HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-10-23, Page 7OCTOBER 23, 1891
Ther Wroxeter Show.
The, following is the list of successful
Pdee winners at, the Wroxeter show
held on Tueeday and Wednesday, Oct-
ober Oh and!
gooses -Draught, -Span horses, Jas
Bell, Mat Saaderson ; Brood mare, hav-
ing raised foal in 1891, Jae Bell • Two
year 'old gelding, J R Miller, Wm J
Johnston ; Oae year old gelding, Mat
Sanderson ; Two year old filly, Wm
GemmilI, J Lambkin, Ono year old
filly, J. Levell, Robt Miller, Horse colt,
eynt J Johnston, Mare colt, Jas Bell.
General Parpose,-Brood mare, hav-
ing raised goal in 1891, D Sendereon,
Peter McEteien - Two year old gelding,
j Voung, A Dodds' • Oae year old geld-
ing, A Furtney, Thos Musgrove; Two
year old. filly, J no McLeod, mos Mee -
grove; Model horse, any breed, special,
John Young.
Roadsteret-Span horses, D 11 Moffat;
Brood mare, having raised foal in 1891,
is Lovell, Robt Black ; Two year old
gelding, Mee Ga Itloffet ; One year old
gelding, ;no Devidson, D Fraser; Two
yeer old. filly, Alex Roberton, Thos
Hemphill ; Chie year old filly, Alex
Robertson, A Paulin, Horse c31t, Robt
Black ; alare colt, A Paulin; Baggy
horse in baggy, any breed, Jao Hurls,
Alex R -ibertaan.
Cerriagee-Broed mare, having raised
foal in 1891,J Lambkin; One year old
gelding, J Lambkin; Twe year old filly,
A Pauli, ; Lembkin ; One year old
gay. Mrs 4ea Moffat; Horse celt, J
Lambkia. i
CATTLE -L-Dni 11 iin (with pedigree), -
Cow, tato Nicholson, J L Wilson, Two
year old heifer, Geo Nicholson; Oae
year old heifer, Geo Nicholson; Calf,
J L Wilson, Geo Nicholson.
Grade,--Cetv, J L Wilson 1st and
2ad; Two year old heifer, J Knex 1st
and id,2Oae year old heifer, J Knox-,
3 L Wiliroo ; Two year old steer, J
Knox ht and 2-d; One year old steer,
Geo Nichalsort, J L, Wilson; Fat cow,
ox, steer oe heifer, any kind or breed;
apeciaL Jehia Knox, John Hamilton.
Sneee.--1-Leicester,-Itere, 2 shears or
over, JohnJohnston, Howiek, Geo Hys-
lop; SheeVing ram, Geo Hyslop; Pair
shearling ewes, John. Johnston, Howl& ;
Fairewe lambs, Jahn Johneton, Howlett;
Rem limb. John Jehneton, flowick ;
Peir eweit,!2 sheave or over, Jehn John.
Ston, Howick ; Pen of 4 ewes and 1
Iamb, John Johnston, Howialr.
Downs end their Gradee-Rim, 2
shears or over, Geo Hyslop; Shearling
earn, Johni Knox; Pair shearling ewes,
-John Knox int ani 2ad ; Pair ewe
lambs, Jahn. Knox 1st and 2ad ; Ram
lansile, Geo Hyslop, John Knox;.Pair -
ewes, 2 shears or over, Jahn Knox 1st
and 2ed ; Pen of 4 eaves and 3. ram,
John Kaox ; Fet sheep, any breed, John
Knox 1st and 2adr
Preer- 13erlishire,- 3priag pig, C
Riker 1st and 2ed; .Brod sow, C
Cheerer, -Aged boar, S Snell; Spring
pig, S Snell, Thos Musgrove; Brood
sGW, S Seel!, Thee Musgrove.
De r IIS: PRODIICTS. - Horne made
cheese, no less then 40 lbs, P P Ayles-
worth, Jo' a Knox; Five Das fresh table
butter,13 I Aylesworth, Mrs I Elliott ;
Twenty ib a tabl.e batter' Mrs I Elliott ;
Crock of latter,.t•Irs IElliott; Firkin
batter, D 11 M.offet.
