HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-12-04, Page 11g 5 : 7 5 5 WHOLE NUMBER 1,251. TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. SEAFORTH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4,1891. lifoLEAN BROS. Publishers. 61.50 a Year, in Advance. J. C. GILROY, CLINTON_ Great Moving Sale. The Premises to be Vacated and Torn Down. Our landlord, has notified us , that he intends tearing away a porticM of our store and replacing it with a new one, so that means we will hal're-' to sell entirely out or else pack our stock in cases and put them away in the cel- lar. Now, you all know that I not be business. So we prefer t our wh_oIe stock of Beautiful Fall Goods, at such an Eno Sacrifice ! That people can s pply themselves at far less than wh esale rices. $1 Tweeds for 50c. ; 25c. Grey -Flannels, 18c. ; 25c., 30c.,35c. al Dress Goods, only 18c. ; Blac Colored all -wool Henriettas ; Black and Colored B,cotch Serge Goods, double fold ; Stanley C Cashmeres, Black and Colored Lust- reens, Tweed Effects, -Velvets, Plushes, Corsets;illosiery,Gloves,Ladies'Under- vests, Gent's underwear Gloves and Mitts,Socks,Braces,Ties, 'Collars,' Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Flannels, BlE1.nkets, Cantons, Shirtings, Linens, Dliapers, Shawls, Mantles, Mantlings, IITIster Goods, Carpets, Oil Clotlas, Men's Suits Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Hats ould sell New mous FROM IND . I SALVATION ARMY WORK IN iTS PERILS AND DIFFICtiLTIES—THE TE- CULIAR HABITS oF THE PEOPLE—CLIM- ATE, &C. (By a forme. Saafort lady.) We have been permitted to !take the fol- lowing extracts from lettere J: H, Lightowler, formerly daughter of Mr. Wm. Copp her parents here. Mrs. Lig husband have been in India years. They went with the Canadian con- tingent of the Salvation A.rmy, and have been engaged in missionary work among the natives of that country, M . 4ightowler be- oif the Army. wool and o vely Dress ecks, A. The dinner consisted of boiled rice with milk and sugar ; the supper of chip▪ pat HAT COUNTRY— syrup made of white sugar And a cup of t and Ca s Everything must gc reserve in this case, as you kno a new block is to be erected. one knows this is one of t written by Mts. iss Susie Copp, , of Seaforth, to htowler and her for about three ing in charge of a divisio They are at present locate District Headquarters in and it was from there th written. In a letter writte at the Army orsad, Gujarat, ese letters were n on the 2nd of July she says : " There is not much atte*tion paid to the Queen's Birthday in Indies. The hiahom- medans have their feeds at one time, the Hindoos have theirs at Europeans, being Eo few chance of getting up demon kind. I can imagine how - another. The aye very little tratiens of any resh and green and beautiful everything is at home about this time of year and how pleasant it would be to have a walk in the woods, I have not seen woods in India such les you have in Canada, there are just a felw scattered trees here and there,except on th mountains. We have only had about three showers of rain yet this Beaton and rein is peeded so much. You would be surpriseda however, to see how some trees and cactuees retain their freshness and even grow a ci, blossom after months Di dry weather. °me trees remain green all the year round.. The weather here in summer is very tryin to a foreigner. Just imagine living in a lace where the thermometer sometimes egisters 115 and 120 in the shade and oft n 110. Lately, however, although there h s been no rain it , as it has been We had a very enjoyable time. Just now we are having a good deal trouble in Vishrampoor, one of the corps this district. The soldiers are te terri persecuted. The village is in one of t States under native government, and t persecutions tO which the native soldi, have been subjented is of a nature to be most unbearable. The high have au power ever the low that they can make it herd DB they like for them. I will give y one instance. In this country every one d N h t been uite so war .1. 1 0 as no q w that cloudy. In another letter writte Every last she says : " I e best _October ing much these last few da stocks of new and Staple Dry -Goods in the county. No -Millinery cy Goods, but all clean, new, desirable G-oods, wanted i household. Now is your tim in your Fall anti Winter suppily from one of the best houses in thel county. Our Dress -Making and Clclak and Mantle -Making. Has been a great success with us this fall, not one mis- fit either in Dresses or Mant16. Our or Fan - bright, every to lay Mrs. Kenney has without do en herself one of the tastiest bt prov- nd most stylish dress and mantle mak rs in the Province. would say that now is the ladies' opportunity to buy ithe most desirable and stylish stuff eveT brought to this town at prices not he4d of be- fore and at the same time 4ave gar- ments made up in City Styl Moderate Prices. There will ly be no reserve during this g as we must certainly leave t in.-. The terms of this sale and at positive, eat sale, e build - are spot cash as we can't sell at such sacrifice and book the goods. Yours truly.. J. C. GILROY, C INTON. on the 14th of have been think- ys of what took place three years ago, whep I left you all to come and work in this dark land. I have made it a time of prayer a. d re-conseeration ILI. of myself to God,and I fee that in so doing, God has blessed my sent. fter all, it seems s) little I have done towards the salvation of the dying thousends around me. My whole ambition is to be a soul iwinner, so that when I come to leave this !world, I will go into Heaven rejoicing, bringing my sheaves with me. Oh, to be just like Jesus ! I do not for one moment regret icoming to Indie. Although it would be a gloirious privilege to see you all again, I am iglad that God is giving us grace to sey " Thy will be done." I think I told you that hive of