HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-12-25, Page 4. � I : . I . - L - I I . . � � I - - I I I - - . r I __ � I 1 4 � I . i - - I - - i � . I I I � - � . . - 1891 , �. . I 6 . . I J ! . I . �- i 4 - I I � - I � ! J �IHE ,HURON XPOSITOR. I I I , I . EVEN I I � . __ AMENNUMN I., I ; I i _. � I 1. � I I . ' . i ill - - � i . - I ' , . � . NEW ADVERTISEMEIIN'�S and the political pot i 1 boil fast and furi- al,�) the' people �: both countri4� e, in- ma,hy other kinds of tneet ngs incident to the effect of raising the bow, where the boat wAs bya'll, being quiet and inoffensive In poli- 'and Mr. MoDonogh, Exeter. A social was L _ - � I - I Otis until the last VO: is . e 8th fl enced largely by self interest. an . municipal cariapaign in -the' I &y evening, at which was � . � � it the mo)it vigorou leaking, out of the water, and prevented her tics he supported the Liberal arty. He also held on Tuesdi I I 11 11 AW The ftguro, between the paronthesis: aftet ew h of March. ' I I cit),'o history. Three night is about�the from making water as rapidly as would leaves two @one—one on the far n arid the a largo attendance, The -proceeds, in,jud. line. denotes the PM96 of the pap�er on whi h t tj L - A�nericans can 1bi taught that it will bic for - I . . savertisement will be foutid. � Whit tho result of t is election will be it their interests , Jo have free trad with avorage and the paper teem with the have otherwise been the case. Forbunate- other.in Toronto, and two dq,u bte", one ing collectioDs and donations, amounting to . � apowhes and promises of inflated aspirants ly the boat managed to reach a pier, and being married to Mr. Joseph Chu chill. $192, . I I I . . 9 11 ----The Whitfield church, 12th concession —Once more it is our in money at 6J Per is impossible to siy� not be slow to gr p the for,' mayoral honors. ayor Cl%rke's atbi- all hands aboard of her scrambled ashore � .elaLncholy ditty to � . Cent. -J. M. Best. 48) a to sly, There seems, how- - Canada they will I . , I . rhotographs-[2] Ba,-Iaugh. (8) ever, to be a etrong fe ling that Mr, Mer- si I ivation and wil tu4,e continues just an onigmaticalsm ever, ,&hurry. The laht man was bardly ashore of Grey, is undergoing a renov tion: and record the taking away, 'by death of one I _J, McIntosh. (8) their represe tabivea I i j�;�I,_Goode_& 0. eimpson.. (8) I . ' � I I - - I '171 come back to power with a stronger to give the moot , ab so �:that his dearest cronies in the Albany before she went to the bottom. will be much improved when t e work is of Howick's old residents, in the person of I L I cier wi = le terms p sFjible i . Notice to Greditors—S. Malcouison. (5) � . � -Thos. Flannigan. (6) 1 following than ever. I The partizan and Addresses such al Mr. Charlton's are ad ' Cl�b seem unable to fathpin the depths of DAV11T PLEDGED.—Mr. Michael Davit�, complete. A stone foundation 1 has: been Mri. Tremble, who ,.passed peacefulty away , - Boar for SerVlCe I . ,inir- his intentions. For everiy apswer he gives in his address to the electors of Watfor , built, new chimneys added and, 4dilink and on Saturday, Ilth ingt., to join her partner I . Irvine. I . ' - ierkshire Boar -Jos. Boulger� 5) i bangling course of the I.Lieutenant Governor a ly adapted to further this result, O� the affi'rmatory of his desire ! for a fifth term a pledges himself to endeavor to obtain t e walls renewed with ash lumber. �Vellington in a brighter and better- world. Deceased . I Wood. wanted--Jas� McGill. (6) has givenbitti, excellent material to work on, q astion, of anivaex�t haltimplied denial is for�hcorriiog. Even at passage of Home Rule measure that w 11 Fogal, of Ethel,and Mr. Camp�ell, of the was born in the county of Fermanaglig Ire� ]Durham Bulls For Sale -David Hill. (5) I on Mr. Charlton aid : . Judicial Sal". MAIcO1115011. (5) ! ' - I the! Itist moment Messrs. Fleming, Oeler, vatisfy the Irish people, 16th, have the job in hand. � land, in 1802. She and her husband cinie Notice. to Creditors --J. M. Best. . and he is just the man Ithat can use it to the In closing, M ri. lCharlton said that he svp- Mp,*illxa and Dr. Beatt � Mora than 10,0� John Ka- to Canada about 56 years ago and settled in I 1. best advantage. load he would: be expected to" P � � y may find astonish- STARVED SEALS. - 0 -On Thursday of last week as p.OdFerville Cheese Factory -A. 92)1han*a . (6 He in I greatly belied, if P, . ome- Me'nt in the widesproaq prevalence of a young seals were found dead from starvis- son and James BowmaoL, in M rris town- the township of Marivere, in the County of mc,dng BUfldinzs�G. A. Logan. (6) his conscience � tfitog,,about Pali ical union. If asked I h tter w . Pother ther ' . sentiment like unto t1he sidger's lines: tion recently at the Seal Island rookeri ship, were grubbing the timiper n thp,side- Durham; in the year 1865 they moved to .� wheat Wanted- 0 was a politi I r 0 party - se�s. . Cook Bros. (8) a* � nio " With all his fadlta I lo6 him, still " The indiscriminate slaughter of female Is road between lots 25 end 26, 3rd cone4sion Howick, where -she was left a widow about ' ram Wanted -T. J. Barry. (6) I what course he will ta a, herb never was i I Ica, ,,!h,,4 in . . . He . � Canisda, his au�w'er must b * the I L 'a falling limb track Mr. 17 years ago. She was a Methodist and I I here was nc t � . in IALTED HORSE MEAT, -Se van te- five ,bar- Mavotion the side of ellinj him early in life gave her heart to the Lord. She � Silverware, &c.-D.S. Faust. (8) . , , I ' THII LOAN COMPA�Y ALL UIGHT iven as the cause. of that township, -Jackson Bros. (5) in Canadian politics more exact counter- strict sense of tha� ord it 0 as ye & Merry Christmas a d i iibles, Testaments, Ac. (3) part of the late Dominion Premier than Mr. 6 jpolitical orgeofills, ionl of that k 0 . if Those indignant share elders who scented i � . lh�ked whether, role of cared horse flesh lay on a w York to the ground and making an.ug y gaii : h an- was always known an a kind, Christian . I � . Mercier. H' I there woo a politicm union out a loose method of bt siness 'nansgame't Warf, Saturday, waiting shipment to a der the right eye. ' neighbor, and faithful wife and loving - . L - is one a bition is power, and sentiment in 11C"%4a he would 0,081'er, yes. In :the Dominion Buildrig & Loan ALsso - rt ` '' � L CIA- foreign port. They came from Henry Boy- -The anniversary services in conritetiort mother. I . � She leaves behind her a grown up . he will sacrifice anj h ng or spy person to H w extensive it might be be -could ot say. tion have agreed to forg4 t thapset and for- 8, fee - Us. obtain and retain ths He is shrewd, plate-' , doubt, however!, give transgressions of the directorate which,, er tory. with the Wingharn Methodist ar4 were family of four daughters and four'sous. I I , . it was more a I : . t ht 161tron &P 0�', . THE LIFE MR. BOoTn.-The life of held on Sunday, 13th lant. v. 114. L. -Mrs. Win. Blashill, Sr., of Brussels r - r, i t n might fro*i surface indicaiioni b aft�r all, laiked illegal t�int. At the moot ffsrc�,;", Pearson, of Orangeville, preach d to large died at the residence of bar son William in . . OF -3. . . . ible, quick to see and ake advantage -of any L e , Mrs. Boo6k will be publiihad in I I I - . 