HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-11-13, Page 4IL�_ 7 N No,
THE HUR04 EX00SITOR. 4 cheating in a Cate foliage. Theain entrance is on pifih fhe
'!here should rowd have r cllut�on, once. cc politics his name has the*Wclff a eceive(Il _r the inquiry. When, connectid with,Queb he supposition Avenue and cormstsf an arch 20 feet wide ADVERTISEMENTIB. &nt Governor to hold I a new. press now engine, toiler and co t I hiOugh the 1colonels of their regillients, that mat ind. On t NEW an I plete outfit. '�.he eZor and publ6her, N&. only o ce-beeu mentioned, and then not in %vas acceptable to all, the sub- filled with colurhns and archEs. Betweeit supervIs
press Stich wipe them out bf the that Toronto -h therefore, it fe 1s'free to M. Y McLea Claims for, hkapa the Emperor will the columns are mas3iv. biooze gates. The after a per a ci ny dilareditable connecCton,at either of the CI)MMittee ha-ver.aieed $5,800'al d now report iigurebotNveenthe parenthesis Aer The lt�s� the page of the paper on NvIlloh the Opinion as that quoted above, we may rest claims. it army and will use his inflaeneo to o racise ,-licsa who cousicerIthe L shrine, which is tile Mott ttriking part (,I died. line deno' he w h eth e r culation of 00 and when ' he. investigations. There are few, if any, them in ecciety unless they men& their i difficulty with a memorial. the- interior, is cotnprstd of lofty Column 6 Will, be found asatired that t rove6iment, We are ready o bt-lieve it. It is a splen& d suivable place fo, of
sAvertimew n! Ways, The police continue theirl effb ts to rtone City the
1nj_,.JgAson Bros. (6) ui has not been- very sort- circulation fol a icians in this or any other country ow ils,ng fire till t ie dispute- is _%lexican onyx, with goll ellpita!S and - yia�i loCid paper; but the meri s. purer �olit broke tot
y�&U. Clotb lace a chec upon t hich Things will n ity of innocent ling he social. evil, foe�_ So pporting an onyx arch. The -dome il"Inare ,connect
C.M.18te-St5ok—Wni- Pickard. (5) 9 r, tho ability and 9-terli P -than Mr. iw him s &c.--Mxyilett -&Jackson. (6) ously discredited beforel,,the c,mmission. Of the pape Laurier, and those who folio Berlin is no cirioas, being prompted tlicrato settled. - stovek Furnace, alitie of"its editor and publishe ti-jan fifty feet in diameter and risels 140 fee Tweeds BWkel; Vungmond'a Sone. (8) soa�l qu in polivfbv- haVe abundant reason to be proud s fully I deterrni!be-d to' THANX8GIVIXG DA3 t ota I ly
.01 It, will, certainily,-bc a relief to know, after by the eor who f above the sidewabr.-: The winlOws are of nte
j4tray SbeeP—JAn Reinke. (6) deserve it and inore. Wc wish TaF, Exr oriag a!"elT tolthis crying evil. Th�y have i 'On Thanksgiving D.4y the 4ueen's Own co
—*m. Ba%4den (6) all the noise that wa's madtil at a proper, -Toni and its able and genial publisher ad) of thcir lev der. vc a sham fight beautiful stained glass and the temple �is Auation Ie or placed in prison i rmd lluyal.Grenadiera will ha *IA. Govenlock's Sale. (5) scorted to -he frontier custem, li hted at night by th-itizand electric 40D the impArtial and strict nquiry has proven that tinned icce, '�in Norway as has beuome a ale—G and fifty men who w ei xly 9 Faint f0rS . Sotherland. (8) 'I'llie Stratford Beacon Fayh: Thatexcelle t four hundred ere su6� isitors to the mer til
.L.W.Raward—O. c. ivillmon. (5) ug women. This will attract bundreds'of the Government is In meless and that all the E'DITORTAL NOTES, sit�,ting upo tbe.(araings of vicio L _)fra. Arbuckle. (8) 0, -the Spafol!th EXPOSITOR, Clime io A 4REAt KXTERJJ,RT�SZ. The mclvemtnt inauattrated by the Emperoir No news is forthcoming as known.,
RAM Chs lost vlr�ek enlarged and improved, tb meut, _11ri
—Robert Blair. (6) a e TfO t -Ir vacatit, Dominion the inteutign; of e kil;ed regi . fR98- WAS, practi Cal groundleS3. Judging )Urn f asiern s6burb.
nce—Jo�,n Beattie. (8). jh(a n d There i Dow Clss ex- to. The two rival New York and New Jersey
to supprcss �the inorally'depraved Bridge Cbrnpaiiies, both of which -were, ;rnaking it everl more attractive in,appearance a itre from the staiem 1) of the Chroniels es cuslitj;ln es in Patario, viz, - South a to every n the rolls & membership c -eretting -ia the varktyapl tend pirt of the e mpire. At it, i which already has o corpora -iety
(;Irl vrantAd—Mrs. A� - = Perth i 11 he Social Purit -11 ted,for the hame object, have agreed .anta suit—j. McIntosh. (i) and niore Wit 1% O Kingston and Line In, with iy Society, which of over 250, but they isho. Id not take back o�
irOa. W quoted, this is wh t the result'is likely to 0 meetivg of I in consoliate and to act its one corpo aftl
mor to �o 10 tter ay
I't f it tents than heretofore, which back t ratilin d �]ua I y �o Iii:
;a 'n was, atteudied by two thom
0 pc 9 f B. in the building of the- gre,;Lt bridge werofis be. r , land persons, a water from' the older corps
is saying a gr at deal of a juurnal whi4 b prapo itioniko banish the "Ludtvigs" from ground could be got. for tbeir �tc rei!que
1; of the has held a 1+ding po3ition among.provit, affron- the Ifuaon. The totill ent, (Epoitot Judgment li�s be�n rendered in the con- rough Rt' the cc'antry4as not approved. A rebolution, costume tban Scarboi Igh 8 is The Ele tion Coufts cial weeklies ar many years. ivinj hich in estimated at $75,000,000, of which $15 000 the'Gou
n tested election case pf Mr Tat?, member however, wos ado.�ted to imprison them at tinted foliage.' jThakag W 0,000,000 0601
'-Nr. P., in the person of r. 4ouse of Commons, y Another The Brus"'s Post says: Our tiouth h as a holy -da 000 is to be stock and SC) iond'
for Mentmoreilcy inj t e hard cip-al authorities of Canada is colebril,ted ijot mugh bonds sire to beariutereat at the r 1 91. Henderso, of ffal0 to neighbor—TIn F, HURON EXFC�ITOR—has e- The judgmek was gaillist M r.' Tarte, un- abor. The muni ng in the The, Ate I
