The Huron Expositor, 1891-11-06, Page 7NOVEMBER 6, 1891 1 .1- THE HURON e. deden , esed-neemeranededen EXPOSITOR examosee Every Inch a Main. silo sat on the porch in the sunshine M 1 went down the street, a. women whose leak \MS silver, , k But whose feca was blossom sweet Making me think of a garden. Where, in spite of the frost and sno,ivi Of bleak November weather, Late fragrant lilies blow. I heard a footstep behind me, And the emind of a merry laugh; And I knew- the heart it came from 4 Woul4 be like comforting staff. in the time atvl the hour of trouble Hopeful and brave and strong - One of the hearte to lean on, When we think, all things go wrongs I turned at the click of the gate -latch And met hitt manly lool. - A face like his gives me pleasure, Like the page of a pleasant book - it told of a steadfast purpose, Of a brave and daring will; A face with a promiee in it, That God grant the years fuIfil. He went up the pathway, singing; I saw the woman's eyes Grow bright with a wen -Hese welconlie, As sunshine warms the skies 't Back araira sweetheart, mother," Heeded and bent to kiss The loving face Mat was lifted For what some mothers mks. That boy will do to depend on ; I hold that this is true- , From lads in love with their mother Our bravest heroes grew ; Earth's grandest hearts have been I iving hearts Since time and earth began ; Andthe boy who kisses his mother Isevery inch a man 1 Indian Surame BY IRIS. Tie Indian summer. fair and still, The drowsy twilight of the year, The sunlight sleeps ou vale and hill The clouds have shed, their last b ight tear. he wood queen's robes of gorgeou hue Lie scattered through the forest n aze, Bat she has v Red herself from vie% In gauzy folds of autumn haze. Like oases in desert sands That light the drearness of the w te : Like emeralds set in golden bands Some artist's hand has deftly eh d. so gleam e upon the mountain's bro v, Amid the interlacing )ines Of wind swept trunk and leafless bc4igh, The dark green of the living pine No ripple breaks the placid calm That broods upon the silvered st earn ; The world has sung its evening peal , And all the earth is in a dream. -Mon real, Quebec. A Street Car Cony A street car incident seems the unconsciousness of apperen old lady oa entering a erowde the s:.,rap, and by chance took reetly in front of & lady pass ently as old as herself. The paesenger ofe, the seat moment. Have my seat, madam," s with &edible courtesy. " Y than I am." " Older than you !" retorte "I beg a thotreand pardons f ing my elderbut indeed, ma miataken. Keep your seat." But I am sure you are old rsation. Ito illustrate age. An car caught er stand di- nger appar- was up in a e exclaimed, re are older • the other, r contradict - am, you are r than I." was Jensen, Who also looked with loving eyes upon Mine., but she would have noth- ing to do with him, for her heart was true to Chris. As year atter year went by with no word froth her absent lover the maid came to the conclusion that he was recreant and this idea was fostered as much as possible by Jensen, who at laat WAS successful in - CURED AGAllitIST HIS WILL. reproduced in materia that wI1 give them a remarkably life like appearan e. Hundreds of models in clay are made ofthese animals in order to repreeent, the different species and aizes of each. They are to be cast in papier macho and painted. getting Mine's conssnt to merry him. The drunken father ttleo insisted t,hat the wed- ding should come off, and more to got away from such an unhappy home than through love for Jensen. Mina coesented and they were married. That was lave years ago. After two years of hard times in the old A CASE RIVALLING country Jensen determined to try his for- OF JOHN tune in America, and with his wife and one child he started for the New World. Hamilton Times, Saturda After wandering about for some time he "A good name.ia landed in Nebraska with no money. Jensen great riches." The obtained work on farms in different pacts of quotation is proven the State, but WG.'S unable to get tihead son or a firm or an in firiancielly. The man and wife drifted over name its road tasu the State, dolog work at such places as they but to achieve a goo could get.1 employment, until at last they ent thing. Not man reached this city, and about a month ago brought to light one they heardthet a man and woman were cures tha.t has ever wanted td work ou a farm in the western Marshall, after bein part of the county. Jensen applied for the loconitor ataxy,sup place, and, as chime() ivould have it the man alter having been p and woman were employed on the farm of Tomplars as being t Christenseu, but the people were so changed was permanently c that no rectognitioa was had. Something fatniiiar in the woman's appearance led Christensen to make enquiries, and he dis- covered Out it was his long lest love. He said nothiog to either Jensen or his wife, but a few !shrewd questions showed