application to the owner. I . �, tain, springing quickly lorward and aiming hand upon Ruric's arm, ayd gazing anxious- turned the Count, rubbing is eyes. JOHN WILSON. � 1247x16 . .1 a pistol at the count's head. "Alove a ly into his1aco. "You ba'Ve been to Stamyl?" "Ali! Well -1 have --news for you. The single step, or make but a motion with your . ")(08--yeV, . emperor is in Odessa, and has se I you. Oi,ADTD CHINA BOAR. -The undersigned will , � - � "And you found Albec-and Myrrha?" i P keep on Lot 16, Concession 11, McKillop, a ; I . You can best judge whoth r the news is'good I ! sword and you. are a dead man. It is too 1 13 thoroughbred Poland China Boar, to which a limited I - I T : : tspeak-�-Veakl" cried Ivan. "Tell me Ruric sat down again, i 6n I for ed from Ohio this fall, and the Poland China is the - SELLI G OUT. late for you to escape us now. :,Yes-4-r3s. Oh, God'have mercy!" , . or evil." � I - number of sows will be taken. This pig was import- � "Stop! stop!" uttered the cadi, in alarm. -i d remained most profitable breed of pigs to use. Terms -V per �N . .. "If you fire that pistol you'll be exposed and what has happened. Oh, Ruric, you have some moments in thought. He called to I . I vow, payable at the time of service, with the privi. I L lose your game. You should know better not- " . : mind the scene of gis first arrest -of his as- . I I ., ; I lege of returning if necessary. - JAMES HILLEN. I Sian that." "Hold,1`1 interrupted L the youth. "I can cape, and of: big resistance the soldiers' Who 1252-4 - I - � - As the Turk spoke, he seized the Russian's tell you all. I have done all I could. Oh, were sent to, -capture him, It as a'Aark -- '- . I of I W I OAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will beep We are selli g out our entire stuck arra and lifted it up. This movement drew Ivan, no blame can rest on me." picture to be'oresented to he iro. - ;S'em- B for servici'attheir farm, one mile west of Hen. . I I I After a I'lapse of some moments, during paror. Improved large White Yorkshire Boar. This i - , Ruries attention from the other two . . mall, an Impro I . I animal from imported and prize winning8took I I Russians, and one of them, -taking advan. which R�ric seemed to be trying to gain "You will let me was and shave?" he ng pig. His sire is Holy- ' me was I tage of the circumstance, sprang upon him strength for the -purpose, he commenced to said, startiag u from his ouch. . well Physician 1[38] Imported who won first honors at L r up from his - and to a very promising you -S 7 nd MILLIN-EiRY and felled him to the floor by a blow' tell his story. He told of his meeting with "Yes, if you hurry. I the Toronto Industrial in 1890;-Wadam Sharnocks : D 94, . I apoil the hedd. The count was not stunned Myrrha at the foot of the Caucasus -of his So Ruric followed the jai I or out, and be was Damsel (no. 551) was imported by the Ontario I I i I . I I ! i - are Agricultural College. Terms of service, one dollar I by the blow but before he could recover him- rescuing her from the Cossacks,Le- and of conducted to a small room here there w payable at time of service with the privilege of re - self her home; and . then he te I Is -when he had P. At exactly self his enemies were upon him, and he was his COO a fe�r simple dressing a "a turning. ,WM BUCHANAN & SONS, Hensall P N�HOLES.