HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-01-01, Page 1F
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� , I-, I I . - WeLEAN'BROB. FubU1hftV-,,_ -
: � ! I THy FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1892. 1 . . - 151-50 a Year, in � Advauo& ' -
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. ation says. - He WRIS Out �' _Al� I
; COLORADO SKETCHES. Isnow' - I where the animal was confined with a chain on the ice, where she remained fcr over an Wolverton and the train showing no signs of who laid the inform * 1, ., �
y peaks of tile Sangm do Christo,one of pupil suffered by it." And a' in, 11 No six o "'-11 .
- . . 1! . 9 nd was about to pass some feed ever to him hour, before she was diaccvered by, there a ew ays ago an secure, � f the - -- ` �
� - - the rqain ranges of the Rocky Mountairls, master had.ei right to,uRe his it flaonce to a _. a boy Stopping the remaining two became despot- k
- I ( 'r example of their com- severed horns, which were taken oft so -close
, when the bull broke loose and made at once� named Bird. It was fouri I that hd right" ate and followed the -to -� .
(Written for Tuic EXPOSITOR.) t �, egan to .rain just before sundown and get a member on the Board." What a - is still adhering
I Bob prcssed a ho ver would thorn in the flesh that man would be, to our for him, tossing him from side to side of the hip was broken. She had nearly Perished panion, but instead of having the coft, to tfie head that the hair I .
tETTEU NO. 1. 1. o t at the ri P I .0 them. The case came up to,day before . '
. - - . . � not b, up by the ti a we re -Ached it. The own �lear Principal, who not only devotes stable like a f opt -ball. Some of tile cattle withthL cold. . yielding ,surface of a in d -puddle to ligbt *n 'quires Smyth and Lacey in this city, and . .
, ' ! -The sequel to a gunning accident was' thV met with a rather rough welcome from S I . ;
FIRST IMPRESSIONS AND MISTAKES. streatitis so near the mouDtains areextreme- the best part of his time to canVaSsirig and passing by draw the attention of the animal I
. 'just at that time and Mr, Boyd was able to the death of John Robinson, aides'-. son of a 4 ravel pilb. Gathering themselves to- was adjourned until January:6 at 2 p.m. in - �
g I
The n ss Kansas into Colo- ly ' . They sometimee rise sev- wire -pulling ,in the-directio.n nained, but also - e, reaching Ayr the Intermin Sesgior,s room.' .
or .- -OU8 a o Upon immediate medi- W. Robinson, tf Markban). About three gtther they started for born . on Saturday ukht Mrs. I
r4do stmie tirlia during the night. While it alleaecllienl a few hours, nd if a tree trunk uses his paper to abuse every 11LV_ who ven- crawl to the house. I I corripany with about five o'clock, much sadder and wiser , -.In Toronto
net the current a quick- tures & differ from him as -to whc .should or cal examination -it v�as found that an arm weeks ago the dec ed i I -
becothes jammed S , lats of age, was I
was yet dark I 3 Awakened by the en- . * , was dislocated, severat ribs smashed in and some other young Zen, 'wa returning from than when they started out. . Eliza Barker, a widow 60 ye .-
r of a lady arid gentleman, sand! is apt to form, which makes it atill 'should not be members of the Eli gh School . . .
other internal injuries had been inflicted by alshootiog excursion who i a gun in the, I
trance into the ewaa ; � ' i -In Manitoba last Sunday the thermom- burned to death owing to a lamp 6*03i0ni
who got on at some Small station where the more. 2 angetrous to cr ss. After crossing a high Board of this town. I . . . ' Sunday Mrs. Christopher Arm -strong,
ridge called the H , back, we left the main . the ferocious animal. It was a very closo 4ands of one of the. party �was unintention- eter dropped very low, and the country bad and on uccumbed to frightful
trairn, stapped for water. From their c�n- 11, call, but hopes are entertained for a re- aily discharged. Mr. Robinson receiving the one of the coldest dips for a year or two. of 342 Jarvis street, s �
. -
versation, wbich was carried on in by , roadt nd struck acrws the prairie for the Canada. . " uries received from the upsetting of -an Dil I
. no ran , covery. In th,e meantima , the animal has contents full in the leg. jAmputation fol,� -Mr. T. H. DeCew, of Essex, is said to * inj a �
means guarded totiv,-, I gathered i ch It was pretty dark by this time, Pansies were plucked in a %rden in � acres of fine timber land irk lamp as .she was about' to retire on the
that the and I was lost and had a -sort of helpless Belleville on Christmas day. � - been djd I I wed, and lockjaw seized I iim-,.aud resulted own over 1,600 vious Thursday evening. I I
-tr there, and the lady, � Oregon, which he thinks will yield not less pre
gentleman lived nc. . - erael Creserww, Now Dundee, was i� his death. ? - , .
his niece, haa been 1) ying hi,fii t feeling which will come over "one when he . _H0 . j,l declin'ed a noini- - tot drunk
A, a Visit, but , n nee Young has I driving a flock of al'eep' across a dam in -A Winnipeg despatch!says: On the ap- than 100,000,000 feet of lumber, � -Edward Morris, of Kingston, g I .
' I
� WDS Dow returning to .her buine in Deaver. finds himself in the dark without the least nasio'n for the mayoralty of Galt. , ,, ' ng- on Thursday and became insolent. While in - I .
- N&th Dumfries they ventured on the ice, Plication of a member of- thlo Church of E �--A paper wacbine costing $20,000 has
These were the firt;t ijohabitacit-3 I hadlicen, idea :of his whercabout,j. After going about -The Montreal 119rald suspenc ell publi- which wai not sufficiently frozen Jo, carry 146nd, the chief -justice deli 'ered judgment of just been placed in position in Eddy's new a rage he ran across a Jew -selling plumes on I
V1 I .
and of course on that account I felt a lively a mile over the 'prairie we turned sharp to cation last week. . It had been in existence � -,-ry elaborate Princess street. When the Jew refused to
them. They began to sink into the water, the full court - quashing tho city by-law -for paper mill at Ottawa. It is a vi . .
interest in them. The lady was young, the left and st&rted to go down a steep 84 y6rs. �. . and before it was possible to get them ��out 1;vyinj taxe 'on the groun �, principally that affvoir, being one mass of brajis,%�ork. fight Morris destroyed $9 worth of plumes. �
. n , 8 ,fore the magistrate .
neatly dressed, and I bank. I ajiked Bob; if thizi was khe'riveri -Win.. Caquels, a prominent flaure i 11 -During the'eason just past the Canadian Morris was brought be
-ather pretty, just such several disappeared and were lost. " it is illegal. to assess onemb rs of the Church .
