HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-11-27, Page 5_ _ .. : . - .:-_1__,_ _. ..._ . - ,-_ ___ .. ,ass
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NfavEl+� 27, 19t. THE HURON EXPOS1, �R. . _ 1
"'" j 1 I
door, and to their surprise and alarm found floors will be used ;tie edit rial and oIampos- -� ,
a pt of stubs, cut to stove lengths, piled up ing zooms of the i' �Var ry." 1 , �l
' Ilatss'ean the stove and the wall, on .fire and - ED I.lv` .ARL1xc�Tox, - •
oven starting ,to blaze. They soon threw I . ,
the burning timber out of the window, and -- -J---- j
hipped a serious • conflagration in the butt, f —Dr, D. B. Fraser, of Stratford, h'a been (�'��` q --�- I
hit. Morris wds away at his supper at the I appointed an examiner i medicine i�t con- .TINWARE, AF.0 CO' ST . II . 7
time, It was gross carelesmess on his imrt, nection with the Trinity �oilege Univ reity, - f We have decided to put in a stock of . oys' and Children's Clothing for - - FELT BOOTS
sand might have resulted in the Ione of many for the coming past. r « „ i
the Spring, of our own make, and it will certainly eclipse anything shown . i
dollars to the fowl{, People calxlaat be too --Tho little daughter o Mr. Willi ` m J. in this section both as to quality n '
careful about, Ire, Rog�ra, of Fu[larton, ,felt fro her 1 f'j'1 �( �1 q y a d price,11f
nd in order to male room for it
-.-It is our painful duty this weep to re- ` high chair a few dayo ago and bro a her. 'RARD WARt . A .Je V O ST V j
p I .ewe will offer the remainder of our Read mde Clothin at rices which will B ST AND MEDIUM QUALITY
cord the death of one of the inhabitants of otic.' re adil move them. We are bound to ciesthem out, and you should call and .
--The September mak of the . Fullarton
Stanley, in the person of James heElregor 1,,,! p °� � I Y ,
factory cheese was shipped last week,
who Bred an Thuretl$y, the 12th incl. He Mr, Thos. Ballantyne the urah►eer at I . _ get our prices. Our present stock calzsists
trey the $Ideal. son of Mre. D Stanley.
For e � � p � - The Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in
the second concession of 8taalep. For the 10 cents.
last eleven years he Was a resident of Huron i —Mrs. Thos. Moore, of Canton, North . •
Ci ounty, Dakota. In the spring he had an Dakota, died recently lealving. a husbaid and Seaforth . for a short t tee onlQ Men's and By s' overcoats dui Q ,Q ool-Lined ,Rubbers
attack of pleurisy, Which, through improper three small children. d I y 1 ts� Odd f al�tt�, lXr j
The decease was e •
treatment, changed to eortsamption. Dur- formerly MargaretJ. 8tivhin, of :Vier 'agton -- I ( 1
ing the early stage of the disease, his brother township, where a number of her re olives AT
still reside. o ���� QL � N-_ And if we have anything to suit you the pri a will be no object, as the whole --A�'D--1
Jtilta went to see him and brought him! 1
—The celebrated G s el Tem�ep
fterxte. ,fit home he had every Dare which p- --
medical skill and the kind and attentive lecturer, Mrs, Owen H tcheolr, of arte, , stock must go. We invite you to call and nspect our stock. -1 I
nursing of his mother and friends could sup, + lectured in Mitobell undo the auapi es of � DONT FORGET. THE P4ACE. � - i
ply, but all was of -nn avail, he continued the 6V axnen a C rrstian Tiemperance Ivnion, y
raidually but surely to fink till death ended on Su day-, Monday and I Tuesday a enings 6VERSHOESI,
sufferings.. - lr st. i ; f JACKSON B OTHERS,
-M-r. Richard Earngey, has returned ---At Listow ,1 a fess days ago Robert I
home. is Gorrie from Manitoba where he Oliver, of Grey ownshi,pi a patron oft Trow- THE _QUEStIbNe ,
had been to age the country. (' his way bridge choose fa tory, admitted the lcharge _ THE - FAMOUS - CLOTHIERS, - SEAFOR�B,
. ---- home, accompanied by Mrs. Earngey and of tampering wi h milk end was 64d $10
bar father, Mr. Wylie, the ofd eatleman and costs. i I . . Y IF -
, K z Whether to. add to the comforts of home �� ���������
nttat with an accident svhielt came Wary near - - o @ the winter by buying something O" R PLA'T'S O
ending his. days. The train was lust draw- Birth�a. ff �, M
tag into the station at Rat Portage, and be- new in the way of FURNITURE or not r I s0, where to buy so as to � •
LjtT1TON,-In Usborne, on rte 16th inst., toe wits of f . I '
fore it cants feta stand -still the old gentle- 3Ir, Fred Luxton, of a ao . Combine 00
man stopped off and losing hie balance fel SCOTT.—Irl Blyth on the 17�h inst., the wife of Mr. good taste with economy? When yodecide the above, see our ---- � �OYS' AND GIRLS'
between the platform and the movingtrain T. W. Scott, of a son, ; � .