o. the prost S-]gAFORTE[. FRIDAY, N 13, Berlin are i1i favpr of -confining ;i- I will,othorwise be, read intere til ve per cent, payable serni-kinnually in
Vacate bii seat in P fliament by the election by La Istreeti, where hey g of the come Stone of tb new combin— of ti larged its bor lers by the aidition of a cc I- seating Him for bribery committed t will be layin ratoue of tb rnuioh p
umn to eachl page, and will thereby ha a a * tutels to special gent without hi kpowledge. It is said he urt-house and City kla I by -\layer gold'. The plaps forthe bridge, appr,oa6laes anil int
Irish Ag'airs. courts on Acaountlof bribery by agents. more room for reading m3,tter and adve direc4y under ��e -ontrol of the police, ed Cc thereto, nd statioub wi)l be next corlFider- alion is obtiioini about as*- unsavory a 'tisoments. *Z dEXPSITOR is an excellent will si,ortly leave on a trip -to Paris, and . a . becope onlyllo aidults. Clarke. ed b 6 liclated bti 0
The election in the 66stituency of C rk, that -he will not again be a candidate for Ry, AR-Te's L� I HWU TAX S. y the a rise. cOmPAules. - The J-0
11)NIERIT.— mumber of ladies -ble
whole structure will be Ruch as WijI era tnat
pulation as-Lennopc did. It has had five journal and w 11 (servts the place it occT." Parliamentary horiors.. Tarte is the r ision Court as been pro- Ctr
to fil! the; vacancy in tire British Parli -ent re t of Lo gford have decided to pr(sant a eilve This year'&Rev' . all the railroads 'having their terminals in pies in spaper world. gentleman to vl7horn Sir Hector Laugevio rdi ary amount
:arriell, or six elections in s! many years, and th e -sue- -y says: I-Ittron moun ed vAip to Mr. McDerMott, who on ductive of more thaff th a e ook h oboken to land their pa taused by, the death o Uncle Thomas McGreevy and other?, are in- Oh
f 11 r. I The G ue),,6, Daily 3 tereu i Tues ay gave Mr. Tim'Healy a borsewl;ip- of.grumbling. Its offlichals e had t,.1 anf_. Jfrs y city or IT and ol,
Sattarda and re!mlted idthe lec- cessul candidate ow each.o-,casion Ills been county has re -,on to be proud of her eek, debted for thei ' down -full. Bioposition i sengers iu ihe heart,of the city of New. 13
r in f raging Tatre- irows place, on y -inds"in the front ping n Dubin for speaking in a derogatory fer the alibg and 'a her Ol'!
r unseated for. corru; t practices by agents. lies, and THE [EXPOSITOR bt Pikrliarnent ms not a very comfortable one. 6 r before, and York- without change of cars. Freight. can payers in ton of a.. Flavin., the camclidats of the Mann r of the widow of the Irish leader. greater bulk than 6 ee transito It has, also, bee'n re preiefitod alternately. by rank. if not a4 the head. Carefully e Tle i,ll a Conserva tive, rld an intimate friend f the whole proceed upon unbroken wh I n any Mr. Justin McCarthy. Mr. IN ENSr, COLD. —Severe arol-storms -con- it is well i 'deed'that the day party led by! i . I Wisely and on rgeties'lly conducted, without of Mr. Chaphim and -Sir Adolphe Caron, is past and part of the country, and if the poptal C0129617VAtiVID and Ilefoe-mer, so that in -the the snowt sale local improverneot by la% Flavin obt ined a majority of 1,500 ver fuse or seneatitn, it is now one. of the mf) tinue in Bulgaria. At Some points en t but the Cbnaervative -party in Parliament, - u d i xpendituro thOTitiCS 68tablileb an office in the c tral
U( lC1()u e,
ellitt3 c di ar of corruptiop one party cannot cast is te feet deep, Many persolis 'have died that something lik
the Parn matt solid nd- reliablii Reform journal% in Wcst- Lrty, tt_bo,)ed1 hini because of the dia- One '.of part- of the cty, the mail Cars Can be I pooibli
as a p, -old, and t6on-ginds is to -come into force - before �orlg. oided
Mr�, John Redniod, I e fjom %he effects of the 4, 7ed under the new Post Gffi e.If the
vt the othe�. _N1r. Henderson was bario, �n'd has gained nViable upoa the party through isday's sitting and unload c ern Oni grace he brought 'thL -
date,,ancl 350 over the cGr4bin6rl vote of A.- & stone f Num. interesting features of T of ciotla lind sheep have been lost. 0 u elected last M4rch for the -second time with- confidence from the community from which his exposures. Ue may -be out with the t t cut down -NJ r. whole proj ect is Carried oiit, the time saved Sal of the Collr�c�l ouMond and Sarsfieli, the regular Cong it dr.aws illicreasing support. We have ii erouo4recks are. reported Lin the Black 8ea. waS the refe nd the &CCOm cl&tjon gtting to th,-. pub 0 na-eated' CoDliervative party and he my not again t his new 1 in,twe years, Apd ow he has bgen ui &Lt
Thii is corsidered a 4reat Ti -(,r., G� OR LINF, COSTS. LEditor Fortun amls as ida;te. doubt but tba,, the imew improvements 64 will be verV.gre
tiva cand ent.er Parfiliment, but, all the same, Ole In W`Ortb�
for the second ti He is a coiist.rvativei who Sued ;IN, Ne iv' York b o tel - keeper f or re residence ii the. north en The- figurt Add to its 'rm parity. AN ATTRA-CTIVE DAT)ty, i tory -for the McCArthyites, an, ft is �p country owt s him a deep debt of grat itude. him accoi on atand'at $100 000. fusing to'! g1v nnt�odation
at as fa kings of the election V tto:can
am, maintaineA by th- ' that it will have the so th' r as t� wor lolor, has been warded -r�i-AS25 A no el.bi(tter and egg store has just be�n
acCount of his.
-Goderich High school -th Avenue which is 6are to E�t in Ontario honors are T11r, Truste—s of the -tion's have -turned out 0 ev,nts opened. o sik result of COML killing qut whEL re- courts have yet go a The Northwest �Iec dai About Ralloween each y art v� I - L of Be�l
p th6 settingy tract, the attention of all passers by. The I
sy between the o parties. E.Loh part are having % I ttle trouble over the re -en- adve:s,,Iy to the pirohibition cause. There —Bob ha ea. NOTORIOUS CROOK CAPTURED. pp6n in Toronto the One mains Of ne. Pirriell party, add that -are I idea has been to Make it a -n elegant es!�,
Can be little d bt t t the expression h. d the �b.