0 ly an sad. � The majority of iti friends ing on Tuesday the Hop. G. W. Ross � I - . - istance that willibelikely towerkin b"' ppo and simultaneously in England and the Unit�d co gregatione, ipeth morning an evening. that town, on Wedneslay night, 16th ingt. � - . . - I . I Id naturally pen avowal. J. B. MeWilliams resigned. The former States. It will include letters to Mrs. Th"a 001leeltiOD8 amounted to &be one: bun- I She had attained the 7 - , . 7 SEAFORTH. FRIDAY, Dec. 25,1 1891. favor, and he has ab�ut him that parsoxal' - H bad no opinion ito i � rips, age of over 77 1 ; I i . i . 4 I . . give, but h P briefly had been icting as general manager, the Booth from the Queen on the subject -!Of dred and eleven dollars. years, The subject of this notice mentm *I : was be r __ - L � i - - magnetism-ths make �himexesodinglypopn- summed up the ek�'gq' ' Lnd position in future to ba'filled by S. F. Kil- ; . - . I � " eSob do _ *'Social Parity , Movement," also lett ra A meeting of th W"t H10 on Parm- in Harpham, Yorkshire, England, and wan � I lar with all classeli, fid, as far an honesty 6ft.thiih to decid* what they thow-t about ro. The suit against � the directors has 17 a I I . I - � r The Quebec Embroglio. 1 � L . the matber.' He ,**a there to disou s a live Can discontinued, and'the only sign of the from John Bright, Mr. Gladstone and otlt ers Institute will be held at Ulinthn on united in marriage ,to %Vm. Blashill, who I i I � - I . I in concerned, he is, ju#t as honest as his op- eminent persons. General and M January 22 and 23, when there siiill be pres- died in 1888, about 5 years ago. There - , I Our neighbors in -the Province of hTsbec issnei one upon w,hi6h. the two great parties late unpleasantness was the ordered re -writ- Booth's love letters, covering a par[ 116 son, chairman � � L L y I'X ponents, unless thty have greatly impi'ovvd of od of ant John 1. Hob - of' the board ,were nine children, only three of whom are 7 seam never to be contented unless t . ' ta eir stand. Unre. i6g, of the company's books since its incep. 5 9 . - I ears, will form a large portion Of t,he of the Ontario Agricultural Celle; e ;' W. J. living, viz.: Won. and James, of 'Brussels, - distracted by political excitement of som: since they were in power before. Nearly stricted reciprosit,1 *ould confer ul *n each t4ob, -a little oyer a year � age. t M i every member of the new Government, from country the bulk f the mater;al Adl &stages L . . ! ook. i Palmer, B. S. A., and A. McD. Allano who and Mrs. )3&rley,, of Northville, ichigan. � . : . I I kind. No sooner is one row likely that would folio tr .p�litical union, leaving r TO BE CLEANED OUT AT LAST. A WONDZZFUL PAINTING.-I�,00a 13onneur will deliver addresses on various subjects of Mr. and Mrs. BlAslaill lived near Cooks- . the Premier downw: ards, has a record as un- � . aide than the start another. Wel:t:-111 eseh country Z r,e Wbat better thing cotild befall the Has%. has finished the largest animal picture ever interest to �those ,engaged in thd pursuit Of villa, an coming to this country and after- , I � Y I � � @svery as the worst member of the Mercier Ps'n its Political an �onomy' ender by way of Chrisimaq gift than the painted. It is called Do Depiquage, a d agricii1ture. I 11 � -Governor Ange a W1 bather it would lead in the dire stfon of i ward removed to Middlesex cOuntYt where - last week that Lieutenant notification that Ashbr dge's Bay if in very represents tan he as as large as life, trotti ig -The dwelling house of John � Platser in they spent a good I L Government, even if everything of '-which "61itical union l�e did not a nquire. L Fs many years. They after. � I top to truth to be turned from a marshy wasto of � had, dismissed the Mercier Government SUL t�th countries t d th freest *ssible filth to - ! over the threshing fleor still used in parts of Blyth was destroyed by fire on W�odnesday ward moved to Cranbrook Sad then to � I they have been accused in true, -and that in . Ja e a � 11 � � Be . that he had called up*a Mr. DiBouche - I , ns a clean harbor nd capacious desks Southern Europe. She has beau workiig night of last week about 10 o'cloOk. Noth- Brussels, Mrs. Blasitill was a good li ' ; . V bad enough' When in power befor' they commercial relal 1. th would e bone. aud"buildiing area? Such, news in most likely an it for three years, and bat refused In iDg Wall Saved except a couple of bad quilt#. vIng . L woman and died in the faith of the Lord ' I villa,, a former colleague of in ' 'a fi� , ad by the arrau ement. It was a uestion � . - -1. his, t6 for I e � . . . were boodlers Of the most bare -faced stamp, in�possible as Yift to decide wbic would to I come, for the city 1 fathers who waited offer of $60,000. The old man h'ad left & fire in th stove and Jesus. . - . now Govqrnment. Sin hen the doe i , . I . and it is noit likily the _�nefit I Most larkely. As to the Itimate. upon Minister Hardy more received with UNITZD IN LIFE AND DRATH.-QUitO R left the house for about an when it -On Tuesday laat week the spirit of Mrs. Ii � y bar�, improved . � =onto in connection with the case have bee . L Iti( - unusual welcome. The Government's stti- romance in attsobed to the history of LZ - was discovered to be an fire. in of $25, Thomas Whitfield, of Grey toLWnship, took I - I - much, and all they requiro to induce them � Ica sonsequejaces, he would not ttempt 'rence and Barb:Lra Stoehr, an aged couple all the old man had in his sion, was its flight. About two , I tude can be understood from the fact that . . made Th, p Years ago she bad an 7 - pu6lio. These consist .,of (1) ' to forecast them, i The two countries would Who L I I Meatenaut-Gararnor's letter to Mr. Mer- to renew their old tactics is an opportunity. be wise to accept I the swiftly scorn rig and the rental of the reclaime'd land goes by Act wore buried from their residence in also burned. . i attack of I& grippe and this scoa developed � of Pmliarnent to � the nbario, Government Harlem, New York'. They were born with- -On Thursday afternoon last!while Mrs. 4 This being the case the people of Quebec enormous benefi4s of free trade, and let the into consumption. Owing to her vigorous z him t . I IS . I cier informing bat I hilg%drisers no have not much choice so far as honest gov. future settle its o"Prn questions. for, administration by he Department of in 6 few hours 'of each other in Berlin, Ger- John Spackman, of Exeter, Waal busily on- constitution and strong will she did not take L . � 0 1 YLIng I I f", . longor.�osseiss, his confidence, &ad tif i . - Public Works. Mr. a dy expressed him- many, were pl%ymates and schoolmates, Wore gaged doing her household work she met to her bed Until three months ago. She - . I : T erument is concerned, while Mr. Mercier, � I 0 � self as favoring Co I I to Ne e . - them in forinal sad polite language7that be I . __ . . 