HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-12-04, Page 5DECEMBER 4, 1891. e THE -HURON EXPOSITOR. immammaamoonolnIMIIMMak of the 'law, nothing less. At different times he has been a• member of the Salvation Army, but of his religion we must not judge. Medical aid wag freely eupplied without the slightest hope of reward, but no physician could have cured her when she received inset:admit nourishment to keep life in a frail and dying body. Ohiselhurst. Locaes.—Mr. John Melville has a new variety of oats which yielded from 4 lbs. sown, over 15 bushels. This is an extra- ordinary yield, and we believe cannot be equalled.—Mr. John Shepherd shipped a double -decked carload of Iambs to Buffalo last Seturday. Mr. Shepherd has handled a large nuraher of lambs this season, paying a good price for them.—Mr. Justue Parish preached with much acceptanoe in the Methodist church last Sanday.—Mr. Wm. Doig, whose mishap we noticed last week, in recovering from his injariee, and will ' be able to resume his duties in the school, N. 7, Hibbert, onMonday next. FOUND DEAD.—Oar usually quiet little village was thrown into a state of consterna- tion last Thursday, by the finding of Robt. Simpson, on the town line, one mile eoutti of this plane, cold and still in death. The facts as fie as we can learn are as follows: Onthe morning of the 22nd inst., he left Mr. S. J. Perkins', not stating where he was going. He was seen in Hensell on the 22ad and 2Srel and between 4 and 5! o'clock of the latter date he was returning to his employer) with a farmer. Leaving the farmer at the concession, deceased started north for the village and no more trace coal& be got of him till the 26th. On the afternoon of the 26th Mr. W. Cann, of Exeter, found the body, gave the alarm, and had it removed to this village. Dr. Maadiarmid, of Hensall, was called in, and examined the remains but found no marks of violence or foul.play. An inguest was not necessary. Deceased was a native of Glasgow, Scotland, and was a quiet, inoffensive man but frequently par- took of strong drink, and the general opin- ion is that king alcohol, together with the severity of the weather, caused him to He down and close his eyes in death. mingmensimEnEn OBITUARY. —We are sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Sernuel Gunning, of Whalen, which sad event took place at her home on the 16th ult. Mrs. Gunning was in the 42nd year of her age. She had been in poor health for a number of years which ehe bravely bore, indeed there seemed as though there was no end to her courage and self- denial. She was never heard to complain of herself, but was always- solicitous about • the welfare of others. The malady which has taken her away was contracted while acting the good Samaritan to an infant orphan, whom she brought from the North West in the winter six or seven years ago. She was an exemplary character, always lived what she profeesed, and when death came, calmly and in sure and certain hope, yielded her spirit into the hands of Him who gave it. She was a daughter of Mr. Thos. Nairn, who,until,a few years ago, lived near Rodgerville, township of Ueborne. Her husband, father, and bereaved friends have the hearty sympathy of the whole com- munity, owing to the depth of the water on each side no person could wade oat to the assistance ef the victim. Hewever, a hose and ropes were procured, and with consi erable diffi- realty and risk a rope was give erer, who had just enough str ut it around his body, and h o shore more dead than alive. ediately taken to Mr. H. esidence and medical aid prom leased to state that he is now opt of danger. onrad is a young man of sober industrious abits, a general favorite witi the people and highly reipeoted by all. itimetememeemem Grey. NEWS ITEMS.—We are Serry to state that to the /Alf- gth left to was towed He eves im- Sandersoa's ed. We are rs. Thomas Whitfield, of the 12th con- ssion, who has been very ill with a lung °tibia for the past six or seven weeks, is t getting any better, but failing very fast. er many sorrowing friends nnw entertain port has it of the 16th trides on the in the west. f 3,300 bush- '. Bowerman Kincardine en very ill d is now al - • hopes of her recovery.— t at Mr. Albert Avery, formerl cencession, is taking gigantic a read to wealth, prairie farming It is said he has had a yield •0 eleeof wheat this year.—Mrs. is,visiting her aunt and uncle i this week. The latter has b lately with Bright's disease, a miest at death's door. Leeburn. • LOCAL ITEMS.