HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-10-23, Page 300ToBER 24, 1891. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Like His Mother Used to The doctor sniffed. Ile situ), diagnose a ease, tind would get just about u near the f 8 knew uld not kely, to ots as a Make. that a homoeopathic humbu%e co Was bore in Indiany " says a. stranger hank a 11 nd slim, us llers in the estaurent was kind e fe a.) gain' him, I. note Jake wa idin' him another pun kin pie, an extra cup of croffpe, with &twinkle in hie eye— wee/ born in Indi ny—mor'n forty years ago, Vet I hain't been ba workin' beerarde ate in every re Bents Fee, I went to state, thi home to me ! punr us out another, wanuire up, seeekin"crest a &hue inten seed your sin out yonder," he ewent on to Uncle Jakei— Come in and get son* coffee like your mother uired to nialce--", *ought of my °We *ether, and the Posey eouatry farm, iodine a little kid ag teethe set the pot.* poured 'cm en— Andthe feller kind o' k a twenty—and I'm slow ; tanrant Itwixt here and coffee tastes like gittin' addy," says the feller, dui, as uncle tuck his n a hangin' in her ann, n'—broke the eggs, an' aged, witha tremble in hi uII • And Cattle Jake he hitched the feller's coffee back, and stood ge solemn, for a minute, as an undertaker would. Ikea he eon of turned, an tiptoed towards the e kitchen door, and next— &racemes his old wiL off her epees— An she rustics for the " him e out with him, a rubbing tranger, seed she hollers 14Thank God, we've met his coin& ! Don't you know. your mother, Jim ?" And the feller es he grabbed her, says You bet, I hein't forgot—" Bat," wipitt' off his eyes, he says, " your: coffee's mighty hot." —James Whitcomb Riley. The Bell o the Angels. ia said, somewhe4ev at twilight A plat bell softly swings, And a man may listen and hearken To thewondroua music that rings. If be put from his heart's inner chamber All the passion, pain and strife, Heartache, and wesry longing That throb in the puises of life. If he thrusts from his soul all hatred, All thoughts of Wicked things, He can hear in the holy twilight, HOW the bell of the angels rings. Let is look in our leearts, and question Can purer thoughts enter in To-ra soul, if it be already - The dwelling of thoughts Gi sin? So, then let us ponder a little— Let us look in mit hearts, and see If the twilight ben of the angels Can, ring- for you and me. light cold would come to tuberculoid,. How long did this last I" he icquire ed �f the smiling boy. "1 think it seems to me—" "A half hour ?" queried the "20 minutes?" " I think so. Yes, sir. Abo an hour -20 minutes," respon obliging youth. I heard that talk. Comm) told me the boy's lungs Were all but it we s nods of my brisiness itatched hiro treated, off and on, trouble, for over a month before chance to ask him any questions I asked, incidentally, "What made you spit that bl time, Gihi?" "I didn't know I ought to him," he replied, wide•eyed an "Dentist pull tooth.- He me, 'Spit blood here.' 1 do lik me. You doctor say very lungs, spit blood, Next time I him." I helped anaber practitioner and regular standing,to examin heart. He found a pretty ba In the left side. I had to n MD. Ile had beep on a bat, a earth that ailed him was that a he got treated for heart tro scared the man almost to death I'd learned how a heart ahem so one day I tried his. •He wa then, and it sounded all right, the doctor came in I took him told him that I didn't want to but that man was BOored about over his heart, and it seemed was all right—sounded like ot —and his pulse was all right t doctot was as tiled as a M though lee had told me to ma three tcste, and keep the reco against the time of his -next vi te make a long story shor discovery was—the man don' yet, and he is going around i dropping off at any minute failure—that at the firet e the man had removed only hi vest, and his new suspender on his starched shirt had made the squeak. That is a cold fact, and that man paid over eighty dollars for the treatment he had for his heart. doctor; Tried to Rob the Conductor. •• A mean looking man gat on a Broad- way and Seventh Avenue Car at Canal Street yeeterday, says the "New York Stun" He sat down between two wo- men and handed the conductor a nickel. At