HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-12-25, Page 1f
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LIFE IN: MEXICO. i . me tl,i are coffee and chocolatei and th
i Mt? -icau chocolate is deliciols.. Ib i
I Cjt,kg� d .
.%,eTX1t1Z�_T_10_,4 L)*V TIJE PBOPLV,�1101A' f1A ored with cianamon and is sqrve quit
T11Ey L0VK.-%V,`1UXT THEY WE,ku,�i aw at. There is -alway'a a foam bn the to
I �
AND WHAt T119Y RAT i of he cup, aud in all the Mexic�n inarke s
. J .
� - 1) i 1) IL I N R. � will find ebocolate- mixeii's, a litt a
, AN I �
f YO i
I wc den stick with a kr.ob on thq end mu h
I � �
mrva,�Oi erry, December Oth, is'll. R e that of of a baby's ratt!e. ,You at% d
Ve�,ico 1,,,,v% tlie be�t and cheapcst beer in - th se on end in the chocolate an4 make ti a
"r ." - 71 'I . -1
r ol
� 13
the world, Yoa can buy it all over Mexico k O'b go around by whirling th I stem b -
__ - .1
. for a cent P. 91,1135, and there are 1,000 licen t cen the palms of your hands. I
s�,d ahops in M-�xicai City. The oi.ty gets ,31,.(C, WHAT THE,MEXICANS E�AT.
,�I,000 4, (lay revenue from these shops, and efore I came to Mexico I was told tha 1
2,50. 006 piata of this liq uor are e6' r uld find nothing good to cat iin the co n -
I I �
. every day. ThiS, makes two tumblers to r . Everyone 334d that the hotels w re
Man, woman and child in the, capital, hi rrible, and my,friends patted!thoir sto -
ea-cly I
and the consumption throughoat the re- a hs and looked at me witty coimmiserati g
wainder of the country is proportionately a . ea. They said *that everythih.g ,�Mexi in
great. . LIS 4 Mixture of red pepper and gr Be , a d
.A.he M2xican beer is called pulque. -It is t at the only good ho Jthe coun ry
'ej 'is.
P a
t 8 I r
na,tuxe's, own bear, and it is made from, the ere those Irept by the Americ.0s who - ad
. sap: of a, cactus pl-1vat of the tame SP6ciPs as one down there. I ventured into the lqnd
- ith fear and trembling, and ai� first patr�r�-
the century plant. � This gTows in Mexico to -1
- h,
8, heiaht *of from eight to 15 feet. It is i ,ad the American hotels. . I Ifound t em
*:,Ii,p of grea ear and nasty. rhe cooking was abol in -
made, , t green leaves, which are a ' � i
f0c,j wide at the bottom, and which are ble and the service was worse, I t an
often- eight inches thick a ri,
, ud eight or ten ried a Mexican hotel and found it excell nt.
f,eet long. These leaves start up from the �oyne of the best meals I havei ever ha I
ground around a green cone, which is a �4ve eaten in Mexico, and I s4all not a . on
foot thick at the base and which ends in a Jorget a dinner at .roluca, whire ,.& ,pr tt,
It takes abou of lZey
point &a sharp as a needle, t *exican boy gave me a dinnei a
11 f OLuraes, and where the onisine" was�q
ten yearo, for this cone togrOw 10 its proper it. Un' to
size, and, if it- is J.ef t a flower graws upo D it, �hat of a geod'Paris restaurai hr01 gb-
' te Just be- *tit Southern Mexico I found sole adi� ho 1::
and the plamI af 1, r blooming dies. ' I . set is
. h6wever, it is ready for PChey were often kept, in oldi mon I ete
fore. blosEeming, ;
rhis is done by cutting the *nd at Zacatecas I slept in a Vig room a
I pu!que-making- ! .
- 1cloister where the door wal --four i I I
caaa� Oat of the p4itt and this leaves a gre&t has
0 as a two ItIlick and tke key weighed al pound. One
bowl in the� PlOnt about &a larg I
. gallon crock, Into this bowl the s&,p of the lend of my room opened out On a garden,
leaves runs irt streams arid each plant will I which constituted the centro bf the building,
produce frGm eight to 15 quarts of j.aice per and every night I could walk faro'und tb is in
da,y. It contir, I � . P the
,ueii, to yield thia amount for the moonlight, and: see it soft'n oufflues
i I I of the great M*Driah dome of [the mona�,tery
s x months., and one plant will produce bar ;h ich looked down upon me.1 . I king
�Z I
re, 4 and sometimes hogsheads of the liquor:
This liquor is the ryaAuTal beer� It flows here was good, and the same Was the ca�e. at
into ths� bowl as sweet as sugar And as clear Guanahuato. The Idexicalas serve �,heir
as tryst - at. After- 24 hours, however, its meals one dish at a time i4 table d1hote
color ba., ch,a,ngea to that of skimmed milk, style, and they begin dinnerwith soup and
It has begun. to ferrsent and it tastes like and it with beans. The wait:er at the otel
butter -milk., Itbegins to. small and its odor brings a bowl of soup to yo � d you ad le
andatrength, increase K3 it growa older so Gut as much as you want. nf�futer soup you
that. for a block around at Pulq ly.a �Bhop YOU have half a dozen different , inds of meat
have- the, smell of a limburger cheese factory and vegetables served 191epaLr lely, and you
and you can gh-ut your eyes and find the close with a deeSeTtr aiyd qffee. Ile ican
saloons by yo,ur nose� . The beer has about frijoles always form a part of 'the cal.
the same effect as good Bavarian bock. .73t These ars, pronounced freebolies, and they
- are Mexican black beans. T base are a per-
Makes you feel comfortabl,� and too much of
jt goes to your head. It acts Qu your liver ior to the Boston baked bsaw� and every one
I if you take eats them. They are never eaten o the
and- kidneys and aid -18 digea�tiQn- . ad day they are dooked, and thpy are a ways
it to,wa,rds night it enre8 Your insomnia a
I find'it an excellent tonic. 11 served in grea,t abundance. They close the
Y-ULQUIZ PKDDLF,UA AND SUOPS. meal as rice closes a dinner J
This pulque in raised in big Plantations. I suppose the ideal 4 that th stIn wh has
There are teng Of thausands of acres of the not had enough of other thin a can fill up on
�lanta growing M . Ur MexicoC ,ity, -and one beans, i
railroad receivea $1,000 a day for carrying , Q'GEXR MEAT WA OffS.
pullqu-_ Into the - capital- I traveled for� Only the better classes of Mexica a eat
I liallej, through thes-3 pulque Plantations, and meat, and one of the great fi-.Ids of ilmsri-
I saw the Indian peons,- gwthering the liquor. . can investment is in the p king in arestj
on� of Mexico. Ham and beef b. jag high prices
Each man had a bag of -antarxueTpig-skin at"
hhi back, mxd the juict, was dravtn from the and the �meat btainem of the � city is man -
plant into. this by means of a long gourd aged by monopolies. Go d becir a are
whicii-licted as a7siphon. The Indian would worth from $25 to $50 a head, and th re is
poke one end of this gourd into, the hole in t more mutton eaten than bee�. A gr�e t deal
I the plant and. suck -the air and the juice out, of the beef comes from Guanahuato a d the
� ,a &3rty,pig-s-kin hag. I meat wagons of this cirty &N mules. Take
and then turn it into tb,: ,
These bags were made of the hide of ai one of the greasiest, dirtiest6ules y a can
some of them looked asi find and fastan a frameworklof book to a.
whote hog, and � .11 � rk .
