HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-11-20, Page 8—,-.-- -,�",---.,,-.--,,---,�,--�",��.---,-. , , - � I
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... - ! � . . - hanks ,to tho per- 11 ."
__ After a hearty vote Of t ,. HIS ADVERTISE"MENT TELLS YOU
.. 8 - — I . . ' r d hiR farm sod moved to Huron county. he obairma the enter- �
� :-_-- I
;; I �- �� - I I - The animal, taking James Deon� � or., left this PlOca fo, n W�,purchHsed lot 21, 3rd concession of Stan- formcra und one to the cbaiFm1 9
� - ustice McMahon, reversma back to shut t is gate I :6 t: I , , , in singing
i d
� N U Justi uver, Britis uesday y &I JOIDID
��:, ice Gait &no J 1'Columbia, on T le f tainment closed In
77 - - :— OAS, 11, the former deo4ion at d ordered th advantage of I s liberty, started off and came c) f the Trivitt M rom Mi. Jas. Baird, where he continued ItT he intention What We Want,
- - RD — e boy to gc od detafester than regulatic n ' -The Gutfi dmorial ch.6rch till his death. During' his 'reei- '� God Save the Queen"' ; .
. . . . . . EDWA ) Telegram in into town A � ual tea-meeti ' nd enter"in. to reside zgnmentS in I ,
. ,c be not at liberty. Tie Toront( of the committee to holi entO ai . I
biiy any quantity 01. referring to the� matter says : " Fortunately Paco- 10 pull d up at the Commercial hot �,l held their anic njioglatt. It being denoe in Zor,ia he had the misfortune to e ime, and we 1 . . - I -
Will continue to . sfablei and no serious darriage was done.- , nient on Thursday eveni at many were b eak his . lit leg, and after some time it the hall at intervals for som , Is of What . I AND WHERE TO GET . I
1. and Print Batter. Also I I for biroself th.6 boy had a mother who was . . been ismed for tl e Thanksgiviog Day a gre ri -s%r,� feel sure that -if this was a Bar I �
Fine Roll . and tallow 11 not tc6 n J. G. Holmes. The The invitatiovil have t a rtainInent had to be a 1putated, rendering it Deese the while ; - I �
poor o retai present. The es, and the I nte 0 it -will be well wort .
. � Furs, fjides, Sheepskins � L 11 lawyer made A gre it fight and finally f reed Bachelors and Benedicts' ball to be held hei -a were the best of the FleasOD. the proceeds for him to u ,a a wooden stump. He was a is t follow 13 of Kippen
. ,bope
Al I. Holmes is a -Hur lists. We " man who �vas very highly respected and of ail to attend, as the peop - I I
, r -
. pruioner.' on I on the 277th iDat.-A large number of o r to bout fifty do
at his old � Stan" 11 the I Ople h ve bad now furnaces placed In amounted to I ,,�n. He was a Presbyterian, of give the biggest quarter's worth at an, enter I -
. AFORTH. boy, being a 3 of I Ir. Thorhas Holmes, of townspe, � .1 a ie ladies of i he Guild will not grow weary widely kno tainment of any place we were ever in. -
- GODERICH STREET, SE , Wingbam, and is th, i gentleman who figured I their residences this seascin-; among 0 r. Nelson Hooper, of Shel- the Free CNurcb, rand while in Zorrs wtiI8 � I -
. - l Mr. C. Clarkson ; . i I well doing -M of that Church, In this -
L I in South Hur at t is last Looml election. I are Mr. W. D. Bright, ' -a
1 Mr. W. D. VsnEgmoud and Mr. James lburne,spentafew days in town 4ttely ordsined n d t
e, Ler
I i a always actively engaged in, - Jaens5U. 1. We want to Show yon our fine
" h of Mr. Holmes as a � capacity he �w% .
- I We do not thi k mu I a making a�name i CarEoch � � t is service. f the Church, for its advance- GREAT CLEARIING SALlz for 00 days of all . Assortment of
' G polipcian, but a sej ins to be I Christian Temperance Union I I Oval to kinds of Boots and shoes. Alen's Overshoes .%a -pair,
. * an, of Tucheremitb.-The Women's i dth relatives sod friends. f
. . , 0 LOTH 1 14 a a we frequent- will meet tie t . It ant and 'honor. A in . toe a pair,
for himself in is profession, as I Belmore. . d � 11 other goods I
� Wednesday aftern6on. at Mrs. Dr. Smitli's a pair, men"! Rubb
- ey, ht w4s re -o Lined $1.25 . -
8[ Ioen�i011ed in the reports' of 1� I are S banl . rdained an elder in Women's itubbers 35o a pair, an MILLINERY, - I
� - — . � ly see his Dam at 4,olclock.--Mrs. M. Thompson and her OFFicEns ELEcTED.-The following ontinued urself that we I
F . 14* courtslat Tc ronto, and be is. usually , Union Church, Brucefield, and c r I
7 F I the sed an the elleapeSt for casb- -A- I LLLL
; h . a ghter, Mi a Jessie, have been holidaying he offirern of Court Tuck No. 30, Canadian evallyas cheap. Call'and see fO .. LLLLL
I . ;ting of Men's " g side. . I � one until bi death. In politics the decea are selling cheaper th U49 MANTLES, - I - -
L,�ew Clothinu co 811 on the"v'vinnin - I present term: voted WYSXLG.11, Hansa,,, Sign of the Big B, �ot. L
f I Big 1,4nZe Of .' I in Lo�don for a week past.-Miis Brelit, rder of Foresters, for the w a life-li ng Reformer, and always i
� I and Suits ----#—
L . Y01,1031 Boys and chudiren's Ove c0atA, Graham ; C. R., JDO. S. V me be was BARGA1,N8 AT TAYLOR & 3oN 5 HmNSALL,- ;
L I ry va ue, an . who has beed spending a couple of months . P. C. It., ky. E. in pos- I
I L Ina . on that sid , from the ti our fall and DRESS GOODS; �
I e . �
11,1:14ht at ces &Nva,y below ord RF-AmERY BuSINE!58--Mr. John I lagh; It. S. Bootgaqa shoes cheaper than Ov rl
po .... i ally lower rates. XHX C left on ail ; V. C. R., Fleming Bal 9 I I
L whiah 1_ __ C sold. at pro ni uits from $4 Hannah has disposed of the entire season's I here with her sister, Mrs. R. Logaril � session of It Is franchise. He leaves a fam-
Ner,,s.overcoat6fron,131-6011p; X 8 F. S., John Rutherford ; .4 1 mense assortment
I . .V 11 the I Saturday forToronto-.-Miss MaggieliVilson ater Hackney; ughter. His winter stock now complete, an In, III
I Boy Overcoats froin y of three tons and one da tochoosefrom. we bavenotrooni toquoteprices, AND FURS
up; Boys' Suits from $4 up; B . make of all his oreameries and has a : .f H. It. Per- III you to cut this .
u,ssuits from $1 6 up; Childrell 9 , as made good sales ! has gone tov sit friends in Whitby and other ' reas,. H. P. Harrison ; Chap 8, EO P and his dnughter, Mary Jane., but for the next twa weeks we ask , . .