—Again we h ve to record the death of one of the oldeet persons in Or midst in the person of title. Grummet, mother of the late Mrs. Dithin, of Bruce- fi ld. She was in her eightieth year and was remarkebly strong and healthy until Within a week of her death. She was sud- denly taken down with paralysis, and died Wednesday morning. Ths funeral on Fri- day was largely attended.—We are also sorry learn of the - death of Rev. J. Neely, ether of Mr. A.' -Nealy, who isupplied Lee - urn and Union ehurches during the sum- er months, and how of Knox College, To - onto. Deceased was drowned while canoe, ng. Mr. Neely has the sythpathy ef his any warm friends here.—Mrs. Morris, of takota, is at present on a vist to her pa - uts, Mr. and Mrs. Manus.—The Gospel Temperance meetings which iiave been ear- rlied on so successfully for some time in con- nection with the yood Templare here are new closed for the winter inontbs.—The v. Mr. Bleck, of Hamilton'who has been applying Leeburn :thumb sinoe Mr. Neely's eturn to college, is likely to be with us uring the winter. Ethel. Noees.—Mrs. Annie and family have returned to their home in Michigan.— Mr. Spence, poet master, has disposed of the house recently occupied by Mrs. Annie to Mr. J. Hunswortte—Revival serviette are now being lield in the Methodist church. They are being well attended. Mr. Thomas Chapnaan has purchased three nice building lots, situated east of the Methodist church, from Mr. L. Dobson for $130. He intends erecting a. house thereoa in the spring and coming into town to reside.—The Ethel chew factory is now closed for this year havirig had a very successful season under the efficient management of Mr. R. Barr, who understands his business and. turns oat a good article. 11 Gorrie. NOTES. —Mr. John Campbell, the very efficient principal of the Garrie Public School, has been engaged for next year. Mr. Campbell is one of the very best teach-, ers in the county; he has been a lottg time teaching in our school, and the trustees aro wish ia hanging on to him as long an they can.—Rev. Mr. ()borne, of Clinton, is t be the new pastor of Gerrie Baptist Church °1 , —A few nights ago Mr. - Wm. Wait, of the 5th concession of Howick, met with a h+vy loss. Tne floor of his granary caved in, al -1 lowing about 1,600 bushels of oats to fall il through. His horse atalale was under th granary, and a valuable horse was kille and a colt seriously injurecl.—Darnage t the amount of $2,000 was done to Mr Davis' mill dam by the recent floo:Is. Th gates could not be reified, and in order t save the, earth work of the dam they had te be chopped, away.—The many friends of Mr. Doig, ieweler, who has been ill, will be pleased to learn that he is recovering.—In- land Revenue Iospeetor Cavan was here few days ago i trying to scent out honi made whisky, which it was supposed was being made in a swamp in the township. H found the swamp easily enough but did n get the liquor.—MT. Thomas llagwood, lt P. P. for North Perth, preached in t e Methodist Church here on Sabbath la.et, and delivered two very excellent sermone. Politicians are not usually much given to this sort af thing.—A social given in the town hall here on Thursday evening, last week, under the auspices of the Methodist Church, was a very successful affair, and netted over $17.—About two o'clock Thuee- day morning, last week, Mr. James Arin- strong, V. S., noticed the residence of Mr. B. Scott on fire. He at once aroused Kr. Scott, and then gave the alarm. When awakened., Mr. Scott was almost suffocated with smoke, and had he been left tnnoh longer the chances are he might have became a victim to the flames. The house and meet of the contents were destroyed, lout the stable, vrhioh was joined to the hoese by the wood shed and driving house, was saved by pulling down the wood shed. The house belonged to Mrs. Warren, and it is said was not insured. Mr. Scott's loss will also be pretty heavy. He is a new corner to the -village, and much sympathy is felt for him. AN INCIDENT OF THE FLOOD.—On Sun- day before last, says the Vidette, an ecci- dent happened in our village which nearly cost an estimable young man his life, and which will not loon be forgotten by those who witnessed the accident. After service in the Methodist Church Mr. Win. Dane, proprietor at the Dominion Wits, Went over to the dam to see if all was right and noticed that the pond was rising. HO im- mediately secured his workmen and Other resistance to raise the flood gates. While they were engaged in raising the firstgate a part of the upper framework of the dam gave way, precipitating, Mr Co d into the foaming waters. Mr. Dane r to the end of the dam and waded in water in order, if possible, to mite . 