HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-12-04, Page 7. - . . - _:,-7 '� 4 - _. - - . . i . . . _ - I -.1 - .. - I - I - ­ - �__ ---- I � I - . I � . � . 1� . , �, - � � I I . ! I - I I - . . I - - � -.1 - -11-7 7 . . � 1 , , : . I . I I . I i- . I I I I � ­ � I - �, C - I . I � I I �� I . . - �_ I - I i 1� I . . I , - . � I - . . - I � . . . -7 . . -1 - - I � � ....'I ­­_., � I .. I , . . : I . 'r - " , , , . , , � , : . - I I ' . . I - . �, I � � . I I I _-1 _,; , . , � �, , - - 4 � - - _ - - I I - , � Iy � ;- , , � --- '. . . ­ - � - 2 I -7 � -, , , t � , , .1.:. ` " * - I , I I . - - . . . . I � I . . . . ,� , I . . - , - - � ,� , ­ , � - I . I .. - I I 1, 11 I I . I - . I . , � � �, - '_ - , I .-- . . I _ � 1Z � � - t , - - , : �� � , , - .-, � - *� � *� I , - , , . �. t : a . � . . I I � . - . . � � i - � I � .1 - � . . � 1. . I — I ", - _ , - - :�__ - I,--- � -1 I . , I - . '. . ', " � I I I I I - - � . . I z I - � . � � . . ��� I I . - - , , .-. ;� . 11 . ! . � I � I � - . . . . I : : - . . . I . . I . I � I . I , � - - - . - . � . . � .. � I . . . I . I � - � - - I i I i I - . � . - I . I . I . I - . � � ; - I I . . . I . I : . - . . I � � � I I - . . 1. . � - - I - � . � I . - � I " - . I I : . . I � I - I I . ­ � . . . I . r � . I I i I ; . I I I . � . . __� - " I I I i � I I . � -- I -1- — .,,---..-..-- ,.— - - L - . I ��-_� � � � I . , . I � . I . I - - - I I - - I � I �OAO* f ­_ I - .. � . -I- i I- . . , . - - ­­ J. � . .. � ,_�_ — . . . - . � I � I . I . - - I - i : - 11 - - _n�­ �_ � , .- ._'�'­­­� ­­�� �� . � I &,-,.-- *Vw_*�M �_�� , � .;__ ,". �, - ._ --1111—, -_-,.--,--_1- I—- i I __ __ - - I : - . - . , 3' � ..­ � " ,., 1. . , ; . I � . 4 - i I , 1. . I � _; -�� . � - - I - I . I � 7 - I � . - I . � . 1, - I � -i - - I I I : -1 I I i . I . f � , - � - � . � . I I - � ; � . . : I - i I � I � . I I . : -_ . � � . � I � �� . I Ic . : . . . ; ; � . . I I I . . I . . I I . � I- : . i . � 4. . . . I . I . ; � � - . ! _1 : � ! � � I i I . . z . I i . . I . . I �� T)r,,c-r_NmrR. 4, 18,91 11 � . . _. I .� I I I . I I . . . . . I � ___ THE RON EXPOSITOR - - � � � I i — — ___ - I , 7 - — � I . . I I - 9 t, I I . . - =a X 0. . I am [! hv No ­ oidortnist, churches on the table, I went to the cake box for the cookies, I . —_ - --- 7 - __ I I � 811 jt,c*, butth-, E,t,O)ILhed Church � ,very but 46 enough to resist every tendonev to disease. Hun. ­- - . . ­_ . ­ RY NELIJK H. ifAAI)LEy. i I I - � -1 � . i I M ch behiml." 11 found none. He had given one after "W M US dredu of subtle maladies are floating around us ready I .­ I . , , . - . � - , I I .. ­ --- I --- —_ I _.. If a bov meet a I oy Goiniiag down the hltree�t another to the callers. I � to attack whei ever there is a weak point. We may I -_ �. - _____ — . I i . I � — . I ____ __ ­ 1- --77-- � - - — t I I � 11% N11 el I ____ _.___ _.Z - . And rk boy 643 S, " L,z Vs tr'.ke a glass of I id � " Woul 1 it n()t lye WC11 if tile chur h was This was his first and last experience in - fe0scapa man -epii,g ourselve well E5 --t �1. - I � more � outEpoken. o . rt,tied %�', ure blood a�,d - ­­­_ : _:-;_.=:V' - , - . . i arill g a !atal shaft by ke I I I T. ' I n this,811bject, bread and cakr making. - . U t P a properly nourbilled . _,____:��_ � . �� mxevr, , I ; dis:� -lining it. Eq, oi.-de,iler 0161bbers, ate.,?" I framo."-Civil Service Gazette. Af e siml,ly with I _._� _ - � ly — . ,"",-at shuu,�d be the quick , I, . " . - -4 ad ­­ i,_, I ,�,�- ; , . . _i:=:: H�fflilll.; � V -eds to sPeak-out very . I bo-fflng vrater or milk. Soldonlyby0rocers, _� 1, P191- Y - - f I , ' reply? �� , I � , 17he Churel.� nL ,News Notes. 19 labelled -11 - __ - - Ir - - . I & signed the pled&e� thus: JAMES EPPS & Co., ilommopathic .� - = . . r - - - _'� MW - - -you krow, . 1 much more forctil;y *nd depiaively all over - _��.: , � , I I To drink- no; ci(ler, beer, nor wine, atic' so -M. iss Maria Robbins, ,w � ists, London, Eijgland. - 1. . - , , I ho has prcsided I I I if I 1,7 ;,_ .--" ! � lo !" and at the organ in the A(lethodirst church, Staffa, I - _=_ . . , th,9 land on thi,4 qucs�ion. Mjnjstel�x � : � ___ ­ - 1� I ­ I . ERI , I . 01 , _ . rZ 1. -,.,W. ; answer, 'N flffi,,ers of churchl s Ought alko be I b 1, has resigned �. : Monthly Prizes for Boys an I — f to 14 a - for the past five or six years lower __ ) Etwi ners. 1, f . - d I . L I I SO 1AM9 k-, in England vors, the position. I - � L 1(a, boy rtie(t a boy with a cigarette, peerages I - Fa Girls. I I -, 11 I -_ Spepsla. I . I S - � I . I And a h,vy Fays. it Try one; it's' jLUSt th , etc., are conferred upon b ewers -C.)nductor Snider lectured in Stratford The 11 Sunlight " Soap Co., Toronco, offer the foi- 1 � I i I l . Ariq liquor do -le I Ilangei, Propr., Stove']Voun- I lowing prizes every month till further notice, to boys i — ---='��_ �-_-_ !�-_ � ."Ll- i th-ag, you bet!"' . r�, wct rauuot expect -c urch- on Wednesday eve ing last week, and at- . - __ � i L , n I ' , 4 ?r org,tniz - - ___ " V L - ,fb(kt I'lloald be the answ 4,t el tions with -in the Gover ment though d , nt.,Ptgny,' Quebec, writes, -1 and girls under 16, residing in the Province of on- - -_ - I I - - . ,er, pray ? t is � L , lie spoke for over an hour not �one in L fizve u . tario, who stnd t1w greatest number of " Sunlight " . - I L i; . habi� lawr, I � to "ke the right stand. the audience wearied, and all Vf.ra de- edAugust Flpwer for Dys- , wrappors : ,18t, W; 2nd, $6 ; 3rd, V; 4tb, $1; fth cov I � 3 1 And oD is'slang, I hate them both, the' 't One Of the gmatet t evils we have lo con- lighted. - . i . to 14tb, a Handsome Book; and a pretty picture too it e,7 -,s th,e Zt7u . _ I ! , 1�1 - efor tend with in Lon(,'on," continued he lad , pepsia. Itgave me great relief. I those who send not less than 12 wrappers. Send --the B. & . ffro I ' I must ff'Ay , No ­ � y- -Mr. Johii Mogk, South Easthope, who recom end i C corset. It - i" � . � c shiP, "are the tide houses. One 'rewer has d' t to all Dyspeptics as a wrappers to I , Sun4ht" Soap Office, 43 Scott at., I , t uring the last few weeks been unde - . Toronto, rot ater than 29-th of each month, and