us went to Simla for a change. I are now the only oire of the Simle. party that it left in India, all the others having to -leave on account of ill health. I do feel so thaU1iful that I have been vouchsafed good health, and I am sure you will too. But it is trely a hard fight in India, in so many different ways ; having to contend with climate, danguage, vermin and so many other thinge that you do not have to fight With in Cauasla, but the hard- nees seems to bind us mode closely together. Almost all the officers iwbo eleeve feel it harder to leave India thee theY did to leave their own homes. I 5, of ly re 1 - as es not haye their own well as at home but e e high caste have a well in one part of the town and the low caste in another. One night the head man of the village got sortie men to fill the well of the low caste with filth and rubbish so that they could not ese the water, and the poor people dare not Igo to any other well. Such things as theae they are continually doing. The poor c u- -not take such oases to law as they have no money, and even if they did,. they wo ld likely get into worse trouble afterwar Besides they are so much kept- down t ey are afraid to do such a thiug. I can not e - gin to describe to you the difficulties t at are put in the way of working among ;tie heathen, but our God is Almighty and in is strength we go forward, knowing t iat victory is ours if we are faithful. But, :al- though there is so much. darkness we ido praise God for the victories He is giving ne. Every week there are some who profess °en - version in this district and in other parts' as well, both in the Salvation Army and other mistions. I have just had a bit of new expe Hence in this Indian war which I must tell you. i A few mornings ago I was wiping a glass With a tea towel,which I, had taken from a nail where it is always kept. Just as I was fin- ishing the glees I felt something prick irny nd xt s a in ad tly for a ld le, ure vas iet, ich not ing at uld me ou. all ap- ng een een ath re - she ied ept She for tell cry- s. An Unusual Scene in curt. An extraordinary scene was .nitated at the Court for the Revision of thei4Dominion voters' lists in Stratford on. Frid y evening last. Mr. E. Sydney Smith, th Revising i officer, was presiding. Among t e declara- tions Was one by Wm. Keene, n ws dealer, certifying to the eligibility of a arge num- ber of voters. On being put on box Keene admitted he knew but of the people he bad certified t ualifications. Mr, Shaw, who the Conservative interests, argue names an the document were note' on the list and unless the other side could prove they were not entitled to be there, they could re- main. The revising officer ruled that the onus of prPof iested with Mr. Shaw. Thia angered Mr. Sha.w, and he accused the re- vising officer pf assisting to work up a sen- sation to aid the Reformers. He refused to accept the onus. The Revising Cfficer—But I place the onus upon. you. I placed thes names on he witness very little or their epresented that the the list depending upon the r the declaration. Mr.Shaw—Your liuness wag if they were proper declarations liability of to 'wedeln before the names were placed on the list. , The names having been plaeed on the list, I have a right to assume that they aee properly there. The Revising Officer—Now, Mr. Shaw, I have no fault to find with the declarations. Both parties in South Perth used these om- nibus declarations, and whereve they were shown to be defective I insist d that the onue of proof rested with the Iparties who _ made the declaration. Mr. Shaw—Well, then, all I is that you told me in your off lists were being prepared that care what 111.1411tS We put on or the more the better, and winked at me at the same time, The Revising Officer—You are an infamous • Mr. Shaw—Then you are a 0— d— These epithete coming in quiek succession caused a profound sensation in court, and the revising officer was dumfounded for a moment. When he regained his composure, he seid "I distinctly told, eiou that the declarations had to be regalar.1 " You told me no such thing,1" repliedMr. Shaw, as be emphasized his charge. - The Revising Officer—It is a, disgrace to the Conservative party to havel such a man as you represent them, I willIgive you one minute to retract the charge end apologize before I fine you. for contempt. Mr. IShaw—You fine me, and when 1 get you ovtside give you such a threshing that you will never forget. I The fine waa imposed, but iV had not the desired effect, and the revising ;officer finally found it necessary to telephoUe for the po- lice. A policeman was soon (I)n the scene, Mr. Shaw was removed, and harmony restored. --I- -Belleville, it is said, can I boast of the oldest postmaster in the Do eighty-four and still works the office. Ile was appointed years ago. —Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, cif the March- mont Home, Belleville, are anxious to ob- tain christian homes for some bright, intelli- gent little boys from Edinbergh and Glou- cestershire, their ages being from three to have to say ce when the you did not how many, This month there is a geat deal of mala- rial fever. Hundreds of natives are suffer- ing from it at the presenti time. October is considered the most unhealthy month of the year. It is not four months since was in in Bombay, where I spent a few weeks re- . cuperating. During that,time a inieeion wo- man, who called to see me once when I was sick, was the only -whiree woman I have time, and she only Mutes. It is not t chatting now, as Day by day I am ge and when I un - talk ? Lest week ddiree in Bombay. d, both Canadians Turner, a Canadi- thumb, and at the moment I shook my h thinking an ant had bitten it, but the n moment I ,saw the cause and knew it w scorpion. I called my husband who was an adjoining room, telling him what happened. Ho at once tied a string tig around my