Roors.---Seed onions, W 11 Mc-
Cracken, J Brethour ; Potato onions,
P P Aylaworth, W H. McCracken ;
Datch Bette W a McCracken, John
Knox; White elephant potatoes, L
Level!, D Fraser '• Beauty of Hebron, J
Brethaur ; Any other kind, 0 Barker, D
. Fraser; Swede turnipa, John Knox, W
Wallace; Any other kind, Jahn Knox,
W 3 Johaston ; Mangold wurtzel, W II
McCracken, L Lovell; Field carrots, W
11 McCracken, G Johnston; Garden
'carrots, long, P P Aylsworth, W B Mc-
Creeken ; Garden carrots, short, A
Wells, Reheat Douglas, Blood beete, P
P Aylsworth, W 11 McCracken; Turnip
beets, W H McCracken P P Ayswerth;
Parsnips, A Wells, W .a. McCracken.
toes, W II Brawn, P P Aylsworth ;
Smell tomatoes, J Brethour ; Cabbage,
J 13 'I ogt, 0 Better ; Cauliflower, A
Wells, W II McCracken ; Squash, W
Et McCracken, C Baker; Pumpkin, W
C Haziewood, W II Brawn • Citrons,
P P Aylsworth, W II Mcracken ;
Celery, J Cowan, J 13 Voght ; Water
melons, IV H McCracken ; Mask melon,
W 11 McCracken, Thos Moagrove ;
Beans, Robert Delights, 11 Thomson;
Corn, C Baker, John Knax ; Cucumbers,
P P Aylateorth, T Mesgrove.
GRAIN -4-Fall wheat, red, Geo John-
ston, John Knox; Fell wheat, white, L
Lovell, Adam Srott ; Fell wheat, any
kind, Geo,Johnston ; Spring wheat, any
kina Mrs Geo Moffat, J McTavish,
Howiek ; alix rowed berley,Adain Scott,
L Brown; Two rowed barley, W
Douglas, Adam Sot; White was, L
Brown, Adam Scott; Large peas, L
Brown, D Fraser; Small, peas, J Mc-
Tavish, II ivrick, Adam Scott; Barrel
flour, Robert Black.
Lumber wagon, Jahn Bray; Sod plow,
John Brry ; Buggy, John Davidson ;
Iron harrows, John Bray; Assortment
of leather, Jahn Leckie ; Pump, li
Do M E: -T I ( • MANUFACTCRE-;. —no trie -
made blaukete, Geo Johnston, Robert
Douglas; Hcinespun yarn, W 11 Mc-
Craekea ; Flannel, Jahn Johnston, Mor-
ris; Drugget, P P Aylsworth ; Pegged'
calf bcote, W C Hazlewood; Coarse i
baste, W 0 Hazlewood; Horne -made
bread, J ' Devidson„ T B Sanders e
Strained honey, J B aroght.
Floweree-Basket, plants, J Bre,th-
our, 3 Frey ; Foliage Plants, 3 Bray, J
Brethour 1 Flowering plants, 3 Break
our, J Bray; Cut flowers, J Brethour ;
twering geraniums, J Brethour, W M
Robinson r, Table boquet, W M Robin-
son, J Brethaur ; Ornamental grasses, 3
13rethonalW Douglas ; Flowering dah-
las, W M Itobinson.
Potere'vr-Turkeys, D 11 Moffat;
White geese, D H Moffitt, 1st and 2ad ;
Gray geese, C Baker, let and 2nd, Grey
ducks, Mrs Geo Moffat, W H Mc-
Cracken, ;White ducks, A Wells, Andw
Miner; Black Spanish fowl, W 4
McCracken., 0 Baker; Plymouth rocks,
W 11 McCracken, 3 Johnston, Morrie;
Silver spangled harnbUrgs, J Johnston,
. Hawick, W 11 McCracken; White leg-
horn,Mre Geo Moffat, 0 Baker ; Light
brahmas, NV II McCracken, T B Sand-
ers; Dark Brahmas, IV II McCracken ;
Guinea fowls, W H. .AMcCracken, C
Baker; Polands, W II McCracken, let
and 2ad e Pea fowls Mrs Geo Moffatt ;
Pigeons, ' W H lajeCraoken, 1st and
Fetere,--Winter pears, Sanderson &
'Children Cry for
Miller, J L Wilson; Fall Pears'13ei
Ayleworth, George Johnsten ; Plums,
Robt Laing, W M, Robison; Crab
apples, A Doddea-John Kno4 ;-Baldwins,
W J Johnston; Yellow 'bet flour,
C Beker ; Ban Davis, ' L Lovell,
Fameuse, R Laing; King Of Tomkins,
John Knox; Mansmoth pi pies, John
Knox ; Northern spies, fL
Newton pippins, P i ylesworth ;
P ;
Duchess of Oldenburg, John Davidson;
Smokehouse, Rambo and Rhode Island
Greenings, John Knox ;i3oxboro rue -
sets, Andrew Miller ; Gold n russets, H
Thomson ; Culverts, John Knox ; Seek
no Further, W J Johnsto ; Tolman
sweets, George Johnston ; piczenburg,
L Level' ; Twenty mince piepinie• D
Fraser ; Wagner and Chen nge Straw-
berry, and Maiden's Blush, TL IN ilson ;
St Lawrence, II Themson Hawthorn.
