The Huron Expositor, 1891-10-16, Page 8I i I . . - . . I . I . .1 -I - !
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I - - i .
j ..... .. I . . . -1 I . . I
I I , I'
- 1 7
I . .81 --- - I I
I I 1.
- I I I i corn, 2nd J. Allanson inste d of Win.
i i . SH7,
. ED RD CA Kyle. Crewel work, 2n 1 . Symington
I i
I * Dealer i Fine il airy Butter, will instead of George Nott. an3y braid.
, I ing, let E. V anEgmond ins ead of Geo.
. I Dayu 1111, eat prim for fine fall But- Nott. Patch work, craty, let E. Van-
. 6r in si all rolls and prints f rom Egmond instead of - Geol $ott. Fancy
this dat and Will take tub Butter sofa ]Pillows, lot Geo. Nottl instead of K.
Y Symington. Wax floke 8, lot Mrs.
_- till oe ober,' loth at the Butter Pinkuey, no 2nd prize. ax fruit, let
a'aaaaa 1.
' 8
igg e . .1
i , r
Q I - Mrs. Pinkne , 2nd E. S mington in-
. Store, . . y
stead of Miss McMichae.. Portrait in
. GODERJ Of It $TREET, SEAFORTH., - crayon, lot George Whi el y ingt6ad of
- I ===-.:::: . A. Bauslaugh. Fancy I ni tiDg, lot, E.
I Newl ati and, Winter VanEgmond, 2nd E. Sy ni gton inetead
I I 0 I of George Nott and Geo Dale. Mc.
Lean's special, lot and 2'g
I i lathing. adl prizes Geo,
?I Chesney instead of F. h y and
I F ' J:sa;Ot
t . W a an.c" ,complete in every detail of Men's HEI& ry Mason. George , 2nd
1 and Children's made up SUITS '. , 0
Tontw. B pri e for heavy draught b ood mare in -
VR Ts. W6 feel secure in the pogi-
I and OVER
i . 1. able to fit and please the most fati- , 8 te d of Worge'Bale. ;
I tio of b S. yeir old child in kilts to a man 9 I
diXt frc letfiimbe300pounds in weight. .
ts - .'Mbl
I-, . S who are biased against Ready- u .E ENTER-
, To W I e, wish to distinctly state that TAINMENT.—The entertai ment to be
m do 0- 9,1 W
"I btlling weliandle is not the ordin- given in Cardno's hall, in this town, on
i th: C law -i'
L- I st b,X orJewgotten u garments but th evening of Wedneed y, the 21st
n 48
, i ,
. !,Ii ary- 9 OP p-ade of goods MaTf ty tile I ,
the big,' "ding inst., under the auspi ,a and for the
7 f Canada, equal in
:. martu - 9 company , benefit of the Mechaiics' Institute,
' g
L Ing and style to the finest Americala
L fW2bLqh,tr'M
I ' Bu ers as usurd will be -surprised at the promises to be one of t [ie musical and
. In t
. I ' J literary events of the reason. Mr. J.
. I ;,kl ;,I *id e f goods we place before them for the
I I r , J ed.' If you or any of your friends
I sniku price - 0 re the H. Cameron, clocutiox ist and comic
r . ii 'a
I 0 , of a Suit or overcoat, secui
. ii - ne -
I t I ,
good 4 and save money at the Bargain vocalist, of Toronto, aisisted by 31r.
. 11, t.,good I .
0 .
. f - - 0 ing and, Dry Goods House, of Seaforth. Flax, comic. vocalist, milso of Toront( ,
I ,
: I will be principal artiste A theOCC&SiOD,
. I
I I and j adging from what Pvc hear of them
4 f-
I 1 1 T. Kidd's old stand, Seaf orth. they make a strong team. Mr. Fax is
I ---r---_,__ --- ,t I people to re-
- — . too well known to Seafort
I v quire any introduction lro us, and of
*1004 (Exposda ,# Mr. Cameron the Toronto
. I i -- following to say: " A r6bitation,
I ' How Ruby Played,' w a ext deliv r -
. I
DI . .RIOT MATTERS. ad by Mr. Cameron, i - .
I 8 an . excellent
. ,d the auditors
r . M, . manner, and so pleas. -
: thatthis entleman was iecalle;4 three
I L&Acm RWOS E.—The final ,
Z I . L times, ang won much applause by sing-
, junior championship of the Westelrn
; i ing I She Was,' I The Adaii they call
I - I .as played at Clinton on Friday McCarty,' and I Swingi ag in the Line,'
district w
- I
: , - last between Seaforth and Goderich. Mr. Cameron again disp, syled his powers
From the, first it was painfully evident
: I of recitation in I Norah Murphy and
t to t)iie. Go4erich team and their friends -
I the Spirits,' and bad to ubmit to a
I Z thatthey . re not in the game. The couple of encores." .
. me w"I exceedingly one sided, Sea- - — F .,
go -
I 1. forth at ti es playing among themselves FRuIT JARS ARE STILLI WANTED.—
: by toasin , the ball to one another. The Another consignment of Frui Jars atA.Youxo's,
-Whole, gk,#i,e did not last more than Seaforth. 244.1
- . -
I thl*e,quarlters of an hour and in that MONEY LOST.—The pers n who drop-
. . I time, our iboys scored four goals, thus ped a small sum -of money in A40rung's Grocery
i I I
ending thq game with the score four to Store, Seaforth, can have the Ram e on calling at
I .
. ,; . none. I the store and paying for this ilce. 1244
1 1 1 ,
I 0 WOOD WANTED.—Fiv undred cords
fr B,R-ID G E I CO.NTRACT LET.—Mr. ,John of Arood wanted at the Seafo h Roller Mills, for
r which the highest price in Cal ill -ill be paid. W,
Ainkley, 0ourity Eogineer, on tha 5th H. Cook & Co. I'244-2
1 infit.,. let toe, contract for the erection of MR. J. S. PORTER ha i j, list got in his
I I' Black Cre k bridge,'on the boandary new Undertaking Supplies, in Auding a. Fine
I 1,ketween ay and Stephen, to Mr. Hearse. He is now prepared to ilattend all calls
Robert Ja icson, his tender being the in that line. Prices ttle Lowt st d8atisfaction
; lo I r. Jamieson, however, after- Guarranteed. . r 1244
I . i Wa * de lined to proceed with the PART]IFS Desiring to lay in a Stock of
I : Celery can be supplied at th a §eaforth Gr en
I Ivor nd a the tract
I Rouge, at $3 per 100 heads, o: - $ f,r 099h he da.
. 2
was awa aed. to Mr. L. Hardy, of W. M. MORRIs. 1244
- 1
Exeter,. t ee .next- lowest tanderer, for
r . I . I , . I
I . . HE LEADS THEm , IL L. L Another
I the sum $330. The work could not large consignment of Watebe i and Jewelry re-
i have faHen into bette hands, as Mr. ceived this week at Countces jewelry Store,
: 1, Haidy is I iretty well known as a reliable Prices lower than ever. it w ill Pe a pleasure to
show you through this stock w ether you buy
contractox and always makes 'a good or not. W. R. COUNTFIL, Je-, rel r, Main Street,
; ( . 1 - .