&LE COS . We will quote a few of our prices: bound arid gagged without even thQ power to j conducted into the Yard, 1260-8 i I . .,,told of 41bec-of � his sickness, and of finished he was ( t I � . -his kindposs. Then, in a lower tone, he told where he was taken in ch e by a party of ; L . cry out. . - 1, how he ,� had loved the gentle Myrrha, soldiers. H a lk far beforg he ! i . - "Now," said Bonzo, with a triumphant em�' n v! NOTICE. ' w h brick building, L C,O 0 ID S - pression, you are safe. I don't know,as I she had returned his stopped in front b:RMI S.S wish you any particular harm, but I'm a ' i Notice is hereby given that the next Annual Meet- poor love, and, their plighted vows. Then and after a little delay, d g which a sen- 2 v - I I Meet - fellow, who has been tryi�ng for a lifetime to he told of the coming of the Hatukaian tinel at the door went in ith some errand Ing of the members of the Hay Town I I I I Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be hold at the .. i L got money, and this is the first real chance I - maraudors-of the onset --the battle--t-he burn- and came back with an ane err, he was -eon- town ball, Zurich, on Monday, January lith, 1892, at . price 61c ; Tweed Dress Goods Tweed Dreso'Goods, regular price 10c, sale I , in- dwellings -the fading away of Stamyl's ducted up the high steps in, o a spacious hall. I o'clook,y,., m. Business . Receiving the Directors' I ever had, and of toured I ain't a going to lose P - . , Election of District" regular 8c; Tweed Dress Goods, regular price 18c, sale People -the fft"I of and"Seer ry's Annual Reports r price I sale price it. I shall got a- good ,round sum for your 7 Orta -the death of Al- Here ♦was another delay, an i at the end of a re of the - - bec=aiid of his own fall in the mosque. Then few minutes the prisoner w is.delivered I and other business for the good and welfare c; All -wool Serges regular price 25c, sale price I 5c ; all- wool Serges, body. So come along." - .?ver Company. All member are requested to attend. .price 1 2 - P Ruric was not without reason, and he saw be told of his recovery from the subsequent to two officers, and by the he was conduct- 1263x3 ! HENRY EILBER, Secretary. regular price 28c, sale price 18c-; all -wool Serges, regular price 30c, sale price ' net once that resistance would be useless. if sickness, and of the fate which had befallen ad on through'the hall to another ftik4t of . . . 190 ; all -wool do�;ashmere, ble fold , Cashmere, regular price 35c, sale price -24ic ; all - he could have spoken, so as to have given an Myrrha. He stopped here, for his ontotions steps, having ascended whieh they stopped at . Pumps. wool double foldregular price 50c, sale, price 36c; all -wool double alarm in the street it migbt have availed hiin. were too powerful, and he had to giTe, way a door which was guarded by soldiers. 11 NoPUMPS, . 11 to the sobs that were struggling for utter- opposition was made by the ae sentinels, ;and fold Cashmere, regular price 75c, sale price 50c. . but that power was effectually taken from; , , - � I I him, and his struggles would amount to noth- ansa. the official conductors push d Open theloor, BUSINESS CHANGE. . 11 ! I I � i through, of th`� loadi the � ing, for even should they attract attention,! "Go on -go on," gasped Ivan, grasping the and passed thro 0 1 - "I i I . I I . prisoner by the i I lace n�re '!'-!� the presence of the bribed cadi would hide thcount by the arm. "Tell me of Myrrha." �� ce thus an d . -_s NT --M Mi S - . apartment, and several officers -..-'.LJ---'�-R �E -F -IL � truth and prevent an investigation. . tigation. So Ruric In a low moments Ruric continued, He was a spacious J - "WEIT-islK7 . G�lu - Ti -A -IN suffered himself to be led down, into tho street, told of his p"go to the Turkish capital,' and were seated at the desk engaged in writing. Who is well and favorably known to the people of I ­ . Seaforth and vicinity, haA purchased stein inessrs, . � and when once there two of his captors walk- Of all that transpired there; and when he had At the head of the hall, walking impatidiitly Cleft & Bennett their pump making business and I ed upon either side of him, holding fast by finished he bowed his head again and wept. to and fro, Ruric saw the emperor. � His machinery, and is now prepared to furnish the beat Grey Union Ylannel, regular price I 5c, sale price 10c ; Grey Wool Flan - ft The serf started to his feet and took two or massive form was bout under -the weight