I : t will own all the �8--,(oon , � r veri 9 od remedy. I . )erfect in. shape and 'fit, i., - _F . I It a boy meet a boy coming hom.e � fro . s in a certain ei h- going a painful cure for cancer, is P I titi011;" also give full name,ad- . , POWDER 9 — . markt:d - Compe . I S�Iho.jd, i bo hood, put in his own men in the aloon recovering with every prospect of . becoming , � dress, age, and number of wrappers. Winners' � . . I - - I And a boy a iys, tt Come in and pl%y again oniconditior s t4at they mOst 9311 so much permanently cared. I Ed. Bergeron, General Dealer, names will be published in the Toronto Mail on first 3oned with -Kabo,,- which wil I I . I 1. - . � Saturday in each month, 1218-52 - - Of P)01," � anq use no other liquor but tihe,,�proppri tor's. —Samuel Askin and Dunca�_McKcuzve , Lat*o. dil — . . J v . . " ' I ) i ViS, Quebec, writes: — . iot break nor roll up, and i I I � I What should -be the ipawer then? - It In Ithis way tile pro rietors h� -0 i of Liwowel, have been fined eavh 62 and have u ed August Flower with the I . I u 1. P I m onge i , not; ti,ght, I know ;� ; political iDflueuoe. M,oreovier,. it ' 4 Now Free from Pain. IOU are not satisfie'd, aftei I I . I n the Cox's for disorderly conduqt on the streets bestipo i, le results for Dyspepsia. I I . ; " . , 4^1% EAR SIRS, ­4 have been troubled with lame . � I � It lefvda to, g%mihting, drinking, too, � iatqrfst of the liquor -Feller to incre so big On Sunday night- The trouble arose over A 1 ZZ --:5, -:=�­ . aod 80' . 1 CCU you'i , NO ! , ., b0iness 'in order to make a little for h m8elf, chew of tobacco' I ; . I . 11) back for about 6 months, and thought I would I vearing it two or three weeks I . L , . � I _F , rb 13 Cf amni trreeffagyard's Yellow Oil, which cured me. Am now I 1Z r 4* a at the niarcy ofthe prop-ietor, I froln 1 ,��, I - I I he i —A company has been organized at, PuOt ;-ton, Engineer and highly. 'JI pains, and recommend Yellow Oil very . - - , If a b�-,y hear a boy in the park or lartel I , on & Ure4er I mith, Sydney, Australia, ' -epturn it and get your money I J�/r : I wn few dAYs' notice, can turi him Sound for the propagation of black C30. wri t f( I I .. I . Utter vile or vulgar words, in out (A the place." tPS: ugust Flower has effected' . . I FRAxK PALMFP, I . ) � � - take God's � a I As island is to be bought and there the AsK Youp. Djty Gooj)s DEALER FOR . I inL Vain', I I I ! I 1 4 : . r � ;-, black -eat breed is to be pertetuated. Th . (80 a c?�n let . cure in my case. It - . 40 Winona, .Ont. THESE Consrr - L I , * _,�. I --' ; W- bat should- be the answer when he ' * — Meanness,.� i , - cats are - _ I . . act so, 1� . STRONOL . ) � Xysr to live on fish and -are to be edlike a iracle " # ' A Good Verdict.' ', _� 1rP. 006 w B r 4% 7 � - 44 " Di_-, come and plwy ? " I r 1 ' 4o t4e large number Of 2�torie.S � . � . ",el �._. �7_ .� P REM I y LOT11 I fear I'd tmrn bad, t,,I-k from �ou, of ." th 8 raised for their ftir. . I . SjRB,—1 have greit reason to speak well of your B. 0 Gfq . I p ad il� rne�neSt W&D," 'Wiliell a —While Mr. George Pepper's horse Rosa- � (Tt- Contains no Alum-, Ammonia, Lime, - . I � ai , re frcquout re- G�o. G tes, Corinth, Miss.,Writeg: B. BitLors- I have taken 6 bottles for my.of and family P -_�!,-,J 6 i � I - Phosphates, oraily injuriant, I I I I mast say, 'Nay- ! 'L "' � ; One Shou k bery, the famous jumper, was trying to I I I &n�i andiind h .1= to and weakness it C, Go a) i � " i f . has . Boy, . I Fr werthe r'ol' ' fmi 0 5 - , purifies the b ood u � � 4 !L let's be manly bo3 9, fearless, pu�e and lin�uchm',D, tarq.ous for hisbabit of rumb- Doe.,4 t a"o 'o 2 , d r yo - ur August Flo - � ure.. k h che, I P 0 �Zb CD ; . true, . at everythingund an e%rery occm, on. . ,hernlight, be4.r'me in the Nvorld for Dys- I .1 I - , u,ic. I heartily recomwend it to 0 P W t i fat stock show in Chicage the ot _11 'i I -he LA htt�d, Id be added of a ertain break his record of 7 feet, 3J inches at the '. .. i 1 all ". ing , pure 1'�.dicine. .,,- 0 t-� V t7j: NEW BUTCHEff SOP . . I 'he fel14 recciving iDjurieg from; pe as almost dead with I Mms. HuGa MaNuTT, - CD- 'CD %aw I I NLobly atandiag far thei righ 'a elverythitl� VAa3 attacked by inflammatory rheu- the f � - which he dwit ptia. W. � c W , - - — I Ir ollowingnight. The horse was valued tha di ea : I Truro, N. S. ;0- a) m Lj-, ,-1 0 1. � . ive do. _ t�_Ii nl�tistn, ilind ,wug carefully nursed 1by his e, but used several bottles . . . 0 . 0 , � When tempta1ion. ­ W�y 1 Wife who wits v(,ry dev(,t,.A �to him - i . at $25,000, and was the emperor of junipers. of An us Flowe ! ------------- 1-16-0-40--- 14 CZ C.t_p;� �:L 0 t � urges us in evil s t� I spite. — i r, and now con- I ;r . 0 � . IN SEAFORTH. �. 0 f.Cl Go P -,-J . �' _ Lion., Higisuffe I 'The Best Yet. , f- - �-v ! go, Of,�i`s fault fiacling dispoei, Mrs.- Jennie 'Watsov, of Crofawell, 1_� , - Le t a 8; ocA a momeat p&use but b c bil I st into tears sometimes, �e 0 J� i I I Q &med her o � . r- Michigan, began about thr months a,,o to sidqr ys If a well man. I sincerely DRIA1 Si", -313, mother was attacked with inflam- -1 M r'! -t, 5 ,,> ., tj � N(t 1. 1� ; avel as�hc I' Complain of a stiffnes recom e Id this medicine to SUfler- I mation of the lungs which left her very weak and � JONES _& MCCUAIG, wit at bio bedside. i i s of the joints, accom- .1 I I never free from cold, till at last she got a v, ry severe - 0�q answer, - r _ . I � 3 i ­_ - I Q,ne day a friend of the i:nvi.litl ca" me in Ps" pair.. The other day she a�ityth r ove I t � @ ' c,ld,,Y,d She resolved to try 11 �� t7- �!— 3 ' : - � - i iied by a dull ingl'hu e w Id r. La yard's Poc- M_ CD - i' F 8 le had ao far regained strength as to gct out of toral .1 � Wing on� I - GRIEEN, 8 13, cou "' !4 � ct' 0 �� Lai ; and asked him flow he wn A'Isayr! vd, on so doing, fornd it lid her more )'g 0, (D �� Beg to inform the people of 1�eaforth and viclnI4 that . � - I 'er assumed :a Lady So�merset's Opinion ofj� Pr �'Badly, badly !" he I her bod. She had ,no 80,11. - - ole anufacturer,� good t an � other medicine she ever tried. �_11 W X they have started the Butehering, business on Main I . aimed ;! " and I MARS, KFNNYDY, - (D - ibition in England' I 1 s r,ll my wifela'f-Ault. � ding pcsition than the bones of her leg I I I— :� eD 0.