wrist and went to the doctor medicine. Although he was only gon few minutes, by the time he returned hand was so sore and swollen that 1 co scarcely bear to have it touched, and i short time the pain wae almoet unbeara and it continued so for about five h when it eased a little, 'and by ten p. m. easy enough to allow of my going to bed I Slept pretty well. In the meantime Ai my native help, killed the scorpion, w was in the folds of the towelt I .ca deecribe the'paie ; it was net like anyt I ever felt before; it went up my arm an times made me feel sick all over ; c neither stand, sit, nor lie still for the t and it was quite long enough I assure On the second day afterwards, however, traces of the injury both in feeling and pearance had vanished. It was a yo scorpion, about half grown. Had it 1 an old one the injury would likely have worse and if it had been a black one, d would almost certainly have been the suit. Amiet began to cry as soon as found I was stung and would have c a good deal more if we had not saying things to make her laugh. says she never saw people like us, when we have pain then we laugh. her she is a real helper, for she does my ing for me. things,I hold that it is fair to put the eXpense of transit at $2.75 per head,the average cost, rather than.$4.10 the actual cost. . It is pparent that the true profit on t e was at least $113.28. To this all fair d men will concede that the value of iniure should be added, whatever that e., To value manure correctly in the t state of our knowledge is not easy, eed it is possible. Sometime, hnd in ear future, we will be able to do this much enore ease and precision when ional data shall' have accumulated on to base calculetions. In this experi- , we reckoned the value of the Manure . per day per lamb. This calculetion is on data furniahed by an experiment cited by Professor Roberts, oi Cornell ersity Experiment Station. Professor rts is a most careful investigator. By se of shallow- pans made for the pur- and placed in the pens, he obtained great precision the exact amount of re obteined from lambs in a given This Was carefully analyzed. It was to be very rich indeed in plant food. lacing au estimate upon it, he valued gredionts, as given by the analysis, on rude of the values of the same, as sold onimercial fertilizers. This gave a to the manure made by one lamb per as 14,- cents. Lest the values put upon gen, phosphoric aoid aud potash in that try should be too dear to apply to our itions, we cut the estimate down one , and valued the manure from one Iamb day at e cents. As ordinarily wintered, manure made by lambs would not prob- be worth much more than half this . As the eetimate stands in the bulletin, value of the manure is but little more think, lamb mind the may prese if in the with addi whic men at ec base °end Uni Rob the pose wjth man time form In its i the in vat day nitr con con hal per the UIT1 the seen or spoken to in that remained with me a few hard for me to sit witho I am quite used to it. getting hold of the lenge derstand it well, won't I there was a double 'w Captains Woad and Llo of our party, and Captai an lets of our party, and! Captain Burdett°, an Euglish lad, were the two couples. I know them all well, and as they are of my own " class" I have a p4rticular interest in them. At present people are!very busy with the harvest. In all the fields one can see a kind of bed or nest. Tliiese are erected on poles and are used foe resting or hiding places for those who. are/ engaged in watch- . account of theives, steel the grain from ot watched in that ed the first time I comical. Monkeys destructive on the is country do such petty thieving. For instance, if a cook can steal two potatoes, an c any kind of grain, he w torious and clever act. ideas they have of si Hindoos who think it The other day I saw a • ing the grain at night, o as in harvest time they the fields at night if way. I was quite rime saw them they looked s and crows are also very grain. The people in t inion,. He is ctively about ver forty-four nion or a handful of ill think it a meri- t is strange also the . There is a sect of sin to kill anything. man with a piece of thick paper tied over his upper lip • and cut se as to cover his mon reason for which he w tachment and was told vent any insects flying dying or going sudde and thus causing him high caste woman call she was in I noticed so ing up my clothes. I k and was just going to •v. h. 1 enquired the re this peculiar at - that it was to pre - into his mouth and ly down his throat, to sin. One day a d to see me,and while e kind of bug crawl- ocked it on the floor step on it When she ut forward her hand and picking it up with the greatest care window. She afterwa, native servant maid, t woman because I did because I fed the sq I said ehe would not t she only knew the nu every day and the poi mice. These people w min from one another with great care and a shrink with horror, if comes near enough to true it is, "they strain et a gnat and swallow a camel." A man called lase wee and said if we would send officers to the village where he lived, they would sapply a house, rent free, for them to live in. My hhebitud and a couple of other officers wentl to prospect and on their return were able ito report several pro - e can not send offic- husband has arrang- orked as an outpost If we only had the the work would go n the 28th October ving real dry wea.th- to be a little cooler and you will understand that even a little Fattening Lambs for /the Bri Market. • To the Editor of TnE HURON EXPOSITOR. SIR,—A bulletin recently issued b Agricultural Departtherit of this Experi Station on the " Fattening of Lambs f British Market" was given to the press has generally speaking, received fa,vo of rain, give the right conditions to produpe -abundant yield and bring vegetation to a rapid development. The country is partic- ularly