7 I jobj I Seaforth.
I ; . 1 1244
. iZ1 . — ,
i pivaixE Hmssm MAKEr,s.—The cheese . ST. TuOXAS' CHURCIE.- he annual
. .
makers o, the county of Huron made a harvest thanksgivi ng iei rrlice, . which
moit crellitabIg record at the recent was held in the above C h on. -Friday
I . ti cjccess. - The
i Toronto . nda3trial Exhibitiou. The evening list, was a gra d u
: ; I folloming-is a list of the prisa winners Church was crowded wi h people from
: I . -- i
. there, au n ron all denomination',. Tie ladies of the
. maker& rE ceive the most frequent men- congregation had put fo,to every effort
. - I
o tion : Colored -19b, Thomas Stacey, ia-having the Chuich stefully decor-
: : Fallarton ; 2nd, S. Howard, GGrrie ; ated with fruit, flowers 1,13 vegetables,
I 3rd, George McTaggart, Rogerville ; and they should be*cong, ulated on the
. -- (
I - 4th, George McDonald, Bluevale ; 5th) manner in which it was ( o e'. Rev. Mr.
F. 0. Austice, SprlDgford ; 6th, J. S. McKenzie,of B rantf d 'eacbed a very
I or ,pr
I Drewing,' Warkworth. Whilte—lat, able sermon from the. pu pii, and be is a
. J, S. Drawing.' Warkworth ; 2nd, F.G. plain and interesting s eaker. The
. Auatioe, 3pringf.ord ; 3rd, C. T. Fried- Rector was assisted in tpe service by
: herler,F d ' ;, Uh, George McDon. Rev. Mr. Dewdney, of 14itchell. The
. , Or wich
*ld, Blue rale ; 5th, C. Brown, Inger- bymns and anthems by.. h6 church choir
moll ; G#., Robert, Morton, Cassell. were well r d d d were much ap-
anZere" an 4
. - ose pre
Truckle lot, S. H,arwood,Gorrie ; 2nd, preciated by those e a t.—The first
7 . *1 was held on
, - of the I:
I W. T.. G row,, Napanee ; 3cd, George open meeting of h
1. .
: I MoDonalO, Bluerale ; 4th, John Mor- Tuesday - evening ilast -i the school
. . I - pie
-- room ry p a go, .
I I risoul, Ne ry. , !vhere a very I ,t and profit-
. P' ,'a
.) I t
o roe open, '.
I I able time was le-ent. mong other
. 41 .
TwR& oDzRicii SHoNy. — We have things Rev. Mr. Hodg no delivered an
: -
. been requeste pub 'sh the following: address on notes "taken b the WAY to
j .
I I , v,
At so meeting of the Directors of the and from the Old Land ioh was ery
I th 8 I i'Inf. Ong
Nor -WnteraExhibition held atGode. Amusing as well as hite as, i 8 a
. ' 1,
rich on ti -a 3rd inst, the following wag were rendered by Mi me dham and
- -
I Kidd and received a hearty applause,
. adopted unanimously; 11 The Direc.
I tors of. #e North-Western Exhibition The meeting closed b Ill joining in
. regret th*t the editor of the Goderich the National Anthem,
- - 8111111, ba , on account of an imaginary — - - . -
griaralic tried to injure the interests . A CLOSS CALL.—On Wednesday lasto
of the T n of Goderich and, the North- as Mr. Thomas Stepherl a. of the Queen's
' "0
I Wester il xhibition by publishing state- Hotel, and a young ma,x I 1hio drive@ the
I meats ab u.t the Exhibition, which are hotel bus, were retur , g from the
: not t 0 nd, intended to mislead per- Country with a load of wo dpiledupon
) ru i I
son -u . -the yo ng man met-
- at noft i a position to j dge for them the baggage wagon, Y I%, " " '
. . selves.. he membership for 1891 is with an experience hi i ' no; likely
f greater lthan that of 1890, and the soonforget. Whiledeso?d 3 the hill
. I Oje it g C
I &11101111t Of prize money awarded this opposite Dr. Coleman' den a the
I i t
I year is m than $120 greater than last wood commenced to rol' _ both at the
ye &r, on Ferceouunt of the departments be- front- and back of t1 a 1:wagon. Mr.
ing bette filled. These . facts and the Stephens, who was seal ad behind, - fell
statementl which will be sa4pAtted at off there and escaped d,a ig4r. The young
the annual meeting will coafirm the gen- man, however, was in f, vri , -driving the
eral Opin-i a that the Exhibition was a horses. He fell off the ,oad and lighted
I success. " on the double -tree at th lapels of one of
- the horses. The horses g6t . frighteDcd
TuR H Ro,-N MEDICAL AssociATIoN. and commenced to run jol kick,and the
—The rell lar meeting of the Huron young man I could not lo anything to
I :u
Medical 4'asociation. was he " Id in Gode- free himself from his dai ige 0119 P08itiOD,
rich on Taes4ay last, and was well at. and every time the lior8e kicked it
- , ,%ion, struck him,, but, fortaInately, he was
. tended byl members of the profe, .
arid th dinga throughout were of too near the aD,IM%l to race a n,,u,c,i In-
0 P '*Ocee` jury. Mr. Robert Wil iv pp I
a taost in ei estiiig, cbara-,ter. The chair - i h, ad to
.,. om his stab! as lab the time,
I wast occa led! by the President of the be coming fr
Associatio , lir , .Bruce Smith, of Sea- and noticing the situati n of affairs ran
forth,. andl Dr. N, Gann, of Clinton, in front of the horses a d was able to
acted assecretary. The morning ses- stop them, and got the ot n,g man lib -
Sion was occupied with the presentation erated from his ver uncomfortable
of numl er Lf lntore ating cases a d re- - quarters, and soon as he
11 . ' to F
pol of c ises occurring in the practice could,not have nboet1d&oY u h longer. Ile
of the:me bars present. In the after- was not much injurd ad a very
noon the association was favored with close call. I .
an interesting lecture by Dr. J. E. -
Graham, 4f Toronto, on the subject of FOOTFALL.--' a ple] Leaf team,
present holdej 111 Cr
Rc%oma, v h ich was followed by the ex- rs Of Ze pwf9rd Cup,
hibition of a number of cases illustrating met in battle royal wit i their old-time
- . the T.arioup forms of that skiu disease. opponents, the Oaks, 4 n Thursday of
Thai remai I iag portion of the session last week. A very exc tin contest was
was taken up, with a large number of the result, and some * i rild enthusisain
intorestiai caries of nervous diseases, all was displayed by partiz no
of which were carefallk discussed by the In the first Z11 he ore wfetree ta"Mu7t.
. hosociati,ot. I TC;
I I Dr. Graham was elected evenly divided, but a Maple Leafs
an honor member of tile Association.. showed better forward 4pom ination than I
the Oaks.'. However, by other goal- '
PRixx ,Y,T, CoRRRcTio,.,-s.—The See keeper's muff, thet Oak , se 7, a
376tary of the Tuckerstaith Akti=ItUral second half the M" le eaf forward line
. a
I 8 . -p
I d ocaety, h ' furnished us with the fol- -- plied their opponents goal often, but
. "a
lo-w ing cor actions in the prize list of were wild in shooti g, nd, though
I - .
tha Seafo th show as publ, shed last their own goal was se d danger,
I ( 0 n
y d-ra-ught brood mare an ev
weak - He v d they failed to a 'en up. Tle'result now
. fOal -, imported). 93rd prize should be W. stands: Oaks, 4 poin,, a ; Egmoadville,
- N. C01ema a instead of H. G- Taylor. 0; Maple Leafs, 0. !Next week Eg-
Agiieultuml brood mare, 2od John mondville vs. Maple L afs. Spectators
Dale, itlatea d of C. NNTilson. Yearling eaL;OY these contests, and some really
I general purpose fil,ly, lot GiLb McDonald fine football is disp yed,—The Col.
instead ol G,; McMichael. General legiate Institute club reorgan-lizedblon.
I ib
purporse tei an, -2nd James Patterron in- day with the' followin Y, officers : Hon.
, lilbead of. 3iMon McK6nZieL. -Oueyear President, Mr. C. ClarKson ; President,
old carriag"JillLy 2nd G. E. Cresswell G. Shortreed; Vic -President, C.