Bleecker street he called the con- ductor to him and asked "Don't I getany change ?" _ The condi:toter looked surprised. You only gave me a nickel," he said. "You he," said the Mail angrily. "1 gave you a dollar bill." The conductor counted his mooey and found it agreed with the number of fares registered. "I am sure You only gave me & nickel," he said, "You're a tier," said the man, and if you don't give me my 95 cents change take it out of your hide, and then have you arrested.' "1 am quite sure you only gave the conductor a five cent piece, ventured strange at hearing this philotophy from a rich man, and some one said to this one of the women ; I saw the coin." person : " You say you were poor " You're quite sure of nothing," said the man in an , insulting tone. " DO*11 once. A big man. dressed -ilke a laborer, sat . " How- tp enhim„ the opposite side of the car. He heard the dispute. When the mean man addressed the WOMMI this man reached over with a pair of 11 -inch hands, seized the mean man, lifted him up out of his seat, and carried him kick- ing and howling from the car, and drop- ped him off the back platform. "Yon try to get on this car again,” he shouted, "and I'll bre k every bone in yaur body." The c r went on. The man got up and walked off. t half ed the sense right ; ad so I or lung I got a Then od that wallow • auxi- say to • he tell ad for swallow in good a man's wheeze se that d all on res, but ble. It d sound, In bed o when side and interfere, to death Lo me it er hearts o. The roh hare e two or d for him it. Well , the final know it dread of ith heart Destination coat and trusted. If you turn out to be a sottenp, you are consigning all the sterving men who went credit in pies to suicide and perdition." He provided me with a basket and I went down among the business tapes, and in lour or five hours I sold all L ose pies, and was the possessor of about 30 cents of my own. It seemed to me be far more riches than all I have s made in business. I went beck to , man and said: . "1 have not cheated you, sir. ie your portion of my sales." ' "Well," said he, "I am glad human nature that you have come b Fill up your basket and try it again. He told me to go ovc r to Huboken, where the Germin population assenthled in the afternoon to drink beer and leave games. I had hardly got over there when I struok one of thou Ame kin fellows who wee full of beer, whisk , or botb, and he bought out the entire sot of pies. His object was to throw hem at his_friends. When I left ther he was throwieg pies at whoever ame along, like an independent sover ign. I went back to the man and fille up with merit pies. The business got o be regular. Now and then I was set pon and robbed. Some roughs got hol of me one night and seized all my les. Going to the tenement houses and ther places -to sell, I was Bometim3 in danger. 'But I was getting ahead, and fleeted that this was no business man; and also reflected that New city was not the best place for Me its ever arriving host of stranger' I thought I should go to some town whore the people were more and neightorhood life grew up one build a character. I chose Philed as being good and not far off. ' W told this to the pieman he aotuall tears. e "Como and be my partner," !T es "you have sold more pies than all predecessors, I will take you int business, and we shall grow ri making tarts." . "No," said I, "my mind is me I have done well, and I hope you but Lhave sold my laet pie." So I bade him godspeed and over to Philadelphia with a capi $30, a good deal of money, consi that I had landed with 10 cents. spoke very poor English, and or while did not get anything to do, by on that account. At last I s advertisement for a man wanted t a wagon for a manufacturer, and to be employed. Said he: "You can't speak English, a customers have to be talked to i Ian us e " I told him that I would pick it up quickly; that I was very apt, and lan- guages were easily acquire, etc. ' Well." said he, "do you len w the city ?" I said I did, though I fear I did not. "Gan you drive a horse ?'"' Oh, never t� nee the ere for ck. 9 Money and Happ. Sitting down by a well be intelligent man hardly mor years of age who has attain clas3 commercial position i phia, ha said, is reply