HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-10-23, Page 5= , bcTopER 1891. 11111111•111.1111.111=111.11 •.••• I THE HURON EXPOSITOR. question Was 110 sooner asked than an equally brilliant thought occurred to one of the pupils, and f he latter answer- ed, Pleme ma'am, she was la!sed up se as to keep her out of the scandal. at Ottawa." The language is very shriple, but it contains et world of meaning. The lad who answered the question S3 philo- sophically is the progeny of a Scotch Grit. —One of the most touching incidents that ceuld well be imaginea ocaur- red early list Friday morning at the Union Station, Toronto. John Gal- braith, aged 42, after having travelled nearly 5,000 miles in order that he might reach his ome, died in a Grand Trunk passenger car, when only 100 miles from the place where his cherished desire would be realized. It appears that many years -ago Galbraith left his home in St. -Marys and started welt to make his forams. He crossed- the prairieaand finally reached the E.icifie Ocean. Foe years he remained in that country and was always miudful of his mother arid friends. After a time he went north as far as Sitka, Alaska. There he engagtiel in work, but after two winters in that dreary land he discover- ed thathe was dying gradually of con- sumption. He decided to start for home, hia only desire seeming to be that hit might see his mother. He wrote a letter te his parents, and start- ed a few days later for New West- minster, The journey from Sitka down inteBritish Colinribia was very weari- some, but he pressed on and reached Toronto at 4 o'clock on Frida y morning on theNorth Bey train, being met by his brother. They remained in the waiting room at the station until 7 o'clock, when the brother, noticing his pitient growing very weak, euggested sending for the ambulance. John in- eisted that he be helped to the train bound for St. Marys, which had just then been made up. His desire was ac- ceded to, after' which his brother left him and telephoned for the ambulance, which arrived in a few minutes. The brother led the way to where the sick man was sitting, but the ambulance driver was startiled to find that the body was limb and helpless. The brother at this time did not know that he was dead and rushed for a physician. The - thread of life, which had been stretched to so great a tension, had finally broken and the unfortunate man, whose upper- most hope was that he might reaeh his old home, wan beyond recall. The body was given over to Young's undertaking establishment, where it was embalmed, and at 1 o'clock it was forwarded to St. Marys-. • Local Notices. SERVANT GIRL WANTED. -Apply to MRS. J. S. ROUIRTS, Sesferth. 1243 .7 MONEY To LEND. -Money to lend in large or small sums on first mortgaile security, st 6 per cent. interest; private heeds. Apply at Tux Exeoarroe. Office, Seatorth. 1234 MONEY- ,LOST. -The person who drop- ped a smaltum of money in A. Ironing's Grocery Store, Sesforth, can have the same on calling at the store and paying for this notioe.1244 WOOD WANTED. -Five hundred cords of wood wanted at the Seaforth Roper Mills, for • which the highest 'price in cash will be paid. W, IL CODE & Co. 1244-2 Mn. J. S. PORTER has just got in his now Undertaking Supplies, including a Fine Hearse. He is now prepared to attend all calla in that line. Prices the Lowest aad Satisfaction Guarranteed. 1244 PARTIES Desiring to lay in et Stook of Celery can be supplied at the Sonforth Green House, at $3 per 100 heads, or 86 for 200 heads. W. M. Moms. 1244 HE LEADS THEM ALL. s- Another large consignment of Watches and 'Jewelry re- ceived this week at Counter's Jetvelry Store, Prices lower than ever. It will be e pleasure to show you through this stock whether you buy or not. W. R. COUNTER, Jeweler, :Main Street, Seaforth. After the Boodlers. A despatch from Ottawa on Tuesday says : The neyea of Andrew Senecat's 1244 MONEY ORDERS BY EXPRESS. -The Canadian Express Company sends -money by means of money Orders, which ate absolutely safe, and can be ootained at any bifida of the company '.t very low rates. The fee for sending an order for $60 is but 20 cents, end amounts from $5 upwards may be sent at proportionate rates. Theft orders are payable at 15,000 pieces in Canada and the United States, ind are prac- tically good everywhere. The iiates are less than for any other method of sending money where absolute safety is afforded. The conn peny will undoubtedly receive a large amount of the public patronage in this matter. MR. W. SOMF.RVILLE is the Company's agent for this dig- trict. 