011 Ye*s Bay ars , an SIX 0111:
loses a man, Sent. Perth on the one sideand- gagement of one of their teachers. Soe Musgra.vej the nutorious crook, who insured L-fiye of theilslibricig h -das n a after the c) ordinary buter there
Irisparty will be able to pr sent, against the liquor restrictions was the in accideTt insurance other some sort of indiealiull. that we ha, lis I ent an u lil e an of the bcard a -e desirotm of continuing his 013- mself for 4-s The offence which uu- Iyl- 24 hours and egg store as possible. The floor is laid front.. It is to be hoped this Halion on the othe mquence of the irlpfficiekit administrati, Cf tion. groat I
united compaui�q a keleton, placed great studcut ropula tile' procured,as Henderson -was, like that in- aervice others Wish bim dismissed. the a E`Isotons rgu6d t6t license was A -his time. Ila white mosavics and the walls and w 0; it in,,a cabin near Ana, an Indian separated these b1fppening ilt be A, as the split in seated Mr. while w. re de rated with 3 to proh�ibition with liquor ev ry ings a co
f the prefer.vbl( y -leg crop i�
South Perth, a very trivial one, and there While dis�cussing the subject one 0 burop,"Vilip_cAbin -and ipr�ad the news that days! f yore - the' who UeIr examinat-0 p3irty has resulted in -very great the Irish where. be v burned up, captured at St ight oil cosidered the, edcred with It bas white paintea racy Trwitecs is reported to huve Faid that tile Paul, tinle) burn the midr was more.or less doubt about the accu their cause. 4-t- weeik. The fite t 4 to bell -ropes, doors whie -the windows aro faintly trekk- inji y to es ,day la kag of horse tile hanging f Pill&
ots, Thor of the evidence. An agent of I'Mr. Hender- teacher llfri4uently lost his temper and The unprecedenteil lownsEs of the w ter butchers' ed with gold-. In the rpar of the store let
ntedical-schol The campaign ia Cork was accompanied subj�cts - before occaTr6d �n August. had a man working bim previous to boxeff children'd ears. Such a permn was in the St. Lawrence- thi full is due to. the or a stands huge white and gold painted re, f or 114 ven tile firing of SebastaPol guns, t be -a-41
b a good deal of ribitidg. and lighting be- 80 A31"S �iqa.—The total eircul tion sli ter this man not a proper one to teach the children. A. fact that the riv. great feeders 'have 0 -aub-S to play; but a frigertor. he en -ire frent of tberefri
St ttes,, ac itting and proper pi ger- nip% tween, the coateuding factions. They, had the elections. S time af shortened their supply mt tile same time. It of coin a d paper in the U ited in. A utilitarian"pur- ator is of glosa, throngli which the stock in, had left the effiple of the agent, and short- man who has so little �ootrol over hims--If -cording t the latef;t treusury ititemen't,'is chauge ha been rung flic in -which Sticks usually happens thut wlien LAke.Oatario Is ending the Grand trade of the dairy can be seen, coo
eir(,u-' pose,tbeir's now.After att thlao u
Seeral sanguinary con ich is an (st,imated an entrusted to his care. $1,564,49 161, wh ice -body onj Saturday nigh, sweet ly before the clectioa, he gave hinia five do! as to strike childr very -low the 9ttawa r2r is not, and Around the rown are a number -of 33'
and st-ines �ere freely used and broken lation p� C of$24.23. Opera house it) a ineil3d -me fashi6nable. al ena ly I - —Director Gen- -they serenaded every ladies' school brass yiela I
I&r bill. The agent says it was a balance ersa. _Thi3 ycav,howe er, both have fa
I is not a fib person -to be , allowed to teach ORIjZl-.V-,D t" OF CHILI. in town, Mexican onyx tableg with polighed 3, These un heads bee Of to do their cl�ty, with the result tha, formipable body of legs. To crown all a pretty maid in a hite
iri onr proposed Collegiate Institute. at fol!o wed cloiIly. by A year. may be i-m--gined, do not due for wages, while the employee says that eral Dv 9 has ordered the World's Fair I Montrealand in he ship channel below, the larmed by costume waits on the table.-, while a red distaFoancea, as ) loze their agents oult of Ch�li. The order was ic-spired policemen and- deteetives'. Disa ey nothing was owing him for wages, that.he course it is not well for teachers t(
help the cause of Rome Rule. Indeed, th level is lower t, an ever before known. I -entimeutat purpose of the cheeked rn. an sells the butter and eggs.
y a feAr for th L a Its much e physical s%fety of the evidently rable to had been paid -up and that the money had tempers, but,if the Goderich trustees have a . . EDWRs' AnLxxGTo_x. camp -followers ndace many who were hitherto favo the agefits gs b�, fear that it would be im- students, thes, undesirable a his vote, but it. nothing more qeri us against their teacher Portage J, Prairie despatch ,ayli giving Ireland control of her own local been given him t influenc politid tOVESS he subject of Words Fair &adually thinned out. Then when the ccait Tile L\Iarg uette election protei-t was Idis- affairs to fear that the Irish. cannot sifely be did not have the esired effect, for he keptr than that he" boxes Ahe childretl's cars" a sentiments - was cIcar the youthful mob made a 101m, iss approprilition.. hile publi Perth Items.