I thaugh they were not more ishau two orl saddle an his back. Lat thip framiew ex
d mouth of thel tend about a foot above the fnula and on the
. three days old. The legs an � - '
kin were sevred up., and when the bag was hang the halves a d quar ere of
fall of the liquorthcs-, wobbled about mak-1 beeves so that the blood dri s from t am on
jag the bag- look like a live aryinial, Thai the groland, and so that-wh a the miles are
palque ferments in these bags. In them iti small the meat almost touch a the ground,
� is carried in -to the city, and it is served I and you have the Mexican 1butcher- ,art of
either froga them or from barrels. The, the mountains. The butchqr or meat ped.
method of dealin at to the customers is1f dler wears a great blank -et about his shoul-
0 his la d "and
g i'th, � erl ders, a broid-brimmed hat 6a
no more appetizing an the mode of gath �
,Nfexica.rt in his shirt sleeves, his feet are bare. If you b4y a q
ing it, A dirty jeeps, takcs a beef he will carry it into you'r hou , on his
with his arms bare ta the b, his head, and if you want a slic�a' he w 11 ack off
glass the size of a sohnouer and thrumbs - on s, ut the
arm into: the barrel Up to the elbow and a piece for you and charge ly I
with his hands same for the neck as th I j,,n,,i m T Mail -
"I 0
gives you the palque drip the al, and in
If y,ou.mu conquer your nose, yo cane sell every part of I.,
ping, 'bad every market you�will:find little a Dkshops
-k it �iid the reawlt is not at all .
drin - V ever
These PuRt,ue� shars are found in in which shreds of beef are tried an offered
Mexican ble,ak. They are open from early for sale. These are for the 1 Indian custom -
in the morning Unjil six o'clock at night, era, who stand about and Jeat th greasy
and at this time thry are clused by law, and morsel with their fingers .a�d without the
are not o,pehed again until -the next morniags. use of knife, fork or plata. � In Me, co City
Mexico. he s exuell�-Int Police regulations -in the butchering is more carqlfully d ne and
The beef is comparatively cheal'o. -You can get
- ,
� regard-to.the peons Or common people. for 18 cents a pou�d, but pork is
pulque shops are patronized chiefly b,y them, a roast . I f
in Mexico at more expensive. The p rk bu iness 0
and you find less disorder ts size in the Mexico City is controlled b a Isfox 'Can who
W- gh,t � than in any. City Of i . has made -millions out of i I t and he is now
,i -,*.-,d .States. The high -.priced 9-AloonB- f
n up one of the ibiggest packing
which se-II..It kinds of liquors, are kept open putting .
the honse3 in '
until midnizht and later, and I bear .he world. He 1[lai his gents all
eking and the rich foreign- over the city and he imporits his h( gs.- from
billiard balls OR Mexicans c,irouiung in Kansas. ! X
ers and well to-do I
the Itarbide b4x-rocrm early in the morning T111 LAND Of TItZ TRY.
arid all day Sunday. Mexico is the lAnd of the fry.1 Nearly
The pulque,pro I act, however, is proba'61Y every kind of meat is cook ' 6d in Vard". and
th ,t profi'a4la Of any liquor production the consequence is that latd is v ry high-
-9 _moL
in 14exico, and many of these polque pl!inta- priced. It costs 31 cents al pound, and it
I.-iiQua bring in from $10,000 tO $12,000 a largely takes the place 4 f �utter. It is very
I i That
ycar. I know of one inan who gets $200 a hard to find good butter in Me;x1 0
day from lyis pulque hacienda, and I am made Vy,the natives is Is r m goat's
! told that R, 1d, Pulsifer of the 1303ton milk. It is we white as ImIlleyar- 4 cheese
Herald is. connected with a company Of and is dressed withouti salt. A smart
Americans who propose to 90 into pulqne American has started a �dairy in Mexico
Zn&king� The pulque plant is one of ttye City. He has Jersey a ' d e -from M)
'WA anc g
moat us I eful plants in the World, It# fibre cents to $1 a pound for hi,� butter. and pro-
MAkes excellen't thread and the Aztecs usO portionately as high . prices or his milk.
its, thorns for needles, They tha.tch th "ir My aister accompanies me�during my -Mexi-
houses with its lea-ves'and in the ..days Of can tour, and she has not eate a bite of
Cortez they. made paper out of ft. TNis , butter since we entered tfie Rep b)io-about
paper was likeppyrus and there are o�d two months age. It was �n coun ction with
' , her that I bad a very f ufjiiy exp rion'be at
Aztec manuscripts in existence which vrete I I
made in, this way. A number Of otble-r the hotel at Monterey. Il had ndergtood
. liquors in addition to pUlqi1e are produced that there was an Americ�n dair .near the
from the plantl anoil in one, district a very town, and I Doted.that the butt r on the
fine brandy called inescal is produced from table was of a beautiful yqll-ow, a d that it
it, and tequila is "another liquor mueh lii�e tasted much bettdr than the go& butter I
Scotch whisky which couyes, from the magney bad been eating at other I points. - I urged
plant. The leaves of this Plant contain, my sister to try it, a i that it was Amer.
thousands of fibres and these make t�e ican butter and -that ��e'fro the dairy,
at � rongast kind of bagging and ropes, wfil;ah and with this I took so big bite out of a
- are equal in strength to linen. I piece of bread that wasi sprea with it,
TIjE ()RIGIN O,F TITZ " COGKTAIL. " This moment a burly Tex6n mcfo a the table
The title., of our most popular drink conles interrupted me, saying - 11 .
from Mexico, The Attwe word for pul ne I I Strangor, that ain't iArneridan butter,
I ,h like octail, and G -n. that's margaritte." I
ispronouneed muc - ensl all, ov r Mexico,
Scoltva tr I oops called the liquor cocktaff nd You find good chick ; ame.