1228 SALE REGISTER. Co Monday, October 2.6th, at 1 o'clock p. m., Lot1/42: Conceasion 4, Hul- lett,Farm Stock and Implements. John Scanlon, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, AuctiOneer. On Tuesday, Oetober 27th, at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp, on Lot 20, Conces• sion 14, Hibbert, Farm Stock and Im- plements. Wm. Horton, Proprietor ; H. Brown, Auctioneer, " On Tuesday'',October 27th, at 1 o'clock p. m., on the old Payne Farm, Mill Road, Tueltersmith, near Egmondville, Farm Stock, Implements ' ; Lan James Martin, Proprietor; W. G. Duff, auc- tioneer. On Wedneslay, October 28th, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Lot 17, Cenceesion 13, MoKillop, Farm Stock andlItnplements. George Barrows, Proprietor ; George Kirkby, Auctioneer. On Wednesday, October 28, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Lot 13, Conceesion 8, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, Farm Stock,Im- plements &c. Win. McKay', Proprietor, W. G. Duff, Auctioneer. On Tuesday', Noveinber 3cd, at 12 o'clock noon, on Lot 9, Cloncessiou 6, H. R. S., Tuckeramith, Farm Stock, to 8c; sheep,- fic to ne 3 hogs, do to 510; elves, 83 to Id. Elise BUFFALO, October 20--Ce.ttle-'be re- oelpte of sale stock was heavy, about 81 cars. The market with this liberal supply ruled very. dull. Veals and calves -There was a heavy sup- ply of calves of all kinds, and the market ruled • dull and lower. Sheep and lambs -The offerings were heavy, all of 76 cars when all were ,ifl, and including 18 loads of Canada lambs. The mar- ket ruled with a very slow demand, eastern and New York buyers generally holding off cniing to the very unfavorable reports frone those sections. Hogs -The market opened with a fair utside order demand for a few lots of the bee hop, but the local demand and New York inqu ry was light, except for good pigs, which were it good demand, but other grades were fully 6c to 10c lower. TORONTO, Oct. 21.-Cattle-Th18 inar t was had all round. There were a few load of fat expor cattle, but not much of this a ck was wan d. Prices for these animals ra gad at from /c to 410 per lb, according to qu lity, a drop f ic in quotations". Stockers were mostly In d mend at from 3e up to 3/c- ; 31c nd 3/c were he figures paid for extra heavy steers for finding. Bulls ce, 1,300 lbs average sold for 2/0 per lb, ; and those of 1,100 lbs brought 2/e, to feed p for a future niarket. Butche s' cattle i foun very slow sale and the supply e as away shea of the demand. A lot of inferi r stock offered. The general ptieezrange was f Om 21c to ne per lb, accnrding to quality Good springers bring from 1635 to $55 per ead, Re- cording to quality, and ndloh cows - brought from $30 to $10 each. Sheep and Lam -Ship- ping sheep bring from ea to $5.25 peril ad, with slow demand, and butchers' brought . The market for Iambs was slightly firm r, these animals selling for from $3 to $4 per head, an improvement of 50c. There is not n uch de- mand for export sheep. Hogs --The m riot for bogs is away off. Hogs weighing 17 lbs and over brought only frein $4 to e4.25 per cwt. ogee few moat) kinds sold for about $4.40 weighed off cars. Lfght fat and stores are not -anted at any figure. 'd', . arrest in Montreal to -day created some Implements and Lumber. A Story, P excitement here te-night. Sir John Proprietor, W. G. Duff, Aactioneer. Thompson on being informed of Seoecal'S On Monday, October 26, at 12 arrest said he could give no peeticulers o'clock, noon, on Lot 9, Concession of the indictment against Senecal. The 3' Stanley, Superior Farm Stork, Government hal instructed Mr. Ham- - ilton, of Montreal, t o effect Mr.Senecal's Implements, &c. Wm. Craig, pro - arrest on a charge in connection with anietor ; W. Ce Duff, auctioneer. his accepta.ncen of commissions en sap- On Tuesday, October 27, at 1 erintendent of the Printing Bureau. o'clock p. m., on Lot 10, Concession From what Sir John said it is inferred 17 Grey, Farm Stock, Iiiiplements that actions both civil and criminal have been taken against SenecaL Mr. W. D. Hoag, Q. C., general. counsel for the Government, has been sent to Quebec to cani.e the arrest there of 0. E. Murphy ' sanitise Connolleys on a charge of con - On Tuesday,October 27, at-' 3 spiring tie defraud the public revenue. wolock p: in., at theiCommercial and Household Furniture, the pro- perty of Mrs. Ross. Geo. Kirkby, auctioneer. Hotel, Seaforth, Valuable Farms. He saw the Point. Wm. Fowler,_ proprietor; J. P. . A gentleman said to us, "1 do not Brine, auctioneer. favor prohibitifon. It would be an in- On Tuesday, November 3, at 1 justice b the man in the busineisS be- t 35, Conces- o'cjock p. in., on Lo Bidet' it would throw thousands out of ement." We replied, You do sin 4, Irsborne, Farm Stock, Im- not look at the issue from the right plements, etc. Wm..:)Iitchell; pro - side. You -take a contracter's view. prietor ; A. Bishop, auctioneer. Just before the war closed a government On Thursday, October 29th at contractor said in a car I do hope the war will not chise under two years. I will lase thousands of dollar& besides many men will be turned out of em- ployment from the government works.' - " A lady passOger clad in weeds of mourning rose' to her feet and with tear- fal voice said: Sir, I have a brave boy and a husband sleeping the sleep of death in a soldiers' cemetery. I have Gala one, boy left and he is in the front -Of the foe, 0 God ! I wish the cruel war would cliese now.'" He saw the point. Do you? Then stop the liquor traffic. I • Dairy