to a r a woman who wanted plent in this world to be happy: money is not happiness. I poor, and some would call day. I suppose I will be ab of business very soon, and i not pay much attention to it money is not happinets. .1? I bademoney enough to sea and fimily abroad,and I kno unbeppy as I am. When back I %ant to go soinewher shall bear the sound of no theirs: Money would heve in the subject." The female eSS. hayed and than 40 d a first- Philadel- mark from of money "Oh, no, was very e rich to- e to go out fact I do DOW, but ✓ instance, my wife they are as they come where I voices but no influence felt a little How the octor Diagnosed a Patient. "A doctor a d a surgeon may be the same person," remarked the phirosophi- 1 I could not get any money, cal trainer, orecularly, "but they eel- ing my door closed when I dom are. If You whine—as the doge do 1 lay down in the hall on the when their feet hurt after a hunt—or if slept until morning. Whe you limp or complain, a doctor guesses what is the matter with you. hen he guesses whati will cure you. If both guesses are right, yon are in luck, end he is a skilful doctor. In nine cases out of ten he is gi less, while h third look at course) to gti how poor I once was, e ma ever, I will tell, as I think it is no dis- grace to me. I landed in New York about twenty years ago a p3or emigrant. I had good ciothes, but only 10 cents when I got ashore. I conclulded that I would go over to Brooklyn aqui enlist for a soldier or sailor in the Un ted States forces.' I did go over there nd w eis re- jected physically. Mean me, I had Berne clothes, and took a cheap roem, and in order to live I had to pawn arti- cles of clothing, until final! , when I went home one day, the la dlady said to me: will let you take nothing out ef thirhouse until you hay paid your rent.' "1 fact, she did lock me out because nd I, find- ame home, boards and I woke up with me; I nt. I had ity ,asking very poor to be had. suasion of I was al- ewspaper in e good feel- ment room where those out of employment could consult the files, and I ran o vertisements. and I saw German saying $5 a week by one who would sell pies. the place, and my clothes deal better than my condit B&W the proprietor seetned to think I had come to make him a b siness pro- position. Said 1: "1)o these pies sell well "Yes, they sell like hot you have to do is to bay a costs you 40 cents, take fift I will furnish you at a d the whole thing will coat "But," said I, "ars th I would not like to impose tomers," " Why, yes; eat one," I took the pie and wen with all the interest of a c ach, It made lite almost the taste of food again. " Tkst was an apple pt man. "Wo have peach p rant pies." "1 am afraid they are the apple pie." "Ob, yes," said the ma each." So I got three pie nothing. Then, embolde aid: •' My friend, I wot bark in this business, but I haven't got any money a next to a starving man. ' have just given me as saved my life for a few you trust me with fifty basket ?" " Never," said the me. "1 have tried that too oft away with the basket, eat the pies." I assured the man gist eat the pies, hungry a seemed incorrigible. Ho about three-quarters of a heur to the man and at " Well, I will' trust shall be the last time an ving you something harm - is taking a second and yon (&t your expense, of SB over after himself." Rio medica pessimism and his surgical uptimism am sed and entertained me, and I encour ged him to go on. " Naw, with a surgeon it is different. Surgery is an exact science. Before I took this poeition I was a surgeon's as Blatant in a hospital. In Borne places we are called treinel nurses. In our place we were called surgeon's assistants. That's why I made such a distinction between doctors and surgeons. I've ;teen the two work side by side so long. I've seen some of the funniest mistakes made, and r -e seen mistakes that were not funny, amina.tions geon aeham born, looke I've teen post mortem ex - at would have made a sur- d that he had ever been upon by the doctor who treated the ease as not at all etrange ; didn't gagger him a bit in his own opin- ian of himself and his scientific know- ledge next time. I remember one case. It was a Japanese boy. He was as solid as a little ox, but he told