I 1 com. hi d H h I n Joseph . . I f I
r $22 75 up ; Child re butter s ippo : . -. W., C. rining
r - F;srcosts from V_ss up our a k of Furs, as tern �oini a..- M r, Alex. Spre 0, j r., � on ins; S. W., William Lane ,. J home ; his son. James is fs i out and we will allow you 25c for I on every air 0
z I In ave a bene- !�R are still a and we U11 con-
. jes, and Gtnts, Cos S Caps, Capes. this season whic 01 �u not fail to In of Mr. Win. 3proat of this town, and Mrs. 4 wing ; S. B., J. T. Lamonby ; J. B., D. N. .1 - Booti over 81 for '-sah- come along ;o get your Boots '_ our
� prbing Lad . . - I in North Dikota; his jEon Archibald,iu Graf t
� . , isnoir6mplete at the fie notice 8 vinee you tilat it is to your intereo We ,want vOu to see .
I . cb1larettes, xtuffs, Boas, &c., I&I iR(I on his Ina 'iness, for next year. I Sproat, have returned from Virden, Mani- c-Dotia.U. -1 the North fice of charge, large 1
- Barglia Clothing and Dry Goods House. Air. Hirinnah is no, r getting into the posi- � t9ti. Dakota, sod is the -editor of and shoes from us. All rips sewe( Stock of
.., I . I tation his butter toba, and in end spending the winter In ! I � p,skots Advocate. A large number of Nice fresh groceries st rock bottom prices. Two
. - Pl� KARD, ' tion, through the g iod repu . r 41, N,ew Raisins, - -
w WM . has obtained, that linstead of ,having to go Ontario. - were sorry to learn of :he ' Walton. friends anc � acquaintatiecs met on Thursday bropnis for 26c, 60 bars of soap fo , sweeping re- I
- iforth. 111 , cGillicuddy, of ,of Currants, Canned. GOOdB,''Feel A!. GLOVES9
� �' T. 19 I Id stand, Be I, the remains 9, !,Ancy Cups and
I I . . Alis- pay their last respect$ to
.1 - i .— out and olmo t beg for cream and I orcii sales 11 serious illnesi of Mr. D. M BAZAR.—The ladies of the Womon's ductions in Crockery, Glassware, . .
� 4 1 he the Goderich Signal, which was annotrowd ilonary Society of Dufra church, Walton, the deceas�d, which were interred in Baird's saucers and Wall Paper. Every 3odY come, No
- of buttei, an ):is ha , to do for some years, last week, but we hope by this - time )or trouble to Show 900dFl- W.m. TAT1,0 I& so -is, Clinton HOSIERY,
� Dow has cream 0 1 ed to him and his butter ntend hol lug a bazar and social at the cemetery. I - 1249-2 .
M U genial frien,l ly restored to .. An ex. i 0 - find Hensall. ; .
- ' Itro (ft1100itoV. is ...gh t after dealers. His experience i &I on, on Decemb?r 110th. I - CanjadianOrder of
�- krr,w is again ful SHAWLS .
` )ht 4 . ds has been vary .
� -1 - d of all kin 3ause, Wal i I i
- of wl at patience, perseverance health. -We 3ellent prog -amme has bt proviAed and Zurich, Hensall, with
7 example, �
I I t5 is an A ma�a em 3at will accomplish, and scarce and it great demand in town this f all. I Home Circles has organized ii i I
� __ — and, good ma�a ra. few liays a $up- ,wilibecarriadoutinthe hurch. The .pro " - MATRIMNNI L. -Mr, John Bremner and y new members, "he charter is UNDEEMEAR, � I
. -Commended ior if the roads ieep hard fo overt 'ellt' _.
� I he can not In � t o i highly , cee a are n aid of a good ca se, and every � W - I -
- . ATTERS. 61 . ply will I ikel y come'forward. -We a .a S lad i Mies Mary Giab were joined in the holy left open until I)ecember Ist, as all who en
6 ponds of . I
- DISTRICT M � wba�t'ehasd a 'oth for the creamery in- roon shou d turn out and assist the I�d es - Tuesday evening. r or $2 less than , ,
. � . � iss ' to sea that Chief' of Police Liu4by is - a atrimony Itist, ter as charter members ante , And WOOL !
I . — to nd h* " a I . He richly deserves all - 1 their good work. � . - .Mr. John Vois and Miss Warm, daujinter - - . �
; --------- �___�. sufficiently r3covered to be able to attend to T those who unite later. MrAdcArthur,Rev I
; i , -
- the su sea he can � obtain, and his work - — - . were also ma,rrie( on h are P. L�, L, - I
� I OUR NEV7 S�ORY- his duties a sin. -Air. Peter Moore, of.the of Mr. Henry Warm, 11, Irvine and ' ,At. Wesloc GOODS �
�_ shoul be appreciated bt the farming com- Lower Wingham. I I
�, � ppen ros , Tuckeram se ral Wednesday evening- last, We wish the he io#3rance ;
KipEen rla ith, spent and V. L,, respectively-
'. --- Ne_Xt week we will co mence a new munity who will -be o?ost largely benefitted. . PLaLSONALS.-I r. George McMullen and partits succets and a joyful life in future. past six Vears bii, i on y cog e
. �ea I 'ith another, there is no wee a In Manitoba and the Northwest big - during the � �
- by Sylvanus Tak . . ir.v wife left last week fo, ' BRiFFo;,b4r9. D. B, Geiger has returned 000 As
and intereStir)01 story it one � . � r Fort Gratiot, where members $ um for $3, We want you to kuow tb -at we are
M, e � fall. He was very much pleased with the 1 14. 10 per at) D '
� . est and branch of a Jcul4re which will pay farmers. ) w1eek8 vi@it in Michigan .among offiners in the Or- . -
i , Cobb , Jr. It is one of his b I gn _ - if it is properly at. country and prrspects there and has deci ied they intend staying all winter with their rom a tw, I there are only three.paid . than usual value in
i . better than the d I o of daughter, Mrs. Cowan. -Mrs, Code, and or c, i ran. Rev'. J. Strempfer has re- ' -'insurance is obtaine by the mern� givin., more .
. -w keep; the interest of the reader & T 0 -idge, are at present der, the
� � , ill tended to sod iot6jlzg�anily conducted, h is t locate Deg r Wolseley if lie can dispos , urne rem a trip to Hallett. -Rev. G. F. - �
, , A limited num- especially , thl Is in this county, which his f&rm here. He called on the Meisrs. daughter, of Trowbi � Monday from beirs at exactly what it cost , Scveral wo
� is ad says they have done splend idly visiting at Mr, Patterson"o.-Mr. Day has and, tak insurance. FLANNELS9
� from start to finish. . ' . Haist and wife returned last men. have united,
c supplied by naturq, is so ad irably adapted for'dairy- -Ptewes a ely vacated by Mr. . . . .
i ber 0 new subscribers n be . ar and will ba7e over two thous%nd moved into the house lat a week"d stay in Sebringv ille. -Henry Ort Com. . . -
I I - ,
. . - Ing purposes. In his connection alf o, we , this ye .-Mr. Archibald Samuel Leggett. -Mr. Leggett has removed wineand is brother Jacob left for Michigan BRIEF,j.-We are now njoying a cold BLANKETS,
- copies containinc, the com iott, of F"ast
', with hick 0 direct tbeattentio olour readers to the ex- bushels of O. I - wheat to Wbitechurch.-Alrd.JO49 Ell Tuesday orning, where they have land. ut not enough I
Z - Ment of this Story so first come ch is I Galbr n Ep with considerable snow,
menec I cellent address of frof. RoberUoD, whi ' aitb, t is well know phrenologist, has nosh, is visiting friends here this They inte d t(�stay.-Mr. S. J. Latta has 4 . This is for the infor- TICKINGS,
and from been lecturi, ig on his favorite subject and WaWa . to make sleighing, .