Markets. ToRono, Oct. 21. -Butter -The re good butter are not liberal, the best tu from 14c to 16e, with extra choice tii high as 17c and 19e Eggs -The ree fair and the market is firm at 16e to 17 eggs are quoted at 15e. , MONTREAL, October 19. -The cheese almost lifeless. For the best stock hob 10c, but to move any large lot at Ohs figure o say at on could nouldo bids., The butter market is dull, butst.rong, with business better in dairy stock, bi t not ac- tive. Fair supplies of all grades are n hand, but buyers and sellere are still apart. reamery late inade, 221c to 23c ; townships da y at 100 to 1Sc. The egg market is fairly active and firm and prices range from 14/c to 17c, ace rding to quantity -and quality. elpts of e selling 8 at as ipts are . Limed arket is era want raploy would be impossible. It is difficult just what price any important transact he effeeted. as dealers to -day are rec 1[1 -OUSE AND LOT FOIR, SALE. -That dab. - 11. as able and pleantl - situated property on , West Goderich Stre,et, new occupied by Mr. J. H. Pyper. For Partioulfirs apply on the prem- ises. 1245-1 spe3ial sale of Boots and Shocs still continues. Thofie who have not yet clone so, should call ,and examine our prices befo .e buy- ing their fall supply. We clearing out our whole st Dress Gods at a sacri6c are actually losing money oi but that is of no concern to They want the biggest worth they can buy. Th are going, and going fast prices. We have just to nice brown Sugar 27 lbs. Try it. D. WEISMILLER, 1 o'clock in., on Lot 17, Huron Road, Goderich Township, Farm Stock and Implements. Gilbert Muir, Proprie-tor; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTLI October 23rd, 1891 Fall Wheat per buahel,new...;.. a 0 90 to Spring Wheat per buahel,new;... 0 90 to Oats per bushel 0 28 to Peas per budiel. 0 56 to b h 1 0 35 to Barley per us e Butter, No. 1, loose.... .. .. .... 0 12 to Butter, tab.- . ......... .. .... 0 12 to News Notes. Eggs 0 14 to -Col. J. Y. Scott, of Port Moody' Flour, per 100 lbe d 7 2 75 Hay newper ton.-- ... . , 9 00 who owns a large ranch near West- Hides per 100 the 4 00 to 4 '50 0 02 O 92 O 29 O 57 O 42 0 14 0 14 O 14 minster Junction, made an interesting diecovery a few days ago. Trees in the woods were found full of honey, each containing an enormous quantity of wild honey. One taken down one night held 400 pounds depoaited in the cavity of the cedar, 10 feet long and 18 inches in diameter. The Colonel expects to get a ton of honey this F'ail. It has a better flavor than hive honey. -The marriage of John Ring, of Cebell connty, West Virginia, aged 70, to MiS3 Mary Damian, aged 20, of St. Albans, last week has more than ordi- nary romance in it. Mr. Ring was fornaerly an unsuccessful suitor of his bride's mother. He always remained her friend, and when her child was born became greatly attached thereto. The little girl, as she grew to womanhood, strikingly resembled her mother, and when Mr. Ring sought the daughter's • hand the mother looked with favor on the alliance. ;The groom has just pur- chased a fine term. -Maine is experiencing some remark- able freaks of weather this fall. One :lay last week in the upper Penobscot Valley there Were killing frosts, while brooke and Vends were skimmed over with ice. Oa the following day the mercury stood' at 90 ° in the shade. 0 40 to 0- 75 Sheep Skins Wool 0 lb to 020 POLALOCS por bag, ... ... 0 40 to 0 40 Salt (retail) per barrel..1 25 to 1 25 Wood per cord (long) 2 50 to 8 00 Wood per cord (short) 1 50 to 2 00 Apples per bag 0 50 to 0 60 Clover Seed 5 00 to 550 ...... •1 50 to 1 75 Timothy Seed Pork, per 100 Is . 5 25 to 5 50 Tallow, per lb... ........ 0 01 to 0 04 • CLIN roe; October 23rd, 1891 Fall Wheat • per buahelS ... 0 86 to $0. 91 Spring Wheat per bushel.........0 86 to 0 91 Oats per bushel . ... • .. - 0 26 to 0 28 Barley per bushel ...... 0 35 to 0 50 Peaa per bushel ...... . .... 0 55 to 0 57 Batter 0 12 to 014 Eggs 0 11 to 0 13 ,Hay per ton, new.. ..... 8 00 0 26 to 0 30 to 9 00 ;Potatoes per bushel, . 'Hidea per 100 ........ 4 00 to 4 06 3 00 to 3 05 94ordlwpmerdtb . .... 0 18 to 0 19 Pork, per 100 ... . 5 00 to 5 25 LIVERPOOL, Oct. 2L--8pring wheat, Se 11d; 'red winter, 8s 030; California No. 1,83 10d; peas, 6s 00d ; pork, 51s 03d ;,cheese, 47s 00d. • , His F rewell Sermon. It is relate of a dissenting minister that he starte1 a church in a rural. dis- trict, but his ongregation being incor- rigible snorer -4 and what he conaidered worse, mean 4ontributors to the cause, be was soon o liged to abandon it.. His farewell semi n to the lukewarm breth- ren was charahterized by more heat than elegauce. He ended thus :-`1 At the last day the Lord will say to St. Peter, 'Where is your flock? and St. Peter will answer. 'Here Lord.' He wilf say to Calvin, 'And;where are your sheep?' and Calvin will reply, Here Lord.' And so all t e sehepherds can answer. Bat wheu he !asks me, Where are your sheep? how Will you feel when I am compelled to reply, Lord, I haven't any ; mine At ere all hogs?' "-Oil City Blizzerd. ------• Births. HO "STON.