him that Jensen knew more about the reason for his letters neVer reaching Mina than the hus- band was willing to acknowledge. One evening he had been telling a story to his hired nian and wife, and recounted the whole story of his life from beginning to the present. He teld how Jensen had taken the le.tters from the post -office and destroyed them, and when he got through the letter was so overcome with what he thought was Christensen's knowledge that he confessed his infamy. The three talked long into the night about the matter, and before the morning came it was decided that Jensen would give up the woman who openly said she did not love him, and he agreed to get a divorce and give up his wife and child if Christensen would give him a start in the world. Mina was willing and anxious, and the result was that the deed to the eighty acres of land was passed, and the woman is now living as the wife of Christensen. A divorce was procured and the marriage fol- lowed on the same evening. Jensen lives at the farm until he can build a house, and the whole lot seem happy over the new turn of affairs. -Beatrice, Nebraska. After Ten Yeas of Suffering a Hamilton. Ms n is lestored to : ealth. • "And I am equally sure that I. am not. Will you be good enough t&rete,in your place ?" "Net while an older woman !stands. The situatioa watt growing interesting ; but though all smiled, no orre seemed moved terelieve matters by offering a aeconcl seat. Both old persons were pretty well warm- ed up by this time. First one sniffed, and then the other, as old ladies sometimes will when sorely tried. The vacant ssat was still before them. Finally, an overture of peace eame from the owner of the seat, the last speaker. "1 don't want te be disagreeable, madam, and if I'm older than you sit down. Let's_ tell our ages, and the older yields." The aggrieved woman did not relish this much, but the preesare of an audience for- bade a retreat. "Weil, madam," she replied, forcing the sembla.nce of a smile, " shall be most happy. Will you announce your age? then I shall take pleasure in, teliing mine." "I was born in March, 181/. And you ?" " Whet, March, 1817. G-oael heavens! So was I. And what day did you -arrive, pray ?" "Phe 7th. And you There were bright red spots on the cheeTss of botb old ladies now. "1 have nothing more to say," was the reply; " my birthday is the 6th. I am much obliged for the seat." And with admirable dignity she sat down! amid considerable laughter. • ---- Paying for His, Beer. A_ shrewd old Windom ,county Yankee went into a grocery stare at Norwich and asked the price of herrings. " Three centa a.piece," answered the grocer. " Ah," sail the smarty, briskly, " Pll take one 1." and the grocer rolled up his herring. As he took the parcel a new thought struck hirn. " Keep beer?" lie shouted explosively. "- " Yes," Field the grocer, ats soon as he re - severed from the, shock of his customer'a abruptness. Hew much 0 glass ?" "Three cents." Oh, ah," said the easterner, thoughtful- ly, and then, with great rapidity, " well, I won't teke the herring -I'll take beer - there's the herring," and he Passed over the herring, drank the beer and started to go. " See here," interrupted the grocer, " you haven't paid for the beer." "Paid for it. . Of course I haven't. I gave you the herringior it; both the same price you said." " Y-e-s,I know," slid the grocer, who was gettingconfused, "bat you. didn't pay for the herring." " Pay for it 1" thundered'Smarty, "of ecturtie I didn't ; why should I? I didn't lake it did 1?" And then the grocer sail meekly, "Oh, well, I presume it's all right -only I don't, --bat of course you're correct, only,if you'd lust aa leave, T wiah you'd. trade aomewhere else." The easterner retired, and the grocer fell into brown study, from which he at length emerged, with the rernerk, " Well, that's a pretty smart fellow, anyhow."-I3u8i0e5s Education. i HE MAR "ELLOUS CURE MARSFIA L. - , •, Oot. 25th. ore to be desired than ruth of this scripture very dtier Once a per- titution achieves a good °esti is ehort and sure, name isiquite a differ - y rnonthslago the Times of the most marvellous een effected. Mr. John for yeatis afflicted with c sed to he incurable'and id $1,0001from the 11,Oyal tally diskbled for life, red by the US3 of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill.. Mr. Mersha,11 may be strong,healthy trouble. The throughout the nd, and vastly followed. The 11 sides now in - °roes tw yesterday. At k t Mr. W. J. Clar, who rs, Joherder & Cc's y, was een at hip resi- ed with the opportunity rd for the remedy that ition to enjoy life, after . Mr. Clark is a young and told ithe story of his g manneh. "_Ten years got a very heavy cold, smell of my back and a short time ago,defied could hear of, and the seen on the streets in), day, man, with no trace of his ol ease gave Pink Pill a mime length and breadth of the I hacreasad sales of