adapted for dairying and for stook raising, the yield -of grass being beyond all comparison, and truthfully the eame oen be said of all kinds of root. crops. In conclu- sion, Algoma offers every advantage for profitable farming, with climate, soil and pure water, which makes it one of the most productive districts suitable for settlement on the coatinent of America. These are facts that cannot be refuted. thee the cash profit made upon the lambs. t is eitrtairely an excellent showing in any tat- teinng venture when a cash profit can be shewn which nearly e uals in value the th of the manure. ut suppose our es - ate should be still looked upon as too h, and that we divide it by twc, we have the profit on 90 lembst113.28'plus $61,42 a net profit of $174.70, which amount3 to rly $2 per head. It may be that the ay. ge farmer cannot do quite so well, indeed s probable that such ie the' case. Were otherwise, we would no more be worthy of ognition as teachers of the people. But re is certainly nothing to hinder the aa erage farmer who rears his own lambs to t rn them off in early spring, to go to the B itish market, at an average cash value to wo ti hi EIS or ue er it it re th ish the nent r the and able 'notice from the game. I believe that our farmers generally are agreed that the eixper- iment bears upon an important subject and that all patriotic citizens. will feel desirous that the experiment may demonstrate to our people, that a large and profitable tra e grade lambs with Great Britain is one f the possibilities of the near future. threw it out of the de told Amiet, my at I was a very holy ot kill the bug and irrels and sparrows. ink me very holy if ber of ants I killed on I set for rats and 11 sit and pick ver- nd throw them aside the earne time will a low caste person touch them. How ' In preparing these bulletins, ther manifest necessity for concisenese and ity of statement. Because of this, ex tions which are in themselves of no importance have to be omitted ; hence is some danger that the readers of bulletins may not clearly understan reasons for all the conclusions arriv Since the Bulletin on Fattening treats of an unusually important s with your perinission, Mr. Editor, now add to what has been said therei I desire to emphasize the fact th lambs selected for this experiment w ferior to the average grade lambe of 0 Farmers who saw them in the ear y fessed conversions. era at present, but my, edeto have the village from some other corps. men and the Means ho On. In a letter written she says : We are h er, but it is beginning 5 'm of $8 to $9 per head ; and if so, it will Canada. The Brantford Congregational church is to have a new organ at the cost of $3,600. —Eleven umbrellas were stolen in Brant- ford from church goers on Sunday, 22nd ult. —David Mountenay has been committed for trial for killing Thomas Courtney in Trenton on November 8. —Sam Grigg, formerly of the Grigg House hotel, London, and now an evangelist, le working in Lainbton county. —Mr. T. G.VanBlaricem, of Sophiasburgh, near Picton, has this season raised 2,000 bushels of turnips from three acres. —General Herbert, who has leased Earns- cliffe from Baronas Macdonald, will take up his residence there this week. —Cowe were sold as high as $77 each at a recent sale of A. & D. McPherson near Glenmorris. A 3-yeer-old colt was sold for $220. . —The Sabbath school in Dickie Settle- ment, a few miles west of Galt, lately con- tributed $18 for Dr. Johnston's African mission. - —The shipment, of lumber from the Mira- rnichi district, New Brunswick, this . year was 72,000,000:feee,against 87,000,000 in '90. —There was good sleighing in some parts of Manitoba hot week, and learners were taking advantage of it to haul their wheat to market. —Mrs. Carruthers, who was taken to Rat Portage from Toronto on a charge of mur- dering her husband, will shortly be placed oh trial. —Messrs. Webb and Smith, temperance evangelists, were holding nightly services in BrantfOrd last week on behalf of the Royal Tempters. —The proposed electric railway from Ham• ilton to Grimsby will be 22 miles in length and cost $175,000, The cars will be run on the trolley system. clearly apparent to him there is profit in e business. If but one fourth of the rmers in Ontario were to rear and fatten t 10 to 12 lambs in a year, we would have ,000 lambs ready for market during the inter season and $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 nnually would be added to the revenues of e country. Somo of these would find a Market at home, some would go to the United States, and some to Great Britain. But the dangerous shoal of marketing lambs in November should be most -earefully eleunned. I I have already said in effect, that the one ncertain quantity in estipaating values in , xperimental work is the estimate to be put pon manure. It is certainly worth some- hing, or the practice of those who cart it nto rivers is to be praised. It is certainly orth much, or the manufacturers of corn- ercial fertilizers are at the wrong busi- este But to estimate approximately how uoh it is worth is not easy. The difficulty rises principally fro -m our ignorance regard - ng the quantity made by animals ef differ- nt °hula and ages. We are hard at ork in the endeavor to remove this diffi- ulty, and hope Freon to calculate all experi- entre from data furnished from actual ex- erience in our own work. We are now ble to tell from actual test how much man - re a cattle beast will make under certain onditions up to the age of one year, and oon hope to be able to give the same up to he age of two years. This information I hink I am safe in saying has never been iven to the world before. . THOS. SHAW. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, 24th November, 1891. the command of the Sieur de Roguemeure, were forced to abandon the fort of St. Johns, under the fire of the Britieh troops, corn - I mended by Haviland. This cannon s 7 feet 6 inches long, weighs 2,670 pounds and measures 4 inches in diameter at the mouth. Three Fleurs de Lys, the word " Lo ia " with the No. 2,966, as also the cipher 9 i/nd the Roman figures XI., with the letters C. and T.S. can still be seen on the cannon. . —The Rev. Fattest Girard, of Belle River, oounty of Essex, died there a few days ago. He was about 50 years old and a native of France. He had been at Belle River for over 20 years. He was a great bird fancier, never having lees than 500 or 600 live birds, —E. J. Bricker, who manages a big ice company in Winnipeg, tells- hie friends in Berlin which he has been revisiting, that he employs a large staff of men ru horses, and puts down about 14,040 to ice every year. —Mrs. John Gale, one of the oldest dents of Grey county, celebrated her birthday recently in Owen Sound. Sh bright and lively and sang a numbe songs, among them bring the fair " John Anderson, My Joe, John." —A Presbyterian minister in Lando nonnced from the pulpit Sunday th member's umbrella bad been taken fro south-east porch awhile ago and that person who took it should return it, el might not be considered it was don mistake. —The Favorite, the last but one o Soo liners out this fall, arrived do Owen Sound last Saturday night wit r is a brev- lane- little there these the d at. limbs bject, I will t the re in- tario, art of the season were somewhat inclined to poke fun at us for 'attempting to fatten la far below the average for the Britis ken The fact here stated is eviden the weight of the lambs at the corn ment of the experiment. On Octobe 1890, they weighed but -84.85 pound they had been feeding upon rape for a month. The farmers generally will that the average grade lambs of and Central Ontario will weigh 100 1 at that season, especially after hay upon rape for three or four weeks. below the average of our Ontario were in a sense purposely chosen, reason, first, that better -lambs were diffi- cult to get at the time, and, second:i that it is never wise in a firet experiment t . aim at so well that equal results re not easily abtained in a future expe That the English buyers pronounce one of the best lots of lambs ever se Canada to England is indeed a comPlimen to our Experimental Station, and mor especially to the skill and care of MreElliot and Mr. Cuppage who in successidn too care of the lambs. It is also encouragin to those who may embark in the enterpris with a, better lot of lambs. cooler meane a great Cord and another here to -day. They mil to ue. Captain nglish captain were ernained for dinner like to know how we be so mar - from ence- 24th, , after nearly know estern 9. each ng fed Lambs roduct or the iment. the t fre The next point I would emphasiz substantial profit virtually reaped f experiment. It is true that if the is not taken into account at all, cost of the transportation is reck $4.17 per head, there is an actual $14.43. If the manure is not tak account at all, and the cost of transp is reckoned at $2,75 per head,which average, then the net gain on the 9 is $113.28, If the manure is include the bulletiu, then the net profit is or a gain of 23.72 per cent. on the ment. Now, which of these modes ( (min will fair minded men adopt ? not be the last ? The whole transact carried on on a purely business basis the time of transportation. After t extra cost was a necessity in order to results. In the first place, the lot sufficient for a full cargo. Then, for this smell lot had to be epeci is th om th anur nd th ned a loss o n int rta.tio s a fu 1 lambs , as 236.1' inves f rec Wil on up at tt get t as i feed lly ployed. The fees of a commission, m rcha added largely to the expense ; and the fac relating to their behaviour on th voya and tea. As you, may and in the sale yards could not be btain fare -here I may give you our bill of fare. without further expense. Because f th —Analysis of water from the mineral well at Belleville shows that it is of similar character to the springs at St, Catharines, Whitby and Hallawell. —William Notman, the well-known photo- grapher, owning numerous establishments in Canada and the United States, died at Montreal the other day. —A. E. Matheson and Henry McCusker, of Hamilton, so ill-treated a livery horse that it died. Thursday they were fined $40 each or three months in jail. —Enos Moyriaban, the young Windsorite convicted of smuggling Chinamen into the United States, was fined $800 and sentenced to three months' imprisonment. —Mr, A. D; Strong, of Galt, shot a saw• whet owl in that town a few days 1,-o. The bird is a very dark brown color, haalsomely barred with stripes on the breast. —Rev. John McLaurin, with his wife and two children, left Woodstock a few days ago on his way to India. Mr. MeLaurin will be engaged in literary work at Bengalore. —Alex..McCool, a Mattswa lumberman, was lost in a storm about two weeks ago. He went to hunt up some lumber on the lake, and has not since been heard of. --J. W. Fletcher, aged 88, of Sherbet Lake, alleges that his wife, 50 years old, has eloped with a boarder who has e wife and seven children of his own. - • —In 1881 West Zorra had a population of 3,430 ; the present population is 2,988. In 1881 the population of Embro was 616 ; the present population is 627. —After nearly 37 years' separation of the Middlehdo brothers, of Owen Sound, their families have been reunited by means of a newspaper advertisement. —The Young Women's Christian Aseohia- tion in Hamilton has made arrangements to purchase its present quarters for poo, paying $2,000 cash and giving a mortgage for the balauce, —Alex. Kennedy, a well-known traveller for James Warnock & Co., edge toole and carriage epring worke died at his reeidence in Galt on Thursday l'ast week of inflamma- tion of the lungs. —Rev. Dr. Kellogg, of Toronto, has been appointed to fill the chair of