.. instead Of T. Litile &Son. Single driver, Willis; Secretary, J hn Id. McLean;
I -t
I ard, John ,.,Omlnon instead of J. Cam - Captain, H. J. Crawf rd; Committee,
kp ngled Harnburgs, Ist 'David J. McKinley, F. Clark on, and J. Jack -
. Thomlp,40,11 Inkrtead of R.. Gray. Pair .son. -A challe for t a B lugh Cup is
'Pekin du4s, I -at John, T. Dale instead expected from &It, a, d the Seaforth
of A. Bissett. Best collection pigeons, people will then have the opportunity
lot and 2a4L WM. Scott instead of. E. of witnessing a good in tch., I
VanEgmo. d. Two bushels six rowed - ,
. , "L . Reinke instead of John MONTREAL COLLEGE.— ev. D. L.
. ba,rley 18tJohn I
.t.1C gr _
. ide, 'Plate of G-ravenliteins, 2ad MGCrae, of Montreal, end Rev. J. Hig-
, -
S - Al - Ches ey in stead of P. M. G h esney. gins, of South. Mounta n, reached in
- I Plate of fo r Porters, lat Wm. Kyle in- the Presbyterian ebure i in this town
stead of W . Aitcheson, Plate of four last Sunday, the forme- - ih It a forenoon
gold& ru setslP 2ad' John S. Brown in- and the latter' in the evening. They,
stead of ,,
sorge Nott. Plate of four appeared here in the Inter4to of M6
maiderl s 111611 Ist George Irvine in- Montreal Presbyterian Coll'ge and to
stea,d of bert'Smitit. Plate of Flem- advocate its claims bef , re the people..
ish beau
: 14ts lot R. Brock instead of This coilege is one ol the theological.
Ro erson roe. Plate of Concord grapes, colleges of the Cana a Presbyterian
. arson'
lot "obe L (-. oven,lock instead of E. C. Church. An effort in now being made
Coleman. ()anLnedL fruit, lot. M. Me- undof two bun-
. to raise an endowment f "
Cracken liustead ,of 1> ,obert Charterls; dred thousand d o)lara ,9 o thit additional
Six v%rie0es.1)ahlia., lot GL' E. Cre". chairs may be established d the col.
. an
. well instead of T. B. H&Ys. Indian leg6made more efficient. 1 Knox Col.,
i I . ,
i - I .
- t I .
- ,
I - -- __I--- I—— —
- I I
- t - I
. I
- I
. I i
- . I .
o - 1, - .
I I I - . . .".,
I . .
, I
I - I
lege, .Toron . to, and Oollege,
Money is not Oven except in very rare
flammation of the l'ungs.—On Wednes-
Kingston, each raised Jar a endow-
and exceptiona ,cases. Provisions and
day morning, when Mr. Alex. Davidson
ment fund contributed by nfe here of
clothing are giv n where there is press-
entered his billiard room at the Com -
the church in Canada. I _ 'Tople of
ing necessity fZ. either or both. Happily
mercial hotel, he was startled to find
Montreal contributed very ' nerously,
in this town the very poor are not
the place filled with smoke. An inves
to these funds, and now - ;hat more
numerous, but there are always a few
tigation showed that some person had
money ie'required fo'r their o vn college
aged people w require assistance, also
thrown a cigar stub into a wooden spit -
they feel justified in making an appeal
in winter eiwork is scarce, there
toon, and the box caught fire, burning
to the Ontario people. This, ,a the first
.are men out of )mployment whose fam-
through the bottom and making quite a
general appeal that has been made by
ilies require f o I and clothing to tide
hole in the floor. A few minutes longer
Montreal College, as it has hi;herto been
them over the a verity of winter. These
and a serious fire might have been the
entirely supported by the ' g(uerosity of
and timilar cape are the objects of the
result.—Welcome meetings to Brigadier
Montreal people. Both M msrs. Me.
Union's patront go. The managers are
and Mrs. Spooner will be given in the
Rae and Higgins are grad as, ee of this
all prudent and observant ladies, and no
Salvation Army barracks in this town
college, and are a credit to it as well as
frauds need apl
ly. Last winter a des-
on Saturday, Sunday and Monday even -
to this county, of which they are both
titutefernale ch
Id was taken in charge
ings next. On Monday evening a
natives. They both preached excellent
of, and given 0
at for adoption in a re-
Thanksgiving Service will be held, in
sermons and laid a statement of. the
spectable Lf&tni y.
The Union has
which soldiers and officers from. Strat-
claims of thb college and , the splendid
. ,
recently suffered
seirere loss in the death
ford, NJ itchell and Clinton will take
work it is doing before the - people in
of Mrs. T. A. Sharp, who had been a
part. . All are made welcome at these
plain, concise and convincingi addressos,
most active, z, alous and dearly loved
meetings.—Mr. J. S. Porter got home
%Ve* havo no doubt bat the p4ople of the
member from t , a formation of the so-
this week with a handsome new hearse
congregations called on in t is -county
ciety, until p2-strated by severe and
to replace the one recently dest qed by
will-giv"e liberally and cheerfully in aid
fatal illness. The Band of Rope, under
fire.—The council have not received any
of so good and deserving an c bj act.
the auspices of ithe Women's CbristiAn
offers yet for sites f(,r the proposed new
. I - — I
- -
- Ton, nut
Tempe'rance U i nbers 112 mem-
fire ball and market building. It would
IN TIIE MrDST OF LilrB.— Saturday
bers. it is under the special control of
seem from this that properay owners in
morning last John Stewart, Ourd son of
Miss A. Cowan, whose indefatigable
Seaforth Pre so well satisfi ' ad with their
Mr. John Stewart, of Beumi ler,-died at
zeal and persistence in the good work
holdings that they do not desire to sell..
his boarding house in this to, vn, after an
has keptUeBand,not merely in existence,
—Mr. T. F. Coleman's handsome driv-
illness of scarcely a week. He had been
but in a - flourishing condition. The
ing team carried oll first prize at all the
in his usual good health up to Sunday
ladies will be pleased to i eceive donations
shows this fall at which they competed,
morning, when he comptai n ad of a
of books R11d1papers again, and any
—Mr. Kenneth MeLood left here on
severe headache, which ha thought
parties avingauoverplusof the same,
Thnrodsy for Brandon, Manitoba, where
would -wear away, but. feolin g no better
or who feel ioc ined to help on a good
he h%s procured a good situation, as
on Monday, did not go to w(rk, and on
purpose, will confer a favor by leaving
manager of a' large dry goods store.—
Tuesday consulted a phys, .cian who pro-
the samewith any of the ladies belong-.
Messrs. -James Stewart, John Turner
nounced his complaint a seve,te attack of
ing to the Union. I I .
and James A. Anderson, of Seaforth ;
Drysipolas, as the disease was looatea in
I - I i
John Shea, of Beechwood ; and H.
the head. and face. Althoug the ery-
Towis COUNCIL.—A. regular meeting
Baeker, of Hills Green, left here on
was checked as far aa possible,
of the Seaforthl town council was held
Mondiy last for Muskoka, where they
he sufferer's condition grew worBe,until
on MODday evening last. The Fire and
intend to -hunt deer.—The addrebs Riven
he died k at about 2 o'clock Saturday
Water Committee repofted that they
by M r. Mullett upon , 'Worldly
morning last. In his last ho 3ra be lost
had purchased one hose cart which is
Choice." last Tue8dTAy evening at the
the power of speech, and ap ared to be
now in use, from Messrs. Reih & Wii-
Epworth League, was largely attended
suffering great pain. Deceas 3d has &en
son, for $175. The Council appro ed of
and greatly appreciated by all present.
working in town for about five years,
the action of 1the Committee, and in.
