HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-11-27, Page 3", A . . I I . ; . I , . . . . - . . . i I 1 3 1 F I � I i . - I I r I . ; - I I I ! - - . � . . M � NOWN000000- i I ; - . I . � I . � - -_ .. 1 1. ., - I I . � I I - — , 1. . . . THP H $1TORG I __ . I �� __ i I r - . � t _. . _NoVB',qBER 27. 18.91. 1 , . . � � � - � ., I - - � ., . � - i 2 1 Watchesq i m I i I I . � :E H A - D It U I MP MANT 140TI04b. _L.) 11 0 � T.. . I - � -IT-Ine � ened to Omseir. 1Z was , - IN - T_�I_ A- b ' ) , , I ! , sire, lett some time 'during tilg 10111114 A note addr . I z . I Ivan stx.)pped� At a short distance lay & night.11 I ,�o written with evident baste, �ut in the pure �r. of Steers'for I I . r - I . I ATTLE FOI I SALE. -A numbe I - - � — i � - ! . 111- -,.-- - �_ i Clocksq stuall light -built craft, and Ruric thought he - Sclavonic style, and ran as MlOws: C sale, will Vwrago 1,200 lbs. eac AUo a good . I -1 .. - . ; � i "Then, send our fleetest yacht after hai-9 to JAMES bPROAT, � , I . I I I - — - 7 ". and send off scouts too on the r ads. ' Rune I 'FzODOR . RUMC: I have not 1248 — . - i . SSW a man upon her deck. He mentioned . had time cow about Ca ing. ,APJ)1Y I __ I — I ompanion, but an first learned of your guddenarrmt Brickyard. i _��- �� -- � — --.-. , I i . — ,� - __.— - ­ � I . � the circumstance to his c be taken, and if rebellion r nkles W the. sinoo I __ ff__;�_____ 4:�__�4_ .e- — �.:�_Z7-_Zi-;�=� �-�- I . . ___ I I , The bizrf 1 'lust � . . . "I � '. - ____ I I i --, I &ssuringr nod was the onlY reply. - risonment to write much for your , '11E - Clerk the Of SecG" Division � � I ..�__ I I . . - Jewelryy I , ,i 'ections, aud , wart of our empire, it shall be plucked out, and imp 01 -IN BEATT I V _�� I : Cwt his eye. about him in all (1k i ce, but you miy rest a 0" nt� C,ouimimioner, of Huront 00- _/\---\ " thl. � �_ --,-- � I . . - Court, C ,/ , - Z k114 al -In. Ovell though half the noble hj�ads shmuld Inture guidan i , , A . 11 thecount's - . Instri A9c"t. Ylind-' " . 1 47 �) ", - ; I � � I '. 1_�_ . - then laying Us hand upon that in so far as you� follow my Lie. =ions , - voyancer, LaDd ],can and Insurallob '. , - all. Find him, sir, (Wad or ahv��; and iii the I and 11to Loan. otbee-uyur Shurp a . � ,I .';'f / , he spoke- shall I will your after-lifg be happy and peaceful. invetim - 1-,89 V, ,,/ // ', . 0 1 1 1 ean time other wattei's . oki looked to. , hi�,in street, Seatorth //1 . - .,--.�' �, - 0 L ; - . . I.a W /, 11F Ruric, I am your friend. You' You Must at once make up your mind to �rust . Li,,,,'atore, . A i reodor - I I / I 1. . - I , - I � - and I know that T �., - , I I I Silverplated War'8 � I : dred in Russia, would kiiowho%v lie escanel. There must � me, and the time shall assure:11y come when and collipaDy JuDdki �, , I i I have no k -in ' i I No.NEY TO! LOAN. -Private I " "I � . I i i . � I � � �__ . . . !! � 4t lowest rated. � " �-, .. ,f/- 'I I I �e treachery somew livro. " I 1(),M,o uj priVaw �,_, - ." ... � c you Lad better form attachments somewhere shall thank me for it. If WO live, WO to -loan ­ , ,,, . . .n, I � . — I � I "I have been to the prison, sir6, and 1 have YOU hich! we . ,t- I � else, I can see in er in This iunds have bLien placed in our hands Nv , X ­ T 2 1 . I � � � your soul whitt others have all Russia. ; - . I I - i I I I t @hall meet again, but nev . ; uIs to duiG uurruwer. 1,uLaw -4 U � N I I J ade be inquiry I could. Th4 guard have will luall III b� isfact'o-Y. DIUK.�Olq ., i I --ine of ckOi#0 ; 11 -1 � I can see that you have I . . , - as yearnings upicted at, once if tit,10 sat I .11 � J . ! : T � 1 o 1 save isnotthe place for him who 11 . . I - w ' ! 7 - I � only imagined, . ' colc Seatorth. - 1143ti . . , . . ust arrived a ne mor spirit of republicanism in your �eeu rr;st- 1. but I -cau A&LIM 06ding above serfdom. I know the land of one's o's Block-, I unusuftuy . I � � .0 of the� "at j "I &RAYS, Card' . e,� NV 4 F - sold at 1 4 � " -,*,� "s - goods wb I, I L.116 ri r 1, �scaped. - ,:: ., I �, I � I I ." ..N"- , - -,:. 4 - I , n I - - I I soul than would ever be safe here. -'4cholas , birth is sweet; but when o els kindr-A are all � � 6f", ..­N-?:�, . �oner has c I visit the . I ,V I' ich will be . I "Well, o mid flad him; and I will I �, �,S seu- � � ! b s�__ --- sr -soul to 1, I To LEN D at 5� per cuut in surr's to � 0 .. n4',,- - . Low Prices. See the clock I AB& i � 41 L likes tirave men, but he ,wants these men r.ison mv� f2l I gone, then there must e 0 suit borrowerd first class farm 0, I" ;t�y . I I . . . s ,I - ;et 000 a great I - t in Canada. � � to instruments which he can r; and af ter the land if we would find joy. But'the very '". .&lbo improved farm for sale at ". 1�-_ inor 9t $2.50, cheapes � all Changed tn�gko,ff bow.-�d and witbdre . � 1 41 Ak, 0 1 � hold ill his own, band. Menzikoff has told le a 0, atmosphere of our land is like the food of the ' bargain. Fotlu �r owner left COIAnty. Apply person- . -_ - --,:-- - ,/'.'- 'I � I ,e tho ernperor com enced once . bollcitqr, uoderich � - I =It , ­�. � him of some ot y our republican speeches at., � I .1 Litophagi. . I ally or write. . N. LWW16, I . , I � 11 . Repairs of all sorts) also gold P, 1247-26 � :>_;�_ . � . . i . 110- - . . I 1 C �noro to pace -the room.. . "In Cireas", for the while, you must find I -,. � - .1 I y myself and sst�- � the festive board, and-" --- _�14 � � I 'Z don't know, 'Renzikoff, e actly what ___ 41-171- . j silverplating done b ! I . , ��, , ; � I ' 0 . I . r es!" utfered Ruric, a passage as soon as possibl ) the premises of the I AI I . : � (cMy republicau. speech a home. Find TRAY SH: EP. -Came ink4 � nteed. I r . 