Dr. G— that he'd been taking a hommpathic prescriptiort, for a cold,that was enough for Dr. 0—r--. A red rag in the van of a bovine ani al is nothing to the word ' hornieopat y' ta Dr. 0—. Hydro- pathy gives him fit3, and electicism al- most lays hint out. Nat long ago he sat on a jury which sent a man to prison who had felled in a case of 'mind cure.' That gave deep delight to his 'regular' soul. Well, Dr. 0 questioned the little Jap, who could not speak good Engli3h, and had the national inolina- tion to agree with whatever you ray. Ever been in Japan' No. Well they are a droll lat. Always try to agree with all you say or suggest." "Did. you ever spit blood ?" asked Dr. 0—, by-and-by, after he could find nothing else wrong except the little cold for which the homoeopathic physi- cian was treating the boy. " Once 1" replied that youthful vic- tim. "Aha i we are getting at the root of the mattet now," ra.:Al Dr. 0—. "Now, tell tr.e truly. Bs careful' Did you spit much blood !" " Vea ; a good deal." Children Cry fol affairs were really desperate -had no more material to s walkeel everywhere in the for employment, but I sleek English, and there was non The pangs of hunger took me in two or three days, an most famished. "The principal German New York, however, has t• ing to keep a kind of ba DIrORTANT NOTICES MIOR SALE.—For Sale a John Abe engine X nearly new, 14 horse power, in good run' ning order. Apply to ISAAC JARRET, Hills Green P. 0., or WM. HART, Brucefield. 1248x3 re - ✓ a ork with and ther table ould lphia en I shed hi he, your the h by e up ; have, came al of • ering I still posei• w an drive _ &eked d our that TOHN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second Division Pi Court, County of Huron, Commissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds Invested and to Loan. Office—Over Sharp & Livens' store, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 1i1OjEY TO LOAN.—Private and company JvI funds to loan at lowest ratite. $10,000 of private funds have been placed in our hands which we will loan in turns to suit borrower. Loans can be completed at once if title satisfac- tory. DICKSON & HAYS, Cardno's Block, Sea - forth. 1148tf rino RENT OR FOR SALE.—The hotel pro- le porty known am the Benmiller Hotel,situat- ed in one of the finest parts of the Township of Colborne. Will be either rented or sold to suit parties cssession given at once, this is a good opening. Apply to M.Perieetexa,Benmilier P.O. 1222-tf "DOR SALE OR TO RENT.—A good Brick _E Dwelling House and Shoe Store, with work shop attached, on the principal etreet in Brus- sels, house good and commodious, a good buti• nese chance, rent reasonable for a term of years. Apply to A. BRUCE, Brussels. .7 1288x20 -113111ZE MONEY.—All parties having won I pi fur money at the Henault show can have the same on application to Mr. B. D. Young, Secretary, Hensel!. All money not claimed after the lst.of Januar) will be appropriated for the good of the society. R. D YOUNG, Secretary, Hensall. 1243x4 MBE LAST CALL—C. M. Whitney, of Sea - 1, forth, now makes the lest mail to those in- debted to him to square up their account. All not settled at once will be placed in other hands for collection, ns he has given up business and is leaving town. Remember, this is the very last warning.—C. M. VVIIITNEY. 1241 tf. -LI:TRAY 1100.—Carne to the premises of J' the Walton Chee actery Company, Walton, about the that et July, a hog. The onnor can have the same on proving property, paying charges and applying at the Whiten Cheese Factory. 11 not claimed within the proper time it will be sold. R. H. FERGUSON, Secretary. 1241 yes." Now in point of fact, I ha had a pair of reins in my hands. "Well," said the man final don't think you will do, anyhow. take me, sir," I said, "1 am ex ly anxious to get along, and I t will never regret that you tried I I t- er the ad- witice in uler be made I went to ere a good OD, and I y, "1 ere) eeding- nk you o belP ONEY TO LEND.—Wm. Campbell, Sea- 1.11 forth, having been appointed agi nt for the Hamilton Provident Loan and Savings Com- pany, is now prcpared to effect loans on the most favorable twee. Interest 6 per cent , payable annually, charge° very light. Parties desiring money will consult their own interet ts by calling on me before borrowing elsewhere WM. CAMPBELL, Seaforth. 