HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-11-06, Page 1I A*_"-� I - � . I � I � � ! . i mommommommin - � � I . � . I . . . 7 . � - i - � � - - I `�, � ! I � � I I . . � � - . _; � . . I I I . ­ - . I --' � - � . . - . - 0 . '�� , . I . .___.ft.m..1.......1.1_­�_­ . _!W�� - . - �, � I;.. __ w_ I I- I.: . . . � . . . . - - - I - . I ___ ____ - I � � -, �'-.�-,�­ . .t. I , — � � ! i I I i � I I . -- "-- . 3; ­. 7A, `1M, � - is . '. - � �F�= . i 7� , - I 1. I � ­­ - . � I 4 I - , . . - - 1. I I 6 — . I . � - -, � .. . — . I . I , .1 i i )p . � - . .� . I . . � - I . 1� I I . . _=.. � � i I I 17 I . - . �. ­ I i 1z - I - . �_ I I . Jf . — ���� . � . � . I -11 - � - 0 - . � � . I I � . - - . � � I .. . I � . I . . - i I . � � I I . � �� I , . . . -b . . 11 I ! '. I , � I , j , � r � - �, � I I I - I . Z - 1, o . � k . I I I � I ; � I .. . i . � 11 � p I � � � I � : I I � � . . 11 . . 1. - / . I I � I � - � I . . I- � , ,$ 1 1 - I .. I � I - I . I . - Y - ­ . - I ... &T � . . I � -1 . .- I . __� � . .1 .. . --/' - . — I I . � � I I ; � �i�i��'Z�Z ==� . . .- � .- ( . - I - I I .— -i— - I . ; . I - � - � McLEAN BROS. rub1tohlOrg I ; . I . . . I — . . i - -_ I � � 01.50 a Year, in ACIVS400- : : - - I . . . I - ____-----_.------_--_-=-':!7��- - - I I — . 1 1 - I ­ — ____ 1 Gy 18 91. � iii � Z���;;;; — _� � -; 11 NOV . I �Tl . � t I - . S AFORTH9 F IDAYs: I ! � I, � irWis-X1T'Y-TEURD YEAR. - 4 . I I . .. - I I � �� � � ­ . — I ;;���� � 1 lived as those more humbly born. She Was I 11 � - and Davisi 11 �� ,WHOLB NUkBER 1,247. - — ., I dropped ilead. Me. -ire. Guthrie 0 cold win- --I I . . , . Per�cta iguishene by sent to Montreal, and during th, -1 I __ I . _____ _ __ - __ � ____ ----.-.-- . can any hil,rin- R, mains4pre taken to rm� t re who wEre in town over nighti' she, ,Who had ­ __ grief. He didn't in , milto Clevel,aw, where the two fA ter following her conversion, . . Irt )le " but bo .% t, andbyr , . . � I I a hay. had both �iieir tc.ams burnt. in a firele"t p I SIGHTS AND SCENES IN A�D Concerning. Men W 0, are Ci meant to e -friendly and - " soci in luxury, lived � � � . * he p-irty were 1 been raised � p i ABOUT NEW . From Over- ork. his misgui ed -career led in anot er direc- interment took place. T day, 1,14th ult., Nir. Dulmaget he grand � Z of the very iug exct�lent sport until the Awfully sudden _Oa Satur rom the Grand Trunk � uncarpeted room, cheered orily by t . Ids 0. GILROY$' ; i I -By KNOXONIAN IN CANADA RESBYTERIAN. tion. 8 e people he " spent Heart disease was the Of ROW141 ��ip� d' f ork she was doing. And ever- since klis - . ( ath curred. i . 10 i (Written for Trim EXPOBITOR.) the ith were the first to turn on him de I + , 3, six car leads W V � 0, ?�rs. Paine had be�n ailing fo,- 8011-19 T9,11way 8�a "On i t arri5to en e began, deadly An English journal descri ea the hecret i.ry day 11 CaUS13. * ' , When being driv has lived and worked as all call no� P aching well. That is exa Aly how �c A . whose . G 1i 1 M -T r -r (D W_ ; LIETTER NO. X1. Conference a a capital busi- for )r time, aijid her husband btou lit her with of firs' 1 9s 1 1 rll earnest in the work of him - I , I ! . I .,ireet' th filled it from side to In I - of an E ngliall 46 in the thing orks. 1$ 5 it she a . . erbaps,,fro' _ tb e I luskoka 1wr down the!, nswered. � I . I ness man, but rather cur 11 Eomebo3y him t�hinking I i nearly t�i eighth of a mile. d sheelp, which took i —I--- I pOLITICS AND RE1.10110-N." I Over-worked en are often a ': What v%ouid a farmer think if ould benefit her. � side and t and was witriLesaed by -The tale of high bre , I-V over -work." leave his harvest field and w � was a very fine sigh Gait) on Tuesday, � 7 are. It is editor of the - place at Dickson Park, . I Hugh 0. Penticost says very forciblyl if Small,Wouder i thel as - Egerton W. King . ,t, very I - . � . trifle curt. A miniater -Nfrl S.b man sheep in one flock gave I . " spend tl � roing last 27th ult., proved, for an experimen I I . INV2 e likl,' to talk. to you of our,busi- not very elegantly that" politics in aw I terribly hard to smile and talk small talk . I ie day " in visitirig? olied Thursday mo hundreolm i � ii a I!i,nt Idd a�sheep � - � 1 7 L rhen le-, agr eable to every- 'of the Gospel should hav� a harvest time all Barrie Oazette, � fic was a young lookeis-ol a of what . successful, so much so that a number of far- I . . ne � 8 tO tell You 'v York are so corrept that they s%ink." pleas*ntly, and do the .1 Week after a short illness. I iii I - A s& It pleases u � i I . . I e money-, because we �kDOw gant or inelegant it is pretty nearly corr ct. wily when your head see a like splitting the year round. ' i I 6u bohoredand loved by! all classes. He ranch in I o North West looks like. mere us to try it again. -'rhere I YOU can sav politics in New and the dear. There i i no merit in being cui t. A pleas- mB . -Chis)olm, the Winnipeg manUfacturerL the salts real- � j . L I iles . Practicarlly there are no I and your Liervesare unstru3g rominent OddfelloW, eing D, A G. were about 150 entries and I op and see p . � been found guilty of the L to a sh Ii - i - ; , when YOU come York, it is only a fight to see who shall -get eat thing in life to you w6iid be'& quiet ant mann)riss good thing. Civi Y always was a � ..irrie distric of barbed wire, has wing a little ized nearly $225. Several Shropsh rv., : - most stylish - 1 that keeps an over- M ofithe B serious ineence of carnally kno rams brought . � of the newest and control of the revenues, at present the sfoil corner tolie down in. , Totalk about noth pays. T e self contrO lkiss StLtsh Ann Mot,, f Little River, - Leicester ,Lnd Southdown I - � - worked ai:d badgered man sweet is no ordin- $15,000. Miss �ewess, Maggie Jacobs,, in addition to being $10 to $17. Ram. lambs of the various . . thincls to be found in tbe trade, that is in the bands of tbpiz Tammany -,Society ing plea"ritly for balf-an-t our with some- ebec, has just fallen heir to . Lizzie f rom $10. Aged and I , - _ a . , But lot it not be forgotten Qu found guilty of indecent asiault on 15 likely to buy, and people only political organizatiou, which has shown �.by body who has nothing to do, while half-& ary acqu ition. Moore was betrotheA to an estimable young escape. for the breeds we're soldfrorn $8 to $17 per I . � i - - .. . 0- that curt �y workir g for the who Hammond. There is no t from $14 to � its sets in a I dozen dutiesare prEss and ha man prison I � y,rj-,u, are they -are sdited and find the . 2 pite of,what it has said to the If -a -dozen pe eas produced In tter tbing than. named Frank Smith " I of Montreal, er now, and it seems impossible he shearling ewes brougb to $13 per en I a aim of each and every owling if I he dutits are not public weal is a much be � b faithful died in,BostDn in Jul -k, 1899, be(jueathing pair, an.d ewe larnbs-.