HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-11-06, Page 8.
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- I I I I , I - 11 -
81, - 0 ,; - --- 0 , . � - I . . id to -
- __ I . � i � "'6'are all gli - I T-EIIS4 ADVERTISEMENT TELLS You
- . , .
��� th I a claim for damages is larger than � 6au be of Baldwin & 0'rassweller, and Mimi Nellie ctt.,ton- 4ing the otilebration of the i-wenty. block of iobards and Laird is drawing to is home for a few days. Walker, of Bos- -
. , Set ton, ftrmerly a public school t � acher, fiftli anpiver8ary of their wedding. Although completio .—A McKelvey is h�aving an' ad- I see his smili ce,—Mr. - I
, sued for in a Divi,ion Court, and is conse- I ojfice. -Dr. top,_ is vi,siti ng "", iends in this vicinity I That We Want
INGO I house for an'
- He ed last evening at the new home Mr' Ho�lingshead has been a resident of the dition ut to h' . y
%LOTH 4 ., ng frys attended a, dance at -Mr. I "
C quently beyond the court's jurisdiction we -e marri I 'laid [a ur ho � .
� als) claimed that the machine did not work of Air Cratsweller at Lakeside, in the viil�ago_but a few years, there are few, if lJolme ia] up with typhoid fever but is I hun�ber of o rt having -had a '
' - . In � it who have done so much to further said to be, a the mend,-Thost Hall, late of ; Craig's lait watk, and rtpo .1 I
" satisfactDrily and as promised by the rnanu- pr gence:of a ew friends, by -Rev. Carvert 'any i d time. Slugger went wcll ,suppli d AND WHERE TO GET
of Men's I 1! cistii, and the number of costly and theRever hcius0,-ba3 opened put a grocery � goo "I
111tek i of the fair
. - , of N,ow Clothing consisting facturer's agent, and that be bad to get a of the Litkesid Presbyterian church. 'AIW i0i * weeten the smilo
Bit TAT190 . I ak and restu ant business in Stratton's block.- 1 with caudy to s
yo,W�Boys)and Children's Overcoats, and Suits �e tou is fro� Jackson, Michigan, and is li�andso -e presents they received bespe - n 8 I .
below ordiflary value; and neighbor's machine with which: . to on& his 0 rla moves his �shoe-shop to 'I ones. Mr. Balfouri, our village domi ee, i
ve y highly mpJkcn of, while her hustiaud is I e be and his family hold in the. af- John' Da uing t his match Imt i
c bou ay proportionally lower rates. Tito plaintiff on the other hand fini.,bed.- I quite a Wrestler, but be me �
whj90hhtw""I.VC0"o'a17a' .. I . .
11 i
J 'I,
li, V
, is.`,
men's.Suits �rorn $4 lawyer of the i d city fool on of the people. - After partaking of Lairds' no block R ys
grain. - 01 " 3,J a e s Beer) as iiilss of our bo What You Want, '�
,,,,,,CW,romt9 froinsi-60 up; claims that all the machine required to make a-Tsing young hJ ty , ( - 0(ourt here for I week when he cliallctiged two -
. I IT iuitsfroin$4 up; B03,81 Overcoats frolu - V I at -T le ..;va ill of tho go d things of this life, the company I. F. To m 8 held voters'list no i for a combat e post
-1 , sausfactorily was to be properly ad- ,orney of Lskebide." I ( .-Mr. J. �&Iorrow, of th
� yal J! I
u j, p; Cbildren's Suits from $1.75 up; Cl,ffld ren's it w01rL a pleasant time until the " wee 8ma' t,he r6visi' n of the local list &Ad tried sot est City- thii -
i es will i stand about ; office store, is taking in the For � I
1. Will.wfroin ass up our stock of Furs, com, justed; and that the ,defendant refused to At r. John. Benjewieg, Reeve of mc'rj,illoP, ap - . , , lers have been .rushing in to the ,We want to show you our flne
01 lAdles, and Gents' Coats, CA o, CaPel, , work thelmachine when he sent his agent to w iich was locl6ted at Brodh8ger), w'as de- hotts f the morning." Only one, the 14 appeal'. The pt\,rti ' Saver wk. -App ,
plislor � If, ;o at the vit The mother if the groom, was present of theme the same' s before revision. al cases ; w( the enterprising proprietors
0011w#,", muffs, 130as. &o., is now coinp et , make the adjustments.. A numbur of wit- at -oyed by fire �n Fridi�y evening h - his courts evitporator, and . Assortment of
, I
thing and Dry Goods House. . � id7 machinery were completeiy do. who we e present at the weddiD twenty- were rtse, ved. 13, L. Doyle h6jds
nesse is were examined on these points and mll an . , , � , are kept hustling in order to get them dried
isioltzlo .. I or Mqreii, ,. Grey, Cranbrook iaud Bruilisels,
WM. PICKARD, tl� case occupied the court the greater part sl�.oyed 3: was ane-insuratico of $1,500 five ye !is go. Your correopou ent joins f " before the Cold wcather sets iu.-'The Ptage AXIILLINERY, .
- 0 at Ethel an the 17th 18th and 19th of this
. . T. Kidd's old stand, Sesiorth. of ethe day, Judgment on all counts To- a the loss will not be very heavy.;-fylr. with th ir many friends in wishing them I way an'Saturday eveninu 1%st,
- '
- � - R merly of AleKillo . p, left rdany y - arm of peace and prosperity." ' month. A,- large Dumber of al"peals are in team ran a ) being � AIANTLES, -
- li,��ert GjVleosF., for 'tunately did n( t get far before �
served. A number of unforfunatris were . - -_ It is s-sid that the Tories but for .
- . on , I - - on both mi'des. ' -feth'dist �
I I jerked on'- judgment summonses and were duitsisy for Chicago, where he I I - ir aptured by Mr. Cook. -Our N 0 1
wlill reside in future. 114e and his brothr I I',' are, waithig the result before putthig the c
EDWARD -:- OASHY variously dealt with. ' i Farquhar. I . man in tf e field. � friends intend liolditig a tea meeting here on DRESS GOODSY
ifl-law into d eugaging in the gro- . ; I AVvdnf,.iJay evening, the 11th ir8t. The, . I
. a , ,
Fine Dairy Butter, Will -Pay - I to learn c,Jry business in that city.-Judgo� Torns A NOVEL MATCH. -A lively and sociable I I —*— � I pains to make it .
I)eaJer in . - LZAyi.,m Tow -N. -We are sorry )r �he re. time wits ,spent at an oyster supper held - * fiensiall, . committee are sparing no favor- � I AND FURS.
, 're h Id a court here on Wednesday fc a success. Should the weather prove
1L.',,,1k-t prices for fine fall Butter in that Mr, Andrew Kidd, o.f Kidd's hardws. . 8 t� 1, , 4� ' P I; + 'rh. �&i-npu of here on Friday night last, at which a large I � : : A M-1 — �%nfl
We want you to see our large
� I
stock of . _
r .� 'SH.kWLS,
. � - And WOOL -
I 11 . �t_
- .