carried the, word back to the United St ea. and there seems , to be i plenty of g
- It is as-jd the,t the liquor was discovere . d by Chickens are peddled aro' n d in oops on the
a Toltec noble and ttlat he sent it to he �backs of men, and now Zd the you will
king by the. hand of his daughter. -as see an Indian with perhaos two dozen tied
Co-ktail (Xoch:i,t q. The king drank he together by the legs and � throw over his
liquor and then 1. oked at the maiden. he shoulders. He goes wN these rom house
JilrA tickled his palate, the second enA or- to house and sells them.. LEggs are sold in
was a case of love. at rst the market in little pileslof four to the pile,
ad his heart, It a V I V sell hem, and I
sight in both instan-ces, and he married he and not by the dozen a . a
- gi.rl and started a pulque plantation. F orn note that in some places be egg are packed
sks for shipm; Ev rythiog in
tha,t day to this the Mexicans have k ,pt in coris hu 5e � t.
e: 1-ue and ise the Mexican market seeIns to�vbe sold in
themselves saturated with pulque, and ,�
Cocktail is One Of thO Veriuses -of Mexi an pile@ and I c 4uld find no lstandx d of meas -
d. - 3t except the eye. IL.Tbare were piles
tra i.tiGn, Mexican brandies are v ry uremei
strong. There is one, - called aguardie Lte, of four tomato.es, of six 4ttle p tatoes, of a
Which I is made from sugar -cane, and w �ich handful of red peppers, hod of other like
is wis strong as it is cheap. I bad a ore things around each pedlk, and these ped -
throat a few days a,go. and Was advised to Isrs were Indiana, and the Inki &ns seemed
ba,the. my neck in this brand Y. I fo, ;ad to be the market men' of. M xice. Thqy
that it made the skin smart and conel ad carry their wares for na ex into the city On
bo� see how much alcohol th.ere was in it I their backs, and a dolls, 's wort of market
poured a wineglass full Of it n staff is carried for days n orde' that it insy
1) the
ble wash-Oand and touched a m�tcTh Y t,t%irt: be sold . here. The buy rig is! One iii
it exploded , like coal oil and blazed a, ay same Ple"yUne way as t e-selli g, and this
for ten minutes. Two million doflarx city of 300,000 PeOPIG ive fr rn. hand. to
wortly of this brandy is made in Me�ico mouth. I don't believe! there is a cellar in
every year. It produces drunkenness yery the whole town, and ev 'ry met niug the ser -
quickly. Mexicans have some good wines, vants go to market alid buy an )ugh for the
bat they are very dear and an ordioary day. They buffor cas ,. and before going
t rostall a battle. The chief drin]0 at to bed you haveto le&T'T enoug' silver with
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your servants for the ' morning marketing.
''I -
New York Letter, :
� ; .
, ___ ' I i '
ing Conway arrested. Conway proffliaed to it tintiou ly coDnected with the paper. For
U ,
It is not fashionable for ladies to do their
, (Re.trular Correspon-denoe.) .
mArry the 4rl who- bad the. warnint is'%ued I the pa t (j[.larter! of a century.the subscrip-
' I , ,
in Mr.
own marketing, and everything is bought by
the servants,� The result is th&t housekeep-
- .Nlvw YORK, Dacember 21st, 1801.
tion ji .3 .uf th-,,�it. paper had been
d the c , i
an or mouy took pl,tce imiriediatt-ly I .
after his re ca,ve, The notth end yri-Liog Ir.dy Thums ii'a charg Mr. Atlaq S. -Thomson,
, , ,
� 9
ino, in Mexico is very expensive, and be,-
The Christaitts s9ason is. almost upon Us
11 d th it is filled with more life and
cl, y
bring au action for breach of I j r., so (if the (leecased has been for the
intends t I
tweca the prices ch%rged and wba�t the ser-
is than
IT %U�y than at any other time of the
I O'i a Globe cumpos- 1
-lit I
promise I I years foreman t
Jlos�* �umfre of the Clifton House, ipug ro M, While two oth r sons are well-
- 11 I ) -
vants stea,l, the outlay even greater
it is in the United States or Canada.
y0ar. Every shop winduw is decorated,
�d with holi-
im 611��
1 I ,
I � -
West mc(fillivray, hag quit5! a curio4ty in ki)6.wo compo-Ators, I �
. . I P. J'. C.
e ery abelf and coifnter
ay goods, an(i every street is crowde,l with
the shape �f a lamb having fire legs and six --,OA Monday evening of last M,,e,,I,' a
0 1 -
1 arlod trucks and busy shoppers. The dis-
aviat Ck Mrs. Jamieso a of I SA,
fedt. The'eKtra leg ia situated between the T!IV18 ) n, a, � .'m c
t C,
- !
From North Dakota� ,
lays, in the windowg ard growing mora
. i,
fore legs si�d has two well shaped feet, at- China ter. tuct-
.1 91
i�b , ga,ve a very in ing and inst
I 8 ad
, . L ive fAd Iress on qnssion wor , �a that ialand
I I Ir. �
[WRIWEN Fop 'Tun Exi,osao�.
labomte every year until howsome of them
1 re equal to first-cla,is exhibitions. Such as
rtiser L of Thursda.y made o well known to Canadiars by th
-The �ondon Advo 0
The I;ast season in North E - as been
Lhese Are surrounded by crowds all day long
says : 0,3* Orr, Battleford, wad William labor ad success of R6% 6'. L. McKay, D
one of the laost remarkable since set-
' � '
nd no doubt, they are a means of graa.
D. T iougb the Vireather was very avor
Orr, Afoos4miv, who have been in the North . � 30 the th
tlemarit of the country. NotWithistanding
t the store -keepers. The little
a rain, yet
west abou� fifteen years and give a glowing at consequence of�
account 6f the there, are the churcil was neaTly filled with eager listener
all drawbacks from all sources,'wo
nes are indul�in,g, in great expectations, and,
. I
of � I heir brother-in-law, John Sussex, Mrs, bmie8on �aid a high tribute to the r -
reaped th6 most bountiful ho.r last the
SAshte ever produced. The frost streaks piks'
he children of the poor ate not to be no-
lected. The Christmas Socitty has been
city, this �veek. mark 'ble abili�y, noble self-sacrifice an
zed through the state similar to t ex"
rganized for the purposo,of providing the
-It is O.enerally -supposed in Woodstock untiri g energyj of Dr. Me K.ay, who accoi -
perience.d in Manitoba, la, Otions Of
"go "
oor children of New YoOk with Christma
that Frederick Legrice, the East Zor1L% plishes such a surprising amount c . wor
grain being badly smitten while
prasents which will ba distributed in th :
farmer whose property is figuringin the durin each day. -
, -fared a similar fate to Ben- - farmer of North Oxford drove in o
courts jusi now,
fields were almost entirely uninjurl.