exegetical theology in Knox College during the ap- proeching visit of Rev. Dr. Caven to Egypt and Palestine. —From a 50 -acre farm, half -way between Brighton and Hilton Prince Edward county, six acres of it bush,Williarn Little had 1,900 buithels, 1,100 of whiuh were grain and the remainder apples and roots. Beloap, Rossmore, the other day shot, twelve bleck ducks in two shots. Four were brought down with the first shot and eight with the next. This beats any previous record. —There were 58 failures in Canada last week, as compared with 28 for the corre- sponding period last year. The total num- ber from January 1 to date was 1,671 against 1,489. —W. D. Hook, collector of customs at Ingersoll, received a painful injury a day or two ago, while stepping from a oar in which he had been examining some goods, by fall- ing and breaking his collar bone. —Tilsonburg bas put down silica-barytic walks this year in various parte of the town to the value of $9,000. The people of that burg believe they have displayed wbsdom in building their walks of that material. —Mt. James E. Patmore, of Londobe has so far this season shipped 2,000 barrels of hand-picked apples to London, Engla,nd, and will have about 1,000 barrels additional to send. —The employees of the Galt Knitting Company held their first annual balland supper on Friday evening, 20th ult. The music was furniehed by Harper's orchestra of London. —During a. terrible rain Tuesday last week at Inverhuron, the river undermined ..the house and stable of John Smith. Two of his children, girls, went down with the house and were drowned. tons of grain and general freight and 2a feet of birch and basswood lumber. She went on to Meaford, where she will be laid up for the winter. —Thomas O'Callaghan, who gained Some notoriety by a breach of promise ,case broeght against him by Miss Hurrell, of Hamilton, died at London the other day. The young woman got $3,000 rom the de- ect- s 24 a of resi- 93rd wss , of rite, an- t a 1the the it by the o at 130 000 fendant andeafterwarde married a re able farmer. —Dr. Andrew McMeans who, a cou months ago, left Brantford' for Mexic practice his profession, is doing well. has received the appointment of su of the Mexico National Reilroad, with headquarters at Totillo, a city of bout 35,000. —The other morning three valuable colts were killed at an Aylmer station ing. They were owned by Wei. Mart Malahide, and were valued at $140 The -driver of the stage between Aylm Dorchester saw the animals ehortly they were killed. 1 —Mr. G. Sage, a Brantford milkme , left his team standing while his little 12Lyear- old daughter held the reins. The ri ones Algoma as an Agricultural Country. LAIRD, NOM:01)ff 17t11, DEAR EXPOSITOR,—I send ,,you some eamples of grain grown this year in this vi- cinity, which took the prizes marked on the packages at Laird show, being mer first ag- ricultural show in this vicinity. I would like you to see the roots, which were equal in quality to the grain. I think this part of the district is equal to Huron for mixed farming, and if we had our lend cleared there would be mere money in it, as we get a much higher price for the prOducts we grow, and our home market is always de- manding. I send you a list of a mere por- tion of the imports of the town of Sault 8te Marie atones which shows the demand for agricultural produce, and as land is cheap and easily cleared, I think th.ere is no better place for enterprising young men to make a comfortable home for themselves. Hoping you will give space for a few %verde in your valuable paper, I remain, Youra Truly, Wel. MURRAY, Formerly of Tuckersmith. t* 1 subject of disoussion at the morning session, it being realized that this was the founda- tion of the whole question. .A resolution in- troduced by Mr. J, J. Kelso, of Toronto, and seconded by the Rev. Thos. Georgeham, of Hamilton, was adopted, approving of the recommendation Made by the recent prison commiesion regarding children. Addresses were delivered by Sir Danielj Wilson, Rev. Canon Durnoulin and others. —Janies Flynn, a young widower, living at Mimic°, near Toronto, engaged at work on the industrial school there, Friday morn- ing had his left hand blown completely off while heating a frozen dynamite cartridge at the stove in the building, for the purpose of using it in blasting a piece of rock, The cartridge suddenly exploded. The stove was blown to atoms and Flynn narrowly escaped with his life. —Dr. Bailey, professor of science in the University of Mew Brunswick, was to de- liver the lecture cn " Zoology " in the uni- versity extension course at St. JohanNew Brunswick, Friday night. He had only faille, commenced when he fell -back sudden- ly ill. He was conveyed to his lodgings, and is somewhat better. There is however, a good deal of alarm about his condition. —While on the voyage from Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, to Porto Rico, Edward Hayes, one of the crew of the schooner Fauna, was stricken down with la grippe. It affected his mind, and during a storm on the night of the 23rd ult. he rushed upon deck, jumped overboard, and was drowned. —Joseph Lutz, an old man, resident at Vogler's Cove; Nova Scotia, etealthily crept into his son's room with a razor in his hand ,with -the intention of murdering him. The son awoke, jumped out of bed, and threw , his father down stairs. The old man then cut his own throat and made an effort to out out his wind pipe. The family inter- fered. JO:lector was summoned, the wound sewed up, and the father's life- saved. —Mr. C. W, Smith, of Strathroy, sailed last week from New York for Glasgow, Scotland. The same steamer carries 1,200 barrels, the last consignment of his apples. He intends remaining some two months in Liverpool and London, looking after future shipments which leave here in January. So far this season he has shipped nearly 10,000 barrels from