a young wwriao as you would be likely to for I had an idea that the Huerfano, (per- busine�s and Social circles, died il Montreal , and ordered to pay the Jew $5 -as compensa-
h 'Ps it's name, gave -me the imp.ression),was last Saturday. ' I -Mrs. Danip,l (30yeau, one of Easex� of England for support of 6 hools which are Pad4ific Railway line from Owen Sound to �
� indet on the street in ialrnoGt any city.' But 0, county's pioncera, died a few days %go at the not under control of the C urch of Engl�nd Pott Arthur handled 46,288 tons of general tion for the goods de--troyed. �
the man -ah ! there wag� a subject worth at- least as large as some of our Ontario -.Mr. R. J. McConnell, for many years family residence in Windsor. She was SO: and in which there are tau�ht religious ex- merchandise, 36,517 tons of mill stuff, 1,643 -The St. Clair tunnel is lined tbrougliout
. .1
- �tudyiog. He was oi rivers. " No," ssii. Bob, " this is only an editor of the Montreal Herald, has gone to ' . a ton� of oats, and 38,715 t i-th 6Dst iron,, and represents an expeodi- .
medium heicylit, with ' .. years old, and her entire life was spent in ercises prescribed bysuch church. The Ca3 ons of wheat. The w �
0 . '2,' .
iron -grey hair and moust%che, his face sun- arroya." After reaching, the-,:bDttdm. of the the Halifax Chroolcle. . E613M Herhusband at one time. owned a! goes to the Privy Council. . pasl,sengers carried aggregated in the thous- ture of over ',r, 700,000. It is seen by
2 I -the .
burned, weather-btaten and Withered. Be ' hill ,we turned sb&rp to the right, then -Alanaou Elliott, of Oxley, iniarkated a ' ' passengers for Detroit and Chicago by I
. .
aently . greator part of the land upon which WiDd- -The death occurred at Burford, Brant sods. iwa"y, who dcscribe it., no I
bite corduroy trousers and �round the -point of- a bluff and pre 21J -pound turkey the other day. in -�-Mjss Burton; daughter Of Mr. Justice Grand Trunk Rai I
wore a pair of w . � 1_ Sor ia built. I county, the other da� after a lingering ill- I � . �
� , long boots so covered with alkali, mud and came to a wire gate. We pa3sed alongside Windsor'. I -Francis Acro is tinder arrest at Gueli?b, ; ness of nine weeks, of Capt, Stephen Wet- Burton, of Tdronto, of the Cailurt of App -,al, doubt truly, as one of thn mo8t remarkable .
- J I
dust it was impossible -to tell whut their ,� fie d,, M turned -to the left f Montreal, has . I A train runs through the -
I , �f parn, th -Lord -Mount-Stephon, 0 charged with Stealing goods and money more, wagonmaker. Capt Wetmore was wai wedded to Mr. Malcolm Macpherson, ofinodern works.
Volor originally was. Be switched one boot I . s'lil� , presen - " This is the - - * - I the of, Christ Church, New Zealand, on Satur-, n ono minute and forty�eigbt seconds. -
. , �1 y Bob said : given X1,000 towards the fund for the ex from stores in which he was hired to dress one of'the best known Or7gemen in . tubei - .
r Ming uerfano Ift of Marischal College, Aberdceri� , -Vinnipr ,ays; The Mani-
� with his riding whip and t.ilked in a lourl-,- . "It's not up." Noide.' , t3usio f of -A N . - (Itsratch s
- ty iaster of Brant da .' Amid the good wishes of a hos 11P
! I It was a narrow, -11r. C. D. Green, of Ayr, has sold.hiFi tile windows. He had skipped out with a Province. He was count, y toba Government are sending to Ontario on :
t -�tri enL voice. P. cidedly it was not up. -�ded the 'for many years, and also 4 Grand Lodge friends the happy couple left for their new
- id 0ecasionally he swore. rashing little creek with low water and a valuable grey hound, -11 Jeff,".to 3,n Inger- livery horse, ti buggy at Parkhill, . . I
patently frQir Sheer forcq;j&.f_� �O�...�Pd 1, and was arrested in Forest with the horse officer. In addition to bei g an Orangeman -horlie in New Zealand. . I Tues(lay evenirlg s',x immigration Dgents to I
� - rosecute act've .
I 11. - " rock�,,, pebbly bottool. In a moment or-V,A*o soil gentleman, for $50. - -!Rev. Robert W. Wallace, the evainge- p ' werk in- the east. Mr.
wager a penny_��a - , , _ . he wall a .vlason.and a member of -tie,
,0'f%nt7"T7uttoa he Was , still in his posscssion. He is a Spaniard. prominent 1' . - -r - .
e i!t� h �C,, �t:L c71,0'17he wa'h " or an Irish I we drew up with a flourish before a long, -M6.s E. Blackwell has-been engaged as - ry A the the Sons of Temperanc filg the � n Elder, of Virden, went to 11( _s .11, Onta �
- ' ' t a salary -Mr. N1. R. Vandusen, seereta - position lisCwho has been preachio& in the Canadian - I
ere greeted by a tall, Young teacher of the Clandeboy"chool ii d a sen- a few days a. -lo anOl Mr. Crosby, ol Virden,
L awyer. After the'train started I found it 1.1ow house, we i . Peterboro Cheese Board, has presented his of D. G. W. P. in the hmt named order, Sop for some weeks past, has create � � , , - �
A � , I or- of $100. 1� I 4 J
- rn'an 1who will I be passed down to aust - Miss to Prince, r" Iward IsD.nd, both tn- engage in
d - - 11 a promi rep . -At a Salvatio ing in Madoc, sation by marrying one of his converts, the zar-ne
lmp-ts'tiible to ,I CP ;�- in, Fo contented iny- ort of the vemon's 'operiLtions of the, ' . In Army +-i � w,r,rl:.-. Other agents mi w
I �� ,_ - - a few nights ago, the c e' manded R 11 follo
I itv " :as the negro preacher said, ia these a P itei . �-epri tt4el Ross. The commotion all arises from .
self with lookiag out of the window at the -9 . 0 1 -He J. O'Callaghau, formerly Board. From 40 to 48 factori2a were repre- .