ed with costt on Alonday. No evidence d for Mr. Henders3n'a:* the'y"had better keep him on. If there was ag4iniat 4mericaas wai running high. fore4 March to tile Normal school grounds d �o i�th, so largo a measure of self- the money an was brought f orii ard, and the ropular m em- Messrs. Stewart & Elefiry are, packin trustdd w 'DICATE.—Tiie Edgwoor and proceeded 9-
A* BAtysy Sy�v tolraze whole sections of the ded a gcol deal rh9ye of that sort of thing done apples in and around Ruzsel-dale,
howeer, Opponent. Nevertheless, the judges deci her retains his 'S tit. While _N roULndini ithese beauti-
amerit.. A little reffection, n rley prehistoric fopce sui his pf
gover 'k- Watson's Lud Syodicste, best know as the B'
at thES5 it was a corrupt p etice, aud,bdr. Render. inourRigh Schoolsand Collegiate Institutcs, friends had no d 'ubt about the li of the —Tavisto--k has done $10,000 worth f roceiN
ra Syndicat6, of C fleago, has Secured 250,000 fult grounds. Halfoween's escipade will 0 will, we think, convince most th -son has thus become a victim of the over- and less maudlia Sentimentality ab'out the trial, they were ContinUMIly I-,ered and acres Qf i%nd in North DAkota, on which it I-a:st put an end to the figl�t citizen I IS for building this year. fears, sr-e-ground-leEZ, and that salf-govern- met with the reirlairk, I Wait the riA -about this eyesore. —John Moyer. of lklilverton, ied the tr
"health and happiness" of the childrdn, is propos'd to p ace German farmer4 to raise year� have made talks of zeal of one of his ftiends. otheray, aged '16 years. Ili cra(te the comes oni' '-\Tr kVatleon was -tent iii the barley for malt' These lands Ministar-of- Education RCS3 le
meat, would remedy instead of prol gal ng purposes. Since the above waswritten tile guillotine better discipline would be maintained and court -room when! Judges Dub -o and Etin b . ave beein purcliased, in Nelon, Niorman, steps to b dent benc- —Mr. Wrin. Stenart, oi Logan, lost giainst tho stu fine mare the other day from the effects avil&complained of. Self-government would a taken a
reater, progrrs3, Ramsey, Steele, and Bottineau- factors. bring increaged responsibility, and with in- has fallen upon %nother, and c4t off the ymtly 9' would be made by made known thei decisiob, and was warmly-- Turner, of congnitul-it-a bylbis Libeial friends, as ielf colic. me incr'emsed head of Mr. Wm. Gibson, M. P., of Lincoln. the pupils We Would consider it a good courities.: The emigrants will not be tenants SIGHT WORTH T ho
points in fa�or of a teacher, if h by it number of Conservatives who stand —Conductor Snider has been engaged to creased responsibility would ca -he- was un- may but owne�s of the land, it being sold to them Aesthetically-iDclined- people are expect- at and consequently lesi turbulence. At St. Catherinesi On Monday, by Manitoba'li on)y representative." deliver a lecture in Stratford, for the bene. self-respe on easy terms. The crops will be bought ed to feast theinsalves on beauty at the h
History and exp�rlenc_e prove this. At one seated on accoun y - an the courage, to " box the children'.s cars" by the colmpauy and shipped to -all points C.hryEanthemum show to be held on No- fit of the You -n g '-NJ en'sChrietian Alisuciation. —The hearing of the North Perth lec. It is sad lie will again be a candi- i and the sense to do' it judiciou I The railroads have iflreai� announe, n -England &F--!ent- where th6re is a demand for barley for brew-, vember 10th, 11th nd 12-tb It will be time election riots were common 11 Illy tion trial has lji�en postponed to the 20tb , f
return rii-te of $40 between Winnipeg,XIani- bld 'at. thte Horticultural Pdvillion arid 0 rent e(
and, Scotland, while now they are almolt date, and that he will be opposed by the they require it, even if for so doing he ;72 ng purp� this month.
tqka, and Ontarig for C�ristmas excursions. _rH a;nd fo
notorious J. Q. Rykert, who represented a few foolish parentis on hie back for PeF-. F, B APTIFUL S.VO'%V.—A Grand Forks, is gotten up by the Garrdeners —The Messrs. Livingston.,� of the Alill- Winnipeg liberal�by is !hh-ewing itself, now Club who, say they will show -
n. The reasan for this change is Dakota, ( espatch of 4th iDst;, says: It coin- F ori8ts' r0tol
parents GO ftdlu that there is a bo int u arvest. The col- bit" secand to none in',.America in t, is unknow forming &,duty which t 0
the constituency until he w�a� expelled from h- bank flax-workp, have paid an average of t9at the dstarbfng caus.59 have been largely menced Showing about noon Monday and exhi Parliament for boodling. -\Ir. Gibson is a neglect. lection at Grace Churih, services 1,%3t 'an - $175 weekly, in wages during the busy
removed though ji-adicions. 1pgiElatLon 6&r- snowed a l,afteruoon. The snow is drifting line.L' e amounted to $1,300.—The Earl of mer. 1em Refor badly. ny of the men brought here from out at the instance of the people t Aberdeen iatendE to establish a jam fac.bory _yi AV —'Mr. John Kelly, jr., of Kinora, ha*, 'UP fol
Mr. Archibald ampbell, M.P., for Kent,, LATER particul%rs regarding the United Minnes,Aii to help threshing are Is ing be- New York L tter. The people of a country, be it Ire- a on his recertly purchas-,d farm in the cause of � -the cola weather, and a large returned from Lowell, Mas8achsetts,where selves. Change (Regialar Correepon ence.) has, been m .re fortunate. The pe 10 States elections do not materially Okanagon diktri)t,, British Coiuimbia.— of grain is still unthresbed. he he-, left his eldest son to graduate -in quantity i b i 'has V
land ortany Other, know better how to pro- reat CA Wz%'Yolm, No m er oth. 189. against his r L urn [came up: for hearing � on the situation. Both of Che g pOliti I Brandon expende nearly half a million del- B_,lLRR4S OF IT.�The floUL business college. Lyon
r output of -,the vicle for their own local requements than The possibility of thisv itk obtaining a —The M itchell c6natable announces that Monday, at Chatham. When the court a* parties at -and about where they have gerler- lars in new build ags this season. Minneap4liq mills last week was the heir iest Tilden library seems to be Rarig a pro- do the people of another country, and they he will now impound all cattle found run- led counsel for the petitioner said he ally Stood in off years; and where 'changpe ever ma4e, being 201,930 ba,rrels, agginst
semb bability every day, but. is considerably de- i g a large within l Hen. N1 r. D the corporatio f