Mr. W. M. Grey will give an . address
the greater part of the time 'Is E6 wood-
structed them to pu . rehase ,anothek of
next Tuesday evening, to which a
worker at Mr. Dorsey's, and E6180 At the
the same kidd on the same terms,
hearty is extended to all.—
Broadfoot & Box Company's factory. He
Councillor Gopd reported that he
Mrs. J.P.Brine is in Brussels this week,
was an exceedingly exemplary and in-
and Chief Murray had visited Toronto
with her daughter, Mrs. Peter Scott.—
dustrious young man -in , ev y respect,
and Brantford, and examined a number
Miss Marion McMichael, of Jackson
and enjoyed the confidence atrd esteem
of book and ladder -rigs, and that they
Brothers' establishment, Clinton, spent
of his employers, fellow-wor imen,. and
had purchased one from Watterous, of
Sunday last with friends here.—Nir.
ilarge circle of young friend ,. He was
Brantford, for -S500. The Council lap.
James MeLaugtilin, sorne years ago dn-
just about entering the tm enty nintb
proved of the action of the Committee,
gaged in the merearitile businessin So'll-
year of his Age, and had alwe ys enjoyed
and thanked thim for their diligence.
was in town this week.—Miss,
, -
good health, and by his star dy habits
and the good bargain they had made.
Meyer, of Wingham, was in town this
%nd careful living was one of 'the least
AAetter was reld from Mr. P. K eating,
week. She was the guest of the 111' t
likely to be so stiddenly snatched on
asking the Council to cover the open
Brine, — Mr. David Ferguson, of I 't.
the verge of a promising and i is eful life.
ditchpasthis property, and threaten-
Marys, '1was in town this woek- 9'a-11-
Elis father and mother and one sister
ing legal proceedings
if the work i a not
ing on his nurnerous old friendIR —
were present in his dying I ours, 'and
attended to at Luce.
The matter was
Mr. C. W. Papst is having a new
bhis unexpected bereavement is a severe
referred to tile Street Committee, with
conservatory erected on the cast side of
ihock to them and all his relatives.
rhis is the first break in a lw,-ge family
instructions to iexamine the said irain
and to report to the Council at its
his residenca.-L.-Rev. Mr. Acheson, of
Kippen, will preach in the Eginondville
Direle of brothers slid sisters. 1.
next meeting. The Clerk was -author-
Presbyterian church next Sabbath, Rev,
ised to wiverti in the Globe and Mail
Mr. Needham going to Kippen.—The
for offers for thr':placing of anewsteam
manyfriends of Mr.Rlbert Jamieson,
lChe evening entertainment 4,d *improve-
pump in the'iWaterworks building.
of the Golden Lion store,, Who has been
ment classes in con ,
nel 'tiol wit
t,h the
messrs. Broadfoot & Box offered to put
ill for a couple of weeks, will be pleased
Young Men's Christian Asso ation are
up a building suitable to hold one
lto learn that he if; recoverin g, and we
about to be opened at once fo r the win -
hose Liart, and give the use of it free of
hope soon to see him at business again.
ter season, undex the mos; favorable
anspices. The. teachers wl o'se names
. I
charge, if the Qouncil will keep- one of
their carts therein, the said building to
I ;
SHOOTING MATCH.—The Eixtep-ntfi an.
are given below have viery k ndly con-
be near their factory. The offer was
nual shooting match of the 3 rd Bat.
sented to devote one eil
ccepted by t4e Council, and the Fire
talion Rifle Association was held on the
the various subjects as noted, and all
and Water G6mmittea instructed to
Seaforth r4Dge on, Monday last. There
that ismow wanting is prom )t and ear-
have a hose cart -placed in the said
was a fair attendance of marksmen, but
nest action on the part of yo ing P8OPle
building as, solon as it is ready. The
th.e weatherwas ery unfavorable, the
lesiring to takD advantage o the oppor.
Committee were also ati'thorised to keep
wind being high and variable. This ac-
Witities offered them. Th( following
another cart and ho5e- in Mr. John
counts for the uuusu lly low scores
iubjects will be taken up, - provi , ding
Dorsey's ware -house, on the corner of
made. The fallowing are the Dames
here be sufficient applicants to 'Oform, a
Goderich and Victoria strelets. There
of -the prize winners in each match:
iuccessful class -for each sub,act : Class
will, therefore, hereafter, ,be one cart
First match. -400 yards, 5 o'hote,-r-lat,
Lfo. 1, Reading and Liter
' atui e,,coudust-
at the Fire Ball, on Main street ; one at
C. Stock, Stratford, 20 ; 2ad, John
-d by Mr. Clarkson, B. A. Collegiate
Dor8ey's, and the third at Broadfo`ot,s.
Doads, Seaforth, 15 ; 3rd, J. Spo6ner,
Institute; Class % Book-k.-eping and
Accounts to the amount of $900 were
Clinton, 12; 4th, E. Hinchley,.9; 5th,
Writing, conducted by Mr. P -endergast,
passed and ordered to be paid.
I)r. McKay, 9 - 6th, F. Beattie, 8 7th
3. A., Mathematical Teach r, Collegi.
6 .
R. Roach, 7; Sth,A.Hart, 2; 9th,Hugh
kte Institute ; Class 3, Short hand con-
Grieve, 2. Second Match. —Standing,
]noted by Mr. J. Livingstone,; Clas's 4, it
lecture, delivered in the Egmondville
-5 shots at 200 yards, let, . G.
A expected that a club-ov linging and
Presbyterian Church on Monday even.
Courtice, Goderich Township, 18;,2nd,
lumb-bel-I exercise and debating CIE698
ing last, by Rev. Mr. 'Patterson, of
J. A. Wilson, 18 ; 3rd, NV. Gi lard,
will beorganized under the uspicea of
Cook's Church, Toronto, was a treat
Stratford, 15 ; 4th, J. S. Roberts,' 15 ;
'he football and lacrosse associations,
such as thq people of Seaforth and Eg-
5th, F. Johnston, Clinton, 15 ; 6th, R.
)onducted respectively by Mr. Oscar
moadville d9 not often enjoy. The
Reach, 14 ; 7th, C. Wilson, 14 ; 1 8th,
.Q1 and Mr. H. J. Craw1ord, B. A.,
evening, though cool, wavL a delightful
J. 8 ooner, Clinton, 14. Third match. —
-'Ilas8ical Teacher, Collegiate Institute.
one, and, con I sequently, there wa's a
Any position, -500 and 600 yards, 5
Ladies will be admitted to Xos, 1, 2 and
much larger aitendance -from Seaforth
shots at e4ch range,—lot, C. Wilson,
;. All non-members of the Association
than could have be expected had the
37 ; 2ad, J, .Anderson, ClintoD,'32 ;
Nill be charged a fee at the ,-ate of $1
weather been le:ss favorable. We ven-
3rd, John Wordon. Stratford, 32 ; 4th,
,)or quarter ; Association m(mbers free.
ture to say, however, that should Mir.