-from $9 i These 1,-noNv- we contr ry, tbatAke one pie are ready to gr 0 . tan get off with less than ten years, accom- . reeders present - .valaes ri,c5tht- we � to a' I as -much of the public an ordeal thr6ugh which Job polite id enesi. A public servan loperty to Miss Moore. sym. pair. Amongst the In , were . I I . member is attended to, is . I - 11 h panied In frequent whipping". Many Michi an; A. Telfer, - tol& -it 80 money as he can.. out direct T always re. . � � ltih�erTypogrsph Mee 9 � sad efficiBrit though rather curt w ien tired, , have, we have been often ly violaiing ess0li, but. �,very a . Cc any at Windsor ize ith Chisholm, who wall Bra. Ryan. Of � . � '" irie other Way to serve I 7 a h ble,fello-i , ; story and '-e ' might have gone `succ as Job was in - muct better man thin a amili g loafer. - ru�pheir new model t and Kyle, of Blenheim. I �111 that it is now an old dO the I%w, or -in so .his body is not as highly gift( c - - I - have crompleted tow of g:rded ' 6 decen I , honors v and Paris, � al meeting of the grand - . I .. f . -)eat what is stale, take I own private intero�ts. Under this regime the matter of endurance. Job lived in a I Canada." type sitting machines,aimilar to the one that I was a a I -At the annu of New - . � I I the recent con i, I not Care to rel i's qualification for a public office is slow tilne. Perhaps if'he lived in our day � test, in Chicago, and they "ri r -d . �,,,., William McLellan division of the Sons of Temperance I : r dry goods, it is well! a mai . . ihool con- won - . -A f, w ay , 9 swick, in session at Moncton last weekg , � for iIXStall�Cey OU t his peculiar fitneFs for this pObt but ithe and had to act as Clerk of our General Ae- The n xt Provincial Sundaysc will, i)l a couple of weeks,take clerk, residing near HarristoD, Brun I � I � � i this Section. ' - ontrol in the * in- dorunt he might find vention i i, ta be b old at Guelph. he , they will be placed at work. tow 'Shl I a resolution was passed pledging the mem- . " r I known by, all ladies n I I number of votes he can c SeMbly for one hot se tow e t of the barn to . I e outside the cities can -pull he hall I -The Detroit Football Club def ated the ged 69 years, died in was ru4ing a secol drill on . In bers not to use the ballot to elevat8 men tin � . � terests. of Tammany or the all his patience needed. . -Mrs. Robinson, a - ; machine I 11 I at make room for-th threshiii$ . �� that no'Wher . mber heir curtness Is in Saturday' match w- oek after a resi- . a who are opposed to prohibition, I f ct evez . I on some one who can control a large nu 7 en Toronto 3cets 3 t,.) 0 Guelph on Monday last w_n rorn the legislator - . such- stylish stuffs be seen;in ta Curt men even wh bursting of a running I it do � he gravel way f y party that opposes making I , . Wikh such a state of affairs in ex ' L for the public good, Detroit. - , nee there of 34 years. The und nor support ari � I � of,votes. . produced by over-worl de n On( 8 organic law of the .4 I I thing thatys, ne-.1j in ladies' wear for this i it surprising that ond of New a,re not among the . most popular of mortals. -Lou a Cyr, the farnous French-Canadian blood-ve8sel caused her death. She had for - bar of the te th tuck into the gro ing - prohibition part of the port I Z ­ rnade I iRtence is � - and lets - Moutreal on Friday for a he War Cry on the streets bringing the tong , around like lightn , nion, and so Pledging their sup . . � be. forind here and 'York's justices.41hould be an ex-aaloon keep An official who smiles and smiles strong an, left some �ime sold t Me- ellan on the, side of the Domi al I - seasoll)- can . - Id. Army, and lived alone striking- M r. -Me ,&I prohibition - . .. on. the spot, in the most Stylish er witti a rather un,swoury record, that� the bubiness go to the, dogs is ( f tell a more popu tri aro nd the wor - _. ng on the for the Salvation face, cAting th � upper lip ough and to the party % ho will make t4D-' . I . ; UR emember streets of New York are a disgrace not Only lar man than one who gives short answers - ft(r July 1, 1892, all peddli with her granddaugh cer. selees for a time The of the liquor traffic the principal plank in . - - - - - - - ur ladies should r just right.. Many business streets of Toronto will be pro- knockin,, him i its platform. Minister Foster is a Past � � " inanner- 0 . . to the city itj�lf but to the country of which and does - his InUSiDeS'l -Tbe London city authorities gave Geq� I 2P cely. . . ond to near wounds are painful, but mending ni I � that our Mrs. Kenney is see New York c!aims tD be the Metropolis; ople consider a smile of far more Import- hibited. Collins a page to Hamilton lost Frid%yl er Slocum was grand worthy patriarch, but he was not I � c mbInstitute . , -1 e other-dAY Wait . . . .. "I . I . ess alld Mantle -The Provincial Deaf and Du ivcs. He is totally .h . I that pobeenien walk the streets on their P ulness and efficiency. To be his brother present. . non,e in the art of Dr ance'tban faithf which! city e way from returning horne fror� Point Edward, where -Moore, ' Le ams. are ,, ; the a greater at WinnipFg was badly damaged by fire a I - ' a. prominent ritsident � . I � 11 i3jaking,, haVing-com , froul one Of beat with prostitutes and police capt i sociable " id in their I . . blind and has travelled allth �jt gsLve he bad been to purchase breadg and had - -Mr. Win. ) i . - opinion his eyesig. - - r) of prostitution to be blind; & plausible lie* � F . e grounds .when of Caledonia, was accidentally killed on � I ies in the TTnited paid by houses thing than to be�bouest. "' few days ago Wiscq'nain. He -ays t red th . - I i)Liost fashionable Cit . - that a main uP­tOwu proff more agreeable to them than curt truth. An . - ition for a reduction of liquor way owing . � - just ent e quarantin The keeper of Wednesday, laat week. The deceased went I - � . i d s here the bene- .aBes quite openly !I is much -The agit ing revived in Hamiftoll by the to hard study� while a school he sl down WiLha cry. . tway for a driveshortly after 11 o'clock, and I I States to gLve the la ie to be able and willing to get anyone not oily, smooth, smiling s3ouudre licenses is bei teach r. An � . - 1antlP_ ha u a bruF - nee U nion. ou,r years Dr. Win. the r ,e light saw him fall and immediate- I Y heard of him was that his I , -ienc - ,que, hon Women V Christ iAn Tempera - the next thing I ; � - � . fit of her e---cpel e. Our _N2 physically incapacitated a place on - the Po ore pleating to them t I nionehun- fter an absence of fr t his assistance. Mr. Slcoium drew . � . ardiug machines a body had been - . iay�ient of $400; that the in -Eighteen c Cuth ertson, of Chicago, has just recently ly ran discovered 1jing on the side . � -in - . . is full of new things I lice force on I eat man. - I 'y of I ocket and, handiog the r at, life � - departnient 1, stand in" with. the Ea- dred looms are being added to the dapacii Pending: -a couple --of weeks with his his keys from his p . fall- police very 'often In this world of. ours tll:nga are so arrang C. been s Wy- to the Leeper, said: "Give these to my of the rcad badly disfigu ed and c . in all makes, colors and styles of il f the . Ally to pay for their the cotton factory at Valleyfield, 4uebe the , Rev. George Cuthbertson, of being entirely gone. , How theaccidentoc- I I - - for I n have gcner ro . -in . .. .. thes both oon keepers and wink at infractions 0 ed that me all tile -A % aluable young 00w suffel ing f rol fm He is now enjoying 3, IU"'Lt'Ve family, a-, it is not likely I shall Bee th" ill never be known, no one being .. o tle and Ulster clo , law by them ? Of course Tammany ba3 al- preferences. The most costly Of cmirig. , minutes later he was curred w I .