. .
first served. Remember from now un- published in another column, g phrenological charts in this vici lity week. . . , closed his�short-hand writing school until mation � of the dwellers ia .Manitoba arid
2 . for s-veral i - I I , � -.0 I r m rchants report �
. PO
, -
- til the end of 189_f for he price of one which much valu 'ble information can be givin reeks past. or Galbraith, he after the , olidays. It was a success so far. other outlying post,fi—On SHIRTINGS, . ,
. , year or the balance of I this year for gleaned. is still a vie �irn of the greit. destroyer, and I I . Belgravo,, k1rs. A. 8 hantz and her three children are trade as brightening lip and the prospects - .
I . - . . .,
I I — � . :
, I shipped . �the guests of D. Steinbach. . Mr. Schantz I - I T
. � I I TEN Cents. I RoR-BF.RiEs--O Saturday evellitig last, but for which he might have been, what his � LOCAL N TEIS.-Mr. Jotieph Clegg - i about 16 years ago where he put for a good winter"i businci*s re msuririg� - ' I
I eof 'on- acarloado lambs from harela3t week. Jived her I
� � . . — I— about 9 oVock, th reisidence of Mrs. Car- gifts so"eminently fitted him for, on I Considerable grain and po�k a e -being brought I - COTTONADE11.5
i . I -Mr. James Stewart Mr. E. Livingston has been shipping lumber i the fir t flax will. He has Ance been to market and meet with good dernatia ; i -
� I . FARM RENTM-Mr. Richard � Robinson lin, on Ea3t Goder ch Street., was entered by a�%'s forem A sons. ntities from I iunp the viIestern atate'and they are now I prices, -Than kegivin g d y was observ- I - I
. Eome evil-dispos" person, and a coupider- returned home on Wednesday from his and barrel I eading in large qua an( �
. has rented hii.faIrm in Tuakersinith, south I y taken. It seems that bunting expedition to.Muskoks. Al'e have this station -..Nl"r. Alex'. Treleaven, of Lang- rlivh.ig in 6regoD. Th, -.y are looking hal3 pla a of business LINENS,
� I ad as a holiday -here, all plac . .
� I � 01
. ndville, to t1r. Henry McGavin, of ,this sum of' I .
� of Egmo . . oo� yet learned how many of ,the fleet- �oot- side, Manit ba, and formerly of this place, and heartv. . being closed. The weatherm the morning
foratermof five years, stanan- Mrs. Carliin,� w I; - ul an elderly lady, I -4 he bagged. Dr. was in tow -A larRe Dumber; of . i - —. � t many fro cafrying out . And CARPETS. 1. - -
� Stanley, � ,� and bad left the door ed denizens of.the fore last week, � prevented a grea,
- � tal of $300, and in addition Mr. had ratired'e rl . atch . 4 but 41 the afternoon . I _�
Dual ren E. Bradwin spent �3nn- -fowls were isposed of at ilia shooting in I
� ' i Leadbury I
� - McGavin pays the taxes and does the road unlocked so I a oung man who boards Belden sad Mr. A. - their intended plans, Di n Thanksgiv- I .
- last with,friends in Wingham,The on Tbanksgiving Day. -Mr., W, B. Hole, .
I - i I - Aboht the time d ' Milks Christina Stimore, who h3s it cleared up nicely. A U an We wa i
. I
. work. He takes possession on the first of in the house! could ' at in 0, this place, bqt1al'tely of Bellefon- NOTES i
� -tew town bail -is to �e lighted with two formerly of . 1. ing service was held in Carm I Presbyteri nt to tell you that we hai,e
I This is one of the best farms in the stated a mail opened the door, and without been bavl�g pOor health for upwardd of a . isters ot i .
I April. I I -_ roo ', , He asked thousand dandie-power electric lam S.- taive, Ohio, has been spending a few, days . burch. All the fesiden MID
. aty. it Isiconvenient too town, has good ceremony walked ipto the in . an continues weak and ill.=The G . Hundreds of . i
. . . - I the village -were on the platform- and
, cou Mies �Villiaflng' evangelistic services blose with friendo' in town. -The � oval mee ing year, atil I
� are, epting water sod Airs. Carlin to give him s abont completed and grain has - L
. � buildingi, plenty of p a, dollar. She got I . , of the Belgr�"e branch of the British #n threshing I addreEsed the meeting in turn. The i I
. .
� And it could not have her purse, a,nd ta ing the money from it here this (Fticlay) e'vening. Foreign Bible I i in I yielded well. This Canada of ours has cer- NEW OVERCOATS and . i
is; :in good shape, ,� He took the bill, and ------.*- Society will be held -the een a. bighly favored country this attendance was good an I the service , . I
. tairily b . I
L handed it to him L
. been intrusted- to a better or more careful Presbyterian church on Monday even 119P I was muc 411 present.-
, � _McGa,vin. Both parties then in a thl`ei�tiani g manner told Ler that I We might say, aleo, that fal . i BOYS' AND MEN'S SIJITS2 i
� I � tenant than Mr. I Turnberry. November 2r3rd, at 7.30 o'cloFk. I season. - , `1 is week for
� � I . i MiEn Carrie Chapman left. b
.i are f ortunate ; the one in 6-btaining so good she must give him the bala lfizp Pio-,;F,ER GONE. -Another o the � 0 1 wheat, of ihich there is a large ,area sown, Ildmilton and Caledon:a. wo re obe intends 'WR .
. . I
��� I much - frightened, she A-,-; 6T . I and many farmers have their 0
r a fatin, and the other ia- securing so good a her purse. ' �Beiu I looks wpel�, - ' 3t, many I Which -we are offering away do
on intends coming to handed him a roll f bills which she bad in pioneers bf the township of Turnberr r, in Hills Green. a few weeks anio, g her -
, . I tenalut. Mr. Robins I rse, when t e mean mcal took his the person of Mr. Thomas Jobb, osed I David Rife Is visiting old ploughing nished and the others are nearly spending s. I e pleased .to for Cash. .
Ade. her pu NOTES, ' I through. P I relative3 and friend. -We at - - .
�� Eocindville to m,, . peacefully'away to his last resting pral, on - 'r ity. , learn that Mrs. R. D. Young is recovering I
I � ( . 0 -----% departure as quietly and uncere-mouiously friends and1c(luaintances i6i this vicio, . - I %
I Monday.9th inst. The deceased was 86 ears ' TEA NIEIETIN-G.-A few people from this .
� ,%rn that Mr. &she had come. Mrs. Catlin is not very ' of this neighbor- I e .-
I seetion w9n , this1week for Lon- * i ..- :
F�&RM PURCHASED. -We le, and 9 months of age, and was highl re- He was for .erly a resident i t out, on the evening of Novem- from h r recent ilinesq. )4r. �. C. Stoneman I Come and see what we can do for ;
11 " I and Mt,q. Stoneman left
i Thomas Yellow, of the H.ukon road, rucker- sure about th t but tiiinks there him. He lea es a hood, but of, late years has� been farming ber 5th, toi a tea meeting given by the LAdy don -and Lambeth. -The 11441 Ttmrilars of -_ -
�� , ,gi:TI-0-un,�,41 'of bills she gave spected by 11 who -knew viug near Sheldon, Daixota. He Is also accom- 4�n, who hold their Yon in the -viay of Low Prices ou I -
smitb, has purchased fr(I)m' Air. William were over 1$02 True BluE.1 and Orangem .