den, Andrew Miller ; Bast col eetion of
apples, H Thomson • Bsst •ol ection of
canned freit, W 11 hicCrack en ; Indoor
grapes, Dr Brawn ; Outdo grips,
W M it ibinson ; Fall pipns, John
Knox ; R bston pippins, WJ ohneton.
Leneee' WouK.-Derned n t or net
work, Mise A Roes, Mrs Win tobinsoa;
Tatting, Mrs Win Robins()', Mrs J
Elliott ; Crochet work, Miss A Rose,
Mrs Win Robinson ; Embr idery in
silk, Miss A Ross, Mra A W lls ; Ewe
broidery in muslin, Miss A R,38 ; Em-
broideryein worsted, Miss A *oss, Miss
L Cowan ; Bead work, Miss A Rose,
Mrs J Elliott • Fancy knittin in wool,
Miss A Rosseirs Wm Dame a, s ; Fancy
knitting in cotton, Mrs John Johnston
(Morris), Mrs D Et McAfee ; Flannel
&.rt, Mrs T 13 Sanders, Mrse3 AYls•
worth ; Feather flowers, ti ra James
Brock; Hair flowers, Mrs J B Vogt.;
Paper flowers, Mrs A Huebsc werlezer,
Mrs 1' P Aylesworth ; Wa fruit or
flewers, Mrs P P Ayleswort ; Berlin
wool raised, Miss A Rose're A Mil-
ler ; Berlin wool flat, MrsI Mott, airs
A Wells ; Cretonne work, Mrs Wm
Robinson; Fancy sofa pillow, Mrs. John
Davidson, Miss AR s; P tch work
sofa pillow, Mate A ss, Mrs P a'
Aylesworth ; Pillow Wams, Mrs A
\Veils, Miss A Ross ; Brading, Mrs
A Wells, Miss L Cowan; Pe cil draw-
ing, Mrs Wm Robinson, Mrs Wm Doug-
las ; Oil painting, Miss C E eurie,Mrs
A Huebschwerlezer ; Water eolor paint-
ing, Mrs Wm Rebinson • Par of woolen
stockings, W II McCracken, Mrs D H
Moffatt ; Pair of cotton stets inge, -alre
D II Moffett; Pair of woo en gloves,
Mrs D II Moffatt, Mrs P P ylesworth;
Pair of woolen mits, H Th memo Mrs
D li Moffatt ; Two pale of w olen socks
Mrs T B Sanders, Mrs J Brot auer ; Log
earbin quilt, Mrs P P Aylesw eta, Mrs A
Wells ; Knotted quilt, Mrs J B Vogt ;
Patch work quilt, MrsA Wells, Mrs I
Elliatt ; Knitted quilt,' MissjL Cewan ;
Crochet quilt, Mrs D II &to eta Mrs A
\Vella ; Tray mat, Miss A 1t.o3s, Mrs J
Bretheuer ; Specimen of la e, Miss A
Reiss ; Shell work, Mrs T I Smilers,
Mile Brown ; Cone work, L Mai P 1'
Aylesworth, Mrs J Broths. er ; Seed
wreath, Mrs J-Brcthauer ; Ib10 drape,
Mrs Wei Robinson, Mrs S S ell ; Ares-
cene embroidery, Miss A Res , Mrs Wm
Robinson ; Outline embroid iy, Mrs J
Brethauer, Miss A Roes; Paintuig on
silk or velvet, Mrs Wm 11)14son, Miss
Maggie Miller ; Drawn week, Miss A
R033 ; For the largest and best collec-
tion of ladies' work, Miss A Rise, Mrs
I Ellliott. 1
Calm Though
There is nothing whieh ma
a tlifference between one ma
other as the practice of calm
thinking. To those who ha
accustomed to it there is
fine an effete; but it is enti
own power to recett this e
will and when they will.
easier every day by persev
habit, and the habit so acqu
a material influence upon the
as responsible and immortal
that great process, therefor
consists the healthy oonditi
man as a mortal being, the
important step, of which
conscious as an exercise
mind. ,
You feel that you have h
however' little you may att
exercise of it. You, can
thoughts_ to any subject you
can confine them to objects
before you at the time, or
which have paged during
you con seed them blek to a
took place many years ago.
direct them to persons who
the laabit of meeting from
or to those who are separate
by thousands of miles. Yo
before you persons who lived
that occurrel long before yo
to existence, and you can an
realize events which are n
occur until you 11 tve cea
Study thee.° wondrous proce
mind; observe what power
tot er them, and what eons•
eternal importance must axis
ercising them aright.