D�NHOLMf In Blyth, on tb;e 19th inst., tie wife of large B OGk Of • • • a • i
Mr. Forages s{by the conductor ran to hi Good Values Porte Attention, �alr Dealing.
Mr. John Denholm, of a Don. . .j
assistance and by main's held hi DULM&GE.-In McKillop, on the 26th ult', the wife I
dawn until several ears had passed. So nar of Mr. Charles Dulmage,�of a eon. r
row Waft Mr; Wylie's prison that the car - - t�,'ongCh00 BQOtsa
cut. off his hart aad a large portion of h Marriagefs. I Bedroom Suites Parlor S lites, Dinin an 1
coal, -tail. The accident gave Airs. Esmge SCOTT-MATHESON.-In the Presbyter{ n church, - ,
Brandon,Manftobn,ontfiellthiust.,yRev.A. I �j�,jj Furllitue Choice Grocer es, Fine Teas, and Pure Ooffees
such a shock that she: was unable to: trove ,
Urquhart Mr R Scott (of A McPherson & Co.
stud she and her father remained at Ra � '
wiunipeg,) t Kate, d4ughter of R v. Arch. P4 - y a Specialty. `
Portage until she: should recover. Matheson, of Qu'Appelie former}, of 41inton. ,
—On Friday afternoon, the `13th inst. McGREGOIt-SPooNER: l� Clinton, on( the {8th . . . I QST Goods, Big 1�'itOC , IOW
fust.. by Rev, W. Craig .Mr. C. M. Miregor, of 1.
Mr. John Long and wife, of the 12th coa Iiinburn, to Miss Mdnn a Frances, eldest Baugh- And many other articles in our line tan numerous to mention. Our trade is ,
cession of Grey, cause to the village of Ethe ' ter of W. Charles Spoogqer, Clinton. • . - �It3�8. .
W transact some business. About 4 o'clock ARTER-MOLLAR.D.-On°the 6th inst., �p Rev. R. ever increasing. Our low prices becoming more popular dail We'll not Great care taken i' selecting aur Teas and Coffees. The are the hi hest I
while Mr, Long was paying r. P. Sim ; H. Shaer, of, Lucan, bili. George E,. Carter, to _ y $'
3fise Edith Harriet Mollard, both jot-MoG iilivary I
son tor some goods the money fell frona hi WEIR-CRUICKSHANK.--At Clinton, oni the 12th crave your patronage—we'll deserve it. -- Try us,' grade and best value in the market. Our usual fine stock of FRUITS for the I
hanct and he found on attempting'to rear inst., by Rev. A. Stewart, B. A., A. their, B, A•,
for it that he, had Yost file power of his its L. i B., barrister, daugPetrohter
o to {Lits Agnea I _ Christmas trade are all n stock. Extra fine -V•ostizza Currants, extra selected
Cruickshank, eldest daughter of C. Crriici:shank, dEO,
$hortlg after he soak to the Soar and lapseon. GOOD)
{cera semi-anconaCiau# state He was r k"ON- MASON. -In Martis, at the rebidonce of M. Robertson's Central Furniture Hous_ e Valentia Raisins, new Peels (Glasgow), Valenti& Almonds, choice Extracts, 's
moved to Mr. Simpson's houses and Dr. Cal the bride's parents, an the lith {nett., by Rev. � ; �
John Boas, M. second
Mr, Hugh Af n to -sttna :Canned Goods in rest !variety. Our store is headquarters for standard goods. SEAFORTH.
summoned.. The case was apoplexy, an. ''
nothingcould iia done. About 16 o'cIac Maggie Masan, second daughter of air. John g
Mason, of the 3rd tine. ; .
in. the taper of life was extinguiahe CARTER the reridene of the OPPQSITE E. 1VIcFAUL'S D£iY G00]pS STOR , Give us a Call.
The remains were remored to his own hom the bride's father, Blyth, on the 18tH Inst., by J
' Rev, , McLean Dir, John T. Carte, to Mtee j ; LOOK
trhiolt Ile had left only a- few- boils# previous Selina, daughter of Mr. H. Poulton. 1 -_ j • `, t AT THEN
i4 apparent geed health, in Cober`e va LEVY -PARK. -At the residence of theirfde's pa• w w�� ��� �T�A�ORTH. t
The deceased was a resident of Grey f r rents, r.Jodn on the 18th {nets, Margaret
eP.t '�i JOHN � �
many years, and ws,s a kind neighbor and a Park, air, John Moore Levy, to MisI Margaret - , t I e . �' (` � �'�i ('� � i� `jam' f
big hearted,: honest going than. He was 7 Park, all of Futlarton 'i+may !1J .L� V 1 J.J.