111111MINIdNEMENOMM011111•1111.11 Bluevale. , LOcALS.—Mrs. John Clarli left on Tues- day to reside with her husband in Deloraine, Turtle Mountain District, Manitoba.—Mr. John Pennington, a former resident of Blueva,le, is at present visiting friends in the vicinity.—Mr.IWilliarn Oasemore ship - of lambs and Mr. John three car 1 ads. All went . J. B. Wa lwin has been is now r covering.—Mr. am received the position of watchman on the St. Marys branch of the Grand Trunk Railway, near the Asylum in• London Eat.—What might have been -a serious runaway accident torldi place on-Sun- er, Mrs. Etcher re driving to traces became unfastened, which let the to gue drop out, frighteeing the horses. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Etcher jumped out, while Mr. Etcher held on to the horses till he was dragged out over the dashboard. The hOrses were soon quieted, and were none the worse for their long run. The buggy was sightly damaged. East Wawari.osh. N0TE8.—Mr. R. G. MeUowan returned from Manitoba on Wednesday.—Mr. Joseph Stewart is at present in Olieten, blackentith- ing with Mr. Tedford.—Mr. Thomas Wil- liams has purchased the threshing machine separator, engine and out from Mr. J. Bennett. Mr. Willia,ms is an experienced thresher, and now owns a firet class ma- chine.—Mr. Wm. Stewart gave a party to the young folks of the vicieity on Monday evening lust.—A meeting Was held in the school in Section No. 10, ti,st week, to con- sider the advisabilityof holding an enter- tainment. Nothing final ' as settled.—Mr; Thomas Ross purchased from Mr. EdwardTaylor. cellent pair, having obtain 1 Brussels and Belgrave fall airs. Mr. Tay- lor realized a good figure for them.—The Patrons of Industry, of the 6th line, intend holding a concert in the near future. They have a thriving society. -4r. and Mts. • T. Agnew are expected home shortly for their Christmas holidaye, from oronto. ped two car loa Hamilton shippe to Buffalo.—Mr seriously ill, but James Pomeroy and are thereby deprived of any time for mutual improvement and share in Christian work, I hereby pledge myself to refrain from entering a store for the purpose of buying anything after 7 p. m., except in case of ex- treme necessity.' —Mr. Walter E. Buckingham, of Sti-at- ford, after the absence of nearly five weeks with his hurt- ankle, from the Canadian - American football team in England, has re- joined his comrades and played' at Walsall, where he signalized his return by making the first goal. —Mr. Thomas Heal has succeeded in getting a • splendid supply of water after boring to a depth of 150 feet, but it proves a rather expensive well. The boring, wind mill and pining cost nearly $400. Mr. Robert Jackson has let the contraot for a -similar well. — Rev. Mr. Edmonds, the new incum- bent of Donegal parish, oacupied the pulpit for the firet time in Trinity church on Sunday 15th inst. A large gathering of people was present to hear him, and all seemed highly pleased with the dis- course. — A few weeks ago Mr. Theodore Feltz, of Kinkora visited the London asylum to see his wife, who had been there for the last year. She appeared so well tint he was al- lowed 'to take her home, but she only re- nained a short time when she had to be taken back to the asylum again. —One day lately a lamp in the hands of Mrs. Peake, of.Downie, exploded and fell from the garret where she was to the' floor below. The oil at once took fire, and in her hurried decent to extinguish the flames, she broke the small bone of one of her lege, She however succeeded in extinguishing the flames before much damage was done. —Geo. Glen, the petitioner in the protest againet Mr. Jas. Trow, has entered suit for slander against T. Et. fisuce, editor of the Mitchell Recorder, claiming $2,000 (lane ages. The slander consisted among other things in a statement alleged to have been made by Mr. Race that Mr. Trow saved Glenn from going to the penitentiary. —Six car loads of cheese left Littowel last week, being September make only, from , factories in the immediate vicinity, viz. Trowbridge, ttolesworth, Cleland, Wallace and Cedar G ove. Over 23,000 boxes were sent out, Old about $18,000 will be dis- tributed within 10 miles of Listowol. Oc- tober and November cheese will be shipped later on. —A dreadful accident happened in Kin - kora the other day. Mrs. John Kelly went out to milk, leaving her eight-year-old dauAter, Bridget, in