: - him. She was alo e in the house, but as large family to mourn the loss o -Mr. Win. *Baker re- ' c -of this village have secured the Clothing and Dry Coods. I .
t onate father. ' Th . panied by ?Nfrs. Rife. meetings ob the 9th line. Tea was served Temperan e ' 7
� Baw-den a two hundred acre farm adjoining oung ' e sorrowing turned from Dakota on W Rev. Mr. Mct)onagh, of the
.er. It is a splendid farm con a's the y, mar, w e to and. effec edocaday of last services of the
the village oi Exet a,ve friends hav 3 -the full sympath of the in the Melhodiat Church close by, which I
all y com- Ayhile there� lie was running a i Main r.treet Methodist ebutch, Exeter to 11
meet the evening rain returned, he g week. was comfo�tably filled. After tea Mr. W. . ' I 11
� .. v.nd a portion of it was recently purchased the alarm, got Con table Dunlop out, and a munity. His remains were � interred in the threshing enginc. Me. Thos. Coleman re- e a lecture on Temperance �n the Metho- Edward . McFaul, I
� by Mr. Bawden from the Pickard estate. 0 .J. Shaundn was called to the chair and giv 3, on Friday
. I Vigorous search fo the robber was made A81ingham cemetery'on Thursday last week, turned from: the .same laco on Saturday performed' ! an di8t church, of this placl
0 retaini the tbrick resi- - p Ithe duties of that prsition in
. Re, h wever, still in threshing. Both evening, November 20th. �s the Rev. .
. e likely to lead to hi; . He was alsq engaged a d gentlemanly manner. The a e SEAFORTH. i
.� n Exeter north io which he now re- but thus far no cl tained.-On the follow- . Chiselhurst. gentlemen is -eak well of Dakota aod think efficicnt in gentleman is an able lect er . there will -
I ,urrounding-it. He also detection has been b � speakers On the occasion were Rev. Mr. : Rn 11111111111111 � -
sides and ten acres r � be a good attepdance.- Alin
. ile Mrs. Engles, the I . . I
I takes Mr. YellGw's farm on the Huron road ing Sunday eveni g, wh NOTES. he Civil Engineer was in that there is more money made there in the H,6dgino, o� Seaforth, and Rev, Mir. Obta- no doubt .
of the organist in St. T ornas' church, and who, vicinity last week. -The Epworth L ague summer tha, in Ontario. -Mr. John H. r well. Samuel , White, I 0 London ad - I - - -Mr. A. L. B ke - .
in part al Mr. Yellow is one' . hn str :et tie . ar liritoD, was home o w 11, of a I alton, who did their part a very. In" "' f.e iend spent sultin much good. �ock, .1'r . pro I
pay ent. - i -t and thriity resides on Jo wa3poo _ rly attended last Sunday evening on Troyer,of n a visit on The choir o dist Church, Sea- by tima _ �i8. was in town on
w it
most i du3triona, ntellii en ' � rents here.-
, prietor of the .Central bl
I � D he evening service, some person icr, a number ce and �Vndered Thanksgiving day h p sdaylast.-Market quotations: Wheat, 1
farmers in the county ani [ be will do well attending t account of the disagreeable weather. I Saturday an Sunday last. -,Qui forth, were in atteDdan -
I entered her residence by SAD. -A gloom wa;j cast over this neigh- ' attended the concert in Kip- several be ns of music. After The concert, under thr, au pices of the Tue :
, - .
� .
I on the large farm which he has secured. a back window of 11 the boys' ing last and report a good . Mechamics'lostitutetin Tueed y even ng ast 95c.; oats, 34c.; peas, 63c.; barley, 50a. 1
Bat his old neighbors aid friends in this and abstracted '89 from a Jrawer in the borhoo&wheq the sad intelligence. waE re- don on Friday even 1 4 � the usuld votes of hanks the choir sang the .. - I
I lady's room. ceived that Alexander Macdonald had died time, - I . i
The aurglar effected big exit . � Nati pro- wns a very good one, th a pr Zramme being ..
part of the county will rej ret that the ex- . I onal Anthem, Rev. Mr. Hodgine � - . Morris. I'll
. . Owing to, the wery tn-
I He . I nd variedo I . --
change will necessitate tb -. removal of Mr. from the house in the same way, and left in Dakota, a victim of typhoid fever. I ; -, i nounced the benediction -and a pleasant en-- f Oug a I MR--. BELL. -That terribly , I
he window open behind hiEn. The will- was astrojig,,robust young man till a few . Usbome� i I element state of the weatbi, , however, the DkAT11 OF
-re. Yellow from th Ar, midst, but all t . - I � tertainment came to a close. I I .
and M dance was! not ge, ut those who fatal disease, coneutuptiong has claimed I
.1 unite with us in wishi ig them happiness dow b�d not been looked. It was, bow- weeks ago, when the above named disease CousCIL ,0INGS.-At a ,,mcr:tiug of the I 0 atten aT i .
, wil ever, ralther a zed hint. H -other aiid did venture ont through the torm were re- another victim in the person of Mrs. Bell, I
and prosperity in their tie w home. . daring venture, for the house gei' is bereaved M township co incil held on the 7th inst., at i I . �
� I is surrounded by other residetices, and er accompanied the body hr -me fo r bur- which all th a members were present, M essrs, � Kippen. � warded by a good evening's �titertainmaot, wife of the late Henry Bell, formerly of
. ,I hope the Institute at the'next annual Beigrave, who passed peacefully away at
� , - .
r d -ere J " was John Irvine and Henry Franc
, ; 1,
. Bvsi-I;E�;s CnA_-�GE.-Alr. Wm. Hamilton, electric lights * burning brightly at the ial in the Cromartk Cemetery, where i is applied foi, HVERYTMt;(. at Patron prices to every- We
F ' ' ' elinnille0e. All people concert will be better favored' in the way of the residence of her father in this township
� I 1. who, has been enmazed in the Boot mod Shoo time. i There is no olue to the guilty party. laid beside his father. Deceased owiied a pji,yment for shee It was body paying 'promptly at W 100 cents here. weather and roads. -The- ladies of the Royal on the 2ad inst., at the age nf .3-0
1 � I I I .p killed by dogs, .
U — -401— � � farm near this village and was well and' fa- decfded to I ave the matter, f id ra- treated alike, vi�crynian'a dol.lar worth 1249 years.
� 1, Z basineEs here for7a-couple of years in Com- 1, ' g It or CQ r- ,D. W8183U1,L)II, Kippen. ' 4 1 na a F1 th Mil- 1�
� - 1, . pany with Mr. DonaidAIcInnes, has dispos- PkOFLE'S C Li) FRIEND.-& G. Ault vorably k own. The relative havi,,the tion 16t _next Council mee� ing. T a Templars of Temperance Jodge of this vil- Mrs. Bell's maiden m was , izabe
� 1_,_ I TILE d stan(. a splendid stock or'new mtnnuity in their BRIEFS'. -Mr. James Cooper sold recently lage, recently, at the close of the eveniog's ler. She was a daughter of Milts Miller, of
z: I ed of his interest in the businets to Mr. has ope�� out In his 0 ryinpathy of the entire co liael iw,w granted relief tiii the amou t of eight ewes out of his prize flock of ShroP- regular business treated the gentlemen Diem- Morris, Her- Iste -husband'was a son of Mr.
. 01,18ions, ,ed y .
� :
I . � - Thomas, R ticliarcloon, and intends removing 1Wf Goods mod Frei h Groceries and Pr I sad bereavement. V"cand the ielectors of jurors were all .w I
o -
I Everything now and fr �sh. Call and see Mai. Ful I . , shires at ,1� handsome figure. Mr. Charles boys. to an oyster supper, which it is jaeedlesg Hugh Bell, of Seaforth, and fnrmerly of
� � The condit'Ons of the by-law pass-
� I - . to Stratford about the first of February, particulars next week, A.G.AuLT,Seaforth. 1249 - � $3 each.' .1 Avery wm the purchaser. -Revival servicesi to 8, e to Mr.