of and most improved kinds of Wooden 11'umpo,guar- nal, regular price 22c, sale price 17o - Grey Wool Flannel, regular. prim 25c, Flan - the arms, while the third walked directly be . anteed to give good satisfaction and on reasonable ) hind, the cadi going ahead to make peace with three quick turns across the cell, and . then thought that was upon hi ,but but he started ted terms. He also makes Cisterns and tanks of all . - any of the police who, might be in the way. In came a�d sat down again. i I up on hearing the doors opon, and when he kinds. Give him a trial. He will always be found Sale price 20c. I - . - . . . - 'i - this manner the prisoner was led through . "And do you think Myrrha has been carried saw the prisoner, he stopped in his walk.. at Cluff & Bennett's factory, North Main Street, Sea- . . . , : . . , I I the narrow streets until they reached tlie back to Salim's house?" he asked in a voice of � "Your majesty," said one of the, officers, fbrth. Communications by mall promptly answered, I I . and estimates furnished. . , I harbor, and after following along UPOD Painful CalMue38- : I bowing as he spoke, "this '' the prisoner, for . J. S. WELSH, Seaforth. 'Mill-ilill-THITCY-_ the quay nearly half a mile, they came to a I fear s . he has," was Ruric's response. - whom you asked." " I ' 1252-13 r- — I - - - "It must be -and yet I cannot think fate II Ali, so I see,' — boat which was in charge of a single kheper.1 " I uti�ere d {cholas, in a tone I u " - I J! ! I that the man in the boat was ha "Fate seems to hold store but And as he spoke he ed his stem gaze . -- I sell] the balance of our , Trimmed . Millinery nothing in , . 0111 ' GODERICH We wit i Milline at cost and under, It was not so dark but that Ruric could se would lia-­0 been so cruel." , I � resembling the rolling o distant thunder. . . . � . upon thecount. . 9 Pale price ;85c. garb of a Russian seaman. cruelty for me," resumed -Ruric, Steam Boiler Warks, We and Walk�g Hats, regular price $1 . and $1.25, . The count was assisted into the boat, And "Oh, Myrrha I Myrrha! Thou fairest, sweet-. Ruric's eyes drop poi _ before that. ­ - as soon as he was safely seated the cadi turn. est child[` groaned Ivan, covering his face . lion -like gaze, but .he did not "lose (ESTABLISHED 1890.) I ad back toward the city. After this Bonza with his hand and sobbing as though his stout his thoughts. He knew the na�ure I We have a full stock of Cottons', Cottonades, Towellings, Shirtingg, Gloves, I � and their two companions followed tileir pris- heart would break. I L of the man with whom be bad to deal. . Hosiery, Men's ITnderwear, Collars, Cuffs, and a 'host of other things too. off. "You loved Myrrha well," said , the youth, He� knew that insolence we ild sure d"'th Chrystal & Black oner and the boat was soon shoved OJ . - . C'?, numerotts to Inention. Our gtock of Mantle Cloths going at your own prioe& Ruric did hot take much note of time, no not having dreamed that the serf could have --and he knew, too, that emlo war 'ca would be I 1. . ­ �� - i did he notice the direction in which the boatl been so. moved. !- i -equally fatal; for Nicholas, 1 ihough he liked an Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary I i was being pulled, for he sat with his head "Aye, as the apple of my ey" the very obedient tool, yet hated the craven, . Marine, Upright & Tubular i InButter and '�ggs taken in exchange for goods st the highest market prices. _ * bowed in sorrow and pain. At length, how- heaven of my soul." ! - "So you are the Count R iric-the fugitive ' I Remember the place --- ever, , I , ever, he was startled by a sharp concussion, Anew suspicion was awaken� I Ruric's from justice," said the am tor, with a, bitter - - , ! i i - I - I � - i I and on raising his head he found that he was mind. � sneer. - BOILERS : I . - � "Myrrha often spoke of yon,' "Idd in a "I am Fqc4pr - Ruric, sire "soil a count by ' I 11 , . by the side of a heavy ship. bn �but Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, � - * "Come," said Bonzo, }eying his hand upon low and candid tone. . I f. , birth," replied the youth, ly, firmly,' I i I . I etc., etc. I I Iain Street, Seaforth. our hero's shoulder, "here we are- alongside "Did she? did she? And what' -s. 0 say r yet modestly. I . ,Duncan's! Old Stand, IL ' . . I I . 