. I effusions as" Fred Hciorich. " nout resident of Arthur,. is now e4gaged in those wil, , -
_. ,,tars. It has ativa 0 - sented at the several meetings. A total of a number of young toughs ho wore, cre�tiDg the! fact that Mr. Wallace is w4ite, while o go down on Tuead-ay. I
� ys seerned to me that. the It !took me Same days to get On my , niaaaging a large horse ranch in Montafia I . � -A young French girl, .six years old, ar- .
stars a,re very-inue!x brighter here than they . 49,447 boxes were boarded, and the aggre- a disturbance. After the ri�eeting tho young his �bride is jet black. . I
. are baak home. Byc-and-bye tbe'sull rese 'Inental. feet, so to speak. I sermiged that for a Western millionaire. . I gate amount realized -was $292,480. .� men attacked the . captain �while on his way -Joe Hess has been holling forth "in rived in Montreal frorn Winnipeg on Thurz-
the �p%nish Peaks were eight or nine miles -Dr. Bucke, supprintendent of the Asy- .'he Whig day last week, on thn way. to Marseille%
L , -A bed of gold ore i almost to desth. The Kingston for a couple of weeks. I � "t
over a v,tLit strutob of sage brush and sand. . :� . four feet deep was home, beating hin
Ady first glimpse of Colurado is ao accurately away� they �re in- reality about twenty-five. Into fop the Ineane at London, is all the bed- � . ton victim was found i I ., ious condi- sketches him after this fashion : He is a big, France. The child lost her mother a few
. 9 -two found recentlYllon a rarm in Adding I n an uticon,c I . Lligbiy weeks ago, and bar father having decided to I
I informed the boys that I had seen men side of Walt NV hitm an, the Poet . The -
yet happily, catiubt in a poem. which ap- I - County. ,Analymd, it vva3 found to con- tion, a�nd 1reinained so alt night, He has burly German, with a bullet ho -ad on ii
- " Moving on Silver Mountain,. eight miles have been fast friends for man yo ra. . oulderg. The ex-pugiliet' about go t ornia is senwiipg her back to his .
- �' i - 'The Centary " _y - , sh , weighs -o Calif I
peared same ti'me ago in ' tain, per too, $5 worth of gold, $4 of silver, c3ntinued,to vomit blood,!and is now in a I -
ZD � away, as I afterwards found out. I calcu- -The Datmirtment of Railways and Can- . �somo unaccount- 250 nounds, In earlv days his education family' in E511YOP0. She travels all alane and
I :1 4- I- ; ;�6.1 �nft.r;nll. nn"diiinn Por� ' �
I ". . I that, I append an extract: 11 lated that I would t�Cke a stroll up to the a I is lia,J approved thesulleme for making the ,-Pz,ou 01 copper, w t, i a s rea o - ,a V . .1 much seems in no way embarrasecd with the pros- . :
., I � 1� , � The eastern counties in Ontario ar tibia reason the men have njot been arrested. wa,� sadly neglected ; he has learrind . I
. __ top of Sugarloaf mountain some afternooni new loclis of the gault Canal 900 feet long by 6 U of h r journey. She left in the evenin
: � I � �
Oh, ho !)r this woolly, wild land showing Some exceedingly rich minEral de- -MrA. Dr. Richarescri land Miss Edna in 'ix or seven years. His children t3.ught P C e � 9
., "Adth gates. Ailisob, of Woodslee, nL-rrowly escaped him to read and write Since his convcrsion. ��e the steam-
. . Of the lava beds, destrt arid sand, which would involve a walk of about four- 60 witle, w'ith full w * �� for New York where �she will tal
�_. Where the ox lice stark, . . Rev. Mr. posits. .1
� . . - teen miles, half of it mighty hard clinibi!ig -Siinday Dight in Kingston, Lon&on West has been pre- drowning in the re.F,ervoir ',car that place on He is a slangy speaker, but nothing else ship for Hi�vre.
. p And tho coyot-,�s bark, . -A lady in q I
. � and the other-balf pr6tty stiff holding on MacGillivray spoke against toe ieprehensi- ming. -Mrs. E'. B. Munn 'was drownefl. laPe
And the horse ig toosinall for his brand. Sented with a pair of ,Voung chibkens, which Saturday night. They wete part of a large could be 6-pected from his early trai i -u h Lake, about ,three
7 .
I . __ " and Scrambling. The trouble was, like ble practice of slaughtering game for the . ,of ile shows in his gestures traces of the de- - Sunday evening in So t t �
l, . , . n were hatched on - We(Lncsday, December Skating party, andbwhan ut�r the middle
ic ' toria county, She
- The brak-enian ro les over the train, every tenderfoot, I %va.9 deceived by the ex- purpose of throwing it away. . . rl fensive art. But his earnestness is capti- infles from Minden, Vict .
23rd. The new comera -%4re raised in the the basin the roke. , clink Cotter, a � . I
The save bush is lord of the plain, ' . v ' was on her w , with her husband I
- - ceedi naly clear atmesphere, and the immense -Mr. David L. Haviland, of Townserid . ., . , illaue va - ing. ay ho me .
The prairie do,,, kneels , . C, . . vicinity of St. Thomi.s. They are vigorous resident ui th( 0 pulled them out. � - both ked I
PC .
I On the back of his heels siza of the mountains. � near ,,Brantford, has in his s3asaiori a and healthy, and bid f air to come to the Mrs. It ' icbardson was take�[ out appa.ren.tly 4 -At an early hour Saturday morning, J. from visiting her neighbor� and wal I
. Still patiently I I TmE WANDERER. the shape of a copy of The a the dead but by an hour'� ,vork she I was !
I -praying for rain. curiov,�6y in D.I.McCullough, of Hamilton, went to tile intr, a large air hole in the ice. Her husband I
. . . � I , . Bran Ord Sentinel of December 1 5, 1838. scratch when gardeia,ing ) egins " i I he I fe b r
. I So balray and mild is the air I sweet by -and -bye. � resuscitated. The brave conduct of Cotter full"Dace in hiw%residence to see that all was made every- effort to save r i , ut afte
. i I i I t Fi di g the fire , burning low he stru
I ) . a � . � -ion in' r 13 .
That the redskin needs only to wear . Stabling the Stock. � - - lbert 'nd Joe Webber, Strathroy, -A well tc-do farmer of 'Beverly, Went- I was made the subject of special ment � "' "' 'In Igglilla in the water for nearly an bour .
A coot tornahawk, - t I killedia snake a few days ago, that .was . I ' s. she beca:me exhausted and Sank, and it waR I
And a handy Fealp-lock, To tht Editor of TuF HuaON EXPOSITOR. worth county, uatned Walter Borthwick, the churches. � . p �o$,'r e d -coal oil upon the dying- ernber � . ifficult-y that -he w,as able .
� � I I- aboutifour feet long and the body was about while going home on.* Saturday evening was I -Minnie Waters, a servant girl in the em. Immediately a flame of fire burst,out, and with the grea.test! d .1
I With a feather or two in his hair. . ja was to d:aw himself � Ut on th!c Bound ice. The .
. D�AR Sin. -In the late autumn, traveling six in hes aroundthe biggest part. be ore he was aware of it his clothii f .