John Johfiston, Clinton, 127 ; 5th, J. A.,
Will all p%rties desiring to t ke advan-
Patterson ever again lecture in ;Eg-
Wilson, 27 ; Otb, C. Stock, Stratford,
age of the above opport"i ism, signify
MODdville, or in any of its 11 suburbs,',
27 ; 7th, A. Wilson, 28.; Sth, A. Rob-
minediately by post card to
let the weather be what it may, he will
ortson, Stratford, 25 ; 9tb, James
At,, J. Livivgstone, stati; g thereon
be likely to have even a much larger
Young, Clinton, 25, Fourth match,—
vhich onbject they wil). )refer, and
audience than the one which listened
200 and 400 yards, -5 shots at each
vhat eveninmould best, Aaft their con-
" with so much pleasure and profit to his
range, -18t, E. G. Courtice, 44 ; 2nd,
rentence. ndly see that his is done
eloquent lecture on Monday evening,
,0. Wilson, 42; 3rd, J. Worden, 42;
his week it possible, or not later ,than
The subject, 11 Ireland and the Irish,',
4th, J. A. Wilson, 40; 5th, J. S. Rob-
Cuesday of next week. I
is one on Mr. Patterson is well
erts, 39 ; 6th, J. Johnston, 38 ; 7f1b, A.
malified to speak, .being a native of
Robertson, ,38 ; Stb, A. Wilson 37.
C. 39 2fid J,
. — DEAR
county, and as he himself admit-
4ggregate.-T,.Ist, -Wilson, ;
1,I)ITOR, —Would you pleas &]low me
ted, being very . roud of that fact,
Worden, 87 ; 41rd, J. A. Wil8OD 85;
pace in your valuable paper, to make a
Without, Upparently, the least effort,
Go"rtice, 79 ; 5th, J. A
son, 78; 61.K, A. Willion, 75.
ew remarks upon abo a subject,
the lecturer cl ught and held the at.
vhich has been, and is .1
I yet, t. is topic of
tention of his, audience ; his wit 1 pro-
;eneral . c-onvereatipn on o jr streets,
voked roars of laughter, his patri6tism
owing, no,doubt, to a paragraph which
called forth the most hearty applause,
OuR, Snow.—Our show came o
ff on
-ppeared in the. Seaforth Sun of last
and his word -pictures produced an At-
Tuesday and Wednesday of last- *eek
veek under the heading " It was N,
1.11 ,
most breathless, stillness. We trust the
J .
and it proved a success despite th MIS -
T In the item referred to, the writer,
Women's Foreikn Missionary Societ'
Y9 to
I ,
arable weather thati we bad on, the
vhoE;ver he may be, showed iis lack of
whose enterprise the community is in-
second day, for it -started to rain in the
;ood sense and decency. It does not,
. . .
debted for- tbils lecture, realized a snug
morniDg and kept it up all day,'thus
n my opinion, require a man with much
little sum from the collection, and from
' eventing hundreds from comin I g in
irain to write an article suck as it was.
the appearance of the filled plates
t%lat would have done so if the day bad
.t was all I& rot"' from start to finish,
at the doors we have not the slightest
been fine. Every department wasl well
to truth being in it what wer. The
doubt that in tt ig, R8 in every other re-
filled and everyone says that the show,
,udience was one of the m(st fashion
spect, the lecture was a decided .success.
in all departments, was batter than any
,ble that ever occupied Cardno's hall,
nd-also one of the largest, alpd t
' "he
previous year. The full list of prizes
o the Sun had it, composed , f
LOCAL BRiEFS, —Thursday, November
awarded will be published next week.
re-owafter-the-fair." This lexpression
12Lh, has been pr6claimed Thanksgiving
BRiEFs.—Our geni%l and obliging sta-
3 a slur on our townspeople All those
Day by. the Govern or- Gen era 1. —The
hearing of the J West liuron Election
tion agent, Mr. J. Elliott, has returned i
from his trip to the 'far west lookiDg
aking part in' the concert' their
Protest haa been*further postported un-
well and happy. We may expect to
iart well, and gave general
. '
ti faction
til Monday, December 14th, at Gode-
bear lots of stories of "IDjuns" and li
o those who heard them. 11"
a item
rich, and no person will be surprised if
Prairie chicken hunting for Mr. Elliott
ras a contribution, why did
he- Editor
it is then dropped altogeth&r. Mr.
is well up in that kind of warfare. -34r.
f the Sun allow it to be abl lihed
" He-
John McCrae of Brussels, father
W. Z. Watts was in town on Sunday last.
'iust have bad a reason.
e,h. . he
of Rev. D. L. McCrae, who preached in
He is leaving Mount Forest and intends
,id not receive the usual com -limentary
the Presbyterian church here on Sunday,
to take up his residence in Til8onburg.
rhicb, as I understand, ail Inewapaper
ien receive. In Wit
sion I
was in town on Saturday last. Mr.
—Miss Ellen Gibson started for Grand
rould venture to say tha
if Prof.
McCrae has good cause to be proud of
Rapids Thursday morning last where
cott and the same company lever
his talented son.—'Last week Mr. John
she intendg to reside for the present.-
eaforth with another visit they
willget -
RoManD, the Huron horse king, ship-
Mr. Scott, frforn Knox College, supplied
a good a house, if not; betterl
than' last
ped a car -load f ver superior heavy
horses to Wate ul
Itow YNew York. He
the pulpit in the Presbyterian church
on Sunday last in the absence of the
ime, even if . the Sun "ha
lackbn their characters.
tried to
also shipped another lot to Detroit on
regular pastor, who is expected ,home
on for your opace,— Y,o
ra truly,
Monday. It is surprising where he
gets all the horses he sends! off.—A
shortly. i
- I I
couple of fine. showers of rain on Wed-
: Exeter. I
service in moisteni
uesday did gooq , in
- LOCAL BRiiiys.—Mrs. Phoebe Sweet
he T*nnual
mother earth, but more isj adly neededg,
has in her garden on Huron street a
ieeting of the Women's Christia u
n ,g tha
as farmers are com'plai it the
large ouctimber which weighs 3J pounds.
erance Union was held oa.VVednesday,
ground is so hard and drk $hey can not
—The Band of Hope held their opening
eptember 23rd, when the election
get on with their fall #lowing. It'
meeting in the James Street Methodist
fficers for the coming year t(wk
would seem from repbrts ' that Mani-
church on Tuesday evening last when a
'he following officers were
elected :
toba and the Northwest are getting our
large programme was given.—Sawing
,resident, Mrs, - M. D'. Sm
tb ; Vice-
share of moisture &.4 well- as their own
wood contests are the order of the, day
,residents, Mrs. T. O. Kemp,
thisfall., There*basbeen somuchrain
now with both old and young, and seve-
Feelin ; - Recprding- Secretary,
Mrs. R.
there tha . t many farmers can't get their
ral contests take place daily by cham.
V. Bruce Smith; Corresponding
grain stacked and there is danger of- it
pion'and amateur sawyers.—The Court
Lry and Treasurer, M i iog' A.
Cowan ;
spoiling.—The law suit, Campbell vs.
of Revision will be held in the Town
,elief Committee, Mrs. O. C
Scott, in which two of our leading med.
Hall, Exeter, on Tuesday next com.
Ire. Copp, Mrs. M.'Y. MoLc
an, Mrs.
icos are concerned, comes off at- the
mencingat one o'clock. Col. Goodman,
. eelin, Mrs. T. 0. Kemp,
,Miss K.
Stratford assizes which open next Mon.
the revising- barrister for Norilk Middle-
owan,MissElder. Thetotalmember-
day. A grist of witnesses from here
sex, will preside. —Division Court will'
i-ip of the Union is only twE
nty, and
have been summoned by both sides. It
be held here on Monday next.—The fall
ie ladies most earnestly invite
is s%id DrXampbell has engag -ad Mr. B.
deliverylor the Stone & Wellington
o join thernin their .benevolent
Osler, the celebrated Q. C., -of Toronto.
Nursery, Toronto, will take place in-
; there is streugth an ' d encoi
—The Misses Jackson, of,Clinton,are
this district the week after next.—Mra.'