If you can think of any a
please, why cannot you thin
his power, his holiness, his
his law which he has writt
heart, and in his revealed
cannot you think of and
period when you shall lie
grave, and that tremendo
when all that are in their
hear the voice of the Son
they that bear shall live and
to judgment? Such truths
duly considered or thought o
fail, under divine in
a powerful effect upon all o
thinking and acting in this 11
In Favor of Gr
ea so great
and .a..
land serious
e been un-
quired at
ely in their,
ort if they
t becomes
ranee and
red exerts
p conditioe
eings. In
in which
n of any
0 is a most
e must be
f his own
re a power,
ed to the
irect your
lease; you
which are
he day, or
rents which
You can
you are in
ay to day,
from you
can place
and eirents
came in-
icipate and
t likely to
ed to exiat.
see of your
you have
quences of
from ex-
bject you
t of God, of
justice, of
n' in your
ord ? Why
ealize the
own in the
s moment
reves shall
aGod, and
shall arise
as these,
,could not
to exercise
r habits of
In regard to the quite gen ral antipa-
thy shown towards gray hors is a corres-
pondent to an exchange say :[ Experi-
ence, I think, will prove tha while a
good horse may be of any c leg,' gray
horses are the strongest, healtbiest, har-
diest and most valuable. Fhe crack
regiment of the British ar y has al-
ways been one of cavalry, in anted on
gray horses only. This r giment of
Scots Grays made a charge a the bet•
tle of Waterloo which decid d the fate
of the great Napoleon-, as the unfortu-
nate emperor afterwards declaeed. The
French stage horses are near y all grays.
-This is the prevailing color o the horses
oi La Perche in that countr , known as
Percherons ; also of the giga tic horses
of Normandy which formed he cavalry
of William the Norman, w o subdued
England 800 years ago'bre he aid of
these stout horses. Gray jh�rses are
rerely mound in feet or j intl. The
omnibus (or stage) horses ofi Paris are
Pitcher's Cast ria.
mostly of this oolor, and endure he
constant travel over the stone -pa ed
streets of that city for an average pe iod
of nine years. There is an old a age
the grey mare is the better hor e,"
and although this has been dtstorted in I
its meaning into an insinuation that the
woman overpowers the man and m kes
of him her slave, this is only a mo ern
misuse of the proverb, which is, ike
most popular sayings, the result of om-
Merl experienee.
-When you ask for Nasal Beim do
not permit your dealer to giveyou some
"just as good" substitute, it is the
only remedy yet discovered that will
thorougly cure catarrh. Sold by all
The bog Laughed.
The proprietor of a Third Avenue
store owns a little black kitten that
cultivates a habit of iquattioe on its
haunches like a bear, or a angaroo,
and then sparring with its forepaws as
if it had taken leseoas from a pug list.
A gentleman beck into the store the
other evening an enormous black dog,
half Newfoundland half collie fat,
good•natured, and intelligent. Thi tiny
black kitten instead of bolting at one°
for shelter, retreated a few paces eat
erect on its hind legs, and " p t its
fiats" in an attitude of defiance. The
contrast in size between the two w s in-
tensely amusing. It reminded o e of
Jack the Giant Killer preparing ti de-
molish et giant.
Slowly and without a sign of c 'cite.-
bility the huge dog walked as far a his
chain would allow him,and gazed i tent-
ly at the kitten and its odd po lure.
Then, as the comicality of the sit ation
struck him, he turned his hea• and
shoulders around to the -spectators and
if animal ever laughed in tho worl4 that
dog assuredly did so then and here,
He neither' barked nor growled, b t in•
dulged in a low chuckle, while ey and
mouth beamed with merriment. New
York Telegram.