. Ay,they very much enjoyed, and fe I Hui lett. Thedeceased was married
11 I . i Ashfield. in 1871 granting a bonos of $2.5,000 to ,
� ,
I - I where he has purchase4 the large retait WE havis the bes :I values in Tweeds, Flan- ed have been commenced in the Methodi8t'i truly grateful for the favor done. -We hope Bell on the 24-th of March, 1880, at 'Brant -
I I business of his brother. We are sorry that . OUN(� LADY.— the London, Huron and Bruce, Railway
� i � nels Blankets and Yaj ne in the inarket. Call and DEATH OF A WORTHY Y church h re and despite the unfavorable, ratie. AfLter' -their
, INIr. Hamilton. Dur- cxa�,i,e our stock. Al G. VAINEGNIOND
: � '13 SONS, 1249 id sum hav- 9 the rest of the ladies of this *ill&ge Will fol- ford by Rev. Dr. CoCii
� - . having beet fulfilled, and the an 9
: we, are going to lose . Alias Alinide Dickson, daughter of Mr. lChos. i weather, at the begiuDing, they sire well
. . ing his residence here he line made many I of Lane's settlement in this town- jag been paid in full, togetAor with the in- ve low their goo&oxample with their gentle- =rriage they settled in Belgtave anX built
I . r Dicksony � lviad to repeat the attended. --Heavy shipments of lambs ha men friends. -�%"Ie are infor�'ned'- that MT. anew hotel there, But consurnpti(n had
I i . friends mud has built up a large trade. He FRosT PROOF. FF -LT BOOTS, best and ship, pasied peacefully away, on th( 17tb terest there Do, it Wat reso been made from this station during the week the �Cuminercial hotel, Seaforth,
� . h Rcche.'of laid hold on Mr. Bell and at the c ose of the
� i ia a shrewd, energetic basine7.99 man and medium qualit). Woo lined Rubber@ and Overs oes ult., at th a early age oi 26 years, She had by-law and apply anyr surplus that may be
I I . � active interest in werythinor C&ICUI Felt8lipperg. Boys' And Girls' Strong School Boots. ' ainf al illners for on hand cii'the railwdy fundl to the general for the BuffAlo market, and Mr. Ament,r also of that itown,bad won- first year be was obliged to rent his hotel
! took an 0 Goo. Good. been pro@ xated by a very LOCAL OTES. -Revival Services have derful success in the way of shooti,ug'on a with the
I ; Best goods, big stock and low prices. p and they removed to Manitob
I the town, 1249-1 complainingly funds of this township.. The township of
I ated to advance the inten at3 of . - five, weeki, but she bore it on begun in the Methodist Church, The F""-- Thanksgiving day around this neighbor- hope that the change would restore him to
:� and was rapidly working, his way to the' HORI,E AWL, VF11ICLE i'OR SALE CHEAP.�-- and with irue Christian -patience and forLi- Usborine can now bo;st.of being entirely free t 3 the assistance of Miss Williams hood. They secured on that day aloDe more health. This hope, however, pro,�ed detus-
- ac- ter expec
. front &8 one of our most enterprising and good horse, covereo bu�gy, cuttek-, wagon �nd - from debt, After papsing �a number of t week, and of Mrs. S. J. Pent- than all our local sports during the season. ive and he died on the 23rd of OetobUT, 1882
A , .tude. Sha was a member of the Presby
. lear:iageitizens. Rewillalsobe missed in alei,,h for sale cheap at,� A. KIDL)'S Store, Scalorth. ' towrsbip works And sundry other part of Dex �
� 0 � It would seem that some imen are born leaving his young wife to mourn his loss.
� is ""�Iesaor, Mr, Rich-' . i, . services the ed until the 5tb .
1249-1 terian Ch irch, and during her illnet a was counts for land, thel following week. -Rumors say a
- ; musical circles, Ri suc viskited often by Rev, S. G, Andersi n, to . I
; 11 r�atcb is going on at one of the vil-
c U� , i guessing lucky. -:-A veryl pleasant socilod was held in After his death she returned to her father's
% t4 arclaon, has been a.resident Of the town for RAVING purcba,4ed the stock and book whom she gave many and undoubted 3roofs of December, at 11 o'clock. : ze being a set of silver- !
7 V . A. Kidd, cafo�rth, all outstanding Ac- - ' I — -,.*-- �: tage , t the pri the . Methodist'parsonage, rm Wednesday in Morris and remained there until the time
� � ng,, tiMo. He ra A Young � main Of good - accounts Of it faith in Christ. She a enied . 4 ,1 ore I ame di a e
- - . a loi g i mustbesettle at onoe, for the present at the of her.implic � ware. E�Ioronto thig is an offence punish- evening last,and on which occasion the fine, of her death. - She died ot the P, Sic I
- .
� - � bueiinevi ability, steady habits, and is a fa counts . to cilk of the better life her af ter. Varna. 1, a .1
� 11� . old staid, Tuos. J. =11. 1249-.1 to delight : I able by I& , because it is held to be lottery large two stoijey building �as well filled a� her husband. She bad been sick for
I � arna, .
P vorite with all who, know him, and -Mr. Alc- dutiful daughter, a pleasant TNOTES,-Mr, Di,nicl Hagan, of V,
. , -A little more snow -would re and .,be bor 8
I ji . G.Lv ,,�(; UP BV INESS SALE.. -Take no She was a , in anothe� form. with a ha ipy land ooeiablel company. A about three yea e her illnei.
. Inues was fortunate iii I: 'securing 60 s greatly beloved by Bit: has purchy,,�ed Mr. Wat�on's farm, al . give us 400d slipping. AtIr. Justus P i F , , � as served with the utmost patience and resignation*
- -
" L. 11 tice of Hamilton & 310nnis'adv't in this week's paper. companion and wa. : arb, n luding oystors, w
- .
, i I fr. Hanitiltoa's place. Eoo -h I the Miath6diet splendid tea, i . an and
� -
, N good a partner in N i . ts and Shoes sit tirAt prices. All parties having who knev; er. The sincerest sympathy of Grand -Bend,paying for it the sum of $4,300. preached acceptably in in tbe early ps, t of the evening, r.f ter which amiable wom
- J
�� A We hope the new firm will enjoy even a accounts to Hamilton"J& hicinni. will please settle bereaved Mr. Hagan has since been offered $5,000 fol � She was a kind and � I
� many friend,i is extended to her I la�s� Sunday, a very plc�asant 'i -me was s pe It by allpresent, %as greatly beloved by all wb
V_ so io.to change Churel o knew her,
� greater degree of prosperity than the old. them b iefore January 111bth aethe buaine I ' .
� f- I I I I parents and relaticIns*. The remaimi were, it, but refused the offer. This'farin is noted OF TILE HALL, - Despite the � T a numerous circl
- I on the 18t of FebruarY, 1892. Those not settled iby OPENING the '1�ev. M r. Fair . d - Mrs. Fair and the sympathy of e of
� T, 0 _' . .January 16th, 1892, w 11 be handed in for collection. interred in Dungannon Cemetery. . f to be one o the best in the county. -Mr cold Dij I and -iAbcr bad state of -'the � paiD.1 to make a, I�feel at boine.- friends is extended to the mourning parents
.!. - E(MOND'VILLY ITEM.,5.-Mies Kelly wbo cixN is, caforth. 1249-1 . —0 I f lumbe .9 - sparing no .
. �� 9 HAIIU.To.,; & M I : John Pteid is shipping a car, load o roads, a IF!ge cro-wd assembled in the new The Young People's Mutua m nd relatives, .