the house. On return- ing the mother was horrified to find her child dead with a roller towel twisted around her neck. The child had been in the habit o swinging from the towel,which was suspend- ed from a roller, and in turning round had allowed it to form into a rope about her neck. —George Moir, of Stratford, telegrap operator at the tunnel `gravel pit at Poin Edward, was hurrying to catch a train th other morning about eix o'clock, when he came in contact with a barbed wire fence, which laid him completely oix hia back. After coming to he made for the train. The first.person he met was Doctor Whit- lock, the train surgeon, who on examination found that George was minus a tooth, with another one loosened, and severel scratches on the face which the doctor at- tended to. No serious injury resulted and Mr. Moir is on deck at the old stand. • —The new Methodist church at Ander-eon was dedicated with suitable services on Sunday, the 15th ult. In the morning Rev. J. W. Holmes, of Stratford, President of the Guelph conference, preached to a very large and attentive tetdience. The entertainment on Monday evening was equally successful. After the liberal supper in the basement the -people repaired to the church proper where they were addressed by Rev. Mr. Scott, of St. Marys,and Ray. Mr. Holmes. After Mr. Holmes address, he appealed to the people for $600, the amount of indebted• nese still unprovided for. The result of the appeal was that this amount was exceeded by $931n a few minutes. —On Monday evening last week as Samuel Weir, teamster, Galt, was leaving the yard of Cant Brothers machine works with a heavy machine on his wagon, the wheel slipped off the scales and the wagon was set. Mr. Mr. Weir was thrown from the wagon the machine falling on his head, which Was cradled almost to a jelly. The poor fellew was intently killed. Deceased leaves a wife and family in rather poor circumstances, they having nothing but the insurance frbm the Independent Order of Forresters. Samhel Weir was a son of the late John Weir, of Mornington, who met his death in a some- what similar manner while tearsing a thresh- ing machine from Mornington to the -Watson foundry at Ayr. day evening. kr. Ira Etc an& Mr, William Smith w Wingham a hen one of the which were had to sell ; light yearlings and stockers $1.86 to $2.40 r cwt; good fresh covra and springers', aotive, strong, t $85 to $45 per head; common, hard to sell. Sheep and Lambs—Owing to light receipts at Etetern markets andlIstrong advices, market ruled steady to strong, and prirne sheep and Iambs 100 to 16c higber, and about all arrivals .up to four °Weak found male ; choice ewes and wethers, $6 to $6.25, some being fine Canada sheep at the top figure' ; best Canada laibbs 05.60 to ts 70, ?tinge $5.65, but for , prime Canada Ipambs $5.76 is none too high. Hoge— Aotive demand at 100 to 150 advance ; later in the day with furth r receipts of '125 care the market weakened sorn hat, closing fahly steady, Leeserome vember. 80.—The market was very weak to -day ons basis of -110 for finest Canadian steers. There were, however, none on offer. Best States cattle so d at llie to 12c for beat steers. TORONTO, Deo mber 2nd.—The market for cattle was rather dull on the whole, and prices remained as they were 1 week. Sales were slow. Butchers' were in fair de and and picked lots sold at 30 per Ib. with quotati as ruling at 51c tolip per lb. There or stockers: few offered. Springers troh shed o the him pair of calves They are an ex - d first prize at when he came around in the eddy. The stones gave way under Mr. Dane and he too sank, but, fortunately, with the aid of some floating timber he rnanaged to regain the shore. Mr. Stroh was bronght arolind in the eddy several times and, driven to the . . bottom by the torrent, and it is n short of a miracle that he was not da pieces. He maintained his preee mind, howevernind after going down times was washed out clear of the r current and floated down stream u came to where the water, was not s here he braced himself against a sto help could arrive. By tali, time crowd had congregated on the ba Perth Ite s. —Revival meetings ar being held at :3 Bethel by Rev. Mr, Burwa. h. —The patrons of; the I dustry Lodge at Crornarty now nunibers /weir fifty members. —Nearly all the cellars in Listowel were flooded by the heavy rains of last week. 1 _ —An 11 year old boy named Edmonds at Friday. He gh the ice. St. Marys has two years' stay ., bought Mrs. n paying $500 thing hed to oe of everal ceding til he deep, e until