0 ebara is -y-vorth," he , uttered to ITR - ' - ,Qr%�1(14%"r,:,�E� -11, I I - . . : Isfaction guara t r . way at � - -a, and make your - I I � surprisecL eter - for the � Black SP r u, �d v.r,'rig n d Lot 10. ConcedSiwn 5, Township 11 - - ��- I - ­ � - I _. 1, somewhat �imself, with a curious shake f the head. Ickersinith o'n orabout the first of september, �% YI-5ht.4 1. � F ,,Yes� for you have spoken them 'when You I once to Mamai, on the Caucasian coast. ui ,u can have the � � . f I t all events, I shall look after you &E% ). Lawbil. Tiae owner charges. I 1 7 . . - ­ I �, I i I __ h ' There you will flud a guide'whO will conduct . � �/Z - - - - I R. MERCEIF t ) L knew, it not. They are the natural growth ,,, - ng property and paying 1248X3 - . , more for my gold1than you do 0anle by pKOv YOU may have - care � . MIN HEINKI , jEgmoudville. - . - "jmy 11 you across the mountains to the � little hamlet . of such a heart as yours - or �yyoauuthority. I - — I I thought that you paid all the allegiance to � , ichclas had begun to doubt I the -prince: of Stamyl, and when there inquire for the I � anted to let,the � ist in sticking to" the old, hard rut I waWnsaw, sodor*. . the emperor, but yet you never respected' I ' home of Albec. You will find an 'old man ONTRACTORS.-W Some women will pers . � � OTICE TO - . 1 u land, also clearing life, when the easy and pleasa I i6i laoul, seaftrft ' he ha -wood and . b4vo served. Mid f d reason, too, to. ao-obt many and his daughter there, and they will recefve I N Job of cut Jug mud "kidding the cord road is Open to . opposite Commere the regime under which vo thers-, buthe kept his own cotiusel. His tawlogsonfro 56tomacresof through DI my - . . - more re, Z57 1 .. or someihin. with open arms when you tell them who �address the un- ' many toil and sla, over the washi your soul has louggpd f the same. k*or urther particularm . them. For instance, - - M agle eye was open. He knew. where his you at, -upon the banks Of dersigned, BOXI 125, Wingh2m P 0. GEORGE . i . I noble than the atmosPher@ of tyrants and ower rested -not in the hearts of his people, sent you. In that retre 1246 tf. Steaming themselves half to death, and ru bing their fingures I HAND'MMADE i I r1f, you will find a peaceful THOMSON.' � bereas if they would use '_ kneeling Se s.!I '_ ut in theirou rule of his own will. .. the Karakouban the clothes clean , w : L( -so it has," murmured the home. Live there in content until We meet HS I C LL. -C. M. Whitney, of Soxforth, sore to g t Id do dW&JM. ..�,AFI I . m I Gee %PV � .. So it has it was in the afternoon that Menzikoff, I indebted W ,l sunlight' Soap and follow directions, t is Soap wOu I � . again, for I shall come there to find you. _. T A, �-'b- last O& I to th � Boots and Sh- 8 count., first giving a thought to his own feel- aiur, and weary with, f atigue and excite- s u%re tneir accounts. All not settled at E . mzing with wonder upon the Serf Obey me in this, and all shall be well. Trust iu *ork for them, and save the h use from, steamp I ings, and g I ent, - sat down in one of the apartments of in you. God be with you e w I bts pla td in other hands for collection, " most the Make up your I ; --- �� I I who- spoke such words. He now knew in- a, for I would serve 0 given up business and is. letsving town- Re, nd the ejothes and hands from injury — - I 1 - - .as at least an. extraordinary o and sent for his serf Ivan. The to the end. . IVAN." I her, tgi* -the very last warniag.-C. M. ' a - I I . - I . q .'Ze The . ­ 1241 tf. . - I Y i _. deed that Ivan w tirfTca and asked his master's will. " 1: - - mindto tr� it. . T ' R E :1 man,, be he an occupant of ,what social sphere c pondered long upon the eon- WH1Tt4]&Y-. I D . MCIN . i 11 . , -�rince gazed -up into the face of his bon'dman, YoUng Ruri - . . � .1 I I he might. IkSo I have," repeated the young W a shzdder ran through his frame. Ile tents of this note. He had no earthly reason ORSEMS W , ".-Wanted,goodsoundHorn"d � Has on hand a larNo num" 1kill � i .. 'ttle of true ,m ter Ightyears old. Apply two . of Booth &ad M '" of! � I , � noble,� I have lhdeed felt how h os ity of the wri . but he from four!W e � I �t , ways felt a strange secret dread to doubt the sincer H he little ew2l'up- owe aaake, bost xmterial wA � . humanity finds a place within the em rather had an innate forboding th -the path a half miles west of heuball near t 11 - .m . - - I � - 'I - I pire. ' xhen he found himself in the presence of a� Will be home every monday.' AUGUSTUSLUKER. .. LSON _A4,AL i 1 1249-4 I "I -know it him would result in I . � LUMS' EN &I WarrAnted to givQi Batts& : -1 k-ao,w it," resumed the serf. . I I I I Ivan, but he could not tell wbence it came. thus marked out for _ -_ - � W&I. But time is passing, and you must be &,god. Yet it was a ponderous question, and I I sure you th t : rhe serf had Come to him, through a pur- 04 a )wit of S l is discoveredL . Now, . tfis young count considered on it for a long IRACHE It WANTED for Union school Section No- - Gentl man : I Carl. as . It you wasit year.feet kepb dry coong NW I I off before your escape chase, with an estatte, 03out t-vo years pro- of .Hullett, a female teacher for As the name indid,ates this popu R your Balsam of Fir hlis given e .,aw Wots, whiek wW, b* sold � i you must place yourself wholly under my while; but he finally made up his mind to fol- 11 5 ' Towrivh�p nary lar remedy combinel the healing I ha I � . vious � and lie was valuable on account of LU10f Defartment. Duties to colurneuce Jan , . , . I J11 14 or further Particular@ apply TY very be a -1 0 It. A 8 H - ' ng down . The plan had � _ I to Secrets - t satisf ction, to D19 F 0 1 1 guidance. This small vessel is 