- I
, - 1� thrown out cf his rio, and fatally injured. ploy of Mrs. J. W. Bickle, Hamilton, had a . 43 i
;%'long any. country highway or side -road, we seven-year-old son of Win.T. Weaver, 4.. flaine3. His cries. for assistance body was recoverted Monday morning. I .
. Af tar the gua was up I was all eyes, and I . His ]lead struck a s ()tie and the skull was miraculous eacapefrom a sudden and terri- in I . -
'May observe, standing in one corner of a of T�r' uton, died Christmas nigh 3 from the " br ught his wife t6 his :aid. She en- -Such a sucices3ion of sorrows rarely �-
most berram to tr Smashed in. He still lives, but cannot see ble death the other night. When getting �
- ei!ib!e when I thonglit of na cc r �, a f A . Pon a single farrily as has befallen a
N I going fon7the fir.t ti -me the Rocky .N,Iotln- barely cropped pasture field, half a dozen effects of swrillowi ,, a. ppe oin or speak, and tile doctors bold out no hope off the Dandas train at thc corner of McNab de�vored to 'Smolder the flames, but T-Nic- come u
- �.
tains. You may laugh, reader, but to see shivering calves with heads low and backs days previously. for his reco . very. 11 - and Hannah streets she fell beneath the. C. nough had received such' injuries that he well -known -Ottawa family. Some time ago
that stupendous ch I ain of hills, which is like Sam what rainbow in form. In another �It is now freely reported in rangoville. , . Ll w minutes. Deceased was rrar- Mr. J. A. Houstf)n., general freight agent of I
. a ... . man, I wheels and was carried for some distance di, d in a fe bout the Canadian Pa,,cific Railway in that eity,
I the backb,,ne of Vio world, lins been one of . F. Hawkine I Airs. Robert Keyes, of Amaranth Station9 under 'the car. The train was stopped rieA about three�weeks ago.' He was a .
- cornlr we may discern a flock of sheep hud- that I the big egk - has -On Wednesday, laet week, as Mr.. and
my boyhooO's d3rling ambitions, When dled together as if vainly endeavoring to left Canada to return no wore. It is rumor- were driving from Orangeville in-irket in a quickly, and the car bad t) be raised before 31 years of age and was in the jewelry busi- was stricken with 'paralysis, and, in order
- �
I the beautiful bl.ue, almost intaugible line protect themselves 'from the cold, pelting ad. that he owes tile Bank of H,%Pton no buggy, their vehicle was run into by a the girl could be extricated, but when this nei3a in Hamilton. - that he might receive the attention of his. _.
did a,ppear on the horizon I felt like l9a,ping rain. Are any of these animals chewing less than $50,000. � -The London poor and -destitute were friends, he was taken to 96Gloucester street.
' I
to my feet and 91touting, crying Oit And s'l- the.cud? Iexpectuot; circumstances are --J%n-iesLanderkin,of Bandilead, near freight train, and they were thrown into a was done She stepped out� unhurt, to the other and sister ministered to
1�_ . fence corner. Mr. Keyes was fatally in- ,,utter amazement of all beholderfli. � - . liberally supplied with Christmas cheat by, There his .in I
� . ting very, very still all in one . Perhaps not cornfortabla enough to admit of th it in- ToroiAo, is in pessoesiou of two valuable -An interesting suit- f 'r breach of pro- the. varions benevolent societies. The St. the invalid with tender care. But -three I
. dulging"in such a luxury. Let us next look relical - One i8 a log chain which was made jured, living only a few minutes, but Mrs. ' I . weekR ago Miss Jessica Houston, -the sister, .
iome of my readers mAy have experienced Keyes escaped with slight injuries. mise of marriage will collll before the next George society releaved 2715damilies. "You -" z * I
- into a barnyard, and we sed, holdiig the by S. Lount, of rebellion fame, Up other is I . htch E-aded her life on .
I . that peculiar mingling, Of serle?,tion. -The funeralui Mrs. Geddie who it will Assizes at Brantford, th dam&g,38 being have no idea," said a St' George Society, contracted typhoid, w
- o'clock and most enviable POSitiCIDS HE the shed or at the a.oano which dates back 102 year . The pl�i m,iu, " the amount of destitution there is in ,Friday evening. Meantime another sisterf
We reached Pueblo about six whill their 6rtori, near be remembered was frozan to death in laid at $2,000. 1 utiff is�-_4 young
union delipt, straw- staok, the older cowsi P _N.�rc �nd Mrs. Taylor, of B, -the 5th of Decom- woman narded Jane Beche , living in that this city until you commence to make in. Mrs. Cockburn, of 11ountair, came to I
I- made our way into the new younger offspring are left out,to the mercies Hami �t n, upWards of *70' earA 0 iCge, were Bill"ne, Manitoba, an .. S. Many o ek Ottawa to help nurse Mr. 11-oluiston. She, - .
of red Colorado Sandstone. ,It is, I F wbfl�e driving b_er7o_o�place frorn- the residence of her city, and the defendent a, oung farmer nam. quirie too, e-ntracted fever, returned home, aud st ! .
I finest I was' ever in. I of 0 a oold autumn shower. These ape cir- throwIn from their vehicle charity, and would go without the neces. .
think, tile until rouni., tances which the most progreasivi) agri- home, front the city and -receiv-,d sarious father, Mr. Whitley, Brantford, on Sunday ell Leonard Dean, residiriglin Watford. The ask relief. Only latest- accoblits W&8 Very low. A brother - -1 �
founcl it neec-,&ary to, wait � . . afternoon 20th ult., to Paris cemetery. The claim sets forth that the n' Englishman I
� _4 Iftl- in *d but circumstances r I � .�outlg people were sities of life rather than with was on his way to Ottawa, when he was .
11, I oulturi8t3 " il3jU k S. n I h e �
I '%vo ; .
. two o'clock for my trai and occupied w i " .�t, 'b .1, burslay morning last E k, Patrick remains arrived fro, Manitoba on Saturday keeping company, .and tf)at t. - defendant yesterday I discovered a overtaken by malarial fever at Chied.go,
whic14 Are tco 3n tc, a seen among .our - we . . ,_ a a family of ten children,, who had been out -
myself by taking a� stroll aboti.t the town, or . farmers. previous. promised to marry her, buit now rof uses t actual' where he now IRS seriuusly ill. Mrs. .