1. e�ander's suhame, and confirmed together, married, carne w with a misfortune. She was in the act of was cheerful through h r illness and never - L I � having esp E eomme fol . � �agrapb ,stated that an early rn�etiu 31 L !1arge has- - . dismisses: them from office; (2) An interir i - oused the " rights of the people 11 lowing P& . g of the cahinat York years ago and have lived in 0e coming down the at3irs with a lost faith in the promises of G'od, which she . .i i I against central aggression and one man gov- fr7m Mr. Mowitt'ii last letter to those re- . would deliberate finally upon the whole city ever since. She died on. Sunday of ket of clothes when kihe tripp6d and fell had cons;stently followed for many years. I � I - � iolers I � report from two of the Commiosi al- ernment, has by all odds the * m0ter. Col. Alexander's syndiqate places pneumonia and he a few hours after of bron- down a long flight of steps, In the fall she The deceit'sed was born in Durham county, - - A . . � nquire into the Pacaud barges ; most popular lt�ictienist orga�el of the Empire ata, inp who Z pointed toL a, . so xnuch confidence in the likelihood of hay- chitis. They were both laid in on oue had two of- her fingers badly sj)rained and on May 11th, 1826, and Was united in mar- ,. side. Having ability asid popularity on his are supremely loytl for purely revenue pur. grave, received a number of other bruises which ; 'T (3)L Mr. Mercier's reply to. the Lieutenant , l � ing, their tender accepted that they have &I. ,� � naJ_S8Xt,UL ' , L riago to her now bereft partner over 40 years ; . side it is difficult to see how he can lose. As a a three dredges and are prepared . year 7 poses, and who sr� now heaping re dy bir d DA.140190USLY ILL.-Ihe Cable annour c- are not thought to be of a serious, nature. ago. In the � Governer, The Lieutenant -Governor basts- 'I 9 . . 1869 Mr. Whitfield . I for honesty there does not seem to be much praises. on .the ,�remier. If Mr. Mowa a I ay morning, l3th i"t., Mr. H. lot 26, concession 12 nn LL tf to start work within a weak after the award. es the dangerous illness in Germany of -On Sund purchase p his reason,q for dismissal partly on this re- W Non Rulow, the celebrated pianist, C. Cook, of the Huron road, God4rich town- David Mi ler,and move , Grey, from � - to spare on either i side in connection with statements in one - It is no secret that the filling in of the bay Baus. d his family thereon, � . port and partly on the evidence taken before Part of his letter a. -e to be will be the only 81-viog of east -and property. whosel American tours have made him wide- ship, met with a serious accident. He was and those � . . Quebec locaL politics, and it is extremely accepted as.gospql his-staiements in anoth- Its value has been growing beautifully I who are at home continue to reside a the� Royal Commission, and he gives as hi i i i ass ly known throughout America. Gui0o, coming out of his own yard, ion the way to there at the present. There are ten children � ; � I doubtful if a strictly horicst man could really or cannot be � itic, - "hinds the boam, and more than anywhere . reasons for his los3 of confidence in his a n li'lems true. He sa �s : *' , Hans jVou Bulow is the son of a Germ a church, when the bit broke, and the colt he liviDg, al] of whom live in this locality ex- : . - . - I 1 1878 else in Toronto owners have been crippled. novelist of great repute in his own count , was driving ran awa 11 C k had her cept John and Thomas, I - I 0 ,�Irl,l 0 . � govern Quebec. The Province ii too mush Had the re ult f the elections for."I i . who make their � F .� Y. � visors that the report finds the Gorernm6:u 14 I. : F been different, [th,a oken- The influence of the reclamation would be was d � atitWd* by his parents for a magistra e, left arm fractured and was ret i � under the sway and control Of purely pro- I [th,a was when Mr. Mi ;t; badly cut home in Oichigan, and Mra. John Brandon, . w i guilty of wrong -doing, and that Mr. Mer, ! � zie was defea edl! re should not n w have 'Irked as far north as Danforth avenue. and was educated at Dresden and LeIP81'e. about her head, and a � lady riding With whose he e is in Barrie. _ � - I _ v cier gave to him, the L I ieutenant-Governor, a fessional politicians. . . . . . ouF present iflii�t(lties- I We shou I have I - WELL DONE BOTLE! As a child, he showed remarkable aptituOe them was also. injured ; -they we e all more . - . I . z hao a pure a mlr�i ration of affairs ,�*Or the for mosid aid hio admiration for you g or less hurt otherwise. . I � � � . I - - different version of his:connection with the - People in Toronto wirl bear with mild our- UrA led him, in 1848, to call on that great .-The Harristou Tribune of I lasl- week � Blyth. � - - - last thirteen rears! We should, not have prise that that ogre of all Britishern, Gov. � I Pacaud handling to that given in his evi.- Farmero' Inatit t I i � � � , , �misa lication ol public McKinley of Ohio, has just taken unto him- is advice. � , ha any W" 43 P a�pist, against�his paren�7' protest, and ahk sa,ys : AV. Dulmage, the Howicki catile and BnijKF.%'-Mr, J. Hdrueston has returned � 4ence, bafere the Royal Commission. Mr. A bulletin has been iss:S,Tire,o� the De- III O)t 1, , h Liszt at onc� saw Von Bulow's sheep dealer, will, this week, try� a new Sys- from M4,nitoba.--Mrs. J. F, Carter is I i I eye. ' I old have greatly h ss debt sali a secretary in the person of Mr. Jameb abilities and tendencies and advised him to tern as well as a new market for 4"eep. fie 13--riou8ly �11, with but slight hopes for bar . I #_ na greatly. � ta _� - Mercier rays, on the other hand, t� at his psrtment of Agriculture for Ontario, diree an I ation. We shou d have Be Is. This gentleman served his reportorial devote himself to his art. rhe youn in n intends glaughteriDg, at Fordwicl,3550 oh;p recovery.7Mrs. . I . . - � � ! * no Northwest outbreak of our Indians I 9 Iowa, a . � , RPT . Rutherford, of . peg I ! alers Inati. and haltbreedg, an( we should have had no . e � Government never had the oonfiilenca of the ing special attention to the Far rentieship with the Mail of thi,i city and became the pupil, companion, friend, a d and shiping !heir carcasses to Wir ni former resident of this place, is at present was of the original fe W! who started the � visiti . Lientenant-lGovernor ; that he has long been tutes, wh�ich are to 'I be hold throogbout the abnormal exodus o -' our people since. eventually the son-in-law�l of Liszt. Von understand that Mr. Dulmage k 3ows what ng triends here. -Mr. John -Morgan I � � . I . Ottawa Hansard. He has still many friends Bulow's irritability, however, drove Cosin,!ia he is doing, and that the exper� ment will had a slight paralytic stroke n one side last I . I . looking for a pretext for the course he has Proi,ince during the' coming' month. The . � i I I � - ' , . I I I _�_ in T*ronto, although fo: r �Eo many years - to F1' k a divorce and mairy Itichard W prove remunerative to him. His ma,uy Saturday.