90i t.he various talents be possessed -talents low Out Ivan's instructions there was n �, lb92. . burn P.O. 1249x4 and soothing properties of Glycer 0 ag C H. B A P ' � the gulf al�d she will land yon at novelty in it, and moreover 0 W. D. wiLSON,.Au sold moi of it than any other co', � Golgaup. - _ � . : 0 - - which he professed to have gained. from & ___ - - e with the well kl4own virtues of , !71 :: iring pro - ' T,_, . . other plpm to oppose it- Had Ruric enter- Lnd brick yard in nedicine I ever ha,&,_a11d Dever haR .r8h _r "tenaod *_ ,L111 bimft Of I The captain is a man to be trusted, and ha n GOOD CHANCE. -Tile D to rent, y i , to or4er. All pAfKQ6 wile -10" and you wUl find it to your advaii- friendly p iest. I , tained any plart of his own forming, his de- of long standing and within a qu,arter of a mile Fir Balsam, its wonderful . sea mad I p1mm Go . ­1van,11 said the prine , -now A den and . I . i . his orders$ a did you I anything ploase my custOme paid t4aeir secovitO for lw6 year wil I I � ut I -all so,rc-iness, D, 8 . I tage to trust him fully." uiric. w , as inipri�oned ester- terminatio'k might tirussels, water and good clay. hoube, gar' - SIN. effiCRCY In rellioving & Mer1r I settlo uP. I . i I have beau different; b -1 c,.,h a ; m . - ind a final refuge? I that tho Count P y as such was not the ewe, lie gave himself up stable. For further particulara apply to W. M 9-2 m1the throat and ' well. s . MCKIBBIN) - . � r ZiBut -where shall I f CLA IR, 13111380P- . 124 and irritation fro , D. MeINTTRE. S,"forth- I : can -not remain at Golganp." dav?" more readily to one whom he feared not to -_ -- . L Leadbu - . � 1169 i ,,Of course not; but the captain will find ,,yes, my lord," returned the serf, showing trust as -a friend. — or School Section bronchial tubes, I � no sians of perturbatioiT. rVIEACHER, NVANTED.-wanted f I Male Prof ered. . ! P& hiding-plac,3 tbeTe, until he can get you t� . it was quite dark- when the little vessel ar- _L No. 2 Gre�, a Ttacher for 1892. Kivinz ,ex- i . I you a on know that ,during last night ',8 stating salary debired and I Awl J "And did y - anp; and while she Applicatiol L . � . Here is a packet in . .i . . rived s,t the pier in Gol.- pefience .to beaddressed to the underisigned before . - . i 0 I a passage to the Levant had escaped?" Rurle ecretary, Cmn. GLY6ERATED BALSAM - - I � i you will find full instructions for your he by the officers, !JOHN ST]jwART, 8 I I � which '� t ut I hardly gave Was being e'-`�aminod Vecemb�rlst,: ; � ET. i : e- 11 heard he bad es��3PO(l, gular crew, and brook P.O. I __ 1249.x4 i e., Hamilton 'Nov. 6,'8 � � . future course, and if you hope for peac and story.17 � passed for one of - the reg . - _ Fast Av .7 , � I I them out. credit to the I Ludowitz obtained permission for himself .--- i � . happiness hereafter, You will follow - -Well, it is true. He has ,In a . Y STEE R. -came into the premises of the Messrs. Lumsden,�,& Wilson, Sea- ___ i e e � � I se�- d me a and crew to go into t e town that evening. Messm � Lumsden. & Wilson, , $ - your father, when he lived, 011C0 di � ersigried, Lot 14, Concet siou 3, Township of � . . � t have had help. Tw of the sentinels E"u','Ad t I PURE - - .. , q the young of November, a forth. � � - . � great service, and I will now repay him by mus Accordingly, at about ten o'clock, Tuckersmith, on Or about the 1st I 0 forth, Ont. f . were found asleep UPO Itheir posts this . ey about him, and -old 9teY and red Steer. The owner can I . I I Take the packet and I, to count concepled his mon one-year ) 10 i ., � � - being kind to his son. -morning, and under such %rcuinstances a. . y, proving pr9perty and paying Gentlemen: -Will you please r�- P OWD I I "I read it atter you have got safely on your I with extra clothing Upon his person, lie to]- have the game b UR, Kippeu P. 0.1 OD%. leb of F Gentlemen.-SOme time ago I . I , . leave no doubt tbattheT �ere drugged with lowed the captain up from the dock. charges. 1iUO11 mcuREG 1249-4 me one half 4zen bott ceived a bottle Of your Roy I , I -way. Come, we will go on board." Do you .. . Send I - I I I -van turnp-d toward the sm, I 40me powerful sleeping-potiou. . 1,1 sh ! I � . —.-- -_ or R 1 al Glycerated Balsam -of Fir . : all vessel as he . a7n't be. able to conduct you to a . Glycerated Balsam of, Fir, and four d - 1 i � i . . not thing that You could help ine to arrive r nice place," said Ludowitz, as thOY On- I OUSE FOR SALE OR To RENT. -For Sale 0.1y - e a bottle of this it invaluable in relmoving a case Of 2 poke and Ruric, followed him. The captain at the mystery Of the thin,0:7 � very Ill to Rent -that pleasantly situated and,comfort- per faxpress at Onc y � I "' - I formerly 00- ha - ! . � I was Upon the, deck, but it was too dark to The serf eyed his mastei� most keenly, but : tered a narrow street, fe abits residence,on West Goderich Street, s be�n in ray posses F se,rere cold with ,Ny�hi�h my daught�3r I . I er mind that, so long as it is a sa per. There is hard and @oft pr paratiOn ; distinguishbis features. There were one or 'Nov cupied'by My J. H. PY' ! � I . : . I ; e time. L, i hecould discover no __ ,as Of suspicion 41 � ;� r and a largo garden. Will be Si n for som I gave i� to a ,a, then affioted. . I shall only �e L E - . "o men. forward, but they could only be ' place," returned Feodor. - water, a sple�jid cella' e terms us the owner has . I I . - his countenance. His face only exibited sus- � 411t will be safe enough, never fear. You sold cheap or rented on easi n Buffering from Sore Throat) I too happy to recolantend it to oth&,s PUREST, STRONCEST9 SINT- i . I - . � I left the town�: Apply to DR. SCOTT, Seaforth. m ; , � seen in outline. plexity. � i -morrow I . 