pears of age M're. Long and family ha e . Deaths. i IMPORTANT NOTICE?. .
fire syrapathp oz the community in the r IarALbACE -In Seaforth on the 21st {ret. Robert I { LLING.
redden and nnex:peoted. sorrow. Wallace, formerly of Hibbert, Perth ebunty,aged EACHBR WANTED. -A School Teacher, male or IT28 years, _ �#{i T female, 2nd class certificate, for School Section SIPA BELL,-Ia Morris, on the 2nd inst., Elizabeth, wife *po• 8, Morris. A personal application preferred.,
eW �QFI>; Letter•, of the late Henry Bell, aged 32 years and 8 All applications must be in by December 18th, 189E QqPPL
months. I dPPly to S PAUL, Secretary, south half Lot 17, Con- TENDERS far (J !E8 I -�--�- - Plushes
,n ,•
e JWGREGOR.-In Stanle on the 12th tet. Jamescession 2, Morris, or to Bluevele P. O.1250.4
(R gulat Correspondence,} Y, � .
Nsw YoRt, November 93rd 1891 j McGregor, eldezt eon of the late Duncan Me- M928-
Gregor, are 85 years. ESTRAY EWE AND LAMB. --On or about the tat 1 We are selling outs our entire stock of
AA now reform movement has just been i WILSON. In Clinton, on the 20th inst.' Mrs. S. F, of November there strayed on the premises of � � L
sit orated in this cit which remises to a Wilson, aged 82 years, It months and days the undersigned, known as Lot No. 27, Concession 4,
g Y p The and reigned will receive dere for supplies; .--ANU
ERASER -In Stanley on the 19th fnst.j4e Eraser TownFhip of Hay, I ewe and I lamb. Tke owner
One of a grandest and meet cooupl to aged 22 ears and Z months. can have the same b proving roper; and up to neo on T �% a T�� �. '[� "'�j
$ y i y P g P y raring f f i.� R .L GOODS (,L 1 j rl R _j,
schemes Et devised in that It-ae. The id aHOR RL. -In i7�ceGer., on the 22nd inat4, Richard cbargee. JOHN BERRY, Henaatl 0. 1250x4 wed fn3,Ua(� December "/ 8�/
is, briefly, «to rake the world a, better Horrel, aged 62 yesrF_. I i . - , > , j `
s� iHABKIRK.-In Fa o Dakota on the 1$tb Inst. of STRAY HEIFER. --Came into the promisee of for the flu 7
place to live in, beginning with Nese York, � B ' + p y of utohere' Heat, utter Flour Oat- j
typhoid fever, Robert, youngest syn'' of Mr. .the underrfgned, Lot 8, Coneersion 6, Township meal, of toes, rdwood, etc,, for. the followfng At exact y WHOL SALE COST. We will quote a few of our prices : Velvets
attd the committee on orgs,zjization Com- Robert Habkirk, Ione a resident of McKillop, of Hullett, on or about the 17th of November, a one. fnstitutlong durin the year 1892, iz.:
prises the Revs. Drs, Lyman Abbott, He or but now of Toronto, aged 26 years. year-old white and red heifer. The owner oan have The Asylums for the Insane in Toronto, London, '
Newton, VV. S. Rainsford, Rabbi Gottlt il, IDUNS1fORE.-In Kanama oa, mobigan, a the 23rd the•same by proving property abd paying oharges. Kingstpa, Hamilto and Orillia : fkhe Central Prison
Abraham S. Hewitt, R.W.Gilder, editor of inst., Florence. Lillian wife of Rev. 1 . C. Duns- WM. CLARK, Constance P. 0. 1260x4 and Mdreer Refo atoryry, Toronto ; the Reformatory I �Im
ccTcer „ 1 more, aged 30 years an 1 month, for Bgys, Penota guishe'ne ; the Institutions for � � S.9 a,0 0 __D S ,Just to hand at call
Tho Century, )e TPtl J. Seligman, o- the Deaf a d Durr - reduced rices
ERKSHtRE. BOAR. the undersigned has for , $ellevilte, an the Blind, Brant- prices,
gether with a number of other men W�11- . ; B serrice, on Riverside Farm, Thames Road, Us. ford. I
THE MA KETS. 1 borne, a thoroughbred Berkshire _ Boar, to -which a Two!eu eient renes will be required for the due I citable for Trimming and Fancy
knos�vn to oi7r citizens as able and success I tuIBlment of eco ntract. Specifications sad '
limited cumber of sows will be taken, Terms-kl,
workers. The same of the orgaaizat„ou ii is S Tn, November 26th, 1891 able at the time of service with the rivile a of forms Of ad ca o y be hada making a lies- Twe@d Dresr� Goad ', regular price lOc, sale price ft c ; Tweed Dress Goods,
`` The New York Union of Religious a'nd Pay p g tions to t e bursa o the respective institutions. re alar r• 9 1 '" ork•
Fall Wheat per bushel,new.. , .. 0 o to 0 94 returning -if necessary. THOSIAS RUSSELL. 1260tt _ Pe g p ice 121c, sale price 8c ; Tweed Dress Goods, regular price 18c, sale{ i .