-We want you to know that weare
giving niore than usual value in
, �
I -
We want to tell you that we have
� - Hundreds of
Which we are offeiin,, awav down
0 I.
� for Cash, '. -
- —_ ,
Come and see what we can - do for
you in the Way of Lo w Prices on
Clothing and Dry -Gloods, �
. Edward McFaul . I
. -
morning. The morning was unfavorable,
I but there was a full eburah. It was the
befit arid most enjoyable Sacramental service
during the. present pastorata. Membas
from Kippen and HiJis'Green were prcient.
-Several of the members of tP- Methodist
church here attended the Quarterly Board
ineeting at Kippen on Monday, aud report
Chiselhuist overpaid forthe half year. NV�ell
* done Chisethurst! Wm. Sinclair and Jobn
Shepherd have shown themsOves to, be
good stewards on the chcuit in loohinf,
after the interests of their minister. �
.1 ACCXI)EST.-Divid Hannah, son of John
Hannah of -the 6th line, while in s_ --arch oi
barn to the floor, a distance of over 20 feet,
bruising his leg, arm and shoulder 'severely
t . FortunstLdy ino bones were broken,
Bya-Eir BiTs.-The hessian fly has den
considerable dainage to theeatly -sown fat
wheat in this vicinity. -We are pleased t(
f learn that Mr. T. Andersori, wbo3e il�ln�.s
I we mentioned two weeks ago, is �" -
1, around again. -The new bridga: o'eretr'o t�
t river on the 4th- line is now ready it
I. - travel. TbefouF-biidgesabove thisone
3 the same stream .have been repair,ed.-Wm
a -Michie has over 400 bushels of Irish lernon
- tthig year. Quito a pile for a Scotebman.-
,r The recent cold weather makes the farine
e- remember his turpil) P -a -t -c -h -question. -
q James Watsow is �uildirig a stable and drivi
e shed on hi�rs.farjn 4t Sunshine. -A very sue
S cessful ,shooting match %as beld atBelgrav
on Wednesday afterocou. of la6t week. -
Wm, Alicbie lost one of his working borse
this week from indigestion. -XIr. Close an
t family have gone to Grey township wbere h
9 has purch-tsed a fasm.-Malcolm Black, th
y popular teacher -of Section No. 3, has' be
. re-engaged for another year. -The Rel
I George Law, of �:Belgravv, conducted
o prayo.r meeting in the hduse of Mr. .Ads
d Halliday, 5th line, on Tuesday evening o
i last week. The attendance was verygood,
g ' Mrs. Heard, of the 5th line, is at preeen
m I seriouely ill, and but small hopies'are ente
t tained for her recovery. ---�- Mrs. Win. Shed
e den has returned bomt- from Michigal
y where -she was visiting frieuds.-If yo
7 meet a member of our Council just now h
. is sure to shake hands with you, as much
5 to Eay, vote for me. -Miss -Maggie Scott hil
e Forie to Saginaw City, Michigan. -Do yo
. know that yon can get the Exposm,R fro
g now till the end of this year for ten cents
a The IN'Torris news alone is worth the mono
. 0 ____
a , Exeter. -
n LoCALITIES.-Rev. Mr. Robinson, w,b
- lias been the rector of the Episcopal c6l
gr2gation here for about seven years, -
aboutto remove to Walkerton, and Re
Mr. Fatt, of Walkerton, will fill'tbe paste
v alte here. -Mr. D. Johns has not, yet foun
him favorite -bound, which be lost about
mouth ago. -'.Mr. McLeau, treasurer of tl
I, South Huron Agricultural Society, w!
n here on Monday, paying out prizes award
y at the late show. He disbursed about W
9 -Business has been dull for thei'-past wee
and grain, although good price� ire offere
is coming in very slow. -The wife of 31
- , Malcolm,Mclnnes, formerly of this villa,9
'. died iuSt, Marys on1londay. Therentail
1-8 were brought to Exeter for interment. 8
g was twenty-seven years of age, and lea
r, a husband and I two small childreii.
- Mrs, Emautic.1 Bissptt who has been .confi
. ed to her boa for some time is at prese
e very ill. - Her illnees appears to be of
. -For several days past Af
0 serious nature Al
n Richard Davis, sr., has been confined to V.
o be",-, from the effects of rheumatism. H
r. troubles are of such a. nature as to cause bi
11 to be in a helplees condition, his bands at
. feet being so badly swollen that they aro
d no service to him.-MTN. Philip Lana
oo gradually improving in health.—Mrs. W"
. ent &I
_ Pupley is dangerously ill at pres
n her recovery is ti�certain.__ Mr. John. P
ir combe.,, of Usborne, is slowly recoveiri
y from his attack of typhoid fever.—Ali
n Maggie Murray, of ffay; who has been ve
d ill is slightly improved in bealtb, and We
n pected to be out again in a few days.
1. ,
81 —Last . week's Mitchell Recorder say
11 Mr. Wm. Yeo, who has been in Mr. If
r- Hord's employ for the past few yearep le
IN on Monday to take a position in an Exet
- otore. William is a steady youu man a]
-is Ilkelyto meet with success-Mrover
Y L go".
ts from this date, store, and bii sisters are sbout removing to v vion o e V0 VAS a 0. � number was present. The occasion was a X40T" TO .UEBTOP.13.-All pary on n - able we prectict a grand birriv, a, v V I X .1
small rolls and prin ' P rteen Reformers were put on the list and . -to Robert I lorrison, of Shedden, late of 11onsall, as ,
Toronto to reside,an Jwbere three brothers and . tch between two chosen sides of men to .
I and will take tub Butter till October " .1 ti to names of fifteen Conservativex� were WR . per statentents mailed them sonietime.ago will I -is sure to come. ________4._ .
I a sister already live. The Kidd faint y are sruakoff. .Tie Conservatives did not have collect the largest number of sp "" tak3 notice that all accoufj . to unpaid by the -_
Store respected 'e �
10th-st the Butter 9 among the oldest and most highl� 1, side the township. Messrs. 111m. MoLaugh- Toth d o' November next will positively be placed
�, C-ODEPLiCH STRKET. SEAFORTH. . families in town, and while all 4;ill regret a )y changes r iade. The interests of the I In cou:Tfo ,,' collection without further notice. 1245-3 1 - Dashwood.
I eformers wer 3 looked after by Mr. Stanley lin anq Th(?3. Hunkin were captainp, and , L OCA LIT! ES, -Miss Nancy Weber left on
- - their removal from here-, -they wilf join with each having twenty. After- A GOCD SOCIETY. -The first meeting'of She will be greatly
* asure of Hays, barriste -.-The Mitchell Recorder of :i4esacroseD, Monday for London,
. i
. in wishing them the greatest me, nLPlimen','tL_ ever I days' search for the little feath oung People's Literary and Mutual
11 list week mak, -a the following cor, � .
I osperity and happiness in their' new home. "I ded in capturing, 6,277. Improvement Society inet in the bosement missed here. -The Foresters" concert I%bz,
'week was well attended, the hall being
" 0 r a -y reference't the singing of Mr. Wtilter , urch on Mo sy � -
ght A- Itran (ft.110 itoro up creatur 9 they succee
_ �D - - � — ,.AT. Andrew Kidd, who has managed the I I a 'Mr. -McLaughlin and his men won the matO ,of Carme I Presbyterian ob nd .