1249 tf. =foruselu unntity. For Mlkluff 8044 p . peuse and perl &c. He now wants it ii .e. -tz 11 said the serf, addressing the ' shall remain there to-ilight; and to . I Aoarseness, I d R and intend to keel) ng Water, D)"wrinlecting and a hundred Oth( i ,,, know not what I can do,"' Ivan return- . . - . . i "LudoW , - .[ � i., v0unft'lill 80dA6 i A will come aud tell you what chancb there is . , � 4 1 commanderof the craft, "bave you got your, ed. -I know nothing of such matters. � The R SALE.-FOr, Sale, half dozen fo,11'r himself an - 1 enclose $1 for two bottles, wbi�,h A can equals 20 1 2� . . URIIAMT�ULL CALF FO this Vo- sold by An Gromrs and 10rucesta. i � ; to get away." � l WCXX-4a3MtA0 � 1 permitr, c1ldiers should be the ones to take the ed Durham Bull Calf, 8 months' friends. Yours Tr ly, JOI-IN MOF- please send at your earli0st cOn I 1W. I � sailing s I the guide stopped in front of a 11) a Thor6ughbr � . it,s all right- I am at liberty to go- . I : Atlength I telred,pedigree, and from a good milk- � . - I I � . . I old reg . � , .. 'Yes, I track." be. young fel� low wooden house; and having knocked at the An I "*'" on The Davis side. 110 tar, k second prize at FAT ielnce� J. BLACK. ____ ! � - 2' I � the sc)ldiersall loved _ g '.train lie will be sold cheap, apply on ) i � I I . . I � when I pleasa "But �y an old man whose the B,u's I how . .1 r(Good, man of whom �, door, howas answered I 1'C'4.',e,;iO. .12, - Mclijilop, or addr.n I I I ; � low, and I hardly think would catch. 12494 1 i I garb .O. -n -m ME D I . I i This is tho Young . the� huoiblo- circum. Lot 8, _ %JLU � - spoke, to you this evening, and if you owe me,1 - Iamafraidjhe,%,ill escape, showed him to be in his hand - CkiRISTINA, KcKEE, Leadbury P COUGHX - - . . I I -b,t for the, kindness I kave shown you, you him if they could stances. He had 0, lighted candle in - ; . E GRI EAT _. I - � i ,Lug GeV- him the �rst I and in'such a Case ' know not 1how much of and casting a shade upon his eyes, be peer�l HBRED DURLIAMS FOR 8 LE. -For TIEL * will be faithf ui in this. 11 1 i eceive. I have . HOROU�,�, short i1orn Bull Calves from 6 to 13 i � I . . the emperoes wrath I sbal I see who it was that thus disturbed T sale 9 . . 8 Bull, Sea. Dear Sirs : It is n0w about 1'r ' Beautify Your Homes With passage, to the Levant you can. His mone -vessels down the owf in pursuit, Out to . months' oldi got by the Pure Cruiokehank Messrs. Lumsden I& Wilson, 0 - ,, I first tried.your Bals.m. . - � _� sent two wn the other him. "PerfeotiOa��,9100; &,so & lot of good youug cows I ; years sine is safe?" - and scouts have gone do city. "it's Ludowitz,11 said the captain; 1�so don't and k�effe J [!&It to Perfection. The above animal -9 . forth : - of Fir, and I have never Since b en "Yes," way; but after all, Ruric ma: r be in the, 'ear, Malsm 11 pedigrees and will be wid c i Gentlemen: Yo�r Cough medi- I . In he . I ey to I an. Fifly head of , a 0 0 A� On eN a W suit purchasers. .. without it in the house turnin h av to is ARTIST ,v,�,,,t7 'I ,,Ruric," said the serf, � I ic � I L t1iink he must be, for he could 'not have nt � orn I _'eu ft ro� I)AViD Mli,Nig, Ethel. Glycerated lBalsam of. Fir, meni- P _ i'l have made rather free use of your I - I want of von is ' �L 'LUgh!" said the host, with a sort Of gru to select 0 cine, Worst attack of cold I ever re count, . I so easily. What - ue spontaneously from his short It T . � ,ap. I went to your house this eveill- gone out -.know you are that seemed to iss . — . � .; sells well with me ; the longer I once, ' 0 — the com I mouey-b tolook through the citY. I I SEf.r'OR SALE. For sale cheap bet haying, it gAye Telief at four thousand ducats in on would stand great fat paunch. "Any liquors on hand this OUSE FO , at h�ye it the more I think of it. I alwayff I ing, and obtained and I think L tortalble frame cottage on GoderiN street* . and with the children we :. WALL PAPER0, imperials� our friend Ludowitz h' keen and Nvitty, _� e?17 - H, . uneth Me - Ig than any one tim - t owned and Occu ,led by bir. Ke and -can always ( � 9 hero OoMs and woodshed, and - O be goo4 . 1. - golden . f" a better chance of succeediiI - " khow it t find it the best and safest rem dy. � t now. I've got a friend ir ntaim seven I r � them, and of course they are at Your serviqe. else; for people will not mist�rust such U mis- ,,No, no, no for the night. He's one Of L,t d.n I t c Rble on the I lot. There is ILISO 10if Of r�comwend it ,y6th confidence. - ructions of the pack' I sequ ntly the alarin who wants safety therois a �6 I : This desirable residence H. L. PRINZ, Zurich. . Now go. Follow the inst ,, sion in a serf, and COn shelter I im. You shall be g�od hard d soft water., Merc4ant', Walton - I L Vu us, and- you must )Vrietor is leaving town. W, K. N BALI L . , . t with the N,ewest Goods and and you sball be happy- I will not be so quickly take , Ivan. if - I willbeSOI ,boap,ast'1119 prc ly on the premises. . , I can ao i . ,,But one word,,, exclaimed the count, ito me, I will give paid.' , - I For f irth-1 particulars app, 1249if e ar ! will bring Feodor Ruric tol I � moticed the ,,,,, u 9 M,LFOD. ;P SORE � at Bottom Pricess I whom all this -was passing more lik a eam liberty. What sa� - �Old Malsman had not before NZT — . -_ COUGHS) C 0 L D S) . 