1239 tf. "Well," said the man, relenting, "how much do you went ?" Why, sir, I will work for nothing, t show you that I am in earnest." " won't have that," laid the man; "1 w'll give you $5 a week and take you o trial; atd that," concluded the ge tlemsn, "is the business I now own. never went out of that establishme t from that hour, twenty years eg , until now." As we turned away the nelwspaper publishers observed "Be send s in advertising every year from $100,000 to ;200,000, and I suppose that be has an Income of ;100,000 a year, and is a first rate fellow, too."—Gath in the bincin uati Enquirer. —Men who feel "run doted " and "out of sorts," whether from mental worry, over -work, excesses or indiscre- tions will find a epeedy cure in IDr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. All dealers. 3 HANK. La rS URE PIDIAliTEA Assompun one tvout. AM LAL:8 PURE INDliAN TEA° • • • ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA iriam -w-ORLID_IDRODIT C s_ Guaranteed Absolutely Pure as M4nufactured on the Gardens' in India. M JORDAN, Grocer, AGENT FOR SkA.FORtH. TOLEN.—Stelen from Ilawkshaw's Hotel 0 Shed on Saturday night, September 19th, a mare, buggy and harness. The mare was of a brown colt r and about 17 years of age. The buggy was covered and was nearly new. The harness was silver mounted and nearly new. Any information that will lead to the recovery of the above propeity r th e.detection and con- vtction of the thief will be liberalty rewarded. PETER CAMERON, Tuckersmith, Egmondville -P0. • 1241 t.f. FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot` 31, Con- cession 6, MeKillop, containing 100 acres, about 90 acres cleared and all in a good state of cultivation. It is well underdrained and well fenced. There is a good brick house and good fran-ei barns, stables, sheds, &c. There is a large bearing orchard and a never failing spring well. It is situated within three miles of Seaforth and will be sold cheap. Apply to JOHN McCLURE, Porter's Hill p. 0. 1158tf cakes. All asket,whioh • pies, which *count, and on good piss? upon my ons - aid be. through it axing etom- aint to feel , said the es and our - What a Bright Boy plished by Readth I do not think it is very serv make a list of books for c read. No two. have exactly aptitudes, tastes, or kinds of about the world. And one sto of information that may excite tercet of a claws in one echo children in one family, take at all with others. The ie to tske hold somewhere, an • I ! • BOOT E FOR THE FALL. Fall Weather Calls for Strong 11 OUSE TO RENT.—To rent the residence in Harpurhey, formerly occupied by the late M. McDernild. It has recently been thoroughly repaired,ar.d is a most comfortably and commo- dious reeichnce. There is nearly three acres of land on Which is a variety of large and small fruit, also a good stable. There are five bed- rooms, with parlor, dining -room, large kitchen and pantry. A good wood house and collar, and bard and soft water. Apply to ANGUS Mc- DERMID, Seaforth P..0. 1241 Lt. 151ARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned Execu- X tors offer the John Lowe farm for sale.! The property consists of 100 acres, being Lot 10, Concession 5. Grey, and having thereon a Bret - class brick house, bank barn, orchard, wells, never -failing spring, good fences, &c.; about 70 acres cleared, balance hush. POSSAISSiOD Will be given next fall. For further particulars as to price and terms, apply to W. B. DICKSON, Solicitor, Brussels or to JOHN SMITH and E. J. McARTHUR, Executors, 6th concession of Grey. 1236tf dCOM- g. ceable to ildren to he same curiosity y or bit the in. 1, or the will not nly thing to begin te use the art of reading ta find out about things as you aee your leyes and titers. I knew a boy, 4 scrap of lad, who almost needed a high chair to bring him up to the general level of tke dining table, who liked to read th peons. He was always hunti in the big books of the enoy books about his own size—fol wanted to know. He dug in other boy would dig in the sassafras root. It appeared 1 interested in natural -history and phe- nomena. He asked questions books the same as he would a 'authority, and