- of his father I Villis, of this town Who aisisted at I con- evening last and an efficient staff of officers packed to the doors. M- r.' Fax was the
business here since the death ort there last week : 11 Mr. Willim, of Sea- by over *500, thus the other side had to pay principal attractioa, who with his humorous
EP�..S. -: - memo -years ago, was a general favorite with c am a for. the 4upper. . . were ele cted . for the ensuing year, -alac, a - ived much applause
DISTRICT MATT ever . y one and has proved-himse'lf an indus- for"th, Was an agrecable suirpriss. - Hei h . . _. - strong managiag committee to look after -the and comic- songs rece
trious and honorable busines3 man, and his grand voice, a leasing manner, and with- . interests of the society. The n, ext meeting from the audience. Mr. Miller of Toronto
'S NOTICE. - b appier selecti no could easily have ettiptured . Fordwich. will be beld in two weeks from last Monday gave an addrees on Forettry. The Zurich
PUBLISHER many friends here will be pleased to bear I k evening with
. from time to time of his success in the a d captivated the audience. Seaforth has SANV MILL Bup..NED.-About six o'cloc when a general programme will be carried string band enlivened the i
I . I .
As Thanksgiving Day falls on QueenCity. On Tueodby evening last, Miss r ason to be pr ud of him.", So we'� are'.- Tuesday morring fire broke out in the engine L out and as a large number intend taking . muBle-Visis Barbara Wurtz while visiting
Thursday 0- red io Hannah Kidd, who, for some time, has been r.George W tely has purchased from Mr.' room of the Eaw mill bwned and operated riends in Da-shwood bad the misfortune .to
-next, we Will be obli,-,L i I part in i it the meeting will be one well - f -, vere
oir in St'. Thomas' Church, . ndrew Kidd he,residenco on John' etreet by L. . Dicko,.aiid before assistance arriv- � fall down a cellar way and.receive a 3e
-espondents if they will Send leader of the ch worth 6, -tending, and ,as this society has .
our Cori, 1, which he n w rc sides, -Halloween Pass- ed all tpe buildings, consisting of Eaw milf, � d- afforded All At- shaking up. -Mr. J. Wurtz feels happy
their contributions one day earlier !ra.i �nado the recipient of a purse contain- and sash and door factory, Were in flaincs- prospere I in the past an ver the birth of a datigbter.-Mr. William
ing a! libers I sum in gold, as a mark of ap- ed off very quietly here and the boys were I ' tending ,it much profit and pleatiare, we 0
� than usual, so that our employees May reciation of her services and a parting gift "pt WL -11 in cleck by the vigilance of - Con- All efforts to save the buildings and machin- have no ioubt it will be even more largely Snell lost a very valuable colt on Mouday.
. I .
ing the F, the eve of stable Dunlot.-Mr. E'. Lusby ia now suf- ery weie of no avail - and the flarlies spread atte �thiis car, as arrangements have . from the effects of a Fevere gash hooked by
� Tom the cori,gregation on I I I -ode. y
have an opportunity of eRjOY ficiently recovered to leave his residence, with- sqc� rspidity that in a very short time I � ieeting a cow while running in the yard. -Messrs.
severing her connection with the choir and been male for making it a union ir
- holiday with others. congregation. . . but is not well enough to enter ujon his dii. the whole Structure was consumed. The be'meeu�tbe members and adheieuts of the R. Cook, A Tiedeman and F. Ilse left on
. .0 . Ve regret to inpry was par ';hodi�t and Presbyterian, churches. If
RNMEAmER1 that THE E-XPOSITOR, en- . ties as constable. -N learn that mach* ' tially insured. The total Ail e Monday on a hunting expedition in Mus--
larged and i - mproved, is offered from E(;HO.NDVIL1,E ITzms, - Hallowee 'Mrs. Laidlaw, sr., and mother of -,Nlr. J. loss i.9 $3,500 ; in suraDce, $1,500. L each vi�s with the other in the way of - koka. �_. � �. - I
D -was 0. Laidlaw, is still very ill with but slight -_ .
.Now until the Ist of January, 1893, celebrated here with the usual ceremoni 0 1 1 provoki�g each other to. good works and
. "s' hopes for hey recovery. -We are sorry to I 1 11ills Green. - .
for one ye- ar's price, viz., 6 1 .5 0 , Or if All moveable pr4perty, especially gates, I � I - v al and , .'L � .-1 greater !exertions to make it a succe33, Turnberry
learn. that Re �T: W. Cosens, the geoi c �rtainly be such'in the fullest sense LOCAL NOTES.-A,Ir. Thomas JoLbb, sr., is
you wish to takie A 'trial trip, it will were in the vkroug'place for the boys, And opular yourigI minister who was aesistant to No,ip--J. E. Tom, Inspector Publi it will c rin. J at present indisposed. -A number of the
n e or
. ev. Mr. Casson Mia PLus�-,,.,% L. -The many friends of _Afr. Wm,
f so the next morning they were,out of place in this tow ome time Sch I f West Huron, paid our schools of the t�
ble giverL from now until the Ist 0 for their owners.' School property suffiered L,Zo, has suffer�d from � very severe attack an o 61 visit last week. ' Quite a number . I members of court Turnberryp -Cariadian Or-
. . ,
January,489-9, at the nominal price severely, for which the young raiders may if typhoid fe% r. He has been laid tip at his from �ere attended the quarterly meeting White, lof Rodgerviiie, will regret to learn der of Foresters attended- divine service at
of Tr, -.q cents. Roll i �� the new Sub- yet be called t�) account.' Parents would do 10 . service� at Cbinelhurst on Sunday last.- ihat li� was obliged to go to Detroit for theForesters'derriioustration in Wingham on
n, well to keep such Young renegades undEr iridge for the past five or six Prof, Sbott did not meet with touch success medica�, attendance, but will be p1ca5ed to, I Sunday last. At the, last meeting of this
scribers. 0 . . guard in future. -Mr. OakeV singing eltas ( I not be able to return to his in formling ,"inging claes here.' -Fall -plow- learn t4at his casq is not quite as serious se Court the following officers were elected for
; -
— I I ircuit at Nor - V t I f r ma.iny weeks yet. -Mr. iniz is the !order of the day among farmers.�-- was at firr,t feared, namely, that of hip die- the enflui-iog year: Win. Jobb, P. C. R ;
. opened with good promise. of sucets's, a mem- chn Greig of NI -sirs. Jackeon -.Brothers, is c' It. ; L
9 ., - Hallow6n passed off very quietly. -The eaec. qThe medical faculty of tlie Detroit Rogert Hastinge, C. Aaron Posliff, V.
A GOOD INSSTITUTION,.-The- satisfactory bership of between 40 and 50, with more to isi in his parentit and other
� I y reaChL Us Of the work - - e progressing fa- t present v . . Orangemen held a concert in the hall an -Nledic C�llege decided that his 'ailment is C. R. ; Peter Hastings, R. S. ; John Harit-
reports that continua -14 come. -Church mititteris -ar ridods at Pic ering.-A representative of urad� . .
done in thatexcelleatinistittition, 'he Ce�- vorably. TheSabbathivening servicess�,e �11 Th moration of the sciatica and muscular rheumatism in a sev- ley, FI'S. ; John Fortune, trtmurer : John
- V , be RistogeDet 0 1 ledical AsEwiation of To- y evening. in comme W ;
tral Business Cullege, of Stratford, force us becoming particularly interesting, slid., it is 3rcial GUDpov0der Plot. The programme con- ere.fqrrn, and he may possibly have to re- Pringle, chaplain ; Wm.- Deans, S.