nly legislate more sptisfactorily Bowell, acting Minister of 'tail can cert&i 205,720 barrels the week before. Twenty- had examined the evidence, and found no bave taken place- they have been chiefly ow - pendent upon how much longer the cantept '_Nlitchell, contrary to the prbyisions of the
ways, is reported t6 havet said that as re- per for themselves in matters of a purely local I of in to local causes. The success of the one mills are g tting out 35,000 barreli 0 t pod ground for suit of his tour qf inspection of the . ver Mr. Tilden's will may last, The lates by-law. Oear
p oce.eding, with the tria domestic trade
I r24 hours. Alo8 firms report
rs nature than those can do WbLo are not im- decision on the questin, Wbich has just —The Foreste conpert, in Mitchell n ghe petition. Tie judges accordingly dis- Democratic candidate or Ne'w colonial railwayland its branches, asinacti%te; the major portion of business if. IS been han4ed down by the, Court of appeals Wednesday evening, lalst week, was well mediatelyintereAed in the country. We _-With costs on the peti- York well s%tiefied the e were few railways 131wttler ged, and of the Republican nominee for the comes from abroad. Prices are utichaUL missed the petitioi 1 -5 I I is in favor of illebeire and lirealts the w th as to tLNe innsical entertAin-
Ccluippedlor in bqtter running condition if carried out boL
have also had, in 4ays gone by, Similar diLf though pretty firm. Direct exports last tioner. So the bill rol Is on. 'Mr. Camp - Governorship of Olkio bus left the respectil Aer- By this.will, t will be re�jembered, r. ment and the comfort and leasure of thLe ve A -Ir. Bowell would now make the I qrrels, gainst 86,590 barrels Tilden'gave to this city bo-dt four or five audience, and week, 90J00 b, a
fiau�ltie,g. awl diatutbances in Canada, o
bell, we ma:y say, also a Ref6rmer. parties about. equal chances in the Preside6- colonial pay its own way instead o f elug the preceding week. terfei
still no persan ever thought of deprivig us what it h:%s al way a beeii. 16 burden upon ille millions to found a free library, The con- Thomas Francis, of Fullarton, bud 'ti campagn. HadtheDenlGeratslostNew MLQ Con- test has now been carried ozi for five years his buggy upset on Monday right, last,
of self government and placing us country, he woul( win Pbe thanks and grati- Y1ork, or if McKinley had beendefcted in i ned a tutelage on account of these. Under Pea -le Again. tude of IoDg suffering and tax-burde nd may -ba carried onaasi naurh longer if the week, by some fools from Rus3eldale, who rey dition, of NOTE FROM THE QUEEN executors feel so disposed. fiowe�er, at the Tan into ilt while dTiVing furiously. through The Cabinet ori! is at Ok"tawa is ended and Qhio, the portent'would have been ominouE-. people. self-government or home rule we have out CITY. present time this 'a not likely, as t6 heirs
ore the villag'e showing off their broD peace is once mor rest d M Cb lea have intitnated'a Willingneal to give $2, 000, - —Rev. George Fulton Irwin, late! from grawn all tfiese Wlings and new an election or Mr. Goldwfn Si nith gave a brilliant le tbre y
disturbance is never heard of. Ireland has has been appease: and now everythis9l is WE notic 6 by the market rep - ts in the t, before the Young Torwuo, November 9th, 1891. 000 for alibrary, provide& the executors Belfast, Irelnd, preached an elDcluent ser- in Toronto tlie ot ier nigh His Tbronto Empire of Tuesday last,, that while re satisfied. to stop the con es.' now. Not men in tile Methodist Church, at Bornholm -of-faetpartof the produced sorne bf the ablest statesmen, iovely in so far a he is concerned, Men's Liberal Cl In on the subject -of Jingo Duelliog in this tratter ollu, ex-speak.epr uimet, has been t CAnadian barley, good to best, was ng ;es only this, but the heirs wc quoted In closi announced that it would globe is 4o out of the way that a sensation d perhaps do- last Sabbath evening Mr. Irwin intends
and profeFsofial men., and. authors aken - basinesa Mr. Tilden's privato' library rights of bee" at from 80 detkts to 85 cents per busel in i7l tile hist, time he would give a pol tical was Caused by a paragraph which appeared Date a 06 remaining sorne iii the villgLye. into the Cabinet. a d the no known to the world. Her sons have taken. in a r Wedneaday morning. nucleus ter a large. one. Thhi library is now —A number of IW83eld ale" young men
addr6s. nor1mg paper on Buffalo, the quotations in Toronto for Nos m
have been presetved. - -Lc�Canada, N11r. he p
gathering by the lake in the Gramercy park bom t d d
foremost positions in almost every a here The repo '.er told of a ell al� 11 cc,, have formed themselves into a club tor the
P dif ,e �la Chapleau's or -an, efers to the matter in this'i 2 and 3 extra v�ere 47 0 48 cent3, or a ion ofia� arribng the trees at Kew Gardens, in kists often to twenty it. 'a many lands, and it is absurd to Say ' that m The elect succeE.sor to Mr. Charles down -in e. purpose of catching sparrows. They go in ference of about 37 cents per bushel in favor Clark Accoi ding to the ied to Wise. It says: c in the Ontalrio Legislature for iEast which 8 M13 journalists, men -about -town I y e rg th e h the from' barn to barb after night with lauterils, ,;
suah� a people cannot s%fey b3 trust �d ith of Buffalo on the same quali�y of. barley. 'Wellington took I e Tuesday. Thei can- And a Mi itary gentlenimi. well known in matter has been i fullest e'xtej;t and ),9L many as 200 .haie been caught in a W Mr. GliapIciv.1 was called to discuss w 'I a manage the local affairs of their own cotintry e bles�rs. Craig and Kirk cod, socie ere ioremoh;,, figures. A society 60 that a furtfier Argument would only have single night, Iders, oi each province the que ilk didatcs wer w ty, ,, r the lea stion of e also noticed that on the same day the Niel,
intheir own way. It is the lack- of self- Cabinet reconstruction. We under8ta nid find the returns r�ceived indicate that Mr. lady was talked of as driving fast her car- the effect of Annoying the succemful h6irii ' —The 1liticbell Recorderays.. Mr. John qTtations for eggs in the New York market teeds irf the same direction, and If the $2 000,00.0 is Accepted, and, the eon- Humberston, of Ripley, and W. Diu� the government that is the fruitful caus3 ol t h e tha, raig has een efeAed by a substsntia ma- erecting.. t lie has obtained what he was contend- test dropped, there is no 0 I
re 05 cents to 2U cents per dozen, while e both Reformers. Mr. 3raig additional color was leut the duelling theory d b In
.n the E erald ing far in the following respects : Two port- jority. They wer t ut that Vie riini of Luinley, both eons -in-law of �Nlrs,