-In Tuckersmith, on the the wife of Mr. Samuel G. Hou daughter. SNELL. --In Exeter, on the 12th inst of Mr. Eli Snell, of a son. STEPHENSON. -in Winghem, on inst., the wi:e of Mr. John Steph son." POWELL.-!n Turnberry, on the 13t wife of Mr. James Powell, of a da Toiteone, Oct. 22. -Fall heat, 30.92 bo spring wheat, 30;90 to $090; oats, 33 cents to 34 cents.; peas, per bush, 60 cents to 62c ; barley, 42c to 53o ; hay, per ton, $13.03 to 815.00 ; butter, 20e to 22e ;, potatoes, per bag, e0.45 to $0.55 ; eggs, per :doz., 1713 to 18a; dressed hogs, per cwt., 35.76 to 16.25. * Live Stock lilarkets. Livearooe, October 20. -There was a steady demand to -day for all grades of cattle, but the general supplies were heav' Y with fair receipts of Canadian and United States cattle. Prices showed a little firmer feeling, but so slight that quotations remain almost unchanged. The fol- lowing were the ruling prices, ca:culated iit 34.80 to the -Si; : Finest steers, 11,3.c ; good to choice, 11e; poor to medium, 10c ; inferior and bulls, 74 to 9c per lb. Moserazere October 20. --Trade was exiceeding- ly slow and very little was -done in the cattle line, exceptiog that Mr. Bickerdike bought 60 head of stockers, for which he paid about 3e per lb. None of the sales made here to -day exceed- ed 3/c per lb, yet good ; beeves would have brought from 40 to 41e peril). Good calves are in demand at from $8 to $14 each, and common verds sell at from $3 to $e each. nippers are paying about 34c per lb for good large sheep,but .few of this sod were offered to -day. Common lambs sell at 82.25 to $3.25, each, and good ones - at from $3,50 to 84 each: Fat hogs are not plentiful, and sell at from 610 to a little over 5Sc per lb. We quote the following as being their values :-Cattle, export, 410 to 4ic e butchers', good, 4e to 41c; medium, Sfle to atC culls, 210 EACHER. VANEDa-Wented for School Section No. 4, Stapley, South School, a teacher holding a secondlor third clans certifi- cate. Duties to commence on the 1st of Janu- ary, 1892. Applications ,either personal or by letter will be received by)the undersigned until the 14th November. Applicants to state salary desired, and to produce certificates of qualifica- tion. JAS. CAMPBELL, Secretary, box 24, Reynold. 12,13x8 EXTENSIVE CLEARING OUT AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, &c. -Mit. W. G. Duff has been instructed by Mr. Wm. Craig to eell by Public Auction on Lot 9, Concession 6, Stanley, on Monday, October 26, 1891, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following very valuable property: Horses. - 1 heavy draught mare, registered, supposed to be in foal to Mr. dentine's huported horse; 1 aged mare in foal to the same horse, 1 general purpose horse, 1 gelding four years old past, 1 carriage horse, 7 years old, from "Old Royal Revenge ;" 1 yearling filly, 1. yearling gelding, 1 wicking foal got by "Stud Book Chief." Cattle. -Six mulch cowe supposed to be in calf to a thoroughbred bull; 2 farrow cows, 2 twd- year-old heifers supposed to be in calf to a thoroughbred bull, 4 lthree-year-old steers, 1 three-year-old heifer supposed to be in calf to a thoroughbred bull. 2 till o -year-old steers, 6 year- ling heifers, 4 spring calves, 1 thoroughbred bull with pedigree. Pige.1e-1 breeding sow, Berk- shire; 7 year-old pigs, and 11 spring pigs. Implements.- 1 Maxwell reaper, 1 binder 1 Warrior mower, 1 lumtier wagon, 1 top buggs , 1 , cutter, 1 pair of bobsle ghs, 1 aced drill, 1 turnip cutter, 1 three furrow rang p'ow, 1 general pur- pose plow, 1 sod plow, d. set of iron harrows, 1 hay rack, 1 fanning mill, nearly new; 1 set of single harness, 8 set of double harness, whiffle - trees and neckyokes and other articles too num- erous to mention. Also a few tons of hay and a lot of straw to be sold and to be fed on the place. As the proprietor is giving up farming all von be sold without reserve. iTeams.-All sums . of 85 and under, cash: over that amount 12 months' credit will be given hn furnishing approved, joint notes. A discount of 7 cents on the -dollar will be allowed for cash on 'credit amounts. WM. CRAIG, Proprietor; W. 0. DUFF, Auc- tioneer. 1244-2 re also ck of We them, buyers. lollar's goods at the land a 'or $1 tippen 3rd inst., ton, of a the wife the llth 'Isom -of a that., the ghter. TTNRESERVED AU ION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND I PLEMENTS.