I - h �
11 � . has had charge of the second department of 8V pICIOUS WONDERS,—The . � to Ba We wish Jack th . I
. f OSI� 'OF THE Su Cromarty. ffalo this week. ball her on the evening of � Friday if ty was well attended oia Monday even- _______ .
� �, Soc I I
Z �, . Egnio,ndville school for tbepast two years Family Herald and W kly Star, Montreal, has been
, � . d andvastly i proved. It is really a w,bn- NOTES. The Patrons of Industry havc� very best of luck in his v*enture. a last to 1listen to a splendid programme I .
- , 0 a 2i ' , ' ing despite the UDfavorablo state ,of the B17th. I
, 1, ", has resigned and so epte tuation in the enlarg,J : ening last , --brate the opening of, the
, .� n Its su esa is phenoruenal. It's not formed a [odje at this W. SURPRISk.-On Tueciday ev got' up o eel, d roads, The next meeting will society
� "I � Blyth School for the coining Year. She is a derful�ape pace, and bav3 no , I he member6 and frierds o' weather an LoCALITIES.-The annual Bible I
,��: I a membership of over fty, If nothing] large D. um er of t .1 �i a hall was built by a Joint Stock
ii� good teacher and will fill her, how position straDgC people are wc adering how such a magnificent Ila L be held three N�#reks from IRA meeting, when meeting will be held in the Methodist
1; � paper dan be supplied for so small subscriptiou. Peo- t St. ohn's composed of enterprising citi -
� _� Lbly. MissAfeCla.-ty from Stratford ple wh aro jotereste i in the wonders of the age much is gained financial] he beDefit which � a Church, Varvo, spent a verl ,Qompany, . an interesting debAte will be carried out.- Church here this evening, when the sge-�4,
., - accept.6 -will derive from discussi a and sociable and etijoyableevening at the Englisl. fleets I
I 1� zens of the village and vicinity and re
- �1' - o Prof. Scott int,6,ds resuming the second Mr. Mciffatt, will be presi--nt aud
I ,; � is to succeed her in Eginondville.-Mr. Wil- should see the Famili Herald and Weekly Star, of the.farmers will de -
A . Ad. The objecio
� ,4 Montreial. . 1249-1 �topics is ell worth the fee, -The Cromarty Church Parsofiage, Bayfi( � I . great credit on the enterprise and push of course of �hiss gi ging 8chool class on Thurs- 'Ir
. - i present i -the Rev. Mr IN - liver an address.. .N , Moffatt is always in-
liam, McKa I , I I %_J m'
I � ,. ,y of Tuckersatith,,bivi moved to GI�L WANNTED. Good girl wanted to do Literary 8ociety has met again for the win- their visit was to ' the gentl o pany. The hall day evenjDg next. We are pleased to learn teresting, and'those who turn out to boar
; - Egoiciadville. If e will m ke another good ith a fur coat, and the ladie i is a largeI and commodious frame building. tbat the attendance is ever i acreasing.-Mr. him will be well repaid for their trouble. -
I � ' the work in 9111all fau"lly. Apply to Mrs. Maclennan, ter months. It is hoped thatthe'attendance Newton w I
. �. n to the noble ban I of retired farmers with a handsom. i It ip "
� � I . additio _eotnf�rtably furnished with neat benches J. E. McDonell our enterpi ishig hardware
� I I who have chosen that thriving suburb for Victoria Square, Seaf)Ah. 1249 and interest manifested in the past will be presented _Mnl. Newton . averend'gen- Mr. Arthur Tierney left here last week on .
f I Hov,sEic:EEi-ER.--A reliable and intelligent still upbeld.-Mrs. Alexander Park, who -1 set of Chir ii fruit dishes. The � �1 d of his birth
. ,f
. I � sod has ,1I platfQrm,or rather a stage, at one, merchant, retu tied home ;his week from , Old Eng-
: I -Mr. Henry Jaclison, of the - i nd .
; their.abode.� an and his eatim-Lble !lady were cam . * a visit to the Ian
�_ I ,voman, who is -an excellent housekeeper, desires a once lived in this pl�toe,, but now of Milchi- I tlem i ehil. This programme for the .evening was tuffalo, wbe re be had bea, lafla —
I i� . firm oi G. & JEl. Jackson, 3as started a bank- situation as houackeIeper, where work is no pletely surprised. A very complimentary . nt one, being composed' of ad- .New York a �, We wish him a Pleasant 'voyage -
I sinen in the pro perons village of heavy, or where a $ervant girl is kept. Apply at gan, is visiting friends and relatives 4round I J;mcs Armstrong, an excelle an a visit. H9 reports havi3g had a splen- On Monday a court of revision was, held in
. _. ing bu 'C "., U Sca'ortb, 1249tf Crotuarty. I I � address was read by Air. dresses, usic and dancing, and was much did time.�The sweepstake silver dollar man
Beeton, and will go ther to reside as soon Exrosi 'OR Offic I d M rf. Industry Hall, by Judge Poyle, for revising
I I I NVAKL.-The November Wile - 0 — and Miss Maggie JMoNaoghton an ,apprecialed by the large crowd in the hall. . was in the village this wee He will, 130 the Dominion voters' list for the EI,st riding
� as he can dispose of his p operty in Egmond� I I James Armstrong made the presentation'. Doig performed the duties of chair- !-en for winter -
. ' r lliaut with flne pictures illustrating i? - . doubt, now have his eye
. yil!e.-At the lasr, meetirg of session of Eg- A wl'k' , I s b!r I Is are concluded in it. I Winthro ' The reverend eentleman was much a&dtei Mr. W. of Huron.-MrS. Symondd and MiasPOWPI1, .
man in -time,
M . - readin-tulatter; seve ral seria MR, 61OvE_,CLOf_1K'.S SAj,E,-The AtIcLion, I . st able manner. Mr. John Me- coons. -Mr. and Mrs. E. BTssenberry have were visiting their brother, Xr.
, ondiille church the adv isability of allow The Deceirber nunil)(r.will -1)egIn several tie% and . by this v �ry kind expression of good wi I MillaID"J. P., wais the -first speaker, and of Clinton,
. Sabba,th School ning domestic- sale of Mr. Andrew Goventock on %)'cdDes-1 returned hotne� from a three weeks' visit
� ing the use of an organ in the, - . exec interest ng tales concen by his lou ly f riand8 around Varna, and ri i- his add s was brim full of facts and use� George Powell, last week. -Mr, and Mrs, I
� - I am nte, � nlet�a.d adveFiture, all, of which will be of day was ivell attended comsidering th very. � among I riends In Berlin and New Hamburg. Ahlibury, of Chicago, are at present 1-islang
. xt was discussed, butno act,lon * taken in ", c.t 11 &rks than - being witty - _prof, Scott will bold his concert In the their brother, Mr. T, Ashbary, U ,
: " I Inte 10,29 well as highly unfavorable weather and bad state of the plied in a ow appropriate rem&rks, than ful hintg1to farmers, ais well aB )f thim p1sico,
I consequence of the absen of the oDlyi 0 to y9iung peo?( year. .:D, Lothrop Ing his a iny friendo, on behalf of Air , I .