disturbances and discontent if '_Nlontreal on the same date in Toronto they were was the 'nominee pf the Convention, an411 TvIr. from th4 fact that men were seen going library will materiliz5 muelf Pooner than if James Hoskins, were in Mitebell on S&tur- Ing folios are to go to he district c e Isle. We believe that, if &e;p fair I �he Kew bush bfriqg a lie fight is Conti r
I " Cents. So K. ook ar a Far ers' through t words. A t. day Rot looking after the sale of -Alrs,. namely, thoso of B ailways and Canals and of qutedLat from .15 cents to 1 irkwood ran on his own b a Completed, the details -_FU,S�J�AL. Rosh- ins property, chance, the Irish are as peacc-able and seusi- candidate, Mr. Craig is editor of, the For- surgeou'sI hand-cas AgriedIture; aitht r Post -Office Department with lambs. In Tuesday's reports Canarla Chinatown is in mourning this week on —R-w.CbapI.da Searles,of Auburn pri9on,. b--
which were food fo-r club gcsiip the rcst. o ble a people as there are in to world. 'Give or that i)f the 8-.atetary of State is to go in ! 8 I1,%mbe in Buffalo were quoted at 5.40 to the wee�. An enthuiastic -photographer account of the . death ot one of its me t New York State, will preach in the Metbo- Then them the boon, of sellf-Lroverufnent,. a -,right addition to the Pr Vince of Quebec. he I Dade' !Car n is to depart from the 5 in 111ontreal they were. quoted at I and his little camera could Supply the prominent reridents. Lee Hunn is the dead diet Church, Listowel, on Sunday, Novein- .60 which every eivillsed people s1lould' enjoy, New8- of the Week. sequel, at least so warbled -a diminutive name, and although he died in A 'ter 15th, morning and evening, and give on 'Wee-,
Cabinet. Mr. ChaiRleau will pyo6bly choose $4, 1 The saffie scale of difference will be bightning rod swirdlers bird. bevel, of opium poison, yet lie was wealthy- lVionday evening, the, 16th inst., his thril- and eiection riog" and oher di3tatrilances -me 'tare, Ifou I -in nearly everyday's quotations, and sw i)rEw. lie wan a garmbfer, and a loadin light if for hims?,lf the Depart t of Agricul asin which will give him control of the develop- uld have been reapiog a, rich harvest ai ound DEATH OF PRO311SING YOUNG MAN. :i the lilg lecture, A voice from Prison Life." nd
fi 9 will soon be of a rare oc-Ga.-rence there Fen. Ton -Tong, or Chinese gi 'd administ ration of the Northwest, je:t,l in the face of these very.plaia ar)d po- Fairbury, Illinois. Dolizald James MacMurchy, second son Currelley, of Fullaxton, bas HUI
England, Scotland or Canada. At ay rate, ment an, of Recior MacAurchy of the Collegiata In. -tion, his death was made th( 'occasion of a had another succes3ful season wit his long of immigration,- and of the country's sgricul- to t facts -,there are men and newspapers who DROWNED.—Th ree persons haVe lost Itbeir special service ifi the Temph of Joss on Fri it is worth while t-) try the experiment. Al Angers will be Minister 'it tell up, apparently in all seriousu6sa lives in We capsizing of a fishing boat off the stituto, succumbed on Monday to the effects wooled sheep. Hi priz(a won at the fall tural interests. ', r. wll� - I . Ot w und received a week ago at day night, which was attended by the a i of Railways and C).nals, and will thus be island of Arran. of a guns fairs, together with the eales of rain IaLinbs, that free access to the American markets --COlfl we e(Lvy Dunniill On rio. T aw flower of 'Mott Street. Fi;h horns wexe have airgregated-nezrly $300,, SEVERZ COLD. ather and h hough practising 1. beei
able to e' ercise a trong influence on the ten The Quebec Commission-� uld not be beneficial to Canac�iAn farm- of lati in' the estern States, no one was blown, the mellauchol Qn) eaten -an
—Mrs. 8tepbens o Widsenbug, Color- the
or twelve counties of his district. Mr. Oui- w snow are prevalent throughout Gerwaay. f
Royal Commission which has been Met will be eitber 1"ortulaster-General or era. The farmeis 64 or th--m- A poq-tmau was nown v mong the city's young men The ould judge' f ( und frozen to death. bett ei k a trained' choir of celefiti&ne hant'eid becom- &do, who wa's isiting in Mitebell about six +wraN
i as r He was commonly ing lamentations for tile dead, . I weeks agi go -a- mill
TERniBLY, CON FLAG RATION'. —News a to than tbe dec e The body -1
g�tting tile boodling charges. preferred Secretary of State, Ure Chapleau has not and who was Some years a buried in the "' Black INI ountain 14 resident oi Mitcliell, wAs olarried at the- eisted on his Own Self-interest, and has b-ind-19f a terrible fire at flaakow, Chi a, in spoken ofaR or e of the cleverest graduutes wa, against the Qat�b�a Provincial Govermneut, In the univer.3i; , and got a provincial rel�n- ti vergreen Cemetery, on residence i)f Dr. flornibrook, at Cherokcie 'Wit
abandoned his perlonal claims to the port- which' 200 li'ves were lo3t and 1,500 h us6s, of y concluded taking evidence last Siturday. T kiug itsez:lf desttoy*ed. tation from hislassociation with Mr.. Black- rie6and many sucking pigs were roasted Iowa, on the t2y8th. to Dr. Agnew,:of folio of Railways alud Canals as the price of HE Toronto Empire is ma 't abot; Drwiq�—Mr. G�orge Hawkesworth Bond, stock in he d0feuce of Birchidl at Wood- over the grave. Afler a tile the body will t No new devOopmen! a came to the surface the concessions he has gained. But this will ri iculous by its persistent but round '%I.P. fdr East Dorsetshire. England, died --ility e Winnipeg. Mard oba. stock. 11r. M.4cMurchy had literary ai, be disinterred and a lt to 'llina' f0r. ac- i =Mr. W m. Shaw, who the 2NIoth Bel
during the latter p:vrt of the itrivestiga.tian, not diminish his power, for he has thus efforls to connect Hon.- Mr. Linder with the- - ed dekree, tind besides local work cording to Confucius, -the -st) I Of 'no Cell.315- erwell scoo , I for ten years- leaving three few da a ago. e was a Conservative. in a mar4j 'Mei
roven that he has in his heart above .11 else y tial can enter Paradise whil his bones are dical stadiel, The commissioners are now rumi-inating on P QiebecSaaudal,,�. Itarguesin this wig(f a the interests of his province." BANk RoBBERi%--The Bank of Caledonia, when in Toronto, did considerable work for yeaxs ago to pureue his in
-Country peribdicals, resting in lo'reign Roil. fm