� He ir. now able to be around, ; ee I absBrit. � I � - . . I I I � "' i� friends trust that such will be the case." He I taken. He further accuses the Lieutenant- growth of these orianiz%tiong during thp nH Brantford � xpWtor very truly re- nor, the friend of her first husband, although he is still very weak. -Mr. William . Governor of being [a partimin emissary pist year bas bee T I I . ]ZLIKc-TRfC11 strangely inougli the two husbands eaw ,o will also ship this week from Pordwich & Livingston, mana-�er of the flax mills here, I n most encouraging. ' For marks : � ry VS. H 'a �(, . I C � . a number , There will be a fight w�ben the street rail- re%E*n for abating ,their intimacy on this car load Of dressed hogs direct to. Montreal. got tired of single life mnd has taken unto and tool of the Ottawa Government, at the year ending June 30, 1890, th �, �, � - . - ' In olden days when Sir Francis Hincks I .' 11 p . I whosainstance he is acting, and who origiu- of Institutes reported to this: B ream was was clamoring thr h his newspapirs for way company has to deci �e what system of account, . -The bazar and social held at I he manse, himself a wife, in the person of Miss Maggie . . ;, t cle trical motor is best for it's use, 'The over- � . Walter), on the evening of December loth, Fisher, of Clinton. The interesting cere- ", L ership of 4,Z6, fr in responsible govern ent, I "I'll at.ed the scheme which he is carrying out. 64, with a total memb ,�u g he Tory organ, � � ;� 4 i - . " s he trolley wns recom . siony took place in Clinton on the 17th inst, .... . �� I The Patriot, JustiI shouted that res onsible �iended by the sub- I under the auspices of the Women's Foreign ,, That the whole proceeding is a despica4le average of 73 to each Institute. For. the committee, but in council ,the storage -battery Successful Candidates. ; f . I U - government was i consistent with British . ! Missionary Society, was a success in every -Mr. John Fraser of the 84,h conce9sion. of . . I �� rtizan move for the purpose of enabling year ending June 30, 1891, there a on�_the n f way. All the articles which bad been pr�- Morris, had a very successful sale of his : A� Pa cha inpions att&c,ked th recommendation The Board of examiners for the county G � onnection.- Resp sible- government came I i . I ffi� c Huron on ,the professional examination of pare'd for sale were disposed of and in this farm stock, etc., on Tuesday last. Mr. . I the Conservative party to gain control af books 78 I"titutee,with a total mpmbership and British canneat on remained. Had re- witiawill. From late h�ppenings itim seen � I r i the Governmeat in thaProvince and so of 7,566, or an average of 97 to each In- sponsible governme' Vbeen refused,. irset c tha; the trolley syst,em 9-upporters are likely candidates, for third class certificates E a way quite a snug sum was realized. -An ex. Fraser intend going to Manitoba, where he r I public sohool teachers in the Province of 0 �. s I � to attain their end. Thereportth'tBuffalo celleottea was 6erved-in'the manse from has several brothers. : � measures would 0- I -Mr. T. R. Mitchell, strengthen the hands of the Ottawa Go v- stitute, - no doubt have been &IV' &� , . I . The lowest membership in any In- . . le�ric ' tario, completed the examination on' I- I � � cated, ' To-daY If a nexationism has obt - t cars were stopped recently by a Sa;- four until eight, after which thei, party ad. who has been in Manitoba with a car lead . . ' ' ' e r 11 ernment. . stitute fot the past year was 30 and the an a orin has been productive 'of much urday la,t., The following candidates haNla journed to the church where an esting of horses, has returned home, He had a � I I I Whwtever t th Insy attach to Mr. Mer 26' 1 ad any stronghold i is,,due to an-ummatural co men t. : passed : I mme of music, readings !r I : I progra , � I ru. .; highest 7 (Carleton). This is � subbtan- trade policy, whic �ettic. , w a a Priest prosperous trio. -Inspector Paisley, of h 'a forcing an issue wheie I � i AT GODIRICH. presented. The proceeds from the baz%r Clinton, had the proprietor of the Qaeen's r cier's pleas, and we have -only given I the ti&l growth". and shows that the f there is no need the it should lie-betwee TME COST OF CLEANLINESS, - I I � a�vant�ges J Florence E. Ball, Annie Ditlton, Apba amounted to about $50. hotel before the magiArate -on Monday, I maregt outline of them, the whole courso'of to Uo deriv�d from those InStilitt bread-and-butter I and s'entimentalit N t everyone who glances at the blue- E, I I . oz . . ( seery, Allie M. Johnston, Aggio Jone-f -This fall, when Mr. James Co.-'hrane was charge4 with selling liquor on Sunday. - as are c'0m- Greater freedom f 85c� , .tint�A rotundity of the watering cart i - I 0 ,trade would as eM f I tha Lieutenant-Gorernor from beginning -to mencing ** be appreciated. There is still, usily kill _ Mary McIver, Rosalie O'Reilly, Mary Potth, packing apples through6ut Rasp Wawa_ Mrs, Wall's concert ia-- Industry Hall on ,a . annexationism to -day as it �id in summer allows a calculating eye to ,dweini � and has been, to say the 1; ast, exceedingly however, in every riding lots of �reotn'for 1854, and the men who are disloyal tq! . Edith Robinson, Ruby Robertson, Margaret noeb, he placed in a number of barrels a Wednesday evening of last week was not I Great upoh the amount annually spent in subdu . I I L s suspicious. In the firat place, h i refused to 'expansion. Institute Britain now are th,'einion -who refuse �o sul 1139 ,Simpson, James J. Clennau, Albert Ch-rieti. card upon which he wrote, " Whoever buys very well , attended on account of the die- � . .- � meetings will boa held � )- the loads of dust which remain to remind . �y I � ply the needed remedy. �, law, Oeorge A, Foster, Claude L. Fisher, this barrel of apples kindly write to my ad. agreeable 'Weather, and the ringing of the , - I - adopt the practice usual, -under such cir- in this and the adjoining counties Is follows: ; � us sif muddy York. The city commissioner William Hioggarth, Edmund Hamblin, Jai dresq,if fine and in good condition," In re- fire alarm. -Mr. a -ad Mrs. Robert Gurne , : I has! just sent down his stimates for 1892. y � I � culmstanceit, of tairing the Legislature : into Brussels, January 15th and 16th ; Kincar- The Dandas Baia or says - s via Henr ,1AIex. Ks,ine, Alex. Moir, Henry ply to one of these cards, Mr. Coebrarie re- two of our: oldest residents, have gone to L : - his confidence, and asking the people's- re- dine, January 18-th an - I AVP have about 280 miles Of streete, and for Morrish.- Y Alex. - McDonald, John M*Lea�� ceived last,Satarday, a letter frorr. Buckoll, Bay City, Michigan, where they will make . d 19th; Kippen,Janu- is It ' -_ watering $34,550 is required. By the same � , . is suggesteid by the 17orontc Mail r6pert application is made for $56,649 to be John McNay, Gcorge A. Rutsell, Herberi King &.Co., producedealers and,c(mmisision. their home in the fature.-Mr. W. Emigh . presentatives to app�oint -the tribunal to in. ary 20th ; Hensall, January 21stp Clinton) thatMr. Mowat's lot ter -on loyalty and main- Thompson. 