ti e temed results are being een on wonderful cures w ought. • The Times came No. 196 York stre is employed in Mein elothing ma.nufacto dence and was plea, of saying a good w had put him in a po ten years of a fflictio inan of intelligence. case in an in teresti ago," he said, " I which settled in th has ever since, up t all the remedies I skill of many doctors. At times I ivas -go had that I could not wo .k and WAS seldom free from pain, whether tandingoitting,walking , or lying. The only hieg tha gave me relief was an herb I got ram an erbalist. For two weeks it reliev d me and then the pains returned. I got, ore herb, but whether they were the ss.me or not, oh whether they simply ceased to o erate I can't say, but I got no more relief f ern her s. Turpentine applied on hot cloths and trLken internally. gave me relief for a that up too. Sever and said, "Oh, it' me medicines whic it all right, but wh.ch didn't After almost ten years of doctor ng I came to the conclu- sion 1 would never e cured, and tried to re- sign myself to my lot. Some months ago I went into the count said to me, ' Will, wa,nt you to take - replied to him: 'You might as the door.' 'Take them for and I said I would though I had no f not worth that,' I I took the box a gave me an appeti sened the pain. S them. After min Tb at ia over three well and strong. do my work like working overtime it well. I have Some Boys Who Became Famous. Let me tell you of •some country boys who have succeeded in New York and other cities. Cyrus W• Field, the man Whe laid the Atlantic cable, spent same years of his life on a New England farm. So did his famous brothers. And each bas found fame and fertune in the big city. Chauncey M. Depew lived oa a farm in Peekskill, New York. The elder Vanderbilt was a farmer on Staten Wand. • H. B. Claflin, the great dry goods man, came from a modest city in Massachusetts. Henry B. Hyde, the fam- ous insurance men, came of eastern parent- age. George W. Childs started in Phila- delphia at three dollars per week. The Harper!, composing the great publishing firm, came from a small country town on Long Island. Marshall Field came to Chicago as a country boy. John Wane - maker, to -day worth millions, was a poor boy. 'Jay Gould began life on a farm, so did Russell Sage. Austin Corbin, the great railroad magnate, is a New Englander by birth, and early in life was a school teacher. Charles A. Dana, the famous editor, is not a New Yorker by birth. And there are scores of other successful men equally as well known as any I have mentioned, who began life in the rural districts. • ,- And, so I say to you, my little brother in -blre country, be of good cheer. If you do not see your way clear. to getting on where you are, do not be diecoura,ged. Work and study without ceasing, and some day you will find that opportunity has slipped her hand into yours and led you into pleasanter paths, where you will find a chance to stand ehoulder to shoulder with the men who are ma,king history as well as fortune. , - • How a Nebraska Farmer Secured a Be-tter Half. The details of one of the most unique trades ever consummated in this part of the country have just came to light through the filing for record of a deed to a, tract of land in the weatern part of the county, The Good For Evil. A prominent lawyer relatea to a corres- pondent cf the New York San, that many years ago, while he was•Attorney-Genera,1 of Missouri, he happened to be in Governor Stewart'e office when a convict was. brought in from the penitentiary to receive a pardon at the Governor's hands. The convict Was a "steamboat man," alerge, powerful fellow, with the rough meaner of his clam. The governor leoked at the man, and seemed strangely affected, scrutinizing him long and closely. Then he signed the docu- ment which restored him to liberty, Imit be- fore heading it to him, he seid, "You will commit some other crime, I fear, and soon be back in the penitentiary." The men protested solemnly that such a thing should never happen. The governor looked doubtful, and after a few moments, said: 4' You will go back oa the river and be a mate again, I suppose ?" The man said yes, that was his intention. "Well, I want you to promise me one thing," continued the governor. "1 want you to pledge me your avord that when you are a mate tiepin you will never take a billet of wood and drive a poor sick boy out of his bunk to help you lead your boat on a stormy night. The mom answered that,he never would, but seemed surprised, and enquired why the governor requested ouch a pledge. " Because," answered Governor Stewart, " tome day that boy may become governor, and you may want him to pardon you for some crime, One black, stormy night,many -years ago, you stopped your boat on the Mississippi River to tette ou a load of wood. There ties a boy on board working his pae-d sage from New Orleans to St. Louis, men enough to do the work,but you wont