verage yield is much in excess of last year,
Madison Square Garden on Christmas morn-
ing. The society is composed of a number
well, and �uot far from the same I I Swamp of Woo stock, the other day after dinner and
:Dd the sample, taken as a, whole, is super-
of well off and active people who are havi-MI
in f rol
Death." � bitc�;h d his horse to theyailfug i f
- - n English fArmer who bought land onwes,10 the stores on Thames street; then we) t
i9r, I think, notwithstanding the
Before barvest was finished the- heroule an
ta f
great success in their woik. The wan e-
the society are thade known and the, dona-
-& L
near Fredericton, New Brunswick, has just 0 . got heavily loaded" with the artic e
task of getting a-uoh a crop threshed began
tions received are ackno*ledged daily -'in the .
brought his family out, consisting of 15 that makes 4 ' maim forget his way how .
daughters. It is said the young men of the 0 he wag ready to return he wai o
to manifest itself. were just as
many threshing outfits on the ground as �
newspapers. .
150'MILE.5 AN HOUR. - P
neighborhood have Dot done a stroke of mud led he could not find his rig, and ask d
usual, but they had only worked about ten
The Partelectric Company, which has ra
work sinte the girls arrived. the assistance of the police, and aft(Fr p r -
-Between October 15tb and December ating the streets in a vain endeavor to
days when a spell of showery weather set in,
continuing at inter Is for about four
ceiatly been incorporated under the Iwws of
VirginiA, proposs to tranglilit mail matter
12th, 177,000 bushels of gntin have been ex- fin he MiH.3ing rig, he was so overco e
weeks. Further is'outli it was Tore than
between . New York and Philadelphia iii
ported from Halifax, and steamers have been with the ardent that he eat down on t8
chartered to load 740,000 bushel -3 more. edge of the walk for,& -rest and found 1 -
showery, flQods being a int.re a propr,iate
name. In some places the -a Ok were Our-
forty minute's when it gets into operatiop,
'They have been experimenting for some ticne
There are now, ways a telegram, eighty cars. mad afely in front of him hiii missing oat ,
rounded by water, looking at a d1i tance�ike
at Nrchester, Maesachusette, and claim
of grain' on the sidings between Moncton who a he had left it when heleAme i to
. .
an immense archipe Alt ough i the
O' ( i.
'31 rou d rcuiain-
water soon disappeared th� 9
that a speed of 150 miles an hour will be
po�sible wben a regul*r line is built. The
and Halifax. . I toww .
- John T. Turner, oldest so n of the late Saturday afternoon a number of yo ng
ed so soft that Joaded Wagons copld not be
traek ba3 two rails, an, u'
� ppeor and lower
Ilon. James Turner of Hamilton, died at won. and boys were skating on the mill p, ridt
P -_
Clever Bar, Edmonton, North-weat at Thamesville, when Fred McLeod, a yo ng
drawn with any Wisfaction f fout to
,,, r
six stooks being a load. T11 erudition of
one, while the car is a hollow iron project.
its, pointed 0 ea:!h end. The power to
Territory, on Monday last week. The de- man about 19 yearn old, a resident of t )at
affairs was more common in Minnesota than
propel is electricity supplied through copper �
eel"Jed went to the North-west several y�arB pla�e, and a student at the Woodstock li gh
in Dakota. Thi3 accounts to a great extent
wires which encircle the track at intgrvals
farm near Edmonton. sch ol, broke through the iDe. Thomas ill -
ago, and purchased , I
mo el a companion, crawled near and t ok
He was '09 old. 4
for the backward condition of the faripin
operations in the north-east portio� 0
of six feet, The incorporators say that a
line *ill soon be built and that
years i
-All Grand Trank business is now car- hel of him, i hen the ice gave way and oth
1 w
North, Dakota. It is estimiLted that ther
the still I
their system will make a sufficiently favor-
the investment of
ried on through the tunnel, and the yards at we t down ' MeLcod- floated under the ice
Point Edward and Fort Gratiat, which a few an was drowiyed., The body. was taken, out
is about one quarter of grain
stacks, the lArger part of whicb. will b
able showing to warr,ant
abundant capital. 110111iD&I CAI)ithl is
weeks ago were crowded with trains and ab ut 7.30 at night. Young Fillmore as
threshed during the winter,
$5 000,000 and among the.inoorporaterg .are
buzzing with the hum of industry,- are now rea ued by bhrowing out a rail to him. . c -
alryi , ost as silent and deser ted " the Egyp- Le d was very highly respected, and a br ght
Wages wera ulanswilly big), fl uriDgl th
past summer and in many placps lab6rer
ex)Post-master-Gerieral T. L. James, ex.
Judge Dittenhoefor, aft(i others.
tian' pyramids. an promi,gingyouDg man. .
' have 4-W. Colwell, -Leamington, form;erl of
could not be obtained at any p
. )r' a. DpIrin 1
If '
. the thrtshing sea cers ---cived SO)
son engin
$100,000,000 WANTED.
An invit3,tion has bden;xtended to Hon.
-The Wellington --county council of
Paris I
fixed auctioneer and. pedlar licenses at the Mitchell, .has purchased the Paris Ti es -
per month.and upwards ; fee�er $,3,, ' e k2 dpae rr
;J "
,�, '
Warner'Miller to addressl the members of
ng figures, license for auctioneer of Review. .
f0ll"i . ,
$15; a hawker or pedlar travelling on - -J. E. Seagram, of IvTaterloo, will have
and' upwards, and ordinar h rs� ,
. '
y T, ZI .
day and upwards, board inel , I al
the Now York Chamber of Commerce on the
suLbject of " Nicaragua, Canal," at *he
foot $10; A hawker or pedlar with one horse 25 horses in training next spring, No .fewer
cases, Quite a large numl�er of orse ower
next regular meeting of - the Chamber on
or other beast of burden, $20 ; an aldiiien- than 60 thorougbreda are wintering at his
outfit -i Are at present " grindt on th8
Tuesday of this week. Mr. Miller has ac-
Al ior every horse or besot of burden over farm near NV,sterloo.
. I .