-Mr. W. 0. Duff has been instructied by Mr. A. Story to sell by Public Auction on Lot 9, Concession 6, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, on Tuesday, November 3rd, 1891, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following valuable property. viz: Horses. -One mare 8 years old, 1 mare five years old, 1 yearling gelding from Topeman, 1 earling filly from General Gourley, life and 1 spring foal from Pride of Glasnick. Cattle. - Four witch cows supposed to be In calf to a thoroughbred bull, 2 two-year d Id heifers aiso in calf to thoroughbred bull, 2 two-year-old Aeon, 2 two-year-old heifers, 3 yearling steers and 2 yearling heifers, also 4 Leicester ewes, 4 ewe lambs, and 3 spring pigs. The stock is all good and in first-class condition. Implements, &c. Three good plows, one an iron one as good as new; 1 gang plow, Hendry's make; 1 land fol. ler, 1 hay rake, 2 sets'of bob -sleighs, 1 pair of., Iron harrows, 1 pair of wood harrows, 1 mowerr 1 reaper, Maxwell's make; 1 grind stone, 1 mower and reaper knife grinder,1 seuffier,1 lum- ber wagon with box and spring seat, 1 gravel box, 1 wagon rack, 11 combined seed drill, 2 straw cutters. one a large sized Maxwell make; 1 riding saddle and bridle, about 1,200 feet of inch pine lumber from 12 to 14 feet long, also forks, hoes, spades, rakes, whiffietrees and a great variety of small articles too numerous to mention. The whole will positively be sold without reserve as the proprietor has rented his farm and is giving u the business. TERMS. - All sums of 85 and under, cash; 'over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint notes. A discount of 6• cents mi the dollar will be allowed for cash on TII A LATEST 4011101111M1111., EWS Abont Fall and Winter fashions for gentlemen, 4s 'illustrated by the fashionably shaped and beautifully colored Brown Suits, made in double hreasted sacks, fitted to your form, at $22, ci . We claim th to have e finest and•best selecte stock of -Clothing in this section, and you certainly should come and iiispect it, . .. We sell good clothes for men and boys at m derate prices, because our large business enables us to sell at a small profit, and our experi- ence hs,stauglit us what constitutes good clothes, and we give you the nce and large purchasing power. See benefit of our experi Suitings at $15, $16- land $18. In point beaters, our Scotch of alue' they are world JACKSON BROTHERS, The Leading lothiers, Seaforth. DO YOU WANT THE EARTH? We can't give you that, b you the best bargains on earth Decorations. Honest quality ar motion to our fresh and t for the next few weeks we will give in Artistic FuriOure and Household d lowest price is lAie force which gives ever changing stock. Marriages. PO VELL-TIOIVRIE.-At the mans , Seaforth on the 21st inst., by Rev. A. D IeDonald, - Mr. John Henry Powell, to Miss Jennie, eld- eat daughter of Mr. Joseph Lo rie, all of Seaforth. GRIEVE-JOHNSTON.-At the resid flee of the bride's mother, on the 5th inst., by Rev. S. A. Carriere, Mr. Gilbert' Grieve, f McGilli- vray, to Miss Mary Johneton, d ughter o1. the late Mr. Isaac Johnston, 1,1c0 llivray. TILOMPSON-MOTZ.:---At the Trivit Memorial Church, Exeter, on October 131 , by Rev. . S. F. Robinson, Mr. Wm. J. Th tripson, to Catherine, daughter of Mr. Geor e Motz, all of Stephen. ARMSTRONG--,-BROWN.-At the r idenee hl • the bride's father, on October 13 b, by Rev. S. F. Robinson, Mr. Samuel Ar strong, of St. Thomas, conductor on Michigan Central Railway, to Mary , aughter of George Brown, Esq , Centralia. R-MBALL-WALKER.-At the r idence of the bride's parents, on Ottobe 14th, by Rev. J. Billiton, Mr. Thoroas umball, to Mies Mary Walker, both of Clin n. INDLER-FINCEL -At the resid ce of the bride's parents, on Oc•tober 8th, y Rev. Mr. Stewart, Mr. Benjamin Spindlier, of Landon, to Miss Eliza Finch, of Chao!). cEVOY-SA.NDERS.-In Exeter, n the 201h inst., at the residence of the b de's step- father, Mr. Thomas Snell, by Rev. S. F. Robinson, Exeter, 141r. Victor IcEvoy, of Kincardine, to Miss Amelia anders, of 1 Exeter. PARKER-LUTHERBY.-At the Alarm, Kip - pen, on the 21st inst., by Rev. ...amuel Ach- eson, Mr. Enoch Parker, of • ay, to Miss Wilhelminaliutherby, of Tuck° nith. Deaths. ROBEILTSON.-In East Wa.wanosh, on the 1311i inst., Mary E., daughter of M . Archibald Robertson, aged 20 years -and 2 lonthe. HANNA. -In East Wawanosh, OD e 10th inst., Jane Hanna, aged 77 years. ILOBERTSON.-In East Wawandsh, on the 9111 inst., the infant child of Mr. Ja ilea Robert- ; son, aged six months. TOM. -In Exeter, on the 141h inst, Mr. John Tom, aged 80 years. 3IcGREGOR.-In McKillop, at the esidence of his son, Mr. Alexander MoGrege ,on the 21st inst., Archibald McGregor, aged 96 years. GRANT. -In Seaforth, on the 21st i st., George, youngest son of Mr George Ur nt, aged 5 years, 11 monthe and 5 days. , 16 ArIMP•tok Y. M. C. A. Evening lasses. credit amounts. All animals and articles at purchaser's risk after sold. A. STORY, Pro- prietor; W. 0. DUFF, Auctioneer.' 