to that boy with a stick of wood in your hand,drove him on deck with blows and curses, and kept him toiling like a slave till the load was completed. I was that boy. Here' is your pardon. Never again be guilty of SD brutal an The prieoner took the pardon, covered his face, and went out. little while, but I gave 1 doctor • eiamined me gle nothin !" They gave they sa d would 'matte ry to see have so box of ny father. He mething here I Pink Pills !' I well thr5iw them out of my svire4 Will, he said, do anything for him, ith in, them-' They are aid, snaptdng my fingers. •dreally felt better. They e, at any rate, and les - 1 resolsied to continue three 4xes I stopped. eekssagd, and I am now he painnIs all gene and I new an. I rem now ntil 10 o'clock, and stand a,ined in eight aud feel better every way. It NVIL9 n faith cure with me, for I had no faith th pills at all. My mate at work, at my advice, took Pink Pills to build up the syStem, and ays he is much better; he certainly looks it.' "Yes," remarked Mr. Clark, as the Times reporter' was withdrawing, "you may use my name, and if :you see any one. who has any doubts as tol the curing proPerties of Dr. Williams' Pilk Pills jtkst send -him to A.N1).THER CASE. ,Mr. James Wright, No. 129 Bay street North, is another of the great army of wit - d frotn diabetes, uder the atten- e disease, how- nesses. For a year he suffer but was restored to health tion of Dr. Anderson. T ever, left behind' it a fearful state of nervous - nese, debility,,lack of appetite, sleeplessness and ringingnoiser in the eel's and head,which at times drove Mr. Wright frantic. From weighing 180 pounds he care down to 118. He was well ecquaintediwith Mr. John Marshall and krilew of his trouble, ,Hearing of his cure he defcided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and did so in Jame last. After ell these t en boxes turned an sweet sleep was ger to him. In two months ghteen pounds of his lost 11 gaining, Mr. Wright is the -remedy will have the any one who is afflicted as a:fair trial. with the wonderful cures he use of Dr.Williems' Pink gratifying to. Canadians to are the ditlicovery of a Cana- dian doctor, a gradhate of McGill College and post gradu Hitherto the have come to u limns' Pink P taking one box, vanish and ele him, appetite r no longer a stra he recovered e flesh and is at confident that same effect upo he was, if give In connectio resulting from Pills, it must b know that the Seals at the World's Fair. Under the direction of Henry Elliott, the 1 tist who has ever drawn and painted deed is, from Chris Christensen to Nile Jen- the seal and walrus in their native haunts, sea, arid cenveys 80 acres of farm land to an interesting exhibit for the World's Fair the Pieter, but the remarkable part of the is being prepared by the Smithsonian In- deed ze the consideration which is given for stitutiots. This exhibit consists of models I d the land. It reads as follows : "Fr and in consideration of one woman, to wit: the wife af Nile Jensen." This queer document caused an investigation to be made, and the follawiug romtntie story was learned by the curious newspaper men who went to the farm of Christensen : Nine years ago Christense.n left Sweden for this country to make his fortune, and when he Rtarted he left in the old country a young woman who was to be his wife as aeoa as. he became able ta send after her. This girl, Mina. Petersen, was the daughter of a poor, drunken shoemaker who led his family a dog's life and was coatinually on the verge of starvation. After Christensen left, Mina. expected to hear from him con- stantly, but no. letter ever reached her, and, as elle had no idea --to____Nhet part of the United States he went, she could not write to him. A.mone the young men of the town Children Cry for in papier macho representing t e ur walrus fisheries on the Alaskan coest. The anitnals to be represented, -as well as the men who mach them, are being modeled in clay. One of the models shows a seal " drive." This model includes hundreds of mimic seals which Aleuts are driving along , • to the killing grounds by waving eldths and shouting. Another illustrates a "rookery" on which full grown seals, bellowing and pugnacious, have "hauled up" out of the surf upod the islands to breed. Another mddel will show a hauling ground of bach- eldr seeds. The killing of seals will also be shOwn, a group of Aleuts being represented in ,the aet of smashing their heads with eltibs. There will also be represented a number of hair seals, which are not useful for their fur, but merel for rood supply to the eiatives of that reg . The walruses, no* rapidly becoming e ot,are also to be roubles began to completely cured te of Edinburgh Univereity. reat discoveries in modicum from abrload, but Dr. Wil- ds have conquered diseases hitherto declared by the works of specialists as incurable, ni Canadian medi for Dr. Willie an unfailing b supplying the feete., eteete, dd•et . . ethe sit'ate fsal v,‘ eet tate. • .. f .1 • 1 , Castoria is rfra Sa,muell Pitchees prescription for I faLts t and. ChildrCno It .cqntains neither Opium, Morph,/ o nor 6tlicr Nar otic suitstance. it is a harmless sub. tituto ; -„fo.