, � Tonto and Loodon,will.be at the Corrinto , a,l music, MAD0,J -Detroit for tbme't ime and .have: an 1 6
to the conclubion that 't has few, if any" hoped us-3ful to all. -A well known farmer Hotel, SeAfort , on Thursday, the 19th �i§ted f vocsl and imtrument 4 1 .Andrew Campbell, J. W. ; George Fortun ,
. equals of its kind in Oatsrio. We le%rn from Tuckersmith was so anxious to pay his inst. Full articulms may be ascertained fipeeche�, etc. operati in performed., T S. 13. ; Robei t Harris, J. B. - , I .,-
that it is now -enjoying a large attendance . : I , - -0 - - BRIiws,-Mrs. J Howden, of Caledonia, A-X�OTHEU PIOXFBR GoNsi�,-Anotber of
respects to Mayor McGee on Hallo e i �
. of young men and women from different w6en- by refereoce to their udvert;3ement on the is visiting her sister, Mrs,, Wm. Chapman.- iip of Turnberry,
I I night, th%t he attempted to drive his horses 2,nd page � of Ili issue. -The So'ciety of the � Walton. . the pioneers of the toivrisl
' epre- I ' i week having his im,- in the person of Mr. Them a-9-
. parts of the country, and that soveral r Scaforth a Mr. Wm, Elder is thi, as Hastings, p.
ttod wxgon right into the house. Sons of Scot an started here.,about u mouth i JHW.. NOTES. -Mr. Owen McTaorgart is ,
and vicin- iong. In . plemeut warerooms moved back a number of sed peacefully away to his last reftiDg place
switatives are from our own town . ten -cent drinks must be .pretty st lago, is growing very rapidly. At the meet-' . . . ]H*bi)ert this week. -M7. AN"in. I I
ity . Among the latter WeL notice -that Mr. . VISItIng JIn I . . feet front the street arid a fine elevated plat- 'on Friday last, fter a short illness of
H. 1 Sc&rlett,of Winthrop.has lately enter- fact our usually quiet village has been dis- . 'irig two wpeks go there were 17 new mem- -1 ampbell and family of Orillia are viaitirig formbjilt in front for loading and unload- twenty-four 1-otirs'! fie was one of the old-
� turbed several timem lately from that source, bers initiated, spa at tho meeting WedDes- at Mr. P. Campbell'e,-J. MeTaggart and
ri upon a six months' course of study in the our Blurpbers being broken a fe ' . iDg pu poses.-Mepsrs, Petty Bros", new est pioneers in the towrship. He is said to
. w night" ago day' evening- t�here were sixteen _. _'ft here on Monday for Nlichf- .
Commercial Depart inent. - I more R, Camobell IL- and �Cmplete steam engine for cutting have built the first log house and also the
by the brawling of some young bloods from Most of thooel initiated las" NN ednesday gan whe,�e they have secured work in, the
� r, . I I meat ] rid making' sausages is a perfect -ship
0 town. � , evening.were f�om the country. The so- um)Ler toods. - P -nd is giving excellent s . firstal (1pe house in the to xr - .He leaves
BvsIINESS CITAINGE.-Mir, Thomas Daly, . - - . ii model,"a atisfaction. . a family of seven daugbters'aud'tbr66 sons
I ciety no I membership of between S, iENVS,-Mr; Thonviis McKibbin. of �
�' s i � . -.Ilissi Urquhart returned hom-31 this week to moura the 1038 Of a IOVibO and affection -
who has carried on a very successful grccery DBAT�ff OF AIRS. PAYIKE.-AlrS, Willialli 60 and �Wo'%,'ndsit a not yet a month old. 'this vill ' received a telegram last week I ! i i The deceased r, wus highly re-
. ' I 11 to Chatham. -Mr. Charles ��Mooro, who 1.9 in ate father.
business in, thia town for several years, has Payne, of Eguioadville, passed peacefully ---ITT. Charles ciates, who has been ,,L' rts-'- Statiug t�"Ct; his daughter-in-law, Mrs* Jafj. mploy of the Grand � Trunk Rail SpeCted by all who knew him, as waii shown
disposed of his stock and business to Messrs. away to the better land on Tuesday morn- Ident of this to�i n for several yearb, ldit ou McKibb . ba le very suddenly in - the e I . I " i way - .
9 "3, ,ing his by the large number of friends WbU_f0)lLowed
at Til 'ouburg is here at pre�ent yisit
. I
R. Beattie & Co., who.recently sold to Mr. ing 1�.&Et. _Nfro. Payne has been a severe suf- ,Thursday for 0 eenville, Alississi,ppi, where - Aer of �J .
. I Michigan. The deceased was a daugl parent ", 11 r. and Mia. W in. �Nloor�,-Quite_ a his rem;ains t . o the Wingliam cernetery. The
James McGinnis. The Mesers. Beattie took f erz.r f home. '-The 'Mr. Cha: and leaves * ill I e
. . or several months, and ber death was he inierids maki g hilli future -les Brodie, of Seafortb,
posisessiouL 0 �X Lition to . cted, Her maiden name was D_ive H Willie, -s Irish Comedy Compan a family of six children, the youngest being large ri�umber of our v ogers at 0" d d -Nlr- bereaved family have the fall sympathy of
in blond'y, In add the �
- * . y � W. Mi tchell's a(iction Bale-* on Tilesday last. the community -in their Ead bereavement.
I �
grocery. businesm they intind going into the INTargaret Walker. She was a native of �will appear in Cardno's hall on Wednesday only one week old, ' .
. -packing , Twynholoi, Scotl%nd, and was the. youngest veDing next, it, the renowned Irish ,play, 1; 0 -Alifis Simpson, of near Walten, WDS In I 0 L
pork , busine5s .more extensively . -� . the village last week, ZigDi0r, her agreement � I
I to I
than f6rmerly. They are young men Of 901111 daughter of the Lisp- She "Kelly'li Expec�ations." The company is i� L � I Tuckersmith.
, John Walker. � I Zunch.' es teacher for the coming year. . . - I
busintes ability and succeeded in ' building clains to this country with ether members of well recommen& A by the press, and will, no " . - -oT I jum GOOD
L -
. . �� CONN, osT.-Strayed from the premises I A N� - SALE. -At Mr. Andrew
up a good tra4e in their old stand,:,and will, her family when about fifteen years of age, doubt have a ood house. -A foot ball � COW - I . � I
we are sure, do equally well in their new and was married to M r. Payne in 1846, 'She mat' Collegiate Institut6 clubs of the un ersigned at Zurich, a red and white spot- I Brucefleld. - . Story's! auction sale on the 6th' eonCCESiOn
ch between, the Wcow,fiourycargold. 'OnTuesday,Noveniber3rd, I on last Tuesday there was a fair attendance
� quarters and we are gl.id they have decided 7 then went to live with her .husband on the of Galtsud Senforth will be played on the she was seen going down the Goshen Line to Stanley MR, R. G. Simrso-.,� begs to inform big and very successful prices were realized.