$umanitar an Societies for Concerted Spring Wheat r bushel new........ 0 06 to 0 9s N• B:- enders re not required for the suppply o!
Moran Effort," and its plan is not to tRke ;Oats per bush .............. ... gmondville on Tuesday, Novem• meat to t b asypu s In Toronto, !,London, 1CIngeton ? price l2C ;All -I wool Ser eta, regular price 25C, sale price 15c ; all -wool Berges,
0 X33 to 0 84 OG LOST. -In E and Hamt ton no to the Centra{ Prison and Refer,
into consideration an thin in the Sha of {Peas per bushel,...... os to 084 D ser 24th, a Liver Coloured water spenien,bitch, , regular price 28c, sale p ice 18c ; all -wool Ser es regular rice 30c sale price
y g I oris r bushel..... 0 0 to 0 6o 8 months old, with white toes on three feet and white matory fo Femal s, Toronto. g i p r
The low a or an tender not aedeesarit C11 and s@@ them at
gio , butte No. 1, loose...... •. • 0 4 -to 0 16 Pe y Pe R CH I P d Cashmere, regular price 35c, Sale price 241c ; all, i -
simt;ply, to' unite on common grounds, and to ,Butter, tub.............. .......... 0 2 to 0 14 owner owilr besuitably rewarded, and any person t i it STIR, ice ted. I wool aUltl-bl8f as Q 1 �1m0` -
....... . .......... 0 5 l0 0 Ili found harboring her from this date will be prosecut• T. F. CHAMBERLAIN, �r@, regular price SUI, Sale price 36c , all -wool double
thrS alb creeds aixbseribe. The scheme i� a I g° ed as the law Biretta. JAME 3 sTEWART, Seaforth. ( laspect rm of Prisons and Public Charities.. fold Cashmere, regular rice 7 5c, sale price fi0c,
ver broad one and so far has only been ant- our, perlQOil3a ...... ,........."` 2 0 to 2 75 Parham nt Buildings,Toronto 23rd November, � i d
y y Hsppert0a.. 10 tlo to ii 00 12bOx4' , , { HOFFMA
lined in - a. very general way. The Union 'sides per i00 15s> . . ... . .. . .......... 3 b0 io 3 50 1891. 1250.2
will take np ane idea at a time anCO'S
d warlc oII Sheep Skins.... •............ . ....... . 0 0 to 080 ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT IN THE TOWN• � i -
it until #Dane result is obtained before, er- wool.. ...... ,...., O 9 W 020 SHIP OF TURNBERRY.=Agood100acre farm • I /'� '�j'7�'�% ''�'1T �'�T�'�
Potatoes r bag,.... ......... 0 Oso 0 40 60aeres cleared, good frame house. Rent•ean be pak� , \..i1• IRIHI .:L ..G' s ■ �,,,V �,�j '
hapa, talain u another. The fact hat The Ru on E posltor. S _
p } . p Salt (retail) per harrel............ 1 to 1-00 in improvements on the -place, . Also, wanted to let, ,
many prominent men of different ere dg re Wood er cord on t , i -
5` F � P O g). • •• •..,........ S � to 4 0o the contrast fes the slit ing and drawing of saw 19ge
in lite rn6veRneat is a guaeantee of great rte- Wood per cord (short) ,,,,,, ,, ,, , , ,, 9 00 to 2 60 and cord wood off 60 to 76 acres of ]end in above A D SING RATES - I Chen" Cash Store,
strife". i IA "" par bag, . , . ; , , . .::: ": ", , 0 to to 0 8o township: Apply to GEO. THOMPSON, Box 125, � Grey Union FIaun�l, regular price 15c, Hale price 10c; Grey Wool Flan- -
{7 over Seed. - .. 5 to b b0 Wingbam, 12b0 tf.
A. Cl RIOUS S'1;<It, CARE Ttmothy Seed. .. 1 � to 176 I Per Inch• cel, regular price 22c, le price 17c ; Grey Waal Flannel, regular price 25c,
A4 comp late miniature copy of the Pali:tzer ,Pork, per 100 ft-,...., .... 5 00 to__ b 25 OAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep For 2 in hes an u der 6 inches for I year $0 66 Sale price 20c. - -
Tatlow, per Ib.... .... 0 d4 to 0 04} B for service at their farm one mile west of Hen- 2 6 E�F�Rf �"�
building, made. entirety of sptiole of thread, . 35 , ON T.