-Itch ured in 30 minutes by
ford's Sanitary Lotien. Sold b
J. S.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retirod from praa co, hair
ing had placed in his 1 a-ide by an Ea.t India
missionary the formula of a simple v getable
remedy for the epeedy and permanent cure of
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asth no and
all throat and Lung Affections, also a •ositive
and radical cure for Ntrvous Debility and all
Nervous Complaints, after having te ted its
wonderful curative powers in thous nds of
ca 3C9, has felt it his duty to make it k own to
hie suffering fellows. Actuated by thi motive
and, a desire to relieve human sufferin , I will
send free of chargeato all who deeir it, this
recipe, in German, French or English, a ith full
directions for preparing and using. ent by
mail by addressing with stamp, nam ng this
paper, W. A. NOYES, 820 Power's BlockaRoches-
er, N. Y. 1128-26 e.o.w
Dr. T. A. Slocum's
ER OIL. If you have Tightness of the Chest -
Use t. For sale by all drugg'sts. 33 ce ts per
Ask Your Friends Abou It.
Your distressing 4ough can be curd. We
know it because Kemp's 'balsam within he past
few years has cured so many coughs a d colds
in this community. Its remarkable sale as been
won entirely by its genuine merit. As some
friend who has used it what he thinks of. Kemp's
Balsam. There is no medicine so pure, none so
effective. Large bottles 50c. and 81 at all
A Cure for Constipation and
Dr. Silas Lane, while in the Rocky Mo ntains,
discovered a root that when combined wi h other
herbs, makes an easy and certain cure' for con-
stipation. It is in the forni of dry ro ta- and
leaves, and is knowri as Lane's Family a edicine.
It -will cure sick headache and is the boa spring
Medicine. For the blood, liver and kid eys,and
for clearing up the complexion it does 'cinders.
Druggists sell it at 50e and 81 a package
Worms cause much sickness among
Freeman's Worm Powders prevent t
make the child bright and, healthy.
Never allow the bowels to remain eon
lest serious evil ensue. National Pills
"surpaseed as a remedy for constipation.
Victoria Carbolic Salve is a wonderful haling
compound for cuts. wounds, bruises, burps,
scalds, boils, piles, pimples, arc.
MilbUrn'a Arornatio Quinine Wine for {lies the
system against attacks of ague, chills, bilious
fever, dumb ague and like troubles.
Beautiful Banff, N. W.
is, and
are un -
T wadi induced to use your Burdock III
ja teas for constipation and general
and found it eomplete cure whic
pleasure in recommending to all who
thus afflicted."-Janies M. Ca.raon, Banff
west Territory.
T. -
od it
I take
nay be
True Faith.
- I hive great faith in Burdock Blood Bitters
as a blood purifler. I have taken three bottles
for bad blood and find it a perfect cure. It is a
grand medicine and I recommend it wherever I
go." -Ida Sanderson, Toronto, Ontario. 1
Henry G. James.
Henry G. James, of Winnipeg, 1.1 nitobao
writes: "For several years I was roubled
with pimples end irritations of the .skiri. After
other remedies failed I used four bottle of Bur-
dock Blood Bitters, and sineo then I ha -e been
quite free from my complaint. 13. B. B. will
always occupy a place in ruy home.
Vhen Baby was sick, we gave her Cas rift.
Vhen she was a Child, she cried for C4oria.
Vhen she became Miss, she clung to Cikstorla.
Vhen she had Children, she gave them illastorn
Victory at Vivian.
N our family faithful work has be n done
• by Foy, ler's Extract of Wild Str wberry
as a sure and quick cure for diarrhoea, dysen-
tery' and all summer complaints. I can recom-
mend it to all as a family friend,alwaystaue and
faithf ol.-Mrs. W. Biehop, Vivian, Ontario.
Mrs. George Bendle.
Mrs.GeorgeBendle, of Galt, Ontario, wriIea :
"1 can recommend Dr. Fowler's Extraetlof Wild
Strawberry, for it is a sure cure for all 4uinrner
complaints. We are never without it -in the
house." I,'owler's Wild Strawberry. Pr ce, 35e.
Aunty's Advice.
"'Dly brother had severe summer er
about a. year ago, and no remedies seem
lieve him. At last my aunt advised
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, an
he had taken one bottle he was entirely
-Adelaide Crittenden, Baldwin, Ont.
d to re-
s to try
fl before
Ma. thly Prize s for Boy4 and
The "Sunlight " Soap Co., Toroneo, dfter the
follow ng prizes every month till furthe I notice,
to boyj and girls under 18, residing in the Pro-
vince f Ontario, who send the greatest number
of " Sunlight " wrapper.; let, *10; 2nd, $6;
3rd, 83; 4th, 81; 5th to 14th,a Handsome Book
and a pretty picture to those who send not less
than 12 wrappers. Send wrappers to "Sunlight"
Strap Office, 48 Scott St., Toronto, rot later than
29th of each month, and marked "Competi-
tion ;" also give f nil name, address, age and
number of wrappers. Winners' names will be
published in the Toronto Mail on first Saturday
in each month. 1218-52
TERSEY BULL. -Th undersigned will kee;
e) during the presen season on his farm, 2n
concession, II, R. ,S.,s sersmith, a theaaugh-
bred Jersey Bull, sired y Canada's John Bull.