large k but was drowned in Stratford I was skating and broke thro —Miss Nora Clench of gone, with her mother,for in Europe. —Mr. James Woodley, a Philips' cottage, in Fullert for it and took possession to weeks ago. • —Meesrs. klurlburt Merryfield, of 0 feet of logs at ow. John Ducklow, Elma, has gone State of Wyom- Monkton, took in about 5,0 their mill during the last s --Peter Ducklow, son of of the 13th conceesion, to try his fortune in th ing. —There were about 100 the marriage of Mr. Jo Maggie Park, of Russeld merry time they had. —Mr. P. J. Writt, o fifteen men employed dig Ellice. He expects to month. t —Four Mitchell sports uests present at n Levy and Miss ale, and a right f Stratford, has itig a ditch in htlish in about a en who went to Muskoka, have returned, bringing with them a dozen very fine dee ing 259 lbs. —The members of the society, at Bethel church, organized for this season, meetings regularly. —The first regular meet " Church Guild " Kirkten parsonage T.uesday evening last week. A good programme was refidered by the young people. 11 —Charles Carey, who was sentenced some three years ago at the Stratford Assizes to a term of seven years in the penitentiary, has been granted a relesee, and returned home Tuesday morning. t —Mr. OswaldWalker, gr., who went from 1 Cromarty to Manitoba with the harvesting excursionists, has gone to California where i he intends to remain or a considerable I time. i —The temperance meetings in Mitchell •last week, addressed by Mrs. 0. Hitcheox, were well attended considering' the very un- favorable weather. The lady is an excellent and forcible speaker, media beautiful singer, and won the sympathies of her audit:lutes. —It turns out after all that - Butler, the piano and hulless oats freud, has not made away with himself in Nefiv York. Mr. A. Grrant, of St. Thomas, r 'calved a letter on l Thursday last week froi. bit -stating that the telegram was a fake, and that he was still alive. 1 —The Epworth Leag4 in connection with the Main Street, Methodist church,Mitohell, card among the s :—" As clerks in ate on account of early in the day was no.demand were quiet, and ie few sales were made at $80 to $45 each. Sheep an Lambs—Dull and unchanged. There was an overplue of lambs offered and about 200 were Id at 40 to 50 per lb and Iambs at Firm and good; straight fat a little Light fat were not wanted. Heavy lo Wale per lb. One load sold at fed and watered stockewhile $4.40 her load off the cars. , one buck weigh - Epworth League ibbert, have re- nd now hold their left over. Shee 2} to ap. Hogs - better in price. stuff was sold at 4 to 4P per lb to was paid for ano TORONTO, Dace tle changing hen lections, and 15} the 'Duly sorbs nt airy Markets. ber 2.—Butter—Quiet, with lit- e • prices unchanged at 170 for se - '1,6o for choice rolls, these being yin to any extent. Eggs—Un- changed ; selling as before at 170 to 18o for good fresh in cases wi h limed quietibut obtainable at 140 to 15e, according MONTREAL, De ohan port. cept he prices off to 24 • Townehi to 16o. Cheese The market is less active, but steadier than it lows: 100 to 11 and cheese is no son. Eggs—Rec consequently tha prices. We quot 150 to 16c for lim tcequality. ember 2.—Butter — There is no Holders are firm and refuse to ac- and see at ered. We quote : Creameries, 220 19c to 20e ; Western dairy, 150 as a week aco. Prices are as o - . Cable shows an advance of 91, quoted at 55e, the bighest this sea- ipts ef fresh eggs are falling off, class of stock commands good Li as follows : for best stock, and ed stock. .11‘ ,ADY FOR CHRIS Suitable for new and ole our store is thing to loo to save mon Plush Goo dren' SDEN WILSON Solicit a call just to see their goods and prices. GOODS presents, their stock is very large and varied, comprising many ant articles it is impossible to enumerate, but we can assure ,you rammed with all sorts of new goods, and it ivon.'t cost you Any-. at them, and if you want to purchase you will see lots of chances y on,' Leather Goods, Albums,'Books , it fine bindings, Mil Books, Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, 'Writing Cases, Music Folios, &c.,, But we cannot begin to mention the numerous lines we are showing. Come Births. CA1E:MS.—In gong°, on the Mr. David C irns of a son. ' 1 • Marriages. P.—At the residence of the bride s he 18th ult., by Rev. D. Forrest,Mr. ant, to Miss Mary A., eldest daugh- rnes Hislop, both pf Grey. .