. � I p- inotru ive and amuoling; 1,;,2. 0 a .. oads. �'he attendance was not �nearl y large . and lea itat,abou-cling with mtorles, Dr. ToOvn Ball In Zurich on Sat rday eveving of'
. 'tion I . -A very interestilig OvOut
- posing elder, A, vote c f the congrego, com ny, "too, I � Newton all Id hilmnif, for the very bsudjio 0 IlFv',)f Exeter' a a a very interesting . MATalmoxim"- ,
� wa,a taken on the Pnbject during the spring I - . , o1nough waver for the amount of stock . veclipien s no ,�, v ,, Rut,),,, sIna this week. We believe qui a number from took place in the It(iji,ilkii Cistholis Church 11
� - , _f___ I pre)ionO t ey had been made the ) �
I M -,y, I- I . e rather slow of -sale, I and ins�lructlye e;d5ress on i here intend attending It, brought
- I and it carried by a 1'rge Imsjorit Lox f, Bill-yY141- I.r. Bert. Johnston, of Offered,' Rorwi wir of, �. . . showedi &clear and forcible way themany here on idonclayinorning last,which
" 1. ly-iar old fill1wi brought —1 _ _�.___ _
althou some -two - #_ . 6
� 1r; A Goo.uMm,-The Listo*81 town c( Tity TOP. office hiss invented, and Is $75, . bere wil.9 howover a good demand ruts whf�)h the human mind Is apt to get i florth a large aefs-emblage of interest d ApOc- -
� �� - ,un- , XPOst - 1�' Can'ada. England, France, Bruopfield into, T�o address was a most Ala one, and Wroxeter'. tators and friandy,, ancl as is usually the Ow .
. I � cil has passed a by-l&w to have the town bell h5vill patented . . for cattle, cows selling at from 823 to $35 ; oat, Suoys for the Boys und It was very apparent that the doctor tbor. TUANKSOTVING DAY, -T cogiving day on f4ueh occations, the fafroex were largillf
7 � W, I
7 it 9 -p.m. and All boys iunder 15 years Germ ny,and the ,Unitiid $txteb, a very Am- two year!old steers brought on high as GF,T Sol, Full �4anl service In the majority. This event Was thO mar -
3 ruug, i . . I Girlp at MCI40811%, Brucefleldo grand value. oughly u0derAood his subject, and that be passed off, very quietly. 'A union
. I of Age found on the at at.,4 unaccompanied pie a d effective pparatus for looking up yearling steers from $24 to $29,50 ; y earling lilles of Shot 4, Overshoes and Rubbers, See out 250 in the isgoof Mr. JamasDwyer, of Detroit, 46
; *
I � 1 4, ances $27. Calves wero I had give i it a good deal of study. Mr. A. was held Presbyte lian church at I �
. printf rs' form, heifers from $20 to andmuchmoreat blel-t(losills Bru e- I daughter of Our
� by their parents, after � hart , hour, will be S11 raj A I r
I ..
. � . I Bishop,
. for this purpose thi , in use, Mr, Johnston's also In od demand and sold t from INO'l lie jovial M, PX,for South Huron, which quite a number attenAed, A splen- Miss 14a, y Kelly, second (, The -
: . takea in charge by thi constable, If it O' flarcr , recent tri to. worthy townsman, Mr, John KPIIJ
: can be legally enforced i ,e would like to see is the very best We have seen, sod can $10 to 114 each. Pigs were very slow of FARAI pVRujm-4ET),-Mr4 Win, Chapman, .�ve a st ort account of his did discourse was delivere� by the Rev, T, knot was securely tied by Rev, Father Me-
� , scarcely ail to, 3ecome of general use in § otlandt, He described the iceberg@ Mch Davidson, which was listen A to with great
i the town council of Seal )rth � pass a similar sale. Lumber was in great demaid sai of Tuckersmitb, near here, has purchesed c ntion, The ' ' ices were led Gee, and the young courle lef t by the after-
. . I . I I _.
0 r, Alexan4er-MoDonald, gale ,.mount if Mr. Alex. McGill, on the ey enc0untered on their,voyage across the atte opening se N �..
I I by-Isw. It would hav 8 ft. very saltitary prilat� 09 fficcs--,Vl , . bidding was brisk. The whole,� . the farm ( � ite number of our noon train for their hoine in Detroit, A . I -
. I effectupon the babita and morals of the the y)-uni � man w o die'd in i Grafton, Da- ad to about $1,100, Air, W, G. I)uff, o concession of Stanley. The farm contal s Atlantic� and gave some very comical ideas by Rev.Mr. Sbaw, Qu tioll, to say I
I .
� . kota, on ;he 10th nst was I a brother of entertai�ed by the good eople of Scotland prominent citizens betook themselves to the la,rge number assembled at the ata, .
� . ry I Seafortb, wielded the hammer in hi) * Was, as purchased for S5,5 od speed in their .
.1 young and rising generation.' 41most eve Mrs. Rot art Stee, of"i 8 toon.-The anni- 1 150 acres and vv : 9 q V good bye and wish theni G I
. *lit crowds of boys under the above meu- bi d sty le. I i !� There are fair buildings, A'Dd it is a sple about Ca�nada, From w at Mr. Bishop said woods and spent the day very pl asantl , I
: L i goo i___ I coming home quite well faden with the fruit new life relations. On Thavks�
�, f tioncilagecau be seen on our streets,ata veremy e,rvicce i the Presbyterian chnrch � ------- __ - 1 did farin, ind Mr. Chapman has got a greht they spp.�rently think Canada nothing but a
� � . i .
� Id on thr. 20th of December. -Mr. I country bf bears, Indiana and blizzards, of the chase, nothing sm0er than rabbits - ANxiivEusA,Ry SERVICES.- ' I ��
i - when I I _ I
� Z much later hour than ni e o'clock and will I e bi . I Exeter. - i bargain. Mr. Chapmsn's, son John is going, r
. �e Weir, bro�berof Mr.John Weir ofi I � or, deluded crea.ures the a people being' taken, � giving Day our M.ethodifht friends held that
p � they should be in their' beds. i They are not Georl I . . J. T, IrVest to live on this place, Mr. Chapman Dow What PO such LobAL NoTF,J.-Messrs, Brent Hazlewood i anniversary services, and we are plea.sed to J
. -,
. _ T, doing any good for them iel ves or any person this t Dwril, Was elocted a County Commis- Bi-.iF,F,;,-9r Cott, the ge�era; a 350 ikeres of as good land as there is in are to irr agine our fair Dominion to be � say had a very pleasant and profitable timet
. 1
� .� � . . agent for the Stone & Wellington bursery, own .- . sgiving
� � s a sioDe , f or Cavalier' County, Dakota, at the '. . . a Wilderneps. Mr. G. E. Jackson, of E9_ and J� Gibson were hoineat Thank * ' n, of
I .