11. it I i - . of my ship. Start up, now, and when we get "That you were noble, generfu A kind And you are a fugitive I rom ju#t'm' t*- Also dealer, in, ; . 1 77h,t,. and norizontal SlideValve 1 oil board you shall have that bandage taken -and that she loved you. sumed. Nichol". I Engines. Automat, in.f),ft Awiaes as laity. All 1 460 . i I I from your mouth." I h, sho didl" murmured t1li I And III flied from prison. sire." sites of pi fe andpipe-fittingcoutantron hand. , , M7 JL u . JOHN BEATTIAii. 11 Of course Ruric could make no reply, but theny.i&IsWg his heAd be gazed I IS Com_ (To Bg ODIMNIJED.) &O-ates furnished on 8hodnotice. i �l I "who 1. I � - Works --Opposite 0. T. R. Statioti, GoderiCb. # be- arose at the summons. and haviniz bed t!Ls Danidn's face. "Ruri(% he Cot I . why - L ! ! . ; . . � - -,� - - . I L L , I . I ", U 11 , i " 0 1 a I � I up 0 1 1 1 . d] � I � I I I I qRAXB�y R11H B I I I Iq 91 : i . � . I . i . I - I : I : I . ! I ; . ; . i I . i . : 11 . I . - . -1 -- I'll I ­­ : � I .�,• t- . i- - . K - i . I I NEITIvy CAS i � I —()F— . A. G. AULT, ' . I SEAFORTHL. THE WHOLE STOCK OF I . I - by�,Goodis, . I a iw I - . Groceriesand ProviSiLonS I IS ENTIRELY NEW. — % Please call and examine our stock before purcba,sing ,elsewhere. No trouble to show gvlods. Highest price paid for all kinds of farmers' produce. I beg to thank all my old,c'ustomers ", for their Past favors L hoping to receive 0 a fair share in the future, and woulit also be pleased to see as many now ones as possible. A.. G. A LU LT. D VNN PS , YBAKINr , -POWD.ERD THE COOKS BEST FRItiv LAM896T SALE i NPANADA. SEAFORTH - '. I , mus eel : Instrument . . :MIMEPOIR.Irum - I � I Scott Brothers - I PROPIRIETOR89 � SEAFORTH, - ONTARIO. PIANOS: Dunham, Now York; W. Bell & Co., Guelph; Dominion Piano Com - pany, Bow -Manville. ORGANS.—W. Bell At Co., Guelph; Dominion Organ Company, Rowmativille; D. W. Karn & Co., Woodstock. - The above Instruments always on hand,sise a few good second-hand Pianos and Organs for sale at from $25 upwards. Instruments sold oil the instal- ment plan, or on terms to suit customers. VIolhas, Conoertinas and small Instruments on hand Als*�&eel muslo, books &o. - SOOTT BROS. , I Splendid value 4n Grey lannel, it HOFFHAN'S, Seaforth. - -UndArclothing for 'Ladies, Gents, Misses, Boys and Children. Splendid value at 11OFFMAN'SSeaforth. I r _- . - . Compete with Capital —BY— - � . � Ili I * , GAINING CAPITAL. I - Begin by saving money by buying'your � - , .. � - - . -- ; .r - A . . T - M FROM Charleswo-rth.& � � I Brownell, The finest value in 0amada'at whole- sale prices in 5, 10, 20 pound ovAdiajl. - I , Every package guarantoeel, . . JW I � I . !LLET -11 I � - fl - PURE . . � I I W, I I I - I LYE - PUREST, STRONCEST, SEST. . tewdy for uF,e in an,vuartl t.y. For making ,'-Oak I taul ng Water. Di ninle4-01 tip, and a hundrt--d,A-.0 0. A can taq USIS 20 pounds Sal bodiL Sold by All Gro.cere and DrurxlAt.A. � � , -W- 1GXZxZ&3--%-V, 1M,c>X-<3,:jx,%,0 14 � I .. — .HAND -MADE `. I - Boots and Shoes I . D. MCI NTYRE � Has On 1161141 ft lWanum1per of Bootsaind Sko4m of his own imake, best roat-ecit! and Wan-&&Ud to give Saud"tion. � � - If you Want your feet kept dry opine and -get a pa* of . I � our boots, whiob will be WU � . � - , � CHEAP FOR GASH. � : - - � B e 4lntprmyVy *tided to. AS kindsoBoo I9m"4 ntacte to ordw. All parties who bans no* � paid tkair sownub for ]Sift year will plaw oall eat . - O"e up. � 1162 ; D. MoINTY]MR, bWar*. / * . Z � � - � - I 1� -!7, - - �� '; � -