stands in, the show window of an uptown I mall, an Improved large White Yorkshire Boar, .This " 2 .. ' 6 20
CLrxros, Novembe 28th, I89I animal tested from Imported and prize winning stock " 6 8 I " 1 60 �,/j� ;
dry goads store, where it is attraetiag gCeat i p and is a very promising young pig. Him etre is Holy- " 6 " ' 8 I �� 1 00 ..irl/� �L=��
Fall Wheat er bushel :... .... . ..... 0 9 W i0 94 „ , „ „ - t
attention. It is thirteen feet high from he well Physician [88l Imported who won first honors at 5 8 78 1
Spring Wheatpe r bushel,......, .... 0 to 095 the Toronto Industrial In 1890 • his dam Sharnocke 1 " 8 t0 ' 12 ' 1 " 2 00
entrance ate to the to of the dome he 1 ' 4
p p Oats r sorbs .........:.... , .... 0 2 to 0 38
• - ! � Damsel (no. 561) team imported by the Ontario " 8 ! 12' 1 2b
pre -portions being identical With tboe of Te"
per bushel .................. 0 6 to 0 50 Agricultural College. Terms of service, -one dollar I " 8 " I - ' 12 . ' I , " • 7b We will sell the ba ance of our Trimmed {Millinery at Cost and tinder,.
the original banding. One thousAnd do sn Peas per bushel. •............ ...... 0152
b 0 aye.ble at time of service with the privilege of re- 12 ' lb 1 2 86 Sailor and Walking `
Butter. 0 to 0 1b 1b 1 Bo Has regular price $1 and $1.25, sale price 86c, iturnip WM BUCHANAN & SONS, Hensall P. O. 1 12 ' cspoals•ofeott3n were used in its aonstru"c Eggs.., ... ...............0t '0 ib g' jj
126e.8 ,� I2 (, 1, 1fi ' .. 90 I
*_ion, and it took the designer and his as tat- it, 21 1 4 00l We have a full oto k of Cottons, Cottonades, Towellings, Shirtings, Gloves,
g Hay er ton, new .. . ........... • .. 8 i10 to 9 00 „ „ „ ,
ants three days t-3 pat them in place, he `Potatoes per bushel,.-..., --.--- .,., o to o so +` " " a Hosier Men's r If you want 'SOI33e�hII3
ARM FOR SALE. -For Sale Cheap Lot 23 Con- 15 - 21 225
main structure is composed of black nd uidom person lbs.....: .. . . .. . . ... . .. x . to 4 06 ' ' „ „ , „ y, Under .ear, Collars, Cuffs, and a host of other thins . too
......... 8 t0 400 cession 7, in the tow�;ghip of Hay, containing 88 15 21 } 1 25 ! i g '
cordwood:....,.........,. rellak�te those days to
white spoofs, but in the tower more ga ay 'Woot yetis ............ ...... ...... 0 to 0 19 scree, aver 40 acres cleared, the balance ►r timbered Busine a Cards, n t exceeding Each, per segs, $6. numerous to mention. Our stock of Mantle Cloths going at your. own prices. � _� '�
610 to 6 26 - use and a good orchard just coma en- • e .ceedin 1. inch 6 at menta Found, &o;, not i !�1 7
colors have been used,, whsle the dome itself Fork, per l00 lbs.....,.. w ith black ash and cedar. There is on the place a . Advert sements f Strayed Lost f3ta C011 hs, Colds, aYla
is reaplsrid�nt with (;listening spools of . .. I good frame ho g , i $1 each supsegvent
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods at the highest market prices. � g '
bronzy, gold',, and sage color d cotton, , v slug to bear. It Is within tour mfies of the Village of month,
c I LI7ERPOOL Nov, 25 -Spring wheat, �e 81d; red Hensall and three mileg'from the Village of Zurich, Adve in of ' rm and Real State For Sale or Remember tun TiOLlbef3, t
g e winter, 8s 07id; • California No, 1, 8s 'll d peas, °g R@member the place—.' '
the front of the window is aphotograph of i i ' P ' and convenient to church and school. Also aarocery to Rent not exec Ing 1} Inch, t month, $1.60 ;
Ba ltld pork, bOs OOd ; cheese, 64s 03d. Stote in the Village of Hensall. The above property each su equent nth, 75 cents, the
the Pulitzer Buitding, showing how closely - --- 1 will be told cheap and on terms to suit the purchasers. Local vertisen a is on Local page, 10 cents per
the miniature follows the original. Toxoxma, Nov. 28. -Fall wheat, /0.93! to $0.95 ; Poseessfon given at any time. Apply to JAS. E. line eae fnsertio , nd 25 per cent. off on yearly ac- I
BeA FLOATING PALACE, spring wheat, 80.92 to $0.92; oats, So. to 38c,; TROYER, Hensall, Ontario. 1250.4 counts. y ' = A r !4f The -new double decked lett boat Cin in- peas, per bush, 65c to 85c barley, 60c;to 570 ; bay, _-._ __. ____ _ _ _._.___ Local vertire a is under To aship and VIllage ! $Duncan s UId Stand �_'iain, Street Seaforth.f
Y- et ton, _f134.b0 fw 118.00 butter, 18o to 20 ; pota• y .g heading, 5 cents line each fuse ion. I � 9
P XECUTOR`S �7071'ICE.-Naiice ie herab Ivan p
na ti, ►which leas ju#t been completed for the toes. per ba 110,b0 to eggs, per! dos. 20e For sp tial poet i n prices can b had by applying I
g+ E that all parties having claims against the late _ 7