tocontinue on in SW&forth. We have not I . with moine other cattle, and at 31r. Lemond's farm all numeroilia customers that he haa-on band a choice
-Rill road, Tuckeremith, near Egmondville, Eee.rea,,1ion,,urounds in this town next Sat- lost. An I f Ma io leading* to stock of tresh Groceries Cranberdes,BDIona Sausa C, Cattle, espe'eially,.brouglit excellent priecs.
learned what Mr. Dal I do, W e and c.ontifiltied to reside there until a few , A _ f,.e non for the, Hough cup. They trace of he ivas 3, informatio I
ty intends to - , the reCDVCI:,y of this aninial will be liberally reivard- 0y, ters,lehoice selection of Boots� and Shoes, arif a Cows sold at from $40 to �50 each ; two -
hope, how -ever, that he will strike something ears ago, whefi Mr. Payn6 solA the farm me will be an eq. Any I erson having her 1 s pted stock of Dry Goodoand Gents' Furnis - year-oddeteersbrought from $40 to $41.50
, , z" y . �re.b?th good cl bs and the ga ivould grcatl� oblige the ,,ell ,
ia town SSL he is a good citizen and one of ,,%rid retired to EgMODdville. She was the . ' 0 be can get"her into his in
I �Xcitlng brie.-M.r. aDd, _'Idrs. James Rich- wn6rby ilkingheruntil go, a I pf which he will sell at Clinton and Seaforth
' 'eorge and John f ,,, ossession, D. S. FAUST, Zurich. i 1247 'ces, �ook out for the ChristmasGoods which will each; iwo-year-old heifers' from $35 to
the kind we cannot afford to lose. yoangeEt .sister of Me$'scs. 6 end, o B erthpim, were here this week, p I pri . 1247-1 $.39.50 each ; yearling steers, $26.50 to $34 ;
� ' 3 arrive n1a few days. .
Walk,-er, of Tucker smith and of a once large �11 e guest of Mrs. Richmond's brother, � BRIEFS. -Mr. Philip Hauch and mrs., i . . . �
I i BRIE yearling heifers $2,$ and sheep $15 per pair,
DEATa OF MRs. WHITSEY.-Th - family only these two gentlemen now sur- r. A. Young. The ladies of the Women's Bannah Moritz,joined hands in the holy �.,i,-A union thanksgiving .service ewe and limb. Th . e whole sale figured itip a
stock Sentinel-'Roview of last we:kWea0yos': vive. Alm. Payne bad a family of 'two hristian Temperance Union will be obliged .bonds of matrimony on Tuesday . Ja3t. We will be beld in the MCthodisl church in this in .8
. ,
"The annouticernentof the death of Alro. sons. T-heeldebitsoti, 211r, John Payne, who o any of the ladies of the town who will wish then a happy and useful lif in the village 4t I I o'clock a.. m.,oit Thursday, the good an . Mr. W. G, Duff, of eafortb,
was the'auctioncer.
,Ltn nLt -Mr. F. Kebbler movcs.�into the 12th init. Addrerses will b� given by the -
L ,
Geo e L, Whi _ ey, though 0 unf xpected, is a prominent resident of Stratford, was ive them a piece of cast off tapestry carpet future. e.1 m GOJ_1ZG To LEAVE. -We understand that
wilirfell received with 'feelings of deep sor- -present at the death -bed of his mother, and 0 help to make a destitute old lady corn- house lite! recently purchased, on Tuesday.- pastor !and others. -Th ; Branch Bible -Mr. James Martin, who bas had �_
Miss Ma gie Poster left for the cii.0 a few Society! meeting of this village will be held ,be Vau-
raw by the readers of this journal. . )eceased wag privileged to soothe her in her last me- orta,ble for the ioter.-A series of evau- I ,
�1 Steinbach, � has the in tha ,11etbodist church here on Frida�, i,tone farm on the Mill road rented for three
had been in poor health for some � months, ments, The youngest s,)n, William,ldied a elistic wieetings has been commenced in days a o. -Mr. D. I . eveniiij, November 13th, at 7,30-p, m. - The yeArs, intends retiring from farming. Be
and the end. was expected any time -during few years ago. The character of the de- he Methodist C hureb, at which Al ili�-s Wil - maninlo ca age r I
the last few weeks. Mrs. W hi tucy� died at ceased was beautifully manifested in the pa- lisme, the celebrated evangelist, is taking a raised io�e that turned the scales at forty agent, 11Lev, J. H. Simpson', and resident. has purchased a residence in Exeter, arill in-
' . . r - tends g(i:ii3g thereto live in the opfing and
the, residence of her father,in Braniford, at 4 tient, rincompl%ining and resigo,ed manner in rominent part,1-Mr. ohn B. Henderson, t1wo pouodo,-Mr. H. C. Doan had a corn rninibte; s, will give ad dresses. -The lecture' - -1 -titural implemen
�t6lad 8 s wiReDgPLgOin trio agrict
o'clock S.m,, Sunday, list inst. DeceiAsed was which she bdre li�r last illness. i She was in f,the Huron a I h!a heifer fifteen italk in �his garden which measurea twelve on " How to Make Life a Success " by Mr.
- � . �
a daughter of Mr. C. Whitney, -of Brantford, the highest sense of the term, a worthy Chris- - i 6riths old, wh,ch is giving milk and which f et long .11dr. John Hess has put a veran- Thos, Oalloway, in Union church last Wed. business. The people of Exeter will find
I ,_ Mr. Martin a genial, good citi
I Mr. Alexander Forsythe, y1a ' in f�ont of his house, which adds great- neaday �veninz, was ,a rich treat, The sub zen and e
. and was married in 1883.. She ha1d three tian lady, whom to know was to admire and - ever had a ca,l'.-.L ' trustworthy bUSineS3 Man.
- children, two, of whom are dead, t,he baby esteem, The sincerest sympathy will beex- cfTuckeramith and Ilims Janet Mustard, ly to it, appearance -Mrs. Strempfer, wife ject wa"' handW in an intereating and mr..,s[ - I
. � ,
being only h . e death of tended to Mr. P yne in bii bereaved and who have been pending a couple of months of Rev 'y S trenipfer haq returned home terly w4y. Should Mr. Galloway visit; us . COU_I�CIL,-Tbe council met at Brucefield
- ff on November 2ud, at 9 a, ill.
- t from B ff 'alo with her child. It is thought again ho wi)l undoubtedly be treated to a
such an estimable lady on the ve thres- lonely conditi011,las the losa of such a life i rith rel%ti',,CS 40 the Old Country, returned preseut. After reading minutes of Ins
hold of life brings a ter. rible bereav ent to partner is a beieavement of no ordinary I pme on _ Thur�4ay._ . .They had a most on- thit t1te - operation recently preformed on full houise,-Mr.'Je&.9a O'Neil has returned meeting, the balance of the day wa's open
the relatives, who ha,,�a the sympat y of a character, The I.remains of the deceased i Dyable time a the beat of health. tlie child's head will be succeseful in reF tor- to Strathelair, Manitobo, amidst the regret in adjustiug and paying accounts, of which
WL I . iog the 'child. of I many fri-9nds her: - Mrs. Frank
wide circle of friends, Mrs, hitney was. a were interred in! EgmoDdville cemetery on 1, . . . e,
i � — large number was preeented, amounting i
She was! t I O'Neil 4nd family also went to join her hus-
member of Knox Church. - ,beloved I Thursday. I - I Kippen. � . all to $845.55. AEs*stance was voted to
by everyone who had the pleas of her band at Shoal Lake, where Mr. O'Neil is
ur i I Crediton. . . few .iieedy ones, and the meeting was ad
acquaintance. The most heartfelt f OUR FOOTWEAR. -During No- WEISMILLFF. has made a sweeping change ! carrying On a harness shop, We are -sorry
I*mpathy I AFOVIT Y � NOTEh',-Tbe Creditom bridge over the . journed. The ocuncil will meet at Kyle'
I s. I�or particulars call at the store. It to see oAr friends go.
will be extended to Mr. Whitney i and his vember and Decenib.,r we will sell Boota I. his buflines I re told this i I - .