,. numbers. The. membersh
p fee is
visiting at the residence of their brother,
Win. Wootcott, of Hensall, was visiting
it at the small sum of 60
ents per
Mr. James'Jackson, of Jarvis street.—
friends in town on Wedniesday last.—
Dar. During, the past year 5,000
The new town hall in Kidd's block has
Tom Burke, Amber F. and Sleepy Joe,
! temperance literature h
ve been
been put in habitable shape, and will be
trotted on WedneEday at Parkhill for a
stribrited about the to
I . Two
ready for occupancy as -soon as chairs for
parse of $60. A large crowd from
,.ackets, one in each waiting'room,
seating purposes are got. It'will be a
this place went to see the race.—Seye-
te station are kept supplied,
with pa-
commodious, comfortable and convenient
ral of our citizens took in the logg ng
rs. Four lumbermen's camps
in the
place and is well adapted for the pur-
bee at Sodom on Tuesday last.—Mr.
uskoka and Ottawa distridto
have been
poses for which it is to be used.—Messrs.
Andy Boyd, a former resident of this
pplied with most excellent;
J. C. Smith and George Duncan, Sea-
place, but now of Montreal, is renew -
atter, selected and 6ulled1fr(
rd papers
forth; John Wilson,Hullett, and James
iog old acquaintances here after an
ntributed by various outsid
Cowan, McKillop, were ordained as
absence of twelve years.—Mr. W. T.
id made upinto beautiful
and inter-
Elderw of the First Presbyterian
Acheson and Mr. W. G. Bissett atte--d-
ting scrap books. These ci
mps. have
church, Seafor9, on Sabbath last, at
I .
ad the West McGillivray show on
so been f arn'ished with qui
n1iiiies of
the close of ttie morning service.—
Tuesday last as judges"Of fi ne art'
agazines and periodicals o
I various
We are sorry to learn that Mr. Michael
ligh h roes. They gave entire
is -
ads and some books. Charit
t) the I
Dorsey, of the Huron road, Hibbert,
factiono—Messrs. Knight and,
nount of $40 has been diF
to I
and brother of Mr. John Dorsey of this
combs, of this place, took part in t e
)serving persons during, t Yn;e(ed
a year. I
tonn, is laid up with an attack of in-
Church of England Guild concert
OCTOBER 161 1891
- ,
Ilderton on hursday night - last.—Mr. and masterly way, presented the newly . -
A. E. Tenn:nt, V. S., lost a very valu- wadded pair with a fine silver water ser-
1,1 —... . , A fnal on Monday last. — vice which was accepted in a che6rful re -MI LLINER) I -
1A Irl I .
Mr. Thoo. Sweet Blyth, attended the sponse by the groom., A short musical
funeral of h1la uncle" Mr. John Sweet, on programme was rende ed when all —AT
Wednesdayl afternoon last.—Mr. Worrey joined in indulging their epicurean pro- . ' '
and son, of Ingersoll, were canvassing clivities until the fear of guilty remorse McFAUU8 I
the town for a County Directory this that overtaken the voracious appetite En
week. i . . caused them to resist.- The supper was . .
, I 0 fine and reflected great crediL on the fair
; Ethel. - Pythian ladies. After supper all re- .
, 'The'msm.bars of the Cana- paired to the spacious rooms of the Corn- The Fall Show is now a thing Of the I
BRimrs nd we have settled right downt,D
dilan Order i of Foresters, of this place, meroial HotO and 41trippeo. the light - Past R I
I , 0 -14, -
attended the concert at Atwood on Fri- fantastic until, th ' wec sm 11ours of busy business. We have laid in a he&vy
day evening last. The concert Was got the morning.' " -- - , stock of Fine Goods tbis.seasoD- Goods
up by the 'Foresters of that place, and . mare to please everybcdy,both in juslity - I
, ;
a y way a success.—Mr. C. flensall. and pric . a. Headquarters for Milliner., .
Willis, wh7has been in the em.ploy,of A numbor of fine building lots in size
. r
- I
Simpson & Son, left for Wivgham,on or number to suit the purchaser can be had at t
Monday, where he has secureA-a place. very reasonable prices upon application to the F
—C. Stub4s and J. A. Young are ex- uncersigntd. The.landisin an excellent state DRE88 - GOODS
of oultivatlon and forms part of Farm Lot 21, is
changing h ?uses this week.—Mr. Janics already partly surve) ed into village lots. MAT I I
Lindsay has purchased a piano' from GILCURMT, Hensall. 1243-3 . . AT— I
Lamont Br there, of Listowel.—A num- We have a job lot of Boys' and
berof boy3tme to church DnSunday Youths' Strong Boots, just the thing for this
night, but fl'101111ld the doors. locked, and time of year, which we are Felling at cost. Call
they went home Nvith very long faces.— and see thein. N.B.—Accounts are now ready E. McFAUL
, and must be paid before the 15th of October.
A Dew drossmakiog shop started in W. C. DAVIS. 1243-2
'Ethel on Monday. '
; I 0 — . LOCAL BRtEF.3.—Our merchants have
recently agreed to close their respective Tboutands of yards of choice Dress I
Lower Wingham. places of business at 8 o'clock p. m., Goods, with trimmings to match, are to
NOTRS. Xjr. William Scott and wife, obarp, COMMenCirIg On Monday the 19th found on our counters just now, -Tbolse
of McKilloo, .spent two or three. days inSt., Saturday evenings only excepted. who call early will have a ebance to
this week ith Miss Graham.—Mr. and —Mr. J. Macarthar, banker, who is a securethe novelties Dresses made to
Mrs. Willi4m Cruickshank were Visiting member of the Lake Smith Gun .Club, order. 11 I -
in Blyth th4s week.—Mrs, John Came recently shot a large number of fine I — i
ron returned from Toronto on Saturday, ducks. —Bicycling is now, for the see- . ,
where she has been visiting her daugh- ' .
ter. Miss Mary Cameron leaves this end time in the experience of our village : Mantles and I
all the rage.—Mr. Alexander -McEwen I
week for Toronto -to remain for tb one of the pioneer farmers of this neigh- .
winter.—Miss Emma McMullen lefT borbood, who this spring rented his Mantle Cloths I
last week f 'or Fort Gratiot to viei/6 her farm for a torm 6f years aDd moved out
sister, M rm."! Cowan. I to Portage !a Prairie, where be has AT-- .
. I - since been residing, has sold out his land
: in the far famous West, and this week
NOTM'. 'Miss Kate KneUrS "and Mr. returned to his old home in the township E. McFAUL'811 '
Joseph Kennedy have joined hands in of Bay, having .ma -de arrangements
tnatritrwnyJ The wedding party drove with Mrs. Laing, the lessee, for re -
1. . and were boisterous and possession. We are pleased to "
out to Brus'llselq
happy. M'. Kennedy is to becongratu- seeMr.MeEwen back oneemore,and We are showing a nice variety of per,
lated on ,having won such a fair and to know that he tbiake more of this feet fitting Mantles in 32, 34, 06 and 39
amiable bride.—Mr. Joseph C. KeDDY p.Art'of Ontario than ever, and that after inch bust measure, fram a low ' . .
,price up
will fiafsh harvesting this week ; Joseph living in the best section of Manitoba. to some very fine garments. Also a I
don't get in -any hufry, but he gets —Mr. and Mrs. Tough, of Bayfield, Jorge assortment of Mantle Maurials, .
there all he 8ame.--,-Qu-ike -a number were this week the guests of Mr. N. such as Sealettes, Beavers) Wor8teds,
from, this section attended Brussels Fair." Shirray, Pf tho townsbip of Hay.—Mr. Diagonals, Checko, Stripes, Warls, &C.