I - _i_ else, out after that houi, but they are, a. . 1panada. - with their respective families. Air. Hazle.' 1 At 3 o'clock p.m., Rev, Mr. Hendereo
� recent State elee$0119.-The Clinton Now of Toronto, is at preFi nt canvassing t Clani ave a- short address, but on -
7 �, 0,BITUAI LY, -Sickness baO been prevalept mondville, also g - -at
� I rule, learning bad and vicious habits which ppeared last week in a complete new deboye v cd Lacan and vicinity for the spimi � . In account of his recent illness be! had been wood has accepted the school on the gravel, j' London, delivered an earnest and powerf
I . may stick to them thro7gh �ife and which, Era � in this district for some tinle, the victim . r rae. At the close of these services A
� �
: I t and delivery of tree.q.-The Rev. S.F. 114)binsoR � rhe ' di8cou
I throughout and looks as brigh 5 11 " ticular study. formerly taught by John D id o i
I if not checked, will impair their own future dres: -being youngo and in other old. -unable t&give any subject par adjourned -
. I I I I svi a D. ' %ation
- ing
neat as a bran new shilling. Long may it Rector c f the Trivitt Afitnorial cbni cb, wil some casef; These i6teresting addresses were inter- latter gentleman has bee.� attend' th ' large number of the congrE :
usefulness and give their parents many a- . all sermon . in the abov In the cas -, of Mr. Joseph cCully, sr., A I ei to the basement of the Church to partake ;
I . preach his farew I I ear that be"bas I n ampIx I
I hear't ache. The actioa of the, Listowel town prosy er.-We-in tbis clime experienced. the , PTOvedfatal. OnTuesday, October 276, spereed vith music, readings, revitations, . Normal in Toron't6, and we th hich had bee
bath. next prior to h' . e " ool-in. the vici of the good things w �
- i named -, utch on Sal , of Staffis, gave some accepted a geh athevici ityof Ingersoll, I
I council h, sensible and commendable, and we first real taste of.winter for this season on usual health, but caught to. Mi0s HOtham opt
. 110 he was on in his I
. ,ard removal to Walkefton on- the f w well ren4ered vocal solo@, and Mies Porter- at a salary of WO. Glad to hear of y !ded by the ladies,, aind crowd -5 k
. hope their example, in. ,this respect, will be Tueeday. 'Therel was a regular blim ell for some days. � After .411
. I d, and id not feel w
I Alonday.-Mr. L, dws rd Sanders,. who col r !ess, John, but we wool rather had y Is of boitra,
I - nearly all day, add it was cold accordingly. e arna, sustained Ge reputation of sue( ou pouring in for a'coup
I I I�ecomipg worse, his trouble develop d into field, of I - I things pro -
. followed by municipal.ities generally, our . t bu as a musics, 0 . s whome, . o the good
.. Own among the number A good many hav� been caught napping and J been laill up at Sand Lake, Michigan, wit , e ftct .0. the. e located newripri -QuIt4 a lot of sickness had done justice to einbled in the body of
I 1, � - their dou oid fever, returned to his home at Exe, inflainmat on of' the langs, On Sabbath tha in the village and vicinity of late. -Alm. D. vided they again ass
� - I have not yet got 6n ble windows, � typh y last, much improved it heoth evening, tie 8th iDst., bemorrh t a ladies b ve rich, fall voice , and the render. Weir has been very low, but we are glad to the Church, where a pleasant and , profitable
� � I � -months and a few farmcrO have not yet got thei --- r ter on F rida,: age of
CREDIIA esent -d witt. lungs begi n, and on'the Tneeday. followi g ing of t Is various selecti s by them were I xcellent . . . . . . . .
. I IENTI .N. -Some I , F. Robinson was pr .
I . - --
I- - ago a boy in To � we,., I sentenced by turni s harvested There were two or three -Mrs . abbati he expirec! in the 73rd year of his age, e- much a preciated by the �udience. Dr, learn that she is a pood deal better. We time was spent in - libtening to the e .
I I ,-a hands)me plush footstool by bar I e -that it will not be long before sheis in Addreaties by several ininisters mind singing �
Police'Magistrate Denni ears ba. cutte a and sleighs in town on Wednesday, . al to Eralker, . ceased wa i a native of the! county of Der , Campb I gave a reading and a recitation hop
I � son to five y , I "School (lass prior to her r,3mov . r applauded, as were &Igo I her former health. -Miss Hannah Mosgrove, by the choir. The proceeds of the day
. the penitenti ary and to jreceite fifteen lashes.' but it was scratching. Mr. . J., P. Ireland. He was born near the village of which w'ere greatl� - Mosgr)ve, has been the followin
. I
I - � Harpurhey, has the honor of being ton., --Mrs. Phoebe Sweet, of this pUce. is at . - those 0 Mr. McFadzean, of Londeaboro, daughter of Mr. T. I ill amounted to over $JI5, .On
�: It was c4inied'ou 'beb�ty of the boy that he Brin , of runners I this present visiting her daughter. Mrs , Jam6 Dungivenin-1818. IntheyearIS40hee I *mposed of four young for some time, but we bel eve she is some evenirg another tea ineeting was given in A61
� I WW5 cr'itne charged agaimit the r8t to: come W to,wn wi h I 01 grated to America, and remained in, he The quartette club, c
I me talk mong the spor- Hill, Ci editon. -A f ew of our yoni ig- lad i . .. . nity of Kippen, also better. -111ev. Mr. Campbell, of Blyth, will of the Sunday schooll which realimcl $W. .
� �
him, and for which he , was sentenced, al- season --LTbere is . - leav State of Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia, gentlemon from the vicii ocicupy the pulpit in the Methodist church ---------..*-- - .
� Soaffl;(outge ting up ii grand are on the eve of marriage and intei A . - . .
though beforethe mayistrate be pleaded tivel -,eE clined talk a out e n t ve favored the -audience with a coumple of well
. -
� guilty. The plea 11-8 ooting t ornament O be held about iDg this part ecion. Further particulati for three years, Returniog to his A ly, rendered quartettes. While all of the above on Sunday eveuing next, 11 may exp t a -Itev. W. J. Brandon, of Afonktoa, ham
I was rged that be was not pig. � tractor laud in 1 3, he married Miss AT. AfcCul arriages lately. Ele
"a. said that Mr William later on. -Mr. Gee. Heaman, co d, the comic songs of treat. -The yo-ong people c f the Methodist been having a boom in m i
I allowed an opportunity of securing counsel Ch i tm� .-It i n busi and retur ied to America in 1844. He came were highly appreciate . om Henfryn a fPW day"
' to advise him, and that the plea of guilty Ca bel�l, of Harpurbey, yvho i; now in left on Alonday last for Wingbam to Drummond towiasbip,� Lanark copnty, Mr. Win. McLeod, of Seaforth, brought and Presbyte6an eburchm bad a union married a couple fr ,r frotp the
ud under on- Olin, abootin gg, has bagged a deer which neS 7raha is marketed clailyj y time, and s meeting in the churnh of the former ago, another from Logan, anothe
was given through ignorance a" M S. -Considerable g here for tb ,e s. He down the house ever . on of Elms, as well as -Mr.. Al-
. . , due pre-isure f roin the constable who secured lb.�.-Mr. U, C. Coleman�a and fair prices are being paid. -Mr. _Wiii� and rema tied t r 2, on Monday eveniDg last, 'We believe it in 12th concessi who wtre joi ,
4 ii 0 Y"ar e of ds,136 as by no means a small attraction,
I , weig ed 1 225 and son Nelson, of Hensell, Rpen�lt then movid west and live nthevilla Horn to Miss Partridge, a
the- arrezt and was inte�ested in getting a horgei ram away fiom- him the .other day. WebtCO tt ogw the intention to have union[ prayer meetings bert .
I -Ti e Ayind�� WoOdstoc I[ for a year, when he took up l4nd Loud and Ion was the applause that greet- week; And
. conviction. whe taken from the - Air. ol�nian wa� out at his farm, and after Sandaywith relatives in town. � I ed our old aul celebrated friend, Mr. Robert I frequently. It is a good i4ea, and we think ad together on Wednesday last
An ap I Magistrate to the i through tIbe P'Sny's agents still colitinite � in the 10t i concession of East Zorra in 1848, . I .
4 - decision of the Popliecle comi g gateway at the road he sor Plow Com i e 6. lie . Carmich4e). and'his every song was encored. I it will,create a spirit of a( ciability and re, more to follow, .
*.' Superior G)urt, and a few days ago Chief left If animal at tiding alone until he went do a rushing business in this .y. - mained till the year 187 . I
vicini, - �� where he: . I
� :
- i I . � . I 1.i - , . � - I
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