*ne, the sum $10. --Algoma lost one of its oldest settlers ia
golden " in this neighborhood, b;gt gen-
or&! opinion is that they are �ylprofibable,
cepted and, as he is the presidont of the
canal company and has devoted a great
-MrA. Premeau, a lady aged about 65 the death of J. F. Day, of Rydal Bixnk,8UL0-
especlally during the short da s. The a -
deal of time to the subject he will no duubt
are, of the township of Doyar, met with a day evening,. 13th inst. Deceased waslarr-ely
Yc- 3
&rises at preseD-1 &b01Ll1 8.30 :.in. and seut] 11'
, . .
make a very valuable &Dd intosresting ad.
very sd.rious Keeident recently in Chatham, known throughout the district.
at a where there is a drop in the Ride- .-A late case of wheat sowing is rep ted
a-bout4.30p.m. SoyoussecuramOuilt 4f
daylight is rather limited.
dress. Heintends to' advance argument
to show that the early completion of th:
walk of four inches, and not notising it the frcmthe township of Tiny, in Barrie district.
Some farmers who have threshed an I
enterprise would to greatly benefit the com.
old lady fell face downward, .breaking Mr. C. Qtiesuelle sowed four bushels at that
marketed their grain have rejalifed more Out
merce of th4l United States that it could not
her right arm at t . he I wrist and also -her right pl ce on December 5.
-_� McKerrow, of Welland, and her
of their one crop than their land cost therr .
Let me illustrate. A settler c1ming in h0f e "
4ail to pay the Government to encourage the
work. I understand that the canal company
leg. .-Mrs.
-It took four men to drive a IDig in to a son were thrown out of a buggy the ther
last spring with snfficient h r at land am,.-
10 ' �arny
1; 16D
is modest, but wduld like one hundred
it. ,
back yard the other day at Granton. One day by the horse running away.
had i rope out of its mouth, another from M,.Kerrow wa-a so badly injured interi ally
grazes moveables purchased - of
acres all reidy for the seed f $20 per &Ore.
million if Uncle Sam could spare :
EDwiw AaLixOTON.
, e. 1
the hind leg, and two more with wattles sue- that her recovery is considered impossib,
His expensefaccount ran as foil wa:
- I
go a different
ceeded in having his porkship -Mr. and Mra_ McGuinness, aged 91 and �
Hog Business.
direction from the way he wanted to go. A 90 respectively, of 01cien station, -near K ngs-
160 acres of land at $20 per sore. . . $3,200
240 bushols of seed wheat at 75 to 18$ 00
n 175 00
Sm, -Mr. Morrison's elucidation of the
� .
Scotchmau was heard to say he could ba' ton, are a vigorous couple. Mr. McGui neaa
coaxed the bruit in wi' a wee Pickle Of 91Lt- di a big feat in corn husking this fall and
I laborer, 7 months, at S26 pier m
660 lbs. of twine at 10i ets. per I ... 5 00
way in which a pound of flesh caik be made
meal. . � a short time ago his wife spun 25 yards of
Extra labor ...................... 4� 00
Thre9hing and marketing 5, 00 I
by giving a pound of chop feed to a 50 -lb,
pig, remindame of a S--otoh friend of mine
-A. E. Vidal, sen of the Ron. Alexander I I .
Vid&l, has been appointed treasurer of the 6loth. .
the section around Barrie there is a
bushels at 7 its ........... .. 39� 00
whose wife Susan fed a 250 -lb. pig on small
C of Lambton. The appointment peculiar disease among cattle. It Mans
L expenditure ........ $4 5 00
Total V
c*Ale and the dish water.'Wat was an elder
talkies a - t next April, and is ou6 that .gives itself by lumps in the animal's throat, %N hich
This man's crop yielded 3i b shels er ac a
in the Kirk and Susan a very clever woman,
and I am not to doubt his word. It Gov-
uniy4ssl- satisfaction throughout the cons- in an advanced state .become raw and sore t6
ty. Vidm' has discharged the duties of tkB touch, It is said that beef thus diseased
over the entire 160, making a- total If 5,6 0
bushels, he sold for 75 c . 8 per . bushel,
ernor Hoard and Mr. Morrison are to make a
_e f4
- treas or the past 20 years, although his is inimical to hoalth. .. �
I , '
making a total of $4,20-0. Tho exp2ses d -
- pound of live weight frGm a pound of feed
im,u drink, they are
fatbe� hits nominal ly hold the position. -David Sutherland, a sen of a prominent
ducted Irem this amount leav�s a 811rPlus f
, and all the whey a pig
not one whit ahead of my old Scotch friends
- -�o�n 1117erts, an old and well-known farmer in Anderdon, Essex county, was al-
i i
Everton, dropped instantly killed Saturday by the lacci-
$155, This io no exaggerated �,staterneut a
'far from here �ad 35 �bush a
rr put their achievementi in the
-who neve
'I - f mast
res r�
'" nt o Eramoss, nes :
dead on Wednesday, last week, He was dantal discharge of a gun. He was getting
one man not - ,
per &ere on 210 acres and yields of $8 to 40
spapers. What is a pound of flesh any
law nd, of live weight I or of
way'? Is it a Pon
thro hing at a neighb*r's when he was tak- oi er a fence when lie fell, and both balrrela
'gun discharged, His
bushels are out uncommon. �
Prices in Asnitoba are, as I last ye I ar, co i-
dremaed moat? I ar� interested in the plo-
but if
en with a pain in the breast. tie was ad- of the were stoinich
vise to go tothe house, and w0anon his way WAS completely torn out and be lived of ly a
iiderably lower than here, more especial y
ductiou of pork At a profit, rrjy in-
structor talks fie !bc�sely that I cannot tell
ther , he fall and expired, The cause of few minutes, Re was nineteen years of
@lace navigation closed. About 100 c r.
whether he meanis live or dead wi �ight, and
deat is supposed to be heart dimesse. age. � - .d �
was a sad drowning acci e t t at
losils of Manitoba wheat Pane through a
daily on the Northern Pacific mud INIanito a
forgets to say that �he pig get3 as full of
whey as it can drin�- all'the time it is mak-
A- birthday selebration of more than ,-There
. 8 rday. About 5-o'clo
ord A itrest was celebrated in a quiet PPI-eardralao"100 zte'utt Alon
Railway bODdad through to ntarioand t e
,,, �
. ug a pound of gai�. for -each pound fed, I
Harald, the 5 -year-old of
way at the residence of John Frost, Grim-iby '11ti 8,1,�erall, book-keeper for Bertram &
.AtlAutic s3aboard. I
We had an unusual blizz%r on Discern er
fear that I miustitake very little stock in his
loose statements, By next week it.is quite
, the other day, it being the 100th . 's eft he *arch
*r , me and did not return.
birt day of, John Jeffries, The old -gentle-
f?r him, but it was not unt4 'tb-O
t i
3rd and 4th. Not 80 unusual for 9
possible that he may recall that the Pig" hact
in& has always enjoyed the best of health w1as made
noxt morning that his lifeless body was
country, but it occurred t an ,unus &I
a five acWfield for rocreation.
an has his faculties unimpaired, Notwibh-
found in a stream of wate 60tton
time of the year. The frost as n
ut of an w thol at I i1n,
severe, 'but the amou at fel
11, W I-
Winnipeg, Manitoba, December I 6, 1891.
at& ding his great age, his eyesight is re-
ma ,kably good, while his memory is surpris- f4otory. The p%rents are distracted ' wi .