� - l � gher - at the time. The colt which the die- ��� I � Children's Wear. It knows to a is the one th it Puts I/W h' ra-bies and owned by J. W. Johns;oD, Park- a city,, and appears in again," Thirty near - I - I - , � Ladies�',, Misses' and I most a perfect organization. preferences practice in the abov - I . . - � dead. en known to run I us here. 'Then n be depended upon, and.who is ag rascality than curt hontsty- hill, wai shot a few days ago. th b Rt of health and spirits. . detective from ceased wa,s driving'bas be , . you ought to see - I ' dot who cc . value on ismilil hrough tile con-essions of N h s -i iri, raised F has a very -The other evenitig a than one occasion, Mr. . - 0 1 - awaY on more - ; . you as g ood shaky and how much it will take to -fix every The fellows who 90 t --Mr . Hirain Nutt, 0 Tolin Burr, of Newbury, Jiumiltan arrestea ii young m. an living about , I give 0 floater in even this could and Bwindle farmers are all smilers. They same la-ae pumpkins this year. He haS 'Bing 2 -year-old colt of Blue Bull stock. . ing implicated in Moore had only been married about,a yeELr, 1- I . � wide, for ic the city, but -s. The tone's at 179 pot nds. promL iles from Ayr, for be ..... L 3:6, inches . not account for its power were it not have sweet perswisive voice in�pe tha; tips the scales: . two in L There were found and leaves a youlig,wifeand an infatrit son. I . Z . a Cotton . h-�vj . been He is, named Blackstock, and at the recent er of burglaries. ; -V the people at I-irge Liducing a farmer to sign a , I -A. [L Dymond, of Brantford I Ridgetown races won second prize in the -a numl: the 1�lace. -Word has been received of the Riuking . I as v.ill Pt in any that the moral. tone of L th- schooi stdleu goods about I I I Zn, ey use when i - � a Y aTd, � ou Ld Were the people all right , would L'make �the fortune of a' re-elected presidernt of tile Sund i -y f colt �&cc. Mr. Burr was then offered $750 quite a lot of � I a gang of them of the steam barge Sovereign on Sunday ' I I , as -ood Cotton is so sadly low. bank note "Be 0 ckstock has � it would appcar that there it - . other store for 7c, an. L 01 - I ,As ' the honest Teachc-s' Association of the Dioce ds night, 2,:)tb nit., in Lake Superior about ten - - you for there coLldbe noTammany vocali--t. for him, but asks $1 000., Bla ; I � - I that way I Compared with them, I - untry. The goo ..... I i- � I �c as any one else can ,-Ive or less . , -no,, emphatically � rizes'at fairs this f all. operating around! tile co a south west of Lamb's IslAnd, in. be- . : fo.r ,, east mile . I I it ii in New York so it is to a greater " merchant who - says . Huron. takcio two first p ' -'the, west- are shippad . v -es. Our Grey price d by0yeo. Graf- I uccesaf ul operation that Are stolen in 00 feet of water. The � , loc. See for y0UrsP-1 � I m ) -A -legged colt raise ,ere but a re 'tween 300 and 4 . I .ry city in thq country, and 1 n asked to sell his g od� at half two the -A very s --v . - - I is I on Monday last for disposal, and -those from the east a I by Captain L . c). ­ degree in eve I whe� alities of .50, died . lospitall rested Sovereign was owned and sailed 1 Yoe, � It is in �he citiEs, so t i in the States. The 8 a u Gr nton, and sold for $2 - - � 6 boor. ton Gr took place at Gait I I . ar Heavy Flannels, usually sold for i a But the high !,ocial qu y a farm- ffects of eabiDg green � . ILL the side of Mr. sbipped up wtst, The detective. Kerwin, Sarnia. She war, insured for i , ; . . . -, I f., to put it in plain Eng- -rnan other sy f rom the e week, when a large tumor e the � Don�t forget thi _t of the matter is, a areexpensive ali 16-te William oneof the gang down east andbe gav � I � I � 0 � � I n I vinc, at 19C. C) I these fell? , ' so � $1.0,000 in the British and Foreign Marine I ve are gn 6 t in court. The stranger apples. , Will6in Beattie ( n of t P - -ral I I'sb, that -dry rot bas got into the' heart of I er 07tu ad u ; ' � , She is a total loss. �� 'i tD . . "a" I �_ V water haa been struck in Belle- ! Dumfries) wWi opened and a6 rest away. . ' a ny. either, Hosiery C-orsets and , aene etty who makes himself Mirieral � � 7, wn. Visli I thi-i great Republic and it is already a pr who " isn't a bit proud," tt:nder Bent1tie, of Ord cheese factoryt at IS 000 bushels of 11 1way, do i u,l,,a,k for awhile atsomo ,, at home," who fccls 811011 a ville at a depth of 280 feet. The share- drai� tube inserted. The operation required -The West Oxf hich She had a cargo of about, ' , � � -Small AV, ares are 1, bad case- Let . quite Sweaborg, have an order for a cheese, w - Nlo, and the , I � � ,ains ILL ries in somewhat the same poil- member Of the family, holders state that there is a mint of money - skill arid delicacy. -- they will be fore I I . - I er count interest in every ' Thin enormous , cargo -was in I I in -What yo -u I Ot � gre4 ed , wheat from Port Arthur to Buf E this house for barg , sacrifice the street in ord ,r to manufacture, . I ­ . n d s, *what bappened. Take Greece aby, who yearns tc in the well. - i ! there ! Hi ! Look at to culirge theit ,factory,. sured.. The Sove-rei - gn was built , liori,,a ae eepecially the In .is 379 tons . __1 . vjaat. f I l what we know of the 'sced-wheat, or � his -Dr. Rome, for many years ieadma3ter . -t,'Lck i Such was the is to weigh at St. Catbariq ' es in 1873, and I . I 0 . Fron -fork or his car 'with a smoke F disaster the � 'r r 'u, L'I n, � - . - ,e , hard his bay � , Ifare of the housp- of this Montreal High School, wa on Friday ! _1shed exclamation of a Toronto small cheese is to be rn�ade in 1892, and a- burden. At the time of tbe I - . I . GtLROYI Greeks theywere adeep thinking - P.hoddyclothfor the m, ited by the o-ld pupils with a astopi ne day last weo�k. it was the first , $15,0(0 pounds -1-1i tells; and in all prob Sovereign had the, schooner Sligo in tow - r J. 0 fighting, sturdy race. But when they be bold oft -en turns out a;rather expensiVe kind afternoon preset boy � o - the World's Fair L . I Ley dwindled, s very agree . able, but posi- purse )f $5,000 and an illumiriated address. app�arance of a train c%r with a stoveiDside, bility will be destined for k mill The Sligo has reached Bay Mille in safety. ettf the world ft . of friend. -grown at Chicago. 