1 agents, Nottingham, England. T1 ey stated shi;pped another car load of Iambs to BuAilo - ' ' I 1 4 - �, yestigato the charges so publicly made January 022ad and 23rd ; Stratford, Janu. tanance of British �connection, should fetch applied to o"venger wo4. Comfort and L AT CLINTON. I ... . that the apples were in splendid condition 9 I him a title a I - sani tion come high. . on Saturday Is t; I - ' � against his constitutional advisers, but ary Sth ; Millbank, January ?th - St t the hs�nd8 of her Majost , and 1 6 and one of the finest barrels they ad open- I : - 'tribunal " that - before longi peopl, bably- - � . it HARD BLOXV. . Agnes E,.dic, Jennie Grant, Jemimi : � insisted On a pointing , e will pri � Holmes, Lizzic Kinney, Janet Kirkby, Id� ed this season, and bo'ped that Mr. Cocb- ; Huuett. -11th and 12th. A o � ; I p that .Marys, January . . c Ilege be addressing him a, Sir Oliver. Heaven L6c,%l flour dealers are admitting that they J. Kydd, Jennie Mustard, LIZZIG� J. M 0 r rane could make them a trial consi ,rnment of I � himself and having it composed of professor, a practical farmer and aliforticul- forbid ! Thera are enough Siri W the are �urt by the Ingenious method by which Lauchlin, Mary 8 from 100 to 1,000 barrels next yea]', guaTan- - COUNCIL Doi�NG9.-The Hullet council met I . - men of his own, choice, inillie, Beatrise Stone4 at Londe ' I W . I sboro on the 15th of December. I - i tee I ' � In the see- tur-ist, will be in attandlaace at each Insti- country no , foT all the good they dol and Nemifoundland seeks to C�erce the Govern- house, Emily Thomlps,)n, Robert Y. Fergu. ing perfect satisfaction. � a all present except Mr. Lasbam I � b in h4ve their own way son, Edward Hagan, John Holdsworth- Ed;. -What might have proved a .,%erious �or I end pl%ce he selected for that tribunal tute in -addition to local taleut, The if the sentiment.of loyalty to her 3,16jesty ment into letting t, e . Member . ) who was a'way at Walkerburo, concession � , i ; I - �, ,orme-r partizaa eel. Minister of Agriculture, in his cire,ular, di- distribution of I evzen fatal accident was narrowly averted 13, inspecting the damage done to the bridge , two judges who were f cannot be kept &live in Canada except �y the in the herring fishery embrbglio. Mr.Charles win W. JerVis, John C. Lindsay, Albert S. 7 - titles to the politici,ans,� as a - B, Watts, secretary of the Dominion Killers' McDowell, Joseph E. McDonagh, Wi Friday, the Ilth inst. A-fr. Gec rge Pi'd- I I leagues of his own, and who had not been rects the 9 eci%l attentio, Iliam S11 on at that place by the freshet. After his re- � .p n of farmers 'to tlie school- mistress wotil distribute candies to Ass(_�iation, says the effect of the isli.nders' -McDonald, William Ra?, William Robinson� field was on his way out of Gorrie, and :as - . L I long enough removed from. the, politica'l following among other points, viz: good little boys, thoi it must -be said that legielation will not be felt itill next summer, Frank D. Ti:irnbull, Andrew Taylor, Edgio he neared the' 0 turn, the job of repairing the said bridge � . � . railway crossing, the no was let by 'the council to)dr. ,Katthew I are loyaltyhasa poor�' ook-out, Mr. Mowat owii g to Newfoundia purchases I o'clock train also drew near. strong M I LnW- to have tho, p%rtizan bias rubbed off, 1. It is to your personal advantage to be i nd's Wirlt5r Whitmore, Louis Wild, John Wood. ains, A great number of -accounts, in. all ; I -1 a w" once offered is title and declined it. of flour coming entiral from! New York. ateswill be mailed about the - I In, the third place he induces two member of the Farmer's Institute, and to � Y The certike- -_ I wind was blowing at the time whi h doubt- 0,111ounting to $450 were examined and I . There is no reasoi to believe that he has �ays it is a very heavy b ! to the mill- . z have every farmer in y nr township inter- loiv, Mat of Decomber. less prevented -Wfr.'Padfi' F judges, in the absence of the Chairman of 0 . old from hearing the ordered to'be paid. The statement of income : changed his 2nind,"� , I . I � asted. The success or failure of your neigh- - in industry, and that the association will S. P. HALLS, M. A. aebing train, and unconsciot s of dan- and expenditure of the township is to be ; � appro 4 ! I � the Commission, and the only one of the bor affects the value of your ow . We believe Mr. M 3wat has still too much* seek Ottr.wa authorities adjust I . Secretary of Board, � ger he allowed his horse to wait; On to the made and published as he law directs, aud i . ,tl.to have the . � n farm and � . I t � I nl rs within the three ' th - . is . three who is a Liberal, to frame ani sign an products. The interests of all farmere in that inter I track's few yards in front of the pproac - I � . I � semse to accept of :Ally such bauble. He a a - j. -- . I h a copy can be bad by any ratepayer from I interim report, and he is in such haste any locality are inseparabie. I : vend before the Canadian,70tnrad9e c � E! rig was fairly in to I could ocarcely do in thing, short of actual m, , an recom- I ing train. Just as thi the clerk on nomination day. The collector % car r'range all busineEs engagements and I I Huron Notes. I front of Oe train the horse notic d it and get the taxes closer th n , z ry out his scheme tha,t he takes that par- uld lower him More w;Lylef n ivrket as remuoera . L - � 2. A rk a,t home so that you a "I _n�e. He admitted *the diffibulty in the � I has managed to a . I I your we -Mr.. John Murdock has pu -and Ithe next . wrong -doing, that W rchased thd Lt a bound cleared the track - usual at this time of the year, there being I ) ild your , farm on the gravel toad near Auburn, from second the train dashed past. I only a balance a' $22 -a report so prepired as the basis for his sons and families can meetings. 113 , tiza atitend - the . the estimation of ,,he people of Ontario ti * and stated that flour is the ehief afticle � . 9 his Government, It Be punctual and rerrijill until the meet- than to ta6k any 8uc i handle to his name, of'LlInadian trade with Newfouridland,,' St. Mr. C. Pfcder. , I action in di$MiSaju C ., I ' ' L 3 remaining tinpaid, � I I � -Some time before harvest Moms Henry and that he was authorized to colloc4. The . . will thus' baL Keen that whether or not the ing adjourns. I M � . L u s is the only flour ooty petitor tile I Do- .-The Molesworth school Board has en- and George Bateman I of Dear Ethel, Io8t atinual meeting of the electors for nQminat- . - . . 3. Every farmer should t.ike� hol 1000 in a on at present has there. . V ' I Lieutenant-Governbr has acted of this I i__ ' � gaged Mr. Kirkwood, of Listowel, as their' some young cattle. After advertising and ing candidates for the offices offreeve, . 