1 6'W = � 11 you your , you?", hero; but,at the representa- _-�---- — I i � hen shall I see YOU a E'am. There was ish to dl9PO150 Of a good . I I than areabtY� ., IL Rush upon th ' face of the serf, prese ce of our —_ . I �, I -the � was a tion. of Lfidowitz, he looked kindlT upon hi ,V .FOR SALr-_1 I When in full flow has . Wi�nipeg, Nov. 7.'89. h, - - ; When sball, I know what all this means and his nether lip tremblediland there M Co"Milking cow, 7 Y",ra old. ' Lumsden & Wilson, , SeafdrV P : � the home. . b _� , �jjt milker, I , -motioned them to follow into, . . given 12 u do ut ,er per week, grc t, cor- I � I et bright sparkle in his black �ye t od building 101 essrs. Lumsden & Wilson. If you contemplate repairing you 11110,41d seer of this strange movement oo, but his and T ! -9 a sort of'a store, in calves I ILS92. '11EO ago _,N1 1 4 . C�lf we both live, itshall not be many years, master noticed ot his emotion. . The I Lrst aPftrtmOut wa at 16C,lyn, fling Streets, for sale, or I d your Bal8am Of Ontario. ee my selection and get MY PY10ell- i � months. But when . . 'ty," he said; whic i appeared almost everything for sale ner of M4rket and 8 a rse, I We have handlb - I 1� L and perhaps not many &,I .,fill look through th� c.- would tra41efOranytbF111g useful, such as- he 1117 I with 1EE . i . see you. :Be I, - I whic I wa's of no value to anybody but the 0. 1. LANGSTROTH. Fir for a few years �ast and Dear Sirs , Please find encl)sed s - we do meetagain I shall come to but I can have no hopes of !success." I all bug hirvese, Cow, & 1249.2 - from 'D 11 C, I all � be 14ar et Stre, ; et, Seaforth. . . $ faithful to my instructions, and all sh' . I �avc your liberty poor But old Maisman did not expos4 Ue I ihe greatest satisUctiOn to us 6 'Remember --you. shal. . � I . . " oil." I ?) 7 the C oods which he had for sale; for there — -Strayedfrom given univeriml L-JL'U $1, for which send me two bo �tles - 0. W. P A P S T ' So I well_ Adieu, now, and may God bless y I if you do- succe�d. i . kY CATTLE. the fiLct that it ha:s Fir � L The serf turned, and was gone. Ruric . f were M REJVARD.-ESTR, Irey, about th� Ist Of cu,ctomers. We 0 of Royal, Glycerated Balsam Of . .9 . " � some tbiugs in his line of trade that he Lot r,, Concession 18, C 111T I willitry, thoucrh I'am uiDt f0r tL" Present $5 � faint 'in the I I I ,-, I . - I chos not to be questioned about. He bolted . September, five YeAt-old Cattfe, three steers and two §atisfaction to 0 ndreds of mail or. express, and sF,AF0PLTH-_ . heard his steps as they grew ty," I s ass- - ed and the heifIrs spot- Sent iyou ha , he: could hear the�m�no over-anXiOUS a�out my libeftl your the outer door as Soon Leifer# The steers are 11 r t. a ring could have . b etum ' distance, and when . ,ht thath person 0" all marked wit recordA y r , Stroug'rilley more, he bowed his head upon his han&, Land 4'Ah I I had tAoug a nt of ed ii, and then led the way to a little back ited rea ,,�d ,bite. The are f 0, will be �iven for timonials had'�wc kept a . I A rew rd o i - -_ m uld chafe und4 the restr'i oblige, JOHN PHYTIR8 � ag dod! of . intellect wo , 9 . 11. -fire was burning in a , I t ear. �overyj of these t,h, , best , led, wanderii � - room, where a cOal mation ag %%iU lead to the rec m� W, cl sit as the sank into a puw I . Iq Walton . 48 Michic,an. . I bl.#,rfdom." i f I I able furnace, which stood in the j antnialv.,� A,pply on the i 6bove Lot or addrei t1f, I I � _ _ the pur- T, Chippewa Coulit.T, 0 1 ,1248x4 tie,16-' the MOket for I . , 4,80 11 might w ' ' in . . thoUght. erO itnot that. I am small port . I L sir,17 said Ludowitz, 'I for I perhaps. I fr4lace below the chimney; and with the p. 0. ROBERT BLAII - ar LL & Co. E FOLLOWING 11 Don�t fear, run to well cared for where I am � You in a meas- .. A. W. BT4EA8DE . The ! - few tools which lay about, it w __� ll' LE1913' Wn, Campbell, Seaforth, POSe BIG BARGAINS IN T11, � . will do the best I can for you, � much the serf �4 I. �iou fear the r smil - I and I;think ure, are as busily engaged in mend- )111),J,',i.,' "' ' i agent fortheH GoIgn-ap Will be Safe onoughl , I ar �ou. I hav the old.mau had been I . been app6iDtei I Company,- is now _ET ' ouble beyond there. 1 Take emperor more #au I fe e seen )otterY. . I ton Provkdent Loan and Savingi MAI BRONCHITIS, &C � LINES AT 8 ; v - thor will be no tr I 0 --n that that ing ASTJL�L I it in some English book so" d .1 ,e wine,,, said Ludo- ! - i y I I princes' ;­ on will bring us� s*0X � prepareA 'to effect loans on the most ta orable hearti, Sir, I know your 1 trials' " . iterest 6 P r cont payable annually, � - . . - o, reply, .but man is most -wretched whol hang -S On . ken a seat. I " 'n es,�n ies jeeiring money Will necaptani, stopped to hear n T as soon as he had ta. v V I " c%,'rs� ery light. !art ,y calling on me before I � turning to his men' whom he bad ordefeJ up favor. Have you nevor found it Eo?' ' ' ' i consult illeir interetts:1 N TE R"S � nd the serf 14'lStDau &a,va an afft��Tnative gr,411t. and , , � Menzikoff looked up anil'fou 0 7 � own e ,.. WK, CAMPBELL, Seaforth. 00U I he proceeded at once to get . borrowik elsewh r 1 1239 tf. - A - wSHOESO �. : I in ;, from below, gazing upon him most in , usely, and again ' started Off. Captain, turning to .� __�_ -.- ND -:- � and eye 10,19 e li1tt: vessel , -, -,11 re BOOTS. _ - . I under weigh, the mouth of he trembled. 1 There was isomething in the 4, NTO fA LL on had bet�er lot yourself pal -11 I' -,it the residence in Har- � 1. — I . . - . was making her way out from � - look that met'his oWn thal affe(tted him, he the count, Y ou�k TO RENT. -Tore i . elry Store, a saw the last di'm out � r it Maillman owes much to that H p Lithey formerly occupied by the late M. Me- i Jew L, , ired . . Neva. Feodoi Rurl ,iggler. -en thoroughly TePa . i TL., TL en he ) .. a knevv not nov� He could not account f 0 as JL SMI id It has recently b ,, I E3 91- 1 Enes of tile island shore, and th U(7 t - 0. people, and be will do r.11 in his power Dorm 1: most comfortably and commodious rtsi- 1�1 . - I . he was nearly overcome by -be onlY knetv that it wal s olam of e of them. On that point he is g,r.d is Thare is nearly three acres of laud on which . , - place of rest, for I 'There could be little USIP in arguing such a to protect on . t also a good � a ripty of large and bMall frU" I - . I t - !T�����, ��� I' t ' 7, 7 7m, P 77 ���� I ' ul, , , -A number Of Steers f; 6A F ,01 J SALE ( ..; J0 ��'. ".