225,000 pounds of mil Igo. CLINTON a c1st to, much. Som -S mples of sugar from Canadian - Her crew is safe on board the 81' k . . etimes ers which are to � � � Bistory tells us they became luxurious in tively his zetl . The' and' the forerunner of oth be required to produce the curd in the m%u . I Les, beets at Farnham, Quebec, test 99.5. The health of the Honj C. F. Fraser, ..... F . their habits and corrupt in their polit' the farni. There is one Pus"age in be �imilarly equipped to keep out the nip- - , — — . it costs farmer should nail factory expects to turn out abou' 1,000 toils ufacture pf this cheese, and will require the � . f public Works for Ontario, ! — and eager air of a Cianadian winter.. two Commis�sioner 6 1 �� ­ n effeminate and treacherous, then they . 12po average cows for . � I the Shhk(:speare that every I i . I - pin fyorn ill I advisers deem it . I . . . I- 1, _ � 'an Cattle in Britain. started it and ­ is place on bis Preml- this year, �While digging a hole to put a dead milk i . iB Buell that his medics : di as luxuriousuees I UP In some consplelou -1 $75,- -7 rnilk* - I Caria fell. It w , id � aseriger ste.amer, e a f lugs. � id Gazetta of the 24t I that in those days meant what we wGul I -A new pa orge in on Monday mer near Belmont alk Herald we learn -of imperative that he sh; I 1z and - rom tLe Dund 'Fraser's hcalt The Lei -, . . sea :- 000, im to be put 0 * sting b , 11� with 50 eggs . I . h I I ndon Einglal i ' a of United Statt a -a villain - n Lak, 0 tario found a mud turtle's nes r suffered by an old in a milder climate. Mr. i . ays - The arr V E61 bauebery, and when the moral one way onlile, and amil , and bc 0 athirines) I it. � Some of the young the e) tremie mi�f6rtuue who is 70 for a number' of years has been far from I i � October & � now call de St C To- t, ,, k for past and currer t ered the restfollowed naturally. made againist ..the spring to ply between . youbg turtles in b, of Chjipeau . . I . -e Stine tone was low . ons , I I r) , . I a, Mr. Lyne' ' la deep concern for the inter- F . I and Canadian liv i ]Rome. One Of the,objecti remier ronto ind Grimsby. oneo were about one and a half inches ma ,. � 41#1 I a been comparativelY moderate, It was practically the Eatne story iii 'derMackeiizie when P of Frank McCall, t years of age, yet he is recovering aftell a robust and Ill - I -i weeks hav Hon. Alexall _T -year-old son - the back, and others were ius cste of his Province has added to the inreads 41 .11 chief , taking L�e 2 `1 � ontreal being� -me back to New York lie VVorks was that he - acrinF,4 e.leg. Some time 4 � I the supplies from M y Now let, u!s cc d ,Minister of Pub I Be, Simcoa, set fire to his clothes riday mor at hed. The eggs were about the size of a fifth amputation of tb of disease. He has been one of Premier - �' T - I rdeen, and Dun- � W, Abe pe of the co-antry. New York is an rt. Th�e curtness in his ca e, I i I � . I I consigned to Glasgo it as zb tyl was rather ell d so badly t at he died h c ago he was afflicted with decay of the bon at's .8tauncliest lieutenants. Mr.Frater . �. I . . t t . t . t . . - ning a Pi egg. . as last week raging and ret the foot and then PO will make a !1� ___.. - the vi)- rtions of the Mow - - - - . ial in the afternoon. 91 orked its Way InPv�ar I I I To ' erable extent filled with saloons that fairly flcod it with certai'llY arose from ovei olorado, and � !� � dee. c' some cousid was badly trial of Denver, C . . f last week interfered with bw every day ruin some families or if there was any, Mrs. McCal d, - . I- iiqu for Alexander Mackenzie is as gen __17 big prairie fire w . il � -1 .1 lent gales 0 e1sl, tone. of the leaai 9 or, and g to work, . r lived. burnel in trying to extinguish tae flamea. near M oosemin, in Conklington Manor die- leg as the disease w if the climate proves suitable he will remain - I ,�; .. I L � - . � . - I ne.,,5�, and the gen sorne lives. The people know it is wro idly a man &B eve The Ron. Ivation Army throughout the .1 of her child- were amputated, till four succeesive opera- na the winter, but, if unsuited to his � London n down and kii "I duri - - J_ - L . S been . I'low this, but they do - � . -ts ha duller. At a allow it and n entleman was master cf the details of his -1he Sa hold a week of self denial, trict.Mrs. Alex. Dallas a id two . on to South- ,, L na- - 9' Dominion are to. . I while returning ho'M from a neighbor tions had been performed. Then the trouble D, be will probably go 11'� � - marke -!3 only a,bout forty Ca goes the public morality thermometer a se had no time to I the flames brokE out in the -other fo.:)t. That too has conditio - He will be accompanied by i . -;- � ­� � I I . L in I . I - ' . Monday there wer which were disposed of treets Of New department, and of con] e restaurant and thanksgiving and prayer, cornmencing on house, were overt�ked by ern California. � _f e the � dian cattle shown, , con pi of degrees. The s spend "'emililag') - .h of November and ei1iidiag on irned. One of the been amputated and the old man is still ' and-M*ss Frazer. 11 6 At Dept tories. The the 8th . . ' 1; . - I I q1loted 5. . all three badly li I INIrs. V _!a. d at night with dii L rcu� - ' ing - )praved wo- anc ted alive. the Guolphcor- I f � at prices nominally York are fille � � g rank election and other a . !not expee se of Edmunds - . �y over two thousand r by. tellin ter- in 15th. children died, and the at er ii [d greaLt damage in east- --The ca V - - men who accost almost every passe , of Minis � ; her ind � w :1 the sa,me &i , Don vernment asks tenders � � _11rairie fires & st Territory, during poration hand, who some eeks ,ago, threw .I ford ca Japosed of very slowly know this is Wrong, yet they a,I- people wanted anot They got -1 he linion Go graph line to live. q � F, -t , . The people . ral the Public Works Department. u0tion of a tel5i - ern Assilliboia, Northwe 1- � States ca tie were d for tae constr u ' Some of tile young la dy students attend . Red Jacket an iron square among some S011001 boys,who lz_ ��, .. I British . irly'part of Iset week. At I - i ,o equal about 6d. The sheep pens ow it and down drops the mercury seve they got him. ' 8 g him, k,. - � at, price t I ace him. Yes, and Comox have the e and struck a boy. Walter � i t and, aid account for the betwi ell Namaimo the London Colle4iatelnititute - - q - lut 4,100 sheep from Heil degrees. New York has several large r By the way, how do you R distance of 65 miles. ' The line ing ice of t&kin Hee r ividLean lost a -stable, 500 bushels of -were tessimi d with such violence that � 11 .