0 Dxcmiox has been given �on, the Nor - , OUR YOUT11FUL CABINET MINISTER. teacher for the coming year. - I I tiously, he has certAinly acted im c6nsciell- enterprise and help to 'arry it on ,success- . � I th � losing a great deal of time bunti or them - deputy reeve, and three councillors t4 ion as , . � -Mr. M, Foley has purchased for his son., L serve I ! prudently, 'fully with at least aH moch determl at' , Perth controverted electi : on case. i The On Wednesday the R(n. C. 11. Tupper, Ri)bert, the'farm at present rented by Mr., and not hearing anythiag-about them they for the next year will be held in the tiemper- . I - and his course has been such - as to give the - the various profetsioual land worki g classes judges haye decided that the grantidg� bf Minister of Marine, came o town. - He lec- � give them up for lost, A abort time ago &nee liall, Londesboro, at noon on Monday I strongest grounds for suspicion of extreme in our towns and cities i how in C411 I I tured the same evening in the Auditorium - Currell, on the lake shore, near 'Kings-! they found then at -Mrs.Brown'g on the 10th December 28th 1891, and if there 8N-,a'll be with their several organ zq,tions. I action free ps�ssageo to voters by 'he Grand Trunk bridge, Ashfield township. The' price paidt I ' � I partizsn bias. � to a browded audience call,.d by the Young wall ;2, I 00, � more than tho' nece&sary number of icandi- � Railway was not :, illega act, as . I was � concession of Grey,not three miles from � TTTTTN , .1 ,!TT!T!" i 11 tion, - got into Mrs.13rowls's dates proposed then the election fo� said I It is the general opinion that. the Consti- � I 1� I� Mcn�s Lilseral Conservative 'Assoc-ia - home The cattle had I . done by that com,_,n� in self defen e :to Mr. Tupper was the guest A Mr. Cockburn, ­48everal weeks ago.Mrs. Whelpton, of pie had you g Cwttle 6fficea will be held in the usual place in each I Another Canadian'! Speakis:to the th�l, went to Markham to have a cancer� pasturing, each one thought these (attle be- I ele � .tation gives to the Lienten an t. Governor of a . Yank9es. . conateract the rem�_ltg of the "free 1 pas M.P,,, while in town, and was a welcome E I bush where several pen ctoral division. 'ouncil adjourned to � Province,..as well as to the Governor-Geners]. I systern practi�ed during the election b I " isiOr to the Albany Club, the members of removed. Word has arrived that she had' Ion ad to the other,and so ' I _ 9 -they ran there all meet at Loudesbero on December 2Sth, at Y the v two cancers successfully removed and was I -� Of the Daminion, the power to dismiss his A few evenings ago -Mr. John qharlton, whidli hastened to honor the youngest mem- summer. When these parties took their 10 a, m, I Canadian Pac4fic P, ilway. This de�lision ber f t1he cabinet, getting along as well as possible. cattle away these were left and Mrs. Brown . - 0 Government if he thinks he has sufficient M.P. f6r. North Norfoli, delivere an ex- � -On Monday night of last week burglars begap enquiring if any person had Ic at cattle . ,� will relieve the winds of &I good many, as . --- -_ reasons for so doing. This is the second cellent address before a large audience in I � POOR WING LEE. entered the1our and feed store of Mr,John and found out that they belonged to Moses I Grey. I Buffalo. The subject ol Mr. Char�t,,', re, had the contrary view been taken fully Mkigistrate Denison listo nesl t6 the tale of McInnis -in Exeter, but as far as is known Henry and George Bateman, A PLEASANT EVENING. -The Patrons of time such a thing has been done in th6 Pro- � three fourths of biloge petitioned a ailkst woe'ea Wednesda ' ; I . . � _y morair g poured into his only got a pipe, a Plug of tobacco and a lead I It will be remembered marks was "Canadiam Relatiori 8.1) Of I.; ear by IVY-ing Lee.' It has ts novel fcatures, pencil. d , _Three parties living.near Dungannon re- Industry belonging to "Monarch of Grey " vince of Quebec, . � . . ' would have been .unabated. They alsol die. I e T. Con- Association, on the 16th concestsion, gave a that,, some years ago, Lieutenant -Governor course he dwelt largely upon t a trade . . . 11 , A. R. Stanley, ofNo 181 �ueenstreeteast -Mrs. Ell 'n i ceived bodily injuries last week. , � . � missed the Petition a ainet. Mr. Grieve with y White, reliet of the late, gr,, a fre3 entertainment on Friday'evening, 18th Letellier dismissed his Government question and placed in I the stroDgp,t light I with whom the celestial vau familiar, ob- Humphrey White, of Anderson, and mQther�i nd J. Jardine, both of Ashfield, were inst., which was in every way a suzeegs, t , �r - j. kicked by horses, Corigrain on. tbe from costs on the pe Won and confirvied h �m in tain�d from him $100., for *hich he promised of Mr. John White, editor of the Exeter 1 At first it wa thought bi thigh- thigh. Mr. and Offias. Mr. Angers, the prepeut Lieliten I ri�t. before his audience the �reat ,benefits which . I Mr. Donald Stewart and family, * the seat. The mem�er for North Perffi and to b"47e 10 ChinanAen smuggled into the Times, died on Sunday, 13th inst.p at the lone was � the United States . I I hat . �� broken, but t"e doc�toi de'ei(fed it tin not, Go-vernor, wras Attorney-GonerIl of wo4ld derive from a United States. The long headed Stanley h Mrs. Goo. Forest, Prof. Wm. Coutts, 'and I the Liberals of1that cOnstituency are to :be' . advanced age of 84 years. i though the muscles were badly brui3ed, Jar- Messrs. Hood, Jas. Sinclair and Robt. - Government, and Mr. DeBouchervifle, lth� reciprocity treaty with Canada. On this ' I I disappeared suddenl d thle :,or sympa- -H, 0. McBride, of McBride & Jones,11 -tleman who has ndw been called uponi to congratulated on this i r ' esult, It was a very .0 n ,e "a' I reJxese, i dine received his kick in the mouti, knock. - Steiss, treated the larTe audience 0 a choice � . gen point he said: thetic laundryman Y4aseeks London, has received instruations to prepare ing out instrumental pieces, ' close constituency; t ey had a :hard battle Her4 is Stanley's receipt for the money: designs for the remaining buildin several teeth. Wm. Caupbell, of collection )fvoeal an . ( " . � � . subj � it Yong Lea' lend A R ,'�tan'-e 100 i& do erected on the Trivitt Memorial .Churc - to &Ohe enjoys,,eut of the evening. Good � form a, government, wag tho premier, 1 it - The branch of the subject he wished to .and were - a most rigid so ga t* be Col with their usual ability, contri--butiDg largely I , . � . will thus be seen 11hat Mr Address hiinsalf to at the t momient was, how � utiny I y $ h ' West Wawanosh, had his se d finger L - Angers is n 11 i caught in the straw -cutter while at full I Ow business. If said busine'ss is ri'ot done to re block in Exeter. I Mercier the I will the policy affect American inte�efjts,?. If and 'the� fact the,, they have expaped - � I readings. recitations, dialogues, &e., were I feeding toMr. A -same political turn money." -Mr. James Vance, of Molesworth, has � ,speed. He instantly jerked back the arin, - . - it was riot to be mutually a,dV&fttag6OU8 under me stringent a law, interpreted by the � - - also very well rend(zred, and in this part of I pil1v that he was himself forced t6 swal1low Americans would not oneent-to it. You i - t the contract of building one of the finestl tearing,balf the finger from the band. Had . i hi tried to throw the machin the entertainment local talent played a very judgcs in tl�ie moit narrow light, is iome. fa0eltories in the Dominion, at a sum f gear . : byMr.Latellier. At that time he wasve having, said Mr. CharUon, practically a . of two I conspicuous 7 ry I thing on which they W� NOW8 of the Week. thousand eight I with the other hand it is probable the park. -Mr. Egrace Fowler, I I indignant at the course taken and d ced Fustoms union in the United States embrac- .