—In Morris, at -the residence of arents, on the llth ult., by Reve M. A., Mr. Hugh McBee, to Miss on, second daughter of Mr. John •e 3rd line. HWELL. — At Victoria Cottage ng of St. Paul's was held at the 1111110111.1.10MOMINIIII GRANT—HISLO parents, on James W. G ter of Mr. J MOSES—MASO the bride's John Ross, Maggie Ma Mason, of t JACKLIN — B Brussels, on the 18th ult., by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. in to Miss Emma Bothwell, both of 71h ult., the wife of Mc BE MONEY ORDERS BY EXPRESS. —The Calla- dian Express Company sends money by means of 'money orders, which are absolutely side, and an be ootained at any office of the company at Very low rates.. The fee for sending an order for $50 is but 20 cents, and amounta from 86 upwards may be sent at proportionate rates. These orders are pay- able at 16,000 places in Canada and the United States, and are practically good everywhere. The rates are leas than for any other method of send- ing money where absolute safety is afforded. The company will undoubtedly receive a large amount of the public patronage in this niatter. Mit. W. SOMER- VILLE is the Company's agent for this district. 1228 mmomaaamaimaamomi THE MARKETS. Sseeovern, December 3rd, 1891 Fall Wheat per bushel,new..... . ..... Spring Wheat per busheanew Oats per bushel . Peas per bushel Barley per bushel Butter, No. 1, loose.... • Butter, tub Rog eu •p• r• . 100 ...... '''' • • • • • • Hay per ton Hides per 100 Zs Sheep Skins Wool Potliteee per bag, Salt (retail) per barrel. .. Wood per cord (long) Wood per cord (short) Arles per bag Thnothy Seed • e • •. ..... have introduced a pledg members which reaes th stores are kept working shopping not being 'done ...... C over Seed pork, per 100 ,lhe Tallow, per lb Elijah Jack Grey. mother, b LM.—At the residence ef the bride's Rev. S. Sellery, M. A., B. D., Mr. John McKenzie, of Culross, to Mies Mary Jane Helm, Of Ne Ingham. LL—HICKS. At the residence of the bride's pa rents, 68 1ay street, Owen Sound, by Rev. Dr. Waltes, Mr4 Ronald C. Bell, to Miss Nellie E. Hicks, you gest daughter of Mr. James Hicks, formerly of Brussels. ..ee • Deaths. -- EVERETT.—I1 Turnberry on the 22nd ult.,the wife of efeEver YOUNG.—At aged 72 ye LOGAN.—In C Roy Patric MoCULLOCH. In Seaforth, on the 30th ult., David McCulloch MoLEOD.—In Hannah, years. HINGSTON.— bath Him; 0 89 to 0 93 O 89 to 094 0 33 lici 034 0 62 to 0 62 0 40 to 0-50 0 16 to 0 16 O 14 to 015 0 16 bo 0 16 2 .70 to 275 10 00 to 11 00 3 00 to 550 0 60 to 0 80 0 19 to 0 20 1 00 .to 00 0 40 to 40 3 .60 to 400 2 00 to 60 O 60 te 60 5 00 to 550 160 to 1 76 %ID° to 5 26 O 04 toe0 044 tt Everett, aged 44 years, 10 months. etland, on the 24th ult,James Young, re, 8 months. rberry, Manitoba, on the 22nd ult., fourth son of Mr. Wave Logan. for- merly of Sfiforth, aged 6 years and 4 months. aged 76 yens. Seatorth, on the 28th ult.'Amanda ife of Mr. Kenneth McLeod, aged 38 In Brussels, on the 25th ult., Eliza - ton, aged 76 years. ALE REGISTER. On Wednesday, December 9th, 1891, at 12 -o'clock nbon,sharp,at Macmainara's Hotel Leadbury, Superior Stock. T. McNeil, Proprietor; Geo. Kirkby, Auctioneer. IMIl'ORT.ANT NOTICES. 'DON it PO able Pt sound, gentle A. G. AULT, SALE.—For sale ehesei, a good, roil- y, about 8 years old and perfectly and suitable for family use. Apply to eaforth. 1251 tf. HORSE -P State conditi second WEB. WANTED --I want to get a hand horse -power, Pitts preferred. n and price. WILLIAM IdURDOCH, Brucefield P.. 0.,Ontario. 1251x3 TeSTRAY PIG.—Came into the premises of the un- dersigned Lot 3, Concession 12, Tuckeremith, about the lst of November, a white sow. The owner can have the ame by proving property and paying charges. JACOB LATTA, Chiselhurst. 1251x3 Menem, December 3rd, 891 O 89 to $0 94 O 89 to 0 94 0 32 to 083 0 35 to p 60 O 62 to p 63 O 16 to 0 16 Fall Wheat per bushel. „ Spring Wheat per bushel Oats per bushel . ..... .... .. • • Barley per buehel Peas per bushel Butter Egga 0 16 to Hay per ton, new8 GO to Potatoes per bushel, 0 26 to Hides per 100 RA 4 00 to Cordwood.. 3 00 to, Wool per lb 0 18 to Pork, per 100 fbe 6 00 to DIGS FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned has on 1 Lot 10,1Concession 9, 'Julien, two Thorough- ared Chesteri White Boars, to which a limited num- ber of semi ill be taken. One pig is 18 months' old and the othe able at the t turning it n LIVERPOOL, Deo. 2.—Spring wheat, 8s 06d winter, 8s 06d; California No. 1, Ps 100 ; fis 08d-; pork, 488 09d ; cheese, 55s 00d. TORONTO, Dec. 3.