-I hela abc making certain ki adopted the commendab.e pract 9 Bittle, on the hea, . . . dily the beat h are really not race courses fact tbat so many people of a nd Cola bin, t is bay, and a colt- Angus M 2- I., � i � ,ved off stea I course- - whic . . ! E 1892. walks Ld ter school hours. Almost any oats,� all h ad to be performed at the - 1i -1 . were Min I a few left The people allow these . the is to completed by May, Ion' sticks, and Duncan an operation h I I . - I t Liverpool ut gambling hells. Uhl - ch says: The Cape 9. � aid lost four hay It . I 4 o In I could have the impreFston t -t min' - Halifax dispat - sy-cheeked beauties Don I �, . - . I .. frorn, 71- Stanley m a,rk A, ir-again. o. That 10 evening ,a bevy of ro a,11 his grain, The fire General Elospital, and it was - � � tie were sold at f ally 5: �d. and down goes the mercur� -Gospel have almost no: thing to d � , a trip to- McDougall lost of JVapella. before it was known whether he would die . i;� I t' with things that no -ax becausie Breton heirs of Timothy Ineraharn have re- 11 - . over c&'- . i ma7 be observed returning from � M. . � I ressi n is c1c -, . * - -no mile east before the _. . . aughter Making lawyers to P its and pock start for s!, fill this COJULMD I think, ef - -they have this imp ro d spir � d about 0 Or live, was up last � week - � . �: those fit � tainel prominent New York Park, with animate � � I ich there were. also: a � I deny have the urt if the mini- I I Ls,rg� firea are reported from CanningtOn .7 � ker-A, of wh unprejudiced person wil y often feel more or less h n estate in England- Hyde I 4 . The stoc . less a Mail and more the none but an idle secute their claim to a ets! full of appleo. , cc magistrate after several remanda, bail I � f -, I � ed to be more enquixed feet of making a maR John Gamble and iFa,irmede, in each case quantities Of po i g refused until it wa i I � limited nurn.ber, seem ster does not do things that beln a considered the boy far as we can learn, a bea,3t,that are alloi6d by the people. Thisr, man can do. The .,-illa ge pastor starts out valut d at $100,000,000- . EIM6, _L_ The Dean, of Niagaraj at his home in been burned. The- buildings on was out of danger. The , �-; ... � . � bay have boy has fully te- 111. . aftert but the sales, so ith indifference on a . rk for his -- _13'r. T. .Elmes, son of Mr. Thos Ge des, age 81 years, is lying �pied farm of Mr. W. A. Me- - 4 ... ;;; 11 .factory. Th - do some. wo - - iP, near Princeton, died 0 were not, very satiL 3 makes it easy to look w a very low condition. The I the �unoqcu and gives little indicam - and S c 'fre , way for in the Af ternoon,to: of of B enheirn townsi, a milton in - - -&, Lake Ne. :rnioaus- little corruition and that opens the� visit a number was and Cor ell were destroyed. . covered his health, through which � - .. ... 1. - . . ment" e- ' 0" i bye- Master. He intends to, tS phoid fever a few days ago. He d4n was in his usual health on Sunday, . M. A., of St. tion of the severe operation I - - - - - . %gond nd ay with some of . ql, � ; � time for ay'll market, a more and more corruption till bye ano� a a student for serNice at Christ �igr. George Mitch( he has passed. The prisoner was committed k �, I �' � ba-refy in [lilies pastorally, read and pr - C i - .. I I were sold at the lairages in bribery in elections will be looked upon. far, parishioner. look up some care Only 20 years of age, and w a toqk paxt in the evening as atilartnes, who returned afewdsyoago ' once released on bail. ': � � � , consequently I ase- bad -ridden . - Church Cathedral, of which church he w' convention in Was- for trial, but was at I � I . general run of P i 6 r as betting on a b, 't Wen at church for the liethodist ministry. 11 ru :es it says; The I e a,t the . - I rkenhead. The with as little horro s people who have ri, onder Tuesday morning he fro attendatic -Saturday's London Advertiier.eayz, A i;; � P? . I Bi country will 'simply les _Rn 0, tawa corresp for 45 years. . 111 h him a curious . �11 � ) 5"d a.it of the stock I . - i I ball. match. Then the me, call on a straDger o Sabbath School redtgr - pneumonia. hington, D. C., brough it - � 3 would be trom 5N_ t( I , ti w4s seized with an attack of i t -w rious freak of nature -struck the city to ;. -, � dairy cows idder at election some immediate outcome Of the t ln�eing no less than a cu - � ccept some be put up. to the highest b ber of. other things. be felt in the I of his visit, n of an old man 60 years of I i I . � being disposed of e) perhaps attend to a Tku al me makes a convantion in Ottawa will � A I extensive belt Of gold bearing memento from old United States day in the perso �. I � I , on sale on Thurse ay time. That is what happened to Rome, and . . . I � I , I z - � .prograrn ty elf Isaac Simmons. It is ` . I- � ,�r the ' I �u�; ein disco calling hims - held- -for usual aucti stock an . Taken all tc�veth can be formation of a healthy and vigorous ci vered. lying along the ,,mail slipper made orn to be in circula- age, 1, " I . I (to -day). For this latter class Of it stands to reason that what destroyed good af tcru(�011,8 wor!i, but tile work I . . lartz-,has bi6 hips of Mar- . evident that white and black blood flows in ..:,- . I demand has obt, of late for . ause the destruction -Of this The good man orga3ization and a county as3aciation. neessions of the towns greenbacks too old and w ie into a pulp � r. � ained time is lost. 0 asting'; county. Prac- tiou� and which have been ina, - . -, � I Rome will e overtaken if no sentenced t fir t 0 t, H his veins, and the external indication is re- Iv, � - � ��, �- impro-ved d S' not gone ar until he �V. B. Gillette, who was ( molcand Belmon - 0 - a aboe. It �_.: I I I . - ED good type. At Aberdeen a country. It is, plain then ,that vibat is starts jut but be ha f - ped rage of $21.5 andlafterwards fashioned into His hands -and tile lower part t:: :. animals of Canadian store cattle ln�,ld . force which will not 0 , few minutes ten vears'impri,s3nment for forgery, esca tidal te-sts have yielded an avel . current value of the bills markable. - . I J)un.dee eale.i needed is an OPPOslng­ finds he ha's to stand afid talk a. ir Stoney M oun tain, Manitoba, penitenti- . is t 13.1 . -1.1 1, � Of No other fro is of - tot the ton. shoe was $3,000. It ha's I I cot cluile so act the "present ten- e ineets. � The quartz already " in sight " - d that the of his face are white, while the upper part y everybody h night, A large reward king the -1 "I . only stern but counter having a net value of $100,- llse(� in ma nol his 1air is that of a full- I S,t week were a will with nearl ce and is quite a of his face a . at the end of lb' �ce that� jug of the kind. ary, '"tiesday is!estimated as .�� I . . - active a, condition of affairs probably the dency ; iA other words, a fin man is expected to do anyth .x . e �culiaf appearan blooded negrop making flis 'I physiog 1) a � .�!,: I I � d ruinois so to tend to make men more self rispecti�g, village le,wyer wa Lks smartly on to his fered for his arrest. . for use be- 0do. �-Two mout ament and curiosity. t striktrig one. He says he was bo rezililt'- Of the exaggerate straightfor- The - , -The new telephone cable, I stri Eiog orn � -toddlt,r about mos rn in .11, . I .