Terms -81.50, payable at the time of service
with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN
HANNAH. N. B. -Also for sale a Jersey bull
calf, eleven months old, thoroughbred. 1164
TLE. -The undersigned breeder of Pure
Bred Holstein Friesian cattle will keep for ser-
vice on his premises a thoroughbred bull. He
has also a rfuniber of young bulls for sale de-
scendents of "Netherland Prince'"all regisiered
pedigrees. Pricee reasotiable. Apply on Lot
8, Concession 11; 'Hulleat, or address JOHN
MeGREGOR, Constance P. 0.
Lot 10, on 9th concession, 100 (Same. We
half 7 on 10th concession, 60 acres.
South half 21 on 51h conceesion, 100 acres.
Lots 11 and 12 on 13th conceesion, 200 acre
Lot 3S mi -3rd concession L. R. S., 100 acres.
For terms lac., apply to the undersigned. '
1107 tf I Barrister arc., Seaforth
System of Medicine.
Its Challenge is Investigation. Its
Passport is Truth.
This .system is complete'having different
medicines (which are perfectly pure aod taste-
less) for all the different diseases. THE
THEORY is to rebuild the direased cells and
tissuesof the body,and bythus reaching the primal
cause of di•ease these medicines will ssve life
where the old system of giving poisonous drugs
fail miserably. Books explaining the system
sent free to any addrem
Histogenetic Medicine Association :
GENTIAMNN,-My daughter took a severe cald
on the 2lat of last July. and it did not break,
but settled all through her system. She had a
severe headache, pain in the cords of her neck,
cars, rig,ht side and through her body generally,
followed soon by cbills,fever,poor and failing ap-
petite awl nausea. A cough set in, the lips be-
came very pale. and eyetert, bloodless ;
tongue thickly coated yellow; dizzinesr,
extreme prostration and rapid &cline followed.
I consult d Dr. Rear, who seemed to be much
alarmed at my dilighter's condition. He pre-
saribed the Histogenetite remedies for her, and
she gained rapidly, and ,cnly required three lots
of medicine and one visit. In one month she
was cured soundly. I consider her case was a very
hopeless one, and that Histogenetic Medicines
and the doctor's good adviae saved her life. I
think it is the best systam of medicine.
30) College Street, Toronto, September 23, 1891,
istogeeetic .11((lVtie Association a
Graoraemex.This is to certify that 1 have
suffered with rheumatism for tl•to last twenty-
five years. At five different periodr, I have been
so bad that I had to remain in bed for several
months at a time. This summer I was suffering
eeverely with Paine all through my body, consti-
pation, headaehe, drowshess, etc. I began
taking Hiltorrbenetic Medicines on Juno 15th
and conlinuedfor eight weeks.. I began to im-
prove at once. Pain loft me gradually. I do no
feel it at all except -a very little at change o
weather -nothing to speak of, just a gentle
reminder. Constipation and headache cured up
and no return of either sinc. It is now six
weeks since I stopped taking the medicines,
feel better now than I have for years, anal I -
heartily recommend the people of London to try
Histogenetic Medicines; as they did more for me
than all; the doctors' prescription or other
medicines that I had taken before.
London, 563 York Street, Septembsr 19, 1891.
Our representative will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
Every month. The date for October being
THURSDAY, Oct. 22,'91.,
From 1 to 6 p. m. Call early.
Send for free book explaining System.
Histogenetic Medicine Assn.
Rooms 2 and 3, Albion Block, Richmond Street,
London, head office for Western Ontario.
Head office for Canada -10 Yonge Street
market, Toronto.
Mention Expositor.
I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by 11
se thousands of cases of 'the worst kind and of Ion
rending have been eased. Indeed so strong is my faitl
1 its efficaea. that I will send TWO BOTTLES FRM
tith a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to an
afferer who will send inc their EXPRESS and P.O. addrest
Seaforth Dairy.
Having purchased the Dairy Business
from Mr. Roderick Grey, I bog to solicit a con-
tinuance of the patronage which he has re-
ceived in the past. With the advantages I
have in my refrigerator and situation, I hope to
be able to give my customers satisfaction as to
quality of milk even in the very hot weather.