Pennsylvania Railroad to ply between ew to 22c ; dressed bogs, pe cwt., >15.25 to J,5.75. Robert,Wallace, in his life -time of the Town of Sea- at the o Ice. I It never falls to give _ er-
Yerk and Jersey City, is perhaps the oat 6 forth -in the County of Huron, are required to furnish Advertisements ithout specific, directions will be I r r p
inserted unti�;orbd andoharged ordIogly, j JOHN ����� _ ;lett{ Sa'�rslci,c�i2{)21 31 used RB
superb boat: of the kind in the world, ire Dairy Markus, the same, property attested and stating the gists its Casual advertiei 10 cents r 1 ne for first month f
'is done b twin Screws in lie of ToRONTo, November 2f' ' Butter. -The i�ecei is of they hold, if any, either personally or,bj regtetered �+ lac ,
propelling y i- P letter addressed to Seaforth, to either of the under. and 8 ca is per li a for each casae uent insertion,
ddle wheels; and much room is thus s ved butter are fair and the mprket continues steady with signed executers, on or before the 14th day of Decem- Births Marrfag and Deaths-,-Gtatim, I directed, It ,sial stop the
for other purposes, while at the same ime choice packages bringhn 17c to 18c, low, grade, lie ber neat, as all claims not then in will be barred from _ I j7tto 13c. Eggs. -Thy market •is steady at 18c for Nettlemeat, and the executors wi][ reseed to diets{• DA
T f I110f3>fi severe C011l I11 lr few
theta is quite again in speed. The boat Is at50 ease lots of fresh, 17c fo held stock fn arrels and pp y p i �o YV of l t.{/ l
bate the effects of the said deeeasod, as required b TOW sill Of Hl1I left. 1 day$ and W111 forty thf3
handsomely finished, and fgrniahed wi;t all 16c for limed. his last will and testament. A D. McDONALD, I �s / `o��f s i `J
the latest appliances. The walls and oil- 1f•ifTREAL, November s. -In the butts market a JAMES BEATTIE, Executors. 1250-3 SIU ' ICIPAL TAXES. syf3tem against fresh at-
of the cabins are worked in It ural $r' tone prevails, thouih wholesale trad is not at _ 1 Ti�
all as brisk as could be, wished. The dhmsnd for The u�dersigne ' tax collector for the Township of I l �ta�Cks It 1B highly re -
woods with panels of mahogany, surmount- cheese shows a slight fooling off, but tht market is MTOTZC_r- Hullett 'll be at ndesboro, on Novel be'r 80th,and P i
ed by artistic designs in papier maths. The still arm and sellers during the last few i Base have Decemb r 14th,an at Kinburn on December 11th.for . T 1 �T
hooring is of English mosaic tile, each iece been doing very well rices ma be quoted at 10P The semi-annual meeting of the Members. of tiro GIVINI G UP COi12iY1eI3ded R1 ,ally Who
to 1Ia. Fresh a sate ca,ce and can be ad only in Mechanics Institute, will be held in the Beading the pu ase of re ivfng money uo the Towashlp ,L ♦ .L.LV L,/ 1 BUSINESS
■ - . . use it. Price $1 er
not larger than a. nickel. A Brussels car- ,g for tax s. All es remaining unpaid after 14th .
S small lots ; Ise is being ken for these, bile limed Room, on Tuesday next, December lot, at 8 o'clock Decem er, will b charged at th rate of b ecus on !
pet cover# the stairs, which curve in g sea- stock he gelling 6, lbs to 16c. P. M, The Illvetrated and other papers, for 'the six the do lar extr THOS, NE LANE, Coileotor. package, Kept by
fol ascent to the hurricane deck. here I months commencing January 1st, together with eev- ? 1260 2 !
eral unbound Volumes of Magazines and Reviews,
are 200 incandescent electric lights on the Live'Stopk Markets; will be sold as usual. WM. MOORE Secretary, , I I -
r:'� - I. V. FEAR,
boat, which is warmed by an im roved l toot ^ 1,� !' . I (W. J. Hamiltoza) have sold out my interest in the firm of +#amilton & I -
p LivsxrooL, November 23: The market n only be i � �
air system which dose itwa with a am said to be fair. Reeef ta. were heavy pnd prices �jQ a With Capital McIllnls to Mr. Thofnas Richardson, who is to take af38el3si0n Of the f3toCk On FaiTll�
pipes• The Cincinnati i# 20fa feet ion 65 were somewhat easier, U a range paid to{day being: p p Chemist, C4tl,
fest wide, and is run by 1,L00 horse p titer Finest steers, 11ic per b ; good to cholpe, lie per -Patrons of Industry. February lst, 1892,
Ib ; poor to medium, 1(c ; inferior and ells, 7 c to i _ E
engines These aril other numerous c ever 9c. Mr. James Gaunt, County President, will be in this j As Mr. Richardsol and McInnis wish to have the stock reduced .about I
devices, serve to; make it one of the oat MONTREAL, November 24. -Trade was exceedingly Ioeattt� next week, end wilt deliver addresses in the
complete ferry boats afloat, dull owing to the w�t, muggy, weathe�, for the following places, namely : J3. S. No. 4, McKillop, —BY— ONE-HALF, we will offer our entire stock of about - .