-01 Parct lc, Drops, Soothi:4; Syrups, and CastOr .tpil. It, is Plco,Saut. It guarantee is thirty years' tise' by Ilklions ofiDlother. ;. Castoria destroys Worms and al ays fevcrishnels. Castoria prevents vorniting Sour et. r(1,, ! cures Diatrhcea n(1 Wind Colic. - Castoria . relieves i- -- -lothing,. troubles, cures constipation and flatnle ley. C toria piss/mita 13 -am food, regulates the. ston aell and bowels, givi , hea.lthy and natural sleep. as. tolia is till° 'Child .cn.'s Panacea -the Iaother's Fric tir. ,..-,..-. 1 Cc,,i,,,oria. 1 ....on.st,,,i.,,, Is an e:.:.:ellet. medici no fca clil- tiece.:, allethere liavoirepeatcein t.' Icl me of its geed eEect upon theiel _clipilteenc A e•• CiE(10CD, owell, Mass. " Castorlr, Ls Um laier. remedy forchildren of 1 -iviii.a.% I en% ecqnainted. - I hope tic 0:-:y is vf.)1, fi.--.: C.:s...a/it, V;ht...L., 7.1:-_,' hero will con aacr tac eeal i . interest ef lavir chile ren, and us Castoria in- s:cad of tac verioas quack nostru s which an destroying their loeel ones, by fo cineeopinna morphime soothing syrup r..rnl agents dowu their tones, th.c them to premature gravee." Da. J. F. the: hartful e by ecncliug, INCHELOE, C nway, Jar' Tho Cantina. Com Cactoria,,. " Cr.:stork+, 13 so n<Irptedito cl I recommend it, c.r.,curicrior to.n,ny- e known. to mc." H. A. Atcrt 1:1 fa). Oaf crd Eroo ildren that 'ascription rt, M. D., clyn, N. Y. "Cur physician,s tho .children's &mart- rnent It:so spolze6- highly of alai:. experi- ence in tlicir outride prectice with Castoria, and nathotinh we only have esiniong our medical supplies what is, known las regular pros:tic:a, t 1":0 are frees to cenfess that the rneri:s of Cas:oria hae won tie to look with favor upon it.'' UNITED ilOSPITA.L Lan DISPENSARY, Bo on, Mem. aan_ner C. Surrn, Pres., emly, '77 :Murray Stroot, New York, C itello3a•o ...24; • 'ix;N 1-Vtl-trkY4' • ar ..rft4agg Ylou Aye, ifIttetVetirth.td`Sfilahiils'er761-1W2Meetet,"ndeltrMe.. -teld ANT THE EARTH? We can't give you that, but for the best bargains on earth. Artistic 'Honest quality and lowest price is fresh and ever changing stock. the next few weeks we NV 11 give you Furniture and Household ecorations. the force which gives life and motion to our , We are overs ocked, over loaded, big assokment, and for 'a few weeks Furnitur sold at inoney riftling prices, at pleasing prices, at remarkably low prices. over crowded, overwhelnld with this we offer it at clean iTv'eep figures money reaching pricds, at people - - Are you with us during the next few weeks '1 R,oberson's Central Furnitur House, OPPOSITE E.. MeFAUL'S DRY GOODS STO E SEAFOOTH. Pitcher's Ca d have skiduew lustre on al 'science. What is claimed s' Pink Pills is that they are ood builder and nerve tonic, wants incident to over -work, mental worry, _ r excesses of whatever nature. They stimultit blood, and res ing the fruitf the system, build anew the ore shattered nerves, remov- 1 causes of insanity. They are also a specific for the ills peculiar to wo- men, such as pains, displace are a certain r of vision, pal where ha,;bee broken wn claims are no the remarkab Times, as we menials from pcneesston of One thing in connection with the nee of Dr.Williams' "ink Pills is the comparatively light cost of boxes (never i at 50 cents a dealers or dir dresdng the Brookville, 0 suppreFsion, -bearing clown ients,ulcerations, etc. They medy for headaches, dimness itation, shortness of breath, pale and sallow cheeks and constitutiqn. , _That these exaggereteld is Verne out by e cures investigated by the 1 as by hundreds of testi- all parts of Canada in the -he proprietor, TREET, THE SEAFORTH - FO NDRY. de to reatment. They are sold in bulk or y the hundred), box, and iiay be had of all ct by mail, postpaid, by ad - Dr, Williains' _Medicine Co,, t,, or Morristown, N. Y. 1 Having completed rebuilding and repairing the old foundiy, and introduc- the latest equiPinents and the most improved machines, I anow' prepared i do All kinds of Machine AND GENERAL FOUNDRY LAND °ROLLERS. Repairs ORK. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. ALEX, SAUNDERS, G-C31:31=ZIC13 LATEST METHODS:Particular attention paid to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specification careful- ly prepaired. Repairing Promptly attended to. Three Trains Daily. Telephone No. 28. Corresi ondence Solicited. I f We are now turning o out some of the best improved Land ,Rollers, and invite tlie f riners to s..e them bdore bu3Tin°. elsewhere. T. T. dOLEMAN. A • evere ttacic. EAR SIRS,- My ehiidren1 were taken ill with ulcerated so e throats bo dering, on diphtheria. I had nothing in the house but Hagyard's Yellow Oil which I used vith great b nat. I am sure if it had not been for t the disease would have developed into diphtheria. It is a splendid medicine. Mn.. E. CAMERON, MooreneFalls, Ont. --ereeta-aa A Sea Voyage. _ L A sea voyage %. an ea xpensive and xtensive pre- scripvtion, r:speet lly hen equally good results as regards health, aro tq be hadl by simply taking Bur- dock Blood Bitters a cording to directions,. It is a specific for dysepSilL, cleanees the blood, lisgulates the liver, bowels and kid neystand removes all impure matter from the eysttru. - TEA.CHERS WANTED. MEAGHER WANTED. -Wanted, for School 'Sec- tion No. 6, Morris A Teacher holding a second class certificate. Salary not to. exceed8400: For further particulars address, SAMUEL IRVINE, Bel - grave 1'. Q. • 1244n4 MEACHER V/ANTE1).-Wanted for . School See - 1 tion No. 0, Tuekorsmith, a male or female teacher, holding a second or third class certificate. Applizatione stating salary will lie received by the undersigned up to November 14th. PersonAl ap- plications, preferred.. THOS. TpWNSEND; Secre- tary, Clinton P. 0. , o 44-4 AD Deere Sirts,-I hay ram for bronchitlis si sults, and can high' uble Effect. used lagyard's Pectoral Bal- d bad ough, with the best re. recoil% u end it to all sufferers., Ros FM:ISLET, 0 Dela vare Avenue, Toronto. MEAGHER WANTED. -Want 1 Mora No. 6, McKillop,ama either seCond or thi conuneflCi January 2 GREGOR, Seaforth up to aretember nth, , -Itch our;d in 30 m nutes by Woolforil's Sanitary Lot'on. Sold y J.S.Roberta, 1237 _ d, for School Sece e teacher, holding d class ct rtificate Duties to id, 1892. Apply to ALEX, Mc - 0. Applications received 1801. Protestant preferred. 1244x4 BULLS F -JP. SERVICE. ERSEY BULL. -TL Undersigned will keep dui.- nis farm,' 2nd con- , a thoroughbred ohn Bull. Terms - service with privi- JOHN HANNAH. bull calf, eleven 1164 ing tho present seeson on cession, L R. S., ckersmi anadaar time of ecessary. a Jersey sred. Jersey Bt si..50, pa 11, aired by 'able at the lege of re urning if n N. B. -Also for sale months old, thorough' URE BRED II01. undersig Holstein Friesian cattl premises a thorough ber of young bulls far sale, deecendents of Neth- erland Prince," all egistered , pedigrees. Prices reasonable. Apply o Lot 8, Coecession 11, Hul- lett, or address JOH alcGREOR, Constence P.O. Milburq's Aromatic. auinine Nine fortifies the sys- tem againet attacks of ague, chil abilious fever,durnb ague and like trouble. ensionseeemsnmineei TEIN FRIESIAN CATTLE. ea breeder of Pure Bred , will keep for service on his red bull. Heho.s also a num- Knight's -Bo9d -Cure THE BIG MILLS, SEEAFL4RTH. The above mills have" now upon the HUNGARIAN •RO DUNN' BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND LARGESTSALE IN CANADA. een thoroughly rebuilt omplete LER PROCESS. The Mill and Storeho so Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and ew machinery applied throughout. THE LATEST I PROIED ROLLS Flour Dressi s g Machines From the best Manufacturi g Fits have been put In, and everything necessa 'added to enable her to turn out flour SECOND 0 NONE In the D01111/310D. The fa from farmers and for elevati been extensively improved. from farmers' wagons, ws cars at the rate of 700 bu work of two men. A LARGE F -F CUSTOM STANDARD ho hold re edy in successfu1l usec_c3..sr,„0 more than 40 •ears. A positive cure for Dye- 1 pepsin, Scrofula, Ne ITOLIS Pros ration, Constipation 1 , and all diseases of th Blood, S oma.ch and Liver. I Chopped aatisfactoril Unequalled br Produ Complexio A botaniCal comp und, put sent by mail at one t ird the co eine. Large packag s, Sullicien half size packages, ufficient fo ple packages, 259. A reliable Agent w ted in this locality. EN CHT BOT4NICAL CO., 1183-52 , 262 Broadway, New York. _ ilit.ee for receiving grain g andishipping have also Graid can now be taken ghed, and loaded into hell per hour, by the 1 • ED STONf B.- . HOPPING Pu13 Has been put in, and the necessary machinery far handling obeli and coarse g aims. A good shed has been ere ted, so that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded nder cover. WH -EAT E I Promptly at FIRSi-CLASS GUARA CHANGES ed r, and OILER FLOUR TEED. E3 ED and without delay. ing a Clear e, OLLER-FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, at And all kinds of • p in packages and t of ordinary mede for 3 quarts, $1.00 ; APPLE, ,. =ARRELS • 3 pints, 50c.; sam- D- . FINE, COARSE (NO LAU SALTg FOR SALE. CHOPPED •FEED Conetant y on hand. VETERINARY. ''Cailliosnpormgruseueate 0 on. :11 N A r:41111Es V treated.6V't3 e) tario Veterinary College. Al) disease of Do- erinary Medial Society, etc., treats all di, eases of attended to and charges moderate. Veterinar Dentistry a epeciadty. Office -At Weir's Boys, Rotel, Seaforth. the Domesticated Animals. All oat promptly at- . rid.24 _U orinary College, Toronto, Merieber of 115. Vet- erinary S. Beattie, V. S., graduate of Ontara