. � city rather, and enquiring periodically about lelis well-to-do To any breeder Griffi , while coupling cars at Ti enton was 'Some 35 yf are ago a young man named made good his promise. 1 There has been of work for a long time, and was in I
rig c 3 - - 4 Horifiton -was called from Ottawa a few days '_ I
my bao,aage, which wal reported to be ccm- ,who is iryi o Im.prove his stock by breed- kno ked down by the train sud( enly t tart obineon left Kingston to seek his no defence lodged so far. I want ; yet he had too much pride to inform I
I - 8 P me sAy, you ing, � He was dragged a disttince of 70 f �et ) D=iel R es. We found ago to Bowesville to ape her son, Mr. James
I 'O' , fortune in British Columbia. He was killed -A Barrie coxrespondc4t writes: "It is
jug in '11 every train, but iailed to put in an ,ing.or any other proce s, let any one .of li�s circumstanc A ,
I will find it up iill work as long as you allow ,and d� ad of his injuries within two hours. . � HoustoD, who, it is feared, is in de�line and- .
. appearart". Pueblo ij a peculiar place a-,4, I by a farmer, and the eitata he left is worth gratifying to Icarn that h,'re aud there at- plenty more in the same position, and we I ,% .
, - in si�ch inclement - he Young Men" k3soc I was with him when the
indeed, Inn,st western cities are. To begin yodr atock-to, .-emain out I 8 Hospital , iation $30,000, which will be divided in a few (lays tempts are being made to inforce the game sent the provisions to their hous,?s." U-IWA�4-,hft -
� in . . .
with, the site iq bare and ugly, and the west, er as we have at this sea"on of the met the directors of the General Ifo5pital i between hie siaters, viz,: Mrs. Michael; law in our Province bunt ng ground. Re- +LLa grippe has a firm fiothold iu _,Mon- daughter's death reached her ou Friday. .
year. publicly pre- ' 7 � Public Sympathy wicb t'he sufferers is com- I
-h How of :on do wo see cattle in good Guel& a few days ago and contly Charles and -Ed ard Waterhouse'. tr 0 CAs'es. It affects
place is eat in two by a sort of ravine whic shap3 in Septe sente i them with the money, collecteA, Flanagan, Mrs. W. Moore and W. N. Dren , Laly and now claims 1,00 MeDsurate with the deptli of their affliction.
e viaduct - o -7'6r* 9. Boyd, John and Elisha Soules and .Melville Wal- itg victims in
. is s maned, however, by a fin . mber, and before winter has ospital. inan, of King:3ton, also Nlr of Newl a different way than before- �
, P ' irop,rly set iE they are actually poor and $1 88i 'in aid of the General H -.-.-.., ........... 1�1
'at cars Top. I a br _u� lit before Ej. J. pains in the stomach arid head�'che, followed
which the stre , The greater pari F i , �, "alter Fogg aged eleven y York, and Mrs, Black, of Montreal. ; ker, of Aepdio, wet 9 . ` .
. - when turned out: n the spring are ilmoat- 'I are, Son of -Christmas day was observed in Winni-' StirrEtt, J. P., at Rosie iii, and fined $20 by, weakness in the lower limbs, but Perth Item�s. .
. � povertystriok�n.� Alittle extra ca'� r. )hnFogg,o the Upper Canada furni- -Mr. ,James T. Doble, of Ruseeldale, ha -s 4
vate TC8iC1e-nCeP, are poor nffairg,i and the � _�, peg after the ti�ual time-honored manner, and *costs for killing four � eer more than the th attack only lasts in most cases
of the businE-s3 buil(l,ini, as well'as the pri-, - I a and 11 f
- . . ts are entirely unpaved, but il-here and Rtte tion in the lautunin will amply repay tura fl 6otory, .Bowmanville, while skating on tractiou beiva a big curling bon- law'allowed, in the towwhip of Montei th fr�m four 'days to two Weeks. The sold bis young shorthoin bull with which be �, �
.9tree the chief at 0
fort a troublc and- the winter stock f fod- a pool � near the town Monday, bro ke through 1. , -and took so many prizes last fall, to a gent1tra&n.
there ale. beautiful new businels --blocks, . I . I between the Granites and Thirties, The plea was that they for'med two parties, str,eet railway company, the i police force
J private residences that der Ill go mu ch'furth8r than if the cattle the ipo and was drowned. a 11 -y all lived and the fire brigade are the biggest sufferers� in Ellice for a handsome sum, I
pu4lic buildings aor :ket thle latter receiving a bad beabing. Some but it was proved that t . '-- .� .
I allowed to lget down in conditl n be- —Miss Florence Hopper, of' Newmat , -Proff-ssor J. B. Watson, of St. Marys, I
. would ('O credit to a city Tuch 1�'rger than foreTzrierin heir �inter quarters. There bad'alfinger amputated the othorl,day.. She good games were put up, and the Winnipeg- , boarde4 in one c -amp and ere one party. Oat of 375 men on the police force 55 are I .
-t rail- n shape to ' -The St. George accid nt ca,ses agairi8tT laid up. In the fit-- department 30 are oil returned hoLne from Chicago last ,week, i
. I 'ill reduce the condi ion of . Ig a I -Amb chinincy V it broke ge, rs, n . � ' - urin -.during the past I
I Ct _q, I .
% � - Pueblo ; there is a tine electric sl�ree 4 ,h . Ineet easleria Cauada, curlers, w I r �
. I ow consider themselves i
I- way system and good Sidewalks of sand- is lie hing tha t w was qeaulr I ho are to ,be the Grand Trunk Railway which have been sick leavo, while the street car drivers and where he has been le
younip, .stock a( quickly as exposure tp the and c�t her finger, producing blo d poison- .
stone, The buildin- Which would probably , , I present at the forthcoming annual bonspiel. i settled are, those of Mrs. 'wan, Mrs . Xar� conductors are- laid off in large numberg. month. . .
r, in". - iu6,, apd hence the ampu . . . d U .
- is the 11din- cold utumn ra The unthrifty bondi 15 I tation. ty:four candidates from� tin and Mri. Peers. Th,following figures Around the city in business offices and stores -Between $250 and $300 "was real zed a,
I - be of most irit--'reSt to a strangar . t F the pi ioua ,,spring's calvesi inoi- -Flifty of the pupils of the Institute for -Out of -the aix . ublic as- there are a number of cages, but there are . a St. Jaines' Church (Catholic) hazar in �
I I eral Palace, a sort of permanent. exhibition e'v the BrAdford and Barrie Model School ' have been made public as he amount likely . .
iola'jobfy the exte�nded_paunch ;,I e b4nd at Brrntford,left the.cit last week ; ces9ful. in passing the pros � to be paid by the compa I n includirig till law more in factories than anywiltere cise. Stratford recently. .
where may be seen specimens of mineral oate , scurf . SiXtY7On8 were euc ' y .