� �;�.. go , . i,2 "'villF "" t ..r.g __ . .. , L_______�_ I 'I ____ I � ! � , � " I �' ` It � e 71a f � 1011 __ 1� - — 'T'CE To Job ol'ut I g, on ro , I , 'n". kor , 0 VI In to qq "" ' I , � U ul ��' once will b td I as gi " P'a bl� our h bas n.up .Ib.r, t_ I* nom IT'NXY �_ ,_ _ I __L _ . - "-, . I I I the. fatigue and excitement through ,W i aich he clueztion," tb Priam at 11on,th said. with fixe& It will do you no barm, and it will �Xee nac ev' bedroomst with parlor . ,. M ntity. I stable. !There are five ntry. A gooa ' � : �om, .large ki had passed. . I julm,jugs.1 in his manner; help you to preserve Your real ide st dining-rc tchen and P=soft water. - I — � Something o I ,scaped from . and hard 1 0 ext 15 Days - i � are i1i will teil him that you have c wood h�use and cellar, : h I h,Lve uo doub� that YOU Rum, Sealorth P- 0- I . - i 11thou- I . Apply ,Z� ANGUS M DE . 1241 t.f. ROBERT W I LLIS ' -For the n 'I, , - . CHAPTER Ill. i every 0 vay qt alified to sapport your side of petersburg, and you may be sure Of his help I I :i . I _. - ­ - . - ,, _ . A FRI-N,CE A.T HOME. i question I But. ,m) nbw and commence and sympathy. But I am in hopes that you .; - '_4�, -----,— - tAE. I we � are no:w ready for a big seasO . s busi- — the . e to remain here long." * ) ,STOCK FOR Sk -David of th�l rooms . Fird him !if you can. Find will not bay Li;�REL I f sale 9, few choice Short, Our Fall 400ds have arri,�Cd and T Rockford, Elgin, Waltham.1 Trenton� w7holas of Russia was in One vour search I �. " *.-this for he felt T11 N . iEthel h s or 1A f. . A VVPII: selected as 0 a impe,i-iai palace. He had eite 11irr ad no ou,jeu Q- I . n , 0 ng a largo 9b" �_ a his . to , , and you shall be Rurie h I �ix to twelve montub 0 P 6- ow carryi I udbong Mill .1 Cal s. We are f these Swiss and Waterbury Watches- Ameri- � of th �p uric a I wishes of those who hornBV ,11 ,,Perfection.*' Also nea I e intend to dispose O ; -1 t I und to consult the DkBi , and W I -7 - A � ,-, fhe-nureC ice 'I 17 -es and s trade ni -1, 'R1Q;A 11�. I � - en�aoed in .[.I i 1) bo - -L 4! � +him Season ) I I i4 Simple. breakfast, an W-5 aninty rev."Ll M - . I an ) Lambs anQ a Lew . f some of his . -tn�ent, but _qenzikoft were assistiuX him, and when IuRls gon Ltices r Shoes and _Ku 11 ero %i can, English and brencli 0 By . '111 -le serf Jel. - the story as be 8 I � I si short of room I will sell either L I reading the correspondence o 't the a,)ri turned, Ludowitz told him Ewe LaMbs.. ,er]316. goods at the 10 I est possible prices. � . ,M and cold as an at tto prices and on easy t and Barton, Meriden, Britannia, Simp- � ministers. His face was as fil . old huckster regarded . of the v4l�ove ,In ]DAVID MILNE, I � & 06's. Silverpla,ted I ice, and his great brow, was dark and heavy. littl* dmm-" Of tke � ohalracter of the m had planned it. The . - I �_.,*. tie to sele2t fro - I _�_- - son, _Uall, Miller I .1 Fifty h�.Ld of c i244 tf. KIP BOOTS I upon the to whom he had given h1sl mission. the n favorably,l and prom's Ethei,oMatio. � � __� ,- Ever and anon h Prince to hiluselfl ' 1. r__ - cf Cana Ware. Fancy Goods of all kinds,Pipes, ; such tini,es there ,,ITpontn life,,IsOdt�e I that edtodoallinhispowerto aidhim. Inthe _1:1 ������� ke missives. he read, and at, . his ,L,there is Something a ut that Man of balf an hour the captain. left, but ----- - - �11� ,� �� �����111111111111�1 .... - IFOR SEWV ICU- ip for -this season 100 pairs of our own ms les to Suit all sights. � i Spe(�tac I - - r. would come a slight chan.p. over tliustworthy, and yet course Hi BOARS ! We have made t e cheapest Boots YOU . I 11 hicb puz7lea me. � He seems - sef ul to before he went he promised. once more t0'b8 i. . ts. Farmers! these are th . features, but whetiher the emotions w r I tremble when I trust bim- He is u xt day. Rurie -The diaa and Fren h Kip Boo . f the best FactoryBoots made, atisfaption 0 and _�;OA �!FOI� i Cheater White Boar 1- W I outw . I thein birth were of s his libertY to on hand In good season the ne OR SERylo& , undessigned will keep, as they eaf two pairs 0 These goods must be ' cleared out at . � at would give� him -, prize Can Uuy �or my XMAS . gave- � me, but Y r . conversed &while with his quidut host, 0 ,i,ds p I 4g I -once I to make room f dislike none could have told Tb ' B f�iir service a thoroughbred I Ce makes Me -1111- and has taken Ist - !, he outtered got rid of him, for his, prdsen .I be then he signified his desire to retire. P;g, his is a" ' 1Z payable a� the time Of - BOOTS. � parties wanting solid gold and , I " By the hand of Saint Pet'er, I count'he shall n ;herever shov 'at' i_ Conces-, FAOTORY MADE I stock. - ie! TI . s, &&I easy. If he brings me t leeping- to which he was shOvv - I , pr Prietor, Lot 2' . . r goods LI(I . r, apartment BENN I ms in Canw* silve, L f, as he, moved as ot. I am do- s! ic with a little square gable%- service WM. L 1 T,.OX5 � . for XmaS Presents 8110ul- ,ide, the pope . to, himsel . . The free whether he wishes t or. u 11 . was a small att sion 17 Grey. 11 e stock of Factory Boots from,the beat fir so that I Jaust bring the Turk to his ku�es . ore. �� ___ .i_� �_� - we Carry a larg � leave their orders at once . .m by, 6no-lu vice on . is - i - and why should the infidel t-ermIned to have