fA_tiY L1vE8 TO BE SAVED, butchers did not care t� inersase their pupplies of Monday,. November $0, S. S. No. 1, Livingston s,
meat until the return of colder weath r. A few Hullett, Tuesday, December let; S. S. No. 5, Tucker •
The very faulty system of summ n qg head of the beat cattle sold at about 4c Oer Ib, with smith, Wednesday, December 2nd ; S.S. No. 2, McKil- n¢�r •p •
I ambulances in this city,. which is n win pretty good stock at t orn 31c to 3�}c, common dry lop, Thursday 8rd ; Broadfoot's School,Tuckeramith, $5,000 Worth of Boo s hoes Overshoes= cows and rough steers s Id at from 1jctol3c per lb, Friday, December 4th. Meetings to commence at 7.80$
It nae, is at last about to receive a shaki g up 2 g. G INI G C PI
TAL.1 and ma. erha s. be reformed. A m etin whth hard bulls and lea stock at from 33e w..ie, each even{a _ 12b0 e� y�, )� , y h F g There was no one wa ting stockers to- rs. which -_ -- -____and Rbc hers ALLAN L E
E of hospital managers discussed the qu ,tion helped to depress the p ices of thrifty stere. Prices
I Dae day last week and the result is tha the of calves here were rom $3.50 to 88 each, but .Farmers, Attention.
` Messrs. Brown Brothe paid 332 for three choice t Awa dowel in rice. The stock has mot to be sold and we ifre going, t0 i ROYAL MAIL STEA3fSHIPs,
Fire l?e artment will be asked, to co -0 erate East half of Lot 108, Gloulnlock s survey ; west halt I t. p b , g g ,
p veals at the PointSt. C arses stockyards.= Fat bo REDUCTION
xn introducing a new system, bated o t'lte ata in moderate suppl3+ and sell at iso 4}c to 4 o! Lot 106, ClouinIoak a survey, in Seaforth, and Lots Beggl� $atiT ng money y buying you sell it, RED ! IOR 1
m� 17 and 18, east aide of Centre street, in E ondvffle, 1 ATES•
plan of sending out fire alarms. It is Su per lb. The sheep market was steady atf 3c ; lambs fl4
F B g" i i will be sold by public auction, at the Commercial
e4ted by Chief Clerk Knowles, o the n nice fete, 4c. 1 Hotel, In Seaforth; on Saturday, December 12tb, i
p y Big Re�uction.s on. Eger thin 'pORTLA teamcrsi3ail Regutnriyfr0m
$t FFALQ, Novomber�4.-Market opened dull and 1R9I at 2 ui, There are vat comfortable frame g
resbyterian Hospital, who originate the draggy ;attendance of Duyers only fair; values .gen. +
idea that ambulance calls, be sent fro the eratI �o to 40 ere t. lowar than laq! week for dwelling houses erected on each lot, very suitable for ND t0 Ll1fRPCiQi_ Direct'
shipping and export, 8-.25 to er ; bulls qnd oxen in farmers who contemplate retiring from business, and
Come along ever sod our stock is large, but the first choice will be the nLaiNri T wi yTg>; OaTss'
same boxes as fire alarms, by using se arr,ts Pp g P + are desirable investments. For further particulars ( g y y �' 1 Cabin $4'0 and upwards, ,Second Cabin
tight supply and flrni�r; stockers as feeders and conditions of sale, apply t0 , . P , $25.
o goals• In this tivxy policemen and there liberal supply ; good feeders in fa! errand, but ppsy ALONZO STRONG, ; best. Also a large stack of TRUNKS and VALISES, which will be bold at ISteerage at low rates.
would be able to summon: an ambulan a in a lower ; yearlings in liberal supply,'a�d rdinary lots or to the undersigned:. rices to suit the bu et'. Sale to commelaCe on FRIDAY November 2 i
'cry short time, and thus, no doubt save 15 to 20c off ; eomnT¢�rtn to good stoe ere barely 1250.2 F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor, p y , `�qth, ! NO CATTLE CARRIED,
many liv8a during the course of a ye r, As steady ; mflch cows t springers, suppl moderate ; F R M Don't forget this sale 4t .
it is now man a anent is dead bele a the markt about steady t strong for good owg. sheep J A M E S LEN 1 tit o N f 3 STATE SE NICE OF
y p and Lambs -Forty -fou cars (10 tarsi of Canada , �I E ; ALLAIN LINE
) balance five n tives, whish sold' for feeding i I f3TE'A3fSHIP$:
hourlarvae n accid which is often h if an Jambe, III HAV IL T O N • etc Mc I N N I � 1
boor after an accident las happened. This Pu eels at $r5 to 85.2 ;tat Canadas w re glow, the Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c, NEW W YORK G.