and Iry hair, c a often be traced to. this for th�ir homes eastward to spen .the holi- . race- I expenses, up to date: A,lr,. Swan, $1,600; -At the re -opening 'services in the Wat- -
products from all parts of the State. Pueblo cAtusq. Ewes b2orneunthrifty-in tbq win- days. Th,e :)roportion goin awa , this year fes3ional examinati,.)ns, and' all at B -A funny incident occurred at the Cirand c . rloo Street Methodist Church in Stratford I
i �, I g awa
I is called the 11 Pittsburg of the West " On L bridge (forty-five) passed. The examinem! Mrs. Joseph Peers, $1,00 ; Mrs. Frances Trunk Railway station, London, the day be -
M . a I - 7
r, go down in condifioa and before Spri'ng 8 _ 't - and Mr. Daniel P' ,
l 0
accGitfit of its la-irge smeltincy bus;ness, but it te 1 4 'Is -h In any former year, encock, S ,500 each; Mrs. on Sunday a collection of about $5100 was
0 � I I - I
I I are so weak t lat., they are unable to raise -At the annual me,eting of the Galt Knox for Muskoka require all, teachers who wish fore Cbristaras. A number of young men taken up.
is hardly as bi,y, or busy, or Smoky a-3 Pitts- or, it some see i � even give birth to their churcli Women's Foreign Mission Society to renew their certificates to paes both the Jonathan Martin, $2,000, ' This leaves the were bidding some lady friends good-bye, - ;
n -Niessrs. Farquharson and Mowat, two
buro, yet, though doubtless it will be some non -profession a I and the professional exam- cases of Messrs. D. W. arr. and R. NV. ari�l "parting was such bweet corrow" that � I
0 - yourt �. Full ing this evil to its.Wlirce it the tr6surer's report showed the t $468.52 one of those who passedat Knight as the only local 0 as not disposed barted. of the assistants at the Listowel High I
. deky. ' wilt-Imost in ari- bly be found to,have or- had bi I �en contributed for the forei n depavt- inations, Twenty- of. A number of other cases have been th�y lingered on the train ULn-tiI it si School, have resigned. Mr. Furqubarson
. I left 11aeblo, abo,ut two 6'cl6ck on the . . '. Bracebridge were old teachers. . I O�e of them, who is connected with a con- I
",. 6 were njent
igina �ed in th ey- osure to which the�, and $304 for home missions. goes to KinuArdine, at an ilicre-L3c of $100 1
. Denver - and Fort Worth express. The ' - . -Thos, F. B. Mountain died suddenly in withdrawn. snl�ar agency, jumped clean out of his rub- . �
11 -
I 11
subj Cted in 0 1 to autumn. -t, of Col- Theyaro successful t
9 I i each,�rs and
two or three hour-,' ride to Cucharas Junc- I' ghoul ni�nence keeping our blorne ch-,*. and Mrs. Daniel MeNti ' undas a few days ago, from pleuro-pneu- -The case of Paul Houle, of Essex, ha%3 bets and left them on the car rapidly die- salary. .
. I -_ -W . d steir county, Novt6 Scotia,who celebrated D . . N I . . Listowel is sorry to lose them. -
., extremely monotonous' one. monia, Mr. Mount -tin was one of the town's been before the court agai � at Torouto, and appearing in the direction of St. Thomas.
� tion was an )i sioc in at n t �and on wet days *in Oa- their golden wedding the other day, are the n -A Jewish peddler uained Gamonski Was I
On eith,f-,r side was an expanse ( I oldest residents, COIniDg there when Drindas it was shown that Houle had been visited by Tho laugh that followed at his expense I
tob ot the stpairt of November. 1. The I Ime fa' Ily to en- J physician, whc found that he dr-pwned the'locomotive whistle. He was robbed at Smith's hotel, Tralee� on Frk5ay .
I bare, rolling prairie, varied only by b&r- , fourth rn,imbe'rs of the s was a mere hamlet, He wag married in a a Canadiari
� I exac -time d UZ to some exten he -joy t) at distinction within the past few c � night, 18th ult.; ,and clAims to havr, lost $500 .
ran d At and . cality. Some fe,rm- . - � frame houso where the Bank of Commerce suffered from an idea that someone was al- onsoled, how6ver by a ni,,ssage from the worth of cloth and jewelry taken from his I
CuGhar%s 'the �Valsenburg train stood seaSO ,the o years. I stands, and his 47 years of residence in, ways about to administer Jo him a Close of- young lad 'saying she had procured the go- I
er sa ve I -tot ti'me to be bothered -F)r seven years teacheril f om .Elgin new y -
It was a freight train to the cad .1 "I la . Dundas made him one who knew the place noxious drugs to prevent �hn Voting for Sir loslics and would return them as a Christmas wagon. No trace of the'robbers. �
waitin.g. 7 ,vht� iw the a tumn - count have taken gold medalls at the . . -Tile safe in the4Grand Trunk station at I
. in all its checkcr present. .
of which was hitched a caboose fixed up in a Stahl �ng my stocki tveiy nig . ad career. Mr. Mountain John A. Macdotiald. Thp chancellor de- I
and besides I am scarce of fodder." ise Jennie Listowel waK blown open Tutisdaynight la,st .
desultory way for use as a .bao-age, express I t me Normal school, the last being N was born in 1820, dying in hia 71st year. clared Houle a lunatic, bu� refused to vest Miss Savage, daughter of Rev. Win. . - - �
I 2" tell 5 oil it will piy you to take time, nd if David ion, of Union, who has sumeeded in the Essex farm in Mrc. I Houle. He ap- ' - week, and $111 taken. The post office wai
and passenger car, and�behind the general -Matthew Brown, the daring burglar Savage, who had been ill for some time at ;
ement was a hand car on Your fGdde-r is sc;racreethis is the very eaBon taking a seco-nd-class certificate and the Freelton, Beverly township, pointed John Holm of - Sandwich also entered, but only a little cliaDge was ,
I ,
purpose orraing that vou shou �d 8 no pains t your medal of the Normal school, Otta, va. - from near 11131 her brother's residence, Elora, died on Fri- I
en made the; journey of � � Houle's trustee. The lunatic is worth about' taken from the till. . I
which two gentleol . county of Wentworth, and who pleaded � i . day, IStb ult. Geniul and sympathetic in -The Grand Trunk Railway has in itu �
n miles. When ive had got Pretty near cattl from going*wn in condition �efore -;-A night guard has been placed over the enty-charges of theft, has been W,000- -
. save ! sale in the guilty to tw r) her manner, and devoted to the Christian -
-, engine began to Shriek it- winter sets in I' remember an auctior . cells containing Bartram and Don lass penitentiary. -The Lindeay Post *f last week Says: � em -ploy probably the youngt-st brakeman in
Walsenburg th( the train stopped with a where stock belotiging to two different par. t , priso ' at Brantford. he sheriff Sentenced to ten years in the work among the young 'People, the poor.and the country.. He wears knickerbockers jind :
. Pa cattle were th a the serious . The magistrate endeavored to find out if Mr. R. Hall and wife of Griswold,Manitobs ' congregations does not look to be more than 15 y,eaas of I
Self hoarse ; then ties were sold. I he fiest party c 0 ln�x 3 In charge of murder agairist the afflicted, in the various .
everybody out of his seat. gra -fi rns, that ha.d been car . - Brown bad any accomplices, as was strongly passed through town tbii week to visit age. He runs out of Stratford.