h' ot to be rid window. GNED will keep for ser re to suit you in theee. order 'from - * L"71J110 mine ban ftt Alexander Menzikbff wasn - "Suppose YOU have your break -fast up HE UNDERS1 Conamion 2 Morris, tbe at prices froml$2 to $3.50. We are su Wall have plenty of time to - ' . am hold its keys in his fo di i s� easily. He had several times pre T stj'uth half Lot 29, rig, A-GrangO - I seamless, � just tilte thi manufacturers. . . of his ser the , I I 'ng the voy miva to the same effect, bereV'said Maisman, as he setthe Caudle rou� hbred improved Yorkshire Why sbould my ships have to ttike 0�0 fa do' up his upon the table. ,,You'll be sxfer up here, Hero.' Torms, 01, to be rid at the ti=e of service, Men's Boots, bellowfi-tOuged, r'vete'l or Boot � A, Of viously ma returning it sec,seary'. Pea- 11�ce gooti Solid uld not 019 � f -t? eon carried out. He thO every day wear. A es, , of another? W�hy sho o; had never b know its best to be on with tile priyilega of I -an to ihe OwDe". omen's Lace Boots for , ' ' fine Watch clocks I JW at 25c. ainng - wear the o . but his plau I I able to be easily and of course You - gree laav be seen On &Pplicat , JUTI16 for plowing. I lf and cordovan. Lots of Women's Slippers Rep � tha Bo9phol'0113 W found .Ivan too V�lu safe side." � wa.90N. i a. -gpeeialty. Goods sold c- -It. . o banish JO11:N I I also t�e best in ca jewelry . Q, I hato. th tt crei:,( the for $1, ' r aud Grauby, three of the and _�'. i tooXt possessio - `4 . upon their flax. -,I I I with', and he had,tried tc . ,,Certainly " replied Ruric, rather liking )dyear Glove, 0olcheste : . � im; I want to Ile , (Z -The under I GOC ian Rubber I , I i parw L . a of h KSHIRE SWI) - I) Canad 11 , ; I It L- the bane of tay life "I, i 0 fea�s that � he did not :�U71.VOBRED ashiro Swine, We carry Rilbbers (Iso4conds. .- engraved free of 0 Rege. Strang I J! ned br -bred BC . These A �__ ' - � I _ ­_ # left, will rltl:z F,v i 9 I ., 0 s.)nk6, 0 k . " -110 some the oughbred boar. be ,h d not do I t though idea, for in truth ning any P e of pure He h make . rms make no sold ,ror clasped his ha I . , t" ow d to the old man's questiO . .11 . as best AlneriC9 The Enipe but be 00111 I - expe will k p for as ice' a thOr wg for sale, do*, runks and Valismi- A- few R. U N T E R 1 I on I , ere IL11 imaginary ng boarls and so hand. T W. 00 . I 'Ir.1 I g . alldcommenced pacing the room times fancied that they W more than he coiild help. � also a i umber Of Yo " 1 registered pedi- Oo's. goods stways on h , , at sometimes good season, (916). III for CAB - . I - - dark 1�ngs tb count given - .1, were other ti 49 all have breakfast in - I cend 0to of I I Huro Chief D C00ces- Liberal dig i - There were But there o'knew You sh ly on Lat 11 I cost to ma�e rooM. I I heavy strides y ill Vie -:,-_:t,, lay eQ off. H t.z comes I will show hi i � Prices reaso ab)e, app! WM. 90ALLISTMR, at I Jeweler, Main St., Seaforth. schemes In his mind. A-way-i"I'le fKoubled the. Prin ! 3(enzik of his and when Ludo vri c r addr"a 1 J?A70 . � the. golden ga��.e of th,. east, an.l !he, 11,,Triarch bowed to Win on account up.17 sion f, Stanley .. I � � that people I Varn P. O., onearl, WILLIS , - ,.v.,r thero. lie because of him- - )Prepiredat ---------- —, I 'ROBERT � I - I t h is po' I reall6h but they hated! him - I � of Ruc,,ia would -_Olnu -'If of '" 9 I I be, When Ruric, was left alone, h( om being . — ndersig�ed *ill keep ' I � forth I 1;0,-�,,-n �o, lit ll�rd the hewt may room was far fr JR1RE BO A,R.-The u - I : No. I OvAy's Block, Sea - i was not coutent with the don i self. -No n atter how . . - The ' E�xswv,,�_B� 0 , grownson Line, GODER10H - Europe. H6 -was in this mood vi -116:1 'it) was nor how Ous the'bu4ian. emotion, the soul once to retire ircuinstances, the B, n Lot 22 Conce Bo�ar, to wh1oh f . I . —_ * � of t48 I'l-h3ce -hat state where the clean, and under ordinary C indeed to whom SIAD47, it Thoro4l ghbred Berkshire $1. � � I - i a li ,ited number ol w will be ken. Terms, of - - � interrupted by tile Latranct i cannot . brown in1to � e eary nviting; of,, ic. with the rivllege i c. I s Boiler 4orks. � 0 1 � ri not produce A cer- m I f est Could have been i e of the . 16 -at the time of Be ice ]�S L team . ,inT)crc:kr af;�-(,-_l stop- of ui*ry.� MetlzikOff 1219TA , ; (nTABLISHED 1880.) � , "Ah, what novy?­ the P . .ill- -'UU Out in tain de ckless re- but -our hero found it be IN . . ! ing in his walk. "What bi " Jr live content upon t,he js�irjt of re but he imperial dungeons, and he &do hi self Pri , oxytiold P. O. I ' FURN 9 1 . I Menzikoff. . batred of 00d men "v 4 tried to such a p ace o r iter tW& on rot � Bg if necessa ry. 1C MWALE, Pro- I ' ACES I , , p . � things that �pposed him, - : a, -1 ------- � STO 9 . � such baste?" all d asfarastheRC MmOdat'ous T � gard at . would quite contente , � I I i . . 1. ; , sire,',� returned 2,leilzikoff, trem- ak-e jt wor . Conscience Ile was a f1i'gitive--not I I iders Mee ing. , I 1. "Bad news, . ere concerned. i I - I could' . � Shareh,D lerip of th � Kippen Pub, I 1, ,_ there was One w y -and he know I I � I I � : speak - and Uen, . I I I � . . &. Black, . I _YrKun tting of the shareholc Pub- ! � I bling. sometimes m justice, but from t A- imite will be hoU , in the . Ch stal - - come to ,ne: ,,.I th bad that kept �p a loud whispering fro' , re to be do- d), on- I � . of ry . "Bad news! DoWt other thilif � . death. awaited him it he we 1i6 I a I company (I f Kippen, on ruesday eT4 i � to every ty-ranizing that cold- , Village 0 � ie general public to� our ItIk � lie 1:6 1, �n t�he I &tfention Of 0 - . 