I Ifill pay you. D. W11,15MMLER, Kippell. 1247 SlaUble river* will be rebuilt we a I — I hotel, on December 14, at 9 o'clock. Thios
motherless child." ' Mr. Whitney �w a for- at the lowest prices n the tr%de. Don't forget this I -_ I ..
mer Se4forth boy, and is a brother Of Mr. C, when --buying your fall and winter stock. ROHYRT ; 'Co--'CERT.� he directors of the Kippen - v�inter. .Not before it. is needed. -Mr. Ed. I i Leadburyt . who have' unsettled a2courits will pleas
. WiLws, Seaforth. , 1 1247-2 P"blic.11all Co piany-have completed Lheir Trevefhick, one of our old village boyv, who present them at next meeiting, that tb
M. Whitney', ot this town, I - for t . . . i-Ei) -It, is with feelitigg of regret thit�, I financial statement may be as complete a
.0 ! I AN ATCII he successful Guy Bros. rrangements for the concert which will be �,i,3 been away for about seven yeaks in dif- D *N
I Minstrels of Burnt 4"'ork Artists, at Cardnb's Hall pot�Iible.-S� SIMMLIE, Clerk.
-NIAr,rF i November 6. Tickets on sale at -F" eld on 11riday evAirig, the 13th inst., in ferent parts of the Western States, returned we announce the death of T fiss Maria Parr, .
ST. TiroMAS'�CIIURCH ! MS. ' At the Friday . st's Book
. Store, 124"7rxiell he new hall. In, �addition to the speakers home on Thursday last. -Master Wilford daugliter of Mr. John Parr, which ead nvent � .
Guild meeting on Tuesday evening 4LD inter- last week, they have F;Dkbi6er, who has been coinfin�d to his bed took p ace on Sunday evening 25th ult, . I
i rid others mentioned I
. BOARDERS. -A few boarders will be taken Belgrave.
eating paper was read by -Mi-sk TRitlie � te, house near the Ifigh School � ecured the services of ]NIT. W. -.iNfcL-,od, the hrom an attack of typhuid fever, is able to The deceased young lady had been in pcor � .
in a respectable priv�a a celebrated comic singer, of Seafortb, who �jt Up, and hopes of his recovery are enter- health I or some years. She was an at i ' PERSWNAL.-We are pleased to notice tha
I Punabard on the Life of .Afoses. Aliiss Old- I Apply at ExrosITOIL 9-FFIGIS. 1247.3 ' 1. - niable Mr. T. A. Agnbw bas I
field and Miss Brown gave a very fu1itl report I i I - ' tained.t-Dr. Stabler, who has been spending Young woman and'was held in high e8teern I *en distineuisbiri
A,�%iERic,AN RvBBEi�.-We handle the � vill siD9 sevcr,,l comic SOD - and dance the , . a e ' At
I of the Lay Workers' and Sabbath School I I Tr New York, returned by all wbo had the pleasure of her acquaint- himself an an thl te. � the "Varsit
Goodyear (clove, Granby and Colchester American Sailors' Hornpipe and is h , jig. . Al r. A couple of weeke in '
Couvention held in St. Thomas last week . neral on Tuesday was largely games held last week be succeeded in win
� 7 Rubbers. A full sto�k of Canadian Rubbers always ooney, of Ki kton, another comic singer, home on Friday night last. -Messrs. Henry ance, rho fu - -e first prize in throwing the shot
where they had been as delegatels. lkli-SS on hand. RO)MRT 41irms, Seaforth. '. 1247-2 , ill alsobe present, and Mr. I -L. Carmichael, 1F,ilber, Win. Banep, and two gentlemen from attended. Her aged parents as well as the ning tt
Kidd and Miss Belt gave some choi . be selec- RE -MEMBER t�e Guy Bros. Minstrels � � embers of the family, bave the .syin- putting it 3$ feet, 9 inches, which i th
I . at A Seaforth, will sing the " Auld Scotch Dashwood left on Friday morning last for other 1`1 8
I . . �
! University. record. He also won secon
tions of music,in between. Before the close Cardno's Hall, Friddy November 6th. 124-1X1 .
I I - ;angs in the braid Scottish tongue." The Muskoka where they will indulge in deer patby (if the community.
4bout re- _N1R. tistrumental P�'rt of the programme will be hunting for two or three wejaks. I prize for the high jump,
of the evening -M. iss Kidd, who is , I CLUTHE CO3I1.YG.-C6MiDg to Berlin I A.N,o�HF,R DEATH. -Mr, William Yeaman �
I - e, 'L -E', 'TY,
� moving to Toronto, was presented I with an. and Stratford, Chas!Cluthe, 134 King St., West, To. held b Mr. IT. Murdock, of Henoall, on ; # , passed 4way on Wediiefie-ay, last week. H YOU -NG PFOJ 13 SOCIE -The Your)
I I - People's Mutual Improvement Society wa
0 in gold. . � bad no been well during the summer but
� I in the Berlin, on Saturday November 14th, and at the Mau- v 1� , - i Brussels r .
address and a purse of over ',143 i ronto,Ont May belconsulted at the American House � ?_
. I e i6lin ,LudlMiss Murdock on the organ. �
Miss Kidd, who has been leade . a continued to work until about a nionth ago. re-orgS'DiZed in Knox church, Belgrave, Iss
L - re in
. i = _�plaint was of a dropsical nature.
-_ sion House, Stratfok November 21st. Mr. Cluthe's .... iss Porterfielp, of Marrioch. who is recog- I O.V WITu TuE - DA_'IXE.-Right he week with upwards of 30 members. -Th
choir here for some years, will be very reputation at; a meci,hanical genius for overcoming all nized as the beit singer in -North Huron, I - nie His Cc following are the officers 3lected : Honorar
much. missed, and her friends are very sorry ewes of.deformities, such as club feet, spinal c I urva- iss Hotham; of Staffac and all the our new Store. -A Readymade Clothi Stock Second He w in the prime of life, being about 43
and M to -Nona in the County. -The character of the gar- '".
i bo legs etc is -.-.. -_ .
ture I well known through. , If we know it ycarsa Yeaman P sident, Rev. George Law , President
she has decided to remove from 80forth.- �� - '
. . anion"of 6littia-da. Anybody ru tured don't sell one dollar's woro of clothing there can d George Taylor ; lot Vice -President, M i� s
araRo'sn'Ll best local singers have been secured to sing nts is peculiar to our store alone. age. Before his illness Mr.