- Realizing that the cash system is the most
just,. nd satisfactory to all concerned, I hay
decided to sell for eesh !only.
tar Tickets supplied at reduced rates
1171 D, WILSON
Something for the
The best Washing Machine ever offered the
public. No tearing the clothes, nn breaking
buttons, no boiling the clothes, no slopping or
splashing around the floor, no steaming the
house, no backache from working it, washes all
kinds 0! clothing thorougly, given. out on trial
or sold on approval. Call and see them. Also
latest improved wringers.
The celebrated "Davis" and " New Williams,"
the leading machines. Satisfaction guaranteed
or no sale.
0. C. WILLSON, St &forth.
Including Top Buggies, Phaetons, Gladstones,
Kensington's, Saliebury's, euperior finish,
workmanship and material. Road Carts, -Daisy,
Hill, and others by Gananoque Carriage Co.,
Thompson and others.
inAgriculturat I plemetts
Of every description, Farm Wagons,ko. Special
attention given to Wind Mills for pumping.
Binder Twine.
Also a few Horses for sale aad a few good
second hand double and single buggies cheap.
PAPST, the Jewel
Is showing the neatest stock of Jewelry,Watehes
and Clocks in town. Call and see the
And also some of our own manufa.crire.
I arn veiling the best Goods for the least mc ey
in the county.
See the stock of Watches i-fr all qualities and
prices at Papat the Jewtler's.
Repairing of all kinds done on the premise
Wood, Grain and Wool taken as payment
Goods purchased from
PAPST,, the Jeweler.
No discount sales advertised, but ono price all
the time. Call and inspect.
Always Ready to Serve the
Public_by Giving Good Flour.
eg's to inform his friends and the public tat
e is again able to give his personal attention to
burliness, and having engaged Mr. John B.
Austin, it thoroughly competent, practical I di -
ler, he is prepared to do
On the shortest notice, and most rea.aona le
terms to all who may call.
VT Satisfaction guaranteed cxcry time. A
trial solicited.
Wady for use in any quantity. For making Sotv
%ening Water. Disinfecting, and a hundred otiu
is. A can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda.
Sold by All Grocers and Druggists.
. C3rIi.s1.131DrirrX, riNwr4:szitso
07 Ct Q ad 'J'ta ar ',
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-:• Eit•REYNOLD.5
Notice to Depositors
Post Office Savings Bank.
Deposits in the above Bank may now be re-
ceived to the amount of 81,000 during each year,
ending 30th of June; and a total balance of
83,000, exclusive of interest, which, if desired,
may at any tinie be transferred to the Finance
Departtnent for investment in
In sums of 8100 or multiples thereof. Th
stock will bear interest at the rate of 33• per
centper annum, payable on lst of March and
let of September of each year, and is redeem-
able 1st of March, 1898.
Post Office, Seaforth, March2nd, 1891.
11 P1.T131.1IC.
Breaking ih
sn't needed with the Bal
:orset. It's -easy from th(
tart. Coils of tiny win
;prings in the sides make i.
;o. Try it,land you'll like it
If you don't, after a fem
veeks' wear, just return ii
tnd get your money.
The Tuckersmith Cider Mill.
ROGER PEPPER will . have hia Cider Mill
ready for work by the 1st of October, and will
be prepared on and after that date to take in any
quantity of apples and convert them into the
most delicious fresh cider. Partieia bringing
apples can have the cider home with them. It
would oblige Mr. Pepper if parties would bring
their apples in the afternoon if possible. Terina
reasonable as usual. Cider mill on Lot 36, Con-
eeeelan 3, L. R. 13., Tuckersmil h A 'rattle for
boiling cider will be, rented for 15 eente per day.
Aiso a number of !small pigs for sale cheap,
ROGER PEPPER. ' 1242x4
Life Assuralime Goiy,
The rapid progressinade by the SUN LIFE may -
ha seen from the following statement :
, Net Aseets be -
Income.' sides uncalled
• Capital.
1872..a 48,210.93 . a 96,461.95 - .8 1,064 350.00
1676.. 102,822.14 285,944.04 .. 2,414,003 32'
1380.. 141,402.81 .. 473,632.03 .. 3,S97,130.11
1894 „ 278,379.65 .. 636,897.24 .. 6,814,404.04
1588.. 525,273.58 .. 1,5a6a16.2.1 11,931,310.21
1590.. S89,.07S.87 2,473,511.19 , m554,35:02
The SUN issue's Un -conditional Lilo Polities.