� C) d will be glad to erve a)) who. itl tT_J C> P �7j i.� . , Street, Seatorth, fn the shol f, rmerly occupied by - , 1� 1A 91 ex i � etan - Wjodbury, Ne JerseY, U, Sr A. i a p 0 01:1) - Mr. George Ewing, an a " I broke in a half dozen placts, She �Allua I -1 - - ! � 50 Smith Av.. Hamilton, Ont. � C_?`_ 1114 , 11 on em, with fresh weat of all kinds. They , oice (N,vw York) thus � , " I an "L3 it possitle? aaked the fri4ld, _ - )l Ith The V reports� i.1 . i is I - _­Mmmn�� - --------,w *-0— -- 0 ", a � terview with Lady Henry Somerset, surpris% I . placed upon ber bed again, and she raised i —1 t=rl �, 1=1 t:! P (::�j :� hot' Ch. ractical knowleAge t f the business and i . . ho I - ril- �;J. p . ; l . I., at, prilsent, in the Unit her urmq. letting them fall beavil . Dr. -T. A. Slocum's C) CD 0 M 1:� e�-J rantee a good article and prompt attention toctw�_ , . i .04 $!atemf alvirk, "Y(is, Thedoctor told methat)) midity Y. The Mr, E ir ge and the conductor ran 0 h C 1::t I �_q WR,t r. r 0 - 7 crofs 4 tile n"An ta attend the i w� boiace in both arms crack is OXYGZN17,F,D MILILSION of PURE COD LIYER clt- � ,)rld' 3 bull far me; aad there that wo, jan vits d in oeveral places, ak, by main mwngth hold bfm OIL, Jf kou have Catarrh -Use it, For saw I , ' �) 4jrders soliclte4 and =at delivered in any part . And cricip, just to,m4ke �it niq6t1in th4 in her paroxysms ribs siere al#o broken '&,81,3�&�1)04. 0", of �bo town, . WOnlell'S, ChrbltiAn TtWpP.rADC# U010 Cc - ,,,I .. I t:� 9"�' 5' ,w W - . Several of the wommill's e w4ann �,Ja 'Verit I c&rt had pasoed, So par- by all druggivto, z5 cents per ixittle. r t� . (D co e"L �:r, X t" JONES & WCUAIG, y le 1 1239 tf, - . I i 4 " -IMr' W H ' fcoa thattlie cars 0 P, C Iver � r6orn ?" . of paia, Her physician row ,wu _____W0*011_ to ,titm in But" on _- � I �1 . . M � � � I em- CU et- 6 I � ; -------.0_-, � . rl;e portion of� his - , i . ad as Far � I 1 1 * , have bewn un co #1 1,11sy I vvquira bovir yon fiappt-1104 to bJ� ?'ble to act the fujured m ff - t a Fxpe� Mo wormo by ufilng the safe and rellable X _: , 0 1 . . come of refor. ato1 � : 00, t , - ident gave Mrs, 14"'.ragey 2"thel"flintic'Freoman'o Worm Powaerm, � - I � - � taiti, Thu medical fraternity are at a 10111� Nuch! a s cc a, she wi; $5 ultablo, to, travel � -0 # 0 � rD CL �t - I intereated in this kind Warmth and Ventil&U4 �erg, Mi'll, WstsOn suffers the most intonke :(491tzillisT g �5; 0, 4-, 0 � � work V' fs I . p g; tmj � THE ' B I P MILLS ' � ,1zt!d vitting rod 4 � - I =1 gt 'O C -r- , I I � SUPPO),e a medium s' rn with ow to treat this case, and'she an( cc Z I I � 11 Whon I to6k clixrge of my Isirge �ejtat,q W four people! and two ga* jets ; the P.Ir must I hcr fathr-r remstived F.t; Rat * I . 100 t_"74 11 � , � � I 1 wx4 determineA to improve the conditicn f e -1"ht case of ,bliss Maggie Dennaaher, of Porf9ge nti hhe should rccover, i I . I C, 0 C+- �_4 � SEAFI., RTH. ' � I ' , . ; - b I Changed every fifty minutes to �eep it, Shelbyville, Indiana, who has been living M -�4 t4 I � a above wM# bave now b"n theroughty rebuilt I - : - i ;:7' 0,,,� :;A I W �L *- � I I pure. As air is heated it expands � 4nd be- dog fiesh'two weeks or more,is exciting in, sections f i C+- CD - (T) � upon the emptete my tenants and laborers, bmt I found � tbartl on I -1he dr light %hich has prevailed in A � � 00111d do tathing until I had attacked tbie comes lighter per cubic fo,(,t� exas since early .5ummer, and Whc!n Paby wag idek, ve gwe her Cddorf& - I If all the air terest,' For several years she find been !n cans I t ff, I � 0 1--, C+, 0 0 1 evil at intemperance. Their condition bv�- 8� P( e& isu erIng and inconvenience, is M P� , ,-, , 009ARIAN ROLLER- PROCESS. L . is heated equally, it rewxin8 at re!st after invalid, and for weeks before she be an b r 0 �, ee'n'. ge quantities of ha.j and. milf.g of Whet she wa3 a Child, she cried for Castoria. t:rl ::� � 9 . )b F,'.' g I came better as: scoa as the evil was lel.fsene4, exp%nsion ; but, if hot air i.s in the �resence ea,ting dog flesh she was CODfiDed to her bed Wheo she became'Amzs, she clung to C' C, M � ,�. - - P I . I - - auaed by 60rohoum BaUdingshave Wen m of fis great- -A confirmed ty 0 of consumption. Her the #=c jiv�ly d!Y spell. No such drougbt f h arg!d , Inot only. preached temperanc toth�si�pe� of cold air, the fat -ter, by rems fencing er4 destroyed by fire 0 : "torkL 0) to 4 M 01 The Mill and 5 . - a , , p I Wlw;a:;hA- bad CtIldren, she gave thezu caacrki, 0 1-4 tj � I lem 7 F A drives Dbysicianhad Informed her that there hips I bee 1xperieuced durinX the past : '. t�."C! � C+-- h enl , and new machinmy &Wfed ple, but I endeavore(I to inflUeDca th b� el heavinesp, forces its way down an' . -4 ,5 $:)j rh out, � � myownexam,ple. I believe tiiar. womena,e was 5 ,+- (D 8 the hot air up. The Moving forC4 of air ;o rer _ I � �61A r_;, . specially ebarged to work againist tho evi�l Having heard that t *1 . ; , nedy for her. I CD :�l T E LATEST IMPROVED ROW f currej)ts is the greater weight ef'tho colder G *a ly . rl 53 4 C"'� . I . . drunkennecia. " i � i eorgip Goo3rich, of Indiana, was cured of _tt is u painful duty this week to re- I LO. CD E+ 0 ' 'P1 C '.!I M I . i air. This, tben,,is the force by which we consumpti � 0 � —ANID— . - - . on about forty years ago 'by using r f � . . - W. 6 ct- ,:- M . air in e so � a �_A P en Of A�Ire to drive outo foul air nDd Pat p#8 dog grease, she determined to try the rein- Stabley, n 'he person of James McGregor Natit:)nal Pills are -a mild purgative, acting on the. �_, - W . f r . " Through what agency do the woin � cord t6 de th of one of ihe inhabitants 9) ; __ Englau& work in temperance reform I . I 0 PD t:�' CD Flour Dressmig Machines . � � I . its place. Pure external air will) always edy. She takcs the oil, drinks broth -and who di Thurgddy, the 12�h inst. - ' From the bees ManufadurIng Orms have bow put � � it Principally through the British � le 0 He Stoma6, Liver and Bowels, removing all obetrue M (D fZ Crq 1"I - � I � - WoMeWa drive out foul air if you give it'a cha�ce. In . tions. � PJ "_ 0 (D Temperance Al�ssociation, which cor eats the meat, and has finished one e'utire wa si th ee ld at s -)n of Mrs. D. McG and everything noo�mry added to mable her to I air arranges I sac( ss,on of 8,,,,,Y. regor, of I I � w attending tho;seco d Ouc(. For the - 01 $".. t )-A. I 6jap9nds a, room the ii itself acco0ing to dog. Th -No 46 _� W ,-t- 0 � I - .3 m t- :� :,- ::8 0 il�l I 1 Women's Christian Tem,pei- its temperature; the hottest lies akang the her work,,and superintending it,pbe killing as, el;vta�e Victoria Carbolic Salve is a great aid -to internal )O elf- ct- nt P-4.4 i � to the Nationa . ,I other day she was 0 1 1 $Inca Union of the United States. This s�- ceiling, the coale3t Wong arm he was a resident of Huron (D t7., *-.A 0" : ' . 