- have just cause to . DDING PRESENTS. -T e Cor,poratio -hundred and nineteen do -1 whole hand would have been torn and cut in teacher, occupied the chair. It was late . I it &9- unconstitu-tiGn&l and rev'd enoul Ing 42 States, could any one of those States plume themselvea. I i London has voted 2 ­ , and it will have accommodation for, pieces. when the lengtby programme was completed. o titionary, or any group of those States afford to with- � - I 1 ,500 J UlLeas as a wed- two thousand cheeses. I , . . I All eDjoyed themselves, and hopes were ex. , : ding ��p esent to Prince Alb )rt Victor. - I - C� rA -Robert Inglis, of Grey township, has: -A pleasing social event 'took place in just. as Mr. Mer-ier is now dgnou,ncing his draw from the arrangement? Would it be in ,C (,() I essed tha it io not the , pressed tha last of the kind d the interest of New Yo k or New NOTES FROM THE QU EN MAIL WAGON ROB1511D.-A Chi- purchaged the Samuel Walsh property,'[ the Methodist Church, Greenw-Ly, on Wed- i that will be given under the auspices of this con uct, At that time, rdso, Mr. Angers' England . . I CI Y. cago !mail. wagon was robb �d Tuesday night north of Brussels, for the sum lo, It � nesday of last week, when the marriage of .. . or �California or any other Stat3 to do so"? I of $6'000 in. caigh and $200, 00 worth of Society, '� I 0 ne. was sold by mortgage sale. Mr. Inglis may! Miss Maggie Sharp, daughter )f John i A !CLO�;"E CALL. -Mr. Conrad Michael, of - Political friends. in Ottawa carried a resolu- The answer must be- in the negative. If , � I o f $51 ' I I Sharp, Stephen towDsh P, to Weele ( Jones ' tion censuring Listitenamt-Governor Letol� TnX0. TO, December 2lot, 1801:� gotiable paper. I become, a resident of the elling nexti when the United States firpt aes'umed the . .1 . . dw i I � I the I Ith � 'CeEsion, had a pretty close call I lier and dismissing himpfrom ollice, and that responsibili ties of a. nation each State or Endless SOCIALISTs AFRESTED. -Eighteen Social- spring.. of Creditor), took place, C406; , jarring a d turmoil cor,tinue i The bride - ' too, no' ,withstanding the fact that his aciien gronp of States had - with no sign of aba,te ent. ists have been fined and imprisoned at Chel- -Mr. T. P. Simpson, vierchant, of Eth . I one'day I . week. He and his young Fen . I set up separate fiseal First and fore- A � 411 4 , was attended by her eii3ter, )JisE Martha , were Putting some calves i - . sea, Englmnd, on a charge of crcating a dis- caught cold over a month ago, and has been� Shar whil I etheduties of groomsman were � it appearg! the father went near the straw systems and hostile tariff oat is that perennia causo ato the stable,and I ' was, endorsa'd by the People -at the polls. It 's, would ibis course in' 3 for debate, t�he turbance while spreadiDg Ueir doctrines. confined to his house for several weeks, fulfil d by Eli Mr. King,Crediton. The cere. : st3ek, whiefi, baving been previously under - remains to be seen whether they will have promoted the growth of the naVon, or Sunday street car, L ymen and clerty Are " and: �re, ' . I treat " at it hammer and to gs ani wi RETURNTSo DiviTITUTE­7COIored families is not getting better, but is growing weaker. � mony was performed by Rev. J. Lienteusut-Governor Augers,%e - of any State or' group of States 411 the - � a ill n t be who emigrated from Gporgia to Liberia are Ithas settled on his lunge and itwillbe E Holmes 11 mined by the cattle, fell ever on top of him. " i i they treated nation? Again the answer must be i in the q u ieted. At Monday' council a petition returning to their old hen �es in a destitute some time before he will be able to attend in 'the presence of a number of invited I The son, who was in the stable, after a time I hits predecenor w -hose precedent be lian fol - - negative, and the trutf of the -assertion from over 7,000 ratt ayere was submitted condition, - � guests, who, after the ceremony, repaired to ' began to wonder wba,t was keeping him, and, . must be admitted asking that the citiz ns be allowed to vote to his business. I the bride's father's,whe nt menu � going out . id discovered the state ofaftairs. lowed. that the marvelious re an excelle I I t " 0 . growtiv and prosperity o ' the United States on the question, Man eloquent champions DONATW.�i OF FLOUR. The millers of -One day recently Master Henry, gon of' was in wai ing. A pleasant time was spent, - In alarm �ie rall to the houss for assistance, - Mr- DeRoucherville �as succeeded in is largely due to the eys! em of perfect� free of the Sunday car we e there glaring de- North Dakota have donated $50,000 worth Richard Gould, of Exeter, was out rabbW and the happy yoring couple left for London I I but instead of trade extending over th enormous aiea and fiance at the clergymel and others who ap- the starving Ruigian peasants, hunting and was about to sboot, but before and points weist amidst the usual congrat ' - i � f6rming his Government, of flour to and after some digging Mr. Miehaelwasres- - e ra .- u- I cued from� his unpleasant predicament, but me 6� EMEI�T,-Mr. Samuel getting the gun to his shoulder it discharg-' latiObs. � etingParliamentou the 29th inst., for varied zones of its numer us common.wealths, peared to deny th payers' right to have IN EOTEL MANAG � . , he was soibadly suffocated that be could not I - a 'lay on tbat quee on ny more than Which date it bag and that as the area of the region brought Iti( upon Brown hag resigned a4 EaperinteDdent of ed, the explosion causing it to strike him -On Sunday, 13th inst" 5er- I speak, Hip, eyes were blood-8hot and biB . - been called, as was gener- under the influence of this berieheent system �he right to commit a of the sine set' the dinner -car service of the Atchison, with such force in the face as to i the atnMni a street , face was vel -Y much swollen, He It was very . 0 �for'th cut his lip' mons were delivered a I . 44Y supposed they would do, the Liouten- is extended its ble881ngs�become' more pro- in the Decalogue, The latter also wero bdl- Topeka and Santa Ye to accept the manage- badly and Vreak three teeth, Methodist, church, Exeter, in the morning I andiwas in bed a few days, but is now . I an,t-Go,vernor has dis3olved the - nounced, Why then fear to extend it to warked by a petition ` tade up, so said.the ment of a hotel in Chicago. -Mr. James Rowden,-of the 13th con- , by the Rev. I weak - 'Legislature 8 iii Mr. IdeDonogh, and in the I around again as well as ever, Had b4i fallen inly by Sti day school tea'ch ' ous ARTIST AFFLICTED. - Da cession of Goderich township, who has been I and has ordered an appeal to the pso. adjoining Provinbes? Why fear to enlarge others, me* Y are A FAM evening by the Rev. Mr. Henderson, of � flat down instead of on bis hands and ple, Maurier, tlie famous artist,of Punch, ho,s in declining health for some time, pas 1 - The nominations are appointed for March the sphere of its influer and scholars. In cas the first, petit*on�_ . 