1g9l, at 7.30 P. M. for the tr1P9 - , a - 11 I1V ,.inch alroadv BY --a companioti . the 1. tionary � 'L in his ear And . He wfts yet in the reallh Of the ecem e I on with the * I ewsnow. e enough of rf had a tected " lot We lish to Call I M&hufaoturers of all kinds of Sts my soul, Menzik-off, I've ha thi! coward -FEAR! i or,andbe expected notsRfOtY iDg no I I . � P � . 7 1 '7 1 Maria � I of Irent,ral business in conne e, Uprigkt & Tubular - I -ld is WIT.- p : i unti,1 he could r I the said qompany- whi. DOI , SeeTttAry- 1 - w� have the latest,btyleS an , designs 1, � . morning to make we mad. The 1rol , lace. hearted em � per each some other land. act, n� - te. ' � 1 4 � � is I . . I Ideep until long I Affa rs, of oomple � : -2 krae and I . ad upside down, and rank republicauisin I 1 49, � hich is It , ____�_ young count did,not . . S, W! i � 11 I The: . . - � STOVE � : I I mrd I ; . . ' � Josep wanLs ray and when heawoke he h . � I I st � � ; � I amous ; running riot. Poor Francis I -Irl ns, and the - CH,&P#R IV. after inidnigbt, i . . 1'0!,1,1l,1 Hall. i th ,,I BOILERS i ", o0tat the door. I r cs Model 11 ' (3ook Sto-ve and e . aid againi5t the insurgent Hu ngari :1gvoiceof his b I I e I The I 1) ' I Sit . i I . . A ARK �EGIffNING. the grunth i I - I and our p4es are right. I I ! lion is rolling on. 1 But what . I paus, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iror Works, . wave of rebel I I . . ff Idseethrough his ,window that the I � 11 � I owitz to I ,er con ; roy,erty on ]gain Street (between I Salt - came you to tell me?" i ad! Captain Lud gun was shining on the top$ Of the neighbor- I I I Forolone having ao") suitable for - � cialty ol Furn6ce : etc., etc. � Feodor Eturic foul and ut of bed he put on Usil Traci and tho Huron I ,f selliag ,the .1 We make & Spe L . - i . the desiroun 0 1 ' - the lead this semon I "Ruric has.escaped." � I ller�',ous-hearted Mau, ing houses, and leaping 0 I - n =1 and I arket site, rim k are taking I I . boa-kitil and 9 . . and then li of same and p . parlor COO i i . "The Count Feodor?" t4ing! to serve his friends; his clothes as quickly as possible, a )artioulare I I . 71 ond I I I resAy to any I i NA13.11 Will Plesse a i I d � g makers, LLmps, U�10 &C. , 4L .71 ormation concern- to 1b undersigned, Clerk- anufa,ctured n . p 'I AJ. dealers in Upright and Horizaaw sudo Yalle � Yes co give )ittlb inf opened the door. i 'I, WM, ELLIOTT, � by the lead! - , &� -in chains�under but he I count had hoped to e you are late this morning " J work, . d handle only those m I Zeiiinos. Autoum"ie cut-'�X Entmes a Opedfj$y. LAU L But he was in prison cho- jug Ivan the serf. 'The "Seems to m an , . L . r 11 uttered Ni I � ethiug more ,U as he entered with a ;�:Y I . . I i I As" of pipe =Xpe-fitting 00astantly ou imad. guard -and you the spousa , captain som growled Mahma , . . I C6nalian and I a #Akort notes. . xcited tones. find out Oom the � friend; but in his hands, . ! ' I i The best DW.Mift mrsis 0 1 . particular relating to 1his strange pinf. LIGENSEP . -,Jew Goods arriving daily. works-Opposibe 0. T. A. 2"on. Gederiek. . las'iu quic# ex ad once, 11 returned Ruric, 9X � MARRI�GE I tock. .? I I ' "' I I It know it, sire: and I did n1l aty d7ity; bul 'wo that Ivan b I am, 11 alWhys In is . � I - The all he could loam saved Ludowitz from "Yes, so tin very late, and I was I - . __ ; . - - this morning his cell was found emptY. I I I did not sleep . . I I O&I 0*1 for sale. . � y car before, �, 11 doors were all locked as- usual, but c had SbOut a I on rlight broke much fatiped.11 , � I 1 1 IBSURD AT I AmeriCRu Q JAMES LENNON lit. i i I � . . " I little vessel ' , -_ call your, � . . I I � gone. r the �aters of th gulf , the "But didn't you bear me : r I . I i i � "Then he must be found, or there s I be Ove I g the day she L I ) Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public, &C. I il-off- waswou,on her wAY; 6nd durin "Yes, and I dressed myself AS 00ou &GPP"- 0SITOR OFFICE I I . . . I ii stead. Mark me, Me ore, -at the same timi I T11' 1ATJL � O"ICE - 120 Youag Strttt, corner AA411"s, I t ! suffering in h I wgu - hugged the southern It was not sible." � ! i I � L el I I T , osurio. -111A9 ; . there shall be his stea,d. g g'good lobko I $#Dressed ; � ! oronto � . I I . suffering in - keepini t astern. i Yourself I" my "I what sort 14 � ; � to (3. M. Whitney, Seafortlx- , i ; i - you whol first discovered his r! anism, that rie thought Of open- I I should advise YOU hersafq i I SIDAIPOTATU, 0X'T�LRIO' - SucoesWrg 19 � � � . Pub until afternoon � . I 1 1 1 , I ; is YOU Who are responsibi(V * P - ___# jeosived _ from Iran.. a man are you yorir Cloths$ OIL You ain't i J - 1. ._____� I ; I I I _ . . I and il jug the Oacket ho. W to iqeelp With goumrmb . I C6,But� _� urged the fri btene noble. L I the cabin and drew - __;;e_ 0 WIT "E"fS R . s , I i sire 9 - I ) 11 ; - stern, Then he� went down was contained in a of dengeryet." 1�x 0DXWl3Wl0 1 I : out i � I � "Don't stop tO waste words now," i his "00� �" � I i L . . i � interposed the , "but go and d the "a he ; I � . . = m3a. atd c brokm . I ; I . ! - - _­ . emperor ; - I—— ­_ f UZPIATI'-� - laffi.a au'r vftRl wt V*. T!* !!.171. =';�7.1.. WA - I � I - I � � _�_ I ! - L . I I - -�I-t­ - ­nf'-� ' - . I � . I � I . - I — � I . I il - I I I I �. . . ; I . — - �- - - �, 1 ________19___ � I - . � - I � , I � * - I I , - . . . - , - . , ! I I . i 1, I : � I � . f - I I - I I '. - � . L I . I I I , I � i . . I I I I . I L I - .. � I . � I . � - I I . L �_ . I - .. il ... I I . " . I - __ I - i L . I . � . . ­ . - 1 — ­ � L - -11-- __­11­__1_1_____L_JL I - I - I __ - WE . � I � � , - I � L I I 4 - r � � ., — - , - .- I � L 1 I . � � � I t � I � I I . I � - � - � � I I I I . I � if, . I � . I . . I - 1� � � . I . . � I I