3t 9, ulcers 0 ��. , CD - I the 00 . The another dog. Since it hali become known Caidi , , ota. In tile spring he ha medicine in the treatment of scrof along sore 5 Ct �% t7ous" . . ciety is carried on very much the same 48 t. he cool d an and abscesses o_f z�611 kinds. 10 the Dominion. The ftell[Lee for receirtnt &TAln � ' I . hotttat isthe newest and pures - that she is improving six prominent citizens attack op . u risy, which, through improper I ---- . --------"V i -_0 N �t-o "d r:" (D � - � i its sit -ter organization in your country. La4t qRt is the ol,les�, and ther f o. mm tre4 anged to co�surnptiou. Dur- To invigorate both the body and the brain use - i.-4. PD "I t..4 � I . ' ; tm _Itpl u � .� I e I le h (I 8, t7j 0 (D I.t ft I 's The air is gradually c � . I . I I 101 I have cc enced using dog meat. -_ T u 'T farmers and for elevating and shipping have AW . �ear we organized a British Young XV�omeDO looleisl from . extensively improved. Grain can no* Us taken epartment. , contact -For some weeks small advertisements Ing 'the el 4 t of the disco se, his brother the M)Iable tonic, Milburn's Aromatic quinine Wine. 01 #� . M t:l CD CD C) f0m ftmors' wagom, weighed, and luded into I Al � . I L . I I -cheeringpromia4�sof help anA , - John v 1Z C+- t-4 PO 4n at the rate of 70-0 bushels per hour. by ibe � Youngwomen. met us witih wit' the walls and windows W he� hot air havebeen insertedin Toronto and Ramil ' : CD 'g __ - . � : � uters u. room it riiefj at once o tbJa ceiling ton papers, calling attention to the ".1ndu, 3. home. t e he had every care which ! BULLS FOR' SERVICE. X FL �D ,__e - I--, , � . . thetr o r'�.8 -4 ' . heart I t �ut Tsi�"(e hirr, and brought him ! PL, - _ III . *ork of .two men. ' . . priceless gifts, of youth and influence-.� Effor . ,,i�,om , V , �.d tv � will be made to, obtain permis'&*4 : a �nd spreads acresi it. If there is &In csmpe trial Protective Alliance, devoted to the in- medical an d the kind and at,eutive ; � 11 M �_" t7 cn 0 � . - I - I .�, there, an open windew or ventil.ilo, h I ___­ ________ X, t -d 9) � . I I ; i, it goes tercsts ot the merchant, manufacturer and nurJoing ( fs mother and friends could $up M ).- - - 0 1 . I Ings and lectures toL be given i I d- ' ad I .. - TEnEY BULL.—The undersigned wIllkee - M �34 0 P (D cr' �ecl ,I- out, leaving the cc I . , I aler foul air alr6st-un- mechanic; head office, Stratford, Ontario." ,x dur OZ 0 . leges and schao's. We aim t, n Lfytj'ek I ply� but all was of no avail, he continued el log the present season on his farm, 2n con- 1:5 ZL 0 11- 3 ind erg*-, distarbed. From this we see that � window These fiashy�worded advertisements utusli caggloo, H� R. S.. Tuckeramith, a thoroughbred -1 - I _F0 q gradubll b t surely to L-i3k till death ended " X 9 -,- L P C -P. I I y I #� 0 h. I Jersey, Bull, i I men to give one Sunday each month to sou�e_ SligfiLtly open at the top nded with a "send stamp for reply." Th As, suffle in . ;_,1 - H C) 0 I speltem-peranceteachiLlgiia ot;t i gist L 0 . . . sired by CanaMs John Bull. Terms— � OUSTOM CHOLPPILNG defir4te Go' L r but not purify.it. ; I ,g $1.60, !payable at the time of service with ri I M �.W, o. cc I R imy to 90 #-_� JV- �-J. � I Sunday-sch(ol& Out of About 10,OW ih- � 0 . ! i alliance eqn . ed purely &ad simply of a — a "i sy afternoon the 13 th inst. , lege og returning If pecessary. JOHN HWAH, f * C+ as been put in, wd the necessary mAebinery for ; mates of prisang, 6,500 received their ed nA � printer named W. H. Spears. Eta got h L ng and wife, of the 12bh con- N_ B-1—Also for sale a Jersey bull calf, eleven' I.— �L 111� � - ' ; M �� -4 P t. -I o L=dWw chop and oosms gralnL .. 4 1 many hundred letterp, niany of them on- on fG ey, came to the villbge of Ethel taontl�e old, thoroughbred, 1146 ,Ttj - 0 A good *had ban been eraoW, ge tbAj wagons CAN . tionia Sunday-schoals. � Varieties. . nr, ,., J o W 0 0 - � We are lool�ing f r cloeing ,9'anips. and it is said be to trans et ome business. About 4 o'clock, t 3�0. ,P I the time when the effects of alco! . i —A wild'goose killed in Califoriiia had - s'. r:r. ).-I cl, g - CD be unto&A-A and reloaded under ooror. . . - - a )J 1DUAE BRED HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN CATTL3. OR 0 go_ 0 , ct- .cw � got from $50 to $100 f row " member's who while r. 'LOI)'g %ves Paying r. -P. Simp- _L tThl undersIgmed breeder of Pure Bred - cotics� will become paxt of our na tionial ed� - grain of wheat in iis crop, which, when w son ior s in goods the money fell from big Hols4in FL estan . 