kept at it till niers. He knew how to read Soon that boy was an au earthquakes. He liked to conversation at table to turn quakes, for then he seemed tallest person at the table. there was no earthquake of a ance but he could tell where and what damage it did, houses it buried, how many kilted and in what ship@ country it had shaken. encyclo- g around lopedia— what he t as &m- oods for at he was ot as good as , "try one of into me for ed by food, ld like to em - unfortunately t all. I am : The pies you samples have ours. Won't pies and a , decidedly ; n. They run nd they first C; would not I was. He ever, I talked hour or an sat he said: on, and this man shall Pitcher's Cas oria. of these k a living e got an - Chano o Business, The undersigned d sires to state) to his out, towers and the gene I public that he has dis- persed of his Hardwa e, Stove and •Tin business In Sea orth, which h has carried en for so many years t3 Messrs MULLETT & JACKSON, late of Toronto, who will hereafter wry on the bueiness in all Re branches in the old stand, He &leo desires to thavic his many OUstOsoers for the kind and liberal atronage they have ex- tended to him, and le hopes they will continue this to his successore, who he has confidence in recommending to the oots cf Shoes C. M. WHITNEY. In connection, with the above MULLET&JAOKSON , Have to state that they are prepared to give the patrons of the above able and favorably known establishment and ail *he may laVor them with their patronage every Satisfaction. They intenci to largely increase the,stock and will offer in- ducements which clarinet fail to draw trade. They are practical w °Omen and have a thorough knowledge of every !branch of the business. They intend to devoeie special attention to HEATING F U ItINACES AND ROOFING, Of which Mr. Jaciceeln has had lornapracabal ex- perenoe in Toronto We ask a trial an guarantee 'satisfaction. Call and see cur sock and learn our prices and you will go awa convinced that we can give what you want t1� LOWEST retailer& TRICE. HAMILTON & MaINNIS Have made great preparations for the fall trade We have had our premises all refitted so as to accommodate our c stonners prope ly, and we have our store -well filled with a first class stock of goods. Everybody sh'ould see our stock of LONG BOOTS' before uying. We have imported our long boots frem the "United States, a d they are, without exception, the finest goods we have lever handled for the money. Come and see them they are from 10 te) 20 per cen . better value than our Canadian goods, Also a full line of Women's, Misses' and Children's staple goods in kip and split, which we are se ling at close prices. Another shipment of Slippers for 25c pair. .0 me and get a p ir of our Men's Bath., nicely made and tipped, at $1. 35. A good stong neatly made laced boot for women, 411 solid, for $1. PLENDID FARM FOR SALE—For Sale the 0 East half of Lot 4, on the 4th Coliaession, and Lot 4, on the fith Concession, Tuckersmith, containing 160 acrea, all cleared but about 12 acres. The farm is well underdrained and well fenced. There is a brick house and bank barn, 66 by 80 feet, 11180 an orchard of 200 bearing trees. There are three wells on the place and the river runs through part of it. There is no waste land. It is within four miles of Seaforth and is convenient to a good school. It is a magnificent stook and grazing farm. It will be sold cheap and on very easy terms as the proprietor wishes to .retire. Apply on the preinisee or address Egirondville P. 0. JAMES PICKARD. 1218 tf. PLENDID FARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, 0 Lot 8, Coneeseion 3, H. R. S., Tuckenunith, containing 100 acres, 90 of wh:ch are cleared, well -fenced, underdrainedeand in a high state of cultivation. There is a good stone house, bank barn with stone stabling underneath, and all other necessary outbuildings. It is within a mile and a half of Seaforth, and is convenient to Schools, churches, inarkete, &c. It will be sold cheap , and on easy term& Apply to the proprietor on the premises or to Egniondviile P. 0. JAMES McGEOCH. 1244 -LIAltlif FOR SALE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF X GREY.