1245-2 BOOK-KEEPING, Wednesday ev ,ning from 7.30 to 9 p. m.; Mr. Prendergast, B. .,Teacher; Committee, Mr. /ferny. Mr. J. R bb, Mr. G. Duncan. READING AND ELOCUTION, F ulay Even- ing from '8 to 9 p. nie; Mr. Clarks n, B. A„ Teacher; Committee, Mr. Mercer, r. Bright, Mr. Neelin. SHORTHAND„ Friday Evenings f oni 8 to 9 p. in.; Mr. J. Livingstone, Teacher; nsmittee, T. 0. Kemp, M. Shausenhurg. - Classes begin October 28th and 3 th respec- tively. Ladies and gentlemen admit ed over 15 years. Fees -To non-members 31 er quarter for one subject ; to non-members 31.0 per quar- ter for two subjects. Association nimbers free for oneeubject ; Association meemb rs_50 cents fer twee subjects. Payable 2nd w ek in No- vember. All pupils desired to be pre ant at the first three nteetings, first particularb . The Y.M.C. . Board. ORDERED CLOT :1 Why should you wear ragged clothing, when you. a suit made to order at lees for a ten dollar bill. tra heavy warm suit for t for $13, cheap at $16. at all prices. Every ma young, can afford to w fitting clothes at our p you have your own cloth make it up for you on sho and be pleased to do so. 1244 D. WEISD1ILLE NG. The Conquering Hero NEVER FAILS. TROWBRIDGE, Oct. 19, '91. To I. V. Fear, Family Chemist: Dear Sir,—I take pleasure in stating I have used your A. B. C. Remedy for Couglis old and can get Veismil- An ex - e winter vercoats old or ar Well - ices. If t notice, and Colds in igny .family with grand results. I have found nothing to equal it to 'move Coughs of a sevene form. I may add I have also sold a , number of bottles to others without -a failure to cure. Yours truly, CHAS. COSENS, J.P. TO CONTRACTORS. We are overstocked, over 1 this big assortment, and for aded, over rowded, overwhelmed with 3 LONG 13 OTS MEN and • BOYS. A FULL STOCK OF THE CELEBRATED a ew weeks we offer it at clean sweep, figures. Furniture sold at mo prices, at people pleasing prices, ey ruining )price si at money -reaching at remarkably low prices. Are you. with us during th next few weeks M. Robertson's C ntral Fur iture House OPPOSITE E. Mc -FA L'S RY G0OS STORE, - Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed on or before the 21st day of November. 1891 at the hour of 10 a. m., for the construction of the **Hay Swamp Drains." Full particulars may be had from and plans, specifications etc., may be seen at the office of SAMUEL J. LATTA, Clerk, of the Township of Hay, Box 35, Zurich. 1245-4 Kippen. Assize Court, STRATFORD. CAMPBELL vs. SCOTT. MAIN STREET, EAFORTH. IMPORTANT NOTICES. TEACHER WANTED. -Wanted, for chool Sc Section No. 5, Morrisea Teacher holding a second class certificate. Salary not to e ceed 3400. For further particulars address, SATUEL IRVINE, Belgrave P. 0. 12 4x4 1 deny ever having made use of the words charged in the Plaintiff's statement of claim or anything of the lige effect. I never had it in my mind to charge and never charged the Plaintiff with causing the death of William Ireland, either wrongfully or by profes- sional negligence, or by the administration of an improper drug or 'by an overdose of any drug. If I have used any words as to the Plaintiff, which are or were constructed by those hearing them as charging the Plaintiff with any wrong doing or negligence in the premises, I regret haring ntade use of them and declare that my meaning was entirely misunderstood. J. G. SCOTT, M. D. Witnesses: J. T. GARROW, R. S. HAYS. October 20th, 1891. 14 of IIF,IFERS.-Came Into the pr inises re of the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, on the 13th inst. two dark red two-year-old heifers The owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges. 14 4-4 Notice to Creditors. ID OAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned wit keep for service on Lot 24, emcees on 7 Hibbert, a good Berkshire Boar. to which s lim- ited number of sows will be taken. Terens 31, payable at the time of gervice, with the privi- lege of returning if necessary. JOHN HAST- INGS, Stfiffa, 1243-4 MEACHER WANTED. -Wanted, for School 1 Section No. 6, McKillop, male teacher, hold- ing either second or third class certificate. Duties to commence January 2nd, 1892. Apply to ALEX. bleGILEGOR., Scaforth P. 0. Appli- cations received up to November 15t. ,1801. Protestant preferred. 1 44x4 TEAGHER WANTED. -Wanted for Section No. 6, 'Tuckersmith, a mal male teacher, holding a second or tbi certificate. Applications stating salary - received by the undersigned up to N 14111. Personal applications preferred. TOWNSEND, Secretary, Clinton P. O. A GOOD CHANCE. -For Sale, that tablished Blacksmith, Wagon an Shop, with good dwelling house situate rnondville, and kndwn as Fulton's ol Part of the purchase money NM' remain Terms easy. Apply to JOHN SFR°, mondville P. 0. School or fe- d class will be vember THOS. 12444. old es - Paint in Eg- stand , n time. T, Eg- 244x4 rpEACIIER WANTED. -Wanted, for School in Section No. 7, Hibbert, a male teacher holding a second or third class certificate. Duties to commence 1st January, 1892., Appli- cations stating salary desired, and accompanied by testimonials, to be addressed to the under- signed, Chiselhurst P. 0., on or before the 3rd of November next. JAS. TAYLOR, SE( ._1244x3 HOUSE'AND LOT TO RENT. -To rent a large and commodious dwelling house on Goderich street. It contains four rooms and kitchen down stairs and four upstairs. There is also a good woodshed and plenty of hard and soft water. In conection with the house there is a good garden. For further particulars apply to DR. SCOTT or to .ROBT. SCARLE , Win- throp. 1245x4 11 ATOTICE.-The undersigned will kee ) for ser- serviee on Lot 26, Concession 6, a Thor- oughbred Iniported Chester White Boa , "Cham- pion," and also a Thoroughbred Importsd Berk- shire Boar, " The Gallant Boy, to which a limited number of sows will be tak n. Both these pigs have registered pedigrees. Terms $1.00 each, with privilege of returning if- neces- sary. PETER DECOURCY, Hibbert. 