0 cl- a, I I 1. cation. . planted, produced a variety hith'rto un- ere isibecile enough to send $1. On Tu4s� _ i cattle will keep for service on his 1:71"t:l I 11 I � MUTISH WaXE.1,Z'8 TEMPBRANdF, ' known. I - � rem"'a thoroughbred b". Hehas also a num- M, � a) ::� (D �"_o 'WHEAT EXCHANGES � I day he learned that the game was up and b a, Dld bo found on attempting to reach Cr 6f iyouqg bulls for sale, dewandents of 11 Neth :, I � I . � an W t1w. I 0 1 W J it I I left for BUT -10. I for it th 0 Fromptl, I I � I ; —The bicycle has become almost 9 Pops- , t h hall lost the power of his arm. er - I - -4 " t7l M y attended to, and ASSOCIAnOW. � land ftbice," all registered pedigrees, Prices or L P. C7, 02 F"I —I' There's many a slip Itwilt cup ' Shc he 8:&nk to the Por and lapsed reaw�abl% App] ::8 c-1- CD CD e lar in Germany as it is in the Unit � " � j& �IRSMLASS - ROLLER - FLOUR - I . " One peculiar part of our work gas Deen e States. . _y on Lot 8, 0oncession 11, HUI. . - : lip 11 is an old proverb, and Wednesday ,,let Into a 8 mi-lunconecious ataf6. He was re- lett, or ad ess JOHN McGREGOR, Constance P.O. ,07- 0 W Old I I a I � el- -1 t:v f l . to reform the methods of conductin, h t+ The German Union of Bicyclists now has r ct- I � I week at Laucs�ste.r was another prcof of it, moved I _' and Dr, Cale I I ... J. CD � GUARANTEED. I I . call our May and November fairs whore herl,e- Over 1,400 members. - A young man in the village was to have summon .14. Simpson's bO1190 . � 0 7 0 t_q,.0 , Z � ; —A colored -preacher in Kentucky has . he ease was apoplexy, and - P34 0 ,- ..,, . tofore it has been the Custom to hi*a farin arming young d. Tf 7 1 � �- C> . married a Ch lady. He visited nothing on d be done. About 10 o'clock , 1C_Crf3r_VC)M _'WM:M1X) . serraat, girl's and lad# in the streets.'6 wheke madea big sensation by declaring that the the house of the bride's brother in the morn- p. in. t e � -r �f life w' _q � . :4 9D 90 0 -_ - 4* 1 they woul-d be joa0ed about and beai songs 1�' forbidden fruit" spoken of in th Bible is it as extinguished. I Co SMITH & C0,9 CD P-1 #� I Chopped "tWaotorily and without delay. I , , �ap( : I a I " . z . ing and produced the license and the ring, � The rem . — _. I I and language unfit to be atter theant for watermelons, I were Vrmoved to his own home, I I ed. T4is work , and everything was fixed and the ceremony which h had . I TKA-MT-7EC: — - _� is now done ia the council chamber � of t. —Perfect mutton will be firm and, juicy, a . � left 6tily a few hours previous . _M It S _ - -_ LLER-PLOUR, BRAN, - SHORTS I � , ; I was to be performed at 5 p. tn. After leav- in appa ent� good health-, in Cober's van. I - 9 . town. Aside from the drInking c � o �ather dark red in eo'.or, and with' a good �O And all k1nds of . I � . A General Banking businegs trans I 11 ,astbm, tt � h9g the house, strange to say, he drove to The clemsee'd was a resident of Gre acted. I ; pleasure fair is a harmless old Foglioll deal of hard, clear, white fat - h more the minister's house &ad said he� did ret in- many y re i y for Farmers' notes discounted. F A Pc M E R So I . I I c i; proportion to the rean tha ' mu ilmstitatti a. 113at a wet day means tb&t one n in bXl and way, a kind neighbor and a - I � I tend the marriage to take place and then big hear ed, honest g,)ing man, Drafts,bought and sold. APPLE 13ARRELS ' I I sees the upper windows in the pabli� houses �_An excellent usf. for oyster sb�lls is to went home., During the afternoon the years of ag . He was 67 Interest al.lowed on deposits, . � I - � . I ffled with, yoL-,ng men and wo � c1lean the fire -brick of th t Lay , th L Mrs. _Loig an� family have � —AND— . I I men d iuking, "' friends began to 9�s3mble and otimedrew the, sy Pa hy c,f the commu SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for ; . INE, COARSE AND LAND SALT who.. 1perh%ps, never tonched (whollt I number of -them ou top Of t,ehe'_h'o)!100eo 18, and. near ; no minister, no bridegroom 'appear. sudden nd' nity in their collection I ith your next � !at a la Where are � on going W . - other time of the year' oy when the fire bu�rcs do nexpected sorrow. I 7 In . .. The s] een� a wn it will ll)o found ed, but still they waited on until midnight, . I - i I . . FOR SALE. - . great change wrought ; the c ee ho '.�bat till -the clinkers have scaled � off the --- I I L re . when the company dispersed, having come OFFICE --First door north of Reid & grist. Rena6xiber we, are giving from 5 - � � � . T . �now crowded and the trains t3k peoO �rick s. I . ee, Economical Cows. Wagon's HsTdware Store. 6 to the conclUSiODtliat some one had been J Constantly on bAn& . � ine to ' I '6ble, op- fooled. Vile c w or econoiny is the one that from . home early, Some of our teni I —For burns, turpenti inva�, al . Deragco u+o- - J plied tither with a rag or 1 � 4q a - � men da congiderable work abo-ni thl pol;ce . . n s ' , - Th� —Dr. Annie Shaw, a talented American I 0 t'ty f feed will produce the best milk SEAFORTH. .38 ;to 40 1 bS. I : Palo vanis I _. I � , thy, I soon . � - I . et Price Paid iu Cash I courts and we purpose to do moTe in t�e i hes, and beal graan:1 V ion lady. lectured in London 6n Friday evening, or butte . This cow will not be any larg,4r - I fiighest Mark I future. The c&use social pari � begins. Its usq is at first attended ith con- - ___ I for any Quantity of Nneat. . .of ty Occulples aii the 20th ult., to a very large audience. Her than is ne es-ary to do her work. tand she Of Flour to' the bushel , for good � �, agood abare, of our attention. W Aderable bM&rtiDg,- bat the per6ianpat good - L 0 1 it. fiubject was " Woman and the Ballft." The wil I not stq e UP. a lot of fat that will be of � I I more than compensates for i . � . Only firni-clan and- obliging men will be kept to a I lieve the time has come when womeii 8110 �ei London Advertiser speaks in the highest no parti al r use to her owner. She will cat $19000 REW-A RD I wheat, � ' I tteild enskmars. The liberal pstronge of farm- � . proclaim, with no, uncertain voice, t6e gr at -1 Chamois.skins are not derived .4r,, the . � ry and general trade reWctfa,uy solicited. il terms of the lecture 'itself as well as of much mor feed than a wasteful cow but I � . I : I law that God knows no -distinctive c' don I of chamois, as many peo le suppose,lbut are the lecturer. Amung other good thingi noffly For aDY*Wa10hiU8 � I I I � - P her� one po ut showing' her true eco ' � -1 P that will do as great a range of ' I � . I -1 morality for men and women ; thatE ngl%od the flesh side of sheepskits. The 41kins are said wss the fol1lowing : " Women are bet, con�esiu; hile she eZts more feed she g1ves work� and do it as easily and as well, as can be done A. W. GGILVIf & CO. � . cannot be rulled by men % hcse priva' Ooaked in lime water and in-. a. solution of on the I I . �e lif� 9 . � ter educated than men; The time was a 1, �rger ,3 cent. in return than th I FL 0 WER' A ND FE ED I . .