Vet - tended to either by day or night. Charges moder- south of Kidd's Llardwar store. try. Office on Main Streel, Seaforth, one door ate. Special attention given a veterinary dentia' EAFORTH flORSB INFIRMARY. -Corner f via and GoderIchStreets, next door so tte Pres- byterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All de sends Cf Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do aesticated animals, successfully treated at th inurmarir Or elsewhere, on the ehortest notice-. sharges troder. ate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veva inary Surgem. P. S-A large stook of Vetern ary Medicines Kept con- stantly on hand LEGAL laelATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Insurance .1)1_ Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavits, Conveyances, &a. Money to loan at the icnves, rates. M. MORRIBON, Walton. T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, <to. Office-ktootos, five doo-s north ofCommercial 110501, ground floor, next door to G. L. Papst's jewelry store, Main street, Seaforth. Goderieh agents -Cameron, Holt and Cameron. 1215 el ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, ,Selititors, kede &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. Gammost, Q. C.; FROUDPOOT. riAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barrister So lieltors in Chancery, &o.,Goderioh, Oni M. C. CANNRONo Q. 0., Plums Hour, M. G CAMIRGI. -1-1 J. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Conveyancer, it e.,late „ of Victoria, B. 0. Office--Ov, r Bank of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. Pr,vate funds to Lan at 6i and 6 per cent. -1066 ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Bolleiton, Con veyancers, &e. Solicitor's for the -.Bsia, of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to bun Office - Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. IL Mansulia, Js Soorr. a HOLMESTED, successor to Wit. tate firm Of . McCaughey & Holinested, Barrixter, Ss licitor, Conveyaneer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, MAID Street, Sestorth. DICKSON & HAYS, formerly with Mesas Gar - row & Proudfoot, Goder1ch Brs. ristere, Sol- icitors, etc., Seafolth and Brussels Seaforth Office -Cardno's Block, Main Street. R. S. HAYS. W. B. DICKSON Money to Loan. 1147 W. CAMERON SMITH, BARRISTER. Solicitor of Superior Court, Commissiorer for taking Affidavits in the High Court of Justice, Commissioner, Money to Lend OFFICE. -Scott's Block, over Lumsden Drug Store. Wilson's 1234 DENTISTRY. -La W. TWEDDLE,r Dentist, Office over Hamilton & McInnes' Shoe Store, corner Main and John Streets, Seaforth, Ontario. Nitroue Oxide Gas ad- ministered for the painless extraution of teeth. 1169 DR. BELDEN, Dentist, Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. Assistant -Dr. Atkinson, Graduate Penneylvania College of Dental Surgeons, Philadelphia. Gab administered for pain- less extraction of teeth. Office -over Johnson's Hardware Store; Seaforth. Will visit every Wed- nesday rorenoon at Dixon's Rotel, Brucefield, and at KIppen in the afternoon. Every Friday forenoon at Prendergast's Hotel, Dublin. 1226 TT KINSMAN, _Dentist, L. D S., ,E111,. Exeter, Ont. Will be at Zurich, at the Huron 'Hotel, on the Lan THURSDAY IN RICH MONTII, and id Murdock's Hotel, Hensall, on the nave AND THIRD 1 FRIDAY in each month. Teeth extracted withethe least pain possible. All wore first-claas at liberal rates. 971 Cures Burns, Cute, Piles n their worst form. Swellings, Er sipelae, Inflammation, Froet Bites, Chapped Hanps, and all Skin Diseases.. HIRST PAIN EXTERMINATOR. Cares Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Fair's in:every form. By a11 dealers. Wholesale by, F. F. Dailey & Co. TO Lot 10, on 9th 7 on 10th concessio TOW South half 21 TOW Lets 11 and 12 TOWNS Lot 8800 3rd For terms &c., a 1197 tf _ FOR SALE. IP OF MeICILLOP. cession, 100 acres. Wtst half , 0 acres. SIIIP OF MORRIS. n 51h concession, 100 acres. SeHIP OF GREY. on.13th concession, 200 acre IP OF TUCKERSMITH. oneession L. R. S., 100 acres. rly to the undersigned. F. HOLMESTED, Barrister Seaforth. Highest Market 'rice Paid in Cash for any Qua • tity of Wheat. Onlyfirst-clatris and ob Iging men will be kept to attend cust,cmers. The ilberal patronge of farm - ere and generaltirade.resp etfully solicited. • A. W. OW musurnmEgamerzemzusgmEromme M. ,ROBERTSON, Leading Undertaker MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 1 My facilities are unsurpassed. I am pre- pared to conduct burials in a most satis- factory manner. All modern undertaking -.appliances. Competent management guar- anteed. A full line of burial goods on hand. 11 aim to be. prompt, considerate and reliable. VI" Charges most reasonable. RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN STREET. 1223 Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GOING NORTH-. Ethel e - Bruesoln...... • . Bluevale wingham.. Goma SOUTH- wingham .