Strathroy, Komoka and Mt. Brydges. —Probably the heaviest oats that were ever sold on the St. Thomae market were purchased on Saturday from Arthur Styles, Southweld. Mr. Styles had 30 bags in the load, each bag containing two bushels by measure, Or 60 bushels in ell in the load. The oats weighed 51 pounds per bushel, which is a gain of just one-half, making in all 90 bushels. The seed was sent Mr. Styles from Dakota. —Samples of the two rovred barley intro- duced into Canada last spring by the Do- minion Government and grown by Canadian farmers during the past season are now in England. These samples will be subnaitted to British brewers and malsters who have ap- plied for specimens of the Canadian product. The grain is bright and plump, and the weight averages from 53 pounds to 55 pounds pe—r bTthemheeting of the Gaelic Society of Toronto, whiCh was to have taken place ore Tuesday last, will be postponed until the Ith of December, when it will be held in the new hall, Marshall block. The Hon. Bailey Stuart, of Invernees, who ie visiting Canada in the interest of emigration to the North- west, will be present and will deliver an ad- dress on the proposal made by the Imperial Government for the transportation of it large number of crofter families from the High- lands to the North-west. —A fearful accident occurred at PetroIea, Friday afternoon. It appears that some young men were shooting at a mark in Win- dover's bakery and by some meene missed the target, the ball going outeide into the adjoining yard, Ethel McKay, snowball, 'rho le of o to He geon lyde TOSS - n, of each. and after bolted, upsetting the wagon on the chit smashing the vehicle. The youngste carried into a neighbor's house but 7 dangerously hurt. . —Rev. Jas. Little, M. L., forme Prieceton, but latterly in charge of wood and Centre Bruce congregation county of Bruce, has accepted a cal Bethel and Proof Line congregation London, and will remove from Bruce this month. A party of North Dakota and Mi farmers, who have taken up farms Edmonton district, passed through peg the other day, en route to their tion. The majority are old Ontario fa They state that a large number cof neighbors will follow in the spring. —The store and buildings of E. J. Burk'a Falls, were burned Tuesday rei last week. Mr. Alex. -Ford'e family ante of the dwelling above ;the stor The samples of grain sent by Mr. Murray are, oertainly, very choice and would do credit to any con -utile- The following is the list of products imported Into Sault Ste. Marie in one season, and to which he re fere above, wleile the additional., particulars - given are taken from the same circular : IMPORTS.— Wheat, 912 bushels ; oats, 17,636.bushels ; barley, 800 bushels ; peas, 420 bushels ; chopped feed, 117 tons ; flour, 3,661 barrels ; potatoes, 6,272 bushels ; but- ter, 52,429 pounds ; eggs, 29,168 dozen ; cheese, 9;5376 pounds ; honey, 2,000 pounds; bacon, 5,655 pounds ; fat cattle,1,029 head ; sheep, 714 head • pigs, 651 head ; lard, 16,556 pounds ; dressed poultry, 2 tons. The average yield per acre being, for wheat, 28 bushels ; barley, 30 bushels ; oats, 40 bushels ; peas, 30 bushels ; potatoes, 300 bushels hay, le tons. This, considering new land, a portion of the area being still uncleared from stumps, is still a good show- ing. The average price for wheat being $1 per bushel ; barley,,75 cents ; oate,55 cents ; ' peas, 80 cents ; potatoes, 50 cents and hay, $12 per tore Good' arable -land partly cul- tivated and bush lands a ithin a • radius of four miles of the town of Sault Ste. Marie can be purchased from $4 to $20 per acre, and in a radius of from 4 to 10 miles of the town from $1 to $10 per acre. The climate of - Algoma has often been thoroughly mis- understood;nee by its residents, but by those unfamiliar with its conditions and by misrepresentations made abroad by persons who had more interest in soliciting aid than the welfare and progress of the district. Coupled with the remarkable healthfulness of the district is the fact that it is a most pro- ductive country caused by a fortunate com- bination of soil, temperature and moisture. During the growing season, the long sunny days coupled with the cool night and heavy se dews, which are often as good as a shower and Was s not ly of Cinder - in the from se near ounty esota n the inni- stina- mere. their ill at ruing °CCU- , DST - at ex - rowly escaped with their lives. Gr ertion on the part of the citizens anill a fav- orable wind saved the town. 1 —Mr. John Scott, marble and granite dealer Galt, has! imported from cerrara, Italy, for Mies G. A. Collinseof Pr a beautiful representation ' in ma Rockery, which is surmounted by life-size figure of a child. The wor cetou, le of a e full is well executed and is much admired by 1 vers of art. —The family of Mr. Thomas P of Ingersoll, was nearly overc escaping gas from their coal stove t night. Fortunately for them, Mr Son, who was awakened by the 11` mosphere, got up with some diffic opened all the doors. As it was, th narrow escape and still feel the effe terson, e by other Patter- avy at - y and y had a ts of it. —A. B. Chafee, well-known in railway circles in Canada, died at his resid nce in Brookville last week, from the effec of a cold, He was formerly with the South- eastern Railway, but later preside t of the International Railway Guide Comp ny, also connected with several business erprises in Canada. —Mr. C. Gould, of Detroit, w om Miss Edna Percy, of Napanee, jilted, arrying Mr, Fullerton, a Napanee drag lerk, on Tuesday last week, the day she w to have been married to Mr. Gould, arrive in Nap anee Friday, it is mid, with the in ention of instituting proceedinga for breach o promise against Mrs. Fullsrton. —Mr. George Pepper, of Toront has cer- tainly had one man's share of misf rtune in a week, Besides losing Roseberry n Chica- go and heving his jookeys ilson and Tim Blong