The choir spent a very pleasstit eyening. at out 19, -'which they never Treamit c _ was a Ory smart, industriobs, man and ha
will bear and see soinethin.ft on that evenin , �bc the least dofibt about. Every article is the best Aleiklejohn ;' 2nd Vice-Prtsiderit,
the rectory on Friday evenirigi, .-lqud were couldbedone. A revol ution in trusses is append Ling � ta n proapefed in consequence, He was likewise . Mis
He!is compelled to Jim it his usual LOCALS. -T e new hall is rapidly nearing of its kind. We are good for our s tements a d � Helen Brooks ; Secretary, Mies Lizzi
I very agreeably entertained by Mr. land Mirs. 'careful of our fit roon of strict honesty and integrity -a
. . come ' and see. I ateincrits-We invite you to put a pe y irvine; Treasurer, Win, Anderson; Organ
Kemp on Monday e n Conormation, visit and &Mnd the office and factory in Toronto, completion. -N I e bad the fir4t fall of snow them to the test and you will not find thein want- membOr of the Lutheran church and in .
- - where be wxy 14, found daily except Saturdayst. on Sunday lastiand its arrival seemed to act Ing At a5.50 any man can have a good heavy Over- ist, Miss B. Tucker. Committee,- M isse
v'p ing _ , I -
which was to have been held thi.i evening . 1 1249.-<2 He leaves a wid
I I - � ' Owens,
I L . as a finger pos� to -everybody. -In addition coai that will keep the cold out; at$7.50a better Pol't'4 a Conservative. Bells Kate Halliday, . Barbar
in St. Thomas' Chu -rob, has been 6ostponed ' ' dhesive one; at $10,00 your choice of over one hund red, in ow and two children, a boy and girl, who
ER � _ to his meat budiness, Mr. Gilbert Dick h3s -_ I
indefinitely, owing to the very a0riDus ill- cou I - t1sters, single and double-breasted Irish Frieze, are we�l provided for. Tu-cker and Messrs, D. Meiklejohia and M
I nters, never olip at -the heel. ROBERT WILLIS, 'begun buying dressed hogs, Ye says he is � _
. ! Sole A�gent for Seatprth. - 1247-2 1 IFteaveits. , Me)tons and Napps. Our Boys'Overcoat BR:I�,F,15,-Mr. John Crozier has rented the H. Harrison. The Society will hold it
� '
ness of the Bishop. I I . _ - bound. to buy every hog within reach, and d 8 t De artment is overloaded -Lovely little 37 adres L of land directly opposite the meetings in the above-mentioned church o
- 0 1 1 1. C - BUTT AND EC,C;S Wanted at art 10�11!ercoi
I I 700D �,a . . we are sure he means what he says, In his IC -pe to, Fine Braided Suite. Remember our Wednesday -evening of each week, Every
Divisro-'s- CouRT,.-DivWou Court Was LAII)LAW'S, Seafor p. 1247 bands we arevt!rtain that our market for Clothing is practical, common sense Clothing; It is Bethel�, church. Mr. Crozier pays $90 per body welcome.
- \ hich nobody can deny -Clothing such as
I held in Seaforth on Saturday la TXNTED. - The undersigned dressed hogs will maintain the excellent all new, %i wear. We do not claini year for the use of it. An it has been badly -
. Doyle presiding.. The court was hold -in the wants about one h;ndred barrelo -of Spys, Baldwins, - L . i we'l]-dressed men and boys farmed and has no buildings worth speak . . I
I Spitzeriburghs sod Canada Reds. if carefully reputation enjoyed in the past. -There is to make a fashion plate of you, to dress you as no ing ci�, the rent is sufficiently high.-Ot .
new town ball in'Kidd's block. This was brought in bags O,acked in straw, to make up a car. - -bothiDg new to report in the grain market I man was ever diessed before or ever will be -dressed Chiselhurst.
e w hall � 3 i without crease or wrinkle ; but hundreds of the best account of the large number of barns which PXR801,ALS, 'Mrs. Alustard. spent a fe
the first FULblie assemblage in th 'el I ScoT,k Seaforth. . 1247 tf. -this'week. Although Dinety-three centi I
I hl , GOVZNLOCI� & I I , i dressed men in Druese)q and surrounding country have
The judge expressed himself big I pleased' WANTED, .qood Servant Girl to go to. � has been paid all! week for wheat here prices are wearing our clothing and it would be hard to $een burned on a certain section of th� days with friends in the villageithis week.-
, - I d. til t some wintibrop'line within the last few- years, Mr.E.Parker, a highly respected young mai
with the hall as a suitable and c fortable Toronto, must be � ood cook, no washing or ironing, appear isappoln ing to a large number who persuade theni to -%vear any other. We also ge the p4ople'naturally think there is a firebug of Dixie, has increased his responsibilitie
place in which to hold court. T docket wag�s $10. Apply at once to the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, are adopting waiting policy. Iq the of the moot Lpvely Suits and Overcoats to order- � .
Seaforth. � . 1 1247 tf. - having everything new in Wale Worsteds, Cork - somc#here. - 'Mr. Henry Beneweis hall by taking unto himself a wife, in -the perso
was� the lightest for some time, w i'ch is. we I * . . I meantime the tnited Stites are supplying. screw - Worsteds, Plain Worsteds, Scotch, English, of -,Miss
I suppo od sign of the times, although I . the expert dem�nd, and the prospects for Irish and Canadian Tweeds. overcoatings in drillefl his well to a depth of nearly 90 feet Minnie Sutheiby. We heartil
perhaps not so good for the clerk I aili . . and LOcAL BRim.-We notice. by a recent an immediate advance I in Canada,tosay the Beavers, Aleltons and Napps. We can suit you in and gpt no water yet. He intends to resume join with their many friends in wishin
es were issue of the Calgary Tribune that a bran h either ordered or Read .,-made Clothing. Dropinand drilli�g* at an early date. - AlT. John them a long, happy and prosperous life to
legal gentlemen. The following c least, are anything but bright. see us in our new Store. -A. R. SMITH, Brussels, O'Lal igh in as purchased the. 1,15 acres of
heard: Smith vs. Morris, -Thi I was an of the Clydes 'I e orse esociation of Can- CHURCH ME1TI_SG.'-The business meetingL Ontario. 1246.2 gether.
action on stpromissory note. The I efendant ada for the Al )erta di:trict, with headquar- . land which was occupied. by Mr. Mitchel ', BRIBF8. -R, Chapman returned to Califol
I of the ,Kippen quarterly board was held on LIBERAL COLLECTIO_'�.-A few weeks. ago as$1,000. Mr. O'Laughlin nia on Al.onday, accompanied by Alril
admitted giving the note, but _deksed that ters at Calgary, has recently been establish- Monday list. ):he financial interests of the Rev. G. I. Salton, pastor of the Methodist The 1 rice paid w.
he had not received, value for it o,4 'the V . To- ed, and that o tr old friend. Mr. D. M. Rad- has n )w a fine fartri of 175 acres and he and Nicholls and John Tremeer. AIrs. Nichol
ani- circuit are well up, excepting one appoint- church here, announced to his congregation him family are deserving of it. '
L dues for which it had been givs,ri was spoiled cliffe, formerly of this town, was un ment, and effolts are to be made to bring it that $1,000 was norely needed to reduce the I - - I .goes on a, visit to her sisters, one of whom i
I and useless when it reached here. The mously elected Vice President. -A gentle- , ot i L . id California and the other in Oregon.-';Nl
pla; up during the present month, ,The board. church debt. Sunday a wits the day sp- ;
intiffresides in Toronto and 'was not man who was here from Buffalo the other . i Varr�a' - J. Fitzg�rald made his last trip to the SeB
. increased the salary of the pastor, Rev., H. pointed for the taking of the collection, � - 0 .