• Bluevale Brussels Ethel._ „ LVIE & CO., PROPRIETORS DR. 0. II. INGRAM, Dentist, (successor to H. L. Billings), member of the Royal College of Den - tat Surgeons, Ontario Teeth inserted with or with- out a plate in gold celluloid or rubber. A safe anew- thetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Office -over O'Neil's 1?ank, Exeter, Ontario. 1204 N. B. -Plates sectfred firmly in the mouth by Yemens' Patent Valve. Passenger. 2.61 r. N. 9,41 r.x. 8.66 V.M. 3.06 9.55 9.45 3.21 10.10 10.10 3.311 10.20 11.10 Passenger. Mixed. 6.30 1.M.11.10 A. M. 7.35 P.M. 6.39 11.29 • 8.05 6.53 • 11.52 ' 9.05 7.05 12.07 9.41 • London, Huron a GOING NORTH. -- London, depart Exeter Iiensall. Kippen. Brucefield Clinton. Londeaboro ...... Belgrave Wingham arrive GOING SOUTEI.- 11criugham, depart Belgrave. Blyth.... , .......... Londesboro Clinton Brucefield Kippen Hensall Exeter MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN. -Straight Wane at a per cent., with the privilege to borrowes of repaying part of the principal money at ans time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrieles, Senforth. lad Bruce, Passenger. 8.154.m. 4.36r.ts, 9.16 6.67 9.28 6.09 9.34 6.17 9.42 6.26 10.00 6.45 10.19 7.03 10.28 7.12 10.42 7.27 11.00 7.60 Passenger. 6.45A.k1 8.20r.u. 7.00 3.46 7.14 4.76 7.22 4.19 7.66 8:15 6.05 8.24 5.12 8.32 6.19 8.60 6.33 MEDICAL. R. C. SHEPPARD, Physician and Surgeon, Hay- field, Ontario, successor to Dr, W. H. I right. • 1225.52 TAR. T. P. McLAUGHeIN, M.C.P.S., Ontario, Phy- JJ Surgeon and Accoucheur. Night calls promptly attended. Office,' Dashwood, Ont 1225 DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY, •OFFICE, Goderich Street, opposite Methodist Church, Seaforth. RESIDENCE, next .Agricultural Grounds. J. G. SCOTT, M. D. C. M., (Ann Arbor and Vic- toria,) M. C. P. S. O. C. 31ACKAY, M. D. C. M., (Trinity,) F. T. P. S. 0. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton follows: GOING WEST - Passenger .. . Pansenger... Mixed Train... Mixed Train Gorse Easr- Passepger. - Passenger .. Mixed ... - Freight TraJn • u - • SAAPORTII. 1.12 P. 5. 9.15-r. M. 9.20 A. M. 6.15 r. m. 7.69 2.60 Y. 6.30 P 4.80 r. DR. McFAUL, Member of the College of Play Biennia and Surgeons, etc.'Seaford), Ontario. office, Cady's Block, opposite Commercial Hotel. Night bell at residence, north side of Goderich St., seventh door west of theafethodist Church. 1210 ff. - `.` - 11 E. COOPER, M. D., Physician, Surgeon and Accoucher, Constance, Ont. 2127 DES. ELLIOTT & GUN, Brucefield, Lieee Hates Royal College of Physloiane ano Surg-eone, Edinburgh. Brueelield, Ont. 980 Ma W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , 0. M., Membet of jao, the College of Physic. ono and Surgeons, &e., Beatorth, Ontario. Offiee and reuidente SIMS as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 ALEX. BETHIAE, M. D., Fellow of teu Royal College of physicians and Surgeone, Kingston. 8uecesser to Dr. Mackld. 0210 lately occupied by Dr. Mackid, Main Street Seaforth. Residence -Corner of Victoria Square, in house lately oeseupied by L. E. Dancey. 1127 station as CLINTON. 1.28 r. M. 9.82 A. le 10.05a.si 6.55r. m. 7.43 A. it. 2.33 P. m 4.56P, IL 8.80 r. If, AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for th. Conn• • ty o/ Huron. Sales attended In a 1 parts of the County. All orders left •6 t Thi Exresrrog Office will be promptly attended to. - DIL PORTER General Auctioneer and Land Valuator. Orders sent by mail to my ad- dress, Hayfield P. 0, will receive prompt attention. Terms moderate, 1185-52 W. G. DUFF, AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY, Conveyancer, Collector, Book.'keeper and Accountant Real Estate. Lite, ,ACcident and Fire Insuranc, Agent; Money to Loan), Correspondence, &c Parties requiring his serviees in any of these branchee will receive prompt attention. Oarfcs IN DALIT'S ELOca. (er- STAIRS), MAIN STRAIT, SIVTLIIT2 113/ KIPPEN MILLS. Always Ready to Serve the Public by Giving Good Flour. JOHN McNEVIN Bege to inform his friends and the public that he is again able to give his personal attention to Imeineee, and having engaged Mr. John B. Austin, a thor- oughly competent,pra.ctical Miller,he is prepared to do • GRISTING AND CHOPPING On the shortest notice, and most reaeonable terms to all who may call. tar Satisfaction guaranteed every time. A trial solicited. JOHN :.McNEVIN, Kippen. Ificitillop Directory for - 1891. JOHN BENNEWIES,-Reore'13rodhagen P. 0. JOHN MORRISON, DeputyReeve, Winthrop. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beech -wood. JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Beechwood. NynnAm ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Leadbury. JOHN C. MORRISON Clerk, Winthrop. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Trea.surer, W1nthr0 ROBERT G. ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop. ADAM HAYS, Collecto4 Seaforth. ;fr