1245-2 BERKSHIRE PIG. -The undersigne. during this season. at his place in hey, a thoroughbred Berkshire Boar to limited number of sows will be taken. was purchased from Mr. Jas. Snell, Hu is one of the best in the county. Term the privilege of returning if necessary good young Berkshire Pig. ROBR RENCE, Harpurhey. willkeep Haspurs which a This pig lett, and 31, with Also a T TOR - 1243x6 • FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, wes In the 'matter of the estate of Archibald M. Campbell, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Yeoman. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the revis- ed Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chapter 110, that all persons having claims against the estate of Archibald Campbell, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Yoeman, who died on or about the 2nd day of May, A. D.,1891, are required on or before the lst day of Decem- ber, A. D., 1891, to send or deliver to the under- signed solicitors for John T. Duncan and Ed- ward J.B.Duncan,executors of the will of the said deceased,a statein ent in writing of their nemes and addresses together withdull particulars of their claims and alt securities, if any, held by them. Notice is farthergiven that after said last men- tioned datile the executors distribute the assets of t e said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto; having regard only to the claims of which they shall then hive notice, and the said executors will not be res nsible for the assets, or any part thereof, fio is• ribute to any person of whose claim notice shad not have been received as aforesaid. MILLER & DUNCAN, 34 Bank of Commerce Building, 19 King Street, West, Toronto, Solicitoee for said Executors. Dated this 28th day of September, 1891. 1242-4 Lot 28, Concession 10, McKillop, big 50 acres, 45 of which are cleared. HOROUGHBRED STOCK FOR SALE. - David Milne, Ethel, has for sale a few ho ce Short -horn Bull Calves froln six to twelve o ths old, got Ly the pure Critickshank Bull, P rfection." Also 8 good ii,eicester Ram anabs and a few Ewes and Ewe Lambs: As 1 im short of room I will sell either' of the above at ottem prices and on easy ternis. Fifty head fc;iotrtle. to selea from. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, n 1244 tf. OG; LOST. -Strayed from the 'premises of of the undersigned, Chiselhurst, a black ollie dog with a white breast wild a split in one his ears about an inch long. He goes by the ame of "Collie. Any person giving such in- ormation as will lead to the recovery of this inial will will be liberally rewarded, and any per - n found harboring him after this date will- be TrEosReDeuted as t law directs. JOHN SHEP- 1244x4 OUSE FOli, SALE 011 TO RENT. -For Rent, the property on West "WEATHER KING" LONG BOOTS, Hand -made throughout. Every Pair Warranted I Don't purchase until you ex- half of contain - he farm is well fenced and underdraini, a good state of cultivation. There is a log house and frame kitchen, frame barn and stables good wells and a fine young bearing- o choice fruit. This farrn is well situat within half a mile of a school, about -se from Seaforth, and within two miles loge of Winthrdp, where there is a I' Church, Mills, Stores, &c. This fern sold 'cheap. For furtifPr particulars the premises or to MRS. J. RUSSE throp P. 0. Sale or Goderich stree , adjoioing Seaforth, formerly iwned and occu ied by Mr. Wm. Copp. There s a comfortable frame house containing 9 rooms nd a splendid stone cellar under the whole ouse, also a noodshed, hard and soft water, nd a good stable and other outbuildings, Also splendid garden el one acre. Will be sold .heap or rented on reasonable terms. Applyte e. STRONG, or JAMES MeMICHAEL. 1244 also two chard of de being en miles f the -vil- st Office, will be apply on L, Win - 1245x3 amine the UCTION S. LE OF VALUABLE FARAL-. East half bt Lot 35, Conceseion 1, Wawa- iosh. This fins! farm will be sold by Public Auc- kin at the Comanercial Hotel, Blyth, at 2 o'clock • M., on Saturday, October 31st, 1801. There re extensive clearings, good soil, &c. TERMS. - en per cent down, 15 per cent in ten days, and he baladce in four equal annual payments, with nterest at six per cent. For further particulars pply to CHARLES HAMILTON, Auctioneer, lyth. 1244-3 10 REWARD. -I will ray Ten Dollars- re- ward for such information as will lead to the conviction of the person or persons who maliciously poisoned my dog on September 23rd, bssplacing poisoned pig's feet over the line fence into my orchard from Robb's daughter house yard. The dog was inoffensive and was never off his own premises. James Robb, James McNamara, and Andrew Curry, were at work i there the same day, September 23rd. Harpurhey, October 22, 1801. ELIZA7 BETH HARVEY. 