th.e evidence and as soon a t they gat it Al r. Pacaud, the political agent of members Minnesota, Was robbed of $6,000 on JVed- standaidjold visited Motherwell a couplo'of ,weeks 490 16 FLASHING ELECTIO-IN full ledi-ed M.. D., haviog passed his eX- the Quebec Provincial Government, got nesdaylaight. Toe burglars -stole a fine teani MION ETURK. thoroughly digested., it is expected they will Somet�iog nore has transpired Concern-- The Slte 'elections h, 6're of course; amirlation with hi In honors. N'ghbors Say. 01 I' and got away. 9 He was high- r e hundred thousand doVars from the I -absorbed the attention of mcst ly respected af, a teacher and citizzu. nke their report ta the Lieutenr*nt over- What Our ei I hrough -Armstrolig, a ELECTED. --Martin Flavin, the MeCartby- ing the tural gas discovered IS months uorwho it is likely wi'l have it made plablic, T11B EXPOSITOR wishes -to express its Provincial Treaeury, (f ite candidate iul Cork, was elected by a ago at �N mic(3 a western Suburb, while men of our citizens, and tbi y will not be —And-rew Foerch, butcher of LSIOWIOI, eport will be, Ocourse,, n one thanks to its �numerous contemporaries for 'portion of this money w ere sin well in the grounds occupied in a set mcodif)r same days to I has rat e he had
What. the r C)nservat;vel, a as plurwlity of 1,51� votla over the Parfiellite were sin Ing ;6 tied business I
a. The ca ' urned from Wellesley, wher set
by tfi-e roviiiasial Asylum. A syndicate, boul mpaign this ear has been a -e4 by him in i
c&usayin.advace, judging from the evi- their. complimentary remarks concerning it, w paying off liabilities incurred candida�ie. been attending the -funeral of his mother, nd has b en-we)l foug dence, -however we do not see how a cae and lso for their good wishes so kindly ex- tq raise money to assist, the Liberal party at ROTHS,01111,1)' N Baron A thur includini some Pittsburg experts, who think very vigorous one a bt Caillarine Foereb, who was in her 73 -rd year. ,P well of the locality, has been formed to find out. Great interest was t%k(n in the result of The dece sed leaves tbirteem Rothschild, a, .�hew o;f%he head of the hildreu, all of 6qua tityaod qualit -of its out against pressed. We giv the following extracts as the Federal elections an to ma e t e re is suit le, t e tate e eet on because whom were present at the funera;l ; 97 of wrong doing can be made great �financial hous is serving his 12 out if th probable the'Gavernment. All the witneS31es seemed samples of the many qu'ired deposits in contesting elections in Months in the French army as a private for suppl:! ing this cit. Over 1.000 acres effecton next years National electiori. A' grandchildren, 43 great -grand- ebildren) 43 Jad
ntr)vel plan for iuformingtbf public of tile eet of land has been leased an awe] 1,* to be quitte frak and willing to tell all they A former Huroraite, but illow a resident of the interests of the Liberal party of Quebec, soldier. great -great -grand child,ren, all living OUT CItUNA. UnbE.S.-s Chnll giveb, deep- wil be 91 arted next week. reoult was been adopted by the enterpris-log —Arioiher' of the veterans of _NorL Exst- kne. - In th,8 respect there was a very Toronto, writes as follows: Allow me to Mr. 'Laurier its the leader of the Liberal, . LOOK congratalateyou pon the iinereased size and immediate Etisfaction for therecentont- T 8TREfT1tIL'%VAYLAW81'1T. World,"' which was Signalling by means of hpe, Duncan Kippon, died on Tuesday, holi
Marked contrast between thia inquiry and party in the D6)ninionP,�rliam'ent ; -ome of esthecombi d fleets will seize Sha ighai At Ougo3de fiell on Tuesday niorIckiiig the flash lights, such as are used (in Our new Robe
in p-ro ved 'appear ce of TuE EXPOSITOR, a rag last week, at therer4dence of Mrs. rt i -of-war, hai
the one recently -held before the' Privilegf:s. more this money having been used to advance arid other big rts aild assume couttol of motion to Set aside the arbitrators' award of nien The siknalling was done Myers, ed was 7S dri .
it came to hand Isst week. The of �tratford, The deceas 81,453,7$8 fur tile old treet -railwliy corri� from the dome of the ulit?, er Building' and years of age, and came to this co and elections committee at Ottawa. The familiar I become with the average ]()Cal his euse, or the caus3 with which he is the customs' I I . I Thi is final islap was seen for 15 miles. r EA1FLT11Q1TAK_E DA-vikGE.—Ill the recent pany was commenced. ettl�ivo'g in newspaper, of Ont a-rio, the higher place does Perthshire Scotland in 1837, S
finkness with which the Several mernbers identified, he 1.13 therefore responsible for lid,
-DU FLO. YHE EXPOsITOR &k in my opinion. I do earthi pau tL ere were 6,500 k ilhed, from thei powerful arm of 8enator Smith in LAT OF THE North R-asthope, wbe're he lived from that p' th w remaining Che hao not 1J of the. Government, from '-Nlr. LNIercierdown no'. think e e e boodling of Pacaud lthou& 9,000 injured, -1,oOO houses totlly deetroyed the cityk face, and is a fitting termination Ameriim has lost ten.of t a fe lei
th, better rural paper ub- time until bout five yeaIrs ago, when he re be in any way connected and 12,000 badly damaged. of his % ;
wards, gave their evidence told much in lislica in the Don�inion,- and I heartily wish been shown to In rd fight against the officiii1s. He old-time; prairie b e , that number moved to litratford. RGEO� chiefly basing hi-, havig just been bo I 't be shipped from 000, their favor, and although there are suspici.- -you and it the on cess you deserve and' ap with, or even coguizantof, the proceedings. REV. MR- S"t, Rev. seeks to:, 500 —Danit-I Whale, the Mitchell -wife ur ownership of a perpetual t h is Mr. Spurgeon is Making cati8factory pro- claim an th city, to Liverpo g and, to-morrOw. derer, waS �aken fromSt ratford jail to. King"- pear likely to achieve. bf�
018. circumatances, there certainly was no It will be readily acknowledged that the f ranchiRo gaiu ed by legislation. This case 'Mr. Leland; the pu er, is a Millionaire i greFS towards recov(ry. He drives and The Mitchell Advocate ELys The Sca- Ion On TO'Edsy, las t, week.,to enter -upon bil, direct evid lie will place tfie wnimals in- his
vrice brought out befofe the com- character and conduct of the Liberal leader will not like13 be finished this week. banker, and forth ExposiTon came.Jo hand ]ast week in walks daily and has a -lifes6ntencetbere..Afew daysbeforehi8firls;l Til IN-DU15TRIAL FAJR. privats park in Elngland. It is well knq*n leaving Mr. NVhale madL- adispbEl * f1
Tuission connecting any members "of the an en-largied form, and-, its usual, *as brim- must be well above reproach,or ven suspic- -i M INF,' F ATALITY --r eventeen miners were tiono 0 ' tally injured at the Smiles wretithed about the fams of the -In- that there is but one herd f buffillo o 'ex hae done libera,71 Government with actual wrong doing. T�e fall of interesting 'reading matter. For ion, when such a round ab�out process of killed and* tw f yt property, and is said to deervedly been considered the -mine, Mout,�na, a (lay or tw( tgo, dulstrial Fair- irector �as they settled up istence, which is owned 4 the famous and WellL for Mr. and Mrs. Seld ala