—The proprietor offers for sale that splendid farm being compared of Lot 2, Conces- "sten 9, Grey, adjohiing the village of Brussels There are about 75 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation. The balance is in bush and pasture, with a few acres of cedar on the very back end. There is on the farm a good 'bank barn 04x62, a good brick cottage, and two never failing wells. Parties wising to purchase a good farm would do well to look at this farm before purchasing elsewhere. About Half of the purchase money down, the remainder to suit purchaser. Apply on the premises or to W. RICHARDSON, Brussels. 1244x3 ho• rity on have the on -earth- () be the I suppose y import - Lt occurred how many people it it left the From that he went on to try to dis- cover what caused these di turbances, and this led him into other investiga- tione, and at last into the stu y of elec- tricity, practical as well as theoretical. He examined machines a d invented machines, and kept on re ding, and presently he was an experti electricity. He khew how to put in wires, and mg- n'als, and bells, and to do a number of practical and useful things, and, almost before he was sble to enter the high school, he had a great deal of work to do in the city, and three or four men under him. These men hnder him had not read as much about electricity as he had. —English Spavin Linim all hard, soft or calloueed Blemishes from horses'B Curbs, Splints, Ring Ito Stifles, Sprains,Sore and S Coughs, etc. Save $.50 b bottle. Warranted the m Blemish Cure ever known S. Roberts. TRUNKS AND VA ISES. A large shipment just to hand, which will be sold cheap a HAMILTON & WINNI Corner of Main and John Streets, in John Logan's 01 Stand, Mullett & Jackson, Successors to C. M. WHITNEY, Seaforth Notice to Farmers. PLOWS, PLOWS AGAIN. T. MELIA reminds all again in need of Plow or Gang Plows, and all Plow repairing, that he now ready to supply all their wants. A nevi stock of the best brand of Mould Boards, Plow Castings, Gang Flew Castings No. 1, Plow Hun - dies for all lines of plows, Salmon', Wheels, Bolt, everything in the plow litre to be had by going to the Kipp n Plow shop. Plow Repair - Ing of all kinds d itand small p 'bl2i136Y Just Now Procure Some of the Big Bargains in DRESS GOODS and 44ANTL CLOTHS VUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM IN I THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITHe COUNTY OF HURON.—Mr. J. P. Brine has been instructed by Mr. Wm. Fowler to sell by Public AUCtIOD, at the Commerciel Hotel, in the town of Seaforth, on Tuesday, October 27th,1891, at 3 o'clock p. m., tho following valuable farm property, viz : Parcel No. 1.—Lot 19, Huron Road, Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres, nearly all oh ared, web fenced, under -drained and in a high state of cultivation. There is a large and comfortable brick house, bank barn With stabl- ing underneath and other good out buildings. The whole farm is under grass. Parcel No. 2.— Lot 80, Huron Road, Tuckersinith, containing 100 *ores, all cleared and under grew. There is a good frame house and frame barn and sheds. These farms are adjoining. They are among the best f arms in the County of Huron. They are surtounded by good gravel roads, convenient to the best markets and are admirably adapted for both grain and pasture. They will be told to- gether or separutely and the purchaser can have possersion at any time. They are within two miles of the town of Sertforth, where are the best market, schools, &c. TERMS.—Ten per cent. of the purcha e nioney on the day of sale, enough of the balance to make one half et the purchase money within 80 days, and the remainder can lie on mortgage, if desired, at 6 rer cent. interest. t243-3 nt removes Lumps and ood Spavin, e, ;Sweeney, viten Throat, use of one et wonderful Sold iv J. 1237y THAT ARE BEING OFFER D AT PYPER 8c BE DRY -GOODS TTIE'S ORE. na with neatness and ura- ofits` T. MELLIS,.• - Kippen. HURON AND BRUCE Loan ard Inve8tment °owl ? This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates Of aterest. When we say bargains, we mean it. We 1ave in stock a splendid range of Dress Goods and Mantlings which we ill sell at considerably lower than regular prices. • Mortgages Puchased. SAVINGS BANS BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Squars and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, Goderiele, August 5th,I886. 