—Fall wheat, 50.92 to $ epring wheat, 10.01 to $0.91 ; oats, 34o. to peas, per bush, 650 to 650 ; barley, 500 to550; per ton, 514.00 to 115.00 ; butter, 18o to 220 ; toes. per bag, $0.60 to $0.601; eggs per dos to 22c; dressed hogs, per owt., $5.00 to $6.60. is 6 months. Terms, 81 per sow, pay - me of service with the privilege of re- cessary. C. ROGERSON. • 1251x4 MEACHE 1.• No. 11 second or th 1s1 Januoxy, stating sale signed Sec FRED PRE 0 16 900 0 30 4 06 400 0 19 6 26 red eas, Lumsden Wilson's Seaforthl. N. B.—A new lot of Cloth Window Shades just to hand on spring rollers, and selling cheaper than the cheapest. WANTED.—Wanted for School Section Stephen, a male Teacher holding a rd class certificate. Duties to comenence 1892. Sealed applications, marked, and desired will be received by the under- tary until Tuesday, December 22nd. TER, Dashwood P. 0., Ontario. 12)1-3 SOLID GO TaAleti FIR SALE.—A very desirable farm for X sale, being Lot 4, Concession 16,in the township of Grey, having 100 acres, with good buildings, with i two good thriving orchards. It s situated about 4 miles from Brussels and 2—miles from the Village of Walton, is convenient to Schools and Churches, with good gravel reeds. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises or Walton P. 0. JOSEPH HODGINS. 1251x4 .93 ; 35c.; hay, pota- , 20o Township of Stanley. COLLE0 ence of the Collector,w Blake, Fri December ber 15th, a THOS. WIL Const Live Stock Markets. 7.40NTREAL, December 1.—Trade was fairly brisk, lent there was no advance on former rates, t o best beeves selling at from 310 to 4c per lb., with jretty geed stook at from 310 to 310, common dry coWs and rough oxen at from 210 to 8o, while some cif the leaner beasts sold down to nearly lee per lb. A very fine young bull, weighing 1,880 lbs, was sold at 4C per lb. There is a brisk demand for good larnbs at 40 per lb, at which rate a lot of twenty Iambi, aver- aging 93 Ills, were sold here to -day. Common Iambs sell at about 40 per lb, and good old sheep at about 31 o. Fat hogs are not numerous and sell at from 4c to 41e per lb. Dressed hogs from a distance sell a from oto6cperlb. 1 . BUELL°, December 2—Cattle—Extra steers $4.80 to 56; choice shippers, $4•25 to 54.75; choice butoh- ers' light to medium weights, 53.76 to 54.25; steers, $2.60 40 58.15 ; choice heifers, 52.75 to 53.50; there was a liberal supply of stockers, mostly light grades, • The An Patrons of facturing December 1261 NEWEST CLOC Gold fra OR'S NOTICE. —For - the conveni- tatepayers of Stanlea, Mr. Thos. Wiley, 11 be at Varna,Thuraday, December 10th ; ay, December llth ; Brucefield, Monday, 4th: Final winding up, Tuesday, Decern Varna. A hint to the wise is sufficent. Y, Collector. 1251 1111 Ear The ri W.A._11101-1S. ,-f D, GOLD FILLED, SILVERI All the best makes. DIAMOND RINGS, GEM RINGS, 4.7-"CSTTET-JI:CX7-- PLAIN RINGS, OODS, LATEST DESIGNS, S, NOVELTIES, PLUSH GOODS, SILVERWARE. ed SPECTACLES and. all sorts to suit all sights For Christmas and /New Year's presents. rht goods at the right prices. Headquarters for repairs. -E4 1 R. MERCER SEAFORTH OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL.' AC nce Cheese Factory, Annual Meeting. ual Meeting of the Shareholders and the Constance Cheeee and Butter Menu - o. will be held in Constance on Monday, 14th, at 1.30 p. re. JOHN McGREGOR, President. Wi throp Cheese Factory. F1DENTIAL WHISPER. You ale already aware that we intend to add to our stock in the Spring an assortmen-t of "our own make" of Clothing, which will not be approac ed by itny one in regard to price and wearing qualities, and to that end we Wish to make room for it. At,the present time our stock of READYMADE CLOTHING Is being sold at such prices as are astonishing. We do not stick for Oice, our object being to clear them out, and if you want a bargain in Clothil come to us. The evidence of your own eyes cannot be resisted. There are occasions in every" one's life. Here's one of yours. vil A meet ng of the Patrons of the Winthrop Chem Factory ill be held on Wednesday, the 23rd Decem- ber, at o'clock in the afternoon in the Cheese Factory; ad a meeting of the Shareholders et 2 o'clock the same day and place. All Petrone and Shareholders are reqtested to attend without fail, as the manefac ure of butter will be up and s call on the Shareholders to pay interest on debt of factory. Any titne Patrons call their cheques will be ready. JOHN C. MORRISON, 1251 Secretary and Treasurer. The Tucker the dat due th Egmon o'clock smith, 4 p. m. cents 12511 JACKSON BROTHERS, THE - FAMOUS - CLOTHIERS, SEA.FOR a LOOK AT TIE A LOT OF Plushes Velvets Just Just to hand at greatly reduced prices, suitable for Trimming and Fancy Work. Call and see them at HOFFMAN de0 Cheap Cash Store, SEAFORTH,. - ONT. NEW CASH STORE Township Taxes. ndersigned tax collector for the Township of mith, will attend at the following places on s named, for the purpose of receiving taxes Township of Tuckeremith : Weber's hotel, villa, on Saturday, December 12, from 10 a. in. until 4 p. m.; at Kyle's hotel, Tucker - n Monday, December la, from 10 a. in. until On and after the 14th day. of December 6 n the dollar will be added to all taxes due. JAMES CUMMING, Collector. 