We notic?d that the leadiDg lights in G. McEwen's new brick block, which is Mantles made to e -1 -der.
the principal departments were resi- to be occupied by Mr. A. W. King, of I
dents -of M(Killop. this place, is nearing corripletion, and I
0 will present a vqry good ap
i Tearance
Kippen. ,. . when fully completed, with al 8P e c I'd Donaptment,
, L/V
MY NOTICH.—Our Accounts are Now glass front.—Mrs. (Rev.)]Henderson left -
ReadY find we, request aettlemont before -,No- this week for Thornyburot, there to 'J JilliLnery, Dress Goods, IN-lantles,
vomber Ist. Prompt. attention on the part of spend a few weeks at the parental boine. Fatucy Dry Goods Land Boys' Clothing.
those interesfed will much oblige D. Wms- ._Nlrs. A. Chapman, of Teeswalter, re-
WLLMIL. 1244 ,
LOCA B I IEFS.—Mias Jennie Mellia I turued home on.Wednesday, after spend-
$ tog -a week among her relatives and
L ' E. McFAUL, -
of ,Exater, spent Sunday ivith her friends in this nei h - borhood.—TI)e
mother.—Al r. J. B, Austin, our new 9 I
miller, info,ms us that he has -now be- farmers are now busily engaged in - SEAFORTU. -
come thormighly acclimatized and likes taking up their roots. It would scein - w
theplacened. .Fromallrepqrts . he is that,during the summer and fall mextba a right to be there. I he appeals should
giving a cellent satisfaction. — Mr. at least they are kept nearly as -ing Barrister -
' .be in the hands of Revi, -a
busy as our villagers, but in the winter
111am-Butt, a resident of this village for- r at least two wc-eks before the date of
a Dumber cf years, has moved to his I - to- use the popular slang of t ' he day, ti ey holding the courts. Now is the time to ,
father's farm, London Road, which hel have the bu)go n us.—Mr' A'V'iy-L look after the lists and not when
i - Buchanan, j r., has recently been gettinb,,
has rented'fora term' of years. Sue,` . . - 'you want to vote. Appeals in the
cess crown, your tfforts Elam.—Miss in some more improved stock from Reform interest should'be sent for East
Lizzie Bell has retnrned from London Guelph.—Aliss Bertha Hodgins, second Huron, as follows: To J. A.Morton,
after an absence of over a month.— daughter of Mr. W. R. -Hodgins, of the' WiDgham, for west half of Morris,
. Commercial hotel, left here on Satur-
Mangolds and potatoes are-er1gagill Wingbani and Turnbarry ; to RS,Scott,
9 day last for London where she intends Brussels, for Grey, cast. half of Morris
,,the attent on of farmers at present._ Business College.
Potatoes arl a most excellentorop, while attending the I and Brussels, ana to Thomas GibBoij, .
P N-VISN . TION. —The Wroxeter, for Wroxeter and Rowick.
Mangold an be counted as medium
13th Sabbath &bool Convention of the Lot every Reformer in the riding look
on,ly.— r Ioffat inform - a us that he is -
paying 87 : 88 cents for wheat. This . tOW138hipill Of Bay, - Tuckeramith and after this, und no I ory ne.ed apply next
is a igh, a ce on last week's prices, Stanley, was held in the Methodist election.—O-ur foot ball. boys attended
I ."'r, 4 church in this village on Tuesday last.
but :a . arva` olding for bigherprices, the tournament at Atwood last Satur-
- - At the three sessions, viz,, ,norbing, day, and got wiped out of existencz.-
-Rev, Mr .Achemon and Rev. Mr. Need- -
ham of , E,4mondville, will exchange pul- afternoon and ei eniog, the attendance The Atwood gun club come here on
l was good, and all the papers read; sub
pits Dext abbath, An the people of - Friday for a, friendly shoot the first
jects introduced and discussed, were of
Kippen ano Bills Green are anxious to meet since la,st fall, wben 'they were
hear Mr. Needharn there will doubtlesi a highly interesting chlaracter,, and x uncessf ul in bz ating our club.—
be a large attendance. :_ , mhowed that those taking part in the —Mrs. W. H. Kerr and son, who have
I . - asme had given muoh time, study and been visiting in Manitoba and the
. I Hills Green. preparation to the differeat subjects, Northwest during the umllver, returned I
A SixcaL-G CLASS.—Brofassor Scot The evening session was the most large- home last Monday, and our editor has a
. t of ly atte6ded, I lie church, together with
Hensall will be at Hills Green hall -on smile now all over his face.—Voters'
Mo . xiday rjight,October 19th.,at 8 o'clock , time aisles, being fairly crowded, The Lkt Court, under tho Outurio Votert'
for the purpose of trying to form addresses, as delivered to a mmse-meet. List Acb, will be beld for Brussels on -
a sing' ing of the children by Mr. W. M, Gray,
ing class. All lovers of music should. Friday, October 23rd by Judge Tom#,
. of Seafortb, and the Rev. J, S. Hender. and fur Grey on tfjt: 24w,
avail themselves of this opportunity of on I ,- of this village', were both most ex. -1. . I I
learning music, as he teaches in the now a
systen, tonic sot fa system. , cellent, and the children showed their Wingham,
NOTEA.—Threshirg is the order of appreciation by the quiet and undivided SuDDux DxAMR.— Sloan, who
L the day. Messrs, Jarrolt & Hart have attention they give. The Rev, Mr. has lived on Mirl,tjit' mireet for anumber
two risachines running.—Mr. Wm. Me- Nugent, of Baydeld, proved a good. of years, died under ewl. citcumstances.
Allister, of St!kDley, DOW wears a pleas- .President and chairman, and - together Two young ladiee, wbo work at the .
with a number of other ministers and
ant fac6.-4,-Mr. George Foster, who has laymen present, did much to add to the tailoring in town, ktpt houtse for him,
been atted I ding Goderich model school, pleasure and interest of the Convention an' d as lie did not come ,town to his
was broull lit 110me on Friday last and MONIAL,—Afliss Stark, of * breakfast on Wednet,d.y morning they-
h!s been i , very poor health since. We - M ATRI this thought t)otbiug of it, but went to their
'Wish him a speedy recovery.—'Ve are village, was oil Wednesday morniDg IREt work, On returaing at w,on. find not
pleased to state that Miss Agnes and United in tb6 bonds of matrimony to Mr. seeing him, they went tu bis room and
Mr. Robert Ferguson, formerly of this Britton, of Iona, The marriage c ere found decelased lying on tiw floor, where
neighborhood, but now of Clinton, were mony was performed by the Rev. J. S. lie had talle)3, it is tbougi,r,, tb night
successful in obtaining second-class Henderson, und was witnessed by the before, while prt puriuk t.., retireeto rest.
non-profes ional certificates, on appeal. relatives of the contracting -arties The Heart failure wab tt).t- c, u -t- of his sud-
Mr. John .Elagan, of Stanley, has pur- bride was presented With Ps auni bler of den demise. He wati in fik'i5th year,
chased afarm near Grand Bend.—Nir valuable and useful presents, The and a native of $uothsj d
Edmond 1ro,yer has plowed'up his ex ' happy couple, after being warmly con. SAD SUICIDB.—A vvi y ,sad case of
perimental field of fall wheat,—,Mr. gratulated and partaking ofJ. a sumptu. atiloide occurred ELL Whit.-uhurch, near
Lippert, Collector of taxes for Hay oua breakfabt, took the morning express here, on Thur-iddy in r i tg of last
township, called on 6 x villagers last for Brantford and other places, where week. An old man in, m,.--d Thomas
I they intend 6pending a few days.