- .jerk that throw d to climb the back plat- 64 short fully the I arr' ints the. extra pre- I ad friends in Cambray, where they ministered to by her fatbi�r, her life was one -
d , . 'Lted that a *ti
The handear trie ,2 . I suspected, but Brown St, round of unselfish usefulness and ineptM ion.
form and one of its Occupants rolled. off on look4 after �riiig the antumn 'and never cani'tio 29. - I � done all the thieving himself, The goods Christmas. Mr. and Mrs, Hall -will be .re- '$Mr)iere -A few weeks ago Mr. John Walker. of I
' 6 allowed to rewain� out during any inclet rieficY �,-T:ie convicts in the Kingston peniten- membered by many in to n, they having Latterly the work among the Indiant the 11th conceasion, Logan, had a valuable I
I - � to the rails amid houts of laughter. He, of w4ather; the lother's cattle were thor- ti " ere treated td plum -pudding, over stolen are valued at $1,000. ! her father has been located, has rnade de- , ..
" caughl the train before it reached ary Tile -Master William Wells, a pupil of the resided here abont eleven years ago previous mare kicked in the stifle by its mate. At . I
.. however) 11 -which disippeared. I mands upon her toe- grest for her strength, first it wag not t1lought to be very serious,
f -AValsenburg. The train drew zip at a oug red h tih rills which, though they 1,0109 t,jounds of Ontario institution for the education of the to going west. Good fort4ne has attended
1, ound my .9 r, .0 e; ma . - n. . ay and which exposed her to the attacks of a but later the whole limb became swollen .
I een w 31 , ! had not received ibat in 9 of the as.ylum and other �ublic i - them in every venture, an, to -d Mr. Hall
� had .� , relapsing fever which had gradually burnt :�
, pretty little frame depot, and I f �c I ,Cutentipil given to the first lot. The stitutiolis were given c ear, and the scAdiers blind at Brantford, has passed the examina and despite all that coald be done the poor I
I . freind waiting for me on the platform. We BPE . rapidl and . tion, and been' admitted an associate member is one of the wealthiest fai mers and battle ut the lamp tkf life after weeks of loving -.1 �
� got into the most dilapidated back I ever resti was that the grades sold of A battery had a da3 off. of the Canadian Society of Organists. He raisers in that section. This year he Bold ' brute had to be killed. I
'�, - good figures,� while the thorougl�breds _10nTnesday night, last -wee at Tren, . I . - ile the nursing and skilful medical �ttention at her -A wood bee was held on the farm of B. .. -- I I
; s1w uneuperannuated, which took us toone at . I - to be the first blind person to qualify 8,000 bushels of wheat alone, wh: brother' -s home.
were a drag and brought relatively Imuch ton, a brakeman na-me� -Griffin, ei, Toronto, is said - '
lower prices I than th '�ht. The boys report a �
; ot the hotels, ,%Ind then we got out the horses a grades. WhIn thb when going before a mo g p1r.tion of a for membership in the. society, and tile aggregate of his crop of different grains was -John Seargeant, of Kingsford, near ,Balhi, near Doneg:., a few days ago, fnl;Ow- I
-mile drive over . vin is flattering. The institution is between 15,000 and 16,00 bushels. ad by a dance at ni a.
arid started on our sixteen acr_ or 0 ind
� -B..-xdito. Now, reader weather becomes cold the horned stock' ,train to make a coupling, fell the rail -hon The headings starte from the -portal Belleville, had a terrible experience in Tf- huge pile of wood out on the afterno a a .
the country road t:) 9 doing splendid work under Principal Dy. - t.
IZ-1 e 4able,' a I over I and west from shaft No. I of the Niagara endinaga township a few nights ago. He a splendid evenin)1z amusemen
don, t lot that high souridiuc, title deceive you should be kept almost chLirely in th t a cattle guard, The wheels pisaec � -
0 allowed out long enough to get a drink, mond. . -turning home from Lonsdale consider- (THeitcher, an'employee ot
. o ,I- on4y . hip body, killing him instantly. , -Mr. Itichar
at road. It is r , -Raymund Vanvelsor, of Calton, el work havemet. he distance ex- was r( � ' B il i 9 OM -
am; to the character of th, . TL
. � ar blocks uor yet macadam. say from half an hour to an hour each_1td&Y,' -A meeting of representative temper- undertook to doctor cavated through solid rock, 200 feet beneath ably under the influence of liquor. When the North American N4 a do 0
. pa,ved with ced " county, some weeks ago
not longer. Too many have a habit oil urn- auce men has been hold in Brantford, "to ') 400 feet � The time that some six miles from home he tied hilu. horse pany, Stratford, who 444. ? piece of Steel � I
- ized. It hasn't even got fences alongside of I sore foot with some salve which had been the surface, is , 'I � ' recently war,
� . . perance hotel ' a n eyes J
. a wagon ing them out at upon and leaving the thus discuss th� building of a Lem firs sod was turned to the fence, and going into S. Ford's barn drive int4? One lof hits �
it. To - tell the truth it ia only , ' res It is in- that city. y will lying about the house for a long time, but it has elapsed since the ti ' a ;-by . Dr. ,1,. E. _qawke �
until four or five o'clock', and.the' res A joint-stock con pan disrobed him5elf and went to sleep to- . anil
track which changes with almost every , I "a for be formed with a capital of $1 i,000 and seemed the salve harl become 'Poisonous from is one year two mouths ind twenty days, oil th taken Toro.nt(
- �,� . I storm'anii winds and wanders over hills alad that rnuch of the food ftd is consume, ding. Gang - d since the first heading was started it is floor. The night was intensely cold , an(I the removal of - the.eye was found necez,barY- . 'I
- . � - I the pprpose of keeping up the heat, ol the the scheme pushed forward as - -apidly as long Stan rene set it), which end- an the next mor . niDg Seargeant was for a time a at the residence �
I through deep arroyas (gulhas, eastern,people , . � ed in death on December 20. Deceased had eight months and twen -,y days. Other -Mr. James Harris die unro, a few dAY8 �
.. would probably call them) and around wmh- body' If this heat were supplied in the I form possible. . ulien,s just passed hii 80th year. He and his headings are expected to meet on January scarcely able to rnove. He contrived to of his son Oliver, near M. vonsbire, Eng-
- oats. These arroyas look to me always as of a Lrrn stable alarger portion Of th f pod -On Cbristmas after con a J � that John were two of the oldest pioneerw 26, 1892. The total onto er of feet Of the -walk home, when a doctor was called in. ago. He einigrated from De ago. He was I
wool' roduct 'Landing, St011ey Lake, I 111 tot � first section of the tunnel excavated in about land to Canada 48 years
d thirty or forty feet wide -1 be assimilated for the p i n Of vA lliard Is and ,bro I One foot was amputated at the instep, and
if a it'-: ip of groun a milk or the laying -:3D of flesh. T'llough Clarke Bronson were shot by a rifle in the in the vicinity of Calton. at the ankle. arno' 8,sttlers of that district,
11,E ' uddenly sunk down from half, , A few mornings ago in Elora the upper 6,000. It is expected tha b by February a the other was taken off rig the earliest -ad age of 81 -
wet hands of Bronson's brother. Thellatter was - Afterwards two more inches had to be taken and had reached the advatic
I to twenty feet. They are caused sheep should not be exposed to coll, part of the wall on the eouth side of Lipsay start at lining the hole wil. be made.