- � I ienced by , est and . The doe I from bo�ught for $5,000. ; e n; little 'I L the violence of the gales exper more hon ura- office and attends to his business n Detroit and W-insdor,bas arrive(' an Catholic .Thi other day - cky, and waaformerly 5 - more manly, independent and more cc ee patientd. The mer- twee at Manager O'Brieng a Rom eighteen months old, the daughter of Mr. Louisville, Kenta Al- i_nc(,m.iag steamers. ward, more tor drives past to 8 ,h.9 customers. nd will be placed in position I- ntreal, preached fie was given a pass to: the city from - �� " . .- . , � geous in regard to their opinions. - I don't ia buoy among Every Germany, a the pi�el,te now on a visit to Me, d AlcLeau, of Grsntoo, strayed from slave. Ldjoining town. He ::Iaims that & , 11 11 L ast, in which he Davi - I . - eLl ly . � . obskiat be one(. It has five wires and weighs in ' lill'ujissing the little one search 1! , can be found w bt , . . I _ %,sermon on Sunday night 1, another i ito color was . Vement. - ho will don %nie 'in town has en Wd. at work d State education. Amo,ng In r, home. C . ; think anyone L ;. The neighborhood of 3,000 pounds. when he was born the only wh . 6 i � - mecbc bitterly denounce I� made by the anxious �_ . L 'r' ! � I . . I , � , I . The GrAin X0 ek for an instant that if all the men and we . seven O'ClOck in the morninj e several cases of smallpox in ; the pretension on Wa immediate a spot on his band, and that of late years he 1-1 , ��., ��f � � - - The Triiae, Montreal Bulletin Ill _a United State espe4-,, since -There ar - ly alarm- 01 ation pa�r ts, Hearing a loud barking in the I I - - � I s , a were self -r pected to idle �her things, he said tbal I � 1. . it i� 7irt a men in the only man in the cominullitY,"! the peo t of the State. to g' vern edue oil � in an improved bus the Lord Montreal, and pie are great the par 0 8 color completely. I I- 7 I - . Eays --There hike bee I or irig, honest-Irank, independent and coura- ray his time is the ambassador of ities are taking the most I . it was a blas- they bent their steps in is changing hi convention of the - % .I, . �� . . -The 26th annual 1-1 . g ing the past week I all � Shame, on .gomebody. How ed. The author vqas not Only a a adjoinini woods i - rpriso on ­ . - ! in Cana t would be far and away the s against the spread of -_ Judge of their on geociation of Ontario was I I I gentle that i a Christ ! Pretty stron language in a Protes that direction. I P barley, and peas have-' - gent precaution child in a Sabbath School A I I . �­ sa, considerable oat greatest country in the world in every re- JeBu people gel, the idea that mini- strink phemy. 9 reaching the spot to .find the old in Ottawa last wtek. Guelph was � . . I i " ior export account at did so M&DY it the frightful disease ' t 1 ut country. ngs, crying piteously, our. h . ­ I Y L ing been purebased ng to do ? Did they get ' a bunch of sapli - - as � alized 77�',,c. per apect. if New York were filled with such Butchers' .eting. It w r� � aving re Lid be close sters have nothi -.Hamilton members of the � - he experience of I chosen as the next place of nit , L d d nothing ? Better A srood. story is tolq at t � I - , bette ministers who di with the cele- He wa3 coming ro�uded by an- old BOW and a litter of pigs I i l,r prices, peas h c. *,per 34 men I believe the saloons wo? from . , have arranged unced that Toronto contributed $1,1100 � I I I I . e it is lack of hon- tn be a Ass Deiation s�h'ArCel village residetilt. . : e i oats 34 to 35� a minister 0 goods, attacks of which her faithful four- anno I I � . 66 ppu-ndsi afloat, r 48 poull do. inside of u morlth,becaus ly and and times for bra�ed Miss Parloa, of cooking fame, t I nelph by train t urebase some frqn the e- out of the 83,5W received by the association � . . 0 1 Tassing a, Baud pit footed f rier I � 1 4 pouilcle and barley 50 to 55c. Pe f:ir ten thoUN' 0 k than be a smiling aus- to (, . id, a collie pup, was lustily d . . )n against - . . I . for sty in - looking at the matter car. It was agreed to petitl( I curt from overw r that city under their � � _'�as also been an export enquiry 11 y and lack of courage th t allows "ttle . give a ik�.id as the train wa's � g, be put -his head � fending her. The child was unhurt and it last Y sal. to keep the Chicago World's _� . I . Th�ere ' I - ovbmber 17th. the propo I - . . , and fully 20Q,)00 squarel, I ex, Bt. It is clerical idlen � pices on N 'here his son was worsi� . that that collie PUP " Sundays. A special committee, . � I ieat s a result of some queStion� is 'needless tol Bay � . Upper Canada W) ,he liquor trallic to I that very few intelligent ,�� i ;­ I portion at such a blot &B t __ - It is happily true --The collection taken up a 7ult Of the window to asK Mill the looked upon as �he hero of the family. Fair Open on 0 � 7 - � bushels bave changed hands, a [ea. lack of self respect and honesty and cour have the idea that is Church, Wind- . a referred the mport of the � , I ; . spring And winter grat Presbyterian People to whom wa I I -1 � $1.012 t - B:gc- that keeps the brothels open. It was I & to 'do.- Their wil- the meeting in St. Andrew his teeth fell to ;o$1,02.!. for thir I gate )Yhile calling out to re- I- inee yield of rmation �, I I - I - � ministers have no s Jam . I I I 1, ity of Ontario wheat is turning out I rk, and the sor -a few evenings ago for the prisot to ground. A diligent� -earch failed -There has lbeen an ilnult es executive, reported in favor of the fo ; _ lal di- honesty that passed the bi Is allewilig the in his wo my, amounted so on Poled Island this seeson. d , Tha qt - ia � rness to help him veal their lodging 4 and primar a an - A etter than for years Past, and it is ex to be what they are to-da,y, and ling -most fleat-class con- work by' the Salvation Ar place. municipal Cringley, sr., has shipped over 7 tons in of normal classes i y union - _. I � - - , much b ard. race courses iness with which . . of Florence)a vince be divided into fourteen 4 11� ; I - I I r Now, where read ual holi- $2(0. . -William Small, , hauled over 27 tons that the Pro . i ann - . � that a large quantity will go forw - heir pastor an ' �V'11'am f-Eupheinis, is now baskets for table grapes, 9, each group of counties to bold - - . See . � through the whole list eallax for -J. S. district � Z 111g. 121- Fo O at will accomplish this gregations give t --A horse belonging �o Mr. officer in the township o '!I § i ultil ' - to 'onedcutively. The re- 1, 11 I I g the ensuing winter and apir -is there a force tb, day, show quite clearly that intelligent of the 10th concession of Peel, fell putting up public wipigh scales at Suther Pelee. Island new wine 13 tons of Cat- Counv conventions C ;n . , I t ing as freely work. of a Gr)ae, d sent i 7V 1 1 . . .t, however'L isnot mo1v external will do it for some- ral Hamiltonik Co., an i ! I � - toba whea f No. 2 ba,rd work. Nothing however, ini o a well about 35 fe I 'Bright & Co's wine cellar port alto recorded the fact that the progress � I I � . as so. A -cargo 0 . , charge, oil cc - awb&s to T. G;- about of Sunday school work equalled the -records - 11 I I . me expected. red that will turn" baek the Presbyterians know that the et deep with seve land's Corners, to be used by tl�ke electors ii i - W Winnipeg but'%,t thing is requi minister is .0 Billecul-e. All men, in it. The. anima,l W38 soon ndiiion of with bold t., d direct it into an- * Presbyterians fe( t of water free of all !3 ,) 1'e. afloat and all noth- ve or at Niagara Ststi,on, making a total of wZ0 offered atL 9" very nature of a man an not Presbytelians, rilous PositiOng wesent ree evious -five ye�rs together. The I . . as uu- - re )people even extriciated frorn its Pe jug their votes from the I The last acre of Con- of any pr _t , . � A . � an opposite diree- % . I f Flor- 4i tc�ns from 13 scres. tributions from counties and - !