� :
that time was really pheno enal. Ab ut
18 inches of snow fell, the bulk of whi h
__. L I .
g ief. . I
ingi active� 1
14r, McQuire,the ref6peated editor of t he -Some time B;nce a man rained Roland
was driven into the Woods by the high wi d.
Canada. - � I ,
. - ent to work in the wootils near Saudridge.
Til onburg Liberal, bad a peculiar experi
Ra,ilway traffic wassuspende for the ti e,
Joe He3s got 571 tersperance pledges in
ene ilie other day. A lawyer had him in -is wife, who lives sixteen miles north of
I arrie, learning that he was frozen to death,
a wl
but two days after trains w re rUDDIng D
time as usual. Since the sto nk the weat er
Chatham last week.
-Rev. Mr. Maider, of Brantfordi hag ac-
die ad before the grand jury on a ckarge of
cri inal slhnder, and the first the editor aland's Lilte employer to have
has been all that could be de ired-,--and b 3i-
cepted % call . to -a Baptist church, in St.
kn, w of it was an reading the Sentinel -Re- 18 remains sent down. She, with a few
ness is now quite brisk for t is sess' of he
George, N. B. - �
A. D. McRae, ex-edit3r of the Ayr
.4 . f *iends) accordingly went to B re
vi &rrie, �O. � -
Tie next day. The jury made quick work ' n
eive the corpse, but a tulegram was sent i. -
ytar. �
It is quite amusing to som and aggrav t-
-M r.
Recorder, hits removed froui Ayr to 13,%den
of he charge ; but how can such charges be
. tead, stating that whild the wan was! miss -
Nona a without notifying the socused') I
w �tye
Ing to others to read the, ccognts of &-
' t
where he has purchaeed an int,erest -in a
as no knowledge of his death
Mrs, John Hilliker, of Burge sville, bad i g there w I He
'a' &ter, however, his body was found
keta climate in the Ca,madia papegs. he
following is a sample fro the Montr &I
liver ,y stable.
-A petitioa from Hamilton and vicinity
a very narrow escape from losing her life the earns to have been frozen to death ne . r the
Witness of December 9th: I
. I
asking the withdrawal of the order prohib-
. - . .
fish "spearing by 4,000
ot er day.: Shortly after arising sho was
. r the cistern when the .boards undridgerailway station.
Pa 4iDg eve -Mrs. Mary Gould, relict of tb )ate
. it Poor Dakota seems t be the storm
iting is signed per-
ga e way and she fell in. There was about oseph Gould, at one time M.P., and other
centre of North America if not Of
northern hemisphere.. S metimes it is
SOD -9.
-At an, . annual meeting of the Dominion
fir feet of water, The bottom and sides - f 1. J. Gould, ex-M.P.P., died at Ux ridge
tkat it 'impossible for
burnt up, sometimes dried up, gometi es
Live Stock Assocation held Fri#lay in To-
Frankland, of that city, was
were so slippery was
x. Hilliker to keep her feet. Her screams n Wednesday, aged 76, Her parent; were
mong the earliest settlers in that pirt of
frozen up, and sometimes' lown about, ut
Jt always suffers from exti re,�e action -on he
ronto ex-Ald.
elected president. . .
n attracted attention from some of he Province. Her father came from Penn -
th household, who came to herrescue, . ,
part of Nature. its late t calamity i &
forty-eight hours snow 'I rm, which aa
, -H. R. Horne, B. A. 1 has won the Knox
College Prince of Wales geholarghip of $120
ylvanis in 180� and settled abou 4
ne�o too voon to save her from drowning. tw
. � idie S a
rom the present town of Uxbll� "h
farmer liv�
buried it, and, of course, stopped all tr ffic
fnr the beat e6gay on the unity of the Bible
Henry Kinister, a well-to-do as married in 1839, and was
. . mo! er,
and business, and p�rhaps destroyed large
in its manifold parts.
in ear Comber, county of Essex, commit- leven children, of whom nine survit
n, : 9
a" ' 8"'
numbera of cattl . a. it 8 ' .f he
-Giles ft. Fowler, with six hands to as-
suicide by drowning himself in a Well, amely.-I. J. Gould, J. E. Gould, C, 3ould,
rain that failed to come dtisna3 the ter of
siDt him, left Burford, Brant county, a few
T�ur,,d ay ev ening. The tragedy occurred ' 6 * Gould ' H. J. Gould (reeve of Uxbridge) '
the drought last summer, 1�ad -fallen wi hin
days ago, for New York, to pack apples for
o the *I'd homentead, where about twelve rs. H. A. Conly; Mrs. Thos. Watt, Brant-
& few hours in th� shap snow P)
' 01
the European market, �
y4ars ago the deceased's father shot his see- ord; Mrs. Cockburn, Paria, and Mrs.1T. W.
Respecting the above I ould'like to ask
-Mr. Ira Morgan, a promityery t member
0 d wife d ad and then destroyed his Own Dale.
for my for the
information an 'Wel'Mk
of the Agriculture and Arts Aasociation,
life with tl�le same weapon. Deceased was a - I .
enlightenment; of others, hen ota as
dried tip, r frozen up or
was fatally injured in a street railway acei-
� dent at 0 ttaws, Friday night. He died next
li�rd_ k man, He leaves I i
,i,w,o,r,idofg industrious
a W d ,ourebildren. Despondency on Perth Items !