present. A noa-Buit with cost3'was entered.. day was heard remark that be had seen Irvine, to $700, the circuit to pay the super- -which was to, be a] I cash. The Rev. W. S. BijP,F, SOCIETY MEETING. -On Thursda i forth creamery on Friday lasiti He has trav
Tobias Nash vs. the Municipality of Me-' more good looking ladies in Seaforth than annuationmoinEy. Mr. Irvine'has the hard est eveiii g, last week, the Bible Society- he elled 2,108 miles during the seaeon.-Th
Kill0P;Tb1s was an action f damages he had seen in any town in Ontario, and . Griffin, D. D., of Galt, preached two ad- heir aunual meeting in St. John's Churchi Presbyterians here are making an effort t
for aheep killed by dogs. The (aliftion was that the Canadian ladies are much superior circuit to wor in Goderich district as it mirable sermons, and the highly delighted t . ell attended. Rey. raise funds to purchase an or
� and manners to the American involves a driv of 32 miles every alternate people gave cheerfully and liberally. The, here, and it was fairly w gan for use i
dismissed, as the j ad a held the court had in appearance r' L Mr. Newton ecupied the chair. Addreescs tbe.church.-James Reid is re-engaged t
9 Sunday, to do his work. The board does plates literally overflowed with the burden T 0 1
no: jurisdiction-" L to dealL with, it. Wm. ladies.- During the past week there - teach in School Section No. 10
I i . seven or eight itself justice hen it tries to help him 'of $1,123.87, undoubtedly the lArgent cash were delivered by Revs, Messrs. J. 11. Simil , Tucke
Storey vs. John S. Brown, --!The have been representatives from, Of Brucefield, and 14exiderfon, of B&3 - smith,1 at an increarsed.salary. It speaks we
p rties to I financiall 0 1 e new steward- was collection etrer taken in the village, Eon, 1.
this action reside in MeKillop, It. was, different esta�lishmeuts gaining informs- I on ]R A fielcl,� which were ver ppreciated. for hi3h. �, .
der for the new elected,, My��. 6'-�, � Wren for Chiselhurst, in I BILIE�8--Neil ich rdson, who has been bly a
I y big
practically, r%n appeal against an award of tion to enable them to ten I ce of Mr. Jo n Shepherd. The board felt � visiting in the North West for the last two Rev J. H. SiMPSOD, agent of the Societ5, , LoOIAL Doi_,;('11;,-M(,rgan MeTaggart an
I * , " i6
the township engineer of McKi lop given pump required! in the waterworks. Toronto) Pla . deliv red a very able address, laying dow a Mrs mma'6a' . were united in--marr
sorry to lose M% Shepherd as he has proved ' months, got home last Friday, Hie was lag
under the ditches and, *atz� ford, Buffalo and . bi uesday morning by 11,ey. H, Irvlu
,u,ses act. Ha I orkirigs of the Bible So -��
-1 -c�� Milton, Mo t,real, Brant a most succeaef il steward. He gave pressing looking' bale and hearty,. but thinks our the ciety, w ic i last
Judgment reserved, Robert Matilierson vs Ne bilishments have been repre.
I - , t�� , . business engagements as a reacon for declin- land preferable to M�nitoba yet. He says showed that it wag S great benefit to the They left for Granton in the afternoon, fro
JohnHenderpou,-An action fo�l ama,irea. seated. -We Wte sorry to learn from the To- . I )rla, especially in foreign countries. The which place they go to London on the
The plaintiff io an implement in tacturer ronto Globe t�at Mr. E.-Holmes,iformerly irig re-election. Kippen parsonage taxes and I the crops are good but damaged. by frost. W( we � dding tour. The besf -
his _f the crops iel.lo4;ing ,officers were appointed : J. I.. wishes of man
in London, and the defendant a If, mer. -in Editor of the !Clinton New Bra, and for read work am 0 nt to $8.25 this year. T , He esiimates that one quarter 0 Secox1d, president ; resident ministers, vice- follow them. -William Mitchell held a
, McKillop, near Seaforth. The I efeadant some years assistant Librarian of the Legis- is the first jea, of tax paying for church'I are badly frozen and only fit for feed ; half, presioents ; 4mes Armstron ,_ secretary'; auction male on Tuesday last, Cattle Lfjol
had purchased a birider from 't'n al� ut of the litive Library t Toronto, has been forced property, but ifis quite proper. The board frozeD, but fit for market and quarter, not ),I CLIarke, treasurer. Boarl of directors, well; implements and wagons were give
meeting was veky harmonious. Revival ser- I frozen. He says you can take no stock in Wrr ,
plaiatiff. The machine did not wp k to his by ill health o resign his position. We vices will probAbly be commenced in Kippen what you read in papbrs fi�om there, as it. is -Jo�n McAsh, J. R. Balfour', James Mo- swaY�l arid horses would not sell at &I
,I �
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.3atisfaction and he refused, to cent lete his hope that a res from active labor will restore I Clyiniont. The meeting Was Lbrought to a. H-orF s are a drug on the market. -Mr
-notes in yi,� � ment for the health of oorzold friend. Mr. Holmes' next week. : highly colored to suit themselves and to up- ��
, contract by signingthe � -Waf. IngliN, of A SILVER EDDING.-The Dutton cor- hold the oountry.,-The Rankin concert close lb� the singing of the choir, and Rev, Mitchell, senior, and her Non George, NLti
-the; machine and no,tified the. plai' iff to re- successor is to lbe 'the Rev. of the Mr. 4enderson ironounced the ,benediction. conti'ue very low. Mrs. Mitchell is isuffe
. I - compan� played under the auspices �1
move it. This the plaintiff refutoe, to do Toronto. � 1�,e D I h Herald we notice respondent of he St. Thomas Home Jour Delgatty W 8 r I dsonini. -Richard Nicho
0 1
g fereuncuetto, a former Huron- nal makes the ]lowing reference to former Brugseli band to a good house on Tuesday . BRIEFs.-Mr. Thomas a via- ing I in blood pc iuy4e With lung trouble.
arnages 1 the follo,;in L -
and brought action for & or non- � 0 . iting riends in Exeter on Sunday last. -Mr. is �Qn nod to the hic
� w�ll known to many of our esteemed resid nts of this vicinity : 11 A of this eek. -The. new firm of Irwin and
r I
fulfilment of contract. -The lendaut's ite, who was CotIntYL: Pleasant time Fran Keys, who has been attending the Th I igioum Quart6s_--_1_rY meeting of Kippe
-suit on I readers in the 4outhern part of the 3_ as spent last night at the MoBai open up in Brussels .this week. Busi � ss College, Stratford, for some �time, cir , i iwim hold at 0�1[881hurst 'on Sund
counsel applied for a non tbei grounds _ _ � 11- .2 &L rrh -� e_ I recommended. -The ne -
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