-� i. tkat. figure the exporter here said he mr annel leading in out. There ar( luounted to 5i call for con ��i - _` � � � It ip, stated by other ch - are not inttIlig ho, -think in the worse., . anyone else residing in the village in S VZi .. � i work it for export. is only one thing that can ae- esbyterian Church w . last weekt David weighed and a s realized 11,600. -_ d � f1i i ikble to There in the Pr - at the forthcoming municipal election� cords was citie E� 14 i : the largest portion of he tion. he mu�h despised, now Sa6b Monday evening ence, considered one of the large t , aged 67 years, died f A -i 1 � desiters that by far I that is t thing to do except Oil ices posted up tons. This is I I i.. � 4 9 province has been - s )Id, comPlieh this and - Not a suinig-ter has no )uDle of hours. H zlett, of OtOnabee, Peterboroy a young and he has several written not' s ever raised. Several other Pelee 1.51- -)3enjamin Barnes, on West A� � hriatian religion . I . . t at his residence 18th concessi ��_ crop of Peas in thi ed at C home drove hit, horses crop .11 I , - oats have re- much sneer bath, and then only' for a c( I fa -mar on' -his Way to that effect. � five tons to the acre over a par , a, number of large lots of, I but the strong, r ;rho reads for a sewing I I . water them. By some - es oldest son, Wil- Aa�ders report Williams, near I'larkbill, on Friday tvaningt , . � I while, Con- the na,mby,pa,niby kin( , Does a ministe -Rev. Dr. TorrsnO I in �o the river to , -� '. � . passed into shippers' hands. religion that , spends the whole d and the ; present on Of their yards. _ . . celitly urageous . liam, and Mrs. To nee are at , 16 young Scotch- 23rd nit., and his remains were interred in I , rave, . ,A . - .- , s already be and taught. Let cirdle in the af ternoons or i meams the wagon was overturne In s 0 cial visiting, do justice to his . relatives ;�S. Frank Whitehouse � - fternoon in 80 just look ycu,,n man drow a visit to . �� - siderable freight ha Jesus Christ personified Bed. their parrelts and other . in the Parkhill cemetery on Sundayafternoon. n grain via Portland and Boa ton, r i fair, un- a . man who has been laboring two years for Canadia a oiuriiiig the anyone who doubts this ead n A his Master 9 1 Mr. TOrance's record since he ceased had been accused of burning I . the life of Christ, and we profession and to �_The Bennet Furnishing ComPaMY, Of i I . � - igh !in G ' h - Af ter Q a - as an ' agent of the National Bible The de - I � and s lively timle. ia e:zpecte � I don have recently shipped two carloads ileft ue P P� is a moti� ere hin : . down his buildings on the 24th of April last, - Z. .- I ' - - prejudiced way mar- nRwer is L Gue ditable, one. L _.. � This should be tile precur lily his teachings, divFsting the around and 'nee all the other men in the 1gland. The UU111- erce in Toronto S?ciety of Scotland, addressed a large audi- . it they were insure& for. I coming winter., y. tie oareft community at their work and the a n .' Er get the ainoui ; b t" �. S-__ rr , , tions not morally of, school furniture to leaving the Bank Of Comn' Ax . in the first Presbyterian church Londong to - was -, - -_ . , "* of and the record of Eastern extrava- ir ..t.' Bank of, Halif in charge he was acquitted, and . . . ,jor e ter times in trade generally here are fei pos' contracts to furnish the new e - I rger rative it in the easy- - p, ny also have he entered the Mere r I Friday ni�bt. He was dressed in orien- Of tb . I � . A e are on the eve of A 19 . , nister makes a poorer and the English - position to A110thel' ntly Ri I I �_ ... . � a � - I thouglit that w which will gance of 6xpression, - nd putting wrong in which a Ili olic church at Thorold, land has risen from 1�fe . collection of subseque charged with perjury. His . I I movement in -Manitoba wheat h of to.day, and I think he will iounge§ in a parishion- G 6th and had quite a Z � i'A , I' I .� and plain Bill to be re than whun he . ornmercial situaticn, . . Ztive idols and other curios t I 11 I figa cl urch at Niag, I until he is now assieltant manager. t I fashion, trial was to have taken place at the fall � I mproLre the c glis con talking to the lad- ars. . his o add realism t bein ' : : ' I al"D i Now, how is this force er's house all afterr —Rev. G. Munro, of Embro, has accept- I n in London, bu ,g in very poor I . are looked for be convinced. I —Mr. Patter son, 1, of Essexq has Bold Mr. Whitebouie has. assizes . ­ - uner . I thick we bad better go . d- descriptiO138, I . I a .1, ative values Harriston, it f r ' on the Detroit river for to his t � ­ . , t as fairly rem i, it applied ? Well, we will ies the man of 'the house being out atten ed the call to Guthrie church, � 6 , Petite Cote ..a ationed in Central China far from all" health at the time, he was unable to attend, I � - I S the Master and . Householders visited in Friday ln�cotten, at present of been st ild was bailed to appear for trial at the � V... - ; � 8 place on _ �_ both as regard� wheat and coaree grain to the teachings of in� to his work luction take $40,000 to Danie where for weekla at' ,_ �'i : � . ly reasonable. to look for better times it is through the lives and exam- must t aink a minister's work and the - in( aunt . finest -took and fruit civilizationt and a; time a . � � -1 sprin I . - � . - . t is on � . find that that WRY . cotten is he would not seethe face Of 8 � Ell � cl, - : . and women who " let n. Can this week. Rev; Mr. Ramsay, Of M'will Detroit. This is th 8 ropeaD. g assizes. A girt named Fra�ces Jame . ! ! t than their ow . . ahead-� of Christian men much lets im-portan - tern Mario. gh On- Garoway,who has been housekeeper for I ;_ I I fact each Christian orest, and formerly of 1,oridesboro, Mr. 9 - f- I F farm in Wes e 'a lecturing tour throu I �c -ey do ? at Yarmouth. He He will mak also ..- ples o Gre e years- was . � thei � shine. ".,- III of preach the sermon on the occasion- en fro he Orient. Mr. Barneq for two or tbre %-;, ,I t been r light fact that b anybody blame them if th wheat arrive an Englishin , and t�rio before returning to t � - i - t wake up to- the. . Statistics can never tell the nuiliber . . t _,Sir. J, G. ROY, Of Russeldale, has MU8 . portant 150 to 200 cars of . r propert� � in the . 