921 We need not speak of our Millinery Open na being a success, as everybody knows that it was. We very mucI appreciate the many kind expressions made in favor of our display, a4d the excellencies of the fine goods that were exhibited, by the hundreds who visited our show rooms. Every department in our store is now well stocked with choice seasonable goods. Butter and eggs taken in exChange for goods. PYPER & BE.A.TTIE, SUCCESSORS TO DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SE.A.ORTH. A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENT8,-311. W. G. Duff has re- ceived instructions from Mr. hicKay to sell by Public Auction on Lot 13, Conceipion 8, H.R.S. Tuckeremith, on Wednesday, October 28th,1891, at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp, the following valuable property, viz: Horses. -1 are 9 years old, 1 r are 4 years old, in foal to. General Gourley; 1 foal of General Gourley. Cattle. -Three cows supposed to be in calf te a thoroughbred bull, 4 opting calves. Implemente.-1 wagon nearly new, 1 pair of new bob -sleighs, 1 Maxwell rea- per, 1 new two furrowed gang plow, 1 general purpose plow, 1 hay rack, 1 pair new iron har- rows, 1 nearly new mower, 1 top buggy, 1 Port- land cutter, 1 set single harness, 2 set of double harness, 1 single seeder, 1 gravel box, 1 new combined seeder, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 new water trough, 1 sugar kettle, 1 grain cradle, creamery cans and tanks, also scythes,chaine, grind stone, whiffietrees, neckyokes and other articles too numerous to mention. Also a lot ef roots. As the proprietor is giving up farming all will be sold without reserve. TERMS.—All sums of $5 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. allowed for cash on credit amounts. WM. McKAY, Proprietor; W. G. DUFF, Auctioneer. 1343-3 M. ROBERTSON, LeddingUndertaker MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. My facilities are unsurpassed. I am pre- pared to conduct burials in a most eatis- factory manner. All modern undertaking appliances. Competa.nt management guar- anteed. A full line of burial goods on hand. I ahu to be prompt, considerate and reliable. Chargs most reasooable. RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN STREET. , 1223 FURNACES. FURNACES. Leading Coal and Wood Bu GARNET COAL FU 8izes-5. 6, 7 and 8—Steel Radiators, portabl THE ATLANTIC WO FURNACE in two sizes—Nos. takes wood 43 inches long, and No. 53 take Steel Radiators, portable or brick set, has an BOX; is the most POWERFUL HEAT Durable Wood Furnace made. These furnac supervision of a mechanic with an experience nace business, and are guaranteed to give go ESTIMATES FURNISHED. Kidd's Hardware d SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. A LEX, SAUNDERS, c+oupp,icri_ ning Fu,rnaces. NACE in four or brick set. D BURNING 3 and 53. No. 43 wood 53 inches long; XTRA HEAVY Fa R, Economical, Strong, s are put- up under the of 25 years in the fr.r- satisfaction every time. LATEST METHODS: Partictilar attention paid to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specification care- fully preaired. Repaillng Promptly attend ed to. , Three Trains Daily. Telephone No. 28. Correq.ondence Solicited. tove House, MAIN STREET, SE FORTH. MeKillo Directory for 1891. JOHN BE JOHN MO DANIEL JAMES E WILLIAM NEWIES, Reeve, Brodhagen P. 0. RISON, Doi -arty Reeve, Winthrop. ANLEY, councillor, Beeehwood. ANS, Councillor, Peechwood. ABCHIBALD, CouneWor, Lead- bury.JOHN C. °PRISON Clerk; Winthrop. SOLOMON ,!,L SHANNON, Treasurer, Win- throp. ROBERT G.;ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop. ADAM HAYS, Collector; Seefoyth. KILI1ORAN _A.TIORT11-1_ We have now a fine complete stock of Groceries. We have fill- ed' up in ,aillines, and are prepared to supplyh the wants of the Public. We reallize fully that to do a thriving business -we must give the people -what they call for. It is our purpose, therefore, to FIND OUT wi4T THEY WANT, procure it for t1iet, and then put a price on these G odiiwhich means only to us a 1.41-ree iving profit. You 'see we are bo nd to sUcceed, and with this en4 in viewwe will conquer _ all obst cies.