� i 8 waste- - PROPRIETORS - t I I - a living, lie to. their public profesgio0s ; 1�& 'ulphuric acid ; i6sh oil is poured over them when men, said we should not vote, because ful-cow, an if we take a herd of economical Davis Vertical Feed Sewing . i I dishonesty means nat only to chtla,t#'t cai,,ds �nd they are carefuily washed im a 1 solution we did not know,enough ; now it is because co��s and compare it with a Nrger herd of ' I % At the lowest living prices � . . I I . I or swindle on the' Stook Exchange, b of polash. - - we know ,too, much. (Laughter.) Our waoteful 0 e3 we will only have to furnish . Machine. : . . � ; I � . I —In the early stages of croup Oniost � . . , U to , O� I take the fair fame from an innocent , , d I 8�.-ho-ls graduate three girls to one boy. � This oftr has been before the public for the past ten . �liietaia � tho fOoq of suppert for the sm- slier herd that 41 who do these, things mus, I any throat or chf-sr, trouble, turp,66;oe 'a Fifty' -three percept. of our college grada- W �e a g t as mu,!h milk or butt -r as the years. It has not been claimed, proving that the . I &share �he , h ( � L � .� anking — House, � late of thcss who are branded from � �o�ial will.nigh a specific. Rub the c4est and ates are worn larger erd -giv(s. The diffurence between Davik Vertical Food is THE BEST ON EARTH. I d C, � ;t-hroat until the skin is red ; then tje a piece en. Some had said that as ke�'pin a erd of economical cow*s and a : Realers and others buying in BM_A__F`01='.'r_V__E-_1_ an porlitical career. This, we belie� f flanDel or cotton batting over �h'�, cheat they are getting more highly educated they I - . . be women's work, womea'a iespi . F . caDearn their own living independently ro � _� , D�sibit!-nli�yst P wa�tef I h rd may be the difference between I I from which we dare not shrink. Th , , t oistened with a few drops of th,�e oil, an� . t Agricultural Implements. - (In connection with the Bank Of Montreal-) . e,lprogrpeff �n . that they will refuse to, marry. profit a d n8s; it certainJ' will be a differ- quantities, it will pay y :Ld een Fqw- ,.In � id . in the rofits, The I a ly , r do that as long :its there _.ij *&DyOne ence of a e margin � of the White Cross ino-vement ha hale the vapor. I neve They will- I y Ou to call a] � - � ; erfally felt. 0 Steam Cutters, Grain Crushers, Iforse Powers and I I I- I I I have urged the women J'of � ,, � worth marrying ; but the time will come best is he hf upeet, whether it Ee Cows, feed Ensilage Cutters ' ;1 LOGAN 8L C 0. I I Eugl,and to protest against the sharil'eless �n_ 11 two style Root Pulpers, Pulpers see us before purchasing. I - or Ica,, an the economical cow is the b�st I . . dress of Our grage and the increasiD� de_ 'r- Popularity of Blond�ls- when a $10,000 worran w, ill not marry a 10 and Slicers combined. Those machines are from the I IBANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENT, �.. It is interesting to know that iin intell-i- cent man." (Applause.) cow no ms�tcr what her breed may b3 or best makers in Canada. A full line of PLOWS, I - 11 fifteen diffe nt styles. The Chatham, Bain and Remember the place, .'Seaforth . alized tone of our drama. : �� gent heir dresser claims that blondles CaDuc,t —Agreat sensationin Forest bns been whethc 8�e is of any bre�d ; for dairy Ad... Wagroen.. . I i REMOVED . . I " In C01MM10n, with many ,of the �omen of The done away with; that blo� des 'are caubed by the doings of a mad dog. 'During wprlc lone we must look to the individii- .. I P To -the Commercial Hotel Building, Main Street - Ivi lz�tjon, an Roller Mills, formerly known as �, Englandl. I am particularly intere0ed in he easentially the beauti(s of ci '1' I , d the past summer a number of dogs and suv- alitY of each cow.—Stockman and Farmer. _V__E3 _-u the � ' World's Women -'a Christian Tc�liperx I they cannot be dri . the eral head of cat'le b-Ilorging to farmers in i . I TOX.MS_ L A General Banking Bumness done, drafts litue and p - ven away, f�ays cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. I Union, aa organizAtion which wel owe I i Fine Carriages, Top Buggies, Phaetons, Glad- P�ed Mill, , I I Miss Willard, of your country, ab 1. 0 December L,,tdies' Home Journsl..! lie Enys Bosarquet have gone mad and hvi to be I ow,, to Treat Troubles. I stones, Kensingtons, bfikados, and all kinds of . . . is a, federation af t I A w4ch I that the;�blO]ade can dress more piffeefively, killed, but it was thought recently that the I Fancy Rigs, and a special line of Road Carts, includ- WHY TO LEAD , � . , JA cl ver, and charming old I%d,,._y at"a fash- he women � of evfr ' , I ing the famous Daisy Hill, manufactured at Gan- - L y I and that a well kept b1cnde bas,�ten years' ,trouble was stamped out, but Monday fore- i�nabl reiort said to her group of girl ad- anoque. Also a full line of L W. H. 00bE & 00. . On good notes or mortgages. . I . � I I race in a warfare against a legalizod llq�or ; advantage in the point of youthful looks, soon a yellow bound, showing unmistakable igireragathered for& talk. "My dears, . __ ___ __ - __ --- ROBERT LOGAN, ]�IAXAGER, i - traffic.11 I I I You cannot expunge her in fav4 -of the signs of hydrophobia, was seen running . � � DRTNIKING AMOXG THE ARISTOCRACY. � . ypu w nder that tothivg ever seems to annoy RS AND SLEIGHS . 1058 1 brunette even in literature for inikhe novels arou d town and inserting his .poisoned -uw a . ___ D. e. ome people, you know, have their "' Will you kindly inform me," fangs into,-veryus!ivecaDine he came in on Come and get one of those champion washers on I the reporter, "if the , I iDqui ed turned out duriuk the. pa -9)t year Jhere have �;- bl s three times J used to li­ave)�flrst '10 a month's trial, and save your wife's back from being, b , re is muchl exces ive been three hundred and eighty -t' o'blondes Contact with. The mayor offered 85 reward a,kticip 'tion next in experiencing the reality broken, E 11 drin � a. W I li#g among the higher to-,ial .1c6ase of to eighty-two brunettcs. f for the hound's scalpi and about a dozen ar a , Yin ' I ; England ?" t . d I I i "living it over again." But AWSatisfaction guaranteed or no sale. I I CURE FITS ! — i _�, I I I Vnwn I say I care I do not ra ynerejy to � 0 citizens arme3 with guns itarted in pursuit, I ba . made up my mind that to have a All kinds of PLO IV CASTINGS and REPAIRS for PER CENT -'on First sind for a um aa then have tbm rewm *"in, ",= a 3 -s3 Pa.mong he ,but without aucecss. Next morning the dog t oubl once is enough. 