hurt be found on his re rn home another horse paralyzed and his youngest daughter with a broken arm, all f which happened on Friday and Saturday —Charles Paquette a laborer engaged on the Ogilvy farm, on t'he Gatineau, while re- moving small pieces of straw from the cogs of a thresher, had his right arm torn off at the elbovrd • He was to have been married next week. —Some time ago the infant son of Mr. Thomas, a London grocer, fell over back- wards in his high chair, alighting in full torce on the back of his head. The child died a few days ago from the injuries re- ceived. —A few daye ago owing to the exceeding- ly low water in the'Richelieu at St. Johns, a was discovered in the river in front —Arthur Stewart Houston,the 1 -year-old son of Canon Houeton of Nisgars ells, has been awarded the medal of the opal Hu- mane Society of England for pl drily res- cuing a mother and child from t Niagara river rapids last summer. The edaf was presented to the brave lad at a pu lic meet- ing Tuesday evening at the Falls. of the barracks. Some of the officers and c men of the military school at once set to Prison Reform Conference. Dr work, and were successful in Bemiring this dith presided and Mr. W. II. Hevelan \ old relic, which is supposed to ha•ve-belonged the opening address. The subj c of to the French garrison, who, in 1760, under children from a criminal caree as t —The riyalry between the tw Steveston,'British Columbia, is The keeper of one of them rece the Steveston band $25 to play fo The other offered $27.50, The considered the offers, concluded their numbers, then to divide int and accept both proposals. —There arriyed at St. John, wick, on Sunday last, the "Abbi the first Montreal sugar ship of e She brings 2,000 tons. Last yealr dian Pacific Railway began the warding raw sugar to Montreal This autumn the company m ments to handle a large nurnbe where a little girl named aged 5 years, was playing ball from the rifle struck this little child. n the body near the lung. She only lived bout five minutes. The po- lice have Wien into custody the man who is supposed to have fired the fatal shot. —Mr. John Soutar, the well-known Grand Trunk Railway section foreman for the past 30 years at 13ranchton, near Galt, died of in- flammation of the bowels on Monday, 23rd inst. Deceased was a valued employee of the company, and was tespected by all who knew him. He leaves a family consisting of his widow, three sons and four daughters. One son is baggage -Master at the Canadian Pacific Railway station, Galt, another a Pee - tion foreman for the same company. De- ceased was a life-long Liberal of the staunch- est stripe, and was a . member of the old St. Andrew's church, on the bill, Galt. He was 61 years old. —A despatch from Winnipeg says : Large deliveries of wheat at Manitoba shipping points are the order of each day. Notwith- standing the volume of grain moving to Fort William country elevators are stocking up. The snow which fell on sever -al days of last week has greatly interfered with the thresh- ing, but fortenately the weather has been dry, and the enow has not directly thinned the grain in the fields. The yield of wheat is much greater than was expected, and marvelous tales are being printed by the Provincial press of individual threshing re- sults. —The Rev, Rural Dean Wade, of old St. Paul's Church, Woodstock, has again laid himself open to discipline at the hands of The Churchman. It will be remembered that on last Christmas Day Dean Wade asked the Rey. Dr. McMullen, a prom- inent Presbyterian, and who was in the con- gregation on that occasion, to addreas his people. Dr. McMullen did so. For per- mitting a heretic to speak f rom his pulpit Dean Wade was. severely criticised by The Churchman, and the matter was freely dis- cussed in the Ontario press. His latest act of Christian fellowship was to assiet the - other day at the dedicetion of a new Meth- odist church in Beachvilli3. Dean Wade ev- idently enjoys the love and confidence of his church and congregation, for after the editor of The Churchman had subsided they elevated his salary from $1,200 to $1,400 es year. The dean's toleranee has made him exceedingly popular in Woodstock. hotels in ery keen. ly offered ne night. andsmen o increase wo bands W &DDS - S. Hart," e season. the Cana- rk of for- m there. arrange - f car To pla nd i le —At a recent meeting of t Humane Society a discussion to k garding the dehorning of cattle I decided to recominend the Lon o Society to prosecute in eny cas evidence would justify such etc Charles Hutchinson, Crown Att Middlesex, wrote, expressing folly convinced that the pra ti qualified cruelty. —About 150 delegates from philanthropic organizations of t .e end from the varioue public instit Friday morning in Toronto as oes. onto e re - was n Humane her+ the ion.1 Mr. rneY for imsellf as 13 was un - t e various Pro vince, tione, met e Ontario . A. Mere - made aving e sole e —Herbert J. Smith, the young man charged with bigamy, came up for trial at Brantford last week before His Honor Judge Jones. The case wAs fully gone into, and it was shown that the act was a deliberate one on the part of the prisoner, he having returned to Bra,ntford after an absence of a couple of years under an as- sumed name and married' Mies Sowden. Both she and Miss Turnbull, his first wife, were in court during his trial. After the most damaging evidence had been produced, the prisoner's lawyer acknowledged that the defendant was guilty, but eloquently plead ed leniency, as the prisoner never lived with his first wife and that there were no children to suffer for the crime. Also that he was but 16 years of age when the first marriage took place. The appeal evidently reached His Honor's heart, for he gave the prisoner an exceedingly light eentence, three months in the Central Prison. The sentence was surprise to everybody. '1 < -t tte