I .
burnt up, or -
. blown when a did not a fler
day, I
a4ceubne ftfin%ncial difficulty is supposed to
to -V,0 The Mitchell - public school t�achers
about ,MAnito
the game climatic �chang a ? Referrin to
-Mr, Sommerville, of London, has been
'engaged High
U he cause of the ra3h act. a all been re-engaged for next yea .
h va �h a
death of George Mackay of -The Listowel skating and cuxli g rink
our early storm as Dakota s last calam y it
- 1! Perpaps " large I umbers off c ttle
a principal of the Wardwille
11 '
School for 1892, in room of Mr. Francis,
I 0
- .
ooLdstovic is announced at the age Iwax opened for the season last Frids night
be destro . ad I a surprise I d hat
y *
who resigned to take the head mastership of
of ft ' Deceased was -'a tailor by I -The have placed a fi a pipe
would r
after all the other calany ties that 116 fre-
the Wiarton High School. I
B Hag6rsville has
h n in he
t adefianyd arl many good traits of char. orga ir church at Poole.
di4i service at the -frontier for I __" rop" of Poole, finished hi ro und
quently,visit this state tb�t the editor k- ew
we bad �ny cattle. I can nform your r &d-
-Rev. D. - Cohoe of
bought from W. A. Snider his farm of one
A41er, tbx during the St. Alban' raid and of �hre.rslng on Sat,urday, having t reshed
f Ur I
er@, however, that no 1085 of cattle or o her
hundred acrev� being north half of lot five in
North Norwich.
as sergont under Captain (now Major) the contents of 50 barns.
during the Fenian inva3ion at -Ridge- -Mr, Race, of the Mitchell R corder,
stock is reported, and if they don't eet
of the disasters afore menti ned
the second concesiion of
The consideratieu was $4,000.
sy. Mr. Mackay was a member of Clan ,attended the annnal ineeting of the ntario
with ,any
I Respeclin the
they will winter all right
-Mr. C, R, Gerbig, of Ayr, is going to
, utborland and leaves a wife, who is also Fruit Growers' A . 6sociation. in Hamil on last
last sentence I would like know what part
commence the ratinufacture of, a new stove
be used" to as
*urn his loss. week.- .
11ite ill, and one child to in " )
a was a native of Scotland and came to I -Mr. Laughlin Cameron of lBritish
of Dakota suffered. from .d rought last um-
Was r
We had more rain h an was req ired
polish which can good
advantage on a, hot stove as on a oold one,
anada when a young man. Columbia, is -on -a ViAt to friends i the Yi-
'a n
for the production of gr throughou the
-At Woodstock police court the other
. ell -known Blen- cinity of'Andorson. Mr. Cameron speaks
.-John Thompson, a w was in Wood- I well of tho'Pacific coast. �
entire season, and similartports are eard
bc .
from,9611 the neigh oring 4ounties. D ring
day James Lappin, of StratbaDan, was
charged with eielling liquor without a
eim �
tock an Saturday, 12th irlst,, anit returned -Dr.'Towle paid a visit tal his %iiimerous
The 4 ill
the .summer of 1889 or 18qO, I'm not cc tain
- I -
license. He was convicted auk fined $50
- '
8 oct r
n the Cana(lian Pacific Railway to Drumbo, friendr, in Dublin Is t week.
here the old man in the darkness of the wall and hearty and was warraly lcomed
. L . fic hail storfn passed ove the
which, a terr i ,
Deloraine district? Man Lob& A ce tain
and costs. ;
-Joe HeaB, in speaking of his visit to the
'all a L
vening took the wrong direction, and before on ides. t on -
bad Mitchell Fire Co in a c
urn win tely
Canadian Jo al, after d��e
the of disaster, lappended to the
Kingston penitentiAry, said it w as the best
disciplined and moat orderly and clean insti-
is whereabouts could be traced, he -The Pany
f eached Burgess Lake, which has a soft iomplatirig arrAngernents for gr d ball
. mcene
article, "but .it was M I ch worse in Da-
tution that he had visited either in Canada
�o!tom. One of the searching party heard and supper in the town h all on the vening
_ from the take, and when of Friday, January 15tb.
kota." Now, that Par4ular storm over
. I
the inter-natiou*1 boundary, but
or the United States,
-Miss Emina Roeding, a wearer in the
uds coming
�oaudl Thompson was sinking in tho mud, -The pros entment o1 the, Grand Jury at
that r'smark was added evidently f the
. � oa
Tavistock mills. a few days ago wove 771
. court in Stratford- dealt
a the late County
d " few minutes would have been
�d nro with the necessity for 4 county
purpose of damaging this country,ty: d to
impress Upon the ' indita t they
yards of tweed in a day of 10 hours, thus
breaking the higiest record Mr. J. G. Field,
w n'e d. principally
- he 0 dest employe I
I I of the Toronto poor house. i
, barn Conrad McNamira, two
k,o I on account f the
had bet -ter avoid ga', 6,
the proprietor ever heard of.
'i . Allan S. Thompson, sr., passed . -The of
Q o b�e, U r is age of nearly 70 miles east of St. Paulo, in ilye! Gore of
t Sunday at ti
severe storms, &c. NoT, I'm not w iting
-One day last week Robert Conway was
- aestroyc�
Thompson was born in Edia Downie, was completely I by fire
for the purpose of,boomiFg Dakota, it don't
but I
arraigned in the County Court at Halifax on
interestiDg chaige. Be had promised to
burgh, Scotland, in 1822, serving his ap- between six and seven o'clock i Monday
require that, only �wish each ce ntry
to btand on its own merits and let into ding
marry 9. you�g lAdy living in tb� north and
prenticeship ax a printer in. the old land. morning, last week, with all its ontents,
Net Highlan Mr. McNamara was doing his cho as about
emigrants govern themselves accord ngly.
Private information respecting this co atry,
and the wadding was arranged. These facts
became known to another girl whom the
He afterwards joined ,the
regirriont, comi to Canada with the regi the b�arn and it being dark he had lantern
his dis him. In forking some bay 41c struck
will be cheerfully sent 'by addressin the
young man had also promised to wed, and
ment in 1847. 1852 he parchased with
chargastQuebec. He soon afterwards cum the lantern with the fork handle arid it ex -
undersigned. .
apon learning that the marriage was set
a laterAsto than that of the north and girl
to Toronto.'entering the employ of the Glob� ploded. Ile at once threw his co4 on the
� Pambin' a, North Dakota.
i i i
i � -
- ! �
� I �
I �
I �
I I �
I �,
she decided to got ahead of her rival by hay-
; . I .
I I I i -
i !
I I i
I -
lace that time he has been Conl- flame to smother it, but the oil h4 ocatter-
in 1857. S' I - i .
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1 JNLCJU.WXL1N "L"WO- Z7 k&wJ-"0— -
.S1.50 a year, in AdvaucO-
. -
ed with the exploArin and a big blaze Foon.
followed. The entire contents, with Jbe
ex � cept-on of, tt�,e cattle, were burryed and
I .
the loss will be heavy. H,,. w,ta to have be-
gun threshing next day, and bad en6bgoh
c' '
stuff to keep a yrinchine busy two days. '.
-Rev. Mr. Cr�sgrove, of St. Ma;r_vs,
preached atiniversary sermons. in Kn4x
Church, INlitcht-11, on Sunday,, the 13th
inst., when a collection of $100 was asked
f or. �,�, . � �,
-Two Anderson gianto of musele, Messrs- ,
W. Epplett and Smith O'Brien have com-
menced their season's work of wood cut-
ting. To get their hand in they have com-
menced on 500 cords of stovq wood.