reasoning has to be adopted by his oppon- I Anaconda following is the way in which the Quebec years it has te pd 11breaking. the boohs for the present ue8d Buffido " Jones. It was from this herd children. Mrs. Seldon is Wh d ugh best country paper in- Canada, and now it through the cage rc y POE
Chronicle puts the matter, And 'we must ents to give'his actions the appearance of ' afterroon. 'ibis vvas not because additia thrcw8 its contemporaries more in the GOT FoRT� Y'EAR.14 At Helenac-NIontana, on- that Mr. Lelaind has boug t these ten. Mr. and ill family reside in ;Mitchell. Oa Rls diagnosis of the cas01i fully, borne Would' a notorious footpad' has d for exhib arrLiS who recii, 't that the political b,oEses of the �a�ned Henry Clark', &I ground i been secure ition. Jones asked a fabulo' . LG. H
hade than ever, t1n politics it is Ileform, us pri e not thinking —The c1leathof F as a prev ant the Advocte Empire bad such a record. It d who has been operatin in that section was purposes, for the rifle.butts embroglio still Leland would pity so much but, the money . eda tro4c of paralysis on the week prev 011t -by the evidence, Aftwr expreasig satis. but that doi I t to eland, as he was - ou-B. took place oL Saturday, October'
ly I Y. continues, bu� because the treasurers re- seemed to 'be no,object to faction, t from acknovrled�iug its orth and en ter-- sentenced to 40 years in the penitentia I 2441 t Ill,
hat the ovt4rnment ha� - been quire any surriise* argument to connect t of Rf4,000 from- bentoll baving'tlie, buffal cs in his parl;. 1-iinLi6towel- The deceased -was well known prt.se. Friend AlcLean has our bestwishes 1 CONVENTION OF WOMENS SOCIETIES.— port allowed the big profi agran N oug aptember's crowds. The big annual Mr. JoneS s! success. many of them with the most fl There wi;11 be a big convention -of wol en.'s last S, wlship, be bayig residcd ox proven pil-deas of Wrupflicity -in "Pacaud's for him continueA t lys ever be anotber I in Flmt to M deal hich President WithIrow b ffialo captured. -;-do bt if 100 i I far of the Eln)a, cheese faiitory for a nu!
with Armstrong it stihis up in the fol- The Goderich Signal says TnE Huitox. doing and the evident object of the Empire labor coc*1 ties in London early iii -December, institution over xv 'Manager Hill wield the wand has now it exuist uncaptured, and th e'kee parts I her of years. He formerly resided ii lowing significant terms: As for th a par- E x rOSITOR Ust week came to hand eniiirged is to make it3 reailers- belreve th.%t itsf op- I and it is roped by the managers that Mr. and p in I a O Gladtone will be present and give the capital'account of $126,000 ovei all liabili- of the mountains were It living man can I ford coanty, near Ingersoll, and was a lea feet legality of the payment to Armstroncr and improved. TjiF, ExrOSITOR has always Hi
polients are as bad as its friends, and in t women the benefit of his views on the labor t es. ure y y nex year some arrange- reac . em. ing stock raiserf that neighborbood. been a good IoC&I paper, and W; th its im, 'A 'MAGNIFICENT W1
nothing on that score can be said. The way make it appear that two blacks make in its relationto meat will hav' been made with the thilitiry o lived in 'pFoved presees and plant will be %hie to do question, and especially —Professor- Crocker, wb The new Jewish temple Bethel s about five or six years ago, m,,eywas,votedil Parliament. lb'passed better work than ever before toward the advo- onewhite. How successful its efforts will women. o that the lo g -deferred- new era of proF- at Fifth And w S
y BERLI-N.—The Em )eror perity can be entered upon. Avenue, anti 76th.Street, which was dedi- leader of til,- town baud and pla�ed Ze el- through the various channels regularly, and cacY of Libera.lism and good government. be, will dq'peud, We suppose, on the gulli- THF, MoRLs OF SIR.�JOIIN'S A1OXU31FNT. cated on Saturday i one f the most mag. Th e 11 itch ell Recorder says: Thereisno designs to clean up high society, slid his 'e net in thp Methodist Churefi chair tbe*,
0 bility and ignorance of its from No agr lient bas yet been made as nificent buildings of its ki din the world bi allf Oil the th u;9h Pdcaud got the most of- it the Provincial paper published in Ootario that readers. Neither good intentions have received impetus ts ki died at Wayni� Asylum, ic Ig country itself -did Eot suffer. Arnstrong before the Senate, nor at the recent Royal nted to whioh city shall get the propo.3ed niemori- Experts Claim that it is Ihave a higher respect; for than the Sea- late disclosures. The Wolff clique flat p r eat in 23rd of October. He was well knon �lm elected himself his own Victim." The r1rth ExposiTon. The ExposiTon i not Commission Investigation at Quebec, has members of the' demimonde in sumpluoU8 al to S�r John 31acclonald. 'Many are strong its appointments as inade�rn architecture ican Michi an musical Circles and was an Or- 9 Chron -in the best boxes of the opera limse, for tho honor, Ottawa, Kingston and Toron- attain, and that it even ri valls ths Temple of I r and leader for seZeial il-le is the English organ of the Con- kiven to sounding its owa praises,buL stands the first syllable of evidence been given -tll&t raiment fi t - Solomon, It I is built of Indian limestone, ganizer, justructo di
servative party in Quebec and prior to - the upon its own'roerits, and in them it has an d with. t eir rai companions rov5 in o e Iwould throw ever a suspicion on the purity nthe Thiergarten. The ed, d e Mon ment shall be a ational riock faced, and is of the Plomanescltie style e,had rate ability and held inju- ample and aubstantial basis to stand barouches throug musician in upon. iulrestigation was -very Severe on the Govern- Last week THS EXPOSITOR Came out very of Mr. Laurier's character and actions, - Al- officers belonging to. the Berlin and thdr tribute to the a e a a mati's memory, the of architect' ure. The arch,es, moldings and Mis as the champion cornet player of 'inent and from. the. first urged the 'L ionoflo ation should be decided at cornices, are beautifully �arvted with deli- ada. He was. undoubtedJ ou,�of the 1111�st ieuter-- mucit enlarged, having added to its facilities though he has been for so long very closely garrisons who are following the same I fe as quest ly Ie
y 11
r v
a ile