0 Discount. $25 Discount. STOVES AT COST, TINWARE AT COST, HARDWARE AT COST. All Pianos purchased during December a discount of $50 will be allo ed, and $25 allowed off each org an Bell and Dominion Pianos Organs always in stock. SCOTT BROS., Seaforth. 1241-3 AT Greatest Bargains Ever Offered, i Seaforth for a short time only IDTYS OLD $T_A_1\T DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. AYS SALE of BOOTS d 8110 GIVING UP BUSINE,S,S. I W. J. Hamilton), have sold out my interest in the firm of 'Tamil Mc1nns to Mr. Thomas Richardson, who is to take possession of the sto February 1st, 1892. , As Mr. Richardson and McInnis wish to have the stock reduced ONE- ALF, we will offer our entire stock Of about $5 OF A. G. AULT, SEAFORTH. THE WHOLE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions IS ENTIRELY NEW. Please call and examine our stock before purchaAsing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. Highest price paid for all kinds of farmers produce. I beg to thank all my old customers for their past favors, hoping to receive a fair share in the future, and would also be pleased to see as many new ones as possible. A. G. AULT Come and see It. A HANDSOME n & k on bout 000 Worth._of Boots, Shoes, OvershPes and Rubbers Away down in price. The stock has got to be sold, and we are going to sell it Big Reductions. on Everything. Dome along everybody • our stock is large, but the first choice will e the best. Also a large etock of TRUNKS and VALISES, which will be old at prices to suit the buyer. Sale to commence on FRIDAY, November 20th. Don't forget this sale at HAMILTON & McINNIS', orner of Main and John Streets, in John Logan's Old Stand. - GOLD WATCH, Valved at -$40, — At the home of SANTA CLAUS: MM. It is a prize for the nearest guess to the number of grains of wheat in the little jar in our win- dow. A guess allowed with every 260 worth of goods you buy. Everybody has the same chance. Our goods are lovely and our prices are right. We offer you great value for your raoney in presents of all kinds. A Merry Xmas can be had by calling often at the home of Santa Claus, viz: Fear's Drug Store, SEAFORTB. Santa Claus Has joined the firm and now we will all have a As the firm of Hamilton & McInnis is about I to undergo a change, W. J. Hamilton having sold out his interest in the business to Thomas Richardson, we notify all parties owing Hamilton & McInnis to call and settle their acs counts before January 15th, 1892. Those not settled at that date will be handed in for collection. HAMILTON & McINNIS. Merry Xmas. My Big Holiday Stock has come. The elegant presents are now on exhibition. The shrewd buyers are getting the first choice from my grand display of Holiday Goods. Never have such nice Goods been show. Never have prices been so low. Everybody is pleased who isees and purchases from my great line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Spectacles, Pipes, Novelties, etc, There is sure to be a Merry Xmas at your house if you buy your gifts from W. R. COUNTE Jeweler, Main St., Seaforth. R, NOTICE. IN THE :MATTER OF RICHARD ROCHE, OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, HOTEL -KEEPER, DEBTOR. The above named 'debtor has made an assignment to me, under the provisions of "An Act respeeting Assignment for the benefit or, Creditors, being Chap. 124, R.S.O., 1887, and Amending Acts. A meeting of the Creditors of- the said Debtor will be held at my office. in the Court House, in the Tolvn of • God orich, at eleven o'elock in the forenoon, on WEDNESDAY, THE 9th DAY OF DKCEMBER,1891, for the ap- pointmeee of Inspectors and the giving of Directions with reference to the disponi of the estate. Every person claiming to be entitled to rank on the estate is required to furnish te me particulees of claim, proved by affidavit (not declaration), and such vouch- ers as the ease admits of. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff of Huron, Assignee. Sheriff's Office, Gode- rich, December 1s1, 1.891. 1251-2