-Ir a now rennins to uItry, as will be the ease till C axle worth GLASGOW,
Present system is a disgrace, and she Id be atter Thursday , best anadas,85.25 to:�.35 ; choice, 1 s
Tm, roved upon witbont dela.. Proctor in Admiral � via Londonderry, every Fortnight, p y $5.10 to $5.20, not all s ld ; sheep were shade low-
- A TRUPLE FOR SALVATIONISTS. er. Hogs—Market slo and lower, withl 160 cars on OFFICES : 120 Young Street, corner Adelaide, Corner of Main :and John Streets in John Logan's Old Stand, Steerage at tow rates.0 and pwardg• Second Cabin,
A Temple for the Salvation Ar y will �0.
Tonon�o, November. 26. -Cattle --Got d stockers and 978 Bioor Street, Toronto, Ontario. 12.19
{loon be erected in thix city in the net hbor- brought from 3c to 3- per lb, according io quality, ;,---�Y `. Appppl to H. di A. ALLAN; L'f°htre , Or ,
hood of Fourth avenue and Four eenth and butchers' fetch abbout the same. O' al lot averag• 1 roWnbel BETiIJNE or hV. G. DUFF, Seaforth,
- street. It will be. built of brick, ith a Ing 1,100 lbs was takes at $33 per head,l another lot MONEY ORDERS 13Y EXPRESS, -The Cana I 1
granite front and will be an imposing strue- of 1,200 Jhs avera a �rought €35, and a few it ht dian Express Company rends money by means of 1.1- _ ''�`` G '''�`7 22.62
p g stockers were to en, at $24 each. wives moved 'money orders, which are absolutely safe, and can -..i-�1 �T.1_♦..j ■ s_ Township Taffies.
tare six storeys: high. Towers will b built slowly, at from 32.60 to 87 per hea&according to be ootained at any office of the company at very I'
on the front corners, two storeys in eight cfualtty- For mil stows an springelr trach was teow rates. The fee for sanding an order for $b0 is but SE g O Tg- As the firm of Hamilton & McInnis is about to undergo a chan e, W. J. g ed tax collector for th
sit 2 set in diameter. The first iia Twill slot at from 1130 t $50 per hel Sheep and ,A cents, and amounts: front 85 upwards may be - s ' The undersi n
d 5 € Lams -This trade was i slow. Butchers' and export sent at proportionate rates. These orders are pay- Hamilton having sold, out his interest in the business to Thomas Richardsonfollowingaop�ea on
lie arranged for stores ; the floor will be oc- sheep brought from 3ji to 8hlc per Ib • and lambs able at 16 000 places in Canada abd the United we notify all parties uWirig the
the Township
whip attend at the
� the dates Hamad, for the purpose of receiving taxes:
�' p g } y p g Hamilton & McInnis to call and settle their a due the Tawnshfp of Tuckers At Grant'g hotel .
anpied by the: publication office f the sold at from 63 to $3.7{r per head far chVf,these
e stock Staten, an are practically good everywhere, The
"' WarCry,"Ile Salvation Arm r art 12 60 to $2.7b for i ferias. A few were rates ora less than for any other method of send- T e, finest value in C nada at whol - counts before January l5th, 1892. Those not settled at that date will b a. m, until 4 m -
y ' taken for ehfpinent to Buffalo. Hogs ,hog brief- ing >=zones where absolute safety ie i►Qorded. The aforth on Satusdal ap ATavember 28, from 10 o'clon
'While on the third: floor will be the tr de de- 9 handed in for collection. . I Saturday, Deceiuber th, Hodgins'
10 it. hotel.; a til 4 lP.
nese was dupe and priey`:g weak. About Ithe only de. company will undoubtedly receive a Barge amount _of sale prices 1 �, l U, .r0 pound Cadd1�8. M.
partment of the Army, and on the fourth {nand was for good sOaz ht fat bas !at from $4 to the ublfe patronago in this matter. Six. W. Sosi>wx.
F H A M l STC? N & M G I fit. N do and afterthe 14th day of December 5 cents on the
TITII other ;4.25 to pr cwt, fi g P Pa P y' ,, ve ack a guaran sed. I _ dollar will be addatF t0 aA taxes duo. -
the "department of Blume. � v efghad off cars MLI is the Company's s agent for this district. 1228 y p is 1260.1
P I I �, JAMES CU3ftilNt#, Collector.
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