1246 tf. "Weather King." Children's School Boots in full SU pply. George Good, SEAFORTH AND BRUSSELS. NO MORE DEAR WATCHES, NO MORE Bad Timekeepers, TEACHER WANTED. -- Wanted a feinale teacher for the junior department of tha Gorrie Public School for 1892. One with one or two- years' experience' preferred. Deities . to Commence on the 1st of January, 1892. Appli-. ations with testimonials and stating salary will - be rectived until November 20th by the under- signed.P rsohal application preferred. RICHARD R SS, Secretary-Treasurer,12013oxrri4 e, Ontario. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- That property at present occupied by Thos. Smith, Wanted on Lot 24, Concession 3, McKil- lop, li miles from Seaforth, containing 5 acres of good land, and on which there is a comfort- able cottage 30x22 feet, with kitchen, hard and soft water puems ; also a small barn. ' There is about one -acre planted with fruit trees,' small fruits, grape Vines, etc. This property will be sold or rented cheap and on very easy terms, as the present o„, -ner is about to remove to Kincar- dine. For allfurtherparticulaie apply person- ally or by lettsr to R. COMMO , Seaforth. 1244 AUCTION SALE. -W. R. Davis has been in- structed by P. DeCourey and T Connolly to sell by Public Auction on Lot No. 6, Conces- sion 6, Township of Hibbert, on I•:ridas, October 30th, 1891, the following property, n Indy : lo good grade steers, two years old ; 3 first-class cow, calving early ; 1 sow, import-' Chester White, pedigreed, with a litter of pi a ; 1 aged sow with a litter of pigs; •- sows, importea Chester Whites, 5 months old, -p digreed ; 3 boars, 6 months old, impertad Chest r Whites, pedigreed; about 40 hens: All anima Is will be at the risk of the purchasers attenl the sale. Sale to commence at one o'clockp. . Terms All sums of ten dollars and under, ash; over ; that amount five months' credit will e given on furnishing approved joint notes. . IJETEB. DE- COURCY and THOMAS CONNOLL i, Proprie- tors; W. R. Davis, Auctioneer. 1245-2 " watches cheaper than ever before. Every Watch sold guaranteed -to give satisfaction. Full line of Spectacles, I can mit every person. Clocks and Jewelry away down. Headquar- ters for repairs of all sorts, also Gold and Silver plating: See Goods and prices and be convinced. R. MERCER, Watclibieker, Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. Site for Town Hall. Persons having property on Main Street (be- tween the Railway Track and the Huron 'Road) suitable for a Town Hall and Market site, desir- ous of selling the same, will please send particu- lars of same and price to the undersigned, SVM. ELLIOTT, Clerk. PaINTM French China TEA SETS, 0 .LN_ complete as- sdrtment of fine, decorated China just to hand at KILLORAN & Co'S Western Tea Emporium. FULL STOCK OF DRY GOODS . CLEARING OUT AUCTION ISALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, .-Mr.W.G.Duff has been instructed by Mr. James Martin to sell by Public Aucition on the old Payne Farm, Mill Road, Tucker nith near Egm ndville, on Tues- ay,tm October 7th, 1891, at 1 o' lock p. „sharp, he following property, viz: orsee.-1 brood are, four ye rs old, supposcd to be in foal to 'Springfield _ arnley ; 1 mare, seven years old, upp()tied to he in; foal to "Spring -field Darnley;” - yearling fillt, 1 sucking colt got by "Sir Wm. rice," 1 ateking colt got by "Springfield arnley.' Cattle. -2 cows sup osed to be in calf o a thoroughbred bull, 1 hei ei coming three 'ears old wi1licalv4 in December; 1 steercoming wo years old, 1 heifer coming two years old, 2 pring calves, also 1 sow wi,th litter of pigs. mplements, dtc.-1 lumberwagon nearly new • 1 pair mb-sleighs, nearlY new; 1 mower v,ith Ric mo d pea harvester fittached, 1 corn- ined seed drill, Ityro furrow gang plow, nearly •new ; 1 thistle cutter plow, 1 set, diamond har- rows, 1 set c ltivator harrows, 1 hay fork and track all co plete, 1 grinding stone, 1 new wagon box, 1 hay rack, lgravel box, 1 set double harness, nearly new ; 1 set single harness, near- ly new; 1 set plow harness, 1 dairy churn, No. 3, nearly neW ; about 15 tons of hay in barn, -a. quantity of Straw to be fed on the premises with privilege of asing buildings, about 36 hens, a quantity of turnips and mangolds and ather articles too yiumerous to mention. The above articles to b sold without reserve as the proprie- tor is giving up farming. . TERMS. -All sums of $10 and u icier, cash; over that amount 10 months' �rb1it will be given on furnishing al), proved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. for cash on redit amounte. All animalef at the purchasers riek after sold. JAMES MARTIN, Proprietor; W. G. DUFF, Auctioneer. 1244-2 • I • —AND-- , MILLINERY —AT THE --- Cheap Cash Store. Our Millinery Stock was never so - complete with all the latest novelties as it is at the present sea 011. —OUR Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Flannels, Cottons, • 13hirtings, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Ribbons, • • _ Fnllings, Etc-, Etc., Arc better value than we have ever had. Call and inspect our Goods and Prices. • Hoffman & Oo., CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORT H,- - ONT.