3 I , .1ce when every lesson I ed ' Carmel church, Hen4all, to large gatherings. i knees, he Would have smothered to deatb, . you bare been taught, by actual experience proved by the city erk to be signs 10 lost the use of one eye, and it, is feared that away on Wednesday, 16th inst., at the age, On Monday evening a "tea wa�s provided in but as it was he could get a little air and 14t, 'and, the elections by he ina,y become blind. of 59 years. Deceased was born in Devon- the basement, but owing to the inclemency" that saved him, ,� . bona -fide taxpayers, the terms of the I .eet on its potency for good ? The' street railway agreement a vote will have to and the Lagi8lature will rr . for March Sth, shows that the wider its field the mightier NARROW ESCAPE. -A ferryboat on the shire, and came to this country when quite the 7 th commercim,l union be taken. Althen 'h th vexed questio I as of the weather there were ot a many in Nxws ITF_Ms.-Mr. I'lobert McDonald, . of April 'thereafter. In the mean- of the Provinces of the north with the States. 9 W day'evening laotweek, and a terrible panic time he remor led it been otherwise. would have Item had who h,as b � eeft farraing in -the vicinity of Clyde. at Glasgow, sprung a leak, Wednes- young, After � living in Durham for some attendance an there n I dealt with from man pulpits, everybhi� dd to Huron and has resid ti'4' I it . f3 said that another R of the south could not fail to be an unmixed rig resulted.. Among the Still crowds thronged I e or the 6814-0 five years, has re - I . so I 9 �Y&I -good to both, a mutual V)essing to all, Points to next Sunda. being generally ob- 150 workmeti retur p assengers were in this county for the last 27 years. A � the heavily laden tables to refre them- turned to Gray again, and has rented the - . served as street car San sy. ng to their short time ago'bis wife died, and since that selvos. for several hours, and af wards house IatQIy vacated by Mr. Adam Turn- ( 0 before the Anted- 11 I , ZrAl$310n is to be appointed to furthez in Addresses such as tbi� tain rushed a- time he has been a member of Holmesville , r i . � u a into the doings of the Mercier Gov, �rn- can people c I I THE STRUGGLE FOR THE MAYPRALTY. homes at; Renfeew. The c p I wended their way to the body of th .- church bull, on the 9th concession, wbart - he in- ' - . ment and get more Politic , . annot fail 'to influence them mong hip, frightened passe gers and by the Methodist church. --He was a shoemaker by: where a varying programme. was carried tends staying till �_ a I . , . � , , , I � * 0 , I - - r I Ir C 11 I I - - )f I I C - 1 1 f, 4 I I I t _- i , ,� I " , ! �__Vma I c a or;� �! b r I I , , I I - ` I 11 I - I bo r 51 1, A tr I 08.4 a I I I i 6 � r I - a 11 I I d� ��, a ;. �e P 0 - I I - t We I I le a I � k I , I - I ( k - t - � , � � � , - �, � � - , 1. I � , - - , I � - I ` � - - - - L � "f', () 0 b , I I . , n, , 't � � , g - 'I chpring opens. -The an - S' capital if V*3- more favorably in the' direction of free, The election excitement is also at full tide. use of words and oceiksio ally a hlow in- trade, having worked at it in P�rt Hope I out. Rev. A. L. Russell occupied be chair nual Sabbath 8 001 social in Shine's �I sible. The campaign has eady ope Thisweek has witnessed meetings where duced them to go to.the a m of the boat. some yearn ago. During hi residence in :1 during the evening, and ;, . A S4 ed, trade relationswith t4if country. After police had to interfe*re t keep order an the This added *eight in the a rn and had the a speeches ere de- school house, Section No. I will be held on � � ; ­ - I i . I I I I Goderich township he was highly respected I livered by the Revs. Mri Allan, Centralia, the evening of Tuesday, 29 ' I � � - . d I . i I 1 � . . . i . � i . � . - .. . � . I r . I � i I I I � i . � i � I � . . I - i : . ­ ! _. I - IL . I - � I - .1 ., I . , . I I �� i I I I I i . 1_- DB,GF,ME*rR tilne Is expected,. - ,secured the Contra, this winter fx)r,th,e' c . He 1. 'Oncesslon. . Week in cutting Ou' tearcity of r-110,17 11 . -their skidding and! deal of snow In t1h, much flin'ber c&u b I frostY. weather sint it is exim at pected th � thelast One In w � ,,ing. George and __ yn'S. the timwer-ii - before _xpring ilf t� .able —Sames miti ,. I . on Tucsd-&Y, -22-0d I ,gling of his airter.. by his ecus. In, M 3j,eLsuchlm, Sr., liar daugkttr, Mr cardine, far over i borne *r` the 1 . neighbors and fril ,among them agat wx� . �T�14 NOT G�01-VG V() . desires to retarn ,stepayers, of Tu( - I thty have re,PDX0 I � three Year . �x in � the - inunicipt-1 A I . sires now to stat caudidate'fox An' �eolniqg yisr si� I that the � TAUP � tuoy to V tink *f ,is P ..- 1 ki lace JAM, 19OVS Ke'Lil;. 0; r, . Win, Qoope tur-ned ft am tb igoes resiMins f*, am�d beat ty, an, ,agree wit. ti. him *15 -visit.: � RIKII&I VIINV � I ]Kay, of Eeaforl I years t1LU ght in conegsgiop, h" . . .� before el6siOg 0 advant4ge Of 0 I : 1!v.e fer her�, tb � vice* and care I . the nevOrsace 0 ik&T-,a existed Zen, made her a hal her -the f 01,10wiJ -plime.ntary ,S& � grab th;at OwrID] pArsuer your At, toscv�r the pl, . I We h(ope you n X)a"tory worl I ;which you ma � . acting in the c . -at all times P, ftily and klave. portunity -to a' the childYen bave Itron the i . &ad pupils Ali). Sci:1400L EX nit., a very sim in the school i Mr, A. Scott,� ,Graoat, Shilliji I and H-ogg. 13 : pupils were sv" tile various i I came throngh eolers showir + W; ny Aifli I tbe- . I ation impaXtel practical 06nd der maintaine � ceedingedese, being such t! - 'i I could hear a each pupil,w] occasions. T -which acted +the monoton� the sudience short add'r-*$-1 I the visitors, 9 tire satief-wat, �by Mr. Seot' , . Bw SA -LN: . Tuesday last largest ere*,' � county beiv . 1, Turnberry,w � i there were I of the couill - boring colin class co,adit , an excellent XV. 0. DuE � his skill ani I pi�rces bigh. eel..I af! high fv�r S215, wl eraRe �of $6, 1 to $21, Sh two mont114 � total amoul I The farm, 1 � � 4th colices] - . --siming 50 *1 . - �'JcKay W& pai'a was *,-' -he North purchased Rarry will will Wish 'i I , the peopli good farm4 I W -ell as a Bitw�q.-� . bat sold h! 1,ot ls�,, CC for the tu Brussell, I known as� the vilial *- ,,1�6m � � -purchaser I � property- Tlu , _1 rou 1` a . 15th aml outside * I fessovs I � I prebenl,�� rtque,,-zte�. I -top;cs Gf7 . will be 1� I who b ILE I . around a dutlts.� : sermon!,] ch'Lir-oh � - williair, . w EervlCei� � her far- . a crowd . - —It i�3 S election: . now COX of Dep� *N1 r. M- < I Reeve . _11 councl. - no me I -field ; namws , all art, will bri I I ­ nere CD I f Viding I I11 I s�,onie fA I 5 c6urt, ., : noontr . they vy . doing I , be ou I teke a on the, - They i them !i . - ,-� -4 8 , � , ,&ri es � I I I "tours., I I . I . � I I I � . '� - , , , , � _� ., I - i o . � I I I , � . ; I . .- , w � � ; - ; I , � \ - . , " - t - � r- - - - .. - I -