,,a water Washing down from the llltor�s, it is equally as disastrous to them to loading the rifle, when it went off. The ball & Stickney's oatmeal mill fell into the river. -The Ayr Recorder I I t week tells off, and now the victim of his own imprud- years. ' of Sta L ffa,beld a very �
" keep!thoni in ar�m, close quarters and this passed through Stone's Shoulder E nd lodged ence will likely die. He was at one time _N1r. A, W. Hotha .
4 I .8 . m7
- . . s. tiies in the spring. Sometimes they I There was a bin of oats containing 5,000 how some Galt Collegiate %stait-ute boys took .
. I - g out a treatpent has requently been follew9d :by in Bronson's shoulder. Both men are in a " AsIthe Galt Collegi- an ordained minister, and was well ' ,educat- sur.cessful examination at his school, No. 5,
.1 (-- -end for miles and miles, wa8hin� o the 1pse of a I rge number of the ggng critical condition. bushels next to the wall, and the greater a quick trip home : ed. In a few years his wife will fall hair to on Tuesday last weak, when he was asAstea . I �
J " e l.e more year by year. But -poor as th lamb�, - In ant ran allow neither the o ad -Richard Edwards, CreditviII3, while on part of the grain al,go fell out. The firm im- ate Institute was dismiksed on Tuesday $60,000� One more victim of liquor drink- by Messrs. Thompson, Dorrance, PuTdon,
, d is, it hits its compensations, To the, stock or, the sheep to suffer from expoture his way to London to pay for a - threshing modiately got a number of men to work, morning, af" 11 o'clock, �bree of the Ayr ing. I McNaughton and Hutchison. owing to the I
. . I -lie those great masses of rock, the I -tn - -naebine, laid his overcoat on the seat in the and by night moat of the Oats had been cart- students thought they would gain time by i very muddy roads the attendance of visitorB
. I 'At i inter keep the! he -The London Advertiser of Mon day says:
Spanish Peaka-grand in their immensity) to thle cold rains. In w I - ed away to Archibald & Mundell's store- coming home on a freight, I train, which left
� e,ver varying ed st�ock warm and the sheep dry, &no the cars, and found when he took I p th%t a r five bours earlier than The case of Win. York, Sen., of North Dc r- was, not large, but thoEe who were not there .
V013drously beautiful in their I . . 11 up house, Not more than 100 bushels. will be Galt some four o d examination
#. from live stock vrill be much sappeared. I miAsed a good dinner, a goo
I hues ; to the right, one may occasionally . rem ineravion .roll of bills containing $640 had d entirely lost, . the regular Passenger 1, '�'he boys were chester, who has been summoned on a char 11.1 I good programme at the conclusior �of I
calch a gl;mpse of the white head of Pike's larg r than in many instances it: is at - Mr. Edwards recently also lost ix head of '- the "side of cruelty to animals in dehoruing a herd �
� . . This was the ter- pros,nt. - I I . � P,.. B. cattle on the railroad. -Tte following chapter of accidents cc- in the best of spiri* �3 t --�Iofttion. �, I
,I,------ I . on Christmas Day are re ' door Pullman," ' ix
Peak, fanious in story. . , f _J -A St. Catbi�;rineis jeweler th u lit that curring iported I comir.on 35 cows, is one of special interest to � - 11 �, I
-iinal point for the old pioneer emigrants � � I - intr4 I I
ant to pur- from the Belleville district - While Mrs. first-class - Ayr was farming community, and of peculiar, . I
�1 -starting out on their -'The Coiling . I . up. To +A others in the city. a he+ ill,,
.� d miners who before �ood Enterprise Says : They he knew a customer who wante Th i
:1 had fto'nble in thOr High School -at Orillia chase a $54 gold watch, and req as d him Jeffrey, of Huntington, wag driving through reached ar I . .
long, weary voyage across the plains, used to recefitly. Insp eath had ruported to take the timepiece home toil show his Ross' Corners the axle of the vehicle broke, jump t1 and d � -immifted 1- - I i
. I I - ,�
paint in large-, letters- on the white canvass I d T� i t wto f' -ing the lady to the ground. Her cided ;. .
I covers (,' their prairie schooners; "Rike's advgIrsely to thol Head Master and an ex- wife. The jeweler later discove .h 'at�je I -1
I '4� _ as broken. Mrs, Floyd,of Zion!s about, I I
i� eak or 'bust." It is, needless to say that citirlg time eileu�o. During the debate of a case of . mistaken identity." � e � . i
. . . i - riding, was not brought b I ack. . . I I- er right hip, She is 83 my, bl. � . - I tN I I I
11C ,rom, onc cause or another they were as of- the 13oard over�the report, Mr. Sea I �
- I III.- ten as r -�, 11 bust " and left their own and one !of the membpars, Paid, 11 he had always -Mr. Francis Boyd, a farmer reeidinj 'kn,-- fears gr-- --- �' .Ir%ol - - I .
� q I 1,
IV I 1, their r -i's borkes to bleach on' the plains, hel that it would bo better if there was less near Jerseyville, Wentworth clounty, wa; I .
. .
'I -
'I I
" � I - In honpr work I .
. ghastly 4lestones along the trail. ' q d e, It was a good adver- nearly gored to death by a bull �on Sundaj I I I
t 0 1
fronf distance are the jagged, tizo�nent for he�teacher, but the average 20th ult. Ho was in the stable ' t, the tirr' � 0 0 R �
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