week. We Charnpicn hanged flill)-4eil ,,D a owing
heartily unite with their -nany friends rope in front of th't- ,imir - i bi-i dough -
Varna. * p in wighing thein long and coontinued
happiness.- I ter, Mrs. JoEeph Nixon. His feet were
OUT OF DEBT.— The lleeve and --. resting on the groui,.i , h i found by his
Treasurer ;vere in Goderich- a few days daughter. The olo inaii ,% .-,, -jS years of
ago mi.king the final payment on the Zuriah. : age, was str(.np atia rohu t, and had
Rail -road Debentures, so that the muni- BRimrs.—The Lutheran -congregation s-fiown no Bigyms (if dt.piaideucy. He
cipality is nowfreed from ibat indebted- '-held their annual harvest festival and wag- in Wingbi,m rwo if..ys of the fair,
, general miss* eeting in the came " home on tb, 4 p ill. tr ,iu Wedites-
ness. .1 Church I ionary m
GOOD Skigm-.—Mr. Alex. Dunkin, -of here last Sunday, Rev. Mr. day somewhat th,- sA onm- , f liquor, but
this place, who is making a name for Sanders, of. Philipsburg, presiding. nothing was obsci v,d Ltz, if) v. by be abould
himself as ^ breeder of Shropshire There was a large turnout, and all commit so terrible a ov(, and no one
sheep, recently made quite a purchase dresent spen'. a good time.—The 'Bishop seems to k now -the cau - e I
from Mr. James McFarlane, the w 11 of London confi m ed 24 young people in
a the Catholic Church h BRIEvs.—Mr. W--dter T ylor, of this
known importer. He purchased from evening last. Th ere on Sunday town, was a very Pullve"ful exhibitor at
Mr. M F rlane six very fin a Church was crowded - the Brussels and Blytb tihow-. Hetook
Shropshir: eawes.- These ewes are fro -a =Rev. G. F. Haist startei revival meet*-'
in ings on the 14th con about forty prizet. at; the i w,,,—Mr. Geo.
imported .11 stock on both sides. Mr. cession on Monday
Dunkin, before purchasing, went to even ing.last. —Rev. Thomas Hauch, of Cruickshank took a car loaii of cattle to
London show to see what he could do Wallace, is here visiting his brother Toronto on Tuei4day. Mr. R, W. C.
there and I he found that he could get Phili' He intends staying over Sun- -Meyer has let the crintiact fi,r building
his brick block to parij, in Exeter and
better mbA,ep at less money from Mr. day, Pan'd will likely preach in the Evan- Listowel.—Thing.s. are not Imiking Very
McFarlau, than be could at London. gelical. Church.—Mr. Joseph Smith well . in town at preaei,t Tliere ate It
F INLEY COUNCIL.—A' meeting has purchased the old Deratein farm
TH , STAN constables in town aDd it was tbo4bt
of the Stabley council was held here on for $2,750. —Joseph Broderick has gone by some that theta wus a regular Pick- .
Saturday last, at which all the members to Berne JUDCtiOD, Michigan, whe erton from Cbicago, but it turned outto
were pres nt. The collector's bond was will reside in future. He left with a be the noted Davis, of Blvth. All -the I
laid befo'le the council and accepted. team and - wagou and some farming trouble is about a borse 01-y want, but
John To4h's accou t of -$3 for selecting implements, and will drive all the way* can't find.—Ihe bridge ()v(.r the Mait- -
. I
jurors wa ordered to be paid. Moved —Mr. Igaac Bolster, *lie was -over here
by Wm.1 Clark, seconded by John from Michigan has returned to Caro, land on the Grand Tru, - k imi Dearly com,
Ketchen, that this council require all .1 Michigan. pleted.—Mr. Peter M cL-,Ten',s fine brick
taxes to be paid on or before the 10th I -- 0 1 house is almost comple--v.d, —There is A
day of December next, and that all ac Brussels. scarcity of water for the pr,st mill at
bounts- be, sent 'a before the 23r I . present.—Mr. iqlseph M,.Irlbney, of
' ' Two VALUABLF, FARMS FOR SALE.— near Bluevale, has purch,a,e't Mr. James
day of N*vember ext. The council , The south fialf of Lot 27, Concession 6 Morris .Messer's farm norti) of NV]Dgbam, for,
then adjoprued to lest again on Mon -,i 100 acres, and Lot 14, Concession 12, brev, i66 one of his sons.—The openin f the
day, November 23rd next at one o'clock I acres, will be sold by Public Aiaction ' ,9 0
at tl" Temperance hall onTuet-dj3? iiigbt was
: Central Hotel, Brusliels, on Saturday, October I r
P. in. i , @ I 24th, at 2 o'clock, 11. 18f. For full, particulars ' a grand success. The feci.ure by CO11-
-- i apply to W. M 81-NCLAIR Vendor 8 Solicitor, ductor Snidc,r was greatly hppreciated,
Bay-fleld. . ! or to F. S. SCOTT, Auctioi')eer, 1244-2
ROTAL Y RECRIVED.—The following I BRi1.-vs-.—The collector I —Mr. Robert Wilson, ,)f Gelbick,
. . COMMeneed brother of Mrs. Alex. Ross, is here At
from the Oberlin, Kansas, Herald, I his rou-,uds this week. The rate is t:he I present on a visit.
whichlref re to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen- 1 same as for the last few years, namely, I
,ri - - - I
son, son-in-law and daughter of T. J. ! 2 cents on -the dollar,—J I
ames T. Ross i —Evev. Robert Scott, Presbyterian
Marks, ,of this village, will be read ; opens his new grocery on Mon,3,
I ay of minister of Burns'.Church, East Zorrs
withinterest byrnany of our readers. i next week in the new Zilliax block.—A. and Brookedale, died 8 ddeDly on Sal -
It says : u
1 " The reception given by I R, Smith has removed to his new pre- urday morniD'g 3rd i st. in the manse,
. . a
Oberlin Lodge No.42 Knights cif Pythias misee in the Smith block.—The roof East Zorra. He has beet) in poor health
at their ball,Tuesday evening, to Past will be on the Laird and Richard block for some time, and only rtturned from
Chancellor William T. Stephenson and in a few days.—J. D. Ronald arid staff an extended visit to 13,srrie and Aurora. I
his bride on their return, Ytas the event are a -way testing Fla engine at Montreal on Tuesday last. The news of his'
of the season. At 8 o'clock the'ball this week. He sold c-ne last week to death spread rapidly, for be Was greatly
was filled with lordly knights, invited Leamington, He guaranteed that it beloved by his people. On Sabbath a ..
guests, handsome ladies—a gay and would throw water 150 feet, being his funeral service was held, which was con -
brilliant throng. After the bride and smallest size, and at the test be threw ducted by Rev. Mr. Tully, of Mitebelb
groom Were escorted to the hall by the it 206 feet. This is the kind of- work and Rev. Mr. Munroe, oi Embro, The I I
committee for that purpose and congrat- always turned out by the Brussels en- bcdy was taken to Woodstock and then
ulated and welcomed, all the guests gine works.—Farmerg are busy brirging by rail to Aurora for burial. Mr. Scott
were seatad at the tables which were grain to our buyers, Graham and 'V an- was born at JUrwick. Sent],-nd, in 1836 1
rs and dainty viandli, stone, who handle all that comes along. andvaine to Canada when fifteen yearn I
the s1ght9f which would -have excited the Our market is said to be the bestin the of age. His conversion took pl!ce in
anger of * dyspeptic, the appetite of,& county. —The voters lists for the Derain- early lifeand afwr years rvice i
, of se in
negro and," the delight. of 'an epicure. ion Franchise are out, and the courts fpr Sunday School work and prayer ineet-
Music wao then furnished by the mode East Huron are to be held in November, ings he was persuaded to enter the miu-
quartette,After which Grand Vice Chan. and every 4tie should see- that his name istry. He was in his eleventh year at - i-_
oellor TOY Scott, in his own pleasing is on them' and noone on that has not Burns"Churob and Brookedale.
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