8#3 now I Wait till I all the different k!nds of plows that are in thoer radkal cmre. I have made Vw disaw of FIT% XPILM " There is no drunkdnnc ba I I .. - London as a class' �rhe dr�n k a Coo1j. � I I _1� . � Fpper classes: in Beecher as ; t ( 1 market always on hand at 0. C. Wilhon's Implement Second Mortgagm Old BY or VALTANG SICKNESH& Ujo-long study. ]r -&runt . returned to the h - o,me of his o%ner, Walter the di aster befa)lg; then I think about it as , Em I o � I rn.pro �,e porium. 1� _� " ZZm I I ing cnatoms have been very mae d As a cook, Mr. Beecher had o0e or two Bell, concession 10, Bc.sanquet, and wa i.e,d .1 t MOrtgages paid off. No .y to =" the worsIp"aft. Beftnw others bave I I with in the la:it seven Or eight yeax,'S. Pu i,c experiences, writes 8 little as possible, 'u,nless I can see some I I a rmwn for- not now reedving a ewe. Sftd at Nlre. Henry Ward killed there. Mayor MeCabill. issued a pro- ' y I remedy 0. C. WILLSON, COMMISSION. Agents 0aft for 6 treaUge and a Free Bowe of ray infamie . geutiment has. ordained that a , t ter Beecher in the memoirs of ber h!usbgnd im clamation ordering tbst all dogs in to wa it, and I forget it as eoon as , Wanted. ca I reawd olve r"PS88 and POST-OMM ; 11 or send 3c. 1 wn can.. - -.--- -_ � drinking and ,qpirit drinking sh.on d be is- I the December Ladies' Rome Jo4rnAl. On known to have been bitten be slaughtered I I Seafortb. , IRCULAR.,M-- ZI ROOT, M - C.,- 186 ADELAIDE ST� - �� I I Wisi, TORONTO, UNT. - I continued, and there is.nothing �Cb one occasion with my brcai ll�lf-na ad e, is immediately, and that no dog- be allowe( � i - a 9190130 &$ . I - . .1 � bmil,dy dr &rs I I been rcsolultely trying run at Urge without being properly muzzled, I _P]11VM � a linkiag as there was f me y I chill," which I had � What a Bee -Line Is I � ago, r t,) conquer, a' last shook me s6 violently und�r penalty of death. , I I ten bear boys tal 1k about making a - . U il m W I atc L, I fpq� wal :101 0 11 &J� � u I — en Dint.- I wonder I �1 . HURON AND BRUGE, � To what do yon attribute tbisi improi,ved that I -m-as compelled to � lie dol�.n, I * A meeting was ,recently held in Galtf' .If, beec, in,6 " for some giv' P condition of affairs,?' - 1i eaving - know what a bee -line is. ,Bees can - I - the bread to its fate. This was: peculiarly consisting of .representatives from the vA 11 the -_ he dr'nk- I unfortunate, as there wa,'s to be . omp � ty yer fast, and for a long time without, French Chiria FARMS FO"R SALE. I Loan and InlyluestAl i9 ri I "' She doctors have dliscou�raged � Any in I rious townships and municipalities interest- � . i49 habit, and there has been Mo less the evening for WhCnl� I W,%3 tk I I - r prtiparing. ed in the purebage of the Waterloo and �a, in any rest. 17hey can see a great dis- I TOWNSHYP OF 11cKILLop. _Y_ - � a or &nee and when they are away from i TEA SETS. (D(Z)M3P.AA_ Z*T _ Public agitation oa thia subject. J�E't mu8 be But, coming in jiust at that cri4i,s, Mr. Dundas m.teadarnized road. Several of the P their ; -1 I Lot 10, on 9th concession, 100 acres, W(st halt adid, however, that no tomperan e ass�cia- Beecher iwisted that he coul an4l would representatives had interviewed Mr. Har liveF,, they fly up in the air, and look for 1 1 7 on 10th conoession, 60 acres. -1 � , r I- - I TOWNSHIP OF MoRuls. � Ma Company is Loaning !Jon-ey ca 0 ,�. � , � ___.!� y" I - iP . (_1 I ( e laa? I �( , I , s 0 " -i t a n .ie I I I - tio - na bave any affect on the arisl ocracyl of finish that bread. Wheeling thd, lotinge, on -courto of the Provincial Government, who Zie n direction of their habitations. They i - tb halt 21 orf 6th conceneion, 100 acres. - -England.. The Physicians h&,ve probably 'had -which I had flung myself, cl6se to the intimated to thern'that the ro.id could prob- the y toward them in a straight line , � A complete as- "' TOWNSHIP OF GRM I Farm 23ecaurity at lo-vvest F,ate,,,d � I the grcatcat influence." � kitchen door, I was ordered t6 watch the I � ably - be bought for the sum of $7,500 by the : th great ,velocity. Because of their, I - . Lots 11 and 12 on 13th conceision, Wo &ere I . I of Ir_terp,st. i I - way o travelling, , TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSKITH, I . I I "Is the question of prohihitiorL ever �d,is- work and tell him just how to proceed. tos�nships and municipalities through which � when we wish to take , .3ortment of fine, i � Lot 38 on 3rd concession L. R. S., 100 actes. I i cussed in, England ?" I Well, if energetic kneading can i�sure good the road runs.� on the condition that it be �he a ortett line between two points, we I decorated China For terms &c., appl � y to the undenizned. - .1 , Mortgages. _Puchaliw.d " As regards England, prohibi ion I , no wonder tha.t �read, wben baked, made free. After much discussion over the lay we are going to take a bee -line,"— : . . F, HOLMESTED, 4-�40 . � " say - f4ueat; $elee ad. . 