-At Anderson, the other day, Mr. Peter
Barr, who has been confined to his residence
for the past three months, bad a pleasant
surprise by his brotber Patrons turaine out
and cutting.for him 50 .cords of wood.
-On Sunday, 13th inst., Dr. Carman
preached two powerful sermons in -thff-
Methodist church, Listowel, and on Mon -
clay night gave his lecture, " What, Where
and When?"
-4 monument of new England 'granite, .
22 fee't in height and costing .51,500, was
rec6ntly erected in Avondale cemetery,
Stratford, in memory of the late JAmes -
I -Rev'. , 111r. Nugent addreEs-cl a very
large meeting in the town hall, Mitchell, on
the subject of temperance, on 8unday night,
the 13�,h inst., after the church service had
closed. He spoke -well and to the point.
-The farm residence of Mr. Christian
Herbert, on the third concession of Ellice,
was burned to the ground on Thursday -
morning, la,st w,�ek. Nearly all the contents
were lost. Ori giu of the fire not known. -
-A few days ago some evil ditposed.
wretch entered the farm of Mr. Robert
Barr, on the 12th, coneession Of F,Ullatt�Dn,
and destroyed a quantity of hedge plants
that were att outlast spring 1: by the Hedge
Fence Company. ;
-Tka Patrons of Iodustr yL have a Well -
organized association in School Section No.
2, Hibbert, There are 35 4'ames enrolled.
The members meet every Wedticaday even-
ing at 7 o'clock: a V . -
meetings. ,� nd have � � ery interesting
I .
-The. funeral of the late Rosy Manning,
at Russeldale, on Satdrday, 12th just., was
largely attended. The services were con-
ducted by Rev.'$. C. Ed-munds and were
. .
very irrypre:Ave � and touching to the large
throng of relativies and friends who filled the
houso� � �
-Mr. T. S. Ford, mayor of Mitchell, was
presented with a largely signed requisition a
few days ago, a -eking him -to .remain in the
Mayor's chair for another y,ear. He accept -
ad the requisition as a graceful .compliment
and felt gratified in the confidence that it
exprersed in him, but declined the honor,,of
a third term. .
-Mr. �George ' Kort. the stage driver Ime- I
tween Mankton and Mitchell, had Mr, Wm,
Marryfield before the police in-igistrate an
the 121h %oat., on the charge of not giving
him a fair , share of the road. After some 1.
evidence had been taken the police m&gis-
trate proposed to adjourn!the case, but the
plaintiff withdrew the action and paid the
costs. I :
-Mr, Alexander Cardwell died at his
son's residence, lot 4, conceEsion 4, Gore of
Downie, on Saturday, I�th ihat., after a
long illnes;s4 He was at one time a ra8i-
dent of Stratford, and bui.1t what is now
known as the Northern Qriavel road, from
Stratford to Topping, and 1e also kept the
gravel road from Mitchell to Shakespeare in
repair. Deceased was highly respected,
-About I o'clock'Monday morning the
barn of Joh-n Curtis, farmer, .living about
one aui a half miles from Listowel, was .
found to be on fire, The building contained
, twenty-two head of cattlej seven horses, all
the season's crops, form implements, two
buggies, wagons and ma,ny other articles,
which wt -re all deitroy�,ed. The building
wits ipsured. in the Rolwick Alutual for
42,000� The origin of the fire is supposed
tu have been incendiary to cover theft,
-Ati old und respected residentof Ande,r-
I won Wca:ity, in the person of Mrs. Ellen
I White, pasted peacefully away on Sunday
I morniog, 13th inst, Deceased, who bad at- 1.
� tained io the ripe age of 84 years, was the
relict of ,the late Humphrey White, and
mother of !John White, ,of Exeter, 11. A, L.
cr of St. Marys, Mrs. W.
11. Graham and Mrs. Hamilton, St. Marys,
and Mrs. Atki.neen, of Anderson. .
The annual me-Pting of the Sebringvilile
- �
braiyc� of the Bible Society wa3 held in the
Episcopal church, in that village, on Mon-
day vening, last week. Mr. Pflimmer,
,ent,occupied the chair. Addrestes
were aelivered by Rev. Mei,srs. Kreh, Carey I
and �toyer. The following officers were
elected for the ensuing year. President, -
Georg,e Hamilton ; vice presidents, the re-
sident ministers ; secretary, Jacob Litt ;
treasorer, Andrew Goetz ; depositary, Dr. .
E Y,� -
. I t� peculiar case .came up at the recent
county court sessioDs in Stratford. It waB a
suit ,� brought by George W ttl a of
a 'ar,
Stratford, - inat J. W. Scott, riker of
List�wel, foargallelling a ;wagon on 5bich he
bad- a litn. The story in short is that
Wet0stifer sold a *agon to Donald 11.
Simpsou, of Listowel, Wettlanfer having a �
lien., Simpson in turn mortgaged the wa on
� to Scott and the latter ,sold the wagon. rho
case Was postponed till the next 4ittixg of .
the court. i .
-At Oagoo,el Hall, Toronto, on Wednes-
day morning, last week, F. A. Hilton laid a
case of no incorlsiderable interest before
justice Meredith. Britfly outlining the
facts heexplained that David Murray was
an aged ani moderately wealthy farmer, re-
siding near St,Mtkrys, Ontario, who havested
all his money in real f estate. J. E. arid E,
W. Elarding, of St. Mftryi!, formed a firm of
solicitors and barristers, and recently John
E. Harding has been appointed Local Mas-
ter for S6ratford, Da6vid Murray was one of
the flardingi' clients,xand aij such lie gave
them. soynt) $4,300 with whieg 1 to buy
property- The Hardings repres'e.nted to
Murray that they bought the pro arty and
asked him for some thousand od`dP dollars
more to pay off an incumbrance. This
money was also advanced. Now it is
charged upon affidavit made by David Mur -
I ray that the HArding$� did not buy an incly
� of property as they; represtnted, anA their
client now has neither money nor land. Mr.
�Hilton, upon this statement of facts, Paid L
that it wf*s a proper ease for the court's iri-
� terference, and asked for a judicial order to
compel the HardiR t ge to pAy Murray's
i money into the court, at once. or that.their
names be erased from the rolls of barristers
i land solicitors. i � .
I -
i :
-On Wednesday of last week ConstaMe
Wheatley, of Clinton, took two persons to
Goderich jail. One, a young man named ,
Taal, was sent up for three months with
h6rd labor, for vagrancy; the other is a.
man of middle age, who is an invalid named
Prince, and was committed for the sime
length of time, sollely because be had no,
place else to go to. The poor fellow becones.
technically a criminal, simply beeause the
Connty Council has L not humanity enough to
erect a House of A.&ef iige,
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