Life Aesur-
ance in. force.
Robertson alaaatilay, President ; Hon. A. W.
Ogilvie, Vice -President ; T. 13. Macaulay, Score-
tary ; A.S.Macgregor, Manager LondonDistriet,
1242 JOUN FA1RLEY, Agent, Seaforth,
When / say 1 euro 150 not mean merely to stop the
r a time and then have them return again, I _mean
tdie,a1 oars. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILE
or PALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warra
ly remedy to care the worst cases. Because others ha
Med is no reason for not now receiving a euro. Send
Ice for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infalith
rmcd_y. Give EXPRESS and POST -OFFICE.
G. Racrr, M. C. 186 ADELAIDE S
J. C. SMITH & CO.,
A General Banking business trans-
Farmers' notes diecounted.
Drafts bought and sold.
Interest allowed on deposite.
SALE NOTES discounted, or, takee
for collection.
OFFICE -First door north of Reid
& Wilson's Hard ware. Store.
The above milia have new been thoroughly
built upon the complete
The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been
greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied
I —AND— 1.
Flour Dressing Machines
Froin the best Manufacturing Firms have been
put in, and everything necessary added to enable
her to turn out flour
In the Dominion. The facilit,es for receiving
grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping
have also den extensively improved. Grain can
now A taken from fermiers' wagons, weighed,
and muted into cars at the rate of 700 bushels
per hour, by the work of two men.
Has been put in, and the necessary machinery for
handling chop and coarse rains.
A good shed has been erected, so that wagons
can be unloaded and reloaded under cover.
Promptly attended to, and
Chopped satisfactorily and without delay.
And all kinds of
Constantly on hand.
Highest Market Price Paid in
Oash for any Quantity of
Only fIrst-class and obliging men will be kepi
;attend °internam The liberal patronge of
men and general trade respectfully solicited.
Charlesworth tis Brownell, Sea -
1 forth, is headquarters for Tea.
I We are importers and prat
sharers. We have the choicest
India and Ceylon brands, the _finest
and most delicious Tea the world
can produce. Also &large stock of
Hysons, Blacks and Japan Teas.
Look and see if you can find any-
thing to match our cup quality at
the prices we offer you: We ask
your personal inspection. We stand
as squarely by our qualities as by
our prices. Why shouldn't we.
We can well be frank, we can well
be fair with such goods and such
prices. Whyl Because we im-
port in large lines, buy and sell
tons every few weeks. Parties buy-
ing in 20 lb. lots we will sell at
wholaale prices. A word to, the
farmers who are buying Tea from
certain tea companies outside of
their own county. -We will guar-
antee to sell equally as good—we
think better—a may pickings Japan
Tea at frcim five to ten cents a
pound less, according to quality,
and take your butter, eggs and pro-
duce in payment. By doing this
you save money, leave your money
in your own county where it will
do you the most good, and support
your own merchants instead of
sending the wealth of the county
to assist to build up outside sec-
tions. Remember, we warrant the
Tea, and it can be returned if not
fully better in cup quality at from.
five to ten cents per _pound less.
Please do not forget this. One
trial -will convince you this Ls no
blow. •We do but very little ad-
vertising, as the public knows.
This is the first printer's ink we
have used for over two years. Our
business does not, nor never has,
required any booming—it has been
gradually increasing and becoming
more solid every day, for which we
are thankful. Farmers and others
will please call and secure their
Tea, and in every case the Tea can
be returned if not more than satis-
We keep a full stock of Ger ral
Yours Respectfully,
Charlesworth &
Banking House,
(In connection with the Bank of Montreal.)
To the Commercial Hotel Building, Mein Street
A General Banking Business done, drafts iSEue
and oashed. Interest allowed on depOsit&
On good notes or mortgages.
Where are you going with your
next grist. Remember we are
crivinc, from
38 to 40 lbs.
Of 'flour to the bushel for ood
At the lowest living prices.
Dealers and others buying in
quantities, it will pay you to call
and see us before purchasing.
Remember the place, Seaforth
Roller Mills, formerly known as
the Red Mill.
W. H. CODE & Co.
Montreal and Quebec,
TO Derry and Liverpool.
CABIN, 850 to 880. According to Steamer
and location of Stateroom.
Intermediate and Steerage at low raters.
via Londondelry, every Fortnight.
CABIN,835 and upward'. Return,065 and upwarde.
8t.oehragAe. aAtLiorjwANratI
Apply to uALLAN, Montreal, or C.
BETHUNE or W. G. DUFF, Seafortb,