1 1197 tf I Barrister &a., Seaforth . — .. ion tbat will not bear coasid ratio for � was p'trfection. Ile then broug�t the writ- proportion of the cost of purchase that each ) . . lu - � � . . . I . '.)AVITYU16 J:s,A_N,1_' 11R,A_y,C,4f7 E"nlcment- Public sentiment won ld be en- 1, ing on which he was engaged to the kitchen should bear, the matter was narrowed down � _'_____�_ � � J- - 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Intereat YlEowed or I , btain . Deposits, according to amoaat r,nj tirely against the idea of the peo,pl, bein de- ' tabrle, that h wa t I KILLORAN & Co"SALLAN LINE i e might ' tch the .,!bread 'give to a difference that Galt and Dumfries I - nglish Spavin Liniment removes all I , prived of the opportunity of 0 n.g li uor; 1 nie suitable attention and, at tbe'Eame time, abould decide.. The delegates of these two hard, soft or calloused Lumpe and Blemishes i it Would be looked upon as gravel r int f � - places retired and a settlement was come to �rorn horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, I , I time lef t. . nze er- go on with his writing. � i Western Tea, Emporium. , .? itig with the personat liberty of tll( i �� idu- � Bat for this inconv6nient eblill I was to between them. A resolution was then put 1�ing Bone 6weeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore I - ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, - 4 I . ' � . 11 A4 If we Gan get Local Option ir Eng and � - ,to the meeting that the proportion which and 8 ollen Throat, 'Coughs, etc. Save $W 1 --.---------------- ------- U I I OFFICE.-Corser of 'Ma7ket 'k-;<1 4fe and I have baked a cake, and .still hope�d to get no I - it is all t at we can expect at pres mt." I each [riliniCip%lity or township should be �y us of one bottle. Warranted the most I I I North Street, Goderich. . . Ih I and do it before dinner. � But Mir. Beecher, ar REDUCTION - IN RATES, HORACE, ROXTONt m n � ' - C) W 'T-A.M:E C) . . L In -r�a king, was . towards the purchase of the road should be � " What is, your ladyship?a opi of I the elated with his success " bread i wond rful Blemis*h Cure ever known. Sold I' . feasibil,ity of ProhibitionL ' !" I I determined to try his hand at nl�kiog some as fo)lows : Flamboro, $2,100; Beverly, �y J. . Roberts. 1237-52 0. Steamers Sail Regularly from I I It IIAIFT/�,nBn. " I have not, so far, been able t form," any i eocki�s; so between shaking Anj laughi,ng, $2,100 ; Galt. $1,850; Dnndas, $1,150; __ 11RTLAND to LIVERPOOL Direc Goderieb � ,. A&gust 5th, 1836. *I ru I gavi - tch cured in 30 minutes by Wooffor I Mutual — Live — Stock 9 Opinion on: the subject of Prohibit e him directions, asnd be �made and Dumfries, $800 ; totat, $700. Each muni- W a I ]DURING THE WMAR -MOINTIfs, � . - L - ­ _____ -_ 222 1 . ausL� I avi- � I Cabin� $40 and upwkrds. Second Cabin, $92,5L . gards ita present working, bee uu s 3 baked. the cookies as successfull� as he bad cipality and township will keep in repair lani ry Lotion. Sold byJ.S,Roberts. 1237 1 -_ , . � ; . I a . Steerage at low rates. ­ ir-v_ not been in anY of the St-ites wheie it i in done the bread, and both ,provqd all that and improve the road lying Within its liMit3. 1 1 1 INSURANCE CO Seafor-th Det, . force. As a principle I . I . think it a4uld ever I could be desired. �, -Mr. Richard Earngey., bss r�turned I GR�TFUL-COMFORTING. I NO CATTLE CARRIED. 'i . be urged U1341 the people are educ0ted t ask-,. There Chanced to be More than the usual ! home to Gorrie from Manitoba w ere he I . i . for it themselves. ; P Head Office: - Seaforth. STATE . Having purebased the Dairy 13-tisinces . 'Prohibition oag,,�t to ome' number of callers that afterno6D, and he I had been to eee the country. On his way ALLAN LINE 1 ' OF ' SER'"C" I ! from 31r. Rode,rick Grey, I beg to solicit a continu- �Qora quickly b.y me nit of Local 0 tion than I could not refrain from boasting'4 his morn- i home, accompanied by Mrs. Earvgey aud I THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Companj in STEAMSHIPS. & itino, I - E S'S - COCOA' LINE � "a arkv cther way." � � � log's mrork and exhib g his 1cookies to her father, Mr. Wylie, the old gentleman � BREAKFAST. I once of the ratronage which he has rc.�,lved In I . . THE - I . L, I Ontario having a Governtrent Dep(m$t and being le past. W th the advantwges I bave, in my re- INFLUENOB AND DUi!Y OF TH n. i every one who carne. Of course leach callee met with an accident which came ver I 11 a thorough knowledge of the natural laws - duly licensed by the same. Are now carqring on NEW YORK & GLASGO-M t! 6 - I y near frigerator and situation, I hope -to beable to 1-irt lry 41 as! to quality of int ' ' � g , wag invited to try one or more and they f ending his days, The train was just draw- i Latr9nage of the importere and breeders of the . . R - I Do y � ,'� i(*H� hic govern the operations of digestion and nutri- I the business of Live Stoek Insurance and siDlicit the via Londonderry, every Fortnight. customers fttisfaction lk even in , , ,ou think that the Cburc4 a oin IV I ' f I - I its fult (lafy in the cause of tempOren V did. Before night I msn,�ged to! get up and I ipg into thestation at Rat Port - tion, nd,by a careful application of the fine pioper- Cabin*, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, V0. the very hot weather. Realizing that'th,o cub sya- - .- I ge, and be- ties o well -selected Coma. Mr. Epps has provided . "O'ce- . Steerage at low rates. . tem is t1ae most )ust and satwactory to all con- . I � "In Bug c�ning attend to the supper. , etting the tore i came to a stan - b �Cfast tables with a delicate] v flavenre corned, I have dedded to sell for cub only. - 7 land there is LL gre4.t -awak it d-3till thelk old. gentle- ur d bev ' For further particulars address � , � � . e h - I . I man stepped off and losing his balance'fell , gc�!l may save us inavy heavy doctors' bills: I A ly to H. & A. ALLAN, Montrea I _� - 1, . Childr n = ), or � I Mr Tickets gupplied at reduced rates. I ­ e, ' C to r I Pitcher's Caskorii, -_ )[t Is y the judicious use of such articles JOHN AVERY, Sec.-Tieas, I . , i - I � ; I between the platform rind the -movin tradn. BMUNZ or W. G. DITIFF, Sedorth, i � � .9 4 con itution maybe gradually built up u � � , , , � - --- -----. 1164 I , . i I , . .1 1 22-62 1 1171 D, D. WILSON, . 1. i I , . 1; I i I . - I . ( i � � � . . . I I ­ . I . . I - I I . I I- . � 1 1 .- ­ I . I: I � - . � � _ - . � , ____­ - . I - i i I I 1 -4 .� I . . �, � I I � I i . � I I I . I I - i I � i I I I � � . . .� - ! I : . , I . -1-1. L I I � I I . I I I ­ i � . il_�. i - . 1 7 __ ------ ___ I— � . I I _____ , _ __ . ___ -, . ____ , . � , -1 , - .. - - , ___ - � _ � I - - - 0 - �. N - J