11 past -the re- fePsiomally by —From intends residing on his nem - in a Iste issue of the charged with being an SOO68806, . � I la� cff work for three we, ministers who are ruined .pro . aL Winnipeg daily and are forwarded to , —A three -line item I � � id and inarked man, occuPYID9 a very im, . addition to fruit culture pnrpo8es estab - Ling of Barnes' buildings, but 1there was i - v, . he kneeE . end deed r s as though the in I es Standard,bad hidden beneath barri I . - [ i ceived in t L every,ac ion kind of pastoral It look even oroughb red stock farm on an ex- St'. Catharin. ' tittle of evidence against hist, and the � - - I V, Suit of a ,sprain re y when com- position in life, tha t. el U, and has a that peculiar rt Williain- . liphing & th it a story which is seldom met with in real not a � . - i � back by slipping 0 is watched and I . ay 11 There are too many I'o ,or moving - .1 - i 1. : n the stairws coinmented 1, just 14 spending the d ailable f � I was honorably acquitted at the inveatigation, . I- some pew but for evi I a minister never extraordinary means 5v tensiv6'scale. - � read -. " Miss Galt, daugh- - o ) e for good eep traffic - I I OM the barn with ful, influenG egationg ths, think -had a $50,000 life. The item I -, 1 : I � ing down fir go around with the a ssist- wonder ident of the cbngr them unl - with his wife the crop will be -pressed hard to k _-V irden, -ManitiDlia ! has 'ter of Judge Galt, conducted the meeting of but it came out in the evidence that she � . Id I � I he i., now able to � as surely as i.f h,e were Pre tell every visits ess he comes 8 all moving without a blockade. couver fire. The fire started in a stable, on Main Sal4tion Army here yeaterday after- would get Mr. Barnes' property. When the - , crutches. __ sten. - It is works that . in the morning and stay nd at ' ks of the . . turned to mother I � . (i &lice of - d United St and family —Ground is being levelled at Van cc it said, old man's remains were re - v tate non sho�ld not retire name a pastorate con- nda- street, burning the buildings a , -i -ate says: We Can anybody &Clingmao,genersl store; Frame noon." That is all _yet it might - � - —The Drayton Advoc - So Christian n � R. station, granite fou a 11 _... i f this ti,mO- because 0ey day. for a new C- P, Rams' aY story in columns. She earth, it was thought th t they would rest . . ; iNij.s. Laing, c have I . I I . i� -vious is - that lasted long and -0 ��� - , . in a pre, ,,ue that of a from politics or anything else � .ey ducted -in that way We cannot think lions, brick -wpills, four storeys high. The ttaws, hotel and , given a lady's hi as until the judgment trumpet would sound� I � ,-ing from. the effects become corrupt and uninviting. Tk . 16- feet long, 55 to 70 feet & Miller's hardwel.re- I is the daughter of Chief Justice Sir Thom I.. - . c village, was Buffer ee have produced good res, ilts 9 ab'les and McLell I . E ensionu !are J ston's $t and's � 1. - Cancer Oil the upper lip. About thr ,ders, whether they will or not, 'and ugh we ,ould name several that diro f t high, Style of archi- stables , Hu 1. general store; �Galt, and W6.8 reared and educated like any but Dr. Caw., coroner, received orders to - � -, � ... �; t'11' rr M r. are lea . Lie part of leaders, for as of one, tho 1Y. In such cases wide, tower. 100 ee I � e,lnr'bnogt � W " c 0 x - & C O' I utcher shop ; 'other young lady of her station. She is still hold a coroner-ya inquest, and the body was L i 2; . . ,I .weeks ago she procured a piaster fro I ks they should take tt ended very unpleasant' ;ecture, Flemish. I d, Ig a,m, drugs ; Jones, b ; L 27, handsome and refined. Sev- exhumed and also the remains of an infant I � . I two wee , ' . pbell, of Fergus ; in ill the multitude be. ati He burns .at both ends. ; a deep gloom over, 'young, -26 or still -which Miss Garoway gave birth to a few -1 . 1 7 JaaL. ai�_n itL on, th � roi the leaders arelso w out as I meant the pastoral c, —An event which cast hardward ; Framer,flour and feed : . - . � C it and too in, while other girls were .�7:. . and threedays after putting This letter has . ,g The pastor negiqcto his studies, ion % little party of pleasure seekers in the butcher�; Woodhouse, stationer ; eral years a hich died a short time ��; - as fully three were runnIE - , gaile and parties, she decided to weeks ago, but w ,- � . - of the cancer came out, and. w it to at all, but the thoughts mamy meals in the house leads to starvat y Sound district occurred on Sunday, arneoO. A car load of horses thinking of I a hair. For . the mud they had to 0 out, I . t that is not all. Men arr and Foster, h give herself ur) to the Master, She at after birth. A postmortem examination of -� inches long Sftd as fine as ' in my I 11 the ulpIt. nit. Mr thebodyof Mr. Barnes was made and the ut orn , to say some 5th t ' t decisiou and entered the � ieadL, ties, hat are in . Robert Paine� a brilliant I n received by two young -",: - first twelve hours after the plaster was P t could name some Canadian ci ) 0 ta all day are. very likely ity editor of the Penny 7hich had just beO ery valuable once acted.on ha dler. evidence went to show that deceased died la most acute, but sinec tba r)a� in some wh of course the man (01 and all V on thepain Was getting a good deal like New York' thing@ he should nOt NSY- a), anahis, wife were of men from OntariO, ranks of the Salvation Army ass 801 . �, - � �n overly troublesome. This but ress, of Clevelan � . gave - to the work and in from natural causes aud the jury returned 9, I %� he had she ­ . � . time - ted , respecits, . . a i d and verdict to that effect. � . � � : as not bee I and the rot will spresa'through -er sins in that Way, Mrs. Paine took suddenly ill On aninialst, did not: escape, eighteen being i � 1. I - . . d time it has been op,,ra - n time 80 minister's wife- ney le party. was burnt alive in their StAllu- Ore -poor beast , All ad entered she labore . , is the secon itry, if it is not taken I islands, where the cam I Itervice I ; .. . you know, talk too much- ti p a store and,the . he,b -1 � . at time with A-fr. Cam- pbell's all the colli to Canadian as WX as the naughty men, of study at home and the one of the i . re- which had got lopse ran into ! . . . . . - npinn,, but the fir in healt Ig up this letter ApPlie$ . -_ Between the lack an hour. The � . F . ! I he wound �paetor comes to located, and"died within i I I �' I I .T I I � . I preparation. littli � dig- Amerie�iu polit*' iks 'ab oad the L I . L , nicely and the lip will be very . I". TUX W"DIZUER. 9085i � : i . � I � I L . : : . . . q - � - jfi�gured. ' - Py " I ' I . � I - -_ � � i r I � to—AA, , � I 15 0 ir* "_ 1� - T__ V1 IQ I", I. ( � " im I .11 I I kit t I Ir j I , `1, , I ­__� I . I I . I I , Ire ivi f � I I I - . I 1. . . lb L t . - ! i ;4 i . - . L . I _ 02,� ; . � . I _ I . ­ 7 I . I - , __ .- ­ - __ - ­ , i I , - . I ! I", I 1 - . - I I I . -1 - I I . . . - � I . � I - . � I I I - . . - � I - . - - I ; . � . . . � ! - - . . I I- --.-.- __ - . . . - . , . . . ­ �_­__ ­­­_ ­-._­--___._ —